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The Tiger and the Dragon [SAISHO, C'Verse]

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Battleground Japan Predictions




With the conclusion of all of the tour events, SAISHO turns its attention to Battleground Japan -- their first major show of 2020. Since December, 12 shows have been building to this.


In our main event, Zeshin Makioka puts his Destiny Championship on the line for the third time since winning it in September of 2019. His opponent? Former six-time Destiny Champion and the man most regarded as "Mr. SAISHO", KAZ. KAZ looks to regain the championship he has not held since May of 2018. Will his near two year drought of not holding the championship come to an end? Or will Zeshin continue to prove himself to be the true Prowling Tiger of SAISHO?


The Tag Titles are on the line as The Hurt, representing the European Dragons, challenge Arakaki & Serizawa. Arakaki & Serizawa have held the Destiny Tag Team Titles since August and have been very good champions. The Hurt are former champions, but have not tasted gold since September of 2017. Will The Hurt use their hyper-technical style to bring the Destiny Tag Team Titles into the fold of two of the premier dragons in pro wrestling or will the two young tigers of MUSCLE Serizawa and Isoruko Arakaki use their overwhelming power and size to retain their tag titles? This is the epitome of Dragon versus Tiger and should be a must-see.


Our third championship contest of the night pits two men who flirt the line with dragon and tiger beautifully. Champion Tobei Sigumura, the fifteen year pro in his second reign with the Ride the Tiger Championship puts the title on the line against former two-time champion Jayson Van Pelt. Both men are known for their hybrid wrestling styles. Both are known to take to the sky but also to the mat. Both are highly touted wrestlers. Over the Battleground Tour, we did see Sigumura embracing a much more Tiger style mindset, employing many more devastating strikes than usual. Will Jayson Van Pelt rise to the challenge? Will he strike with Sigumura?


Battleground Japan

Sat. Wk. 4, January, 2020

Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region


Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Championship

Challenger KAZ versus 25th Champion Zeshin Makioka


Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Tag Team Championship

Challengers The Hurt (Nigel Svensson & Billy Robinson) versus 22nd Champions Arakaki & Serizawa


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Ride the Tiger Championship

Challenger Jayson Van Pelt versus 16th Champion Tobei Sugimura


Tag Team Match

Twenty-Five Minute Time Limit

Mizoguchi & Sekozawa versus Black Iron Corps


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Azumamaro Shimizu versus Omezo Shikitei


Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Akamatsu & Nakazawa versus The Diamond Dogs


Opening Contest

Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Big Boss Emperor, The Tokyo Mountains, and Kakinomoto & Koizumi versus Ryobe Uno, Ogai Miki, Yuta Isono and The Night Terrors


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SAISHO Battleground Japan


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Battleground Japan

Live from Matsumoto Hall at the University of Tokyo in the Toho

Sat. W4 January 2020

195 Fans


Opening Contest

Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit




Big Boss Emperor, The Tokyo Mountains, and Kakinomoto & Koizumi versus Ryobe Uno, Ogai Miki, Yuta Isono and The Night Terrors


The opening match of Battleground Japan was a ten man tag. This was a simple opener that got a lot of the young talent on the roster. Big Boss Emperor and the Tokyo Mountains seem to be linked to one another -- the three massive men look impressive in the ring with each other. Kakinomoto and Koizumi are another young team looking for experience. On the other end, we had a team full of youngsters and more experienced grapplers. The Night Terrors, after all, are former two-time Destiny Tag Team Champions and former two-time winners of the A1 Tag Team Grand Prix. A simple match designed to highlight all of the young talent and warm the 195 fans filling out the Matsumoto Hall, nobody did anything particularly risky, dangerous, or memorable. Ogai Miki got the victory for his side when he forced the big Shogo Awatari to submit -- showing that SAISHO isn’t making anyone invincible and that submissions will be seen quite often.


In a decent match, Moroi, Babau, Ogai Miki, Yuta Isono and Ryobe Uno defeated Big Boss Emperor, The Tokyo Mountains and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 11:45 when Ogai Miki submitted Shogo Awatari.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit




Akamatsu & Nakazawa versus The Diamond Dogs


The second match of the night was a very competitive tag team match. In the red corner, we had former three-time Destiny Tag Team Champions and the most recent A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix winners Kinji Akamatsu & Torch Nakazawa. In the blue corner, the former APW and two-time Destiny Tag Team Champions The Diamond Dogs. The two teams are no strangers to one another, having met before in the A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix and for the Destiny Tag Team Titles -- with The Diamond Dogs first Destiny Tag Team Title reign ending the third (and so far, last) reign of Akamatsu & Nakazawa. This match played out like a match of two teams knowing each other. There wasn’t a feeling out process in the beginning, the two teams went right at one another. The action was good. Kinji Akamatsu and Jimmy Stratosphere had a great exchange where Akamatsu hit a knee lift and then Stratosphere hit an enzugari and then Akamatsu hit a faceplant onto his knee and Stratosphere hit a beautiful flipping dropkick where he landed back on his feet after the dropkick. Akamatsu missed his running knee strike variant he calls The Eruption and that opened up Stratosphere to hit his Sweep DDT to get the win for the Diamond Dogs in what is surely a match that will get them into title contention.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Diamond Dogs defeated Akamatsu & Nakazawa in 12:24 when Jimmy Stratosphere pinned Kinji Akamatsu with a Sweep DDT.


Match Rating



Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit


Azumamaro Shimizu versus Omezo Shikitei


The third match of the night was the debut of Azumamaro Shimizu -- who came out in an old gold dragon outfit and was announced as “The Golden Dragon” -- an obvious reference to both his GCG heritage and his technical leanings. He was up against Omezo Shiktei, a man who also came out in dragon attire. This was a technical masterclass, with the two men going hold for hold. Shikitei and Shimizu were both looking to work on the other’s neck -- Shiktei trying for his STF hold and Shimizu for his Figure Four Necklock. Shimizu hit a series of cravat suplexes that were very impressive and Shikitei hit a stalling brainbuster that he followed up with a crossface that looked like it was going to take Shimizu out. The two men were deliberate and were the epitome of dragons in the contest, but ultimately it was Shimizu who was able to lock in his Figure Four Necklock and force the submission.


