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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Non-Title Match:

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


???? [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Undertaker Under Attack…


We opened the show with a chaotic scene in the parking lot… The announce team were frantically talking about what they suspected had happened… Somebody had been taken out and was laying on the concrete, being helped by doctors and referees… The cameraman finally got into position, and we found The Undertaker laid out, flat on his back…




The announce team couldn’t confirm what had happened, but they had a few suspects… Triple H came to mind, as ‘Taker’s most recent AND future opponent at No Way Out… The Rock was also a suspect, as he was taken out by ‘The American Badass’ a few weeks ago, and hasn’t been seen since… Will ‘Taker make it to No Way Out now…?!






‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis [vs] Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri


Venis and Albert showed great chemistry here, and had a decent opening match after the strange scenes from the parking lot. Val and the Holly Cousins have been feuding with Terri’s Boys, and that feud looks set to continue following Albert’s dominant win here.



Albert w/ Perry Saturn & Terri

'Baldo Bomb'




Playing ‘The Game’…??


Back in the parking lot, we saw Triple H walking towards the building in a leather jacket, Motorhead t-shirt and jeans… he was carrying a duffel bag, presumably with his wrestling gear in… He passed The Undertaker, who was being loaded into an ambulance…




‘The Game’ snarled at ‘Taker as he walked past… On the commentary table, Cole and Tazz deduced that since he’d just arrived, there’s no way he could have been involved in taking ‘The American Badass’ out tonight…


Jim Ross:
“Guys, I’ve known ‘The Game’ a LONG time… I would not put ANYTHING past him…!!”





New Gimmick, Brother…


Not for the first time in recent weeks, we saw Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott talking backstage, next… The difference tonight though, was that they were being a little more public in their conversation… talking about who they had in their sights, and how they’d watch each others backs… But they were interrupted by an unlikely man… Steven Richards… who was attempting to blow up a large balloon…!!




Razor Ramon:
“EY YO!! Check it out… Steven Richards… My man… What, the HELL… are you doin’ man…?! What’s with the balloon…”


Steven Richards:
“Glad you asked, man… I’m uh… Hopin’ to get a ‘Big Pop’ tonight… I heard that was a good way to, uhh… I’ll be honest… I’m completely confused…!!”


Ramon asked to take a look at the balloon… Richards passed it to him, but Ramon let it go…!! It fizzed and buzzed around them, before Bill DeMott slammed into Richards, and sent him flying into some backstage equipment… The poor Richards had no idea what hit him…!!





Non-Title Match:



Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Since winning the WWF World Tag Team Titles, Perfect and Sexay haven’t exactly had the best of form. Rapid Fire have been exceptional since ditching X-Pac though, so this non-title match was a real risk for the Champs. They didn’t let it phase them though, and dominated things from the start. K-Kwik managed to get a hot tag late on but even Billy Gunn couldn’t stop the cocky Perfect and Sexay. In the end, Kwik was pinned with the ‘Perfect Plex’.



Perfect & Sexay

'Perfect Plex'




Brad News Brown…


In the office of WWF Commissioner Mick Foley, ‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown was struggling to retain his composure…




D’Lo Brown:
“Mick… Nothing but respect, for the job you do here… But I’ve put up with a lot over the last 12 months… I got sent back to developmental… I got called a JOKE by Kurt Angle… and now, this from Bradshaw… He’s treating Faarooq… a man I’ve looked up to my entire career… like a FOOL… and to top it off… he punked ME two weeks in a row…!! I want Bradshaw… In a match… TONIGHT…!!”


Foley said that unfortunately, neither Faarooq nor Bradshaw, were here tonight… But… On Smackdown, D’Lo can get his wish… a 1 on 1 match against Bradshaw, where he’ll have the big Texan all to himself…!!





Jerry Lynn’s Tough Challenge…


Jerry Lynn has been toying with Marty Jannetty for weeks now, but tonight, it was ‘The Rocker’s’ turn… and he’d picked what he called, a “very tough opponent’ for Lynn tonight…




Jannetty didn’t want to waste much time, and he brought Lynn’s opponent out… SPIKE DUDLEY…!!






Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


A fast-paced match here, which was only slowed down when Jerry Lynn wanted it to be. He dominated Spike, until Mary Jannetty showed back up. After distracting Lynn multiple times, he was able to deliver a well-placed thumb to Lynn’s eye. This allowed Spike to roll Lynn up, and pick up a big, big, win! Much to the delight of Jannetty!



