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AWA: A New Generation

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American Wrestling Association Office



I've been in this office hundreds of times, heck part of my growing up was in this office. It is one of the most comfortable places I can say I feel at home. This company is the life blood of me, my dad, my family. Yet, coming tonight for a meeting with my dad, all I could feel was anxiety, a shiver down my spine. His tone was concerned. My dad is rarely concerned...



You wanted to see me, Dad?


The old man let out a long sigh, rubbing his bald head before turning in his chair and leaning on the desk.



I just got a call from Fritz...



Fritz called you? Must be bad news for the NWA to be getting in touch...



Vince Senior's selling up.


Vince Senior? He'd been getting on in age but the perception I always had is that he was like dad, he'd keep running the WWF until he couldn't do it any longer, meaning til the day he died. The biggest drawing territory going under new ownership? Sure, that's big news.



Who's he selling it to?



His son.



Well...why is that bad news? His dad has taught him how things are. Vince Sr. respects the territories.


Dad just shook his head slowly, it was rare to see my dad hesitant, uncertain, he is, sometimes to a fault, an incredibly stubborn man and for a rare moment, I saw something I hardly ever see in his eyes. Doubt.



You weren't in the room when I first met him, Greg. The son is not the father. I don't know what he has in store for this industry, but it can't be good.



Why be so paranoid? It's not like we are in a bad position.



That's exactly the best time to be paranoid. Greg I built this company, I have ran it from it's very creation. I just...I don't know if I'll be able to adapt to this.



What are you talking about?


Dad was getting frustrated, maybe he felt like I was working him, maybe he'd kept something pent up for so long the fact I wasn't acknowledging it cause his tone to change...



Don't pretend you haven't heard the dirt...I know what those smart marks think of me....out of touch...over the hill. Irrelevant. In my own company. No idea how to change...



And you're going to believe that?



Any other day I probably wouldn't have. But today I had a phone call telling me the wrestling business is going to change...No, Greg. Even if they're not completely right about everything. If enough people say it, maybe I should start listening, hmm? Before I out stay my welcome? Seems like the perfect time now.






I'll still be part of the company! Put matches together, help with the booking, the training facility...but the day to day...the final call? I've been preparing you for that. I think now is the perfect time to hand that responsibility on to you.



Dad you're talking crazy, you don't have to go this far.



No I do. Besides, I've already made it official, I thought I'd just let you know what I expect from you.






I've already sorted the paperwork, I thought you'd try to talk me out of it and I don't need that right now. What I need is a fresh look at this company. What I need is for you to make decisions I won't be able to make, but I want you to do it with one thing in mind.


His tone was getting more serious as he slowly rose from his chair, looking up at the clock that was slowly ticking away. It's 11.50 P.M. We're the only two people in the office...he seems to have drifted away, so I interject to remind him



What's that, Dad?



This is WRESTLING...it's a sport...a competition, don't forget that, don't hire anybody who goes against that...and don't sacrifice it for anything. Add some color if you have to, I'll swallow that pill. But athleticism is what this company was built on...and it is what it will DIE on, do you understand, son?



Yes Dad, I understand...



Greg I want you to promise me. Don't sell out. No matter what he does. No matter how hard he makes it. If we go down? Go down swinging. Got it?



Got it Dad...I promise



Good. Now...let me leave you with your new office, I've told the PA to get you whatever you need...oh and I've organized a meeting between you and Nick.



Nick? Why Nick.



Because he's our champion Greg. We tell him everything.



What do you want me to tell him?



What your plans are.



But...I just got the job...I don't have any plans.



So make them...

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American Wrestling Association Office



I've been in this office hundreds of times, heck part of my growing up was in this office. It is one of the most comfortable places I can say I feel at home. This company is the life blood of me, my dad, my family. Yet, coming tonight for a meeting with my dad, all I could feel was anxiety, a shiver down my spine. His tone was concerned. My dad is rarely concerned...



You wanted to see me, Dad?


The old man let out a long sigh, rubbing his bald head before turning in his chair and leaning on the desk.



I just got a call from Fritz...



Fritz called you? Must be bad news for the NWA to be getting in touch...



Vince Senior's selling up.


Vince Senior? He'd been getting on in age but the perception I always had is that he was like dad, he'd keep running the WWF until he couldn't do it any longer, meaning til the day he died. The biggest drawing territory going under new ownership? Sure, that's big news.



Who's he selling it to?



His son.



Well...why is that bad news? His dad has taught him how things are. Vince Sr. respects the territories.


Dad just shook his head slowly, it was rare to see my dad hesitant, uncertain, he is, sometimes to a fault, an incredibly stubborn man and for a rare moment, I saw something I hardly ever see in his eyes. Doubt.



You weren't in the room when I first met him, Greg. The son is not the father. I don't know what he has in store for this industry, but it can't be good.



Why be so paranoid? It's not like we are in a bad position.



That's exactly the best time to be paranoid. Greg I built this company, I have ran it from it's very creation. I just...I don't know if I'll be able to adapt to this.



What are you talking about?


Dad was getting frustrated, maybe he felt like I was working him, maybe he'd kept something pent up for so long the fact I wasn't acknowledging it cause his tone to change...



Don't pretend you haven't heard the dirt...I know what those smart marks think of me....out of touch...over the hill. Irrelevant. In my own company. No idea how to change...



And you're going to believe that?



Any other day I probably wouldn't have. But today I had a phone call telling me the wrestling business is going to change...No, Greg. Even if they're not completely right about everything. If enough people say it, maybe I should start listening, hmm? Before I out stay my welcome? Seems like the perfect time now.






I'll still be part of the company! Put matches together, help with the booking, the training facility...but the day to day...the final call? I've been preparing you for that. I think now is the perfect time to hand that responsibility on to you.



Dad you're talking crazy, you don't have to go this far.



No I do. Besides, I've already made it official, I thought I'd just let you know what I expect from you.






I've already sorted the paperwork, I thought you'd try to talk me out of it and I don't need that right now. What I need is a fresh look at this company. What I need is for you to make decisions I won't be able to make, but I want you to do it with one thing in mind.


His tone was getting more serious as he slowly rose from his chair, looking up at the clock that was slowly ticking away. It's 11.50 P.M. We're the only two people in the office...he seems to have drifted away, so I interject to remind him



What's that, Dad?



This is WRESTLING...it's a sport...a competition, don't forget that, don't hire anybody who goes against that...and don't sacrifice it for anything. Add some color if you have to, I'll swallow that pill. But athleticism is what this company was built on...and it is what it will DIE on, do you understand, son?



Yes Dad, I understand...



Greg I want you to promise me. Don't sell out. No matter what he does. No matter how hard he makes it. If we go down? Go down swinging. Got it?



Got it Dad...I promise



Good. Now...let me leave you with your new office, I've told the PA to get you whatever you need...oh and I've organized a meeting between you and Nick.



Nick? Why Nick.



Because he's our champion Greg. We tell him everything.



What do you want me to tell him?



What your plans are.



But...I just got the job...I don't have any plans.



So make them...

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The Battle Plan


Ok, so, I've been working, endlessly since getting the reign here to put together a strategy for the AWA. How do we stay relevant? How do we compete? How can we be the alternative?


Let's start with the product...


If it ain't broke don't fix it is the saying my dad has lived by with our product base, but he created this system in the sixties. Meant to highlight the athleticism of the time. Slower, methodical, technical. But things have gotten a little faster. Right now our major stars are expected to put on 20 minute matches at minimum in order to make some big money for the house. I want to change that, everybody wins. The boys get a more forgiving match expectation if I reduce that time by just fifteen minutes, the shorter pace can make things more exciting if we get the right wrestlers. The fans get a rejuvinated product, We have more time to work with on the match card.


What do we use that time for?


Promos. Segments, Interviews. Something to heighten the entertainment we provide, but also continue to perpetrate an image that we are legitimate. When Nick gets on a mic, it's golden. Hogan isn't too bad either, he might not be a word smith but the people love his energy. Hennig could use some work but his in ring skill makes up for it. I want to sign more athletic stars who can TALK, they can get people into the building and then back it up with their skill in the ring. It will help show that unlike that company in New York, the AWA is REAL!


Light Heavyweight Division.

