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We see Hollywood Hogan arriving at the building. As he gets out of his sports car suddenly Hall and Nash run into the scene from his blindside. He tries to fight them off but they’re too much with the advantage they started with. They open his trunk and slam it on his head. Hogan is left in a heap as the nWo walk into the building with a ‘too sweet’ gesture high in the air.

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WWE Raw opens with a recap from last Monday, the first night of the Ric Flair era. It centers around Stone Cold Steve Austin’s evening that began with a demand for his wife to be freed from SmackDown, learning that it cannot happen, Kurt Angle’s insult of her and Austin’s attack and its aftermath.


The recap then goes to Ric Flair announcing the restoration of the World Heavyweight Championship as the world title for the Raw organization and the 8 man tournament that will conclude at Backlash. From there the recap goes to Mr. Perfect vs Edge in the main event on Raw for the final spot in the tournament, Edge winning, his celebration and then attack by the returning Eddie Guerrero.


Tonight the World Heavyweight Championship tournament begins!!!


Welcome to Monday Night Raw.


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<div style="color:rgb(215, 21, 21);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>

APRIL WEEK 2, 2002



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JR & King ask us if we’re ready for Raw? The World Title tournament begins tonight and in our featured match, Stone Cold Steve Austin will take on William Regal. Eddie Guerrero is in the house tonight and he will address his return to WWE and why he has targeted Edge. Mighty Molly will address why she walked away from Trish Stratus last week but we kick things off with the first match in the tournament to crown THE World Heavyweight Champion at Backlash. And that match is between Matt Hardy and the first ever Undisputed Champion…Chris Jericho. Let’s go to the ring.



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Matt explodes like a house of fire and early in the match, Chris looks to be in peril. But when Matt goes for a Leg Drop from the 2nd rope, Jericho kicks the ropes and Matt falls to the mat, wrenching his knee in the process. That ends Hardy’s offense and after some kick outs, Jericho locks Matt into the Walls and Hardy is forced to submit.





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Chris Jericho celebrates his win but it is clear that he is still pissed off that he lost to Triple H at Wrestlemania. Jericho looks into the camera and promises to get the World Heavyweight Title at Backlash. And Jericho is now one step forward in that goal as he moves on to the semi-finals next week on Raw and will take on the winner of Booker T vs Edge which is still to come in this broadcast.



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In the back The Undertaker is seen storming into Ric Flair’s office. The demon of Death Valley looks pissed. What could he want with our owner?





Commercial Break






Raw returns inside Ric Flair’s office where The Undertaker is throwing things around but Flair is not in there. Flair eventually walks into his destroyed office going over some papers and sees the destruction and asks Taker what the hell his problem is?


Taker tells Flair that he knows that Flair intentionally left him out of this World Title tournament and he knows why. It’s because The Undertaker embarrassed his ass at Wrestlemania. The Undertaker accuses Ric Flair of drafting him to Raw just to embarrass Taker and warns Flair that he would not be messed with.


Flair tells him that he needs to stop being so paranoid and wake up. Flair says “do you think I would go through the headache of drafting you and the expense of assuming your contract just to waste your talent? You kicked my ass at Wrestlemania…like a man…and you proved that you should be and will be one of the top draws for Raw.”


Flair goes on to explain that the reason Taker is not in this tournament is because Flair had a much bigger strategy at mind. Flair hands the Undertaker what he says is the final approved artwork for WWE Judgment Day next month in Nashville, Tennessee. And it features The Undertaker. Why?


Because Undertaker will be in the featured match for Raw. Against the new World Heavyweight Champion in his first title defense. That is Raw’s main event for Judgment Day next month on pay-per-view….and it will stay that way unless The Undertaker does something stupid. Flair tells Taker to get out of his office and Taker takes the artwork, slaps it in his hand and against the chest of Flair with a smirk before walking out.



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these two engage in a drama filled encounter with bear falls and a commercial break in between. When Raw returns from commercial, Lita is in control and scores a Lita-sault for a 2 count. Jazz starts to battle back but Lita cuts her off with a Twist of Fate. When Lita covers, Jazz grabs her and throws her to the floor. On the floor, Jazz realizes that she is best and nails Lita with the Women’s Title in clear view of the ref who calls for the bell.





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After the match Jazz continues her attack on Lita until Trish Stratus runs down to help her friend out. Lita and Trish start fending off the Women’s Champion until…






Mighty Molly in dark hair, white top and black pants comes out. She blasts Trish from behind and is on Stratus before Lita even can react. When Lita goes to help Trish, Jazz blasts Lita with the Women’s Title in the back of the head.


