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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hollywood Bret Starr vs "Angry" Tom Gilmore


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker


Singles Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Joey Morgan vs "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger) vs The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee)


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Primus Allen vs "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hollywood Bret Starr vs "Angry" Tom Gilmore


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Crippler vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker


Singles Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Joey Morgan vs "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger) vs The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee)

Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Primus Allen vs "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">

SWF Supreme TV Results [Tues. Wk. 2, Jan 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


SWF's go-home episode of Supreme TV before the Pay Per View was held at the Louisiana Auditorium and it almost sold out the venue, with 9.969 tickets purchased to attend the event. It was, as usual, broadcast on C.A.N.N. and drew a rating of 3.03 (up 0.08 from last week, as Mr. Eisen pointed out) which stands for 2.272.616 people watching but knowing the details of that broadcast deal, I can't help but wonder if the show is at risk of being dropped for poor performance before the contract expires.



Once again, Rocky Golden opened the show and Mr. Eisen commented that the new booker has finally come to his senses. The SWF World Heavyweight champion addressed the man who's been haunting him as of late, warning Scythe to not get involved in hos title match against Randall Buckminster Bumfhole this Thursday. It was good to see Rocky show some fire after generic promos and last week's humiliation. The fans certainly ate it all up and an excited Mr. Eisen rated the opening segment at 90.



Not seen in a while, Primus Allen worked the opening match against Robbie Retro. A predictable squash that went on for about six minutes before Allen got bored of toying with his prey, it certainly did its job of presenting the big man as a force of destruction while Retro kept things entertaining and sold his ass off for the blue chipper, garnering a 61 from Mr. Eisen.



"The Supreme Star" Spencer Spade had some choice words for Jungle Lord next, with Dulce Moreno looking stunning by his side as always. Spade used this to present himself as a successful male and a ladies man while calling his scheduled opponent "a filthy hobo who can't approach even a female cat without getting served a restraining order". Mr. Eisen said this kid can draw heat and I can't argue, seeing how fans reacted and how he kept this fresh instead of delivering another run-of-the-mill cookie cutter promo about how he's going to beat his opponent when they meet. Ironically enough, the grade for this was a 69.



With all the matchups for When Hell Freezes Over locked in, someone had to fill in TV time and that job was given to these two tag teams. Can't say I enjoy Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott's gig, but the audience loves to hate them even if they're not the best of wrestlers. This was mostly about the Dallas Cowboys' failure to communicate though and it played into the finish of the match when Ranger accidentally wiped out Dillon, setting him up to get hit with an Ego Trip as Scott made the cover for the three count. Hands down worst match of the night at 50.



Again, the writers and production team came up with a somewhat refreshing idea to hype up the whole Des Davids and Lenny Brown feud. And I say somewhat because it involved Eric Eisen providing his insight on the two men and their impending match, which isn't all that different from Duane Fry talking over a Hawaiian Crush training montage just last week. Mr. Eisen was certainly biased in favour of his son, granting this segment a generous 64.



He may have lost that fatal four way match, but Joey Morgan seems to be on a tear and his victim here was John Greed. Always the reliable guy to give someone a good match and put them over, Greed did just that and it wasn't hard either since Morgan is such a talented grappler. Empire Spiral, one two three, Morgan wins and the match gets a 60 from Mr. Eisen.



Back to back matches and barely a minor change of pace as The Crippler here wrestled a very similar technical style to that of Morgan before, although instead of being the fiery babyface he played the methodical, sadistic heel in to torture his opponent with submissions. Steven Parker also put on a great performance despite his loss and although Mr. Eisen rated this match at 59, I'd say it was mostly because fans aren't as familiar with Parker yet.



A video aired next, showing The Rat Pack backstage. Huntington wanted to talk about the scheduled tag team title match at When Hell Freezes Over, but Starr interrupted him to say they'd worry about that at the appropriate time; right now, he was up next in a match against Tom Gilmore and it was of the utmost importance that everyone is on the same page to ensure victory for him. Nothing exciting really, but no denying Starr is made of the same stuff as his old man, Mr. Eisen gave this a 63.



As mentioned, Hollywood Bret Starr was in a match next with Tom Gilmore, who seems to be getting another push after the name change. Fame & Money were also at ringside to assist the leader of the Rat Pack, which had Gilmore fighting against the odds and thus garnering fan sympathy by those who wanted to see him prevail. Just as the referee was about to dispose of the ringside disturbance by ejecting Huntington and Trescarde, Justin Sensitive showed up from the audience, jumped the guardrail and snuck in a low blow on Gilmore, allowing Starr to hit the Hollywood Hammer and steal a victory alongside a lukewarm 58 from Mr. Eisen. I expected better, but I guess the tainted finish and ample interference knocked this one down a few notches.



