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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Random Thoughts:


Congratulations to everyone on what were mostly successful seasons. Hopefully Diamond and the Scorpion will bounce back in Season 11.


The disappointing result in Tag Team Turmoil must have really lit a fire under Team First Church's butts, 'cause Priest and Dhillon haven't lost a single match since. They join Nuclear Templeton as the only three wrestlers to sweep the second half.


On the other end of the boot, Angela Wassermann, Diamond, El Tornado, and Scott Stevens each went 1-6 in the second half to close out truly disappointing seasons. Normally reliable second-halfer Mel O'Hallister did little better at 2-5, putting his status as a future championship contender into question.


Looking forward, and I have no data to back this up, I believe the core "Alpha Six" have established a bit of separation from the pack. Reverend Johnny Gross absolutely dominated Beta in season nine, and Daniel Simmons wasn't far behind, but they both bounced hard when hitting Alpha this season. The biggest question and storyline going into season eleven will be whether or not Brian Blackfield can break into that group, presumably taking De'siree Mitchell's spot (although McDonald and O'Hallister are also beginning to look vulnerable). I think he will, but I don't know that he will.


So Blackfield may stick in Alpha and Ouilette definitely won't. I expect the rest of our season ten promotees to, at worst, stick with their new divisions. Priest and Molina are both likely to advance again. Dhillon? I won't know until I see how he fares against competition like Rodriguez and Rose. He may power through like Priest did, or he may hit a wall.


The big prediction, is of course for the League Championship. Let me be the first to say that I fully expect Nuclear Templeton to step up and reclaim the top spot.


Good luck to all Omega Division participants. I'm actually excited about following updates and finding out who'll be joining (or re-joining) the League for season eleven.


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(Total "real time" actively spent to run 6 out of 17 rounds: Roughly two hours for a total of 54 matches. This does not include writing time since I'm not doing match summaries here, this is straight-up running matches as quick as possible and putting the results in my spreadsheet for record keeping.)


1. Mickie Steele: 6-0, 11:13.167
2. Rhys Caddell: 5-1, 15:08.600
3. Sterling Silver: 4-2, 6:45.500
4. Joslin Baroni: 4-2, 7:38.500
5. Jimmy Anarchy: 4-2, 8:18.750
6. "Dirty" John Murdoch: 3-3, 9:35.333
7. Kyler den Boen: 3-3, 10:17.333
8. Vaea: 3-3, 10:56.333
9. Elyssa Anderson: 3-3, 10:57.000
10. Rock Sheridan: 3-3, 11:37.667
11. Leon De Ramos: 3-3, 13:34.667

12. Sakura Uematsu: 2-4, 8:29.500
13. Sin: 2-4, 9:35.000
14. Vladimir Chavinski: 2-4, 11:37.500
15. Sven Ulafsson: 2-4, 11:54.500
16. The Siberian Nightmare: 2-4, 11:56.000
17. Lord Robert Abernathy: 2-4, 13:39.000
18. Otto von Schwarz: 1-5, 25:37.000

Shadowed's Takeaways from the first trimester of Omega Division action:

Biggest Surprises: Mickie Steele, Sterling Silver, Joslin Baroni. Steele is the biggest shock since his handler even said that Steele would be lucky to get out of Omega. So far, he's run the table with wins against Sin, Rock Sheridan, Jimmy Anarchy, Elyssa Anderson, Vaea, and Joslin Baroni. Speaking of Baroni, she's a slightly bigger surprise than Silver (because Silver has main roster experience), but both are doing surprisingly well for lighter flyers. The biggest news concerning Sterling Silver is that she's given herself a makeover for her return after knee surgery, and has ditched her "trademark" full-head silver mask for a silver one that covers just the eyes, nose, and forehead, leaving her silver hair to be visible to all.

Currently with three spots open for transfer Silver gets the edge due to victory time, but there are still eleven rounds of Omega Division to be wrestled yet.  (Before people ask...Rhys Caddell is a technical wrestler and so his record so far isn't that surprising to me.) If the Omega Division schedule ended right now, Baroni would be the first one to miss the cut due to the pending announcement of George Stevens' signing to the Delta Division, which is taking the fourth transfer spot away from Omega.

Pleasant Surprises: Sin, "Dirty" John Murdoch. Having retooled her Depravity finisher since her last Omega Division run--it's now done to a kneeling opponent instead of with the opponent doubled over, which helps someone of her Very Small stature actually execute the move--Sin's been competitive in three of her four losses and could have been in the upper part of the standings right now. I see her finishing with around 7 wins and using that as a building block for her next attempt. Murdoch, after a disastrous initial Omega campaign, seems to have found his form and has put himself within range of contention after six rounds, which is not a thing I was expecting coming in to Omega Division action.

Biggest Disappointment: Otto von Schwarz. The original giant of The League, Otto has struggled in Omega Division competition against opponents much smaller than he. Even against a man his own size (Rock Sheridan), he lost. Otto clearly is the outlier in the "bigger men are tougher to defeat" axiom, and probably needs a serious overhaul or to just retire and let a younger person take his place.

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Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison for The League


It’s a concept in most other forms of sports, competitions, and even playground slapfights. Whose dad can beat up whose dad? The League is no different. Even with a four-divisional, tiered system, arguments still break out among fans. Is Brian Blackfield truly the most dominant wrestler to set foot in The League? Is it a former or current League Champion? Who really is the best wrestler in The League since its revival a year ago? That’s what this list hopes to answer.

…Before we get into the actual rankings, I suppose I should at least touch on how I determined the order of this list, and some of the terms I’ll be using within it. I’ll start with the definitions:

Strength of Victory: In the simplest terms possible, the speed at which a wrestler wins a match compared to the average match time of a division. If a wrestler wins faster than the average, it’s considered a “stronger” victory and counts as positive points. If slower, it’s negative points.  This is calculated as a decimal number. Because European Rules matches, by their nature, take significantly longer to complete, their individual match time is divided by 8 for the purposes of determining Strength of Victory, and is the only match type where the final time is adjusted for the sake of parity.



EXAMPLE: Brian Blackfield wins a Beta Division match in eight minutes flat. The average match length for the Beta Division in this example Is ten minutes, forty-five seconds. The Strength of Victory for this match would be:

10.75 (average length of ten minutes, plus 3/4 of a minute for the 45 seconds) – 8 (eight-minute victory) = 2.75 Strength of Victory.


Strength of Defeat: Similar to Strength of Victory, this is how long it took a wrestler to lose compared to the average match length in a division. A wrestler who takes longer to be defeated would earn positive Strength of Defeat points.



CONTINUED EXAMPLE: Using the above example again, Blackfield’s opponent is Blood River. The Strength of Defeat would be:

8 (eight-minute defeat) – 10.75 (the average match length as established above) = -2.75 Strength of Defeat


These stats are figured as a zero-sum solution: if a wrestler would gain Strength of Victory points, the opponent would lose the same amount of Strength of Defeat points, and vice versa.

Significant and Lesser Victories/Defeats: These are not directly factored into the power rankings, but are noted as a way to note how many wins or losses came outside what’s considered a “normal” timeframe. A Significant Victory occurs when the Strength of Victory is faster than 80% of the average match time. Named as such as the Strength of Victory is normally 2+ points and thus can significantly affect an overall power ranking. A match on the other end of the spectrum, that takes 20% or longer than the average match time, would be a Lesser Victory as it would award a significant amount of negative Strength of Victory.  On the opposite end, a Significant Defeat is a match in which the loser would lose a great deal of Strength of Defeat points, while a Lesser Defeat means the loser actually gains a good number of positive Strength of Defeat points (because the loss took longer and thus it’s not as bad, or “lesser than,” other losses).


CONTINUED EXAMPLE: In keeping with the above example with Blackfield and River’s Beta Division match, we take the established average match time (10:45) and multiply it by 0.8, to knock off 20% of the value. The result is 8.6, or in normal nomenclature 8:36. Because the win in this example was faster than 8:36 (it was 8:00 even), this is considered a Significant Victory for Blackfield and a corresponding Significant Defeat for River.

Win Factor: Wins are naturally important. Sure, many consider them the be-all/end-all but most people would not consider someone who went 13-1 in the Delta Division to be at the level of someone in the Beta Division, for instance. This is why a wrestler’s overall win/loss record is also considered in these rankings. A Brian Blackfield, who has lost three times total in three seasons, may have a higher Win Factor than a Nuclear Templeton, but if Templeton consistently has higher Strengths of Victory/Defeat he could be ranked higher than Blackfield. Wins, in general terms, offset two losses in these calculations.

Division Factor: A division factor is applied to all Strength of Victory/Defeat totals. Generally, the higher the division, the more the matches weigh in the calculations. Alpha Division matches are generally given full weight, while Delta Division bouts are a fraction of that. Season Eight matches, which all featured the same ruleset, are also weighed slightly less than the current ruleset matches (Seasons 9-10) and have their average lengths calculated separately from the current rulesets. The Division Factor is used for overall Strength of Victory/Defeat totals and does not affect a wrestler’s Win Factor.

The Actual Formula: Without giving away everything like specific weights of the lower divisions or the Season Eight weights, the overall formula to figure out the total power rankings is:



(Total Wins – Total Losses/2) * 0.5 = Win Factor

(Total Strength of Victory x 2 + Total Strength of Defeat) / 3 = Strength of Schedule

Win Factor + Strength of Schedule = Overall Score


Power Rankings are recalculated at the end of each season as more matches are added to the history of The League.

The times to compare for strength of victory or defeat are as follows:

  • Season 8, Alpha Division: 14:14.764
  • Seasons 9-Present, Alpha Division: 16:16.020
  • Season 8, Beta Division: 13:13.202
  • Seasons 9-Present, Beta Division: 12:12.895
  • Season 8, Gamma Division: 13:13.001
  • Seasons 9-Present, Gamma Division: 12:12.463
  • Season 8, Delta Division: 16:16.938
  • Seasons 9-Present, Delta Division: 9:09.714

With the preliminaries out of the way, I present…Part One of the unofficial Power Rankings of The League!



d7FEgH5.jpg 39. Reverend Johnny Gross

Overall Record: 20 wins, 22 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 5-9, relegated to Beta

               Season 9 (Beta): 11-3, promoted to Alpha

               Season 10 (Alpha): 4-10, relegated to Beta

Average Time of Victory (20 wins): 17:10.600 (37th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 5 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 10 (submission victory vs. Terrance Stevens, 8:21)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 12 (submission victory vs. Markus Clay, 23:33)

Average Time of Defeat (22 losses): 14:34.045 (14th overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 9 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 18:26)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 10 (Table Match loss to Nuclear Templeton, 9:56)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 26th out of 32 (-0.452 points)

               Season 9: 24th out of 36 (0.842 points)


Now, I know some of you may be thinking recency bias and are wondering where his win over De’siree Mitchell in European Rules during Season Ten is on this list. It’s actually the second-worst when you factor in the adjustment for European Rules matches.  No, the biggest gap comes from that Beta Division match in Season Nine, being over eleven minutes longer than the divisional average and thus a -11 and change score to Strength of Victory. Gross has struggled in the Alpha Division, as his records over two seasons show, though he does last a little longer than the average wrestler in League matches. His biggest issue, which is a recurring one for technical or submission wrestlers, is that his wins take too long to develop. If he has another bounce-back season like Season 9 was, he’ll at least escape the basement, but Reverend Gross has shown very little aptitude for competing at the top levels.


LTFF6jR.jpg 38. El Tornado

Overall Record: 10 wins, 32 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 5-9

               Season 9 (Gamma): 1-13, relegated to Delta

               Season 10 (Delta): 4-10, relegated to Omega

Average Time of Victory (10 wins): 8:58.800 (2nd overall). 7 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 2 (pinfall victory vs. Diego Rodriguez, 7:47)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall victory vs. Jun Onoo, 18:35)

Average Time of Defeat (32 losses): 9:10.812 (36th overall). 17 Significant Defeats, 0 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 8 (First Blood loss to Erick Gibson, 13:48)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 14 (pinfall loss to Diamond, 4:36)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 22nd out of 32 (0.833 points)

               Season 9: 35th out of 36 (-4.913 points)


Tornado took too long to start finding a groove that some of the high-fliers of The League have found. Sure, when he won he normally did it quickly…same as when he lost. Tornado has struggled to be competitive in the bulk of his losses, and it shows in the rankings here—the 17 Significant Defeats is the most in The League. The only reason he’s ahead of Rev. Gross is because his average time of victory, which is weighed heavier than average time of defeat, is near the top of The League. Tornado will be spending at least a season in Omega to figure out what went wrong over the first three seasons, and looks to eventually make a comeback.


VfA2MW8.jpg 37. Pulsar

Overall Record: 14 wins, 28 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 6-8

               Season 9 (Alpha): 3-11, relegated to Beta

               Season 10 (Delta): 5-9, relegated to Gamma

Average Time of Victory (14 wins): 12:02.071 (15th overall). 7 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 3 (pinfall victory vs. Nuclear Templeton, 7:21)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Big Scott Weathers, 18:23)

Average Time of Defeat (28 losses): 12:14.536 (28th overall). 13 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 13 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 20:08)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall loss to Brandy McDonald, 8:08)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 4th out of 32 (5.988 points)

               Season 9: 34th out of 36 (-3.738 points)


Pulsar’s League career started off decently, getting some quick wins and being rather stubborn in a couple of losses. However, Season Eight has been his peak and he’s steadily gone downhill since. Two straight relegations will do it, and he’s going to need to shine like never before if he’s going to avoid a third. Recent history is not on his side, and with folks like Monty Dhillon and Lance Heartilly appearing on the horizon, the near future doesn’t look too bright either.