Molly looks down at Trish and Lita and grabs a microphone. She says that these two are the epitome of all that is wrong with professional wrestling and indeed the world these days. You people should be worshiping people like Jazz…a real athlete who got here through hard work and dedication to her craft. And people like Molly….who is not some stupid cartoon superhero but instead an honest, chaste woman who is a trained wrestler and is tired of playing games.


Mighty Molly is dead and in her place is Molly Holly, a fighter. Molly says that Trish and Lita are WWE Divas as if that is something to aspire to, but Molly and Jazz are the anti-Divas. And they won’t rest until they remake women’s wrestling in their image…starting with Trish Stratus and Lita.


The two walk off as it is clear that a dangerous union has been formed and clearly the women of WWE now have targets on their backs.



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In the back Kevin Kelly is with Paul Heyman who introduces the world to his client…the Next Big Thing Brock Lesnar. We get a quick package of Lesnar’s various attacks before being drafted to Raw. Lesnar is lifting a lighting truss as a workout as Paul Heyman says that Brock Lesnar is not only the next big thing..he’s the next big attraction in Sports-Entertainment. Because Brock Lesnar is money. Big box office money.


Brock Lesnar is the former NCAA Division I Heavyweight Champion for a reason. And Brock Lesnar left WWE’s farm league and demanded to be on Monday Night Raw for a reason. And that is to draw money for Monday Night Raw and to make money from Monday Night Raw.


So you won’t be seeing Brock Lesnar in meaningless matches on Raw…that would be a waste of his talents. No, no…if you want to see Brock Lesnar compete, you’ll have to pay for it. Like at Backlash when Brock Lesnar will make his in-ring WWE debut.


Against whom you ask? You’ll find out next week.


Lesnar throws the equipment away like it’s nothing as he and Kelly walk off.



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In the back Kurt Angle is warming up sporting a black eye. Our Olympic Hero will compete in the World Heavyweight Title tournament against the charismatic Jeff Hardy…next on Raw.





Commercial Break







Raw returns with a commercial for WWE Backlash centered around the World Heavyweight Championship. Backlash will be the first pay-per-view of this new era and will be co-presented by the Raw and SmackDown companies and will be headlined by the World Heavyweight Championship match. WWE Backlash will air on Sunday night Week 4 in April from the sold out Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri exclusively on pay-per-view.


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Kurt Angle tries to out high fly Jeff for a portion of this match who in turn tries to mat wrestle Kurt. The two trade near falls and Jeff is put over big by both Angle and the announcers. The finish sees Jeff get close and go for the Swanton but miss and crash and burn. Kurt then rolls Jeff up and hooks the ropes with his right hand to get the cheap victory and advance on.





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After the match, Kurt rolls out of the ring and rushes up the stage with his hands in the air. Angle knows that he was so close to losing this match and had to steal a victory. But now Angle will face either Stone Cold Steve Austin or William Regal next week on Raw in the Semi Finals of the World Heavyweight Title tournament.



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We get a split screen of Edge and Booker T warming up. Their match in the World Title tournament is next after this time out.





Commercial Break








Raw returns to Goldust seen in the Hollywood Hills.. He talks about great comebacks after careers were believed to be over. How a shining star will rise like a phoenix from the ashes to take over the WWE. Goldust is that shining star and soon his reboot will be complete and the world will never forget the name of…..Goldust.


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Just before Booker T faces Edge, the man who attacked Edge last week in his WWE return comes out to the ring. Eddie grabs a microphone and says that the reason he returned to WWE is the person that he attacked last week…Edge. Everyone around here knows that Edge is being positioned as the future of this company when it should be Latino Heat. Eddie talks about how a year ago everything was taken from him and he watched this pretty boy step into the role that belongs to Eddie Guerrero. So now he is here to take it from him. And Eddie says that he hopes that Edge wins the World Heavyweight Championship because that will make Eddie’s revenge much sweeter when he ruins Edge’s dream.


Eddie then goes over to a chair that is waiting near ringside. Apparently Eddie Guerrero will watch this match from ringside.


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JR & King bring up the recent history between Edge and Booker including their match at Wrestlemania. Booker dominates early and that makes Eddie celebrate. Booker goes for the Axe Kick near the ropes and Edge catches his leg and backdrops Booker to the floor. On the floor, both men brawl near Eddie and the ref warns Eddie to stand back, which he does. After some brawling on the floor and a couple near falls in the ring, Booker goes for the Book-End but Edge backdrops him instead. When Booker stands Edge explodes out of a corner for the Spear!!! He covers and Eddie Guerrero is forced to watch as Edge wins the match and is moving on to the Semi-Finals.





