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Really enjoyed the "Observer" update there, stuff like that really helps me invest even more in dynasties, especially when they're done well.


AEW Dynamite- August 11th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow


Britt Baker vs Julia Hart


Jurassic Express vs Private Party


Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb


Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage

Comments" Could see this one going either way, but I'll give Hobbs the pick; he's got lots of potential.


The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley






AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet



The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen


Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

Comments: Tough to call. Will you hav Page take time off, as IRL? Or will you flip the script and have him stay? Curious to see how it plays out.

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AEW Dynamite- August 11th, 2021


The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow


Britt Baker vs Julia Hart


Jurassic Express vs Private Party


Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb


Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage


The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley



AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021


AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet


The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen


Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

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The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow

Comments: Pretty obvious, right? But you could go a different route and push Wardlow to the moon here.


Britt Baker vs Julia Hart

Comments: D M D!


Jurassic Express vs Private Party

Comments: I'm a fan of the Luchasaurus.


Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb

Comments: She continues her momentum toward the NWA event.


Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage

Comments: Probably wrong about this but the Swolverine can be a major star.


The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley

Comments: An established tag team against one that isn't but the Hangman needs momentum headed toward Rampage.



AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet

Comments: Nobody beats the D M D!


The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen

Comments: The Wingmen are pretty much jobbersauruses.


Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

Comments: I'm probably wrong but this could lead to Page getting the title and I'm all for that.

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he Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow

Comments: Want Wardlow to win here but think Jericho wins then loses to MJF


Britt Baker vs Julia Hart

Comments: DMD!


Jurassic Express vs Private Party



Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb

Comments: Tay Conti as a future opponent for Baker in my eyes, although Deeb is great


Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage

Comments: Not a fan of cage but Hobbs has all the potential


The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley




AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet



The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen



Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

Comments: Page loses the last match as numbers game catches up

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The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow



Britt Baker vs Julia Hart



Jurassic Express vs Private Party



Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb



Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage



The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley




AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet



The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen



Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite


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The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow

Comments: Jericho's got too big a beer belly to go to war with Mr Mayhem.


Britt Baker vs Julia Hart

Comments: The schoolboy rollup is wrestling's most powerful move, right? Right?!?!


Jurassic Express vs Private Party

Comments: They've become jobbers IRL but I think they could be more and Luchasaurus can always take a pin here.


Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb



Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage

Comments: No idea why they took him out of Team Taz when he needed it more than others but I figure he's too over to lose here.


The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley

Comments: Put The Good Brothers in the bin please.



AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet

Comments: Stir. It. Up.


The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen

Comments: Okay, the Age of Avalon starts here, last week was but a roadblock.


Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

Comments: The rootin tootin cowboy has got this one in the bag.

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The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley

Comments: Put The Good Brothers in the bin please.


I probably will axe them sooner rather than later, but their popularity is still decently high, so I can use that to put over some newer/less established wrestlers at least.


Anyway, Dynamite will be up tomorrow, so make sure to get your predictions in if you haven't already!

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The Fourth Labor of Jericho (Special Guest Referee: MJF):

Chris Jericho vs Wardlow



Britt Baker vs Julia Hart



Jurassic Express vs Private Party

Comments: I have a confession to make. I don't like Jungle Boy


Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb

Comments: Deeb has more experience


Powerhouse Hobbs vs Brian Cage



The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley




AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021

Prediction Key:


AEW World Women's Championship Match:

Britt Baker © vs Red Velvet



The Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen

Comments: Well, there's still Luchasaurus


Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite


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AEW Dynamite- August 11th, 2021:

Attendance: 4,956 at Petersen Events Center (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for another exciting episode of AEW Dynamite! Jim Ross, Exalibur, & Tony Schiavone quickly welcome everyone to the show and go over the card before we get right into our first bout of the evening...


The Fourth Labor of Jericho:

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Chris Jericho vs Wardlow (Special Guest Referee: MJF)

After beating Juventud Guerrera last week, Chris Jericho's fourth labor was revealed. He'd have to beat The Pinnacle's muscle, Wardlow, with MJF as the special guest referee! This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jericho. Wardlow starts the match off by smashing Jericho with a big boot. He quickly covers Jericho and despite a quick count from MJF, Jericho kicks out at two. Wardlow attempts a powerslam, but Jericho reverses it into a neckbreaker. Jericho goes to cover Wardlow, but MJF intentionally gives him a slow count! Jericho breaks the pin and confronts MJF, but that gives Wardlow enough time to smash him with a lariat to the back of the head. The match comes to an end when Wardlow attempts a military press slam, but Jericho reverses it and shoves Wardlow right into MJF! Jericho then hits Wardlow with the Judas Effect! Referee Rick Knox runs down to the ring just in time to count the three!

WINNER: Chris Jericho







After the match is over, MJF shakes off the accidental hit from Wardlow and grabs a microphone. MJF calls Jericho a sneaky son of a b*tch before announcing his fifth and final labor. MJF says Jericho will have to face Wardlow, Shawn Spears, & FTR in a handicap match next week for the fifth and final labor of Jericho. If Jericho can do that, he can face MJF at All Out! The two men stare each other down as we go to commercials.







