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A Rightful Legacy: The Second East Coast War

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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents








Nelson Callum © vs. Ernest Youngman (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Jebediah



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. Rich & Famous




Madman Boone vs. Ash Campbell

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Xavi Ferrara

Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Dustin Deuce

Wicked Lester vs. Happy Elwood

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Location: The Ministry (Queens, New York)

PSW New Year Revolution

January 2020

Attendance: 1000 (Sell Out!)

Announcers: Mitch Naess and Alex Braun



In dark matches:


Big Boss Emperor defeated Ben Williams

Yuta Isono defeated Masked Mauler VII

Blood Soldiers defeated Justice Jolson and Dominic DeGraff

Canadian Hardcore defeated Little Bill Lebowski and Devil Dog






In the opening match, Wicked Lester mauled Happy Elwood with nary a hope spot before mercifully ending it with the Wicked Big Boot. (30)




Dustin Deuce scored the biggest win of his young career, surprising the veteran Powell with a rollup for pinfall. (31)




Despite the crowd savagely booing Stuntman all match, Devil May Care got the win in a wild spotfest due to miscommunication between Antix and Xavier Reckless as Acid II hits the Acid Rain Bomb on Antix for the win. (46)




In a surprisingly good match, Sayeed Ali defeated Jebediah with the G.B.H. Driver. (47)




The Cowboy keeps trying to hit the big lariat, to his detriment as Smooth plays cat and mouse with him the entire match. Ultimately, Winchester accidentally lariats the referee which enables Smooth to low blow him and clamp on the Smooth Hold. Referee Jez McArthuer recovers just in time to raise the Cowboy's arm three times and awards the match to Smooth when it drops the third time. (42)




Samoan Destruction Inc. scores a big win over their rivals Rich & Famou$ when the Samoan Machine clamps the Unbreakable Sleeper on Jackpot Jordan and as advertised, he is unable to break it and passes out. (54)


As the Samoans celebrate their win, suddenly the theme from the TV show "Preacher" hits and bald, middle aged black man with a crazed look in his eye, garbed in priest attire, emerges from the back.


"Who is that?" I pondered, speaking for the viewing audience.


"That's Travis Century, the crazed preacher man! Here's worked around the globe but what is this lunatic doing here tonight? What does he want in PSW?" asked Alex Braun.


Century pulled a microphone out from his robes and begins to speak. "Oh my brothers and sisters, repent! For the judgement of the Congregation is upon you! And the hour of your punishment draws ever closer. In fact, the time of your suffering is now!"


At that very moment, the lights go out and when then come back on, two giant men are standing behind Samoan Destruction Inc.


"My god! That's their family! Akima  and Toma....the Samoan Pit Bulls! What are they doin......", I can't even get the words out before the Pit Bulls attack their own family as Century cackles on madly!


"They say that blood is thicker than water but as Rhino and the Machine are discovering, with the right number of zeros in your bank account, money trumps blood, and my Congregation passes around that plate and brings me back lots of money. Next month, your brothers demand at a shot at your gold boys, assuming you can still walk after this beating!"


The Samoan Pit Bulls depart the ring and leave with Century, the damage having been done. (34)




In an excellent match between two of the best young talents in the company, Logan Wolfsbaine picks up the win, pinning Xavi Ferrara with his belly to belly suplex. (58)




For someone who is a legend of hardcore wrestling, the NYC crowd was happy to see Madman Boone and to make matters worse, not only did he lose to Ash Campbell, but he also suffered a strained rotator cuff. Tough night for the Madman all around. (40)




The two top workers in the company deliver another excellent match as the champion retains his title with the Honeytrap due to botched interference by Venus Angeletti who had hopped up on the ring apron to interfere. Callum reversed an irish whip and nearly sent Youngman flying into her but he slammed on the brakes. The momentary distraction was all Callum needed to nail his finisher and claim the win. (67)



Edited by Wildfire1324
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From PSWrestling.com


We need to start off with a big thank you to the great fans who sold out the Ministry in our New York City debut for NEW YEAR REVOLUTION! We met so many great fans who told us they've been dying to see an exciting brand of professional wrestling in their city. We can guarantee them that PSW will return soon with more great action.


