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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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MARCH 2002, WEEK 1…



In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



The Kurt Angle Invitational…


We opened the show with former Olympic Gold Medal winner Kurt Angle, set for his ‘Kurt Angle Invitational’ Open Challenge… and he had his thoughts on who he wanted to accept the challenge…




Kurt Angle:
“I want Eddie Guerrero to answer the challenge… EDDIE… GET OUT HERE… So I can prove… that it should be ME heading to the Main Event of WrestleMania…!!”


Angle paced back and forth, and Eddie didn’t answer the challenge… but one of his best friends did… Rey Mysterio’s arrival angered Angle!!




Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Mysterio and Angle opened the show well here, with a fiercely competitive bout. Rey is new to the WWF, and hasn’t lost any of his first five outings since debuting in the Royal Rumble Match. But Angle was a different test to all the others he’s faced so far, and he came unstuck when ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ took him to the mat. He was overpowered and outclassed, and eventually tapped to the ‘Ankle Lock’.



‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

'Ankle Lock'


Eddie Trap…


After the match, Angle refused to let go of Rey’s ankle… The referee threatened to reverse the decision, and he eventually let go…




However, he went for a microphone… when he climbed back into the ring, he picked Rey’s foot up one more time… and yelled that if Eddie Guerrero doesn’t come out here, he’s going to break the masked flier’s leg right before his big WrestleMania Match… However, he had a loose grip, and Rey was able to spin out of it, and get to safety…!! Angle was left seething…!!







Backstage, former Light Heavyweight Champions and rivals Marty Jannetty and Jerry Lynn were talking about their first outing as a tag team last week…




Both men said they weren’t 100% sure they could trust the other fully… and there was still obvious tension between the two… They also confirmed that tonight they get to try out their chemistry again, as they’ll be in tag team action against Rapid Fire…






Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


A local talent who managed to get the crowd behind him here, but he was up against a constant swarm of kicks and strikes. The referee had to deal with Tajiri bringing a steel chair into the ring, but while his back was turned, ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ spat a ‘Green Mist’ into his opponent’s eyes. Tajiri then covered his face in the pin fall attempt, and scored the win!



‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

'Green Mist'






For the first time ever, we got an in-ring segment called ‘The Al Snow Show’… as veteran performer Snow headed to the ring…




Al Snow:
“Kicking off a NEW ERA of talk shows in the WWF… The AL… SNOW… SHOW!! And if we’re going to make the ultimate start… we’re going to need the ULTIMATE guest… and folks… it doesn’t get any bigger… than the CHAIRMAN… of the World Wrestling Federation…!! Vincent… Kennedy… McMAHON!!”




Joined by his son Shane, a fact that Snow apologised for, Vince did indeed head to the ring… and he and Al had a lot to talk about… Vince said that one of his children has been a disappointment to him… Stephanie McMahon brought Triple H into the family, and ‘The Game’ is not the man she thinks he is… Al asked his boss what he’d like to do about Triple H…


Vince McMahon:
“What I’d like…? Is to make a challenge… It’s the reason I came on here in the first place… As you know… my Son Shane was injured and couldn’t compete at No Way Out… But he’s okay now… and he’s raring to go… So… Hunter… My Son Shane and I… are challenging YOU… to a Handicap Match… Triple H… versus the Father and Son duo… of Vince and Shane McMahon… and ‘Game’… if you win… we’ll cut you in to the Family Business… Lose… and we’ll be cutting you, and Stephanie, OFF…!!”





No Excuses…


Ahead of the next match, scheduled to be Faarooq versus Bradshaw (now known as John Bradshaw Layfield, or JBL), the big Texan headed to the ring with a suit, and flanked by William Regal and Dean Malenko…!!




“By now, you know the formula, right…?! I come out here, and I make an excuse, and pull out of my scheduled match… Whether it be D’Lo Brown… or my old tag team partner Faarooq… I make an excuse, and get out of it, right…?! Well… Tonight there are NO excuses…!!”


