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Fantasy Booking Challenge

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I was never really focused at school which never bothered me until the past few years when I’ve wanted to do diaries but worry about my grammar and spelling, as you have probably already noticed is poor.


Anyway I keep wanting to try diaries but work and family things always get in the way so I had an idea of coming up with Cornellverse based scenarios with a set timeframe and people write what there booking plans would be. Everyone can get involved and we can all enjoy loads of different ideas and fun concepts.


Would anyone be interested in this? People can be as detailed as possible and is a bit of fun, a quick distraction from real life stuff and maybe a creative outlet for those who fear the diary grind?


Example #1

Date: March 1st 2020

Company: SWF

Situation: Nicky Champion signs with SWF, book upto Supreme Challenge to feature a match with Rocky Golden.


PPVS - Awesome Impact (Mar), World is Watching (Apr), Master of Puppets (May), Times Of Trouble (Jun) Supreme Challenge (Jul)

TV - Supreme TV

* You can add another A show or B show if you choose.

* Try to use the current crop of talent or RIPW roster.

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Awesome Impact

Rocky Golden © def. Scythe

#1 Contendership Match: Remo def. Valiant & Rogue


At Awesome Impact Remo essentially bulldozes Valiant and Rogue to end this three way feud and become the #1 contender for the SWF Championship.


Rocky Golden finally vanquishes Scythe who is going to take a few months off after this to rebuild his mystique and spend a bit more time on his development. I save Champion’s debut until this event, after Golden gets the win and stands tall in the middle of the ring with the World Championship, Nicky Champion’s theme hits and he comes out onto the stage, just stares down Golden as the crowd loses its mind and Awesome Impact comes to a close.




Nicky Champion opens Supreme TV with a long monologue about his decision to come to the SWF, his desire to be the World Champion, to be a part of this great institution, to create memories for his kids at Supreme Challenge etc. etc. Says he recognises Remo is #1 contender, but once Remo and Rocky are done fighting over the gold, he’s coming for it. He’s then interrupted by an incensed Hollywood Bret Starr/Rat Pack. Starr tells Champion he starts at the back of the queue – that Bret has proved his worth time and time again in the SWF and if anyone is deserving of a title shot it’s him. Champion thinks that’s fair enough and challenges him to prove he’s more deserving in a match at The World Is Watching which Starr accepts despite the reservations of the rest of the Pack.


Remo is #1 contender and we build up to the clash of titans between him and Golden.


There are also a number of backstage angles that show a mutual respect between Rocky & Nicky and a growing friendship between the two.




The World Is Watching

Remo def. Rocky Golden ©

Nicky Champion def. Holywood Bret Starr (DQ)


At The World Is Watching Nicky Champion takes on Bret Starr, but the SWF fans are denied the first Nicky Champion match they want, with The Rat Pack instead launching constant attacks on the former USPW figurehead. Eventually it descends into the Pack just beating Champion with a chair and the ref is forced to DQ Starr. Nicky is taking a real beating until Rocky Golden charges down to the ring to protect his friend. Rocky eats a few nasty chair shots in the course of fighting off the Rat Pack but he succeeds in forcing them off and helps Nicky recover.


Later in the night Rocky has to defend his title against Remo, but he’s clearly not 100% after the attack earlier in the night, and Remo being the destructive force he is picks apart the weakened champion to claim the SWF title.




Master Of Puppets

Remo © def. Joey Morgan

Nicky Champion & Rocky Golden def. Hollywood Bret Starr, Monty Trescarde & Paul Huntingdon


Joey Morgan finds himself propelled into a feud with Remo, which largely takes a back seat to Golden & Champion’s feud with The Rat Pack. A match is set for Champion & Golden to team up against Bret Starr, Trescarde & Huntingdon (elimination), despite the Rat Pack’s antics Huntingdon and Trescarde are taking care of early and the fans, Golden & Champion get the cathartic moment of seeing Hollywood Bret Starr on the receiving end of the numbers game for once. Nicky & Rocky come out on top.


Remo beats Morgan who puts up a really good fight and goes close on a couple of occasions but ultimately can’t beat Remo.




