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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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[SIZE=\"5\"] APRIL 2002, WEEK 2 [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]

[B] Defenders versus Invaders… [/B]

We kicked off the show with the biggest storyline in the company right now, taking centre stage… as Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo of the WCW Invaders, made their way to the ring, to a chorus of boos and jeers… They didn’t care… The three of them carry themselves like badasses, and look like they couldn’t care less what the fans in attendance think of them… Jindrak grabbed a microphone...

https://i.imgur.com/ZKAmaYj.jpg https://i.imgur.com/sZLaR1x.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/m2dn7D3.jpg

Mark Jindrak: [B] “My name is Mark Jindrak… And I’m here to tell each, and every one of you… and every WWF Defender… that they’ve already LOST… It’s inevitable… This WAR… is coming… and our group is ONLY going to get stronger… So… Triple H… Austin… Undertaker… You three might as well quit now… because…” [/B]

Before Jindrak could finish, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s music hit… and the former WWF World Heavyweight Champion lead the aforementioned Triple H and Undertaker out to the ring… The three fan favourites looked ready for a fight…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg

Steve Austin: [B] “WHAT…?! So…!! Little Italian Eagle…!! Think you’re a tough guy…?! Hangin’ out with these tough guys…?! Think you can play in the ‘big leagues’…?! Be one of the top guys…?! Tell you what…!! Your best three…!! Our best three…!! Six Man Tag at Backlash…!!” [/B]

Jindrak looked happy with the challenge, and told Austin he accepts… but… there’s someone he should meet… Jindrak then pointed to the stage as O’Haire and Palumbo laughed… And here came some WCW reinforcements…


Guido: [B] “A’m Guido… This here is Johnny Stamboli… Tony Mamaluke… and Big Vito LoGrasso… And collectively… We’re known as the F… B… I… The Full… Blooded… ITALIANS… an’ we’re here… to shake t’ings up a bit around heare…” [/B]

Guido climbed into the ring… The small Italian was backed up by some larger Italians, and Tony Mamaluke, who is also just as small… Austin took one look at the man up in his face, and dropped him with a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’…!! Stamboli, Mamaluke and Vito jumped on him, as Jindrak, O’Haire and Palumbo got to grips with Triple H and The Undertaker… It was 6 on 3 with Guido taken out of the equation, and it quickly turned into a mugging… This one was a WCW victory, as the 6 came out on top and left the three WWF Defenders laying…


Champions Challenge:

[B] Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] The Bloodline (Rikishi, Haku & Umaga) [/B]

An interesting battle here, with the WWF World Heavyweight, the WWF Hardcore, and one half of the WWF Tag Team Champions all competing in the same match! Eddie Guerrero’s leg and ankle was heavily taped up, and he competed hard in spite of what was probably best for his career and longevity. His offence was already going to be hard to hit effectively on the three big Bloodline members, but the ankle, injured by his rival Kurt Angle on Smackdown, didn’t help. Malenko and Regal also struggled with their technical style, and were eventually overpowered, leading to Regal being pinned by Umaga after a ‘Samoan Spike’!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 79 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] The Bloodline (Rikishi, Haku & Umaga)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Samoan Spike\'


[B] Layfield Enterprises… [/B]

Backstage, John Bradshaw Layfield was walking alone, when he came across Shane McMahon, Kidman, and Bill DeMott…!!

https://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/O1a9aur.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Lbn3jP4.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/snWPx6s.jpg

Shane McMahon: [B] “Well well well, boys… Whadda we have here…?! If it isn’t the Texan Tycoon himself… John Bradshaw Layfield… How ya doin’ John…?!” [/B]

JBL: [B] “Lemme stop ya right there, Shane O… I’m going to make this suggestion clearly, and once… Stay outta the way… of Layfield Enterprises… Because trust me… you DON’T want ‘The Animal’ Batista… and ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar… to be in your way…!! I’ll make you a deal… WCW stays outta MY way… We stay outta yours…!! How does that sound…!?” [/B]

Kidman and DeMott looked ready to jump JBL at a moments notice… They waited for word from Shane, but he ended up surprising everyone and accepting JBL’s offer…


https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/p0HJ2gw.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/VrGtL6m.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/yiNkVvo.jpg
[B] Chris Benoit & Tajiri [vs] The Bucks Of Youth w/ Shelton Benjamin [/B]

Skarsgard and Vanguard are excellent in-ring talents, and they showed that here with a fine performance! Senior Shelton Benjamin was also a great help at ringside, and did some things a far more seasoned manager would have been proud of. However, despite their unlikely alliance, and the fact Tajiri got confused and attacked everyone including his partner, Benoit and ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ scored the win in the end!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 71 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Chris Benoit & Tajiri
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Buzzsaw Kick\'


[B] Walls Have Ears… [/B]

Trish Stratus grabbed Edge for a ‘chat’ next, and she was NOT happy with him…

https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HZbBaUX.jpg

Trish Stratus: [B] “So you’re gonna ‘deal’ with me, then huh Edge…?! I heard you on Smackdown… I was only trying to do what’s best for you… Who the HELL do you think you are…?!” [/B]

Trish threw a SLAP at Edge, but he caught her arm and viciously held onto it… He glared deep into her eyes as she cowered…

Edge: [B] “Listen sweetheart… I know EXACTLY who I am… You think you know me…!? You don’t…!! I don’t want your help… I don’t need your help… and I certainly don’t want you doing things for me…!! So leave… me… alone!!” [/B]

Edge released Trish’s arm, and she staggered away in tears!! Edge’s actions brought boos from the crowd, especially when Trish got upset…


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[B] ‘The Rocker’ Marty Jannetty w/ Jerry Lynn [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Heyman, Batista & JBL [/B]

Despite assurances from Shane McMahon, it was clear that JBL was on edge tonight. He constantly told the patrolling Batista to keep an eye out for WCW invaders, and looked increasingly concerned for his, and his group’s, safety. In the ring, the veteran Jannetty was no match for ‘The Next Big Thing’, as Brock Lesnar put him away with his devastating ‘F5’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 62 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Heyman, Batista & JBL
[B] Finish: [/B] \'F5\'

[B] The Time Has Come… [/B]

After the match, Faarooq headed onto the stage to a huge ovation… The former tag team partner of John Bradshaw Layfield was in a defiant mood… and was singularly focused on one outcome tonight… Getting Layfield 1 on 1 on Smackdown…!!

https://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ShSHEjW.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Duq1MYf.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dmIQj2y.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpg

Faarooq: [B] “I ain’t gonna take no for an answer… D’Lo and me’ll fight your boys at Backlash… but I wanna know, right now… BRADSHAW… You man enough to fight me, 1 on 1…?!” [/B]

JBL laughed for a moment, and then grabbed a microphone… He asked why he would do something like that, when there’s nothing Faarooq can offer him that’s going to make him say yes… But Faarooq expected this attitude…

Faarooq: [B] “Tell you what… Let’s do somethin’ big… Let’s fight 1 on 1… The night AFTER I take on your boys… an’ if you WIN… I will acknowledge you, as my leader… an’ I’ll come work for Layfield Enterprises as your bodyguard…!! Whaddya say… ta THAT…?!” [/B]

JBL loved it… His eyes lit up… At Backlash, Brock Lesnar and Batista take on Faarooq and D’Lo Brown in a tag team match… and Layfield knows Faarooq will be weakened as a result for the next night on RAW… He shouted “You’re ON”, but it almost sounded like he said “You’re RON!”…!!


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[B] ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Mr. Sexay w/ Mr. Perfect [/B]

Speaking of D’Lo Brown, the fan favourite was in action next, against an old enemy in Mr. Sexay. The two men fought at Armageddon late last year, but this match was far better. Sexay has improved a lot as a worker in that time, but he still couldn’t get the win over the excellent and in-form ‘Real Deal’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Lo-Down\'


[B] The Next Big Brawl… [/B]

We frantically cut backstage next, to where a brawl was ensuing between WCW Invaders and WWF Defenders…

https://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/czDLwU5.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ZJ9Bf2F.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Lbn3jP4.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/snWPx6s.jpg

Hardcore Holly, Val Venis and Crash were fighting with Razor Ramon, Kidman and Bill DeMott, in a fight that seemed to be started by the WCW Invaders… They’d gained the upper hand, and DeMott soon put Crash through a table… The fight became 3 on 1 when Hardcore Holly was brutally knocked out by a fire extinguisher shot from Ramon…!! Then came the really interesting moment… JBL and his Layfield Enterprises group walked up…


Layfield told his group… more specifically, Brock Lesnar and Batista, that this wasn’t their fight… and that they should leave the WCW Invaders to it… With the help of Paul Heyman, he held ‘The Next Big Thing’ and ‘The Animal’ back… and ushered them past the carnage…!! The announce team were furious, as they believe this WCW Invasion will result in the likes of JBL’s group being pushed further down the card as more faces arrive to take their spots…!! They felt JBL’s deal from earlier in the night was to serve his short term interests, and not the long term career goals of his two young studs…!! Either way, Val, Hardcore and Crash need to recover soon… because on Smackdown, they’ll be taking on Kidman, DeMott and Ramon in a six-man tag team match…!!


[B] Crocodile Tears…? [/B]

Backstage, Christian was talking to a few officials, when Trish Stratus ran up to him… still crying from her earlier interaction with Edge…

https://i.imgur.com/1ium6C9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg

Trish couldn’t say a single word clearly, and Christian looked both confused, and a little fed up of her… but she fell into an embrace, and he reluctantly put an arm around her to comfort her… She thanked him for understanding, and he was still confused… Through tears, she told him she hopes he wins against Chris Jericho tonight, as that will really annoy Edge…!!


