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Tyson Stone: The Return

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“Tyson Stone: The Return”



June 2021

I have been a wrestling fan since the age of 8 years old. The days of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Randy Savage and countless other Heroes and Villains. As a grew older, I treated Professional Wrestling as a actual sport. Along the same grouping of Baseball, Football, Basketball and etc. As time went on, I finished my stint in the United States Military, I actually joined a wrestling school in Colorado in the ripe young age of 41. Two and a half years later, I performed all over the country, and even though I saw action in the ring, my passion actually is outside of the ring. I wanted to do more or less do the story telling and run my own company. In April of 2021, that dream came to a reality. After a family member of mine passed away, I had received a very generous inheritance, of $250,000. So, what was I going to do? I always say “The only thing worse than failure, is REGRET”. And who am I to usher in this new wrestling age? I have had plenty of names. “GhostDogg”. Logan Anthony. But now, I am known as “SLIKK” Tyson Stone.


So even though I have ZERO popularity across the country if not the world. But I have a little bit of money between the inheritance, and I was able to secure a loan from family, thus coming up with $450,000 total. And begins the legacy of Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling, or FSPW for short.



Name of Company: Fighting Spirit Pro

Based out of: Colorado Springs, Co (Mid-South)

Starting amount of Money: $450,000

Starting Size: Insignificant

Product: Comic Book Dark


**Out of Character**: So, this is my first diary that I have written in probably almost 10 years. Although some of this story is fictionalized, I am currently a wrestler out of Colorado. I don’t have any graphics or anything like that like the other diaries, however, I am good at telling stories. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this, take care and thank you again for reading this so far.

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Chapter 1


Chapter 1: Laying the Groundwork.


After getting all of the legal stuff out of the way, I found out that I couldn’t name the company Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling, due to the fact that there is another company named that. So, I named it Fighting Spirit Pro or FSP for short. After I got all of the licensing and stuff out of the way, the next thing I need to work on, is before I even think about getting a talent on the roster, I need to get my backstage crew together. Announcer, Referee, Road Agent. Notice, I didn’t pluralize this. I don’t have a lot of money, and I need to make EVERY dollar count. Another pre-requisite, they CAN NOT work for any other company, for right now. Any talent that I hire, I need to be their priority, (until we increase popularity and make more money.) Third thing, we need to do, I need to make an alliance with other companies. There are few reasons behind this. In the event, that I can get a performer who can draw, and they work for another company, I might be able to get them to work for me. But for right, my concern is to be successful in the wrestling business.


As time passed, I started making calls, and hitting up every contact that I could. One of my first focuses… a Road Agent. I didn’t want to spend more than $400 a show when it came to a Road Agent. Some of the names that expressed interested surprised me. But I need to be careful, because if I spend more on a Road Agent, I am going to be out of money before I know it, at the very least, I need to make them do double duty if possible. (i.e., Referee, Announcer, etc.) If I am going to pay them more than $400, I am going to get my money’s worth, right?


So, after doing a little bit of research, there were a few names that stuck out that garnered my interested that I am interested in. Terry Funk, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Stan Hansen, just to name a few. There was one that piqued my interest right out the gate. Mick Foley. He cost $800 a show, but he can be utilized not just as a road agent, but as a color commentator as well. So even though he is a little bit above my price range, he technically would be doing 2 jobs. So, I decided to reach out to him and see if he would be interested. I sent him an email about negotiations, and I am sure I would be expecting him a few days.


The next thing on the agenda, is a referee. I only NEED ONE of these, again not more than $250 per show, and I need him or her to be TOP NOTCH when calling it down the middle.


I started doing a little bit of research, and one of the first people to pop up on the list. Theodore “Teddy” Long. He must not have been doing a lot with the business lately, because his cost was barely what I was asking for. The only downside? He’s too popular to be a referee. I could possibly use him as an Authority Figure. So, I hired him for that instead. I wound up reaching out to former WWE referee Tim White, but just in case he denies my offer, I prepared for a back up in seasoned referee, Tommy Young. Neither wanted more than $150 a show. I could live with that price.


