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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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The Royal Rumble was a great show! Also, not gonna lie, I'm so thrilled that my prediction of Eddie winning the Rumble actually came true. Can't wait to see where he goes from here.



Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] ???


Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] Faarooq w/ Bradshaw


‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott


‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

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The Royal Rumble was a great show! Also, not gonna lie, I'm so thrilled that my prediction of Eddie winning the Rumble actually came true. Can't wait to see where he goes from here.



Yeah when you said that I thought: "NOooooo!!! Someone guessed!!!" I thought I'd done a good job of having him go under the radar... but once the big favourite babyfaces were gone (mainly The Rock) Eddie was in there with five heels for the final six... even before that Mr. Sexay (heel), Bradshaw (acted like a jerk earlier in the show), and Tatanka (legend making one off appearance) made up the final nine!! So Eddie would have been a HUGE favourite for everyone as we approached the end...


I forgot to say, YOU won the Prediction Contest for the Rumble, scoring a whopping 10/15, so I'll send your prize via PM shortly :D

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Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] ???


Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] Faarooq w/ Bradshaw


‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott

‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

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Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] ???


Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] Faarooq w/ Bradshaw


‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott


‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

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Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] ???


Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] Faarooq w/ Bradshaw


‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott


‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon

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Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] ???


Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


Dean Malenko w/ William Regal [vs] Faarooq w/ Bradshaw


‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott


‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon


I feel like this could bite me in the ass but, always bet on ???

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



The Chance To REIGN Over The WWF




We opened the show with ‘The Great One’ The Rock heading to the ring, to a huge ovation… Rock fell short in his quest to win the Royal Rumble Match, and head to WrestleMania 18 to fight for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship… But he was in the mood to fight tonight…


The Rock:
“The Rock is SURE, that OL’ Stone Cold, and ‘The Great One’ will fight at a WrestleMania again down the road… Maybe next year, Rattlesnake… But right now The Rock has other PLANS… Yu see The Rock knows… The Rock GUARAN-DAMN-TEES, that The Undertaker was told to put me out early… Do NOTHING else… But throw The Rock over the top rope… If that’s how you wanna play it ‘American Naughty Botty’, that’s fine by The Rock… But maybe you wanna get your boss Vince to TELL you… to come to this ring… and get the beating of a LIFETIME… From ‘The Grea’…”




Rock couldn’t finish his thought, because it soon became apparent that the ring was being surrounded by the Chairman of the WWF – Vince McMahon, and his group the ‘Four Man Power Trip’… ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Shane McMahon looked ready for a fight, as Austin and Taker laid down their Championship Belts… But The Rock wasn’t alone and outnumbered for long…




Friends and family members alike, Rikishi, Haku and Umaga strolled to ringside, and ran The Power Trip off… The new group had worked with The Rock in the Royal Rumble Match, and they’re all extremely close… However, Rocky told the big Samoans that he doesn’t
their help, and doesn’t
their help to fight Vince and his cronies…




Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [vs] X-Pac & The Dudley Boyz


The big Samoan group won this one, when Umaga put X-Pac down with the ‘Samoan Spike’. Pac had taken his eye off the powerful youngster, after knocking Rikishi down to one knee on the apron with a series of spinning kicks.



Rikishi, Haku & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'




The Hardy Compound






Matt Hardy:
“Jeffrey… Nero… Hardy… EEEZ… The new, Light Heavyweight Champion… Of tha WWF… Brother Nero… I KNEW YOU’D WINNNN…”


Jeff Hardy:
“Thank you Brother… In this world I love THREE things… My Family… My Light Heavyweight Championship Belt… and a little lady, you guys are yet to meet… but soon… I promise…”


Jeff hugged ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin, before high-fiving Lita and his Brother Matt… They all gave Jeff pats on the back for his Title win…





Most Wanted Venis




We were reminded that tonight, ‘The Big Valbowski’ Val Venis has not one, but TWO dates tonight… Molly Holly and Terri are both interested in the gorgeous Val, and he’s very much interested in them too… On Smackdown this week, we’ll find out how the dates went…






Kamala [vs] ‘The Beast’ Batista


A quick match here, with newcomer Batista putting the veteran Kamala down in a brutal beatdown. Kamala made his second appearance for the WWF in 2002 here, but it was also his last.