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[B] Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jerry Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty [/B]

Liger and Jerry Lynn flew around the ring here, in a short but fast-paced match. It was open, and even, but in the end Lynn won it, and seemed to show Jannetty that that’s how it’s done.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 56 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Jerry Lynn w/ Marty Jannetty
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Moonsault\'


[B] Rock Recruiting… [/B]

Backstage, The Rock bumped into Kurt Angle… and the two Main Eventers had a lot of tension between them…

https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg

The Rock: [B] “Kurt Angle… Olympic Gold Medallist… Wrestling MACHINE… American Cyborg… Unbeatable… UnSTOPable… Look at you, man… Look at you… Now, The Rock knows, you have a WWF World Heavyweight Title Match with Eddie Guerrero at Backlash… And The WWF Defenders want you to handle your s**t… Win or lose… and then come and stand side by side… with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin… ‘The Game’ Triple H… ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker… And ‘The Great One’ The Rock…!!” [/B]

Angle laughed it off, and told Rock he doesn’t care about the fight against WCW… He said in his mind, in a few weeks… maybe months… the ‘War’ will be over, and the WCW Invaders will go back to whatever rock they came out from under… Rock asked if Kurt thinks about it, he’ll see that the first wave was Razor Ramon, Kidman and Bill DeMott… Then Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo, made an impact on the biggest stage in the WWF, WrestleMania 18… Shane McMahon screwed his own Father over… Goldberg arrived, and could be the Number One Contender soon… Now the Full Blooded Italians… There’s just eleven WCW wrestlers in their group so far…

The Rock: [B] “Do you actually think, there won’t be more…?!” [/B]

Kurt Angle: [B] “In fact Rock… I think…” [/B]

The Rock: [B] “IT DOESN’T MATTER, WHAT YOU THINK…!! Let The Rock tell you this… You don’t think WCW is a threat…?! The Rock’ll take you into the ring on The Rock’s show, Smackdown… and BEAT some sense into you…!!” [/B]


[B] The Announcer’s Announcer… [/B]

Steven Richards joined the announce desk ahead of the Main Event… Much like Chris Jericho did for his most recent match…


[B] Christian [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho [/B]

Another short match for TV time remaining here, with two very capable Canadians who just didn’t quite click in the end. For the finish, Jericho was looking to come off the ropes to hit his ‘Lionsault’, but Steven Richards hopped down from the announce desk to pull his Backlash opponent’s foot at the last minute. Jericho landed awkwardly, but was mostly furious with ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ and kicked the ropes in frustration. As he turned around, he was planted with the ‘Unprettier’ from Christian for the win!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Christian
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Unprettier\'

[B] Intercontinental Title Rival… [/B]

After his actions tonight, Chris Jericho will need to be taking Steven Richards a lot more seriously going forward…!!

https://i.imgur.com/zE06pgR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/nqS9VM6.jpg

‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ will be living rent free in Jericho’s head until Smackdown… but what can ‘Y2J’ do to gain the upper hand again…?! At Backlash, the two will meet 1 on 1 for Jericho’s Intercontinental Title… and if Jericho continues to overlook Richards, he will lose…!!


Quick Results:

Rikishi, Umaga & Haku [def.] Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & William Regal

Chris Benoit & Tajiri [def.] The Bucks Of Youth

Brock Lesnar [def.] Marty Jannetty

D’Lo Brown [def.] Mr. Sexay

Jerry Lynn [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger

Christian [def.] Chris Jericho

Show Rating: [B] 77 [/B]





Edited by The Lloyd
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[SIZE=\"5\"] APRIL 2002, WEEK 2… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT]

[B] Stoned… [/B]

We opened the show in the parking lot, where ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin was being held by WCW Invaders…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/kqpviaN.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/5XtA8r2.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/vZUsh1L.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zMlU79B.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7XYyvzX.jpg

Eric Bischoff was directing traffic, as the four members of the Full Blooded Italians held Austin tightly… Johnny Stamboli and Vito LoGrasso had an arm each, while Tony Mamaluke held Austin’s neck… ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ was seething, and got even more angry when Guido Mamaluke slapped him across his face… Bischoff told the little pitbull to ease off a little though…

Eric Bischoff: [B] “We want something [/I] left of him, for later… Austin… AUSTIN… I know you can hear me, you STUPID sonofab***h… Tonight… You and your friends are going to take on the FBI in a four on four tag team match… So I suggest you FIND three friends… and bring them to the ring…” [/B]

https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg

As Bischoff was speaking, Triple H and Undertaker arrived on the scene, and ran the Invaders off… Austin was absolutely furious!! Austin, Triple H and Undertaker are scheduled to face Jindrak, O’Haire and Palumbo at Backlash… so ‘The Game’ and ‘The American Badass’ will probably be two of Austin’s partners tonight…


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[B] Val Venis, Hardcore & Crash Holly w/ Molly Holly [vs] Kidman, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott [/B]

Val and The Hollys attempted to put a road block in the plans of the WCW Invaders here, and while they fought bravely and defiantly, they couldn’t stop Kidman, Razor Ramon and in particular, Bill DeMott from cheating their way to victory. DeMott stuck a thumb in Val’s eye late on, before low-blowing, and rolling up Crash for the win!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 73 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Kidman, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Shooting Star Press\'


[B] Over The Edge… [/B]

In a pre-taped video, in a darkened room, with very little lighting, we cut to Edge… one half of the former Tag Team Champions, alongside his best friend Christian… The latter wasn’t present in this video, but he was the topic of Edge’s words… along with Trish Stratus…


Edge: [B] “So it’s not enough for you to RUIN my chances of a World Title Match… Now you’re going to STEAL my girl?! Tell you what, Christian… I’ll see you in the ring, at Backlash… It’s sad that it’s come to this… but it is ALL… your… fault…!!” [/B]

[I][B] Michael Cole: [/B] “Christian versus Edge at Backlash…!! We never thought we’d see this team fall apart like this…!!”
[B] Tazz: [/B] “I don’t believe it Cole…!! Legit, my favourite ever tag team…!!” [/I]


[B] Layfield Enterprises… [/B]

Back live, we cut to the canteen area… where Paul Heyman was holding court with John Bradshaw Layfield, Brock Lesnar and Batista…


Paul Heyman: [B] “Now I know… JBL’s deal with Shane McMahon and the WCW Invaders was the right thing to do… [I] They’re [/I] here to stay… [I] They’re [/I] not going anywhere… But something tells me, that [I] we’re going to have to come up with a plan… to deal… with… them… CAN I HELP YOU…?!” [/B]


Kurt Angle walked up… angered by Heyman’s speech, and told the ‘Advocate’ that he, and his ‘Rich B***h’ JBL were dead wrong…!! He said that this WCW Invasion would fizzle out at the first sign of success… just like the company itself did… but Heyman had a counter argument… He said if that’s the case, then how come the Invaders are starting to get matches on WWF programming…?! Angle didn’t have an answer, but he got in Brock Lesnar’s face before leaving the scene…!!


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[B] ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay [/B]

Very entertaining match here. Everything Perfect did in the early stages, was met with him gloating about how awesome he is. Conversely, when Richards did something well, he proclaimed how great wrestling itself is! The crowd love him, and he used their support to fight back into it late on. After five minutes of dominance from Perfect, a ‘Stevie Kick’ as the veteran came off the second rope sealed it for ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 72 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stevie Kick\'


[B] Not All Plain Sailing… [/B]

In his office, WWF Commissioner Mick Foley was praising his new assistant Tajiri for a victory on RAW, alongside Chris Benoit…

https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg

Mick Foley: [B] “I said it was a GREAT WIN… ON RAW…!!” [/B]

Tajiri: [B] “Ohh, thank you, thank you…!! Ah yess…” [/B]

Mick Foley: [B] “Those kicks were… THOSE KICKS WERE DEADLY…!!” [/B]

Tajiri: [B] “Ohh, thank you, thank you…!! Ah yess…” [/B]

At that moment, Tajiri’s tag team partner from RAW Chris Benoit walked in… sporting a badly bruised black eye, and cheekbone after getting caught by a stray elbow from Tajiri…


Chris Benoit: [B] “Mick… We need to talk, man…!!” [/B]

Foley said he was all ears… but Benoit wasn’t happy…

Chris Benoit: [B] “ALONE…!!” [/B]

Tajiri didn’t get the hint, but Foley found a way to get rid of him… He sent him out for coffees, and Benoit slammed the door behind him…


[B] Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman [/B]

Steve Blackman’s run continued here with a dominant and one-sided battle against a local talent. He made the youngster tap, and then pass out to his ‘Dragon Sleeper’ in the end.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 52 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman
[B] Finish: [/B] ‘Dragon Sleeper\'


[B] Titles On The Line… Against The Bloodline… [/B]

We cut to a pre-taped video package next, with Rikishi and The Bloodline stood together facing the camera… The Hardcore Champion ‘Kishi was in the middle, between Haku and Umaga…


Rikishi: [B] “Since DAY ONE… We’ve been a Family… A tribe… and on RAW, we picked up the biggest win since we started this group in the WWF… We beat the WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero… and we beat the WWF Tag Team Champions: Dean Malenko and William Regal…” [/B]

Haku: [B] “We didn’t just beat them… We DESTROYED them…!! Injury or no injury… our leader Rikishi DESTROYED Eddie Guerrero…” [/B]

Rikishi: [B] “And if this WAR from WCW continues… I can think of no better Champions to lead the World Wrestling Federation… Than the BLOODLINE…!!” [/B]

Rikishi challenged Eddie to a match… next week on RAW… for the World Heavyweight Title…!! Meanwhile, Haku and Umaga will battle Malenko and Regal at Backlash… For the Tag Titles…!! A big win on RAW this past week, that could lead to new Titles for the Bloodline…!!


[B] The Problem Is Clear… [/B]

Backstage, veteran Light Heavyweights Marty Jannetty and Jerry Lynn were talking about their recent fortunes…

https://i.imgur.com/K26hRjs.jpg https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg

Marty Jannetty: [B] “When we team up… we lose… when we fight in singles matches, separately… we win… I… I don’t know what’s missing, man…?!” [/B]

Lynn couldn’t disagree, but then told his friend and former long-time rival that he has a plan… Next week on RAW, he’ll show him his idea…!!