JBL started taking his suit jacket off… and he handed it to Malenko… He then took what looked like a really expensive watch off, and unbuttoned his shirt… Then he laughed as he spoke…!!


“No excuses… I just plain don’t feel like wrestlin’ tonight…!! I don’t wanna lower myself, to Faarooq’s level… and I’ve got so much money… and these guys OWE me, so much money… that I can get Dean (Malenko) here to fight my battles for me… So tonight… It’s Faarooq versus Dean Malenko…!!”




Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal & JBL


Faarooq was furious to see it wasn’t JBL standing across the ring from him, but he took a lot of anger and aggression out on Malenko instead. Despite his high levels of experience, he fell for the oldest trick in the book when JBL climbed onto the apron. Faarooq went for him, and JBL continued to distract his former tag team partner. As Faarooq turned around, he was dropped with a dropkick, and then locked up in a ‘Texas Cloverleaf’, before tapping out!



Dean Malenko w/ William Regal & JBL

'Texas Cloverleaf'


Early Tap…


It wasn’t necessarily noticeable at first, but there was something strange about the way Faarooq tapped out…




He tapped immediately in the hold to lose the match, and Malenko let him go immediately too… This looked a little like a ploy, because once the bell rang, Faarooq slid out of the ring, and jumped his former partner…!! He dragged JBL into the ring by his head, and started stomping on him in the corner… Faarooq told Malenko and Regal to leave, but JBL told them they still owe him…!! So the two fan favourite technicians climbed back into the ring, and pulled Faarooq down to the ground… JBL directed traffic, and barely got his hands dirty in the beatdown… but then Faarooq got some help…




‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown sprinted out to the ring, and shouted at Malenko and Regal to get the hell off of Faarooq… in a really confusing situation for everyone in the ring, JBL then ordered them to attack D’Lo… which they did, with a lot of reluctance… But once again, it was time for someone from the back to come and help JBL’s rivals…




Edge started by hitting a ‘Spear’ on Regal… and then hit the same move on Malenko…!! JBL exited the ring at this point, realising he was beat… but he looked furious… Edge helped Faarooq to his feet, but when he helped D’Lo up, ‘The Real Deal’ didn’t want to accept his help… a continuation of their beef from last week…






Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Not Rapid Fire’s finest outing, as they were sloppy enough to cause a small injury to Jerry Lynn early on which ruined it as a contest in truth. For the finish, Gunn put Jannetty down with the ‘Fame Asser’ to make it two defeats from two matches for Jannetty and Lynn as a team.



Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn)

'Fame Asser'




Crash Test…


Backstage, Crash Holly was putting Hardcore and Val Venis through their paces on treadmills…




Both Hardcore and Val were sweating and out of breath… and it took Molly Holly to tell Crash and Hardcore to leave Val alone, and let him rest…


Hardcore Holly:
“Me…?! What the heck did I do…?! I’m runnin’ on this thing too, Molly…!!”


Crash Holly:
“I gotta get ‘em ready for their match with Albert and Saturn…!!”


Molly shushed her cousins, and sent them away… as she caressed Val’s shoulder… She told him it’s time for a Jacuzzi session, and he smiled from ear to ear…!!






Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Tough week for Liger, after his loss to Rey Mysterio was followed up by a hard beating by Batista here. He suffered the same fate as so many before him. He was looking for a Hurricanrana, but ‘The Animal’ countered it into the ‘Batista Bomb’!



‘The Animal’ Batista

'Batista Bomb'






Backstage, WWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay were talking about how Umaga got lucky against Perfect on RAW… Using what they called an illegal thumb (The Samoan Spike)…




Mr. Sexay:
“If we ever get in the ring with one of those stupid Samoans again… it’ll be a different stor…”




“You were sayin’, US(o)…?!”


Sexay backtracked… he said he was talking about a different group of Samoans… but he knew he was busted… until three men arrived behind Rikishi and co…




“Nice to meet you all… My name’s Kidman, and I believe you’ve met Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott… This is uhhh… Nice place you got here… We’re looking forward to taking it over…!!”