54miFm6.jpg 36. Devil’s Delight

Overall Record: 6 wins, 22 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Delta): 4-10

               Season 10 (Delta): 2-12, relegated to Omega

Average Time of Victory (6 wins): 10:20.167 (7th overall). 0 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 2 (submission victory vs. Sterling Silver, 8:29)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 11 (submission victory vs. Jimmy Anarchy, 12:17)

Average Time of Defeat (22 losses): 9:00.182 (38th overall). 9 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 8 (pinfall loss to Scott Stevens, 14:24)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 7 (submission loss to Monty Dhillon, 5:17)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: 29th out of 36 (-1.159 points)


It’s a known secret that Will Prydor himself exercised his right as League Owner to get Delight on the roster for two seasons. With such a small sample size of victories, it’s hard to quantify whether Delight could really have managed to be a contender given time. The fact that she has the second-worst average time of defeat out of everyone with at least a season of main roster experience does not help her. While I wish Delight all the best in reinventing herself in the Omega Division over the next season or two, it’s still going to take a lot of effort to work out of this hole she’s dug herself into.


JpyUoje.jpg 35. Sin

Overall Record: 3 wins, 11 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 3-11, relegated to Omega

               Season 9 (Omega): Failed to advance

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (3 wins): 25:02.333 (39th overall). 1 Significant Victory, 2 Lesser Victories

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 3 (pinfall victory vs. Sterling Silver, 13:08)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 14 (blood stoppage victory vs. Monty Dhillon, 35:12)

Average Time of Defeat (11 losses): 17:00.000 (3rd overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Sven Ulafsson, 32:09)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 8 (pinfall loss to Christian Priest, 10:24)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 32nd out of 32 (-2.847 points)

               Season 9: 33rd out of 36 (-2.847 points)


Sin is one of the few people who actually ends up on the positive side of the Strength of Defense table—the loss mentioned above to Ulafsson serves as a counterbalance to six other losses, and the remaining two losses in which she gained from defense just barely tip the scales in her favor against the two she lost from defense. Where she loses the majority of her points is her Season Eight finale, which ran nearly double the average match length for Season Eight Delta bouts. With hardly any other wins to offset that one loss of points, and not having been on the active roster since Season Eight, Sin looks like she’s going to be a mainstay of the lowest part of the power rankings for many seasons to come.


6r4P9L8.jpg 34. Terrance Stevens

Overall Record: 15 wins, 27 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 6-8

               Season 9 (Beta): 3-11, relegated to Gamma

               Season 10 (Gamma): 6-8

Average Time of Victory (15 wins): 14:05.000 (24th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 4 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 3 (pinfall victory vs. Indigo Rose, 6:20)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Markus Clay, 16:45)

Average Time of Defeat (27 losses): 12:43.370 (24th overall). 7 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 10 (pinfall loss to Markus Clay, 17:51)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 1 (pinfall loss to Markus Clay, 7:04)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 31st out of 32 (-2.828 points)

               Season 9: 36th out of 36 (-5.737 points)


Terrance falls decidedly mid-table in terms of both victory and defeat strengths overall. So why is he so low overall? Individual match victory strength. He only gained points from four matches…okay, technically five but the fifth was almost right on the average time…and lost points on ten matches. The result is a solid negative balance, and that drags him down the order. A solid season could spring him up the order, but with Gamma Division competition getting tougher, it’s going to take results falling the right way for him to right the ship.


2X2r9qf.jpg 33. Indigo Rose

Overall Record: 19 wins, 23 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 5-9, relegated to Gamma

               Season 9 (Gamma): 6-8

               Season 10 (Gamma): 8-6

Average Time of Victory (19 wins): 13:48.105 (23rd overall). 4 Significant Victories, 10 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 5 (pinfall victory vs. El Tornado, 5:27)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 14 (pinfall victory vs. Terrance Stevens, 18:09)

Average Time of Defeat (23 losses): 13:41.826 (20th overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (Last One Standing loss to Daniel Simmons, 21:48)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 2 (pinfall loss to Erick Gibson, 5:59)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 29th out of 32 (-2.512 points)

               Season 9: 28th out of 36 (-0.342 points)


Rose, like Reverend Gross earlier in the countdown, suffers here from submission victory weakness. Despite overall having a nearly-midtable victory strength, only six of her nineteen wins gave her positive victory strength points, and three of those came by pinfall. Her submission victories largely fall just under the averages of the divisions in which they were earned, and even a trickle of negative points will add up in the end. Only one of Season Ten’s victories yielded positive points for her, which explains the drop from after Season Nine. If she can develop a faster way to win, maybe moving her Blood from a Rose to a finisher, she could be a force to be reckoned with in seasons to come.


9VJLBCy.jpg 32. Sven Ulafsson

Overall Record: 3 wins, 11 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 3-11, relegated to Omega

               Season 9 (Omega): Failed to advance

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (3 wins): 18:52.333 (38th overall). 2 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Otto von Schwarz, 11:34)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall victory vs. Sin, 32:09)

Average Time of Defeat (11 losses): 17:02.273 (2nd overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 14 (blood stoppage loss to Brian Blackfield, 28:17)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 13 (cage escape loss to The Siberian Nightmare, 10:33)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 28th out of 32 (-1.600 points)

               Season 9: 31st out of 36 (-1.600 points)


Ulafsson is a one-dimensional wrestler—power, and lots of it. That has not translated well to The League, as his overall record shows. In fact, his worst opponent has been Sin—both hold Lesser Victories over the other, though Sin’s was six minutes faster. Ulafsson has struggled in Omega competition, and it seems unlikely that he will be rejoining the main roster any time soon to attempt to better his Season Eight effort.


7i2wu7j.jpg 31. Otto von Schwarz

Overall Record: 4 wins, 10 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 4-10, relegated to Omega

               Season 9 (Omega): Failed to advance

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (4 wins): 14:56.500 (28th overall). 1 Significant Victory, 0 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 13 (pinfall victory vs. Sin, 13:16)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 10 (pinfall victory vs. Christian Priest, 17:31)

Average Time of Defeat (10 losses): 13:13.800 (21st overall). 7 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (blood stoppage loss to Brian Blackfield, 21:34)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Brian Blackfield, 10:51)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 27th out of 32 (-1.204 points)

               Season 9: 30th out of 36 (-1.204 points)


Otto von Schwarz’s League career has been underwhelming from the start. Going winless in the initial seeding phases, then bouncing out of the Delta Division after a 4-win season, von Schwarz has continued to struggle in Omega Division competition and does not look to be a factor to rejoin The League’s main roster any time soon. The largest reason for his position in the rankings is the high ratio of Significant Defeats (70% of his losses), which more than wipe out any headway made from Strength of Victory. Otto is likely to be a bottom-dweller in the power ranking for many seasons to come.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison for The League


Welcome back to the second part of the Unofficial Power Rankings for The League. This installment will takes to the midway point of the table, as we look at ranks 30 through 21. As a reminder for those who may have missed the initial post, which also summarizes how these results were calculated, you may find that via this handy little link or by simply scrolling up a post.

Some of the names that folks are more familiar with start to appear in this section of the rankings, and we're going to start with one of our newest signings in the number 30 spot...

fYy1oxq.jpg 30. Scott Stevens

Overall Record: 4 wins, 10 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: N/A

               Season 10 (Delta): 4-10

Average Time of Victory (4 wins): 10:54.500 (9th overall). 0 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 6 (pinfall victory vs. Nocturne, 8:54)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 8 (pinfall victory vs. Devil’s Delight, 14:24)

Average Time of Defeat (10 losses): 9:12.800 (35th overall). 6 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 13 (pinfall loss to Jun Onoo, 18:16)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Kichi Hida, 3:33)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: N/A


It’s hard to get a read on a wrestler after just one season, especially someone with the experience that Scott Stevens possesses. His win against Nocturne is right on the cusp of Significant Victory status, but that’s wiped away and more by the two victories over Devil’s Delight, one of which was an actual Lesser Victory and thus a fair number of negative points towards Strength of Victory. He’s shown some flashes of his old self from the decade-ago run of The League, and with a season underneath him I expect things will improve for Scott moving forward.


zd1WDAc.jpg 29. Daniel Simmons

Overall Record: 21 wins, 21 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 8-6

               Season 9 (Beta): 10-4, promoted to Alpha

               Season 10 (Alpha): 3-11, relegated to Beta

Average Time of Victory (21 wins): 14:06.143 (25th overall). 2 Significant Victories, 3 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Reverend Johnny Gross, 10:58)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (Last One Standing victory vs. Indigo Rose, 21:48)

Average Time of Defeat (21 losses): 14:14.286 (15th overall). 3 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 22:58)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 12 (pinfall loss to Markus Clay, 7:40)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 25th out of 32 (-0.250 points)

               Season 9: 25th out of 36 (0.749 points)


Simmons has done rather well in the Beta Division, though he bounced off the wall in Alpha in his one season there. Most of his matches fall within the averages for the division(s) he’s been in, with nothing significant really causing much of a fluctuation. It may well be the one additional Lesser Victory that pulls Simmons’ score into the negatives, but with already being confirmed to be out for Season Eleven, it will be interesting to see how his ranking is affected by the absence, before likely going up in Season Twelve as he competes in the Gamma Division.


8CXZgHS.jpg 28. Lord Robert Abernathy

Overall Record: 4 wins, 10 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Delta): 4-10, relegated to Omega

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (4 wins): 9:42.000 (3rd overall). 1 Significant Victory, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Devil’s Delight, 7:29)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 12 (submission victory vs. Jimmy Anarchy, 12:50)

Average Time of Defeat (10 losses): 12:04.400 (29th overall). 0 Significant Defeats, 6 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 4 (submission loss to Christian Priest, 16:04)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Monty Dhillon, 7:48)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: 27th out of 36 (0.238 points)


His Lordship has thrived from the fact that he is a tougher opponent to put down—in seven of his ten losses he has actually gained points in Strength of Defeat, with his best loss (the one to Priest listed above) garnering more than 6 points towards that score. The fact that his only League experience is in the Delta Division really hurts him though, as the division factor for that completely tanks his score. If he can make it out of Omega and put together a better record, it would not be surprising to see his position in these rankings start to climb.


BEVGy0x.jpg 27. Nocturne

Overall Record: 7 wins, 7 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Omega): Second place, promoted to Delta

               Season 10 (Delta): 7-7

Average Time of Victory (7 wins): 11:25.857 (12th overall). 1 Significant Victory, 4 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 9 (submission victory vs. Devil’s Delight, 6:47)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 7 (submission victory vs. Lance Heartilly, 15:15)

Average Time of Defeat (7 losses): 8:15.857 (39th overall). 2 Significant Defeats, 0 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 1 (pinfall loss to Kichi Hida, 11:24)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 4 (table break loss to El Tornado, 4:59)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: N/A


In terms of pure divisional results, Nocturne would actually be below Lord Robert Abernathy. The four Lesser Victories wipe out the gains received from the Significant Victory, and the lack of Lesser Defeats hurts her Strength of Defeat value. After all, she’s dead last in The League in average time of defeat. However, the win factor just makes up for the lack of finishing power Nocturne has shown, and the star pupil of The Aerie will have another season to improve on this mark, and her career .500 record in The League, thanks to a season sweep of Lance Heartilly and a clutch week fourteen win.


V1I70uc.jpg 26. Jimmy Anarchy

Overall Record: 8 wins, 20 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 5-9, relegated to Delta

               Season 9 (Delta): 3-11, relegated to Omega

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (8 wins): 10:00.000 (5th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 14 (pinfall victory vs. Kichi HIda, 4:21)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 5 (pinfall victory vs. Lord Robert Abernathy, 13:24)

Average Time of Defeat (20 losses): 11:43.950 (31st overall). 3 Significant Defeats, 8 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 2 (submission loss to Yoshii Nakamatsu, 17:45)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 9 (pinfall loss to Sterling Silver, 4:42)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 18th out of 32 (1.837 points)

               Season 9: 23rd out of 36 (0.965 points)


Jimmy Anarchy sports a rather quick Average Time of Victory, which certainly helps his Strength of Victory score. Nearly half of his losses as Lesser Defeats, which helps the Strength of Defeat side of the equation as well. His poor overall record counterbalances those factors, leaving him in the lower half of The League’s power rankings. He’s shown that he can end things quickly while on the main roster, but he has yet to demonstrate the ability to chain together a number of wins to earn or maintain his roster position, which is going to lead to very limited chances to improve his power ranking.


FXyrc6C.jpg 25. George Mastachas

Overall Record: 26 wins, 16 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpa): 7-7

               Season 9 (Alpha): 8-6

               Season 10 (Alpha): 11-3, League Champion

Average Time of Victory (26 wins): 16:01.500 (34th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 4 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall victory vs. The Mastofon, 8:02)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 12 (pinfall victory vs. Mel O’Hallister, 21:57)

Average Time of Defeat (16 losses): 15:28.250 (10th overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 4 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall loss to Brandy McDonald, 22:31)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 9 (pinfall loss to Big Scott Weathers, 8:54)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 7th out of 32 (4.423 points)

               Season 9: 7th out of 36 (8.546 points)


Who would have imagined that a championship-winning season would be devastating to a math-based power ranking? Yet that’s the scenario that the Season Ten champion finds himself in, with four of his Season Ten victories combining for a total of -18.2 points in Strength of Victory. It could be argued that Mastachas had the weakest season for a League Champion in the three seasons that The League has been back, and that argument certainly holds merit. However, the true measure comes in wins and losses, and with his worst season being a .500 season after three seasons spent in Alpha, Mastachas is certainly more dangerous than this power ranking shows. The fact that he will be defending the League Championship in Season Eleven is proof enough.