The light heavyweight title has been a throw away championship, and it could be so much more. With the right wrestler to lead the charge for a new division, we can create exciting matches and feuds that will be what create an exciting mid card. Set out maximum Weight to Light Heavyweight. Let's see who we can find, get the title of Mike Graham. So ideally, a heel, a heel who can talk. Then slowly introduce new faces who come in to challenge them.


Tag Team Wrestling


Tag team wrestling could be a great open for our shows, right now it's the secondary title for the company. One half of which I hold. Some people are worried I'll gp into business for myself, perhaps me lowering the position of my own title on the card within the next three months will convince them otherwise. Doesn't mean tag team wrestling is left by the wayside. The intention will be to warm up the crowd, get them ready for a competitive night.

Women's division?

It will open us up to the female demographic although it might be small, the women will also be a good open while we get a division built and who knows? Maybe those ladies will be able to break the glass ceiling in the long run.


Expend Towards The Great Lakes

Right now the Mid West is our largest region. To gain a more secure market, focusing on expanding to a point we can offer our guys more secure contracts. Making sure we hold on to the people we want. We'll have work to do it. Which means sacrificing some higher houses by holding shows in places where little numbers will come to see us, work on the finances on that one before going ahead with that. Maybe make one or two trips a month at first.


Top 5

Dad had his rule of 5, the top 5...and the next 5. Based off the current roster and the people he wanted to sign. It's a good ethos to have, so I want to continue the practice.


The Current Top Five.

These are the guys I consider to be the back bone of our roster, they are the people I am wanting our fans to buy tickets for.


1. Nick Bockwinkel

I have rarely seen a wrestler get better with age but Nick is one of the few who have. He's loyal, he's classy, and he kills on the microphone. He's our current champion and I intend top keep things that way for now, though I have a long term plan for him and my number 2 on the list.


2. Hulk Hogan

The kid ain't what dad would normally go for in his top guys but charisma is charisma and he has it. The fans go crazy for him, He's easily a future champion for the company. But I have to build to it, and hope we can hold on to him in the mean time, I know dad was having some disputes with him over New Japan...so maybe I have a way of reducing that tension right away.


3. Curt Hennig

Second generation and I'd argue, better than his dad. Curt has the technical skill Larry just didn't possess. The fans love him, potential written all over him. Utilise it.


4. Tito Santana

Tito is a great hand and I want to utilize him. His style could help create some real excitement, but I'm just not confident he will get over enough to make it to the main spot. Doesn't mean we can't establish him with the fans, make him a mainstay, maybe utilize him for Light Heavyweight or Tag Divisions in the future.


5. Wahoo McDaniel

I don't know how much more I can get from Wahoo, but I want what I get from him to be impactful and get someone over. I wrote a question mark next to his name for anything short term for him. Long term though? Well...I'll have to talk to him first.


Next 5


1. Rick Martel

I want good things for Rick, just not sure where to place him right now, would he be better for the Light Heavyweight, or Tag Divisions? Bit weak on the microphone so pairing him up with someone seems like the smart thing to do. Whatever we do, I want him to be a regular on our cards and drawing houses.


2. Jerry Lawler

One of the NEW signings I made. As long as it doesn't take him away from his Memphis dates I can work with this. Good on the mic, easy to get the crowd to hate him. Possible he could become our number 2 heel with the right push.


3. Randy Savage

Another NEW signing. This is the man I want to lead our light heavyweight division into it's new era. He's a middleweight but he's so jacked you wouldn't know it and the mic work I've seen from tapes of him tells me he can get people into buildings. I'll give Angelo a call, finalise the deal.


4 & 5 Undecided. The roster isn't where it's at yet for me to commit. Don't want to be rushing too many through the door at once. Work with the signings we have. Go from there.


New Announcing Team

How do we come across elgitimate on TV. With a legitimate team. Rod and Wally have been here, they've done good work. But it's time for a change and it's time to move away from that small league look. Keeping Gene on colour due to his wit and charm. We'll need top tier play by play men to compliment him. Two voices jumped out at me


Gordon Solie- The Dean of Wrestling. Gordon adds immediate legitimacy to our product and we can work around his other commitments


Jim Ross- Mid South has a good man here. A southerner on our booth will help wih the American appeal so we can look south of the border some day. He also said yes the moment I mentioned I had Gordon Solie on board...




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Relationship With New Japan.


Today Hulk Hogan is a happy man, because today I informed him of our new relationship with New Japan. After talking with the people at New Japan I've managed to work on a relationship that should benefit both of us, we can trade talent with one another and workers from both companies can go to the other on excursions. Opportunities to introduce new and exciting styles into our company once we build things up. Hearing about the deal being worked out made Hogan sigh in relief. After all. He can make more money now.

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AWA is one of the greatest "what if?" scenarios in wrestling. If only they had capitalized on guys like Hogan.


Interested to see how this one goes. I don't think I've ever read anything you've done, but Bock is one of my all time favorites and I've only seen his later work. So it'll be interesting to see a slightly younger Bock with a growing younger roster.

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Meeting With Nick


He was half an hour early, like always, Nick thought if he was on time, he was late. Reliable, trustworthy, a class act champion. There was a reason Dad chose him to be the face of this company after stepping down, there's a reason dad chose him to be the one to end the seven years as champion that my father was enjoying. Because he's Nick Bockwinkel, he's a tremendous hand in the ring, incredible on the microphone and he does what is good for business.



Take a seat Nick.



I will, thank you. Firstly, allow me to get the formalities out of the way and congratulate you on your recent promotion. I know your father has been preparing you for this responsibility. I want to be the first to let you know, you'll get no push back from me...and I'll try to calm any tensions the boys might bring. Always to be expected when a new face takes the reigns, isn't it?



Yes, it is. Thank you Nick. I'm not here to put myself on top or get myself over. My job is to make this company continue to succeed, thrive and possibly one day compete. I think we have a good foundation for that.



Absolutely, there's an excellent range of talent here. Some of it very promising.



And I've already gotten to work on introducing more.


He raised his eyebrow with a smirk, leaning in slightly



Is that so?



I'm introducing a youth movement to the company Nick. Our stars are in the right position where we can still rely on them to draw houses, just on the cusp of their physical peaks ending for some of them, and potential to get people over.



Am I included in that list, Greg? Am I a part of this...over the hill gang, for lack of a better phrase?



Nick did not beat around the bush, he was, as he is on camera quite verbose and eloquent, but he got to the point on matters of business, especially his own.



No Nick, I wouldn't put you in that category. You're different, you're special. Even if I were to take the belt off of you tomorrow, there's so much more that could be done with you for quite some time...and I intend to utilise that time.



I suppose I should be flattered.



I'll be honest Nick, there will come a time where I will need you to pass the torch. Maybe this year, maybe next...maybe two or three years from now. I don't have an exact date yet, but I'm working on it. Putting plans together, a Plan A, B AND C...in case spanners get thrown in to the works.



The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry...that's fine. I know I'm heading towards my final years in active competition. I've seen other guys in this business stand reluctantly in the way of hanging up the boots, putting the young guys over. You won't need to worry about that happening with me. When you need me to do the job, you just let me know.



Thank you Nick, it's good to know that...and know in return that you'll always be taken care of as long as you are in AWA.



I always have been. I could have been NWA champion if I really wanted, but your father treated me with respect on multiple fronts, including pay. I trust you to do the same...


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AWA All Star Wrestling #001

January, Week 1, 1983.





Gene Okerlund

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the American Wrestling Association and our first presentation of All Star Wrestling for 1983! It's a new year and a new AWA and if you don't believe me, well all you have to do is look at the two new faces on the commentary table who will be helping me call the action for the foreseeable future. Joining me this evening Gordon Solie and Jim Ross, gentlemen, a pleasure to have you tonight.


Gordon Solie

A pleasure to be here Gene, I for one am excited to be in the AWA, looking forward to bringing you folks at home a night of athleticism and excitement that you won't see anywhere else in the world of professional wrestling


Jim Ross

You took the words right from my mouth Gordon! An interesting first night on the job as we have an incredible main event to look forward to, Tito Santana will be taking on Bobby Duncam tonight in the main event spotlight!


Gordon Solie

We'll also be hearing from AWA favorite Hulk Hogan this evening in an interview Gene will be hosting later tonight and I will have the pleasure of talking to AWA Champion, Nick Bockwinkel, both of them looking ahead at the year of 1983.