‘The Beast’ Batista

'Batista Bomb'




Olympic Level Comeback




We saw at the Royal Rumble, that the now bald Kurt Angle RETURNED to the WWF… And on Smackdown this week, ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ will compete against the man who shaved him BALD at Armageddon six weeks ago: The Big Show…





Owe The APA, The APA Owe You




Faarooq seemed a little unsure about what Bradshaw was saying tonight… Especially after the big Texan went into business for himself at the Royal Rumble… First, attacking William Regal with his ‘Clothesline From Hell’ before Regal and Dean Malenko’s match with the Dudley Boyz – an act he claims earnt the APA a boat load of money… He then ELIMINATED his own partner Faarooq from the Royal Rumble Match…


“Alright… I ain’t out here to answer anybody’s questions… It’s all just… ‘business’… Faarooq and I are out here, to settle some business in fact… Because Mr. Regal and Mr. Malenko owe us a LOT of money… It’s time ta pay up boys…”


Bradshaw went on to confirm that his friend The Godfather was out injured… and that tonight, Faarooq, will fight Dean Malenko 1 on 1…




Faarooq w/ Bradshaw [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Dean Malenko won this one, tapping out Faarooq to his ‘Texas Cloverleaf’. Bradshaw had the chance to break up the hold, with the referee distracted with William Regal on the outside of the ring. He chose to do nothing though, and Faarooq tapped when the referee turned back around.



Dean Malenko w/ William Regal

'Texas Cloverleaf'




Canadian Idiots




Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho, and his back up, Chris Benoit, was stood ready for a promo next…


Chris Jericho:
“Edge and Christian… Those Canadian IDIOTS… They’re stupid, greedy, IDIOTS… They’re already the WWF Tag Team Champions… and they wanted to enter the Royal Rumble Match, for a chance to become WWF World Heavyweight Champion too…?! It shouldn’t have been ALLOWED…!!”


Chris Benoit:
“Uhh Chris… You were in the Rumble… Aren’t you the Intercontinental Champion already too…?!”


Chris Jericho:
“DAMMIT BENOIT…!! Listen… On Smackdown, Edge and Christian will defend their WWF Tag Team Titles, against Perfect And Sexay… And WE’RE… gonna be there…”






‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane [vs] Big Boss Man


Two big hosses clashing here, in a match that resembled more of a fight. Boss Man had some brilliant early offense, but he was soon taken down by Kane’s power and size advantage. He hit a brutal looking big boot while the pair were outside the ring, then followed it up with a ‘Chokeslam’ to pick up the victory.



‘The Big Red Machine’ Kane





Marty Ja-Not-Y




In catering, Jerry Lynn was talking to a group of staff, but was ultimately talking to anyone who would listen, about his long-time rival Marty Jannetty… He was laughing about Jannetty losing the Light Heavyweight Title – meaning Lynn can now challenge for the Belt himself… He suggested that Jannetty should retire, and that if he wants someone to hold the door for him on the way out, then Lynn would gladly step up and slam it on his ass…






Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Bill DeMott


Bill DeMott has looked like a machine since he arrived in the WWF earlier this month. A third win on the bounce here, and against another established star in Scotty Too Hotty. His brutal looking powerbomb was enough in the end here, and DeMott gave very little celebration.



Bill DeMott





Played The Game


Two men who had a successful night at the Royal Rumble last night, met in the locker room, when Triple H came in to find Eddie Guerrero sat waiting for someone…




Triple H:
“Expecting someone else…? Listen, man… Just wanted to say… I have huge respect for you, and I wanna congratulate you on the Rumble win last night… But make no mistake about it… If you win the WWF Title… That target on your back… I’ll be the one who painted it… and I’ll be the first to plunge a knife into it…”


Eddie stood up… He wasn’t playing around… But then he smiled, and began a small laugh before shaking Triple H’s outstretched hand…


Eddie Guerrero:
“You wouldn’t be the man I thought you were, if you didn’t… But it’s okay… Because WHEN I win the Title at WRESTLEMANIA BABY… Me an’ you can rip it up out there any time amigo…!! Now… If choo’ll excuse me…”


Triple H spun around… but it was a friendly arrival, rather than one of the members of the Four Man Power Trip he’s been battling for months…




Rey Mysterio and Triple H shared a look as Rey arrived and HHH left… He then shook his best friend Eddie’s hand, and patted him on the back… The two Mexican Americans laughed together, as the camera cut away…






‘The Great One’ The Rock [vs] ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon


Rocky and Razor tore the house down here, with the crowd fully into it from the beginning. The two fantastic athletes put on a match that ebbed and flowed, and the momentum flipped back and forth over and over again. In the end, The Rock kipped up behind Razor following a lariat, and then hit a spinebuster. He followed it up with the ‘People’s Elbow’. Razor kicked out of the resulting pin, but then things got a little crowded at ringside. The Four Man Power Trip arrived; Undertaker riding his Harley, and the rest walking alongside. They tried to distract The Rock but it back-fired to an extent, because Razor got distracted himself, and fell victim to the ‘Rock Bottom’!



