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PWC: From The Ashes [C-Verse 2020]

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Late November 2019




In unexpected news this week it looks like there will be a new company opening up in the Philadelpia area that will be run by retired veterans The Wolverine and The Idaho Punisher. Both are no strangers to the area as The Wolverine wrestled for DaVE and PSW while The Idaho Punisher wrestled for the latter. The two formed a gold winning duo known as The Deadly Alliance. Both men retired in 2014 and aside from doing a few appearances have mostly been out of the spotlight until now.


The company will be known as the Phoenix Wrestling Company where The Wolverine claims the company is 'rising from the ashes of the East Coast war'. What is perhaps most confusing that from what both men have said so far it sounds very much like Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling which has been thriving for quite some time. Why they would look to start the promotion so close to PSW seems like a bad idea, but The Wolverine at least believes there are enough fans of the hardcore scene for them to thrive as well.


More details will certainly come out over time. As of right now only one title has been mentioned and it looks like both men are aiming to make a roster of veterans and youngsters that currently aren't working for another promotion at least to start. The Wolverine hinted that there will be some familiar names he would like to bring in, but no signings are confirmed. Both men are going to be working backstage as agents while The Idaho Punisher is going to oversee booking with The Wolverine providing backup when needed. Right now funds are being gathered, sponsors contacted and calls being made to purchase the equipment needed to record their events. It is expected the company will hold their first show in January 2020.



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Late November 2019




In unexpected news this week it looks like there will be a new company opening up in the Philadelpia area that will be run by retired veterans The Wolverine and The Idaho Punisher. Both are no strangers to the area as The Wolverine wrestled for DaVE and PSW while The Idaho Punisher wrestled for the latter. The two formed a gold winning duo known as The Deadly Alliance. Both men retired in 2014 and aside from doing a few appearances have mostly been out of the spotlight until now.


The company will be known as the Phoenix Wrestling Company where The Wolverine claims the company is 'rising from the ashes of the East Coast war'. What is perhaps most confusing that from what both men have said so far it sounds very much like Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling which has been thriving for quite some time. Why they would look to start the promotion so close to PSW seems like a bad idea, but The Wolverine at least believes there are enough fans of the hardcore scene for them to thrive as well.


More details will certainly come out over time. As of right now only one title has been mentioned and it looks like both men are aiming to make a roster of veterans and youngsters that currently aren't working for another promotion at least to start. The Wolverine hinted that there will be some familiar names he would like to bring in, but no signings are confirmed. Both men are going to be working backstage as agents while The Idaho Punisher is going to oversee booking with The Wolverine providing backup when needed. Right now funds are being gathered, sponsors contacted and calls being made to purchase the equipment needed to record their events. It is expected the company will hold their first show in January 2020.



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First Signings




PWC was quick to make a few hires in the form of referee Dale Kenny and manager Dharma Gregg. Dale Kenny is a former wrestler turned referee that mostly does small shows in the Tri-State area. Given he is local it does save some costs for the fledgling company that apparently has a rather low budget. Dharma is also from the area and is also a former wrestler, if you can call working for Babes of Sin City wrestling, that has been doing managerial work for several years at small shows. It is assumed she will be paired with some of the younger talent that aren't the best when it comes to cutting a promo. Of course the next two names were the first talents signed and PWC looked to try and make a splash with both name value and nostalgia.




Art Reed has a history from his time in DAVE where he showed to be a great talent. Even so his three year career in DAVE saw him coming close, but never winning any titles. The majority of his career post DAVE saw him travel to Japan and wrestle all the up until the start of January 2019. Art has since returned to Canada and has been off the radar for the most part aside from a few matches at independent shows. At forty-four years old it will be interesting to see how much he has in the tank, but this at least gives PWC one big name.