Times Of Trouble

#1 Contender Tournament Final: Mikey Lau def. Rocky Golden

Remo © def. Joey Morgan

#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final: Mikey Lau def. Nicky Champion

#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final: Rocky Golden def. Des Davids


A number one contender tournament to find Remo’s opponent for The Supreme Challenge 40 takes up most of June. As the weeks go on and Rocky & Nicky progress on either side of the bracket there’s a sense of inevitability that they will meet in the final. Both semi-final matches are set to take place at Times of Trouble as well as the final itself. The first semi will see Rocky Golden take on the North American Champion Des Davids who has continued his fast rise up the card. The second sees Nicky Champion take on Mikey Lau who (if my booking has gone to plan) the fans are really starting to get behind as a never say die underdog with an almost unlimited amount of fight and determination (I see him very much being like Benoit 2004 or Danielson 2014). Golden & Champion are huge stars and they’re going to make The Supreme Challenge 40 a huge success when they go head to head regardless, so I want to use them to put over Lau and make him a huge star to. (I was a big CZCW player/fan back in the day and Mikey James is a particular favourite of mine ok).


In the first semi Rocky overcomes Davids in a hard fought contest. Backstage a few minutes later Champion congratulates Rocky. The two talk and they’re essentially treating it like a forgone conclusion that they’re going to be in the main event. They’re faces, they’re bad asses and they’re charismatic, but they’re also arrogant. I want people to kind of want to see them fall to Mikey Lau even though they don’t think there’s any realistic chance of it happening.


Lau shocks everyone at the end of a lengthy clash with Champion, knocking him out cold with a roundhouse kick and getting the 1...2...3 to book his place in the final. Golden who has joined on colour commentary is visibly shocked but seems to be relieved and is talking with more conviction about taking back his title from Remo.


Remo makes much quicker work of Morgan than last time around to bring an end to their feud, Remo is looking more destructive and unstoppable than ever.


Lau shocks the world by beating Golden in an intense main event, pinning Nicky & Rocky in one night to become the #1 contender and setting up a clash with Remo at the Supreme Challenge 40.




The Supreme Challenge 40

Mikey Lau def. Remo ©

Nicky Champion def. Rocky Golden


The build to Champion and Golden essentially revolves around their mutual respect for each other and the fact that both had their pride/ego take a bit of a battering at Times of Trouble. They want to prove that they’re still up to the task, and Golden suggests that there’s no better way of doing that than going head to head at the biggest show of the year and giving the fans a match for the ages. Champion gladly accepts and the two engage in a friendly build up to the big show.


But this is ultimately a story of betrayal, as Champion turns on his friend to secure the victory at The Supreme Challenge. The fans were already not completely on board with USPW’s flagship star coming straight into the main event scene of their promotion, and now they can hate him properly. I see this ultimately leading to Champion winning the SWF title, and meeting Golden (who battles through a ton of obstacles to get the match) at Supreme Challenge 41, allowing Golden to avenge this defeat and get back to the top of the SWF ladder.


Supreme Challenge 40 ends with an emotional victory for Mikey Lau against all the odds. He has overcome the SWF’s three biggest stars, Golden, Champion & Remo in the space of a month to become the SWF Champion, proving those who for years told him he was too small, or that he had found his level with CZCW wrong. I think Champion takes the belt not too long after this, but hopefully this moment cements the Dragon as a serious main event talent alongside the other three and gives us a year of build for the Golden/Champion rematch which has the added element of the SWF World Heavyweight Championship being on the line.

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Awesome glad to see people interested and having a go... Here we go...


March 2020 - The final episode of Supreme TV before Awesome Impact is in full swing, the main event of the PPV will see Rocky Golden defend against Remo, so naturally we have a tag team main event on Supreme TV with Golden & Valiant taking on Rogue and Remo - the match is thrown out for a DQ due to Rogue losing it and taking out Valiant with a chair - some music hits its a slow build up with the screen showing flocks of celebrating fans and a chant can be heard building louder and louder "Champion" "Champion" the guitar solo kicks in and the name NICKY CHAMPION appears on the screen and he walks out to the stage, as Remo, Rogue and even a struggling to stand Golden watches on in shock as the broadcast closes with a smiling Champion posing on the stage.