We're very excited with some of the new talent coming into PSW including manager Travis Century and the Samoan Pit Bulls, Akima and Toma who made their debut at NEW YEAR REVOLUTION. In addition, the pre-show dark matches featured rousing new talent in the massive team of Canadian Hardcore, Otis Von Battenberg and Sasquatch McGraw, plus two thrilling young talents from Japan that are taking dates with the company, the colossal Big Boss Emperor and the incredibly talented Yuta Isono. Keep an eye out for even more talent joining the roster in the near future as we've been negotiating with several exciting talents.


Madman Boone suffered a strained rotator cuff just a few minutes into his match with Ash Campbell and still finished the match. In addition, the tough as nails vet announced he will be working through the injury rather than taking time off. While the crowd at the Ministry may not have appreciated him, Boone is a role model for a lot of the younger workers on the roster and we're lucky to have him.


Be sure get your tickets for PSW's HIGHWAY TO HELL next month at the Newark Armory and you won't want to miss our big STEEL CITY STARFEST show this March for our return to Pittsburgh. Ticket info available soon right here on PSWrestling.com!


We are few happy to report that PSW has come to terms on new contracts with Nelson Callum, Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine, Xavi Ferrara and Austin Smooth which will see them remain in PSW for the next two years. While their written contracts will allow them to work for other promotions as well, we are happy that they are committed to growing with our company for the foreseeable future.


PSWrestling.com Online Prediction Contest Results


  • Sisma 9/9
  • Falling_Star 7/9
  • Puto 7/9
  • Herrbear 6/9
  • Jaysin 6/9
  • Scottie 6/9
  • ToastyCenturion 6/9
  • Aboardtheark 5/9
  • The Blonde Bomber 5/9
  • Theheel 4/9


Congrats to Sisma for correctly predicting the results of all nine matches at NEW YEAR REVOLUTION. Don't forget PSW fans, the fan who correctly predicts the most match results between now and May 31st will win two ringside tickets to see our big HOMECOMING show at the world famous PSW Arena in June!

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"You guys tell me, do these signings just scream of nepotism if we hire these kids?"


I had gathered my inner circle in the office to discuss two potential signings. The biggest conflict of interest was sitting to my right, the driving force behind the East Coast Wars, Johnny Martin. We were talking about bringing his son, John Junior, in to work dates for us. The kid was working for various small indy groups out west to get some seasoning and I worried that it was too much pressure on him to come to PSW and follow in his old man's footsteps already. While his dad backed the idea to bring him in, he wasn't pushing hard for it. Eric Tyler was the one who saying we should bring him in, calling the kid a natural, a literal chip off the old block, which is where his ring name, Chip Martin, came from.


"Look, Tyler's got a good point Mitch.", Alex Braun interjected. "He's not going to learn much more out there on the west coast unless he joins one of the bigger companies. We don't want him getting involved in that turf war between IPW and GSW and we sure as hell don't want CZCW getting their claws into him. He'll never come back to the east coast then. It would only be nepotism if we pushed him beyond where he's at and what he's earned."

The other prospect we were talking about was one that a lot of promoters had their eyes on, James Diaz, the son of legendary star Raymond Diaz, and the cousin of one of our top young wrestlers, Logan Wolfsbaine. The musclebound youngster was already generating a big buzz on the internet and it was honestly a surprise someone hadn't grabbed him already. Logan was constantly asking me, "When are you bringing my cuz in? He can already work rings around half this roster." Looking at the clips I'd seen of Diaz, he wasn't wrong.


"I'm sure his dance card is going to fill up fast but it won't hurt us to secure dates with him now. He's a big, tough kid and he's perfect for the style we're steering the company towards. I say we offer him a contract now while we still can, fore one of the other big indy groups does, especially Vessey." Martin advised.


We had already inked two more intriguing kids, Fernando Fernandez from Mexico, a fiery young brawler from Mexico that Vibert had turned me on to, and The Historian from Mid Atlantic Wrestling who worked an old school, meat and potatoes, black trunks, black boots throwback gimmick. While I wasn't publically attacking MAW yet, I didn't mind sharing one of their better prospects with them, for now. The question was, did we just add four new wrestlers on the roster today, or just two?

