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America at War [C'Verse, Multiplayer]

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Card for Predictions


Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

Following Smasher's sudden backstage attack last week.


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Parker requested a title shot and just for fun, Davids would like to see if he can even hang in the ring with him.


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs The Mission

One team is struggling to make a name for itself, the other to get back together after all this time. Will Faith prove to be a better teammate for Ranger than Marshall Dillon was?


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds


Japan's hot new import goes one on one with the show stealing ZWB in a battle to see who's the better wrestler.


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Can Slick get his revenge or will Prudence win again to make it 2-0 in the clash of the Californians?


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs ??

The new champions are set to face a surprise opponent. Can they prove their worth against someone they can't prepare against?


We have the pre-booking options active for this save as it helps push us to plan, set up and hype matches for the next episode and the PPVs, but I understand it can be hard to keep up with all three promotions, so I decided to add a little summary under each match to remind people how it came to be or what the stakes in it are. Might make some matches easier to predict, but since we're not running a competition with awards, that's just fine.


@The Dynamite Sid: I figured since the narrator is Richard Eisen's secretary forced to watch the shows and take notes (likely without getting paid overtime) I might as well double down on the smarkiness.

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

Following Smasher's sudden backstage attack last week.


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Parker requested a title shot and just for fun, Davids would like to see if he can even hang in the ring with him.


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs The Mission

One team is struggling to make a name for itself, the other to get back together after all this time. Will Faith prove to be a better teammate for Ranger than Marshall Dillon was?


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds


Japan's hot new import goes one on one with the show stealing ZWB in a battle to see who's the better wrestler.


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Can Slick get his revenge or will Prudence win again to make it 2-0 in the clash of the Californians?


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs ??

The new champions are set to face a surprise opponent. Can they prove their worth against someone they can't prepare against?

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

Following Smasher's sudden backstage attack last week.


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Parker requested a title shot and just for fun, Davids would like to see if he can even hang in the ring with him.


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs The Mission

One team is struggling to make a name for itself, the other to get back together after all this time. Will Faith prove to be a better teammate for Ranger than Marshall Dillon was?


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds


Japan's hot new import goes one on one with the show stealing ZWB in a battle to see who's the better wrestler.


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Can Slick get his revenge or will Prudence win again to make it 2-0 in the clash of the Californians?


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs ??

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

Following Smasher's sudden backstage attack last week.


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Parker requested a title shot and just for fun, Davids would like to see if he can even hang in the ring with him.


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs The Mission

One team is struggling to make a name for itself, the other to get back together after all this time. Will Faith prove to be a better teammate for Ranger than Marshall Dillon was?


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds


Japan's hot new import goes one on one with the show stealing ZWB in a battle to see who's the better wrestler.


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Can Slick get his revenge or will Prudence win again to make it 2-0 in the clash of the Californians?


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs ??

The new champions are set to face a surprise opponent. Can they prove their worth against someone they can't prepare against?

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Dragon" Mikey Lau def. "The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Sensational" Steven Parker def. Des Davids


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Mission def. The Domination


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds



Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick def. "Platinum" James Prudence


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush def. ???

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Main Event

Time Limits are for nerds

"The Radioactive Wrecking Machine" Atom Smasher vs "The Dragon" Mikey Lau

Following Smasher's sudden backstage attack last week.


Singles Non-Title Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Des Davids vs "The Sensational" Steven Parker

Parker requested a title shot and just for fun, Davids would like to see if he can even hang in the ring with him.


Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

The Domination vs The Mission

One team is struggling to make a name for itself, the other to get back together after all this time. Will Faith prove to be a better teammate for Ranger than Marshall Dillon was?


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds


Japan's hot new import goes one on one with the show stealing ZWB in a battle to see who's the better wrestler.


Singles Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Cali Slick vs "Platinum" James Prudence

Can Slick get his revenge or will Prudence win again to make it 2-0 in the clash of the Californians?


Opening Non-Title Tag Team Match

Time Limits are for nerds

Hawaiian Crush vs ??

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How are you guys finding these massive companies? If I'm right they're bigger than what you normally play as?


