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PGHW: Walking the Royal Road

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PGHW Glory Crown

Seiji Jimbo © vs Kozue Kawashima

Could go either way, but I think Jimbo wins to cement his Ace status.


Masaru Ugaki vs Tetsunori Yasuda

Seems like you're giving Masaru more of an edge as of late, so I'm thinking Ugaki wins the singles match to justify him seeing his partner as the weak link and going solo after they drop the tag team titles.


PGHW International Championship

BISON Yano vs SATO ©

Yano might have had a good tour, but I don't really see him as a singles champion right now.


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©

This is probably a mistake since Gauge isn't even a full time roster member, but I think Kamachi is expendable enough for the shock booking to turn Gauge into a PGHW star.


Kwakami & Sanda vs The Ring Generals

This should be a good match, but it's hard to be too invested since there's a pretty long queue for a tag team title shot and there wasn't any controversy to the results in the tournament. I'll pick the Ring Generals here since they lost in the tournament and it leaves room for a third "decider" match down the road.


Black Iron Corps vs Rebel Run X

Tough to pick Juniors in PGHW, but Black Iron Corps are still paying their dues and Rebel Run deserve a reward for being part of the MOTN on the prior PPV.


Avalanche Takano vs Hirobumi Takimoto

We can just further cloud the tag title scene by giving Stone Avalanche a justification for a match against The People's team should they win the titles.


Beast & West vs Toshusai & Nagahama

Beast & West seem to have faltered a bit since the start of this diary, but they have a lot more experience as a team than their opponents.


PGHW International Champion #1 Contender Match

Bussho Makiguchi vs "Big Game" Jack Marlowe

Makiguchi will be a singles star sooner than later, but I think Marlowe takes this one.

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Night of WRESTLING - 2020.12.11 Kobe Football Stadium, Kobe, Kansai (Attendance: 24,267)






Bussho Makiguchi vs "Big Game" Jack Marlowe


In the build up to the bout Marlowe and Makiguchi had clashed frequently, with Marlowe methodically targeting the lower back of Makiguchi each time. Marlowe had clearly been playing the long game, punishing his man over a number of weeks and his game plan tonight was clear. The match immediately broke down into a ringside walk'n'brawl which is becoming a staple of Marlowe's big show matches. Makiguchi, arguably the most versatile performer in PGHW, was happy to stand and roughhouse with Marlowe but when the Big Game Player bum rushed Makiguchi and clattered the small of his back into the ring apron the wind was taken out of his sails.


Marlowe continued to work the back until Makiguchi managed to fight out of a Jungle Jack Hammer attempt, landing on the apron and bringing Marlowe's arm down across the top rope. Holding on Makiguchi jumped to the arena floor, painfully wrenching the shoulder of the gaijin


The playing field levelled in the home stretch, it was now anybody's ball game. With Makiguchi unable to move at his normal pace due to his back, Marlowe's size advantage came into play and he regained control. Due to the damage in his arm however he couldn't power Makiguchi up for the Jack Hammer, allowing Makiguchi to rally one final time and put Marlowe away with the Blazing Elbow


A good opener which got the show off to a strong start, largely thanks to Makiguchi's excellent selling and energetic comebacks


WINNER via pinfall: Bussho Makiguchi (18:29) [73]


**** ****





Beast & West vs Toshusai & Nagahama


In a bout that Beast & West were openly very confident coming into and that fans and press were treating almost as an exhibition, the former Glory Tag Crown Champions may have been surprised to work as hard and as long as they did.


Things had the feel of an exhibition early as West dared Nagahama to lock up with him, showcasing a little NOTBPW style chain wrestling and surprising Nagahama by getting the better of him. Nagahama returned the favour by muscling West up for a belly to back takedown, surprising him. All niceties ended when Toshusai entered the fray, outworking West with lightning quick transitions before lighting him up with chops.


From there both teams brought the fight to one another in earnest and on surprisingly even footing, Toshusai again looking particularly deadly. Timmy West may have suffered more punishment than he anticipated but the results were the same when he scored the hot tag to Cavanagh late on, who exploded into action after brief forays into the bout earlier. After laying waste to both men Beast & West hit the Power Press to Toshusai to seal the win


A decent bout though it's increasingly clear that each team involved has one member who is carrying the other


WINNERS via pinfall: Beast & West (17:49) [60]


**** ****





Avalanche Takano vs Hirobumi Takimoto


A battle of two big, tough, young studs looking to really make a name for themselves. Despite a huge milestone victory in the Elite Tag Team Series, Takimoto has struggled to forget about Takano pinning him during the tournament and Takimoto is out for revenge.


It's fair to say that neither of these men is a technical wizard and the battle was centred around methodical brawling, stiff strikes and plenty of blunt force trauma. The two youngsters tested one another with measured shots, taking their time to feel one another out in slow paced, evenly matched contest.


This time, Takimoto had the Mountain Takano scouted, twice avoiding the move before picking up the win with his own Backdrop Driver.


A decent bout between two promising youngsters who did what was asked of them


WINNER via pinfall: Hirobumi Takimoto (15:07) [57]


**** ****





Black Iron Corps vs Rebel Run X


This was confirmed to be Fujio Narahashi's final PGHW appearance - at least for now. Black Iron Corps have made a good impression over the last 2 months but Narahashi may have been trying a little too hard here as his performance was a little sloppier than usual. Still these four exciting talents produced an entertaining enough bout, Hijo del Relampago particularly impressed with plenty of slick arm drags and innovative transitions.


It was a close affair but in the end Rebel Run X kept their momentum going, HDR putting Azumamaro Kita away with a Boosted Senton in a decent match


WINNERS via pinfall: Rebel Run X (15:07)[68]



**** ****





Kwakami & Sanda vs The Ring Generals


While the previous bout was an all action display from two hungry teams this was a chess match between two veteran teams who have done it all. A real slow burner where all four men showcased their technical prowess, trading holds and their toughness, dishing out and taking crunching suplexes and stiff shots.


