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PGHW: Walking the Royal Road

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From the pages of the Pro Wrestling Lantern - mid-year "state of the industry" edition


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PGHW have had a promising first half of 2020 putting on acclaimed shows, centred around Glory Crown holder Seiji Jimbo who has looked to assert himself atop the tree in PGHW and stake his claim to being the company's Ace. Through the year Jimbo has had a string of excellent main events, defending the title against the likes of Akinori Kwakami, Ryoma Muruyama, Masaru Ugaki and even Kozue Kawashima. For all of his success however it cannot be denied that in the eyes of the press, the fans and (many speculate) the PGHW office Jimbo still lives in the shadow of Kawashima - a fact underlined by Kawashima's triumph over Jimbo in the final of the Elite Series. The two men now have one victory each across the year and conventional wisdom holds that a deciding bout is inevitable at some point in the near future. A deciding victory over Kawashima would be a strong endorsement from the PGHW office that they have faith in Jimbo but don't be surprised if they decide that the company is in safer hands with Kawashima before long. It can't go unmentioned that at last month's Night of WARRIORS Jimbo's reign saw it's strongest vindication yet as PGHW drew a crowd of 30,000 to witness his latest title defence - the largest gate in years for the company.


Nipping at Jimbo's heels and vying for position as top stars in the company are a cast of hungry talents. As always Kwakami is popular with the PGHW faithful, Testunori Yasuda has a devoted following as the "people's champion" of PGHW and Masaru Ugaki steals the show no matter who he is opposite. Chojiro Kitoaji and Bussho Makiguchi continue to impress in both tags and singles competition, frequently main eventing tour shows and entering strong individual showings in the Elite Series, the two are coming into their own as top level talents in Japan. Kitoaji reached another milestone at Night of WARRIORS, challenging Seiji Jimbo for the Glory Crown in an acclaimed main event which further cemented his place at Puro's top table. Perhaps most exciting of all the championship hopefuls in PGHW is Magnum Kobe. Since his arrival in the league Kobe has gone from strength to strength. A great showing in the Elite Series saw Kobe score a victory over Kozue Kawashima - the only blemish on Kawashima's record in the tournament - announcing his emergence as a top contender. Now accepted by the fans and the Japanese media as a worthy main eventer, Kobe is the next challenger for Jimbo's Glory Crown at Night Of HONOUR. Headlining one of PGHW's big four is a mark of the esteem which Kobe is held in but it also presents a huge challenge for the two men; with Kozue Kawashima facing off against Masaru Ugaki elsewhere on the card it will be up to Kobe and Jimbo to prove they are worthy of the main event slot.


The main event scene has largely been bolstered by PGHW's superb tag team division, unmatched anywhere in the world. The PGHW hardcore crow about the fact that while the BHOTWG tag titles are currently held by the lumbering Gargantuan and Prometheus, the Glory Tag Crown has been contested throughout the year by superb workers such as The Ring Generals, KitoGuchi, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi and the current champions Timmy West & Danny Cavanagh. The four squads have traded victories with one another throughout the year in superb bouts which have seen the stars of all 8 men rise. There are murmurings that PGHW brass are particularly high on "The Mighty Beast" Danny Cavanagh and they believe he has the makings of a top gaijin in the company. So at home in the company is Cavanagh, he has even gone so far as to relocate permanently to Japan.



BEASTS IN THE EAST: Tim West & Danny Cavanagh have taken PGHW by storm in 2020


Though the company has enjoyed critical and commercial success the fact remains that they have been outstripped by the eternal rival. BHOTWG have looked resurgent in 2020, putting on a string of superb shows and bolstering their roster with aggressive raids on both the beleaguered WLW and PGHW themselves. Early in the year BHOTWG stole away Totoya Munakata and Simon Flemmingway - with Flemmingway even finishing up the PGHW PRIDE Tour while simultaneously working BHOTWG events in an unprecedented move. The steal that really stung in the PGHW office however was that of the much touted Haranobou Kobayashi. Kobayashi was primed for a big push in PGHW and had captured the Historical Japan title - his first in PGHW - at Night of DESTINY in February. Just weeks later however Kobayashi inked a deal with BHOTWG and was immediately stripped of the title not having made a defence. Kobayashi was granted a farewell match at the company's home base in Kyoto, taking the fall to Kozue Kawashima in a six man tag but the incident left PGHW with a bloodied nose and no small amount of ill will toward both BHOTWG & Kobayashi himself. Added to this were big money contracts waved in the direction of the Ring Generals and Yano & Kikuchi although following a bidding war between the companies the lynchpin tag teams signalled their loyalty to PGHW and remain with the promotion - for now at least. Most recently Eien Miyamoto departed for BHOTWG albeit with the blessing of the PGHW office. Miyamoto has long toiled away in PGHW without a significant return and after finishing in the Elite Series with just one win to his name the midcard stalwart has moved on in search of the championship success which has eluded him in PGHW.


Undoubtedly the bitterest blow for the company came in June when the veteran Reaver suffered a broken neck during a match in Hokkaido. The impact of the incident was felt far and wide with messages of support pouring in from wrestlers and fans across the globe, and Emerald Angel dedicated his performance in BHOTWG's Best of The Super Juniors tournament to his former tag team partner and rival. Thankfully doctors have confirmed that the damage suffered is not permanent and Reaver has vowed to return to the ring but when that may be possible is not yet known.



STILL THE DADDY: Kozue Kawashima triumphed in the Elite Series with a near perfect record


Despite losing talent to their rivals, 2020 has not seen an exodus from PGHW. Dojo graduates Abiko, Shibukji & Kitagawa joined the roster and began paying their dues as Young Lions in February, the imposing War Machine joined as a full time roster member in the Spring and the American known as the Architect signed on with the company having finished up his independent bookings stateside and is now going by the more hard nosed moniker Keith Archer in Japan. It has been in the Summer when PGHW have really signalled their intent however. Stealing away Hijo Del Relampago from BHOTWG was thought of by PGHW management as a return of fire for the loss of Kobayashi and the signing of the highly thought of Akio from WLW was seen by the Japanese press as an aggressive move to keep pace with PGHW's rivals. Finally Azumamaro Kita has recently ended his commitments with SAISHO and joins the company during the HONOUR Tour. One has to wonder whether Fujio Narahashi will follow his long time tag team partner.



LANDMARK: Chojiro Kitoaji's first shot at the Glory Crown drew a crowd of 30,000


Shuji Inukai remains committed to the "Royal Road" way and believes that by continuing to push PGHW as "Japan's promotion" built on hard work, traditional values and the classic style pioneered by the Golden Generation (the implication being that this is in contrast to the sleaze of WLW and the Western proclivities of BHOTWG) that he can lead the promotion back to the glory days. PGHW continue to win plaudits with their output but they must increase their star power if they are to match their Tokyo-based rival and the expansionist Western powers.




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #5494ac; margin:10px; background: #cccccc; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 1px 2px " ;"="">SNAPSHOT:- THE YEAR SO FAR


PGHW Match Of The Year...so far: Seiji Jimbo vs Masaru Ugkai (PGHW Night of FORTITUDE - Apr.10 - Kobe, Japan)

PGHW Wrestler of the Year...so far: Seiji Jimbo

PGHW Tag Team of the Year...so far: KitoGuchi


Current PGHW Glory Crown Champion: Seiji Jimbo

Current PGHW Glory Tag Crown Champions: Beast & West

Current PGHW Historical Japan Champion: Tsurayuki Kamachi

Current PGHW International Champion: SATO


Comings - Katsumi Abiko, Benjiro Shibukji, Hideyori Kitagawa, War Machine, Keith Archer, Hijo Del Relampago, Akio, Azumamaro Kita


Goings - Totoya Munkata, Simon Flemmingway, Haranobou Kobayashi, Eien Miyamoto, Matt Blackburn (Excursion), Nobuyo Hikichi (Excursion)</div>


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So this is a PGHW game I started almost immediately after getting the game. As you can see I've reached July of year 1 in the game and lately I've had the urge to go back so I decided I'd start a diary. The above is meant to serve as a quick primer, filling in the reader on the main goings on thus far. Other than the headlines outlined above and a couple of newly formed tag teams on my roster (prizes for anyone who can correctly identify the two members of Stone Avalanche), the game world should be pretty familiar to CVerse users so I aren't gonna do full rosters or anything at present but there'll be updates later I'm sure.


Preview for Night of HONOUR and some tour results will be coming ....hmmm...later today? probably. PGHW have always been my favourite CVerse company so please join me as we attempt to restore the legacy of Miwa, Mushashibo, and Koiso

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Night of HONOUR Preview


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Seiji Jimbo defends his Glory Crown against Magnum Kobe at the event and Jimbo has guaranteed that he will continue his reign after the match in Sapporo. Ahead of the Elite Series, Jimbo told the world that PGHW needs an Ace to lead them into the new decade and that he sees himself as that Ace. He has again spoken about his leadership role ahead of the match with Kobe.


Seiji Jimbo: Kobe is an excellent competitor, a real athlete. I know the female fans like him too. I have a lot of respect for him. That's why defeating him will be so important. I am the new Ace. I have to protect my family's legacy and the legacy of PGHW. I am the leader of the new generation and Kobe is part of that. I know that I will defeat him because it is what I need to do to continue my journey as the next Ace.