They are definitely bigger than what I normally play as. I can't speak for the other two, but I find it a weird change of pace -- mostly the level of talent I have at my disposal. Having Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach is a lot different than building a company around a Zippy Deverell or Riley McManus or Conner Threepwood. Obviously I have a soft spot for all of those guys, but it's a good change of pace. Plus having to keep up with a certain level of quality and having the competition of the other two makes for a different layer of difficulty.

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How are you guys finding these massive companies? If I'm right they're bigger than what you normally play as?

I'll echo Historian here, I too also play with small to mid level promotions so it's different, especially now that as SWF I'm running two weekly TV shows with a brand split. There's a lot of talent and not enough chances to showcase them all, plus my experience is mostly with Perf>Pop and hardcore companies so doing Sports Entertainment takes some time to get used to.


One thing I'd like to bring up though is jumping into such a big promotion versus building it from the ground up. I did a Road 2 Glory run in TEW16 and made it to Cult/Medium size, so by that point I knew my roster, their strengths and weaknesses, chemistry etc. It's not the same starting big (it's especially evident now that we're in the first month still) and trying to figure stuff out, especially when there's the pressure of perhaps losing national battles, dropping in size or losing broadcast deals as you figure things out, there's very little margin for error.

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How are you guys finding these massive companies? If I'm right they're bigger than what you normally play as?



I would say that this is a scenario where I may have a slight advantage over Raider and Historian as I'm more used to playing as bigger companies. I've had lengthy personal games with TCW, 21CW and CGC among others so this is more in my wheelhouse than the others but it doesn't make it any less daunting when you're playing as USPW who are a company, as I've said before, that I've never played with before so although I'm used to playing with bigger companies they aren't usually this big. I also tend to play as the owner in my saves so playing here as booker with owner goals on is another notch on the difficulty belt.

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I would say that this is a scenario where I may have a slight advantage over Raider and Historian as I'm more used to playing as bigger companies. I've had lengthy personal games with TCW, 21CW and CGC among others so this is more in my wheelhouse than the others but it doesn't make it any less daunting when you're playing as USPW who are a company, as I've said before, that I've never played with before so although I'm used to playing with bigger companies they aren't usually this big. I also tend to play as the owner in my saves so playing here as booker with owner goals on is another notch on the difficulty belt.


Having those owners enabled should come into its own when the bidding wars start. Mr Eisen will be keeping those purse strings a lot tighter than your boss, in my experience

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Having those owners enabled should come into its own when the bidding wars start. Mr Eisen will be keeping those purse strings a lot tighter than your boss, in my experience


Oh, my friend. I wish that were the case but Packer has dished out some exceptionally mean owner goals whilst wanting to keep his company as the #1 in the world. I don't mind letting you all in on a little secret.

As USPW I'm not allowed to sign a talent who works for a company at medium level or above without breaking a goal.

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Oh, my friend. I wish that were the case but Packer has dished out some exceptionally mean owner goals whilst wanting to keep his company as the #1 in the world. I don't mind letting you all in on a little secret.

As USPW I'm not allowed to sign a talent who works for a company at medium level or above without breaking a goal.


Yikes! He picked a hell of a time to start playing nice. Still, might be worth a few mean looks across the board room if it means dealing a blow to one of your rivals

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Yikes! He picked a hell of a time to start playing nice. Still, might be worth a few mean looks across the board room if it means dealing a blow to one of your rivals


It also helps (at least in my case) the contract roll I got. I got several really good breaks on when my contracts for my key talent is up. Very helpful on my end.

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And now, for something completely different...


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">

SWF Uprising Results [Fri. Wk. 3, Jan 2020]



From the diary of Samantha W. Fitzworthy


This week's SWF Uprising made a statement right from the start as it came from the sold out Ranch in San Antonio, Texas. According to the early numbers, 3.998.833 people watched the show live, a drop from last and a pass under the 4 million milestone. Things have been consistently looking bad due to the lack of any -no pun intended- supremely exciting storylines and the hope in the office is that this can be fixed fast as the company is laying the foundation for a comeback.




