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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



Didn't expect Nidia in the Hardy Family Office :)

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker



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Didn't expect Nidia in the Hardy Family Office :)


ahaha! Why would you? :D I looked up debuts from developmental in 2002, as it was a huge year in the WWF, and I came across this list:


Batista, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Nidia, Randy Orton, Jamal & Rosey, Victoria, Rico...


I don't have any plans for Victoria or Rico as yet, and Rosey is one that has options. I could either go Superhero gimmick, or add him to my growing list of big Samoans/Island Boys.


I just thought it was funny how Nidia was listed before Randy :D !!

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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I don't have any plans for Victoria or Rico as yet, and Rosey is one that has options. I could either go Superhero gimmick, or add him to my growing list of big Samoans/Island Boys.


I just thought it was funny how Nidia was listed before Randy !!


Don't forget the underrated '3 Minute Warning' stable, that could kill three birds with one stone ;)


And Victoria is great, hope she will appear here soon in some capacity

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards

Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ????


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards

Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

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So uh, when’s the invasion going to begin?

Or has it already begun...?! I hint at it a couple of times, but it properly kicks off at WrestleMania, and the night after ;)


Right now, they are inside your house :)

In Your House? Maybe that's what I'll call the 'Invasion' PPV I've got set for later in the year... 'Invasion In Your House'...


Don't forget the underrated '3 Minute Warning' stable, that could kill three birds with one stone ;)


And Victoria is great, hope she will appear here soon in some capacity

Yeah Victoria is amazing. I just don't think I can ever do a Women's Division well. I do 6 or 7 matches per TV show, and 7-9 for a PPV... Realistically, I can fit one match a week around the women's division, and maybe one or two segments? But then I get less for the rest of the card. I like Light Heavyweights, because they can be integrated with the Heavyweights/Tag Teams, etc. But the women's needs to be so separate, and I find it hard. I feel Victoria is better suited to being a wrestler than she is a 'manager', or other on-screen character.


3 Minute Warning were great! Jamal is already Umaga here though, so I'm not sure I could bring him back to 3MW. I could have Rosey join the Samoan/Islanders group in his 3MW gimmick... Hmm...

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



Long Hard Night…


We opened the show with The Hardy Family making their way to the ring… in what was Nidia’s first appearance live in an arena…




Jeff has a big night coming up at No Way Out, as he battles the legendary Japanese star Jushin Thunder Liger – who is in action later tonight… But Matt is yet to find an opponent for the event… and he was out here to find one…


Matt Hardy:
“Hahaaaaa YEEEAASSssss… As this version of Matt Hardy… I don’t fear ANYONE… Not even death himself can touch me… Matt Hardy… CANNOT DIE…!! YEEEAAASSsss… At No Way Out… I’m looking for someone… AAaaaaanyone… to meet me in that reeeng… and find out if they’re man enough… to step to the HEAD of House Hardy…!!”


There was a pause, as nobody answered the challenge… The Hardy Family began to leave, but as they got to the ropes… BOOM!!!




Hell, Fire and Brimstone… KANE arrived… House Hardy stood their ground initially, but soon realised they didn’t want to fight the ‘Big Red Machine’, and backed away… The group left the ring via the announce table side, as Kane came in the ramp side… As the Family made their way up the ramp, they didn’t take their eyes off of Kane… who pointed at Matt, and then did the throat slit sign with his hand…!!


Michael Cole:
“Well partner… looks like we’ve got Kane versus Matt Hardy at No Way Out…!!”

“OOoohhhh buddy… that one could tear the roof off the building… but Kane could very well tear House Hardy’s… house down…!!”






Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku [vs] Big Boss Man


As his name would suggest, Big Boss Man is not a small man. But even he was intimidated by the vicious Umaga, who didn’t slow down for a breather once in this short match. Boss Man had some nice moments, and even hit a Sidewalk Slam – a move he has become known for. But Umaga kicked out of the resulting pin with gusto, and ended up winning it moments later with his ‘Samoan Spike’.



Umaga w/ Rikishi & Haku

'Samoan Spike'


Big Chokeslam


After the match was over, the 500lb Big Show made his way to ringside…!! Somehow nobody had seen him arrive…!!




Show took his giant right hand, and put it around the throat of Rikishi… He attempted a ‘Show Stopper’ Chokeslam on the big Samoan, but before he could lift his No Way Out rival, Haku clubbed him on the back with double-fists… Show and Haku brawled for a few moments, before Umaga joined his tag team partner in running Big Show off… Show was furious, but he knew he was outnumbered badly…





Back Watchers…?


In recent weeks, ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon has talked about being alone in the locker room right now, and facing guys like we just saw in Rikishi, Haku and Umaga, who run in a pack… He mentioned getting someone to watch his back, and when we came back from a commercial here tonight, he was talking with someone…




The cameras didn’t pick up what Ramon and Bill DeMott were talking about… They actually looked like they were being quite covert about their conversation in general…






Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Local Enhancement Talent


Great performance from Liger here. He sped things up well, but also slowed things down when he needed to. The local talent was slightly larger, and thick in the mid-section, so Liger chopped him down with low kicks. He also ended it with a high-impact move as he dropped the youngster with a great looking ‘Brainbuster’.