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[B] Austin, Undertaker, Triple H & Al Snow [vs] The Full Blooded Italians [/B]

A short but chaotic match. Austin and co. roped Al Snow in to be their fourth teammate here, and won the match with Undertaker hitting his ‘Last Ride’ on poor Guido Mamaluke. However, once the final bell rang, ‘Taker was swarmed by the other FBI members!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 58 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Austin, Undertaker, Triple H & Al Snow
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Last Ride\'

[B] The Fix Is In…!! [/B]

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The match was over, but Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo all hit the ring…!! Shortly followed by Razor Ramon, Kidman and Bill DeMott… The TEN members of the WCW Invasion made light work of Undertaker, Triple H and Al Snow… but Jindrak had different plans for ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin…!! They took the former WWF World Heavyweight Champion away up the ramp and onto the stage… before disappearing through the curtain… The action continued in the ring, and when we cut back to Austin and co. they were in the parking lot…

It soon became clear that this was a SET UP… With all of Austin’s close ‘friends’ busy in the ring, O’Haire and Palumbo held Austin up by his arms, as a CAR came speeding around the corner towards them… The two WCW Invaders got out of the way, and the car ALMOST caught Austin on the hip as he tried to get out of the way… Luckily, ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ wasn’t harmed… and got some help from The Holly Family to scare off O’Haire and Palumbo…!!



[B] Hardy Family Thoughts… [/B]

While the announce team tried to dissect what they had just witnessed, we learned that The Hardy Family had been asked to comment on the WCW Invasion… and on RAW next week, we’re going to hear exactly what Matt and co. have to say about the landscape in the World Wrestling Federation right now… and their role in ‘Defending’ the company…



https://i.imgur.com/9nmD7wB.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/GuU9FrF.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kJ8JmKL.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/9PrlwtT.jpg
[B] D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [vs] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Saturn) w/ Terri [/B]

D’Lo and Faarooq are no strangers to one another, but they were the least experienced duo in this match, with Terri leading her bruising ‘Boys’ to the ring. The fan favourites are also rough and tough competitors though, and they fronted up and matched big Albert and Perry Saturn. For the finish, it was D’Lo’s athleticism that set his team apart, as he came off the top rope to pin Saturn with his ‘Lo-Down’ frog splash.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 74 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] D’Lo Brown & Faarooq
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Lo-Down\'


[B] Pot, Kettle, Black… [/B]

Backstage, WWF World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Guerrero was signing an autograph for a young fan, who was stood with his Father… when Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho walked up… and laughed at Guerrero for his loss on RAW in the six man tag match against The Bloodline…!! Guerrero ‘fake-laughed’, and reminded Jericho that HE lost on RAW too… against Christian…!!

https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png https://i.imgur.com/nqS9VM6.jpg

Chris Jericho: [B] “Yeah… well… Your loss has lead to a Title defence against Rikishi on RAW…!! Whaddya think of that, you STUPID IDIOT?!” [/B]

Eddie Guerrero: [B] “Listen, man… Big ‘Kishi an’ I go way back… I’m concerned… but… you should be concerned too… and you’ll be laughin’ on the other side of your face, when you underestimate ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… Steven Richards, at Backlash… and he TAKES your Title…!!” [/B]

Jericho laughed it off again, but there was a lot less conviction in his laugh this time… and he looked worried about Richards…!!


[B] ‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle [/B]

Rock and Angle have fought 1 on 1 many times in the past, so they know each other well. The story of this one saw The Rock try and beat some sense into Angle, who doesn’t believe the WCW Invasion is serious, or will last. Rocky is one of the Defending WWF Generals, and he takes Angle’s relaxed attitude extremely personally. ‘The Great One’ did batter Angle at times, but the former Olympian is a very skilled technician, so he was never in trouble for long. For the finish, Goldberg’s arrival distracted Angle more than it did The Rock, and the Samoan was able to hit his ‘Rock Bottom’ to win it.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 92 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Great One’ The Rock
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Rock Bottom\'

[B] Speared And Scared… [/B]

The Rock had his hand raised by the referee, and may not have spotted Goldberg arrive at ringside… He saw him at the last minute though, as the big WCW Invader nearly cut him in half with a ‘Spear’…!!

https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7LRzZ3m.jpg

Goldberg glared over to Kurt Angle in the corner, who was pulling himself up slowly to his feet… with deep fear in his eyes… But as Goldberg began to pick Rocky up by his neck, ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ sat back down…!! Goldberg hit a ‘Jack Hammer’ as Angle slid out of the ring and looked extremely panicked… The show ended with Goldberg once again standing over The Rock…


Quick Results:

Kidman, Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott [def.] Val Venis, Hardcore & Crash Holly

Steven Richards [def.] Mr. Perfect

Steve Blackman [def.] Local Enhancement Talent

Austin, Undertaker, Triple H & Al Snow [def.] The Full Blooded Italians

D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [def.] Terri’s Boys (Albert & Perry Saturn)

The Rock [def.] Kurt Angle

Show Rating: [B] 85 [/B]




World Wrestling Federation has today come to terms on the release of Jushin Thunder Liger… His contract was only a very short-term one, as he’s more of a Freelance performer… Thoughts are, he may pop back up again in the near future as part of WWF’s ever-growing Light Heavyweight Division…


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Just an idea on how to counter this issue.

Try to put your BBCode text on a forum similar to old GDS and copy the clean formatted text from the message preview to right here. I am not sure it will work, but worth a try? Ideally you could have done that on the old forum, but posting is locked there from what I can tell.

Additionally, some converters say that some of your tags appear to be misaligned. Dunno if this will help, but hope you find the solution!


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On 8/23/2022 at 10:35 PM, Blodyxe said:

Just an idea on how to counter this issue.

Try to put your BBCode text on a forum similar to old GDS and copy the clean formatted text from the message preview to right here. I am not sure it will work, but worth a try? Ideally you could have done that on the old forum, but posting is locked there from what I can tell.

Additionally, some converters say that some of your tags appear to be misaligned. Dunno if this will help, but hope you find the solution!


Thanks for this mate, I truly appreciate you taking the time to try and help me. Sadly, I only understood around 30% of this 😅 🤣 

It's okay, I'm happy to change my format up and try something new. Should be good fun.

