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WCW 2001: A Paradigm Shift

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Live from a sold out Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.


WCW presents…








Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay are at the announce table this evening, and introduce us to what is expected to be an action packed night for all the fans in attendance and watching at home on pay per view. They run through the title matches that will be shown tonight, including the match between Vampiro and Kanyon which they revealed will be a falls count anywhere battle. First though, they want to introduce the latest signing for WCW, and someone who will be joining them at the commentary booth for the remainder of the show…




The King, Jerry Lawler, makes his way to the ring as though it was a royal procession. He poses for the crowd before joining Mike and Tony on commentary and emphasising how happy he is to be here and how he can't wait to see what WCW has on show.











Booker T © vs. Shane Douglas


This match got off to an even start, with Douglas looking to slow down Booker, whilst the current champ was looking to take his opponent out quickly so he could focus on his World Heavyweight title match later in the night. Having to pull double duty seemed to play on his mind, and the cerebral Douglas took advantage of that and dominated for large portions of the match. With a series of holds and suplexes, Douglas couldn’t quite find a way to put Booker down for the count. Booker rallied, landing several big kicks and flying forearms, before Douglas caught him with a Franchiser out of nowhere that almost saw him win the title. With the three count not coming, Douglas turned to cheating, grabbing the tights and looking to use the ropes as elevation, but again, the champion proved resilient. He countered a powerbomb attempt into a Book End, and for the first time in the match he took control, ultimately finishing Douglas off with the SCISSORS KICK. Following it up with a spin-a-roonie before taking his belt and celebrating to the back, to no doubt prepare for the main event.


Match Result: Booker T wins via pinfall to retain the WCW United States Championship.








We go backstage to a concerned Arn Anderson, who the commentators refer to as the company's backstage enforcer, and referee Billy Silverman. They are both in the locker room of Totally Buff, where we can see the fallout from a wild brawl, the room tipped upside down, with clothes, rubbish and broken furniture scattered everywhere. In a heap within all the madness are the barely conscious bodies of Buff Bagwell and ‘The Total Package’ Lex Luger. Arn mutters something to Silverman about letting Bischoff know the tag team match just lost some participants before we cut back to the commentators who wonder if that is what will happen.











Shanes Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Karagias


The three former 3 Count stable mates know each other very well, as teammates, and as opponents. The commentators reminded us that both Moore and Karagias requested the match against Helms, both confident that they could defeat the current champion who is seemingly unstoppable in the cruiserweight division at the moment. The match had a relentless pace, with Karagias looking to steal the pin with various pinning combinations, while Moore recklessly threw himself around the ring. Helms, however, proved the more assured competitor and almost got the win with a Superkick to a diving Moore, Karagias was quick to break it up though. The action spilled outside, with Moore diving on to the pair before destroying Karagias with a Frankensteiner, and in a homage to their finisher as a tag team, Helms landed a Frog Splash on Karagias on the outside soon after. With Karagias barely moving, Moore and Helms took the fight in-ring, with Helms eventually countering Moore into the VERTEBREAKER for the pinfall victory.


Match Result: Shane Helms wins via pinfall to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.











The Filthy Animals © w/ Konnan & Tygress vs. Jung Dragons


With two cruiserweight matches back to back, the crowd had some more fast paced action to keep up with in this bout. The Jung Dragons were eager to finally get their hands on championship gold, whilst Konnan reminded his stablemates they were here to prove who the best tag team in WCW was, cruiserweight or not. With both teams goals in mind, the match was very competitive, with eventually Kaz and Yang having a prolonged dominant period singling Kidman out. The tactic couldn’t see them get the pinfall, and when Mysterio hot-tagged in, he was quick to clear out all of his opponents in spectacular fashion. With the crowd enjoying the action, Mysterio hit a hurricanrana on Yang that saw him tossed over the top rope. Kaz fought off Mysterio, but Kidman caught him with the Kid Krusher for a near fall. Yang rejoined his ally, and the two teams traded signature moves, Yang’s Fists of Fury taking down Kidman, an explosive Mysterio Express wiped out Hayashi but Yang saw his Yang Time countered by a brutal dropkick from Mysterio. The reigning champions then combined a Springboard Leg Drop and a SHOOTING STAR PRESS for the pinfall on Hayashi.


Match Result: The Filthy Animals win via pinfall to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships.








Backstage Ric Flair, Scott Steiner, and his valet, Midajah, are cutting a promo on the World Champion Booker T, and his challenger Sting. Steiner is quick to remind them that he has his sights on whoever walks out victorious. Whilst Flair predicted that Booker T would lose against Sting, he hoped he didn’t so that he had the pleasure of seeing one of his Magnificent Four do it for him. Flair also issues a warning for whoever attacked Bagwell and Luger, reminding them how bad an idea it would be to pick a fight with him and Steiner, but if they want one, they are here, and they are waiting. Otherwise, Steiner sarcastically wished the main eventers luck, and said he will see them next week, on Nitro.










