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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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Match 1

Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)


Beef Captains (George Mastachas and Jun Onoo)

- Former Champs, last season's runner-ups - Can't see them dropping this early unless Mastachas-Mania is running wild.


Match 2

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Billy And The Cult (Billy Norris and Blood River)

- Blackfield's a monster in singles competition and has a former runner up in Reverend Gross backing him in this time. Similar to above, unless River does something special here, I can't see the Divine dropping this.


Match 3

The First Church (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Four Fists No Waiting (Big Scott Weathers and Jean-Paul Ouilette)

- Rivals be damned, the Church is being represented in fine from - Violence from two meaty men. Best of luck to Weathers and JPO but this season's Delta finalist is going to be Monty.


Match 4

Irish Canadian Connection (Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister)


Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)

- A chance to back what's left of the reigning champions AND Molina, who is an absolute monster in his own right? Excellent. However this is a super spooky matchup. The Spoiler, Terrance Stevens lurks to strike again and Lance Heartilly with his leglock and skills is a danger to O'Hallister. Every chance for the upset here.



Match 5

Sky High (Markus Clay and El Tornado)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

- Sky High will go all the way to the finals or crash out early, there's no in-between here. Sadly I rate the technical ability of Rose the Nocturne to turn this into a grind. Expecting a dull, 35+ minute 2-0 here.


Match 6

Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)


Zodiac Blitz (De’siree Mitchell and Pulsar)

- IT'S TIME, IT'S MASTODON TIME! Highly effective manager in McClure and a rampant Mastodon? Maaan that's going to be a hard team to stop.


Match 7

Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)


ARM. BAR. (Angela Wassermann and Devil’s Delight)

- Unless Wassermann can pull something special here (or Devil's Angel can do something similar) then I'm expecting a wash. Too big and powerful here.

Match 8

Made In Japan (Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida)


Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)

- I love the team of Nakamatsu & Hida, just hate their matchup. In a longer matchup, Rodriguez's grappling should reign supreme here.


Match 9

Brandy On The Rocks (Brandy McDonald and Diamond)


Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)

- Potentially MOTN here (outside of the main event of course). I really, really rate this combination of Simmons's all-round power and striking with Rodriguez's technical genius. That said, Diamond & Brandy compliment another equally as well and have the success they do for a reason. Flipped a coin here.


Match 10

Team Friendship (Terrance Stevens and Lance Heartilly)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

- The Heartilly Grappling tour continues here, however there's a catch - Rose brought a counter in Nocturne. Do I think Stevens is going to run through Rose again in 6 minutes? Twice? No. This one comes now to the Delta competitors here.


Match 11

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


Nuclear BBQ (Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens)

- Phoenix touch on this just above; an preview for Blackfield next season facing the Champ & Gross. if Blackfield can tie up the radioactive fury of Nuclear, then Gross should outclass Stevens - should. Potential star making showing here for The Scorpion.


Match 12

The First Church (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)


Money And Power (The Mastodon and Erick Gibson)

- HOSS FIGHT and the math is simple, Two hosses > One.


Match 13

Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)


Aria of Thorns (Indigo Rose and Nocturne)

- Indulgent tipping part one gives us a runback of last week's classic between Rodriguez/Rose. Simmons should be too much here for Nocture, so unless Rose can get some manner of payback it'll be Just Two Guys into the final.


Match 14

Divine Juggernaut (Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross)


The First Church (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

- Selfishly? This is the match-up I'm hoping for 😛 . Priest/Gross clashing, Dhillon looking to prove his worth and the looming danger (and past beating) of the Juggernaut? Give me that drama!


Tag Team Turmoil Championship Match

Just Two Guys (Daniel Simmons and Diego Rodriguez)


The First Church (Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest)

- Simmons is the wildcard here. Priest was able to handle Rodriguez earlier this season and I would expect Monty to do better with his grappling skills. Any cardio concerns for Dhillion/Diego are off-set by Priest & Simmons. I'll throw out a call and say The First Church get out to a strong three-four fall lead in the first half hour and doesn't get caught as the teams exchange falls.

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So, as a note to clarify what’s being changed and when, training wise:

OVR changes, Gamma/Delta training, and PC training happens before TTT. Setting up ten GMPC characters for training is likely going to take a fair chunk of my evening tonight. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not chomping at the bit to get through Baldur’s Gate 3, huh?

I’m fairly sure I’m missing something else here…ah. Predictions. I’ll edit in my actual reasons behind my picks after work because I’m in the busiest part of my work day and Fates forbid I look at a screen that’s not my work computer for more than 90 seconds, but in summary:

Opening Round: Brandy/Diamond, Hida/Yoshii, Rose/Nocturne, Molina/Mel, Gross/Blackfield, Nuclear/Stevens, Mastodon/Gibson, Monty/Priest.

Quarterfinals: Hida/Yoshii, Molina/Mel, Nuclear/Stevens, Monty/Priest

Semifinals: Molina/Mel, Nuclear/Stevens

Finals: Molina/Mel win 9-6.


EDIT: Now that I’m at home and have killed yellow jacket #8 to enter my living room since Thursday…yeah, don’t ask lest you be subjected to an hour rant explaining why “all landlords are b@$**rds”…actual rationales!


Match 1: Brandy McDonald and Diamond. They have experience, and success as a team. Mastachas and Onoo have yet to win a single TTT match combined. This should be a walk.


Match 2: Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross. Sure, Blackfield’s sucked during TTT. But he’s teaming with one of the best to never win it. That should be enough to get over the first hurdle.


Match 3: Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest. This is almost as much of a walk as the 1 v 16 match, in my view.


Match 4: Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister. There is no way half of the defending champions loses in the opening round. Keeping my storyline additions aside, the whole “Molina cancels Lance, solve for the remainder” doesn’t quite add up since Lance could be in there with Mel. But I just don’t think Heartilly can carry Stevens past these two.


Match 5: Indigo Rose and Nocturne. First off, dig the name EP established for these two. With that said, the 5-12 match always seems to be prone to upsets in most tournaments. Same here. It’s Nocturne who earns the decisive third fall to advance.


Match 6: The Mastodon and Erick Gibson. Pulsar? More like Black Hole, amirite? Mastodon has enough to carry Gibson, McClure not a factor yet.


Match 7: Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens. Devil’s Angel essentially needs to make this a 3 on 2 match for them to have a chance. Failing that, the 7 seeds move on.


Match 8: Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida. Simmons has been terrible this season, and if he stands across from Hida she’s going to make him regret it.


Match 9: Yoshii Nakamatsu and Kichi Hida. Diamond’s the weak link here. Yoshii did well against Diamond in Gamma, and Hida’s…well, Hida. Diamond is isolated and McDonald doesn’t play a factor here.


Match 10: Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister. 4 v 12 match here, and this is where the Cinderella run ends. This is my sleeper pick for the pre-finals MOTN.


Match 11: Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens. Gross gets isolated, and eats an Armageddon Lariat and then a Radiation Leak in the span of 60 seconds to ruin the dream semifinals match.


Match 12: Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest. This is going to be closer than some think. 2-1, 27 minutes, Karen McClure directly leads to the first fall on Dhillon before Priest lays waste to Gibson for two straight.


Match 13: Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister. Coin flip. But I think here is where Kida’s luck runs out. 2-1, 33 minutes, 3* as Molina uses his submissions to tap out Kichi.


Match 14: Nuclear Templeton and Scott Stevens. Upset pick. Dhillon and (especially) Priest will be so upset that they don’t face Gross/Blackfield that Stevens sneaks up on them. 2-1, Stevens piledriver Priest for the deciding fall.


Tag Team Turmoil Championship Match: Lucas Molina and Mel O’Hallister. Stevens will be the weakness on his side, and Nuclear is not going to be in there for the full hour. Molina gets the first two, O’Hallister the third, Nuclear takes three straight before tagging out to Stevens. Four straight falls makes it 7-3 and it’s over from there. 9-6 the final for Molina and a two-time TTT Champ.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Also, as I prepare to start running what matches I can for TTT (at this point it’s a fair chunk of the opening round), this will also serve as final warning for any late Omega Division entries. Right now I have between 16 and 18 entries depending on who I want to include GMPC wise, and I will be running Omega Division stuff on Saturdays after I post shows, and on Sundays until I get through the Omega schedule.

PC wise, I have the following enrolled:

Rock Sheridan and Joslin Baroni (Eternal Phoenix)

”Dirty” John Murdoch and Leon De Ramos (SeanMcG) *I still need to finish creating Leon; that’s a task for this weekend. -SF

Mickie Steele (Croquemitaine)

Entry cut-off is when TTT is posted on Saturday morning.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Season Ten Mid Season Review & Predictions


Alpha Division


Predicted Top Group: Mastachas, O’Hallister

Predicted Middle Group: Nuke, Mastodon, Brandy

Predicted Bottom Group: Gross, De’siree, Simmons


Actual Top Group: Mastachas (6-1), Mastodon (5-2), O’Hallister (4-3)

Actual Middle Group: Nuke (4-3), Brandy (3-4), De’siree (3-4)

Actual Bottom Group: Gross (2-5), Simmons (1-6)



Well…I did say it would be a competitive division, and four weeks in I’m not wrong. There’s no clear front runner so far, or even pair of front runners. The surprises are how badly Simmons is doing and Gross being in the back in favor of The Mastodon. Did not see that coming. It is still, however, quite early in the season. While Simmons’s performance leads me to believe he’s out of contention, everyone else is at worst (Gross) only two wins back from tying things up. So I’ll stand by my staying this division would be quite competitive. Again, no clear front runner for the League title so far.

Alpha is very competitive this season, and I would not be shocked to see multiple people change groups before the end. Tune in at the season break, when we do this again and some likely have swapped.


As it turns out, there hasn’t been that much swapping. Only De’sire and Mastodon bumped up a group due to performance. Though De’siree’s hanging on by her fingernails there with me. Nuke doesn’t make the top group because his three losses are to the people in it. Couldn’t be clearer than that. Mel’s win over Mastodon, however, allows him to stay in. Mastachas and Mastodon have remained the front runners, with the latter taking a step back due to his loss to Mel. Simmons is looking just like relegation bait, and Gross’s nightmare of being relegated a second time may well come true at this rate. With that said, let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Brandy McDonald

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

Daniel Simmons

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

De’siree Mitchell

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Daniel Simmons (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

George Mastachas

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Mel O’Hallister (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

The Mastodon

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. George Mastachas (1-0 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

Mel O’Hallister

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Nuclear Templeton (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Brandy McDonald (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. The Mastodon (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

Nuclear Templeton

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. De’siree Mitchell (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

Reverend Johnny Gross

L vs. Mel O’Hallister (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. De’siree Mitchell (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. The Mastodon (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Daniel Simmons (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime

L vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. George Mastachas (0-1 Season 1-2 Lifetime)


Brandy McDonald is, in fact, on the outside looking in. With Mastachas at 6-1 and her at 3-4, she’s realistically out of contention of this season’s championship. Going forward, she just has to put together enough wins not to get relegated and try again next year. She could go on a run, but from what I’ve seen of her she’s not really the type. Plus the Alpha’s gotten tougher over the past two seasons. She needs a new trick or some special training. The old ways just aren’t cutting it anymore. So, how will she respond to her decent from champion to contender to member of the pack? Time will tell. There’s a whole half season left.


Daniel Simmons is, unfortunately, likely going right back to Beta. He’s had some good showings in the first half of the season, but he’s been basically exposed as not ready for Alpha level competition. This does not means he’s some kind of jobber. He had Mastodon beat except for shenanigans, and last season ought to speak for itself. But, unfortunately enough, he doesn’t seem to be ready. The second half ought to bear this out.


De’siree Mitchell is probably staying in Alpha, but that’s about the only good thing to say about her season thus far. She’s realistically out of title contention, just like Brandy. Unlike Brandy, she’s going to have to fight to avoid relegation. I think she can do it. Simmons isn’t ready and Gross ain’t doing well either. But we shall see. I don’t have a lot of respect for her at this level. She may well dominate Beta if relegated, but she’s an also ran in Alpha.


George Mastachas is still on top of the world. More so now, that Mastodon has stumbled and he’s in sole possession of the division lead. Only Mastodon has been able to beat him. Only Mastodon has even looked capable of it. As I said at the start of the season, without Pulsar to slow him down he will be functionally unstoppable. So far, he’s lived up to that. I have no doubt he will continue to do in the second half.


The Mastodon may have just be dealt a staggering blow in his quest for the championship (because lord knows Mastachas doesn’t look like he’s stumbling anytime soon), but he’s legitimately impressed me this season. Coming in, I thought he’d be relegation bait. Instead he’s a top contender. It’s a remarkable turnaround from last season and even if he doesn’t manage to beat Mastachas again while losing to nobody else and wins the championship, this season has to be regarded as a win for him. As far as I’m concerned, he’s proved himself as the real deal.


Mel O’Hallister needed to make a stand, and as he always does when he needs it most, he did. With his season on the line after two straight losses, he came through. Will he win the championship? Looks a little unlikely. Mastachas looks unstoppable and Mastodon is still a win ahead of him. Plus rematches with De’siree and Brandy loom. I believe in him, but the odds don’t look good. Good thing he’s got the luck of the Irish on his side, eh?


Nuclear Templeton’s got to be a little frustrated. He hasn’t had a bad first half, per se, but he’s still found himself clinging on the edges of contention for HIS belt. All three guys ahead of him in the standings on the ones who beat him. Including Mel, who he’s never beaten in three tries now. But this is Nuke we’re talking about. The guy who went on a 6-1 run in the second half last season to capture the title he proudly wears to the ring. So you know. Never count him out. He’s beaten everyone in this division but Mel before, and by God he can do it again. Can is not the same as will, mind you. Let’s just wait and see.


Reverend Johnny Gross is still living his nightmare scenario. Still only not at the bottom of the division standings by virtue of the guy he promoted with having one less win than he does. Relegation bait. Again. After how he dominated in Beta. One of his two wins was AGAINST Simmons, curse it. He’s lost to everybody but Brandy. He’s arguably worse off than he was before getting relegated the first time. That was a 5-9 season, and this one’s on track to be worse. He’s got to be losing his mind. With that said, I think he can do better. I have faith in him to just enough to pass De’siree and stay in Alpha. It may not happen. But I believe it can. At least, so he doesn’t have to be the first guy in the restored League to relegated out of Alpha TWICE.


So, continued predictions!


Top Group: Mastachas, O’Hallister, Mastodon,

Middle Group: Nuke, Brandy,

Bottom Group: Gross, De’siree, Simmons


It’s Mastachas’s season to lose. I don’t think Mastodon can go 7-0 in the second half, which would probably be what he’d need to do (or close enough) to overcome Mastachas. I think he’ll regress a little. He’s got a couple of relatively lucky wins under his belt, and luck can’t be counted on. He’s not beating Nuke without a finisher or getting a convenient ref bump against Simmons again. Do not, however, count out Nuke here. Brandy and everyone lower will be more than happy to play spoiler if anyone above drops their guard. Alpha is still a very competitive division, even if the records don’t entirely show it. I’ll probably see you all here again at the 3/4 mark, with 3 matches to go.