After a quick commercial break, we cut to Tony Schiavone backstage with Hangman Page. Schiavone asks Page about the elephant in the room, The Dark Order. Page says he respects The Dark Order's decision not to help him last week, they were just following what he said, but he still hopes he can be on good terms with them. Page says he's more focused on tonight. Hangman says him and Jon Moxley will defeat The Good Brothers tonight and send them back packing to Impact, where they belong. Hangman finishes by saying he considers tonight a preview of what's to come on Rampage, when he kicks The Elite's ass!






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Britt Baker w/Rebel vs Julia Hart

Baker, the home-town favorite here, is facing Hart in a warm-up match for her AEW World Women's Championship match against Red Velvet this Friday on Rampage. This match is a decent match and the crowd is solidly behind Baker. Baker almost completely dominates throughout the course of the match and eventually finishes off Hart by locking her in the Lockjaw (Double Arm Crossface into a Mandible Claw) after just five minutes.

WINNER: Britt Baker







We then cut to a cryptic video package from Malakai Black. Black says he showed last week why he said what he's said about Cody in the past. Black calls Cody weak and that's why he couldn't beat Black last week. Malakai finishes this quick video package by saying that the darkness has only just begun in AEW.






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Jurassic Express w/Marko Stunt vs Private Party w/Matt Hardy

Jurassic Express and The Hardy Family Office have been feuding for a while now and they'll finally come to blows at All Out when Jurrasic Express and Christian face Matt Hardy & Private Party. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jurassic Express. Luchasaurus and Marq Quen start the match off with Quen failing to take down Luchasaurus. Quen goes to the top rope and attempts to take him with a diving double axe-handle, but Luchasaurus catches him and hits him with a spinebuster. Luchasaurus tags out to Jungle Boy, who hits Quen with an enzuigiri. Jungle Boy attempts a back suplex, but Quen rakes his eyes and hits him with a forearm. Quen then tags out to Isaiah Kassidy, who hits Jungle Boy with a diving splash. The match comes to an end when Kassidy attempts a hurricanrana, but Jungle Boy reverses it into a powerbomb! Jungle Boy then attempts to lock Kassidy in the Snare Trap (Regal Stretch), but Matt Hardy jumps on the apron to distract referee Bryce Remsburg! This allows Kassidy to kick Jungle Boy below the belt! Kassidy and Quen then hit Jungle Boy with the Gin and Juice (Quen Frankensteiner into a Kassidy Cutter)! Kassidy covers Jungle Boy and gets the three.

WINNERS: Private Party







After a quick commercial break, Tony Schiavone is in the ring. Schiavone then introduces his guest for tonight, Cody Rhodes! Cody makes an emotional entrance, nearly crying at the outpouring of support from the AEW faithful here in Pittsburgh. After soaking in the cheers of the crowd, Cody says he's here to make an important announcement. Cody says he may have lost last week, but this is America, the land of second chances. He wants Malakai Black one more time at All Out! Before Cody can say anything else...














































Malakai Black appears on the video screen!


Malakai chastises Cody for being a "fool" for even thinking about making a second challenge. Malakai says he likes dealing with fools though, so he'll gladly accept Cody's offer for a second match at All Out! Malakai says if Cody thinks he faced a tough fight last week, the darkness is only going to grow stronger by the time All Out happens. Malakai finishes this segment by telling Cody he has only one option and that is to embrace the darkness.






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Tay Conti vs Serena Deeb

Conti is facing NWA Women's Champion Kamille in a few weeks at NWA EmPowerrr, so she's having a warm-up match tonight against former NWA Women's Champion Serena Deeb. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Conti. Conti and Deeb start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Conti hits Deeb with a high knee. Conti throws Deeb into the corner and attempts a running big boot, but Deeb rolls out of the way and hits Conti with a German suplex. Deeb then hits Conti with a spinning heel kick. Deeb goes to attempt a belly to belly suplex, but Conti elbows her and hits her with a sidewalk slam. The match comes to an end when Conti hits Deeb the the DD-Tay! Conti then covers Deeb and gets the three!

WINNER: Tay Conti







After a short commercial break, Team Taz make their way down to the ring, led by Ricky Starks. Taz grabs a microphone and tells the people of Pittsburgh to shut the hell up, because they are witnessing absolute perfection in Ricky Starks! Starks then grabs the microphone and says that he's been hearing a lot of talk from Brian Cage over the past week. Starks says that's all Cage is, all talk and no game. Starks calls Cage an overrated muscle monster who could never take the FTW Championship off of him. Before Starks can continue...



















































Brian Cage makes his way down to the ring!


Ricky Starks, Taz, and Powerhouse Hobbs flee the ring, leaving poor Hook in the path of Cage. Cage grabs Hook by his shirt, lifts him over his head and throws him onto Starks and Hobbs! Taz grabs a microphone, calls Cage a son of a b*tch, and says that if Cage really wants Starks, he's going to have go through Powerhouse Hobbs first! Hobbs gets in the ring and referee Rick Knox runs down to the ring to start the match!