In a good match, Azumamaro Shimizu defeated Omezo Shikitei in 18:05 by submission with a Figure Four Necklock.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Twenty-Five Minute Time Limit




Mizoguchi & Sekozawa versus Black Iron Corps


Our last non-title match was up next. In another match that could be used for the right to challenge for the Destiny Tag Team Titles, we had former champions Mizoguchi & Sekozawa -- who have also won an A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix against Black Iron Corps, who are themselves former A-1 Tag Team Grand Prix winners but also feature Azumamaro Kita -- the former three-time Destiny Champion and winner of the singles A-1 Grand Prix and Fujio Narahashi who has won the A-1 Grand Prix, the Destiny Championship, and the Ride the Tiger Championship. Both Kita and Narahashi have also been Destiny Tag Team Champions -- though not with each other and that’s something both men would like to change. This was a very physical match-up. The four men involved really took it to one another. Torajiro Sekozawa really took a beating in the match -- absorbing the brunt of the offense from the Black Iron Corps. Kita hit a sequence of elbows and hard leg kicks that left welts all over Sekozawa’s legs -- in fact when Sekozawa tried to set up for his feared Dragon Suplex on Narahashi, before he could snap Narahashi back his legs gave out on him. Narahashi hit a vicious headbutt on Sekozawa and then he and Kita hit the Black Iron Lariat to turn the veteran inside out and Black Iron Corps got the big win in a hotly contested bout.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Black Iron Corps defeated Mizoguchi & Sekozawa in 15:52 when Azumamaro Kita pinned Torajiro Sekozawa with a Black Iron Lariat. Torajiro Sekozawa was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



Challenger Jayson Van Pelt versus 16th Champion Tobei Sugimura


Our first of three title matches was up next. Champion Tobei Sugimura putting the title on the line for the first time since winning it against former champion Jayson Van Pelt. Van Pelt has been walking the line of dragon and tiger for the entire month of January, showcasing the strikes and fighting spirit of the Tiger on the Battleground Tour while also showcasing his technical and submission prowess. It makes him an interesting challenger here against Sugimura. Sugimura -- who has plenty of technical skill, is one of the premier strikers in the world and he got to showcase that here. Sugimura and Van Pelt got into a slugfest with each man trying to out-kick the other. It led to some very nasty kicks with each man driving his leg into the side of the other. The crowd really ate up the strong strikes from both men and ultimately Sugimura hit his Spinning Wheel Kick that landed flush on Van Pelt’s head to get the three count and the victory.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Tobei Sugimura defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 13:44 by pinfall with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Tobei Sugimura makes defence number one of the SAISHO Ride The Tiger title.


Match Rating





Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Challengers The Hurt (Nigel Svensson & Billy Robinson) versus 22nd Champions Arakaki & Serizawa


The Destiny Tag Team Championship match was our semi-final match. The Hurt, representing the European Dragons, challenges Arakaki and Serizawa. This was a real contrast in styles. Nigel and Billy wanted to submission wrestle -- to use that painful Wigan style that both of them are experts in whereas Arakaki and Serizawa are big strikers and powerhouses. They wanted to impose their physical will on The Hurt. Arakaki and Serizawa controlled the first portion of the match with their ultra physical style. Serizawa hit a running powerslam on Billy Robinson that looked like it might have broken Billy’s back and at one point Serizawa suplexed both Svensson and Robinson at the same time. After controlling the first part of the match, Arakaki made a calculated error when he went for his Inverted Piledriver the Arakaki Spike on Nigel and Nigel was able to wrestle his way out of it and get Arakaki down to the mat. From there, The Hurt took over. They isolated Arakaki and went to work on his arm. Robinson hit a vicious Hammerlock Suplex that dropped Arakaki right on his shoulder and then worked a Kimura that forced Arakaki to use the ropes to break it. The Hurt showcased some really good tag team skills to, using frequent tags in and out to keep each other fresh and they also showed a willingness to wrestle dirty. They used their positioning to keep lead SAISHO official (and the only fulltime official on the SAISHO roster) Tsutomu Watanabe out of position so they could cheat. This really worked the crowd up, who expected a clean fight. The favorite illegal tactic of The Hurt seemed to be the non-legal partner using the rope to stretch Arakaki’s arm out while the other kept Watanabe busy with reprimands. Nigel hit a shoulder breaker and then locked in a Hyper Extension Arm Lock to force the submission while MUSCLE Serizawa was forced to watch from the apron. The Hurt are Destiny Tag Team Champions for the second time.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Hurt defeated Arakaki & Serizawa in 21:46 when Nigel Svensson submitted Isoruko Arakaki with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. The Hurt win the SAISHO Destiny Tag Team titles.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Challenger KAZ versus 25th Champion Zeshin Makioka


Our main event was the match that almost two-hundred people paid to see here in Matsumoto Hall in the beautiful University of Tokyo. In the red corner, the challenger, “Mr. SAISHO” himself, Kaz. In the blue corner, the champion, former WEXXV wrestler who has reinvented himself in SAISHO, Zeshin Makioka. The two men previously wrestled on one occasion in a singles match -- in April of 2018 after Makioka won the 2018 A-1 Grand Prix. At that point, KAZ was the defending champion in his sixth reign and Makioka the hungry challenger. On that night, Kaz reigned supreme with his Super Rana being the difference maker. Would tonight spell the same end or would Zeshin Makoka be able to defeat the man who is the most decorated SAISHO competitor of all time?


The two men started off slow. Having only wrestled one previous singles match, neither were in a rush to make a mistake or provide an opening for the other. There was a noticeable size difference with Makioka clocking in at around 260 pounds and KAZ coming in at 225 pounds. Only three years of experience separate the two men, though KAZ is a much more polished technical wrestler who is known to blend strikes, grappling, and aerial offense while Makioka is a punishing brawler with hands made of stone and forearms made of iron and a skull seemingly made of Wakandian vibranium. KAZ spent the early part of the match trying to wrestle Makioka down to the mat and keep the bigger man from being able to settle into his rhythm as a striker. KAZ was focused on the neck -- not unlike the match between Shikitei and Shimizu. KAZ worked a side headlock on the ground and mixed that in with several knees right to the shoudlers and neck and head of Makioka. Makioka was able to fight to his feet and the bigger man was able to create some distance and settle into some strikes of his own.


The crowd was really into this match as it build. Makioka hit a series of devastating strikes on KAZ -- including a running yazuka kick that turned KAZ inside out and then a Backdrop Driver that got a near fall. KAZ hit a springboard knee strike and a Double Stomp for a nearfall of his own. Makioka hit a DDT -- a move he’s used very successfully in the past for another nearfall. KAZ rolled to the apron and bought some time. Makioka tried to bring him back into the ring and ate an enzugari. KAZ got Makioka up on the top rope and was looking for the Super Rana, but Makioka countered with an Avalanche Sit-Out Powerbomb that got the three count and earned Makioka his third defense of the Destiny Championship.


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Zeshin Makioka defeated KAZ in 29:46 by pinfall. Zeshin Makioka makes defence number three of the SAISHO Destiny title.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating




Post Show Comments


Makioka: "Kaz is a true warrior but tonight I proved that I am the Ultimate Tiger. I will be at the top of SAISHO for a long time."


Svensson: "The Hurt are for real and the European Dragons are for real. Tonight is just the first step in our conquering of SAISHO."