Beta Division


Predicted Top Group: Blackfield, Ouilette, Nakamatsu

Predicted Middle Group: Blood River, Norris, Wasserman

Predicted Bottom Group: Weathers, Pulsar


Actual Top Group: Blackfield (7-0), Blood River (4-3), Nakamatsu (4-3)

Actual Middle Group: Wasserman (4-3), Norris (3-4), Ouilette (3-4)

Actual Bottom Group: Pulsar (2-5), Weathers (1-6)



I was pretty correct here, after four weeks. Blackfield is king of the mountain and the man to beat. Blood River has made that push I mentioned he could make. Even Billy Norris’s early woes aren’t that strange, as last season his first half was nothing to write home about. He caught fire in the second half to end up contending. So far, looks like things are on course.

Truthfully, while Blood River is doing well I’m not all in yet. It’s only the quarter mark. Also Nakamatsu is clinging on to his position with me by a narrow margin. He has to perform better. Norris seems like a jobber right now, but he’s pulled out miracles before. See you at the season break.


The one thing that makes this different from what I thought it would be is Wasserman’s win over Ouilette. Everything else more or less fell into place. Pulsar and Weathers are the jobbers. Norris came back a little. Nakamatsu’s doing fine. Blackfield’s dominating. Even Blood River has slipped a bit from his hot start with two straight losses going into the break. So I’m still doing pretty well, as far as predicting this division is going. With that said, let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Angela Wasserman

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Big Scott Weathers

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Billy Norris

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Pulsar (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Blood River

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Pulsar (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (0-1 Season, 0-3 Season)

Brian Blackfield

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

Jean-Paul Ouillette

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Jean-Paul Ouillete (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Billy Norris (1-0 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Blood River (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Angela Wasserman (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Yoshii Nakamatsu

L vs. Billy Norris (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Pulsar (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jean-Paul Ouillette (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Blood River (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Big Scott Weathers (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Angela Wasserman (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Brian Blackfield (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)


Angela Wasserman is having the season most expected her to, with the notable exception of finally getting over the hump with Norris. Her first win in an astounding FIVE tries. That’s got to feel good. As does making her record against Ouilette more even with her second win ever over him. Aside from that, she’s doing Wasserman things. Beating jobbers and losing to contenders. Honestly, I’m starting to see her as Beta’s gatekeeper. The ones who can consistently beat her are promotion candidates. The ones who consistently lose are relegation bait. The ones who can’t find consistency one way or the other are stuck in Beta with her until they do. She’s proving to be an excellent litmus test, in my opinion. Kudos to her after being on the relegation bubble last season.


Big Scott Weathers is just jobbing his way down to Gamma. Don’t mind him. 1-6 is ugly, and most of these weren’t close. He’s all but gone.


Billy Norris, on the other hand, has rallied after four straight losses for two straight wins. That’s our mercurial Billy, yes indeed. He actually still has a promotion shot in the second slot, but I think he’s just too erratic to pull it off. He’ll be in Beta next season, barring anything unexpected. Gatekeeping just like Wasserman, only without the consistency in who he wins and loses to.


Blood River is also quite erratic, with a weekly record that literally mirrors that of Norris. Seriously, look at that. Norris wins that week, River loses. River wins, Norris loses. It’s uncanny. He too can contend, if he corrals his erratic nature. But I’m still not all in on him. So I think he’ll put up a respectable record but fall short and remain in Beta.


Brian Blackfield has looked totally unstoppable. Not invincible by any means, but he’s the sole remaining undefeated person in the League at the season break. He’s winning the Beta divison title and going on to Alpha. Where he’ll probably finally hit the wall, just like Gross and Simmons did. There’s nothing else to be said.


Jean-Paul Ouilette just saved his season. 3-4 is on the outside of the promotion candidate bubble, admittedly, but 2-5 is entirely outside of it. He’s just not doing great. 2 of those 3 wins were over the division jobbers. He’s capable of rebounding, but promotion is probably out of his reach at this point. I think he’ll manage to avoid relegation (Pulsar and Weathers are just too poor), but really this season’s probably a wash for him.


Speaking of Pulsar, here he is merrily jobbing his way down to Gamma. The wins over Norris and River simply add to how erratic they are, not how good Pulsar is. He ought to be the other guy relegated with Weathers. But I suppose we’ll see.


Yoshii Nakamatsu had to have come into this season knowing he wasn’t winning the division title. He promoted with Blackfield. He knows him well. With that said, he probably wants at least one of the matches with Norris and River back. He takes one of them, he’s the unquestioned number two contender. But that’s the past. There’s seven more matches to be run this season, and the way things are going, 8-6/9-5 is probably enough to promote to Alpha behind Blackfield. He’s not stupid. He knows this will probably go really badly. He’s seen what’s happened to Simmons and Gross. But the alternative is taking losses he doesn’t need to, and he has his pride. All a man can do is his best, and Yoshii will continue to do his.


So, continued predictions!


Top Group: Blackfield, Nakamatsu, Blood River

Middle Group: Ouilette, Wasserman, Norris

Bottom Group: Weathers, Pulsar


I’m still all in on Blackfield and Nakamatsu only sticking around for a cup of coffee in Beta. Ouilette had a chance to spoil that, but he’s fallen behind and Nakamatu’s too consistent. Blood River and Billy Norris could still make a move, but they’re too erratic to properly predict where they’ll land. Wasserman’s going nowhere. Weathers and Pulsar are getting relegated. Join me again at the 3/4 mark, with three matches to go. It’ll be time for a reassessment.




Gamma Division


Predicted Top Group: Priest, Molina, Rodriguez

Predicted Middle Group: Diamond, Rose

Predicted Bottom Group: Gibson, Stevens, Clay


Actual Top Group: Priest (6-1), Stevens (4-3), Molina (4-3), Rodriguez (4-3)

Actual Middle Group: Rose (3-4), Gibson (3-4), Diamond (3-4)

Actual Bottom Group: Clay (1-6)



Once again, I was mostly on target here. The big difference is Stevens’s Week 4 win over Molina, which shoved him into the top half over Diamond and Diego. The perils of using only 4 weeks of matches, I suppose. I do expect Stevens to falter after this. The main surprise here is Gibson being winless. I did say he felt like a fraud, but relegation bait? Seems excessive. Still, perhaps he can recover.

This one’s much more straight forward. Rodriguez and Diamond are almost interchangeable in their positions, but Diego has the better track record which gives him the edge. Gibson could move to the middle if he rallies. Otherwise, check back at the season break.


The big story here is Terrance Stevens, who has completely refused to be a jobber. He’s got more wins here at the halfway point than he did all last season. He’s worked his way past Molina and Diego into promotion contention. It is genuinely remarkable. The other story is Gibson rallying his way out of being total relegation bait. Now, the second relegation slot is entirely up in the air. As is the second promotion spot, with Priest dominating the division for the top spot. Gamma’s been arguable as competitive as Alpha, which is saying something. With that said, let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Christian Priest

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)


L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Diego Rodriguez

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs Terrance Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 0-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

Erick Gibson

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 2-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 3-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Terrance Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Indigo Rose

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

Lucas Molina

W vs. Erick Gibson (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Markus Clay (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Terrance Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diego Rodriguez (1-0 Season, 1-0 Season)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

Markus Clay

W vs. Terrence Stevens (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Diamond (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lucas Molina (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Christian Priest (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Indigo Rose (0-1 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Terrence Stevens

L vs. Markus Clay (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Indigo Rose (1-0 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lucas Molina (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Christian Priest (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Erick Gibson (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Diamond (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)


Christian Priest is Gamma’s big boss man. Only a loss to Stevens mars the first half of his campaign. So yeah, he’s gonna promote. He’ll probably dominate in Beta, too. There’s nothing else to be said here, really, except look forward to Week 13, where he and Molina meet again and tear the house down. Depending on how things go, this could be for the division title or merely whether Molina gets promoted again with Priest or not. Either way, European Rules matches never disappoint.


If the season ended right now, Diamond would be relegated. That can’t feel good. But it’s her own erratic fault. The wins against Diego and Molina? Great work. The losses against Gibson and Stevens? Not so much. She’s fallen into that Norris/River zone. Too inconsistent to promote or get relegated. Until she can find some consistency one way or the other, she’s stuck in Gamma. At least, I think so. With how tight Gamma is right now, actual relegation is a threat on the table.


Diego Rodriguez is more or less where I expected him to be. The loss to Diamond has to sting, but other than that he’s having a good season and is a threat to promote. Basically, he’s matching expectations perfectly. The key for him in the second half is to find a way to step it up just a bit so he can edge out Molina and the surprising Stevens. We will see if he can do it.


Erick Gibson has probably saved his season. Four straight losses to start is damn hard to overcome, but three straight wins is a good start. Though it is important to remember that three of those losses are to guys who are basically better than him. He got the strong half of his schedule first, and predictably got his ass handed to him. Then the second half came up, and he pulled out some good ones. Honestly? I’m starting to see him as Gamma’s Wasserman. Their gatekeeper. Promotion is perpetually out of his reach, but he’s just good enough not to get relegated. And he’s remarkably consistent in what he can actually do.


Indigo Rose is also in that position, as I said last time. Honestly, nothing’s changed with her. She beat this year’s bottom basement jobber and lost to two contenders. She’s in the groove, and ought to be just fine.


Lucas Molina is perhaps reeling a bit. A shock loss to Diamond led to a loss to Priest as their rivalry continues. But I think he’ll be okay. I don’t think he’ll drop matches to Stevens and Diamond a second time. But we’ll have to see how it goes. He’s in good shape, being still among the strong contenders for the number two promotion spot. He’s honestly where I thought he’d be, barring the loss to Stevens. The loss to Diamond I expected to come from either Rose or Diego, but it’s there nonetheless. I still think he can promote. He just has to step it up a level. Back to Delta form with you, Lucas. I know you can do it.


Markus Clay is the bottom basement jobber of Gamma. He’s on a one way trip to Delta. Nothing else needs to be said.


Terrance Stevens, on the other hand, is Gamma’s shock of the season. He was run out of Beta like a huge loser, and he’s now 4-3. If the season ended now, he’d be promoted back up to Beta with Priest. It’s a shocking development that honestly doesn’t make a lot of sense. He’s not this good. Maybe he’s not a total hopeless jobber, but he’s not this good. And his resurgence has thrown both the promotion and relegation pictures into total disarray. I underestimated you, Terrance. Show me what you’re made of.


So, continued predictions!


Top Group: Priest, Molina, Rodriguez

Middle Group: Stevens, Diamond, Rose, Gibson

Bottom Group: Clay


Yes, that is correct. I currently do not have a pick for the second relegation spot. Gamma got wildly competitive out of nowhere. I had that spot picked out for Stevens, but he’s defied it. Which puts Rose, Gibson, and Diamond in the frame at the break. Not that even Molina & Rodriguez are out of it. I do think Stevens will regress, but I also think he’s fought his way out of being relegation bait barring a truly horrific second half. We will return to reassess things at the 3/4 mark, and there ought to be one or two fighting over that second relegation spot, as well as a clearer picture on the second promotion spot.




Delta Division


Predicted Top Group: Heartilly, Dhillon, Hida

Predicted Middle Group: Stevens, Nocturne

Predicted Bottom Group: Onoo, Delight, Tornado


Actual Top Group: Heartilly (6-1), Dhillon (5-2), Hida (5-2)

Actual Middle Group: Tornado (3-4), Stevens (3-4), Nocturne (3-4), Onoo (3-4)

Actual Bottom Group: Delight (0-7)



Turns out I wasn’t being as biased as I thought, at least through 4 weeks. And again, I was mostly correct. I said that Hida, Stevens, and Nocturne could effectively swap any of their places with each other, and here we are where that’s kind of happened. Nocturne struggling, however, was a little unexpected, and Delight tanking is a bit odd. Thought she’d have managed a win in one of her four. But alas, it was not to be.

This one is even more straightforward. I don’t believe Stevens or Nocturne are contenders this year, but neither should they be relegated. Onoo, Delight, and Tornado are too weak for that, and Heartilly, Dhillon, and Hida are too strong. With that said, there are ten more weeks of matches to see how it all shakes out. Let’s check back in after the season break and see where everyone is, okay?


So! Promotion candidates have no surprises in them. Delight is winless and departing for Omega division. However, the middle of the pack and second relegation spot is completely up in the air. I expected Tornado and Onoo to be fighting over it, but a shock win from both of them have brought them on par with Stevens and Nocturne. It’s a whole mess. With that said, let’s get to the character breakdowns.


Devil’s Delight

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-3 Lifetime)

El Tornado

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 1-4 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Jun Onoo

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 4-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Monty Dhillon (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Kichi Hida

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 2-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Lance Heartilly

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Kichi Hida (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Monty Dhillon (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Nocturne (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

Monty Dhillon

W vs. El Tornado (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Scott Stevens (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Jun Onoo (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Kichi Hida (1-0 Season, 1-2 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 3-0 Lifetime)


L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Scott Stevens (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Lance Heartilly (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

Scott Stevens

W vs. Jun Onoo (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

W vs. Devil’s Delight (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. Monty Dhillon (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Kichi Hida (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

L vs. Lance Heartilly (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)

W vs. Nocturne (1-0 Season, 1-0 Lifetime)

L vs. El Tornado (0-1 Season, 0-1 Lifetime)


Devil’s Delight is winless. I don’t believe any of her matches have even been close. So, she’s Delta’s designated whipping girl this season. Jobbing her way down to Omega and obscurity. Kind of a shame. I like her. But hey, you never know. She could be back someday.


El Tornado was performing more or less as expected. Jobbing away. He caught a break with a match type against Nocturne, but quickly lost again. Then he proved to be better than Delight, who I thought would beat him, and then scored a shock win over Stevens. Is he about to make a play and try to become a promotion candidate? Haha, no. He won’t get the match type advantage over Nocturne a second time, and all three promotion contenders have soundly thrashed him. He does, however, have an opportunity to avoid being relegated to Delta. This is not something I’d have said at the start of the season or three matches ago. Whether or not he can make it happen, I genuinely don’t know. He had one win last season, guys. One. Three at the half is uncharted territory.


Jun Onoo is in a similar position. Soundly thrashed by Stevens, Heartilly, and Hida. But a shock win over Monty. Will that happen twice? Press X to Doubt. But he’ll probably beat Tornado again, and he has a chance against Stevens and Nocturne. I thought he’d avoid relegation, and he still may. We’ll see how it goes.


Kichi Hida is doing Kichi Hida things. Like massacring most of her opponents in six minutes or less. Seriously, her average time of win in her profile is down to 7:35. I’m reasonably certain it’s the only sub-ten minute one on the whole roster. It’s glorious violence. Her only losses are to her fellow contenders in Heartilly and Dhillon. And post Tag Team Turmoil, Heartilly’s first up to face the buzzsaw again. She may not promote, but I doubt she’ll fall off like she did last season.


Lance Heartilly looked unstoppable. Until Nocturne stopped him. Still, that’s one loss out of seven. The newcomer to Delta but not League competition has been dominant thus far. The trouble with that is that he’s got rematches with fellow contenders Hida and Dhillon coming his way, in addition to Nocturne and the rest of Delta. 6-1 is a promotion winning start, but he can’t take his foot off the gas just yet if he wants the division title in addition to promoting.