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APRIL 2002, WEEK 3… [/B]
[SIZE=3][B]In The Booth:
Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[B] Whodunnit…? [/B]
We kicked off the last episode of RAW before Backlash, with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin hitting the ring…!!
Steve Austin: [B] “Last week… Eight Man Tag… WCW Invaders… Isolated ‘Stone Cold’… Took him to the parking lot… Tried to run him down like a DOG… Tried to end his career… Tried to end his CAREER… Take money away from his Family…!! Ol’ Stone Cold doesn’t take KINDLY to this kind of thing… So whoever was behind that wheel… and I swear to GOD, if it was Rikishi again, I’ll kill him… Whoever was behind that wheel… GET OUT HERE NOW…!!” [/B]
Austin waited, and paced back and forth as the crowd became anxious… eventually though, ‘The Italian Eagle’ Mark Jindrak headed onto the stage…!!
Mark Jindrak: [B] “Austin… When I drove that car at you… I…” [/B]
Steve Austin: [B] “AH AH…!! Jindrak… You Dumb Sonofab*tch…!! I know it wasn’t you driving… You were in the parking lot… I could see you after you and your boys jumped me… SO… If you know who it was… you either TELL me now… or so help me… I will kick your ass in this ring, right now…!!” [/B]
Jindrak shrugged, and told someone to get a referee out here… because he was ready to fight Austin…!!
[B] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin [vs] ‘The Italian Eagle’ Mark Jindrak [/B]
An amazing opener here, as Jindrak stood up for himself and fought Austin man to man. He didn’t try to back down or run from the war, he took the fight to the huge WWF star, and on another night could have scored the win. He hit some excellent offence, including a lariat that Austin sold brilliantly, and also had ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’ in the Figure Four Leg Lock for a while too. But Austin wanted it more, and he had a bone to pick with Jindrak and all the WCW Invaders. He won it with his ‘Stone Cold Stunner’, but it could have gone either way.
[SIZE=5] 88 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stone Cold Stunner\'
[B] Banned Angle… [/B]
In WWF Commissioner Mick Foley’s office, ‘The Hardcore Legend’ had Kurt Angle with him…
https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg
Mick Foley: [B] “Kurt… You gotta hear this… Tonight’s Main Event sees Eddie Guerrero and Rikishi go 1 on 1 for Eddie’s WWF World Heavyweight Title… IF you interfere in that match… YOUR match, with Eddie at Backlash… is CANCELLED…!!” [/B]
Kurt Angle: [B] “Alright Mick, I hear ya… But lemme ask you this… How are you going to stop anyone else interfering… Rikishi is the Hardcore Champion after all…?!” [/B]
Mick Foley: [B] “Hadn’t thought of that… Alright… The Hardcore Title will NOT be available tonight… Starting now, until the end of the show…!! Happy…?!” [/B]
Angle smiled, and left the room… He might as well leave the building now… Unless he’s got another plan…
[B] Faarooq verus JBL… [/B]
Next up, we were reminded of a match we’re due to see in one week on RAW… Faarooq and JBL going 1 on 1 for the first time, EVER…!!
https://i.imgur.com/myk5Rwk.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpg
Due to the stipulations of the match, if Faarooq loses, he must JOIN Layfield Enterprises… That’s the only way JBL would agree to the match…!! Faarooq didn’t seem to mind though, because he believes he can beat his former APA tag team partner…
https://i.imgur.com/NklwpFZ.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ShSHEjW.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/dmIQj2y.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Duq1MYf.jpg
[B] Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises [/B]
Speaking of Layfield Enterprises, JBL’s young beast Brock Lesnar was in singles action next, and he whipped Scotty Too Hotty’s ass. As great as Scotty is, he was no match for Brock here, and tapped to an ‘Cross Arm Breaker’ in the end.
[SIZE=5] 60 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar w/ Layfield Enterprises
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Cross Arm Breaker\'
[B] A Different Angle… [/B]
Backstage, Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho were getting ready to leave the building…
https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/nqS9VM6.jpg
Chris Jericho: [B] “Hey Kurt… I gotta know… When Goldberg hit the ring last week on Smackdown… Why didn’t you help The Rock…?!” [/B]
Kurt Angle: [B] “Oh my Go… Not you as well…?! Chris… The WCW Invasion isn’t REAL… It’s not…!! You’re worried about Goldberg…?! And… and… Eric Bischoff…!? Who’d they ever beat…?! You should be focused… on Steven Richards, because he\'s fighting you for the Intercontinental Title at Backlash… Just like I’m focusing on Eddie Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title…!!” [/B]
Angle said he was banned from the ring for Eddie’s Main Event match tonight, so he was heading to the next town early… He asked if Jericho would travel with him… and ‘Y2J’ had other ideas…
Chris Jericho: [B] “No, you know what Kurt…? You make some pretty good points, man… I’ll uhh… I’ll meet you in the car in a little while… I’ve uhh… I’ve got something I need to take care of… that I should have done, a LONG time ago…!!” [/B]
https://i.imgur.com/0r1LD4Z.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ihoMs9q.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kqpviaN.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/5XtA8r2.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/vZUsh1L.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zMlU79B.jpg
[B] Regal & Malenko [vs] The Mamalukes w/ Stamboli & Vito [/B]
The WWF Tag Champs Regal and Malenko can have a great match with anybody, and they performed brilliantly against the more comedic Full Blooded Italians. Guido and Tony are fun to watch, and use a lot of American/Italian mannerisms. But they were stopped when Malenko locked Guido in the ‘Texas Cloverleaf’ and he tapped and tapped.
[SIZE=5] 75 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Regal & Malenko
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Texas Cloverleaf\'
Matt Hardy: [B] “Ladies and Gentlemen… Matt Harday… Will be taking a leave of absence, from WWF programming… For the foreseeeeeeable future… I know… I know… It’s sad… But it’s not all doom and gloom… Because Brother Jeff is STILL your Light Heavyweight Champion… and on Smackdown, he’ll confirm the plans for the Title going forward…!! He’ll also… Have a match on that night…!!” [/B]
Matt turned and looked at the Bucks Of Youth tag team, of Christopher Vanguard and Brian Skarsgard… He slapped Vanguard across the face, before chopping Skarsgard with a back fist…!!
Matt Hardy: [B] “YOU TWO… are a disappointment to me…!! Loss… after loss… So you will ALSO be competing on Television on Smackdown… and do NOT come back here, with another defeat… KEARNE (Kane)… is still in our dungeon… and he’s not ready to unleash yet… But Senior Benjamin tells me… he is ‘close’… to being ready…” [/B]
Hardy paused and let that sink in… We wondered what his plans for Kane were, and it seems they’ve been getting him ‘ready’ in some way… It’ll be interesting to see what kind of condition ‘The Big Red Machine’ is in when he is ‘unleashed’…
Matt Hardy: [B] “And now… on to matters of WAR… Kurt Angle believes, there is no threat… The Rock and others believe… the threat is VERY real… but threat or no threat… Both the WWF Defenders… and the WCW Invaders… have my WORD… The Hardy Family… will stay OUT… of all affairs… of the war…!! That is my word… and my word… is FINAL…!!” [/B]
[B] Holy Backfire Batman… [/B]
Backstage, a worried looking Chris Jericho decided to take matters into his own hands, and jump his Backlash opponent Steven Richards!!
https://i.imgur.com/zE06pgR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/nqS9VM6.jpg
Jericho looked a little conflicted, but the attack was clearly due to him being worried about losing to Richards at Backlash… Jericho’s indecision would cost him though, because Richards got back up, and fought back…!! He kicked the Intercontinental Champion with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head, and ‘Y2J’ staggered off… Richards shouted that he wanted more, but Jericho got out of there…!!
https://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/czDLwU5.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/YG13D5D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Vcrydyt.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/IDY2htE.jpg
[B] ‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis w/ The Hollys [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay [/B]
Val and Perfect had a great match here, and continued to prove why they’re incredibly important workers on the WWF roster. Both men had near falls, and either could have won it. But Val came off the top rope to hit his ‘Money Shot’ splash to score the win.
[SIZE=5] 69 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] ‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis w/ The Hollys
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Money Shot\'
[B] Learning Curve… [/B]
In the WWF Commissioner’s Office, the man in charge: Mick Foley was stood with his ‘assistant’ Tajiri… He had a board up behind him, with a few pictures on it…
https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpg
Foley pointed to each image… the first was of Chris Benoit… and Foley pointed to him and said “Chriiiiiis”… He then pointed to a man with a sad face, and said “saaaaad”… then next was a picture of Tajiri himself… and Mick said “with Tajiriiiiii!!”…
Mick Foley: [B] “He say… You hit him again… He hit back…!! On Smackdown… I want you, in his corner… As he fights Kidman…!! Okay…?!” [/B]
Tajiri looked really confused, and there was a long pause… He looked around a little, and then shrugged his shoulders…
Tajiri: [B] “OOPS…!!” [/B]
[B] Christian & Rey Mysterio [vs] Edge & Test [/B]
An excellent performance from all four men in this one. Christian, Edge and Test know each other very well, but Rey seemed like he’d been wrestling with the three Canadians for years! He flew around the ring, but was ultimately beaten up by Edge and Test. The big man hit a ‘Big Boot’ on Rey when he wasn’t the legal man, and then took care of Christian to allow Edge to hit his ‘Spear’ on the masked flier.
[SIZE=5] 84 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Edge & Test
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Spear\'
[B] Generals Meeting… [/B]
Backstage, some of the main WWF Defenders were meeting up about the state of the company, as they continue their battle against the WCW Invaders…
https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg
Triple H: [B] “Rocky… It’s good to be on the same side again, huh…?!” [/B]
The Rock: [B] “Same side…?! Same side…?! The Rock says this, Triple H… If we’re on the ‘same side’… where was ‘The Game’, when Goldberg tried to make The Rock’s insides explode with his ‘Spear’…?!” [/B]
Triple H: [B] “Where was I…?! Where was Kurt Angle…?! That’s what you should be asking… That’s what I think…!!” [/B]
The Rock: [B] “The Rock would normally say, it doesn’t matter what you think… Kurt Angle was right… there… He could’ve stopped it… He could’ve done… something…!!” [/B]
The Undertaker: [B] “Angle just doesn’t GET it… But he’ll soon have a target on his back if he wins the WWF World Heavyweight Title at Backlash… and that’ll change his mind, in a hurry… What I’m interested in most… is that Vince McMahon will be here on RAW next week…!!” [/B]
Rock and Triple H agreed with ‘Taker… Vince McMahon will be here on RAW in one week…!! The WAR is starting to heat up…!!
[B] The Masterplan… [/B]
Backstage, Jerry Lynn caught up with his friend Marty Jannetty…
https://i.imgur.com/3jf0OES.jpg https://i.imgur.com/K26hRjs.jpg
Jerry Lynn: [B] “I am SO excited, man… Next week on RAW… I’ll introduce you… to the ‘Masterplan’… Because we’re getting… A MANAGER…!!” [/B]
Lynn said the manager would be the ‘glue’ that holds their tag team together… a ‘leader’, who can lead them to greatness, and keep them there… Jannetty didn’t look so sure, but went along with it, because he could tell Lynn was very passionate about it…!!
https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/M1SFP4D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/tvGu4VS.png w/ https://i.imgur.com/8K09OdK.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/CmNFaZ9.jpg
[B] ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero (c) [vs] Rikshi w/ The Bloodline [/B]
Eddie proved once again why he’s considered a ‘ring general’ when it comes to competing in Main Events, by making sure this was a classic RAW Main Event. Rikishi is a good worker, but his size limits him a little. Tonight, as the dominant Hardcore Champion, he looked great out there. The Bloodline stayed out of this one, just keeping an eye on the ramp and surrounding areas to make sure nobody got involved in the match. However, as the match drew towards a close, they got some company in the form of Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott!! Kidman left his friends brawling with Haku and Umaga, while he slid into the ring behind the referee’s back. He kicked Rikishi hard under the jaw, sending him sprawling into the ropes. The big Samoan landed hard against the steel cables, and Eddie knew this was his big chance. He hopped to the top rope, and delivered his ‘Frog Splash’ to score the win and retain the Title.
[SIZE=5] 86 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] and STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion: ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Frog Splash\'
[B] Did Eddie Know…?! [/B]
After the match, Eddie had a look in his eyes of pure evil as he clutched the Belt close to his chest!! But did he know Kidman and co. would get involved…?! Was he in on the whole thing…?! Is he a WCW sympathiser…?!
https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png https://i.imgur.com/tvGu4VS.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/8K09OdK.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/CmNFaZ9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Lbn3jP4.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ZJ9Bf2F.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/snWPx6s.jpg
The Bloodline certainly thought Eddie was involved, but he got out of the ring quickly before they could question his integrity or do physical harm… Kidman, Ramon and DeMott clapped Eddie from the stage as he raised his Title next to the ring… Rikishi was furious, but Eddie seemed to not be happy with the interference towards the end of the segment…
[B] Jim Ross: [/B] “What is going ON here gentlemen…?!”
[B] Michael Cole: [/B] “Eddie Guerrero may not be the man we thought he was JR…!!”
[B] Tazz: [/B] “Alls he did was take advantage of a situation Cole… If you’d ever competed in the ring, you’d have done the EXACT same thing… Eddie’s still the Champ… and that’s all that matters…!!” [/I]
Quick Results:
Brock Lesnar [def.] Scotty Too Hotty
Steve Austin [def.] Mark Jindrak
Regal & Malenko [def.] The Mamalukes
Val Venis [def.] Mr. Perfect
Edge & Test [def.] Christian & Rey Mysterio
Eddie Guerrero [def.] Rikishi
[I] to RETAIN the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Show Rating: [B] 84 [/B]


Edited by The Lloyd
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[SIZE=\"5\"] April 2002, WEEK 3… [/B]


[SIZE=\"3\"][B]In The Booth:


Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT]


Al Snow was in a great mood tonight for The Snow Show… as he brought out a HUGE guest… The man who will battle Eddie Guerrero for the WWF World Heavyweight Title at Backlash… Kurt Angle!!


Angle STILL doesn’t believe there’s a ‘WCW Problem’… so Snow showed him some clips… First… The arrival of ‘The First Wave’… Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo… Second, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin almost getting run over after an attack from Jindrak, O’Haire and Palumbo… and then Goldberg hitting a ‘Spear’ on The Rock, while Angle himself was in the ring… he looked terrified in the clip, and did NOTHING to help his fellow WWF Employee: The Rock…

Al Snow: [B] “Kurt… I gotta know, man… Are ya blind?! Or are ya just… stupid!!” [/B]

Angle laughed off the insult… He knew he could kick Al Snow’s ass if he wanted to… but explained that he has a lot of other things to focus on, and can’t be troubling himself with small matters such as The Rock getting attacked… or Austin getting run down…

Kurt Angle: [B] “The only reason… I’m not gonna kick, YOUR ass… is because all my focus… Is on this Sunday… and Eddie Gu…” [/B]

Before he could finish, the aforementioned Eddie Guerrero slid into the ring behind him!! He was pointing at Al Snow, and didn’t see the WWF World Heavyweight Champion arrive…!!