It only seems fitting Acid would also be signing with the company. It was he and Art Reed who often had great matches for DAVE over that small period they were both with the company before it went out of business. Much like Art he went to Japan and spent many years wrestling there before returning to Canada in 2017. A few years younger than Art, Acid has been out of the spotlight a bit longer so it remains to be seen if he seen if he can still perform at a high level. If anything it seems a rivalry might be rekindled soon.



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Second Wave of Signings




PWC continues to sign veteran talent to fill out their roster. Ace Youngblood started out his career in 4C where he had a near two year stint before moving on. He also had a one shot appearance in TCW as enhancement talent back in 2007, but it wasn't until 2008 when he would find a steady job working for MAW. Ace was primarily used as a tag specialist where he won the MAW tag titles on four different occasions with two different partners. After a good run in MAW he would leave and mostly make sporadic independent show appearances along the east coast. Being he is only in his mid 30's not only does he provide experience, but he is at an age PWC could use him as a fine piece to build the company around.




Buzz Reid is a big brawler from Georgia that looks built for the wild fights that PWC seems to be promising. A relative unknown that has been wrestling for around ten years, Buzz peaked in 2013 when he had a short six month run with PSW. It might be his short time there why PWC decided to contact him to add to the roster. It remains to be seen if Buzz can do much with his second chance or if it will be another short stay in the tri-state for the big man.




Desert Storm has been around since 2005, but for a majority of his career he wrestled very few shows. It wasn't until five years ago he decided to dive in and take his career as a wrestler more seriously. Another big, tough brawler, Desert Storm will get a chance to see if he can make a name for himself in PWC.




Of all active members on the roster it is Henry Bennet who has the most experience. His near 30 year career has mostly been spent in Japan where he wrestled for the now defunct GCG from 2002 to 2014. From there he would travel to another defunct promotion in WEXXV. Given the latter this isn't the man's first time in a hardcore environment, but age certainly has to play a factor as he is the oldest active wrestler signed so far. It is seen Henry is mostly around for the short term to help establish the promotion before he retires.




Mario Heroic is perhaps the well traveled of all the roster members signed so far. In a twenty plus year career he has wrestled for CGC, CZCW, SOTBPW (now EILL), and most recently 4C. Physically he has let himself go in recent years, but do not be decieved by the appearance. Mario is still very talented and even in his early forties he seems to have plenty of gas in the tank.



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He listened to the voicemail several times, yet Chip Martin could not bring himself to give a call back. It was one he never expected to get and overall it conflicted him.


Chip had always wanted to be a wrestler, his father inspired him and even encouraged him to follow his own dreams. He knows deep down if he wanted to he could have gotten a job without much effort. Mitch and his dad were friends, but Chip wanted to do things his way.


Being the son of Johnny Martin doesn't bother him. He embraces it, but he also doesn't want to get an easy pass and become complacent. He was determined to do things his way. He would head out west, work matches, get better. Maybe if he was lucky a company like IPW, CZCW or GSW even might give him a chance. Even if that wasn't the case he would gain experience and head back east once he considered himself ready.


The call wasn't from his dad. The call wasn't from anyone in PSW, it was from Dil Smithson, better known as The Wolverine. A friend of his father and a man he remembers talking to when growing up. A bit young to remember much of the DAVE days he certainly spent plenty of time in the PSW locker room growing up. Dil was always a kind, but stern man that was no nonsense.


Maybe that is why it is so hard to call back. Chip found his plans perhaps thrown into turmoil. This isn't PSW he would be going to. This wouldn't be perhaps a position where he would become complacent. Dil is willing to give him a chance, but he also would have to earn it. The pressure wouldn't be on him. He would be a future prospect that perhaps would gain animosity for working in the same company as his father.


It was a long time of conteplation. Hours of sitting in silence letting the thoughts run through his head as he tried to figure out what he really wanted. Stick to the plan he had or take the chance that he never expected? Eventually he made a decision and soon the call was made.


"Hey, Dil. You wanted to talk?"