Monty Dhillon looked like he was in trouble for a second there. A loss to Heartilly followed by a shock loss to Onoo had him in third behind Heartilly and Hida. Then he flattened Hida in under five minutes and reminded everyone of the pecking order. Heartilly ought to consider himself on notice, and Hida (being my PC) is thrilled to her toes. Far from being in trouble, the monster who’s dominated Delta for three seasons now (and cut that promo, you know the one) is here to stay. It’s a three horse race for two promotion slots, and if any of the three can get one it’s good ol’ Monty. Good luck, big guy. Kichi believes in you. She’ll still beat the piss out of you, but she believes in you.


Nocturne is the 1 in Heartilly’s 6-1. And she saved her season doing it. 1-3 is a bad start, even with an excuse for losing to Tornado like a bad match type. But she’s rallied and now has a chance to fight for the midtable position I expected for her at the start of the season. She can beat Onoo, Tornado, and Delight, and that ought to be enough. But wouldn’t it be a feather in her cap if she swept ol’ Lance? You know she’s thinking about it.


Scott Stevens in basically in the same position as Nocturne without the bad start. Beat weaker opponents, lost to stronger ones. And then Tornado upset the piss out of him. Goes to show. Got to be on your toes even against alleged jobbers. But he’s still in a decent position. All he has to do is replicate his first half aside from the shock loss, and he’ll be just fine. Nothing but to do it, as the saying goes.


So, continued predictions!


Predicted Top Group: Heartilly, Dhillon, Hida

Predicted Middle Group: Stevens, Nocturne, Onoo, Tornado

Predicted Bottom Group: Delight


Truthfully, I think this is just a hope spot for Onoo and Tornado, and they’ll end up fighting over who’s getting the second relegation spot with Delight. Stevens has, for now, proven himself better than Nocturne one on one. And the top three might as well be interchangeable at this point. However, this is as it sits right now. Those four in the middle all have tied records and seven matches remaining with which to surprise me or not. So right now I don’t actually have a pick for the second relegation slot. Please tune in at the 3/4 mark, with three matches remaining. I ought to have one then.

Edited by Eternal Phoenix
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So I took a chance and ran the rest of the tournament before Dynamite last night, thinking no last minute trainings would trip me up. That ended up being the case.

I won’t mention if anyone got the final pairing exactly right, as that would be potential spoilers. All I will say is that I have not seen a final this lopsided since season one of RRW, which the regular season playoffs ended 14 falls to 0 in favor of Lance Heartilly over a PC. These finals were not as bad, but it was clearly one-sided…and still got a 4-star rating.


EDITED TO ADD: While I’ll only be doing commentary for the finals, I am including the game play-by-play for the only other four-star match in the tournament. That one ran 48 minutes and is worth a read in its own.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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I can't believe Nuclear would lariat someone's head off within two minutes and just pin them every 10 seconds for a full hour.... even I thought he'd get bored halfway through and just eat a bunch of countouts after that 😛

For real though, I'd basically picking the #1 and #2 seeds to make it straight through to the finals, with the girls picking up the win.  And Nuclear probablyl loses in the first round via abandoning Scott Stevens 😛

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A heads up: I have adulting stuff to do in the morning (laundry, other household errands, and so forth). So TTT will likely be posted around 11 am or noon eastern US (roughly 12-13 hours from the time of this post).

It’s a lengthy read, roughly 48 pages in Word when spaced similar to this forum. It’ll look shorter due to now quoting works here, naturally, but that’s what y’all have to look forward to tomorrow.

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(6) The Mastodon & Erick Gibson (w/Karen McClure)


(11) De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar

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It was Mastodon and Mitchell who started this match. Mitchell had a hot start and forced Gibson into the contest by the third minute. Gibson got less than a minute of offense before Mitchell found a way to tag in Pulsar. Gibson regained the advantage, even hitting a Probationary Hearing at six minutes into the contest, and looked to be firmly in control. That is, until he missed a low blow and Pulsar made the hot tag to Mitchell. Gibson would not hit a single offensive maneuver for the next three minutes, and ate an All Out Blitz to concede the first fall.

Twelve seconds later, Gibson got caught with a powerbomb held on for the pin, and Pulsar cut off Mastodon just long enough for the ref to get to three. First match of the tournament, first upset recorded as the number six seeds are eliminated in under twelve minutes!

De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar def. The Mastodon & Erick Gibson, two falls to none, in 11:11. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Mitchell pinned Gibson (All Out Blitz), 10:55.

Fall 2: Mitchell pinned Gibson (powerbomb pin), 11:11.



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(8) Yoshii Nakamatsu & Kichi Hida


(9) Daniel Simmons & Diego Rodriguez

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In a change from last season, it was Nakamatsu who opened the proceedings in the first round for his side. He held his own against Rodriguez for close to six minutes before Hida tagged herself into the contest. Rodriguez lasted another two minutes before tagging in Simmons, meaning Hida was not going to repeat her performance in last season’s opening round. Simmons seemed to have some confidence as he took to the offensive against Hida, until an errant knee drop opened the door for Hida to tag out to her fellow countryman. Nakamatsu immediately slowed down the pace from Hida’s usual striking flurry, and holds soon wore Simmons down a little. Nakamatsu missed a forearm blow, letting Simmons go back on offense, pummeling Nakamatsu for a good three minutes. A missed running knee drop opened the door for a hot tag to Hida, and for the next two minutes Hida pummeled Simmons from corner to corner, hitting Bumper Kars, a Funhouse Stomp, a UFO Spin Elbow (that only netted a one count), and Glory in Violence in quick succession to keep Simmons from making a hot tag of his own. Eternal Violence followed that, and a now-bloodied Simmons conceded the first fall after a vicious string of offense from Hida.

Simmons avoided an almost immediate second Eternal Violence and finally made the hot tag to Diego Rodriguez, who proceeded to stun Hida with a few holds and a full nelson legsweep that netted 2.5. A stump piledriver led into the Discordant Melody, and Nakamatsu managed to jump over a charging Simmons to break the hold before Hida could tap. Yoshii’s tag experience in Japan paid off in spades on that exchange. An immediate follow-up with the same hold this time forced the tap as Simmons got in early and knocked Nakamatsu off the mat. We would be going to a decisive third fall.

Hida finally tagged out after Rodriguez missed a corner avalanche, and Nakamatsu had a massive uphill fight ahead of him with Rodriguez looking rather fresh, all things considered. To his credit, Nakamatsu kept Rodriguez on the mat for close to two minutes before Rodriguez got in a shot or two. A failed attempt at the Prelude to Dissonance allowed Nakamatsu to land the DEVASTATION Knee, which only netted one on the pinfall attempt. That would sadly be the last gasp for Nakamatsu, who missed one knee drop too many, and opened the door for Rodriguez to lock in the Harmony of Dissonance, forcing the tap as Simmons ran interference on Hida. A half-hour war ends with another upset, in a match that the author thought should have been at least another star higher in the ratings.

Daniel Simmons & Diego Rodriguez def. Yoshii Nakamatsu & Kichi Hida, two falls to one, in 30:48. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Hida pinned Simmons (Eternal Violence), 16:33.

Fall 2: Rodriguez submitted Hida (Discordant Melody), 22:25.

Fall 3: Rodriguez submitted Nakamatsu (Harmony of Dissonance), 30:48.



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(4) Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister


(13) Terrance Stevens & Lance Heartilly

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O’Hallister started for his side, and there was immediate dissension as Heartilly forced himself into the match before the bell even rang, telling Stevens that his leg-focused offense would be better to attack the Irishman. Stevens reluctantly left the ring, and O’Hallister proceeded over the next four minutes to make a mockery of Heartilly. A thwarted Dream of the Emerald Isle finally allowed Heartilly to escape, making a hot tag to Stevens with O’Hallister still in decent shape. Stevens got two blows in before a missed knee drop opened the door for Molina to enter the match. Molina couldn’t get any offense going and after three minutes of getting beaten down by Stevens finally tagged back out to O’Hallister. The intensity would pick up for a few minutes before a screw legwhip from O’Hallister prompted him to make a tag to Molina. Less than thirty seconds later, Stevens had maneuvered Molina into taking out the ref on a reversed Irish whip, and bedlam ensued. The legal competitors ended up outside the ring, where Molina took the advantage and suplexed Stevens on the outside, plus delivering a Puerto Rican legsweep, before rolling Stevens back inside and chaining a Greetings from San Juan into a Molina Bodylock that Heartilly couldn’t break up thanks to O’Hallister interference.

The second fall nearly ended in a hurry, as a Stevens foot stomp was countered into a Molina Heel Hook. Stevens would avoid the ensuing finisher attempt and tag in Heartilly, who had been on the apron for the last fifteen minutes. Heartilly would hit a low blow, but was unable to follow up on that as Molina got a tag to O’Hallister. O’Hallister would quickly spin Heartilly into position to land a Dream of the Emerald Isle, and Molina held off Stevens as the ref got to three. For the first time in this tournament, the better-seeded team advances to the quarterfinals!

Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister def. Terrance Stevens & Lance Heartilly, two falls to none, in 21:29. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Molina submitted Stevens (Molina Bodylock), 17:51.

Fall 2: O’Hallister pinned Heartilly (Dream of the Emerald Isle), 21:29



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(3) Monty Dhillon & Christian Priest (w/Pastor Abe Richards)


(14) Big Scott Weathers & Jean-Paul Ouilette (w/Cecile Corine)

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Ouilette stunned the larger Dhillon by being aggressive in his offense over the opening three minutes. While most people would have tagged out at the first opportunity, though, Dhillon fought through and took the fight to Ouilette, hitting a couple heavy shots to stagger Ouilette before actually making the tag to Priest. Priest wasn’t even in the ring for twenty seconds before Cecile Corine made her presence felt, thwarting a running clothesline attempt. Priest would fight back, and it was back-and-forth until the six-minute mark, when Ouilette tagged Weathers into the contest.  Weathers immediately hit a piledriver and a couple other big moves before a splash missed, and Priest made the tag to Dhillon. Dhillon and Weathers would trade shots for a minute or two before a blindside high knee sent Dhillon to the outside, and Weathers tagged Ouilette to continue the attack on the outside. Ouilette instead elected to taunt Dhillon for a moment and then wait in the ring for the larger opponent to re-enter. Dhillon did so, took control, and after a spinebuster stunned Ouilette enough that the Frenchman tagged out at the first opportunity. Weathers walked into a new move from Dhillon that he calls the 1346, before eating a brainbuster suplex that kept him down for three, to the shock of Ouilette who didn’t even try to break the pin.

The second fall lasted just over a minute, as once again Dhillon utilized a non-signature move to keep Weathers down. At least this time Ouilette tried to run interference, to no avail as Ouilette got Canonized for his efforts. The number three seeds advance after struggling to earn the first fall, steamrolling into the second in a hurry, and will face Mitchell and Pulsar in the quarterfinals!

Monty Dhillon & Christian Priest def. Big Scott Weathers & Jean-Paul Ouilette, two falls to none, in 15:52. Rating: **

Fall 1: Dhillon pinned Weathers (western brainbuster suplex), 13:24

Fall 2: Dhillon pinned Weathers (over shoulder backbreaker drop), 15:52.



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(5) Markus Clay & El Tornado


(12) Indigo Rose & Nocturne

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An inspired choice to send Nocturne out to start the match, as she had the advantage for most of the opening five minutes against Tornado, forcing Clay into the match just past that mark. Nocturne’s slightly quicker speed for a technician seemed to throw off Clay as well, who couldn’t take too much advantage over the next two minutes before Rose got tagged in. Against Rose, though, Clay spent close to ten minutes forcing the Gamma Division technician to kick out of high-impact moves and aerial assaults. At one point Rose kicked out of a springboard senton, a spear, and an implant DDT on consecutive moves. Eventually, though, Clay got too caught up with his high-speed assault and missed a springboard senton, leading to a hot tag to Nocturne. Nocturne would use the opportunity to attempt her rarely-seen signature, a corner tornado DDT she dubs the Path of Decay, but Clay was ready for it. A missed moonsault press gave Nocturne a few more moments of offense before Clay could find a way to tag in Tornado. Tornado would find an advantage with his experience, using a springboard splash to keep Nocturne down for a pin by covering high on the shoulders.

The second fall came quick, with a springboard senton doing the deed. Rose never even got to break the pin up before Clay knocked her off the apron, and an impressive opening salvo by Nocturne goes for naught as Clay and Tornado advance to face Molina and O’Hallister in the next round.

Markus Clay & El Tornado def. Indigo Rose & Nocturne, two falls to none, in 24:45. Rating: **

Fall 1: Tornado pinned Nocturne (springboard splash), 23:15.

Fall 2: Tornado pinned Nocturne (springboard senton bomb), 24:45



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(1) Brandy McDonald & Diamond


(16) George Mastachas & Jun Onoo

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A disastrous start for the top seeds saw Diamond get picked apart for the first three minutes by Mastachas. Mastachas taunted once too often, allowing Diamond to recover quickly and rush to her corner, making the hot tag to McDonald. McDonald and Mastachas would trade offense for a couple minutes before Onoo finally got tagged into the match to face McDonald. The former League Champion then spent five minutes beating Onoo down so thoroughly that tagging in Mastachas made it a hot tag, letting Mastachas come in with a full head of steam against his Alpha Division rival. That lasted long enough for Brandy to catch him under the jaw with a thrust kick, and less than a minute later Mastachas was barely better off than Onoo was. McDonald would attempt a move but get caught by the power of Mastachas, and after a powerbomb and several other high-impact moves, McDonald finally, skirted around Mastachas to tag in Diamond. Mastachas, for reasons we may never understand, elected to bring in Onoo to face the League Original, who ate a pin from a top rope clothesline to put the women up a fall.

It took Diamond missing a Jawjacker to get Mastachas back into the match, two minutes later. Diamond seemed determined to win the second fall herself, and ended up trying for a top rope cross body that got turned into a Mastachas running Samoan drop in one of the most impressive spots of the opening round. That netted a fall, evening the match and moving on to the third and decisive fall.

Here’s the third fall, lasting thirty seconds: Diamond countered a charging forearm with a chop, and hit a Jawjacker that only netted one. An attempted running knee lift got countered into Olympus Rises, and that netted three as Brandy was held back by Onoo. A massive upset, as the most decorated team in The League are bounced in the opening round! Mastachas and Onoo advance to face Simmons and Rodriguez.

George Mastachas & Jun Onoo def. Brandy McDonald & Diamond, two falls to one, in 20:49. Rating: **

Fall 1: Diamond pinned Onoo (top rope flying clothesline), 16:15

Fall 2: Mastachas pinned Diamond (running Samoan drop), 20:19

Fall 3: Mastachas pinned Diamond (Olympus Rises), 20:49



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(2) Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross


(15) Billy Norris & Blood River (w/The Acolyte)

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It was Norris who controlled the opening six and a half minutes of the bout, forcing Blackfield to tag out, then forcing Gross to do so himself a few minutes later. When Blackfield came back into the ring, it was like he had mentally reset himself, and forced Norris to retreat before delivering a beatdown to River over three and a half minutes combined. Norris got tagged in just shy of ten minutes deep, motivated to drive Blackfield from the match and bring in the more vincible Gross., which happened two minutes later. Norris was forced to tag out a few minutes after that, after avoiding a brainbuster from Gross, and River immediately went to the skies for his offense. The second such move got rushed and as River tried to recover his equilibrium, Blackfield got tagged back in. The Juggernaut did Juggernaut things, and River barely broke a Scotland Destroyer before tagging in Norris. Norris ate a Tartan Effect, managed to kick out, but then got bloodied by a DDT before tagging back out to River. River missed a springboard rana, and walked right into a Scotland Destroyer to lose the first fall.