Valiant cut a promo next, with Hannah on his side as usual. They're a great pairing as the all-American sweethearts and Valiant went to great lengths to put both Remo and Rogue over. This, of course, was to set up his final message and sell his point: the odds may be stacked against him in the upcoming triangle match, but he will end the night triumphant regardless. I could hear him read the weather and I wouldn't complain, but Mr. Eisen rated his promo a 74.



We then got an opposing word from Remo, who confidently declared he'll be defeating both his opponents and once he's done that, he plans to move on and challenge for the SWF World Heavyweight title. Everyone seemed excited at the prospect of a Remo-Golden match (less so for a potential Remo-Bumfhole match, let's be honest) including Mr. Eisen who rated the promo just under Rocky's opening segment, at 85.



The main event saw Mikey Lau try to prove he can still go in the ring, as promised last week. It was no small task, as his opponent turned out to be Atom Smasher. The nuclear superstar focused his offence on Lau's damaged leg, delivering punishment to further make fans question if he'd make it to the Pay Per View and if so, in what state. Lau's selling was on point too and it didn't hurt that Smasher seems to be on fire ever since he turned heel, plus they were given an ample 16 minutes to do their thing. Drawing strength from within, Lau managed to fight back and finally deliver his signature Scything Side Kick for the pin, a match that Mr. Eisen gave a 69 to.



Since Smasher didn't put Lau out of commission, Brandon James apparently decided to take matters into his own hands and ensure his scheduled opponent doesn't make it to When Hell Freezes Over. The final episode of Supreme TV before the Pay Per View ended with him attacking Lau and viewers were encouraged to buy the program to find out what happens next. I think it was a good way to wrap things up and Mr. Eisen rated the finale as a 78 based on crowd reaction, but he did point out it was "weird" to finish with that feud instead of the big title match or at least the Remo-Rogue-Valiant one.


Overall it was an entertaining show and I appreciated how we didn't get the same "almost there" stuff just teasing the PPV matches. That said, it wasn't the strongest go-home show possible and trying new things with new people means that came at the expense of using popular stars instead, landing the overall show a grade of 67.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

"The Dragon" Mikey Lau def. "The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher

Hollywood Bret Starr def. "Angry" Tom Gilmore

The Crippler def. "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Joey Morgan def. "The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed

The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee) def. The Dallas Cowboys (Dillon & Ranger)

Primus Allen def. "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro</div>

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Prediction Results

neslo024 - 5/6

Herrbear - 5/6

DinoKea - 4/6

KyTeran - 4/6

Theheel - 3/6


Shout out to Herrbear, only one to correctly predict Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott beating Marshall Dillon and Ranger :D Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, comment, predict or a combination of all three.

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The second episode of American Wrestling in this new decade is presented live to the world from Grand Rapids, Michigan this Wednesday night with what's to be another excellent show in store.


Alicia Strongs
Muscle Monsters continued to prove themselves last week in their victory and now it's the turn of the former seven-time USPW Women's Champion to prove herself as she goes one on one with
Sara Marie
in a Number One Contenders Match for the Women's Title. We never saw champion
Jaime Quine
last week but with the result of this match directly affecting the champion, one has to wonder if she'll appear. Strong & Marie have been fighting along with their respective affiliates in the form of The Muscle Monsters and Melody, respectively, but the stakes haven't been this high yet.


Raven Robinson
, alongside
Trent Schaffer
, last week vowed to reach the top of the food chain again in USPW but she'll have her work cut out for her when she goes one-on-one with
Charity Sweet
. We'll also have one half of each of The Cold Warriors and The Texas Express in singles action as their rivalry continues to build.


Elsewhere on the show
Casey Valentine
Kirk Jameson
will face off as will
Rick Law
Mick Muscles
. Law seems intent on getting a rematch with
Steve Frehley
which 'The Dark Destroyer' turned down last week so, at least for the moment, Law will have to be content with going up against Mighty Mick for now.


In the aftermath of last week's main event and the post-match shenanigans that ensued,
Running Wolf
will go one-on-one with
Sterling Whitlock
in a bid to gain a measure of revenge as well as continuing to prove he deserves another shot at
Rich Money's
World Championship. It's sure to be another night of can't miss action. We'll see you there.