Kidman and his crew strolled off, leaving Rikishi, Umaga and Haku perplexed…






Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Eddie was preoccupied in this match, as he was constantly looking over his shoulder for the arrival of Kurt Angle, and wanted to make sure Rey Mysterio was okay and had stayed away from the former Olympian. It meant that Rocky did most of the heavy lifting, and had to fight off both Jericho and Benoit on his own for a while. In the end, Eddie tagged in and made all the difference. He was so quick, and fluid, that the two Canadian Chrises couldn’t catch him! In the end, he tagged Rock back in, and dived to the floor to take out Jericho. Benoit was slammed with a ‘Rock Bottom’ in the centre of the ring, and was pinned.



Eddie Guerrero & The Rock

'Rock Bottom'




After the match, Kurt Angle did arrive on the stage… and was DRAGGING Rey Mysterio’s lifeless body out with him…!!




Eddie hopped out of the ring, and chased Angle away… He called out for help for Rey, as The Rock joined him on the stage for backup…!! Referees and officials came out, with a couple of Doctors, and Rey was helped away…!!





Compound Your Problems…




We saw the entire Hardy Family at the Compound next… and Matt Hardy was laughing to himself…


Matt Hardy:
“WELCOMMMMEEE… hahahaaaaaaaa… As you can see, Lita is doin’ fine… no thanks to Kearne… (Kane)… At WrestleMania Kearne… I’m extendin’ unto you… an inviTATIOOOONN…!! To come to The Hardy Compound… and be… DELETEEEEEDDDD…!!”


Jeff Hardy:
“And before we go, Matt… we HAVE to introduce our Young Bucks, to the ‘WOLD’…!!”


Matt Hardy:
“Ah yeaaaaasss… Where are my manners…?! Ladies and Gentlemen… I give to you… BRIAN SKARSGARD (Kendrick)… and CHRISTOPHER VANGUARD (Daniels)… They are… THE BUCKS… OF YOUUUUUTH…!!”


The video faded to black with all members of the Hardy Family on screen, laughing and enjoying the occasion… Will Kane accept Hardy’s challenge…?! Will he even tell us if he does…?! Will Jeff be there come WrestleMania…?! He has a Light Heavyweight Title defence scheduled against Rey Mysterio on that night… although that’s been thrown into doubt now too… More questions than answers here as the show ended…







Quick Results:


Kurt Angle [def.] Rey Mysterio


Tajiri [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Dean Malenko [def.] Faarooq


Rapid Fire [def.] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Batista [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [def.] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Show Rating:







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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon

Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri

Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family

Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family

Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] New Signing to WWF


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko

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MARCH 2002, WEEK 2…



In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



If You’re Not First, You’re Last…


We kicked off the show with ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero heading to the ring, with a lot on his mind… In particular, the way Kurt Angle went after his best friend Rey Mysterio… dragging him onto the stage after Eddie’s Main Event on Smackdown!! He’s also scheduled to be in the Main Event of WrestleMania 18, against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…




Eddie Guerrero:
“Kurt Angle… WANTS something… So let’s hear it Kurt… Whaddya waaaaaant…?!”


Eddie threw his microphone to the floor, and paced back and forth… then Angle’s music hit…!! And the former Olympian stayed on the stage…




Kurt Angle:
“You’re right Eddie… You’re right… I want something… I want your SPOT at WrestleMania…!! Everyone knows… It should be ME… fighting for the World Heavyweight Title… But a wise man once told me… When it comes to WrestleMania… If you can’t be on last… make sure you’re on FIRST…!! So I have a proposition… I wanna wrestle at WrestleMania… in the OPENING match…!!”


Angle’s comments brought WWF Commissioner Mick Foley to the stage…




Mick Foley:
“While I appreciate you making suggestions Kurt… I have to ask… What does this have to do with Eddie Guerrero, and more importantly… Rey Mysterio… who is resting up at home tonight, because of you…!!”