Shimizu: "It is a pleasure to be in SAISHO. I have been looking for a home since GCG closed. I used to run with the lions and now the Golden Dragon is among the Tigers."



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Unleash the Dragon Press Conference


Unleash the Dragon Press Conference


SAISHO had its normal pre-tour press conference. Attending this press conference were SAISHO President Mito Miwa, Destiny Champion Zeshin Makioka, and The Golden Dragon Azumamaro Shimizu.




Mito Miwa began the press conference thanking everyone for their support for the Battleground Japan tour. The tour was very successful and Mr. Miwa was very pleased with the level of tenacity the athletes of SAISHO competed. He was particularly impressed by youngsters Ryobe Uno, Motoyuki Miyake and Gidayu Katou. He thinks the three of them could be major players in SAISHO in the coming years and he’s very excited with the growth of SAISHO.


He also announced the formal end of the talent trading agreement that SAISHO had had with Pride Glory Honor Wrestling. He said that he and Nobuatsu Tatsuko, CEO of PGHW had met earlier in the month of January and the decision was reached to end the agreement. Mr. Miwa said SAISHO and PGHW still agree not to steal talent from one another and he still looks fondly on PGHW and its management.


Mr. Miwa then announced that at the culmination of the upcoming Unleash the Dragon Tour, Zeshin Makioka will defend the Destiny Championship against former GCG Openweight and Tag Team Champion Sozen Ishinomori, who will be coming to SAISHO for this big title opportunity.


Makioka took the opportunity to speak. He said that he is looking forward to the chance to wrestle someone like Sozen Ishinomori, he knows that Ishinomori is a highly talented fighter. He also knows that he will be giving up seventy pounds or so in the fight and is looking forward to the challenge of having to beat a bigger man -- but Makioka reiterated that he believes he is the Ultimate Tiger in SAISHO and he will not back down from any challenge.


Mr. Miwa took back over and also spoke about the Destiny Tag Team Titles. He said at Unleash the Dragon the Diamond Dogs will challenge The Hurt for the Destiny Tag Team Titles.


Mr. Miwa finally got into the meat of the matter. He announced that the Unleash the Dragon Tour will introduce the Roll with the Dragon Championship. He unveiled the title.



A/N: Christian Shane is developing a new built for me, but in the meantime, accept the Hintoe Dragon Warrior belt as the stand in


The Roll with the Dragon Championship will be a championship fought for by dragons, by technicians and grapplers and will contrast with the Ride the Tiger Championship currently held by Tobei Sugimura. He says they will be at the same level and will allow SAISHO to continue to develop a distinct feel. SAISHO will not differentiate between weight classes, but they will differentiate between styles and specialities.


The Unleash the Dragon tour will showcase a single-elimination tournament with eight men entering. At the Unleash the Dragon Finale, the final two will compete to become the first ever Roll with the Dragon Champion. He unveiled the bracket next.




Azumamaro Shimizu took the opportunity to speak. He said he is looking forward to the tournament. He considers himself to be the finest submission wrestler on the planet and his Figure Four Necklock is unstoppable. He is the Golden Dragon and he came to SAISHO to prove that no one on the planet can out wrestle him. He will submit any and everyone who steps into the ring with him and at the end of this tournament he will be the first Roll with the Dragon Champion.


Mr. Miwa thanked everyone for coming and that he had high expectations for the Unleash the Dragon Tour and the new Roll with the Dragon Championship.

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Good point. I always got Muto (W-1) or Otani (Z1) vibes when looking at the situation of SAISHO. Especially Zero1 is just alive because of a handful of money marks and Otanis sheer will.


They're called legitimate businessmen, CGN91. :p


@Historian - Can't comment so far on the booking, but your idea of seperating brawlers and technicians into tigers and dragons respectively is an interesting one, though I'm not sure how much it leaves room for the tag and main event titles. Will you be constructing unique match types for either title?

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Unleash the Dragon Tour Day #1


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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night #1 in Sendai, Tohoku Region

Sun. W1 February 2020

66 Fans



In a decent match, Gidayu Katou defeated Babau in 13:16 by pinfall with a Lariat. 44


In a poor match, Iron Hyodo, Big Boss Emperor and The Tokyo Mountains defeated Masafumi Torii, Noritaka Imakura and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 12:29 when Iron Hyodo submitted Noritaka Imakura with a Sleeper Hold. In terms of in-ring work, Masafumi Torii was head and shoulders above everyone else. 32


Roll with the Dragon Quarter Final In a decent match, Omezo Shikitei defeated Shuzo Utagawa in 19:18 by submission with a STF. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 33


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, European Dragons (Nigel Svensson, Billy Robinson and Pavel Vanzycha) defeated Ogai Miki and The Diamond Dogs in 19:45 when Nigel Svensson submitted Ogai Miki with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. 48





~Immediately after this show, it was announced that Omezo Shikitei turned in his resignation to Pro Wrestling SAISHO and would not be competing in the rest of the tournament. Ryobe Uno was announced on SAISHO social media as his replacement.


~Iron Hyodo has been taken under the wing by SAISHO CEO Mito Miwa and Miwa’s influence was on full display in Hyodo’s in ring activity. He attacked with the ferocity that Miwa was known for.


~It looks like Nigel Svensson is being positioned as the lead member of the European Dragons with the way he has been scoring victories in the recent contests.




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They're called legitimate businessmen, CGN91. :p


@Historian - Can't comment so far on the booking, but your idea of seperating brawlers and technicians into tigers and dragons respectively is an interesting one, though I'm not sure how much it leaves room for the tag and main event titles. Will you be constructing unique match types for either title?


The Division is only in the midcard. The idea being that the Tag Titles and the Destiny Title are not broken into divisions but the mid-card is. It might not work out and end up getting scrapped or modified. We will see how it plays out as SAISHO continues to try to develop its own identity.

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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night #2


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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night #2 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Tues. W2 February 2020

69 Fans



In a decent match, Masafumi Torii defeated Ogai Miki in 13:24 by pinfall with a Backdrop Suplex Hold. 40


In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake, Arato & Katou and Arakaki & Serizawa defeated Iron Hyodo, Big Boss Emperor, Shogo Awatari, Kawanari Enomoto and Noritaka Imakura in 12:34 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Big Boss Emperor with a Knock Out Kick. 36


Roll with the Dragon Tournament Quarter Final In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Danjuro Kikuchi defeated Lenny Mochin in 20:01 by submission with a Step Over Leg Bar. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 47


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Lion Genji defeated Torajiro Sekozawa in 13:41 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. 37





~Danjuro Kikcuhi made his SAISHO debut in his match against CWW Champion Lenny Mochin. Mochin looked very good in the contest and nearly had Kikicuhi put away with several different submissions, but ultimately Kikuchi was able to earn his first victory in a match the crowd really appreciated. The 24 year old Kikuchi looked like he could be right at home in the Dragon set up.