Kobe responded to the comments from the champion and he was predictably not impressed


Magnum Kobe: The new Ace? What a joke. Jimbo needs to be realistic. Lately his head is full of poetry about his history and his family. He thinks he's going to lead us all like a general and take over the world because it's his destiny. Even so I respect him. He's a fierce champion and I know that when I face him it will be an incredible bout because I've been in the ring with him before. We've been partners a lot in the past. That means he should know about me, though. I've only been here a year and I'm already on his level. It took him a decade to reach my level. I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and even though I don't believe in destiny, I make my own destiny. I'm going to leave Sapporo as the champion and Jimbo will have to wake up from his dream of being the Ace









At the climax of the WARRIORS Tour Masaru Ugaki issued a special challenge to Kozue Kawashima. Speaking to the press after he and Ryoma Muruyama suffered a defeat to Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto, Ugaki said he had to prove to the world that he was still a top contender


Masaru Ugaki: When I issued the challenge people thought I was desperate. Like I had lost my composure or something. I'm not desperate I'm ****** off. I didn't get out of my block in the Elite Series. I couldn't beat Jimbo for the Glory Crown. Now Jimbo is crowning himself the Ace, Kawashima won the Elite Series, people are talking about Kobe, about KitoGuchi, about Yasuda & Takimoto. It ****** me off. I need to prove myself - not because of self-doubt or anything - because I want to stick it down their throat. I let myself down, I let Muruyama down, but I won't be overlooked and when I beat Kawashima all the talking will stop.

The two are historic rivals of course and Kawashima eagerly accepted the challenge


Kozue Kawashima: Night of HONOUR - that's fitting, huh? My biggest rival challenges my honour by calling me out in front of the world and that's where we're going to settle it? Ugaki knew I had no choice but to accept but I am always going to accept. I don't know if this is personal for Ugaki, it's not the first time I've been targeted, but I have never turned a challenge down. He's my great rival of course, you journalists love to write about it, so from him especially I am always going to accept. Like I said, I don't know what his reasons for the challenge are but I will prepare for it like any match. I have other scores to settle but I can't think about that now because Ugaki is one of the best so from now until the end of the tour everything I do will be focussed on defeating him.









Following their victory over Ugaki & Muruyama at Night of WARRIORS, Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto have been granted an opportunity at the Glory Tag Crown. For Takimoto this would be his first championship, while Yasuda has been with PGHW for more than 15 years but this would be just his second championship, despite having the devotion of the fans.


Tesunori Yasuda: First of all, I want to talk about the victory at Night of WARRIORS. I know it was called an upset. It wasn't an upset. We aren't young boys and we've earned this championship bout. Takimoto hasn't won a championship here and I know they call me the "People's Champion" because of my record. It's sort of embarrassing, but I understand. We are like the Tree Of Hope. The people see resilience in us and they believe in that. It doesn't matter that we haven't won trophies and titles because we are always here and we always compete and we have the fans on our side. We have them and they have us - we believe in each other. So yes it's embarrassing to be called the champion of the people because it is too big a title but it's one I am happy to have. Winning the Glory Tag Crown will be for the people just as much as us. It's a reward for standing by us.


Hirobumi Takimoto: Cavanagh and West are monsters. We know what people think of us. They don't expect us to defeat the monsters but we don't mind. Nobody ever expects the monsters to lose but that's why the people who can slay the monsters are the heroes.



Beast & West have been formidable champions and they are not in the same sentimental mood as the challengers ahead of the HONOUR Tour


Danny Cavanagh: Yasuda & Takimoto we know all about you. This ain't some Cinderella story or Hollywood movie where the million to one shot wins the big one. We know the work you guys put in and we know the struggle. Overcoming adversity, doing things your own way. It's our story too.


Timmy West: We know we're up against 15,000 in Sapporo. We're not just taking on two men we're taking on a whole nation. People think we're the villains; we're Goliath and Yasuda and Takimoto are David but that's a load of bull. They're a great tag team and they've got home field advantage but Danny is right. Overcoming adversity is what we do. Injuries, setbacks, coming to Japan, being told you can't make it, being told you're making the wrong decisions. We've done it all long before Yasuda and Takimoto have and we've done it winning.


Danny Cavanagh: Takimoto and Yasuda, we like those guys but we ain't here to make friends. They can have the love of the people, we'll take the titles and the money. We respect you guys but I meant what I said - this ain't a Hollywood movie and your story doesn't have a happy ending.


PGHW Night of HONOUR will be live at Sapporo Stadium 2020.08.14 and will be available to watch on PPV Japan. Tour Highlights airing on Japanese Sports Vision 2 weekly, prior to the event. Full card below



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PGHW Glory Crown

Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo Del Relampago


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


Akio vs William Hayes


Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine and Hitomaru Suzuki vs Goemon Komiya, Mamoru Nagahama & Kazushige Matsuki





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PGHW HONOUR Tour Recap 1


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PGHW Honour Tour Night 1 (Hofu Arena, Chugoku)

Magnum Kobe and Beast & West def. SATO and Yasuda & Takimoto [69]

Kozue Kawashima and Kwakami & Sanda def. Hitomaro Suzuki and Ring Generals [78]

KitoGuchi and Hirotsugu Satou def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi [75]

Hij del Relampago and Seiji Jimbo def. Keith Archer and William Hayes [72]

War Machine and Stone Avalanche def. Tsurayuki Kamachi and Capital Punishment [51]

Muruyama and Ugaki def. Shibukji and Kitagawa [66]



PGHW Honour Tour Night 2 (Kumamoto Atheltic Center, Kyushu)

Muruyuma & Ugaki and Kwakami & Sanda def. Hijo Del Relampago, SATO, Kozue Kawashima and Kazushige Matsuki [72]

William Hayes and Yano & Kikuchi def. Azumamaro Kita & KitoGuchi [76]

Hitomaro Suzuki and Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Stone Avalanche [60]

Yasuda & Takimoto def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [54]

Captial Punishment def. Katsumi Abiko and Daigo Goya [48]

Hirokazu Yamanoue and Danny Cavanagh def. Masatochi Kamimura and War Machine [56]

Magnum Kobe and The Ring Generals def. Hirotsugu Satou, Gonnhyoe Kada and Keith Archer [64]



PGHW Honour Tour Night 3 (Kochi Halls, Shikoku)

Tetsunori Yasuda and Seiji Jimbo def. Magnum Kobe and Danny Cavanagh [79]

Kozue Kawashima and The Ring Generals def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Muruyama & Ugaki [74]

William Hayes and Kwakami & Sanda def. Hijo Del Relampago, SATO and Keith Archer[62]

War Machine def. Masatochi Kamimura [16]

Captial Punishment def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [43]

Hirokazu Yamanoue and BISON Yano def. Katsumi Abiko and Daigo Goya [53]

Hitomaru Suzuki and Stone Avalanche def. Azumamaro Kita, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Hirotsugu Satou [51]




PGHW Honour Tour Night 4 (Doshisha Athletic Cente, Kansai)

Magnum Kobe and Beast & West def. Seiji Jimbo and Yasuda & Takimoto [80]

Azumamaro Kita and Kwakami & Sanda def. Hijo del Relampago, Hitomaro Suzuki and Hirokazu Yamanoue [70]

Gonnohyoe Kada & KitoGuchi def. Keith Archer and Yano & Kikuchi [77]

Kozue Kawashima and Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Hirotsugu Satou and William Hayes [68]

War Machine and Stone Avalanche def. Masatochi Kamimura and Capital Punishment [53]

The Ring Generals def. Daigo Goya and Kazushige Matsuki [55]







  • Timmy West suffered an injury on night 1 of the tour and missed a week of action as a precaution
  • Tetsunori Yasuda was blamed for the incident and while West reportedly holds no ill will toward him, it's interesting to note that West's partner Danny Cavanagh was vocal earlier in the year after blaming Yasuda for an injury during a match
  • The big headline also belongs to Danny Cavanagh, with confirmation that The Mighty Beast has inked an exclusive deal with the company. The figures reported are huge with the contract said to be worth upwards of ¥113,588,000.00 (more than $1,000,000 US) in guaranteed money as well as the lion's share of merchandising profits and the contract even promises Cavanagh final say on winning and losing. It's a dramatic move and comes in response to news that BHOTWG were looking to steal him away. The huge contract further underlines how serious PGHW are about Cavanagh as a main event prospect and could go some way to explain why Cavanagh was chosen to score the pinfall in the main event of PGHW's tour show in their Kansai home base. It is expected that West will be offered an exclusive deal in the coming weeks also, albeit without the privileges and huge salary of his tag team partner.
  • SATO suffered cracked ribs during the main event of the night 2 show but continued to work through the injury
  • Throughout the tour there have been hype videos promoting "Most Dangerous Game". Who or what this is actually promoting is not confirmed at this time but there is much speculation. The packages feature only aerial shots of Japanese rainforest before the aforementioned text appears on the screen




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PGHW Glory Crown

Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West (C) vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo Del Relampago


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


Akio vs William Hayes


Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine and Hitomaru Suzuki vs Goemon Komiya, Mamoru Nagahama & Kazushige Matsuki

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PGHW Glory Crown

Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo Del Relampago


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


Akio vs William Hayes


Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine and Hitomaru Suzuki vs Goemon Komiya, Mamoru Nagahama & Kazushige Matsuki


Put the belt on Kobe!