Vampiro vs. Kanyon


As the match kicked off, the commentators discussed how Vampiro apparently requested the falls count anywhere stipulation be added, after Kanyon had requested the match between the pair. Vampiro appeared to be acting more mysterious than usual, almost eerie in his mannerisms and posturing in the early stages of the match, licking his lips and beckoning Kanyon to attack further. Kanyon, being the bigger stronger competitor, dominated early on. With the two of them quickly turning the brawl to a tour of the first few rows of the crowd, Kanyon grabbing an audience member's beer before slamming it into the painted face of Vampiro. The latter was showing an unnatural ability to soak up Kanyon’s offence though, and it was starting to tell on him. Kanyon began looking more desperate and worried as his attempts to put his opponent down for good continued to fail. He resorted to using other weapons, chairs, guardrails, but Vampiro kept rising, kept fighting. Vampiro soon transitioned to his own offence as the tired Kanyon fell into his trap, a huge powerbomb on the concrete floor somehow didn’t end the match. Kanyon fought back desperately, and managed to counter a lariat attempt into his patented Flatliner, again on the concrete floor, but Vampiro kicked out. Vampiro and Kanyon both set up tables around the side of the ring as they both progressed back from the crowd, and it was Vampiro who struck first, slamming Kanyon through his table with the NAIL IN THE COFFIN, and securing the three count.


Match Result: Vampiro wins via pinfall.








Unfortunately, for Kanyon, the assault did not end there for him. Vampiro dragged the body over to the table Kanyon had set up, and to the horror of everyone watching, took to the top turnbuckle with his opponent and sent him crashing through the table once again with a NAIL IN THE COFFIN from the top turnbuckle. The shocked audience didn’t know how to react. After referees and medical personnel came to check on the pair, Vampiro suddenly rose, and dragged the crimson masked Kanyon from the wreckage of the table. He smiled wickedly at the crowd around him, kicking out at any officials who got close, and dragged the unconscious body of Kanyon up the ramp and out of sight.











Natural Born Thriller © vs. The Insiders


This match of the giants went as expected with them going at each other with heavy handed offence, only Diamond Dallas Page mixed up the offence, being the smallest competitor in the match, but also the more technical minded. He played mind games with the young, hungry opposition. The commentators discussed the earlier attack on Totally Buff and the subsequent removal of them from this title match. A quarter of the way through the match, Shane Douglas came to the ringside area, whilst not directly involving himself, he began to coach the Natural Born Thrillers from the sidelines, with O’Haire in particular listening to his orders. With these instructions, O’Haire singled out DDP and began using underhanded tactics to keep him in the corner of his team. Palumbo seemed uneasy with this, but determined to keep hold of the titles, he followed suit. The two battered and bruised DDP for a large portion of the match, until he eventually got the hot tag to Kevin Nash, who scattered the two younger wrestlers and regained some control in the match. The match then fell into a more chaotic rhythm, with near finishes occurring, and DDP came closest when he played possum for a Seanton Bomb, but at the last minute popped up to land a Diamond Cutter. Douglas intervened though, dragging O’Haire’s foot under the bottom rope unseen. Palumbo went on a Jungle Kick rampage, but both veterans rolled out of the ring. The finish came when Douglas interfered once more, arguing with Nash and the officials, leaving DDP to eat another Jungle Kick, and a springboard SEANTON BOMB for the pinfall.


Match Result: Natural Born Thrillers win via pinfall to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships.








As the crowd settles down from the excitement of the last match, they are treated to the entrance of father and son duo, Dusty and Dustin Rhodes. The Rhodes family, having a strong connection between the company and the fans, received a large ovation as they entered the ring to discuss their return and what they had planned. Dustin made his intentions clear, he wanted to win the World Heavyweight Championship, and he wanted to do it with his dad in his corner. Dusty joked about how the last few months of WCW programming had been a pain in the ass, but having spoken with the new owners, and believing Bischoff had changed his ways, he felt encouraged by what the WCW could now become. Especially with his son as champion.




With that statement, the theme music for Jeff Jarrett hit and he walked out on to the stage flanked by former tag team champion, and member of Natural Born Thrillers; Mark Jindrak. Jarrett came with mic in hand, and berated the Rhodes family for egotistically believing anyone cared enough about their return for it to be on pay per view. He brought up how their last encounter saw him being humiliated at the hands of them two, how his whole career took a turn for the worse thanks to their actions. But now, now he was no longer burdened with the Magnificent Seven, he could branch out on his own, and with Jindrak here, a young version of himself, he was destined to regain the World Championship himself, and he’d be damned if it ever fell into the hands of the Rhodes family again. Dustin accepted the challenge, but Jarrett retorted that it wasn’t a challenge, it was a promise.












Booker T © vs. Sting


In our main event, Booker T and Sting, two crowd favourites faced off, and for the early parts of the match, the crowd didn’t know who to cheer for but eventually Sting became the more favoured as Booker T took control. The two were each other's equal though, and for the most part showed each other a lot of respect. Moves were countered, and re-countered, and the two men went through sequences of countering each other before shaking hands and acknowledging that they both needed to step it up a gear. Sting was the first to throw a fist, but Booker ducked it and flattened Sting with a Harlem Sidekick. Booker hit several big moves, but Sting kept kicking out, at one point sitting straight up after a Scissor Kick, and leaving Booker T bewildered as to what to do next. Sting went crazy on Booker then, hitting several high impact moves, before a string of Stinger Splashes swung the momentum his way. Sting got too greedy though, and another attempt at a Stinger Splash ended with Booker T catching him and planting him with a Book End. Too exhausted to make the pin, both men rolled to the outside. At this point, Ric Flair and Scott Steiner came from nowhere to attack Sting whilst the referee was checking on Booker T. Steiner nailed Sting with a STEINER SCREWDRIVER on the ringside mats. When the referee, Charles Robinson, returned his attention to Sting, Flair & Steiner had sunk into the crowd, and the referee counted Sting out, who had barely made it to one knee by the ten count.


Match Result: Booker T wins via count out to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.








After the bell rang, Steiner and Flair charged the ring, not even giving Charles Robinson the chance to declare Booker T the winner. Booker fought them off at first, but Flair raked his eyes, and he was too tired to resist further. Steiner and Flair took boots to the fallen champion to a chorus of boos from the crowd.




