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NXT 2.0: It Hits Different

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NXT 2.0- January 25th, 2022

Live From: Orlando, Florida

Commentary Team: Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett


We welcome you live from Orlando, Florida for another exciting episode of NXT 2.0! Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett welcome everyone to the show before we get right into our opening contest...


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match:

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Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs vs Legado del Fantasma

Jensen & Briggs are one of NXT's newest tag teams, but they're defeinitely no pushovers. Legado del Fantasma on the other hand has experience in the tournament, having made it to the semifinals in last year's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Briggs & Jensen. Jensen and Joaquin Wilde start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Jensen hits Wilde with a belly to belly suplex. Jensen picks up Wilde and hits him with a fallaway slam. Jensen runs off the ropes and hits Wilde with a running knee drop. Jensen tags out to Briggs, who hits Wilde with a running diving splash. Briggs picks up Wilde and attempts a military press slam, but Wilde wiggles out of it and hits Briggs with an enzuigiri. Wilde runs over to the corner, takes off the turnbuckle pad, and runs at Briggs with a shotgun dropkick. Wilde attempts a running bulldog, but Briggs reverses it and hits Wilde with a back suplex. The match comes to an end when Briggs tags out to Jensen and Wilde tags out to Raul Mendoza. Mendoza tries hitting Jensen with a lariat, but Jensen ducks it, runs off the ropes, and hits Mendoza with a flying shoulder tackle! Jensen picks up Mendoza for a running powerslam, but Mendoza wiggles out of it and sends Jensen headfirst into the exposed turnbuckle! Mendoza then rolls up Jensen and gets the three.

WINNERS: Legado del Fantasma







After the match is over, we cut to the parking lot, where Bron Breakker is making his way into the building. An offscreen voice asks Breakker about Samoa Joe, to which Breakker responds by saying that he's issuing a challenge to Samoa Joe tonight. Breakker says he wants Samoa Joe in the ring tonight!


Bron Breakker: "Samoa Joe! If you're half the man you say you are, you'll get your ass to the ring tonight to face me face to face!"


Breakker finishes by saying that he's going to teach Samoa Joe a lesson in respect tonight!






NXT North American Championship Number One Contender's Triple Threat:

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Cameron Grimes vs Santos Escobar vs Roderick Strong

These three each staked their claims to being the number one contender for Carmelo Hayes's NXT North American Championship last week. Now they'll square off to see who's the real number one contender! This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Grimes. Santos and Strong start the match off by knocking Grimes out of the ring with a double lariat. Grimes stumbles to the outside as Escobar goes for a suicide dive, however Strong stops it by hitting Santos with a leaping knee strike. Strong throws Santos off the ropes and hits him with a high knee before hitting him with a fallaway slam. Strong goes to attempt the End of Heartache, but Grimes breaks it up with a dropkick. Grimes throws Strong off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. Grimes attempts to hit Strong with the Cave-In, but Santos stops it by hitting Grimes with a forearm smash. Santos and Strong hit Grimes with a double suplex before Santos hits Strong with a discus lariat. Santos goes for the cover, but that's broken up by a jumping double foot stomp from Grimes. Grimes throws Santos into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Grimes then hits Santos with a German suplex. Grimes tries going for the cover, but he's stopped by Roderick Strong, who hits Grimes with an enzuigiri. The match comes to an end when Strong attempts to hit Grimes with the End of Heartache, but Grimes rolls out of it and hits Strong with the Cave-In! Santos tries charging at him, but Grimes dodges him and hits him the Cave-In! Grimes covers Santos and gets the three!

WINNER: Cameron Grimes







After the match is over, Cameron Grimes celebrates his victory with the fans until...













































Carmelo Hayes attacks!


Hayes, having hidden himself amongst the crowd, charges at Grimes and hits him with the NXT North American Championship! Hayes throws Grimes into the turnbuckle post before hitting him with a spinebuster. He then gets on the barricade and hits Grimes with a diving leg drop! Hayes stands tall over Grimes as we go to a commercial break.







After a quick commercial break, Johnny Gargano makes his way down to the ring to a huge pop from the NXT universe. Gargano grabs a microphone as the crowd chants "JOHNNY WRESTLING!" Gargano thanks the crowd for their appreciation before talking about Grayson Waller. Gargano says that Grayson Waller tried to end his career nearly two months ago, but he should know better because it takes more than a few chair shots to kill Johnny Wrestling! Gargano then says he wants Waller in the ring one on one...


Johnny Gargano: "Grayson Waller, wherever you are, I want you to know that what I did to you last week, that was only a taste of what's to come when we meet in the ring again!"


Suddenly, Gargano is interrupted by...




































































Grayson Waller!


Waller appears on the video screen, saying that he's too busy talking with WWE officials to be on NXT tonight. Waller says that he's getting tired of Johnny Gargano and NXT in general, so he's thinking about giving WWE the "Grayson Waller Effect." Anyway, Waller says that Gargano is just jealous that he got hit with the "Grayson Waller Effect" when Waller hit him with a chair back in December...


Grayson Waller: "Face it Johnny, your wrestling career was going downhill faster than your Twitch career! Think about it Johnny, you should be thanking me for what I did!"


Gargano calls Waller the most delusional man in the world before saying that Waller's ducking him. Gargano says he wants Grayson Waller one on one at Vengeance Day next month! Waller says he'll accept Gargano's challenge under one condition, it must be a street fight! Gargano accepts the challenge and finishes by saying that he's going to give Grayson Waller the "Johnny Gargano Effect" at Vengeance Day!