~Lion Genji got a much needed singles victory over Torajiro Sekozawa. Genji is looking to build some momentum back and a win tonight definitely helps him.


~Motoyuki Miyake has also been taken under the wing of Mito Miwa and Miyake was able to showcase a new level of intensity. Miyake and Hyodo, two proteges of Miwa, were on opposite sides in this match and they really took it to one another in a thrilling display.



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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night 3


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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night 3 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Fri. W2 February 2020

69 Fans



In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Iron Hyodo, Big Boss Emperor and The Tokyo Mountains defeated Noritaka Imakura, Shuzo Utagawa and Kakinomoto & Koizumi in 15:30 when Iron Hyodo submitted Jinzaburo Kakinomoto with a Sleeper Hold. 22


In a decent match, Moroi defeated Akira Arato in 9:31 by pinfall with a Nightmare Scenario. 39


Roll with the Dragon Tournament Quarter Final In a good match, Azumamaro Shimizu defeated Shiba Mizoguchi in 15:49 by submission with a Figure Four Necklock. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 47


In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake defeated Masafumi Torii in 14:19 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. 40


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Lion Genji and The Diamond Dogs defeated European Dragons (Billy Robinson, Nigel Svensson and Pavel Vanzycha) in 22:43 when Lion Genji pinned Pavel Vanzycha with a Fusion Reactor. 45





~In the opening match, Big Boss Emperor broke his toe. He was quick to announce that he can still wrestle through it, though there has been no word on whether or not SAISHO will allow him to wrestle or will let him heal.


~ Two shows ago, Katou defeated Babau and tonight their partners did battle with Moroi getting the victory. It looks like we’re headed to a tag team show down between both teams.


~Lion Genji was able to lead the Diamond Dogs to victory in the main event and continues to build momentum. Genji said after the show that he has been incredibly motivated recently and is looking at becoming the Ace here in SAISHO.



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Unleash the Dragon Tour Day #4


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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night #4 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Mon. W3 February 2020

70 Fans



In a decent match, Lion Genji defeated Ogai Miki in 9:42 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. 42


Roll with the Dragon Tournament Quarter FinalIn a decent match, Jayson Van Pelt defeated Torch Nakazawa in 15:36 by pinfall with an Axe Kick. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 39


In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake defeated Iron Hyodo in 13:40 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. 40


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Diamond Dogs and The Hurt defeated Arato & Katou and The Night Terrors in 22:03 when Motty Kuroda pinned Akira Arato with a Missile Dropkick. Akira Arato was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance. 46




~Jayson Van Pelt became the final semi-finalist with his win over Torch Nakazawa, but he also became the only dragon to not win by submission -- continuing to show the fine line Jayson walks between being a tiger and a dragon.


~We saw a battle between Mita proteges with Miyake battled Hyodo. Hyodo is still a young lion, though he is starting to show more versatility in his offense. Part of that is the necessity of SAISHO to use Young Lions in a little bit more prominent position, but Hyodo is also close to graduating out of being a Young Lion. Miyake got the win but the two men also showed excellent chemistry in the ring with one another.


~Lion Genji won his third straight match on the tour, continuing to build momentum for himself and put himself back in a prominent position in SAISHO.




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Unleash the Dragon Tour Day #5


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Unleash the Dragon Tour Night #5 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Wed. W3 February 2020

71 Fans



In a decent match, Iron Hyodo and Arato & Katou defeated Noritaka Imakura and Akamatsu & Nakazawa in 13:12 when Gidayu Katou pinned Noritaka Imakura with a Lariat. 39


Roll with the Dragon Tournament Semi Final In a decent match, Ryobe Uno defeated Danjuro Kikuchi in 19:01 by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 45


Roll with the Dragon Tournament Semi Final In a good match, Azumamaro Shimizu defeated Jayson Van Pelt in 14:41 by submission with a Figure Four Necklock. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament. 48


In a decent match, KAZ, Sozen Ishinomori, Lion Genji, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto and Naruhiko Koizumi defeated Zeshin Makioka, Black Iron Corps and The Tokyo Mountains in 19:41 when Sozen Ishinomori pinned Kawanari Enomoto with an Ishinomori Bomb. 46





~The last show of the tour before the finale presented the two semi final matches. Ryobe Uno, the substitute for the departed Omezo Shikitei, was able to defeat Danjuro Kikuchi with his Scorpion Deathlock in a very good match. Uno continues to be impressive since coming to SAISHO. Shimizu defeated Jason Van Pelt with the Figure Four Necklock, setting up Ryobe Uno versus Azumamaro Shimizu in the finals of the tournament.


~This show saw the only non-finale appearances of Sozen Ishinomori and Zeshin Makioka as the two men prepare for their title match in the main event of Unleash the Dragon.




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Unleash the Dragon Predictions




With the conclusion of all of the tour events, SAISHO turns its attention to Unleash the Dragon -- the finale event of the February Tour.


In our main event, Zeshin Makioka puts his Destiny Championship on the line for the fourth time since winning it in September of 2019. His opponent? Former GCW Openweight and GCW World Tag Team Champion Sozen Ishinomori. Ishinomori is making his first singles appearance in SAISHO at Unleash the Dragon. Can the former GCG star claim championship gold this quickly in his SAISHO career or will SAISHO's Prowling Tiger continue to reign supreme?


We will crown the first ever Roll with the Dragon Tournament as Ryobe Uno, the self-styled Last Golden Lion steps into the ring with the Golden Dragon Azumamaro Shimizu. Azumamaro Shimizu won two tournament matches, both by Figure Four Necklock to put himself in the finals while Ryobe Uno only had to win one -- as he substituted for Omezo Shikitei who quit after winning his first round contest. Can the 21 year old Uno, fresh out of Young Lion status win his first championship? Or will Shimizu, the more experienced grappler, finally taste championship gold?


The Tag Titles are on the line as The Hurt put their newly won tag team titles on the line against former champions The Diamond Dogs. This should be a hotly contested match with two excellent teams. Will the Hurt be able to retain the championships they won last month or will their reign be short-lived?