Announced Match Card

















Prediction Card

#1 Contender for Women's Title

Sara Marie vs Alicia Strong



Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak



'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson



'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine



American Gold vs Shockwave



Mick Muscles vs Rick Law



Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock



Comments on the dynasty in general:


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Prediction Card

#1 Contender for Women's Title

Sara Marie vs Alicia Strong

Comments: tough decision but with Quine as the champ I went with the face.


Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak

Comments: Turk is a future star once developed. Novak is a stepping stone.


'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson

Comments: I feel like you have big plans for her so she shows why she's one of the best.


'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

Comments: Jameson has all the skills and Casey and can handle a loss to give him a boost.


American Gold vs Shockwave

Comments: went with the younger team as I'm not overly familiar with Shockwave


Mick Muscles vs Rick Law

Comments: Rick builds some momentum


Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock

Comments: Wolf picks up a win


Comments on the dynasty in general: loving everything so far. USPW is loaded but you need to weed out the right people from a bloated roster which you're doing great at.

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#1 Contender for Women's Title

Alicia Strong def. Sara Marie

Comments: Considering she's booker now and has a history as champion


Petr Novak def. Turk Trenneman



'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson def. 'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet



'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine def. 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson



American Gold vs Shockwave



Rick Law def. Mick Muscles



Running Wolf def. Sterling Whitlock



Comments on the dynasty in general: I've read the start of a few diaries on these companies and I can honestly say it feels like every company is heading off in their own direction.

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Prediction Card

#1 Contender for Women's Title

Sara Marie vs Alicia Strong



Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak



'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson



'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine



American Gold vs Shockwave



Mick Muscles vs Rick Law



Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock


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Prediction Card

#1 Contender for Women's Title

Sara Marie vs Alicia Strong



Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak



'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson



'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine



American Gold vs Shockwave



Mick Muscles vs Rick Law



Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 2ugKne1.jpg




Hello and welcome to the second episode of our special edition series of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. We're continuing our series of recapping USPW and this week is their second episode of American Wrestling in 2020..




The show was presented from Grand Rapids, Michigan in front of a crowd of 11,128 with early estimates suggesting that viewing figures on Reverie were up from last week to about 10.6million viewers. Let's jump in.


Segment 1:

Alicia Strong vs Sara Marie

We were off to the races immediately this week with the #1 contender's match for the Women's title kicking off the show in what was a solid show opener but these two women have definitely had better matches in the past.

It was a fairly even encounter for the most part that went just shy of 12 minutes with the finish coming after both women continued their brawl on the outside and ignoring the referee's 10 count. A double count-out draw is a slight cop-out but it shows that both competitors wanted to win the match and earn the title shot. Would've been better with a decisive finish however...



Segment 2:

The two continued to ignore the bell and brawl away on the outside. Eventually their respective affiliates entered the fray with Gloria and King getting there first but Melody swiftly followed and despite being outnumbered her fire held off The Triumvirate. The feud rolls on and we'd have to wait to see what this meant for the title picture.



Segment 3:

Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak

The second match of the night and a continuation of the feud between The Texas Express and The Cold Warriors. The poorest (and shortest at just over 5-minutes) match of the night, it failed to excite the crowd during its brief time and the interference from Krusher Karloff brought this to a DQ ending. (49)


Segment 4:

Our second post-match brawl of the evening as the veteran duo beatdown the youngster. Cooper Christie was quick to aid his partner and both teams brawled and fought to the backstage area before agents split them up. The post-match shenanigans were slightly more exciting than the match but much the same as last week.



Segment 5:

We then jump to a different area backstage where we had a rare appearance from Danny Jillefski as he was interviewing Raven Robinson and Trent Schaffer. A promo in the same vein as last week with both arrogantly vowing to soon be at the top of their respective divisions in the company. Raven also took time to hype her match with Charity Sweet which would be up next. A solid promo and, as said before, these 2 are a delightful pairing. (67)


Segment 6:

Charity Sweet vs Raven Robinson

These 2 were given just shy of 12-minutes to do their thing in the ring and it was a decent TV match. Charity is just 29 and is already a great talent who's only going to improve. I've always had a soft spot for Raven through our years together and she's an incredibly talented veteran of the ring and both women put on a good display while holding something back for possible matches. Trent Schaffer got involved in the finish (He and Raven appear to be 'managing' each other) when he pulled on the foot of Charity as she hit the rope and tripped her. This gave Robinson enough time to capitalise, lock in her Night Crawler submission and pick up the win.



Segment 7:

Post-match shenanigans appeared to be the bread and butter of this evening. Schaffer and Robinson celebrate her cheap victory for a bit before we get a strong ovation from the crowd and Bulldozer Brandon stormed his way to the ring. Raven and Trent quickly fled the ring before any fists could be thrown and we saw Smith help up Sweet before calling out and smack talking the terrible twosome.