As the beat down continued, Sting eventually got to his feet, it took him a moment or two to realise what happened, and how it had happened. However, instead of intervening in what was happening in the ring, to the astonishment of the crowd and the commentators, Sting turned and walked away from the ring. As he got to the top of the ramp, he took one glance back at Booker on his knees, being slapped in the face by Flair, before crossing paths with…




Goldberg sprinted past Sting on his way to aid Booker T. The crowd favourite received a huge ovation and the crowd were eager to see him flatten the two villains in the ring. As he slid into the ring, Flair and Steiner backed away. Goldberg looked incensed, but instead of attacking, he turned to referee Charles Robinson and demanded he get his match for the title. Robinson was clearly confused, but Goldberg told him he had earned a match against the champion tonight, and he was taking it, right here, right now. Charles Robinson glanced at those around him, shrugged his shoulders, and signalled for the bell. The commentators couldn’t believe what they were seeing as Goldberg hoisted Booker T up into a JACKHAMMER and pinned him in the centre of the ring. Robinson counted the three count, signalled for the bell once again and handed Goldberg the title.


Steiner and Flair were still in the ring at this point, they both looked confused and unsure of how to handle this change of events, Steiner stepped forward first, it didn’t matter who the champion was, he wanted his belt back. He was stopped short in his tracks though, as Ric Flair dropped to one knee behind him, and slammed his forearm into his groin with a low blow. Steiner doubled over, just as Golderberg hit him with a huge spear.




Flair raised the hand of Goldberg and the two men took in the boos and jeers of the crowd. Flair grinning as wide as possible. Goldberg looked ready to take on the whole arena if he needed to. Rubbish began raining down on both of them as Goldberg re-adjusted the belt on his shoulder and the show went off the air.











BOOKER T defeated SHANE DOUGLAS to retain WCW United States Championship

SHANE HELMS defeated SHANNON MOORE & EVAN KARAGIAS to retain WCW Cruiserweight Championship

THE FILTHY ANIMALS defeated JUNG DRAGONS to retain WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships


NATURAL BORN THRILLERS defeated THE INSIDERS to retain WCW World Tag Team Championships

BOOKER T defeated STING to retain WCW World Heavyweight Championship

GOLDBERG defeated BOOKER T to win WCW World Heavyweight Championship



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Predictions Leaderboard after BIG BANG:

falling_star 7/9

DGenerationMC 7/9

DHK1989 7/9

Old_School_Fan 6/9

Tyler2020 5/9

Helginho 4/9

KyTeran 3/9

CactusHack 1/9


WCW Presents, from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas...




Card is subject to change.


The Filthy Animals vs. Totally Buff


Dustin Rhodes vs. Mark Jindrak


Jung Dragons vs. Air Raid vs. Vampiro & Mystery Partner

Who will the mystery partner be?


PLUS, we will hear from Eric Bischoff and Booker T over the controversial finish to BIG BANG, The Insiders want a rematch, and we will learn more about the battle for the commissioner role.


Tune in to Monday Night Nitro, ONLY on FX!


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ngl I completely forgot Jerry Lawler was a free agent during this time (up until November later that year when he came back to WWF).


He just needed a decent rival company to join!


Same, I was sure it had to be RVD haha


Haha, RVD is probably the most enticing free agent in this scenario. I can see why so many people predicted it would be him. Maybe we will see him down the line, who knows.


Really enjoying this. The Goldberg/Flair reveal is interesting, as is the slight tease of a less heroic Sting. Lawler is a good get; curious to see if you have any plans for him in the ring.


Great to hear you are enjoying this! Thanks for the encouragement. Lawler never was the kind of guy to not to get back in the ring from time to time.

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Live from the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.


FX presents…








The newly built announce team of Jerry Lawler, Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay introduce us to the second ever episode of Monday Night Nitro on FX, only twenty four hours after the frantic action that unfolded at BIG BANG. Lawler re-iterates how glad he is to be here and opens up the discussion about what happened at last night's pay per view. Tony and Mike recap the title defences, noting only one title was to change hands, and it was to do so in spectacular, but also controversial fashion. They reviewed the appearance of Goldberg, who demanded his title shot post Booker T retaining against Sting, the fallout from his victory and Flair’s betrayal of Scott Steiner. With that being said, the music for Booker T hits…




Booker T enters with his US Title over his shoulder, he almost jogs to the ring, with an intensity that draws back any fan's attempts at high fives as he passes by. He slid into the ring and demanded a microphone. The ringside crew duly oblige and Booker unloads on Charles Robinson, and Eric Bischoff for allowing what happened last night to not only be sanctioned, but upheld. He demands answers from Bischoff right here, right now, and whilst he is out here demanding people turn up, he demands the two cowardly bastards, Sting and Goldberg come out for an ass whooping too.




The last man Booker wanted to see right now was Ric Flair. But out he sauntered out anyway, he taunted Booker, asking where his legacy held up now in the face of a true WCW star in Goldberg. Booker quickly replied that if Goldberg were half the man he acted like, he wouldn’t have taken advantage of Booker in that position. Either way, his title reign is illegitimate until he faces Booker one on one…




Sting enters to a big cheer from the crowd, Flair ensures there is a degree of separation between the pair of them, before Sting responds to Booker directly. He brings up the conviving son of a bitch to his right as the sole reason Booker was even champion when Goldberg did what he did, so whilst he didn’t agree with that happened, and how it happened, if the conversation was about a champions legitimacy, Sting had to come out here to remind everyone that he was a part of the conversation. Booker almost makes a beeline for Sting, but composes himself, and asks him why he didn’t help him out. Sting doesn’t get the chance to reply as Flair interjects, he tells them both they’re not worthy. He couldn’t give a flying monkey about Sting, but Booker, he feels for him, tells him he will give him the chance to earn himself a shot at Goldberg, since he and the big man had already agreed on it. All he had to do was beat a man with true legacy in WCW.