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Io Shirai vs Dakota Kai

These two women are pretty much the backbone of the NXT women's division and win here can send either woman to the front line for a shot at the NXT Women's Championship. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Shirai. Shirai and Dakota start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Shirai hits Dakota with a neckbreaker. Shirai throws Dakota off the ropes and hits her with a hurricanrana. Shirai attempts a tilt-a-whirl backbreacker, but Dakota reverses it into a back suplex. Dakota locks Shirai in an armbar, but Shirai manages to escape and reverses it into a wrist-lock powerbomb. Io goes to the top rope and hits Dakota with a diving elbow drop. Io goes back to the top rope and attempts to hit Dakota with her finisher, the Moonsault, but Dakota sticks her knees up at the last second. Dakota runs off the ropes and hits Shirai with a big boot before hitting her with a shining wizard. Dakota covers Shirai, but only gets a two, which leads to an argument between Dakota and the referee. While Dakota and the referee are arguing, Io gets up and hits Dakota with a hurricanrana! The match comes to an end when Io goes to the top rope and attempts the Moonsault, but before she can hit it...




















































Kay Lee Ray runs down to the ring with a bat!


Io yells at Ray, asking why she's down here, but KLR responds by hitting her with her baseball bat! The refere calls for the DQ as KLR stares Shirai down.

WINNER: Io Shirai (by DQ)







After the match is over, Kay Lee Ray and Dakota Kai look to each other and nod in approval as KLR continues to beat the living hell out of Io Shirai with the baseball bat! Dakota soons join in and the two beat the hell out of Shirai until...











































































Sarray runs down to the ring with a chair!


Sarray chases KLR and Dakota off as she and other officials tend to Io Shirai and we go to commercials.






Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round Match:

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Jacket Time vs Los Lotharios

Los Lotharios are making their Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic debut, but they've turned heads on Smackdown. On the other hand, Jacket Time has been pretty impressive recently and may be in line for an NXT Tag Team Championship shot regardless of the outcome of the tournament. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jacket Time. Ikemen Jiro and Humberto start the match off with Humberto taunting Ikemen by doing a bit of pelvic dancing. Ikemen responds by flashing Humberto with his jacket! Humberto doesn't take kindly to this and slaps Ikemen across the face! Ikemen responds by hitting Humberto with a running bulldog. Ikemen goes to the top rope, but before he can attempt anything, Angel shoves him off! Humberto hits Ikemen with a hurricanrana before tagging out to Angel. However, that's not before Humberto hits Ikemen with a springboard back elbow. Angel starts stomping Ikemen before attempting a German suplex, however that fails when Ikemen reverses it into a spinning sidewalk slam. Ikemen tags out to KUSHIDA, who hits Angel with a running knee strike. KUSHIDA hits Angel with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before hitting him with a standing moonsault. KUSHIDA tries hitting Angel with a belly to belly suplex, but Angel reverses it into a hurricanrana. The match comes to an end when Angel attempts to hit KUSHIDA with his finisher, the Wing Clipper (Sitout Butterfly Cradle Drop), but KUSHIDA reverses it into a hurricanrana! KUSHIDA then locks Angel in the Hoverboard Lock (Kimura Lock)! Angel eventually has no choice but to tap out!

WINNERS: Jacket Time







After the match is over, we cut to the backstage area, where Timothy Thatcher is teaching some sort of grappling class. Thatcher compliments one student and tells another one to cut to the chase...




























Andre Chase and his Chase University student section emerge on screen as Thatcher rolls his eyes. Chase says he appreciates Thatcher's abilities and makes him an offer...


Andre Chase: "Mr. Thatcher, I have an offer for you. I want you to be the official Thatch-as-Thatch-can teacher at Chase University!"


The student section erupts in cheers as Thatcher rolls his eyes again. Chase asks Thatcher for his response, to which Thatcher responds by taking Chase down with a single-leg takedown and locking him in an ankle lock! Chase immediately taps out and Thatcher eventually relinquishes the hold...


Timothy Thatcher: "How's that for an answer Chase?"






NXT Women's Championship Number One Contender's Ladder Match:

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Cora Jade vs Raquel Gonzalez

These two have been feuding over the NXT Women's Championship for months now, but only one woman can walk out of here tonight to face Mandy Rose at Vengeance Day. Who will it be? This match is a good match and the crowd is split between both women. Cora & Raquel start the match off by exchanging a barrage of punches. Raquel eventually gets the upper hand and hits Cora with a big boot. Raquel picks up Cora and hits her with a powerslam before going to the outside to grab a ladder. Raquel tries bringing the ladder back into the ring, but Cora runs off the ropes and hits Raquel with a baseball slide. Raquel stumbles back and drops the ladder, allowing Cora to run back off the ropes and hit her with a suicide dive! Cora throws Raquel into the ring steps before grabbing a ladder and throwing it into the ring. Cora sets up the ladder and tries going up it, but Raquel gets back in the ring and stops her from getting too far. Raquel knocks Jade off the ladder and hits her with a lariat. Raquel throws Jade into the corner and hits her with a knife edge chop. She then leaves the ring, reaches under the apron, and grabs a table. Raquel throws the table in the ring and sets it up. She tries to send Cora through it with a powerbomb, but Cora reverses it and hits Raquel with a hurricanrana. The match comes to an end when Cora and Raquel begin climbing up the ladder. The two meet at the top and both try to bring down the contract, but neither can get the upper hand. Raquel tries sending Cora off of the ladder, but fails. Cora hits Raquel with a forearm smash, wobbling Raquel. Cora takes advantage of that by grabbing Raquel and sending her off the ladder and through the table!!! Cora then reaches for the contract and retrieves it, winning the match and the number one contendership!

WINNER: Cora Jade







After our final commercial break, Bron Breakker makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. Breakker says he's waited all night for Samoa Joe to rear his ugly head and he's through with waiting. Breakker says he wants Samoa Joe in the ring right now!


Bron Breakker: "Joe! I know you talk a big game, but can you back it up?!? Get your ass down here right now and face me like a man!"


After a pregnant pause...





















































Samoa Joe appears on the video screen!


Joe, standing in front of a house, says he hates to keep Breakker waiting, but he's not at NXT tonight. In fact, he's not even in Orlando at all! Joe says he took tonight off to take care of some "family business."


Samoa Joe: "Bron, I'm not even in the state right now! I took a little personal trip to Georgia to take care of some...


*Camera pans to a sign that reads "STEINER HOUSEHOLD"*


"Family business."