While never providing high octane thrills, the match delivered good action throughout. In the final 2 minutes of the bout things finally began breaking down, all four men entering the ring as Kwakami broke up an attempted Wheelbarrow Bomb. With the time approaching 29 minutes it seemed destined to end in a stalemate but somewhere in the chaos, as Statler and Kwakami tumbled to the outside, Dean Waldorf hit the Waldorf Salad Toss on Noriyori Sanda to pull out a hard fought victory


A good match but both teams are capable of better and the crowd was hungry for something more intense than this - perhaps an error on the part of the booker or the road agent as opposed to the men in the ring


WINNERS via pinfall: The Ring Generals (28:56) [71]


**** ****







Greg Gauge vs Tsurayuki Kamachi ©


A real match up of red and blue personalities between the cocky, swaggering, Gauge and the quiet, respectful Kamachi. "Y'know why they call me the 12 Gauge?" he sneered directly into the camera during his entrance "'Cos I'm a shooter, baby!"


In the ring the two are quite well matched however, Kamachi having a slight height advantage with his rangey limbs, the broad shouldered, muscled up Gauge having the slight weight and strength advantage. Both entirely comfortable on the mat or standing and striking.


Kamachi has been an expert at controlling the pace throughout his title reign but here the match was fought on the challenger's terms and Kamachi was forced to match Gauge hold for hold and shot for shot in an all out battle. Each man looked for his own feared submission hold but it was Gauge who managed to grab his - reversing an attempted Dragon Screw, and scoring with a killer brainbuster before grabbing the Proton Lock


"Purotonrokku!" yelled Takeda on commentary as Kamachi inevitably tapped out!


Another good showing from Gauge who gives Kamachi the best bout of his Historical Japan run


WINNER and new PGHW Historical Japan Champion: Greg Gauge (15:07) [70]


**** ****








The man now known as the "Dream Warrior" continues his quest to restore honour and pride to the International Championship. Closing in on 300 days as champion, during the tour SATO began talking up his pursuit of the longstanding record reign of Seiji Jimbo at a little over ten months. With this newest goal in mind SATO is as determined as ever but opposite him as a huge, mean BISON, enjoying one of the best runs of his career.


The Yano Express scored numerous wins over the last two months and even laid SATO low on more than one occasion.


This was another bout where champion fought on the challenger's terms. A hard hitting contest which the fans ate up, though there were a couple of awkward exchanges and it has to be said SATO has performed better than this in the past. Over the course of the fight SATO matched the powerful BISON, repeatedly targeting the legs with huge kicks, attempting to take away the vertical base and the Yano Express.


These repeated attacks eventually took their toll and Yano, felled to his knees and with angry welts showing on his leg, was now at the mercy of the champion who battered him with hard strikes before finishing him with the Wind Sprint Elbow


WINNER via pinfall and still International Champion: SATO (22:30) 8th defence [77]


**** ****





Masaru Ugaki vs Tetsunori Yasuda


An intense rivalry has built up between the two men although it is perhaps a little one sided, evidenced early on here when Ugaki once again refused a clean break in the early exchanges, hitting Yasuda with a cheap shot just as he did at Night of COURAGE earning a reprimand from Shihei Nagano. Yasuda took a modicum of revenge when moments later he backed Ugaki into the ropes and made a big show of giving him a clean break, getting under Ugaki's skin even more.


Ugaki controlled the early going, wrestling Yasuda down, almost showboating as he floated over and transitioned between holds. Repeatedly letting Yasuda up and even offering up limbs before countering his opponent and taking him down once more, Ugaki was plainly trying to embarrass his foe and send a message. Keiji Takeda on commentary stressed that Yasuda is a fine technical wrestler but Masaru Ugaki is basically in a league of his own - Sosa Morri pitched in that such is Ugaki's amateur wrestling acumen that only Olympians could hope to outwrestle him on the mat.


Ugaki had his way with Yasuda though as he repeatedly failed to put his man away, Ugaki grew more and more frustrated, abandoning his gameplan of outwrestling Yasuda and instead standing and trading - allowing Yasuda to feed off emotion and off the fans.


By the twenty minute mark Ugaki had abandoned his gameplan entirely and the finale saw a desperate struggle between both men to score the knockout shot. Seeing Yasuda fight out of the Ugaki Clutch, Ugaki gave a cutthroat sign to the crowd and set Yasuda up looking for a dragon suplex. The People's Champion fought out, ramming Ugaki into the corner. Unloading with a barrage of chops and strikes, Yasuda suddenly had Ugaki reeling.


Yasuda called out to the crowd as he set Ugaki up and brought him crashing down with the Minilla Plunge! 1,2,3!


WINNER via pinfall Tetsunori Yasuda (26:01) [78]


**** ****






Seiji Jimbo vs Kozue Kawashima


A truly epic encounter between two warriors in the tradition of the King's Road style. A long feeling out process with plenty of grappling and jockeying, neither man able to score an obvious advantage.


After 20 minutes there was the first near fall from a Kawashima brainbuster from the second rope. After 30 minutes Kawashima hit the Double K Killer only for Jimbo to kick out - and rally! The never say die spirit of the champion brought him surging back into the match time and time again. After 40 minutes he scored a Jimbo Driver on the apron, Kawashima barely answering the count on the outside at 19


Back in the ring, after more back and forth Kawashima finally scored with the Kawashima Driver 2005 for the 1...2...no! Jimbo kicked out with almost 50 minutes elapsed!


With 10 minutes to go the two men traded bombs and several near falls, both practically out on their feet.