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Brian Cage vs Powerhouse Hobbs w/Taz

Brian Cage used to be a member of Team Taz, alongside Powerhouse Hobbs, but was kicked out last month and lost the FTW Championship to Ricky Starks. Now he's trying to win it back. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cage. Hobbs starts the match off by attempting a lariat, but Cage uses his immense strength to launch Hobbs with a back body drop! Cage lifts up Hobbs to attempt a military press slam, but Hobbs pokes Cage in the eyes and hits him with a German suplex. Hobbs throws Cage into the corner and hits him with a big chop. Hobbs then throws Cage off the ropes and clobbers him with a lariat. The match comes to an end when Hobbs throws Cage off the rope and attempts to hit him with his finisher, the Last Will and Testament (Spinebuster), but Cage dodges Hobbs and blasts him with a running shoulder tackle! Cage then picks up Hobbs and hits him with his finisher, the Drill Claw (Vertical Suplex Piledriver)! Cage covers Hobbs and gets the three.

WINNER: Brian Cage







After the match is over, we cut to The Elite's locker room, where Kenny Omega is standing. Kenny says he's looking forward to watching The Good Brothers wipe the floor with Hangman Page & Jon Moxley tonight. Omega says Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows are two of the best wrestlers in the world today for a reason and they are ten steps ahead of Page and Moxley. Omega then barks at Michael Nakazawa to give him a basketball, to which he obliges. Omega says tonight Gallows and Anderson are going to be like a perfect basketball shot. Omega then shoots the basketball through a hoop (which was sitting in the locker room) and says Gallows and Anderson are going to be nothing but net!






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The Good Brothers vs Hangman Page & Jon Moxley

This is the last tune-up match for Hangman Page before he battles every member of The Elite (not named Kenny Omega) on Rampage this Friday for a shot at Kenny Omega at All Out. This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Page & Moxley. Moxley and Karl Anderson start the match off with Moxley hitting Anderson with a running knee lift. Moxley throws Anderson into the corner and unloads a barrage of punches. Moxley goes to attempt a lariat, but Doc Gallows clubs him in the back of the head. This allows Anderson to hit Moxley with a DDT. Anderson tags out to Gallows and they hit Moxley with a suplex/head kick combo. Gallows picks up Moxley and throws him into the corner with a snake eyes. The match comes to an end when Gallows attempts a chokeslam, but Moxley reverses it into a DDT of his own! Moxley then tags out to Hangman, who hits Gallows with his finisher, the Buckshot Lariat (Slingshot Flipping Lariat)! Page covers Gallows and gets the three!

WINNERS: Hangman Page & Jon Moxley







After the match is over, Hangman and Moxley celebrate their win. Hangman calls for the ring crew to throw them some of Pittsburgh's finest Yuengling beer, but before they can...

























































The Young Bucks jump in from the crowd and attack!


However, Page & Moxley saw this coming and are able to beat back The Young Bucks! Moxley knocks out Nick Jackson with the Paradigm Shift (Double Underhook DDT) and Page hits Matt Jackson with the Buckshot Lariat! Page grabs some Yuengling beer and toasts a bottle with Moxley, but before they can really celebrate...










































































Kenny Omega appears on the stage!


Kenny sarcastically claps as Page screams that he's going to beat Kenny's goons on Rampage and take the AEW World Championship at All Out! Kenny feins shock and says nobody, especially a drunk cowboy, can take the AEW World Championship from him! Dynamite comes to a close as Page and Kenny stare each other down.






TV RATING: 1,434,790 Viewers on TNT (UP ~3,000 Viewers)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions.


(Rampage + Dark up tomorrow!)

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AEW Rampage- August 13th, 2021:

Attendance: 5,000 at Petersen Events Center (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome to the debut episode of AEW Rampage live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Tony Schiavone and Mark Henry quickly run down the card for tonight before our opening contest...



AEW World Women's Championship Match:

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Britt Baker © w/Rebel vs Red Velvet

The debut episode of Rampage kicks off with Pittsburgh's own Britt Baker defending her AEW Women's Championship against Red Velvet! This match is a good match and the crowd is very solidly in the corner of Baker. Baker and Velvet start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Baker hits Velvet with a suplex. Baker plays to the crowd a bit before throwing Velvet into the corner and chopping her. Baker goes to attempt an arm drag, but Velvet reverses it into a belly to belly suplex. Velvet then kicks Baker square in the gut. The match comes to an end when Velvet attempts an overdrive, but Baker reverses it into back suplex! Baker then locks Velvet in the Lockjaw! Velvet eventually has no choice but to verbally submit!

WINNER: Britt Baker







After the match is over, Britt Baker continues to celebrate her victory, soaking in the admiration of the Pittsburgh faithful. However, that is soon cut off by...







































































Thunder Rosa!


Rosa makes her way down to the ring with a microphone. She congratulates Britt Baker on her hard fought victory before saying that Baker must feel like she's on top of the world. Rosa says that she shouldn't, because there's still one woman left who can take the AEW Women's Championship from Britt Baker, Thunder Rosa! Rosa says she's beaten Britt Baker once already in the first women's main event of Dynamite and she wants to beat her again, this time at All Out for the AEW Women's Championship! Baker grabs the microphone and tells Thunder Rosa to bring it b*tch! The two women then begin brawling before security runs in and separates them. The two women stare each other down as we go to commercials.






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Jurassic Express vs The Wingmen w/Cezar Bononi

The Wingmen made this challenge to Jurassic Express on Dark on Tuesday, which may have been a wrong move. This match is nothing more than a squash match that Jurassic Express dominate. After six minutes of Jurassic Express dominance, the match comes to an end when Luchasaurus uses Marko Stunt to take out 3/4ths of The Wingmen, leaving Ryan Nemeth to be taken out with a flying knee drop from Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy then locks Nemeth in the Snare Trap and Nemeth has no choice but to tap out!