Eda7f6d.jpg 24. The Siberian Nightmare

Overall Record: 6 wins, 8 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 6-8, relegated to Omega

               Season 9 (Omega): Did not advance

               Season 10 (Omega): Pending

Average Time of Victory (6 wins): 16:27.000 (28th overall). 2 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 13 (cage escape victory vs. Sven Ulafsson, 10:33)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 12 (pinfall victory vs. Sin, 25:00)

Average Time of Defeat (8 losses): 17:54.250 (1st overall). 2 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Sterling Silver, 31:08)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Sterling Silver, 9:09)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 19th out of 32 (1.453 points)

               Season 9: 22nd out of 36 (1.453 points)


The alleged Siberian street fighter’s size is likely the main reason he’s listed at mid-table on the power rankings list—being in Season Eight, with scores that do not fluctuate any longer with folks like Sin and Sterling Silver in the division, is usually a good enough reason. His two Lesser Defeats make up for five other losses, and the sixth actually gained him some Strength of Defeat points. His one Lesser Victory nearly negates both Significant Victories, with the net result being a slight positive before the division factor is added in. Nightmare is a foe who is dangerous to any opponent he steps across the ring from, and is just looking for another chance to prove it.


LG3TCXf.jpg 23. Lucas Molina

Overall Record: 19 wins, 9 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Delta): 11-3, promoted to Gamma

               Season 10 (Gamma): 8-6, promoted to Beta

Average Time of Victory (19 wins): 12:50.684 (19th overall). 1 Significant Victory, 9 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 2 (Last One Standing victory vs. Jimmy Anarchy, 6:46)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 8 (submission victory vs. Lord Robert Abernathy, 15:37)

Average Time of Defeat (10 losses): 15:15.000 (12th overall). 2 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 9 (pinfall loss to Christian Priest, 20:21)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (pinfall loss to Diamond, 5:20)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: 15th out of 36 (4.497 points)


Unlike pure submission wrestlers already featured in this countdown (read as: Indigo Rose), Molina has a pinfall finisher available to him for slightly faster victories, which helps his standing in terms of Strength of Victory. Where he shines, though, is in Strength of Defeat, and specifically when losing to Christian Priest. Those three losses account for nearly 17 points in Strength of Defeat for Molina, and one of them is the European Rules match from this past season (which after adjustments counts for 3.6 points). It’s on the strength of those losses, and his overall win/loss record, that find Molina solidly in the middle of the table of power rankings as he prepares for his third season of League action and his first in the upper half of The League.


va4qjuU.jpg 22. Sterling Silver

Overall Record: 14 wins, 14 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 7-7

               Season 9 (Delta): 7-7

               Season 10: unable to compete (injury), Omega results pending

Average Time of Victory (14 wins): 13:42.071 (22nd overall). 4 Significant Victories, 5 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. The Siberian Nightmare, 9:09)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall victory vs. The Siberian Nightmare, 31:08)

Average Time of Defeat (14 losses): 12:25.000 (27th overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 6 (submission loss to Christian Priest, 12:31)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Brian Blackfield, 10:51)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 21st out of 32 (0.927 points)

               Season 9: 18th out of 36 (2.606 points)


While never a contender to promote from Delta in two seasons—especially with the likes of Christian Priest, Monty Dhillon, and Lucas Molina in the division during her tenure—Silver was a threat in her own right. Her experience led to her being a tough opponent for some, most notably Christian Priest. Three of their four encounters netted Silver almost 5 Strength of Defeat points combined; the fourth match nearly wiped out that entire amount. The bulk of Silver’s positive score comes from her 14-14 career record, and as of the time of this writing she is in contention for promotion out of the Omega Division. Of all the people currently not on the main roster, Silver has the highest ranking, and if she manages to return to Delta her position in these rankings is likely to go up even more as she winds down the final act of a long and storied career.


OOiJTFx.jpg 21. Big Scott Weathers

Overall Record: 15 wins, 27 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 8-6

               Season 9 (Alpha): 3-11, relegated to Beta

               Season 10 (Beta): 4-10, relegated to Gamma

Average Time of Victory (15 wins): 16:43.067 (36th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 3 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 9 (pinfall victory vs. George Mastachas, 8:54)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. The Mastodon, 24:50)

Average Time of Defeat (27 losses): 15:20.778 (11th overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 7 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (submission loss to Brian Blackfield, 22:39)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 8:57)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 14th out of 32 (2.083 points)

               Season 9: 20th out of 36 (1.641 points)


Despite a pair of abysmal seasons in terms of the record books, Weathers has proven to be a difficult opponent to keep down for the count or to make submit. His best example of this came midway through last season, where with a few changed events he could have potentially knocked off The Juggernaut instead of falling in defeat some twenty-two minutes later. Despite a promising start to his League career in Season Eight, Weathers has tumbled into Gamma, and should likely right himself back on track with a season on the lower half of the main roster.


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Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison for The League


Welcome back to part three of the Unofficial League Power Rankings. In this set of ten people, readers will see where and why these rankings were deemed to be unofficial, largely because of the oversight of one spreadsheet person who forgot to account for a single thing that was specifically asked for.

The previous two parts are right above this post, just scroll your window up a little. Let's not waste any more time, and start the upper half of the rankings!

m6kdW7F.jpg 20. Jun Onoo

Overall Record: 16 wins, 26 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 6-8

               Season 9 (Gamma): 4-10, relegated to Delta

               Season 10 (Delta): 6-8, relegated to Omega

Average Time of Victory (16 wins): 11:14.313 (11th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 2 (table break victory vs. El Tornado, 7:25)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 13 (pinfall victory vs. Scott Stevens, 18:16)

Average Time of Defeat (26 losses): 11:42.269 (32nd overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall loss to El Tornado, 18:35)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Kichi Hida, 3:18)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 13th out of 32 (2.250 points)

               Season 9: 19th out of 36 (2.349 points)


Onoo has struggled records-wise in three seasons, including a demotion off the main roster after Season Ten. Ten of his 26 losses have garnered Onoo positive scores in Strength of Defense, even if the blitz loss to Hida in Season Ten wiped them out completely in the process. Similarly, the lengthy victory over Scott Stevens wiped out most of his Significant Victories. Most of his score here is based off the Season Eight Gamma Division, which remains his best result in the record books. Generally, it’s due to Onoo’s size and power, which translates to Strength of Victory scores being positive overall, that get him as far up the rankings as he is.


G4sbiHU.jpg 19. Diego Rodriguez

Overall Record: 23 wins, 19 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 7-7

               Season 9 (Gamma): 9-5

               Season 10 (Gamma): 7-7

Average Time of Victory (23 wins): 15:06.522 (30th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 6 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Indigo Rose, 6:48)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 5 (submission victory vs. Diamond, 20:16)

Average Time of Defeat (19 losses): 13:47.211 (17th overall). 2 Significant Defeats, 6 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 8 (pinfall loss to Yoshii Nakamatsu, 18:59)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 2 (pinfall loss to El Tornado, 7:47)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 23rd out of 32 (0.531 points)

               Season 9: 17th out of 36 (2.794 points)


In terms of pure match strength, taking the win factor out of things, Rodriguez would be in the negatives. His point totals from each season are buoyed by the fact that he’s done no worse than .500 every season. His Strength of Defeat is well to the positive (21 points), which is offset by the -27 points in Strength of Victory…once more, the curse of a primarily submission wrestler shows in Rodriguez’s average time of victory and thus Strength of Victory as well. It’s only because wins are a heavier weight than losses (a 7-7 record returns just under 2 points in Win Factor…and it’s at this point that the author realized a mistake in not properly weighting a specific division’s wins/losses compared to other divisions, which truly makes these rankings “unofficial” until that’s remedied) in these calculations that Diego finds himself just barely within the upper half of the rankings.


9q89H6M.jpg 18. Lance Heartilly

Overall Record: 11 wins, 3 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Omega): Omega Division champion, promoted to Delta

               Season 10 (Delta): 11-3, promoted to Gamma

Average Time of Victory (11 wins): 10:16.455 (6th overall). 2 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 9 (cage escape victory vs. Scott Stevens, 6:00)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 2 (submission victory vs. Kichi Hida, 14:43)

Average Time of Defeat (3 losses): 10:47.000 (34th overall). 1 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 7 (submission loss to Nocturne, 15:15)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 12 (pinfall loss to Monty Dhillon, 5:04)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: N/A


Lance Heartilly, in the predecessor to this version of The League, was a two-time defending champion and was aiming for a third title, plus he was a Tag Team Turmoil winner in that third season. So it wasn’t a surprise that he stormed through the Omega Division, and came within a win of claiming the Delta Division crown in his first appearance. His ranking stems mainly from a limited number of losses—both in Win Factor and in Strength of Defeat—that offset his negative Strength of Victory. Once again, the submission wrestler’s bane comes into play here. But so far, Heartilly shows no sings of slowing down, and I expect his rank in these rankings, especially after they’re correctly formatted for divisional wins to be weighted, to keep going up.


p54rf5F.jpg 17. De’siree Mitchell

Overall Record: 18 wins, 24 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 5-9

               Season 9 (Alpha): 8-6

               Season 10 (Alpha): 5-9

Average Time of Victory (18 wins): 15:05.778 (29th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 10 (pinfall victory vs. The Mastodon, 6:47)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 5 (pinfall victory vs. Mel O’Hallister, 21:08)

Average Time of Defeat (24 losses): 16:35.833 (4th overall). 6 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 2 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 21:32)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 9 (pinfall loss to Pulsar, 7:59)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 15th out of 32 (1.943 points)

               Season 9: 10th out of 36 (6.216 points)


Arguably the weakest member of the so-called “Alpha Six,” De’siree Mitchell has shown flashes of brilliance at times. Her Season Nine campaign showed that she could be a contender if things fell her way, but that one season has been overshadowed by a pair of seasons in which she had to fend off relegation. With the addition of Brian Blackfield to the Alpha Division in Season Eleven, it seems likely that Mitchell’s position in these rankings is going to take a hit, especially if she falls out of the top flight. For the moment, though, her position is rather secure mainly due to her high Strength of Defeat score (despite the numerous Significant Defeats she has suffered).


N0Y594C.jpg 16. Markus Clay

Overall Record: 13 wins, 29 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 5-9

               Season 9 (Beta): 4-10, relegated to Gamma

               Season 10 (Gamma): 4-10, relegated to Delta

Average Time of Victory (13 wins): 11:09.538 (10th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 12 (pinfall victory vs. Daniel Simmons, 7:40)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 10 (pinfall victory vs. Terrance Stevens, 17:51)

Average Time of Defeat (29 losses): 12:39.172 (26th overall). 7 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 12 (submission loss to Reverend Johnny Gross, 23:33)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 13 (pinfall loss to Erick Gibson, 7:39)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 17th out of 32 (1.890 points)

               Season 9: 11th out of 36 (5.332 points)


Despite underwhelming performance in The League proper—two straight relegations and no season above five mins in three tries—Clay finds himself here based solely on his Strength of Victory score. Overall, a total of just over 22 Strength of Victory points will certainly factor in heavily to a positive power ranking. It’s due to those wins—something a speedy character can pull off much easier—that he can bypass his weaker Win Factor and emerge with this spot in the power rankings.


0rDaDU8.jpg 15. Diamond

Overall Record: 15 wins, 27 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 7-7

               Season 9 (Gamma): 6-8

               Season 10 (Gamma): 4-10, relegated to Delta

Average Time of Victory (17 wins): 11:39.176 (13th overall). 2 Significant Victories, 0 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 14 (pinfall victory vs. El Tornado, 4:36)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 5 (pinfall victory vs. Jimmy Anarchy, 15:34)

Average Time of Defeat (25 losses): 12:42.920 (25th overall). 8 Significant Defeats, 6 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall loss to Yoshii Nakamatsu, 22:57)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall loss to El Tornado, 8:04)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 16th out of 32 (1.943 points)

               Season 9: 14th out of 36 (4.553 points)


Do not let Diamond’s seven Significant Defeats fool you—in this instance, she actually has a positive Strength of Defeat score thanks to losses against Nakamatsu (almost 10 points) and Rodriguez (almost 😎 that counteracts half of the Significant Defeats. Her hybrid brawling/speed offense helps in Strength of Victory score, as the majority of her wins have come by methods other than submission. Though she may be in danger of plummeting down the rankings if her struggles continue in Delta next season.


xHVnvxD.jpg 14. Yoshii Nakamatsu

Overall Record: 27 wins, 15 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 9-5

               Season 9 (Gamma): 10-4, promoted to Beta

               Season 10 (Beta): 8-6

Average Time of Victory (27 wins): 13:00.111 (20th overall). 4 Significant Victories, 5 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 3 (pinfall victory vs. El Tornado, 4:42)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall victory vs. Diamond, 22:57)

Average Time of Defeat (15 losses): 11:44.933 (30th overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Blood River, 21:47)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 7 (pinfall loss to El Tornado, 8:01)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 20th out of 32 (1.396 points)

               Season 9: 12th out of 36 (5.126 points)


Nakamatsu has had a rather decent year. Three seasons finishing above .500, one promotion and just barely missing out of a second. His positive score stems entirely from his Win Factor, as overall his match factors (Strenght of Victory/Defeat) have been mostly negative over the three seasons. One of the early favorites to come out of the Beta Division in Season Eleven, Nakamatsu needs to shore up his defenses and become a bit of a tougher opponent if he really wants to make a statement in the rankings.


hAfQcot.jpg 13. Blood River

Overall Record: 23 wins, 19 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 11-3, promoted to Beta

               Season 9 (Beta): 6-8

               Season 10 (Beta): 6-8

Average Time of Victory (23 wins): 12:18.174 (17th overall). 6 Significant Victories, 4 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 4 (pinfall victory vs. Billy Norris, 6:38)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu, 21:47)

Average Time of Defeat (19 losses): 11:18.263 (33rd overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (pinfall loss to Jean-Paul Ouilette, 17:06)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 6 (submission loss to Angela Wassermann, 6:31)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 6th out of 32 (4.753 points)

               Season 9: 13th out of 36 (4.844 points)


River turned an impressive Season Eight into a pair of mediocre runs in the Beta Division. Much like Nakamatsu who was just discussed, River’s ranking is largely due to his Win Factor, as River’s promotion season barely (by 0.003 points) was the only season in which his matches ended up with a positive combined Strength of Victory/Defeat. Like a few other lightweight wrestlers, River needs to shore up his average time of defeat if he really wants to make an impact on the rankings.