New SWF World Tag Team champions were set to open the show in a non-title match against mystery opponents and those were revealed to be Grunt and Stink, The Nation of Filth. Certainly past their prime but still popular and experienced enough to give Ekuma and Adams a decent match, the duo did their job and made the new champs look good before taking the loss. Knowing Mr. Eisen, I can't help but think that using the former two-time TCW World Tag Team champions to such a capacity was meant to be a jab at the opposition, but this still got a grade of 60.




With Hawaiian Crush still in the ring after the match, The Awesomeness decided to show up and cut another of their wickedly entertaining heel promos to make a perfectly reasonable argument: they beat the champions in last week's main event, thus proving they're better than them, therefore they should be allowed to do so again with the title on the line. There was no response to the challenge, verbally at least, but it seems this is the title match that's being set up for the next Pay Per View and judging from the live crowd's reaction, it should be a good one. For now, this promo got a 64.



I'm not sure why we got this match again, especially since Prudence beat Slick clean last week. It felt even more confusing due to him cheating to win again, as though the two matches should have taken place in the opposite order. Fans were equally confused and this one could have been completely missing from the show without anyone noticing. Even Mr. Eisen rated it as a 46, one point lower than last week's encounter.



Fro Sure showed up to help Slick back onto his feet and as Prudence was posing to the crowd, Fro grabbed a mic to shout at him that this isn't a popularity contest. Sure, the former Jimmy P had been doing a lot of posing and taunting during the match, but someone please remind Fro Sure what promotion he's working for right now. Anyway, long story short, Fro challenged Prudence to a match next week, so that's a change from a third Slick-Prudence match at least. 48 for this one, Fro is a great talker and once fans get used to him, his mic time should be a highlight of each show.



ZWB was back in action next, facing SUKI. I think the booking was really smart in this one, letting them go all out for the most show-stealing performance they could deliver; ZWB is known to be a showstopper and with fans still getting acquainted with SUKI's style (plus his inability to cut a promo in English) letting him loose was the best way to go about it. Not sure if there was a communication issue between them or just ZWB having a bad night, but he botched a few spots too many in this one.


Xavi Ferrera also got a run-in to attack ZWB, perhaps setting up another feud down the line and I for one wouldn't mind seeing those two go at it. Opportunity for SUKI to score his first SWF win, but with some quick thinking, his opponent rolled him up and ZWB still got the three count. An odd result, I understand SUKI is still an unknown here, but losing even after interference kinda makes him look stupid. Anyway, Mr. Eisen appreciated the match for what it was and gave it a 55.



Duane Fry was backstage for an interview and Robbie Wright basically whined about being overlooked, not being given matches or TV time etc etc... Not sure how this behavior matches his "King of Charisma" moniker, but perhaps it's an intentional contrast to draw heat on purpose. No one interrupted and I'm guessing he does get a match next week, but for now an excited Mr. Eisen rated Robbie's promo as a 70.



Jungle Lord was shown training backstage when he paused to smell the air. I don't know how I feel about this animalistic spin on his gimmick, but the story here is that he was able to smell an incoming Charger Siaki and avoid the attack, getting the best of the youngster who tried to ambush him. 55 for this one.





Another tag team match next, with The Mission facing The Domination. The story here was two teams trying to make a mark, with The Mission reuniting after a long time and The Domination looking to establish themselves as a force in the division. Mr. Eisen said those four should have been let loose to brawl all over the place and I tend to agree such a thing would have gone over with a Texas crowd, but for whatever reason things were kept rather clean and Chill blew a bunch of his spots before taking the Leap of Faith for the pin. Looks like we're going with the story of The Mission getting along here, a 58 for the match.



Xavi Ferrera had a few words to say and Emma Chase was there to catch them on the mic (also to provide some star power for the segment, but I digress). The man called himself "The Star of San Juan" and was all too happy to list his accomplishments as a pro wrestler as well as a track and field athlete. Can't say I was enthralled even if he seems to be natural on the mic, but coupled with his earlier sneak attack on ZWB, the segment did make me feel like I wanted to see this cocky bastard punched in the face so I guess it did what it was supposed to. Not a bad rating either at 59.