All he had to do was beat Ric Flair, tonight, and he had to put his US title on the line too.


Booker said he didn’t care what it took, he wanted Goldberg, and if Flair wanted an ass whooping on the way to that, he would get one. Sting would be getting his too.








We cut backstage to Eric Bischoff in his office, he is discussing the critical success of last night's pay per view with the four candidates for the WCW Commissioner position. He props his feet up on the table and gesticulates wildly as he explains that that show was the standard he demanded, and that the man who won the role would have to live up to that standard. Slamboree was this Sunday night, live on FX, and out of the four men in front of him, one of them would be awarded with the role and a powerful position amongst the WCW hierarchy. They could play their role, they could influence what is to come and they could elevate themselves to the next level of their professional development. Bischoff really hams up the importance of the role before breaking down to the nitty gritty of how the role will be determined. He states that each man must ensemble a team of four men, four men who will compete as a team in a one night only tournament. Ernest Miller’s team will face off against Lance Storm’s first, then Johnny Ace’s team will face off against Mike Sander’s team, the winners will face each other, and the winning team will win the contract. It was a simple format, and they had five days to recruit a team. Bischoff wished them luck, and once again emphasised the importance of this role.










Dustin Rhodes w/ Dusty Rhodes vs. Mark Jindrak w/ Jeff Jarrett


Following the interruption of their big return at last night's show, Dustin Rhodes faced off against Jeff Jarret’s new associate. The veteran Rhodes, with his father ringside, controlled the early stages, using his experience to counter the youthful energy of Jindrak. Utilising holds and submissions, Jindrak almost fell for various pinning combinations that Rhodes utilised. Jarrett screamed instructions to Jindrak and obscenities to the crowd, with Dusty keeping a watchful eye on him. Jindrak began to gain some momentum, his surprising athleticism combined with raw strength took Rhodes by surprise a few times and a crossbody into a cornered Rhodes followed by a lethal lariat almost got the win. Jarret saw an opportunity and jumped on the apron to berate the ref for a slow count, Dusty rushed round, Jarrett ran around the ring and choked Dustin on the ropes as the ref remonstrated with Dusty. After the focus came back to the action in the ring, Jarrett once again pounced, this time he took it up a notch and went for Dusty with a guitar, Dusty outwrestled him though, and tossed the guitar into the ring. Jindrak, mostly focused on his opponent, mistook this as a cue from Jarrett and smashed the guitar over the head of his opponent, to the shock of Nick Patrick who quickly called for the disqualification.


Match Result: Dustin Rhodes wins via DQ.








Immediately, Dusty rolls into the ring, and Jindrak is on him. The ageing veteran manages to get to his feet and drops Jindrak with a BIONIC ELBOW, but Jarrett is behind him and he has another guitar in hand. The smack of the wood on Dusty’s head is deafening and the crowd recoil at the brutal shot. Jarrett gets in the face of the fallen Dusty, asking him who is kissing whose ass now. Dustin staggers to his feet to protect his father, but Jindrak drops him with a thunderous right hook that appears to knock Dustin out cold. The commentators refer to the punch as Jindraks secret weapon, the MARK OF PERFECTION. Jindrak and Jarrett celebrate, stood over the fallen bodies of the Rhodes family.








We cut again to the office of Eric Bischoff, long gone are the four men competing for the role of WCW commissioner, and instead two men are standing over the desk of the company's self assured CEO. He runs a hand through his hair and considers the pair. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page, the re-united tag team known as The Insiders were here to discuss their title match and the involvement of Douglas. DDP warns Bischoff of falling into the same traps as the last WCW, and how if this company had truly changed, shit like this would not be happening. They wanted a rematch, and a fair shot at the titles. They hadn’t planned on reuniting as a tag team, but since Bischoff had forced their hand, the least he could do is follow through with it. Bischoff told them to beat the champs, they had to beat the champs, and gave them both the assignment of beating Palumbo and O’Haire in one on one matches. To make it fair, he would ensure the referees would bar Douglas from any involvement. This seemed to satisfy the two popular contenders.










Chuck Palumbo vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Another veteran facing off against a rising star on the episode, saw a similar start, with experience out weighing enthusiasm. Palumbo looked eager to prove a point against DDP, making a point to Charles Robinson, the referee, that he was following the rules and even said out loud at one point that he did not need to cheat to beat his opponent. Cheating, however, may have proven more successful as DDP’s unique offensive approach kept Palumbo grounded. The threat of the Diamond Cutter seemed to play on the mind of Chuck too, as he hesitated in certain moments in fear of a counter. A Trip to the Diamond Mine, and a Diamond Dream would have put a lot of opponents away, but Palumbo proved resilient. Encouraged by this, Palumbo rallied,blocking punches and sending DDP reeling with several hard blows. A Jungle Kick out of nowhere, a trick of his opponent, had his him in dangerous terrirtory, but as he hoisted him up into a Torture Rack, DDP swung the momentum into a DIAMOND CUTTER and got the sudden pinfall.


Match Result: DDP wins via pinfall.








As we come back from the commercial break, Jeremy Borash is in the ring. He announces that the WCW Television Championship will make a return to the company and will be defended exclusively on the FX network. He announced that a sixteen man tournament will be held on the network following Slamboree, and further details will come on the entrants of said tournament.