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The Future




When you are six and a half feet tall, got good looks and a good work ethic then often the sky is the limit when it comes to wrestling. Charlie Corner has all those qualities, but if he can make the most of them remains to be seen. Only a handful of matches are under his belt, but he has the tools to become a major player one day if things play out right. He is young and has a lot to learn, but possibly he could become a big time player in PWC in a few years.




The son of Johnny Martin. Perhaps it may be no surprise Chip ends up in a company like PWC, but in reality it should be a surprise. Chip is raw, but obviously has the pedigree and skills to make a name for himself. If anything the pressure that he could feels is the fact he is the son of Johnny Martin, a legend in the area for his work in both DAVE and PSW. Chip moved out West to compete and make a name there, but it looks like the allure of working in a more familiar place with a company that isn't PSW has brought him back for the time being. The main question is can he replicate or perhaps even do more than what his father did as a wrestler.




Cip Conduit has been wrestling for the better part of eight years, but he is still young and has plenty of promise in a company built on brawling and crazy antics. Relatively unknown he managed to get a single dark match for PSW back in 2015, but beyond that he has spent his time honing his craft in small shows all over the US and Canada. Now he gets a chance to show that other companies have perhaps been missing out on him.




Original Sinner is the song of Primal Rage. Much like Chip Martin he is the son of a man well known on the East coast and looks to make a name for himself. He is a strong and powerful prospect that has only a few matches under his belt. He has the look, but he has to show he has the ability to make a name for himself. The sky is the limit and in time it may be no surprise if he becomes one of the top names in PWC in a few years.




The Masked Mauler, a name well known among the Tri-State area as many men have taken up the mask and name over the years. This would be the seventh incarnation of The Masked Mauler and he has been wrestling under the mask for the past three years. A fireplug brawler with good skills and a good look he may have a chance to be the most famous man to be under the mask in time. Much like the others he could become a cornerstone for years to come and of all the younger prospects he might have the best chance of reaching the top of company before the rest.



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From the Ashes of the East Coast wars comes the Phoenix Wrestling Company. With the flames of rebirth a fire of an old rivalry is stoked. Art Reed and Acid are very familiar with one another from years ago. Both faced off many of times before both went their own way on different paths in Japan. Now they face off for the first time in over a decade ready to claim the PWC championship and lead the company into a new era. Along with them will be other stars and young talent facing off in hopes of one day getting a title shot of their own.


All matches will be fought under hardcore rules. There will be no countouts or disqualifications. The winner will be decided by pinfall, submission or by referee stoppage. Weapons are allowed and no one under the age of sixteen will be permitted in the venure. Expect a violent and bloody night and join PWC as they present FROM THE ASHES!

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PWC: From The Ashes 2020

Buffalo NY, 113 Attending




The location is a dingy little place. The overall presentation is low rent and it looks hardly any money was invested in the production values. Even so there is a decent sized crowd in the various chairs set up near the beat up ring that is being used this evening.



Buzz Reid vs Desert Storm


The first match is two big brawlers that are quick to get their hands dirty. The fans are rather vocal from the start and Buzz seems to have earned their ire as they seem to dislike him before the match really even gets going. There is nothing fancy to be done move wise and it is just two big lads punching and kicking themselves with some weapon spots thrown in to add some variety. After some brawling around ringside though the middle the two do end up back in the ring. Desert Storm ends up controling the last bit before putting Buzz away with his Ground Strike finisher.


Winner: Desert Storm


Rating: 26 (Buzz Reid: 23, Desert Storm: 24)






Dharma Gregg introduces her client, Chip Martin and talks him up as a future star and champion of PWC. Cip Conduit doesn't seem impressed when he comes out. He has spent eight years for a chance to prove himself and he isn't going to let some rookie outshine him. He makes a challenge to Chip for next month which Chip eagerly accepts. Cip looks like he might try to start a fight now, but decides against it and the interaction ends without fists being thrown.