Bron starts yelling at Joe as the commentary team mentions that Joe has to be at Rick Steiner's house! Joe starts walking up to the house and kicks down the door as Breakker rushes out of the ring and to the back. Joe sees Rick Steiner (Bron's dad) in the front room and immediately starts beating the hell out of him! Rick's family starts screaming and threatening to call the police as Joe yells to Rick that this is what's going to happen to his baby boy at Vengeance Day! Joe tells the rest of the Steiner family to scram as he locks Rick in the Coquina Clutch! He doesn't have the hold in for long though, as Rick almost immediately passes out. Joe grabs the camera and finishes the show with a chilling line...












Samoa Joe: "BRON! Daddy's home!"







TV RATING: 510,920 Viewers on USA Network (DOWN 6,732 Viewers from Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 52 Regions.

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Prediction Contest:

This Show:

1) ctessier1997- 5 Pts.

1) KyTeran- 5 Pts.

1) ThatYoung450- 5 Pts.

4) JamesTheAnimator- 4 Pts.

5) Theheel- 2 Pts.

6) Hitman74- 1 Pt.



1) ctessier1997- 16 Pts.

2) KyTeran- 15 Pts.

3) ThatYoung450- 15 Pts.

4) James The Animator- 13 Pts.

5) Munit- 7 Pts.

6) Mootinie- 4 Pts.

6) Smasher1311- 4 Pts.

6) MisterRomanini- 4 Pts.

6) Blodyxe- 4 Pts.

10) angeldelayette- 2 Pts.

10) Theheel- 2 Pts.

12) Hitman74- 1 Pt.


Dusty cup update as per usual:



Thank you to everyone who predicted/commented! Got an edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter out tomorrow with the card for the first NXT 2.0 of February up shortly thereafter!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="oukn2Z1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oukn2Z1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Wrestling Observer Newsletter- January 2022</strong></p><p> <em>By: Dave Meltzer</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="XeEd4SJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XeEd4SJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="vh8RTXB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vh8RTXB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Arguably the biggest news this month came from AEW. The Acclaimed, Max Caster & Anthony Bowens, walked out on the company in late December and showed up in NXT a few weeks later. The Acclaimed's issues with AEW started back in August when Caster was suspended for some less-than-tasteful lines in a pre-match rap. It went downhill from there, as they both complained to Tony Khan about having to put over Dante Martin & Lio Rush and The Best Friends. The breaking point was apparently when Khan asked them to put over 2.0 on Rampage. There was a big argument, things boiled over, and Khan released them the following day. Shane McMahon was said to be a huge fan of them and personally lobbied Vince McMahon & Nick Khan to hire them. They obliged and they debuted on NXT 2.0 a few weeks ago. </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="uroiOTp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uroiOTp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="SNXq6VW.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SNXq6VW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> The other piece of big news coming out of AEW is that Ortiz & Santana may be out the door soon. Their contracts are up this month and while Tony Khan has made a compelling offer to keep them, Vince McMahon and the WWE have made similar lucrative offers. The two Inner Circle members have been supposedly unhappy with their booking in AEW recently. To their credit they have been getting some of the loudest pops of the night on some shows and have been just sort of directionless in recent months. They've played a bit part in the recent Eddie Kingston/Chris Jericho feud, but nothing really of substance. If they do leave though, it's a blow to the AEW tag division, they can definitely be future Tag Champions.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ivGJBdK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ivGJBdK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="bhhyWmY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/bhhyWmY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="mVTejew.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mVTejew.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> A few more old-school NXT superstars are getting called up to the main roster in the next few weeks. Both Pete Dunne & Raquel Gonzalez are expected to join the main roster over the next few weeks. Gonzalez has wrapped up her NXT commitments, having lost to Cora Jade in a ladder match on Tuesday. Dunne is supposed to have his last match over the next few weeks. Another name apparently penciled in for a call-up is Tommaso Ciampa, but that's more up in the air. All three have been in NXT since at least early 2020 (even longer for Ciampa), so it makes sense for them to finally get the call-up.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="lRj3KMG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lRj3KMG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Akira Tozawa's WWE contract is expiring and there is mutual agreement that he won't be extended. Tozawa has been frustrated with his booking as of late and has expressed a desire to either go to NXT or back to Japan. WWE have chosen the latter and Tozawa is free to work anywhere he wants at the end of February. NJPW is pushing to sign him, with Shingo Takagi being a big endorser of the idea.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ijzOlLO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ijzOlLO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PqphOX3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PqphOX3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Speaking of NJPW, their long-time relationship with CMLL hit the fan this month. CMLL owner Francisco Lutteroth III announced that the relationship was over in a press conference, citing irreparable differences between the two companies. This was later found out to be NJPW starting to mingle with AAA, CMLL's main rival. With the relationship over, NJPW has chosen to go full steam ahead with the AAA relationship.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53911" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="RfczXcr.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RfczXcr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Legendary Japanese junior heavyweight CIMA announced that he would be retiring in May. CIMA is probably one of the most iconic junior heavyweights in Japan, with his popularity at times rivaling Jushin Thunder Liger. He's wrestled for Toryumon/Dragon Gate since 1997, having been trained by the legendary Ultimo Dragon. He's wrestled in America a few times too, having most recently had a match at AEW Double or Nothing back in 2019. No word on what he's going to do next though, as he's been in talks with NJPW about becoming a trainer at their dojo.</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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NXT 2.0- February 1st, 2022

Prediction Key:


Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis



The Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers) vs Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs



Cora Jade vs Gigi Dolin



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

MSK vs The Acclaimed



WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa


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Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis

Comments: I don’t see much in Waller and honestly Lumis could be a decent Maniac character if he was more like Maniac Mark Lewin


The Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers) vs Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs



Cora Jade vs Gigi Dolin

Comments: The Jade Express rides again


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

MSK vs The Acclaimed

Comments: these guys actually have a little something. Keep them in NXT


WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa

Comments: Please don’t change his name to Gunther


I will never be the song Tuitions Fruiti Summer Love or of my head

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Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis



The Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers) vs Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs



Cora Jade vs Gigi Dolin



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

MSK vs The Acclaimed



WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa


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NXT 2.0 will be up tomorrow, but first a recap of the Royal Rumble!