Gene Okerlund

But to start us off this evening, the Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham will be opening up the night of excitement as he takes on Rene Goulet in a non title match! Don't change that channel folks! It's All Star Wrestling and you won't want to miss it!


Mike Graham VS. Rene Goulet

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In a decent match to open up the show that got the crowd warmed up, Mike Graham put on an impressive showing, the Light Heavyweight champion showed why it is he has the belt as he beat Rene Goulet in the ten minute opener that got the show to a decent start.


Rated: 45


After The Match



Mike Graham is celebrating his victory with the fans, standing on the top turnbuckle and taking in the cheers from the warmed up audience, as a referee brings over his AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship, a figure hurls over the barricade and rushes the ring, is it a fan?!




It certainly doesn't look like a fan! It looks more like a jacked up thug! Who is this man?! What is he doing here?! Someone get security and get this guy out of here! Get the authorities! He pearl harbors Graham from behind and lays the boots to him, before rushing back out once ring security make their way to try and escort him.


Rated: 35


The Sheiks VS. Jake Milliman & Steve O.

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In what was obviously a squash match to anybody in the know, it looked like a murder had just taken place in the ring for those not. The Sheiks absolutely dominated and some may even suggest, embarrassed Jake Milliman and Steve O in this quick tag team exhibition.


Rated: 49






"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Patera! Blackwell! Boys! Boys EXCUSE ME!


Mean Gene is rushing from the commentary booth with a microphone in hand. Making it clear this was NOT a scheduled interview, something big must have popped in Mean Gene's head.


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Excuse me boys my apologies, I know that this is not a scheduled interview, but there was one thing I noticed during the match and I gotta ask it because if I don't somebody else will. Where in the world was your manager Sheik Adnan?

Ken Patera

Sheik Adnan? Jerry? Do you know a Sheik Adnan?


Jerry Blackwell

No Ken...I don't.


Ken Patera

Neither do I. Who are you talkin' about Gene?


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Are you kiddin' me! Your manager! Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey! You're The Sheiks! You always have been!


Ken Patera

Is that so Gene? I guess we can't play dumb as much as we'd like to huh? Yeah he wasn't here and that's a very simple reason gene. He isn't our manager any more.


"Mean" Gene Okerlund



Ken Patera

You heard me twiggy! He isn't our manager...anymore. Take a look at me Gene! I AM AN OLYMPIC ATHLETE! My position in this company should be at the TOP! Holding GOLD! I SHOULD BE THE FACE OF THIS COMPANY! Jerry Blackwell! An absolute GIANT of a man! How has this man not been given a title opportunity? The answer again. Is simple. Sheik didn't do anything for us! He didn't know how to handle us! He didn't know the caliber of TALENT he was lookin' at...so we found someone who did!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

And who exactly would that be?!


I think i can take it from here boys...



John Talos! Once upon a time you folks at home may have known as him as "The Golden Greek!" Well now he considers himself a coach, a trainer, a sports agent and he's constantly scouting the AWA for potential signings to his clientele!


"Coach" John Talos

Mean Gene. How can this company not notice the potential that is being missed here? It's a shame. A crying shame...By my side what you see before you are two, what can only be described as TITANS in this industry and what recognition do they get? What praise? What applause! THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE! The people of this country need to learn to RESPECT the caliber of talent they have before them in this ring.


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Sorry Coach, but respect is earned, and I hate to break it to you but...neither Ken Patera, or Jerry Blackwell deserve respect in the eyes of any of these fans.


"Coach" John Talos

Do you not see what I see? LOOK AT KEN PATERA! Look at this man! This man is an Olympic caliber athlete! This man is so strong he could lift a boulder with his bare hands! He is the only athlete in this country who has been able to clean and press FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS Gene! And Sheik Adnan GOT HIM NOWHERE!


Talos strides over to Blackwell who towers above him in height and is almost twice the size in width.


"Coach" John Talos

Jerry Blackwell! He might not be olympic in skill but he IS olympic in SIZE and STRENGTH! This man doesn't even need to TRY to hurt you! But he WILL! because he's that damn DANGEROUS...and He's MINE! THEY'RE BOTH MINE!


"Coach" John Talos

I brought 'em back to Team U.S.A! I exoect your gratification in my mail over the week. You're welcome America! Because what you see before you are two OLYMPIC Athletes in their own right. One Olympic in skill, the other in strength. I introduce to you...OLYMPUS!...Keep Your eyes on them AWA. You'll be seeing much more of them soon enough...

Rated: 50





"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Ladies and Gentlemen right here with me right now, is a man I for one know you are all very excited to see. You see at the end of 1982, the AWA polled it's fanbase via newsletter of who they were the most excited to see for the year of 1982 and folks. It was almost unanimous. It was crystal clear, the man who you all want to see for 1983...none other than Hulk Hogan!


Hulk Hogan

WELL LEMME TELL YA SOMETHIN' MEAN GENE! It doesn't SHOCK ME that the people are excited for the Hulkster dude! Because they believe the hype! They can feel the energy man! They can tune in to the frequency known as HULKAMANIA BROTHER!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Hulkamania! You know somethin' I'm glad you brought up Hulkamania because I have a lotta people who ask me Hogan, I gotta lot of people who wanna know. What exactly IS Hulkamania?!


Hulk Hogan

What is Hulkamania?: Man, if you gotta ask, then the simple answer is you have yet to see it! Hulkamania is an idea man, it's a force, it's an energy, it's a MOVEMENT like no other! The people in this country Gene they want somethin' to BELIEVE IN AGAIN man! You can hear it in their voices when they shout from the stands! They come to the stadiums because they wanna get away from their troubles for just a couple hours a week! They want someone who can help them power through their burdens dude! Someone to show them, it ain't as all bad as we think it is!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

And you're saying you're the man who can help them do that?


Hulk Hogan

Gene, it ain't me sayin' it brother, it's the people! The energy that I have with me right now is because of them Gene! The fact that I'm able to go out to that ring and stand toe to toe against any other athlere, no matter the odds? It's because of them! And they know it! They can feel ti Gene, we're connected me and them. I know...what they want...and I wanna give it to them brother! I wann reach out and hand it to 'em...but we all know why we're not there yet...don't we?


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

And why is that Hogan?


Hulk Hogan

Because the poison that has been ruinin' this company...no Gene...I'm sorry...the poison that has been ruinin' this COUNTRY has been infecting us for long enough. Selfishmess. Greed...Fame...Money. That's all that one certain man in this company has represented...for far too long Gene...and I think we ALL KNOW who I'm talkin' about, don't we Hulkamaniacs?!


Before Gene can interject, Hogan hits the mic once more, to make it clear just in case you weren't in the know.


Hulk Hogan



Before Hogan can finish his declaration, the interview stage gets rushed!





Raschke hits Hogan in the throat with a devastating lariat as Gene Okerlund runs for cover, pleading for Von Raschke to stop as he kays the boots to Hogan, snarling and growling as he does it. As he stomps Hogan's stomach Hogan comes into a seated up position from being wounded. Raschke smiles and raises his hand to the air! He's signaling for THE CLAW! SOMEBODY STOP HIM!


As Raschke strikes his hand upon Hogan's head security finally make it to the stage! And they pull Raschke off before the claw can be held! Tackling him to the ground and rushing him out of the ring...



Rated: 63


Rick Martel VS. Nacho Berrera

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Rick Martel is a heartthrob. The girls love him. This match COULD have been a squash, but it was used as a tool to showcase Rick's technical skills and get him more ingratiated with the fan base. Make the people BELIEVE in Rick Martel by showing how good he is. The match was still under ten minutes to be believable, but it's clear. There's potential here.


Rated: 45


Certifiable FACT



Gordon Solie

Ladies and Gentlemen Gordon Solie here bringing you now an exclusive interview with non other than the AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel, as always joined by his manager, Bobby "The Brain Heenan. Thank you for joining me here tonight Mr. Bockwinkel.


Nick Bockwinkel

You are incredibly welcome Gordon. If I may interject for a moment, I find it necessary to say that it is a welcome sight to see a legitimate announcer on this show finally after all these years, I only agreed to this interview happening if it were you the one delivering it Gordon, not that suit full of hot air that is Gene Okerlund.