‘The Great One’ The Rock

'Rock Bottom'


Rock Hammered




The Rock found himself surrounded as Razor Ramon rolled out under the bottom rope… ‘The Great One’ decided to go after The Undertaker, taking the big Hardcore Champion through the ropes to the floor… He was quickly pounced on by Shane McMahon and Steve Austin, who put the boots to The Rock… Vince McMahon then knocked Rocky down with a steel chair, as the crazy Undertaker slowly climbed onto his motorbike…!! As The Rock got back up, ‘Taker drove his bike right at him… The bike collided with Rock’s knees, and sent him flying into the ring apron… A brutal attack, which Undertaker actually looked like he regretted… Steve Austin and co were in shock too…




Triple H came running out to ringside with his sledgehammer, and the Four Man Power Trip scattered… ‘The Game’ called desperately for help to come out to the ring as he stood over his fallen former rival… There was a moment where Triple H realised he could finish The Rock off and use the sledgehammer, but he decided to lay his weapon down and hold The Rock’s hand, as he screamed out in pain…







Quick Results:


Rikishi, Haku & Umaga [def.] X-Pac & The Dudley Boyz


Batista [def.] Kamala


Dean Malenko [def.] Faarooq


Kane [def.] Big Boss Man


Bill DeMott [def.] Scotty Too Hotty


The Rock [def.] Razor Ramon


Show Rating:






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'The Most Wanted Venis' :D


That storyline is fun, I also like how you've written Bradshaw here. Is Godfather available for angles?


Haha! Thank you man. I think I'm way more into the lower card feuds than I am the Main Event right now. It's almost harder to write for Austin, Rock, Triple H, Undertaker etc than it is Venis, The APA, Marty Jannetty :D


Unfortunately, G'Father is out out. He had successful surgery though, which shortened his injury. On the same night, Christian picked up a 'knock', and although he can work through his injury, I like to write people off TV for a bit and let them rest up while they're out. Which I think is a few weeks.

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family

Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq

WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay

Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


Triple H & Rikishi [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



WWF Rocked


We opened tonight’s edition of Smackdown, with footage from Monday Night RAW… where The Rock was brutally attacked by Vince and Shane McMahon, and their cronies ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and The Undertaker… Leading to ‘Takier’ running Rocky down with his motorbike… Earlier in the show, Rock had asked that his ‘Family’ Rikishi, Haku and Umaga stay out of his affairs, and not offer him help… But it was Triple H who ended up saving the day and running the Four Man Power Trip off… Not before they could do some real damage though, and we don’t know when Rocky will return… Back live, and the aforementioned Power Trip were in the ring…




Vince McMahon:
“Hu… Yah… Well… The Four Man Power Trip reign SUPREME… And The Rock… is gone, ladies and gentlemen…!!”


The crowd booed Mr. McMahon so loudly, the commentary team thought you’d be able to hear them from space!! But the boos turned louder still when Vince and his group began laughing at The Rock’s plight… Eventually though, those boos turned to cheers, as out came Triple H… followed by Rikishi, Haku and Umaga…!!




Triple H:
“Everyone keeps askin’ us… “Will Rocky make it back for ‘Mania”… and the answer remains the same… I know The Rock… Very well… and If there’s one thing I know… It’s that if there’s still life… If there’s still BREATH… in his beaten up body… then he’ll be at ‘Mania…!!”


Undertaker looked put out by Triple H’s words… But Rikishi took the mic next… He said he was done talking… and marched his group to the ring… where The Four Man Power Trip had climbed down the back of the ring, so as not to get physical… They claimed to be leaving out of ‘respect’… As they were leaving the arena though, Big Show’s music hit… and the ‘World’s Largest Athlete’ took offense at them being on the stage as he entered for his match…




Undertaker and Steve Austin weren’t going to stand for that, so they beat the stuffing out of him… ending it with a ‘Stone Cold Stunner’ and then a ‘Chokeslam’ ON the metal stage…!! Triple H, Rikishi, Haku and Umaga arrived too late to stop the attack, but Show’s match was still due to go ahead next…!!




‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


There was no way Big Show was at 100% in this match, after the attack on the stage. The start got delayed, while he received some basic treatment from a doctor at ringside, but once it began, it was all Angle. He was like a shark smelling blood in the water, and he eventually tapped Show out with his ‘Ankle Lock’.



‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

'Ankle Lock'




Val’s First Date…


On Monday night, during RAW… Val Venis went on not one, but TWO dates… The first, was with Molly Holly… Someone who he seems to really like, and really want to treat well…




Their dinner date looked lovely, and it seemed like they were getting along really well… Val paid for everything, and was the complete gentleman… However, towards the end, he got a little twitchy, as he realised he had to go to his second date of the evening… Molly was left a little confused by the situation…






‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero [vs] Shelton Benjamin w/ The Hardy Family


It was great to see this match score so highly, as Shelton Benjamin continued his young career, and Eddie Guerrero looked to capitalise on his Royal Rumble victory. Shelton almost caused a huge upset, as he threw Eddie around the ring with brilliant suplexes and throws. However, Eddie knew what he was doing, and managed to roll out of a belly-to-belly throw. After he got up, he hit his ‘Three Amigos’, and followed them up with a ‘Frog Splash’.



‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero

'Frog Splash'


Jeff’s First Title Defence




After Shelton’s excellent performance, his fellow Hardy Family member Jeff Hardy learned who he will be making his first Light Heavyweight Title defence against… At No Way Out… Hardy will battle the legendary Japanese wrestler: Jushin Thunder Liger, who made his WWF debut in the Royal Rumble…!!




Liger vs Hardy… at No Way Out…!!






Steven Richards [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Steven Richards’ last few months have been a struggle, and he was up against a very dangerous fighter here too. Tajiri is charismatic when he wants to be, and vicious when he needs to be, and he showed that here with a brutal display – finishing Richards off with his ‘Buzzsaw Kick’ to the temple.



‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'




Real Deal Business


We cut to a pre-taped segment next, where D’Lo Brown was in the recording studio, choosing his NEW entrance music…




He was looking at some rap songs he liked, and trying to change the lyrics etc… But he eventually settled on an Eminem song, from his new album – ‘The Eminem Show’… The track was called ‘Business’, and has a catchy beat to it… Go here:



**Ignore the talky bit at the start… and it wouldn’t have the lyrics etc, just the beat… It’d probably start with “YOU’RE LOOKIN’ AT THE REAL DEAL NOW” still…






Best Friends For Years




Back live, and we cut backstage to where Eddie Guerrero was stretching following his excellent match with Shelton Benjamin from earlier tonight… In walked his friend Rey Mysterio Jr, who has recently arrived in the WWF…


Eddie Guerrero:
“Hey man… Heard the news… You didn’t get the Jeff Hardy Match at No Way Out, huh?”


Rey Mysterio:
“Actually… That’s what I wanted to talk to you about… Since I don’t have a match at No Way Out now… How about me an’ you team up… like old times, man…”


Eddie was about to say yes, when in walked Mr. Perfect and Mr. Sexay… a tag team who have a huge opportunity later tonight, as they’ll be taking on Edge and Christian for their WWF World Tag Team Titles…!!




Mr. Perfect:
“Well whaaaaadda we have here…?! Two little Mexican fellas… talkin’ about ‘old times’…?! What the hell do YOU know about ‘old times’… I’ve been wrestlin’, since you were still in diapers Eddie… and Rey… well… You might even still BE in diapers…!!”


Rey tried to get in Perfect’s face… but Eddie held him back… and told Perfect he should focus his energy on his Title match tonight… since he’s old, he doesn’t have as much energy as he used to… Perfect said Eddie would see just how much energy he’s got later… A tense segment between the four men…






William Regal w/ Dean Malenko [vs] Bradshaw w/ Faarooq


Two excellent performers here, doing battle in a short, but fun match. Malenko and Faarooq brawled a little at ringside, and both got involved in the match inside the ring too. For the finish, Bradshaw ‘accidentally’ collided with Faarooq, who was on the apron. The veteran brawler took a nasty looking fall, and it actually brought concern from Regal. Bradshaw didn’t seem worried at all, and waited until Regal turned around, before unleashing the unstoppable ‘Clothesline From Hell’.



Bradshaw w/ Faarooq

'Clothesline From Hell'




Val’s Second Date…




Val Venis’ second date of the evening on Monday Night, was with the lovely Terri… Things seemed to be going well here too, but Val was extremely tired, having already been out with Molly Holly earlier on… He yawned a few times, and Terri got a little upset with him… However, she wasn’t completely put off… She tried it on with Val, who frantically made excuses to leave, realising he was more into Molly… The problem was, as Val burst through the door to leave, he… quite literally… ran into trouble…




Val slammed the door open, and it must have his Albert’s arm… One half of ‘Terri’s Boys’ was walking with the other: Perry Saturn, and carrying drinks...!! Albert and Saturn were p****d, but Val got out of there as quickly as he could…!!