WWE Royal Rumble 2022 Recap:


-Edge & Beth Phoenix defeated The Miz & Maryse despite cheating from WWE's "It Couple."


-Bianca Belair won the 2022 Women's Royal Rumble, last eliminating Rhea Ripley. Also notable, Raquel Gonzalez of NXT entered at #10 and eliminated 10 women (including former WWE Women's Champion Mickie James) before being eliminated by Belair.


-The Usos defeated The New Day to retain the Smackdown Tag Team Championships in a hellacious match


-Brock Lesnar defeated Bobby Lashley to retain the WWE Championship in a match that didn't last long, but was one of the most physical in recent memory


-Becky Lynch defeated Liv Morgan to retain the RAW Women's Championship and finally put Morgan's dreams of winning the title to bed


-Roman Reigns defeated Drew McIntyre to retain the Universal Championship thanks to some outside help from The Usos. After the match was over, Paul Heyman made a challenge to Roman, Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns at Elimination Chamber next month: WINNER TAKES ALL! Roman declined to answer


-Big E won the 2022 Men's Royal Rumble, last eliminating Seth Rollins. Omos scored the most eliminations, eliminating 12 men before being eliminated by Big E. Five NXT stars also showed up: Bron Breakker (who made it to the final four), Tommaso Ciampa, Pete Dunne, Grayson Waller, & Johnny Gargano. The latter two eliminated each other and brawled to the back

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NXT 2.0- February 1st, 2022

Live From: Orlando, Florida

Commentary Team: Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett


Welcome everyone to another exciting edition of NXT 2.0! Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett run down the card for tonight before we get right into our opening contest...


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Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis

Waller has been beefing with Johnny Gargano and the rest of The Way for the past few months, with Waller taking extra exception to Lumis when Gargano was away. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Lumis. Lumis starts the match off by going after Waller, but Waller hides behind the referee. Lumis backs off, but Waller hits him with an enzuigiri. Waller throws Lumis off the ropes and hits him with a back body drop. He goes to the top rope and attempts a diving elbow drop, but Lumis rolls out of the way. Lumis grabs Waller and attempts to lock in the Silence (Kata Gatame), but Waller wiggles out of it by raking Lumis's eyes. Waller throws Lumis into the corner and hits him with a running dropkick. Waller hits Lumis with a standing moonsault before attempting the 21st Century Stunner. Lumis is able to catch him though and hit him with a spinning back suplex. Lumis throws Waller into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Lumis then throws Waller out of the ring and attempts a baseball slide, but Waller trips him up, catches him in the ring skirt, and begins unloading on him with a series of punches. Waller throws Lumis into the barricade before going back in the ring and attempting a suicide dive. That fails though, as Lumis catches him and hits him with a spinebuster! The match comes to an end when Lumis throws Waller back in the ring and locks in the Silence! Waller tries reaching for the ropes but he's fading fast. All of a sudden, Waller kicks Lumis below the belt! The referee didn't see it, which allows Waller to hit Lumis with the 21st Century Stunner! Waller covers Lumis and gets the three.

WINNER: Grayson Waller







After the match is over, Grayson Waller grabs a microphone and tells the fans to shut up. Waller brags about competing in the Royal Rumble match on Saturday and says he gave the WWE Universe a taste of the "Grayson Waller Effect..."


Grayson Waller: "I entered the Royal Rumble Match and instantly became the hottest superstar in all of WWE, if that's not the Grayson Waller Effect in action, I don't know what is! And if it wasn't for that jealous scumbag Johnny Gargano, I'd be in the main event of Wrestlemania!"




































Speak of the devil, Johnny Gargano appears on the ramp with a microphone!


Gargano basks in the "JOHNNY WRESTLING!" chants before he begins to speak. However, instead of saying anything, he just throws the microphone down and books it for Grayson Waller! Gargano takes Waller down and begins raining down punches on him. Waller eventually manages to escape and hightails it out of the arena as Gargano yells at him that he'll see him in two weeks for the ass-kicking of his life!







We then cut backstage to MSK & the "Higher Shaman" Rob Van Dam. The three men are chilling out in a dimly-lit room, with smoke filling the air. RVD tells Nash Carter & Wes Lee the key to winning tonight...


Rob Van Dam: "If you want to beat The Acclaimed dudes tonight, you've got to do one simple thing: you've got to get in their heads."


Lee & Carter try to come up with an idea before it suddenly hits them...


Nash Carter & Wes Lee (Simultaneously): "RAP BATTLE!"


RVD nods in approval and tells them to start working on their bars as smoke fills the screen and we cut back to the ring.






Six Man Tag Team Match:

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Diamond Mine (Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers) w/Malcolm Bivens vs Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs

Grimes defeated Roderick Strong (and Santos Escobar) to become the number one contender to the NXT North American Championship last week. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Grimes, Jensen, & Briggs. Jensen and Strong start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Strong hits Jensen with a German suplex. Strong throws Jensen off the ropes and hits him with a running knee lift. Strong throws Jensen into his corner, tags out to Julius Creed, and they hit Jensen with a double suplex. Creed starts working over Jensen's knee before hitting him with a powerslam. Julius attempts a military press slam, but Jensen wiggles out and hits Julius with a running shoulder block. Jensen tags out to Briggs, who blasts Julius with a lariat. Briggs throws Julius into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Briggs attempts a German suplex, but Julius reverses it into a back suplex. The match comes to an end when Briggs tags out to Grimes and Julius tags out to Brutus Creed. Grimes ducks a lariat from Brutus and immediately hits him with the Cave-In! Grimes covers Brutus and gets the three!

WINNERS: Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen, & Josh Briggs







After a quick commercial break, we cut to Bron Breakker backstage being interviewed. Breakker is asked about what Samoa Joe did to his family last week. Breakker says that it really pissed him off, saying that Joe had no right to bring family into this...


Bron Breakker: "I've been in Georgia at my dad's house nearly 24/7 since last Tuesday because of what that bastard did. Joe! You made this personal and at Vengeance Day, I'm going to make sure what you did to my dad pales in comparison to what I'm going to do to you!"