Gordon Solie

Well, I uh, I don't exactly think that's a fair statement to make about my colleague Mr. Bockwinkel.


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

You were just paid a COMPLIMENT Solie! By the AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! If I were you, I'd be eternally grateful, I'd be on my KNEES, at his FEET thanking him for the graciousness he has given you here tonight. Let's get out of here Nick, he doesn't have any respect!


Nick Bockwinkel

That's okay Bobby, it's his first night on the job. I think we can spare Mr. Solie the benefit of the doubt. He will learn the proper etiquette when he is in the presence of greatness in given time I am sure. So, Mr. Solie, what exactly is the pressing issues you wish to enquire of your champion this evening?


Gordon Solie

Well Mr. Bockwinkel. It's a new year here in the AWA and a pressing question that is always on every fan's mind is the World Title Race. Right now, there's no official number one contender for your championship. A new contender could step forward at any time, are there any potential contenders that you might be scouting out in the coming weeks?


Nick Bockwinkel

Scouting? Why on earth would I need to do that Gordon? Have you taken a look at the band of miscreants that this company dare to call a roster of professional wrestlers? Again, it's your first night on the job...I often forget that there are so many who have not been gifted with the insurmountable intelligence that I have, so allow me to put it to you in a way you can understand Gordon. As I often have to do for all the pea brained humanoids watching in attendance and at home.


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

They'll never understand Champ! They aren't on your level! They aren't even close!


Nick Bockwinkel

That much may be true Bobby but even those with half a brain can understand this! Because when you look at the sad collection of misfit toys that have the nerve and audacity to call themselves wrestlers, you'll very quickly come to the same realization that has dawned upon me and that realization is very, very simple Gordon. There is nobody...not even one individual that I can even fathom being a challenge to my status of champion. Of course, I have to defend this belt at least once every thirty days and I intend to because I AM...a fighting champion. However, I have no concern over who it is I have to engage with in regards to those defenses, because with just a single glance...it's very easy to surmise. Nobody...absolutely nobody is remotely worthy of the championship belt that is currently upon my shoulders Gordon.


Gordon Solie

Well there are certainly those that would argue against that point rather passionately Nick...


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Nick?! NICK?! YOU REFER TO HIM AS MR. BOCKWINKEL! OR AS WORLD CHAMPION! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!? Nobody asked for your opinion Solie! You ask your questions and you get your answers! That's it!


Nick Bockwinkel

On the contrary, I am rather amused by this proposal Bobby. Who pray tell Gordon are these unwashed nimrods suggesting as possible contenders for my championship belt?


Gordon Solie

Well for starters there's Hulk Hogan, Tito Santana, Rick Martel Curt Hen-...


Nick Bockwinkel

Yes, yes, yes...all promising talent, all notable talents if it were not for one thing Gordon...that they all need to be compared to me...and when you do that. Well...the math just doesn't add up. See like it or not, I am...without a shadow of the doubt, the greatest athlete that has ever graced the American Wrestling Association and in turn that also makes me...the greatest World Champion that has ever graced the American Wrestling Association and I'm not even bragging about that Gordon. That my friend...is just a certifiable FACT...and it will continue to be so, as long as there is breath in my body. As long as I am able to go to that ring. I will remain to be, a cut above the rest...and don't you forget it.


Rated: 72


Tito Santana VS. Bobby Duncam

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Good Main event, not perhaps the star power to give us the draw we wanted, but Tito has star written over him. His competitive show against Duncum provided a nice story of speed vs strength as Santana used his athleticism to run Duncum out of wind before putting an end to him with a flying crossbody!


Rated: 51


Throwing Down The Gauntlet



Tito Santana

Did hearing what Nick Bockwinkel said before bother any of you guys as well?


Tito catches his breath as he sits at ringside, listening as the fans respond in agreement, some of them shouting back "YES! TITO! GO TITO!"


Tito Santana

If there's one thing that I can't stand, it is a man so full of himself, that he insults the hard work of other wrestlers who work just as hard as he does IF NOT MORE!


The fans roar in approval, "WE LOVE YOU TITO!" A couple women in the crowd shout of, followed by a few whistles. He looks towards the crowd and acknowledges them with a nod, that got 'em right in his hands.


Tito Santana

I might not have been around as much as you Nick...but I'm faster than you...and that scares you doesn't it? Is that why you write me off? Hoping that people will believe it and you can walk away without having to fight me?


Tito Santana

Well why don't you come out Nick, let's get a match organised for you and me? Come out, we got time left to hear your response...


Tito rolls his hands motioning for Nick to come on down, he'd regained his breath this time and he was staring, with great intention, towards the entrance...waiting for Bockwinkel.


Tito Santana

Come on Nick, show us what a great champion you are...


Tito smiles as he watches the empty ramp, before letting out a chuckle, as the time remaining on the show comes to an end, and we fade to black...



Rated: 68

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Interesting and good opening show especially with AWA stalwart Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie being dropped. I do like the idea of pushing Patera and Blackwell so I hope they can maintain it. Great interview from the Champ as always. I’ll be interested how you work Savage into the mix. He was such a loose cannon in his fathers promotion and in their feud with the Memphis group.


The AWA is always intriguing to me. Looking forward as you introduce more of the talent on the upcoming shows.

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Well, the first show is in the books and if it has taught me anything. It's that we are in it for the long haul. It's going to take time to breath some life into this product. I can't commit to our product change until 3 months down the line. A process, make a switch here, lower the times of matches there. Introduce more talking, introduce more conflict. Speed the pace up, Excite, entertain and amaze.


I had to rely on older talent to get my new talent introduced and the old talent are all over, which left me with job guys. Not like this isn't how AWA has been booked for god knows how long. This has been dad's formula. Lots of squash matches, one or two big matches to fill the card and highlight star power, an interview or two. If I want my young guys to get over established talent. I have to establish my new guys first...


Still there's some positives to take away. Commit to the plan. Youth movement means faces that aren't as recognized in our region. A major star in Texas might not be a known face in Minnesota. Build people, have faith in people, help them improve and let them grow on the fans.



Savage has potential, but the kid is green. But god damn he is good. With some experience under his belt that potential is going to explode into something hot. Give the kid the mic. The promos might not kill right away, but there's something there. Let him work on it.



Baron Von Raschke and Hogan, good starter feud for the year for the kid. America VS. Germany might not be as cool and as new as Russia but it still gets a pop. And it's a start, we could have paired Hogan against a Russian counterpart in Boris Breznikoff, but Boris needs building first. Baron is recognized, he's AWA Alumni...and he can still strike fear in kids in the crowd. His time isn't over just yet.



Tito surprised me with his mic skills. No, he's not a word smith, but he is able to connect to the fans. The kid has heart. He excites people. Overlooking him is foolish.



God I love Nick. He killed it. He's the glue that holds this show together. Hold on to him. Even when his time in the ring eventually comes to an end. This man has so much to teach. Nick Bockwinkel is a wrestling treasure.



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I don't know a ton about this time period other than the AWA's decline with New York growing, Hogan slipping through their fingers, Hennig show early signs of greatness and Nick Bockwinkel being great.


The additions of Lawler and Savage plus the revamping of the LWH division intrigues me. So, I guess you could say I'm also in this for the long haul. Looking forward to see what comes next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I AM booking AWA Tour cards as well, but basically using them like B Shows. Introducing new talent, getting potential stars recognized, using the main event for top guys I don't necessarily want regularly on TV outside of promos. Old school booking. For that reason I wont be posting the Tour results as they may spoil booking ideas.


AWA All Star Wrestling Match Card.

Mike Graham VS. Masa Saito


Curt Hennig VS. Rene Goulet


The High Flyers VS. Mike Boyette & Tom Stone


Baron Von Raschke VS. Brad Rheingans

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AWA All Star Wrestling #002

January, Week 2, 1983






Gordon Solie

Ladies and gentlemen Gordon Solie here joined once again by Jim Ross and "Mean" Gene Okerlund, bringing you another exciting edition of All Star Wrestling brought to you by The American Wrestling Association! Gentlemen! Last week we saw an interesting end to the show. Tito Santana laid down the gauntlet for AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel after his victory in the Main Event but the champion did not even appear to ACKNOWLEDGE the challenge presented to him!