An interesting potential pairing of the Bulldozer and Charity and there are some interesting possibilities opening up in this rivalry with some new life being breathed into it. Could we be getting a mixed tag team match in the future? (69)


Segment 8:

Kirk Jameson vs Casey Valentine

The in-ring action continued as two of the best in-ring workers in the company locked horns. A good match was had here that would likely have been better received by the crowd if they were more familiar with 'The Marksman' but that's the way of USPW just now. Popularity is king and the more over you are the better your stuff will be received. At least by the common fan anyway.

Casey picked up the win in 11-minutes and I'd happily watch these two go at it several times over. It's just a shame the fans weren't as responsive.



Segment 9:

After the match, we were treated to a video package that was all about Nicky Champion that instantly caught the fans attention. Mr USPW should be Hawkeye's nickname really. It recapped the history of Champion in USPW and his recent big loss to Frehley at Thanksgiving Thunder that has resulted in his absence for the past 2 months but the package gave fans hope as it showed Champion working out and training for his return to the ring with a few words from the man himself. "I didn't give up. I just needed time. Frehley, you should fear me. I'll see you soon!".

USPW produced a great package here that recapped a story and keeps Champion fresh in our minds with the anticipation building up to his eventual return.



Segment 10:

After the commercial break we're in the locker room of The Business where it's a very casual feeling in the room. Money has some words with Whitlock and provides him with a little pep talk to steel him for the main event tonight vs Running Wolf. Charlie Thatcher offers his time and said he'll be ringside tonight for Whitlock during the match. Money looked unsure (as only he can) but concurred. A nice little segment reminding fans of the events to come and it showed the slight air of fear and doubt that Rich Money has towards Wolf which is vital in presenting your potential challenger as a worthy foe. (68)


Segment 11:

American Gold vs Shockwave

We then jump from 3 good to great segments and vignettes to a short 6-minute TV match in which Shockwave picked up the win vs Chamberlain and English. They are a young and talented duo but this was never in doubt to anyone watching at home or in the arena and the tag team champions didn't receive air time this week or last but we can see that Shockwave are gearing up for another shot at the regaining their titles and they looked very strong here.



Segment 12:

We then cut to a pre-tape promo from Roger Cage in his home with the National title adorned over his shoulder. He claimed he was healing up his hurt knee after last week's beatdown by The Olympus Order but assured us all he'll be back next week in some capacity and that this feud with Zeus will be soon put to bed.

A decent but fairly generic promo from Cage who can do better but we know that he tends to feed well off a live crowd.



Segment 13:

Mick Muscles vs Rick Law

We were then treated to a fairly rare appearance from Mick Muscles in action as a muscle-bound roadblock to Rick Law. Not the best match of the night from an in-ring standpoint but solid entertainment and Mick can still provide a service to the company. Frehley made his presence known but Law didn't fall victim to that trick as most babyfaces do as he kicked out of a cheap roll-up and won the match with his Squad Car Slam as Frehley restrained himself. Good fun.



Segment 14:

Frehley continued to threaten stepping into the ring as Law was fired up and inviting him in and the crowd were eating it up. Frehley teased a physical altercation hopping up to the ring and loitering by the ropes but hopped back down. Then we were treated to the debut of former IPW champion and alumni Lil Henry as he seemingly appeared from nowhere and absolutely clobbered Law. Most fans will be unfamiliar with Henry but they were certainly impressed by the size of the bulky big heavyweight and he'll slot in nicely in the land of giants but should certainly stand out given his clear affiliation with The Dark Destroyer. The idea of Frehley needing muscle/a bodyguard is probably laughable but it provides another blockade for Champion in his return and puts a wall between Law and Frehley from getting physical until their inevitable encounter at the next Special Event. A good segment and an emphatic debut in the best angle of the night.



Segment 15:

We cut from the impressive debut appearance to Running Wolf backstage cutting a promo. He does a solid job of hyping his opponent in Whitlock and The Business as a whole but showed some strong babyface fire and set up the main event nicely. A good promo from Wolf. (72)


Segment 16:

Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock

The match of the night went a little over 10 minutes and was a good TV main event. A strong showcase for both talents with some decent in-ring action and outside shenanigans involving Thatcher. Thatcher was determined to make good on his word of looking out for Money's protegé but instead ended up costing his Business associate the match and ate a stiff clothesline from Wolf for his troubles as the babyface won this one clean and closed out the show with a mini-celebration on the ramp for the fans. No post-match shenanigans.