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Cora Jade vs Gigi Dolin w/Mandy Rose & Jacy Jayne

Cora became number one contender to Mandy Rose's NXT Women's Championship last week when she defeated Raquel Gonzalez in a ladder match. Now she gets to face Mandy Rose's fellow Toxic Attraction member Gigi Dolin. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cora. Cora starts the match off by blasting Dolin with a lariat. Cora throws Dolin into the corner and rains down punches on her until the referee threatens to disqualify her. Cora picks up Dolin and attempts a suplex, but Dolin rakes Cora's eyes to get out of it. Dolin throws Cora off the ropes and hits her with a high knee. Dolin throws Cora into the corner and starts choking her out, but breaks it up before a five count. Dolin hits Cora with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before attempting a DDT. However, that's reversed into a northern lights suplex from Cora. Cora runs off the ropes and hits Dolin with a senton. Cora goes to the top rope and attempts a moonsault, but Mandy gets up on the apron and pushes her off! The referee notices this and ejects both Mandy & Jacy! The match comes to an end when Gigi attempts to hit Cora with some sort of suplex, but Cora reverses it into her finisher, the Emerald Spike (Package DDT)! Cora covers Dolin and gets the three!

WINNER: Cora Jade







After that match is over, we cut to Diamond Mine's locker room. Roderick Strong and The Creed Brothers are icing themselves, while Malcolm Bivens is pacing around the room with the rest of Diamond Mine sitting around them. Bivens says that the last month hasn't been good for Diamond Mine. From Roderick Strong losing to Carmelo Hayes at New Year's Evil to The Creed Brothers being eliminated in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, things could definitely be better. But, Bivens has an idea...


Malcolm Bivens: "We need to flip the switch on Diamond Mine. We need to hit the metaphorical reset button. So next week, Diamond Mine gets a new member!"


Strong, The Creed Brothers, Ivy Nile, & Hachiman all look confused, while Bivens says this new member of Diamond Mine will be a jolt of energy the Diamond Mine desperately needs.







After a quick commercial break, MSK & Rob Van Dam are standing in the ring with microphones. Rob Van Dam does a bit of schtick with the crowd before welcoming everyone to the first ever MSK Cypher! RVD says he knows The Acclaimed dudes can't hang with MSK in the ring and right now, Wes Lee & Nash Carter will prove that The Acclaimed can't even hang with them in the rap game! RVD tells the production truck to drop a beat as Lee & Carter begin to rap...


Nash Carter: "Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, y'all so boring, ya make me want to take up sowing!"

Wes Lee: "That was pretty wack, but Nash & Wes gonna put you on ya backs!"

Nash Carter: "My name's Nash Carter and I'm here to say, we're going to beat The Acclaimed in a very strong way!"

Wes Lee: "Alright Nash, that's enough complaining, you're making The Acclaimed sound entertaining!"


Before they can continue...



























Max Caster: "Yo! Listen! It's The Acclaimed, that rap was trash, me & Bowens 'bout to bust yo ass!

"Nash & Wes, y'all should have gone solo, but hell that wasn't worse than a Cody promo!"

"And RVD, what are ya broke? 'Cause we about to make your boys go up in smoke!"








Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

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MSK w/Rob Van Dam vs The Acclaimed

MSK got here by defeating Grizzled Young Veterans in the Round of 16, while The Acclaimed defeated the makeshift tag team of LA Knight & Pete Dunne. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind MSK. Wes Lee and Max Caster start the match off with Caster blasting Lee with a lariat before the bell can even ring. Caster throws Lee into the corner and hits him with a few knee strikes before hitting him with a biel throw. Caster runs off the ropes and attempts to hit Lee with a knee drop, but Lee rolls out of the way and hits Caster with an enzuigiri. Lee goes to the top rope and hits Caster with a diving knee drop. Lee runs off the ropes and hits Caster with a running moonsault. Lee goes back to the top rope to attempt an RVD-endorsed Five Star Frog Splash, but Caster rolls out of the ring. Lee tries to go after him on the outside, but Caster plucks him out of mid-air and sends him into the barricade with a belly to belly suplex! Caster gets back in the ring and tags out to Anthony Bowens, as Lee eventually gets back in the ring and tags out to Nash Carter. The match comes to an end when Bowens tries hitting Carter with a lariat, but Carter ducks it and hits Bowens with a spin kick! Carter goes to the top rope, but is distracted by Bowens calling the referee over to check on something. Bowens claims he has a broken nose, which diverts the referee's attention away from Max Caster hitting Carter with Bowens' boombox! Carter falls into the ring as Bowens quickly springs up and covers Carter for the three.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed







After the match is over, we cut to Pete Dunne backstage. Dunne says he's getting real tired of this Tony D'Angelo problem. Dunne says Tony's been getting his business for too long and it's time for something to be done about it. Dunne then makes D'Angelo an offer he claims he can't refuse...


Pete Dunne: "Tony, I want you in a match one on one at Vengeance Day. It's not going to be any normal match though. I want you in a crowbar death match! So Tony, you bring your crowbar and I'll...


*Dunne pulls out a crowbar*


bring mine."






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WALTER vs Tommaso Ciampa

These two last met at NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver last year, with WALTER coming out on top in that meeting and retaining the NXT UK Championship. Nearly a year later, they come to blows one more time. This match is a great match and the crowd is solidly behind Ciampa. Ciampa starts the match off by catching WALTER off guard with a flying knee strike. WALTER falls back into the corner and Ciampa unloads a barrage of punches on him. Ciampa eventually backs off, but runs back towards the corner to hit WALTER with a high knee. Ciampa tries hitting WALTER with the Fairy-Tale Ending, but WALTER reverses it into a back body drop. WALTER then runs off the ropes and hits Ciampa with a big senton. WALTER throws Ciampa into the corner and hits him with a huge knife edge chop. WALTER attempts another knife edge chop, but Ciampa rolls out of the corner, leading WALTER to chop the turnbuckle! WALTER tries shaking off the potential hand injury, but Ciampa hits him with a dropkick that sends him crashing to the outside. Ciampa then runs off the ropes and hits WALTER with a suicide dive! Ciampa throws WALTER on the apron and attempts the Willow's Bell, but WALTER hits him with a big kidney punch. WALTER gets back in the ring and blasts Ciampa with a big boot. The match comes to an end when WALTER picks up Ciampa and hits him with the Imperium Bomb! WALTER covers Ciampa and gets the three.