Next on the agenda is Color Commentator/Announcer. I wasn’t going to pay more than $200. But the funny thing, is that one of the people that stands out, was Renee Paquet. Everyone know who that is, but she wants $260 per show. Also, there was an announcer name Leonard Chikarason, known for being in Chikara. I wound up saying screw it. I hired both. Worse case scenario, one of them sucks and I just let them go.


So, now after reaching out to the people that I am interested in, it was time to play the waiting game. After I get a response and possible signing, the next thing I need to do… is make an alliance.


To Be Continued


Next Episode: Chapter 2 “Strange Bedfellows”



**OOC (Out of Character)**: So I am trying to make this as realistic as possible. I am currently using TheWho’s June 2021 Mod, so if some of these are unrealistic, that’s why. In the meantime, I do know that its going slow, but bare with me, it will pick up. I promise.



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Chapter 1: Entry 2


“When it Rains..”


So it didn’t take very long for trouble to show up on the horizon. It showed up in two forms. First off, Teddy Long rejected my offer outright. I knew it was too good to be true, he rejected my offer right out the back and said he no longer wanted to have anything to do with the Wrestling Business. I thanked him for his time. And then the other issue is, Mick Foley received a counter-offer from another Wrestling Company, Zero-1 promotion in Japan. They caused me to force my hand, so I upper his offer to $900 a show. I am not going to go above $1100 a show. In addition to that, he’s going to have to probably be an Authority Figure as well as Road Agent. I figured, I should get my money’s worth. But as a back plan, I had reached out to Stan Hansen and Ron Simmons as potential back ups as Road Agents, just in case Foley’s deal falls through. I guess we will see.


**OOC: Ok. So that sucked. Before I can even think about getting a roster of talent, I got to get the back stage set up. Once I get this done, I am going to make some changes to the diary, and even do somethings that are going to be “interactive” to the readers…


Stay Tuned.


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Entry #2


Chapter 1/ Entry 2:


October Thursday, Week 1, 2021

So, I guess my offers to a few people fell on deaf ears. In addition to Teddy Long, Tim White and Tommy Young both declined my offers for being Referees, wishing that retired in peace. So, I decided to reach out to referee, Jack Doan. He only wants $60 per show, and he has very good experience. Also, have not heard of any counter offers from Zero-1 in regard to Mick Foley so that is a very good sign. Also, Leonard Chikarason and Renee Paquette decided to sign with us. Which I immediately put on to our announce team. I know we are a small promotion but at the end of the day, the old saying holds true.


“Money Talks”


I decided that I am going to have to break my rule about forming an alliance and looking for talent. This is taking a little bit longer than I want, and plus if I want to perform a show at the end of the month, I am going to need to move quicker. So, I decided that I am going to start scouting for talent, make titles and go ahead and create an alliance. Regardless of if I get the backstage taken care of or not. I need at least twelve wrestlers. (11 if I include myself.) I also “broke” my rule about not working for anyone else, at this point, if the price is right and they are popular and talented, I am going to sign them.


** A few hours later**


Foley called to confirmed that he is declining to sign on with us. I have not heard anything from Simmons as of yet. For right now I need to focus on building my roster. And my future alliance.


**OOC** - So I needed to change the database to a more recent one. (Thank you again James the Animator for the suggestion.) So, I changed the database for it. And I could not sign Mick (company was too small.) However, the others are still in negotiations. Again, thanks to everyone who recommended that I change the database. I am still going to pursue this diary. Thank you in advance.

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Chapter 2: Strange Bedfellows


Chapter 2:

Strange Bedfellows


A few days later


So, everything is going to plan, I decided to make a show at the end of the month of the last week of October called “Hell-O-Ween”. We are going to debut the Main Title of the promotion the FSP Title, which will be the main title of the promotion. I am also debating if we should do a tournament to determine the first champion. There will be other titles in the future, but for right now, its going to be the FSP title that will be first title in the picture for right now.


