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Is it possible to book the same person but different character in TEW?


I figure this should be an option somehow/someway.


We all remember Mick Foley characters and especially when he entered the Royal Rumble 3 times in one night!!


I was curious if this is possible or anyone has talked about it?


I'm playing a TNA mod and I'm about to be in 2009 year. I thought about Cheerleader Melissa when she wrestled like under 2 different names but also a manager for Awesome Kong.


Is it even possible to do in a TEW game?!

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It's possible, but completely pointless.


Just change the name of the segment.


One of the selling points to the "Go back to Booking Screen" feature was put into the game, besides the benefit of fixing mistakes or changing stuff, was that you could do something like the three faces or Foley. But it's pointless to do something like that because you'd just be changing to an alter ego, which doesn't at all matter in the game, and maybe changing the name of the gimmick, which matters even less.


Also I don't believe you could be able to do a a battle royal where the same person appears multiple times.

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It's possible, but completely pointless.


Just change the name of the segment.


One of the selling points to the "Go back to Booking Screen" feature was put into the game, besides the benefit of fixing mistakes or changing stuff, was that you could do something like the three faces or Foley. But it's pointless to do something like that because you'd just be changing to an alter ego, which doesn't at all matter in the game, and maybe changing the name of the gimmick, which matters even less.


Also I don't believe you could be able to do a a battle royal where the same person appears multiple times.



Ok thanks for the heads up.


I get that it won't really do too much in the game but it would be interesting to see how it play out if possible.


Again it's the same talent with a different name or gimmick so it wouldn't do much but ignoring to switch things back and forth.


Unless you copy the person into the different personality to get a different reaction.

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