Spike Dudley





Game On…


In the back, Coach caught up with Triple H for a word on The Undertaker…




“Triple H… Triple H… Was that your plan tonight…?! Was that your reason for being here…?! Taking out The Undertaker like that…!?”


Triple H:
“Coach… I have no idea what you’re talking about… I came here for a fight… But I don’t wanna fight The Undertaker… It was… Never, about fighting The Undertaker… See I wanna fight… a McMahon… Give me ANY McMahon… Vince or Shane… Or… BOTH…”


‘The Game’ strolled off, still carrying that duffel bag…!!






Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


A smaller local guy, who tried to run from ‘The Animal’ here, and then use his speed to hit some nice strikes. But most of them just bounced off Batista’s massive frame. He looked extra ripped tonight, and ended it with a brutal looking ‘Batista Bomb’.



‘The Animal’ Batista

'Batista Bomb'




The Big Red Devil…




Matt Hardy:
“In your highest moments… Be careful… Because that’s when the Devil comes for you…!!”


At the Hardy Compound, Matt Hardy was showing us round some of the halls and rooms he has available to him… ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin was cooking in the kitchen… while Jeff Hardy was working out with Lita and Nidia in the gym…


Matt Hardy:
“You might think… That I’m referring to ME in my highest moment… and KEARNE (Kane) as the Devil… But… I KNEW YOU’D THINK THAT… Because the person in their highest moooment… is KEARNE… and the DEVIL… is ME…!! YEEEAAAaasss… No Way Out… Brother Jeff and I… will EEEEND, the two masked fiends… Kearne and The Thunder Tiger, Jushin… And it will be… WONDERFULLLLL!! YEEEAAASSSSS!!”






‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Haku w/ Rikishi & Umaga


Two of the roughest, toughest, meanest men in the WWF right now did battle here. Rikishi and Umaga wanted their fellow Islander to weaken Big Show ahead of Rikishi and Show’s Triple Threat World Heavyweight Title Match with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin at No Way Out this weekend. But weakening Show is easier said than done, even if you are a big, strong, Tongan. Haku had his moments, but he was eventually stopped when Big Show grabbed him by the throat and hit his ‘Show Stopper Chokeslam’.



‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show

'Show Stopper Chokeslam'


Two Can Play That Game…




As has been Big Show’s Modus Operandi in recent weeks, ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle appeared after the bell, and nobody had noticed him arrive!! He slid into the ring behind Show, and tried to lock in his ‘Ankle Lock’ submission hold… Rikishi and Umaga were on him like a shot though, and didn’t allow Kurt to do any damage to the Giant… Even though he will stand in Rikishi’s way at No Way Out…


Before he gets to the Pay-Per-View though… big ‘Kishi has a date with ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane on Smackdown…!!





No APA Here Tonight…


We learned earlier that Faarooq and Bradshaw weren’t here tonight… But, standing with backstage interviewer Coach, were the APA’s No Way Out opponents…




“Guys… The APA have accepted your challenge for No Way Out… These guys are big, bad, rough Texans… How do you two rate your chances…?! What’s your… strategy to win…?!”


William Regal:
“Well Jonathan… Thank you for asking old chap… You’ve always been extremely nice to me… I won’t be sharing our strategies here… but in terms of how we rate our chances… well… tell him Dean…”


Dean Malenko:
“Mr. Regal… I’m the ‘Man Of A Thousand Holds’… and LORD knows, you know well over five hundred yourself… I say we have a pretty good chance, against a couple of bullies who probably know one hold… and that’s how to hold a BEER…!!”


William Regal:
“It’s technical athletes… versus lay about drunk… gamblers… WE don’t gamble… We take everything we do, with precise accuracy… and control EVERY situation we are in…!! At No Way Out… We wipe our debt with these plonkers, and move on…”






Edge & Eddie Guerrero [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Eddie Guerrero’s 2002 began with a loss to Chris Jericho, meaning that ‘Y2J’ received a very late entry in the Royal Rumble Match. But Eddie went on to WIN the Rumble, and he’s undefeated since. Jericho and his partner Chris Benoit did their best to stop Eddie here, but his partner Edge wasn’t ever going to allow that to happen. He was on a mission tonight, and if he hits that kind of form on Sunday at No Way Out, he’ll do what he did here tonight and hit a ‘Spear’ and win the Intercontinental Title. The ‘Spear’ tonight was for Benoit, but it could very well be Jericho taking that particular move on Sunday.