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Seeing a PGHW dynasty pop up always reminds me that I really should start a save with them at some point.


PGHW Glory Crown

Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Jimbo has all the tools to be the ace and should be a major focus of any PGHW player. One of these guys just drew 30 000 butts in seats and the other... didn't.


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


Kawashima winning looks like the play here, but I go for the draw option.


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Yasuda & Takimoto


With Cavanaugh seemingly getting a big main event push, that belt is coming off the Beast & West duo sooner rather than later. Yasuda and Takimoto seems like a good combo to do the giant-killing, with a big win over Ukagi & Maruyama under their belts.


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo Del Relampago


A junior heavyweight? In PGHW? Time to pay your dues!


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Will Takano recapture the belt here? Maybe not? Throwing a wild curve ball of a guess that he is one half of Stone Avalanche (with Stone Yoshikawa, of course) so his immediate future might be in the tag scene.


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


SATO is one of the hopes for the (near) future of PGHW so it would be great to keep a title run going. Sanda might be a tag legend, but a International run at this point of his career would seem a bit weird.


Akio vs William Hayes


New blood gets established here... maybe?


Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine and Hitomaru Suzuki vs Goemon Komiya, Mamoru Nagahama & Kazushige Matsuki


Undercard tag matches are always a bit hard to predict, but my wild guesses go like this. KitoGuchi side has the star power, but also the clear loss post in Goda. On the opener, War Machine is the pushed commodity and will get the pin over the aging Nagahama.

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PGHW HONOUR Tour Night 5 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Seiji Jimbo and The Ring Generals def Kazushe Matsuki and KitoGuchi [75]

Magnum Kobe and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Yano & Kikuchi [81]

Keith Archer and Kwakami & Sanda def. SATO, Goemon Komiya and Azumamaro Kita [65]

War Machine and Hitomaro Suzuki def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Mamarou Nagahama [52]

Hirotsugu Satou and Stone Avalanche def. Daigo Goya, Masatochi Kamimura and Katsumi Abiko [53]

Hijo Del Relampago and William Hayes def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [47]



PGHW HONOUR Tour Night 6 (Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto)

Masaru Ugaki and Beast & West def. Hitomaro Suzuki and Yasuda & Takimoto [74]

Kozue Kawashima and Hijo del Relampago def. Hirotsugu Satou and War Machine [62]

Kwakami & Sanda def Azumamaro Kita and SATO [59]

Tsurayuki Kamachi, Keith Archer and William Hayes def. Gonnohyoe Kada and Capital Punishment [56]

Hirokazu Yamanoue, Kazushige Matsuki and Stone Avalanche def. Daigo Goya, Hideyori Kitagawa, Masatochi Kamimura and Katsumi Abiko [50]

Dean Waldorf def. Benjiro Shibukji [48]



PGHW HONOUR Tour Night 7 (Iwata Hall, Tohoku)

SATO, Kozue Kawashima and Yasuda & Takimoto def. Beast & West and Kwakami & Sanda [77]

War Machine and Stone Yoshikawa def. Capital Punishment [48]

Azumamaro Kita and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Hitomaro Suzuki and Keith Archer [58]

Avalanche Takano and KitoGuchi def. Tsurayuki Kamachi, Hirokazu Yamanoue and Hirotsugu Satou [71]

Hijo del Relampago def. Katsumi Abiko [61]

William Hayes and The Ring Generals def. Daigo Goya, Masatochi Kamimura and Hideyori Kitagawa [48]



  • Since capturing the International Championship SATO has seen his popularity rising rapidly and throughout this tour in particular he has been garnering crowd reactions to rival just about anyone on the show. Via the press and social media, SATO has thanked the fans for their support in his ongoing mission to restore prestige to the International Championship and has stated his desire for a bout with Seiji Jimbo to prove his prowess
  • Hijo del Relampago was said to have received a lot of praise from the veterans in PGHW for his bout with Katsumi Abiko. There has been much trepidation about the luchador fitting the Royal Road style but garnering such a strong reaction from the Japanese crowd for a bout with a mere Young Lion will have done much to convince the doubters
  • It was announced during the tour that both Goemon Komiya and Hitomaro Suzuki will be making their final appearance for PGHW at Night of HONOUR as both men have agreed to join BHOTWG at the conclusion of the tour. This will also signal the end to Komiya's time with WLW whom he had also been making sporadic appearances with
  • The cryptic videos advertising "Most Dangerous Game" have continued to air with speculation being that all will be revealed during the Night of HONOUR event
  • Shuji Inukai surprised fans when he joined social media this week. Bussho Makiguchi posted a snap of the two together at PGHW's training facility, captioning the image "I have convinced Inukai to join social media. Hopefully he doesn't say anything he regrets!" which appeared to be a veiled jab at Haranobu Kobayashi who was forced to quit social media after landing himself in hot water posting a lengthy political rant earlier in the month. Kobayashi is not well liked in PGHW currently after his perceived betrayal






Thanks for reading and for the predictions, guys! Special mention for you, Historian, as I've been reading your SAISHO diary for inspiration and guidance. Also a massive shout out to Scottie because I definitely used a lot of cues from his PGHW Origins diary and I hope that isn't dead. Full Night of HONOUR write up to come later tonight.

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PGHW Night of Honour 2020


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Night of HONOUR - 2020.8.14 Sapporo Stadium (Attendance: 14,397)


Pre-Show Bouts

Stone Yoshikawa def. Masatochi Kamimura

Hirotsugu Satou, Keith Archer and Hirokazu Yamanoue def. Daigo Goya, Benjiro Shibukji and Katsumi Abiko


**** ****


Match 1

20 Minute Time Limit


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine & Hitomaro Suzuki vs Kazushige Matsuki & Capital Punishment


It was clear even with the likes of Matsuki and Muruyama in the bout that this opening tag match was thrown together largely to get everyone on the card and continue to get exposure for War Machine. The jury is still out with PGHW crowd on the huge Englishman though the crowd did come alive for his signature moves, especially the gutwrench powerbomb which he has added to his repertoire since arriving in Japan. Everyone was given time to get their offence in before Goemon Komiya was worked over by the unit of Muruyama, Suzuki and War Machine. Kazushige Matsuki rallied before Nagahama tripped on the proverbial banana peel and Suzuki picked up the victory with the Suzuki Lock.


This bout marks the final appearance for both Suzuki and Komiya before departing for BHOTWG and after the bell both men took their bow for the PGHW fans.


A decent opener though nothing special


WINNERS via Submission: Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine & Hitomaro Suzuki (15:23) [60]


**** ****


Match 2

PGHW Historical Japan Championship

30 Minute Time Limit



Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


A lively back and forth bout between two young men who brought the best out in each other. The two cut a quick pace with plenty of hard strikes and high impact moves. Takano blasted Kamachi with the barrage of forearms, slams and avalanches in the corner that we've come to expect and the champion responded in kind, firing back with strikes of his own, mixing in plenty of leg kicks. Midway through the match Kamachi caught Takano coming back through the ropes with a dragon screw leg whip which ultimately proved to be the challenger's undoing. After Kamachi continued working the leg, Takano would go for the Mountain Takano only for his knee to buckle allowing the champion to pounce and sink in the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission victory.


A fine bout which possibly exceeded expectations. It may well not be the last we have seen of these two.


WINNER via submission and still Historical Japan champion: Tsurayuki Kamachi (13:33) 5th defence [68]


**** ****


Match 3

20 Minute Time Limit


KitoGuchi, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Yano & Kikuchi & The Ring Generals


Though the crowd could clearly sense that this was filler from the 8 man set up as well as the inclusion of career midcarder Kada and newcomer Kita, PGHW's marquee tag teams gave them no choice but to get invested in this one. The match featured plenty of back and forth early, with the KitoGuchi, Kada, Kita squad taking the initiative after some miscommunication between BISON Yano and Dean Waldorf. Brute Kikuchi cleaned house before his team then seized control. KitoGuchi eventually took it home with an awesome finishing sequence and by the time Chojiro Kitoaji blasted Marv Statler with the big Lariat for the victory the fans were as close to a fevered pitch as a Japanese crowd is liable to get.


After the bell Yano & Kikuchi appeared to exhange words with the Ring Generals and there appeared to be plenty of blame being passed around between the two teams.


WINNERS via pinfall: KitoGuchi, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada (17:28) [79]


**** ****


Match 4

20 Minute Time Limit


Akio vs William Hayes


Essentially a coming out party for the newcomer in his PGHW debut. Hayes of course is one of PGHW's steadiest and most trusted hands and there could be nobody better to marshal the exciting youngster through his introduction to the Royal Road and make his gymnastic-influenced attacks seem legitimate. Akio may not fit the usual mould of a PGHW wrestler but his array of dazzling offence, which seems to grow each time he performs, clearly left an impression on the fans in attendance.


The story of the match was Hayes taking Akio down to the mat, the two exchanging holds and mat wrestling, interspersed with bursts of mind bending offence from Akio. The winning Double Twist Moonsault drew oohs and aahs from the crowd.