Eddie hit Angle with his own move – the ‘Angle Slam’… sending the former Olympian crashing to the mat… He hopped up onto the top rope, and hit his ‘Frog Splash’ finisher, before kicking Angle out under the bottom rope… Snow looked delighted to be associated with the attack… Eddie left the ring, but passed Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott on the ramp…!! The men who interfered in his Title defence on RAW, and helped him retain over Rikishi…


Eddie snarled at the three WCW Invaders… but knew he was outnumbered and unable to attack them… Kidman told his friends to step aside, and the three men applauded Eddie as he walked past them… He didn’t seem to like that…!!

https://i.imgur.com/dmleE7A.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/wzRJ862.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Lbn3jP4.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/ZJ9Bf2F.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/snWPx6s.jpg
[B] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit w/ Tajiri [vs] Kidman w/ Bill DeMott & Razor Ramon [/B]

Benoit and Kidman know each other well, and it showed in their performance here tonight. There were a lot of counters, but the finish came from interference from the many men at ringside. Ramon hopped onto the apron while Benoit was perched on the top rope ready to hit his headbutt. Tajiri remonstrated with him, and the referee got involved. DeMott then shoved Benoit off the top, and he landed hard in the ring. Kidman dragged him to the corner, and hit his ‘Shooting Star Press’ to win it.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 72 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Kidman w/ Bill DeMott & Razor Ramon
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Shooting Star Press\'


[B] Don’t Want To Wait… [/B]

In the WWF Commissioner’s office, Mick Foley was interrupted from reading a wrestling magazine by Steven Richards bursting in…

https://i.imgur.com/VL71Lsn.jpg https://i.imgur.com/zE06pgR.jpg

Steven Richards: [B] “Mick… I’m sorry for bursting in… But Chris Jericho is trying to BURY me…!! And I’m not going to TAKE it…!! After his attack on me, on RAW… I don’t wanna wait until Backlash… I want Jericho… TONIGHT…!!” [/B]

Foley said that Richards has nothing to apologise for, and understands that he doesn’t want to wait until Backlash… So tonight, there’s going to be a tag team match in the Main Event… Steven Richards with team up with Christian… To battle Chris Jericho, and Christian’s former partner: Edge…!!


[B] D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [vs] Perfect & Sexay [/B]

D’Lo and Faarooq battered the former Tag Team Champions here, as they prepare for their war with Brock Lesnar and Batista at Backlash. In the end, Faarooq put Mr. Sexay down with his ‘Spinebuster’ to win it.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 74 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] D’Lo Brown & Faarooq
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Spinebuster\'


[B] The Hunt… [/B]

In the parking lot, the car that was used to try and run ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin down a couple of weeks ago, pulled out of the arena, and turned left… following a sign that said: ‘Backlash’… The camera zoomed in on the sign, and then panned out to reveal Austin, and two other WWF Defenders: Triple H and The Undertaker…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg

The three megastars piled into Austin’s truck, and sped off after the car…!! The announce team commented that our cameras would try to keep up with the ‘car chase’, and see where it ends… Later tonight, we’re going to hear from The Rock ahead of his Backlash match against Goldberg… but with Austin, Triple H and Undertaker now not in the building… is ‘The Great One’ going to be vulnerable…?!


[B] Light Heavyweight Battle Royale… [/B]

Jeff Hardy headed to the ring next, along with The Bucks Of Youth and his Girlfriend Nidia… Leaving Matt Hardy, Lita and ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin back at ‘The Hardy Compound’ looking after the captured Kane…!!


Jeff Hardy: [B] “On the Heat Pre-Show, for Backlash… There’s going to be a 10-Man, Light Heavyweight, Battle Royale… The WINNER… Will face their Judgement, at Judgement Day… and face ME, for the Light Heavyweight Title…” [/B]

Jeff turned to Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard, and told them they’re BOTH in the Battle Royale… Then he slapped Brian, and told them they HAVE to win their match tonight… otherwise Matt might just kick them out of ‘The Family’…

https://i.imgur.com/dUFyzIy.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dUFyzIy.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/p0HJ2gw.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/VrGtL6m.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/9NsGZrn.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/9hgmH0p.jpg
[B] Local Enhancement Talent [vs] The Bucks Of Youth w/ Jeff Hardy & Nidia [/B]

A quick match, and one in which The Bucks Of Youth finally got a win. Brian Skarsgard hit his ‘Sliced Bread #2’ to win it, while Christopher Vanguard dived through the ropes to the outside to take out the other guy.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 51 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] The Bucks Of Youth w/ Jeff Hardy & Nidia
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Sliced Bread #2\'

[B] Should Have Quit While You’re Ahead… [/B]

After the match, Jeff Hardy ordered his troops to attack the two young local enhancement talents, and the three Hardy Family members beat them down in a post-match statement…

https://i.imgur.com/dUFyzIy.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dUFyzIy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/p0HJ2gw.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/VrGtL6m.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/9NsGZrn.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/9hgmH0p.jpg

The group should have left after winning the match, but they didn’t… and they soon faced the music, as Val Venis and The Holly Cousins ran to the ring…!!


Val said The Hardy Family should stand up… be men… and instead of attacking young local talent, they should join the WWF Defenders… Jeff shook his head, and began to walk away… So Val challenged Jeff to a 1 on 1 match, right now… and the Light Heavyweight Champion obliged…!!

https://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/czDLwU5.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/YG13D5D.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/9hgmH0p.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/p0HJ2gw.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/VrGtL6m.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/9NsGZrn.jpg
[B] Val Venis w/ The Holly Cousins [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family [/B]

Val and Jeff had an excellent match here, and the interesting dynamic of Molly Holly, who is dating Val Venis on-screen, and dating Jeff Hardy off-screen. The two showed disdain towards one another, mainly based on Val believing Jeff and The Hardy Family should be here defending the World Wrestling Federation from the WCW Invaders. For the finish, Val got distracted by Nidia slapping Molly at ringside, while Jeff waited for the right moment to strike like a coiled snake! He hit his ‘Twist Of Fate’, and covered Val as Hardcore and Crash chased The Bucks Of Youth up the ramp!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 81 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Twist Of Fate\'


[B] Tag Team Revival [/B]

The WWF World Tag Team Champions: Dean Malenko and William Regal were backstage next, with Jonathan Coachman…

https://i.imgur.com/0e1eyfz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ihoMs9q.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/0r1LD4Z.png

William Regal: [B] “We would like everyone here, to know… Everyone around the world as well… That we have a new ethos… and we also have a new name, we’d like to be referred to… We are Flawless… in everything we do… and we are considered Technicians… and as Wrestling Royalty… We would hereafter like to be referred to as ‘Flawless Technicians Of Royalty’… YOUR… WWF World Heavyweight Champions…” [/B]

Dean Malenko: [B] “YEAH… Or ‘FTR’ for short…!!” [/B]

William Regal: [B] “At Backlash… We have a truly… terrifying assignment… Against Haku and Umaga, of The Bloodline… It’ll be tough for us to walk out as Champions… but that is our aim… and…” [/B]

Before Regal could finish, the aforementioned group of Samoans walked up… and they weren’t alone…!! Umaga was DRAGGING Razor Ramon across the floor, by his foot…!!

https://i.imgur.com/tvGu4VS.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/8K09OdK.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/CmNFaZ9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ZJ9Bf2F.jpg

Rikishi: [B] “It’s about time… somebody take out the trash… NOBODY… gets involved in OUR business… WCW Invaders better watch out… coz The Bloodline don’t mind… spillin’ blood… Malenko… and Regal… Good luck on Sunday…!!” [/B]

Rikishi and co. outstretched their hands, and FTR gladly shook them…


https://i.imgur.com/NklwpFZ.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/bXJWKlz.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/zA3xxQi.jpg w/ https://i.imgur.com/Duq1MYf.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/dmIQj2y.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/ShSHEjW.jpg
[B] Scotty Too Hotty [vs] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises [/B]

Scotty Too Hotty was outnumbered, outgunned, and overwhelmed in this one. JBL actually had some trouble dealing with Scotty early on, as his quickness and striking ability slowed the big Texan down. In the end though, he regained control with some help from those at ringside, and put Scotty down with his ‘Clothesline From Hell’.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 78 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Clothesline From Hell\'


[B] It’s A Book… Of Looks… [/B]

In the locker room, Test was talking to a backstage worker about a book he was holding…


Test: [B] “Yeah, it’s the book I take everywhere with me… To every modelling gig… or audtion… I call it ‘The Look Book’… it’s a Book… of Looks…!! Here… Here… Right here… Check this one out…” [/B]

Test showed the worker a page, and declared that that one, was his ‘Surprised Face’… and then proceeded to pull that pose, and looked a little surprised… He showed him a second, and proclaimed that that one was his ‘happy face’… this time, he let out the cheesiest smile ever seen on WWF Television… He soon dropped his smile, when Billy Gunn and K-Kwik walked up, and laughed at him…


Rapid Fire mocked Test, and told him they were disappointed with him… He hasn’t put his hand up to fight the WCW Invaders once… and they told him he needs to do more, or risk losing his job…

Test: [B] “HEY…!! First of all… I don’t take orders from you… Second of all… I’m bulletproof, man… I’m ‘Teflon’ Test… I’m UN-fireable… And ‘C’… Bro… I’d be worried about my face, man… Imagine if Goldberg… Or or… or… those dirty, Italians… my face… it’s my money maker…!!” [/B]


[B] Trish Wish… [/B]

Christian was standing by for the Main Event, about to head through the curtain… when Trish Stratus showed up next to him…

https://i.imgur.com/1ium6C9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JFnhY8T.jpg

Trish Stratus: [B] “Christian… I know you don’t trust me… but I hope you beat Edge in your tag match tonight… I’ll be watching…” [/B]

She stroked Christian’s chest, and he didn’t stop her… but he had a look on his face that would have been labelled: ‘I’m not comfortable with this’ in Test’s ‘Look Book’…