After the match is over, Tommaso Ciampa eventually gets up as a big "THANK YOU CIAMPA!" chants breaks out. Ciampa soaks in the chants and starts to get a little emotional. Before anything else can happen...













































Johnny Gargano makes his way to the ring!


Gargano and Ciampa stare each other down as a "DIY!" chant starts. The two stare each other down before they hug! The old DIY theme plays as Gargano and Ciampa hug it out. The two men walk to the back, but not before Ciampa thanks the NXT Universe one last time and NXT goes off the air.






TV RATING: 558,814 Viewers on USA Network (UP 47,894 Viewers from Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 55 Regions.

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Prediction Contest:

This Show:

1) legendaryhorseman- 5 Pts.

2) James The Animator- 4 Pts.

2) Theheel- 4 Pts.

2) KyTeran- 4 Pts.



1) KyTeran- 19 Pts.

2) James The Animator- 17 Pts.

3) ctessier1997- 16 Pts.

4) ThatYoung450- 15 Pts.

5) Munit- 7 Pts.

6) Theheel- 6 Pts.

7) legendaryhorseman- 5 Pts.

8) Mootinie- 4 Pts.

8) Smasher1311- 4 Pts.

8) MisterRomanini- 4 Pts.

8) Blodyxe- 4 Pts.

12) angeldelayette- 2 Pts.

13) Hitman74- 1 Pt.


Dusty Rhodes Team Classic bracket update, almost onto the semifinals:



Thank you to everyone for your predictions/comments! Next NXT 2.0 card will be up on Sunday!

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NXT 2.0- February 8th, 2022

Prediction Key:


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma



Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne



Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase



Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma



Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne



Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase



Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma



Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne



Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase



Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma



Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne



Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase



Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma

Comments: Probably not the correct pick but I think Odyssey has some potential


Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne

Comments: Cora probably continues with the winning streak


Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase

Comments: Poor Thatcher was so miss used by NXT, hoping for something different here


Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano

Comments: No idea what you will be doing with Joe, but just too much power and size to lose here

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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma

Comments: Outsize LDF and take the win


Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne

Comments: As already said, think she wins by DQ due to Toxic Attraction


Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase

Comments: Loved Thatcher, had some good moments in NXT, shouldve had wayyyy more


Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray vs Io Shirai & Sarray

Comments: Sarray making the save makes me think they win, but would love to see Dakota on the winning side


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland

Comments: Harland domination with Gacy getting the pin


Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano


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NXT 2.0- February 8th, 2022

Live From: Orlando, Florida

Commentary Team: Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett


We welcome you live to another exciting edition of NXT 2.0! Vic Joseph & Wade Barrett quickly run down tonight's card before we get right into our first match of the evening...


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

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Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Legado del Fantasma w/Elektra Lopez

Odyssey & Tankman defeated The Creed Brothers in the first round, while Legado del Fantasma defeated Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs to make it here. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Odyssey & Tankman. Odyssey and Raul Mendoza start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Odyssey takes down Mendoza with a big belly to belly suplex. Odyssey throws Mendoza into the corner and hits him with a knife edge chop. Odyssey then runs off the ropes and tries hitting Mendoza with a running corner splash, but Mendoza rolls out of the way and hits Odyssey with an enzuigiri. Mendoza goes to the top rope and hits Odyssey with a frog splash. Mendoza goes for the cover, but Odyssey throws him off almost immediately! Mendoza tries taking Odyssey down with a basement dropkick, but Odyssey swats him away with a big lariat. Odyssey tags out to Tankman, while Mendoza tags out to Joaquin Wilde. Wilde runs at Tankman with a flying forearm smash, but Tankman catches him and slams him to the mat. The match comes to an end when Tankman attempts a running Senton, but Wilde rolls out of the way and hits Tankman with a standing moonsault. Wilde goes for the cover, but Tankman kicks out at two. Wilde tries hitting Tankman with a hurricanrana, but Tankman reverses it into the Tankbomb! Tankman covers Wilde and gets the three!

WINNERS: Odyssey Jones & Tankman







After that match is over, we cut to Tony D'Angelo backstage. Tony says he heard what Pete Dunne had to say about him last week and he's up for anything. Tony says he saw Dunne's little crowbar threat and says that Dunne's just trying to act tough. Tony then says what he's going to do to Dunne at Vengeance Day...


Tony D'Angelo: "Petey, you talk a big game, but you could never back it up. Whether it be at War Games or when I beat the life out of you with a crowbar a few weeks ago. So at Vengeance Day, it's not going to be a crowbar deathmatch, it's going to be a crowbar massacre!"







After that promo, we cut to Diamond Mine's locker room, where the group is gathered for the introduction of their newest member. Malcolm Bivens says he doesn't like to waste time, so he's just going to introduce the newest Diamond Mine member...


























The members of Diamond Mine act confused, but Bivens quells that confusion by introducing the man as Damon Kemp. Bivens hypes Kemp up as a NCAA Division-1 wrestler who just needs that extra kick to become great. Bivens says he believes Diamond Mine can make him great. Bivens then says Kemp can't just start at the top, he's got to do a few things in order to become a full-time member of Diamond Mine...


Malcolm Bivens: "Damon, you're not a full-fledged member of Diamond Mine just yet, you need to prove why you belong in Diamond Mine!"


Bivens then tells Roderick Strong to spar with Kemp. The two men go back and forth for a few seconds before Strong gets the upper hand and locks Kemp in an armbar. Kemp taps out and Bivens finishes the segment by saying that Kemp's got a lot to learn.