Not a match of the year contender by any means but did what it needed to to introduce Akio to his new audience


WINNER via pinfall: Akio (11:37) [67]


**** ****


Match 5

20 Minute Time Limit


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo del Relampago


Two high flying juniors in a row on a PGHW card? Strange times indeed! Nontheless, HDR continues to impress early in his PGHW career. Able to mix fast paced chain wrestling and exciting, athletic grappling in with his lucha offence he looks a much more natural fit in PGHW than Akio. That said, the way he covered up and flinched for every devastating Kwakami chop or forearm was still very noticeable!


A decent match, predicated mainly around exchanges of holds before HDR burst into life and was then invariably cut off by Kwakami's precision strikes, this one really could have used more time. The crowd had barely gotten interested when Kwakami locked in the terminal Kwakami Painlock.


WINNER via submission: Akinori Kwakami (15:17) [63]


**** ****


Match 6

PGHW International Championship

60 Minute Time Limit



SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


Seen as a big test for SATO as he continues his quest to legitimise both the International Championship and himself, he found himself in a tough contest against a PGHW legend. Despite his advancing years Noriyori Sanda can still really move and he showed it here, catching the champion off guard early with a flurry of flying forearms, leg lariats and sling blades. SATO caught his bearings and his breath, laying in the stiff strikes which are making him a favourite of the PGHW crowd.


The action went to the outside, Sanda again belying his years with an axe handle from the top rope to the outside. A suplex out on the mats again took the wind out of Sanda's sails and back in the ring it became much more SATO's match. Sanda's early flurry gave way to exchanges of hard hitting strikes and holds. Despite Sanda landing the Dynamo Flying Elbow SATO answered the count at two and rallied once more, blasting Sanda with a brainbuster before finishing him with the Wind Sprint Elbow.


Probably the finest match of SATO's title reign thus far and an impressive victory over a PGHW legend, finished in decisive fashion.


WINNER via pinfall and still International Champion: SATO (19:31) 7th defence [71]


**** ****


Match 7

PGHW Glory Tag Crown

60 Minute Time Limit



Beast & West © vs Tetsunori Yasuda & Hirobumi Takimoto


"YA-SU-DA! YA-SU-DA! YA-SU-DA!" was the familiar refrain throughout this one. Whether it was Yasuda on the receiving end of huge slams at the hands of hulking tag team champions or "the people's champion" desperately reaching for the tag while Takimoto was being worked over, all the while taunted by Cavanagh and West, the fans willed him on at every appeal.


The action itself could not match the enthusiasm of the fans, it has to be said. The offence of the champs is functional rather than spectacular and without dynamos like KitoGuchi opposite them things can grow a little pedestrian during their bouts, particularly in this one during the sections where Timmy West was working over Takimoto. For his part, as the smallest man in the match Yasuda spent most of his time on the outside or taking a pasting from the champions but such is his connection with the PGHW fans that these sections were the highlights.


Yasuda did manage a couple of spirited comebacks but the challengers ultimately succumbed, Takimoto going down to Cavanagh's Power Press.


WINNERS via pinfall and still Glory Tag Crown champions: Beast & West (17:14) 4th defence [68]


**** ****


Match 8

Special Challenge Match

60 Minute Time Limit


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


This is what the Royal Road style is all about. 30 minutes of pulse pounding, capillary-bursting strong style action.


It's not the first time these two have done this dance and it likely won't be the last but they once again served up something fresh and exciting. Ugaki met Double K in the centre of the ring right from the bell, challenging Kawashima to try and take him off his feet with forearm strikes and shoulder tackles. Ugaki won those early exchanges, decking his opponent and letting him know about it verbally.


Ugaki's bravado held for the remainder of the match, every time he got the upper hand in a strike exchange or left Kawashima laying with one of his myriad suplex variations Ugaki sounded off for the fans and Kawashima to hear. Ugaki had a point to prove.


Ugaki wasn't looking to humiliate his opponent or exhibiting hubris though. He looked for every opportunity to beat his man, looking for the Ugaki Clutch early and often, sinking it in as the bout approached the 20 minute mark. Kawashima would not wilt however and minutes later appeared to have the match won with a tombstone. Ugaki answered that call and also kicked out at 2 following the Double K Killer. Ugaki was a man possessed and even as Kawashima looked plaintively to the ref, Ugaki was dragging himself back to his feet and waving Kawashima on.


From that point on any pretence was out the window as both men looked to score with bombs and little else. Ugaki escaped the Kawashima Driver and scored an Arc Kick for 2. Kawashima responded with a superplex for 2. After a Tiger Suplex Ugaki again found the Ugaki clutch but Kawashima somehow fought to the ropes. Smelling blood, Ugaki looked for the Tiger Suplex again to kill the match off once and for all but Kawashima fought out and scored with the Kawashima Driver 2005 to break Ugaki's heart.


WINNER via pinfall: Kozue Kawashima (31:33) [89]


**** ****


The young boys spring into action, icing the two gladiators down, helping Ugaki to the back while Kawashima collapses in victory. After a moment, Double K picks himself up and drinks in the adoration of the crowd. The commentators begin talking of the implications of this huge win for the winner of the upcoming Glory Crown match when suddenly -- the commentators, Kawashima's music and all are cut off. Sweeping aerial shots of Japanese Rainforest play on the big screen before the claw marks of a big cat slash across the screen revealing the legend "MOST DANGEROUS GAME"




Unfamiliar music begins to play. Exhausted Kawashima can only look on confused until, after a few moments, onto the stage emerges















Marlowe makes his way to the ring and stands face to face with Kawashima. Taking a microphone, he says that everyone should already know who he is but for those who don't he is "Big Game" Jack Marlowe. A big game player, a big game hunter and the lord of the jungle. Marlowe explains that he is in PGHW now and as such, he has set his sights on the biggest game there is. Marlowe and Kawashima continue to lock eyes, Kawashima mouthing something to Marlowe that is inaudible as the Big Game Player's music again begins to blare. After a few seconds Marlowe backs off and rolls out of the ring, backing up the ramp, never taking his eyes off Kawashima




**** ****


Match 9

PGHW Glory Crown

60 Minute Time Limit



Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


A main event worthy of the Glory Crown, Kobe and Jimbo meet in a titanic struggle. Kobe seemed to shock Jimbo early, winning the initial striking exchange. Shocked out of his apparent plan A the champion instead looked to ground Kobe, taking him down and smothering him with seemingly unbreakable grapples. Kobe did his best to repeatedly fight out but the champion had his man firmly under control.


Kobe finally snatched a momentary abatement, smashing Jimbo with a forearm to the jaw and chops nearer the throat than the chest. Jimbo was sent to the outside and hit with a dive but rallied and soon dropped Kobe with a punishing suplex hard on the apron.


Back in the ring Jimbo was again able to open up with strikes and locked in the Seiji Ocean lock with more than 25 minutes already elapsed. Kobe would not yield and returned fire with the Kobe Bomb but could not get the three. The two men remained locked in battle for over 40 minutes, Kobe repeatedly looking for the Magnum Deathlock but through a combination of determination and superior grappling, Jimbo was able to evade the attack. Almost in a fit of frustration Kobe headed up top, looking for the Glorious Red but Jimbo was able to get the knees up. As Kobe recovered Jimbo obliterated him with a lariat and locked in the Seiji Ocean Lock for the coup de gras


Another excellent title defence for Seiji Jimbo, perhaps marred only by the fact that after a long night of wrestling the crowd seemed to be tiring as much as the combatants towards the end


WINNER and still Glory Crown champion: Seiji Jimbo (45:25) 8th defence [88]


**** ****




Following the match, as young boys tend to both men, Jimbo takes his title and a microphone. Jimbo thanks Kobe for his efforts, saying how much it means for him to be able to defend the Glory Crown against athletes of his calibre. Jimbo states that his ability to defend the Crown against such challengers is what will cement not only his legacy but help restore Pride and Glory to PGHW. Jimbo thanks the fans in attendance and promises that as long as they keep up their support he and the whole PGHW locker room will continue to deliver for them and that together they will rebuild what they once had




**** ****


Overall show rating: 85


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PGHW is always an interesting landing spot althought I've never had a save with them in any TEW yet:D Don't know why exactly because their main event scene is definitely more interesting than the main event scene of Burning Hammer, yet I still did more Burning saves.
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Prediction results

Sco xY2Jx 7

historian 6

BornToFail 6


Seeing a PGHW dynasty pop up always reminds me that I really should start a save with them at some point.


PGHW Glory Crown

Magnum Kobe vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Jimbo has all the tools to be the ace and should be a major focus of any PGHW player. One of these guys just drew 30 000 butts in seats and the other... didn't.


Masaru Ugaki vs Kozue Kawashima


Kawashima winning looks like the play here, but I go for the draw option.


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Yasuda & Takimoto


With Cavanaugh seemingly getting a big main event push, that belt is coming off the Beast & West duo sooner rather than later. Yasuda and Takimoto seems like a good combo to do the giant-killing, with a big win over Ukagi & Maruyama under their belts.


Akinori Kwakami vs Hijo Del Relampago


A junior heavyweight? In PGHW? Time to pay your dues!


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Avalanche Takano vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Will Takano recapture the belt here? Maybe not? Throwing a wild curve ball of a guess that he is one half of Stone Avalanche (with Stone Yoshikawa, of course) so his immediate future might be in the tag scene.


