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Black Pegasus II

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Everything posted by Black Pegasus II

  1. He is a peace. You and your family loved him and were there until the end. It cant get better than that. I am truly sorry for your loss my friend. I am glad that you and your wife are there for eachother ❤️
  2. Man. Walter that sounds awful.... I loved that it sounds like shes through the worst of it. I'm truly happier knowing that for the two of you. Like you said "I encourage you to give your partner a squeeze tonight and tell them how much you love them. Do it again tomorrow morning…"
  3. Hey John, its truly exciting to see the new gpt links and that your looking to bless us with some more art. But like, I'm just glad youre doing well (hopefully ffs)
  4. That front page is a work of art. Great work. My desires for C-Verse Saves is at an all time high
  5. I have been thinking about how cool this idea is all day and the ptsd that was beating Method Man & Red Man in the same match in DJ Vendetta. MOAR DEF JAM SKINS
  6. The results keep getting better, but these are outstanding. some favorites so far Also as for the vote of the Senate, I was also looking forward to seeing the completion of the US workers, (I'm still booking MAW). #7 Walter, 99.9% of these renders are default in my game folders and alive in my head cannon. Thanks
  7. Im in love with the squared circle stable... now im trying to do a color swap to make an alt for Harvey Robbinfield. Youngman always leaves the territory fairly early in my game, so Angeletti often became lost in the mix. Wolfsbane is a great, but Rich and Famous are amazing and they swerve when they drive
  8. I'd imagine the bottom of his tongue does not feel great, but seriously this is the coolest mask.
  9. The Squared Circled renders are so damn good, a stable for Kenny Ome... Youngman. also repurposed Wolfsbane to fit along side Rich and Famous... Still have yet to commit to a game the last few weeks. COTT Six Man or Trios are now a priority.
  10. The uniformity of the CV background is the way to go in my opinion
  11. One man’s alt is another man’s ager. This is great for the eventual split of Italian Muscle and a feud between Bull Wrecker/Eric Sanderetti/Baal. 10/10 Didn’t know I needed it
  12. Reminds me a lot of Bull Wrecker in FCW, (without his mask(that Hell's Bouncer render you dubbed an alt for Eric Bull Wrecker Sandretti is a personal favorite)) so thats a nice extra team for my COTT
  13. 100 % agreed with this and this DONT YOU FEEL THE INTENSITY (... one of the three I's) Putting these men in a trio with Extrodinario Jr IMMEDIATLEY And this is agreeable. BUT this.... this is what its all about. I was a young teen playing SVR thinking that GM mode was the greatest thing on earth. So I assume the CVerse holds a real special place in your heart. Walter's done a hell of a job with all of these and I'm sure comments and messages like that keep a passion project going. I've been having one of those "So challenging it changes your whole life for the better" kind of weeks. Went to check the posts here, and when I saw there was a whole 18th page also waiting for me I was thrilled. Thank you Walter
  14. You're the Intercontinental Champion, mate! Inner City Express are alive and going to tear up the next Sam Keith Classic Thanks for the continued and improving efforts! The tag team logos are just *chefs kiss*
  15. So two things with this idea I had tried to work in. I found out KSJ does not want to unmask when talked to the worker. Idk if he will reject any agent note that would make him do so when the time comes. This also stopped my hotshot booking of bringing him back without a mask at all. I had the thought of having him unmask after costing FCW Tag Team Champions Island Boy Apollo and Joffy Laine a match in the upcoming Sam Keith Classic... but I could hold off a bit longer and book my first real Mask Match. Anywayssss, thanks
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