"Well, let's get in touch with them and offer some deals, shall we?"



From PSWrestling.com


We are pleased to announce the signings of four impressive young prospects that will be working dates with PSW in the coming weeks and month: Fernando Fernandez from Mexico, The Historian who is also working for MAW, Chip Martin, the son of the iconic Johnny Martin and the James Diaz, son of the legendary Raymond Diaz. Don't miss a single PSW show because you never know which future star will be showing up!


We've gotten word that Little Bill Lebowski and Jebediah have decided to team up and make a run at tag team gold. Can the contrasting duo of Little Bill & Big Jeb make it all the way to the top? Time will tell!


The Steel Circle posted a video challenging Nelson Callum to a big six man tag team match for HIGHWAY TO HELL in Newark at the end of February. Ernest Youngman boasted that, "Me, Jake and Jakepot will beat your ass and the asses of whatever two losers you can find to team with you.....assuming anyone will. You've burned every bridge on your path to the top so good luck finding two partners who can stomach teaming with you Callum!" The PSW Heavyweight champion has accepted the challenge and announced that Xavi Ferrara will be one of his partners but no word yet on who their third will be.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents







Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)




Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb



Tickets are available on PSWrestling.com!

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Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)




Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb

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Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)




Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb

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Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)

Always go with the mystery partner



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley

Sayeed Ali is the next ace when the main guys inevitably get poached



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)

Just my vibe that the pit bulls are just here to put the champs over



Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb

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Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)


I'm guessing Rich & Famous are there to get pinned. Champ + Myster partner? = win



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley


Sayeed is here to stay.




Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)


I want to go with a double count out or a DQ finish, because the champs shouldn't lose, just yet, but the Pit Bulls with Travis shouldn't either.





Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester (Cowboy gets his win back?)

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix (Again, win back)

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester (squash)

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy (Young Dustin getting on a roll)

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez (He's glorious and rising up the ranks)

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb (Build up Canadian Hardcore to become contenders)

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"And we're back with our guest for the rest of the show, Larry Vessey, one half of the legendary Vessey Brothers tag team and the current owner of New York City Wrestling.* Larry, welcome to Behind the Curtain."


"Thank you for having me on Joanne."


"So Larry, this must be a tumultuous time for you personally, with the attacks from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling coming literally like a bolt from the blue. Did you have a falling out with Mitch Naess?"


"Listen, I always had a cordial relationship with Mitch. We were never friends but we did our thing and they did theirs. There really wasn't ever much crossover between our promotions, as we do family friendly pro wrestling and they have has-been's and never-will-be's hitting each other with garbage cans. But bringing their low rent brand of professional wrestling to our backyard? In our home, The Ministry? Spitting on a decade plus long agreement you made with my friend and mentor The Stomper? Nah, that doesn't sit right with me. So if they want a war, they got one."


"You say that the Ministry is your home Larry but you've mostly been running the Weston Gymnasium of late. You actually haven't been at the Ministry in over a year and the last time you were there, you had barely half a house. Meanwhile, PSW sold out the Ministry last week. What do you have to say about that?"


"That's got nothing to do with anything Joanne. We're in a little bit of a seasonal lull in business right now but I'm sure that our program with Tennessee William and Brutus Milano is going to be drawing big gates in the coming months. My point is a man is only as good as his word and Mitch Naess proved to not be a man of his word! I never should have trusted Phil Vibert's errand boy. In fact, you talk about our building, how about the fact they haven't run their own building, the PSW Arena in months also? What about that?"


Larry Vessey was getting a bit red in the face. Clearly he wasn't a man used to having his positions challenged.


"No one is saying PSW's business hasn't been down as well, but in the interest of fairness, that's a 4000 seat building in a smaller market as opposed to a 1000 seat building in the heart of Queens. It's dramatic difference."


The man was clearly infuriated and began to turn bright red.


"Listen, I didn't come here to get ambushed by someone who was the star of a third rate dead promotion like AAA and has to pretend to be a journalist on a podcast to stay relevant."