Unleash the Dragon

Sat. Wk. 4, January, 2020

Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region


Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Championship

Challenger Sozen Ishinomori versus 25th Champion Zeshin Makioka


Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Tag Team Championship

Challengers The Diamond Dogs versus 23rd Champions The Hurt


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Roll with the Dragon Championship

"The Last Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu


Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Minute Time Limit

Arato & Katou versus The Night Terrors


Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Black Iron Corps, KAZ, Lion Genji, Yasuhide Tayama versus Akamatsu & Nakazawa, Mizoguchi & Sekozawa, and Danjuro Kikuchi


Opening Contest

Fifteen Man Battle Royale

Over the Top Rope, Pinfall, or Submission

No Time Limit Time Limit

Shot at either Ride the Tiger or Roll the Dragon Championship

Featuring: Big Boss Emperor, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Masafumi Torii, Motoyuki Miyake, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanczyha, Shogo Awatari, Shuzo Utagawa, Yuta Isono


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Destiny Championship

Sozen Ishinomori versus Zeshin Makioka

Z-Mak is too good to lose and Sozen is a bit of a tool anyway


Destiny Tag Team Championship

The Diamond Dogs versus The Hurt

The Dogs' high flying always felt a bit off for a company that doesn't openly promote junior wrestling, but I'll go with the title switch to free up Robinson and Svensson for singles matches


Roll with the Dragon Championship

"The Last Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu

Uno gets a good performance and can win later down the road


Arato & Katou versus The Night Terrors

Again, the Terrors as high flyers feel off, but I like their unified name and look better


Black Iron Corps, KAZ, Lion Genji, Yasuhide Tayama versus Akamatsu & Nakazawa, Mizoguchi & Sekozawa, and Danjuro Kikuchi

BICs, Kaz AND Genji is a beast of a team. Don't mess it up, Tayama


Fifteen Man Battle Royale

Over the Top Rope, Pinfall, or Submission

Shot at either Ride the Tiger or Roll the Dragon Championship

Featuring: Big Boss Emperor, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Masafumi Torii, Motoyuki Miyake, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanczyha, Shogo Awatari, Shuzo Utagawa, Yuta Isono

Araraki has the size to do well in such a match and enough upside to continue into a title match



P.S. Time limits are for nerds

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Championship

Challenger Sozen Ishinomori versus 25th Champion Zeshin Makioka


Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Destiny Tag Team Championship

Challengers The Diamond Dogs versus 23rd Champions The Hurt


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Roll with the Dragon Championship

"The Last Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu


Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Minute Time Limit

Arato & Katou versus The Night Terrors


Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Black Iron Corps, KAZ, Lion Genji, Yasuhide Tayama versus Akamatsu & Nakazawa, Mizoguchi & Sekozawa, and Danjuro Kikuchi


Opening Contest

Fifteen Man Battle Royale

Over the Top Rope, Pinfall, or Submission

No Time Limit Time Limit

Shot at either Ride the Tiger or Roll the Dragon Championship

Featuring: Big Boss Emperor, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Masafumi Torii, Motoyuki Miyake, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanczyha, Shogo Awatari, Shuzo Utagawa, Yuta Isono

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Unleash the Dragon Finale


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Unleash the Dragon Finale

Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Saturday, Week 3, February 2020

207 Fans in Attendance (up 12 fans from previous Finale Show]


Opening Contest

Fifteen Man Battle Royale

Over the Top Rope, Pinfall, or Submission

No Time Limit Time Limit

Shot at either Ride the Tiger or Roll the Dragon Championship

Featuring: Big Boss Emperor, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, Jinzaburo Kakinomoto, Kawanari Enomoto, Masafumi Torii, Motoyuki Miyake, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanczyha, Shogo Awatari, Shuzo Utagawa, Yuta Isono


The first match of the Unleash the Dragon Finale pit fifteen guys against each other. They all came out at once. There was a hodgepodge of experience and talent in the contest, with young lions mixing it up with more experienced veterans. The match was designed to get the 207 paying fans in attendance at the beautiful Matsumoto Hall in the heart of the University of Tokyo ready for action -- and they did the job well.


Order of Elimination

Shogo Awatari via being tossed over the top rope by MUSCLE Serizawa and Isoruko Arakaki

Jinzaburo Kakinomoto via pinfall by Motoyuki Miyake

Naruhiko Koizumi via pinfall by Motoyuki Miyake

Kawanari Enomoto via being tossed over the top rope by Iron Hyodo

Big Boss Emperor via being tossed over the top rope by MUSCLE Serizawa and Isoruko Arakaki

Noritaka Imakura via pinfall by Iron Hyodo

Ogai Miki via pinfall by Motoyuki Miyake

Masafumi Torii via pinfall by Pavel Vanczyha

Shuzo Utagawa via pinfall by Yuta Isono

Yuta Isono via pinfall from Iron Hyodo

Pavel Vanczyha via pinfall from Motoyuki Miyake

MUSCLE Serizawa via pinfall from Motoyuki Miyake

Iron Hyodo via pinfall Isoruko Arakaki

Isoruko Arakaki via pinfall by Motoyuki Miyake


In a decent match, Motoyuki Miyake won a 15 Man Mayhem in 19:56. The other members of the 'final four' were Isoruko Arakaki, Iron Hyodo and MUSCLE Serizawa, with Isoruko Arakaki being the final elimination. Motoyuki Miyake got the most eliminations over the course of the match.


Match Rating





Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit




Black Iron Corps, KAZ, Lion Genji, Yasuhide Tayama versus Akamatsu & Nakazawa, Mizoguchi & Sekozawa, and Danjuro Kikuchi


We followed up the fifteen man battle royal with a ten man tag. This match was designed to get stars on the show and give the fans people they were used to -- it was also the chance for Yasuhide Tayama, former GCG standout, to debut in SAISHO. The action in this match was very good -- all ten men really brought their best in this match. It was hard hitting and gave each man an opportunity to shine. It is also clear that Torajiro Sekozawa has become a liability for his team and that he has lost a step -- it was specifically evident when Torajiro got caught with Tayama’s Gutwrench Powerbomb and ate the pin for his team.


In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Azumamaro Kita, Fujio Narahashi, KAZ, Lion Genji and Yasuhide Tayama defeated Kinji Akamatsu, Torajiro Sekozawa, Danjuro Kikuchi, Shiba Mizoguchi and Torch Nakazawa in 14:56 when Yasuhide Tayama pinned Torajiro Sekozawa with a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Torajiro Sekozawa was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Minute Time Limit




Arato & Katou versus The Night Terrors


Next up we had the young team of Akira Arato and Gidayu Katou against the more experienced team of the Night Terrors. Kataou has been presented well in 2020, being built as a future champion and he got a lot of action in the match. The man nicknamed The Lariat really brought his intensity up and carried his team. Moroi and Babau wrestled their usual style -- with lots of aerial offense and quick tags in and out when they were able to get Arato in the ring. Arato is clearly not as good as his partner but fortunately for him, Katou hit several big lariats and then a Danger Driver on Moroi to secure the victory for his team.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Arato & Katou defeated The Night Terrors in 13:33 when Gidayu Katou pinned Moroi with a Danger Driver. Akira Arato was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit



"The Last Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu


The finals of the Roll with the Dragon Tournament was up next. Uno and Shimizu both wore variations of golden tights, though Uno’s definitely had a lion flare to it whereas Shimizu had a dragon style in his gear. The match was slow with neither man rushing in to anything. This was the first time either man had wrestled one another -- not having wrestled in GCG either. Shimizu targeted the neck of Uno, working it over with cravat variations, including a wicked cravat suplex that look like it almost pulled Uno’s kneck out of place. To his credit, Uno wasn’t intimidated by the more experienced grappler and Uno went after Shimizu’s knee to set him up for the Sharpshooter. Uno hit a series of Dragon Screws that felt right on the money and locked in a Knee Bar that Shimizu got out of by fighting back to one leg and managing to transition into a Front Guillotine that almost choked Uno out, but Uno was able to use his body to force a pin and on the kick out Shimizu had to break the hold. Shimizu hit a Teardrop Brainbuster that he followed up with the Figure Four Necklock to get the submission and to become the very first Roll with the Dragon Champion. The two men shook hands after the contest in a sign of respect.