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Cora Jade vs Jacy Jayne w/Mandy Rose & Gigi Dolin

Cora will be facing Mandy Rose at Vengeance Day for the NXT Women's Championship, but first she has to go through Rose's Toxic Attraction teammates. She's already beaten Gigi Dolin, but now she has to go through Jacy Jayne! This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Cora. Cora and Jacy start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Cora hits Jacy with a suplex. Cora throws Jacy into the corner and hits her with a knife edge chop. Cora goes to the top rope, but before she can do anything, Mandy Rose gets on the apron and starts jawing with her. This allows Jacy to grab Cora and throw her off the top rope. Jacy picks up Cora and hits her with a powerslam before hitting Cora with a standing elbow drop. Jacy attempts a German suplex, but Cora elbows her way out of it and hits Jacy with a DDT. The match comes to an end when Cora picks up Jacy and hits her with the Emerald Spike! Before Cora can cover Jacy, Mandy Rose & Gigi Dolin jump in the ring and beat the living hell out of her! The referee calls for the DQ as Toxic Attraction continue to beat down Cora Jade. Eventually, Gigi & Jacy hold Cora up and Mandy hits her with the Toxic Rose! Toxic Attraction stand tall as we go to commercials.

WINNER: Cora Jade (By DQ)







After a commercial break we cut backstage where Io Shirai & Sarray are bickering. In the subtitles, we find out they are arguing in Japanese. Shirai says she didn't need Sarray's help a few weeks ago against Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray, while Sarray says she was just doing what a friend would do. Shirai pushes back, saying she doesn't need any friends. Suddenly...



























Zoey Stark interrupts!


Stark, who walks in on crutches (because of her torn ACL), says both of them should stop yelling at each other. Stark tells Shirai she wishes she could be teaming with her, but injuries had other plans. She tells Shirai that Sarray is a hell of a superstar and is worthy of being Shirai's tag team partner.


Zoey Stark: "Io, I know you don't really trust anybody here, but take it from like the one person you do, Sarray is excellent. In fact, she's probably the person in NXT most similar to you in the ring!"


Stark then makes a proposal. She says Sarray and Io Shirai should team up in the Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic that's starting in two weeks! Sarray and Io stare each other down before they eventually settle for a (tense) handshake. Stark finishes this segment off by saying this is the blossoming of a beautiful friendship while Shirai & Sarray stare each other down.






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Timothy Thatcher vs Andre Chase

This match came about a few weeks ago when Chase confronted Thatcher and offered him a spot at Chase University. Thatcher responded by locking him in ankle lock. This match doesn't even last that long, as Chase runs right into a big overhead belly to belly suplex from Thatcher before the bell even rings. Thatcher then quickly locks Chase in a Fujiwara Armbar and Chase has no choice but to tap out, not even a minute into the match.

WINNER: Timothy Thatcher







After the match is over, Thatcher prepares to leave the ring until...




















































Imperium appears on the ramp!


WALTER, Marcel Barthel, & Fabian Aichner slowly make their way down to the ring as Thatcher prepares for a fight. However, instead of attacking Thatcher, WALTER slides him a note. WALTER says he expects a response by Vengeance Day before he and the rest of Imperium leave. Thatcher looks at the note quizzically as we go to commercials.






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Io Shirai & Sarray vs Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray

This match is happening because a few weeks ago, Kay Lee Ray brutally assaulted Io Shirai during her match with Dakota Kai. However, Sarray saved Io from any further harm afterwards. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Io & Sarray. Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray start the match off with Shirai knocking KLR into the corner with a shotgun dropkick. Shirai starts stomping the living hell out of KLR before hitting her with a running knee strike. Shirai throws KLR off the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but KLR lands on her feet and hits Shirai with a lariat. KLR taunts the crowd before hitting Shirai with a knee drop. KLR hits Io with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors before tagging out to Dakota Kai. Dakota hits Io with a spinning wheel kick before hitting her with a senton. Dakota attempts a shining wizard, but Io ducks it and hits Dakota with a neckbreaker. Io throws Dakota into the corner, but before she can do anything, Sarray tags herself in. After a little argument between Io & Sarray, Sarray hits Dakota with a hurricanrana. Sarray goes to the top rope and attempts a diving splash, but Io tags herself back in! The match comes to an end when Io and Sarray start arguing in the ring, but that's broken up by Dakota, who hits both women with a lariat! Dakota then hits Io with her finisher, the GTK (Fireman's Carry into Head Kick)! Dakota covers Io and gets the three.

WINNERS: Dakota Kai & Kay Lee Ray







After that match is over, we cut to Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams backstage. Melo says in just 11 short days, we'll witness the end of Cameron Grimes. Hayes says Cameron Grimes made the biggest mistake of his life challenging for the NXT North American Championship. Hayes says that's because Grimes is a fool for even entertaining the idea that he could beat Melo. Melo finishes by explaining what's going to happen at Vengeance Day...


Carmelo Hayes: "Grimes I know you like to say 2022 is going to be the year that you go "to the moon," but at Vengeance Day, I'm knocking you back down to earth! And hell, after I defeat you, I'm coming for that NXT Championship because when Melo calls his shot, he don't miss!"






Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match:

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Jacket Time vs Joe Gacy & Harland

Jacket Time got here by defeating Los Lotharios a few weeks ago, while Gacy & Harland got here by defeating Edris Inofe & Malik Blade about a month ago. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Jacket Time. KUSHIDA and Joe Gacy start the match off with Gacy offering a handshake. That is accepted and the two start things off with a collar and elbow tie-up. KUSHIDA gets the better of it and sends Gacy across the ring with an exploder suplex. KUSHIDA throws Gacy into the corner and hits him with a barrage of knife edge chops. KUSHIDA tries locking in the Hoverboard Lock, but Gacy quickly escapes it and hits KUSHIDA with a big boot. Gacy then runs off the ropes and hits KUSHIDA with a big senton. Gacy picks up KUSHIDA and hits him with a spinebuster. Gacy attempts a powerslam, but KUSHIDA wiggles out of it and hits Gacy with a bulldog. KUSHIDA hits Gacy with a back suplex before hitting him with a standing moonsault. KUSHIDA then tags out to Ikemen Jiro, who hits Gacy with an enzuigiri. Jiro flashes Gacy with his jacket before attempting a hurricanrana, but Gacy reverses that into a powerbomb. The match comes to an end when Gacy tags out to Harland, who goes on an absolute rampage, taking out both Jiro & KUSHIDA. Jiro tries taking down Harland with a diving splash, but Harland catches him and locks him in a bear hug! Harland squeezes the life out of Jiro, with the referee eventually calling for the bell. Harland keeps the hold on indefinitely until Gacy tells him to break it. Gacy then smiles maniacally as medics tend to Jiro.