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Noriyori Sanda


SATO is one of the hopes for the (near) future of PGHW so it would be great to keep a title run going. Sanda might be a tag legend, but a International run at this point of his career would seem a bit weird.


Akio vs William Hayes


New blood gets established here... maybe?


Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Azumamaro Kita & Gonnohyoe Kada vs Dean Waldorf, Marv Statler, BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


Ryoma Muruyama, War Machine and Hitomaru Suzuki vs Goemon Komiya, Mamoru Nagahama & Kazushige Matsuki


Undercard tag matches are always a bit hard to predict, but my wild guesses go like this. KitoGuchi side has the star power, but also the clear loss post in Goda. On the opener, War Machine is the pushed commodity and will get the pin over the aging Nagahama.


the logic here was basically flawless, right down to my own thoughts on HDR "paying his dues" and the KitoGuchi tag match. I put Kada in there to give me the option of having him take the fall but I wanted to have Kita on the winning team and I decided I could get a match out of Ring Generals vs Yano & Kikuchi out of it. Besides Kada has been solid for me all year, he deserves a win or two. I really went back and forth on the Kawashima/Ugaki bout too and I toyed with the idea of the draw but I think I've got a pretty good idea of where those two are headed from here and Kawashima getting the win seemed to make sense once I'd gotten that straight



PGHW is always an interesting landing spot althought I've never had a save with them in any TEW yet:D Don't know why exactly because their main event scene is definitely more interesting than the main event scene of Burning Hammer, yet I still did more Burning saves.


Juniors, innit



Post show press conference notes and LEGACY Tour previews coming soon(ish)

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<p>Post-Night of HONOUR press conference notes</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px; background: #fcdc8c; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 1px 2px " ;"=""></p><p> </p><p>

Following <em>Night of HONOUR</em> select talents spoke with a media scrum. First to speak was PGHW President <strong>Nobuatso Tatsuko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="fgNgF1i.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fgNgF1i.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The president spoke only briefly, saying he hoped everyone had enjoyed the show and thanking them for their attendance before fielding a handful of questions. The highlights were around <strong>Jack Marlowe</strong> who debuted at the show in a surprise angle. Tatsuko confirmed that Marlowe has signed on full time with PGHW and is committed to as many dates as PGHW require of him. It was confirmed also that Marlowe is still free to take bookings elsewhere when not working for PGHW. </p><p> </p><p>

Tatsuko then used the opportunity to say that as next year will be PGHW's 25th year there will be events to celebrate the landmark, with official announcements and details in the coming weeks. With that Tatsuko introduced <strong>Seiji Jimbo</strong> to the assembled press, congratulating Jimbo on his main event</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="R84bE4o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/R84bE4o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Jimbo, still breathing heavily and icing his neck, fielded questions about the nights events and the future. Jimbo stated how pleased he was to have retained his title in decisive fashion but to have also proven that he deserves to be the champion by not being upstaged by <strong>Ugaki </strong>and <strong>Kawashima</strong>. Asked about a potential rematch with Kawashima following his loss to Double K in the final of the Elite Series, Jimbo said that he believed Kawashima was now the number one contender in his eyes and that a rematch seemed inevitable. Jimbo further stated he would welcome such a rematch as he believed he had to defeat Kawashima in order to confirm his status as the Ace. </p><p> </p><p>

Asked whether he believed he had earned that station Jimbo replied that ultimately it's not for him to decide. While he believes he is the premier talent in the promotion it is up to the fans and the press to accept him as the Ace and they would be the ones to determine it. All he can do is keep performing to his best.</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking about the future Jimbo noted that the next year would be a big one for PGHW as they celebrate their 25th anniversary and he vowed to be the champion into the new year and beyond. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

**** ****</p><p> </p><p>

Also of note:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><ul><li>A despondent <strong>Magnum Kobe</strong> spoke with the press. Kobe expressed deep disappointment, saying he had been certain of victory and was now unsure about his future. <br /></li><li>Masaru Ugaki was similarly down but was consoled by tag team partner <strong>Ryoma Muruyama</strong> who joined him to remind him that there will always be other opportunities and that it's just up to Ugaki to keep winning<br /></li><li><strong>SATO</strong> stated his pride at having defeated a legend in <strong>Noriyori Sanda</strong> and his belief that this signalled another step up for him<br /></li><li>A buoyant <strong>Danny Cavanagh</strong> and <strong>Timmy West</strong> gloated about their victory, perhaps caught up in the emotion and taunted <strong>Yasuda</strong> & <strong>Takimoto</strong> as well as the members of the Japanese media, stating that they would take being real champions over the "people's champions" any day. They further claimed to be the best tag team in the world and said they are taking over Japan<br /></li><li><strong>Avalache Takano</strong> said he was disappointed not to have reclaimed the Historical Japan title but congratulated <strong>Kamachi</strong> on a hard fought victory and stated that with his challenge now done he would re-focus his attention on the tag team division with <strong>Stone Yoshikawa</strong>, noting that the ELITE Tag Series is coming up. <br /></li></ul></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


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PGHW Legacy Tour Primer


From the Pro Wrestling Lantern 11th August 2020


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Night of LEGACY Preview



PGHW announce controversial Glory Crown challenger




Eyebrows were raised in the world of Puro this week when "Mighty Beast" Danny Cavanagh was announced as the next challenger for Seiji Jimbo's Glory Crown. Speaking at a press conference to launch the PGHW LEGACY Tour, Shuji Inukai made the announcement which was met with consternation from the assembled Japanese media. PGHW may have fallen on hard times in recent years but the Glory Crown remains arguably the most prestigious title in all of Puro and is still treated with reverence by the fans and press in Japan. Even being granted a Glory Crown match is a huge landmark for a wrestler's career and is something which PGHW talent usually strive toward for years, so to see a title shot granted to Cavanagh who has only had a handful of singles bouts in his two years with the company has been cause for controversy. Some die hards have said that it denigrates the title while the announcement also drew criticism due to the belief that hard working home grown talents should have been ahead of Cavanagh in the pecking order. Inukai remains stoic in the face of the controversy, citing Cavanagh holding the best win/loss record in the entire company through 2020 though he neglects to mention that just two of those bouts have been in singles competition (in the interests of fairness it should be added that Cavanagh did triumph in both of those).


One suspects that the true reason Cavanagh has been rushed to the main event scene is the much publicised big money deal that he was recently handed. It's understood that The Mighty Beast is now taking home more guaranteed money than anyone on the roster other than Kawashima, Ugaki & Seiji Jimbo. PGHW will be eager to recoup those funds and Inukai is clearly keen to put Cavanagh's drawing power to the test. It must be said also that the huge gaijin is popular with the PGHW fans. He is one of the top merch movers for the company (rumour has it this may be the chief reason why Cavanagh is in this slot as opposed to the man favoured by PGHW die hards and the press - SATO) and he is currently riding a huge wave of momentum. This latest announcement has done nothing to quell that and it may prove a shrewd move on the part of Inukai to strike while the iron is hot. If Cavanagh claims the title he would be just the second gaijin to hold the Glory Crown after Buddy Garner and the first to ever hold the Glory Crown and Glory Tag Crown simultaneously.


While this latest cause célèbre is being treated as an unprecedented move for the league it shouldn't be forgotten that PGHW legend Dread burst onto the scene in Japan by controversially obliterating Sam Keith and winning the BHOTWG World Championship soon after his debut. The PGHW office could well be banking on the old axiom that "controversy creates cash" and hoping to catch lightning in a bottle in much the same manner.






PGHW's tag teams take centre stage




With one half of the Glory Tag Crown holders on singles duty you could be forgiven for thinking that PGHW's tag team division is taking a back seat but the opposite is quite true, with marquee tag team matches announced for the September 11th card.


In a grudge match stemming from their defeat at Night of HONOUR The Ring Generals will take on BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi. Elsewhere Stone Avalanche have signalled their intention to focus 100% on tag team competition for the forseeable future. The duo will test their mettle against Yasuda & Takimoto in a clash of two teams looking to establish themselves in a fiercely competitive division.


The main attraction however is surely Muruyama & Ugaki vs KitoGuchi. Featuring three men who have challenged for the Glory Crown in 2020 this bout could easily be a headliner and on paper looks like a sure fire match of the night. The story being spun going in has ramped up the intrigue even more. With Masaru Ugaki gripped by self doubt, it was his oldest friend and long time tag team partner Ryoma Muruyama who consoled him after his loss to Kozue Kawashima earlier this month. Muruyama pointed out to Ugaki that despite his setbacks this year, as a team they have lost just one match thus far in 2020 - the loss to Yasuda & Takimoto which seems to have shaken Ugaki's self confidence. Speaking at the LEGACY Tour press conference, Ugaki told of how Muruyama's support had made him rediscover his self belief and made him realise that he must go back to his roots as a tag team specialist. It has been 5 years since the duo won the Elite Tag Series and 4 years since they last held the Glory Tag Crown. In that time the PGHW tag team division has been dominated by KitoGuchi and with this challenge Muruyama & Ugaki are looking to prove that now that their own focus is back on tag team wrestling, KitoGuchi's time at the top is over






Jack Marlowe returns to Japan




At Night of HONOUR the "Most Dangerous Game" was revealed to be the artist formerly known as Jungle Lord, Jack Marlowe. A reference to the Richard Connell novella The Most Dangerous Game which was apparently somewhat lost in translation, the implication is essentially that no longer the Lord of the Jungle, Marlowe has now come to the island of Japan to hunt the deadliest prey there is, namely in this case Kozue Kawashima. It has been a decade since Marlowe has performed in Japan but his reputation and SWF exposure mean that he has still retained name value and his surprise appearance at the event (he last appeared on SWF TV just two weeks prior, after the vignettes had begun airing) was cause for excitement among the fans.