Edge & Eddie Guerrero





Laying The Smackdown…


This week on Smackdown… we already know Kane and Rikishi will go 1 on 1 in what should be an epic meeting of the two big men… D’Lo Brown will also get his match with Bradshaw, in an effort to prove to Faarooq that his partner can’t be trusted…


The announce team then confirmed a big main event set for Smackdown, as WWF World Heavyweight Champion ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, battles an old rival in the form of Hardcore Holly…!! As this was being announced, ‘The Game’ Triple H once again appeared on our screens…




Triple H:
“Looks like I’m heading to Smackdown then… If I wanna get Vince and Shane’s attention before No Way Out… I have no problem showing up in Austin’s match…!!”







Quick Results:


Albert [def.] Van Venis


Perfect and Sexay [def.] Rapid Fire


Spike Dudley [def.] Jerry Lynn


Batista [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Big Show [def.] Haku


Edge & Eddie Guerrero [def.] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit


Show Rating:







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The 'Go-Home' show before No Way Out 2002...





Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin



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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man

William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw

K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man

William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man

William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho

D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


D’Lo Brown [vs] Bradshaw


K-Kwik w/ Billy Gunn [vs] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] ????


Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



Medical Update…


We opened Smackdown with an update on the condition of ‘The American Badass’ The Undertaker…




‘Taker was brutally attacked, and laid out in the parking lot on Smackdown last week, and there were doubts about whether he’d make it to No Way Out this Sunday or not… However, tonight we learned that he
be back in time for Sunday Night’s Pay-Per-View…






Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] ‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane


These two big men collided in a great contest here, where either man could have scored the win. For the finish, Matt Hardy arrived in the front row of the crowd, and put Kane off enough for him to walk onto a ‘Super Kick’. Upon his landing, Rikishi realised he was in position for a ‘Running Leg Drop’, and the big Samoan squished the masked face of ‘The Big Red Machine’.



Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga

'Running Leg Drop'


Angle Clears The Way…




Kurt Angle has been asked by ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin to take out either Rikishi or Big Show ahead of No Way Out… He’s been promised a future WWF World Heavyweight Title Match, and so he’s been taking his mission very seriously… However, when he arrived tonight following the final bell of the previous match, and he hit Umaga on the back with a steel chair… The move had little effect and Haku began to chase Angle away… Umaga and Rikishi also gave chase, and the announce team began to realise that the door was now open for a Matt Hardy attack…




Matt wasn’t alone for long, because his brother Jeff and ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin made their way out for the 3 on 1 attack of Matt’s No Way Out opponent… However, Kane was ready for them, and threw the oncoming Jeff Hardy over the top rope, before hitting a Chokeslam on Shelton…!! Matt was left alone in the ring with ‘The Big Red Machine’… But it wasn’t long before Jeff slid back in… He was then kicked in the face by Kane for his troubles, and he crumpled to the floor and rolled out under the bottom rope… Matt began to take off his big jacket… but then slowly climbed out of the ring, ready to fight another day… and that other day is going to be Sunday at No Way Out… Kane versus Matt Hardy in what is potentially going to be Matt’s biggest ever singles match…!!






Scotty Too Hotty [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


There was a great bit of tit-for-tat, back and forth, striking early on in this one. The problem for Scotty Too Hotty was that Tajiri seemed to relish the fight, and excels in these kinds of brawls. He dominated the middle portion of the match, and even countered a running bulldog during Scotty’s comeback. In the end, Scotty nearly got knocked out after the ‘Buzzsaw Kick’.



‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'




Lots Of Friends…


We cut backstage next, and found Coach trying to find someone for an interview… and eventually found who he was looking for… Big Show…!! But he wasn’t alone…!!




“Show, Show… Did you see Kurt Angle’s failed attempts at taking out Rikishi earlier…!? Are you worried he’ll be coming for you next…?!”


Big Show:
“Does it look like I’m worried, Coach…?! I got Edge… Eddie Guerrero… Rey Mysterio… We’re all watching each others’ backs tonight… Let’s say Angle tries anything, like Austin has tried to get him to do… If I don’t get to him, one of these guys will… If he doesn’t show… Whiiiiich I suggest he doesn’t… Then the three of us are just gonna chill out, have a few beers, and play some dominos…!!”






Al Snow [vs] ‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho


An amazing match here, with Chris Jericho fighting a true veteran in Al Snow. Both men know how to put on a show, but it was Jericho hitting most of the impactful offence. Snow went for his ‘Snow Plough’ late on, but Jericho had a counter for it, and managed to hit a bulldog. As he tried to land a ‘Lion Sault’, Snow got his knees up. But Jericho was expecting it, and landed at Snow’s feet, catching both legs, rolling the veteran over, and locking in the ‘Walls Of Jericho’!