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After the match, Edge celebrates and rubs it in Eddie Guerrero’s face. Next week on Raw, Edge will face Chris Jericho in the Semi-Finals of the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament. Eddie backs away with a look of disgust on Edge who is still celebrating.



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Kevin Kelly is in the back with William Regal. Regal says that this is the highest honor that he could possibly have. The chance to defeat the face of this industry and to move on in the World Heavyweight Title tournament? Regal is thrilled for this moment and this opportunity and he will make the most of it because all it takes…is the Power of the Punch.


Ladies and gentlemen, our main event is next after this time out.





Final Commercial Break





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Raw returns to Ric Flair in his office and announces that next week on Raw the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz and the APA will face each other in a three way dance to determine the new #1 Contenders for the World Tag Team Titles. Now let's go to the ring for the main event.


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The story of this match is Austin being enraged and needing to hurt someone so he takes it out on Regal. And it looks like Austin will end it early until Austin charges Regal on the floor but Regal sidesteps him and Austin collides with the ring steps.


In the ring, Regal starts working on Austin’s well documented neck injury in preparation for the Regal Stretch which he finally locks in but Austin makes it to the ropes. When Austin begins his comeback, Regal pulls the ref in between the two men which allows Regal to put on the Brass Knucks.


Regal prepares to hit the “Power of the Punch” but Austin ducks and STUNNER!!!!! Stone Cold covers….











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STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD is moving on!!!! JR is in hype mode as Stone Cold Steve Austin has punched his ticket to the Semi-Finals against Kurt Angle next week on Raw.




While Austin celebrates, Kurt Angle comes racing down with a chair and cracks Austin in the head when Austin turns around. Angle nails Austin with the chair again and again before doing the Angle slam.


Instead of Stone Cold celebrating, it is Kurt Angle who has a measure of retribution from Austin’s attack last week and his point is now made. Kurt Angle versus Stone Cold Steve Austin will take place next week in the Semifinals but how in the world can Stone Cold possibly be at 100%?


Is it now Kurt Angle and not Stone Cold Steve Austin that is the favorite to head to Backlash?!?


Good night from Phoenix.





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Last week on Smackdown:

We’re shown a replay of Triple H standing up to Mr. McMahon only to be blindsided and choked out by the Big Show. We then hear McMahon’s voice over announcing the title match at Backlash as Big Show stands over an unconscious champion.

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WWE Raw opens with a recap from last week focused on the four matches in the opening round of the World Heavyweight Championship tournament. We see how Kurt Angle, Edge, Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin each win their matches. The video then shows us the ending of Raw where Kurt Angle blasted Stone Cold in the head with a chair ahead of their Semi-Final match tonight.


Tonight Edge will face Chris Jericho. Tonight Kurt Angle will face Stone Cold Steve Austin. Who will be the final two men that will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Backlash? We’re about to find out.


Welcome to Monday Night Raw.



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<div style="color:rgb(215, 21, 21);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>

APRIL WEEK 3, 2002


HOUSTON, TEXAS</b></div>

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JR and King welcome us to the Raw from the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas. We are just 13 days away from Backlash from the sold out Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri and the question that looms over all of us is: who will be the two men that will headline Backlash to try to become the World Heavyweight Champion? Tonight we will find out that answer.


But first we go to the ring to kick off Raw with a 3 way dance between some of the best tag teams in the world. The winner is the #1 contender for the World Tag Team Championship. Let’s go to the ring and kick things off on what should be an explosive night of Raw.



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As expected this is a wild match that kicks Raw off hot and spans two commercial breaks. There are three acts to this story, in the first the Dudleyz and APA take their turns beating down the Hardyz. In the second, Dudleyz and APA turn on each other and that allows Team Extreme to begin their comeback and nearly win the match. Finally the Dudleyz and the Hardyz go to war and Matt and Jeff prepare to put D-Von down but when Jeff tries to leap off of Matt for Poetry in Motion, Matt crumbles to the mat, his arm slipping. Jeff instead crashes into the corner which allows Bubba and D-Von to do 3D on Matt. But as soon as they stand up, D-Von is pulled from the ring by Farooq and Bubba is blasted with the Clothesline from Hell by Bradshaw for the pinfall.






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After the match, the Dudleys look angry that they’ve lost as Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy stare at each other following their apparent miscommunication while Matt says that his arm slipped. APA are buoyant, though, as they are the new contenders for the Tag Titles.





Billy & Chuck w/Rico come out to the stage while Farooq and Bradshaw celebrate and the two teams catch each other's eyes.


