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Could WMMA 5 come out on Steam?

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Recently i found out that tew 2010 and 2013 were released on steam. I think a steam release could do a lot for a game with a relatively small community like WMMA. Obviously since im not a developer i don't know if there is issues with releasing the game on steam and that might be why they never released it. but i could definitely see WMMA 5 blowing up on steam with the very low quantity and quality of MMA games on the market.
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If you don't mind me asking I would like to know why not? Is it difficult to port over to steam, have you had complications with steam and that's why your games mostly don't come out on there, or do you just feel it isn't necessary. I think releasing it on steam could do a lot for the game's popularity and revenue but I also don't develop games so I wouldn't know.
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If you don't mind me asking I would like to know why not?


No, sorry, we're not going to be discussing internal business decisions publicly.


I can’t decide which part of this is cringier. That’s such an awkward way to ask a question that’s weird to ask even if it’s worded normally, then you have Adam somehow making the whole thing even weirder by acting like they have some classified, sensitive state secrets to hide or something. So strange, the whole thing….like, who talks like that, on either side? Why would you ask the question that way and why oh why would you answer it that way?


Anyway, my guess would either be laziness, lack of interest, lack of ability, or something to do with the licensing of the game. I’m not a big steam user (at all) but my understanding is it’s pretty easy to switch from one computer to another and GDS doesn’t seem to be a fan of that. Of course, Steam comes with more than it’s fair share of annoying stuff too, so it probably evens out I guess.

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not to speak for adam but I think it's easier to crack or steal a game on steam. i personally don't like steam, I have no use for it. i dont think it's safe


This isn’t the type of game that would get pirated on a large scale, and the people who would download it illegally are more likely to buy eventually if they enjoy it (and can afford it). Otherwise they likely would never have purchased the game to begin with.


Steam takes a large percent of each purchase, but at the other end they also offer the potential opportunity to expand the audience. This game is such a niche subject it’s unlikely to spread the word enough to make a difference at this time, so giving up % of the sales likely doesn’t make sense with the current version. I’m sure there would be questions surrounding the user review scores as well to a much lesser extent….there’s a deep game here for stat based sport sim fans that can get beyond the GUI, sim speeds...for some steam users those obstacles could reflect in a score under 90%. (sort of like front office football 8 on steam which has 222 user reviews...an 80% rating for that game is pretty solid)


All speculative here of course, I just wouldn't expect there would be any major benefits with wmma5 moving to steam at the moment.

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