And that was American Wrestling. We'll give it a 66 rating much like last week. Another okay but unspectacular show that pushed along some stories and showcased some talent but failed to really capture any of that true USPW magic aside from the Champion vignette. It seems a lot like not enough of the ongoing storylines are 'hot' enough to gather the attention and notoriety they require to make USPW 'must-see' TV and they could be suffering from their bloated roster. Adding talent isn't going to make this issue any easier unless we start seeing some departures or a second TV show as it's on good authority that Lil Henry is only the first of a number of recent signings to the big juggernaut. Let's see what next week has in store for us.


Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro.




Prediction Card

Sara Marie vs Alicia Strong

Turk Trenneman vs Petr Novak

'The Blonde Bombshell' Charity Sweet vs 'The Angel of the Dark' Raven Robinson

'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson vs 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine

American Gold vs Shockwave

Mick Muscles vs Rick Law

Running Wolf vs Sterling Whitlock



Prediction Score Card:

KyTeran - 6/7

Herrbear - 5/7

neslo024 - 4/7

DinoKea - 4/7


Not quite as predictable as last weeks show and the opening match would've been nigh impossible for anyone to call.

Thanks for engaging, predicting and commenting friends. Nice to see your returning names. Feedback is always welcomed. Thanks for reading.

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Thursday, Week 2 January 2020

Live from the Garden Park Fields, Arizona

Get it on Premier Pay TV (US), Premier Pay CAN-TV (Canada) and Demand-TV Mexico (Mexico)


Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Rocky Golden © vs "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Triple Threat Match

Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant


Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Fame & Money © vs Hawaiian Crush


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown


Tag Team match

The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore


Singles match

Jungle Lord vs "Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade


Opening match

Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboys

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When Hell Freezes Over 2021 Predictions

Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Rocky Golden © def. "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Triple Threat Match

Remo def. Rogue & Valiant


Singles Match

"The Dragon" Mikey Lau def. "Big Money" Brandon James


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Fame & Money © def. Hawaiian Crush


SWF North American title

Des Davids © def. "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown


Tag Team match

The Pain Alliance def. Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore


Singles match

"Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade def. Jungle Lord


Opening match

ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboys def. Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Rocky Golden © vs "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Triple Threat Match

Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant


Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Fame & Money © vs Hawaiian Crush


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown


Tag Team match

The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore


Singles match

Jungle Lord vs "Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade

Opening match

Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboys

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Rocky Golden © vs "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Triple Threat Match

Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant


Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau


SWF World Tag Team titles match

Fame & Money © vs Hawaiian Crush


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown


Tag Team match

The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore


Singles match

Jungle Lord vs "Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade


Opening match

Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboy

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Main Event

SWF World Heavyweight title match

Rocky Golden © vs "Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


Triple Threat Match

Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant


Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

SWF World Tag Team titles match

Fame & Money © vs Hawaiian Crush


SWF North American title

Des Davids © vs "Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown


Tag Team match

The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & Tom Gilmore


Singles match

Jungle Lord vs "Mr. Supreme" Spencer Spade


Opening match

Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen & The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker & The Dallas Cowboys

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Thursday, Week 2 January 2020

Live from the Garden Park Fields, Arizona

Attendance: 48.282, Buyrate: 3.35 (1.675.001 viewers) on Premier Pay TV, Premier Pay CAN-TV and Demand-TV Mexico



The show began with several minutes devoted to the announcing team of Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Emma Chase, who welcomed viewers and broke down the night’s card while hyping up the matches. The Rocky Golden - Randall Buckminster Bumfhole main event for the SWF World Heavyweight title was of course the focal point, but there were also mentions of the Des Davids - Lenny Brown SWF North American title match, a recap of Mikey Lau’s struggles and damaged leg as he is set to face “Big Money” Brandon James as well as mention of brothers Eric and Jerry Eisen having a huge announcement to make later tonight.






Atom Smasher, Bear Bekowski, Primus Allen and The Crippler vs ZWB, Steven Parker and The Dallas Cowboys

The opening four man tag match featured some of SWF most popular stars to not be involved in some major storyline, thus providing fans with a chance to see them regardless and giving all four a chance to showcase what they can do in a major event. Still, some interesting things happened and a few emergent stories were told between the ropes. ZWB kicked things off with some spectacular offence to rope in the fans, before Smasher, Bekowski and Allen took over as the powerhouse heels that cut the ring in half and controlled the contest while looking dominant. Once Parker got the tag, The Crippler requested to enter the match and the two men continued their rivalry they had during their last singles match, with Parker trying to prove himself and The Crippler punishing him on the mat with excruciating submissions. This all built up to a hot tag and The Dallas Cowboys coming into the match as the babyface team’s hard hitters to clean house. It wasn’t meant to last though, as Dillon and Ranger’s communication issues continued to be a thing, all the way to the finish when Ranger charged in for a clothesline on Allen; the big man dodged the blow with deceptive agility for a man his size, sending Dillon to crash on Ranger and knock him off the apron. Allen then caught his stunned opponent for his finisher and scored the pin, leaving the Dallas Cowboys to argue about what happened as the tension between them continues to boil.