Immediately as the second fall started, River got busted open himself thanks to a Tartan Effect. River would tag in Norris, who missed a Down Under Disaster and nearly got pinned for it before Blackfield tagged out to Gross. Gross immediately, as in the very first move, locked in Come to Jesus, and as Blackfield speared River off the apron, Norris tapped out. Gross and Blackfield advance to face the winner of our final opening round match!

Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross def. Billy Norris & Blood River, two falls to none, in 27:42. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Blackfield pinned River (Scotland Destroyer), 25:07.

Fall 2: Gross submitted Norris (Come to Jesus), 27:42.



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(7) Nuclear Templeton & Scott Stevens (w/Cary Stevens)


(10) Angela Wassermann & Devil’s Delight (w/Devil’s Angel)

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Stevens and Delight started this match, and while Stevens controlled a little more of the opening four minutes, he was still in worse shape than he would have liked when Wassermann tagged into the contest. Enough so that barely thirty seconds later, he tagged Nuclear, who was insulting some fans at ringside, into the match. Templeton did not seem pleased at this, but still stepped through the ropes to face Wassermann. The next two minutes were all Wassermann, and soon enough Templeton tagged Stevens back in, barking that he wasn’t here to do Stevens’ dirty work for him. Stevens dominated the next few minutes, and Wassermann finally managed to tag in Delight as the clock approached eleven minutes into the contest. Delight immediately went on the attack, knowing her best bet was to keep Stevens in the ring and Nuclear on the outside. Yet two minutes later, Nuclear tagged himself in the contest, seeing an obviously inferior opponent that he wanted to bully around. Delight at least made Templeton think defense for a bit, though, before Nuclear landed a Radiation Spike, a powerbomb, and an Armageddon Lariat to earn the first fall just shy of seventeen minutes into the contest.

It took Delight nearly a minute to tag in Wassermann, who gave Nuclear the business for a minute before he tagged out to Stevens. It seems like Wassermann has the reigning League Champion’s number, and he knows it. Stevens entered the match and didn’t fare much better against Wassermann, at least until she attempted an arm triangle that Stevens managed to roll out of. That gave him the opening to strike back, and a strong charging forearm sent Wassermann outside. Nuclear wanted back into the match at this point, sensing weakness, and waited for Wassermann to get into the ring before delivering a strong gut buster and nearly chaining that into another Armageddon Lariat. Wassermann would counter that with a punch and a running face buster before tagging out to Delight. Delight would fail to connect with Hellborne Rising, Nuclear would land another Radiation Spike, but this time Delight was ready for the Lariat follow-up. She was not ready for a Radiation Leak following a second failed attempt at Hellborne Rising, though, and Wassermann couldn’t get there in time to prevent the tap. Templeton and Stevens earned this one, but have the unenviable task of facing Blackfield and Gross in the next round!

Nuclear Templeton & Scott Stevens def. Angela Wassermann & Devil’s Delight, two falls to none, in 28:10. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Nuclear pinned Delight (Armageddon Lariat), 16:47.

Fall 2: Nuclear submitted Delight (Radiation leak), 28:10.



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(16) George Mastachas & Jun Onoo


(9) Daniel Simmons & Diego Rodriguez

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A new calendar day—the opening round ran on Wednesday, the quarter- and semifinals would be on Thursday, with the finals on Friday, allowing for tape editing Friday night to air the show on Saturday on cable and YouTube—started with a pair of underdogs facing off in what normally would have been a 1 vs 8 matchup. The match actually was rather even for the first sixteen minutes, with both teams having roughly equal offense. The first fall ended rather suddenly, when Mastachas hit a screw legwhip on Rodriguez, and followed it up with a sneaky low blow that kept the Spaniard down for three. A few seconds beyond the twenty -minute mark, the two big men were up a fall.

Rodriguez would tag out a few seconds into the second fall, and while Simmons would get some offense in, it would be Mastachas who had the last laugh, countering a spinning back fist into an explosion suplex. Rodriguez was a half-second too late in getting into the ring, and couldn’t break up the pin in time. Mastachas and Onoo advance into the semifinals, and the author begs you to find a bracket that predicted that at the very beginning of this whole thing!

George Mastachas & Jun Onoo def. Daniel Simmons & Diego Rodriguez, two falls to none, in 23:23. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Mastachas pinned Rodriguez (begging off low blow), 20:05.

Fall 2: Mastachas pinned Simmons (explosion suplex), 23:23.



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(3) Monty Dhillon & Christian Priest (w/Pastor Abe Richards)


(11) De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar

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Pulsar started the match for his side and seemed to surprise Dhillon with his offensive output to begin the match. Four minutes in, Priest inserted himself into the contest, drawing Mitchell in a minute later after Pulsar got rocked by a couple of hard shots. Mitchell took the early advantage against Priest, controlling the next three minutes and nearly putting Priest at risk of an All Out Blitz before he could fight back enough to tag in Dhillon. At least, that was the plan, anyway. Mitchell fended off the tag attempt on at least four occasions, and on the fifth try she finally hit the Blitz. First fall to Mitchell and Pulsar at twelve and a half minutes in.

On the restart, Priest caught Mitchell napping with a clothesline and finally tagged in Dhillon. Dhillon would struggle to find any offensive leeway against Mitchell, as the former nose tackle fought her larger adversary rather well, keeping out of range of his strikes and wearing him down with strikes of her own. A Hammer Press from Dhillon just past the seventeen-minute mark was the first real sign he had shown of getting his side back into the contest, but Mitchell was able to create enough separation soon after to tag out to Pulsar. The luchador immediately took to the air, keeping Dhillon on defense with all manner of moonsaults, dropkicks, and slingshot moves. One too many, though, brought Dhilon back into the offensive mindset, and a minute or two later after fending off a micro-comeback by Pulsar, Dhillon tagged Priest back in. Pulsar hit a high-risk move, missed a second, and immediately had to fend off Martyrdom and then create an opening to tag Mitchell back in. Mitchell’s first order of business was to attempt a finisher, but that got countered directly into a Rite of Might, turning the tide rather quickly. A stump piledriver led to Martyrdom, and Dhillon made sure Pulsar was nowhere nearby to break the submission as Mitchell tapped.

The deciding fall started some twenty-five minutes into the match. Mitchell took the early advantage, a series of blows putting Priest in danger immediately for an All Out Blitz. As she lined up her target, though, Pastor Abe Richards reached into the ring and grabbed her ankle right before she took off, and Mitchell ended up face-planting on the mat thanks to the managerial interference. She was fuming as she got back to her feet, duck a Priest punch and hit an implant DDT that only netted two. Another Blitz attempt failed, and Dhillon was brought into the match. A Livewire Lariat did not lead into the Blockade Lock like Dhillon had hoped, and Mitchell escaped the ring as soon as she could, tagging Pulsar back into the contest. Dueling DDTs followed, with Dhillon failing to apply the Blockade Lock again while Pulsar missed an Arabian Press. Pulsar would recover faster, hit a top rope clothesline that only netted two, but a top rope cross body went for naught as Dhillon simply dropped to the ground to let Pulsar sail overhead, and tagged in Priest. Priest took too long to punch Pulsar in the head, and Pulsar responded by missing a top rope rana, breaking out of Martrydom, and tagging in Mitchell. Mitchell feinted the Blitz, hit a spinning back fist, then connected with the Blitz off the stun. Dhillon entered the ring to break up the pin, but Pulsar beat him to it by kicking the middle rope into the groin of Dhillon. Three seconds later, another major upset takes place, and everyone’s dream semifinal is ruined as Mitchell and Pulsar advance further!

De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar def. Christian Priest & Month Dhillon, two falls to one, in 32:10. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Mitchell pinned Priest (All Out Blitz), 12:31

Fall 2: Priest submitted Mitchell (Martyrdom), 25:51

Fall 3: Mitchell pinned Priest (All Out Blitz), 32:10



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(2) Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross


(7) Nuclear Templeton & Scott Stevens (w/Cary Stevens)

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Winners here would face Mitchell and Pulsar in the semifinals. The opening of the contest saw a possible preview of coming attractions, as Templeton elected to start against The Juggernaut. Templeton won the initial exchange, as Blackfield tagged out after three minutes, nodding with a modicum of respect at a sample of what he might be facing next season. Gross came in, traded blows and holds with Nuclear for about four minutes, and then had to recalibrate as Stevens tagged himself into the match, to the displeasure of the reigning League Champion. Stevens got a few hits in before Gross decided it was time to get serious, and tagged Blackfield back into the match. Blackfield promptly took advantage of Stevens’ ring rust as it came to competing under League rules, and The Scorpion had to tag out to Nuclear at a touch past the ten minute barrier. Templeton hit a string of high-impact moves, topped off by a Power Surge, before Blackfield rolled away from an elbow drop and made the hot tag to Gross. The two Alpha Division wrestlers would trade blows for a while, until Templeton landed a Radiation Spike and then busted Gross open with knuckle punches to the forehead of his opponent. Gross found an opening a few seconds later to tag in Blackfield, who busted Templeton open a minute later with an implant DDT that only netted one off the cover. The Highland’s Wrath couldn’t be locked in, but a Radiation Spike hit Blackfield once again, and Templeton wisely went to his corner on his own to bring in Stevens. Stevens only managed some token offense before Gross tagged himself back in, perhaps looking to save The Juggernaut’s adrenaline rush for later. Gross hit his signature chop block, managed to avoid Stevens’ piledriver, and tagged Blackfield back in, trying to keep Stevens off-balance in his defense. Steens ate a diving reverse DDT before breaking loose of the pick up attempt and tagging Nuclear back in. Templeton hit a Tactical Nuke, picked up Blackfield, and delivered an Armageddon Lariat. Enter the Juggernaut, who locked in the Highland’s Wrath less than a minute later to earn the first fall of the match, at nearly twenty-eight minutes into the contest.

The adrenaline rush continued into the second fall, where Templeton had to avoid another Highland’s Wrath before the adrenaline finally faded and left Blackfield vulnerable. A thwarted stump piledriver led to the tag to Stevens, who had to avoid a Highland’s Wrath of his own a moment later. Perhaps catching Nuclear off-guard, Stevens tagged back out lass than three minutes after tagging in to the contest, but a Power Surge and Radiation Spike had Blackfield reeling, but Templeton could hit either of his two follow-up attempts at the Lariat. An inverted atomic drop finally let Blackfield tag out to Gross, who nearly got Come to Jesus locked in off the bat. Templeton would fail to land a Radiation Spike, Gross would fail to get his submission finisher on at least three occasions, and Stevens ended up tagging himself into the match as Gross tried to get to his feet following the last failed attempt at the dragon sleeper. Gross would hit another gutwrench suplex—he had hit three of them on Templeton earlier—and tagged out to Blackfield. Stevens would avoid a Tartan Effect and tag out to Nuclear immediately afterwards, and an Armageddon Lariat finally landed on Blackfield, who had no adrenaline rushes left, to even the match at a fall apiece at the 42-minute mark.

What would these four men have left for a third fall? For the first two minutes of the final fall, it was a slugfest as both men delivered some of their biggest bombs that weren’t finishers. Templeton blinked first, tagging in Stevens in hopes that the fresher man might get the job done with a piledriver. Stevens would fail to convert, and that brought Gross into the match. Gross and Stevens would fail to convert their finishers, and after a third failed attempt at Come to Jesus, Gross tagged Blackfield back in. A DDT led into the Highland’s Wrath, and Stevens simply passed out while Gross kept Templeton busy on the outside of the ring. An absolute war, lasting nearly as long as the final match was guaranteed to go, and it's Gross and Blackfield who stagger into the semifinals to face Mitchell and Pulsar in what would be the match of the tournament (not counting the finals)!

If you’d like to view the entire match, and not just rely on me trying to spice up the events with a narrative, I refer you to the below quoted test, which is this match in its entirety, uncut and unformatted.



(00:00) *** The match began with Nuclear and Blackfield in the ring

(00:05) Blackfield blocked a Punch

(00:08) Nuclear hit a Punch

(00:12) Nuclear hit a Slap To Chest

(00:19) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(00:29) Blackfield very easily avoided a Corner Open Handed Chop.

(00:38) Nuclear avoided a Corner Open Handed Chop.

(00:45) Nuclear hit a Corner Elbow

(01:03) Nuclear hit Corner Repeated Shoulder Rams

(01:08) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(01:22) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(01:38) Blackfield applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(01:42) Nuclear rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(01:45) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(01:52) Blackfield avoided a Slap To Chest.

(02:06) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(02:10) Blackfield hit a Slap To Chest

(02:14) Blackfield hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:21) Blackfield hit a Running Clothesline

(02:27) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:32) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(02:37) Nuclear broke a Side Headlock

(02:42) Blackfield blocked a Handshake Sucker Punch

(02:49) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(02:56) Nuclear hit a Corner Slap To Chest

(03:03) Nuclear hit a Corner Forearm Blow

(03:10) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(03:19) Blackfield avoided a Corner Clothesline.

(03:26) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(03:33) Rev. Gross hit a Corner Elbow

(03:38) Nuclear broke the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

(03:41) Nuclear hit a Jab Punch

(03:45) Nuclear hit a Face Rake

(03:45) The referee warned Nuclear

(03:52) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(04:10) Nuclear hit a Corner Ten Punch

(04:17) Nuclear hit a Corner Open Handed Chop

(04:24) Nuclear hit a Corner Elbow

(04:34) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Corner Open Handed Chop.

(04:39) Nuclear broke a Corner Elbow

(04:42) Nuclear hit a Throat Thrust

(04:51) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(04:55) Nuclear hit an Eye Poke

(04:55) The referee warned Nuclear

(04:59) Nuclear hit a Knife Edge Chop

(05:06) Nuclear hit a Knee Pull

(05:13) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry.