Jushin Thunder Liger





Acolytes Double Protection Agency…


We cut to the back following Liger’s impressive win, and found Bradshaw reading a note on a small piece of paper… When his tag team partner Faarooq walked up… Bradshaw looked delighted to see his best friend, but Faarooq was a little more unsure…




“Alright, man… You gotta tell me what’s goin’ on…!! I got D’Lo (Brown) tellin’ me you punched him on purpose… I got Regal and Malenko breakin’ into our office… leavin’ us notes all up in there, man… Everyone’s askin’ me… what’s up with Bradshaw…?!”


Bradshaw looked back at the note for a moment, and then didn’t even respond to ANY of Faarooq’s questions…


“Did you SEE the note from Regal and Malenko…!? Look at this… They want a match… at No Way Out… If they win, their debt to us is WIPED… If
win… get this… Their debt is DOUBLED…!! Double or Nothing…?! My kinda odds…!!”


Bradshaw walked off, saying he’d be accepting the challenge… while Faarooq stood with his hands on his hips, and said ‘DAMN!’…






‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards


D’Lo and Richards are two very talented performers, but Richards spent way too long caring about what the fans thought than actually delivering meaningful offence. After arguing with one fan in particular in the front row, Richards turned around and was planted with a brutal ‘Sky High’.



‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown

'Sky High'


Felt That…


As D’Lo Brown was having his hand raised, the big Texan APA member Bradshaw slid into the ring behind him…




Bradshaw ran past his target, hit the ropes, and then came back with a ‘Clothesline From Hell’ that almost took the stunned D’Lo’s head off… Bradshaw shouted something at him, and then grabbed a microphone… He shouted that he ‘meant to hit him that time’… and then threw the microphone down defiantly…!!





Holly Lot Of Trouble…


Backstage, Hardcore Holly was angrily talking to his Cousins Crash and Molly Holly… He was seething about losing to Perry Saturn on RAW… and he was annoyed at Val Venis for his role in the feud between the Hollys and Terri’s Boys (Albert and Saturn)… when Val Venis walked up, looking like he didn’t know there’d been any ruckus or ill feeling towards him…




Val Venis:
“Helloooooo Hollys…!!”


Hardcore’s face said it all… He was completely unimpressed with Val’s actions on the night he dated both Terri and his Cousin Molly… and he’s done nothing to win Hardcore’s favour so far…


Hardcore Holly:
“Here’s an idea for ya Val… How about you clear outta here, before I stick my boot up your ass!! Terri’s Boys have challenged us, and we’re tryin’ ta figure out which one of me and Crash should take on that big b*****d Albert on RAW…”


Val Venis:
“I’ll do it…!! Yeah… Yeah… There’s no sense in either of you guys getting hurt, on my account… I’ll fight Albert… and I’ll beat him too…!! I will do it… in Molly’s honour…!!”


Molly said Val was really sweet, and held his hand for a brief moment, before noticing that Hardcore Holly had seen them touch… and she quickly let go… Hardcore said that Val had better win… Otherwise Terri’s Boys would be two for two against them…






Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay w/ Chris Benoit


It was a case of three Champions (Jericho, Perfect and Sexay) against two Number One Contenders (Eddie and Edge) and their partner Mysterio, was the odd man out. The wildcard in the match, and the man who was in the ring for the longest, was also the one who scored the decisive move, and the decisive pinfall. For the second straight week on Smackdown, he pinned Mr. Perfect, this time following his brilliant finisher the ‘619’. If he hits that at No Way Out, Eddie and Rey will beat the Tag Champs, in a non-title match.



Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio





Will This Feud Ever End…?!


We cut to a backstage interview segment next, where Jerry Lynn was talking with Coach, about his long-time rival Marty Jannetty…




Jerry Lynn:
“So… Jannetty lost… AGAIN… When will you learn Marty…?! You may be a great wrestler… You may be one of the best to ever do it… But I am, SO much smarter than you… and I’ll tell ya…”


Before Lynn could finish his thought, Jannetty walked up looking angry…




Marty Jannetty:
“HEY!... You’ve played some games with me… games that I’ve lost, so far… and you are smart… I’ll give you that… but you better be at RAW… Because I’ve lined up an opponent for YOU…!!”


Lynn shrugged, and walked off arrogantly… Jannetty looked like he was up to something…






Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Another clean, and decisive win for Tajiri here. He’s won his first eight matches here in the WWF, and he looks to be a real contender for Light Heavyweight Gold in the future.



‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'




Stipulated Stipulation…


We got a quick reminder about the stipulations for tonight’s Main Event between Triple H and The Undertaker from the announce team…


Michael Cole:
“Tazz, if Triple H wins tonight, his match in the Cage against Vince McMahon at No Way Out will NOT be at risk of being interrupted… because The Undertaker will be BARRED from the building…!!”