Sean O’Haire vs. Kevin Nash


With this matchup between veteran and rising star, the difference in experience was negligible as both men simply battered each other with strikes. As occurred at their match at BIG BANG, the two brutes were eager to defeat the other through sheer force, rather than technique or guile. O’Haire got the upperhand early, thanks in large to being the faster of the two, but also the variety of strikes in his arsenal. He flung Nash around the ring, landed multiple kicks and punches and eventually a kneeling lariat he calls Ridge Hand. Nash was quick to kick out of the pinfall attempt though. Another flurry of action from O’Haire but Nash avoided the strike, and returned with a big boot. The former World Champion, and nWo founder had a brief spell of dominance, but O’Haire slipped from the Jackknife Powerbomb attempt and took out the knee of Nash. The Natural Born Thriller took over once again, levelling Nash with a suplex before going to the top rope for Seanton Bomb. Nash rolled out of the way at the last minute, and took advantage of O’Haire’s error, eventually landing the JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB for the win. Securing The Insiders a World Tag Team Championship re-match at Slamboree.


Match Result: Kevin Nash wins via pinfall.








We cut backstage to two former WCW World Tag Team Champions in Big Vito, and Johnny ‘The Bull’ Stamboli, both men appeared to be having a heated discussion in a corridor, with production equipment surrounding them. Before long, another two men entered the picture, smaller and more recognisable from a rival company, the smaller of the men stepped up and introduced himself. James Maritato spoke with smug confidence, his right hand man, Tony Mamaluke had told him of two men who were linked to his family here in WCW, and if they were linked to the Mamalukes, then they were undoubtedly linked to the Maritato family. He expected them to join him, and help him dominate the WCW and take what is rightfully his. Big Vito was quick to shake his hand, but Johnny The Bull took a few steps back and told them he was done with all that. This didn’t go down well and the three other men jumped him off camera.










Jung Dragons vs. Air Raid vs. Vampiro & Mortis


The team of Vampiro and Mortis was the last to enter, with the reveal of Mortis as Vampiro’s partner, the zenith of the entrances. The commentary team hyped up the masked monster who had not been seen in WCW in several years, but also noted how he looked to be a stripped back version of the Mortis they had seen before, with no pauldrons, and no staff, just a murderous look and intent. The youngster, Air Paris was the unfortunate man to stand up to Mortis and he was quickly bowled over by the big man's power. After beating him down, he tossed the body of Paris into the corner of Jung Dragons and tagged in Vampiro. Hayashi entered the fight and the two men went at each other ferociously, with the Japanese wrestler proving surprisingly vicious with his striking. Vampiro got the upper hand though and dropped Kaz with a Flying Leg Lariat. Air Styles took the brave decision to slap the back of Vampiro as he passed by, and whilst the move appeared to be worthy of applause, this resulted in all hell breaking out in the ring, and all rules flew out of the window. Men ran in, hitting a big move here and there, and then the next man blind sided him, both Air Raid members flew around the ring with graceful, and exciting moves, but Mortis ran rampant, destroying anyone he came across. In the end, it came down Vampiro & Mortis standing across from a lone Air Styles, The youngster put up a decent fight, but Vampiro nailed him with a Chokeslam before Mortis heaved him on to his shoulders, climbed the ropes and slammed Styles into the mat with an Avalanche Samoan Drop he calls the BRIBE FOR THE FERRYMAN.


Match Result: Vampiro & Mortis win via pinfall.








We go backstage and see Scott Steiner for the first time since the events of last night’s main event, his ribs are taped up and Midajah appears to be trying to calm him down whilst he stalks up and down the backstage area. He lets out a guttural roar and tosses a chair nearby into the wall, cursing Flair, cursing Goldberg. He vows vengeance against both men, yelling that he is the wrong man to cross and no one has seen what happens when they cross him. As his anger grows, two men walk into the shot, ‘Road Warrior’ Animal flanking Scott’s brother, Rick Steiner. Who the commentators remind us we haven't seen since Scott and the other members of the Magnificent Seven attacked him. He laughs off Scott’s frustrations whilst Animal cracks his knuckles and attempts to look menacing. Rick asks Sott how it finally feels to be betrayed, and then tells him to imagine how it feels to be betrayed by your own flesh and blood.. Midajah attempts to mediate, but Scott pushes her aside to get in Rick’s face, before exhaling and calming down. He apologises for the attack, saying he didn’t know what was happening and he got caught up in the moment. Rick said he’d like to believe him, but once was too many times, and it wasn’t the first time, Scott’s betrayals of him and the Steiner family were done with. Whilst Scott was getting caught up in Flair’s big plans, Rick made his own, and he got Bischoff to sign off on a match at Slamboree.


Brother vs Brother.


Steiner vs Steiner.


But Rick wanted more, he wanted to add a stipulation, that if he wins, Scott would have to renounce any ownership of the Steiner name and would be ousted from the family he has hurt so much in the last few years. Scott looked incensed, with a tense Midajah gripping at his bicep, through gritted teeth, he said if that is what Rick wants, then that is exactly what he will get.








After another commercial break, we come back to the office of Eric Bischoff, who appears to be having a busy night and in need of a new lock on his door. Joining him in his office this time, is the tag team of Buff Bagwell and ‘The Total Package’ Lex Luger, they are both geared up for their match coming up next but have a gripe with Bichoff first. They remind the CEO that they earned a title shot and were both blindsided by Flair and Goldberg earlier in the night, both men curse their former stable leader and say they were cheated out of a title shot from the frightened old man. They earned it, and they should get it at Slamboree. Bischoff agreed they were cheated out of the match at BIG BANG, however, as he recalled, they were a little loose with the rules themselves against KroniK on the last episode of Nitro and so he had the perfect solution. They were facing the cruiserweight champions in the next match, why not make that a number one contenders match, and the winning team can join The Insiders in challenging for the tag titles on Sunday. They didn’t look happy at the outcome, but Luger slapped Buff in the chest and dragged him away anyway.