WINNERS: Jurassic Express







After that match is over, we cut to a barren part of the arena, where Proud-N-Powerful are located. Ortiz says that he and Santana have had enough of FTR hiding from them, so they want them next week on Rampage! Ortiz says that they don't just want them next week on Rampage, they want them in a Chicago Street Fight! Ortiz and Santana finish by saying that FTR will have nowhere to hide when Proud-N-Powerful kick their asses next week on Rampage!






Gauntlet Match:

Hangman Page vs The Elite

Hangman Page must beat every member of The Elite (except for Kenny Omega) if he wants to fight Kenny Omega at All Out for the AEW World Championship. Can he do it? Let's find out!



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Hangman Page vs Michael Nakazawa

Looks like Page is facing The Elite's punching bags to kick things off. First off is Michael Nakazawa. Nakazawa mostly tries to cheat by using baby oil, but he's eventually taken out by a Buckshot Lariat in just under two minutes.






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Hangman Page vs Brandon Cutler

Speaking of The Elite's punching bags, Brandon Cutler! Cutler fares just about as well as Nakazawa did, trying to cheat, but ultimately falls victim to a Buckshot Lariat in just under three minutes.







Hangman Page vs Doc Gallows

Now Hangman Page starts to face the tougher members of The Elite. First off is one half of the IMPACT Tag Team Champions, Doc Gallows. Gallows uses his size advantage to overpower Page for most of the match, eventually nearly knocking him out with a chokebomb. Gallows attempts to cover Page, but Page surprises him with a rollup, which gets a three! An enraged Gallows beats the living hell out of Hangman, leaving him beaten and bruised for the next entrant...






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Hangman Page vs Karl Anderson

His tag team partner, Karl Anderson! Anderson stomps the living hell out of Page for a bit before hitting him with a spinebuster. Anderson goes to attempt the Gun Stun (Cutter), but Page reverses it into a German suplex! Page then hits Anderson with a massive Buckshot Lariat! Page covers Anderson and gets the three!






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Hangman Page vs Nick Jackson

No rest for the wicked though, as Page now has to face one half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions, Nick Jackson. Jackson starts the match by hitting Page with a flying forearm smash before hitting him with an enzuigiri. Jackson throws Page into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Jackson goes to attempt a superkick, but Page ducks it and hits Jackson with one of his own! Page then hits Jackson with the Buckshot Lariat! Page covers Jackson and gets the three!






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Hangman Page vs Matt Jackson

Page can't even start this sixth and final match on the right foot, as Matt & Nick Jackson team up to hit Page with a double superkick! Referee Aubrey Edwards ejects Nick out, but while that's happening, Matt hits Hangman with a low blow! Matt throws Page off the ropes and hits him with a spinning heel kick. Jackson hits Page with a superkick before going to the top rope to attempt a moonsault. However, Page rolls out of the way and hits Jackson with a high knee! Page then goes to the apron to attempt the Buckshot Lariat, but Jackson ducks it and attempts a superkick! That misses though and Page is able to hit Jackson with a spinebuster! Hangman then hits Jackson with the Buckshot Lariat! Hangman covers Jackson and gets the three! Hangman Page is going to All Out to face Kenny Omega for the AEW World Championship!

WINNER: Hangman Page







After the match is over, Hangman Page's victory celebration is cut short by...
















































































Kenny Omega!


Omega runs in from the crowd and hits Hangman with the AEW World Championship, busting Page open! With blood on the AEW World Championship, Omega throws the belt down before hitting Hangman with the V-Trigger! Omega then lifts Page up and hits him with the One-Winged Angel! Kenny grabs the AEW World Championship and holds it high above Hangman, yelling that Hangman will never ever be AEW World Champion! Kenny Omega stands tall over Hangman's battered corpse as the debut episode of Rampage comes to an end.






TV Rating: 1,308,453 Viewers on TNT




AEW Dark- August 17th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Excalibur & Taz


The Hybrid2 defeat The.Air.Show after they hit Razerwyng with the Fall of the Angels (Angelico Crucifix Powerbomb into a Jack Evans 630 Splash) in 2:37. (39)

Sonny Kiss defeats MV Young after he hits him with the Splitting Splash (Split-Legged Frog Splash) in 2:34. (40)

After the match, Sonny Kiss celebrates his win until Joey Janela attacks him! (42)

Leyla Hirsch defeats Emi Sakura by submission after locking her in the Cross Armbar in 7:38. (39)

A recap video of the Adam Page/Elite Gauntlet Match from Rampage plays (65)

The Men Of The Year defeat The Gunn Club after Ethan Page hits Colten Gunn with the Ego's Edge in 12:14. (43)

Proud-N-Powerful cut a promo hyping up their Chicago Street Fight against FTR this Friday on Rampage! (52)

Shawn Spears defeats Matt Sydal after hitting him with the C4 (Running Death Valley Driver) in 14:30. (53)




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Page, the madman! His in-game momentum has to be scorching hot after that


It's through the roof! I keep getting in-show notifications that he's really benefiting from being a "flavor of the month," so he's really been a top performer so far.


Prediction Contest:


These Shows:

1) Gentleman Raven- 8 Pts.

2) Blodyxe- 7 Pts.

3) dukka- 6 Pts.

3) TheBigBad1013- 6 Pts.