In a decent match, Azumamaro Shimizu defeated Ryobe Uno in 20:02 by submission with a Figure Four Necklock. Azumamaro Shimizu wins the SAISHO Roll with the Dragon title. This match was part of the 'Roll with the Dragon' tournament.


Match Rating





Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Challengers The Diamond Dogs versus 23rd Champions The Hurt


The Destiny Tag Team Championship match was our semi final contest. The Hurt, newly minted champions last month, put the titles on the line against former champions The Diamond Dogs. The Hurt came right out of the gate on the attack with Billy Robinson going right at Motty Kuroda’s arm. This seems to be the strategy of The Hurt -- isolate and target the arm to set up for a variety of armlocks. Kuroda was able to fight out of it and tag in Jimmy Stratosphere who came in like a house of fire and really got the people excited. Stratosphere has such an impressive vertical leap that his dropkicks are jaw-dropping and he hit a pair of them on The Hurt. The Hurt continued to be willing to bend the rules and show a lack of sportsmanship with the way they refused to break holds until just before Watanabe got to five and the way they woked behind the referee’s back. They hit a vicious hammerlock powerslam on Motty Kuroda on the outside of the ring that was uncalled for and in the end, Nigel locked in his Hyper Extension Arm Lock on Motty and forced the submission and notched the first successful title defence for The Hurt.


In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Hurt defeated The Diamond Dogs in 20:27 when Nigel Svensson submitted Motty Kuroda with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. The Hurt make defence number one of the SAISHO Destiny Tag Team titles.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Challenger Sozen Ishinomori versus 25th Champion Zeshin Makioka


Former GCG Openweight and World Tag Team Champion Sozen Ishinomori made his SAISHO singles debut challenging Zeshin Makioka -- The Prowling Tiger -- for the Destiny Championship. Last month, Makioka successfully defended the championship for the third time by managing to defeat KAZ and this month, Makioka had to take a different strategy. Ishinomori is both taller and heavier than Makioka and he used his size advantage to try and slow Makioka down. Ishinomori used several big slams and splashes to use his seventy pound weight advantage effectively, but Makioka was able to kick out of everything.


Makioka fired up and launched a series of big, hard strikes. Punishing forearms right into the body and head of Ishinomori, who absorbed them all. Ishinomori looked winded after about nine minutes into the match and it was all Prowling Tiger from then on -- including a second rope knee strike that just barely found the target. The two men just seemed like oil and water, but Makioka was able to hit a big Roaring Forearm that dropped Ishinomori and allowed Makioka to get the pin and his fourth successful defense of the Destiny Championship.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Zeshin Makioka defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 15:48 by pinfall. Zeshin Makioka makes defence number four of the SAISHO Destiny title.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating



Post Show Comments


Zeshin Makioka: Sozen Ishinomori is a true warrior and was a worthy opponent, but tonight I proved once again that I am the Prowling Tiger. My attention must now turn to the A-1, which I plan on winning this year.


Azumamaro Shimizu: It is with great pride that accept the honor of being the first ever Roll with the Dragon Champion. As the Golden Dragon, it is my responsibility to represent SAISHO and the dragon style with dignity and with honor. I will do so. I will welcome all challengers into the ring with me and will not back down from any dragon -- or any other competitor -- who thinks himself worthy.


Motoyuki Miyake: Tonight was the first step in my ascent here in SAISHO. I am ready to prove that I belong with the elite of SAISHO.




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A-1 Grand Prix Press Conference Highlights


Pro Wrestling SAISHO Offices, Tokyo, Japan




Pro Wrestling SAISHO CEO Mito Miwa was joined at the press conference by Destiny Champion Zeshin Makioka, Azumamaro Shimizu, and KAZ.


Mito Miwa started the conference off talking about the success of the Unleash the Dragon tournament and how excited he is that such a good grappler was able to survive the grueling eight man elimination tournament to become the first ever Roll with the Dragon Champion.


At the prompting, Shimizu took over and spoke about what it means to be a dragon -- about his love of submission wrestling and grappling. He says that wrestling has been focused on flash and dazzling and not enough attention has been focused on men who can flat out wrestle and he is going to change that. He also announced the formation of his own stable Golden Resurrection. Golden Resurrection currently consists of himself as well as Ryobe Uno and newly signed tag team Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita. The four men represent the pride of what it once meant to be golden in Japan. Before it was bastardized and ran ashore. Shimizu wants to bring back the pride in being Golden and he is going to lead the Golden Resurrection here in SAISHO.


KAZ took over and said he respects the tournament win of Shimizu and his goals, but that SAISHO is not the domain of the golden, instead SAISHO is the domain of Mito Miwa, and to that end, KAZ has started Club Miwa out of respect for the patriarch of SAISHO. Joining him in Club Miwa is Lion Genji -- who everyone knows came to SAISHO for the opportunity to make his hero proud, as well as Mito Miwa’s own proteges Motoyuki Miyake and Iron Hyodo. They well keep what it means to be SAISHO alive.


Destiny Champion Makioka laughed and said he was also bringing in his own group Makioka-Gun, led by himself and made up of his three proteges Danjuro Kikuchi, Noritaka Imakura, and Shuzo Utagawa. Zeshin Makioka is proud to lead his own group of men -- men who he can teach to be champions like he is. Zeshin then turned his attention to the upcoming A-1 Grand Prix and announced that he has declared himself an entrant no matter what.


Mr. Miwa took over once again and announced that for the first time ever the A-1 Grand Prix will be a Round Robin style tournament instead of a single elimination tournament. This year, eight men will enter the tournament. Six of the top wrestlers in SAISHO and two up-and-coming stars. All eight will compete over seven shows in the month of March and the top two records will compete at the A-1 Grand Prix Finale Sunday of the second week of March. Mr. Miwa then unveiled the eight competitors.