Kurt smiled… He said that he wants to wrestle in the opening match at WrestleMania 18… and if he WINS… he gets added to the Eddie versus Austin Main Event…!! Foley laughed and said that Angle probably thinks he’ll book that match, with Angle fighting against someone like Spike Dudley… Or even Jim Ross, or someone…?! He also said that Rey is busy that night, as he’s got a Light Heavyweight Title opportunity, which is still on, no thanks to Angle…


Kurt Angle:
“I think you’ve misunderstood me, Foley… I want to compete in the Opening Match at WrestleMania… AGAINST Eddie Guerrero…!! If I win… I REPLACE him in the Main Event…!!”


Foley was shocked, but Eddie agreed to it straight away – anything to keep Angle away from his friend Rey Mysterio… But Foley had other ideas… He said for Angle to receive an opportunity such as that, he’d need to earn it… So he came up with a novel idea… On Smackdown, Eddie picks a guy… Angle picks a guy… If Angle’s guy wins, the match is ON… If Eddie’s guy wins, Angle is suspended until AFTER WrestleMania…!! Both men agreed to the stipulation, before Eddie confirmed that he’s choosing Rey Mysterio…!!






Faarooq [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


It’d be hard to find two more hard-hitting fighters than Faarooq and Benoit. Everything they did to each other looked like it hurt, and there was no letting up right until the final bell. Benoit tried to lock the big veteran in his ‘Crippler Crossface’, but Faarooq powered up to his feet, and managed to slam Benoit with a ‘Spinebuster’ and fall into the cover.








Family Values…


In the back, ‘The Game’ Triple H was shown sat with his Wife Stephanie McMahon… and he had a message for his Father In Law: Vince, and his Brother In Law: Shane McMahon…!!




Triple H:
“Vince… You talk about Family… as if you care about anyone, other than yourself… and your shareholders…!! But while you are Steph’s Family on paper… She is WAY more my Family, than she ever was yours…!!”


‘The Game’ referenced Vince’s challenge from Smackdown, where he said that it’ll be Triple H versus Vince and Shane at WrestleMania… If Triple H wins, he’ll be allowed to profit from the ‘Family Business’ (the World Wrestling Federation)… But if Vince and Shane win, Steph will be ‘cut off’, and not be allowed to spend in the kind of way she’s been used to…


Triple H:
“If I win Vince… When I win… Cut us off… We don’t care… I just want the damn match… I’ve wanted it for months, and so you’re ON…!! Triple H… versus Vince and Shane McMahon…!!”





Samoan Beaten Down…


We cut to a chaotic scene backstage next, as Rikishi of all people, was found beaten up and left laying in a corridor… Referees and officials were surrounding big ‘Kish, and checking on his condition… When a door nearby opened up…!!




Kidman, Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon stepped over Rikishi’s fallen body, with Kidman turning back, and telling the big Samoan that they were ‘sorry’…


“Yu know, where I’m from… If you’re new, and you wanna make an impact… You go after the biggest, baddest, a*****e you can find… It’s nothin’ personal… You were just in the way…”


Kidman admitted that his new group were to blame for taking ‘Kishi out… and they strolled to the ring, as Bill DeMott was set to be in action… against Steven Richards…!!




Steven Richards [vs] Bill DeMott w/ Kidman & Razor Ramon


A short match of two halves here. DeMott dominated early on thanks to help from Kidman and Ramon at ringside, but Richards got some help when Haku and Umaga ran to the ring and chased the two non-legal competitors away. Richards then delivered his ‘Stevie Kick’ super kick, and scored a somewhat unlikely win – DeMott was undefeated until last week on RAW! After the match, Richards grabbed something strange from under the ring; the boardgame ‘Scrabble’!! He reached into the box, and pulled out a green silk bag!! He began searching for a few moments, before pulling out the letter ‘W’, and showing it to tight the camera!! He shouted that he ‘Got The W’, and had a huge smile on his face!



Steven Richards

'Stevie Kick'




The Paint One…


In the parking lot, Hardcore Champion The Undertaker and WWF World Heavyweight Champion ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin were walking past some very nice cars… before they came across a really nice Ford truck, with the licence plate: GR8 0N3…




The Undertaker:
“Check it out, check it out… This… is The Rock’s truck…!! You got the paint…?!”