[B] Christian & Steven Richards [vs] Chris Jericho & Edge [/B]

A short Main Event here, because Chris Jericho took his eye off Steven Richards in the crucial moment, and walked onto his ‘Stevie Kick’. Before that, Christian was dominated by his fellow Canadians once again, with Edge calling the shots, and ordering Jericho around. Christian and Steven Richards will be pleased with the win over their respective Backlash opponents, just a few nights before their much anticipated matches!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Christian & Steven Richards
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stevie Kick\'


[B] Rock Show… [/B]

After a short commercial break, ‘The Great One’ The Rock headed to the ring, for a solo promo ahead of his match with Goldberg this Sunday…


The Rock: [B] “FINALLY… The Rock… HAS COME BACK… To Kansas, Citaaayyyy…!! That’s right… Mmm… Drink it innnnn… Can you feel it… Can you FEEEELLLL it… The electricity in the air… WWF… WCW… The Rock… Goldberg… A match you thought you’d NEVER see… but now… at Backlash… for the millions… AND MILLIONS… of Rock’s fans, ALL around the world… The Rock is gonna go to that ring… WHOOP that Candy Ass… and prove once again, that The Rock… that WWF… is the ‘Great One’…!! And Goldberg… You walk around here, sayin’ “who’s next?!”… “who’s next?!”… The Rock’ll tell you who’s next… YOU… are next…” [/B]

Goldberg’s music hit to interrupt Rocky… but he wasn’t alone… Almost the entire group of WCW Invaders lead him to the ring… Eric Bischoff, Shane McMahon, O’Haire and Palumbo… Bill DeMott, Kidman and Razor Ramon, all appeared ahead of him…


As the group strolled slowly to the ring, Bischoff reminded The Rock that WCW was extremely powerful… he also said that Rock’s greatest allies, have all left the building… Steve Austin… Triple H… and The Undertaker… all jumped in a car and followed the guy who tried to run Austin down a number of weeks ago…!! So they all left the building… Rock got ready for a fight, but was soon jumped from behind by ‘The Italian Eagle’ Mark Jindrak, and his ‘Full Blooded Italian’ friends…


It was a mugging in the ring, and Rock stood no chance… Jindrak didn’t even have to get his hands dirty, as the FBI did their work… a vicious 4 on 1 assault… It wasn’t interrupted once, because although The Rock got some help, they never made it past the first group – which included the ass-kicker Goldberg…

https://i.imgur.com/EQKMqT9.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/tpaAQao.jpg https://i.imgur.com/czDLwU5.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/Rw8SAVv.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/kSGGqG6.jpg https://i.imgur.com/XqUPwv8.jpg

Rapid Fire were the first to arrive, with K-Kwik walking onto a ‘Spear’ from Goldberg on the ramp…!! Kidman and Razor Ramon took care of Billy Gunn… Crash Holly lead his Holly Family out to help, and he too was ‘Speared’ by Goldberg… taking him out alongside Kwik… Hardcore Holly and Val Venis were soon joined by Al Snow, and they helped Billy Gunn out… However, Palumbo and O’Haire are big, rough, tough, studs… and they barrelled into Billy and Snow… sending them both flying off the stage and through some tables and backstage equipment… Hardcore and Val fought valiantly, but Goldberg put Val down with another ‘Spear’, and Ramon hit his ‘Razor’s Edge’ on Hardcore… A brutal move to take on the stage…

In the ring, The Rock’s night was over… and he was being held by the FBI as Mark Jindrak beckoned Goldberg into the ring… Roc knew a ‘Spear’ was coming, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it… He then suffered the ‘Jackhammer’ for good measure, as Goldberg posed over him… placing his foot on Rock’s chest, and flexing to the crowd…!! Another group of WWF Defenders then made their way out to ‘even the odds’…


Rikishi, Haku and Umaga took out the welcome party of Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott with relative ease… O’Haire and Palumbo were joined by Mark Jindrak next, and they took the fight to the three big Island Boys… While Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff ordered Goldberg to get out of there… They escaped through the crowd with The FBI in tow… as Rikishi and The Bloodline made it to the ring…!!


Quick Results:

Kidman [def.] Chris Benoit

D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [def.] Perfect & Sexay

The Bucks Of Youth [def.] Local Enhancement Talent

Jeff Hardy [def.] Val Venis

JBL [def.] Scotty Too Hotty

Christian & Steven Richards [def.] Chris Jericho & Edge

Show Rating: [B] 78 [/B]





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Hey guys. All posts have now transferred across :D The roster etc on Page One looks terrible sadly, but I can change it/improve it etc. Now that we're back up and running again, I'll do prediction quick picks for the next show :D 


Ignore this, the quick picks for Backlash are below...

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1 hour ago, Dawn said:

Chris Benoit
D'Lo & Faarooq
Bucks of Youth
Jeff Hardy
Chris Jericho & Edge

EDIT: Wait a minute Lloyd, you've already posted this show lmao

How did you only get 4/6 then?? :D:D:D

Good spot, here's the real one... It's BACKLASH BABY!!


| < < QUICK PICKS for BACKLASH 2002, APRIL, WEEK 3… > > |

Heat Pre-Show Light Heavyweight Battle Royale:
Scotty Too Hotty | K-Kwik | Rey Mysterio | Tajiri | Crash Holly
Spike Dudley | ???? | Mr. Sexay | Brian Skarsgard | Christopher Vanguard


[I] WWF versus WCW: [/I]
Steve Austin, Triple H & The Undertaker [vs] Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire & Chuck Palumbo


[I] WWF World Tag Team Title Match: [/I]
Flawless Technicians Of Royalty (c) [vs] The Bloodline w/ Rikishi


[I] Grudge Match: [/I]
Christian [vs] Edge


[I] Grudge Match: [/I]
D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [vs] Batista & Brock Lesnar w/ JBL & Paul Heyman


[I] Intercontinental Title Match: [/I]
‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho (c)


[I] Number One Contenders Match: [/I]
‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] Goldberg w/ Eric Bischoff


[I] WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: [/I]
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero (c) [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


[I] Bonus Questions: [/I]
1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? __________________
2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? __________________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)
3). How many Championships will change hands...? __________________


Edited by The Lloyd
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Rey Mysterio
Austin, HHH & Undertaker - That WCW team MAY be a worthy challenger in a couple of years, but for now just a tune-up for the stars with some bigger WCW names coming up.
Flawless Technicians
Batista & Brock Lesnar
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero

Eddie vs. Angle

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On 8/30/2022 at 6:18 AM, The Lloyd said:

Heat Pre-Show Light Heavyweight Battle Royale:
Scotty Too Hotty | K-Kwik | Rey Mysterio | Tajiri | Crash Holly
Spike Dudley | ???? | Mr. Sexay | Brian Skarsgard | Christopher Vanguard


WWF versus WCW: 
Steve Austin, Triple H & The Undertaker [vs] Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire & Chuck Palumbo


 WWF World Tag Team Title Match: 
Flawless Technicians Of Royalty (c) [vs] The Bloodline w/ Rikishi


 Grudge Match: 
Christian [vs] Edge


 Grudge Match: 
D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [vs] Batista & Brock Lesnar w/ JBL & Paul Heyman


 Intercontinental Title Match: 
‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho (c)


 Number One Contenders Match: 
‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] Goldberg w/ Eric Bischoff


WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: 
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero (c) [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Bonus Questions: 
1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Eddie vs Kurt
2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 82 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)
3). How many Championships will change hands...? 0


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Heat Pre-Show Light Heavyweight Battle Royale:
Scotty Too Hotty | K-Kwik | Rey Mysterio | Tajiri | Crash Holly
Spike Dudley | ???? | Mr. Sexay | Brian Skarsgard | Christopher Vanguard


[I] WWF versus WCW: [/I]
Steve Austin, Triple H & The Undertaker [vs] Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire & Chuck Palumbo


[I] WWF World Tag Team Title Match: [/I]
Flawless Technicians Of Royalty (c) [vs] The Bloodline w/ Rikishi


[I] Grudge Match: [/I]
Christian [vs] Edge


[I] Grudge Match: [/I]
D’Lo Brown & Faarooq [vs] Batista & Brock Lesnar w/ JBL & Paul Heyman


[I] Intercontinental Title Match: [/I]
‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho (c)


[I] Number One Contenders Match: [/I]
‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] Goldberg w/ Eric Bischoff


[I] WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: [/I]
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero (c) [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


[I] Bonus Questions: [/I]
1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Eddie vs. Angle
2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 94
3). How many Championships will change hands...? None

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https://i.imgur.com/qhGtpGo.jpg [/CENTER]

[SIZE=\"3\"]In The Booth:


Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz [/B][CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT]

[B] Heat Pre-Show [/B]

On the Heat Pre-Show, [B] Rey Mysterio [/B] won a 10-Man Battle Royale against Kidman, Crash Holly, Tajiri, K-Kwik, Brian Skarsgard, Christopher Vanguard, Mr. Sexay, Spike Dudley and Scotty Too Hotty… He’ll now get a Light Heavyweight Title shot against Jeff Hardy…!!


[B] Show Opening… [/B]

We kicked off the live show, with a video package, showing the impact of the WCW Invaders… Goldberg, Eric Bischoff, Razor Ramon, Kidman, Bill DeMott, Sean O’Haire, Chuck Palumbo, Mark Jindrak, Guido and Tony Mamaluke, Johnny Stamboli, Vito LoGrasso and the OWNER of the company… Shane McMahon… have all done damage in the war with the World Wrestling Federation… There are sure to be more names to be added to that list in the coming weeks and months… and the announce team suggested that there could be more arrivals tonight…!!



Three WWF badasses, taking on three WCW badasses, in this opener. Triple H did a lot of the heavy lifting for his team, taking a beating from the three young Natural Born Thrillers. Austin and ‘Taker spent a lot of time pacing on the apron, desperate to get in there and kick someone’s head off. Eventually, ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker tagged in, and did just that. Austin was also brought in moments later, to also do some damage. The WWF Defenders were then distracted, by the car that tried to run Austin down a number of weeks ago, shown on the big screen pulling into the parking lot!! Undertaker had to convince him to stay and finish the job, which he did, by hitting a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ on all three of his opponents!! He pinned ‘The Italian Eagle’ Mark Jindrak, but then a strange entrance music hit…

[SIZE=\"5\"] 75 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Triple H, The Undertaker & Steve Austin
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stone Cold Stunner\'

[B] The Driver…?? [/B]

While Austin was standing up after winning the match, the referee began to raise his hand… but a new entrance music hit, to the confusion of all three WWF Defenders…

https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg

The trio looked around, because nobody was coming through the curtain… They all expected a sneak attack, but eventually… This man came out…


Booker T…!!

