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At least in my save he does! I figured since he has a ton of charisma and a huge bankroll from endorsing every product in the USA, he was a perfect fit. Turns out he actually does really well in angles and even wrestles on occasion! Anyways, AEW is now #1 and almost a billion dollars. I'm thinking of investing in an AEW venue. So, I need suggestions.


Shaq endorses EVERYTHING, so I have a few ideas...


1) The General's Dome (or Bunker [or something else military related] instead of Dome.

2) IcyHot Arena

3) Gold Bond Center

4) Reebok Arena

5) Pepsi Cola Center

6) Krispy Kreme Arena

7) Epson Center

8) Carnival Cruise Center

9) Frosted Flakes Arena

10) American Express Center

11) Papa John's Arena


Those are just a few I can think of off the top of my head! Or maybe a combo of some (ie. The General's IcyHot Reebok Center). You get the idea. Shoot some ideas at me!!

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