4ZAKk1I.jpg 12. Kichi Hida

Overall Record: 16 wins, 12 losses.

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9 (Delta): 6-8

               Season 10 (Delta): 10-4

Average Time of Victory (16 wins): 7:28.188 (1st overall). 9 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Jun Onoo, 3:18)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 2 (pinfall victory vs. Lord Robert Abernathy, 12:47)

Average Time of Defeat (12 losses): 9:03.917 (37th overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 2 (submission loss to Lance Heartilly, 14:43)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (pinfall loss to Monty Dhillon, 3:53)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: N/A

               Season 9: 21st out of 36 (1.485 points)


Hida had a bit of a struggle in Season Nine, with an underwhelming 6-8 record. But the Ringmaster of the Carnival of Violence truly shone in Season Ten. Having 9 Significant Victories in an already quick-paced Delta Division over two seasons is impressive, and it’s largely due to those wins that Hida finds herself just outside the top ten. Her sub-7:30 Average Time of Victory is 90 seconds better than second place (El Tornado), but her Average Time of Defeat is almost as bad. If she can shore up her defenses, Hida would easily be a top-ten wrestler in The League, but given Hida’s personality that’s not something anyone should expect anytime soon.


NSa1kkC.jpg 11. The Mastodon

Overall Record: 23 wins, 19 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 7-7

               Season 9 (Alpha): 7-7

               Season 10 (Alpha): 9-5

Average Time of Victory (23 wins): 15:50.087 (33rd overall). 6 Significant Victories, 6 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Big Scott Weathers, 8:57)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 9 (pinfall victory vs. Big Scott Weathers, 23:58)

Average Time of Defeat (19 losses): 16:28.211 (6th overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall loss to Big Scott Weathers, 24:50)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 10 (pinfall loss to De’siree Mitchell, 6:47)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 30th out of 32 (-2.725 points)

               Season 9: 32nd out of 36 (-2.451 points)


What a difference a single season can make. Sure, Mastodon gained a little bit more from his Win Factor, but where he made his biggest gain is in Strength of Victory—his Season Ten campaign alone netted hin over 7 points to the positive, which helped to wipe out the deficits he had accrued over Seasons Eight and Nine. While not as overlooked as De’siree Mitchell, this member of the “Alpha Six” showed in Season Ten that he’s ready to compete for a championship, and that overall victory time doesn’t matter if one can chain the wins together.


(Expect the final part Monday afternoon, after I go back to work and have a second monitor to work from so that things can go faster and I'm not Alt-Tabbing all over the place.)

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Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison for The League


Welcome back to the fourth and final part of the Unofficial League Power Rankings. In this post: the top ten wrestlers, what the rankings should have looked like if they were done correctly, and rumors of power rankings to come. The previous three parts are right above this post, so simply scroll up to get everything put together in order.  Let's not waste any more time, and get right to our top ten!

O63FjvG.jpg 10. Erick Gibson

Overall Record: 20 wins, 22 losses.

               Season 8 (Gamma): 6-8

               Season 9 (Gamma): 8-6

               Season 10 (Gamma): 6-8

Average Time of Victory (20 wins): 111:39.600 (14th overall). 7 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 2 (pinfall victory vs. Indigo Rose, 5:59)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 10 (pinfall victory vs. Indigo Rose, 16:04)

Average Time of Defeat (22 losses): 12:55.409 (23rd overall). 3 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 3 (pinfall loss to Diego Rodriguez, 16:36)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 9 (cage escape loss to Jun Onoo, 9:11)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 24th out of 32 (0.487 points)

               Season 9: 16th out of 36 (3.220 points)


Gibson has spent three seasons in the Gamma Division, and it’s due to his Strength of Victory score that he finds himself this far up the list. His Win Factor isn’t much to look at—only one person in the top ten has a worse one—but his Season Nine and Ten campaigns in the Gamma Division were decent enough, actual record aside, to land him a spot at the edge of the top ten. His chances of remaining here are slim at best, with Monty Dhillon and Lance Heartilly coming into his division.


Lp89uMT.jpg 9. Brian Blackfield

Overall Record: 39 wins, 3 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 14-0, promoted to Gamma

               Season 9 (Gamma): 12-2, promoted to Beta

               Season 10 (Beta): 13-1, promoted to Alpha

Average Time of Victory (39 wins): 15:31.718 (33rd overall). 8 Significant Victories, 12 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Sterling Silver, 10:11)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (blood stoppage victory vs. Christian Priest, 31:54)

Average Time of Defeat (3 losses): 16:28.211 (6th overall). 0 Significant Defeats, 1 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 5 (submission loss to Erick Gibson, 15:17)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 8 (pinfall loss to Blood River, 12:04)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 8th out of 32 (4.046 points)

               Season 9: 6th out of 36 (10.158 points)


Despite being five wins ahead of the next-best record in The League over the last three seasons, and being one of only three wrestlers to have eclipsed the 30-win mark, The Juggernaut falls to number nine in these rankings mainly on his inability in Season Eight to hit the Scotland Destroyer on larger opponents, with Season Ten's campaign also doing damage to his overall score. His three worst victories, all in Delta, combine for a -40 change to his Strength of Victory (before division factors kick in), which almost wipe out the entirety of his wins with any positive movement (20 wins). With limited defeats, he doesn’t have much to pull from in Strength of Defeat to make up for it, but it’s instead his Win Factor that does the heavy lifting here. However, when division factors are applied to his impressive 39-3 record, Blackfield plummets in the power rankings to 32nd which shows the major difference in things being calculated properly. Many pundits think Blackfield is about to hit a wall in Alpha Division, but this reporter is not so certain on that. I expect him to take a season to get used to Alpha, and then contend for the League Championship in Season Twelve.


aOXlwtV.jpg 8. Angela Wassermann

Overall Record: 15 wins, 27 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 6-8

               Season 9 (Beta): 4-10

               Season 10 (Beta): 5-9

Average Time of Victory (15 wins): 10:53.333 (8th overall). 7 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 5 (pinfall victory vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette, 5:12)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 1 (submission victory vs. Big Scott Weathers, 16:30)

Average Time of Defeat (27 losses): 13:47.148 (18th overall). 5 Significant Defeats, 3 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall loss to Jean-Paul Ouilette, 17:31)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall loss to Billy Norris, 7:50)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 11th out of 32 (2.832 points)

               Season 9: 9th out of 36 (6.561 points)


It’s quite obvious that Wassermann’s record didn’t propel her here like Blackfield’s did. So how did she manage to get herself ranked ahead of The Juggernaut? By quality victories. Only four of her fifteen wins lowered her Strength of Victory score; a total of 32 points before the division factor is applied certainly helps matters. Strength of Defeat nearly works out to zero; sixteen of her 27 losses gained points in Strength of Defeat, no matter how few. Her record may not show it but Wassermann is truly one of the tougher draws for a wrestler in The League, and to maintain that in the Beta Division shows that she’s just been unlucky the last couple of seasons.


wSRPoAi.jpg 7. Mel O’Hallister

Overall Record: 23 wins, 19 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 9-5, promoted to Alpha

               Season 9 (Alpha): 8-6

               Season 10 (Alpha): 6-8

Average Time of Victory (23 wins): 14:48.609 (27th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 3 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 4 (pinfall victory vs. Nuclear Templeton, 11:07)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 10 (Last One Standing victory vs. George Mastachas, 21:42)

Average Time of Defeat (19 losses): 16:19.895 (8th overall). 1 Significant Defeat, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 12 (pinfall loss to George Mastachas, 21:57)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 9 (submission loss to Nuclear Templeton, 12:31)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 9th out of 32 (3.932 points)

               Season 9: 4th out of 36 (10.866 points)


O’Hallister won a tiebreaker to earn the only promotion spot in Season Eight to Alpha, and he has not looked back since. His size works against him in terms of Strength of Victory—especially with men like The Mastodon and Nuclear Templeton in the division—but it is his Strength of Defeat score that shares equal weight with his Win Factor in propelling him to number seven on this list. In the correctly calculated power rankings, O’Hallister sits third, which shows just how much the Strength of Defeat is providing. If O’Hallister can manage to chain together a full season, instead of collapsing in the second half, he could be next to emerge with the League Championship.


ZThYhej.jpg 6. Jean-Paul Ouilette

Overall Record: 25 wins, 17 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 8-6

               Season 9 (Beta): 9-5

               Season 10 (Beta): 8-6, promoted to Alpha

Average Time of Victory (25 wins): 12:35.120 (18th overall). 3 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 7 (pinfall victory vs. Blood River, 9:14)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 1 (pinfall victory vs. Angela Wassermann, 17:31)

Average Time of Defeat (17 losses): 13:47.588 (16th overall). 3 Significant Defeats, 5 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (submission loss to Billy Norris, 24:15)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 5 (pinfall loss to Angela Wassermann, 5:12)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 12th out of 32 (2.308 points)

               Season 9: 8th out of 36 (6.976 points)


Much like the person right before him on this list, Ouilette slides into his position based almost solely on his Strength of Defeat.  Unlike O’Hallister, Ouilette holds a positive Strength of Victory score as well, and that plus a slightly better Win Factor moves him just ahead of O’Hallister in these unofficial rankings. Ouilette’s promotion into the Alpha Division next season will be interesting, as it will be the first time that a competing Alpha Division wrestler will have a manager at ringside. Cecile Corine may have been crucial in helping Ouilette reach Alpha, and her impact on these scores cannot be quantified. Can she also manage to help keep Ouilette in the top flight?


ayWv1C3.jpg 5. Billy Norris

Overall Record: 25 wins, 17 losses.

               Season 8 (Beta): 9-5

               Season 9 (Beta): 9-5

               Season 10 (Beta): 7-7

Average Time of Victory (25 wins): 12:05.280 (16th overall). 7 Significant Victories, 1 Lesser Victory.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. Angela Wassermann, 7:50)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (submission victory vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette, 24:15)

Average Time of Defeat (17 losses): 13:09.882 (22nd overall). 3 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 3 (pinfall loss to Brian Blackfield, 17:57)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Blood River, 6:38)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 1st out of 32 (8.627 points)

               Season 9: 2nd out of 36 (14.079 points)


Some would argue that Norris should have been promoted to Alpha over O’Hallister in Season Eight, or at least promoted with him. He’s been in contention to move up every season so far, and many, including this reporter, fell it’s only a matter of time before Norris successfully makes the jump. The fact that he lands in fifth place in these unofficial rankings proves that lighter, faster wrestlers are not necessarily at a disadvantage in The League. His Strength of Victory mark totals 22 points before division factors kick in, and the lone Lesser Victory came in a Submission match; otherwise he might be a position higher in these rankings. His Strength of Defeat is a minor positive as well, which is another factor in his reaching the top five of these rankings.


gGexPKo.jpg 4. Brandy McDonald

Overall Record: 26 wins, 16 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 10-4, League Champion

               Season 9 (Alpha): 9-5

               Season 10 (Alpha): 7-7

Average Time of Victory (26 wins): 15:23.769 (31st overall). 5 Significant Victories, 5 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 10, Week 11 (pinfall victory vs. The Mastodon, 8:19)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall victory vs. George Mastachas, 22:31)

Average Time of Defeat (16 losses): 16:32.063 (5th overall). 1 Significant Defeat, 2 Lesser Defeat.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 5 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 22:41)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 10 (pinfall loss to Big Scott Weathers, 11:25)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 10th out of 32 (3.591 points)

               Season 9: 26th out of 36 (0.609 points)


The Season Eight League Champion finds herself in rarified air based off a positive combination of all three primary factors. Her Strength of Defeat and Win Factor do most of the heavy lifting here…starting to sound familiar?...but a positive Strength of Victory score helps seal the deal and pushes her just ahead of Norris into the number four spot. While her record may be trending downward after a championship season two seasons ago, will she be able to avoid dropping below .500 for a season as The Juggernaut looms on the horizon?


vz0qqDp.jpg 3. Monty Dhillon

Overall Record: 31 wins, 11 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 9-5

               Season 9 (Delta): 10-4

               Season 10 (Delta): 12-2, promoted to Gamma

Average Time of Victory (31 wins): 9:48.806 (4th overall). 15 Significant Victories, 3 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 7 (pinfall victory vs. Sin, 10:36)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 10 (pinfall victory vs. Christian Priest, 13:16)

Average Time of Defeat (11 losses): 16:25.636 (7th overall). 2 Significant Defeats, 4 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 14 (blood stoppage loss to Sin, 35:12)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 4 (pinfall loss to Christian Priest, 11:07)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 3rd out of 32 (6.479 points)

               Season 9: 3rd out of 36 (10.952 points)


Dhillon finds himself in third place in these rankings based heavily off his Win Factor—if his Delta Division wins were properly weighted, he’d still be in the top ten, but the lower half of it. His fifteen Significant Victories are a high mark in The League, with eight of them coming in Season Ten alone. Dhillon was truly a large fish in a small pond after three seasons in the Delta Division, and now we’ll get to see if the extra time preparing pays off as he moves into Gamma and some fresh competition. As a note, two of Dhillon’s four Lesser Defeats rank, in 672 League matches over three seasons, as the best Lesser Defeat (18 points to Strength of Defeat vs. Sin) and fifth (a blood stoppage loss to Blackfield, netting 13.4 Strength of Defeat points).


YICOeYe.jpg 2. Christian Priest

Overall Record: 34 wins, 8 losses.