With 2 minutes left on the clock Jimbo nailed Kawashima with a German Suplex. Kawashima immediately began crawling for the ropes with Jimbo after him. Jimbo caught him and delivered another german only for Kawashima to scramble for the ropes again. This time Jimbo caught him and after the resulting german suplex he finally had Kawashima down and slapped on the Seiji Ocean Lock!


With the crowd going wild and Jimbo crying out in anguish, almost begging Kawashima to tap out, the challenger was desperately trying to hang on. Checking on Kawashima, asking him if he submitted, asking him if he could continue Referee Yugoro Adachi had no choice but to call for the bell


Still PGHW Glory Crown Champion as the result of a time limit draw: Seiji Jimbo (60:00) 10th defence [87]


An exceptional match perhaps only let down by the fact that by the time the match ended the show had been going for 4 and half hours!


**** ****



Young boys and staff flooded the ring to tend to the two warriors, an official handing Jimbo his Glory Crown. The two were clearly in agony - suddenly

























Magnum Kobe's music hit and he appeared, clad in a sharp suit.







Akio and Dark wing then appeared either side of him and the three men made their way to the ring, clearing the officials and young boys out.


Taking a microphone Kobe addressed the two men


Kobe: I came out here because I need to tell you both, congratulations. That was an amazing match between two incredible champions. But there's something that's been bugging me. The problem is, neither of you is going to be the face of the company. I am. That's what my associates are here to make sure of


With that Kobe gave Akio and Dark Wing a signal and they attacked the exhausted Kawashima and Jimbo. Barely able to stand, they offered little resistance as Akio and Dark Wing beat them down before holding Kawashima in place so that Kobe could smash him with the Glorious Red! Holding Jimbo in place in the same manner Kobe got in his face


Kobe: Jimbo Seiji. Listen to me. You've been a great champion. We've tried to do things your way but now it's time to do things our way. You can call this a hostile takeover. I hope you understand, it's just business


Kobe then smashed Jimbo with the Glorious Red, leaving him in a crumpled heap. Taking the Glory Crown Kobe studied it momentarily before laying it across the fallen champion. Adjusting his suit and dusting himself, off the three men walk out of the arena, the crowd furious at such an act of cowardice and disrespect




**** ****


Overall show rating: [84]

Match of the Night: Seiji Jimbo vs Kozue Kawashima

MVP: Kozue Kawashima






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PGHW Night of WRESTLING Post-show press conference


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Where a room of journalists sat waiting to hear from Seiji Jimbo, in stormed Magnum Kobe still flanked by Akio and Dark Wing. The gathered crowd immediately clamoured to ask questions about their alliance, about Kobe's actions but he angrily silenced them all


Kobe: Shut up! I didn't come here to answer questions. I came here to make a statement. Don't try to interrupt me, you don't want to make an enemy out of me - I have powerful friends. Dangerous friends. Do you understand what I am saying? Think about it. Think about where we all came from, the thing that connects us all. Do you get it now? Do you get what I mean when I say hostile takeover?


Kobe: Now, don't get the wrong idea. We're still professional wrestlers. I'm the best professional wrestler in the world but that's the problem. I haven't been treated like the best in the world here in PGHW but now I'm done playing second fiddle to Jimbo and Kawashima and everyone else. There's a lot of money to be made with Magnum Kobe as the face of this company and that's money that my ... sponsors expect to get their hands on. So far that hasn't happened. I realise now, it's because I tried to do things "right". I tried to do things the PGHW way. Shaking hands, showing respect, waiting in line. So it's my fault that I haven't been on top. Now though, my sponsors expect to see a return on their investment so we're through waiting.


Kobe, Dark Wing and Akio turn to leave but the journalists again begin their yelling for answers


Kobe: What did I say!? No questions. No... wait. Did I hear someone ask about our group? You want a name? Fine, you get one question. You can call us Death From Above






A visibly angered president Tatsuko entered after the three men had made their exit. Giving assurances to the gathered media that the three would be reprimanded for their actions Tatsuko stressed that he and the office were fully in control of the PGHW locker room and these incidents would not be tolerated.


Going on, Tatsuko gave his great thanks to Kozue Kawashima and Seiji Jimbo for their incredible effort and stated that he had told both men they could be excused from their media obligations for the evening - though both had insisted on facing the journalists.


Tatsuko announced that Kozue Kawashima had already asked to face the three assailants in a bout at the upcoming 25th Year Show on January 4th and that Tatsuko had granted his request.


Finally, Tatsuko said he hoped the incident had not spoiled what had been a great show and a great end to the year for PGHW






Finally facing the media, Seiji Jimbo quickly batted away several questions about the group calling themselves Death From Above, insisting on talking about the match that evening and his reign going into PGHW's 25th Year.


Jimbo: All I will say is that I have lost respect for them. Kobe has been a frequent tag team partner of mine, when I faced him for the Glory Crown I faced him as an equal. There are no shortcuts here. I am the face of this company because I can go one hour with Kozue Kawashima and sell out arenas. Attendance has more than doubled during my championship reign. If that's what Kobe wants he has to earn that. I'm incredibly proud of my achievements and what I achieved again tonight - he can never be proud of his actions.


When asked about the 60 minute draw Jimbo admitted that he was disappointed


Jimbo: Tonight was supposed to prove I am the Ace. I'm proud of the match and I'm proud of the effort we both put in but I still don't feel like I've proven myself to you all. I know some of you will still doubt me because I haven't settled it with Kawashima. As the champion it's worse to take a draw than as the challenger. As the champion it means you failed to defeat your opponent but for the challenger it means you matched the champion. I know we'll meet again.