The announce team asked if HE was the man driving the car, that tried to run ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin over in the parking lot…!! Austin certainly thought so, because as he stomped to the ring, ‘Stone Cold’ hopped out of the ring, and met him on the ramp…!! As Austin threw the first punch, Booker ducked, and clocked the former WWF World Heavyweight Champion with a lead pipe to the knee!! Austin cried out in pain, as Booker hit another pipe shot to his calf muscle… Undertaker climbed over the top rope and ran to Austin’s aid… fighting Booker 1 on 1 while, Triple H got jumped in the ring by Jindrak, O’Haire and Palumbo…

Booker and ‘Taker brawled all the way to ringside… Jindrak laid in some extremely stiff shots to Triple H in the ring, including his ‘Spinning Back Fist’, which knocked ‘The Game’ out… O’Haire and Palumbo helped Booker drag The Undertaker around the ring, and to the announce table… Booker then lifted ‘The American Badass’ up, and dropped him through the table… The crash reverberated around the arena… Austin was still down, but trying his best to drag himself to the ring… Booker T raised the hand of Jindrak, while the other Natural Born Thrillers got into the ring behind them… They stood over the fallen Triple H and looked like a dominant group…!!

WWF may have won the first hard-fought battle tonight… but WCW took the second with ease…!!



FTR and The Bloodline are two tag teams that are ahead of their time, and they got the crowd incredibly excited here. For the most part, this one contained no WWF versus WCW conflicts at all, and the story was based on whether or not Regal or Malenko could make either Haku or Umaga tap out. They’re both big, strong, and also tough Islanders, so it was always going to be hard. Rikishi was also always a threat at ringside, but nobody could have called what had happened to the Hardcore Champion.

https://i.imgur.com/tvGu4VS.png https://i.imgur.com/Lbn3jP4.jpg

Kidman, Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott of the WCW Invaders arrived, and jumped the big fun-loving Samoan. Rikishi fought back, and got some help from Umaga to fend them off. But eventually, Kidman pinned Rikishi with a roll-up, and TOOK the Hardcore Championship! Haku was stunned in the ring, and then dragged down to the mat for the ‘Regal Stretch’. Despite Haku being in the hold for what felt like forever, Umaga couldn’t get back to the ring in time to break the move up, and Haku passed out from the pain, after refusing to tap!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] and STILL WWF Tag Team Champions… FTR (Malenko and Regal)
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Regal Stretch\'

[B] New Champion…!! [/B]

Kidman was delighted with pinning Rikishi, and celebrated winning the Hardcore Championship on the stage…


Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon applauded their fellow WCW Invader, in what was turning into a very impressive night for World Championship Wrestling…!! They may have lost the opener, but since then they’ve potentially injured ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s knee… Put Undertaker through the announcer’s table… knocked Triple H out… and taken the Hardcore Championship from Rikishi…!!



The 1 on 1 match we all wanted to see, Christian versus Edge. The pair are former 8-time WWF World Tag Team Champions, not to mention being former best friends since school. But the key word there is ‘former’. All of that is behind them now, after Edge turned his back on Christian. He believed Christian was to blame for a singles loss against Kurt Angle, that could have made him the number one contender tonight against Eddie Guerrero for the WWF World Heavyweight Title. He also believed that Christian stole his girlfriend, in Trish Stratus, who we’ve seen ditch Edge in recent weeks, and has been a supporter of Christian at times! For the finish of this excellent contest, which was only beaten rating-wise by the two Main Events, saw Edge miss a ‘Spear’ in the corner, and crashed into the turnbuckle. As he turned around, Christian dropped Edge with his ‘Unprettier’ finisher, and pinned him for a well-earnt victory, and vindication!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 81 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Christian
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Unprettier\'



With Brian Skarsgard and Christopher Vanguard competing on the Heat Pre-Show earlier tonight, they weren’t at the Hardy Compound when we cut to the home of Matt and Jeff Hardy… However, Lita, Nidia and ‘Senior’ Benjamin, and the Hardy Boyz were… but we also saw a big, bald, man… chained to the wall behind the group… with his head lolled forwards so we couldn’t see his face…

Matt Hardy: [B] “Bucks Of Youth… I knew, you’d, lose…!! You continue to disappoint me… and now Brother Jeff has to defend his Light Heavyweight Title against Rey Mysterio, once again… But let’s address the elephant in the room…” [/B]

Hardy turned and looked at the man chained to the wall… We still didn’t know his identity… We could all guess, but Matt soon confirmed it…

Matt Hardy: [B] “KEARNE (Kane)… He’s sleeping right now… He’s tired after a long day of being whipped into shape… We’re enjoying taking some time to relax here, and bring Kearne into the Family… He’ll soon be ready to be unleashed, and he’ll soooon be a member of the Harday Family… yaaassss… and it will be… WONDERFULLLLL…!!” [/B]



An excellent match here, with two veterans of the company and the industry, in there with two men who could very well go on to become World Champions, like Faarooq did once. This match, with two solid veterans will help them both massively, and the somewhat surprising win was huge for their early career too. Brock was on the apron when the match swung in D’Lo and Faarooq’s favour. A ‘hot-tag’ to D’Lo allowed the fan favourites to gain the upper hand on Batista, who up until then had looked impervious to pain. But a blind tag from Brock when D’Lo was distracted by JBL allowed his team to gain the upper hand again. ‘The Next Big Thing’ put D’Lo down with his unstoppable ‘F5’ to win it. Faarooq will battle JBL 1 on 1 tomorrow night on RAW. If he loses, he has to JOIN Layfield Enterprises!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 69 [/SIZE]
[B] Winners: [/B] Brock Lesnar & Batista w/ Heyman & JBL
[B] Finish: [/B] \'F5\'


[B] WWF Defenders [/B]

Backstage, The Rock, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, Triple H and The Undertaker, were talking strategy with Rock’s upcoming clash against WCW Invader Goldberg looming… Austin was getting his knee taped up, while Triple H iced his shoulder and neck… Undertaker had been put through the announce table earlier in the night, but he seemed fine… and was pacing the room…

https://i.imgur.com/HTpIs9H.jpg https://i.imgur.com/AKTFVin.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cfR9Cwi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/igCN2Qk.jpg

Steve Austin: [B] “Just so we’re all in agreement… No matter what happens… We keep an eye on the match… and we head to the ring… save Rock… beat up Goldberg… beat up Booker T… beat up every WCW Invader… drink a beer… drink another beer… drink a…” [/B]

Rock put his hand up in Austin’s face, and sniffed… the moment suddenly went from jovial, to very tense between ‘The Great One’ and ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’…

The Rock: [B] “Shhh…shhh… Yu know… The Rock is NOT happy with you three… and you all need to hear this… On Smackdown… The Rock’s show… You all left the arena… Left The Rock, to FEND for himself… Goldberg took LIBERTIES with The Rock… and he’ll pay for that later… But how are YOU going to make it up, to The Rock…?!” [/B]

Austin almost apologised for leaving… but explained that he had to take Triple H and Undertaker with him, as it could have been a trap… He went on to say he never caught up with the car, and can’t confirm who was driving it…

Steve Austin: [B] “I think it’s Booker T… I’ll make it up to you Rock… By kicking Booker T’s ass… And if anybody gets involved in Rock versus Goldberg… I’ll be the FIRST one out there… You have my word…” [/B]

Rock shook Austin’s hand, ending the tension there and then… He then removed his shirt, to reveal crazy bruises on his mid-section… presumably caused by Goldberg’s ‘Spear’ on Smackdown… He asked the Doctor who was taping up Austin’s knee, to help him once he was finished… But Austin told the Doctor to leave him, and focus on The Rock… in a moment of mutual respect…




It was clear right from the start here, that these two HATE each other. Jericho has perhaps underestimated Richards for weeks now, and it cost him last week when Richards came off better following a Jericho backstage attack. The story of that fight, was essentially the story of this match. Jericho started strong, but Richards fought him off due to ‘Y2J’ not taking him seriously enough. For the finish, the Intercontinental Champion missed his ‘Lion Sault’, as Richards rolled clear. Jericho got up to his knees following the landing, and Richards kicked him hard under the jaw! Jericho actually got up after the move, and staggered around holding his face. Richards then hit his ‘Stevie Kick’ again, and WON the Intercontinental Title!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 77 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] and NEW Intercontinental Champion: ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Stevie Kick\'


[B] Gunner Look Good… [/B]

Following Steven Richards’ first Title win since 1995 (the ECW Tag Team Titles, with Raven), we cut to the back, where Billy Gunn, K-Kwik and Test, were talking about Test’s ‘Look Book’ once again…

https://i.imgur.com/EQKMqT9.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/tpaAQao.jpg https://i.imgur.com/fwbU4Ps.jpg

Billy Gunn: [B] “Look, I get it Test… ‘The Look Book’… It’s a book of all your favourite poses, and facial expressions for your modelling career… I understand… I’m just saying… I’m a ‘Body Guy’… When I’m in my 50s… I guarantee you… I’ll still be in shape… There’s a way to improve and maintain your body, even in later life… but your face…?! I mean… it deteriorates, man… Your modelling career being based on your looks, is kinda short-term, don’t you think…?!” [/B]

Test laughed… and told Gunn there’s absolutely NO chance he’d still be in shape in his 50s…

Test: [B] “Next you’ll tell me you’ll still be wrestling, alongside your two sons…!! Ha…!! Here’s what I think about that…” [/B]

Test pouted at Gunn, and explained that that was his ‘Unlikely’ face… Which angered Gunn, and K-Kwik had to hold him back as Test made his exit…



Consistent with what we saw earlier, The Rock headed to the ring with his ribs heavily taped. The bruising was still slightly evident above the line of the bandages, and Rock winced when he threw his hand up in the air in the corner. Goldberg was like a shark sensing blood in the water when he saw the bandages, and all of his offence was geared around repeating and exacerbating those mid-section injuries. Stiff kicks, elbows, and punches early on, followed by a couple of suplexes and some stretches in the middle stages of the match. Rocky fought back into it, and with the crowd behind him, managed to somehow put Goldberg on the back foot. Eric Bischoff arrived late on, and his mere presence caused a slight distraction for The Rock ahead of his ‘People’s Elbow’. As he came off the ropes the second time, Goldberg hopped up to his feet, and hit an awkward looking ‘Spear’ to crush Rocky’s ribs one more time. He then hoisted ‘The Great One’ up over his head, and dropped him with the ‘Jackhammer’ to not only win the match, but earn a WWF World Heavyweight Title shot against the winner of tonight’s Main Event.