"If anyone knows about third rate promotions, I guess it would be you Larry."


That was the straw that broke the camel's back as Larry Vessey threw down his headset and stormed out of the podcast studio, slamming the door behind him, yelling out, "You can kiss my ass lady!" as he left. He walked out of the building and climbed behind the wheel of his 2019 Acura MDX, still frothing with rage. He tore out of the parking lot and raced on to the highway, furious that he wasted his time driving down to that ungrateful harpy's studio, rather than just doing on it Zoom like she had suggested, whatever the hell that is. He stressfully continued ranting and raving to no one in particular when his heart finally gave out, causing him to swerve abruptly, smashing right into the divider at 75 miles per hour in a horrible, and ultimately fatal crash.

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Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and a mystery partner vs. Ernest Youngman and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Tank Bradley



Samoan Destruction Inc. © vs. The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century)



Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Devil May Care vs. Reckless Antix

Teddy Powell vs. Wicked Lester

Dustin Deuce vs. ZomBoy

Logan Wolfsbaine vs. Fernando Fernandez

Canadian Hardcore vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb

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"Hey Steve, it's Bryan, Bryan Vessey."


Steve Flash had been anticipating this call for a couple of days. He had spoken with Bryan at his brother's funeral and while it was neither the time nor the place to discuss business, they agreed to talk about the company in the coming weeks. He had been doing his best to steer the company through uncertain waters but there was only so much he could do. He wasn't sure who his boss was going to be or for that matter, if he even was going to have a job or if the company was going to remain in business.


"Hey Bryan. How is everyone holding up?"


"As well as can be expected. It's still shocking but also not shocking at all, you know what I mean?"


"Definitely. I mean, I worked with him for years now. Larry was nothing if not high strung. At least Joanne was classy enough not to release the episode."


"For sure. She called me to offer her condolences and I reassured her that it wasn't her fault. She sent me the audio and, well.....it was Larry overreacting to some tough, but fair questions. I'm sure he worked himself into a tizzy and the coroner said he had a massive heart attack while driving. Fortunately, no one else was hurt when he swerved into that divider. But anyway, Steve, there's other issues we need to discuss."


"Right. Does this mean you're the new boss here?"


"No absolutely not. So Larry's will called for me to get half ownership stake and his wife Helen to get the other half. She knows nothing about the business and has even less interest in learning. Myself, on the other hand, I just don't have the bandwidth to run this company. I've been talking with some folks at TCW and there's interest in using me as a road agent there potentially. This company has some good bones but is a real fixer upper as they say. I just don't have it in me to build up an independent company."


"Good bones? Have you been watching some HGTV there Bryan?"


Bryan Vessey laughed but Steve Flash was definitely feeling nervous. If the company was leaving the Vessey family, his future just became that much more uncertain.


"It's my wife. I swear. So we looked into the books and the company has a bit of debt, a couple of thousand, nothing crazy and while it's not super popular, it does have a small but loyal fan base as well as some good relationships in the biggest media market in the world. I spoke with the Stomper yesterday about a sale."


"The Stomper is coming out of retirement to run his old company? That's a plot twist!"


"Hardly", Bryan Vessey said with a chuckle. "With that man's whiskey and cheap cigar habit, its an absolute miracle that he didn't beat my brother to the grave by years. But no, I just wanted to get some input from him on the company because I know Larry valued his opinion. We both reached the same conclusion about a sale."


Steve Flash braced for the answer, hoping that Bryan wasn't going to sell the company to those punks from Pittsburgh.


"Let me ask you a question Steve. You have a reputation in the business for being rather....thrifty let's say. Would I be wrong in assuming you have a nicer nest egg than the typical top-flight indy star does in retirement?"


"Thrifty is a little harsh but I have definitely watched my money over the years and made some prudent investments. Why?"


"That's what Stomper told me you'd say. So tell me Steve, once Larry's will is officially probated, if you're willing to absorb the debt of the company and we can come to reasonable terms on the sale, would you be interested in becoming the new owner of New York City Wrestling?"