WINNERS: Joe Gacy & Harland







After that match is over, we cut to a video package hyping up the debut of a new female superstar. The video shows the woman walking through a back alley, talking about how she grew up on the streets of Laredo, Texas. She says she grew up learning how to fight on the streets, so when Booker T asked her to join the world of sports entertainment, she fit in easily. The woman says that she's been at the top everywhere she's gone and NXT will be no different. So at NXT Vengeance Day, the world will get to see Roxy Ramirez!






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Samoa Joe vs Johnny Gargano

Samoa Joe has been spending the past few weeks making Bron Breakker's life a living hell, while Johnny Gargano has been trying to do the same for Grayson Waller. This match is a good match and the crowd is solidly behind Gargano. Gargano and Joe start the match off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Joe hits Gargano with a big forearm smash. Joe then runs off the ropes and hits Gargano with a lariat. Joe throws Gargano into the corner, shushes the crowd, and hits him with a big knife edge chop. Joe then sets Gargano up on the top rope and attempts a Muscle Buster, but Gargano wiggles out of it and hits Joe with a jumping neckbreaker. Gargano goes to the apron, rolls through the middle rope, and hits Joe with a jumping DDT. Gargano tries locking in the Gargano Escape (Over the shoulder Chickenwing), but Joe quickly gets out of that and hits Gargano with a senton. Joe picks up Gargano and hits him with a German suplex. Joe then throws Gargano off the ropes and hits him with a scoop slam. Joe tries locking Gargano in the Coquina Clutch, but Gargano wiggles out of it and hits Joe with a superkick. Gargano goes to the top rope and hits Joe with a diving elbow drop. Gargano covers Joe, but only gets a two count. The match comes to an end when Gargano tries locking Joe in the Gargano Escape, but he's interrupted by...











































Grayson Waller!


Waller runs down to the ring and starts jawing at Gargano, who tries to throw a punch at Waller, but misses. Joe takes advantage of this and locks Gargano in the Coquina Clutch! Gargano tries to escape, but eventually passes out from the pain.

WINNER: Samoa Joe







After the match is over, Grayson Waller jumps in the ring and starts beating the living hell out of Johnny Gargano. Samoa Joe soon joins in and we have a 2-on-1 beatdown on our hands. However, that doesn't last that long as...




























































Bron Breakker runs down to the ring with a chair!


Bron immediately goes after Joe, but he quickly rolls out of the ring and flees into the crowd. Bron then goes after Waller, who ducks a chair shot, but runs right into a dropkick from Johnny Gargano! Waller rolls out of the ring as Gargano & Breakker stand tall and NXT comes to a close.






TV RATING: 540,718 Viewers on USA Network (DOWN 18,096 Viewers from Last Week)

Popularity: Increased in 55 Regions.

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<p><strong>Prediction Contest:</strong></p><p>

<strong>This Show:</strong></p><p>

1) JamesTheAnimator- 6 Pts.</p><p>

1) Theheel- 6 Pts.</p><p>

3) KyTeran- 5 Pts.</p><p>

3) legendaryhorseman- 5 Pts.</p><p>

3) mattu29- 5 Pts.</p><p>

6) Ippon- 4 Pts.</p><p> </p><p>


1) KyTeran- 24 Pts.</p><p>

2) James The Animator- 23 Pts.</p><p>

3) ctessier1997- 16 Pts.</p><p>

4) ThatYoung450- 15 Pts.</p><p>

5) Theheel- 12 Pts.</p><p>

6) legendaryhorseman- 10 Pts.</p><p>

7) Munit- 7 Pts.</p><p>

8) mattu29- 5 Pts.</p><p>

9) Ippon- 4 Pts.</p><p>

9) Mootinie- 4 Pts.</p><p>

9) Smasher1311- 4 Pts.</p><p>

9) MisterRomanini- 4 Pts.</p><p>

9) Blodyxe- 4 Pts.</p><p>

14) angeldelayette- 2 Pts.</p><p>

15) Hitman74- 1 Pt.</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Cup update, onto the Semifinals!</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="cUapKcg.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cUapKcg.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Thank you to everyone for your predictions/comments! Next NXT card will be up on Thursday!</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Djk47aj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Djk47aj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<strong>NXT 2.0- February 15th, 2022</strong></p><p>

<em>Prediction Key:</em></p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:</p><p>

The Acclaimed vs Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Sarray vs Kay Lee Ray</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:</p><p>

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Joe Gacy & Harland</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Roderick Strong vs Timothy Thatcher</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Pete Dunne vs WALTER</p><p>


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<p>Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Acclaimed </strong>vs Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sarray</strong> vs Kay Lee Ray</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:</p><p>

<strong>Odyssey Jones & Tankman</strong> vs Joe Gacy & Harland</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roderick Strong</strong> vs Timothy Thatcher</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Pete Dunne vs<strong> WALTER</strong></p><p>


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Prediction Key:


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

The Acclaimed vs Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)



Sarray vs Kay Lee Ray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Roderick Strong vs Timothy Thatcher



Pete Dunne vs WALTER


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

The Acclaimed vs Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)



Sarray vs Kay Lee Ray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Roderick Strong vs Timothy Thatcher



Pete Dunne vs WALTER


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Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

The Acclaimed vs Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)



Sarray vs Kay Lee Ray



Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semifinals Match:

Odyssey Jones & Tankman vs Joe Gacy & Harland



Roderick Strong vs Timothy Thatcher



Pete Dunne vs WALTER


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