The Filthy Animals w/ Konnan & Tygress vs. Totally Buff


The WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team champions started this match off at a frantic pace, eager to earn a shot at another set of championship gold. Mysterio and Kidman utilised quick tags to run circles around Bagwell, before a frustrated Luger tagged himself in. Whilst Bagwell posed for Tygress on the apron, Luger went about the match with calculated brute force. Utilising his strength advantage as well as he could, he zoned in on Kidman, and threw everything at the smaller mans ribs, softening him up for a torture rack but also preventing the deadly shooting star press. As Luger and Bagwell switched in and out, keeping Kidman isolated, Mysterio and Konnan fired up the crowd and their fellow stable mate, until finally he freed himself enough to hot tag Mysterio in. The always exciting Mysterio launched himself at his bigger foes and through sheer speed and agility, got the better of both of them. A Hurricanrana saw Luger tumble over the top rope, and Kidman pulled on the ropes to send Bagwell over soon after, Mysterio followed this up by diving over the ropes on to both men. Kidman hit the ropes and went for a repeat of this a couple of minutes after, but Luger and Bagwell caught him and flung him into the guard rail on his ribs. Konnan checked on Kidman whilst Mysterio did his best to compete, but ultimately Bagwell and Luger outpowered him. Bagwell couldn’t get the pin with a Fisherman Suplex, and Luger took over, locking Mysterio into the Torture Rack. Mysterio slipped out and rolled to the outside, as the three Filthy Animals gathered together, Bagwell made the rash decision to dive on them, but all three men cleared out of the way and Bagwell ate the ringside mats. Back in the ring, a recovered Kidman countered the Torture Rack attempt into a Kid Krusher, and tagged in Mysterio who nailed Luger with a TORNADO DDT for the pinfall


Match Result: The Filthy Animals win via pinfall to earn a WCW World Tag Team Championship Match at SLAMBOREE.








As The Filthy Animals celebrated their win, the music for Vampiro hit and he and Mortis entered the stage area. The three men in the ring stared up at them curiously, as the two mysterious men seemed to have made them their next targets. The commentators, who refer to the pairing of Vampiro and Mortis as THE WEEPING, advise the viewing audience that Eric Bischoff had forgotten one detail regarding the number one contenders match. If The Filthy Animals wanted to compete for the WCW World Tag Team Championship, they first had to defend their own belts… against The Weeping. The commentators are stunned at this detail, proclaiming both monsters are from cruiserweights, and this truly stacked the odds against Mysterio and Kidman at SLAMBOREE.






Back from the commercial break we are moments away from our main event. The commentators recap the results from our last match and also announce that Shane Helms will be defending his WCW Cruiserweight Championship in a rematch of what we saw last night, against his former 3 Count stablemates, but this time the match will be a Ladder match.




Back from the commercial break we are moments away from our main event. The commentators recap the results from our last match and also announce that Shane Helms will be defending his WCW Cruiserweight Championship in a rematch of what we saw last night, against his former 3 Count stablemates, but this time the match will be a Ladder match. Flair vs Booker T was next, but first we joined the World Tag Team Champions, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo in their locker room. Both men are nursing wounds from earlier in the night, and we are shown replays of both finishes as the commentators recap them, before we return to the locker room to see Shane Douglas enter. He encouraged them both, telling them that they lost to two former World Champions, and they hung in there, but was quick to remind them they are at their strongest together, and united, but most importantly, it was a good example of why they needed his guidance and services. He promised them they will come out of Slamboree as champions, and he would be at their side as they do it. Palumbo and O’Haire share a look, but O’Haire shakes the hand of Douglas and Chuck watches on indifferent, clutching an ice pack to his neck.











Booker T © vs. Ric Flair


A match that was set up in the first segment of the first Nitro on FX was a pay per view calibre match given to the audience hot on the trails of BIG BANG and several days away from Slamboree, proving that the new WCW was about providing great action and storytelling and this main event did not disappoint. With a running theme in the show revolving around new versus old, Booker T and Ric Flair epitomised that difference, and the early exchanges were a good example of that. Flair utilised transitions, and kept his opponent locked up, whilst Booker looked to break free and wrestle his way into a brawl. Flair’s wrestling ability won over, and he ran Booker through various pinning combinations and submission holds until he grew frustrated, backed him into a corner and threw the first of many chops to the chest of the defending champion. Booker flopped to the floor afterward, but almost instantly pounced to his feet, fists clenched and rallied himself. He delivered his own knife edge chops, and built momentum with a clothesline and a leg lariat, sending Ric tumbling around the ring. A Harlem Sidekick saw Flair stumble forward several steps before dramatically falling onto his face. He kicked out quickly though, and the fight became more of a brawl from that point. Flair squirmed out of an attempted Book End, whilst Booker was quick to reverse a teased Figure Four Leglock, and rushed to the ropes. As the match went on, a subtle sign was seen from Flair, and Goldberg came charging to the ring. He leapt onto the apron, but referee Billy Silverman was quick to intercept him. With the referee and Booker T’s attention on Goldberg, Flair recovered the US Championship belt and slammed it into the back of Booker T’s head. The champion collapsed in a heap, and when the referee returned his attention, Flair got the pinfall and became the new WCW United States Champion.