[SIZE=\"5\"] 83 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] Goldberg
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Jackhammer\'


[B] Mutual Respect [/B]

Backstage, NEW Intercontinental Champion Steven Richards, ran into the man he pinned for the Title earlier in the night… ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho, who had a real boo boo face…

https://i.imgur.com/E3MDDeN.png https://i.imgur.com/0Ve10fn.jpg

Steven Richards: [B] “Chris… Just wanted to say thank you for the match, and that despite our differences… I respect you…” [/B]

Jericho looked down at Richards’ outstretched hand, and snarled at him… but then reluctantly shook the hand of ‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’… He told Richards to keep the Belt warm for him, because he’ll be coming back for it one day… and Richards nodded, with a wry smile… Jericho then walked off, and turned a corner… As he got out of Richards’ reach and sight, he was confronted by some WCW Invaders…

https://i.imgur.com/nBBrKE9.jpg https://i.imgur.com/ZKAmaYj.jpg https://i.imgur.com/sZLaR1x.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/m2dn7D3.jpg

Jericho put his hands up, and told Booker T, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo that he didn’t want any trouble… Then he realised he was going to get some, so threw the first punch at Palumbo, and tackled Jindrak at the legs… The 4 on 1 attack didn’t last long, and it ended with Booker clocking him over the back, and then on the knee with the lead pipe…!! Steven Richards came running around the corner, and the four Invaders got out of there… Jericho was knocked out cold, and his knee was in an awkward shape…!! Richards called out for help for his fallen rival, as the announce team talked up how good a night it’s been for WCW… Despite losing the opening match on the show, the WCW Invaders can boast about having four wins since, including attacks, a Title shot, and a Title victory…!!




Amazing Main Event here, and an incredible way to end the packed show. Eddie and Kurt were left to it by the WWF Defenders, and the WCW Invaders, and they were able to put on one of the best matches of the year. Angle was as aggressive as ever, and looked to put the Champ away early a few times. Once he realised that wasn’t going to work, he set about trying to squeeze the life out of Guerrero, and keep him on the mat. Angle rode him, and used his bodyweight to stop Eddie from breathing properly. ‘Latino Heat’ couldn’t create any space, or hit any of his offence, for the longest time. The crowd were loud for him though, and they came alive a number of times to help their hero. The ‘Eddie’ chants were louder than ever, and he didn’t disappoint in his comeback. Dropkicks, the ‘Three Amigos’, and an amazing rolling German Suplex followed by chops and kicks, and Eddie was back in it. Angle threw him off the top rope, to gain the upper hand again though. Eddie was hurt, that was clear. But Angle had been in a fight too, so the pace slowed down after the landing. For the finish, Eddie somehow knocked Angle down by tripping him onto the ropes. Angle lay prone while Eddie climbed slowly to the top rope. Then out of nowhere, Rey Mysterio arrived to deliver a ‘619’ behind the referee’s back!! He hid outside the ring, as Eddie came off the top rope to hit the ‘Frog Splash’ and retain!!

[SIZE=\"5\"] 97 [/SIZE]
[B] Winner: [/B] and STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero
[B] Finish: [/B] \'Frog Splash\'

[B] Lie, Cheat, Steal… [/B]

https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png https://i.imgur.com/TXVb8fQ.jpg

Rey raised Eddie’s hand to end the show, and Eddie looked surprised to see his best friend out there… He had a strange smile/look on his face… and was unsure how impactful Mysterio had been in his Main Event match with Kurt Angle… He clearly didn’t know Rey had hit the ‘619’ right before his ‘Frog Splash’… The show ended with Eddie climbing on the second rope in the corner, and pointing back at his friend!!

Quick Results:

Rey Mysterio won a Battle Royale on the Heat Pre-Show to earn a Light Heavyweight Title shot

Steve Austin, Triple H & The Undertaker [def.] Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire & Chuck Palumbo

Flawless Technicians Of Royalty (FTR) [def.] The Bloodline
to RETAIN the WWF Tag Team Titles [/I]

Christian [def.] Edge

Batista & Brock Lesnar [def.] D’Lo Brown & Faarooq

Steven Richards [def.] Chris Jericho
[I] to WIN the WWF Intercontinental Title [/I]

Goldberg [def.] The Rock
[I] to earn a shot at the WWF World Heavyweight Title [/I]

Eddie Guerrero [def.] Kurt Angle
[I] to RETAIN the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Eddie vs Angle
2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 91 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)
3). How many Championships will change hands...? ONE

Show Rating: [B] 91 [/B]



Former Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho will be going on tour with his band Fozzy in four days… The WCW Invader’s attack was a way to write ‘Y2J’ off TV for the time being… No news on when, or if, he’ll be back… His contract status is unknown, as it’s 2002 not 2022…


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18 hours ago, Satyr24 said:

3). How many Championships will change hands...? ONE

Shouldn't it be 2 titles changes hardcore and Intercontinental?

Damn it! When I posted the prediction quick picks, it said two originally and I thought: Naaa, there was only one! The IC Title! The Kidman win happened outside a 'Title Match', so that's what threw me! :D

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WWF Heavyweight Title:

https://i.imgur.com/U63oqXR.png https://i.imgur.com/fQcZ8Xs.png

Held By:
‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero
[Days as Champion: 29
Defences: 2
Prestige: 94 (no change)

Previous Champions – since May 2001

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin (5) - [Week 1, April, 2001 – Week 3, March, 2002]

WWF Intercontinental Title:
https://i.imgur.com/RFGofvz.png https://i.imgur.com/E3MDDeN.png

Held By:
‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards
Days as Champion: 1
Defences: 0
Prestige: 71 (no change)

Previous Champions – since May 2001

Chris Jericho (4) – [Week 3, October, 2001 – Week 3, April, 2002]
Test – [Week 3, September, 2001 – Week 3, October, 2001]
Triple H (4) – [April 2001 – Week 3, September, 2001]

WWF Tag Team Titles: 
https://i.imgur.com/X42NKE0.png https://i.imgur.com/0r1LD4Z.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/ihoMs9q.png

[B] Held By: [/B] ‘Flawless Technicians of Royalty’ (FTR) Regal and Malenko
[B] Days as Champion: [/B] 29
[B] Defences: [/B] 1
[B] Prestige: [/B] 70 (no change)

[CENTER][B] Previous Champions – since May 2001 [/B]

Perfect and Sexay – [Week 4, January, 2002 – Week 3, March, 2002]
Edge and Christian (8) – [Week 3, November, 2001 – Week 4, January, 2002]
Triple H & Steve Austin – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 2, October, 2001]

[B]WWF Light Heavyweight Title: [/B]

[CENTER]https://i.imgur.com/yoeVCZZ.png https://i.imgur.com/9hgmH0p.jpg [/CENTER]

[B] Held By: [/B] Jeff Hardy
[B] Days as Champion: [/B] 85
[B] Defences: [/B] 2
[B] Prestige: [/B] 43 (no change)

[CENTER][B] Previous Champions – since May 2001 [/B]

Marty Jannetty – [Week 3, May, 2001 – Week 3, January, 2002]
Jerry Lynn – [Week 4, April, 2001 – Week 3, May, 2001]

[B]WWF Hardcore Title: [/B]

[CENTER]https://i.imgur.com/xGZsrlx.png https://i.imgur.com/BA8UUf6.png [/CENTER]

[B] Held By: [/B] Kidman
[B] Days as Champion: [/B] 1
[B] Defences: [/B] 0
[B] Prestige: [/B] 43 (no change)

[CENTER][B] Previous Champions – since May 2001 [/B]

Rikishi – [Week 2, March, 2002 – Week 3, April, 2002]
The Undertaker – [Week 1, January, 2002 – Week 2, March, 2002]
Hardcore Holly (7) – [Week 3, August, 2001 – Week 1, January, 2002]
Rhyno – [Week 3, April, 2001 – Week 3, August, 2001]

[B]WWF King Of The Ring: [/B]

[CENTER]https://i.imgur.com/3PHOd90.jpg https://i.imgur.com/l62ei1A.jpg [/CENTER]

[B] Won in June 2001 By: [/B] Kurt Angle (2)
[B] Prestige: [/B] 100

[CENTER][B] Previous Winners

2000 Kurt Angle
1999 Billy Gunn
1998 Ken Shamrock
1997 Triple H
1996 Steve Austin

Edited by The Lloyd
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QUICK PICKS for WWF Monday Night RAW, APRIL 2002, WEEK 4

]‘The One’ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Test

[I] Hardcore Title Match: [/I]
Rikishi w/ The Bloodline [vs] Kidman (c) w/ Ramon and DeMott

Faarooq [vs] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

D’Lo Brown & FTR [vs] Albert, Perry Saturn & Big Bossman w/ Terri

??? [vs] Booker T


Edited by The Lloyd
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‘The One’ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Test

[I] Hardcore Title Match: [/I]
Rikishi w/ The Bloodline [vs] Kidman (c) w/ Ramon and DeMott

Faarooq [vs] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

D’Lo Brown & FTR [vs] Albert, Perry Saturn & Big Bossman w/ Terri

??? [vs] Booker T

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]‘The One’ Billy Gunn w/ K-Kwik [vs] Test

[I] Hardcore Title Match: [/I]
Rikishi w/ The Bloodline [vs] Kidman (c) w/ Ramon and DeMott

Faarooq [vs] JBL w/ Layfield Enterprises

‘The Wrestler’s Wrestler’ Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

D’Lo Brown & FTR [vs] Albert, Perry Saturn & Big Bossman w/ Terri

??? [vs] Booker T

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