(05:16) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(05:30) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(05:34) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(05:34) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(05:41) Rev. Gross hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:01) Rev. Gross applied a Rear Chinlock

(06:05) Nuclear broke a Boston Crab

(06:17) Nuclear hit a Biel Throw To Corner

(06:21) Rev. Gross fought back as Nuclear tried to tag out

(06:25) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(06:35) Rev. Gross hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(06:42) Nuclear avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(06:51) Nuclear tags out to S. Stevens

(06:56) Rev. Gross blocked a Samoan Drop

(07:01) Rev. Gross blocked a Backbreaker Hold

(07:08) Rev. Gross hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(07:12) Rev. Gross hit an Elbow Drop

(07:16) S. Stevens blocked a Legdrop To Arm

(07:20) Rev. Gross hit a Face Rake

(07:25) S. Stevens broke a Front Facelock

(07:35) S. Stevens hit a Discus Clothesline

(07:39) S. Stevens hit a Running Knee Drop

(07:49) Reverend Johnny Gross moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(07:57) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(08:11) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(08:15) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(08:19) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop

(08:23) Blackfield hit a Knee Drop

(08:28) S. Stevens blocked a Stomp To Groin

(08:42) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(09:02) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(09:16) Blackfield applied a Knee Bar

(09:23) Blackfield hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(09:27) S. Stevens broke a Stomp To Groin

(09:30) S. Stevens hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(09:37) S. Stevens hit a Running Clothesline

(09:41) S. Stevens hit a Knee Drop

(09:51) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(09:55) Blackfield hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(10:15) Blackfield applied a Rear Chinlock

(10:22) Blackfield hit a Knee Pull

(10:29) Scott Stevens moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(10:38) S. Stevens tags out to Nuclear

(10:48) Nuclear hit a Headbutt To Groin

(10:48) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning

(11:05) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(11:13) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash

(11:17) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(11:21) Nuclear hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:25) Nuclear hit a Seated Back Kick

(11:29) Nuclear hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(11:39) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(11:51) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(11:59) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(12:03) Blackfield broke a Tactical Nuke

(12:10) Blackfield hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(12:19) Blackfield makes the hot tag to Rev. Gross

(12:24) Nuclear broke a Piledriver

(12:27) Rev. Gross countered a Short Arm Clothesline with a Forearm Blow

(12:31) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(12:38) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(12:54) Rev. Gross hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(12:58) Nuclear broke a Headbutt To Groin

(13:01) Nuclear hit a Forearm Blow

(13:05) Nuclear hit an Open Handed Chop

(13:19) Nuclear applied a Choke Hold

(13:19) The referee gave Nuclear a stern warning

(13:28) Reverend Johnny Gross very easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(13:32) Rev. Gross hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(13:42) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(13:50) Reverend Johnny Gross very easily moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(13:59) Nuclear Templeton moved out of the way from a Posing Elbow Drop.

(14:07) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(14:23) Nuclear hit a Full Nelson Bomb

(14:31) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(14:34) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(14:44) Rev. Gross hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(14:59) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp Flurry

(15:06) Rev. Gross used a Face Rub Taunt

(15:13) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(15:18) Nuclear broke a Headbutt To Groin

(15:25) Nuclear hit a Toss To Corner

(15:32) Nuclear hit a Corner Elbow

(15:39) Nuclear hit a Corner Knife Edge Chop

(15:57) Nuclear hit a Corner Stomp Flurry

(16:01) Rev. Gross blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches

(16:07) Rev. Gross very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(16:11) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(16:15) Nuclear blocked a Screw Legwhip

(16:22) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Plant

(16:26) Nuclear blocked an Implant DDT

(16:30) Nuclear broke a Screw Legwhip

(16:44) Reverend Johnny Gross just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(16:56) Nuclear hit Seated Knuckle Punches

(16:56) Rev. Gross started to bleed

(16:56) The referee angrily told off Nuclear

(17:06) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(17:10) Rev. Gross broke a Tactical Nuke

(17:17) Rev. Gross hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(17:27) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(17:31) Nuclear broke a Piledriver

(17:34) Blackfield countered a Power Surge with a Forearm Blow

(17:39) Nuclear blocked a Screw Legwhip

(17:44) Nuclear broke a Knee Plant

(17:49) Blackfield blocked a Gorilla Press Slam

(18:07) Nuclear hit a Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

(18:11) Blackfield fought back as Nuclear tried to tag out

(18:25) Blackfield applied an Arm Wringer

(18:30) Nuclear blocked an Inverted Atomic Drop

(18:34) Nuclear broke a Knee Plant

(18:38) Blackfield broke a DDT

(18:42) Nuclear broke a Tartan Effect

(18:48) Blackfield broke a Press Powerslam by falling on top of Nuclear

(18:52) Blackfield got a two count

(19:02) Blackfield hit an Implant DDT

(19:02) Nuclear started to bleed

(19:06) Blackfield got a one count

(19:13) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Lift

(19:23) Blackfield hit a Screw Legwhip

(19:30) Blackfield used a Slit Throat Motion

(19:34) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(19:41) Blackfield picked up Nuclear from behind

(19:45) Nuclear broke a Highland's Wrath

(19:49) Blackfield slipped out of the back of a Power Surge

(19:54) Nuclear blocked a Highland's Wrath

(19:59) Nuclear rolled through a Schoolboy Roll Up

(20:13) Brian Blackfield just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(20:23) Nuclear tags out to S. Stevens

(20:43) S. Stevens applied a Rear Chinlock

(20:53) Brian Blackfield moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(21:08) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(21:22) Blackfield applied a Body Scissors

(21:26) S. Stevens broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(21:29) S. Stevens hit a Begging Off Sucker Punch

(21:36) S. Stevens hit a Knee Plant

(21:43) S. Stevens hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(21:50) S. Stevens hit a Legdrop To Groin

(21:50) The referee warned S. Stevens

(21:58) S. Stevens picked up Blackfield

(22:01) Blackfield countered a Powerbomb with a Punch

(22:08) Blackfield hit a Knee Plant

(22:18) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(22:22) S. Stevens blocked a Screw Legwhip

(22:26) S. Stevens broke a Piledriver

(22:32) S. Stevens hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(22:37) Rev. Gross slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(22:41) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm To Back

(22:51) Rev. Gross hit a Reverse DDT Neckbreaker

(23:06) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp Flurry

(23:13) Rev. Gross used a Slit Throat Motion

(23:22) Rev. Gross picked up S. Stevens from behind

(23:29) Rev. Gross from behind...and takes out the knees of S. Stevens! S. Stevens is forced to Kneel Before God!

(23:34) S. Stevens rolled through a Boston Crab

(23:38) Rev. Gross countered a Running Forearm Blow with an Open Handed Chop

(23:45) S. Stevens avoided a Spinning Elbow Blow.

(23:50) Rev. Gross blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(24:00) Rev. Gross avoided a Roundhouse Punch after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(24:03) S. Stevens countered a Begging Off Low Blow with a Forearm Blow

(24:07) S. Stevens hit an Eye Poke

(24:10) S. Stevens hit a Forearm Blow

(24:13) S. Stevens hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(24:19) S. Stevens hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(24:23) Rev. Gross blocked a Seated Kick

(24:32) Reverend Johnny Gross moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(24:39) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(24:43) Blackfield hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(24:49) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens from behind

(24:56) Blackfield hit a Diving Reverse DDT

(25:03) Blackfield used a Face Rub Taunt

(25:08) S. Stevens fought back against being picked up from behind

(25:14) S. Stevens hit a Strong Open Handed Chop

(25:24) S. Stevens tags out to Nuclear

(25:41) Nuclear hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(25:49) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(26:05) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(26:12) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(26:22) LAAAAAAAAARIATOOOOOOO!!!!! Armageddon has come for Blackfield!

(26:22) Blackfield had an adrenaline rush

(26:36) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(26:43) Blackfield hit a Knee Plant

(27:00) Blackfield applied a Kneeling Cravate

(27:24) Blackfield hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(27:40) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(27:50) Blackfield picked up Nuclear from behind

(27:54) Nuclear blocked a Highland's Wrath

(28:20) Nuclear Templeton begins to fade as he feels the Highland's Wrath!

(28:31) *** Blackfield submitted Nuclear

(28:35) Blackfield countered a Strong Forearm Strike Flurry with a Knife Edge Chop

(28:45) Blackfield hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(28:51) Blackfield picked up Nuclear from behind

(29:01) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(29:17) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(29:24) Blackfield used a Face Rub Taunt

(29:29) Nuclear fought back against being picked up from behind

(29:39) Blackfield avoided a Punch.

(29:49) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(29:54) Nuclear slipped out of the back of a Stump Piledriver

(30:01) Nuclear tags out to S. Stevens

(30:11) Blackfield avoided a Double Axe Handle Blow.

(30:15) S. Stevens broke a Stump Piledriver

(30:19) Blackfield blocked a Slap To Chest

(30:23) Blackfield blocked a Roundhouse Punch

(30:33) Blackfield hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(30:38) S. Stevens broke a Piledriver

(30:42) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Side Headlock

(30:52) Blackfield hit a Screw Legwhip

(30:58) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens from behind

(31:06) S. Stevens got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(31:11) S. Stevens blocked a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(31:15) S. Stevens blocked a Kneeling Cravate

(31:19) S. Stevens hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(31:22) S. Stevens hit a Kick To Gut

(31:28) S. Stevens hit a Roundhouse Punch

(31:32) Blackfield fought back as S. Stevens tried to tag out

(31:48) Blackfield hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(31:56) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens

(32:01) S. Stevens broke a Tartan Effect

(32:08) Blackfield avoided a Strong Charging Forearm.

(32:24) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(32:32) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens from behind

(32:36) S. Stevens broke a Highland's Wrath

(32:43) S. Stevens hit a Knee Plant

(32:53) S. Stevens tags out to Nuclear

(33:08) Nuclear hit a Stomp Flurry

(33:16) Blackfield avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(33:20) Nuclear fought back as Blackfield tried to tag out

(33:32) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(33:39) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(33:43) Blackfield broke a Strong Gut Buster

(33:57) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(34:02) Nuclear broke a DDT

(34:18) Nuclear hit a Strong Gut Buster

(34:23) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(34:27) Nuclear countered a Kneeling Cravate with a Slap To Chest

(34:41) Brian Blackfield just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(34:48) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(34:53) Blackfield blocked an Armageddon Lariat

(34:56) Blackfield countered an Armageddon Lariat with a Bell Clap

(35:10) Blackfield applied a Cravate

(35:17) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Hammerlock

(35:21) Nuclear blocked a Knee Plant

(35:25) Nuclear rolled through a Kneeling Cravate

(35:37) What a Power Surge by Nuclear Templeton!

(35:43) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(35:47) Blackfield slipped out of the back of an Armageddon Lariat

(35:52) Nuclear fought back as Blackfield tried to tag out

(36:08) Look out! Nuclear Templeton has deployed a Tactical Nuke!

(36:15) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(36:19) Blackfield blocked a Strong Gut Buster

(36:31) Nuclear hit a Powerbomb

(36:36) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(36:41) Nuclear blocked a Side Headlock Takedown

(36:51) Blackfield hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(37:00) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(37:10) Rev. Gross hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(37:20) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Come to Jesus

(37:25) Nuclear broke an Inverted Atomic Drop

(37:29) Rev. Gross broke a Radiation Spike

(37:45) Rev. Gross hit a Gutwrench Suplex

(37:49) Nuclear blocked a Come to Jesus

(37:55) Nuclear easily avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(38:09) Reverend Johnny Gross just got laid out with a Radiation Spike!

(38:28) Nuclear applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(38:28) The referee angrily told off Nuclear

(38:35) Nuclear picked up Rev. Gross

(38:39) Rev. Gross countered a Power Surge with a Face Rake

(38:55) Rev. Gross hit a Gutwrench Suplex

(39:01) Nuclear got a rope break to stop a Come to Jesus

(39:11) Rev. Gross hit a Shoot-In Double Leg Takedown

(39:30) Rev. Gross applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(39:30) The referee gave Rev. Gross a stern warning

(39:35) Nuclear broke a Come to Jesus

(39:45) Nuclear hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(39:52) Nuclear tags out to S. Stevens

(39:56) S. Stevens hit a Seated Back Kick

(40:00) S. Stevens hit a Measured Knee Drop

(40:10) S. Stevens picked up Rev. Gross

(40:14) Rev. Gross countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with an Eye Poke

(40:14) The referee warned Rev. Gross

(40:30) Rev. Gross hit a Gutwrench Suplex

(40:39) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(40:45) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens

(40:50) S. Stevens broke a Tartan Effect

(40:56) S. Stevens hit a Roundhouse Punch

(41:06) S. Stevens tags out to Nuclear

(41:25) Nuclear applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(41:25) The referee angrily shouted at Nuclear

(41:32) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(41:42) Nuclear Templeton nearly took Brian Blackfield's head off with that Armageddon Lariat!

(41:47) *** Nuclear got a three count on Blackfield

(41:51) Blackfield blocked a Strong Gut Buster

(41:56) Blackfield slipped out of the back of a Gorilla Press Slam

(42:06) Blackfield hit a Running Bulldog

(42:06) Nuclear began bleeding quite heavily

(42:13) Blackfield picked up Nuclear

(42:18) Nuclear broke a DDT

(42:22) Blackfield slipped out of the back of a Gorilla Press Slam

(42:26) Nuclear blocked a Highland's Wrath

(42:30) Nuclear blocked a Schoolboy Roll Up

(42:34) Blackfield blocked a DDT

(42:46) Nuclear hit a Standing Hot Shot

(42:52) Nuclear picked up Blackfield

(42:55) Blackfield countered an Armageddon Lariat with a Throat Thrust

(42:59) Nuclear slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(43:04) Blackfield fought back as Nuclear tried to tag out

(43:09) Nuclear broke an Implant DDT

(43:16) Blackfield countered a Strong Charging Forearm with a Running Forearm Blow

(43:20) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(43:30) Blackfield picked up Nuclear from behind

(43:34) Nuclear broke a Diving Reverse DDT

(43:39) Blackfield stopped a Short Arm Back Elbow by rushing Nuclear

(43:49) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(43:53) Nuclear fought back against being picked up from behind

(44:03) Nuclear hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(44:11) Nuclear tags out to S. Stevens

(44:28) S. Stevens hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(44:35) S. Stevens hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(44:41) S. Stevens picked up Blackfield

(44:45) Blackfield blocked a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(44:49) Blackfield countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Knife Edge Chop

(44:53) S. Stevens rolled through a Standing Arm Bar

(44:57) Blackfield broke a DDT

(45:01) S. Stevens broke a DDT

(45:07) S. Stevens hit a Roundhouse Punch

(45:16) S. Stevens picked up Blackfield

(45:20) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(45:26) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(45:33) S. Stevens countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(45:52) S. Stevens applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(45:52) The referee gave S. Stevens a stern warning

(46:01) S. Stevens picked up Rev. Gross

(46:05) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(46:19) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(46:35) Rev. Gross hit a Gutwrench Suplex

(46:43) Rev. Gross picked up S. Stevens from behind

(46:52) S. Stevens avoided a Kneel Before God.

(46:56) Rev. Gross broke a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(47:06) Rev. Gross hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(47:10) S. Stevens broke a Come to Jesus

(47:22) S. Stevens hit a Powerbomb

(47:29) S. Stevens picked up Rev. Gross

(47:34) Rev. Gross broke a Deep in the Heart of Texas

(47:50) Rev. Gross hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(47:58) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(48:02) Blackfield hit a Running Knee Drop

(48:08) Blackfield picked up S. Stevens from behind

(48:34) Scott Stevens begins to fade as he feels the Highland's Wrath!

(48:46) *** Blackfield submitted S. Stevens



Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield def. Scott Stevens & Nuclear Templeton, two falls to one, in 48:46. Rating: ****

Fall 1: Blackfield submitted Nuclear (Highland’s Wrath), 28:31

Fall 2: Nuclear pinned Blackfield (Armageddon Lariat), 41:47

Fall 3: Blackfield submitted Stevens (Highland’s Wrath), 48:46



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(4) Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister


(5) Markus Clay & El Tornado

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So…how do you follow a match like that, you ask? By releasing an Irish Buzzsaw, naturally. O’Hallister had barely broken a sweat when he notched the first fall for his team at just past the six-minute mark, pinning Tornado with a full nelson legsweep before Clay realized what was happening.