               Season 8 (Delta): 10-4

               Season 9 (Delta): 11-3, promoted to Gamma

               Season 10 (Gamma): 13-1, promoted to Beta

Average Time of Victory (34 wins): 13:11.912 (21st overall). 11 Significant Victories, 7 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 8, Week 6 (pinfall victory vs. Sin, 10:24)

               Worst versus averages: Season 9, Week 9 (pinfall victory vs. Lucas Molina, 20:21)

Average Time of Defeat (8 losses): 15:54.625 (9th overall). 1 Significant Defeat, 4 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 8, Week 6 (blood stoppage loss to Brian Blackfield, 31:54)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 5 (pinfall loss to Terrance Stevens, 8:06)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 2nd out of 32 (6.746 points)

               Season 9: 5th out of 36 (10.706 points)


It’s hard to not mention Monty Dhillon without mentioning Christian Priest in the same breath. The two men that everyone thought would promote together out of Delta got split up after Season Nine, and Priest has flourished since, earning a second promotion in Season Ten to the Beta Division. Priest holds the third-best Lesser Defeat in The League, which garnered nearly 15 points to Strength of Defeat in Season Eight, and an already positive Strength of Victory score combined with the second-best record in The League for those who’ve been here for all three seasons, sees Priest land in the number two spot. What keeps him from the top spot is the Division factors for his matches; without those sapping away some positive points the race for the top spot would be rather interesting.


FqeSGy6.jpg 1. Nuclear Templeton

Overall Record: 29 wins, 11 losses.

               Season 8 (Alpha): 8-6

               Season 9 (Alpha): 3-11, relegated to Beta

               Season 10 (Alpha): 4-10, relegated to Gamma

Average Time of Victory (29 wins): 14:07.862 (26th overall). 11 Significant Victories, 2 Lesser Victories.

               Best versus averages:  Season 9, Week 1 (submission victory vs. Pulsar, 9:39)

               Worst versus averages: Season 10, Week 11 (submission victory vs. George Mastachas, 22:06)

Average Time of Defeat (11 losses): 14:40.231 (13th overall). 4 Significant Defeats, 2 Lesser Defeats.

               Best versus averages: Season 10, Week 6 (submission loss to Brian Blackfield, 22:39)

               Worst versus averages: Season 8, Week 1 (pinfall loss to The Mastodon, 8:57)

Ranking History:

               Season 8: 5th out of 32 (5.465 points)

               Season 9: 1st out of 36 (17.010 points)


Before anyone can throw out accusations of the author being “bought” by Italian men in fancy suits…I will categorically deny any and all such accusations. These rankings are a mathematics-based system, and even when proper weight is given to all matches—read as, the matches in Season 8 under the then-“unified” ruleset are weighted correctly—Nuclear still comes out on top with only one point dropped off his total shown here. His claim to the top spot? Strength of Victory. In all but seven of his victories, Templeton gained in Strength of Victory, and the 11:2 ratio of Significant Victories to Lesser is only behind Kichi Hida for those who qualify (with a combined 10 or more Significant/Lesser Victories). The raw total of 44.7 Strength of Victory points is far and away the highest in The League, and adding in 10 Strength of Defeat points, and the fourth-highest Win Factor in this version of the rankings, and it’s pretty obvious that the numbers don’t lie. They spell disaster for anyone looking to take away Nuclear’s dominance at the top of the power rankings.


That concludes this edition of the Unofficial Power Rankings. There’s no guarantee that any future rankings will be this complex—Will tells me he’s looking at possibly some sort of tiered Elo ranking for internal use only, he has been in a chess sort of mood recently—but as the work has already been done it would be pointless to simply throw it all away. So who knows? Maybe you’ll see this back in a season or two with fresh faces and updates!



Now, if you’re curious as to how these should have looked if, you know, the doofus running this game had done the spreadsheet right to begin with? I got you covered.

  1. Nuclear Templeton: 34.758
  2. Brandy McDonald: 14.530
  3. Mel O'Hallister: 11.767
  4. Angela Wassermann: 11.501
  5. Billy Norris: 11.074
  6. Jean-Paul Ouilette: 11.063
  7. The Mastodon: 6.669
  8. Monty Dhillon: 6.661
  9. Christian Priest: 6.438
  10. Erick Gibson: 5.947
  11. Markus Clay: 5.935
  12. De'siree Mitchell: 5.165
  13. Diamond: 4.181
  14. Kichi Hida: 2.634
  15. Jimmy Anarchy: 2.021
  16. Blood River: 1.952
  17. Big Scott Weathers: 1.612
  18. Jun Onoo: 1.392
  19. Lord Robert Abernathy: 0.740
  20. George Mastachas: 0.571
  21. The Siberian Nightmare: 0.553
  22. Lance Heartilly: 0.171
  23. Yoshii Nakamatsu: -0.004
  24. Sven Ulafsson: -0.475
  25. Scott Stevens: -0.535
  26. Sterling Silver: -0.750
  27. Otto von Schwarz: -0.754
  28. Diego Rodriguez: -0.850
  29. Nocturne: -0.965
  30. Devil's Delight: -1.020
  31. Sin: -1.722
  32. Brian Blackfield: -1.823 (No. This is not a typo. His Beta season came in at -7.830 points.)
  33. Terrance Stevens: -3.250
  34. Daniel Simmons: -3.655
  35. Lucas Molina: -3.968
  36. El Tornado: -4.259
  37. Pulsar: -4.533
  38. Indigo Rose: -4.725
  39. Reverend Johnny Gross: -12.381



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(after round 12 of 17)

(+0) 1. Mickie Steele: 10-2, 10:50.400
(+9) 2. Leon De Ramos: 9-3, 11:50.778
(+7) 3. Rock Sheridan: 8-4, 12:50.250

(-1) 4. Sterling Silver: 8-4, 6:18.875
(+0) 5. Jimmy Anarchy: 7-5, 8:102.857
(+0) 6. "Dirty" John Murdoch: 7-5, 9:48.429
(+5) 7. Sakura Uematsu: 7-5, 10:45.857
(-6) 8. Rhys Caddell: 7-5, 14:08.286
(-5) 9. Joslin Baroni: 6-6, 8:02.500
(-3) 10. Kyler den Boen: 6-6, 9:12.333

(+3) 11. Vladimir Chavinski: 5-7, 11:18.200
(-4) 12. Vaea: 5-7, 12:30.800
(+4) 13. Lord Robert Abernathy: 5-7, 12:35.200
(+4) 14. Otto von Schwarz: 5-7, 13:04.800

(+1) 15. The Siberian Nightmare: 4-8, 13:49.500
(-7) 16. Elyssa Anderson: 4-8, 11:03.250
(-2) 17. Sven Ulafsson: 3-9, 11:45.333
(-5) 18. Sin: 2-10, 9:35.000


Steele's first loss was to Leon de Ramos in Round 10. de Ramos went 6-0 in this second trimester; Sheridan went 5-1 and has the head-to-head tiebreaker over Silver for the (current) final transfer spot.

I'm not going to make any promises about getting the rest of Omega's schedule done over tomorrow and the weekend despite being off from work (again--this time for the Thanksgiving holiday), but it's not outside the realm of possibility. But at this point anyone 10th place or better on the table has a chance of making it into a transfer spot with five rounds remaining on the schedule.

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Even though I couldn't see anyone but Nuclear on top of the list, I still didn't know for sure that he was right at the top of the list.  Even with The League's official statsmith putting in someone else's seasonal win/loss record instead of his actual one, I knew the man from the Nuclear Bunker would be up there.  Genuintely surprised to see Blackfield ranking so low and even more surprised to see Monty as high as he was,,,,, going to have to remember to pick him in the predictions more next season :)

That said, Nuclear's raw numbers suggest he can totally beat the 8 lowest ranked people back to back to back to back.... I kinda want to see that now, even though I know that's NOT how the stats are meant to be read 😛 


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15 hours ago, ShadowedFlames said:

Steele's first loss was to Leon de Ramos in Round 10. de Ramos went 6-0 in this second trimester;

All hail "The Miracle of Lisbon", who would imagine a technical wrestling doing well in Omega. :p

That said, would love to see Murdoch get up there next season

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The League Season Ten Review & Commentary


Alpha Division


Predicted League Champion: Mastachas

Predicted Staying In Alpha: Nuke, Mastodon, Brandy, Mel, De’siree

Predicted Relegation: Gross, Simmons


Actual League Champion: George Mastachas

Actual Staying In Alpha: Nuclear Templeton, The Mastodon, Brandy McDonald. Mel O’Hallister, De’siree Mitchell

Actual Relegation To Beta: Reverend Johnny Gross, Daniel Simmons


Hell, I nailed it. They’re even in the right order. Honestly, there’s not a lot to be said here. Gross and Simmons bounced off Alpha entirely. Boing. With Blackfield coming in, De’siree’s probably doomed to relegation. Mel’s season just fell apart in the second half. 2-5. Ouch. I wouldn’t say Brandy looks vulnerable so much as fading from her glory days as huge beefy dudes get better and better at being huge beefy dudes. Seriously, look at Alpha’s sizes compared to the other three divisions. Mastodon fell just short. Maybe next year. Nuke fell even shorter. As DerekB said, he ripped off 9 straight wins to finish the season and still couldn’t win the belt. And Mastachas? He’s the champ. ‘Nuff said. Now, to the character breakdowns.


Brandy McDonald

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)


W vs. George Mastachas (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-2 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-1 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

Daniel Simmons

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-2 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

De’siree Mitchell

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Daniel Simmons (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-2 Season, 1-5 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-2 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (1-1 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Daniel Simmons (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-1 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

George Mastachas

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)


L vs. Brandy McDonald (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-1 Season, 5-1 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (2-0 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (2-0 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-0 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

The Mastodon

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. George Mastachas (1-0 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)


W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-0 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (1-1 Season, 1-5 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-1 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (2-0 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

Mel O’Hallister

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Daniel Simmons (2-0 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-1 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-2 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Nuclear Templeton

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)


W vs. De’siree Mitchell (2-0 Season, 5-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-1 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. George Mastachas (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (2-0 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-1 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

Reverend Johnny Gross

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season 1-2 Lifetime)


L vs. The Mastodon (0-2 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Daniel Simmons (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (1-1 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-2 Season 1-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)


As I said, I disagree that Brandy McDonald is showing weakness. She’s just been surpassed for now. The only person who swept her was Nuke, so she’s got a win over everyone else in the division, including the champion Mastachas. She can still go just fine, it’s just that her days of fully contending for the belt have likely come to an end. She cannot, however, be underestimated, as her wins over everybody but Nuke show.


Daniel Simmons, as stated, bounced off Alpha. He’s not even returning for Season Eleven. Considering he beat nobody who mattered, this is probably for the best. He’ll be in Gamma for Season Twelve. See in six months or so, Danny.


We all know how I feel about De’siree Mitchell. She barely skated this season, and with Blackfield in for the next she’s very likely totally doomed. I think Blackfield is going to hit the wall, yes, but not hard enough for her to avoid relegation to Beta.


George Mastachas is the king of the mountain. 3 losses to three different people. I said he’d be hard to stop with Pulsar gone, and by George I was right. 6-1 followed by 5-2 was just enough to hold off Nuke. He beat everybody at least once, and most twice. Can he do it again? Well, yeah. Will he? Good question. I wouldn’t bet against him. Two relatively flukey losses, and Nuke is his only real rival otherwise. He’ll mow through Ouillette, but Blackfield will be a test.


I’ve said this repeatedly, but The Mastodon is in a good place. End of Season Nine, he was 7-7 and looking screwed for Season Ten. So stacking on two more wins and contending for the title pretty much all season is a dramatic turn of fortunes for him. No, he’s not the champion. But he has vastly surpassed expectations, and there’s always next year.


Mel O’Hallister has to be wondering how it all went wrong. He was a contender, if a dark horse, all the way into Week 10. And then the wheels fell off with four straight losses. He’s got some retooling and some rethinking. Blackfield and Ouilette aren’t Gross and Simmons. He has to do better. And as you all know, he’s one of mah bois. So I’ll keep believing in him until the end.


Everybody knows Nuclear Templeton is frustrated. He swept Brandy, which nobody else managed to do this season. He beat Mastachas, but not fast enough to avenge his earlier loss to the Greek. He even got the O’Hallister shaped monkey off of his back, finally defeating the Irishman. Only to come juuuuuuust short, and watch his title be awarded to another man. Well. There’s always next season. I know I want to see him fight Blackfield. Never count out Nuke, that’s the lesson fellas.


Reverend Johnny Gross is in the record books, now. The first to be relegated out of his division, promote back into it, and promptly get relegated back out. Back to Beta, where Christian Priest, Lucas Molina, YoshiI Nakamatsu, and a gaggle of old “friends” await. Hoo boy. He’s about to choke out a lot of people.


Let’s save predictions about next season until the schedule’s announced, okay?





Beta Division


Predicted Promotions: Blackfield (divison champion), Nakamatsu

Predicted Staying In Beta: Ouilette, River, Wasserman, Pulsar

Predicted Relegated To Gamma: Norris, Weathers


Actual Promotions To Alpha: Brian Blackfield (division champion), Jean-Paul Ouilette

Actual Staying In Beta: Yoshii Nakamatsu, Billy Norris, Blood River, Angela Wasserman

Actual Relegated To Gamma: Pulsar, Weathers.


Really didn’t think Yoshii would lose to Ouilette there, and that was the deciding point between them. And the Norris scenario did not come to pass. Also, Pulsar is only staying because Simmons is taking the season off. And everyone in Beta for Season Eleven breathes a sigh of relief, as Pulsar is not in Simmons’s weight class. Seriously, who called Beta being more competitive than any other division this season? Ah, well. Let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Angela Wasserman

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-2 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (1-1 Season, 1-5 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

Big Scott Weathers

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Pulsar (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

Billy Norris

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Pulsar (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-1 Season, 5-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Blood River

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Pulsar (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-1 Season, 0-3 Season)


W vs. Brian Blackfield (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-2 Season, 0-4 Season)

L vs. Pulsar (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (2-0 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

Brian Blackfield

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Blood River (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

Jean-Paul Ouillette

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Pulsar (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-1 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Yoshii Nakamatsu

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)


L vs. Billy Norris (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-1 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)


Angela Wasserman almost blew it. 1-6 after 4-3. She almost got relegated. Or not, as Pulsar is actually staying. But still. The second half of the season was a disaster for her. She’s fully capable of rebounding, and the exchance of Simmons for Pulsar gives her a better chance of doing so. Unfortunately, she’s got no shot at promoting next season. Even with Simmons taking the season off, there’s still the incoming Gross, Priest, and Molina to think about. A performance like this season’s will see her relegated with ease. She needs to step it up a level, or she’ll be Gamma bound.