As evidenced by his recent exploits in "the Fed" Marlowe can still go and while nobody should expect him to shatter the star scale with a 60 minute time limit draw, having spent the better part of 10 years as a semi-comedic midcard act he will be hungry to prove that he can still wrestle a more serious style. By positioning Marlowe against their top talent right out of the gate it's clear that PGHW don't believe he is only in town for a nostalgic retirement tour but that Marlowe can seriously contribute. At Night of LEGACY he will certainly be given the opportunity to do just that when he stands opposite Kawashima.




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PGHW Glory Crown

Danny Cavanagh vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Jack Marlowe vs Kozue Kawashima


The Ring Generals vs BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Akinori Kwakami


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Gonnohyoe Kada vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Kazushige Matsuki vs Akio


Muruyama & Ugaki vs KitoGuchi


Stone Avalanche vs Yasuda & Takimoto


Hijo del Relampago, Azumamaro Kita & Mamoru Nagahama vs War Machine, William Hayes & Hirotsugu Satou





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Well this is a rather intriguing card on the whole. To me a lot of these matches can really go either way... or maybe it's me overthinking things. It's also a bit risky to predict before the Tour results, but hey, I like to live on the edge.


PGHW Glory Crown

Danny Cavanagh vs Seiji Jimbo ©


Cavanagh might be getting the contract and the push of his career... but he's not the man. Yet. As your preview states, it's a big test for the big man. Can he really hang in a singles environment? If you can't hang, you don't carry the Glory Crown.


Jack Marlowe vs Kozue Kawashima


A match I'm a bit torn about. If you want to give Marlowe a big time push right out of the gate, the play is to put him over strong here and head to a future Glory Crown shot. But Kawashima is still the face of PGHW (even if Jimbo is the ace) and probably shouldn't be losing to the formerly "semi-comedic midcard act" right after vanquishing Ugaki.


The Ring Generals vs BISON Yano & Brute Kikuchi


A coin toss, really. I see the winners of this (or the KitoGuchi match) to be the next challengers for Beast & West. Generals outsmart the brute force of the big boys here and suffer a return loss at Elite Tag Series... or the other way around.


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Akinori Kwakami


Now this is an interesting matchup. Kwakami is a really accomplished challenger, a great wrestler and might still be above the pecking order. But SATO might have something with this title run and it would be a shame to see it end here... unless he's already headed towards bigger things.


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Gonnohyoe Kada vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


Kada might have been solid for you but... no.


Kazushige Matsuki vs Akio


William Hayes might be "expendable" to Akio, but I don't feel the same about Matsuki, who (hopefully) is one of your more solid in-ring guys. Can't give everything to these damn juniors right off the gate!


Muruyama & Ugaki vs KitoGuchi


Ukagi might talk about "rediscovering his self belief" but I have my doubts about his return to tag action. The road back to Glory Tag Crown and the Elite Tag Series doesn't start with beating the #1 team in PGHW. A devastating loss here either starts the road to redemption... or creates a divide between Ugaki and Muruyama.


Stone Avalanche vs Yasuda & Takimoto


I don't see Yasuda and Takimoto suffering two high profile tag losses in a row at marquee events. And yes, I know I just predicted Ugaki to suffer that exact fate.


Hijo del Relampago, Azumamaro Kita & Mamoru Nagahama vs War Machine, William Hayes & Hirotsugu Satou


Another hard to predict low card tag. Relampago and Kita should be getting wins... but Nagahama is by far the clearest loss post here. The previous tour he was on the losing side of every match not featuring young lions. The War Machine train keeps rolling, with added momentum for Satou.

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PGHW Legacy Tour


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PGHW Legacy Tour Night 1 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Brute Kikuchi and Beast & West def. Seiji Jimbo and The Ring Generals [80]

War Machine and Muruyama & Ugaki def. KitoGuchi and Gonnohyoe Kada [74]

SATO, Hirotsugu Satou and Akio def. Azumamaro Kita and Stone Avalanche [65]

Keith Archer and Kazushige Matsuki def. William Hayes and Omezo Shikitei [55]

Hijo del Relampago and Tsurayuki kamachi def. Dark Wing and Mamoru Nagahama [50]

BISON Yano def. Daigo Goya [56]

Yasuda & Takimoto def. Masatochi Kamimura and Katsumi Abiko [58]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 2 (Iwata Hall, Tohoku)

SATO and Yano & Kikuchi def. William Hayes and Kwakami & Sanda [77]

Stone Avalanche def. Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki [63]

Hijo del Relampago and War Machine def. Akio and Dark Wing [58]

Tsurayuki Kamachi def. Masatochi Kamimura [52]

Mamoru Nagahama and KitoGuchi def. Daigo Goya and The Ring Generals [67]

Horibumi Takimoto def. Benjiro Shibukji [47]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 3 (Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto)

SATO and Muruyama & Ugaki def. Bussho Makiguchi and Kwakami & Sanda [83]

Hijo del Relampago, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Kozue Kawashima def. Akio, Hirotsugu Satou and Omezo Shikitei [74]

Yano & Kikuchi and Stone Avalanche def. The Ring Generals and Yasuda & Takimoto [66]

Keith Archer and Kazushige Matsuki def. War Machine and William Hayes [62]

Azumamaro Kita and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Dark Wing [49]

Mamoru Nagahama def. Hideyori Kitagawa [42]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 4 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Seiji Jimbo, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Akio def. William Hayes and Beast & West [74]

Kozue Kawashima, War Machine and SATO def. Azumamaro Kita and Yasuda & Takimoto [76]

Gonnohyoe Kada and The Ring Generals def. Mamoru Nagahama, Keith Archer and Kazushige Matsuki [64]

Omezo Shikitei and Yano & Kikuchi def. Horikazu Yamanoue, Hijo del Relampago and Noriyori Sanda [67]

Stone Avalanche def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [44]

Hirotsugu Satou and Dark Wing def. Masatochi Kamimura and Daigo Goya [47]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 5 (Doshisha Atheltic Center, Kansai)

Chojiro Kitoaji def. Ryoma Muruyama [75]

Akio and Seiji Jimbo def. Timmy West and William Hayes [73]

Tsurayuki Kamachi and Yasuda & Takimoto def. Stone Yoshikawak, Hijo del Relampago and Gonnohyoe Kada [66]

Omezo Shikitei and The Ring Generals def. Dark Wing and Yano & Kikuchi [69]

Kazushige Matsuki and Keith Archer def. Hirotsugu Satou and Daigo Goya [58]

Mamoru Nagahama and Hirokazu Yamanoue def. Masaotchi Kamimura and Hideyori Kitagawa [44]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 6 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Masaru Ugaki def. Bussho Makiguchi [81]

Akio and Beast & West def. Seiji Jimbo, Keith Archer and Kazushige Matsuki [66]

Gonnohyoe Kada, War Machine and The Ring Generals def. Tsurayuki Kamachi, Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi [66]

William Hayes, Hirotsugu Satou and Dark Wing def. Hirokazu Yamanoue, Mamoru Nagahama and Omezo Shikitei [53]

Kwakami & Sanda def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [56]

Stone Avalanche def. Daigo Goya and Masatochi Kamimura [42]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 7 (Iwata Hall, Tohoku)

Gonnohyoe Kada, SATO and Beast & West def. Seiji Jimbo, Tsurayuki Kamachi and Kwakami & Sanda [77]

Yasuda & Takimoto def. Azumamaro Kita and Stone Yoshikawa [71]

Kozue Kawashima and The Ring Generals def. William Hayes and Yano & Kikuchi [78]

Akio and Omezo Shikitei def. Mamoru Nagahama and Keith Archer [59]

Hijo del Relampago and Hirokazu Yamanoue def. Hirotsugu Satou and War Machine [54]

Muruyama & Ugaki def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [65]



PGHW Legacy Tour Night 8 (Ibaraki Community Hall, Kanto)

Seiji Jimbo and Yasuda & Taikimoto def. Beast & West and BISON Yano [75]

Akio, Mamoru Nagahama and KitoGuchi def. Keith Archer, Kazushige Matsuki and Muruyama & Ugaki [72]

Omezo Shikitei and Hirotsugu Satou def Katsumi Abiko and Hideyori Kitagawa [51]

Dark Wing and Kwakami & Sanda def. SATO, Hirokazu Yamanoue and Gonnohyoe Kada [65]

War Machine and William Hayes def. Azumamaro Kita and Hijo del Relampago [58]

Stone Yoshikawa def. Masatochi Kamimura [48]





  • Ahead of the tour hitting the road, PGHW added Omezo Shikitei and Dark Wing to their roster. A rugged technician in supreme shape, Shikitei is a natural fit on the PGHW roster and is still operating as a freelancer. Dark Wing, a luchador who had been working sporadically since quitting WLW in February, is a less conventional signing for the league but he has nevertheless been tied down to an exclusive deal. PGHW had been feeling the pinch following the recent raids by BHOTWG and the belief was they needed more depth on the roster
  • On night 4 of the tour Avalanche Takano suffered a fractured cheekbone following an errant elbow from Benjiro Shibukji




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PGHW Night of LEGACY 2020


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Night of LEGACY - 2020.9.11 Toyota Stadium, Kanto (Attendance: 48,821)


Pre-Show bouts

Timmy West and Omezo Shikitei def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Katsumi Abiko

Noriyori Sanda, Dark Wing and Keith Archer def. Masatochi Kamimura, Daigo Goya and Hideyori Kitagawa


**** ****





The Ring Generals vs Yano & Kikuchi


A hot opener between two of PGHW's premier tag teams. Statler & Waldorf surprised Yano & Kikuchi early, meeting them head on and going toe to toe in a brawl from the opening bell. Plenty of high impact tandem offence from Yano and Kikuchi and dyanmic teamwork from The Ring Generals, although the action slowed when Marv Statler was on offence as he elected to wear down the larger men with holds for the most part, leaving his partner to unload with suplexes, takedowns and a good amount of smash mouth brawling.


