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Worker Momentum Question

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Sorry if this has been asked before - trying to search through these huge threads is a pain... lol


I read in one of these forum posts somewhere that if you leave a worker off TV for a while, it resets their momentum back to Neutral. Does anyone know for sure if this works? And if so, how long before it resets?


I have a couple of workers with Chilly or worse momentum, and I'm struggling to pull it back, despite giving them big wins and strong angles etc. I know a turn or a new gimmick and help, but I'm not really looking to change those things unless I have to.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I think I heard that but I'm not sure if its true. The best way to get them out of chilly momentum is a (very good or better) Gimmick Change if your company uses it.

I think successful Heel or Face turn resets it too.


This is true, and it's worth noting that (unless this has been changed in recent updates) a successful gimmick change will reset momentum even if your product does not use gimmicks.

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This is hard for me to answer because it might be nearly impossible to build from deeply low momentum in the game, and I just haven't experienced it too much, but it kinda seems like you abandon ship before things actually start heading in the right direction. Why not just use people on your show instead of waiting?
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