3) Original_Broski- 6 Pts.

6) DHK1989- 5 Pts.

6) Mootinie- 5 Pts.



1) Blodyxe- 13 Pts.

2) Original_Broski- 12 Pts.

3) DHK1989- 10 Pts.

4) Gnetleman Raven- 8 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 7 Pts.

6) dukka- 6 Pts.

6) TheBigBad1013- 6 Pts.

6) LK_Lance- 6 Pts.


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments! Dynamite & Rampage cards will be up tomorrow!

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AEW Dynamite- August 18th, 2021

Prediction Key:


The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle



Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti



The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order



Malakai Black vs Darby Allin





AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Lance Archer vs Joey Janela



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch



Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR


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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle

Comments: Somehow, Jericho will pull it off.


Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti

Comments: Feels like Deeb will take the fall here.


The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order

Comments: Could see it going either way, but I'll give DO the edge.


Malakai Black vs Darby Allin

Comments: Very tough to call, but I'll lean in Black's direction because he's the "new toy."




AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Lance Archer vs Joey Janela



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch

Comments: Bit of a toss-up, but I'll go with Shida/Riho


Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

Comments: Tough to call, could see it going either way, but a slight edge for PnP in my book.

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AEW Dynamite- August 18th, 2021


The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle


Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian


Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti


The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order


Malakai Black vs Darby Allin



AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021


Lance Archer vs Joey Janela


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch


Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle



Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti



The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order



Malakai Black vs Darby Allin





Lance Archer vs Joey Janela



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch



Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR


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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle

Comments: Wardlow does a number on him here.


Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent

Comments: Rizin and Fuego Del Sol have got this on lock. :p


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti

Comments: Deeb is here to eat the pin.


The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order

Comments: Buenos Hermanos can go winless in this diary.


Malakai Black vs Darby Allin

Comments: There can only be one goth in AEW. :D



Lance Archer vs Joey Janela

Comments: Blackout through the ring and Janela is never seen in AEW ever again.


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch

Comments: I've got Deeb losing on Dynamite and Hersch lost recently too, so they can get some momentum back here.


Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

Comments: Hard one to call but I think Santana & Ortiz should win a match of this nature.

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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle


Lucha Bros vs Local Talent


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian


Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti


The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order


Malakai Black vs Darby Allin





Lance Archer vs Joey Janela


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch


Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle

Comments: I'm going with the logic that Jericho losing here is too obvious and thus he finds a way to win.


Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent



AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian

Comments: Not a fan of Miro at all.


Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti



The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order



Malakai Black vs Darby Allin

Comments: Really tough one to call.


Lance Archer vs Joey Janela



Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch



Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR


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The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle

Comments: Jericho finds a way to win then lose at All Out


Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent

Comments: Unless the local talent turns out to be mega stars lol


AEW TNT Championship Match:

Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian



Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Thunder Rosa & Tay Conti



The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order



Malakai Black vs Darby Allin





AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021

Prediction Key:


Lance Archer vs Joey Janela

Comments: Everyone dies, especially Joey


Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch



Chicago Street Fight

Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR


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Lance Archer vs Joey Janela

Comments: Blackout through the ring and Janela is never seen in AEW ever again.



Lucha Bros. vs Local Talent

Comments: Unless the local talent turns out to be mega stars lol


That's the Russo swerve, the local talents are Hogan and The Rock!


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments so far! Dynamite will be up tomorrow so make sure to get your predictions in if you haven't already!

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AEW Dynamite- August 18th, 2021:

Attendance: 4,700 at Fertitta Center (Houston, Texas)

Commentary Team: Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone


It's Wednesday night and you know what that means! It's time for AEW Dynamite live on TNT! Jim Ross, Excalibur, & Tony Schiavone welcome us to the show before quickly running down tonight's card. We then get straight into our action for tonight...


The Fifth Labor of Jericho:

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Chris Jericho vs The Pinnacle w/Tully Blanchard

Jericho has to beat FTR, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow here in order to finally get to MJF. He's gotten through four different labors, can he get through the fifth? This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jericho. Jericho starts the match off with Shawn Spears, who hits Jericho with a big lariat. Spears throws Jericho off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Jericho manages to catch him with a surprise Judas Effect! Jericho goes for the cover, but FTR & Wardlow jump in to break up the pin. The three men continue their beatdown of Jericho until...

















































Ortiz, Santana, & Jake Hager make their way down to the ring!


The three men chase FTR & Wardlow from the ring and a massive brawl ensues! The match comes to an end when Shawn Spears, noticing referee Aubrey Edwards not paying attention to the match, grabs a chair to hit Chris Jericho. Before he can...




































































Sammy Guevara runs in from the crowd with a chair of his own!


Sammy throws the chair right in Spears's face, causing him to recoil right into a Judas Effect from Chris Jericho! Jericho then covers Spears and eventually gets the three!

WINNER: Chris Jericho







Chris Jericho can't celebrate his victory for long, as before he can celebrate with the rest of The Inner Circle...


































































MJF runs in to attack!


MJF beats the living hell out of Jericho, eventually locking him in the Salt of the Earth (Fujiwara Armbar). Inner Circle eventually get in the ring to break things up, but not before MJF inflicted a good amount of damage to Jericho's arm. MJF then grabs a microphone and says that Chris Jericho just made the worst mistake in his long career full of mistakes! MJF says he'll see Jericho's ass at All Out and that will be the last time AEW ever sees Chris Jericho! MJF finishes by saying he's going to send Chris Jericho to the retirement home!