Rating: 22





The Masked Mauler vs Henry Bennet


This is more a wrestling match than the previous one and while a chair gets involved for a bit it is pretty much weapons free. Henry starts out strong, but Mauler is just too tough and much younger. Mauler takes control and starts to wear down Henry and work him over. Henry tries one last comeback, but in the midst of doing that he is caught in the Iron Claw and Mauler ends up getting the win.


Winner: The Masked Mauler


Rating: 35 (The Masked Mauler: 41, Henry Bennet: 30)





Charlie Corner vs Original Sinner


Both big men are still early in their careers and it shows they have a lot to learn. There are glimpses of potential but there are also plenty of times it gets a bit slow down do to the awkwardness of two green talents trying to make things click. Perhaps in another few years it could turn into a decent bout, but for now it is kept to be a short brawl between the big men which Original Sinner taking Charlie Corner out with a chokeslam.


Winner: Original Sinner


Rating: 20 (Charlie Corner: 21, Original Sinner: 12)






Mario Heroic comes out and introduces to himself to the crowd. He speaks in a condecending manner to the audience as he lists his achievements and how it will be a short time for him to reach the top of PWC and become the champion that crowd may not want, but he is the champion they need.


Rating: 36





Ace Youngblood vs Mario Heroic


The two men rely more on their wrestling in this match and even if it isn't a wild, weapon filled brawl they have enough skill to keep the audience into it. It is a back and forth match where Mario keeps getting control via underhanded tactics such as raking the eyes. Ace does well to keep coming back and getting some momentum only to have Mario cheat again and take control. Mario is calling to put away Ace while looking smug, but Ace isn't fully down and out. He surprises Mario with a quick roll-up and wins the match.


Winner: Ace Youngblood


Rating: 38 (Ace Youngblood: 37, Mario Heroic: 34)





PWC Championship



Art Reed vs Acid


A rivalry reignited after over a decade. Even though both men are in their forties they deliver the best match of the night which is a blend of good wrestling as well as the use of the hardcore style. The pair batter one another in and out of the ring and even for a time through the small crowd. They are going nonstop and near the end you can see both men starting to slow down as they try to use big moves to take the other out. Acid dodges a bit lariat at the end and manages to kick Art right in the face when he turns about. Acid hits the Acid Rain Bomb and secures the win and becomes the first champion of PWC.


Winner and NEW Champion: Acid


Rating: 51 (Acid 51, Art Reed: 46)




Final Rating: 44

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Apparently backstage before the show the PWC locker room was high in morale and ready to put on a good show. Among those helping raise spirits was Charlie Corner telling stories about his time training at WWA as well as his first few months wrestling small time shows. Dharma Gregg made an appearance too and started doing impressions of some of the talents too which got a good amount of laughs. The highlight was her putting on Desert Storm's helmet and trying to act like the big man as best she could.




Though it is said one person was perhaps not in the highest of spirits. The night prior all the talent were to meet at a local bar to get drinks. Cip was the only one not to show up and gave no reason why he couldn't make it. This lead to him being brought before judge Acid. To make up for it Cip is said to have to foot the tab for the post show celebration later that evening.






The show itself ended up being better than most fans were expecting. Most matches were decent enough for such a small company and the main event delivered. It is said both The Wolverine and The Idaho Punisher are pleased and look to do more shows. This was possibly going to be a one time deal if there was a low turnout or if the costs were too much. The two men decided to be frugal which meant the production quality was terrible, but kept costs to a bare minimum.


It turns out they had little to worry about as they found themselves making a tidy profit through the month. When all is said and done the duo has stated PWC will be around for the forseeable future. Also with the profits made they are planning to upgrade various production aspects. It still may not look like the prettiest of shows, but it should be a big improvement from the first show which was pretty much barebones. In addition they will be looking to hire a commentary team for when they release their shows on both digital and analog. The hirings for commentary should be announced before the next show.



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The Announce Team




Starting at the next PWC show, there will be a commentary team. Rob L Miskovsky is best known as the voice of RIPW when they first opened until 2012 where he was released. Since then he has provided his voice at various shows, but he has not had a regular commentary job for quite some time. He is hoping the second time around he will be able to hang around a bit longer.