Tornado was quick to get out of the ring at the start of the second fall, and Clay managed to get enough offense in that O’Hallister finally tagged out near the ten-minute mark. This would prove to be a mistake for Clay, as Lucas Molina would grind Clay down with his arsenal of holds. Not even six minutes after Molina got into the match, he had his heel hook applied for a second time, and Tornado got pulled off the apron from the outside by O’Hallister. Clay tapped shortly thereafter, and just that quick, Molina and O’Hallister advance to the semifinals, in what seems like a lightning-quick time after the previous match!

Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister def. Markus Clay & El Tornado, two falls to none, in 16:24. Rating: **

Fall 1: O’Hallister pinned Tornado (full nelson legsweep), 6:18.

Fall 2: Molina submitted Clay (Molina Heel Hook), 16:24



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(16) George Mastachas & Jun Onoo


(4) Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister

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In fact, neither Molina nor O’Hallister wanted to wait, they were that fired up and ready to go. Instead of taking the hour reprieve they were entitled to, they demanded Mastachas and Onoo come out now and get the semifinals started. After all, they had an hour break almost from the Blackfield/Gross win alone! That brought the two big men out, and after confirming that everyone was indeed ready, the first semifinal match was underway with the two Alpha Division representatives the legal men. The opening three minutes were largely Mastachas-controlled, as while O’Hallister got some offense in it wasn’t enough to chase the big Greek out of the match. Molina tagged in, looking to slow the pace down a little and grind away at Mastachas and his bad heel. In fact, most of the next three minutes was spent with Molina focusing his offense on the right leg and foot of Mastachas. Leg grapevines, kicks to the knee, almost all of Molina;s offense was focused on the heel of his opponent. When a Greetings from San Juan failed to materialize, Mastachas tagged Onoo into the contest, giving Molina an even larger man to try to wear down. Onoo would utilize his size advantage, battering Molina with power shots until the technical wrestler managed to create some separation with a snap mare and tag in O’Hallister. The Irishman would not back down in the face of someone more than double his size, as O’Hallister packed some dynamite into his strikes, wearing Onoo down. Onoo still got in shots where he could, and threatened a Lasting Agony once before a second one actually took. No submission was gained from it, though, and O’Hallister pushed through the pain to go low on Onoo, and follow it up with a spinning elbow blow that got two. A DDT led to the Dream of the Emerald Isle, and with Molina running interference O’Hallister won the first fall just past the eighteen-minute mark.

On the restart, Onoo got tagged with a roundhouse body punch early, but managed to avoid being put in position for a second Dream before tagging out to Mastachas. Despite needing to tag out, O’Hallister continued to fight on, determined to sap every last bit of energy from Mastachas that he could knowing that his side held a one-fall advantage. The resistance lasted three minutes before O’Hallister avoided an Olympus Rises to bring Molina back into the contest. Within a minute Molina had the heel hook on Mastachas, only to have it broken as Mastacas somehow slipped his leg out of the hold. Multiple Puerto Rican Legsweeps led to a Greetings from San Juan, which led into the Molina Bodylock. Onoo was too slow to get into the ring, and got shoved outside by O’Hallister. It was too much for Mastachas, who had to tap. Our first finalists have been set, with a chance of having our first two-time Tag Team Turmoil champion emerge at the end!

Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister def. George Mastachas & Jun Onoo, two falls to none, in 25:09. Rating: ***

Fall 1: O’Hallister pinned Onoo (Dream of the Emerald Isle), 18:27.

Fall 2: Molina submitted Mastachas (Molina Bodylock), 25:09



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(2) Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross


(11) De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar

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Blackfield and Gross still looked a little worse for wear after their match earlier in the day, but were ready to do battle once more with a berth in the finals on the line. Gross would drive Pulsar from the match some three minutes in, leaving him to face De’siree Mitchell in a clash of Alpha Division combatants. Mitchell would get a few good blows in, but a missed elbow drop allowed Gross to make the tag to Blackfield. The Juggernaut controlled most of the next five minutes, battering Mitchell until she found a small opening and exploited it to get some open space and make the hot tag to Pulsar. This clash of Beta Division wrestlers went terribly for Pulsar in the first half of the season, and while Pulsar did get some offense in, the end result was not much better after a few minutes. Pulsar went up top for a double axe handle, but the follow-up was avoided and chained into a Tartan Effect that did not even get a two-count. A DDT landed, but Pulsar managed to roll close enough to his corner on impact that Mitchell tagged herself back into the contest. Mitchell surprised Blackfield with a barrage of mounted punches from both the front and rear before landing a piledriver. Much like Pulsar, though, Blackfield had the wherewithal to roll towards his corner and let Gross tag himself into the contest. Mitchell was in trouble and needed to tag out or face a possible finisher, but she did not let that stop her from busting Gross open with a mounted punch flurry before finally making the tag. Pulsar promptly went for an aerial move, only for Gross to roll out of the way of a springboard guillotina and apply Come to Jesus…but Pulsar managed to wriggle free thanks to some of the blood on Gross’s shirt aiding the escape! The luchador would escape a full nelson legsweep before making the tag to Mitchell. Mitchell would hit a Goal Line Stand, something we rarely see from her, but the follow-up Blitz was in vain as Blackfield tagged himself back in, ate a yakuza kick, but delivered a belly to belly before Gross got back in. A few quick tags between Blackfield and Gross followed, as Mitchell managed some offense but not enough to make a tag of her own, and it would be Blackfield who scored the first fall, courtesy pf a Highland’s Wrath close to his corner of the ring where Pulsar would not be able to interfere.

The second fall started twenty-six minutes into the contest, and Mitchell was out of the ring a minute later after tripping Blackfield and scrambling to make the tag. Pulsar would hit a rana, but missed a springboard splash, and that allowed Blackfield to tag in Gross. Gross promptly went low on Pulsar, hit a DDT, and applied Come to Jesus again on the luchador. This time, Pulsar could not get free and as Mitchell got rocked with a Scotland Destroyer for her efforts in trying to break the hold, Pulsar was forced to tap. The finals, being held the following day in real-time, had been set!

Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield def. Pulsar & De’siree Mitchell, two falls to none, in 30:10. Rating: ***

Fall 1: Blackfield submitted Mitchell (Highland’s Wrath), 26:03

Fall 2: Gross submitted Pulsar (Come to Jesus), 30:10.



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(2) Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross


(4) Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister

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Bob Sinclair: Folks, welcome to the third hour of this special broadcast! For a look behind the curtain, as it were, this is Friday afternoon, and we’re ready for our one-hour final match of Tag Team Turmoil. One team was heavily favored by the pundits to make the finals, while the other was never even thought of. Frankie, what do you make of this final match pairing?

Frankie Garnett: I for one am disappointed we didn’t get Gross and Priest colliding in the semifinals. But for the Right Reverend and The Juggernaut, this next hour could be even more of a decisive statement than that match could have been!

Bob Sinclair: Breaking things down here before this match starts, Gross and Blackfield are the team no one at all expected to be here. The heavy favorites in the betting pool from that side of the bracket were Monty Dhillon and Christian Priest, who got bounced in the second round. This is Gross’ second time reaching the finals, with two different partners, while Blackfield has had his first taste of success in Tag Team Turmoil this season. They got seeded in the number 2 spot solely on the strength of Gross in this tournament, and it has borne fruit as Blackfield has found his niche in this event. But their toughest test lay in front them.

Frankie Garnett: Indeed, Bob. Another two-time finalist, also with different partners, stands across the ring from them in Mel O’Hallister. The defending Turmoil champion was the primary reason he got a top-four seed, and Lucas Molina has proven more than capable of running with the Irish Buzzsaw. They took out the Cinderella team of George Mastachas and Jun Onoo, the bottom seed of the whole tournament, to make the finals, Bob, and that brings to mind a question: was their semifinal match too easy, making them come in a bit soft against Blackfield and Gross?

Bob Sinclair: I doubt that, Frankie. I’d contend that O’Hallister and Molina actually have the advantage. They didn’t engage in a 48-minute war yesterday, and then had a second match after that. They may be running into a team that’s simply exhausted all their reserves in getting to this point. Either way, we’ll find out in an hour which team will emerge as Tag Team Turmoil champions. Can O’Hallister make it two seasons in a row with two different partners? Can Gross and Blackfield complete the run no one expected them to have? Can Molina show the Beta Division that The Juggernaut has some chinks in his armor? All this and more, we’re going to find out. There’s the bell and we are under way!

Frankie Garnett: Let’s get after this thing, fellas!



(00:00) *** The match began with Molina and Blackfield in the ring

(00:14) Molina applied a Side Headlock

(00:30) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(00:44) Molina applied an Arm Wringer

(00:47) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(00:54) Molina hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(00:58) Molina hit a Knee Drop

(01:05) Molina hit a Knee Drive To Arm

(01:19) Molina applied an Arm Bar

(01:26) Molina hit a Knee Pull

(01:46) Molina applied a Rear Chinlock

(01:54) Molina picked up Blackfield

(01:58) Blackfield blocked a Puerto Rican Legsweep

(02:02) Blackfield blocked an Inverted Atomic Drop

(02:07) Molina blocked a Cravate

(02:14) Blackfield applied a Standing Arm Bar

(02:21) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(02:28) Lucas Molina moved out of the way from a Fist Drop.

(02:36) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Knee Bar

(02:50) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(02:53) Molina hit a Forearm Blow

(02:57) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:04) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(03:08) Blackfield blocked a Puerto Rican Legsweep

(03:12) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:26) Molina applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(03:41) Molina hit an Open Handed Chop

(03:46) Blackfield blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(03:53) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:07) Molina applied a Side Headlock

(04:14) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(04:28) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(04:32) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Belly To Belly Suplex

(04:37) Molina fought back as Blackfield tried to tag out

(04:41) Blackfield blocked a Single Leg Trip

(04:51) Molina hit an Inverted Atomic Drop

(04:56) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Swinging Neckbreaker

(05:00) Molina fought back as Blackfield tried to tag out

(05:04) Blackfield broke a Puerto Rican Legsweep

(05:08) Blackfield hit a Slap To Chest

(05:11) Blackfield hit a Jab Punch

(05:25) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(05:39) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(05:46) Blackfield hit a Single Leg Trip

(05:52) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross


Bob Sinclair: First tag of the match, and it’s Blackfield who blinks first as he makes way for Gross.

Frankie Garnett: Not really surprised, Bob. Technical grapplers can get around that whole pesky adrenaline rush thing, and let’s face it, Blackfield and O’Hallister is a pairing better suited to The Juggernaut. Now Molina has to test his mettle against Reverend Gross, and this is right out of this season’s Gamma Division given the tendencies of Molina, Indigo Rose, and Diego Rodriguez.



(06:01) Molina got a rope break to stop a Body Scissors

(06:05) Rev. Gross hit a Slap To Chest

(06:09) Rev. Gross hit an Open Handed Chop

(06:13) Rev. Gross hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(06:20) Rev. Gross hit a Knee Pull

(06:31) Rev. Gross hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(06:31) Molina started to bleed

(06:35) Molina blocked a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(06:40) Molina broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(06:47) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(06:57) Molina tags out to O'Hallister

(07:11) O'Hallister applied a Side Headlock

(07:14) O'Hallister hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(07:28) O'Hallister applied a Side Headlock

(07:33) Rev. Gross stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing O'Hallister

(07:47) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(07:50) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(08:04) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(08:07) Rev. Gross hit a Forearm Blow

(08:11) O'Hallister blocked a Single Leg Trip

(08:18) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(08:23) O'Hallister blocked a Slap To Chest

(08:32) O'Hallister avoided an Eye Poke.

(08:35) O'Hallister hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(08:42) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(08:56) O'Hallister applied a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(09:00) Rev. Gross broke a Choke Hold

(09:03) Rev. Gross hit a Jab Punch

(09:07) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(09:12) O'Hallister blocked a Slap To Chest

(09:16) Rev. Gross hit a Slap To Chest

(09:19) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(09:33) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(09:36) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(09:40) Rev. Gross hit an Open Handed Chop

(09:44) O'Hallister blocked a Body Scissors

(09:48) Rev. Gross hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(09:52) Rev. Gross hit a Stomp

(10:02) Rev. Gross hit a Headbutt To Groin

(10:11) Mel O'Hallister easily moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(10:15) Rev. Gross broke a Western Spinning Toe Hold

(10:25) Rev. Gross hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(10:32) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(10:39) Rev. Gross used a Face Rub Taunt

(10:46) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(10:51) O'Hallister broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(10:55) O'Hallister hit an Eye Poke

(11:04) O'Hallister hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(11:08) O'Hallister hit a Face Rake

(11:22) O'Hallister applied a Front Facelock

(11:29) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(11:34) Rev. Gross blocked a Knee Pull

(11:38) O'Hallister hit a Face Rake

(11:45) O'Hallister hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(11:59) O'Hallister applied a Choke Hold

(11:59) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning


Bob Sinclair: I was going to say that this match was surprisingly even once O’Hallister got in, but that wouldn’t even be true. Mel has more than held his own in the Alpha Division so far, while Gross has struggled in his second stint in the top flight.  This has been rather true to form so far.

Frankie Garnett: That may be, Bob, but remember…tag team. All it’ll take is one tag for the dynamic to change, and you go from facing a grappler to facing a Juggernaut or Buzzsaw. It’s how well you adjust, especially as the match wears on and the pain starts to sink it, that is going to determine who wins this thing!



(12:04) Rev. Gross broke a Mounted Punch Flurry

(12:11) O'Hallister avoided a Roundhouse Punch.

(12:21) O'Hallister hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(12:41) O'Hallister applied a Single Leg Boston Crab

(13:03) O'Hallister hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(13:11) Rev. Gross avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(13:14) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(13:17) Rev. Gross hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(13:22) O'Hallister blocked a Samoan Drop

(13:32) Rev. Gross hit a Backbreaker

(13:37) O'Hallister blocked a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(13:42) O'Hallister broke a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(13:52) O'Hallister hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(14:00) O'Hallister tags out to Molina

(14:04) Molina hit a Measured Knee Drop

(14:09) Rev. Gross broke a Knee Pull

(14:13) Molina blocked a Single Leg Trip

(14:23) Rev. Gross hit a Running Swinging Neckbreaker

(14:30) Rev. Gross hit a Legdrop To Groin

(14:34) Molina broke a Boston Crab

(14:38) Rev. Gross broke a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(14:45) Molina countered a Roundhouse Body Punch with a Side Headlock Takedown

(14:59) Molina applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(15:24) Molina hit a Knee Breaker

(15:37) Molina hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(15:57) Molina applied a Straightjacket Surfboard

(16:21) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(16:30) Rev. Gross broke a Knee Breaker by falling on top of Molina

(16:35) Rev. Gross got a one count

(16:39) Rev. Gross hit an Eye Poke

(16:53) Rev. Gross applied a Side Headlock

(16:57) Rev. Gross hit a Slap To Chest

(17:00) Rev. Gross hit a Kick To Gut

(17:09) Molina avoided a Forearm Blow.

