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The Finest Sport In America (AWA)

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The Year is 1970, The Sport of Wrestling is, in the eyes of it's fans, still very much a sport and the aim of the industry is to present it in such a way. Outsiders are not allowed in the locker rooms, kayfabe is absolute gospel. Whatever you do, don't expose the business! The National Wrestling Alliance IS the symbol of professional wrestling in America, but that doesn't mean it's the only game in town and it certainly doesn't mean the throne it currently sits on is safe. Whilst promoters are shaking hands and sticking to their words to not encroach on each other's territory, they all have one goal in mind, becoming the most successful promotion within thesport. One such territory operates outside the confines of the Alliance and has been doing so since the sixties. Giving the NWA a good run for its money and showing itself able to operate outside the alliance whilst still keeping up good relations with them. The American Wrestling Association is arguably the most recognized wrestling promotion outside the alliance within the states and has great potential to be THE most recognized promotion full stop if its owner, promoter and champion, Verne Gagne can continue to build upon the foundations laid in the previous decades. Verne has been champion for a lengthy period of time and the roster is at a point where a new feud with the biggest baby face of the company could help bump it up to the next level. In order for that to happen, a talented heel must be able to establish themselves within the company, and prove to be a big draw in order to take the title from the cautious and stubborn Gagne.


We begin at the beginning of January 1970. Within the game I have signed Gordon Solie as an announcer ready for the first show, and added a new face to the roster of the AWA who I hope will not only be able to repeat his history, but perhaps even surpass it:Nick Bockwinkel.



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AWA All Star Wrestling. Friday, January 2, 1970.


Announcers For This Evening:

Gordon Solie, Marty O'Neil, Rodger Kent



Gordon Solie

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from us here at the American Wrestling Association! It's a new year and a new decade in the fine sport of professional wrestling and we here at the AWA hope to give you the most exciting presentation all across these United States of America for years to come!


Rodger Kent

One could argue that the AWA WAS the wrestling company of the previous decade, and we certainly hope to build on that success in this decade also! And tonight? I can't think of a better way to kick off this new year in professional wrestling than the card we have in store for you tonight! Dick The Bruiser will be facing off against Mad Dog Vachon and for those 0of you not in the know it has been CHALLENGING TIMES for Dick The Bruiser here in the AWA.


Marty O'Neil

His tag team partner The Crusher was taken out by the Vachon family and ever since they have been trying to make good on their promise to eliminate not just The Crusher from the AWA, but to rid the AWA of Dick The Bruiser as well!


Gordon Solie

I also have the pleasure of sitting down with AWA World Heavyweight Champion Verne Gagne later on this evening, we will be discussing the future for the AWA Champion in terms of potential competitor's and what HE looks forward to, heading in to this new decade as the representative for the AWA.


Marty O' Neil

But first ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honors that we introduce a NEW face to you here in the American Wrestling Association, he's an athlete with great prospects and a bright future ahead of him if he can make an impact here. Nick Bockwinkel will be opening the night in his debut match against George Gadaski!



The evening's festivites began very promisingly as we were given a treat with this debut match of the newest AWA Athlete, Nick Bockwinkel. gadaski showed why he is a regularly starred member of the AWA roster and could be considered an AWA "Veteran" at this point, testing the new introduction and doing his best to make the young Bockwinkel "earn his stripes" Bockwinkel made it very clear to the fans that had hopes for this new arrival however, that he was not one to exactly stick to the rules, taking cheap shots where he could find them, raking the eyes, pulling the hair, testing the patience of the referee as he took whatever opportunity he could to come out the "superior" athlete. He would ultimately pick up the win against Gadaski with a figure four leg lock






Tag Team Action kept the momentum going as The Flying Redheads faced off against The Chain Gang in a hard hitting affair as The Chain Gang tried to dominate the action with their rough and rugged style but were met with the upmost resilience from the Redheads! After showing clear signs of frustration that the redheads were not going out without a fight, Jack Dillinger made an on the fly decision, delivering a suspicious hit to Billy Red Lyons after reaching into his tights that knocked Lyons flat out and helped him gain a contested win for the Chain Gang