Austin grabbed some spray cans out of a duffel bag, and handed them to ‘Taker… and he began going to town on Rock’s truck, while Austin kept an eye out for ‘The Great One’… The Hardcore Champion looked happy with what he’d written… It now said, in clear white writing, ‘ROCKY SUCKS’ down the side of Rock’s black truck…!!





Make Hey While The Sun’s Shining, Man…


We cut elsewhere backstage, where Vince McMahon was shown speaking with someone a little out of shot…!!




Vince McMahon:
“So you’re on the way to the ring, right now…?! Well… This better be good… Paul…!!”


The camera panned around, and…




Former WWF employee Paul Heyman was BACK…!! Could this be the guy Vince was talking to on the phone last week when he said he’d sent him ‘there’ to review some of the talent… and all he came back with was some rookie…


Paul Heyman:
“Mr. McMahon… If I may… As your biggest ‘Advocate’, throughout my time ‘there’… I feel horrible asking for this… but… I know you doubt me… But if you’ve read this kid’s credentials, you really shouldn’t be doubting him… So just… Watch the match Vince, okay…?! Just watch the match…”


Heyman left the room, and we went for a commercial break…





Beast On A Mission…


As we came back from commercial, a young local wrestler who was known as ‘Maven’, was stood in the ring, and Paul Heyman made his way onto the stage…




Paul Heyman:
“Kid, let me tell you something… I’m really sorry… for what’s about to happen to you… Because the man I’m about to introduce, has the strength to rip you limb, from limb… He also has the skillset, to crush your organs one by one… He really is a BEAST… Ladies and Gentlemen… I bring to you… THE NEXT… BIG… THING…




















Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar


The length and one-sidedness of this match meant it was never going to be a instant classic. Lesnar looked like an unstoppable force, and Vince McMahon is sure to be impressed by him!



‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar





Deal With It…


Backstage, D’Lo Brown was taping his wrists, when another fan favourite: Edge walked in, with his love interest/manager…?! Trish Stratus…




D’Lo and Edge haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye of late, and Edge asked ‘The Real Deal’ what his problem was…


D’Lo Brown:
“Oh it’s real simple Edge… I don’t trust you… not only that… but you’re a threat to my overall goal… which is to become the Intercontinental Champion…!!”


“Well that’s fine… That doesn’t sound like a me problem, that sounds like a you problem…!! Tonight, we team up… against JBL’s lackies Regal and Malenko… Faarooq already beat Jericho’s stooge Chris Benoit… So we can’t lose momentum for the IC Title chase with a loss tonight… Do you… have my back…?!”


Edge outstretched his hand, but D’Lo shook his head and told the young Canadian he’d have to wait and see… before leaving the room, and leaving Edge and Trish to stew on his words… Edge stood with his hands on his hips, and looked at the floor…






Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Albert & Saturn w/ Terri


‘Terri’s Boys’ have had Val and Holly’s number in recent weeks, picking up wins in tag and singles matches, as well as a six man tag with Crash and Tajiri also involved. Tonight though, the pendulum swung, and Val and Holly picked up a big win when Holly hit his ‘Alabama Slam’ on Perry Saturn!



Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly

'Alabama Slam'




The Next New Guy…


In an intense and exciting moment, ‘The Animal’ Batista walked past ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar…




Batista and Brock glared at each other, before going nose to nose in an intense stare out… Paul Heyman urged his client to leave it for another day, and he pulled Brock away, while the newcomer smiled to himself… Batista stayed looking intense throughout…






Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


It was a case of veteran versus rookie here, and Gunn would have been the heavy favourite going in given his experience, and his athleticism. Shelton won it because of the help he had at ringside, it’s as simple as that. Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard were the main difference makers, as they swarmed Gunn while the ref’s back was turned, and did the same to K-Kwik at ringside when he complained. Shelton then hit the ‘T-Bone Suplex’ when the ref turned back around.



Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family

'T-Bone Suplex'


Unwelcome Guest…


After the match, the five active members of the Hardy Family celebrated in the ring, with Matt Hardy proclaiming that Senior Benjamin’s victory was ‘WONDERFUL’… Lita had been left at home tonight to continue to recover from Kane’s Tombstone Piledriver at No Way Out… Nidia was apparently there looking after her…




Their celebrations were cut short though, by big explosions in each corner of the ring, and the music of Kane hitting… However, as the group got ready for a potential showdown with ‘The Big Red Machine’, he didn’t show up, and his music faded out… Instead, we got an image of him on the big screen…




“Hey MATT… Nice place you got here…!!”


The camera panned to reveal Kane had arrived at the Hardy Compound!! Matt Hardy almost fainted in the ring, as Kane opened the front door of his house, and walked inside…!! The chilling scene ended with Matt and co. jumping out of the ring and running up the ramp…!!





Devastated… Until…


We cut backstage to the parking lot… where The Rock was stood with his hands on his hips, shaking his head, as fellow wrestlers and WWF officials stood beside him and his truck… trying to see if the spray paint job The Undertaker did on it would come off… Rock was angry!!




The Rock:
“Undertaker… Three rules to live by… You don’t pull on Superman’s Cape… You don’t p**s into the wind… and You don’t… Mess with The Rock’s proper… t… ty… Hold on, hold ON… Whadda we have over HERE…?!”


Rock started off walking and his walk turned into a light jog, as a couple of guys like Faarooq and Steven Richards followed him… Had he spotted The Undertaker and Steve Austin hiding out…?! It quickly became apparent that he’d spotted ‘Taker’s Harley…!!


The Rock:
“OOOHHHHhhh… What an oversight… An eye for an eye… and wheels, for wheels ‘Taker…!! Here’s what The Rock is gonna do… He’s gonna take your Harley… Shine it up real nice… turn it sideways… AND SHOVE ITS CANDY A*S STRAIGHT DOWN THERE…!!”


With no hesitation, Rock grabbed the bike, and pushed it down a ramp… It gained momentum as he ran with it, and then he let go… The bike zoomed off a nearby loading dock, and fell about five feet onto a concrete floor… It would have been scratched, dented, all sorts… The Rock was extremely pleased with his actions…!!






Edge & D’Lo Brown [vs] Regal & Malenko


Edge and D’Lo argued constantly in this on, with Edge clearly missing his usual tag team partner Christian. They were up against a strong team in Regal and Malenko too, who outwrestle everyone they face. The two technicians took their eye off the ball when JBL came to ringside though. They owe him a lot of money, and he wanted them to destroy two of his biggest rivals in his pursuit of the Intercontinental Title. In the end, an inadvertent JBL distraction allowed Edge to tag in behind Dean Malenko’s back. He hit a brilliant side suplex on D’Lo Brown, and then walked onto a ‘Spear’ from Edge!



Edge & D’Lo Brown



Straight Outta Hell…


As soon as the match ended, JBL slid into the ring, and hit a ‘Clothesline From Hell’ on Edge, who was celebrating his victory…




D’Lo Brown came back into the ring, and he too was clocked with the Lariat… The announce team suggested that WWF Commissioner Mick Foley has to make a decision about the Intercontinental Title Match at WrestleMania 18 soon… Chris Jericho has many, many potential challengers… and Foley should make a Number One Contenders Match… D’Lo… Edge… Faarooq… JBL… they’re all gunning for the Title, and for each other…







Quick Results:


Faarooq [def.] Chris Benoit


Steven Richards [def.] Bill DeMott


Brock Lesnar [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Val Venis & Hardcore Holly [def.] Albert & Perry Saturn


Shelton Benjamin [def.] Billy Gunn


Edge & D’Lo Brown [def.] Regal & Malenko


Show Rating:







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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay

Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay

Does the Hollys have bad chemistry?


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Hardcore Title Match:

Rikishi w/ Umaga & Haku [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker ©


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Non-Title Match:

Val Venis & Hardcore Holly w/ Crash & Molly [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The King of Mystery’ Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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