(17:19) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(17:22) Rev. Gross countered a Knee Breaker with a Forearm Blow

(17:29) Rev. Gross applied a Standing Arm Bar

(17:32) Rev. Gross hit a Punch

(17:39) Rev. Gross hit a Running Forearm Blow

(17:49) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield


Frankie Garnett: If the previous fourteen matches in this event have given us any indication of what to expect, Bob, it’s that I expect to see some of the big guns unleashed here within the next minute or two. Blackfield especially, with that Tartan Effect of his.

Bob Sinclair: I’m not sure the first big move will do it, Frankie. It’ll likely take a finishing move to net the first fall, and then I expect the floodgates to open.



(17:56) Blackfield hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(18:04) Blackfield picked up Molina

(18:09) Molina broke a Tartan Effect

(18:19) Molina hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(18:28) Molina tags out to O'Hallister

(18:33) Blackfield blocked a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(18:49) O'Hallister hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(18:56) Brian Blackfield very easily moved out of the way from a Measured Knee Drop.

(19:02) Mel O'Hallister moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(19:08) Blackfield very easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(19:24) Blackfield hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(19:31) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(19:38) Blackfield hit a DDT

(19:47) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(19:52) O'Hallister broke a Tartan Effect

(20:06) O'Hallister applied a Side Headlock

(20:11) Blackfield slipped out the front of the Trapping Headbutts

(20:16) O'Hallister broke a Short Arm Back Elbow

(20:21) Blackfield broke the Trapping Headbutts

(20:26) O'Hallister blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(20:35) O'Hallister avoided a Running Knee Lift.

(20:45) O'Hallister hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(21:05) O'Hallister applied a Boston Crab

(21:21) Blackfield broke a Stump Piledriver

(21:26) O'Hallister broke a DDT

(21:30) Blackfield blocked a Stump Piledriver

(21:39) Blackfield avoided a Begging Off Low Blow.

(21:42) O'Hallister countered a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with a Forearm Blow

(21:46) Blackfield countered a Roundhouse Punch with a Slap To Chest

(22:02) Blackfield hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(22:06) Blackfield hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(22:13) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(22:28) Brian Blackfield makes Mel O'Hallister feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(22:33) Blackfield got a one count

(22:49) Blackfield hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(22:59) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(23:17) Good Lord!  Mel O'Hallister just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!


Bob Sinclair: Blackfield wasting no time as he drops into the cover…one, two, three! Blackfield and Gross draw first blood!

Frankie Garnett: Literally…I mean, you did see Molina got busted open earlier, right?

Bob Sinclair: …not what I meant, Frankie, but yes. Blackfield and Gross with the first fall, and there’s still over half an hour to go in this match!




(23:22) ***Blackfield/Gross lead 1-0.

(23:38) Blackfield hit a Piledriver

(23:42) O'Hallister broke a Face Rub Taunt

(23:56) O'Hallister applied a Cravate

(24:00) O'Hallister hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(24:04) O'Hallister hit an Eye Poke

(24:11) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(24:20) O'Hallister tags out to Molina

(24:34) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(24:41) Molina applied a Standing Arm Bar

(24:46) Blackfield blocked a Knee Plant

(24:56) Molina hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(25:02) Molina picked up Blackfield

(25:12) Brian Blackfield just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(25:19) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Boston Crab

(25:24) Blackfield broke a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(25:27) Blackfield hit a Forearm Blow

(25:36) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Twist

(25:43) Molina avoided a Running Clothesline.

(25:59) Molina hit a Double Underhook Suplex

(26:07) Blackfield got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Boston Crab

(26:12) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Knee Breaker

(26:15) Blackfield hit a Forearm Blow

(26:22) Blackfield hit a Running Clothesline

(26:37) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(26:44) Blackfield hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(26:52) Blackfield picked up Molina from behind

(26:57) Molina slipped out of the back of a Full Nelson Legsweep

(27:02) Blackfield blocked a Puerto Rican Legsweep

(27:12) Molina hit a Russian Legsweep

(27:32) Molina applied a Straightjacket Surfboard

(27:56) Molina hit a Back Suplex

(28:01) Blackfield broke a Stump Puller

(28:15) Blackfield applied a Side Headlock

(28:19) Molina broke a Tartan Effect

(28:29) Molina hit a Knee Breaker

(28:38) Molina picked up Blackfield

(28:42) Blackfield slipped out the front of a San Juan Buster

(28:49) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(28:55) Rev. Gross hit a Low Blow

(28:55) The referee gave Rev. Gross a serious telling off


Bob Sinclair: Gross needs to be careful here. He does not need the referee scrutinizing his every move for the rest of the match.

Frankie Garnett: This isn’t his first time here, Bob. He knows what he’s doing, I’m certain of it.



(29:02) Molina avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(29:10) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(29:15) Rev. Gross slipped out of the back of a Back Suplex

(29:22) Rev. Gross hit a Neckbreaker

(29:30) Molina avoided a Kneeling Kick Rush.

(29:37) Molina hit a Snap Mare Takedown

(29:43) Rev. Gross got a rope break to stop a Single Leg Grapevine

(29:47) Rev. Gross blocked a Swinging Neckbreaker

(29:51) Rev. Gross blocked a Greetings from San Juan

(29:57) Molina avoided a Roundhouse Punch after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(30:01) Rev. Gross blocked an Inverted Atomic Drop

(30:06) Rev. Gross broke a Knee Plant

(30:22) Rev. Gross hit a Sit-Out Face First Suplex

(30:34) Rev. Gross hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(31:00) There's the dragon sleeper!  Reverend Johnny Gross is telling Lucas Molina to Come to Jesus!


Bob Sinclair: Molina immediately taps, and I’m not sure I like that decision, Frankie. If they’d gotten a fall prior to now, I could see it, but now they’re down two-nil and there’s still twenty-nine minutes to fight!

Frankie Garnett: Molina would know better than either of us, Bob, whether it was worth getting out of a hold like that. Regardless, it’s done, they’re two falls down, and need to pick up the pace if they want to get back in this!




(31:14) *** Gross Blackfield lead 2-0.

(31:21) Rev. Gross hit a Single Arm DDT

(31:26) Molina blocked a Come to Jesus

(31:31) Molina blocked a Kneeling Kick Rush

(31:45) Molina applied a Front Facelock

(31:52) Molina hit a Single Leg Trip

(32:06) Molina applied a Knee Bar

(32:10) Rev. Gross blocked a Stump Puller

(32:20) And Reverend Johnny Gross gets sent to the canvas courtesy of a Puerto Rican Legsweep!

(32:24) Rev. Gross broke a Stump Puller

(32:28) Molina blocked a DDT

(32:32) Molina broke a Powerbomb

(32:39) Molina hit a Knee Plant

(32:45) Molina picked up Rev. Gross

(32:55) Reverend Johnny Gross just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(33:00) Rev. Gross blocked a Molina Bodylock

(33:26) Lucas Molina has Rev. Gross wrapped up tight in the Molina Bodylock!


Frankie Garnett: And now it’s Gross who taps immediately! I really don’t like that one, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: How so?

Frankie Garnett: Should have tried to get out of it, to give Blackfield an idea of what to do or what not to do.

Bob Sinclair: Interesting. Hadn’t thought of that. But this has become a one-fall difference again and I expect falls to come in bunches from here out!




(33:37) ***Gross/Blackfield still lead 2-1.

(33:41) Molina blocked a Jab Punch

(33:45) Molina blocked a Standing Arm Bar

(33:50) Rev. Gross blocked a Swinging Neckbreaker

(34:00) Rev. Gross broke a Knee Breaker by falling on top of Molina

(34:04) Rev. Gross got a two count

(34:07) Rev. Gross hit a Jab Punch

(34:21) Rev. Gross applied a Front Facelock

(34:26) Molina blocked a Sit-Out Face First Suplex

(34:31) Molina blocked a Swinging Neckbreaker

(34:35) Rev. Gross blocked a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(34:39) Rev. Gross blocked a Knee Plant

(34:45) Rev. Gross hit a Begging Off Low Blow

(34:45) The referee gave Rev. Gross a final warning

(34:52) Molina got a rope break to stop a Come to Jesus

(35:04) Rev. Gross hit a Lifting Spinebuster Pin

(35:08) Rev. Gross got a two count

(35:20) Rev. Gross hit a Powerbomb

(35:27) Rev. Gross picked up Molina from behind

(35:31) Molina slipped out of the back of a Full Nelson Legsweep

(35:35) Rev. Gross fought back as Molina tried to tag out

(35:35) Rev. Gross irish whipped Molina into the corner

(36:04) Rev. Gross hit a Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

(36:13) Molina blocked a Come to Jesus

(36:39) There's the dragon sleeper!  Reverend Johnny Gross is telling Lucas Molina to Come to Jesus!


Bob Sinclair: Molina’s trying to get out of this, maybe trying to use his blood to loosen the grasp of Gross like we saw earlier in the tournament, but nothing is happening there and he taps again! Gross puts his team back up by two falls as we approach twenty minutes to go, and that blood loss from Molina is only going to get worse.

Frankie Garnett: The referee may want to keep an eye on Molina. No sense of having to forfeit the entire second half of the season because he lost too much blood in this match!




(36:50) *** Gross/Blackfield lead 3-1.

(36:57) Molina countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(37:01) Rev. Gross broke a Rear Chinlock

(37:17) Rev. Gross hit Trapping Headbutts

(37:22) Molina broke a Powerbomb

(37:36) Molina applied a Side Headlock

(37:46) Reverend Johnny Gross just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(37:50) Rev. Gross broke a Stump Puller

(37:54) Molina slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(38:04) Molina hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(38:09) Rev. Gross broke a Molina Bodylock

(38:21) Rev. Gross hit a Lifting Spinebuster Pin

(38:25) Rev. Gross got a two count

(38:33) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(38:43) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(38:49) Blackfield picked up Molina from behind

(38:55) Molina got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(39:02) Blackfield hit a Running Forearm Blow

(39:08) Blackfield picked up Molina

(39:23) Brian Blackfield makes Lucas Molina feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(39:23) Molina began bleeding quite heavily

(39:27) Blackfield got a two count

(39:34) Blackfield hit a Running Forearm Blow

(39:44) Blackfield picked up Molina from behind

(39:48) Molina broke a Highland's Wrath

(39:53) Blackfield broke a DDT

(39:58) Molina blocked an Implant DDT

(39:58) Blackfield irish whipped Molina into the corner

(40:08) Molina blocked a Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

(40:15) Blackfield hit a Corner Clothesline

(40:24) Blackfield picked up Molina

(40:29) Molina blocked a Scotland Destroyer

(40:33) Molina broke a Tartan Effect

(40:43) Brian Blackfield just received some cold Greetings from San Juan!

(40:48) Blackfield fought back as Molina tried to tag out

(40:55) Blackfield hit a Running Forearm Blow

(41:05) Blackfield picked up Molina from behind

(41:31) Lucas Molina begins to fade as he feels the Highland's Wrath!


Frankie Garnett: There’s no way he gets out of…nope, there’s the tap. This is threatening to turn into a blowout, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: We’ve seen deficits like this come back from, Frankie. But Molina desperately needs to get O’Hallister in the ring before this gets any further out of hand!




(41:46) *** Blackfield/Gross now lead 4-1.

(41:53) Blackfield hit a Single Arm DDT

(41:58) Molina fought back against being picked up

(42:03) Blackfield broke a DDT

(42:10) Blackfield hit a Running Forearm Blow

(42:15) Molina stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Blackfield

(42:21) Molina tags out to O'Hallister

(42:30) O'Hallister hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(42:46) O'Hallister hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(42:50) O'Hallister hit a Running Knee Drop

(43:00) O'Hallister picked up Blackfield

(43:16) O'Hallister hit a Stump Piledriver

(43:23) O'Hallister picked up Blackfield

(43:26) Blackfield countered a Low Blow with a Punch

(43:35) Blackfield hit a Standing Head Scissors Jump

(43:40) O'Hallister blocked a Single Leg Trip

(43:54) Blackfield applied a Front Facelock

(44:09) Brian Blackfield makes Mel O'Hallister feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(44:14) Blackfield got a two count

(44:21) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(44:31) Rev. Gross hit a Samoan Drop

(44:57) There's the dragon sleeper!  Reverend Johnny Gross is telling Mel O'Hallister to Come to Jesus!


Frankie Garnett: If O’Hallister taps here, I think this is over!

Bob Sinclair: O’Hallister is reaching for the ropes, but they’re just too far away and he has to tap! A four-fall lead with fifteen minutes to go, Frankie. This one may be all but over unless O’Hallister and Molina can dig deep and find their second wind!

Frankie Garnett: More like their fifth or sixth wind at this point…




(45:11) *** Gross/Blackfield lead 5-1.

(45:16) Rev. Gross blocked a Stump Piledriver

(45:21) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Swinging Neckbreaker

(45:33) Rev. Gross hit a Lifting Spinebuster Pin

(45:38) Rev. Gross got a two count

(45:50) Rev. Gross hit a Powerbomb Pin

(45:55) Rev. Gross got a two count

(46:02) O'Hallister countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Side Headlock Takedown

(46:09) O'Hallister tags out to Molina

(46:19) Molina hit a Knee Breaker

(46:23) Rev. Gross rolled through a Boston Crab

(46:29) Rev. Gross hit a Roundhouse Body Punch

(46:33) Molina slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(46:38) Rev. Gross broke a DDT

(46:50) Rev. Gross hit a Powerbomb

(47:00) Rev. Gross picked up Molina from behind

(47:05) Molina broke a Full Nelson Legsweep

(47:13) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(47:29) Molina applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(47:39) Molina hit a Russian Legsweep

(47:48) Molina tags out to O'Hallister

(48:07) O'Hallister applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(48:07) The referee gave O'Hallister a stern warning

(48:11) Rev. Gross blocked a Kneeling Kick Rush

(48:15) O'Hallister hit a Running Knee Drop

(48:29) O'Hallister hit Rear Crossface Blows

(48:35) O'Hallister picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(48:40) Rev. Gross broke a Dream of the Emerald Isle

(48:56) Rev. Gross hit a Spinning Arm Breaker

(49:05) Rev. Gross tags out to Blackfield

(49:10) O'Hallister fought back against being picked up

(49:14) Blackfield broke a Swinging Neckbreaker

(49:19) O'Hallister broke a Stump Piledriver

(49:35) O'Hallister hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(49:39) O'Hallister hit a Running Knee Drop

(49:43) Blackfield blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(49:47) Blackfield fought back against being picked up

(49:57) Blackfield hit a Belly To Belly Suplex

(50:12) Blackfield hit a Stomp Flurry

(50:20) Blackfield hit a Stomp To Groin

(50:27) Blackfield used a Face Rub Taunt

(50:40) Blackfield used a Stalk Grounded Enemy

(50:55) Brian Blackfield makes Mel O'Hallister feel the full fury of the Tartan Effect!

(51:00) Blackfield got a two count

(51:10) Blackfield hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(51:20) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister from behind

(51:30) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(51:47) Blackfield applied a Kneeling Cravate

(52:10) Blackfield hit an Implant DDT

(52:14) Blackfield got a near pinfall

(52:32) Good Lord!  Mel O'Hallister just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!


Bob Sinclair: Molina in to break it up, but Gross runs interference…one, two, three! The lead is five falls, and there are less than eight minutes in this contest!

