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Who Edits Stats For Characters They Like?

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Kind of the "sister" of the "Who pushes terrible workers because of their render?" So who edits characters they like to make them more useful? And which ones?


Example: I've always been tempted to edit Big Smack Scott to make him the ultimate Scott Steiner. Mic skills and star quality of Big Poppa Pump along with the athleticism and skill of his tag team days. I guess with many bad habits and such lol.


I'm also tempted to buff Angry Gilmore even more at times but I don't do it in 2020 since him getting older makes the fascination wear off. I think of him as prime CM Punk. 2020 Gilmore is today's CM Punk.

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Sort of off-topic because I do not really change stats for TEW. But I do change names and renders all of the time. I have said it in the past, but the AI comes up with some of the dumbest names and it will give multiple wrestlers a very obscure last name. I can't think of any off the top of my head but it happens all of the time.


Now if this was in the WMMA section of the site, then yes I change stats all of the time in that game. For instance, I always make Luke Hilton into the badass that he was for the first three WMMA games. I cannot have him be some gatekeeper.

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It depends on the mods I'm playing and the era I'm in.


The main thing I edit is occasionally the names but mostly the popularity definitely depending the year I'm in. Theirs some talents should be higher and while some should be lower. Especially with some of the real world mods in this era. Sometimes I try not to mess with but lets face it some of the their workers that high popularity should be lower and then some at least in my eyes should be higher. I get it depends in what country the talent is in and how much time that talent might've been on TV. Sometimes people judge talents differently so and plus the game is mostly a popularity contest with good in ring workers!! I've noticed also that certain legends/veterans also get low ball on popularity as well but again depending on the mod and era of the game.


The other stats it varies cause I've seen talents with 100 reputations/respect and in real life they are not.



I keep forgetting to check or whatever but does referee popularity or any other stats carry wait on referees or just their referee stats?!!

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As others have also mentioned. I edit gens to make them more interesting for the game world they are in. Giving them different names, nationalities, and occassionally making them the son/daughter of whoever they're genned from to make the present (and the past) feel more relevant in the future.


Skills I tend to keep away from, mostly because I would never be perfectly happy about balancing it all, but occassionally like-for-like swap out attributes to better fit the character's skills and narrative.


Sometimes I even go and make two unrelated gens into brothers, again so that the world feels more alive.

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The only time I really ever edit stats is if it's for an elite GOAT-tier worker, that just didn't get the right destiny roll. Good recent example I've done that for is maybe Jun Akiyama, dude had abysmal top row stats and it bothered me so much. I don't make them super saiyans or anything but you know, as accurate as I think they should be at that stage in their careers. I did this with Kojima too, he capped at like 62 puro. I'm like... uh no.
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Sort of off-topic because I do not really change stats for TEW. But I do change names and renders all of the time. I have said it in the past, but the AI comes up with some of the dumbest names and it will give multiple wrestlers a very obscure last name. I can't think of any off the top of my head but it happens all of the time.


Now if this was in the WMMA section of the site, then yes I change stats all of the time in that game. For instance, I always make Luke Hilton into the badass that he was for the first three WMMA games. I cannot have him be some gatekeeper.


oh oof yeah gen names is a big one. There a lot of gens who get names that the separate components of are fine, but when combined together have the most awful mouthfeel known to man.

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oh oof yeah gen names is a big one. There a lot of gens who get names that the separate components of are fine, but when combined together have the most awful mouthfeel known to man.


Or masked workers having a name like "Blue Scorpion" and then looking like a red cat


Especially weird when they're Mexican

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Or masked workers having a name like "Blue Scorpion" and then looking like a red cat


Especially weird when they're Mexican


I know that feeling all too well. In my current save, a wrestler named Masked Tarantula recently debuted... wearing a leopard-print mask.

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Sort of off-topic because I do not really change stats for TEW. But I do change names and renders all of the time. I have said it in the past, but the AI comes up with some of the dumbest names and it will give multiple wrestlers a very obscure last name. I can't think of any off the top of my head but it happens all of the time.


Now if this was in the WMMA section of the site, then yes I change stats all of the time in that game. For instance, I always make Luke Hilton into the badass that he was for the first three WMMA games. I cannot have him be some gatekeeper.


Yeah this is what I do. What kind of name is Dandy Danny Draper? I'll roll with Danny Draper until he reaches the Main Event.

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Sort of off-topic because I do not really change stats for TEW. But I do change names and renders all of the time. I have said it in the past, but the AI comes up with some of the dumbest names and it will give multiple wrestlers a very obscure last name. I can't think of any off the top of my head but it happens all of the time.


I was having this happen in a save with the last names Lawler and Backlund. It made me take those names out of the database completely cause i like keeping real world famous wrestling last names out. The obscure ones specifically.

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