Awesome Impact features a win for Hollywood Bret Starr over Angry Gilmore ending their feud and a promo as usual about his grandfathers success in this company, him being overlook and under appreciated and now he has another flavour of the week in Nicky Champion as a wall he has to smash through to finally get what he deserves and should really be just handed to him to save all of these pointless obstacles. He tells Champion he will be the first to burst his 5 minutes of fame bubble, and then he will take the SWF Championship and go on a record breaking run just like his grandfather did.


The main event has Remo have more of the match with Golden having a comeback after a Remo mistake ending in him smashing into the ring post. Golden hits a few high impact moves and calls for The Rack, as he lifts Remo up the referee catches a flailing leg and is down - The massive figure of Scythe comes marching to the ring who hasn't been seen since his defeat to Golden at Nothing To Lose. He hits a big boot and then a huge Chokeslam on Golden and rolls to the outside, Remo hits The Destroyer on Golden and the referee finally comes to and connects with a 1..2..3 after the match Remo and Scythe decide to beat more on Golden - Nicky Champions music kicks in and he comes down to the ring and clotheslines Scythe to the outside, he and Remo come to blows with Champion getting the better and sending Remo to the outside on top of Scythe. Golden is back on his feet now and they do the walking backwards into each other and turn and face each other into a stare down - show comes to an end.




Golden is told by Eric Eisen that if he wants a rematch for the title he needs to beat Scythe at The World is Watching. Eisen feels he has a new cash cow who might do things that is right for the company - Hollywood Bret Starr comes out and thanks Eric for this opportunity he feels with his family heritage with this company he wont let them down - Eric looks a bit dumb founded and explains to Starr with out the microphone that he meant someone else with a shocked, angry and slightly embarrassed Starr wanting the ground to swallow him up. Nicky Champion comes out but then puts Eisen in a similar position to Starr saying he has no desire to be a corporate puppet and will work for his opportunity. Starr takes the opportunity to take out Champion with a chair shot to the back. Golden chases him off and Eisen declares there will a number one contenders match later in the evening without Golden or Champion involved. Joey Morgan wins as Champion distracts Starr to continue their feud.


Golden is taken out backstage by three men, two of which are huge and they leave him a broken mess - as the lights flicker Scythe comes walking in as the three men take out people trying to help - Scythe tells him he has an opportunity for him - if he can beat his disciples he will allow him to choose the stipulation for this match, the first challenge taking place next week on Supreme TV. Golden takes on the first hooded figure which is revealed to be Avalanche, Golden gets the win but is once again attacked by the other two - Scythe comes out and congratulates him on his win 1 down 2 to go. Golden manages to beat the renamed Bekowski (fromally Bear Bekowski) although has a harder time than against Avalanche - as usual he is beaten down and congratulated. The final reveal is John Greed who at one point seemed close to winning thanks to interference from Avalanche and Bekowski but in the end a Rocky Road got the job done. Valiant comes out to help Golden in the beatdown as Scythe was seen putting his arm round a dejected and sombre Rogue who has been on a downward spiral in 2020...


Rogue and Valiant have rekindled their blood feud and agreed enough was enough and this needed to end. Rogue has not won a match in 2020 he lost a number one contenders match to Remo (also featuring Valiant), blamed Valiant and went after him - he moved and Rogue had to stop himself from punching Hannah, in a match Valiant is facing Brandon James on an episode of Supreme TV - Rogue comes down and sits at ringside which has Valiant on edge - Angelle gets involved trying to create an opening for James - Hannah gets up on the apron to alert Valiant but James is caught with a big uppercut and backs off towards the ropes and Hannah is sent flying right into the arms of Rogue who puts her on her feet but is soon seething as Valiant picks up the win from the distraction - Hannah runs to celebrate with her client. Rogue is more erratic, more confusing and more hateful of Valiant if that could be possible. It all leads to the beginning of Supreme TV before The World Is Watching where Hannah hasn't been heard from since the previous week where she was getting harassed by constant messages on her phone and was really concerned - Valiant comes to the ring and requests whoever is behind her disappearance come forward now or this will be made a police matter as he is worried for his friend - Rogue comes to the ring and blames Valiant for this - a heated argument breaks out with Valiant wondering if Rogue is involved - Rogue looks up with tears in his eyes and claims in all their years of fighting he has never and would never hurt a hair on her head - he said since their days in RIPW teaming, to making the main roster together and becoming SWF Tag Team Champions he was happy, things were great but he found someone special in his life - He makes it clear he isn't talking about Valiant, he is talking about Hannah - Valiant asks if is saying he is in love with her, even now? Rogue nods. Rogue starts to get angry and says but I could never have her that way, Valiant asks why didn't he tell her or even him? Rogue laughs and says you really are a dumb son of a bitch aren't you, he says he did tell her and she revealed a secret to him one that he has never betrayed. The Lights go out - when they come back on Rogue is gone and Hannah is crying on the floor as the show comes to an end.