Back to back interview segments, as Ana Garcia asked the hard questions after Justin Sensitive loss to Jungle Lord last week: is he lost now without the rest of The Rat Pack? Justin tried to act tough, but the massive Mutant crept up from behind him for a cartoonish moment that got a laugh out of both me and Mr. Eisen, who told me to mark down a 54 for this.



So this was Davids toying around with Steve Parker, after the latter declared he's out to get the SWF North American title. I understand this is probably the feud they're going for, but it's interesting to see how it unfolds since Spencer Spade on Supreme TV has also said he intends to challenge for the gold. This was a spectacular match and it was great that both men went pedal to the metal, bell to bell, for the most jaw dropping performance they could put together in the fifteen or so minutes they were given. The story here was Parker wanting to be taken seriously and busting out the big moves, eventually forcing Davids to retaliate proper. This pushing each other to do better and bigger went really over with the crowd and it was a shocking (but fitting) finish when Parker managed to muster his adrenaline and use the champion's momentum against him for the roll up win. Feels like it should have gotten more than the 69 Mr. Eisen gave the match.



Remember last week when Rogue claimed he got caught up fighting Valiant and therefore lost the match at When Hell Freezes Over? Well, Valiant had some comments on that and he came down to the ring with Hannah to speak his mind. Valiant called out Rogue who joined him and cut a promo to remind fans what had been said. He then proceeded to say what everyone's been thinking, when you consider how Rogue has been presented all this time: he's usually the schemer, too smart and collected for this. Rogue's smile froze on his face when Valiant continued, saying this was but a poor excuse and that he himself did not come out to try and justify his missteps. Fuming, Rogue said through gritted teeth this wasn't over yet between them and left the ring, a great segment that will apparently continue their rivalry and an 86 from Mr. Eisen, who said the broadcast team should have just shut up and let those two do their thing.



Trouble neverending for Mikey Lau, who found himself in the main event against Atom Smasher after the latter attacked him backstage a week ago. It's no secret Smasher is on fire right now following his heel turn and this was a great step forward for "The Dragon". Lau even remember to sell the lingering damage to his leg (long term storytelling huzzah!) and Smasher caught on, focusing his offence there for a dramatic contest. Seems like they're setting up Lau to face more obstacles as they're milking the storyline format dry, because yet again he suffered a loss due to the damage piled up on his leg, couldn't deliver his Scything Kick finisher and instead got hit with a Mushroom Cloud, the episode ending with Atom Smasher standing tall and a 71 for the main event match.


Overall, storytelling continues to be a major issue and I can't help noticing the huge gap between the few major names near the end of each show and the rest of the undercard. Getting the fans invested in storylines has to be the immediate goal, but long term I feel like more people need to be built up for a more fluid viewer experience. Still, Mr. Eisen rated the episode as a 73, two points higher than last week, so they must have done something right, right?


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #01FCFE; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">Quick results

Atom Smasher def. Mikey Lau

Steven Parker def. Des Davids

The Mission def. The Domination


James Prudence def. Cali Slick

Hawaiian Crush def. The Nation of Filth</div>

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And now, since I posted the predictions a week before I was supposed to (dumb me) here is the go home show.


<table style="background-color: #008cc2; width: 910px;"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 915px;"><img src="

