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SWF - Off to a Rocky Start

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Feel that chill in the air folks? It's time once again for When Hell Freezes Over live on pay per view. Purchase for $49.99 on Premier Pay TV and Premier Pay CAN-TV.


The "Supreme Superstar" Spencer Spade has been on a roll as of late, but continues to claim that he is being held back. The veteran, Jungle Lord, has been the latest target that he claims needs to "move on" and "stop taking valuable roster space." Can Spencer Spade back up those words, or does Jungle Lord have enough left in the tank to defeat the rising star?


Fame and Money, Paul Huntingdon and Monty Trescarde, have held the world tag team titles since The Supreme Challenge 39. Their new challengers, Hawaiian Crush, are hungry and eager to taste gold. Ekuma and High Flyin Hawaiian have split singles matches with Fame and Money in the past couple weeks. Will the Hawaiians be able to achieve their goal of winning gold or will Fame and Money, and The Rat Pack, be too much to overcome?


The Crippler set his sights on ZWB last week when he viciously attacked him post match. ZWB responded with a simple acceptance of the challenge and a claim that their match will be the most exciting of the night. Will the Crippler put down ZWB like he has with so many before or will "The Showstopper" be able to defeat him?


Des Davids took the North American Title off of Lenny Brown back in November. Lenny Brown wants it back. Will Brown be able to begin the "sequel" title reign or will the dominant Des Davids be able to retain?


Mikey Lau has made a name for himself beating opponents that are bigger and more powerful than him. Former World Champion "Big Money" Brandon James is his next, and possibly greatest challenge. Brandon and Krissy Angelle have offered Lau an opportunity to back out of the match, but we have significant doubts that that will happen. Can Lau achieve his biggest victory yet, or will Brandon James slay "The Dragon"?


Unleashed Awesomeness have rubbed a lot of SWF Superstars the wrong way with their cocky attitudes and brash behavior. Three of those men, Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan, and Steven Parker will try to shut them up. It is a battle of a well oiled trio against a group of singles wrestlers united for a purpose. Who will prevail?


Remo and Valiant have had many battles in the past, including over the SWF World Heavyweight Title, which both men have held multiple times. Many see this match as a big step in determining the next challenger for the Title. In a match that neither man can afford to lose, who will come out on top?


Rocky Golden has been a dominant superstar in the SWF from the day he debuted. The same can be said for Scythe. Both men have won match after match and retired legends. This inevitable clash between two seemingly unbeatable superstars for the World Heavyweight Championship happens this Thursday. In the end, only one man can have his hand raised in victory. Who will hold the most prestigious title in the business at the end of the night?


Spencer Spade vs Jungle Lord

Fame and Money © vs Hawaiian Crush (Tag Team Championship)

The Crippler vs ZWB

Des Davids © vs Lenny Brown (North American Championship)

Mikey Lau vs "Big Money" Brandon James

Unleashed Awesomeness vs Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan and Steven Parker

Remo vs Valiant

Rocky Golden © vs Scythe (World Heavyweight Championship)

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Spencer Spade vs Jungle Lord- Spade is the future

Fame and Money © vs Hawaiian Crush (Tag Team Championship)- Both Hawaiian Crush members have brighter futures

The Crippler vs ZWB- ZWB is one of the best workers in the game and could be a world champion for you

Des Davids © vs Lenny Brown (North American Championship)- this is probably the toughest call but I think Brown gets the win so Davids can move on to bigger things.

Mikey Lau vs "Big Money" Brandon James- the Dragon has a bright future

Unleashed Awesomeness vs Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan and Steven Parker- the team gets the win over the grouping. I read your description of this too fast and at first all I could picture was 3 guys super oiled up Nakazawa style and could not stop laughing.

Remo vs Valiant- Remo is king.

Rocky Golden © vs Scythe (World Heavyweight Championship)- start of a journey of self discovery for Rocky

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Nice layout, looks like a video-game, which I love.


I also put Gilmore, Morgan and Parker together in my SWF diary. They seemed to work as a shooter team (I called them the Sharp Shooters) with Gilmore and Morgan as the established duo, and Parker as their third man.


Overall I'd say you were off to a 'Golden' start ;)

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Nice to see Crippler get a title reign


Shame about the hype video going to long I think 4 minutes is the cut off before they tank


I always put two storyline matches with midcarders / well known and lower guys on the card one about 3rd match in and one before the the last two matches it seems to bring the crowd down enough so the last two matches get above 85 ratings. Going off starting story’s Jungle vs Spade and Davids vs Brown are good to slot in there. Stops crowd from burning out.