Mr. Miwa followed the bracket reveal by stressing that the winner of the Grand Prix is not guaranteed a title shot -- though a good performance could surely lead to one and if anyone is able to successfully pin or submit Zeshin Makioka they will almost certainly be granted a Destiny Championship opportunity down the road. He is looking forward to seeing the most competitive A-1 in the history of SAISHO and is looking to see who will stand supreme at the end. He also stressed that he knows partnerships and alliances will be tested when allies are forced to wrestle one another, but he expects them all to do so with the utmost sportsmanship -- as is the SAISHO way.


The press conference concluded with Zeshin Makioka and KAZ both boasting that they will hold the trophy this year. Zeshin Makioka wants to join KAZ as a two-time winner and KAZ wants to extend his record two wins to three.

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SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Night #1


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #1 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Mon. W1 March 2020

74 Fans



In a superb match, Azumamaro Kita defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 10:04 by submission. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 46


In a decent match, Lion Genji defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 16:39 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 44



In a decent match, KAZ defeated Gidayu Katou in 13:47 by pinfall with a Super Rana. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 44


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Zeshin Makioka defeated Fujio Narahashi in 24:19 by pinfall. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 64





~ Coming out of night one, Lion Genji and Motoyuki Miyake showed themselves to be natural opponents to one another. Genji brought out the best in the young Miyake -- and the two men are stable mates, both representing Club Miwa.


Standings After Night One


  1. Zeshin Makioka - 1/0/0 - 2 pts
  2. KAZ - 1/0/0 - 2 pts
  3. Lion Genji - 1/0/0 2 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 1/0/0 - 2 pts
  5. Sozen Ishinomori - 1/0/0 - 0 pts
  6. Fujio Narahashi -1/0/0 - 0 pts
  7. Gidayu Katou - 0/1/0 - 0pts
  8. Motoyuki Miyake - 0/1/0 0pts




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SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Night #2


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #2 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Wed. W1 March 2020

76 Fans



In a match that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, KAZ defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 15:06 by pinfall with a Super Rana. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 54


In a match that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sozen Ishinomori defeated Gidayu Katou in 11:52 by pinfall with an Ishinomori Bomb. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 40


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Lion Genji defeated Fujio Narahashi in 19:11 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 47


In an exceptional match, Zeshin Makioka defeated Azumamaro Kita in 26:37 by pinfall. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 51





~Zeshin Makioka suffered a knee injury after Kita hit a leg kick right to his left knee. After the match, doctor’s diagnosed the Destiny Champion and the Makioka-Gun leader with a chronic knee injury. Makioka refused to withdraw from the tournament; however, and will continue to compete.


Standings After Night Two


  1. Zeshin Makioka - 2/0/0 - 4 pts
  2. KAZ - 2/0/0 - 4 pts
  3. Lion Genji - 2/0/0 - 4 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 1/1/0 - 2 pts
  5. Sozen Ishinomori - 1/1/0 - 2 pts
  6. Fujio Narahashi - 0/2/0 - 0 pts
  7. Gidayu Katou - 0/2/0 - 0pts
  8. Motoyuki Miyake - 0/2/0 - 0pts





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Well there's a chance for Makioka to not win the entire thing but be justified in losing, whether that was intentional (kayfabe injury) or not (legit injury). Strong tournament you got there, expecting KAZ or Genji to probably win it, but it's a good chance for Miyake to show what he can do and I'll be looking out for when teammates Kita and Narahashi meet.
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A-1 Grand Prix Night #3


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #3 in Sendai, Tohoku Region

Fri. W1 March 2020

72 Fans



In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Fujio Narahashi defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 15:38 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 55


In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Azumamaro Kita defeated Gidayu Katou in 17:45 by submission with a Cross Arm Breaker. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 58 -- They have great chemistry



In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, KAZ defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 9:09 by pinfall with a Super Rana.This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 41


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Lion Genji defeated Zeshin Makioka in 18:05 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 36





~Lion Genji gave Zeshin his first loss of the tournament and his first singles loss in almost a year when he pinned him after the Fusion Reactor. Zeshin’s knee was heavily taped up during the match and Genji attacked the weakness to get the big victory.


~ Kita and Katou put on an excellent contest and the two men look like natural opponents for one another. The young man nicknamed The Lariat, was incredibly impressive but came up short against the very experienced Kita.


Standing After Night Three


  1. KAZ - 3/0/0 - 6 pts
  2. Lion Genji - 3/0/0 - 6 pts
  3. Zeshin Makioka - 2/1/0 - 4 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 2/1/0 - 4 pts
  5. Sozen Ishinomori - 1/2/0 - 2 pts
  6. Fujio Narahashi - 1/2/0 - 2 pts
  7. Gidayu Katou - 0/3/0 - 0pts
  8. Motoyuki Miyake - 0/3/0 - 0pts



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A-1 Grand Prix Night #4


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #4 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Sun. W1 March 2020

74 Fans



In a bout that had fantastic heat and decent wrestling, Zeshin Makioka defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 7:56 by pinfall. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 33


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Motoyuki Miyake defeated Gidayu Katou in 14:24 by pinfall with a Knock Out Kick. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 45


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Lion Genji drew with KAZ in 30:00 when the time limit expired. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 43


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Fujio Narahashi defeated Azumamaro Kita in 26:24 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 60





~In continuing to prove that they could be the future pillars of SAISHO, Miyake and Kataou put on an excellent match and showed themselves to be natural rivals. It was full of hard strikes and when Miyake hit the Knock Out Kick for the win.


~Club Miwa stable mates Lion Genji and KAZ went the full thirty minutes with neither man able to put the other away. They shook hands after the contest, respecting the effort that each put in.


~Black Iron Corps tag partners Narahashi and Kita met in one of the most anticipated matches of the tournament. The two partners shook hands at the start and then held nothing back. IT was a thrilling display of sportsmanship and Narahashi was able to score what many would call an upset when he beat his partner.


Standings After Night Four

  1. KAZ - 3/0/1 - 7 pts
  2. Lion Genji - 3/0/1 - 7 pts
  3. Zeshin Makioka - 3/1/0 - 6 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 2/2/0 - 4 pts
  5. Fujio Narahashi - 2/2/0 - 4 pts
  6. Sozen Ishinomori - 1/3/0 - 2 pts
  7. Motoyuki Miyake - 1/3/0 - 2pts
  8. Gidayu Katou - 0/4/0 - 0pts



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SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Night #5


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #5 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Tues. W2 March 2020

76 Fans



In a good match, Zeshin Makioka defeated Motoyuki Miyake in 10:36 by pinfall with a DDT. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 45


In a decent match, Lion Genji defeated Gidayu Katou in 18:35 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 35


In a superb match, KAZ defeated Fujio Narahashi in 13:47 by pinfall with a Super Rana. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 55


In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Azumamaro Kita defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 17:44 by pinfall. 48





~Kita and Ishinomori was a non-tournament match because of a double booking where Kita and Miyake worked on a preshow for some sort of mysterious means. Kita defeated Miyake in that match for the points.