https://i.imgur.com/pAEq6gk.jpg" width="900" height="206" /></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff; background-color: #333333;"><strong>Total Wrestling Results</strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">by Steven Henry Tyner</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Aal4iB6.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Total Championship Wrestling presented their go-home show before their Malice in Wonderland Pay Per View this Saturday last night on Ace. They were in Corpus Christi, TX and there were 7,403 paid fans in the building to see the show.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The show had a special preshow match just for the live audience. Elliot Thomas, Bart Biggins, Riley McManus and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Marc Speed, Yuri Yoshihara, Jeremie Courtney and Roderick Remus. It was a solid pre show match that was there just to give the live crowd something extra. <strong>50</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/uQgcGE2.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/jQYwSe8.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/7KJMJbd.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Tufelxm.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/MuW9m7k.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nNbd5OG.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The show actually opened with a six man tag team match. There were no feuds in the match, but there were some old history in it. Edd Stone, Human Arsenal, and One Man Army joined forces to take on Doc Hammond, Freddy Huggins, and Marverick. It was a really good match. Physical and action packed and a good way to start an episode of TV -- but maybe not how I would start the go home show. It went 9:33 and Edd Stone got the win by pinning Doc Hammond after hitting his Party's Over. I'd give this a <strong>69</strong>.</span></p><p><img src="https://i.imgur.com/8FhSRaQ.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Troy Tornado was backstage after this and he wants a rematch with T-Bone Bright. A good promo that continues the little story between Tornado and Bright. It's clear that The Historian is trying to give Bright a chance to shine and being paired against a good promo like Tornado will only help. <strong>60</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/DETuXK9.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">We went from Troy Tornado to the Ace, Aaron Andrews. The TCW World Champion was on a whole different level tonight. With his upcoming match against long time rival Wolf Hawkins at the Pay Per View, Aaron Andrews dug deep into his verbal back of tricks. He had fire and he built up Wolf as his greatest rival. He talked about how good of a wrestler Wolf Hawkins is but how willing Wolf is to take the easy road, but Aaron Andrews has never taken the easy road. He puts in the work day in and day out and that's what makes him the Ace and on Sunday night, live on Pay Per View, Aaron Andrews is going to prove it once again when he defends his TCW World Championship against Wolf Hawkins and continues to be at the top of the TCW mountain. Excellent promo. Truly sensational. </span><strong><span style="color: #ffffff;">95</span></strong><strong style="color: #ffffff;">.</strong></p><p><strong style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/XS3rcMx.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/RRfXIi0.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></strong></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">How do you follow up such a great promo? Very difficultly and that task went to Dean Daniels and Matt Hocking. Dean's really just a veteran enhancement guy in TCW and he did a solid job here giving Matt Hocking a good win. I'm not sure what The Historian has planned for Hocking, but it was good to see Hocking on here in a solid, but unspectacular match that had the difficulty of following the great promo from Ace.  <strong>65</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/IpWYpdA.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nsokciI.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/L6O6iWQ.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/P3YHvhv.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Up next, The Wild Ones were in action. This time against Benny and The Foxx. It was an odd pairing since both teams are supposed to be babyfaces and there was no heel heat in it -- and ultimately I think that hurt it. The fans want to like The Wild Ones so they couldn't get heat on Benny or Jimmy, but obviously due to size, Benny and Jimmy weren't going to put Findlay or Harker in trouble so it just made for an odd contest. The action was solid; however, and The Wild Ones got another win and it's clear The Historian is trying to build them up to be a serious threat in the weak TCW tag division. <strong>58</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/EShyCUs.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/zkLTAYI.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Devine Fortune had a promo next. They hyped up their upcoming match against The Elite and reiterated that if they can't beat The Elite, they won't ever team again. That's how motivated they're going to be. They love teaming together and they're not about to stop -- but they know that if they can't win on Sunday then they have nothing left to prove as a team. Solid promo that gives some drama to the match, I guess. <strong>53.</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><strong><img src="https://i.imgur.com/BmvqiqZ.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/rt9uAOs.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">T-Bone Bright was in action next against TCW developmental wrestler Guilotine. You can guess how this went. It was all T-Bone and there's nothing wrong with that. The Historian knows who is he trying to build and is sticking with them and that's refreshing. TCW desperately needs marquee faces -- they can't just ride Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach. They need other people in the mix and T-Bone is a good guy to get behind. He got an easy win here with his Lariat. <strong>49.</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/sGcMC7c.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mFlBaI9.jpg" alt="" width="70" height="70" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/6dwEbqe.jpg" width="70" height="70" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ByP8I6b.jpg" alt="" width="70" height="70" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Eddie Peak was backstage with the Behemoths to hype the upcoming tag title match against Mighty Meat. Eddie was good here but Titan and Floyd are weird together and I think Titan would be better off without having Floyd with him at all times. I also don't really know what the point of the Sinner Society is. Is Eddie the manager? Or Floyd? Eddie does most of the talking. It just doesn't make sense to me, but the Tag Title match is coming up and it should be solid at Malice in Wonderland. <strong>63</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ZxibBIW.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/qYGH3U6.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">Wolf Hawkins and Dazzling Dave Diamond was up next. This was a 'warm up' match for Wolf before his World Title opportunity and this match was easily the best match of the night. Wolf was at his best in this match as the dastardly heel. He ran from Diamond and then tried to work the big brawler over and it just worked. They were really clicking on all cylinders in this and when Wolf hit his Full Moon Rising, it ended what was a great match. <strong>82.</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/qYGH3U6.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/O8YnpRE.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/DETuXK9.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/OcDyQF8.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">We followed Wolf out of the ring and to the back where he met up with Jay Chord and then they ran into Sammy and Aaron. It was a lot of jaw jacking and back-and-forth and a near fight broke out and it was a really good segment to hype up two matches at the Pay Per View. <strong>85</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">                                    <img src="https://i.imgur.com/VJyytHt.jpg" alt="" width="100" height="50" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/swMOY1Y.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/vItdKlH.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The Television Champion match was up next. Greg Gauge put the title on the line against newcomer and sensational luchadore Mr. Lucha III. I wondered how long it would take for Lucha to get a break somewhere and it looks like he's coming in to TCW as a face. He and Greg had a good match that would have been better if the crowd knew  more about Mr. Lucha. He came in cold but by the end of the match he had them rocking with him. The match went to the time limit and was a draw but it showed some real flashes of potential for Lucha and continued to show Greg Gauge as being ultra-consistent and reliable. <strong>56.</strong></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mI7hMWp.jpg" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/ByP8I6b.jpg" alt="" width="70" height="70" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mmWyz8z.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /><img src="https://i.imgur.com/DETuXK9.jpg" alt="" width="90" height="90" /></span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The main event was next. Aaron Andrews against Nick Booth. This was a good match but not as good as Hawkins and Diamond. Booth controlled most of the match and the champion was in jeopardy for the bulk. Aaron made his big come back and hit his Flying Body Press to get the win and we ended the show with Aaron standing tall with the TCW World Championship. <strong>73</strong>.</span></p><p><span style="color: #ffffff;">The show was good. It was designed to get people interested in the Malice in Wonderland Pay Per View this Sunday and I think it did that. It's got a good card and a good portion of the show was dedicated to getting the key matches over. We know we've got Wolf challenging Aaron for the World Title. Jay Chord and Sammy Bach.will meet in singles action. Mighty Meat challenges for the World Tag Team Titles against the Behemoths. Devine Fortune takes on The Elite. All of those were pushed on the show so if you're interested, buy the Pay Per View this Sunday night. <strong>76.</strong></span></p><p> </p></td></tr><tr><td style="width: 915px;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/dCLnspm.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="26" /></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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Card for Predictions