Looking forward to Supreme Tv

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I also put Gilmore, Morgan and Parker together in my SWF diary. They seemed to work as a shooter team (I called them the Sharp Shooters) with Gilmore and Morgan as the established duo, and Parker as their third man.


Well I don't have them as an official stable, but if I go to Creative and click on Who's Not, there they all are together.


Shame about the hype video going to long I think 4 minutes is the cut off before they tank


Yeah, I knew that at some point. I probably went 5 minutes on this one.

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New SWF Head Booker?


Submitted by Mark "the insider" Smart


Hey fellow fanatics! Did you see When Hell Freezes over the other day? There were some upsets, a surprise guest referee appearance by Rogue in what still may have been the match of the night, and a plodding, but still epic feeling main event that ended in an out of nowhere cash in by The Crippler to finally get his hands on the World Heavyweight Championship. It just seemed like a lot was happening compared to anything since Supreme Challenge 39, right?


Another thing you may or may not have noticed: it seemed like there were more guys getting dropped on their heads. Some of those moves that have very rarely occurred during SWF's many year long spinal impact move ban seem to be reappearing more often in the last couple weeks.


Well I have the explanation for all of these changes. According to my sources, there was a very quiet exchange of power behind the scenes when Eric Eisen stepped down as head booker and handed the duties over to longtime SWF veteran Phil "Enforcer" Roberts. No official word on why this change was made. If I had to guess, Eric may have some other projects in the pipeline and may not have his mind completely focused on the SWF product at the moment. For example, he was actually very good in his guest appearance in that 2 part episode of the detective drama P.I. Joe last year (SPOILERS: ......It was him).


Anyway, from what I've heard, Roberts made the decision to remove the ban on spinal impact moves last week. He is quoted as saying "We ain't gonna be number one again if we don't let our guys do their thing in the ring. If a guy can't do a piledriver without someone getting crippled, he doesn't belong in that ring." This may improve the match quality moving forward, but we'll have to wait and see if the injuries start piling up and Jerry has to pull the plug on this.


Speaking of Jerry Eisen, word is that he's laid down a couple ground rules for Roberts, beyond the obvious "grow our popularity." He has been told to focus on growing the tag team division, so perhaps expect to see some more teams pop up and more tag team matches. In a more surprising goal, Jerry is forbidding the hiring of anybody who works for other major companies. Apparently he wants to convey the image that the SWF creates its own stars. Odd choice given the 10+ years of Jack Bruce and then Rocky Golden, 2 former TCW top stars being the faces of the company. But hey, the Remos, Valiants, and Bumfholes of the world ain't too shabby either. Just don't expect Nicky Champion or Aaron Andrews suddenly appearing on Supreme TV in the near future.

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Top 5 Tag Team Breakups in the SWF


Remember when a tag team was forever? The Lords of War were together for decades. Lately though, it seems like a good tag team partner is hard to find. One partner can turn on the other for a variety of reasons. Today on ListMagi, we're counting down the top 5 tag team breakups in the SWF.


Keep in mind, we're sticking with strictly tag teams here, so the Underwater Union's Commotion in the Ocean is off the table. Lets get to it.


5. The Rush


In late 2016, Makutsi introduced his new tag team partner in fellow RIPW alumnus, Ekuma, forming The Rush. They would go on to win the Tag Team Titles the next summer. After losing the belts to Fame and Money, as well as losing the rematch and falling out of title contention, Makutsi decided he had enough of Ekuma and attacked him. This did not go well for him, as Ekuma clearly won the fight and the resulting feud, most likely due to Makutsi's outside issues at the time. While Makutsi has fallen into relative obscurity, Ekuma has a new tag team partner in High Flyin Hawaiian, and they are currently vying for the Tag Team Championship.


4. The All Americans


Des Davids and American Machine were at the top of the tag team scene in SWF for quite some time, winning the Tag Team Titles 3 times over a 5 year span. After losing the titles the third time, Des emphatically decided to go out on his own, with a beatdown of American Machine. Love it or hate it, it proved to be the right move for Davids, as he is a major star in the company and current North American Champion. Machine, on the other hand, has done very little in the way of winning since the breakup.


3. Hero Squad


They were always a fun duo, and everyone loved their pay per view entrance, with Jungle Lord swinging in on a vine and Captain Atomic rising from the stage with sparks flying around him. The Hero Squad were a fan favorite duo for 6 years, and surprisingly only had 1 Tag Team Championship reign in that time. Jungle Lord started to have more singles success, including a North American Title reign, which started to create some tension between the two. After John Greed started to get in Atomic's ear with speeches about "envy" while he and Joe Sexy were feuding with the Hero Squad, Atomic turned on Jungle Lord during their match. While both men have had continued success after the breakup, Atomic, now Atom Smasher has been on fire as of late.