Jim Ross

That's right Gordon but it seems the champion is prepared to deliver a statement tonight after hearing some of the backlash from the AWA fans who are already throwing around the word "coward" after seeing Nick's lack of response to Tito last week!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

And gentlemen we cannot forget what happened last week in my interview with Hulk Hogan, where he got PEARL HARBOURED by the notorious Baron Von Raschke! The Baron will be explaining his actions later on tonight where hopefully, we will get some ideas as to what exactly it was that spurred on such a brutal assault!


Jim Ross

Starting us off this evening though ladies and gentlemen is the AWA Light Heavyweight Champion, Mike Graham. Now Mike had a victory last week but was attacked after the match by a rather imposing figure. We've been asking around for information in the itme that has happened since then and all we have been told by an anonymous source within the AWA is that we will know exaclt WHO attacked Mike Graham last week and WHY here TONIGHT!I for one gentlemen am looking forward to finding out the answer here this evening.


Gordon Solie

It's already an action packed start to the year and I for one am SURE it#s only going to continue here on All Star Wrestling! Don't change the channel folks, the in ring competition starts NOW!


Mike Graham VS. Masa Saito

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The evening begins with an interesting mesh of styles as the mystery man from Japan Masao Saito showcases what he has learned from the land of the rising son against Mike Graham. The match seems to be going in Saito's favour but Graham isn't the AWA Light Heavyweight Champion for no reason. He puts up a fight and when he gets his opportunity! He starts making his comeback and brings the fight back to Saito to the joy of the crowd. It looks like the champion might just manage to pull off this underdog upset when in the midst of his comeback against Saito...





NO! Not again! WHO IS THIS MAN?! How is he here again! How is he getting to the ring! He rushes the ring and delivers a shot straight to the back of Mike Graham's head! The ref has no choice but to call for the bell and end in a disqualification! You can say that Mike Graham won, but it certainly doesn't look like it as He lays on the floor getting the boots from this jacked up thug!


Rated: 48


Say Hello To The Macho Man




This THUG is once again, for the second week in a row delivering a beating to our Light Heavyweight Champion! This time not waiting until AFTER the match to make his statement, but actually COSTING Mike Graham a victory in the process! And once again like last week referees and security start making their way to the ring to put an end to this unmitigated assault. It should be the POLICE coming down here to arrest this man for assault!


The man notices he is going to get circled by AWA staff and prepares himself for a fight, it looks like a chaotic brawl might go down when all of a sudden a voice rings out across the PA through a microphone...






Bobby Heenan!? We should have known that WEASEL would have had a hand in this. The manager is making his way towards the ring with a microphone in hand as the security team come to a halt, The muscled man still looking ready to fight them all off.


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

You all keep your filthy hands off of MY NEW CLIENT Or I swear to God I will sue this company for every CENT that it is worth!


New Client?! No! We knew Bobby Heenan doesn't mind getting in the mud but this is dirty even for him! THIS is how he introduces a new client to the company? Two weeks in a row of cheap shots and unwarrented beatdowns on our Light Heavyweight Champion? Ass Heenan enters the ring, the security team slowly exit one after another, helping Mike Graham out of the ring so he can be tended to and to ensure this THUG keeps his hands to himself from this point on!


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Yes, I know...I understand. You brainless humanoids don't know talent when you see it! You unwashed filth have NO CLUE what a real man looks like and you wouldn't even if he slapped you in the face! Well allow me to show you! This right here is the newest acquisition to the Heenan family! The AWA didn't want him! They were SCARED of what he was capable of! "He's a mad man" They told me! "He's a loose cannon!" They said. "He's a SAVAGE!" They screamed, but I signed him anyway because with the right guidance, the right mentorship by his side...he will find a quick path right to the very top of this company! Starting with the long overlooked, Light Heavyweight Championship! Feast your eyes ladies and gentlemen on a REAL man...A MACHO MAN...THE FUTURE OF THIS COMPANY...RANDY SAVAGE!


"Macho Man" Randy Savage

Ooooohhhh Yeah, everything Bobby Heenan says is true, that's right. I've been tryin' to get myself into a position in this industry for quite some time. A position that I'm worthy of, a position I deserve! Wrestling in front of thousands of people, instead of hundreds yeah, but nobody...and I mean NOBODY was willing to give it to me and that includes...the American Wrestling Association, yeah!



His voice is gravelly, uniqure and immediately grabs your attention. Whether you WANT to give it to him or not, he quickly has drawn the people to him as they want to know more about him.



"Macho Man" Randy Savage

And who exactly would the American Wrestling Association rather have instead of The Macho Man, Randy Savage? Hmmm? WHO DO THEY THINK IS BETTER...THAN THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVE, HMMM?! Mike Graham? This man is worthy of carrying a championship? Not in my books, no sir. Mike Graham might be part of a very famous lineage in this industry but he doesn't hold a candle to the men that came before him! So maybe the AWA gave him that belt out of sympathy, yeah. That makes sense doesn't it BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE WHY YOU KEPT ME OUT OF THE DOORS FOR AS LONG AS YOU DID!


His face is getting redder, his veins in his neck bulging, his eyes widening, his body puring with complete and utter rage...


"Macho Man" Randy Savage

But that's okay, yeah. the Macho Man is used to being shunned away. they say I'm a little too wild, yeah. They say I'm just a little too unpredictable. They say I'm just a little insane, YEAH! Insane? Maybe...But my state of mind doesn't change the fact...that I am better than any man that is currently in the AWA locker room, yeah. I AM...The Cream of The Crop in this industry yeah, and now...with Bobby Heenan by my side? Nobody is gonna stand in my way...you are all...gonna learn, real soon, that I am destined for greatness...!


Rated: 45


Curt Hennig VS. Rene Goulet


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The story in this match seemed to be all about youth against experience as the passionate and fiery fan favorite Curt Hennig took on the experienced, slippery veteran Rene Goulet. Goulet is no slouch and he certainly showed that tonight as he gave Curt a run for his money. Showing the youngster he still has a few tricks to learn as he found creative and sometimes, downright dirty ways to get around the natural ability of Hennig. That being said the heart and drive of Hennig would be what propelled him to victory tonight as he won after delivering a hefty Hennig Plex to Goulet.


Rated: 49


A Family Affair


Curt is celebrating his victory in the ring, heading out to ringside to deliver some high fives with the fans when a voice comes across the PA System.


Forgive me for interrupting the party...


A man appears on the stage with a microphone in hand, he is wearing a burgundy red suit, microphone in one hand, crown in the other, his short black hair seems greasy and slick, his beard trimmed into the shape of a crown around his chin...




Jerry "The King" Lawler

But I just...I just had to come out after seeing your match Curt!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

I realize that a lot of you yankees here tonight might not know who I am, but I assure you that is going to change very soon! See down south, where the REAL wrestling happens, they know me as "The King" because down south they know a REAL wrestler when they see one! BUT...I'll admit, my interest was peaked when I got the phone call at the beginning of the month from the American Wrestling Association, telling me that they were looking for wrestlers. Telling ME that they really wanted to have me! Well...how could I deny such a respectful request? An opportunity to spread my reputation further north...an opportunity to show the people of this country...and maybe even THE WORLD...just why it is they call me The King!


Yes ladies and gentlemen it's true, down in Memphis there's another wrestling organization which this gentlemen wrestles in that SOME of you may be familiar with and whilst down there he may be a huge star. His presence is not as well known further North and it seems he is making his presence known here at the AWA to change that and build his reputation...


Jerry "The King" Lawler

But now...now it makes a heck of a lot more sense to me as to why it was I got that call! Because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at this company and realize, that it's AN ABSOLUTE JOKE! This isn't a wrestling company! It's a group of GREAT PRETENDERS! And if this is an example of what a premiere wrestling company looks like North of the Mason Dixon line...then all I can say is thank GOD I signed that contract because it means I can SAVE this company and turn it into something better...


Despite this being the first time he has been seen on All Star Wrestling he has already established himself as a man these people hate. Coming here telling them that the wrestling they like is nothing to be proud of, that the company they love is nothing more than a joke to him...


Jerry "The King" Lawler

I'll be honest Curt. i didn't know where to start! There's a whole host of circus FREAKS in this locker room I could start with, but then I saw YOU...and immediately it clicked. See, as bad of an example that EVERY SINGLE JABRONI in this company is of what a wrestler can be...I have to say, without a shadow of a doubt. You are by far the worst!