Huntingdon, Trescarde and Sensitive making it hard for Champion to get to Starr, The Pain Alliance are paid to take out Champion but get their behinds handed to them. Sensitive is like the groups Weeble he is constantly sent in first as bait hit with something huge and is out for the count. Crippler is manipulated into attacking Champion who is a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion something he has never had and he Tombstone Piledrives Champion two weeks before the PPV on top of the stage (which is like his go to "dont you dare do that... oh you sick son of a bitch" move - he is playing an unstable veteran who despises anyone who has held the big one as it eluded him (previously fueding with Joey Morgan) and losing the rubber match. Starr boasts that Champion may not even make it to The World Is Watching so when he gets his hand raised surely he will be begged to face off with the SWF Champion having conquered the latest cash cow.




The World Is Watching Nicky Champion defeats Hollywood Bret Starr who try's everything in his power to escape, get counted out, get disqualified but ends up being put away by a pissed off Champion. The Crippler try's to take him out post match but his Tombstone is reversed and he manages to escape.


Valiant defeats Rogue in a Last Man Standing Match with Rogue seemingly fighting his inner demons and is clearly on an emotional roller coaster sometimes reluctant to actually finish Valiant off, both men get up at the last second from each others finishing moves and Rogue brings a chair into the ring and instead drops it Valiant's feet and asks him to put him out of his misery. Valiant doesn't seem to want to do it until Rogue spits in his face and tells him to end this once and for all - after a chair shot to the gut Valiant hits Rogue with his finisher onto the chair and manages to get the win. Valiant concerned for his long time bitter rival and former tag partner, helps him to his knees. He asks him if he will help him find Hannah - Rogue tells him he doesn't know where she is but he has seen her and she is okay. Valiant grabs him and says who has her where is she but then the lights go out and when they are back on Rogue is once again gone, Valiant in shock once again heads to the back.


Scythe defeats Rocky Golden handing him his second PPV loss in a row, a close fought match with Scythe unable to put Golden away with his Chokeslam, Golden is thwarted numerous times by Scythes followers who are eventually ejected from ringside by the referee, While he is distracted Golden hits a Rocky Road on Scythe when a hooded figure comes from under the ring he hits Golden with a familiar finisher and then goes to stand at ringside and stays eerily still, Scythe hits another Chokeslam and gets the 1..2..3 as Scythe stands over Golden, the hooded figure joins him and is revealed to be Rogue who seems dejected, lost and at the command of Scythe as they leave together and are once again met on the stage with fellow followers Avalanche, Bekowski and Greed.


In the main event Remo retains his SWF Championship over Joey Morgan who shows unbelievable heart and almost beats Remo very early on in the match landing his finisher in a shock moment but Remo managed to get his foot on the ropes - a dominant showing there after from Remo and he finishes Morgan after two Destroyers to make sure.




the first Supreme TV after the World is Watching opens up with Remo wanting to know who is next - Nicky Champion, Joey Morgan, Crippler and Scythe all have valid reasons as to why they should get a shot. Eisen comes out and makes a fatal four way #1 contenders that evening. He also said not to be down beaten as there is always opportunity and one of them will be at Master of Puppets as the first annual Supreme Rumble will be taking place with 30 Supreme Athletes entering at 2 minute intervals and the winner will punch their ticket into the main event of Supreme Challenge to face the SWF Champion. Morgan managed to get the win rolling up Crippler as Scythe was taken out by Rocky Golden, Nicky Champion was taken out just before the match by Remo. During the show Valiant is happy Hannah is back but he is still after answers and she isn't ready to talk - Rogue comes to check (he is still not himself, the confidence, the smirk, the attitude is all gone he is like a walking shell of a man) and she begs him to leave which sets Valiant off thinking he did have something to do with it - agents have to hold Valiant back.