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Lucha Bros. w/Alex Abrahantes vs Local Talent (Archimedes & Austin Tyler Morris)

The Lucha Bros. have been dealing with Andrade El Idolo recently, as he has been trying to get them to team up with him (though they have steadfastly refused his offers). This match is nothing more than a squash match that The Lucha Bros. completely dominate. The match comes to an end after a quick four minutes when Penta & Fenix hit one of the local talents with their finisher, Rey del Miedo (Package Piledriver from Penta/Diving Double Foot Stomp from Fenix).

WINNERS: Lucha Bros.







After the match is over, Andrade El Idolo makes his way down to the ring (along with Chavo Guerrero) to confront Penta & Fenix. Andrade says that he understands that The Lucha Bros. don't want to work with him, but that leaves him with a problem. Andrade says that if they're not with him, they're against him! Because of that, he wants The Lucha Bros. & PAC in a six man tag team match at All Out! It'll be Death Triangle vs Andrade, Chavo Guerrero, & a partner of their choosing at All Out. Andrade asks Penta if they accept, to which Alex Abrahantes says that Penta says he accepts and he (and the rest of Death Triangle) will destroy Andrade's team! Andrade stares down The Lucha Bros. as we go to commercials.







After a quick commercial break, we cut to the locker room area, where FTR are located. FTR, still nursing their bruises from the opening contest, say that they've had enough of Santana & Ortiz, especially after tonight's stunt. They say they'll gladly accept their challenge for a Chicago Street Fight at Rampage on Friday! They finish by saying that they're old school born and raised, which make them undoubtedly the favorites to run Ortiz & Santana out of Chicago on Friday!







AEW TNT Championship Match:

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Miro © vs Frankie Kazarian

Miro has been a dominant TNT Champion, mowing down every challenger who's crossed his path. However, Frankie Kazarian has been on a roll recently, winning four matches in a row on Dark and Dark: Elevation. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Kazarian. Kazarian starts the match off by taking Miro off his feet with a spinning wheel kick. Kazarian then goes to the top rope and hits Miro with a diving dropkick. Kazarian goes to the apron to attempt a diving springboard splash, but Miro catches him in mid-air and hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Miro goes to lock in the Game Over, but Kazarian rolls out of the way, brings Miro to a knee, and hits him with a step-up enzuigiri. The match comes to an end when Kazarian goes to lock in his finisher, the rear naked choke, but Miro reverses it into a back suplex! Miro then stomps Kazarian's back and locks him in the Game Over! Kazarian eventually has no choice but to submit after Miro wrenches back on Kazarian's back.








After the match is over, Miro continues to attack Kazarian until referee Bryce Remsburg threatens to reverse the decision. Miro eventually relents, but before anything else can happen...



















































































Eddie Kingston appears on the big screen!


Kingston says he's been watching Miro kick the crap out of everyone on the roster for the last month and it's time for something to change. Kingston says he wants Miro in a TNT Championship match next week on Dynamite! Kingston says he's going to kick the crap out of Miro in Milwaukee next Wednesday before finishing by saying that Miro's time as TNT Champion is up!







After a commercial break, Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Kenny Omega & The Elite. Schiavone asks Kenny about Hangman Page becoming number one contender to the AEW World Championship. Kenny says that he's not concerned about Hangman, because he knows he'll beat him at All Out. Kenny says Hangman has always been in his shadow, ever since he joined The Elite. Kenny says that Hangman was the weak link when they were AEW World Tag Team Champions together and he'll always be weak compared to Omega. Kenny says that after All Out, he'll still be AEW World Champion and The Young Bucks will still be AEW World Tag Team Champions, cementing The Elite's stranglehold on AEW! Before Kenny can continue...


























































































The Dark Order appear on the stage!


Evil Uno grabs a microphone and tells Kenny he's wrong about The Elite having control of AEW after All Out. Uno says that Hangman Page will become the new AEW World Champion and that The Young Bucks won't be the AEW World Tag Team Champs, that honor will belong to The Dark Oder! The Bucks interrupt and laugh, asking how the hell do The Dark Order think they'll get a shot at them at All Out. Uno says that's very simple, if they beat The Good Brothers tonight, they'll get a shot at The Young Bucks at All Out! That provokes a bigger laugh from Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson, who say that The Dark Order have nothing on them and they'll prove that tonight. This segment ends with Kenny Omega saying that The Elite are the best in the world, while The Dark Order are nothing more than jabronis who don't even belong on Dark!






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Britt Baker & Serena Deeb vs Tay Conti & Thunder Rosa

Thunder Rosa officially challenged Britt Baker for the AEW Women's Championship at All Out on Rampage on Friday, which Baker accepted and then instigated a brawl. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Conti & Rosa. Tay Conti and Britt Baker start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Conti hits Baker with a big forearm smash. Conti throws Baker off the ropes and hits her with a high knee. Conti throws Baker into the corner and attempts a big boot, but Baker rolls out of the way and hits Conti with a German suplex. Baker tags out to Deeb, who hits Conti with a bulldog. The match comes to an end when Deeb attempts a backbreaker, but Conti wiggles out of it and hits Deeb with a spinning heel kick! Conti then tags out to Thunder Rosa, who blasts Deeb with a big shoulder block! Deeb tries to tag out to Baker, but Baker just drops down from the apron! Baker then leaves as Rosa grabs Deeb and locks her in the Snake Sleeper! Deeb eventually has no choice but to tap out!