Rated: 56




You could have described this match as an attempt to perform a "changing of the guard" here in the AWA, as wrestling veteran and long time fan favorite, Bobo Brazil faced one of his hungriest challengers yet in the from of Larry Hennig. Hennig didn't let up, trying to outpace and overpower the aging Brazil. Focusing mainly on the back and the legs throughout the match to try and target and weaken Bobo to the point where picking up the win would be easier. Experience however, managed to JUST edge out the tactics of Hennig as Bobo would pick up a surprise, flash pin fall over Hennig after a linch pin body slam from Bobo to pick up the win



After The Match



Bobo Brazil is celebrating his win with the fans, limping a little bit as he walked around the ring, clearly from the aimed precision attacks from Larry Hennig. The celebrations are cut short and quickly ruined however, as charging down the ramp, comes Larry Hennig's Tag Team Partner, Harley Race! Who chop blocks Bobo Brazil from behind and begins to stomp repeatedly at Bobo's legs to the dismay of the fans, leaving Bobo laying in a heap on the floor, clutching at his legs in agony as Race helps Hennig up on to his feet and the two men leave together sneering at the fallen hero.








Gordon Solie

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, it is an honor to introduce to you right now, the man standing here in the ring with me, none other than our World's Heavyweight Champion! Verne Gagne Ladies and Gentlemen!


Verne Gagne

Thank you for your incredible introduction Gordon and may I say it is a pleasure to finally have you as part of the AWA Announcing team!


Gordon Solie

Pleasure to be a part of the team Verne, now, if we may get down to business...it's a new year here in the AWA, a new decade and with that, surely it has crossed your mind, that it will bring new challenges to you, the World Heavyweight Champion.


Verne Gagne

Gordon, this it the beginning of what I hope to be the second year of what is my current reign with this championship. This is my ninth reign with this championship. I have grown more familiar with this championship and the challenges that carrying it brings more than any other man on the AWA Roster. Gordon, it isn't just a new year, or a new decade, that gets the wheels in my mind turning of what challenges could come my way. It's every day. It's every show. Why just tonight we have seen the arrival of a new athlete, who some time, some day could be standing face to face in the ring with me, looking to take what I hold dear away from me. Just today we've seen an established veteran in this company, a hero loved by all, attacked without provocation after his victory tonight. If you haven't figure it out by now folks, this sport is not for the feint of heart. It's not for the naïve minded or the optimistic. I'd like to stand here and tell you all right now, that this sport that I love, this company that I love is just full to the brim of good hearted, good natured men who just want to be the best at what they do. But the fact of the matter is this: As the World's Heavyweight Champion...As the acting representative of this company. There isn't a moment that goes by, where I am not looking for the newest challenge.


Gordon Solie

It goes without saying that you certainly have the largest target on your back, but as of right now, you have yet to hear who the latest number one contender to your championship might be and that leaves you in a metaphorical no man's land. No idea who you might face next for the belt or when you might face them. Does that not shake your nerve just the tiniest bit?


Verne Gagne

Shake my nerve? You know maybe at one point in time it would have done Gordon. Knowing that at any time, at any place, some degernate could try and steal this coveted prize from me at any moment...and it is my duty, my constant, dilligent duty, to ensure that not only this title is protected and represented properly. But this COMPANY is protected and represented properly. By an athlete who believesin sportmanship, by an athlete who shows passion and dedication to his craft, by an athlete who has the same love and admiration for this sport as I do. I am more than willing to admit defeat, when it is by the hands of a challenger who represents this sport dutifully, the only thing that shakes my nerve Gordon? Is this belt...and everything it means...falling in to the wrong hands...



The wrong hands?! Forgive me for saying it...but I think that's extremely rich coming from YOU Verne!