The press again brought up Death From Above asking if Jimbo would consider teaming with Kawashima at the New Year show


Jimbo: That show should be a celebration. It's a show meant for us and the fans to celebrate making it to our 25th year after some tough times. I don't want to share a ring with them on a night like that. I want to celebrate the future, being champion on such an occasion and think about who could be the next champion in waiting. Daigo Goya. That's who I want to share a ring with. Someone who embodies PGHW




Others to speak with the press included:

  • Kozue Kawashima who spoke angrily about the attack, not showing the measured response of Jimbo before him. Kawashima said he doesn't have tag team partners yet for the Jan 4th showdown but he swore vengeance. He briefly spoke in praise of Jimbo but seemed distracted by the events at the close of the evening
  • Tetsunori Yasuda who said with his big singles victory tonight that he has proved he belongs at the top of the card in PGHW and after his huge success over the last 2 months, he expects a lot more title opportunities - and wins - in 2021
  • And Greg Gauge speaking perfect Japanese, talking very respectfully. The new Historical Japan Champion said it's an honour to hold the title and thanked the office for bringing him back to Japan and showing confidence in him by giving him this opportunity, before thanking Tsurayuki Kamachi for a great match.



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NEWS/25th Year Special preview/ RESPECT Tour part 1


From the Pro Wrestling Lantern

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PGHW Look to the FUTURE

A flurry of activity sees the resurgent puro league set their stall out for 2021


In a press release earlier this week Pride Glory Honour Wrestling announced that in 2021 they will be introducing the "FUTURE" initiative. Ostensibly standing for "Freedom and Unity Triumphant Unlimited Revolution is Eternal" the initiative is a move for the company to establish their younger talents and newcomers to the roster, having had a large roster turnover in 2020. The first major announcement as part of the initiative is the introduction of a six man tag team championship, for which a mini 4 team tournament will be held in January. The first matches will take place at the company's 25th Year Special on January 4th with the final taking place at Night of RESPECT.


The press release further stated that the company was looking at the possibility of holding smaller, FUTURE shows throughout the year with a view to showcasing younger and lesser known talents as well as freelancers and talents from their partner promotions, though no dates have yet been announced.


In more big news for the company, PGHW have also announced that live puro is returning to Japanese TV - albeit on a trial basis. The 25th Year Special show was previously set to be an unbroadcast live event but a deal has been reached with Japanese Sports Vision 2 (the station who broadcast PGHW's Tour Highlights) to show the event live. The belief within the industry is that this is a sort of pilot, with both PGHW and Japanese Sports Vision testing the waters with a view to broadcasting future events live or possibly reviving PGHW's old King's Road TV.


The broadcasting news doesn't end their either. The league have gotten out of their existing pay-per-view deal early and secured a new deal with Emperor Choice as the exclusive provider of PGHW PPV content. Emperor Choice are a much larger provider and - crucially - the provider with whom BHOTWG have their PPV deal. This change, and the move to get PGHW back on TV, comes as a result of Shuji Inukai's apparent disappointment with the promotion's commercial performance despite receiving much critical success. Word is that Inukai believes PGHW has provided superior in-ring output to their main rival however fewer people have seen the action and this has hindered the company's profitability and growth despite tremendous live gates. With larger PPV revenues and a hugely profitable Q4, the hope is that PGHW can compete with BHOTWG financially going forward. The understanding is that PGHW made the move to get out of their existing deal early as they want their annual Night of PRIDE supercard to be broadcast to maximum viewers




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PGHW Respect Tour Night 1 (Doshisha Athletic Center, Kansai)

Jack Marlowe and Muruyama & Ugaki def. Tsurayuki Kamachi & KitoGuchi [81]

Kwakami & Sanda def. Shingen Miyazaki and Avalanche Takano [74]

Kazushige Matsuki def. Azumamaro Kita [59]

War Machine, William Hayes and Gonnohyoe Kada def. Hirotsugu Satou and Toshusai & Nagahama [54]

Death From Above (Akio and Dark Wing) def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Daigo Goya [54]

Omezo Shikitei def. Stone Yoshikawa [54]


PGHW Respect Tour Night 2 (Toyama Hall, Chubu)

Kozue Kawashima and Jin Miyamoto def. Death From Above (Akio and Dark Wing)[76]

Seiji Jimbo and Stone Avalanche def. William Hayes and Yasuda & Takimoto [71]

Magnum Kobe def. Hijo del Relampago [63]

Tsurayuki Kamachi and The Ring Generals def. Omezo Shikitei and Beast & West [69]

KitoGuchi def. SATO and Daigo Goya [71]

War Machine def. Benjiro Shubukji [14]

Azumamro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi def. Masatochi Kamimura, Hideyori Kitagawa and Kastumi Abiko [59]


PGHW Respect Tour Night 3 (Hofu Arena, Chugoku)

SATO and Muruyama & Ugaki went to a time limit draw with Kazushige Matsuki and KitoGuchi [81]

Brute Kikuchi def. Gonnohyoe Kada [62]

Rebel Run X def. Death From Above (Akio and Dark Wing)

War Machine def. Shingen Miyazaki [47]

Akinori Kwakami and Omezo Shikitei def. Keith Archer and Tsurayuki Kamachi [61]

William Hayes and Tanyu Toshusai def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Hirotsugu Satou [53]

Magnum Kobe def. Masatochi Kamimura [68]



  • Tetsunori Yasuda has been announced as Seiji Jimbo's next challenger for the PGHW Glory Crown after his big victory at Night of WRESTLING
  • Sterling Whitlock has been signed by PGHW following expiration of his USPW contract. Whitlock, the protege of PGHW Hall of Famer Alexander Robinson has been signed to a permanent deal
  • Tsurayuki Kamachi suffered a bitter blow on Night 3 of the Tour, suffering a torn rotator cuff. Kamachi was hurt during a tag team match which he was originally scheduled to win. Knowing he was badly hurt immediately, Kamachi told Omezo Shikitei to grab a hold on him and immediately tapped out. Kamachi will be on the shelf for at least a year and has been forced to relinquish the WLW Universal Championship having never defended the title. In addition, he was scheduled to be a participant in the FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship tournament - he has now been replaced by Shingen Miyazaki



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PGHW Glory Tag Crown

KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©


Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima & Rebel Run X


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge © vs War Machine


Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes


The Ring Generals and Jack Marlowe vs Toshusai & Nagahama and SATO


FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Gonnohyoe Kada and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi



FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Omezo Shikietei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche


The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo

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PGHW Glory Tag Crown

KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©

It feels like KitoGuchi are bound for singles careers sooner than later.


Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima & Rebel Run X

I'll probably regret betting against the new heel stable, but Dark Wing just seems like a glaring weak link.


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge © vs War Machine

I don't think Gauge will lose the title so quickly.


Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes

Hayes was great, but he's over 40 and I'm not sure how much he has left in the tank.


The Ring Generals and Jack Marlowe vs Toshusai & Nagahama and SATO

Toshusai and SATO could be two key guys for your future, but Nagahama is clearly the most expendable guy here.


FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Gonnohyoe Kada and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi

I'd love to see a Dojo Breakers push, but I think they'll need a better partner than Kada.


FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Omezo Shikietei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche

Poor Kamachi, dude was clearly having the best year of his career in PGHW and WLW and then gets hit by a bad injury.


The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo

Would be a bit of a burial of your entire tag division if the Elite Tag Series winners lost to a Makeshift pairing of your Ace and a young boy. Yasuda gets the win here to build up interest in his title challenge.

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I have just read through the last two major shows - I think this is the best presented puro diary I have seen on this board. The focus is on the main shows (as it should be), but the press conferences do a great job of summarising the main stories and key events in tour shows. Great work.


You've done really well to tell stories right down the card which is something I find really difficult - there's not too many filler matches, and even where there is some filler it serves some purpose.


* * *


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©


Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima & Rebel Run X


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge © vs War Machine


Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes


The Ring Generals and Jack Marlowe vs Toshusai & Nagahama and SATO


FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Gonnohyoe Kada and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi



FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Omezo Shikietei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche


The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo

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I have just read through the last two major shows - I think this is the best presented puro diary I have seen on this board. The focus is on the main shows (as it should be), but the press conferences do a great job of summarising the main stories and key events in tour shows. Great work.


You've done really well to tell stories right down the card which is something I find really difficult - there's not too many filler matches, and even where there is some filler it serves some purpose.


Damn, thank you my brother. I mean I owe you a debt, I stole the whole style and presentation from your excellent diary so I would say that mine will always be second to your's

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PGHW Glory Tag Crown

KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©


Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima & Rebel Run X


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Greg Gauge © vs War Machine


Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes


The Ring Generals and Jack Marlowe vs Toshusai & Nagahama and SATO


FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Gonnohyoe Kada and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi



FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship Tournament semi-final

Omezo Shikietei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche


The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo

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PGHW 25th Year Special event


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PGHW 25th Year Special - 2021.01.04 New Mei Sports Stadium, Yokkaichi, Kansai (Attendance: 7,909)


Pre-show Bouts

Sterling Whitlock def. Katsumi Abiko

Beast & West def. Shibukji & Kitagawa


**** ****





The People's Team vs Daigo Goya and Seiji Jimbo


By request of the Glory Crown champion the young Daigo Goya got his first taste of action in a featured match in PGHW, competing in an exhibition against the duo now formally billed as The People's Team. The bout was well received and a perfect way to start the special celebratory show. Jimbo and Goya showed surprising fluidity as a duo and the two seem like a natural pairing. While it would be a stretch to say they matched the Elite Tag Team Series winners there were moments where they showed fine teamwork, utilising quick tags to work over Hirobumi Takimoto.


Despite the handshakes at the opening bell and the nature of the exhibition things did get more intense when Jimbo faced off with the challenger for his Glory Crown, Yasuda exchanging stiffs shots with the champion.


The bout was surprisingly open and while Goya got in a decent amount of offence he remains a young lion so this didn't amount to much more than forearms, kicks and even a back suplex.


Tetsunori Yasuda got the win after a fun back and forth with the Minilla Plunge on Goya


WINNERS via pinfall: The People's Team (11:41) [76]


**** ****






Omezo Shikitei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Shingen Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche


A face off between two well matched six man squads, each boasting a pair of veterans and a hungry younger member as well as a pair of technicians and a more impactful member. Thus went the flow of the match, early grappling exchanges pitting Sanda and Shikitei against the NOTBPW influenced technique of Stone Yoshikawa and Shingen Miyazaki giving way to a faster pace when Kwakami & Takano hit the ring, battering one another with hard hitting offence.


Omezo Shikitei has looked impressive in recent outings on tour and while he has only been in PGHW a matter of months he has quickly acclimatised, by now looking right at home and another impressive showing here saw him score the victory, submitting Shingen Miyazaki with the Cross Arm Breaker just as he had Tsurayuki Kamachi days earlier.


A short bout which Shikitei and Kwakami & Sanda won fairly comfortably. Perhaps telling that they had had weeks to prepare whereas Miyazaki and Stone Avalanche had only been put together days prior


WINNERS via submission Omezo Shikitei and Kwakami & Sanda (10:38) [69]


**** ****






Gonnohyoe and Dojo Breakers vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi


The Dojo Breakers ethos is that they will match styles with any opponent and they found a suitable partner in the rugged brawler Gonnohyoe Kada. Kada and Matsuki couldn't have been more at home matching stiff strikes with their three muscled up foes, Keith Archer being tagged in to slow things and down and help his team exert control over the bout with punishing holds.