‘The Ego-Maniac’ Chris Jericho

'Walls Of Jericho'




Light Heavyweight Legends…


We learned about a singles match set for the Heat Pre-Show next… between two former Light Heavyweight Champion, veterans, who have a lot of beef…




Marty Jannetty and Jerry Lynn HATE each other… it stems all the way back to when Jannetty returned to the WWE, and beat Lynn on his re-debut… He ended Lynn’s Light Heavyweight Title run on that night, and the hatred has spread ever since… Now, on the Heat Pre-Show of No Way Out, they can finally settle the score…!!





No Bradshaw… Too Bad? Sure…




Next up, we were due to see D’Lo Brown battle Bradshaw, and the former headed to the ring to a song from Eminem’s new album… The track is called – Business – and it got the crowd bopping and dancing along…!! D’Lo had a more serious look on his face here though… Wanting to fight Bradshaw to prove that the APA member is not to be trusted… However, Bradshaw came out in a suit… and did NOT look ready for a fight…




“Guys… Guys… D’Lo… I’m so sorry… I don’t know what to say… I can’t possibly compete against you tonight, D’Lo… As you know, I have a huge match at No Way Out with my BEST FRIEND, and mentor, Faarooq… against William Regal and Dean Malenko… What you might NOT know… is that I sent my damn, ELBOW PADS… off to get dry cleaned ahead of Sunday… and they’re not back yet… So… I’m so sorry… but there’s no way I can compete tonight… I’m sorry…!!”


Bradshaw dropped the microphone, and left through the curtain, as a furious D’Lo shook his head… (not in the usual D’Lo Brown way)…







In the back, Spike Dudley was talking with a backstage worker, about his big win against Jerry Lynn on RAW… He was saying he could beat ANYONE… when ‘The Animal’ Batista walked by...




Spike made a badly timed joke about how big Batista is… and the huge newcomer didn’t take kindly to his words… Spike ran off, and left the backstage worker to be slammed into the wall by Batista…!!






William Regal & Dean Malenko [vs] Local Enhancement Talents


As one-sided as a tag team match can get here, with the technicians Regal and Malenko dominating the two youngsters across the ring from them. Regal mercifully made one of them tap out with the ‘Regal Stretch’ in the end.



William Regal & Dean Malenko

'Regal Stretch'




A Push…




Steven Richards was backstage next… Sat in the driver’s seat of his rental car, and talking about the two men who pushed him around on RAW; Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon… He said he wanted to challenge either of them to a match on the RAW after No Way Out…


Steven Richards:
“Now… If you’re wondering why I’m sat in my car… just sat here, waiting… It’s because my car isn’t starting, and I’m waiting for a ‘Big Push’…!!”





Terri’s Boys…




We saw a pre-taped video package with Terri and her ‘Boys’, Albert and Perry Saturn… and they were talking about their rivals, The Holly Cousins, and Val Venis… Terri explained that so far, her ‘Boys’ were 2 for 2 against Hardcore, Crash, and Val… but at No Way Out, on the Heat Pre-Show, they’re going to get the chance to win a 3rd straight match… Val Venis and Hardcore Holly… versus Albert and Saturn…!!






Hardcore Holly [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin


Speaking of Hardcore Holly, he was in action in our Main Event here tonight, against the WWF World Heavyweight Champion: ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. He put up one heck of a fight here, in what is currently ranked the second best match since this diary began. That’s right, a Hardcore Holly Match is the second best match since this diary began. Take THAT Togg. Austin controlled the pace, and the ring general stopped the crowd getting into it. When Holly started chopping, and fighting back though, the crowd began to come alive. The passionate group of fans in the building brought everything Holly had out of him. For the finish though, Austin wriggled free of the ‘Alabama Slam’ and kicked Holly in the gut. He then dropped the former Tag Team and Hardcore Champion with the ‘Stone Cold Stunner’, and his job was done tonight…


Or was it…?!



‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

'Stone Cold Stunner'


Not Over Yet…


As it turned out, that match wasn’t the last thing Austin had to do tonight… because the biggest rival of The Four Man Power Trip – Triple H, burst through the curtain to his own entrance music… and stomped to the ring with a Sledgehammer…!!




‘The Game’ had two things on his mind, and two things only… Knock the crap out of Austin, and get the attention of Vince and Shane McMahon… He achieved the first of those goals by kicking Austin low, and then planting him face first with a ‘Pedigree’… He then grabbed the Sledgehammer again… and stood over Austin’s fallen body… threatening to slam the hammer down on the WWF World Heavyweight Champion’s skull… But he was stopped by Vince and Shane McMahon…!!