An unfamiliar face is suddenly walking down the ramp, microphone in hand. It's clear from the get go that he is not a performing athlete here in the AWA, nor, before today, was he a recognized face here in the AWA. Clad in a cheap looking three piece black suit and tie, gaunt body and chubby face, with a thin trimmed mustache, his eyes wide and sunken in slightly. As he continues towards the ring it seems that Gordon Solie is trying to steer traffic, attempting to stop him from entering the ring.


Gordon Solie

Now hold on a minute sir! Hold on a minute! You are NOT supposed to be here! You are not a recognized talent here in the American Wrestling Association and...



THAT'S WHERE YOU''RE WRONG MISTER SOLIE! Despite the multiple attempts from men like your esteemed World Heavyweight Champion to keep me out the door of the AWA! Despite the begging and the pleading of office gofers who have NO BUSINESS in deciding what is and isn't good for this company...despite all their talking for YEARS to keep me away...nothing talks louder than they do Mister Solie. MONEY! And thanks to a lucrative investment that I have finally managed to complete in black and white here tonight, that I can proudly say that I am now under contract as a manager for a SUPERIOR piece of talent here in the AWA!


Gordon Solie

Who on EARTH agreed to make YOU their new manager?



BUTTON YOUR LIP AND BITE YOUR TONGUE MISTER SOLIE! I'd be extremely careful if I were you...because the talent that I have acquired as one of my clients here tonight? He's just going to be the first of many Mister Solie...and I guarantee you, if you don't learn to control what comes of your mouth quickly...you'll soon regret it! Now without further rude interruptions, if you may kindly leave the ring Mister Solie and allow for men with some REAL BUSINESS to address our World's Champion!


Gordon Solie looks beside himself, hesitant to leave, but with a nod from Verne, who is more concerned with Gordon's safety than anything else. Solie reluctantly leaves the ring for this new "manager" to address Verne Gagne.



For those of you in attendance here tonight, allow me to proudly introduce myself to you! My name...is GARY HART...and that my friends...that is a name you will need to become accustomed to very...very...quickly. It's a name of a man who has tried, countless times to get his foot in the door of the AWA, as a manager, as a man of business, as a man looking for credible clients to take them to the top and bring them success that they thought they could only achieve in their greatest dreams! And you...you VERNE GAGNE...you are just one of the men who I know...WHO I KNOW stood in the way of me achieving that business...


Verne Gagne

You're not a businessman Hart! You're an opportunist! I've seen how you operate! I've seen the way you've worked in other companies with other men! You're a VULTURE! Looking to grab whatever clients you can and squeezing them for everything they have! Not for THEIR success...but for YOURS!


Gary Hart

KEEP TALKING LIKE THAT GAGNE AND I'LL SUE YOU FOR SLANDER! HOW DARE YOU?! How dare you attack MY character with such outright manipulation and LIES! Have you looked in the mirror lately Gagne? Have you taken a good look at yourself? Look at you! Standing here all high and mighty for your adoring public, kissing babies, holding regular parades for yourself, so desperate to be the hero...os desperate to stand here before your people and hope to GOD that they believe what you believe...trying so hard to be CAPTAIN AMERICA aren't you? You were right about one thing you said to Mister Solie. Wrestling certainly isn't full of heroes. This isn't a comic book and you aren't the indestructable man that you want people to believe you to BE! You can fall just like every other man Verne and I AM HERE TO PROVE IT WITH MY NEW CLIENT!


Verne Gagne

Who on earth is INSANE enough to sign you as their manager and bring you into this company?!


Gary Hart

I'm GLAD you asked Gagne! Because if it were up to YOU? This man wouldn't come CLOSE to a shot at your title! If it were up to YOU? This man would just be a sideshow attraction in this company! If it were up to YOU GAGNE?! THIS MAN WOULD BE NOTHING MORE THAN A JOKE IN THIS COMPANY! But...because he's listening to me now? Because he has my guiding hand to lead him to the spotlight you've kept him from...he'll find himself standing face to face against you very soon...in fact Gagne...much sooner than you know...