Jungle Lord vs “The Supreme Star” Spencer Spade (with Dulce Moreno)

Spencer Spade has been talking a big talk during the weeks building up to this match and finally he had to put his money where his mouth is against the veteran Jungle Lord. Despite age and years of bumping taking their toll, the wild man from Borneo brought the impact and intensity in this match, popping the audience who really wanted to see Spade get his comeuppance. The Supreme Star played his part to perfection, selling the moves and cowardly retreating whenever he had a chance to mess with the pace of his opponent’s offence, while using sneaky shots to turn things around and gain control of the match. However, Spade would spend too much time antagonizing the fans or insulting his opponent with slaps and trash talking, at one point receiving a slap himself in response that got a big reaction from the live audience. Given both men’s career trajectories, it was unusual (and somewhat refreshing) to see Jungle Lord get so much offence, but all it took was a Supreme Stunner out of nowhere for Spade to turn the tables and defeat Jungle Lord in the middle of the ring, clean as a whistle.




The Pain Alliance vs Joey Morgan & “Angry” Tom Gilmore

Morgan and Gilmore are widely regarded as two underutilized babyfaces in SWF’s heel-heavy roster, something new booker Matty Faith apparently is set on rectifying. The universe seems to be on his side on that project too, since the two men showcased excellent chemistry as a pair and were able to eliminate the experience edge their opponents had over them in tag team wrestling. Laramee and Big Smack Scott were their usual cocky and aggressive selves, firing up the fans as well as their determined opponents with their antics and as soon as it started becoming apparent that Morgan and Gilmore were more than able to fight back, cockiness turned into fear and The Pain Alliance showed more and more desperation. At one point, Scott distracted the referee so that Laramee could wrap his neck chain around his fist and clock Gilmore, but Morgan was there to break up the subsequent cover for a two count. This frustrated The Pain Alliance even further and moments later Scott got caught with his feet on the ropes, but the receipt came in the end once Gilmore nailed Laramee with an Anger Management while Morgan kicked Scott off the apron, allowing the full three count to commence and his team to get the victory to a great ovation.




After the match, Gilmore motioned for a microphone and judging from the live reaction, fans were all too happy to hear from him. Gilmore praised his partner and, almost as if the booker himself was talking through him, offered his hand while saying he sees potential in this partnership. Morgan made the obligatory dramatic pause and looked to the audience as he worked them for a response, then finally shook Gilmore’s hand and the two took a moment to celebrate their victory and new alliance in the middle of the ring.




SWF North American title match


Des Davids vs Lenny Brown

First title match of the night and it was off to a hot start as Davids jumped his challenger before introductions were through. This set the tone for the rest of the match, picking up right where their last backstage brawls had left off as they traded fists back and forth before Brown clotheslined his opponent over the top rope. Pressing his advantage, Brown quickly left the ring and the brawl continued at ringside, making heavy use of the surrounding environment such as the ring steps, barricade and camera cables since SWF is quite strict in regards to weapon use and hardcore wrestling. Fan support was split between the two contenders and in terms of pure wrestling acumen, it was clear Brown was nowhere near the champion’s level so as the match went on, victory seemed to be slipping right out of the young challenger’s hands. Brown got one last huzzah inside the ring when he managed to get Davids in the Fireman’s Carry position to deliver his Star Treatment finisher, but the champion slipped out of that in the nick of time and shoved Brown away to create the necessary distance so he could tackle him with his own finisher, the Quarterback Sack, and retain.




We then got a live appearance by The Awesomeness, who cut a promo in the ring. The popular tag team was not scheduled to wrestle at the Pay Per View due to Stardust being injured, although that wasn’t openly acknowledged. Instead, he and Huey Cannonball took turns on the mic to ramble on about how awesome they are, too awesome for the Arizona crowds anyway. Jefferson Stardust being from Vegas added a nice twist to this and although it was more or less a go at getting some cheap heat, there’s no denying that both men are extremely gifted on the mic as well as extremely over with the fans, to the point of flirting with a de facto babyface turn.