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From PWReporter.com:


......and finally, in New York City Wrestling news, it was announced this week that long time indy stalwart Steve Flash has emerged as the new owner of the mercurial regional company. In a conference call, Flash noted that he wouldn't be changing the infrastructure of the company dramatically but said that he would maintain his position as head booker for the time being, with some help from color commentator Ernie Turner. He added that while he personally had no issue with Mitch Naess or Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, he would not be ceding an inch to them, adding, "they have may started a war, but I'm going to be the one who finishes it."



We're going to stay on top of this story here at PWR. Also, you won't want to miss my Audio Update tomorrow morning where I delve deeper into the biggest story of the week, the shocking reunion of the estranged Stone brothers, Dan Stone Jr. and Edd Stone, presumably bringing an end to the long simmering family drama up in Canada, plus I'm going to preview PSW's upcoming HIGHWAY TO HELL show. Be sure you're signed up for PW Reporter Plus so you don't miss any of our exclusive audio content and more.



(Special thanks to The Historian for the banner)

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Location: The Newark Armory (Newark, New Jersey)

PSW Highway To Hell

February 2020

Attendance: 1198

Announcers: Mitch Naess and Alex Braun



In dark matches:


Big Boss Emperor defeated Devil Dog

James Diaz defeated Chip Martin

Deathwish defeated Ben Williams

The Historian defeated Happy Elwood

Madman Boone (working through an injury) defeated Yuta Isono





In a good opener, the massive team of Canadian Hardcore defeat the new pairing of Little Bill Lebowski and Jebediah, as Otis Von Battenberg pinned Little Bill with a Crucifix Powerbomb. (35)




Dustin Deuce continues his winning ways, defeating ZomBoy with dropkick off the top rope. (23)




The crowd continued booing Stuntman all match, but Devil May Care picked up another win against their rivals after Antix accidentally hit his partner, leading to Stuntman pinning Xavier Reckless. (48)


Tensions flare between Reckless Antix following the loss but cooler heads seem to prevail. At least until Xavier Reckless blindsides his unsuspecting partner with a chair and walks off, seemingly ending the pairing. (30)




Wicked Lester, accompanied by his hulking bodyguard Cerberus, continued his winning ways, upsetting Teddy Powell with the Wicked Big Boot (34)




The feud between Smooth and Winchester continued as the Cowboy kept trying to hit the big lariat. Late in the match, Smooth ducks under another lariat attempt but the two men bonk heads on the rebound. Smooth falls out of the ring and after returning to a vertical base, decides he's had a enough and walks off, earning Buck Winchester a very unsatisfying countout victory. The crowded hated the finish and vocally let us know. (26)




Despite being a fairly popular veteran in the region, a large chunk of the fans in Newark wanted no part of Tank Bradley and were pleased when Sayeed Ali made short work of him in about six minutes with the G.B.H. Driver to retain the National title. (42)





In an wild brawl that literally saw brother fight brother, the Samoan Pit Bulls claimed the PSW Tag Team titles when Travis Century interfered, causing the Samoan Machine to fall prey to the Dog Pound double team at the pin. Toma suffered an injured calf in the match but managed to tough it out before ultimately needing a little help from his partner and manager to get to the back after the match. (53)




Logan Wolfsbaine makes short work of PSW newcomer Fernando Fernandez in a match designed to give the crowd some breathing room before the main event.(40)




Callum and Ferrara start the match at a three on two disadvantage, allowing the Steel Circle to seize control of the match until the lights go out. When they come back on, the unmistakable guitar strains of Ash Campbell's theme plays as the son of Nemesis charges down to the ring and demands a tag from a reluctant Callum. The champ ultimately tags Ash in and the unlikely trio work together well enough to score the win, with Ash pinning Jackpot Jordan after a shooting star press.



As the Steel Circle retreat, Campbell and Callum eye each other cautiously before the PSW Heavyweight champion extends his hand in a gesture of gratitude. Ash stares at the hand for a moment before ultimately accepting and then pulling Callum in close. The camera manages to pick up most of what he says. "We're not friends. Not anymore. This was one night only. I don't like you but I like those assholes even less. Someday I'll be coming for that gold around your waist." Callum smirked and replied, "Wouldn't have it any other way."