Keith Archer is no junior heavyweight but against the awesome power of Brute Kikuchi he was dwarfed, being pressed overhead and slammed with the greatest of ease. Azumamaro Kita continues to find his feet in PGHW, matching strikes with Kada before pulling him into a Muay Thai clinch and unloading with knees and elbows. Yano used his usual array of slams and clotheslines and he is armed with one of the most devastating weapons of all, the Yano Express which he used here to take out the smaller man, Archer, and score the victory for his team


A decent bout where all 6 men showed their credentials


WINNERS via pinfall: Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi (14:52) [71]


**** ****





"Big Game" Jack Marlowe and The Ring Generals vs SATO and Toshusai & Nagahama


A match where all six men had a lot to prove with The Ring Generals looking to continue to build momentum and fight their way into contention, Toshusai & Nagahama trying to establish themselves and the animosity between SATO and Jack Marlowe continues to build.


A good match with lively exchanges, particularly when Dean Waldorf squared off with SATO, the technical wizard looking outwork SATO who responded with hard strikes before dropping Waldorf with a big suplex. Toshusai continues to impress, showing his array of puro offence. The gaijin squad eventally managed to isolate Nagahama and work him over - the veteran once again looking off the pace. Despite Nagahama's team rallying briefly, it was the former Glory Tag Crown holder who eventually fell prey to the Jungle Jack Hammer


WINNERS via pinfall: "Big Game" Jack Marlowe and The Ring Generals (13:30) [70]


**** ****




After picking up the win and having his hand raised Marlowe demanded a microphone.


Marlowe: SATO, don't think I'm going away any time soon. Whether it's you or it's Bussho Makiguchi after Night of RESPECT, I still have my sights set on that International Championship and when you're in the sights of the Big Game Hunter it's already too late. It doesn't matter about what happened at Night of WRESTLING it doesn't matter about the politicians here in PGHW making me jump through hoops. My time will come and when it does I will be walking away the new PGHW International Champion.




**** ****





Hirotsugu Satou vs William Hayes


A classic case of the hungry youngster versus the wily veteran. William Hayes took Satou down early, attempting to smother him and barr him from unloading with his impactful offence. Satou seems to have renewed determination and vigor of late, here managing to fight out of Hayes' grappling and take the fight to him. After being shot off into the ropes early in the bout, Satou went low and sent Hayes spinning through the air, taking him out at the knee.


The youngster then exhibited a killer instinct, methodically targeting the leg and working it over for extended periods, sofetning Hayes up for the Scorpion Deathlock. Hayes still has plenty of fight and rallied but each time he did Satou again found the injured leg, cutting him off. Satou finally managed to put Hayes down with a barrage of forearms followed by a Northern Lights Suplex, allowing him to grab the Scorpion Deathlock for the victory.


WINNER via submission: Hirotsugu Satou (14:06) [60]


**** ****







Greg Gauge © vs War Machine


In stark contrast to the previous bout this one was a quick and hard hitting affair, both men unloading from the opening bell. The huge War Machine was clearly keen to avoid going into the deep waters with a technical wizard like Gauge while the champion looked to keep the pace quick, possibly attempting to gas the big man out early.


War Machine gave Gauge a pasting, the Historical Japan Champion being on his heels for the first time in his PGHW career. Gauge was forced to duck and dive, catching War Machine off guard with opportune reversals, trying to wear him down with hard chops and using his own momentum against him. Taking War Machine off his feet with a diving European Uppercut from the middle ropes Gauge went for the Proton Lock but Machine easily powered out. A short while later, after a lightning quick sequence of chain wrestling transitions from Gauge he kicked Machine's leg out from behind and nailed him with a DDT again looking for the Proton Lock but this time was thrown to the outside.


On the arena floor Machine attempted to crush Gauge's head against the steel turnbuckle but as he charged in Gauge dived for safety, the resulting impact on Machine's knee being devastating. Quickly, Gauge rammed the big man's head into the steel post before rolling him inside and finally grabbing the Proton Lock. On commentary, the newcomer Naizen Uboshita remarked that The Proton Lock is the most feared hold in pro wrestling history and even a man of War Machine's size and strength is powerless once it has been applied. The super heavyweight duly tapped out.


Having had to draw on elements of all styles he's picked up travelling the globe. Gauge picks up an impressive first title defense in a match which got the crowd buzzing


WINNER via submission and still PGHW Historical Japan Champion: Greg Gauge (11:31) 1st defence [70]


**** ****



30 Minute Time Limit


Death From Above vs Kozue Kawashima and Rebel Run X


A fierce grudge match which centred around Magnum Kobe playing cat and mouse with Kozue Kawashima. Kobe avoided being in the ring with Kawashima but he taunted Double K constantly when he was on offence himself. Kawashima cut a frustrated figure, clearly not wanting to waste time with Akio and Dark Wing, quickly tagging out after tangling with either of them. The four junior heavyweights seemed evenly matched, going through fast sequences of move and counter move though notably a lot more strikes were thrown in than you would expect from the four men's usual style, the animosity clearly building.


Kobe came in and took control, dominating the smalles man in the match Jin Miyamoto. Locking Miyamoto in painful holds and smiling at Kawashima on apron and laying in brutal kicks to his downed opponent, Kobe relished his opportunity to get under Kawashima's skin. Death From Above had Miyamoto at their mercy but they didn't look to put the man away and he somehow fought out, catching Dark Wing and Akio both off balance with a series of reverals, diving for the hot tag to Kawashima who exploded into life, obliterating Akio and DW with a series of lariats, slams and devastating suplexes. Dismantling the two men Kawashima pointed directly at Kobe before dropping Dark Wing with the Kawashima Driver 2005. Before going for the cover, Kawashima glanced over at Kobe who made no move to break the count - even now reluctant to enter the ring with Kawashima


WINNERS via pinfall: Kozue Kawashima and Rebel Run X (20:26) [77]


**** ****


Kobe may have avoided Kawashima up until that moment but almost as soon as the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time Kobe was on Kawashima, blindsiding him with kicks and punches. Rebel Run X raced into the ring and soon all six men were embroiled in a Donnybrook while the ring bell rang futilely and Shihei Nagano pleaded with them to quit. Suddenly










Wielding a steel chair and appearing through a crowd of young boys, the masked man Acid clobbered Kawashima from behind as he was getting the better of Kobe in one corner. Now with the numbers advantage DFA quickly beat their men down, kicking Rebel Run X under the bottom ropes and laying waste to Kawashima.