I looked at all the other alliances. Some of them I am eligible for but let be honestly, none of those alliances suit me. So, I decided to create my own, simply called the “Legion”, based off the biblical reference. “My name is Legion, for we are many.” Or something of that nature. I created the type of alliance where smaller companies can survive and thrive. But a lot of promotions did not see my vision. Majority of the U.S. Companies outright rejected my alliance. The only U.S. promotions that agreed to join me was AIW (Absolute Intense Wrestling) and DEFY Wrestling. I also got two women’s promotions to join my alliance so that I can build my Women’s division, in both SHIMMER and SHINE. Ironically, a lot of Japanese promotions agreed to join me. Not anyone known as NJPW and AJPW but promotions such as Gatoh Move Pro Wrestling, and GLEAT promotion. We also got an alliance with a Canadian promotion, Smash Wrestling.


Honestly, I am shocked that I have gotten six promotions to join me. I honestly did not believe that I could get 2 promotions to join me. My alliance set up was simple. We would share our prestige and momentum, and our profits would be shared. Not to mention we can share each other’s talent.


I am still waiting to hear back for the final count of what wrestlers will be working for our promotion.


To Be Continued:


Chapter 3: “The Line Up”

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Chapter 3: The Line Up




So after the last two weeks, FSP roster is finally complete. And not a bad roster that I may say so my self.

The roster is going to be as follows:

(in Alphabetical Order)



Mike Chioda

Jack Doan

Announce Team:

Leonard Chikarason

Renee Paquette

Active Roster:

Acey Romero


Andrew Everett

AR Fox

Arik Cannon


Jake Atlas

Joe Hennig (Curtis Axel)

Kenny Doane

Marty Cassaus

Matt Morgan

Mr. Anderson

Rob Ryzin

SLIKK Tyson Stone

Road Agents:

Ron Simmons

Lance Storm


Not a bad break down but I will announce the card in a few days.


To Be Continued:

Next Chapter : Hell-O-Ween Card!

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“Tyson Stone: The Return”



June 2021

I have been a wrestling fan since the age of 8 years old. The days of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Randy Savage and countless other Heroes and Villains. As a grew older, I treated Professional Wrestling as a actual sport. Along the same grouping of Baseball, Football, Basketball and etc. As time went on, I finished my stint in the United States Military, I actually joined a wrestling school in Colorado in the ripe young age of 41. Two and a half years later, I performed all over the country, and even though I saw action in the ring, my passion actually is outside of the ring. I wanted to do more or less do the story telling and run my own company. In April of 2021, that dream came to a reality. After a family member of mine passed away, I had received a very generous inheritance, of $250,000. So, what was I going to do? I always say “The only thing worse than failure, is REGRET”. And who am I to usher in this new wrestling age? I have had plenty of names. “GhostDogg”. Logan Anthony. But now, I am known as “SLIKK” Tyson Stone.


So even though I have ZERO popularity across the country if not the world. But I have a little bit of money between the inheritance, and I was able to secure a loan from family, thus coming up with $450,000 total. And begins the legacy of Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling, or FSPW for short.



Name of Company: Fighting Spirit Pro

Based out of: Colorado Springs, Co (Mid-South)

Starting amount of Money: $450,000

Starting Size: Insignificant

Product: Comic Book Dark


**Out of Character**: So, this is my first diary that I have written in probably almost 10 years. Although some of this story is fictionalized, I am currently a wrestler out of Colorado. I don’t have any graphics or anything like that like the other diaries, however, I am good at telling stories. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this, take care and thank you again for reading this so far.


Looks promising so far, creating your own promotion and utilizing real-life stars for your lineup. If you need a company logo created as far as graphics go, maybe one of the more experienced graphics makers here could help (just head to the TEW 2020 mods section and make a request there).

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Entry: More people coming to the party


Saturday, October 9th, 2021


Looks like word got around fast. After my news of the Legion Alliance, other smaller promotions decided that wanted to join us. however, we lost a member.