2. The Amazing Bumfholes


This one's a little different than the other entries in that it did not involve some kind of direct attack by one partner or the other. Randy and Zimmy were perhaps the most prolific tag team in SWF history, winning the Titles a record 5 times. When Zimmy went out for a year with a broken leg, Randy decided it was time for a new persona, Randy Unleashed, and turned heel. He even joined forces with The Awesomeness, who the brothers had been feuding with the previous year. When Zimmy came back, ready to rejoin the tag title hunt, Randy had no interest, as he was the current North American Champion. Zimmy, rebranded as ZWB, was unable to take the title from his brother, who had the Awesomeness on his side, but he did help Mikey Lau beat Randy for the title. After a very even feud, both Randy and ZWB are now both individual stars in their own right. Could a reunion be in the future, or a maybe blood feud? Only time will tell.


1. Valiant and Giedroyc


We all knew this one would be here. The Crashing On heard round the world. The former tag champs had a match against The Chase Agency, then consisting of Brandon James and Paul Huntingdon. Rumors were swirling that a third member would soon be added to Emma Chase's stable, but there was certainly no suspicion when it came to the heroic ultra babyfaces, Valiant and Giedroyc. After Valiant spent most of the match being isolated in the Chase Agency's corner, he finally got the hot tag to Jack Giedroyc. Jack went in the ring and immediately got "poked in the eye" by Huntingdon, causing him to tag Valiant right back in. Valiant looked irked, but went right back in the ring to continue the fight. Jack took his hand away from his eye, and an evil smile crept across his face as he went Rogue and nailed his partner with crashing on. Duane Fry's call of "Oh my God, it's Giedroyc! Giedroyc is the third man!" is still ingrained in our memories. Valiant and Rogue would then go on to feud for years, including over both the North American and World Heavyweight Titles. Even today, they still find themselves going head to head in what may be the greatest rivalry in SWF history.

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Join us this Thursday for the always ironically named Nothing to Lose live on pay per view. Purchase for $49.99 on Premier Pay TV and Premier Pay CAN-TV.


Spencer Spade was embarrassed by his loss to Jungle Lord at When Hell Freezes Over.  He has since evened it up with a victory over the wild man on Supreme TV and guaranteed a win here. Will the Supreme Superstar live up to his moniker, or will he lose more ground on his climb to the top?     


Mikey Lau pulled what many deemed an upset when he defeated Brandon James at When Hell Freezes Over. Since then he has fought for the World Heavyweight Championship, while Big Money has shown some signs of losing confidence. Can Lau achieve victory again, or will a motivated Brandon James be too much to handle?


Hawaiian Crush fell short in their quest for the Tag Team Titles at When Hell Freezes Over, but pulled off the victory on Supreme TV. The newly crowned champions have a tough task ahead of them for their first defense, as they have to go up against not only Fame & Money, but the Dallas Cowboys and the Awesomeness as well in a 4 way elimination match.  Will facing 3 former tag champs be too much for High Flyin Hawaiian and Ekuma, or are they up to the task?  


Who will be the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship going into Awesome Impact?  That will be decided when Remo, Valiant and Rogue face off in a triple threat match. All of these men have plenty of history. How will Rogue's recent mind games affect Valiant? Will Remo even be able to compete after injuring his ribs?   


Des Davids has stated that nobody can take the North American Title from him. Angry Gilmore, who won a tournament to get this title shot thinks otherwise. Does the wily veteran have enough to overcome the dominance of Davids?     


The Crippler cashed in his "King of the Jungle" contract to beat Rocky Golden for the World Heavyweight Championship last month after a brutal match between Golden and Scythe. The two were set for a 1 on 1 battle, but, after a rampage of destruction that took out Jerry and Eric Eisen for the foreseeable future, and with an assist from John Greed, Scythe has found himself added to this match. Has an alliance formed between the Crippler and Scythe? If so, does Rocky have any chance to overcome these odds? If the Crippler loses, will this really be the last we see of him? 


And what else might the new Commissioner, Emma Chase, have in store for Nothing to Lose?   


Spencer Spade vs Jungle Lord

Mikey Lau vs "Big Money" Brandon James

Hawaiian Crush © vs Fame and Money vs The Awesomeness vs The Dallas Cowboys (Tag Team Championship)

Remo vs Valiant vs Rogue

Des Davids © vs Angry Gilmore (North American Championship)

The Crippler © vs Rocky Golden vs Scythe (World Heavyweight Championship)

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