Now that's just not true! Say what you want about Curt! Sure he's young, he still has a lot to learn, but he is packed with natural gifted abilities and athleticism that NOBODY could deny and yet here he was, this pudgy, greasy little loud mouth. Telling US that one of OUR favorites is nto only bad, but THE WORST?! It's just an absolute LIE!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

See say what you want about the other jesters in this court, but at the very least you can say they've paid some dues! See this is an industry Curt where you EARN your place! You EARN your right to fight in that ring, you EARN your right to be on Television...and you certainly EARN your right to be considered a star...and when I look at you. I see none of that. All I see is some young PUNK who has been handed EVERYTHING that has ever come to him because of who his daddy is!



And now the shoe had dropped, Lawler doesn't like how Curt got into this industry, that he's a product of wrestling pedigree, that he's a second generation wrestler. That he could, in time, perhaps even surpass his father who is an established legend in this industry and company.


Jerry "The King" Lawler

In case the idiots here haven't put two and two together. Your father is none other than Larry "The Ax" Hennig, right? A REAL wrestler Curt. A man that took his knocks, got screwed once or twice in his time, had to claw and scratch and FIGHT HIS WAY UP THE LADDER JUST LIKE I DID! And because of the career that HE had...everyone thinks they can just hand you the keys to the door? You know maybe...maybe if I wasn't here that could have been the case. Maybe in a year or two. You'd find yourself as the Big Star here, without even the slightest of obstacles, because daddy's reputation would get you so far. Thankfully, for this company and for this industry...I AM here...and although when I first saw what I was stepping into I was tempted to walk out without even saying hello...once I saw you Curt...I knew I had a duty I needed to attend to. For the sake of men like me, who didn't have some famous father to lay down the bricks of the yellow brick road to stardom. I have to teach you a lesson. I have to make you EARN your right to call yourself a wrestler...and I assure you Curt. If I have anything to say about it...you'll be out of this industry long before that happens!


Rated: 56


The High Flyers VS. Mike Boyette & Tom Stone

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To the smart fans in the know this was an obvious enhancement match to keep the Tag Champions looking good. To those not in the know...well this was just further proof as to why it is The High Fkyers are our current AWA World Tag Team Champions, they make quick and impressive work of their opponents and walk away victorious in this tag bout!


Rated: 48


Precedented Process




Gordon Solie

Ladies and Gentlemen Gordon Solie here bringing you an exclusive interview once again with the AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel. Mr. Bockwinkel last week you were issued a very clear challenge from Tito Santana after he was victorious in the Main Event last week, yet we did not even see you appear to address it, whether that would be an acceptance or rejection. A lot of AWA fans want to know officially what your answer is and to why it is you did not acknowledge the challenge last week?


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

What are you insinuating Solie? Are you calling my client? YOUR AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...a coward?


Gordon Solie

I'm asking him what the AWA fans are...


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan



Nick Bockwinkel

It's ok Bobby. Mr. Solie is doing the magnanimous task of having to represent the opinions and concerns of the pea brained humanoids who are watching this show. We need to understand, and show sympathy for this man, that it is his weekly task to interpret, decipher and communicate the idiotic murmurings of our audience. I for one feel incredible pity for him. What is it you wanted to know again Mr. Solie


Gordon Solie

Your answer for Tito -...


Nick Bockwinkel

Ah yes, Mr. Santana. One must give him copious amounts of applause for his incredible bravery mustn't they? To issue a challenge to me, unwarranted and most importantly...unearned. Tell me something Mr. Solie, because I know unlike the so called fans that watch this programme. That in order for you to fight in a championship match, you need to be considered a contender, correct?


Gordon Solie

Yes that's correct.


Nick Bockwinkel

Indeed it is and again, Mr. Solie, humor me if you may on this line of, incredibly simplistic thinking that...nobody else seems to be engaging in. is Tito Santana currently considered a contender for my championship?


Gordon Solie



Nick Bockwinkel

Exactly, case closed if I say so myself.


Gordon Solie

Well, if I may Mr. Bockwinkel as Champion you are also entitled to accept challenges made to you by wrestlers regardless of their position.


Nick Bockwinkel

Having the right does not entitle me to hand Championship matches out at whim Mr. Solie. If I were to do that, well...anybody and everybody could face with me with just a simple five minutes on a microphone asking for a match, couldn't they? No. Mr. Solie, there is a precedented process to this championship...that to be in true consideration, to have the honor of being a challenger for this belt...you need to earn the rank of contender...and Tito Santana has simply put, not earned such prestige...but he can, if he so wishes. You desire a response Tito Santana? Fair enough. Consider this. If you can compete and succeed against an opponent of my choosing next week. I will officially consider you AND crown you the Number One Contender to my Championship. You fail? Well. As the saying goes Mr. Santana. If at first you don't succeed. Try try again. I imagine, for a man of your caliber, there will certainly be a lot of trying to come.


Rated: 70


As American As Apple Pie



"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Ladies and Gentlemen Gene Okerlund joined by a man who some could argue as one of the most HATED by fans right now, Baron Von Raschke! Baron...forgive my emotional bias, but what in the world caused the unwarranted ASSAULT you committed last week against Hulk Hogan! I don't know if you haven't noticed, but Hulk Hogan isn't here this week! He's at home, resting, because of YOU, because of what YOU did...people want to know why on earth you did what you did last week?!


Baron Von Raschke

Ha...Ha...HAAAAA...MEAN GENE! You ask why Raschke attack Hulk Hogan! Welllll...THE ANSWER IS QUITE SIMPLE! You seeeee....nobody, I'll say it again, NOBODY! Hates America as much as Baron Von Raschke! And Hulk Hogan? Well...He is American as Apple Pie!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

You make it sound so simple! Well I'm sorry! But I don't buy it! It can't be that you hate America! There has to be more to it!


Baron Von Raschke

DUMMKOPF! Why does there have to be more to it Mean Gene, Hmmm? You hear the people don't you? You hear the way they put everything they believe in Hulk Hogan?! You hear all the energy they try to feed to him! WELL BARON VON RASCHKE PUT AN END TO THAT ENERGY LAST WEEK! Although I admit...only temporarily for now...you said it yourself Hogan will be returning after resting this week...well if he isn't careful, this time I will make sure it comes to a PERMANENT end!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

And what exactly do you intend to do once Hulk comes back and I imagine...he'll be looking for you!


Baron Von Raschke

I hope he WILL be looking for me Mean Gene, because I will be more than prepared for him! If Hulk Hogan is a smart man he will stay FAAAAAR AWAY FROM RASCHKE Because if he comes close to me Mean Gene?! If he comes anywhere NEAR me...THEN MY CLAW WILL BE WAITING FOR HIM!


Baron's hand shoots out and tightens into the shape of a claw as he grabs him arm with his other hand, his face scrunching up in anger as the claw almost shoots out at Gene before heading towards the camera. Baron walks off camera trying to control his claw as we can hear him screaming from afar...




Rated: 56


Baron Von Raschke VS. Brad Rheingans

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The fans were definitely behind Brad Rheingans in the main event tonight as they were rooting for a win for Team U.S.A after seeing Hogan take the assault he did last week. It was a back and forth encounter that was getting fans riled up as they wanted to see the Baron get some consequences for his actions, but unfortunately The Baron managed to slip by with a sneaky low blow before getting the claw on Brad for the finish

Rated: 50

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AWA All Star Wrestling Match Card


Buck Zumhofe VS. Randy Savage


Jerry Blackwell VS. Koko B. Ware


Jerry Lawler VS. Steve Regal


Main Event

Number One Contendership

Tito Santana VS. Bockwinkel's Choice


Post Show Feedback


What segment did you enjoy the most?


What segment didn't you care for?


Anything to improve for the next episode?


What are you looking forward to next AWA All Star Wrestling?


Anything Else?

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Well I am thoroughly enjoying this. Especially the characterisation of Nick Bockwinkel. Am I right in saying you’re using the DOTT data beta I sent out last year? Pretty sure I recognise the images. If so, I’d love to hear how it plays as time progresses.