For some reason, the Japanese promotion, GLEAT decided to resend their offer of membership for unknown reason. However, for the lost of one promotion, we actually got interest of OTHERS, not only from Japan but from the UK.


The following promotions have decided to join our alliance:

-Gatoh Move Pro Wrestling (Japan)

-Oz Pro Wrestling (Japan)

-Pro Wrestling BASARA (Japan)

-Pro Wrestling FREEDDOMS (Japan)

-NORTH Wrestling (U.K)

-PROGRESS Wrestling (U.K)

-Pro Wrestling EVE (U.K)

-TNT Extreme Wrestling (U.K)


So now our membership has jumped from 6 promotions to 15. There are reasons why I chose different type of promotions. First, eventually I am going to build a Women's division in FSP. What better way to build it, than by getting with promotions that already has women already trained and established. Second, our popularity, profit and prestige will be shared evenly within promotions, which we desperately need at this point. And the final reason is kind of the same reason that I mention with the Women's division. I need to make sure that there are established stars and tag team to bolster both divisions.


This was the good news I needed. Now I am going to work on the card and the tournament break down to see who is going to be crowned the inaugural FSP Champion.


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Fighting Spirit Pro




Block 1: Acey Romero vs Brody King

Acey Romero has been one of the premiere “Big Men “ in the Independent Wrestling Scene today. But in order to secure his place in the Battle Royal for the vacant FSP Title, he’s going to have to test his might against another big man on the indy scene, BRODY KING!


Block 2 Alex Shelly vs AR Fox

AR Fox is one of the most breath taking high flyers that ever stepped into the ring. However, he is going to have to go up against Indy veteran, Alex Shelly!


Block 3: Andrew Everrett vs Rob Ryzing

The Minister of Evil himself, Rob Ryzin professes that he is going to bring a whole new sinister age to Fighting Spirit Pro, however he must get past new up and comer, Andrew Everett!


Block 4: Joe “Perfection” Hennig vs “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross

Indy High Flyer “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross is coming to FSP to make a name for himself like he has done all across the country in various promotions. However, he is going to have to bring his best, for 2nd Generation wrestler, Joe “Perfection” Hennig, son of “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig!


Block 5: Daga vs Mr. Ken Anderson

Redemption is the name of the game when it comes to Mr. Ken Anderson. He feels that he has burned so many bridges with all the other promotions, but now that Fighting Spirit Pro is one the scene, he has plans to become the “face” of FSP. The only thing is he has to go up against Mexican Rising Star, Daga!


Block 6: Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs ???

Marty Martinez has a storied career, former Lucha Underground champion and former WWE Tough Enough contestant! Now, Martinez is going to try and add another accolade to his career. Only thing standing in his way? Is a mystery opponent!

"Last Chance" Block: Josh Alexander vs SLIKK Tyson Stone:

The last slot for the Battle Royal for the Vacant FSP Title, is going to be battled by Josh Alexander, former Impact Superstar, and his opponent is non other than the owner and founder of Fighting Spirit Pro, “Mr. Mess Around and Find Out” “SLIKK” Tyson Stone!!


Card Breakdown:

-Acey Romero vs Brody King

-Alex Shelly vs AR Fox

-Andrew Everett vs Ryzin

-“M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs Joe “Pefection” Hennig

-Daga vs “Mr.” Ken Anderson

-Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs “Mystery Opponent”

-“Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander vs “ The Dirty South Punisher” SLIKK Tyson Stone

The winners of these matches will be placed in a Battle Royal to crown the first ever Fighting Spirit Pro Champion! Also the General Manager will also be revealed !!

Prediction/ Question:

Who do you think the General Manager will be?

Who do you think the Mystery Opponent is?

Who do you think will win the qualifying round and win the battle royal?