WINNERS: Tay Conti & Thunder Rosa






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The Good Brothers vs The Dark Order

If Evil Uno & Stu Grayson are able to beat The Good Brothers here, they get a shot at The Young Bucks at All Out for the AEW World Tag Team Championship. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind The Dark Order. Stu Grayson and Karl Anderson start the match off with Anderson blasting Grayson with a lariat. Anderson throws Grayson into the corner, hits him with a knife edge chop, and then takes the turnbuckle pad off. Anderson goes to attempt the Gun Stun, but Grayson reverses it into a back suplex. Grayson tags out to Evil Uno, who hits Anderson with a senton. Uno attempts a military press slam, but Anderson wiggles out and shoves Uno sternum-first into the exposed turnbuckle! The match comes to an end when Anderson tags out to Doc Gallows, who hits Uno with a big boot. Gallows goes to hit Uno with a chokebomb, but Uno reverses it into a hurricanrana! Uno then musters up all his strength and he & Grayson hit Gallows with the Fatality (Gory Bumb from Uno, Diving Cutter from Grayson combo)! Grayson takes out Anderson as Uno covers Gallows for the three! The Dark Order have punched their ticket to All Out!

WINNERS: The Dark Order







After that match is over, we cut to a pre-recorded video of Cody and Arn Anderson at Cody's home in the Atlanta suburbs. Arn tells Cody that he needs to train hard in order to defeat Malakai Black at All Out. Cody agrees and we see him running and working with punching bags. Him and Brock Anderson do a bit of sparring where we see Cody actually ducking Brock's version of Malakai Black's finisher. Cody continues his montage by doing some more generic fitness stuff before finishing by yelling out on top of a hill that he's coming for Malakai Black!






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Malakai Black vs Darby Allin w/Sting

Darby Allin demanded a match with Malakai Black earlier this week and Tony Khan gave it to him, probably against his better judgment. This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Allin. Allin starts the match off by jumping on Black and unleashing a barrage of punches on him. Black retreats to the outside, but he can't rest for long as Darby hits him with a suicide dive! Darby goes to the apron and attempts a running hurricanrana, but Black catches him and slams in into the barricade! Black throws Allin into the ring post before throwing him into the ring steps. Black jaws a bit with Sting before throwing Allin back into the ring. Black goes to attempt the Ogentroost, but Allin dodges it and hits Allin with a flying forearm smash. The match comes to an end when Allin goes to the top rope to attempt the Coffin Drop, but Black rolls out of the way and hits Allin with the Ogentroost! Black then covers Allin and gets the three.

WINNER: Malakai Black







After the match is over, Malakai Black's victory celebration is cut short by...



























































































































Cody Rhodes!


Cody runs in from the crowd with a chair and begins brawling with Black! Cody starts swinging the chair, but Black kicks it out of his hand! The two men then begin throwing a barrage of haymakers, but neither man seems to have an advantage. Before anything else can happen, security runs down to the ring to separate Cody & Malakai. When it seems like everything has calmed down, Cody breaks free of the security and begins raining down punches on Black! The two men continue to brawl as Dynamite goes off the air.






TV RATING: 1,527,912 Viewers on TNT (UP 93,122 From Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 13 Regions.

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AEW Rampage: The First Dance- August 20th, 2021:

Attendance: 14,029 at United Center (Chicago, Illinois)

Commentary Team: Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry


Welcome everyone to AEW Rampage: The First Dance live from the United Center! Tony Schiavone & Mark Henry begin to run down the card for tonight, but before they can really get into it...




































































































































































CM PUNK IS IN ALL ELITE WRESTLING, HE HASN'T BEEN SEEN IN WRESTLING IN OVER SEVEN YEARS!!! The crowd goes absolutely wild, damn near blowing the roof off of the United Center. Punk soaks in the crowd's adoration for a few minutes before grabbing a microphone and sitting down in the ring. Punk says it's great to be back where he started, Chicago! Punk says that Chicago holds a big place in his heart, not just because it's his home town, it's because of something else. Punk says on August 13th, 2005, here in Chicago, he had his last match in a company called Ring of Honor. Punk says that was the day he left professional wrestling and today is the day he's back to pro wrestling! Punk says that he has a lot to do in AEW, but he wants to call out one person first. He wants Darby Allin!


















































We then cut to Darby Allin and Sting hanging out in the rafters, staring down Punk. Punk says that he's seen Darby Allin do a ton of dangerous stuff, from being kicked down a flight of stairs to being dragged by a car in a bodybag, however there's one thing more dangerous than all of that, fighting CM Punk in Chicago! Punk says he'll see Darby Allin September 5th at All Out, to which Darby responds by nodding in approval. Punk finishes by saying that he's glad to be back in professional wrestling.






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Lance Archer vs Joey Janela

Lance Archer has been running through his competition recently and it was just announced that he will be defending the IWGP United States Championship next week on Dynamite after he defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi to retain the title last week in NJPW USA. This match isn't really anything more than a one-sided beatdown that Archer dominates. Janela tries and eventually does get some offense in after hitting Archer below the belt, but that's short-lived. Archer eventually finishes off Janela with the Blackout in just under eight minutes.