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Kevin Kelly is backstage with Chris Jericho who bemoans being cheated out of the Universal Title at Wrestlemania and blames it on being distracted by Stephanie McMahon’s bs. But now she’s gone and he’s focused and the Highlight of the Night, Chris Jericho will beat Edge’s ass tonight and in 13 days…he will become the World Heavyweight Champion. It’s his destiny because Chris Jericho….is the King of the World.





Commercial Break







Raw returns from commercial break and we see chaos. Stone Cold Steve Austin is trying to attack Kurt Angle and he is being separated by Raw officials. Ric Flair runs up to Austin and shouts at Steve telling Stone Cold that he cannot behave this way. Ric Flair kicks Austin out of the arena and tells him that he is not welcomed back until it’s time for his match. And if Austin breaks that rule tonight….he will be removed from the match and Kurt Angle will go to Backlash on a bye.


Austin looks like he is going to strike Ric Flair but cooler heads prevail and Austin voluntarily leaves the building while Kurt Angle smirks.




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This match is mostly to highlight Booker T and, while Al gets in some offense, Booker largely dominates the match. After trading a couple pinfall attempts, Booker nails a Spinebuster, the Spinaroonie and then the Ax Kick for the pinfall.






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After the match, while Booker is celebrating, Paul Heyman suddenly gets onto the ring apron yelling at Booker. Booker is confused and goes over to Heyman and doesn’t see…





Brock Lesnar sneaks in to blindside Booker from behind. Lesnar throws Booker into a corner and wails on him but the former WCW Champion battles out of the corner but is grabbed by Lesnar and launched across the ring via a Belly to Belly Suplex. From there, the Next Big Thing Powerbombs Booker not once, not twice but three times until Book is a broken heap in the ring. Officials race down to the ring as Heyman pulls his monster away.


Booker T has been targeted by the Next Big Thing but the question is why? Stay with us, Raw will be back after a quick time out.





Commercial Break









Raw returns with a commercial for WWE Backlash centered around the World Heavyweight Championship. Backlash will be the first pay-per-view of this new era and will be co-presented by the Raw and SmackDown companies and will be headlined by the World Heavyweight Championship match. WWE Backlash will air in 13 days, Sunday night Week 4 in April from the sold out Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri exclusively on pay-per-view.



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JR and King take us back to “during the break” where we see Booker T helped out of the ring by WWE officials including the Owner of Raw, Ric Flair.



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Kevin Kelly rushes up to Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar who are leaving the arena. Kelly demands to know why they have targeted Booker T and Paul says that it’s simple…Booker is a former World Champion. And the next big attraction in Sports-Entertainment, indeed the Next Big Thing..Brock Lesnar... wants to make an impact here on Raw. So who is better than a man who once carried the same belt that we will soon crown as our World Heavyweight Champion here on Raw? And if Booker has a problem with that….Brock Lesnar will be in the ring at Backlash. Booker can do something about it then because the measuring stick just changed around here.


Heyman and Lesnar push Kelly aside and enter their vehicle and drive off.



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Jericho tries all of the underhanded tactics that he can think of but Edge has a counter for them all. When Jericho tries to use a foot on the ropes in a pinfall, Edge rakes his eyes and the ref doesn’t see it. After a while it is clear that Edge is heading toward finishing this match as he nails Jericho with the Edgecution.


Edge goes into a corner to hit the Spear but Jericho steps just an inch behind the ref and is able to nudge him into taking the Spear. With the ref down, Jericho hits a back elbow to the head and then goes for a chair. Jericho brings it into the ring and swings but Edge ducks…..SPEAR!!!!


Edge has nailed Jericho but the ref is down. All of a sudden the crowd stands to their feet because Eddie Guerrero is in the ring and he has the chair. Edge turns around….*CRACK*...Guerrero swings for the fences and turns Edge’s lights out.


Jericho crawls to a cover as Eddie wakes up the ref…..1…..2……3.





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After the match, Chris Jericho bails from the ring celebrating while Eddie Guerrero begins an assault on Edge. Eventually Eddie joins Chris Jericho and shakes the hand of the former Undisputed Champion. Chris Jericho is going to Backlash to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship and Edge is not…all thanks to Latino Heat.



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In the back The Undertaker is posing for a WWE Magazine photo shoot for Judgment Day next month. As he is doing so, Mark Henry walks up to Taker. Henry says that for six years around here, he has been trying to prove that he belongs. And for those six years, and for the five years before that, The Undertaker has been dominating this industry.