Speaking of, Big Scott Weathers is Gamma bound. 1-6 followed by 3-4. The bargain basement jobber role. He miiiight do a little better down in Gamma, as Terrance Stevens has. But he’s not coming right back to Beta after next season. Rose, Diego, and the incoming Monty are gonna wreck him. So at best he’ll be middle of the pack. Does Delta beckon? Meh, we’ll see.


Billy Norris pulled the rabbit out of his hat again. Started 3-4, ended 4-3. He’s erratic, yes, but he’s always at the back edge of contention. With Beta being so tight, there was a chance of relegation, but he got out of it. I don’t think he’s ever leaving Beta. His matches versus Gross, Priest, and Molina promise to be very interesting. I wonder if his track record of weak first half, stronger second, will continue? We’ll start finding out in January.


Blood River had people believing at first. 4-3 is a fine start. But then his erratic nature, equal to Norris’s, bit him and he finished 2-5. 6-8, just like last season. The Gamma division winner shows up in flashes, but he just can’t seem to maintain that form. It’s unfortunate. At this rate he’s never gonna promote. Gross, and Priest are gonna mess him up, and he’s not going to have an easy time with Molina, either. So he’s staying in Beta, probably. If Gamma’s division winner can show up in more matches than he doesn’t, anyway.


Brian Blackfield has blazed his way through three divisions, losing literally three times along the way. His nickname of “The Juggernaut” is well earned. Alpha, however, is an entirely different beast. Mastachas is gonna manhandle him. Nuke and Mastodon are ready to pummel him within an inch of his life. Brandy and Mel are not to be underestimated, either. So, I’m gonna make a bold prediction. In Season Eleven, Brian Blackfield will not only match but exceed his total Career losses, and he will not become League Champion. As I said most of the season, he’s gonna hit the wall.


Jean-Paul Ouilette is screwed. Yes, promotion to Alpha is the goal. Big success. Well done, bud. But considering the last two to promote had a combined seven wins between them and washed out like total losers? And Ouilette himself had to scratch and claw to get the second promotion slot in the first place? Oh, he’s getting his ass kicked all season. He’ll be the new Simmons. A glorified practice dummy. 4 wins, tops, and that’s being generous. Shot right back to Beta with more bruises than Cecily can kiss and make all better.


Pulsar is one of the luckiest two men in The League. He was relegated. Done. On the fast train to Gamma. And then Simmons made a phone call, and Will Prydor (our glorious leader) made a command decision. Pulsar stays. No relegation. Lucky, lucky, lucky. I mean, he’s still going to job out hard. 5-9 is teh suck in a Beta with only one dominant force. With two confirmed (Gross & Priest) and one possible (Molina), he’s gonna have a bad time.


Yoshi Nakamatsu almost pulled it off. One loss, and the promotion dream ended. There’s pros and cons to this. The pros are he’s not going to get his ass kicked virtually every week like Ouilette is going to. He’ll definitely win more than he does and get more points to improve his skills. On the con side, Gross and Priest are going to make his life a misery, and Molina won’t exactly be fun to deal with, either. Promotion may be out of his grasp before the season even starts. Still, this is Yoshii. He’s pulled off the unexpected before. So let’s just wait and see.


Let’s save predictions about next season until the schedule’s announced, okay?




Gamma Division


Predicted Promotions: Priest (division title winner), Molina

Predicted To Stay In Gamma: Diego, Rose, Stevens, Gibson

Predicted To Be Relegated To Delta: Diamond, Clay


Actual Promotions To Beta: Christian Priest (division champion),Molina

Actual Staying In Gamma: Indigo Rose, Diego Rodriguez, Erick Gibson, Terrance Stevens

Actual Relegated To Delta: Markus Clay, Diamond


Aside from some ordering changes, I was exactly correct. Huh. Imagine that. Anyway, everyone in this division will be battling for second place. Why? Because Monty Dhillon doesn’t have the Delta ruleset holding him back anymore. He’ll rampage about as hard as Priest did. I have no doubts about this. Fighting for second? Specifically, the three technicians. Rose, Diego, and Heartilly. Everyone else is a one dimensional brawler or the lucky Markus Clay. So lets get to the character breakdowns.


Christian Priest

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Diamond (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrance Stevens (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (2-0 Season, 3-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Markus Clay (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Diego Rodriguez

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs Terrance Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Erick Gibson (2-0 Season, 4-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

Erick Gibson

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrance Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-2 Season, 2-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-2 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (1-1 Season, 3-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrance Stevens (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

Indigo Rose

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)


W vs. Terrance Stevens (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (2-0 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Markus Clay (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

Lucas Molina

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)


W vs. Markus Clay (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrance Stevens (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 1-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Markus Clay

W vs. Terrence Stevens (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


L vs. Lucas Molina (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrence Stevens (2-0 Season, 5-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

Terrence Stevens

L vs. Markus Clay (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Christian Priest (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Indigo Rose (1-1 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Markus Clay (0-2 Season, 1-5 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)


Christian Priest is poised to manhandle Beta the same way he manhandled Gamma. Seriously, one loss is bonkers, especially because it came from the guy who finished sixth, not any of the serious promotion candidates. He’s gonna hit it like Blackfield, and dominate all foes. However, the matches with Gross, Molina, and Nakamatsu will at least be interesting viewing.


Diamond completely fell apart in the second half. 3-4 followed by 1-6 and relegation to Delta. Oof size large. Hell of a fall from dark horse promotion candidate at the start of the season. The trio remaining in Delta (as the Omega division has not finished as of this writing) match up to her mostly unfavorably, too. Kichi Hida is a living ball of violence, and the presumptive division winner. Nocturne is a grappler, who she’s always had lots of trouble against. And Scott Stevens is a big burly brawler who can beat her down (especially in Delta’s ruleset) before she can get out of the starting blocks. So it’s gonna be a rough ride. Due to being a PC (and her handler’s only one and thus main) she can’t be relegated to Omega, but that doesn’t mean she can’t have a poor season. Good luck to her.


Diego Rodriguez once again fell just a bit short. He couldn’t beat Priest or Molina, and the loss to Rose threw him out of contention. 7-7’s not bad, but you just know he wants a couple of matches (like the submission loss to Diamond) back. Unfortunately, Priest and Molina have replacements coming in Dhillon and Heartilly. So he’s got to step it up a level if he genuinely wants to get out of Gamma. Dhillon’s probably beyond him, but Heartilly shouldn’t be. Good luck, hermano. You’re gonna need it.


Erick Gibson is a hell of a perseverance story.One does not expect 0-4 wrestlers to stay in their divisions. Let alone finish fifth. Yet somehow, someway, Gibson did that shit. It is amazing. He proved he belongs in Gamma. Good for him. Monty’s gonna snap him in half, but good for him. Hopefully he doesn’t have to scratch and claw so hard to get out of an early hole this time.


Indigo Rose blew her chance at promotion, and everybody knows exactly where. Week 12, the loss vs Markus Clay. She’d won four straight to get into contention while everyone else was waffling around, and then blew it. It’s  gonna sting. 5-2 second half, and it simply wasn’t enough because of one of those two. Or, to be less charitable, the 4 in 3-4 that preceded it. At any rate, she’s a top contender this season, and that’ll have to be her consolation prize. Not for the division title. That belongs to Monty.


Lucas Molina did not quite have the season he may have wanted, but he did manage to promote to Beta by the skin of his teeth. There are a couple matches he wants back (the losses to Stevens and Diamond), but on the whole it was a successful season. With that said, he needs to step his game up. If Beta’s anything like Gamma, he’s going to have just as hard of a time in it. Though if I’m being honest, I don’t want him to promote to Alpha right away. Those guys are killers, and he’s just not ready. Then again, after a successful season in Beta, he may well be ready. Or close to it. So let’s see how it goes, shall we? Side note: We’re doing Priest/Molina: European Rules again. Because hell yeah, baby. LFG.


Markus Clay is the other of the luckiest two men in the League. He was relegated. It was over. And then Simmons took a break, meaning Clay got a last minute reprieve. So he’ll be in Gamma one more time, and he’ll largely be jobbing out one more time. There isn’t much else to be said. He went 4-10. Everyone who mattered beat him like a drum for the most part, and there’s no real reason to believe that’ll change.


Terrance Stevens exceeded expectations…and that’s all that can be said about his season, really. He played spoiler early and then faded back into the crowd. 4-3 to start, and 2-5 to finish. The former was probably an overperformance, and I expect him to resuming his jobbing ways this upcoming season. With, of course, a surprise superkick victory or two to keep things spicy.


Let’s save predictions about next season until the schedule’s announced, okay?




Delta Division


Predicted Promotions: Heartilly, Hida

Predicted Remaining In Delta: Dhillon, Nocturne, Onoo, Stevens

Predicted Relegated To Omega: Tornado, Delight


Actual Promotions To Gamma: Monty Dhillon (division champion), Lance Heartilly

Actual Staying In Delta: Kichi Hida, Nocturne, Scott Stevens (via PC bye)

Actual Relegated To Omega: Jun Onoo, El Tornado, Devil’s Delight


The only part I was wrong about was there being four relegation slots instead of two. Though with Scott Stevens occupying one, it became three as he can’t be relegated due to being a primary PC. I mean, how this division was going to go was pretty damn clear before the season started. Nocturne and Stevens could have played spoiler but mostly they did not and the top trio simply ran over them. But promotions number only two, and so Kichi Hida is left to be Queen of Delta. True to her brand, her reign ought to be short and exceptionally violent. Now, let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Devil’s Delight

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)


L vs. Scott Stevens (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-2 Season, 0-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

El Tornado

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Jun Onoo (0-2 Season, 1-5 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Devil’s Delight (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Jun Onoo

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Monty Dhillon (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


W vs. El Tornado (2-0 Season, 5-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Devil’s Delight (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

Kichi Hida

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-2 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)

Lance Heartilly

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Kichi Hida (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Monty Dhillon (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Kichi Hida (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

Monty Dhillon

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Kichi Hida (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)


W vs. Nocturne (2-0 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (2-0 Season, 4-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Lance Heartilly (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Kichi Hida (2-0 Season, 2-2 Lifetime)


L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lance Heartilly (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lance Heartilly (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

Scott Stevens

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


W vs. Devil’s Delight (2-0 Season, 2-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-2 Season, 0-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (1-1 Season, 1-1 Lifetime)


Devil’s Delight’s two seasons in the League were object lessons in futility. 4-10 and 2-12. Yeesh. But you know, I think I’ll miss her. When she hit her form, she was a tough match for anyone. Those six career wins didn’t happen by accident. There was something there. But ultimately not enough, and now she is banished to Omega to give her approach a rethink.


El Tornado, on the other hand, will not be missed much. A League career spent jobbing super hard, and Omega ought to be no different. He’s fast as hell, and has some good moves, but his negative traits simply doom him to forever sucking. Goodbye forever.


Jun Onoo will be missed even less. A generic big man with nothing to offer other than size and (some) power, he is rightfully condemned to the basement. When your total match time over two matches vs Kichi Hida doesn’t reach seven minutes, you just suck. Again, goodbye forever. Probably.


Speaking of Kichi Hida, the Queen of Delta lost to two people last season, both of whom were promoted. If that doesn’t make the newcomers from Omega quake in their boots, nothing will. Except, perhaps, her average win time of about seven and a half minutes. Bottom line? As it stands, Delta is hers to lose. Though, with literally half the division unrevealed as of this writing, that’s a bit less impressive than it sounds. Still, unless they’re the second coming of Lance Heartilly or Monty Dhillon, she’s probably going to roll over them.


Speaking of Lance Heartilly, he may have looked untouchable at times in Delta, but so did his technical predecessor Lucas Molina, and he hit a bit of a wall in Gamma. Promoting again is a bit of a longshot for him, but he shouldn’t be relegated back to Delta. He’s just not good enough to overcome Diego and Rose, and Monty has already proved that he’s surpassed him. So Lance joins the Gamma stalwarts, at least for a season.


Monty Dhillon, on the other hand, ain’t staying long. As I’ve previously stated, he’s gonna rampage all over Gamma much like Priest and Blackfield before him. The trio of technicians may make things interesting, but Gamma is his to lose. There’s nothing else to be said. He dominated Delta, he’s gonna dominate Gamma, and he’ll probably dominate Beta, too.


Nocturne is Lance Heartilly’s kryptonite. Nice. She also slid in just above the relegation line. Double nice. With half the division still to be revealed, she’s probably the front runner to get the second promotion slot. Triple nice. Whether she’s ready for that after the other four are revealed is another issue. Kichi’s probably still out of her weight class, and heaven only knows how good the newcomers are going to be, or what training Diamond and Scott Stevens are up to. Still, for now she’s number two. Hard work paying off. Hopefully it will continue to do so.


Scott Stevens…I think it’s safe to say that the season did not go the way he wished it would have. 4-10 is not a good record. Placing below El Tornado in the rankings has to sting. But he’s still here because of being a Primary PC. Hooray or second chances. Part of the problem last season was having three dominant forces simply bulldozing everyone else. Two of those forces have promoted away, and it remains to be seen if any of the incoming four can replace them. So he’s already in a better position, at least for now. I think he can do better this coming season. Promotion may still be out of his reach, with Nocturne and Kichi there, but I think he can do better than 4-10.