“That’s all very well and good Cole, but ‘The American Badass’ is aptly named… If… Or I gotta say it… WHEN… he wins tonight… He gets added to the match, and it’s a 2 on 1 handicap…”

Michael Cole:
“Yeah Triple H versus Vince and Undertaker… I don’t like those odds…”




‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker


Before the match started, Mick Foley demanded that Vince McMahon and the WWF World Heavyweight Champion: ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, leave ringside, and allow the two big bulls in the ring to do battle. Vince was furious, and Undertaker seemed a little thrown early on. He received a barrage of offence from ‘The Game’, and had to cover up to avoid taking some early shots to the face and body. Once he got rolling though, the Hardcore Champion was difficult to stop. A fan got into the ring late on, and the distraction allowed ‘Taker to regain control after a great comeback from Triple H. ‘The American Badass’ used a thumb to the eye to keep ‘The Game’ at bay, before ending it with the ‘Tombstone Piledriver’. Undertaker is going to No Way Out!



‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker

'Tombstone Piledriver'


Olympic Sized Proposition…


Having watched the Main Event on a monitor, Vince McMahon and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin were delighted with what they saw…




Steve Austin:
“God Damn Vince… He did it… Hell of a match right there, and now… No Way Out… In the Cage… Triple H goes down… BAM… Then Rikishi… and Big Show… BAM…!! What a night for the Power Trip, huh?!”


There was then a knock at the door, and Vince and Austin’s attention was taken by the man entering the room…


Unknown Voice:
“You uhh… You wanted to see me, sir…?!”




Vince McMahon:
“KUUUURT…!! The man who makes Ankles Hurt…?! Right…?! And the man who thinks he should be the Number One Contender for the WWF World Heavyweight Title…?!”


Kurt Angle:
“That’s right, sir… I’m that man…!! With respect, of course Austin…”


Vince McMahon:
“Well Mr. Angle… I think… I could work with that… See, I have a proposition for you… A man you know VERY well, The Big Show, has been running amok in the WWF for a long time now… Rikishi… Austin’s other opponent at No Way Out… isn’t much better… Running around with those big Island Boys in his crew… But if one of either Show or Rikishi didn’t make it to No Way Out… and we had ourselves a 1 on 1 match… I… as Chairman of the World Wrestling Federation… Would look extremely favourably on that fact…”


Angle looked a little confused… He didn’t really grasp what was in it for him…


Steve Austin:
“What…?! Alright, kid… I’m a spell it out for you… If somehow… Big Show or Rikishi… Doesn’t make it… to No Way Out… Maybe we can give you… A World Heavyweight Title shot down the line…”


Angle realised what was happening, and seemed happy with that… He shook both Vince and Austin’s hands… as the show went off the air… With just over one week to go before No Way Out, the card looks full and exciting…







Quick Results:


Umaga [def.] Big Boss Man


Jushin Thunder Liger [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


D’Lo Brown [def.] Steven Richards


Edge, Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [def.] Chris Jericho, Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Tajiri [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


The Undertaker [def.] Triple H


Show Rating:







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Yeah Victoria is amazing. I just don't think I can ever do a Women's Division well. I do 6 or 7 matches per TV show, and 7-9 for a PPV... Realistically, I can fit one match a week around the women's division, and maybe one or two segments? But then I get less for the rest of the card. I like Light Heavyweights, because they can be integrated with the Heavyweights/Tag Teams, etc. But the women's needs to be so separate, and I find it hard. I feel Victoria is better suited to being a wrestler than she is a 'manager', or other on-screen character.


3 Minute Warning were great! Jamal is already Umaga here though, so I'm not sure I could bring him back to 3MW. I could have Rosey join the Samoan/Islanders group in his 3MW gimmick... Hmm...


I dunno your position on intergender wrestling, but I could see Victoria doing well with it, and beating some lower card guys like... Stevie Richards ;)


Yep, I know about Umaga skipping his Jamal phase, but maybe he will do it at a later date? The thing that made 3MW fun for me is their fast paced, high impact matches. Dunno if Haku has the athleticism for it, but Rikishi could fit.

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I dunno your position on intergender wrestling, but I could see Victoria doing well with it, and beating some lower card guys like... Stevie Richards ;)


Yep, I know about Umaga skipping his Jamal phase, but maybe he will do it at a later date? The thing that made 3MW fun for me is their fast paced, high impact matches. Dunno if Haku has the athleticism for it, but Rikishi could fit.


I think intergender wrestling has a place on certain rosters and certain companies. I think I'd struggle with this current WWF roster, because for example Big Show versus Nidia would be a bit odd... There's plenty of other examples.


If Victoria and co are going to beat lower card guys, then there's a ceiling to their popularity and achievements. Would she beat Austin? Or Jericho? Or even D'Lo Brown? I find it easier to just focus on one gender. If I was writing WWE right now, I'd probably give the women's division their own weekly show! Maybe the first hour of RAW?


And don't worry, I have big plans for Rikishi, Haku and Umaga... And indeed Samu when he comes back from rehab!

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri

Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn

???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga

Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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