Henry says that he respects The Undertaker…but he knows that he can beat him. So Henry is coming to Taker, like a man, and challenging him to a match next week on Raw. Undertaker takes off his sunglasses and looks like he is going to fight, but instead Taker sizes Henry up and says “you’ve got some balls on you, I can respect that. You’re on.” The Undertaker may be facing the World Heavyweight Champion at Judgment Day, but he has a date with the World’s Strongest Man next week on Raw! And we’re coming back right after this.





Commercial Break










Raw returns to Goldust seen laying in a floating bed in a pool with a mansion in the background.. Goldust says that his comeback is almost complete. His resurgence, his reboot is drawing near. In two weeks the world will witness the biggest return in Sports-Entertainment history and Raw will never be the same. The world should get ready for it will never forget the name of…..Goldust.


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Just as this match begins, JR and King tell us that on the Sunday Night Heat at Backlash, Trish Stratus & Lita will team together against Molly Holly and the Women’s Champion Jazz


The earliest part of the match sees Lita with an aerial flourish that nearly beats Molly early in the match. Molly gains control when she rolls out of the way of a Litasault and starts using a more ground and pound approach. Molly scores several near falls before Lita begins a comeback. That is when Jazz throws her title to Molly before rubbing up behind Trish and pushing her into the ringpost. While Lita and the ref are distracted by Jazz and Trish, Molly blasts Lita from behind with the Women’s Title before throwing it to the floor and rolls Lita up for the 3 count.






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After the match, Molly and Jazz high tail it out of there having stolen this match but they will have to pay the price for their treachery in 13 days.



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In the back Kurt Angle is seen warming up. Ric Flair walks into his locker room and Angle thanks him for keeping that menace Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the arena tonight. Flair says that he was just preserving his main event. But Stone Cold is now back in the building…


oh and the main event? It’s now a No Disqualification match.


Kurt Angle looks like he is about to throw up. Who will be the man that meets Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship at Backlash? We’re about to find out….next.





Final Commercial Break







JR & King welcome us back and tell us that after what has happened here tonight, Raw Owner Ric Flair has booked Edge vs Eddie Guerrero at Backlash. We are told that Booker T will be on Raw next week to answer what Brock Lesnar did to him here tonight. And we are reminded that next week The Undertaker will face Mark Henry. But it’s main event time and it is now No Disqualification.



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As soon as the bell rings, Austin is on Angle just wailing away before Kurt kicks Austin low to bail to the floor. Stone Cold recovers and then he and Angle brawl into the audience all the way up to a concession area. Austin shoves hot popcorn in Angle’s face and tries to dump hot cheese on Angle’s face but the Olympic Champion dodges it.


The two brawl into a bathroom before making their raw back down toward ringside where Angle wallops Austin with a Kendo Stick and takes control. In the ring, Kurt scores with an Angle Slam for a two count and slams Austin’s ankle in between a chair. Finally Kurt is able to lock in the Ankle Lock……


Austin crawls to ropes and holds on but it’s No Disqualification. At the last moment, Austin is able to roll onto his back and pull Kurt into a Small Package…1….2….Angle kicks out. Angle is able to bring stairs into the ring but when he charges, Austin does a Drop Toe Hold and Kurt lands face first into the steps.


*CRACK*!!! Austin wallops Angle in the head with a Kendo Stick of his own. Angle stumbles into an ANGLE SLAM by Austin.






Angle kicks out. Austin is poised and waiting and strikes - Stone Cold Stunner!!!!!












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My God what a fight this was! Kurt Angle has nothing to be ashamed of but it was not to be. Stone Cold Steve Austin walked into Raw to kick a man’s ass and he did just that and now Stone Cold will meet Chris Jericho at Backlash for the World Heavyweight Championship!!!





As Stone Cold Steve Austin drinks beer to celebrate his triumph, we see Jericho in the back looking at the monitor with hatred and intensity in his eyes. Stone Cold and Chris Jericho have a date with destiny in 13 days on pay-per-view. What a match that will be.


Good night from Houston!!!







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Outside the arena we see a car speed into the scene and screech to a halt. Triple H gets out and is immediately met by half a dozen security guards but he plows through them and decimates them all very quickly. He then enters the building, slamming the door behind him.

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Kevin Kelly is backstage with Chris Jericho who bemoans being cheated out of the Universal Title at Wrestlemania and blames it on being distracted by Stephanie McMahon’s bs. But now she’s gone and he’s focused and the Highlight of the Night, Chris Jericho will beat Edge’s ass tonight and in 13 days…he will become the World Heavyweight Champion. It’s his destiny because Chris Jericho….is the King of the World.



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