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How do I stick to one save?

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What has worked for me is starting with a small company and seeing the challenge in building up the company, adding wrestlers to the roster etc.


But the main thing, for me at least, was switching companies when I either hit a ceiling with one company, or got a little bored.


I started out as ACPW booker and had a great 5-6 year run with them. At first I was only doing a show a month, so my first 2-3 years went by fast. Then I got a weekly TV show, which 'slowed' things down a bit, which was great, and allowed me to focus more on storylines etc. I also liked the fact that it was basically a Lightweight only promotion, so it kept my focus a little narrower in terms of signings and scouting wrestlers. However, eventually I got the company to a point where we were doing well and able to sign some really good talent, but my owner started nixing contracts for guys I wanted. At the same time, the CZCW Ownership came open, so I 'jumped ship' to them and had a blast reshaping that company, and growing it as well...while still checking in on how ACPW was doing without me.


Then I built CZCW up to a Big company, but it was starting to feel stale, and limited to Lightweight/Middleweight wrestlers, when the CWA Ownership came open because that company was struggling in a big way. So, I went 'back to my Canadian roots' and took over a company with all weight classes available to me and have been slowly building CWA back up again, trying to expand the companies popularity to the rest of the world (Japan and US mostly) and adding talent that I used in ACPW or CZCW when they become available.


Being able to watch how different wrestlers careers have gone, and it feeling like my game world has a history that I've been a big part of shaping makes it a lot of fun to keep going. Sure, there's the 'I might do this different next time' thoughts...or, I miss X wrestler now that he's retired or 45 and declining...but there are just so many cool characters in the C-Verse that there's always something to do, and some good wrestler who, with the right push, can become a star.


It may be harder to do with a real world mod, but in terms of the C-Verse, I've had a blast making my own history...and eventually, I'll start a new save and have that history in the back of my mind as I build a new history in my next save.

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I guess the first question would be at what point do you find yourself making the change?


One thing you can do is start at tiny but flush with cash, and hire people based in your home region. You can also find workers with a great picture, or a line in the bio that grabs your attention.


The re-render or Alt threads really can breathe new life into your games.


If you find yourself going for the same people each save, give yourself some restrictions on who you hire.

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I could see there being a thought that people that stick to one save are more motivated and determined, and this being kinda the basis of your question. Is that a thought you have?


I feel like if you actually wanted to, you most likely would naturally. It's perfectly fine to abandon saves and create new ones. Do whatever you want.


I'm sure there's people out there that hate doing long saves and wish they could just play a promotion for a year or two, also... There's no advantages or disadvantages to doing whichever.

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Someone above made a fantastic point, the moment you are bored, jump to another promotion. But here are my tips


1) Plan out your World Title/big story from major show to major show (Summer Slam to Wrestle Mania for example)


2) Release/rotate your roster. Release your big stars. It will make the game world more interesting.


3) When the world is boring, edit the game world. For example, in my current game, Japan is super boring with New Japan just dominating. So I revived All-Japan and created Total Japan as well to compete. Funded them, signed some major talent.


4) Make an alliance with another super promotion (WWF and WCW for example) and create super shows.


5) Pick a random wrestler to make a star. For example, I was listening or maybe reading about Eddie Guerrero and someone said what if Eddie didn't go into wrestling, would Chavo Jr. become a big star? Well, in my 1985-Present day game, Chavo Guerrero Jr. is climbing the WCW roster in 2004 capturing every single championship belt along the way and hopefully if I do it right, he will win the World Heavyweight Title.


6) Make fun and interesting tag teams. Make your tag team division unique.


7) Make every division unique. For example, my Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight division is diverse, ever expanding. Sign foreign talent, bring them in.


8) Make stables and use managers effectively. Create dominating stables that take years to dismantle.


9) Avoid repeating history. I'm very guilty of following WWF history (especially 98-2000) but try and put your own spin on things.


10) If you are bored, just start another save.

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I always think of one huge overarching storyline that'll span through at least a couple of years in the save. That motivates me more than anything. I don't really start saves in random years and just book whatever I feel like in the moment, I like having the majority of the save planned out in advance. I don't really have many saves at all as a result; am still playing a TEW 2016 save until I get to the conclusion I'm satisfied with, so I haven't really played 2020 much because of that.
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5) Pick a random wrestler to make a star. For example, I was listening or maybe reading about Eddie Guerrero and someone said what if Eddie didn't go into wrestling, would Chavo Jr. become a big star? Well, in my 1985-Present day game, Chavo Guerrero Jr. is climbing the WCW roster in 2004 capturing every single championship belt along the way and hopefully if I do it right, he will win the World Heavyweight Title.


6) Make fun and interesting tag teams. Make your tag team division unique.


7) Make every division unique. For example, my Light Heavyweight and Cruiserweight division is diverse, ever expanding. Sign foreign talent, bring them in.


8) Make stables and use managers effectively. Create dominating stables that take years to dismantle.


9) Avoid repeating history. I'm very guilty of following WWF history (especially 98-2000) but try and put your own spin on things.


10) If you are bored, just start another save.


A lot of good suggestions from Zero in general, but I've found building stables and fun/interesting tag teams are two really good ones that have worked for me. You don't have to have a ton of stables...right now I've only got two important heel stables, but the 'trouble' they cause can keep a top babyface busy for months working their way through 3-4 guys to get to the leader. And big heel stables can keep the heel leader busy keeping everyone happy/in line...which then creates tension and storyline possibilities for later.


I've also had some success teaming up guys who at first glance may not look like a natural pairing...one example was Alyx Winters and Bullseye. They originally were feuding, but after fighting each other they found a 'common ground' or 'common enemy' and teamed up, and I got a lot of story out of the two of them being from 'opposite sides of the tracks' so to speak, but kind of earning each others trust and loyalty...and they had a really great run together. If it doesn't work, you just break them up again and have them feud...but sometimes an odd pairing of 'opposites' with the right story can work and give you something to work with and keep the creative juices flowing.


I'd also agree with the 'letting guys go' or become FA's...it's hard to let a guy go who you've built up or had a good run with, but when they leave, it opens a spot for someone else to fill, and sometimes a guy will get on a roll and all of a sudden his stats will start to shoot up and you'll have a new Main Eventer on your hands.


And if all else fails, there's nothing wrong with starting again...or like I suggested earlier, jumping ship to another company and starting fresh with a new roster. And I'd also add...make a save file right before you jump ship...so if it's not working out, or you kind of wish you could go back, you can just restart your old save and keep going with fresh eyes.

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