Buck Zumhofe VS. Randy Savage


Jerry Blackwell VS. Koko B. Ware


Jerry Lawler VS. Steve Regal


Main Event

Number One Contendership

Tito Santana VS. Bockwinkel's Choice

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Well I am thoroughly enjoying this. Especially the characterisation of Nick Bockwinkel. Am I right in saying you’re using the DOTT data beta I sent out last year? Pretty sure I recognise the images. If so, I’d love to hear how it plays as time progresses.


Yes it is! DOTT is my favorite mod and I was so happy when I saw someone had made a version for TEW 2020. So far I'm only a month in in game, so I'll keep you posted. I am doing what I guess you could call a back up run on TEW 2016, just in case as time goes on with it being beta. Fingers crossed my aim is to at least make it to 2000 in game if my luck goes well with AWA.

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Yes it is! DOTT is my favorite mod and I was so happy when I saw someone had made a version for TEW 2020. So far I'm only a month in in game, so I'll keep you posted. I am doing what I guess you could call a back up run on TEW 2016, just in case as time goes on with it being beta. Fingers crossed my aim is to at least make it to 2000 in game if my luck goes well with AWA.


If you can keep hold of Hogan and run him against Bockwinkel long term you should be able to make some bank. I’m not sure if you’ve checked the different world and wrestling events I added. If so; don’t. Hopefully they’ll be some fun surprises in there. 😁 I’ll be reading regardless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys I just wanted to say a huge thanks for the feedback, definitely gives me the motivation to keep going. Wish I could do these updates more regularly but I'm doing it around my work schedule. So updates will come as and when I can do them. I will say this though. I love writing AWA. I'm really glad to see the Bockwinkel segments as people's favorites because honestly. I love writing them. Nick Bockwinkel was SO underrated as a heel because he wasn't NWA or WWF. he was AWA and we just weren't fed that before the network. Nick Bockwinkel astounds me how good he was in his fifties.

AWA All Star Wrestling #003

January, Week 3, 1983







Gordon Solie

Good evening ladies and gentlemen and once again a warm welcome to the premiere wrestling company in America today! The American Wrestling Association! We are bringing you another exciting edition of All Star Wrestling this evning. I'm Gordon Solie joined as always by Jim Ross and Mean Gene Okerlund! Gentlemen? Tonight is a very interesting night to say the least. In case you missed it last week folks, AWA World Champion is giving Tito Santana a chance to earn himself the position of number one contender this week in the Main Event! All Tito has to do? Is defeat an opponent of Nick Bockwinkel's choosing.

Jim Ross

It certainly makes you wonder just who it is the champ has in mind Gordon! But also...we are expecting to hear from Hulk Hogan this evening! He is back although he is not scheduled to wrestle this evening and he has some very choice words for Baron Von Raschke!

Gene Okerlund

Well speaking of choice words, tonight we see the debut of a man who had some very choice words for the young rising star Curt Hennig last week. All the way from the south he is one Jerry "The King" Lawler and he'll be giving us what he proclaims will be a "wrestling clinic" this evening!

Gordon Solie

But to start us off tonight is a man who has gotten some attention with his actions the past two weeks, making a very clear and intent impact against our AWA Light Heavyweight Champion, the latest client to join the Heenan family! He calls himself the "Macho man" his name is Randy Savage and he'll be taking on Buck Zumhofe, up next!


Buck Zumhofe VS. Randy Savage



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The opening match managed to get the fans off to a good start but not to the potential it could have as it seemed Buck Zumhofe was off his game a little in this match, perhaps with having to face off against an opponent he's never really had any experience against as Savage's mix of brutal offence with flashi athleticism was something to behold. Savage was hard hitting, but fast and the moment that shocked the fans was when Savage came flying off the top rope with a diving elbow drop straight to the heart of Zumhofe for the victory.


Rated: 48


Post Match Interview




Mean Gene rushes from the announce booth with a microphone in hand during the post match celebrations with clear intent to get a word in from one of the new faces making waves in the AWA. Seeming desperate to get the latest scoop on the newest goings on for the AWA faithful.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Randy Savage! Randy! Randy do you mind if I get a few words?!


Seeing the rush for an interview coming his clients way, Heenan quickly interludes as he steps by the side of his newest client and stands between Okerlund and Savage as it gives time for Savage to gather his breath so he isn't gasping for air on the mic.


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

You wanna talk with my client?! You have to get clearance from ME first Okerlund!


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Oh come on Heenan! I'm just doing my job! The people wanna know more about this guy! You want to help your client be a star?! Let me talk to him! Let the people hear what he has to say for himself after his DISGUSTING actions these past two weeks!


"Macho Man" Randy Savage



It seems regardless of Heenan's interjections, Mean Gene had found a way to get under the skin of Randy Savage and out of nowhere Savage swooped in around his manager's side, his eyes wide, intent, focused directly at the interviewer wanting to prod him for answers.


"Macho Man" Randy Savage

Did you just call me disgusting Mean Gene? Hmmm? I think you oughta be more careful who you throw words like that around if I were you Mean Gene, you might find yourself in a predicament that you'd rather not be in, yeah...


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Are you making a threat?!


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

This man doesn't make threats Okerlund! HE MAKES PROMISES!


"Macho Man" Randy Savage

PROMISES! YEAH! You wanna talk about promises Mean Gene? Yeah You wanna talk about DISGUSTING? Yeah...LET'S TALK ABOUT DISGUSTING SHALL WE?! LET'S TALK ABOUT...The AWA Light Heavyweight Championship...and the disgusting state that poor championship belt is in because of Mike Graham, yeah. Do you see much competition over the Light Heavyweight Championship in this company Mean Gene? Do you see many exciting up and comers lookin' to make a name for themselves in the Light Heavyweight division? No you do not and the answer to that is real simple you see, yeah, REAL SIMPLE. Do you wanna' know what that answer is Mean Gene?


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Go ahead, give me the answer


"Macho Man" Randy Savage

THE ANSWER IS MIKE GRAHAM! Because let's face the truth that's staring us all right in the face shall we? There is only one remarkable thing about our current Light Heavyweight Champion and that is that he is REMARKABLY BORING! That's right, Mike Graham I hope you're listenin, yeah, because you are nothin' but garbage my friend, NOTHIN' BUT GARBAGE and garbage only attracts other garbage, it attracts people like that loser I just beat, Buck Zumhofe! Whereas, when you look at the Macho Man Randy Savage, Mean Gene? Well the list of remarkable things you can find about the Macho Man is far longer than it is about Mike Graham and you wanna talk promises Mean Gene, well I can promise you this, yeah...if Mike Graham is man enough to put his championship belt on the line against me, the first thing I can promise you is that HE WILL LOSE THAT BELT...and it will end up in the hands of the Macho man, yeah...and the second thing I can promise you and this is the most important thing Mean Gene!


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan



"Macho Man" Randy Savage

The second thing I can promise is this. When I save that Light Heavyweight championship, and I do mean WHEN I save it Mean Gene, you are gonna' see the arrival of wrestlers from all over the world, all lookin' to get a piece of the Macho Man, all lookin' to get their shot! You will see the end of the garbage that Mike Graham has helped uphold...and you will see the beginning of something spectacular my friend and you know what? You can thank me when it happens! OOOOOHHHHH YEAH!


Rated: 46



Jerry Blackwell VS. Koko B. Ware

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This match was clearly designed to showcase Jerry Blackwell as the monster heel that he is and it did just that. Koko B. Ware is a new face in the company but didn't recieve the same pomp and circumstance that any of the others did. Insiders might see this as Koko having to pay his dues a little more than other signings and saw him crushed beneath a mighty splash from Blackwell to end the match.


Rated: 41


Big Fish In A Small Pond




Jim Ross

Ladies and gentlemen Jim Ross here at the interview stage, bringing you now the newest addition to the AWA locker room, a man who made his presence known last week, he's a big star in the south folks and he's more than certain he will be here as well, he is known as "The King" down in Memphis, his name is Jerry Lawler!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

Firstly Jim Ross, allow me to correct you on one thing, I am not only known as "The King" in Memphis, is that clear? I am the King of WRESTLING Jim Ross, do you know what that means?! It means when I get on the microphone in interviews such as this that you SHUT UP, and you LISTEN! It means that if you are one of the boys in the locker room that when I step into a ring, you SIT, you WATCH and hey? If you're lucky? You might just LEARN something from the master! You dare to act like I'm some unknown commoddity here in Minneapolis? Oh they know me Jim...they just hope that if they keep ignoring me like they have done for YEARS...that I'll go away. Well, after having a look around this locker room Jim, I have to say with a smile on my face. I'm not going anywhere...