Setting the chair up, trapping Kawashima underneath with the base of the chair legs across his throat, Kobe took a seat and peered down at his fallen rival, smiling sadistically. Kobe was handed a microphone by Dark Wing. While Kobe spoke, Acid produced a Death From Above banner from his tights and unfurled it behind Kobe's head.



Kobe: Do you see now, Kawashima Kozue? We won't be stopped. We can't be beaten. We run the wrestling world. What's that Kawashima? Can you breathe? Are you choking? Now you know how I feel. Choking while I had to watch you and Jimbo argue about who is the greatest. I am the world's greatest professional wrestler and I will be the face of PGHW. With my skill and my contacts nobody can stop me. You can't stop me. Soon, I'll have it all. The Elite Series. The Glory Crown. And you can choke on that.


Posing in front of the unfurled banner with the rest of his faction momentarily, Kobe finally led them away as young boys rushed the ring to attend to Kawashima







**** ****







KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©


Despite the recent history between the two teams - trading wins late in 2020 - and despite the change in atmosphere after the ugly scenes moments earlier, the two teams looked to square off in a respectful manner befitting the evening, shaking hands before the bell.


The fans were electric and the action in this one was superb, so much so that at the commentary desk the young Naizen Uboshita occasioanlly flubbed his lines and struggled to keep his cool. Keiji Takeda meanwhile suggested that these are possibly the two greatest tag teams in the world.


After the early feeling out period - notably Ugaki granting clean breaks to both men early on - Ugaki invited first Makiguchi and then Kitoaji to test him on the mat. Getting the better of both men, the immensely proud Kitoaji apparently took umbrage with Ugaki showboating and let loose with a loud, stinging slap to the face. Ugaki pulled him in and unloaded with a European Uppercut and from there things only escalated. Soon all four men were trading big shots, suplexes, trademark tag team offence and punishing holds. Muruyama, almost 10 years the senior of his two opponents, was breathing raggedly after 20 minutes of intense battle and near falls.


In what looked like a mirror image of the finish from Night of LEGACY, Kitoaji looked for the Kitoaji Lariat with a rip chord start up only for Ugaki to pull him into a Flatliner attempt. Kitaoji had it scouted this time, blocking the Flatliner and unloading with an Exploder suplex. With Makiguchi and Muruyama both down and out on the apron, he seemingly had Ugaki at his mercy and blasted him with the Lariat! 1...2...NO! Ugaki got the shoulder up! He looked for the rip chord again but this time Ugaki ducked under before dumping him with a German Suplex. Ugaki locked in the Ugaki Clutch and despite holiding on, Kitoaji was forced to tap out just as Bussho Makiguchi dived to break the hold.


WINNERS via submission and still PGHW Glory Tag Crown champions: Muruyama & Ugaki (24:55) 1st defence [90]


**** ****


Match of the night: KitoGuchi vs Muruyama & Ugaki

MVP: Masaru Ugaki




Tiberious - 8/8

Scottie - 7/8

BornToFail - 6/8

Kijar - 5/8

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Fallout from 25th Year Special


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25th Year Special News







After another cowardly post-match attack at the recent 25th Year Special event all members of Death From Above were suspended effective immediately. The group further expanded their ranks at the event, adding the mysterious Acid who led the ambush against Kozue Kawashima and Rebel Run X.


The group were not permitted to speak with the press following the event and word is that they were dismissed from the building as soon as they arrived backstage, as furious officials did not even allow the group to change after their bout.


President Nobuatso Tatsuko had condemned the faction's behaviour at Night of WRESTLING and this latest action proved too much for the president to take, swiftly handing out fines and indefinite suspensions to Kobe, Akio, Dark Wing and even the debuting Acid.


Mr. Tatsuko has already faced pushback for the suspensions from an unlikely source however. Kozue Kawashima, enraged and still eager to settle the score with Kobe, has urged the president to permit Kobe's return to competition and to allow them to settle the dispute in the ring. Kawashima has officially issued a challenge for Kobe to face him at Night of RESPECT but PGHW officials have not signed off on the match and Kobe has gone to ground










In more fallout from Death From Above's cowardly attack at the 25th Year Special event, KitoGuchi surprised journalists after their main event match by taking the opportunity to respond angrily to Death From Above's actions. The team had failed in their bid to capture the Glory Tag Crown and the media had expected to hear from them about the setback but they instead aimed remarks at Magnum Kobe and his cohort.


Makiguchi: We need to talk about what happened tonight and at Night of WRESTLING. There are a bunch of punks here, acting as wrestlers, attacking true competitors because they can't get it done in the ring. Kito and I aren't going to take it. We worked hard our whole lives to get here and these guys think they can just demand everything and use gang tactics when they don't get their way. Well I hope they're hearing me because if they run into us then they're gonna be sorry.


Kitoaji: Everybody knows what a difficult year this has been for me. Last year I lost my father. He was a man who built this company, who built puro and made it what it is today. I hear what Kobe is saying. Talking about where he came from and his connections. I know what that means. I saw where he came from and what happened to that place when he and his friends were involved. They think they're going to come in here and get rich by tearing down everything my father dedicated his whole life to create? I can't allow it. I won't allow scum like that to become involved with this company.