All of a sudden a man comes crawling from underneath the ring, he rushes behind Verne and pearl harbours him with a double axe handle from behind, knocking the champion off his feet and to the floor! IT'S BARON VON RASCHKE! Gary hart's newest client is Baron Von Raschke!



As soon as Verne is down, Gary Hart begins directing traffic with his new client, almost jumping up and down as he points to Verne and gives Baron his orders.


Gary Hart



The Baron let's out a mighty yell as his hand forms into the shape of a claw and he plunges it directly down on to the forehead and face of Verne Gagne! Verne's bodty begins to spasm as his legs and arms flail and he screams out in agony. The fans begin to get restless as Gary yells at the fallen champion, laughing at his agony! The attack gets brought to an end as security storms the ring and the two men flee. Gary Hart patting his new client on the back for a job well done...


Rated: 60




It was a struggle for survival as it was clear from the onset that Mad Dog Vachon was entering tonight's main event with the aim of taking out Dick The Bruiser, pulling no punches and aiming his attacks at potentially fatal spots for The Bruiser throughout the course of the match. Specifically, the spine and the neck. Bruiser was no slouch though and knew exactly what to expect from Vachon, fighting back with every ounce of energy he had, causing a nail biting back and forth between the two. The match came to an end thanks to an unforseen ref bump however, which Mad Dog used to his full potential, landing a cheap low blow on the Bruiser and picking up a win once the ref came to.



After The Match



After the match, the beat down was not over. Mad Dog began to signal for someone to join him as he began laying in the boots to Dick The Bruiser. None other than Butcher Vachon comes down, and the two begin an unmitigated assault on Dick The Bruiser, some fans begin to rise from their seats in dismay at what is happening, having to be held back by ringside security as the beatdown continues. Mad Dog removes his boot from his foot and clobbers The Bruiser right in the face with it as Butcher Vachon hold him up! Security seems to have lost control however AS A MAN JUMPS THE RAILS, clad in a trucker hat and some stained civvies, he rushes the ring with a wooden chair! As Butcher Vachon turns around, WHACK! He is smacked right in the head with a wooden chair from the jumpee! Splinters careening across the ring! The trucker hat the jumper is wearing falls off and reveals...





The crowd goes wild seeing one of their favorites return and Mad Dog bolts from the ring in horror, grabbing his partner by the leg from outside the ring and pulling Butcher out to safety so Crusher will have to wait another day to truly get his vengeance on the Vachons, but for now, a small bit of justice has been dealt.



Final Rating:63

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AWA Weekly Roster Spotlight


This Week: Baron Von Raschke


Born on July 30, 1940 in Omaha, Nebraska, James Donald Raschke began his wrestling career in the United States Army as a successful Amateur. His transition to professional wrestling initially saw him using his real name and his notoriety in the area from his amateur career to help him get his foot in the door. Perhaps, if James Donald Raschke had remained along this path, he'd be one of the many forgotten names to have come from this era in wrestling. However, nothing helps you be remembered in wrestling, than by becoming a German. With a change in name to Baron Von Raschke, turning himself into a goose stepping terror that would carry a controversial flag with him in photo shoots and ring entrances in his early career, along with his deadly Claw finisher. The Baron quickly became a top heel in most places he went. Whilst Baron Von Raschke may have later developed and now be remembered more as a silly, or comedic gimmick. Once upon a time, The Beast From Berlin was a grotesque figure to be feared and reviled, especially within the AWA territory where he is most remembered and spent most of his time. In AWA history, The Baron was a steady hand, never really garnering much accomplishments outside of a one time reign as AWA World Tag Team Champion, but never really needing much in terms of accolades within the company either. Everybody knew who Baron Von Raschke was, even if they never saw a single minute of AWA Television, but perhaps, in this dynasty, he can be something more than a reliable presence in the locker room.

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