WINNER: Lance Archer






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Hikaru Shida & Riho vs Serena Deeb & Leyla Hirsch

A battle between four women stuck in the middle of the pack in the AEW rankings. Whatever team wins this could definitely jump up the rankings soon. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Shida & Riho. Shida and Hirsch start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Hirsch takes Shida down with a belly to belly suplex. Hirsh goes to lock in an armbar, but Shida reverses it into a hurricanrana. Shida throws Hirsch off the ropes and hits her with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Shida tags out to Riho, who hits Hirsch with a running missile dropkick. Riho atempts an exploder suplex, but Hirsch reverses it into a facebuster. The match comes to an end when Hirsch tags out to Deeb, who blasts Riho with a lariat. Deeb goes to lock in her finisher, the Serenity Lock (Single Leg Boston Crab), but Riho kicks her away and hits her with an enzuigiri! Riho then goes to the top rope and hits Deeb with her finisher, the diving double foot stomp! Riho then covers Deeb and gets the three!

WINNERS: Hikaru Shida & Riho






After a quick commercial break, we get a recap video of the FTR/Proud-N-Powerful feud. The video shows how these two teams have been feuding for months now, mostly as part of the larger Inner Circle vs Pinnacle feud. However, these two teams did come to blows at Fight For The Fallen last month, in which FTR just came out on top, but not before Cash Wheeler really tore up his forearm. Now these two teams meet one more time, this time in a Chicago Street Fight. No rules, the only way you win is when the referee declares a team incapable of continuing. This one is sure to be one of the most dangerous matches in AEW history!






Chicago Street Fight:

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Proud-N-Powerful vs FTR

This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Proud-N-Powerful. Both teams don't even really make their entrances as FTR jump Santana & Ortiz during their entrance and the match is on! The four men, all dressed in traditional street fight gear (jeans), beat the living hell out of each other on the outside of the ring. Santana throws Dax Harwood into the barricade while Cash Wheeler throws Ortiz into the crowd. Before Wheeler can do anything, Santana hits him with a kendo stick. Santana throws Wheeler into the crowd, where he and Ortiz start beating down on Wheeler. Harwood gets up and joins the three men in the crowd, evening the numbers. The four men begin brawling around the arena, but eventually Harwood grabs a trash can and throws it at Santana's face! Ortiz tries to go after Harwood, but Wheeler hits him with a chair. Harwood and Wheeler drag Ortiz to the top of a staircase and attempt to throw him down the stairs, but Santana jumps both of them with a baseball bat! The four men then begin brawling around the concourse area. The match comes to an end when FTR attempt to hit Santana with the Goodnight Express (Flapjack/Double Knee Facebuster combo) on the concourse, but Ortiz shoves Cash Wheeler out of the way and Santana hits Dax Harwood with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors! Ortiz then gets up on a concession stand and they hit Cash Wheeler with the Street Sweeper (Powerbomb/Blockbuster combo)! Referee Aubrey Edwards checks on Wheeler and rules that he can no longer compete, giving the win to PNP! Ortiz and Santana celebrate their victory with the Chicago crowd as Rampage comes to a close.

WINNERS: Proud-N-Powerful






TV RATING: 1,301,901 Viewers on TNT (DOWN 6,642 From Last Week)




AEW Dark- August 24th, 2021:

Commentary Team: Exalibur & Taz


Lance Archer squashes Christian Cross after hitting him with the Blackout (Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb) in 4:04. (49)

The Gunn Club defeat The Pretty Picture after Billy Gunn hits Cezar Bononi with the Fameasser in 10:18. (33)

Evil Uno says The Dark Order will be making a special announcement on Dynamite tomorrow night! (46)

A recap video of the Chris Jericho/Pinnacle match from Dynamite plays (64)

The Dark Order's John Silver & Alex Reynolds defeat Chaos Project after they hit Luther with a double flipping DDT in 10:41. (51)

Joey Janela berates Sonny Kiss and challenges him to a match next week on Dark! (41)

Frankie Kazarian defeats Angelico by submission after locking him in a rear naked choke in 15:22. (58)




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Haha, of course Cody would do a Rocky fitness montage on Dynamite. :D Did Tony Khan get the rights to Eye of the Tiger for Cody ducking Brock Anderson's Ogentroost? Or did they settle for Paul Engemann's Push To The Limit? :p Good show buddy, I'm enjoying this diary so far.


We were cheap, so we had to get Hearts on Fire from Rocky IV :p


Prediction Contest:

This Show:

1) Original_Broski- 9 Pts.

1) dukka- 9 Pts.

3) Hollywood- 8 Pts.

3) Blodyxe- 8 Pts.

5) DHK1989- 6 Pts.

5) TheBigBad1013- 6 Pts.

7) Mootinie- 5 Pts.




1) Blodyxe- 21 Pts.

1) Original_Broski- 21 Pts.

3) DHK1989- 16 Pts.

4) dukka- 15 Pts.

5) Mootinie- 12 Pts.

5) TheBigBad1013- 12 Pts.

7) Hollywood- 8 Pts.

7) Gnetleman Raven- 8 Pts.

9) LK_Lance- 6 Pts.


Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments! Dynamite & Rampage cards for the final week of August will be up tomorrow!

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