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Acey Romero vs Brody King

Alex Shelly vs AR Fox

Andrew Everett vs Ryzin

“M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs Joe “Pefection” Hennig

Daga vs “Mr.” Ken Anderson

Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs “Mystery Opponent”

“Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander vs “ The Dirty South Punisher” SLIKK Tyson Stone


Battle Royal winner: Brody King

Mystery opponent: Marty Scurll (assuming he gets signed, based on his Villain Enterprises partnership with Brody King)

New General Manager: another new signing, possibly Nigel McGuinness

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Card Breakdown:

-Acey Romero vs Brody King

-Alex Shelly vs AR Fox

-Andrew Everett vs Ryzin

-“M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs Joe “Pefection” Hennig

-Daga vs “Mr.” Ken Anderson

-Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs “Mystery Opponent”

-“Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander vs “ The Dirty South Punisher” SLIKK Tyson Stone

The winners of these matches will be placed in a Battle Royal to crown the first ever Fighting Spirit Pro Champion! Also the General Manager will also be revealed !!



Prediction/ Question:

Who do you think the General Manager will be? Dr Tom Pritchard

Who do you think the Mystery Opponent is? Zicky Dice

Who do you think will win the qualifying round and win the battle royal?

Joe Hennig wins

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  • 1 month later...

Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling Presents




Announcers: Leonard Chikarason and Mauro Ranallo

Match 1: SLIKK Tyson Stone vs Rodney Mack:


This was a very solid opener with Stone having equal offense against the well traveled, Rodney Mack. Both men had great chemistry with each other, and Mack almost had the match one, but Stone got the counter with a last minute “Set in Stone” for the win.



SLIKK Tyson Stone

Rating: 37

Time: 9:36



Match 2: Andrew Everett vs Ryzin:

Battle Royal Qualifier


This was a decent opener to get the crowd hyped and it was an evenly balanced match, but in the end, Ryzin finished the match with a modified Neck Breaker, followed by the "Hellz Ryzin" Top Rope Swanton.


Winner and advancing to the Battle Royal later in the show: Ryzin


Rating: 33

Time: 9:55




Mr. AndersonInterview


-Kennedy said that it’s been over 5 years since he has wrestled in a ring, let alone for a chance to fight for the chance to be the FIRST Fighting Spirit Pro Champion, and he basically said that Mr. “Tessa Blanchard” isn’t going to stop him from winning the entry from the Battle Royal and then winning the whole thing. OUCH.


Rating: 37



Martinez wants an Opportunity


Shortly after the interview from Mr. Anderson (ANDERSON), a familiar voice rings out and out behind the entrance way, is former Lucha Underground star and Champion, Marty “the Moth” Martinez! He basically said that the crowd did not “deserve” to be in his presence of “Greatness”. But since they are already there, he is going to “bless” the audience with an opportunity to witness an “Once of a Lifetime Wrestling Event!”


And then a familiar voice with a Latin accent is heard:


“Did someone say ‘Opportunity’?“


And out come the Wrestling Personality formerly known as Dario Queto in Lucha Underground. And the crowd applauding everyone, causing a devilish grin on the personality face.


“Hello everyone, and it so good to see you. I know I may seem ‘familiar’ but for those who DO NOT know me, allow me to introduce my name is ‘EL JEFE’ Diego Cortez. If for those who are too STUPID TO UNDERSTAND, that means ‘The Boss’ “(Which has prompted boos and jeers).


“Which is ironic, because as of 12:01 am this morning that is EXACTLY WHAT I AM HERE IN FIGHTING SPIRIT PRO WRESTLING! Now, Mr. Martinez, you and I have history, that is NO SECRET. So, you know what I am all about. OPPORTUNITIES. And tonight, I am bestowing a special opportunity to you. Tonight, you get to have a HUGE SURPRISE!! So, if I was you, I would get stretched out and ready for tonight! Oh, and by the way, when I say tonight, I mean that match, IS NEXT!!!


Cortez walks to get a chair, and sits a ringside, while Martinez has a very upset demeanor on his face.