An evenly matched contest which could have gone either way, eventually settled when The Ring Generals hit Kikuchi with the patented Wheelbarrow Bomb for the victory.


WINNERS via pinfall: The Ring Generals (17:43) [72]


**** ****





Mamoru Nagahama, Azumamaro Kita and Hijo del Relampago vs War Machine, William Hayes and Hirotsugu Satou


A decent bout in which everyone did their best to shine in their brief time. It was Hijo del Relampago who made the most of his spells in the match, looking the stand out performer with flurries of crowd pleasing lucha-infused offence.


With the opposition struggling to land a blow on HDR it was the veteran Nagahama and newcomer Kita who were on the receiving end, trading in evenly matched sequences with Hayes and Satou before War Machine was tagged in to steamroll the competition. The huge powerhouse hit the ring and unleashing spinebusters, powerbombs and his trademark Choke Bomb before finishing Azumamro Kita with the Second Floor Legdrop


WINNERS via pinfall: War Machine, William Hayes and Hirotsugu Satou (11:16) [65]


**** ****





Kazushige Matsuki vs Akio


Ahead of the bout Matsuki had stated that he sees himself as the benchmark in PGHW and this would be where we found out if Akio - not yet pinned or submitted since arriving in PGHW - truly belonged. Styles make fights as they say and the puncher vs the luchador may seem like a clash on paper but the two brought out the best in one another with the much smaller Akio making Matsuki's hard hitting offence seem truly devastating. In turn, the heavyweight kept up with Akio's dazzling gymnastic offence, which wowed the crowd whenever he felled Matsuki with an opportune tijeres or snatched a near fall from a sunset flip.


As Matsuki was signalling for the Fist of Fury, Akio surprised him with a basement dropkick and a headscissors to his downed foe, driving Matsuki's head into the canvas. Matsuki was then left helpless as Akio went up top for the Double Twist Moonsault to score the upset victory


WINNER via pinfall: Akio (11:52) [76]


**** ****







Gonnohyoe Kada vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


A decent midcard bout wherein the champ attempted to utilise his preferred grappling but was simply outmuscled by the larger Kada. Unable to contain the big man, Kamachi was forced to try and match Kada's rugged brawling with well placed strikes of his own. Avalanching Kamachi in the corner, Kada appeared to have the match won, going for his DDT however the resourceful champion picked the leg of the challenger, sinking in the Scorpion Deathlock for the victory


WINNER via submission and still Historical Japan Champion: Tsurayuki Kamachi (11:03) 6th defence [62]


**** ****





Jack Marlowe vs Kozue Kawashima


"Big Game" Jack Marlowe came into this one with a point to prove. The two men went nose to nose at the start of the contest, looking evenly matched in size and power as Marlowe invited Kawashima to test wills in a test of strength. Marlowe proved his credentials early, forcing Kawashima down with a greco-roman knuckle lock. Evenly matched grappling soon spilled to the outside where brawling seemed to favour the brawny gaijin. Marlowe showed off his strength back in the ring with a big slams but Kawashima proved able to match power with his foe.


As the match went into the deep water Kawashima's superior conditioning began to tell. With Marlowe fading, he found himself unable to answer Kawashima's patented King's Road style strikes, giving way to a Tombstone Piledriver and finally the Kawashima Driver 2005 for the win.


A great bout which proved Marlowe was able to hang in PGHW


WINNER via pinfall: Kozue Kawashima (26:18)[77]


**** ****







SATO © vs Akinori Kwakami


A fantastic bout which exemplified the King's Road style. The former tag team partner of Mito Miwa meeting the young man who idolised Miwa. SATO looking to prove he can step up another level and Kwakami looking to prove he is still a top contender in PGHW.


For over 20 minutes the two men blasted each other with high impact strikes and brutal suplexes and very little else. As time ticked by the 23 minute mark the two stood in the centre of the ring, smashing one another with forearms to the jaw and roaring their opponent on. SATO's legs buckled as he attempted to launch a strike at Kwakami's jaw. As Kwakami returned fire he also stumbled. Sent reeling into the ropes, SATO came firing back with a Wind Sprint Elbow. Measuring Kwakami as the challenger found his feet SATO nailed a second Wind Sprint Elbow for the coup de grace and the victory


WINNER and still International Champion: SATO 7th defence (24:49) [82]


**** ****





Stone Avalanche vs Yasuda & Takimoto



A disaster. With Avalanche Takano already banged up and wearing the phantom of the opera mask to protect his broken cheekbone, Stone Yoshikawa was being relied upon to carry the bulk of the work. That is until early in the bout he landed awkwardly and suffered what would later be diagnosed as a separated shoulder.


The bout limped on for another 10 minutes, Yasuda doing what he could to keep the crowd enthused. Eventually Yasuda put the bout out of it's misery with a Minilla Plunge to Yoshikawa


WINNERS via pinfall: Yasuda & Takimoto (14:40)[48]


**** ****






An excellent bout in which two main event teams threw everything they had at one another. These four can do it all with fast, hard nosed chain wrestling, brutal strikes, submissions and even the occasional bit of high flying thrown in. In a stunning back and forth contest neither team developed a clear advantage as the fast tags and relentless action flowed.


Muruyama's 40 years perhaps began to tell as he was noticeably a step or two behind the three younger men. Despite the reaction from the crowd this one did outstay its welcome just a little as after 20 minutes of non-stop action the fans did seem to grow a little fatigued. In an awesome finishing sequence, Ugaki kicked out at 2 from a Kitoaji Lariat. As Kitoaji went for a follow up Lariat, this time with a rip chord start up, Ugaki cut him down with a Flatliner reversal before rolling through into the Ugaki Clutch.


WINNERS via submission: Muruyama & Ugaki (20:51) [81]


**** ****








The huge gaijin had been on a tear heading into this and when he had briefly clashed with Jimbo during tour matches things had invariably devolved into wild brawls on the outside. This bout started in much the same fashion with Cavanagh very quickly dominating the champion before sending him to the outside, slamming him into guard rails, tables and the arena floor.


The Beast lived up to his name with reporters and young boys running for cover while the challenger battered the champion and taunted the fans in attendance. Jimbo showed the heart of a champion which has typified his Glory Crown reign, not only rallying but seeming to grow stronger and stronger as the bout progressed. Weathering the storm which Cavanagh brought, Jimbo's sheer willingness to keep taking shots and keep moving forward seemed to shake Cavanagh; and if that didn't then the forearm shivers and Jimbo Driver certainly did. Cavanagh held his own but the big man simply seemed to punch himself out and with 25 minutes elapsed he succumbed to the Seiji Ocean Lock.


While not the greatest bout of Jimbo's title reign it is arguably his greatest performance. In front of close to 50,000 Jimbo elevated the untested Cavanagh to main event status, truly a star-making bout and one which will cement Jimbo's claim to being one of the greatest workers active today.


WINNER via submission and still Glory Crown champion: Seiji Jimbo (25:06) 9th defence [82]


**** ****




Taking the microphone, Jimbo seemed to become emotional as he looked around Toyota Stadium, momentarily overwhelmed by the scale of the crowd. After thanking the fans and promising that he will always fight for them, Jimbo complimented the fallen Cavanagh - now being helped to the back by Timmy West - on an incredibly hard fought bout, saying that Cavanagh has proven himself a worthy challenger for the Glory Crown.


Not content with this victory, Jimbo stated that he must continue fighting to prove that he is the greatest of his generation. "SATO-san! I hear you" says the champion. Going on, Jimbo explained that while the marketing men, the board members and the politicians may want to overlook SATO, he will not. Jimbo said he can think of no better way to continue proving that he is the greatest of the generation than a Champion vs Champion bout. He has heard SATO's challenge and he accepts.


With that Jimbo again thanked the fans and soaked in the adoration, posing with the title while confetti rained down




**** ****



Match of the night: SATO vs Akinori Kwakami

MVP: Seiji Jimbo



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Really good show. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I love seeing Jimbo turn into an ace.