Match Result: Ric Flair wins via pinfall to win the WCW United States Championship.








After the match, Goldberg slides into the ring to stand over Booker T and Flair lifts his hand to celebrate alongside him. Flair keeps repeating one of his catchphrases, ‘To be the man, you have to beat the man’. The two men parade around the ring as Booker T stirs, and gets to his feet. He is instantly hit with a spear from Goldberg, to the jeers of the crowd. As he writhes in pain on the mat, the attack is interrupted by…




The retired, former Harlem Heat partner of Booker T comes running down to the ring to help him out. But as he steps through the ropes, the two on one beat down happens, with Flair planting him in the face with the United States Championship belt before Goldberg levels him with a JACKHAMMER. Once again, the beatdown is interrupted, this time…




The CEO makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand. He is quick to call a stop to the fighting, albeit one sided and tells them to save their energy for Sunday night. He tells Flair and Goldberg that he had been ruminating on what to do after what happened last night and he has decided that Booker T deserves his rematch. Flair looks incensed, but Bischoff is quick to remind him that he offered the terms. Flair got his match, he got his title, Booker T earned that title shot whether they wanted it or not. But that wasn’t all, Bischoff said Flair has been acting like he has all the power, and it's time to put an end to it. So on Sunday night, at Slamboree, Goldberg will face Booker T, one on one, and any interference will result in a disqualification that will see the title change hands. That stands for big brother, Stevie Ray too. But he had one last thing to add, to make sure that this is enforced, he has recruited a special referee to oversee the match…




The crowd goes wild as Sting walks out onto the stage, and the commentators tell us they will all see us in several days time and promise the show will not be one to miss.















RIC FLAIR defeated BOOKER T to win WCW United States Championship



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<div style="padding: 6px; border: 2px solid #054977; margin:8px;background: #dcdcdc; max-width:80%; ";">









Ernest Miller w/ Miss Jones


Ernest Miller has vied for and held positions of power in the company on several occasions, he rules with fairness and attitude. He is not afraid to tell people what he thinks, and with Miss Jones at his side he has built his team around talent on the roster he has grown to trust and can call friends. He is one of two candidates who will be competing in the matches themselves. A true fighting leader!



Hugh Morrus


Hugh Morrus had so far had a decent career in WCW, with his most successful stint being the head of the MIA, Misfits in Action, a ragtag group of individuals who tapped into military personas to push themselves beyond what they had previously achieved. With the group disbanding, Morris is out to prove himself a potential title challenger, and the first step is helping his friend gain the commissioner role.



Alex Wright


Alex Wright was at one stage a huge prospect within the company, but has so far failed to live up to that potential. He is currently stuck between being a comedy act or re-packing himself to take another shot at being taken seriously. Whilst he decides, Miller wants him on his team, knowing what he can achieve when he has the right leadership.



Norman Smiley


The former Hardcore champion, Norman Smiley, is a fan favourite with the WCW audience, and someone who never fails to entertain. He is someone who is content and happy with his role and is always up for a fight, despite his friendly nature, as proven with his multiple Hardcore title reigns. Fearless, Smiley has the work rate to really anchor the team in this format.


They face off against Team Canada first at Slamboree!



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Lance Storm


Lance Storm is the next candidate we focus on, and like Miller, he will be one of the two men to truly fight for the role. Storm has amassed quite the reputation within WCW and Team Canada is not unknown to the current fans, with Storm & Awesome having challenged for the World Tag Team Championships amongst other accolades. Storm see’s the commissioner role as an opportunity to better his position amongst a bloated roster of talent. Whilst also having strong beliefs on what professional wrestling should entail, he would look to enforce such ideals if he were to take charge.



Mike Awesome


The aforementioned Mike Awesome could well be labelled as Storm’s right hand man, but it might undervalue the danger he presents in this tournament. He has won gold in almost every company he has wrestled in and has been a star in Japan and the United States. He might only be an adopted Canadian, but Awesome will give everything he can to win this for his teammate, Storm, and there are few men who can stand toe to toe with him and prevent that.



Steve Corino


The first of two new signings announced by Lance Storm as members of his team. Steve Corino has seen his popularity in the US skyrocket over the last couple of years, and being a former World Champion, he brings to the team an exciting talent who is just starting to hit his prime. Having been signed earlier with WCW, Corino never got the chance to debut, so he has patiently waited for the opportunity, and the Commissioner tournament is seen by him as the perfect chance to put a spotlight on himself.



Robert Roode


The last member of the team, and second new signing under Storm, is a bit of a gamble from the Canadian technician. Roode comes recommended to him from fellow Canadian stars, Sean Sewell and Val Venis, and Storm will be hoping the hype they have placed upon him is not mistaken. With Storm, Awesome and Corino at his side, Roode will have plenty of experience to fall on and could be in line to make an early impression in his fledgling career.


They face off against Miller & Friends first at Slamboree!



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Mike Sanders


Sanders is the third candidate vying for the role, and instead of competing himself, he has amassed a team to fight on his behalf. But this isn’t just a team for the tournament, Sanders instead has built the second coming of the Natural Born Thrillers, and dubbed them the New Born Thrillers. Sanders is always quick to tell people he was the brainchild behind the group that has skyrocketed several stars to stardom and he has put together a team of rookies that he feel are capable of achieving the same success, and what better way to start that path than winning the Commissioner tournament.



Chris Harris


The first two members of the team were announced as a tag team, named The Kentucky Bend Outlaws. Chris Harris will be recognised by some of the WCW fans as a man that was often wrestling solo on WCW B shows, and often losing. Still young and learning his craft, Sanders belief he and his tag team partner are ready to step up and become Thrillers.