The McMahons weren’t alone though… as they brought some Police Officers out with them… Four didn’t seem like it would be enough, but as they surrounded ‘The Game’ in the ring, it soon became obvious that it wasn’t…!! Triple H began punching and pushing them around, seemingly not needing to use the Sledgehammer… Then suddenly, Shane dropped down behind him, and landed a vicious low blow from behind…!! Triple H fell to his knees, and was soon face-down on the mat being handcuffed… Vince slapped his defenceless Son-in-Law across the face, and he was taken away… With Undertaker being attacked on RAW… to Triple H heading off to jail… the Handicap Cage Match at No Way Out looks less and less likely that it’s going to happen…






Quick Results:


Rikishi [def.] Kane


Tajiri [def.] Scotty Too Hotty


Chris Jericho [def.] Al Snow


K-Kwik [def.] Big Boss Man


William Regal & Dean Malenko [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Steve Austin [def.] Hardcore Holly


Show Rating:






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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy ©
w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy
w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? __________________

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? __________________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? __________________


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn



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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Austin vs Rikishi vs Show

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 92(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? 2


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? WWF Title Match

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 89

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? Zero

4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Austin vs Rikishi vs Show

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 92(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? 2


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? _______main event___________

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? _________94_________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? _______0___________


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin

This is such a cool match on paper. Should be a good one, but I think Hardy retains.


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay

I don't see Eddie going from winning the Rumble to losing to Perfect and Sexay.


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©

This one could go either way for me but I'm leaning slightly more toward Jericho.


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin

Another tough one. Biggest guess of the show for me, but I'm going with Kane.


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA

I feel like Regal and Malenko have been booked stronger overall, which could mean that the APA is winning here, but I'm going with Regal and Malenko.


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker

A lot of these are tough to call, which usually means the booker has done a great job building to the match, so kudos to you for that Lloyd!


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©

I don't see Rikishi or Big Show ending Austin's run with the title.


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? World Heavyweight Title match

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 88

3). How many Championships will change hands? According to my picks, 0. So that's what I'm going with.


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Triple Threat for World Title

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 94

(within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? 1


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©

Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Main event

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? _______85___________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? 0


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn

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WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match:

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Jeff Hardy © w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Non Title Grudge Match:

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [vs] Perfect and Sexay


WWF Intercontinental Title Match:

Edge [vs] ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho ©


Grudge Match:

‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy w/ Lita, Nidia & Shelton Benjamin


Double Or Nothing Match:

Regal and Malenko [vs] The APA


Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:

Rikishi [vs] ‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin ©


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Edge/Y2J

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 88 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? 0 __________________


4). Heat Pre-Show Match: Hardcore Holly and Val Venis vs Albert and Perry Saturn

5). Heat Pre-Show Match: Marty Jannetty vs Jerry Lynn


Bradshaw dropped the microphone, and left through the curtain, as a furious D’Lo shook his head… (not in the usual D’Lo Brown way)…



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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



Heat Pre-Show


Before No Way Out kicked off, we saw some highlights from Sunday Night Heat, where there were two featured matches…


Albert and Perry Saturn w/ Terri defeated Hardcore Holly and Val Venis w/ Crash and Molly Holly (68)


Marty Jannetty defeated Jerry Lynn (64)








Liger’s entrance here, followed by the arrival of Jeff Hardy and the Hardy Family, made this feel like a huge match. Once it was over, the announce team agreed that it was, and nobody could argue with them. Jeff was so quick with both delivering and avoiding offence, while Liger’s high impact, and highly effective power offence was something the Light Heavyweight Division hadn’t seen before. Liger also used some of his technical prowess in this one, and managed to lock Jeff in a ‘Figure Four Leg Lock’ in the middle of the ring. However, a referee distraction from both Lita and Nidia allowed Shelton Benjamin to slide into the ring and almost kick Liger’s mask off his head! Jeff hit a ‘Twist Of Fate’ moments later, and then the ‘Swanton Bomb’ brought all of Jeff’s weight onto Liger’s mid-section, a move that nobody kicks out of!



and STILL WWF Light Heavyweight Champion… Jeff Hardy

'Swanton Bomb'






In what he must have thought was the Men’s Locker Room, Edge was strapping up his knees, getting ready for his upcoming Intercontinental Title shot… When in walked the now brown-haired Trish Stratus… Edge was extremely surprised to see her in that room, and he looked around trying to find someone else to be surprised with… He stood up, and towered over Trish…




Trish Stratus:
“Edge… Hey… Listen, I know your Brother Christian isn’t around right now… But if you wanna have some… ‘company’… around here for the next while… I am MORE than happy to be that company…”


Edge was a little taken aback… He didn’t know what to say, but before he could reply, Trish brushed her hand on his chest, and turned tail… Edge was speechless, until Crash Holly came out of the shower in just his towel… He asked if Crash had seen what had just happened, which he hadn’t…!!