Rating: 27


Match 3: Marty “the Moth” Martinez vs ???

Battle Royal Qualifier


As Martinez begins to jaw jack to the referee and to the crowd, the ring announcer announces his opponent, and there is no music of anything.


Announcer: “And His opponent, from Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, Quebec,

Canada, weighing in at 300 pounds, the “Canadian Frankenstein”, PCO!!!!!!


To his horror, Martinez is arguing with the referee, and saying that it isn’t fair, however PCO rushes at Martinez and beats him from Pillar to Post, much to the delight of Cortez. Majority of the match as all PCO but the finish was nothing short of shocking, after Martinez took majority of his beating in the ring, he ran outside and tried to gather distance from the monster. They are both about to get counted out, when Martinez gets stopped by Cortez with him talking smack to him…. And PCO tries to throw a Lariat, but Martinez ducks and hits Cortez INSTEAD!! Martinez slides in the ring before the 10 COUNTS! The unthinkable has happened!! The Moth has defeated PCO!!!


Winner by Count Out and advancing to the Battle Royal: Marty “The Moth” Martinez!

Rating: 36

Time: 9:35



Segment: Alex Shelly getting interviewed by Mauro Ranallo


Basic hype interview where Alex Shelly is telling Mauro that he still has something left in the tank, and he basically said that Fox has a lot to learn, and he’s going to take him to school tonight.


Rating: 37




Match 4: “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs “Naturally Perfect” Joe Hennig.

Battle Royal Qualifier


This match was one of the matches of the night and it got the crowd heavily involved in this bout. It was Cross’s speed and cruiserweight mastery, versus the technical prowess and family experience of Hennig. The finish came when Cross tried to hit the “Shooting Star Press”, but Hennig moved at the way the last possible second. He finished off Cross with the “Perfect Plex” for the win.


Winner and Advancing to the Battle Royal: Naturally Perfect” Joe Hennig.

Rating: 42

Time: 11:40


Match 5: AR Fox vs Alex Shelly

Battle Royal Qualifier


After taking advantage of the excellent match prior to this one, this match was clearly Match of the Night, as both Fox and Shelly were equally matched in cruiserweight skill as well as technical skill. These two warriors went all out for almost 15 mins, until Shelly showed that he still had a few tricks left and applied the “Border City Stretch” submission for the win. After the match, Shelly extended his hand out of respect, but Fox walked past him, not acknowledging him and giving him a shoulder nudge when walking by.


Winner and Advancing into the Battle Royal: Alex Shelly

Rating: 47

Time: 14:34


Match 6: Ace Romeo vs Brody King

Battle Royal Qualifier


This was the equivalent of King Kong vs Godzilla, and nothing short of a HOSS MATCH! So, if you were looking for a technical masterclass ala Benoit vs Angle, this was not the match. But these two powerhouses beat the ever-loving CRAP OUT OF EACH OTHER! And the action was not confined to just the ring, they brawled out into the crowd as well. The finish came when Ace got the upper hand on King (with the referee being knocked out) and then suddenly... the lights went out….


After a few moments, the lights came back on there stood behind Ace, was JONAH ROCK!!! (FKA “Bronson Reed”) Unprovoked, Rock started to beat down Ace and hit him with a chair. Afterwards, he draped King over Romeo and woke the referee up to count the 123. King has NO IDEA what happened.


Winner and Advancing to the Battle Royal: Brody King.

Rating: 34

Time: 9:56


Segment: Rock’s Assault


After the match, Jonah Rock started kicked King out of the ring and he focused his attacks on Ace. He did repeat stomps and 3 Power Slams before getting chair and busting him wide open. Whatever message Jonah was trying to send, Ace received it loud and clear.


Rating: 38


Match 7: Daga vs Mr. Anderson

Battle Royal Qualifier


Daga took advantage of Anderson right before the bell even rang. And he was focusing on his neck and back, setting up to hit to hit his finisher, the Double Underhook Face crusher. In fact, he did a lot that almost got him disqualified. And even though Daga got a head start on Anderson, Anderson fought back against Daga. The finished came when Daga tried to hit his finisher, but Anderson countered with a Roll up (holding the tights of course).