Ash Campbell leaves the ring and returns to the back, leaving Callum and Ferrara to play to the crowd a bit more......which provides the perfect opportunity for the Steel Circle to strike again, igniting a large brawl. (53)


Officials pour out of the back and manage to break up the fight, before a bald man in a beige suit emerges from the back, mic in hand. Eric Tyler begins to speak. "You know, I've been a part of PSW for a long time and the tensions are running hotter than ever. When the temperature gets this hot, you run the risk of an inferno burning the whole thing to the ground. Fortunately, earlier this evening, PSW management signed me to a new contract and have officially named me the commissioner of this company. Everyone in the back, listen up and listen good. We're playing by the Traditionalist's rules now. It's a whole new era for this company!" (56)


Edited by Wildfire1324
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Great Show! :)


- I hope Eric ends up being a super strict commissioner and just suspends and punishes people, left and right. Like a mad disciplinarian heel :D


- Ash Vs Nelson, down the line, is money!


- I wonder who poses a serious threat to Sayeed? Maybe Logan?

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Great Show! :)


- I hope Eric ends up being a super strict commissioner and just suspends and punishes people, left and right. Like a mad disciplinarian heel :D


- Ash Vs Nelson, down the line, is money!


- I wonder who poses a serious threat to Sayeed? Maybe Logan?


Thank you!


1. Well a wild west style wrestling company DOES need a sheriff!


2. I guess we will have to see about that one! :)


3. Stay tuned to the upcoming post from PSWrestling.com to see who is next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The past few weeks had been an absolute blur. With the unexpected passing of Larry Vessey and all the preparation that went into HIGHWAY TO HELL, I barely had a moment to catch my breath, let alone catch up on the business but I finally had a few moments to myself since we had already finalized the card and the booking for STEEL CITY STARFEST XIII last night. Or at least I thought I did until a number I didn't recognize lit up my phone. 


"Hi Mr. Naess. This is Les Moore from WrestleWorld.com. I hope I didn't get you at a bad time?"

"Hi Les. Please call me Mitch. No, I'm good. How did you get my number?"

"Oh....from Phil Vibert. I'm hoping you're familiar with our service. Phil is going to be broadcasting his podcast on our platform starting this month. He gave me your number and said that we would be crazy not to put Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling on our platform from day one. I'm hoping we can make a deal."

"I'm familiar. My team has been keeping tabs on your announcements. We're interested if the money is right. I'll text you our mail address. Fed Ex us over a contract and we'll see if the terms make sense."

"Sounds goods Mitch.  I'll get that out in today's mail. We're trying to move quickly on this and if possible, we'd love to have your March show in Pittsburgh on Wrestleworld."

My day of relaxation was clearly over so I hopped in the car and headed over to the office to let the team knows we had gotten the call from WrestleWorld. Phil had already told me to expect a call from them but I didn't need to show all my cards on our first call. He already gave me an idea about what to expect contractually so I was already expecting this deal to happen and happen pretty quickly. I already knew our production values were as good or better than anyone else they would sign up to their platform so I knew there wouldn't much of a financial outlay on our end. That would be a good thing because we've been losing a decent chunk of change so far this year, not hemorrhaging money by any means, but something that I needed to keep an eye on. Most of the expenses had been on new talent and that has proven to be money well spent so far. But I did need to return a call to my accountant who was very confused about $35,000 purchase to Chase Bank, $35,000 to secure the intellectual property rights to something that I thought would prove very worthwhile. 


From PSWrestling.com

Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Presents








Nelson Callum, Xavi Ferrara and Devil Care vs. Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine and Rich & Famou$ (w. Venus Angeletti)



Sayeed Ali © vs. Madman Boone



The Samoan Pit Bulls (w. Travis Century) © vs. Samoan Destruction, Inc.



Austin Smooth vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester



Ash Campbell vs. Teddy Powell 

Xavier Reckless vs. Antix

Cerberus vs. Devil Dog

Dustin Deuce vs. Vendetta

Blood Soldiers vs. Little Bill & Big Jeb



Tickets are available on PSWrestling.com!









Edited by Wildfire1324
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