SWF World Tag Team titles match


Fame & Money vs Hawaiian Crush

“The Hawaiian Strongman” Ekuma and “The High Flying Hawaiian” James Adams have taken SWF’s tag team division by storm since they joined up and this was their highest moment to date as they finally had a chance to compete for the tag titles. The first couple of minutes in the match allowed each competitor to showcase their style and ability, with the challengers bringing a mix of power and high flying against the more well rounded and mat based arsenal of the defending champions. The match slowly settled down to classic tag team territory as the champions used every dirty tactic in the book to cut the ring in half and isolate Adams on their corner, building anticipation for the hot tag to Ekuma in hopes of him coming in to clear the ring. Adams sold the offence well and even popped the crowd with a couple of hope spots before he got shut down, this heat segment also showcasing that while Huntingdon is the mouth of the team, Trescarde is arguably the better wrestler of the two. Of course, Ekuma would finally get the hot tag to a big pop from the crowd and he did exactly what he had to as he sent bodies flying around in a show of power and dominance that built up to him and Adams taking down Trescarde with their oh so creatively named Hawaiian Crush double finisher to win the match and become the new SWF World Tag Team champions.




“The Dragon” Mikey Lau vs “Big Money” Brandon James (with Krissy Angelle)

The build up to this match has been one of the more interesting and creative ones in contemporary SWF, as Lau suffered repeated damage to his leg, first from The Crippler, then Atom Smasher and finally a post match attack from Brandon James himself. This not only provided a clear target and limited The Dragon’s mobility, it also weakened his offensive arsenal, including his Scything Side Kick finisher, making for a more level playing field against the aging and battered James. Both men played up that fact and started off the match slowly, with tentative strikes that Lau sold heavily as he soon found himself limping and favoring one leg. From there, it became a matter of Brandon hitting bigger and bigger moves to get near falls as Lau fought on against the odds and fans cheered for his relentless, unyielding fighting spirit. Things escalated steadily and with every false finish, one couldn’t help but wonder how much longer Lau could keep going, as the longer the match went, the harder it was for him to keep fighting. It was this creeping, mounting doubt that made it even sweeter when Lau mustered every last ounce of courage to deliver a Scything Side Kick, grinding his teeth through the subsequent pain to hop over on his one good leg and collapse on top of the fallen James for the three count.




After the match, Krissy Angelle got in the ring to check up on James, then The Rat Pack made an appearance in full force. Hollywood Bret Starr grabbed a mic and told Angelle to “dump that aging loser and hook up with a real man” before he sent his goons in the ring to beat down James, effectively turning him face in the process.




Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant (with Hannah)

SWF’s apparent obsession with triangle feuds has led to this match, built mostly on the history of former teammates Valiant and Rogue, with the latter trying to play both sides against each other to his benefit. This was evidenced in this bout as well, with Rogue picking his spots to beat down Valiant but happily leaving the ring if it meant Remo and Valiant could hurt each other while he dodged the bullet to recuperate. Remo was allowed to be his usual dominant self and Valiant had the fans behind him as he was fighting against two heels but the setup got old too fast and went nowhere, resulting in the flow and psychology of the match to drift a bit and feel like more of the same. Perhaps it would have been serviced better if it hadn’t went on for about 18 minutes, but it was nonetheless a superb contest from bell to bell. Rogue’s tactics and obsession with Valiant ended up backfiring against him and a more clear headed Remo was able to hit him with The Destroyer, making the cover while Valiant was reeling at ringside and tended to by Hannah to win the match.




Providing a breather between the last two matches, the Eisen brothers made their entrance into the ring and the more reserved Jerry took a back seat while his brother did the talking. Easy E put SWF, the event and his father Richard over, saying he taught both siblings that competition is what drives innovation, pushing things forward. As such, the two siblings had agreed to a bit of friendly competition, with Jerry taking over Tuesday’s Supreme TV and Eric managing Friday’s SWF Uprising. A full draft would be taking place after the show, with the roster split exclusively between the two shows and the two brothers competing to one-up each other every week, implying that the monthly Pay Per View shows would still be taking place with the full SWF roster involved.




SWF World Heavyweight title match


Rocky Golden vs Randall Buckminster Bumfhole

Fans were red hot for the main event by this point and both men made their grand entrances to give it that big fight feel. Despite not being regarded as one of SWF’s biggest stars, RBB brought his full range of brawling, technical wrestling, flashy high flying and sleazy charisma to match the champion’s sheer (star and physical) power in a surprisingly even match. Randall got a lot of time on offence and he delivered some great wrestling, as opposed to just posing, cheating or playing the cowardly heel, whereas Rocky only needed to make the occasional big move counter for a pop as he got back into the match, an masterclass in getting the most out of just a few big spots.