Over the weeks - Remo is showing bullying the likes of Lau, Morgan and ZWB with a confidence, Champion is trying to get to him but he always manages to escape so NC focuses on the Supreme Rumble as he needs to get Remo one on one. Scythe is furious he lost his chance due to Golden, who went on to defeat Rogue in a TV main event, the faction beat down Golden until Valiant came out to make the save with a chair - he went to hit Rogue when Hannah came out and stopped it - she said it he had nothing to do with it she can remember what happened, it was not him who took her it was Scythe. Both Valiant and Rogue look up towards the stage where Scythe looks livid, Rogue seems conflicted but leaves with his head low and heads back up towards the group while Valiant is asking if he knew - the match is set Golden & Valiant vs Scythe & Rogue.


Morgan and Lau get a win over Remo and Davids with Morgan hitting his finisher after a knock out kick from Lau sent Remo jelly legged, Morgan also gets a big win over Randy Unleashed to help build his momentum as Remo begins to look wearily at his Championship, Champion is always on hand to remind him he is not going to let him attack, spread fear and bully his way to victories.




Master Of Puppets Golden and Valiant defeat Scythe and Rogue - with Valiant pinning Rogue after a brutal back and forth match, Scythe is barking orders at Rogue through the whole match, wanting more from him, shaming him for being weak. After the match Scythe and his following beat down Rogue with Scythe explaining its for his own good and it will make him stronger, Rogue kneels down accepting his punishment until Hannah leaps onto him finding the strength to face her fears. Valiant and Golden come back and help clear house. Golden leaves as the former trio are left in the ring alone. Hannah tells Valiant the big secret she kept and that Jack (Rogue) had kept despite his clear hatred of Valiant over all these years was that she had feelings for him. Valiant looks surprised and Hannah goes on to say she knows and has always known that he does not see her in that way and she finally is okay with that. But it took her going through everything and seeing Jack going through his own hell to realize bottling this all up in side is no good and she feels free. Valiant thanks Hannah for baring her soul and says he never knew he thought they had a special bond but he sees her as his family - they hug and Rogue is stood - he takes the microphone and admits that he has been stuck in his own head for far to long now and he can see this is all his own doing - he thought he hated Valiant and blamed him for something that was not his fault - turning his back on him and trying to end his career, he wants to say sorry and he hopes that Jack Giedroyc the man can show that he has learned, he has changed and he just wants to live outside his head for a bit. All three go to hug but then once again the lights go off and when they are back on Rogue/Giedroyc is gone.


Remo defeats Joey Morgan to retain the SWF Championship - Morgan comes at him with everything and goes all out with his offence bringing lots of high risk energy but in the end a mistake costs him and he is then bulldozed by the powerhouse who hits the Destroyer and heads into Times of Trouble still the SWF Champion.


Supreme Rumble - Mikey Lau and Hollywood Bret Starr are #1 and #2 being the iron men of the match - Valiant is in quite early and has time to shine until Scythe enters around #10 and starts to eliminate and dominate throwing out 6 wrestlers. Scythe and Valiant continue to attack each other and are the only men standing when Jack Giedroyc's old theme kicks in and he comes running to the ring and helps Valiant eliminate Scythe, the duo have spells where they accidentally team - they arent helping each other just the odd whip towards the other who hits a big move etc - Champion is in at #15 and has a back and forth with Valiant, Giedroyc, Crippler and Starr. Golden comes in around #26 and he and Champion eliminate a few guys. The final four are Golden, Champion, Crippler and Spade (Valiant is eliminated by Scythe who returns via blackout and takes him out with a Big Boot and a clothesline - Gierdroyc was taken out earlier by Crippler after a low blow). Spade is eliminated by Golden and Champion takes out Crippler leaving Golden and Champion - let them go 1-2 minutes just to wet the crowds appetite and then Remo comes down and takes both men out with the belt and leaves. Both men get back up at the same time but Golden pulls the top rope down on a charging Champion and is heading to the main event of Supreme Challenge.




What about the road through Times of Trouble however... to be continued...

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