The WWF World Tag Team Champions have been on a rollercoaster in 2002. They began their Title reign a month ago now, and in the weeks before and after, they’ve had big victories and suffered big losses. Tonight was a loss, but both Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay will feel like they showed what they have to offer as Champions, with an excellent performance. The problem they came across was how small and ‘slippery’ Mysterio was, and how much momentum is behind Eddie. Once Guerrero was tagged in, the crowd went crazy, and stayed loud throughout his comeback. He ended it by pinning the experienced Perfect following a ‘Frog Splash’. For Eddie now, it’s off to WrestleMania 18!!



Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio

'Frog Splash'




Mutual Veterans…


We cut to the back next, where Coach was stood with his guest: Marty Jannetty… who won a tough match on the Heat Pre-Show against his long-time rival, Jerry Lynn…




Jannetty started saying that he could now move on from Lynn, and hoped that Lynn could move on too… But the aforementioned veteran Light Heavyweight walked up…




Jerry Lynn:
“Listen… Marty… We haven’t always seen eye to eye… but… Look… tonight, you earnt my respect… Thanks for the match, brother…”


Jerry stuck a hand out… and Jannetty didn’t know whether to accept the handshake or not… Like the babyface sucker that he is, he accepted the handshake, and the two veterans shared a moment of mutual respect… Lynn then took his leave, which left Jannetty confused…







Unsurprising to see Edge and Jericho put on the Match of the Night here, and it didn’t even go to a finish! As Intercontinental Champion, Jericho knew he had the Champions Advantage in this match, and he tried to wrestle as much of the contest as possible on the outside of the ring. He knew that for Edge to break the count, and win the Title, he had to expend extra energy each time, by getting Jericho back into the ring! ‘Y2J’ also managed to squirm out under the bottom rope, to the floor, after taking a late ‘Spear’ from Edge in the middle of the ring! For the finish, Edge attempted a second ‘Spear’, this one outside the ring, and both men collided with the ring steps. Just as Edge was going to break the ten count at eight, Jericho grabbed his ankle, and gripped on for dear life! The referee’s count made it to nine, and then ten, and Edge didn’t have the strength to shake him free!



DRAW… therefore STILL WWF Intercontinental Champion… ‘Y2J’ Chris Jericho

'Double Count-Out'




RAW Matches…


Next up, we learned of two matches set for tomorrow night on RAW… Steven Richards’ challenge to Bill DeMott and Razor Ramon has been answered by ‘The Bad Guy’, and it’ll be Richards versus Ramon in 24 hours… Also on RAW, Spike Dudley’s comments on Smackdown last week about Batista have not gone down well with ‘The Animal’, and they’ll be fighting 1 on 1 as well…!!







Marred in controversy and unsettling scenes, this one was on its way to being a great match between two of the WWF’s weirdest rising stars. Kane’s size and strength advantage is frankly scary for most people to deal with, but Matt Hardy doesn’t seem to fear anyone. That might be down to the fact that his ‘Family’ is always right behind him. His Brother Jeff, his girlfriend Lita, Jeff’s new love Nidia, and their butler ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin! That back-up wasn’t needed here, as Matt made sure he stayed out of Kane’s grasp at every opportunity. For the finish, everyone previously mentioned was keeping their distance as Kane and Matt slugged it out outside the ring. Jeff decided to distract the referee, and Lita saw her opportunity to jump on Kane’s back and lock in a Sleeper! Kane grabbed her, flipped her forward, and then dropped her with a ‘Tombstone’ Piledriver! Lita was laid out, and the referee came out to see if she was okay. He frantically called for help, as doctors came running out to the ring. He also declared Matt Hardy the winner due to ‘Referee Stoppage’, and told Kane to leave the area. Matt was crying his eyes out over Lita’s fallen body, Jeff and Nidia held each other tight. Shelton didn’t know what to do with himself, but he looked like he wanted to kill Kane!!