Let’s save predictions about next season until the schedule’s announced, okay?

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Okay, folks, buckle in. I've got one piece of confirmed news that has been announced before, and not written about in-thread/in-character that I need to touch on, one piece of rumored news (that may be confirmed/denied sometime next month), giving a peek behind the curtain regarding moveset refreshes to be done this off-season, and just something to mention in passing since I'm going to delay posting it until sometime in December, to give the thread some bumps before the end-of-year holidays.

I'll cover the last but of the above first. Here's official confirmation that Omega Division action has been completed as of roughly three hours ago (as of the time of this post). In a 17-round schedule, it's going to take 12 or 13 wins to promote into Delta this season. The number of people actually promoting remains to be seen based on any other PCs signing up, and results will be officially announced sometime in December, but the cutoff is going to be 12-5 at worst. We also have an unofficial fastest match time, as one Omega Division bout actually broke the sub-three-minute barrier using the Delta Division ruleset, proving that it is possible!



Brother of recently-signed Delta Division wrestler to join promotion in 2024

BALTIMORE, MD--Late yesterday evening, the contract was officially signed to bring George Stevens into The League, starting in Season Eleven. This brings the number of Stevens in The League to four, as George joins his father Cary and brother Scott. (The fourth, Terrance Stevens of Canada, is unrelated.)

"Long-time fans of The League, stemming back to our original run, may draw similarities between George Stevens and Rannulf von Krushengburg," League owner and commissioner Will Prydor said in a statement posted on YouTube. "Regardless, the Stevens family continues to expand their influence outside of Texas, with the addition of another member of the clan to the active roster. I for one will be interested to see Scott and George lock up in Delta Division action this upcoming season, and a part of me is also interested to see what role, if any, that the Stevens' patriarch will play in those two matches."

The newest signing to The League is well over 350 pounds in weight, something that fans of the Delta Division may be happy to see with the recent promotion of Monty Dhillon to the Gamma Division and the relegation of Jun Onoo into the untelevised and unofficial Omega Division.

With the addition of George, the Delta Division is set to consist of George and Scott Stevens, Nocturne, Kichi Hida, and Diamond, as well as up to three wrestlers promoted from the aforementioned Omega Division. The person originally scheduled to join Diamond from the Gamma Division via relegation, Markus Clay, was given a reprieve as a part of the restructuring needed with the sudden departure of Daniel Simmons for a season.

Season Eleven of The League is scheduled to start in January 2024.





Maven Deltzer, via the Grappling Viewer Weekly newsletter

My source in League Headquarters in Baltimore have sent word to me that more division restructuring is on the horizon prior to The League starting competition for Season Eleven. While I was not given names, in order to protect my source in that office from being discovered, I can confirm that it will be the two lowest divisions of the promotion that will be affected.

Naturally, when asked about this, The League's official press liaison denied all claims and rumors. "Given that the League Headquarters consists of just me and Will [Prydor]," Tori Montgomery-Prydor told me, "I'm not quite sure where you're getting these absurd rumors. If something was indeed happening, I'd think either Will or I would know about it without an outside wrestling observer being told first."

Mrs. Montgomery-Prydor conveniently neglected to mention that their Chief Statistician, Amelia Warder, is also listed as being on the three-member Board of Directors for The League, though Mrs. Warder's duties do not encroach into the boardroom or executive realms. Still, if one of the heads of the promotion is willing to omit such crucial information when she was originally a journalist herself, then it leads one to wonder if The League is really thriving, or only holding on by the skin of its teeth as the lack of a touring schedule destroys a major revenue stream for what is already a barebones promotion, given that they're currently housed at Prydor's wrestling school in rural northeastern Maryland.

Finally, as I always note when I report on this promotion, I once again ask why this newest run simply did not reset the season count to start from Season One, instead of acknowledging-but-not-fully-counting the previous seasons in their promotional materials. Simply baffling to me, and possibly another sign that their commissioner may have lost some of his wits during the course of his own wrestling career.





Out of 22 GMPCs who were put in for reroll, only five rolled high enough to have their movesets redone this offseason, with only one getting a customized moveset:

ALPHA DIVISION: The Mastodon and Brandy McDonald

BETA DIVISION: Angela Wassermann will have a custom-tailored moveset made that she cannot alter until after Season Thirteen. In addition, Daniel Simmons had also rolled for a moveset regen but that will be put into effect for his return to the Gamma Division in Season Twelve. Simmons had everything happen to him at once this offseason, lol.

GAMMA DIVISION: Diego Rodriguez


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For those interested, the League Records post has been updated to reflect the happenings of Season Ten.

Overall match ratings went down a hair, Delta Division bout times went down by more than thirty seconds, and a new section has been added now that there's been more than five European Rules matches that detail the longest matches of that type separately from the other gimmick matches.

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Points Ranking The League

IPW presents an exciting new analytical tool!


spacer.png  William Peart - Publisher, Senior Editor

Last week, Maryland's The League released their first set of Power Rankings. As it turns out, here at Inside Pro Wrestling, we've been working on a similar ranking system. Our rankings are based on a system of points awarded week by week. To explain the system in further detail, and to show how Points Rankings differ from Power Rankings, I now turn you over to IPW's Senior Statistician, Fred Landers:

Fred Landers: Thanks, Will. IPW's Points Ranking system is something we've been working on for a few years now and we're very excited about it. The concept of a points ranking system isn't new. Similar systems are used in popular international sports like soccer and in professional tours like tennis. The idea is to mathematically determine the relative ranking of athletes and teams that don't compete against each other in set schedules. While professional sports teams can be quantified by their own league's standings, tennis players and international soccer teams, for example, don't always play in the same tournaments, play the same number of games, or face the same quality of opponents. Points systems have therefore been developed to quantify their achievements relative to each other, based on formulae unique to each type of competition.

Wrestling's The League does in fact have its own standings and inherent ranking system based on wins and losses, and that's fine for most fans. However, many of us are curious about how wrestlers in different divisions, who do not compete head to head, really stack up against each other. While it's fun to debate the relative strength of a Brian Blackfield versus Season Ten champion George Matachas based on personal impressions and "eyeball tests", here at IPW, we decided to develop a system to definitively answer questions like these.

Before I share our initial results, let me first answer Will's question about how Points Rankings differ from Power Rankings. There are two answers to this. In pure technical terms, the answer is that Power Rankings modify a wrestler's win/loss record by the quality of their victories or losses, while Points Rankings modify them by the quality of their opponents. The more fanciful answer is that Power Rankings are a measure of a wrestler's potential. That is, a wrestler whose Power Ranking is better than their Win/Loss record may be on the verge of a breakout, while a wrestler whose Power Ranking is worse than their Win/Loss record has probably been lucky and may be in for hard times. Points Rankings can be used to determine potential, but they're a little more definitively a measure of what a wrestler has done rather than what they will do.

With all that being said, let's look at some numbers! The first two charts I'm going to show you are not considered official rankings by Inside Pro Wrestling. Our system, which is designed to be updated weekly, requires two full seasons to properly "calibrate" a wrestler's true value. Hence, the Season Eight final numbers here are based on an insufficient sample size for true accuracy, and the Season Nine numbers, while better, still contain some artifacts from the initial seeding period. Also note that the rankings for any wrestler who hasn't completed two full seasons will be artificially low.



Even though these results are unofficial and contain minor inaccuracies, you can see certain trends begin to take form. Alpha Division wrestlers are clustered near the top, while Delta Division provides a consistent block at the bottom. That latter condition is unlikely to change with four (on average) new competitors entering that division each season. Beta and Gamma divisions are more spread out and intertwined, but that reflects popular analysis of the middle divisions. One of the first things we noticed, and consider it a validation of our system, is how the lowest-ranked performers in each division are typically the ones to be relegated at season's end, and the same is true for higher-ranked competitors and promotions.

In our next article, we'll discuss how these rankings are determined, and we'll provide a complete week-by-week breakdown of Season Ten so you can see the system in action. See you then!


c20231128 IPWPublishingInc


Edited by Croquemitaine
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Points Ranking The League - Part 2

See the first official results from IPW's revolutionary new ranking system!


spacer.png  William Peart - Publisher, Senior Editor

In our last article on this subject, IPW's Senior Statistician, Fred Landers, introduced our new Points Ranking system along with a sampling of test data from two prior seasons. Today, Fred will go more in depth on the mechanics of the system and will also share our complete Season Ten official results. Take it away Fred!

Fred Landers: Thanks again, Will. First, I have to say, is that everyone here at IPW's Information and Analysis Department are blown away by all the positive feedback we've received regarding our introductory article on the new Ranking System. On behalf of the whole team, I want to let you know that we appreciate your kind words. Now, on to business!

Our system, like most such systems, begins with wins and losses. After all, winning matches is the point of professional wrestling. IPW awards a number of points to the winner of every League match. The points awarded are weighted by division, and then modified by the current ranking of both competitors. Defeat someone ranked higher than you? Earn bonus points! Defeat someone lower on the scale? Your award is pro-rated. It's largely because of the system's reliance on itself as a point of reference that our Season 8 and 9 results are considered unofficial.

The design team reached a consensus that it would take two full seasons worth of results to properly valuate a wrestler's overall performance. This not only impacts League rookies, whose rankings simply cannot scale properly against those of veterans, but also has a long-term effect on those veterans, as older results are dropped from the equation and one can no longer rely on past glories to buoy one's position on the charts.

Now, on to said charts! We'll begin by looking at the first half of Season Ten. I will remind you that as points are awarded week by week, so also are results from Season Eight being removed from the calculations. This occasionally causes unexpected fluctuations in a wrestler's position. As Season Nine's rookies have no Season Eight results to lose, their sample size will slowly approach parity with the veterans and normalize their rankings. Season Ten rookies will, of course, still be playing catch-up until the end of next season.



A quick analysis of the first half results reveals a few interesting tidbits. There is consistency at the top and bottom of the charts, but in between there is a fair bit of movement. Dominant performances by Brian Blackfield and Christian Priest are finally being rewarded after proving themselves against stronger competition. Lower down the card, Monty Dhillon, like Blackfield in prior seasons, is suffering from the choking effect of exclusively fighting significantly lower-ranked competition. The Reverend Johnny Gross, in the midst of a disastrous season, maintains a high-ranking based on his strong season nine performance, while similarly unsuccessful division-mate Daniel Simmons is experiencing the free-fall that comes from an extended losing-streak.



The second half largely continues the trends established in the first. Nuclear Templeton resumes the lock he's held on the #1 position since the final week of Season Eight. Blackfield, Priest, and Molina burst into the top 10, establishing themselves as major players and promising big shake-ups in the coming seasons. Lower down, we see the opposite of what I called the choking effect, as wrestlers at the bottoms of their divisions can often make significant jumps with one or two big wins. Daniel Simmons did this in Week Thirteen, transforming a potentially embarrassing season into a merely disappointing one.

Gamma Division wrestlers finished both above and below the entirety of Beta Division, demonstrating a general level of parity in the midcard. Kichi Hida served notice that whatever struggles or nagging injuries held her back at the close of season nine are well behind her. Lance Heartilly, reaching rank 25 on only one season's worth of points, shows himself as an instant force to be reckoned with.

Our main takeaway from Season Ten's final rankings is this: Season Eleven is going to be earth-shaking! And we'll be there, updating our rankings every week for your enjoyment and analysis. Until then, enjoy your off-season everyone, and see you in January!


c20231129 IPWPublishingInc




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OOC Post: If it wasn't obvious from the lurid yellow banner, I was attempting to channel a 1980's/PWI/Apter Mag vibe with my writing and presentation of the Rankings System. As part of that, I was ambiguous about whether this article was meant to feature on a website or in a magazine. Obviously, for 2023, you expect to find wrestling journalism online, but if you'd like to imagine that our League battles are taking place thirty-five years ago in the far-distant past of 1988, I tried to accomodate.

The system itself is something I conceived about ten years ago for a potential TEW2013 diary that never happened. The basic mechanics have never stopped roiling around in my head and a few weeks ago I decided to apply it to The League as an off-season activity. It's a far-from-perfect system, and by rush-compiling three seasons of data over the weekend I have definitely introduced data errors, but then it's all in fun. Keeping it updated week-by-week during Season Eleven will be a much simpler task.

If you're wondering why the Season Eight data had to be deemed unofficial, I have one phrase for you which must never be uttered again:  "Former World #1 Big Scott Weathers!"

Brandy McDonald actually held the #1 position for most of Season Eight, losing it to Nuclear Templeton in the last week. Nuke's had it on lockdown ever since, barring one blip where George Mastachas slipped ahead.

As it turns out, for all the flack she's taken, Devil's Delight is not the biggest jobber in League history. Congratulations are in order to El Tornado. We wish you luck in your future endeavors!

If I had to do it over again, I'd rank by Points Averages rather than Points Totals, which would be more fair to rookies and eliminate a few system glitches caused by their artificially low rankings (for example, Monty Dhillon and Lance Heartilly are roughly on the same level as wrestlers, but Heartilly received 45 points for defeating Dhillon, while Dhillon received only 25 for returning the favour). However, because any change to the formula means I have to go back and redo the stats week by week going back to the beginning of season eight, I'm going to stick with what I have and blame all inaccuracies on those hacks at IPW.

For those of you familiar with pre-2020 TEW games, here's how I see wrestler's point totals indicating relative position on the card:

0 to 299 = Enhancement Talent (aka Dark Match Jobber)

300 to 399 = Opener (aka TV Jobber)

400 to 499 = Lower Midcard

500 to 599 = Midcard

600 to 699 = Upper Midcard

700 to 799 = Main Eventer

800 to 899 = Championship Contender

900+ = Wrestling God!


Anyway, this system is all in fun and I hope you enjoyed the presentation, and I hope some of you actually find these rankings useful and insightful.