The match went on for about fifteen minutes like that before Scythe appeared at the top of the ramp, pointing a finger down towards the ring. His appearance caused a distraction and RBB tried to capitalize on the opportunity, but Golden kicked out of his finisher in the last possible millisecond before the third slap of the mat, making his superhuman comeback to eventually put his opponent on his shoulders for The Rack to squeeze out the submission, all the while staring across the ramp directly into Scythe’s eyes as if to send a message to the man who has been tormenting him in light of their inevitable clash down the road.





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Prediction Results

DinoKea - 5/8

KyTeran - 5/8

Theheel - 5/8

Herrbear - 5/8


An absolute draw, although each got different matches right. As always, thanks for predicting and let us know whether you'd like an analysis of the SWF brand split or if you'd prefer to find out who's on which brand as the shows go along.

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Prediction Results

DinoKea - 5/8

KyTeran - 5/8

Theheel - 5/8

Herrbear - 5/8


An absolute draw, although each got different matches right. As always, thanks for predicting and let us know whether you'd like an analysis of the SWF brand split or if you'd prefer to find out who's on which brand as the shows go along.


Let’s go analysis on the split. More info the better as you can still write your shows as you would anyway

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I think if you announce a bit of the split to give us an idea of who we'll be seeing, but leave a bit of room for any shocks (if you want any) would be best, sort of like how a company would actually do it. Saves people having to spend too long trying to work out who is on which brand.
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Supreme brand roster

American Machine

Bear Bekowski

Big Smack Scott

"Big Money" Brandon James

Brett Biggins

Dominic DeSousa

Dulce Moreno

Hollywood Brett Starr

Joey Morgan

"The Eighth Deadly Sin" John Greed

Krissy Angelle

"The King of the Streets" Kurt Laramee

"Bad, Bad" Lenny Brown

Mainstream Hernandez

Marshall Dillon

Masked Patriot

Monty Trescarde

Oliver Kobb

Paul Huntigdon

Primus Allen


"The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro

Rocky Golden

Sammy Smoke


"The Supreme Star" Spencer Spade

The Crippler

"Angry" Tom Gilmore



Uprising brand roster

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher


BJ O'Neil

Cali Slick

Charger Siaki


Des Davids


Fro Sure


"Amazing" Huey Cannonball

"The High Flying Hawaiian" James Adams

"Platinum" James Prudence

"The Idol" Jefferson Stardust

Jungle Lord

Justin Sensitive

Kristen Pearce

Matty Faith

"The Dragon" Mikey Lau

"The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

"Unleashed" Randall Buckminster Bumfhole


"The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright


"The Sensational" Steven Parker



Xavi Ferrera



Summary: The Rat Pack are all on the Supreme brand, except Justin Sensitive who got drafted to Uprising. The Dallas Cowboys have been having their issues lately and were given some distance, as Marshall Dillon got drafted to Supreme while Ranger will be appearing on Uprising. Likewise, the team of Faith & Old Glory is now de facto on hiatus, since Matty Faith got drafted to Uprising and Masked Patriot to Supreme. Overall, it seems that Supreme TV got a lot of the big names like Rocky Golden, Remo and established veterans to help them compete against TCW's television show airing on the same time, whereas Uprising is mostly populated by younger prospects who needed some TV time while also having the likes of Valiant, Rogue and Mikey Lau for some drawing power.

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Card for Predictions


Main Event non-title match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Justin Sensitive


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Xavi Ferrera vs ZWB


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fro Sure vs "The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Avalanche vs "The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

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Main Event non-title match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Justin Sensitive


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Xavi Ferrera vs ZWB


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fro Sure vs "The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Avalanche vs "The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

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Main Event non-title match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Justin Sensitive


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Xavi Ferrera vs ZWB


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fro Sure vs "The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright

Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Avalanche vs "The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

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Main Event non-title match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush def. The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Justin Sensitive def. Jungle Lord

Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

ZWB def. Xavi Ferrera


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick def. "Platinum" James Prudence


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

"The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright def. Fro Sure


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Avalanche def. "The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

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Main Event non-title match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs The Awesomeness


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Jungle Lord vs Justin Sensitive


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Xavi Ferrera vs ZWB


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Fro Sure vs "The King of Charisma" Robbie Wright


Opening Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Avalanche vs "The King of the Wasteland" Mutant

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