‘Broken’ Matt Hardy

Referee Stoppage






Regal and Malenko knew that if they could win this match, their debt to the APA would be wiped. They used Faarooq and Bradshaw for ‘protection’ earlier in the year, and apparently owe them some money for it. The two technicians also knew that a loss would result in their debt being DOUBLED, so they knew they had to win at all costs. Faarooq was dominant for a large portion, making quick tags with Bradshaw in order to keep Malenko in the ring, but it was the big veteran who did most of the heavy lifting. Spinebusters, Pump Handle Slams, and other power moves kept Dean away from tagging Regal in, but he eventually made some space and got the tag. For the finish, Regal locked Faarooq in the ’Regal Stretch’, but he didn’t see that Bradshaw had gotten the blind tag. The big Texan came running across and kicked Malenko in the mouth, knocking him off the apron. Bradshaw waited until Regal had figured out that Faarooq wasn’t legal (he tapped out, and the referee waved it off). What Regal didn’t realise was that Bradshaw was lying in wait, and as soon as the British former European Champion turned around, he hit the ropes, and came back off to blast Regal with the ‘Clothesline From Hell’.



The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw)

'Clothesline From Hell'


Define Debt Doubled…?


The APA’s victory, means that William Regal and Dean Malenko now owe Faarooq and Bradshaw DOUBLE what they owed them before… But the news we got at the end of this match, was that on RAW, we’re going to finally see D’Lo Brown battle Bradshaw 1 on 1…!!




Bradshaw ducked D’Lo in a previously scheduled 1 on 1 match, claiming his elbow pads were being dry-cleaned ahead of his No Way Out match… D’Lo has been questioning Bradshaw’s change of attitude for weeks now… calling him untrustworthy, and trying to get Faarooq to see him for what he is… Now D’Lo has the chance to beat Bradshaw up… But the announce team asked whether Regal and Malenko would just pay their now doubled debt… or if it’d mean they owe the APA something more than money…







Triple H was arrested on Smackdown, and spent the night in jail. The Undertaker was taken out in the parking lot on Monday Night RAW, and looked for all the world like he wouldn’t make this match. In fact, neither of them looked certain to be here, but they both made it – and the match was on. The announce team confirmed that the ONLY way to win, was by pinfall or submission, given that it was a 2 on 1 handicap match. It began with Vince McMahon directing traffic, while Undertaker did most of the dirty work against Triple H. Every time ‘The Game’ got back into it, Vince would pile on and double team him. Apart from a few kicks and punches early on, Triple H barely registered any offence. Vince made a huge mistake at one point though. He ordered ‘Taker to leave the cage, and go and grab some hardware. He shouted that he wanted a sledgehammer, and wanted to destroy ‘The Game’. As ‘The American Badass’ started looking under the ring, Triple H caught one of Vince’s heavy right hands, and began twisting his Father-In-Law’s arm around!! Undertaker realised what was happening, and began to head back towards the cage door.


As he made it level with the door, ‘The Game’ kicked it open, hard, and it smacked off Undertaker’s head, sending the big man backwards and into the guard rail. Triple H went out there like a shot, and was on Undertaker, pounding him with rights and lefts. He suddenly stopped punching him though, when he realised ‘Taker had indeed found the sledgehammer. He waited for ‘Taker to get up, and then delivered a gut shot with the hammer, which doubled the near 7 footer over in pure agony. Triple H then shot a glance to Vince McMahon inside the ring, who looked like he’d seen a ghost. ‘The Game’ climbed into the ring, before dropping the hammer outside it, and then slamming the door behind him! Hunter and Vince brawled 1 on 1, with Trips coming out on top, until ‘Here Comes The Money’ hit, and ‘The Prodigal Son’ Shane McMahon headed onto the stage!




Shane was supposed to be injured, and therefore unable to compete in this match, but he seemed absolutely fine! He strolled to the ring with a strange strut, much like his Father’s. His arms swaying, and a big grin on his face. Vince had gained the upper hand in the ring too, capitalising on his distracted Son-In-Law. However, when Shane made it to the door, he grabbed the handle, and then all of the lights went out in the arena!!


When they came back on…




‘THE GREAT ONE’ THE ROCK was standing behind Vince McMahon, waiting to hit a ‘Rock Bottom’!! Shane pointed at him hysterically as he struggled with the door, and Vince turned around and got planted with Rocky’s finisher!! Rock then brought Shane into the ring the ‘hard way’, and hit HIM with a ‘Rock Bottom’ too. ‘The Great One’ nodded towards Triple H, and then went out after The Undertaker!! ‘The Game’ came to his senses, and hit a ‘Pedigree’ on Vince McMahon! He grabbed Shane’s lifeless body, and stacked it on top of Vince to make a brilliant pin fall!