Winner and Advancing into the Battle Royal: Mr. Anderson.

Rating: 37

Time: 11:31



Main Event: Battle Royal for the inaugural FSPW Championship

Brody King vs Mr. Anderson vs Anthony Greene, vs Arik Cannon vs Frightmare vs Hallowicked vs Ryzin vs Marty Martinez vs Joe Henning vs Alex Shelly (??)


Before the match began, when Alex Shelly name was not announced, El Jefe came out instead and announced that due to an “unfortunate accident “backstage, Alex Shelly will not be able to perform in the battle royal, and there by revoke his spot in the match. However, he announced that his replacement would be none other than AR FOX!!


The match started off fast and furious but contrary to popular belief, the match did not run that long as it ran just above 16 minutes due to majority of the participants performing earlier in the night. Even though there were fresh competitors, ironically, they were the ones eliminated first, starting with Greene being eliminated by King, and then King eventually eliminating both Frightmare and Hallowicked. Ryzin would do the honors and eliminate Arik Cannon (working with Marty Martinez), but then AR Fox would take advantage and eliminate Ryzin himself!! Fox would then set his sights on Mr. Anderson, and he would ALMOST get him eliminated, when a man in street clothes came into the ring and attacked Fox, later pulling off his hood to reveal that it was ALEX SHELLY! Shelly would eliminate Fox and those two would brawl around the arena and eventually to the back. The final 4, would be Martinez, King, Anderson, and Axel. Martinez and Axel would go up against Anderson and King and they would fare very well, but the next elimination came out of nowhere, where Martinez low blowed Anderson, and then when King tried to eliminate Hennig, but then Martinez took advantage and wound-up eliminating King! It took all the referees to restrain King from destroying Henning and Martinez.


As the two heels were celebrating in the ring, some familiar music played and then PCO CAME OUT FROM THE BACK SEEKING REVENGE FROM MARTINEZ! PCO was a man possess and he went after anyone moving! The heels picked up Anderson and thru him into PCO, which he moved him to the side because he wasn’t interested in him, then Martinez thru Hennig into PCO, which PCO dispatched him with a Chokeslam.


At this point Martinez was not concerned about winning the match, but getting away from PCO, so he wound up eliminating himself!


The final two being Henning and Anderson to determine the new FSPW Champion. Both were evenly match due to the carnage the PCO laid on both of them. Anderson looked to have the match won when he hit the Mic Check as a last-minute desperation. When he tried to throw Hennig over, but then DAGA comes from behind and hits him with the Championship belt to double him over and then hits him with his finisher (Double Underhook Code Breaker) and leaves the ring satisfied with the job being done.


Rather than Hennig taking advantage of the attack, Hennig celebrates and gloats saying that he is the new FSPW Champion, and he goes to whip Anderson to the ropes, but he reverses it, and Hennig catches his self from being eliminated, but before he can recover, it’s to late., Anderson hits him with a clothesline, eliminating Henning and making him the inaugural FSPW Champion.


Winner and New FSPW Champion: Mr. Anderson

Rating: 40

Time: 16:22


Final Results

-SLIKK Tyson Stone def Rodney Mack

-Ryzin def Andrew Everett to advance

-Marty Martinez def PCO via Count Out to advance

-Naturally Perfect def Matt Cross to advance

-Alex Shelly def AR Fox to advance

-Brody King def Acey Romero to advance

-Mr. Anderson def Daga

-Mr. Anderson wins the Battle Royal to become the inaugural FSPW Champion.


Final Rating: 42


OOC: First off thank you for reading this, its been about 2 years since writing a wrestling diary from TEW. I welcome all responses and critiques. I will have the next chapter up very soon (Just got a very busy plate for me going back to school, and wrestling ...yes I wrestle for real.)


Stay Safe yall and thank you again.



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