Jim Ross

You certainly are a confident athlete and confidence is always a great thing in this industry but Mr. Lawler, what do YOU say to people who suggest that you are over confident being in your position?

Jerry "The King" Lawler

Over confident? Who are these idiots you have been talking to Jim? these people are part of your audience? I would be ashamed...


Jim Ross

Well some people say that you're a big fish in a small pond down south and they wander...


Jerry "The King" Lawler

Big fish in a small pond...


Lawler interrupts Jim by repeating his own words, or the words of the fans, whatever the case really was, back to him. He chuckles to himself, stroking his beard in thought for a moment as he smirked.


Jerry "The King" Lawler

That's funny they think that about me isn't it Jim? Because when I think of a big fish in a small pond, there's one man who comes straight to mind and that is the same man I address last week. Curt Hennig...You wanna talk about a big fish in a small pond Jim Ross? Shouldn't we really be talking about the glaringly obvious one that you have in your own locker room?!


Jim Ross

Well Mr. Lawler I for one don't think...

Jerry "The King" Lawler

I know you don't Jim! That's the problem! You don't think...your audience don't think...your boss doesn't think...this company presents itself as some big league deal...yet all it has running through it's locker rooms are outlaws! Men that wouldn't survive a minute in a wrestling ring down south! Men that don't deserve to step in a wrestling ring! And the biggest crime of all! Some young PUNK who has been HANDED his time in a wrestling ring by his daddy!

Jim Ross

Now Mr. Lawler I have to argue with this! Curt Hennig has earned everything he has gained in this business!


Jerry "The King" Lawler

Of course YOU would say that Jim, you're a hired stooge! You're the man carrying the microphone you HAVE to say that! But with the cameras off and the microphone cut, with you looking into my eyes like a MAN?! Do you think you can honestly say that?! I don't think you can Jim Ross. But that's OK...I'm here to wake you up! I'm here to wake ALL OF YOU UP! And show you what REAL Wrestling looks like! So Curt! If you're watching? Take a seat kid, up close as you can to the screen and WATCH...and if you're smart? You'll hand in your notice the moment my match is DONE!


Rated: 58


Jerry Lawler VS. Steve Regal



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Lawler managed to showcase one thing when facing off against returning AWA Almuni Steve Regal, and that was he has a bag full of dirty tricks! Whenever Lawler found an opportunity to do one small thing that would give him the slightest edge, he did it. It didn't matter how minor it seemed to be, anything that potentially could give him even the slightest bit of momentum, he took the opportunity to do it and thwarted Steve during one of his comebacks with these very tactics. Lawler eventually picked up the win after rolling up the tights against Steve.


Rated: 45


The Heart Of America




"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Ladies and gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here, proud to bring my guest out next, unfortunately he was not here last week, recouping after a heinous attack from Baron Von Raschke! But he's here tonight and he's got plenty to say folks! HULK HOGAN JOINING ME NOW! Hulk...last week you had to sit at home thanks to the actions of Baron Von Raschke, how was that week at home for you?



Hulk Hogan


"Mean" Gene Okerlund

With you being at home last week Hogan, I have to ask did you hear what the Baron had to say as his explanation for attacking you two weeks ago on All Star Wrestling?


Hulk Hogan



"Mean" Gene Okerlund

Last week the Baron said if you were smart and wanted to avoid the claw that you'd stay at home, but you're here and your scheduled for action next week in the Main Event, do you have any words at all for Baron Von Raschke who has to be watching right now?!


Hulk Hogan



Rated: 67

Undeniable Defiance



Gordon Solie

Ladies and gentlemen Gordon Solie bringing you another championship exclusive interview, joining me tonight is of course The AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Bockwinkel...as always...joined by his manager...Bobby Heenan


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

What's the matter Solie?! You sound disappointed to see me?! Well trust me! If the other interviewers on this show weren't absolute CLOWNS! You'd be stuck sittin at that announce table! So the feeling is mutual!


Gordon Solie

If I may Mr. Heenan I would like to just get to asking your client the agreed upon questions.


Bobby Heenan

Why do we need to even ask! We know what's going to happen tonight! That IDIOT Tito Santana is going to learn a very hard lesson of what happens when you step into business you shouldn't be anywhere near!


Nick Bockwinkel

Bobby is ultimately correct Mr. Solie. I for one do not revel in the public gallery that will be the Main Event this evening, I was put into a situation I would rather not be in. I, the World Champion...having to answer the challenge of someone who, if we are brutally honest has no business to step into a ring with me. Yet everybody takes him seriously. Every brainless humanoid in this audience throws their support behind this miscreant and I am left baffled and bewildered, the only one with enough perception it seems to ask the obviously simple question of...Why?


Gordon Solie

Well because despite your belittling language Mr. Bockwinkel...


Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Belittling? It's The TRUTH is what it is! Sorry Solie, as they say! It's a hard pill to swallow...

Gordon Solie

Despite your language Mr. Bockwinkel...Tito Santana is a very capable young man in the ring and there are many who not only believe, but seem to know...he would give you a run for your money. So I think it's high time you gave this young man some credit where it is due.


Nick Bockwinkel

If there is even the slightest inkling of credit to be given here Mr. Solie, it is that Tito Santana possesses undeniable defiance! But defiance is not a trait related to intelligence! You see any man with even the most remote amount of intelligencia about them would understand if they found themselves in the same predicament as Tito Santana...that as noble as his campaign against me may be, it is, ultimately, incredibly futile. This story only concludes in one way Mr. Solie and that will be in a saddening, harrowing defeat for Mr. Santana. All I am doing here this week by hand choosing Mr. Santana's opponent, is expediting the process. Instead of building poor Tito Santana's childish hopes and dreams up onto a pedestal, only for him to fumble at the final furlong, well...a message is best delivered bluntly Mr. Solie and my message to Tito Santana will be done in just that manner here tonight! Instead of leading him down to the primrose path towards a championship match against me, which, he will ultimately fail in...I will instead end his journey, here and now, with the opponent that I have picked for him!

Gordon Solie

And WHO exactly IS the opponent you have chosen for tonight?

Nick Bockwinkel

Mr. Solie that is the most important question you have posed to me in all of our interviews thus far, perhaps you will end up earning that pay check of yours after all, hmm? Tito Santana my deepest condolences and heartfelt farewell to your childish championship dreams, but tonight is where your true capabilities as a wrestler are left to bare for all to see, as youwill be facing a man who holds a standar that, even I do not hold Mr. Solie, yes believe it or not there is someone within this locker room with an accolade that...Nick Bockwinkel was unable to achieve, now, perhaps in some, alternative history, a different timeline, I believe without a shadow of a doubt...this man and I would share a great similartiy between one another, but alas, I had my mind focused on other matters, while this man was becoming an American hero! You want to prove yourself as championship material Mr. Santana, well do it against a man who is Olympic material! I am of course, for those many of your poor, uneducated plebians out there without basic comprehension...talking about Ken Patera!

Rated: 85


Tito Santana VS. Ken Patera

Number One Contender's Match


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It was certainly an underdogs tale in the Main Event as Ken Patera's strength and size were the clear hurdle for Tito to overcome which he tried to use his agile footwork to do just that, but on multiple occasions he would find himself caught by patera, or whipping back to get knocked down by one of Patera's bulky forearms. It was a back and forth match from the start and an intense fight to prove himself for Tito. A spot in the match came that changed the story of the match when Patera got hurled into the corner which led to a collision with the refree who was tying on a turnbuckle pad back to the turnbuckle which Patera had removed earlier in the match. Causing the ref to collapse to the ground.


As Patera is picking Tito up to his feet he notices someone coming towards the ring and smirk, Patera turns Tito around and restrains his arms in place as he singals for the person to come into the ring while the referee is down...









As Tito tries to chase after Bockwinkel, the champion quickly leaves the ring before Tito can get his hands on him and hops the barricade, making his way through the crowd. Tito climbs the turnbuckle and whips his attention back to the fallen Patera, as the referr gets back up Tito delivers a diving body splash for the pin! Tito Santana is The Number One Contender!


Rated: 47

Final Rating: 53

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