Main Event Triple Threat Match

Hollywood Bret Starr vs "The Supreme Star" Spencer Spade vs The Crippler

Starr wants to move on to bigger and better things after he destroyed "Big Money" Brandon James, while Spade has made it clear he's gunning for the SWF North American title and The Crippler is out to just hurt people. A win here would help either man towards their goal.


Tag Team Match

Fame & Money vs Southern Comfort

Southern Comfort requested and were granted a rematch against Fame & Money. Can they turn it around or will a second consecutive loss be the nail on their coffin?


Tag Team Match

American Machine & Masked Patriot vs The Pain Alliance

After his win over Bear Bekowski, Masked Patriot teams with a fellow all-American. Can these two best a veteran team in Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott?


Opening Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs Dominic DeSousa

James looks lost after suffering an attack at When Hell Freezes Over and DeSousa wants to jump on the opportunity to get an easy win over the veteran, but James won't just lay down for him.



Robbie Retro in action against a local wrestler


Rocky Golden and Remo title match contract signing

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Hollywood Bret Starr vs "The Supreme Star" Spencer Spade vs The Crippler


Tag Team Match

Fame & Money vs Southern Comfort


Tag Team Match

American Machine & Masked Patriot vs The Pain Alliance


Opening Singles Match

"Big Money" Brandon James vs Dominic DeSousa



Robbie Retro in action against a local wrestler

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