Thanks man!


honestly booking Jimbo and especially now doing the write-ups have really been a journey for me haha. It's gone from "god damn nepotism" to just having a huge amount of affection and loyalty to the man. Peeling back the curtain a little he had a 91 rating for that match against Big Danny, just dragging Cavanagh to a main event. He is the absolute man and I love him

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In the history of pro wrestling few names are more respected. All his life he has walked his own path. Refusing to be in anyone's shadow, he commands respect. He demands attention. Known throughout the world as one of the finest grapplers alive today. A champion everywhere he has been with the greatest pedigree in all of pro wrestling. Few men have the technical excellence, the fighting ability and the strength of mind to carry a legacy so huge.


Armed with the most feared hold in wrestling history.



Blessed with natural ability that few can hope to match.



Destined for greatness.



All his life he has walked his own path. At Night of KINGS he will walk the King's Road.







The son of a legend.







The Son of Sam.







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PGHW NEWS & Night of KINGS Primer


From BodySlam Magazine, October 2020 issue


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In puro news, PGHW have announced plans to host commemorative events in 2021 for their 25th anniversary. Nobuatsu Tatsuko had hinted at this previously but the company have now set two dates and booked venues for 2 specials to mark the occasion. A New Year's show in January to mark the promotion entering it's 25th year and a larger 25th Anniversary special to be held in July 2021, when the company reaches its 25th birthday. Advertising for the anniversary show promises legends and famous faces both past and present though no names are yet attached. Tatsuko has said that more announcements should be expected in the coming months.



Elsewhere the league made a number of moves to inject new blood into the roster having lost a lot of midcard talent to BHOTWG in recent months. The company first announced that Greg Gauge will be making his debut at Night of KINGS though as yet exactly what his involvement will be is unknown. What we have learned since the announcement is that Gauge has been loaned to the puro outfit through a newly established talent trading deal with TCW. In return Jack Marlowe has been making appearances on TCW TV. The deal sees the companies strengthening their ties, with TCW previously accepting a number of talents on excursion from PGHW. Due to Gauge's commitments with TCW it's not expected that he will be making appearances on tour shows, given the demanding travel schedule which that would entail.




In addition, the signings of veteran Shingen Miyazaki and highly rated Tanyu Toshusai have been announced ahead of the KINGS Tour. While Gauge has garnered the headlines these two are important pick ups, as PGHW will be adding two reliable workers and a potential future star in Toshusai. Toshusai, currently one half of the Black Canvas Grappling tag team champions, recently announced his intention to leave the Osaka based promotion and was immediately invited to join PGHW after doing so. At 30 years old Toshusai has the looks and the in-ring style to be a serious player in PGHW. Miyazaki meanwhile, pushing 40, isn't likely to be groomed for an ELITE Series win any time soon but the veteran is a solid hand and will be a useful addition to the roster. </div>



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The challenge was made at Night of LEGACY and now a historic Champion vs Champion bout will take place at Night of KINGS. Seiji Jimbo has made it his mission to become the "Ace" and must face down all challengers to prove himself. Jimbo has declared that he must prove himself to be the best wrestler of his generation and seeks out worthy challengers to prove himself. A victory in the historic match would bring him one step closer to his goal.


Last time these two men met, in the ELITE Series, Jimbo was victorious but since then SATO has been on his own quest.


SATO: Since the ELITE Series I feel like I have become a new man. I finished bottom of my block, it was a wake up call. Even though I defeated Kwakami in the tournament I lost to Jimbo, I lost to Ugaki. People thought I was inferior even though I had recently won the International Championship. I was contemplating that a lot at the time. Like my championship was worthless and that I wasn't good enough to be a champion in the eyes of the fans. I knew then that things had to change and I had to fight to prove myself. I knew that I had to get better. Since that tournament I haven't lost in a singles match. I haven't been pinned or submitted. I owed it to myself to become a great champion and to the fans to be a great International Champion. At Night of LEGACY I was really emotional. I defeated Kwakami again but this time it felt different. The fans accepted me as their champion with that victory. 48,000 - I heard them cheering my name. People said that we had the best bout. It's an honour because it proves that I was right to keep fighting. I want to become the greatest International Champion there has ever been. No International Champion before me has challenged for the Glory Crown. Nobody has ever held both titles. My dream now is to defend both titles and prove that I am the greatest champion. Jimbo put the idea into my head about being the best of the generation. It had never occurred to me before but as soon as I heard it I knew that that had to become my next goal. It was his dream first but now I have to take that dream because without it I can't complete my own mission to be the greatest champion.








Since refocusing on their tag team efforts Masaru Ugaki and Ryoma Muruyama have been rejuvenated. After calling out KitoGuchi and earning a vital win the duo have been awarded a Glory Tag Crown opportunity and will face Beast & West at Night of KINGS. Muruyama & Ugaki have been defeated only once in tag team competition in 2020 and have championship pedigree, winning the title three times before as well as the ELITE Tag Series on two occassions. Despite the accolades, the current champions are not intimidated.


Timmy West: Ugaki and Muruyama. Future hall of famers. Done it all in PGHW but they've never beaten us. They've never had to face a team like The Iron Man and The Mighty Beast because there are no teams like us. We said we were taking over Japan and we meant it. Danny took the Glory Crown champion to his limits in front of 50,000. When was the last time a crowd like that came to see PGHW before Beast & West arrived here? This train doesn't stop rolling and at Night of KINGS we're rolling right over Muruyama & Ugaki


Danny Cavanagh: Muruyama & Ugaki have only been beaten once in 2020? That's supposed to impress me? Big deal. We haven't been beaten period. I don't mean to make this personal, these are just the facts. Beast & West do not lose. We're the Glory Tag Crown champs now and we're gonna be the Glory Tag Crown champs forever. We run this division. I love what these guys are about right now, doing the whole couples therapy thing cos Ugaki has the boo boo face. I get it, but it's what I keep telling you - we aren't here to do feel good stories, we're here to win championships and cash cheques. It's just business.








With the ELITE Tag Series on the horizon Kozue Kawashima has declared that he will compete. A four time champion, Kawashima's tag team with PRIDE Koiso was legendary. Double K is now faced with the challenge of finding a new partner and he has hand picked a young prospect to fight by his side. The powerhouse War Machine is Kawashima's chosen partner and in order to prepare for the upcoming series Kawashima has issued a special challenge to test their skills as a team. Kawashima explains his challenge and why he chose War Machine as his partner


Kozue Kawashima: He's the biggest on the roster! I'm joking but it is true. He's incredibly strong and powerful so obviously he stands out when you're looking for a partner but it's what he does that impresses me so much. Everyone knows he's so surprising in the ring with his attacks. Coming off the ropes, his powerful offence, he does a lot of things you don't expect from someone his size. The things people don't see though, how hard he works, that is why I asked him to be my partner. Did you know he lives in Japan now? He's so dedicated. I've seen how hard he trains, his determination. That's the kind of man I want by my side. Of course it's going to be very hard for us, a new team, when there are so many great teams here already. We need to find out how good we are and that's why I've issued a challenge to KitoGuchi. If we are going to compete in the ELITE Series we are going to try and win. This is serious, it isn't an exhibition so we need to know if we can compete with teams like that. There's nobody better, that's why we're going right for them. If we are going to win we need to beat the best.


War Machine: People expect me to act shocked that Kozue Kawashima asked me to be his tag team partner. I was surprised, sure, because I'm not a tag team wrestler usually but let's be honest. I'm the most dominant athlete here. Kozue has been in the ring with me, he knows how good I am, he's seen me training and he's seen me in action. I appreciate Kozue asking me, he is one of the greatest, but he asked me for a reason. He knows that we can compete. Check my record here. Nobody else here can match me. I feel like I've been overlooked in PGHW, to be honest, so I'm grateful that Kozue has given me this opportunity to show that and I feel sorry for any of the teams that get in our way.




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PGHW Glory Crown

Champion vs Champion

SATO vs Seiji Jimbo ©


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki


Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe


Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou


Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers (Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki)


Kozue Kawashima & War Machine vs KitoGuchi


Mamoru Nagahama vs Tanyu Toshusai


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Tsurayuki Kamachi © vs Akio






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PGHW Glory Crown

Champion vs Champion

SATO vs Seiji Jimbo ©


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki


Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe


Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou


Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers (Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki)


Kozue Kawashima & War Machine vs KitoGuchi


Mamoru Nagahama vs Tanyu Toshusai


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Tsurayuki Kamachi © vs Akio

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PGHW Glory Crown

Champion vs Champion

SATO vs Seiji Jimbo ©


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki


Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe


Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou


Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers (Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki)


Kozue Kawashima & War Machine vs KitoGuchi


Mamoru Nagahama vs Tanyu Toshusai


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Tsurayuki Kamachi © vs Akio



Really digging the content you're putting out here. Keep it coming!

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PGHW Glory Crown

Champion vs Champion

SATO vs Seiji Jimbo ©


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki


Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe

Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou

Greg better not lose!


Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers (Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki)


Kozue Kawashima & War Machine vs KitoGuchi


Mamoru Nagahama vs Tanyu Toshusai


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Tsurayuki Kamachi © vs Akio

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