Standings After Night Five


  1. KAZ - 4/0/1 - 9 pts
  2. Lion Genji - 4/0/1 - 9 pts
  3. Zeshin Makioka - 4/1/0 - 8 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 3/2/0 - 6 pts
  5. Sozen Ishinomori - 2/3/0 - 4 pts
  6. Fujio Narahashi - 2/3/0 - 4 pts
  7. Motoyuki Miyake - 1/4/0 - 2pts
  8. Gidayu Katou - 0/5/0 - 0pts


This show and show 7 have a result of a blunder. I wasn’t paying attention and booked the same match twice here and it threw off the night seven booking. I wasn’t able to go back and change it so I decided to put in my user error because man, we’re all human and we make mistakes!



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SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Night #6


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #6 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Thur. W2 March 2020

76 Fans



In a superb match, KAZ defeated Zeshin Makioka in 15:12 by pinfall with a Super Rana This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 45


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Motoyuki Miyake defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 8:30 by pinfall with a quick cradle. 44


In a good match, Fujio Narahashi defeated Gidayu Katou in 13:58 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 49


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, Lion Genji defeated Azumamaro Kita in 28:53 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 58 --





~KAZ avenged his loss at Battleground Japan and scored a victory over the injured Zeshin Makioka. This was Makioka’s second loss of the Grand Prix and at the end of the night, Kaz and Lion Genji continue to be in an even heat.


~Genji and Kita also have fantastic chemistry with each other.


Standings After Night Six


  1. KAZ - 5/0/1 - 11 pts
  2. Lion Genji - 5/0/1 - 11 pts
  3. Zeshin Makioka - 4/2/0 - 8 pts
  4. Azumamaro Kita - 3/3/0 - 6 pts
  5. Fujio Narahashi - 3/3/0 - 6 pts
  6. Motoyuki Miyake - 2/4/0 - 4pts
  7. Sozen Ishinomori - 2/4/0 - 4 pts
  8. Gidayu Katou - 0/6/0 - 0pts



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SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Night #7


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A-1 Grand Prix Night #7 in Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region

Fri. W2 March 2020

74 Fans



In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Shuzo Utagawa, Iron Hyodo, Ryobe Uno, Pavel Vanzycha and Lenny Mochin defeated Big Boss Emperor, Kakinomoto & Koizumi and The Tokyo Mountains in 19:33 when Ryobe Uno submitted Shogo Awatari with a Scorpion Deathlock. 34


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Lion Genji defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 7:41 by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 36


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Zeshin Makioka defeated Gidayu Katou in 12:47 by pinfall with a DDT. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 37


In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Fujio Narahashi defeated Sozen Ishinomori in 10:32 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. 36


In a bout that had superb wrestling and great heat, KAZ defeated Azumamaro Kita in 28:27 by pinfall with a Super Rana. This match was part of the '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament. The '2020 A1 Grand Prix' tournament has now finished with KAZ and Lion Genji as the joint winners. 54





~At the end of the tour, KAZ and Lion Genji have ended tied with 13 points and records of 6/0/1. They will meet in the Grand Prix Finale for the actual A-1 Grand Prix Trophy..


Final Standings

  1. KAZ - 6/0/1 - 13 pts
  2. Lion Genji - 6/0/1 - 13 pts
  3. Zeshin Makioka - 5/2/0 - 10 pts
  4. Fujio Narahashi - 4/3/0 - 8 pts
  5. Azumamaro Kita - 3/4/0 - 8 pts
  6. Sozen Ishinomori - 2/5/0 - 4 pts
  7. Motoyuki Miyake - 2/5/0 - 4pts
  8. Gidayu Katou - 0/7/0 - 0pts




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The A-1 Grand Prix culminates in what has become SAISHO's home, Matsumoto Hall on the campus of the University of Tokyo. The Grand Prix has been very successful and seen a lot of action. We are down to the finals, with Club Miwa's Lion Genji and KAZ boasting identical 6-0-1 records. In their tournament meeting, they went to a thirty minute time limit draw. At the finale, with the trophy on the line, the two men will meet with no time limit. Both men are former Destiny Champions and are stable mates, but with the A-1 Grand Prix Trophy on the line not to mention bragging rights, who will survive the night and raise the trophy?


The Hurt look to make their second Destiny Tag Team Title defense as they defend against BCG regulars and representatives of Golden Resurrection, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita. Will the duo upset The Hurt in their first match in SAISHO? Or will The Hurt continue to find a way to win?


We also see the SAISHO debut of American wrestler Logan Diaz. Called "Glorious", Logan is the nephew of the legendary Raymond Diaz -- who CEO Mito Miwa stood across the ring from several times. Logan is being joined in SAISHO by Frankie Perez, who makes his return to Japan after two years. Both men have big singles matches and are looking to establish their identity in SAISHO.


Ryobe Uno has the biggest match of his career when he takes on Sozen Ishinomori. Can the Golden Lion gain a victory over the experienced man or can Sozen rebound from a lackluster Grand Prix with a victory?


The A-1 Grand Prix Tour has been building to this night. SAISHO continues to prove that it provides its own brand of puro and continues to establish its own identity as a company. Make sure you check out the 2020 installment of the A-1 Grand Prix Finale.



Sunday, Week 2, March 2020

Live at Matsumoto Hall, University of Tokyo, Tohoku Region


Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

A-1 Grand Prix Finals

Lion Genji (6-0-1) versus KAZ (6-0-1)


Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

Destiny Tag Team Championship

Challengers Mitsukuri & Kinoshita versus 23rd Champions The Hurt


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

"Glorious" Logan Diaz versus Yasuhide Tayama


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

"The Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus Sozen Ishinomori


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Masafumi Torii versus Frankie Perez


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Iron Hyodo versus Danjuro Kikuchi


Opening Match

Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Gidayu Katou, Akamatsu & Nakazawa, and Arakaki & Serizawa versus Ogai Miki, Kakinomoto & Koizumi, and Mizoguchi & Sekozawa



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Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

A-1 Grand Prix Finals

Lion Genji (6-0-1) versus KAZ (6-0-1)


Semi-Final Match

Tag Team Match

Forty-Five Minute Time Limit

Destiny Tag Team Championship

Challengers Mitsukuri & Kinoshita versus 23rd Champions The Hurt


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

"Glorious" Logan Diaz versus Yasuhide Tayama


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

"The Golden Lion" Ryobe Uno versus Sozen Ishinomori


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Masafumi Torii versus Frankie Perez


Singles Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Iron Hyodo versus Danjuro Kikuchi


Opening Match

Ten Man Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit

Gidayu Katou, Akamatsu & Nakazawa, and Arakaki & Serizawa versus Ogai Miki, Kakinomoto & Koizumi, and Mizoguchi & Sekozawa

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