His partner in crime is going to be Honest Frank, a man well known in the Tri-State area. Frank competed in XFW and DAVE during the East Coast Wars in his early years, but he is probably best known for his time in NYCW. For a time he spent years working for both NYCW and PSW. Perhaps it is no surprise he would be brought in given his ties to DAVE and PSW and he is known to be a man of many hats as he can be a manager or a road agent if needed. It remains to see if the two men will gel, but for now it looks like a duo that should be around for all future PWC shows.






Word is Henry Bennett has been working to drop some weight. Henry is well known to be a drinker and has developed a bit of a gut since he hasn't been working out or wrestling as much lately. Apparently when he was hired he was ask if he could at least try to put off some weight and to not drink the day of show. Bennett agreed to those terms and has put off some of the extra pounds he had been gaining.



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Acid was the first man to capture the PWC Championship and usher in a new era. The question is how long can the veteran keep hold of the belt? Art Reed obviously will not want to be one upped by his rival and get a rematch. There are also several veteran and young talents looking to strike and take the title. Acid will make his first defense at the next shown known as Hardcore Revolution.




Last month Chip Martin made his PWC debut, but did not wrestle. That changes at Hardcore Revolution when he takes on Cip Conduit. Cip doesn't seem to really care for the son of an East Coast legend and wants to prove he is the better man and make the fans realize he is the true future of PWC. These matches and more will be coming to you in February as Phoenix Wrestling Company presents Hardcore Revolution!

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PWC: Hardcore Revolution

Yonkers NY, 117 Attending



Announce Team: Rob L Miskovsky and Honest Frank




While still not state of the art, the set up looks a bit less trashy while still keeping the charm of a hardcore based company. The ring doesn't look as broken down, the camera used for filming looks better, and the music is not being played through some broken down speakers.



Buzz Reid vs Henry Bennett


The crowd are still rather vocal towards Buzz. He has heat, but not the good kind. While not bad the crowd just seems to boo every little thing he does. That means a lot of booing because this is a pretty even contest that goes all over the place. It is a messy brawl with both men finding plunder to use through the few minutes they are given. In the end Henry sets Buzz up on a table then splashes him through it to get the pin.


Winner: Henry Bennett


Rating: 27 (Buzz Reid: 24, Henry Bennett: 24)





Cip Conduit vs Chip Martin with Dharma Gregg


Two of the younger roster members face off, but Cip's experience shines through here as he is the one leading the match. A bit less messy than the previous match the two spend more time feeling one another out and doing more actual wrestling with some brawling mixed in. Chip is often overwhelmed by Cip's strikes and his chances to take control are few and far between. Cip getting cocky ends up being his downfall because he starts to toy with Chip a bit too much. The result is Chip nailing a superkick out of nowhere and managing to get the pin.


Winner: Chip Martin


Rating: 29 (Cip Conduit: 37. Chip Martin 15)


Cip recovers while Dharma is congratulating Chip. Cip jumps Chip from behind and starts to beat him down in the ring. After a few moments Cip gives Chip one more kick to the ribs and walks off as Dharma checks on her injured client.


Rating: 24





The Masked Mauler vs Desert Strike


Things start to go while again as these two men came to fight and they deliver heavy hits to one another. Weapons soon get involved and while Mauler has shown he can wrestle he seems more than fine with just trading blows with Desert Storm. The two men punish one another and neither seem to want to stay down, but Desert Storm delivering a Ground Strike onto a steel chair finally puts The Masked Mauler away.


Winner: Desert Storm


Rating: 36 (The Masked Mauler: 38, Desert Storm: 25)






Mario Heroic is out next and he looks to be making excuses for last month. The way he lost was unfair and it was a fluke. He proved he was better than Ace Youngblood and it should be him facing Acid tonight. He claims this is just a minor bump in the road and he will have that title soon enough and Ace will pay for what he did last month.