Makiguchi: They talk about the King's Road and the King's Road Style. Some say Kito's father was the man who created that. Well as long as we're around the King's Road will always be safe. Those punks want to run around in a gang? Well we're forming a group too. You can call our group Shiroyama because we would die to protect the tradition and honour of Pride Glory Honour Wrestling.


Interestingly, the duo's proclamation has drawn immediate criticism from Glory Crown Champion Seiji Jimbo. Jimbo, who has a noted rivalry with Kitoaji, has spoken out accusing the team of a cynical attempt to steal the headlines.


Jimbo: Who is Kitoaji to appoint himself defender of the King's Road? Who is Makiguchi? I'm the Glory Crown champion which makes me the champion of PGHW. That means if anybody is the defender of the King's Road then I am - that's what a champion is. It was me who was targeted. Myself and Kawashima. Kobe came after us because we are on top. He is trying to use us to make himself into a star and what KitoGuchi are doing is no different. They failed to win the Glory Tag Crown and now they see an opportunity to put their name back out there and get people talking about them.


The Glory Crown champion wasn't done there, calling the idea of a defensive group positioned against Death From Above "pointless" and stating that the PGHW Seiki-gun would the group to oppose them


Jimbo: There's no need for some kind of faction to band together and oppose Kobe and his group. The locker room opposes them. Nobody condones their actions and anyone who is threatened by them will naturally join forces to battle them. I said previously I lost all respect for Kobe when he attacked myself and Kawashima and I believe I speak for everyone when I say that. KitoGuchi don't need to make any grand statements about that group because everybody feels the same.


Kitoguchi have stated that they already know who will be the first to be offered a place by their side but would not reveal any names, saying that as a mark of respect they would be the first to find out when Kitoguchi extend their offer formally.


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Respect Tour Part 2 / Night of Respect Card


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PGHW Respect Tour Tag 4 (Ryugoku Home Hall, Kanto)

KitoGuchi offer The People's Team places in Shiroyama - they accept! [70]

KitoGuchi and The People's Team def. SATO, Seiji Jimbo and Dojo Breakers [79]

Masaru Ugaki def. Dean Waldorf [87]

Azumamro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi def. War Machine and Toshusai & Nagahama [66]

Beast & West def. Katsumi Abiko and Masatochi Kamimura [58]

Gonnohyoe Kada and Stone Avalanche def. Daigo Goya, Shingen Miyazaki and William Hayes [57]

Jim Miyamoto def. Hideyori Kitagawa [53]


PGHW Respect Tour Tag 5 (Kagawa Tourism Exhibtion Center, Shikoku)

Yano & Kikuchi and KitoGuchi def. SATO, Omezo Shikitei and Kwakami & Sanda [68]

Hirotsugu Satou and Dojo Breakers def. Hirokazu Yamanoue and Rebel Run X [58]

Marv Statler def. Ryoma Muruyama [64]

Sterling Whitlock and Jack Marlowe def. Shingen Miyazaki and William Hayes [65]

War Machine and Beast & West def. Daigo Goya and Stone Avalanche [66]

Death From Above (Acid, Dark Wing and Magnum Kobe) def. Katsumi Abiko, Hideyori Kitagawa and Masatochi Kamimura [59]


PGHW Respect Tour Tag 6 (Kumamoto Hall, Kyushu)

SATO, Seiji Jimbo and Muruyama & Ugaki def. Dean Waldorf, Bussho Makiguchi and The People's Team [79]

Kozue Kawashima and War Machine def. Dark Wing and Acid [67]

BISON Yano def. Omezo Shikitei [55]

Akio def. Mamoru Nagahama [57]

Hirotsugu Satou, Keith Archer and Shingen Miyazaki def. Daigo Goya, William Hayes and Gonnohyoe Kada [55]

Rebel Run X def. Shibukji & Kitagawa [53]

Sterling Whitlock and Jack Marlowe def. Katsumi Abiko and Masatochi Kamimura [53]




  • On night 4 of the tour KitoGuchi revealed that The People's Team were the first men asked to join Shiroyama. Yasuda and Takimoto accepted the offer in the ring immediately after the main event of the evening. Kitoaji stated that they could think of nobody more loyal to or emblematic of PGHW. Yasuda and Takimoto said there were honoured while Yasuda's Night of RESPECT opponent, Seiji Jimbo, again criticised Shiroyama saying it was another cynical ploy by KitoGuchi to get under his skin - deliberately aligning themselves with his Glory Crown challenger.
  • Speaking of Chojiro Kitoaji, he suffered a wrist injury on Night 5 of the tour but will not miss any ring time
  • Death From Above saw their suspensions rescinded following lobbying from Kozue Kawashima and Rebel Run X who have been granted matches against the faction at Night of RESPECT
  • The Ring Generals were named as number 1 contenders for the Glory Tag Crown after the 25th Year Special event. Dean Waldorf and Masaru Ugaki had a singles bout on Night 4 of the tour which won both men a lot of praise in the PGHW office
  • Sources say that PGHW have offered a contract to a "major star" who could "swing the balance of power in their favour". Shuji Inukai had previously made it clear to business associates and the press that after a large roster turnover in 2020, 2021 would see fewer signings. Inukai did say there are "two or three" big names he hopes to bring in over the course of the year but that outside of these, fans should expect to see a much more settled roster in 2021.





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PGHW Glory Crown

Seiji Jimbo © vs Tetsunori Yasuda


Kozue Kawashima vs Magnum Kobe


PGHW Glory Tag Crown

The Ring Generals vs Muruyama & Ugaki ©


PGHW International Championship

SATO © vs Bussho Makiguchi


PGHW FUTURE Six Man Tag Team Championship

Omezo Shikitei and Kwakami & Sanda vs Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi


Rebel Run X vs Death From Above (Akio and Acid)


PGHW Historical Japan Championship

Hirobumi Takimoto vs Greg Gauge ©


Chojiro Kitoaji vs Dark Wing


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