Edge & Christian © [vs] Perfect & Sexay


A brilliant Tag Team Title Match here, which was a tale of three very different stages of the match. The early stages were back and forth, but it soon settled into stage one, the section of the match where Perfect & Sexay dominated. Mr. Perfect is a veteran of the game, and his ‘student’ Mr. Sexay has learnt a few tricks from his mentor. Despite their combined experience and nous, they could do nothing about Edge and Christian’s comeback in stag two. Edge especially looked fired up, hitting elbows, and throws on the challengers. But stage three was sudden, and Edge and Christian could do nothing about it either. Chris Jericho slid into the ring while the referee was distracted by Chris Benoit, and hit a spinning back elbow on Edge. As the referee turned back around, Mr. Perfect hit his ‘Perfect Plex’ on Edge, and held him down to win the match, AND, win the WWF Tag Team Titles!!



and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions: Perfect & Sexay

'Perfect Plex'


You Shouldn’t Have Done That…




Jericho and Benoit stood on the stage, and laughed as Christian began to piece together what had happened… Jericho held his Intercontinental Title up in the air, and waved at Christian in the ring…!!





Not Done Yet…




In recent weeks, Marty Jannetty’s future has been called into question… The 41 year old, now former, WWF Light Heavyweight Champion certainly isn’t getting any younger… and as the Light Heavyweight Division continues to get faster and more aggressive, many (including long-time rival Jerry Lynn) believe his time is almost up… But Jannetty defiantly denied this idea…


Marty Jannetty:
“I’m not done yet… not by a long shot… It looks like I’m gonna have to PROVE how much I want this… and how much I’ve got left in the tank… So on RAW… I’m issuing an ‘Open Challenge’… ANYONE can come and fight me… 1 on 1… Jerry Lynn… That includes you, pal…!!”





The Animal




We saw a video package next, hyping newcomer Batista… ‘The Animal’ arrived in the Royal Rumble this past Sunday, making a huge impact by eliminating Kane…!! He followed that up on RAW by dominating Kamala, and sending the veteran back to Uganda…!! This coming week on RAW, Batista will be in action again… His opponent is currently unknown…






Triple H & Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker w/ Vince & Shane McMahon


The four men at ringside made a difference in this one early on, with Vince and Shane’s antics gaining an unfair advantage for the Four Man Power Trip. Late on though, the referee would kick them both, along with Haku and Umaga, out of the arena. Vince and Shane were scared to walk up the ramp with the two scary Islanders, and hovered at ringside for as long as possible. This too gave Austin and Undertaker an advantage, because the referee didn’t see the former hit a low blow on Rikishi! For the finish though, with the ringside area clear, it was ‘Kish who took over. He slammed into Undertaker on the apron, sending him flying into the side of the announce table. Soon afterwards, the big Samoan hit his ‘Rikishi Driver’ on Austin and scored what many felt was a huge upset!



Triple H & Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga

'Rikishi Driver'


Big Finish




After the match was over, the music of the Big Show hit and the giant made his wat to the ring… He was slow and laboured, due to being attacked earlier in the night by Undertaker and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin… and his subsequent match with Kurt Angle in which he tapped to the Ankle Lock… His injuries didn’t stop him hitting a Chokeslam on Austin, and another on ‘Taker…!! Show stood tall over both members of the Four Man Power Trip, and then demanded a microphone…


Big Show:


Smackdown ended with Big Show repeating himself, while the victorious Triple H and Rikishi looked on…







Quick Results:


Kurt Angle [def.] Big Show


Eddie Guerrero [def.] Shelton Benjamin


Tajiri [def.] Steven Richards


Bradshaw [def.] William Regal


Perfect & Sexay [def.] Edge & Christian


Triple H & Rikishi [def.] Steve Austin & The Undertaker


Show Rating:







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‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

Open Challenge:

Marty Jannetty [vs] ????

Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family

‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga

Edge & ???? [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Open Challenge:

Marty Jannetty [vs] ????


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga


Edge & ???? [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Open Challenge:

Marty Jannetty [vs] ????


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga


Edge & ???? [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Open Challenge:

Marty Jannetty [vs] ????


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga


Edge & ???? [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Open Challenge:

Marty Jannetty [vs] ????


Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy w/ The Hardy Family


‘The World’s Largest Athlete’ Big Show [vs] Rikishi w/ Haku & Umaga


Edge & ???? [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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