‘The Game’ Triple H



Triple Rock…




After the match, Triple H and The Rock shared a look… The two have had an up and down relationship in recent years, but more recently have gotten along extremely well, fighting mutual enemies… Rock couldn’t leave without getting in one last ‘Rock Bottom’ on The Undertaker… before shouting that he’s a ‘Samoan Badass’… and he’s BACK…!!







Three of the biggest stars in the company did battle here, with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s WWF World Heavyweight Title on the line. Austin was keen to let Rikishi and Big Show fight 1 on 1, so he could pick up the scraps, but it didn’t go down like that. Every time the two big men fought each other, one would go down, and the other would go after ‘Stone Cold’. Austin took a beating 1 on 1 against both ‘Kishi and Show, and the crowd loved it. However, he was able to gain a bit of an advantage with a low blow to Rikishi around 6 minutes in. The big Samoan was left lying in the ring, and Austin put the boots to him. Every time Big Show got up onto the apron, ‘Stone Cold’ had a way to knock him off and to the floor. The WWF World Heavyweight Champion called for help a couple of times, but no members of the Four Man Power Trip came out. He needed them late on, because Big Show had his brutal grip around Austin’s throat, but they still didn’t help – presumably due to being taken out in the previous Cage Match. Luckily for ‘Stone Cold’, Rikishi managed to Super Kick Show in the throat, and send him backwards towards the ropes. The powerful Samoan ran at Show as he staggered, but Show side-stepped him and sent him through the ropes and crashing to the floor. Austin then saw his chance, kicked Show in the gut, and dropped him with a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ to retain!



and STILL WWF World Heavyweight Champion… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin

'Stone Cold Stunner'


Show’s Over…


Big Show laid out flat on the canvas, right in the centre of the ring… but he wasn’t down for long… He managed to drag himself to his feet, just in time for Kurt Angle to show up behind him, and CHOP BLOCK his knee… Rikishi had already left… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin saw what was happening and did nothing about it…




Big Show writhed in pain, as Angle shouted that it should have been him (in the Main Event tonight)… Angle dropped down, and locked Show in his Ankle Lock, screaming for him to tap… Show refused, so Angle wrenched harder and harder… He slid out of the ring, grabbed a steel chair and started wailing on Show’s legs…!! Then he went out of the ring again… this time for the ring steps… As he got back in, Show started fighting back… But Angle was relentless… He stomped all over Show’s ankle, and then began locking it up in the steel chair… He struggled to pick up the ring steps, and then just dropped them straight on the chair…


Big Show screamed in agony… as referees and officials started running to the ring t break it up... They were too late to stop the attack, and Show was done… Angle was escorted away, but he kept shouting back that he deserved a Title shot…!!






Quick Results:


Jeff Hardy [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger

to retain the WWF Light Heavyweight Title…


Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio [def.] Perfect & Sexay


Chris Jericho and Edge went to a Double Count-Out


Matt Hardy [def.] Kane


The APA [def.] Regal & Malenko


Triple H [def.] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker


Steve Austin [def.] Rikishi and Big Show

to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Title…


On the Heat Pre-Show, Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] Hardcore Holly & Van Venis… Marty Jannetty [def.] Jerry Lynn


Bonus Questions:

1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? EDGE vs JERICHO for the INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE

2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 85 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points)

3). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible 3)...? NONE




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Haku appears as a babyface and a heel there... Not for the first time... I made this graphic after I wrote No Way Out, which was a while ago :D I can't use the updated graphic to replace it, because it contains spoilers, and I can't be bothered to change it :D :D :D
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Handicap Cage Match:

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Vince McMahon & The Undertaker

A lot of these are tough to call, which usually means the booker has done a great job building to the match, so kudos to you for that Lloyd!


Thank you mate! I think that's how I see my booking style. You build up two (or more) wrestlers, and make them look great over a number of weeks and months, and then they have their match at the end of a feud, and you think they can both win!


Game Of Thrones was a good example of this. You wanted to see the good 'fighters' fight each other, and you weren't sure who would win. Certain characters were killed before they got their big fight. Others died in other ways.


In my head, I should build up as many characters as possible, to where you think they'll all win every time they have a match - with the exception of the odd few 'jobbers'. But even those guys should get a surprise win every now and then - like the Brooklyn Brawler did. Then I can push a guy like Albert for example. Give him a bunch of wins in a row, then he can lose a few in a row, but you'll all think he's still on the win streak. If that makes sense?! :D So anyway, yeah, thanks! :D

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