Rating: 36





Art Reed vs Original Sinner


Original Sinner gets to look like a monster here as he shrugs off a lot of Art's offense while getting to deliver some big, stiff shots as well. He goes for a chokeslam early only for Art to slip free and slap on the Dread Lock. Sinner is too powerful and breaks free after a moment and goes on the offense again. Art is tossed outside and that ends up being a boon. He nails Sinner with a trashcan to slow him down and then goes for a chair. The first hit staggers sinner, but he slaps the chair away after the second. Another chokeslam attempt, but Art escapes and gets back in the ring. He delivers a big knee to Sinner's head when he is getting back in the ring that stuns the big man. Art delivers some stiff kicks and elbows that keep Original Sinner staggered. He winds up, comes off the ropes to deliver the Dark Matter and manages to score a victory.


Winner: Art Reed


Rating: 36 (Art Reed: 42, Original Sinner: 20)





PWC Championship



Acid © vs Ace Youngblood


Acid gets a bit of static from the crowd and it seems to cause him to have a bit of an off night. Even so this ends up being the best match of the night as Ace does well to keep up his end of the match. A good back and forth that does a little bit of everything. Neither man is scared to brawl, take risks, use weapons, or even break out some technical wrestling too. The champ struggles to really keep Ace down for long periods and the Native American keeps finding the energy to make a comeback. That is until at one point the two are outside and Ace hears a loud 'Hey!'





Mario Heroic slams Ace right over the head with a trashcan lid then hits him with a DDT on the floor. He backs off as Acid looks his way a bit apprehensively before throwing Ace back in the ring. Acid Rain Bomb is delivered for extra measure and the champ retains.


Winner and STILL Champion: Acid (Defenses: 1)


Rating: 42 (Acid: 41, Ace Youngblood: 38)




Mario Heroic gets back in the ring and he says something to Acid. They both start to attack Ace until Art Reed quickly comes out. The heels scatter as Art stands in the ring ready for a fight and standing over the injured Ace. Acid and Heroic decide not to go after Art and leave. The show ends with Art helping Ace up and bringing him to the back.


Rating: 41




Final Rating: 39

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Another month is in the books and while the show was perhaps not rated as good as their first, both The Wolverine and The Idaho Punisher consider the second show a success as well. For the second month the company has made a profit. When asked if more money was going to be invested into the production of their shows it seems that both men are keen on focusing less on that and more on adding talent over the coming months. They are pleased with the current roster, but it is admittedly small and could lead to stagnation from having too many of the same matchups over and over. It won't be a massive addition, but don't be surprised if a few more names pop up in the coming months.


For now the company looks forward to holding a third show which will be held in Pittsburgh. It shall be interesting what kind of crowd the company can pull in and if there will be any sort of reaction from PSW having another hardcore company running a show in their hometown. It is highly doubted PSW are too focused on PWC at the moment. The company is far too small and has a limited budget for the time being, but if PWC ever manages to gain momentum it could lead to interesting times.

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Battered and Bloodied is just a few days away and the main event will feature four of the top stars of PWC. Acid remains the champion and if not for interference from Mario Heroic it could have ended up differently. Ace Youngblood was proving to be a worthy challenger before the interference that led to Acid eventually picking up the win. Both Acid and Heroic looked to further punish Ace, but Art Reed thankfully came to the rescue and chased both men off. The duos will now face off in a tag match where Ace Youngblood looks to get some revenge while Art certainly would enjoy getting a win over his long time rival, Acid.


While it seems Ace and Art trust one another, can the same be said for Acid and Mario Heroic? Mario has made it clear he wishes to be PWC Champion and Acid seemed hesitant in trusting his soon to be tag partner after the attack on Ace at first. Being champion always means having a target on your back and this will be no different. Even if they manage to emerge victorious Acid has to be prepared to possibly be the next person blindsided by Mario Heroic. This match and more will take place as PWC presents Battered and Bloodied.

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