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(Let's end November with one final piece of news that at least one PC will likely welcome. This comes by way of what's become a "traditional" character-development piece of writing in between seasons. This time around? The boss that everyone loves to hate, who may actually be more human than we care to think...)



The Aerie School of Professional Wrestling, November 30, 2023, 3:21 p.m. local time

The sound of the phone ringing startled me out of my idle thoughts. I wasn’t sure who would be calling today, since there were no classes scheduled at all today—Thursdays were my rest days before the regular chaos that came with The League and then regular classes during the week. Why change a schedule during the offseason? Shaking my head to clear out any remaining cobwebs, I hit the button to activate the speakerphone. “The Aerie.”

“Mr. Prydor? Hold please for Mr. Gibson.”

I felt both eyebrows rise a little at this. Wait a second. Karen McClure actually is his administrative assistant? Or is he just living up the gimmick? Why does he have to straddle the line that much? Any further thoughts were quickly discarded as a tired voice came over the airwaves. “Will, Erick Gibson.”

“You sound like you’ve had a rough couple of weeks since the season ended, Erick.”

“That’s putting it lightly. While I’ve been trying to make a go of it in The League, my so-called loyal subordinates have been plotting to steal my company out from under me. Monday was the last straw, as they managed to divert a lot of business away on Cyber Monday, and because of that and Black Friday not being as lucrative as I had hoped due to their meddling, I’m needing to put out fires in the office before the board takes action.”

I’m glad this call wasn’t a video call, as otherwise he would have seen my face screw up in…distaste? Disgust? Simple consternation? “So should I presume this is going to take a few months, Erick? I highly doubt any sort of serious movement is going to happen with the end of year holidays approaching.”

I head a heavy sigh on the other end of the call. “Will, I know I walk a tightrope between my on-screen gimmick and my other duties outside the ring. As I know you’re not a competitor in any fashion, I’ll be perfectly blunt with you here. Karen and I both are at our wits’ end. She hasn’t had enough time to help with researching possible counter-strategies with the weekly commitment we’ve agreed to with you, and I certainly have not been doing my part as the CEO of KMEG Manufacturing and Sales, being distracted with trying to break out of the Gamma Division. In the end, I’m afraid wrestling is more of a hobby and a way for us to advertise. I have people here who rely on me to provide jobs, and I’ve been lacking in that regard for a little while now. I need to get my affairs in order before I can come back with a clear conscience.”

Ah. Now I could place the emotion that had been scrunching my face up. The dawning realization of dread that some creative maneuvering was about to be needed. “I understand better than you mightthink, Erick. You do realize that by the rules we all agreed to that you’re losing your spot in Gamma Division, even though I think I can tell that’s the last thing on your mind at the moment.”

“I do, and it is. Karen and I…we need to get this set right, Will. Unless something disastrous happens, I can see this being cleared up by the spring, and I’ll touch base with you then to fill you in on what plans, if any, have developed. But as it stands we need to step away and save our business, and the livelihoods of a couple hundred workers.”

“I understand, Erick. I’m not sure how much help I can be, knowing very little about boardroom politics and manufacturing in general, but the line’s open if you or Karen need an ear to bend. After all, I'm running a business too, after all.”

“Appreciated, Will. We’ll make it up to you once we get things done right here. Just one other thing?”

I think I knew what was coming next. “That is?”

“Don’t let word get out that I’m doing this for the good of others. I have a character reputation to maintain.”

Yep. Called that one. “Not a problem. Give my regards to Karen, and if I don’t speak to you again before then, happy holidays, Erick.”

“Same to you and yours, Will.” The call disconnected, and the very next word out of my mouth was one completely not suitable for an office environment, and at a volume also not suitable for the office. I already had had to compromise for the Beta and Gamma divisions when Daniel Simmons had to step away for bereavement—and thinking of that made me jot a note down that I should call to check on him sometime next week to see how he’s holding up—but this development with Erick was about to ruin the Gamma Division. Even though I admit, the temptation to simply not relegate Diamond was strong—hell, she was a League Original talent, could it really be held against me if I ruled in her favor this one time?—I knew that was a dangerous slope to travel. If I did it once, who says I wouldn’t do it again?

No. I had said on the record that division champions always would promote if able, and last-place finishers would always relegate. I need to stick by that. That still left me the quandary of only seven people in the Gamma Division, and no cushion to keep from relegation.

I’m ashamed to admit that it took me about three minutes longer than it should have to realize the solution was right there in the Delta Division all along. There was a third wrestler who had double-digit wins in Delta, a clear step above fourth-place in the division. It would make far more sense for me to promote her than it would to keep Diamond from dropping into Delta.

A quick phone call to my wife later, to alert her that she would unfortunately have another article blurb to write for The League, made it official. Part of me wondered just how a certain someone, who was expecting to be the Queen of next season’s Delta Division, would react to finding out that she would not be in Delta after all?

Guess I should call her to find out, huh?






Tori Montgomery-Prydor, press liaison for The League

BALTIMORE, MD—In a move that few inside the wrestling world would have seen coming, Erick Gibson informed League Headquarters that he would miss at least the upcoming Season Eleven, if not beyond, due to bad factors attempting to put him out of business.

While Gibson was unavailable to be reached for comment, his administrative assistant and League manager, Karen McClure, provided the following statement.

“Corporate espionage has affected the business that Erick Gibson has spent years building. These people seem to believe that while Mr. Gibson is otherwise distracted, that they can sneak in and wrest control of a multimillion-dollar company away from him. Mr. Gibson has worked far too long to let some greedy parasites take what he’s built and sell it to a competitor for mere pennies on the dollar. In order to ensure that his business interests remain his, Mr. Gibson has elected to step away from The League until such time as he has regained control of the company that he singlehandedly put together.”

This creates another opening in the Gamma Division, which has already seen one change as Markus Clay was saved from relegation due to the announcement earlier this month of Daniel Simmons requesting to be absent for Season Eleven.

“While some will point to the fact that Diamond should be kept in the Gamma Division, I have elected to take a different approach. In the Delta Division last season, three people finished with ten or more wins. Two of them have already earned promotion to the Gamma Division. With this change in the roster, and given where the changes are going to take effect, I feel it’s only proper that the third person to amass a double-digit win total in the Delta Division last season be promoted to the Gamma Division. The bottom half of The League is shaping up to be very interesting, as Delta Division champion Monty Dhillon and second-place finisher Lance Heartilly will be officially joined by Kichi Hida, who replaces Erick Gibson in the Gamma Division for Season Eleven.”

At the time of this article, Kichi Hida could not be reached for comment.

Season Eleven of The League is scheduled to begin on January 9, 2024, with the contract window for new signees closing on December 31, 2023.

Barring any further developments, the current roster for Season Eleven of The League is as follows:


  • George Mastachas (defending League Champion)
  • Nuclear Templeton
  • The Mastodon
  • Brandy McDonald
  • Mel O’Hallister
  • De’siree Mitchell
  • Brian Blackfield (Beta Division champion)
  • Jean-Paul Ouilette (promoted from Beta)


  • Reverend Johnny Gross (relegated from Alpha)
  • Yoshii Nakamatsu
  • Billy Norris
  • Blood River
  • Angela Wassermann
  • Pulsar
  • Christian Priest (Gamma Division champion)
  • Lucas Molina (promoted from Gamma)


  • Big Scott Weathers (relegated from Beta)
  • Diego Rodriguez
  • Indigo Rose
  • Terrance Stevens
  • Markus Clay
  • Monty Dhillon (Delta Division champion)
  • Lance Heartilly (promoted from Delta)
  • Kichi Hida (promoted from Delta as a result of this announcement)


  • Diamond (relegated from Gamma)
  • Nocturne
  • Scott Stevens
  • George Stevens
  • Four open roster spots, to be filled with by new contracts or top finishers from the Omega Division


(OOC comment: There will be no further developments in the upper three divisions. Simmons and Gibson were the only two to fail their medical checks. Everyone else is locked in and we’re just waiting on how many PCs sign up before I know how many Omega folks are coming over.  Also, in case you glazed over it above… new PC signups will be open for the entire month of December. Deadline for new PC signups is 9:00 PM eastern US time on December 31, to allow me a week and change to finalize everything for Season Eleven. Currently, three PCs and a GMPC are slated to move up from Omega. Sometime in the middle of next week I’ll post the lower portion of the Omega Division results, and will only add to the top of them as new PCs join and close up slots for Omega Division folks to join.)

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On 11/30/2023 at 7:00 PM, ShadowedFlames said:

A quick phone call to my wife later, to alert her that she would unfortunately have another article blurb to write for The League, made it official. Part of me wondered just how a certain someone, who was expecting to be the Queen of next season’s Delta Division, would react to finding out that she would not be in Delta after all?

Guess I should call her to find out, huh?

On a presumably unrelated note, shortly after this call was made, a minor earthquake hit Sendai in the Tohoku region of Japan. Any reports of the cause of the quake being a young woman yelling


at the absolute top of her lungs are anecdotal at best and should be disregarded. No damage beyond some broken windows has been reported.


At the time of this article, Kichi Hida could not be reached for comment.

Presumably because the last time she was reached, the reporter returned in "loser of a Japanese style Deathmatch" condition. Said reporter, while physically recovered, cannot be permitted within arm's reach of anything that could be used or repurposed as a bludgeoning, slashing or piercing weapon, up to and including such mundane items as cheese graters and staplers.

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Cross-post from the Rules thread:

Couple of dates of interest:

* PC SIGNUP DEADLINE FOR SEASON ELEVEN: December 31, 2023, 9:00 PM eastern US time. This allows for any post-holiday signups to occur before starting the new season, and gives me a little time to do the administrative work in getting them added to my documents before…

* PLANNED SEASON ELEVEN START DATE: January 13, 2024. In the news post above I mention January 9. That’s when I expect to have an official schedule released, all of the administrative work done, and initial posts updated for the new roster. The first actual show is planned for Saturday the 13th. I intend to keep to my Saturday show posting unless I need to move to a Sunday due to RealLife(tm).

* PLANNED SEASON ELEVEN END DATE: If I math correctly, the weekend of April 20, 2024. That should allow for 14 regular season weeks and the traditional midseason Tag Team Turmoil week. Naturally RealLife(tm) may push this back. Decisions on a potential Season Twelve will be debated at that time.


EDITED TO ADD: Also, expect at least one roster member to have a new Croquemitaine render for Season Eleven. A second may come if that person gets out of Omega. Both of these have already gotten my nod of approval and are official, I just have to add them to my own Imgur and update the links accordingly on my master documents. Any other renders would be a bonus as I’m not about to demand more from him. I’d rather not get Empire Bombed into oblivion! 😂

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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  1. ????????????, 13-4
  2. ????????????, 13-4
  3. ????????????, 12-5
  4. ????????????, 12-5
  5. "Dirty" John Murdoch: 11-6, 9:48.182
  6. Kyler den Boen: 10-7, 9:26.400
  7. Lord Robert Abernathy: 9-8, 11:56.444
  8. Jimmy Anarchy: 9-8, 7:44.222
  9. Sakura Uematsu: 9-8, 10:29.333
  10. Rhys Caddell: 9-8, 13:13.778
  11. Joslin Baroni: 8-9, 7:46.500
  12. Otto von Schwarz: 7-10, 12:35.714
  13. Vladimir Chavinski: 6-11, 11:19.833
  14. The Siberian Nightmare: 6-11, 12:06.000
  15. Elyssa Anderson: 5-12, 10:52.000
  16. Sven Ulafsson: 5-12, 10:30.800
  17. Vaea: 5-12, 12:30.800
  18. Sin: 4-13, 10:01.750


As PCs sign up, I'll reveal the top four from fourth place and moving towards the top. I'm purposely withholding the victory times as those might give away who falls where in the rankings.

The top four consist some order of the following: Leon de Ramos, Mickey Steele, Rock Sheridan, and Sterling Silver.

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I’ve tried three times in the last week to knock out movesets, and every time I get distracted. 😡 So now I’m posting it to give myself accountability.

Thursday, which is normally a night “off” in League activities, is hereby reserved for movesets from 5 pm until 9 pm due to my roommate working overtime that night. Any leftover time on Thursday is for updating Trait sets for GMPCs, which I plan on fleshing out on the spreadsheet while at work tomorrow and Wednesday.  THIRD EDIT: So…guess who actually had time on Tuesday night to knock out all four movesets? I still need to test Wassermann’s customized set some more but these are actually done and ready. Thursday is now solely for updating trait/Attribute Sets in WS3, see below for more.

Also intend soon(tm) to round out another character or two for Omega. I’ve had a couple ideas pop in my head and I might as well try to make the backstories while the ideas are still fresh.


EDITED TO ADD: work done while at work today, list is still pending another five hours of the work day…

* Minor updates to GMPC bios for Season Eleven., which will go live on January 9.

* Alpha and Beta Division schedules are complete. Gamma Division has names filled in but no gimmick bouts yet. Delta has half the names filled in, also no gimmick bouts.  SECOND EDIT: Top three divisions are now fully done, Delta just needs confirmation of names.

* My “post update assistant” sheet, which is where I copy/paste the roster updates for records, XP, etc., has been provisionally updated. This alone saves me about 20 minutes of work a week since everything is right there, I just need to add formatting and let the links populate into pictures.

* Of 21 confirmed GMPCs, I’ve started TP assignments and updated documentation on the sheet/“Post Update Assistant” to make those accurate for Season Eleven. THIRD EDIT: all GMPCs have had their TP assigned/banked as appropriate.

* Physical Health sheet has been updated for wear-and-tear atrophy for Season Eleven. At minor damage every week, the difference is 0.08 between those competing in their fourth straight season and those just starting out over the course of 14 weeks. Subtle, but noticeable over time. 

* Ideas added for two new GMPCs, one of whom is related to a current roster member but a total opposite of their sibling. This is not Devil’s Angel/Rebecca Solomon as I’ve hinted at in the First and Second Interludes; this is a completely different character.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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