James Storm


The second member of the New Born Thrillers, and the other half of The Kentucky Bend Outlaws, is James Storm. Like Harris, he was already contracted to WCW before the purchase and switch to FX, and has only made fleeting appearances on Worldwide without achieving much as a solo act. He has the attitude and talent to go far, and Sanders believes now is the time to invest in this pair.



Ken Anderson


Ken Anderson, is a largely unknown prospect out of Wisconsin, who is seen as a huge gamble given his relative inexperience when compared to the rest of the competitors. Sanders clearly has a vision for who he has recruited and what he wants them to achieve, and he has described Anderson as all bark AND bite. What he will bring to the table is yet to be seen, but given Sander’s history for spotting talent, there is reason to be excited about him.



‘The Prototype’ John Cena


Last, but not least, is another new signing, and one who was stolen right from under the nose of WCW’s biggest rivals. The prototype, like Anderson, has not been competing long, where he trained at and wrestled for Ultimate Pro Wrestling in California. He quickly rose to the challenge of winning their world title, and Sanders has advertised him as the blueprint for what every wrestler wishes they could be. Cena comes with a lot of hype and potential, but amongst a team of competitors who have similar levels of experience, the challenge at Slamboree will be an uphill battle for these young upstarts.


They face off against The Ace's at Slamboree!




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<div style="padding: 6px; border: 2px solid #054977; margin:8px;background: #dcdcdc; max-width:80%; ";">









Johnny Ace


Mr Ace got a brief taste of power in WCW once before, and he is back for more. Long gone are the days of him competing, and he is the only candidate who isn’t an active competitor. Still, he boasts a strong background in wrestling pedigree and was a big name in Japan where he innovated the Ace Cutter. Now a corporate man, he has a vision for the sport, and this is the opportunity to chase that vision. Ace’s Aces are the only team to be comprised of new recruits, some of them brought in specifically for this competition.



Monty Brown


A diamond in the rough, is how Ace would sell Monty Brown. He is as green as they come as recruits go, but Monty Brown has the elite College Football power and athleticism that instantly upgrades his credibility. He has a lot to learn, and a short time frame to do so, but Ace has gone with a team member he can mould into his own, alongside more experienced team mates.



Dos Caras Jr


Prestige, Ace only needs the one word to describe this talent from the illustrious Mexican wrestling family, nephew of Mil Mascaras and of course, son of Dos Caras. The youthful luchadore has been around the wrestling industry all his life, and what was the Olympics loss, was professional wrestlings gain. Dos Caras Jr boasts a broad set of skills, from his Mexican roots, to his Olympic level Greco-Roman wrestling, and even his dabbling in the Mixed Martial Arts. Like Brown, he has only just started wrestling, but again, as with Brown, he has other qualities that raise his credibility and potential in the tournament.



Masato Tanaka


The heart, the will, and the determination of this man is what drew Ace in. There was undoubtedly going to be a recruit from Japan, given Ace’s background, but this Japanese ace is just as well known in the US as his abroad. His iconic rivalry against Team Canada’s own, Mike Awesome, is well documented and highly praised. He brings the ability to wrestle various styles, and his never die attitude is exactly what Ace will want from him on Sunday night.



Rob Van Dam


Lastly, there is the ace in the hole, the biggest signing of any of the Commissioners, and arguably a huge difference maker for Ace. Rob Van Dam has grown from the days he was last seen in WCW as Robbie V, and is now a bonafide superstar in the US. He is mostly known for his tag team success with Sabu, but has had various championship runs, even if a World Title is something he is yet to achieve. This is a signing that will have the fans excited, and surely places The Ace’s as favourites going into the tournament. However, with the talent on board, anything can happen!


They face off against The New Born Thrillers at Slamboree!




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Predictions Leaderboard after Nitro, heading into Slamboree which will be the last Pick 'em round of this cycle:

DGenerationMC 11/12

DHK1989 10/12

falling_star 8/12

Old_School_Fan 8/12

Helginho 8/12

Tyler2020 5/9

KyTeran 4/12

ctessier197 3/12

CactusHack 1/12


Thanks once again for the involvement! I'll announce the award for winning this cycles predictions after the results for Slamboree have been posted. Also, if anyone would like to offer any feedback, be it constructive criticism or just plain advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. This extends from graphics and presentation to booking and storytelling. I'm really enjoying this, and just looking to get the most out of the experience!





WCW Presents, from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas...







Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



Winners of Match A vs. Winners of Match B



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Scott Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada



The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping



Tune in on Sunday, to WCW SLAMBOREE, ONLY on FX!



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Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



Winners of Match A vs. Winners of Match B



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Shane Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada



The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping

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Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



Winners of Match A vs. Winners of Match B



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Shane Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada


The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping

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Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



Winners of Match A vs. Winners of Match B



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Scott Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada



The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping

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Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



The Ace's vs. Team Canada



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Scott Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada



The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping

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Goldberg © vs. Booker T

w/ Special Referee: Sting



Winners of Match A vs. Winners of Match B



Natural Born Thrillers © vs. The Insiders vs. The Filthy Animals


Scott Steiner vs. Rick Steiner

*If Scott Steiner loses, he will have to abondon the Steiner name.


Dustin & Dusty Rhodes vs. Jeff Jarrett & Mark Jindrak



The Ace's vs. The New Born Thrillers



Scott Helms © vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Kargias



Miller & Friends vs. Team Canada



The Filthy Animals © vs. The Weeping

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