Frankie Garnett: I think we can safely declare this one decided, Bob. No way Molina and O’Hallister can make up six falls in eight minutes. None.




(52:36) *** Blackfield/Gross now have a commanding 6-1 lead.

(52:41) O'Hallister blocked a Single Arm DDT

(52:45) O'Hallister broke a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(52:50) Blackfield slipped out the front of a Side Headlock

(53:00) Blackfield hit a Kneeling Jaw Breaker

(53:09) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister from behind

(53:18) O'Hallister got a rope break to stop a Highland's Wrath

(53:22) O'Hallister blocked a Stump Piledriver

(53:38) Blackfield hit a Stump Piledriver

(53:48) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(54:06) Good Lord!  Mel O'Hallister just got rocked by the Scotland Destroyer!


Bob Sinclair: Cover, near the Blackfield/Gross corner…one, two, three! Less that six minutes to go and the lead is six falls. Are O’Hallister and Molina going to get even one more fall here?

Frankie Garnett: I think one…two, maybe, but Blackfield and Gross are not done yet.




(54:10) *** Blackfield/Gross now lead 7-1 with 5:50 remaining.

(54:17) Blackfield hit a Flying Forearm

(54:25) Blackfield picked up O'Hallister

(54:29) O'Hallister broke a Scotland Destroyer

(54:43) O'Hallister applied a Cravate

(54:57) O'Hallister applied a Front Facelock

(55:04) O'Hallister hit a Single Leg Trip

(55:08) O'Hallister hit a Stomp

(55:12) O'Hallister hit an Elbow Drop On Knee

(55:19) O'Hallister hit a Knee Pull

(55:31) O'Hallister hit a Kneeling Kick Rush

(55:35) Blackfield fought back against being picked up from behind

(55:52) Blackfield applied a Kneeling Cravate

(56:12) Blackfield tags out to Rev. Gross

(56:28) Rev. Gross hit a Swinging Neckbreaker

(56:36) Rev. Gross picked up O'Hallister from behind

(56:52) Rev. Gross hit a Full Nelson Legsweep

(56:52) O'Hallister started to bleed


Bob Sinclair: O’Hallister landed forehead-first as Gross goes for a cover…one, two, three! Gross gets a rare pinfall and the lead is a surely-insurmountable seven falls!

Frankie Garnett: With three minutes to go? Yeah. Let’s see O’Hallister and Molina get one more at least to make it closer, though.




(56:57) *** Gross/Blackfield now lead 8-1. There is 3:03 remaining in the match.

(57:02) Rev. Gross blocked a Belly To Belly Suplex

(57:09) O'Hallister hit a DDT

(57:19) O'Hallister picked up Rev. Gross from behind

(57:29) Mel O'Hallister grabs Rev. Gross by the head...and a quick move to the mat later, Rev. Gross experiences the Dream of the Emerald Isle!


Bob Sinclair: Cover…one, two, three!  A desperately needed fall, but too little too late as the deficit is now six falls!

Frankie Garnett: Even if they kept up that pace, of a fall roughly every thirty seconds, they’d still be down 8-6 or 8-7 at the end, Bob. It’s not going to be fast enough!




(57:34) *** Gross/Blackfield lead 8-2, with 2:26 remaining.

(57:39) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(57:49) Rev. Gross hit a Samoan Drop

(57:53) Rev. Gross hit a Seated Back Kick

(57:57) O'Hallister blocked a Come to Jesus

(58:02) O'Hallister fought back against being picked up from behind

(58:08) O'Hallister hit a Low Blow

(58:08) The referee furiously berated O'Hallister

(58:13) Rev. Gross fought back as O'Hallister tried to tag out

(58:18) O'Hallister slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(58:26) O'Hallister tags out to Molina

(58:42) ¡Ay caramba! Lucas Molina just dropped Reverend Johnny Gross with a San Juan Buster!


Frankie Garnett: To move within five falls…one, two, three! They might get one more, Bob, but that’s iffy if it’s Molina in there. He’s more methodical than O’Hallister is!

Bob Sinclair: I don’t see any falsehoods in that assessment, Frankie. I think you’re right, that’ll be the last one.




(58:46) *** Gross/Blackfield lead 8-3. Only 74 seconds remain in this contest.

(58:52) Molina broke a Western Brainbuster Suplex by falling on top of Rev. Gross

(58:56) Molina got a two count

(59:00) Rev. Gross slipped out the front of a Belly To Belly Suplex

(59:07) Rev. Gross hit a DDT

(59:07) Molina began bleeding very heavily

(59:12) Molina broke a Come to Jesus

(59:20) Molina applied a Hammerlock

(59:27) Molina hit a Chop Block

(59:32) Rev. Gross broke a Straightjacket Surfboard

(59:48) Rev. Gross hit a Sit-Out Face First Suplex

(59:54) Rev. Gross picked up Molina from behind

(1:00:00) Rev. Gross hit a Full Nelson Legsweep

(1:00:00) Molina was bleeding everywhere

(1:00:00) *** The time limit expired


Bob Sinclair: You’d almost be forgiven if you thought the bell saved Molina there; between the blood loss and that legsweep he looked dead to rights for a ninth fall, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett: Indeed, but in any case, this one is over and we have new Tag Team Turmoil champions, as Brian Blackfield and Reverend Johnny Gross’s holy war on The League ends with a decisive final victory!

Bob Sinclair: Folks, it’s back to the usual grind next week, as the second half of the season kicks off, but until then, for Frankie Garnett and everyone else here with The League, this is Bob Sinclair…good night from The Aerie!


Brian Blackfield & Reverend Johnny Gross def. Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister, 8 falls to 3, to win Tag Team Turmoil. Rating: ****

Fall 1: Blackfield pinned O’Hallister (Scotland Destroyer), 23:22 [1-0]

Fall 2: Gross submitted Molina (Come to Jesus), 31:14 [2-0]

Fall 3: Molina submitted Gross (Molina Bodylock), 33:37 [2-1]

Fall 4: Gross submitted Molina (Come to Jesus), 35:50 [3-1]

Fall 5: Blackfield submitted Molina (Highland’s Wrath), 41:46 [4-1]

Fall 6: Gross submitted O’Hallister (Come to Jesus), 45:11 [5-1]

Fall 7: Blackfield pinned O’Hallister (Scotland Destroyer), 52:36 [6-1]

Fall 8: Blackfield pinned O’Hallister (Scotland Destroyer), 54:10 [7-1]

Fall 9: Gross pinned O’Hallister (full nelson legsweep), 56:57 [8-1]

Fall 10: O’Hallister pinned Gross (Dream of the Emerald Isle), 57:34 [8-2]

Fall 11: Molina pinned Gross (San Juan Buster), 58.46 [8-3]



Spirit gained via Tag Team Turmoil:

Reverend Johnny Gross & Brian Blackfield: 6.43 (R1) + 9.79 (QF) + 6.61 (SF) + 10.80 (F) + 50 (champion bonus) = 83.63

Lucas Molina & Mel O’Hallister: 5.98 (R1) + 4.33 (QF) + 6.24 (SF) + 2.56 (F) + 25 (runner-up bonus) = 44.11

De’siree Mitchell & Pulsar: 5.22 (R1) + 6.76 (QF) + 0.92 (SF) = 12.90

George Mastachas & Jun Onoo: 4.58 (R1) + 6.11 (QF) + 0.87 (SF) = 11.56

Nuclear Templeton & Scott Stevens: 6.47 (R1) + 2.32 (QF) = 8.79

Daniel Simmons & Diego Rodriguez: 6.36 (R1) + 0.85 (QF) = 7.21

Christian Priest & Monty Dhillon: 4.30 (R1) + 0.94 (QF) = 5.24

El Tornado & Markus Clay: 4.80 (R1) – 0.08 (QF) = 4.72

Kichi Hida & Yoshii Nakamatsu: 1.23 (R1)

Angela Wassermann & Devil’s Delight: 0.90 (R1)

Billy Norris & Blood River: 0.89 (R1)

Lance Heartilly & Terrance Stevens: 0.83 (R1)

Erick Gibson & The Mastodon: 0.72 (R1)

Big Scott Weathers & Jean-Paul Ouilette: -0.08 (R1)

Indigo Rose & Nocturne: -0.08 (R1)

Brandy McDonald & Diamond: -0.08 (R1)






1.  George Mastachas:  6-1, ATV 16:34, (AMR 2.143), OVR 498.58

2.  The Mastodon:  5-2, ATV 15:50, (AMR 2.571), OVR 500.63

3.  Mel O'Hallister:  4-3, ATV 15:26, (AMR 2.286), OVR 509.49

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  4-3, ATV 13:37, (AMR 2.000), OVR 502.14

5.  Brandy McDonald:  3-4, ATV 15:43, (AMR 2.143), OVR 502.54

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-4, ATV 18:14, (AMR 2.286), OVR 481.98

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-5, ATV 15:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 487.89

8.  Daniel Simmons:  1-6, ATV 16:46, (AMR 2.571), OVR 495.48

  • Both ties are broken by simple head-to-head (H2H).



1.  Brian Blackfield:  7-0, ATV 14:09 (AMR 2.143), OVR 549.30

2.  Blood River:  4-3, ATV 9:49 (AMR 1.714), OVR 491.91

3.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-3, ATV 14:01 (AMR 2.000), OVR 494.81

4.  Angela Wassermann:  4-3, ATV 10:38 (AMR 2.000), OVR 461.64

5.  Billy Norris:  3-4, ATV 15:49 (AMR 2.429), OVR 491.59

6.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  3-4, ATV 10:45 (AMR 2.286), OVR 493.55

7.  Pulsar:  2-5, ATV 13:33 (AMR 2.429), OVR 459.57

8.  Big Scott Weathers:  1-6, ATV 14:26 (AMR 2.429), OVR 465.46

  • 4-3 records are broken via H2H (River’s beaten both, Nakamatsu’s beaten Wassermann).
  • 3-4 record broken by simple H2H.



1.  Christian Priest:  6-1, ATV 12:37, (AMR 3.286), OVR 549.58

2.  Terrance Stevens:  4-3, ATV 9:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 465.32

3.  Lucas Molina:  4-3, ATV 14:20, (AMR 1.571), OVR 457.56

4.  Diego Rodriguez:  4-3, ATV 22:24, (AMR 2.286), OVR 495.31

5.  Indigo Rose:  3-4, ATV 15:41, (AMR 2.571), OVR 465.61

6.  Erick Gibson:  3-4, ATV 11:27, (AMR 2.571), OVR 479.58

7.  Diamond:  3-4, ATV 9:47, (AMR 2.143), OVR 469.41

8.  Markus Clay:  1-6, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.429), OVR 455.74

  • 4-3: H2H does not break three-way tie as all members are 1-1 against the others.
    • Stevens has fastest ATV in his win, thus winning the first tiebreaker.
    • Molina has H2H over Rodriguez.
  • 3-4: All broken by H2H (Rose has beaten both, Gibson has beaten Diamond)



1.  Lance Heartilly:  6-1, ATV 11:36 (AMR 2.571), OVR 428.72

2.  Monty Dhillon:  5-2, ATV 6:05 (AMR 2.143), OVR 503.86

3.  Kichi Hida:  5-2, ATV 6:24 (AMR 1.714), OVR 444.50

4.  El Tornado:  3-4, ATV 7:15 (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.15

5.  Scott Stevens:  3-4, ATV 9:45 (AMR 2.143), OVR 413.29

6.  Nocturne:  3-4, ATV 12:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 413.76

7.  Jun Onoo:  3-4, ATV 9:35 (AMR 1.857), OVR 462.25

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-7, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 414.26

  • 5-2 is broken by simple H2H.
  • 3-4: Tornado/Stevens are both 2-1 against the others tied at 3-4.
    • Splitting them off into their own tiebreaker shows Tornado beat Stevens, so Tornado takes the top spot off that.
    • The remainder is off H2H (Stevens beat Nocturne and Onoo, Nocturne beat Onoo)



(Reminder: The standings will now show “official” scores with the bottom two weeks dropped.)

1. Croquemitaine: 56 (last week: 12). Total score: 72 (drop weeks 4 [8] and 5 [8])

2. SeanMcG: 54 (last week: 6). Total score: 70 (drop weeks 4 [10] and 7 [6])

2. Eternal Phoenix: 54 (last week: 12). Total score: 67 (drop weeks 4 [5] and 5 [8])

4. ShadowedFlames: 53 (last week: 7). Total score: 72 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])

5. Derek B:  51 (last week: 10). Total score: 55 (drop weeks 3 [0] and 5 [4])

6. Jman2k3: 49 (last week: 7). Total score: 63 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])



(An * denotes winner of the previous matchup this season)


(1) George Mastachas (6-1, OVR 499)* vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (3-4, OVR 503) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 2]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Mel O'Hallister (4-3, OVR 509)* vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (1-6, OVR 495) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(2) The Mastodon (5-2, OVR 501)* vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5, OVR 488) [Career: The Mastodon, 2 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (4-3, OVR 502)* vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (3-4, OVR 482) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]


(2) Blood River (4-3, OVR 492) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (7-0, OVR 549)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

(5) Billy Norris (3-4, OVR 492)* vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3, OVR 495) [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4, OVR 494)* vs. (7) Pulsar (2-5, OVR 460) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Angela Wassermann (4-3, OVR 462)* vs. (8) Big Scott Weathers (1-6, OVR 465) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 1 - 0]


(1) Christian Priest (6-1, OVR 550)* vs. (7) Diamond (3-4, OVR 469) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

(4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 495)* vs. (6) Erick Gibson (3-4, OVR 480) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 3 - 2]

(2) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 465)* vs. (5) Indigo Rose (3-4, OVR 466) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Markus Clay (1-6, OVR 456) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (4-3, OVR 458)* [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]


(6) Nocturne (3-4, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 504)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-1, OVR 429)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (5-2, OVR 445) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

(4) El Tornado (3-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Jun Onoo (3-4, OVR 462)* [Career: Jun Onoo, 4 - 1]

(5) Scott Stevens (3-4, OVR 413)* vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-7, OVR 414) [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]


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(An * denotes winner of the previous matchup this season)


George Mastachas

Mel O'Hallister

The Mastodon

Nuclear Templeton


Brian Blackfield

Billy Norris

Jean-Paul Ouilette

Angela Wassermann


Christian Priest

Diego Rodriguez

Terrance Stevens

Lucas Molina


Monty Dhillon

Lance Heartilly

Jun Onoo

Scott Stevens

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So the most hotly-anticipated Tag-Team Turmoil was a pretty good show, but I don't know that anyone is particularly excited by the final result. I don't mean that anyone is disappointed or upset (I mean, "#2 seed wins!" isn't shocking), more just... "meh".

I suppose it does build anticipation for what The Juggernaut is going to do in Alpha next season, though.




(1) George Mastachas (6-1, OVR 499)* vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (3-4, OVR 503)

- Mastachas is on a roll, McDonald is in a free-fall

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Mel O'Hallister (4-3, OVR 509)* vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (1-6, OVR 495)

(2) The Mastodon (5-2, OVR 501)* vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5, OVR 488)

(4) Nuclear Templeton (4-3, OVR 502)* vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (3-4, OVR 482)


(2) Blood River (4-3, OVR 492) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (7-0, OVR 549)*

(5) Billy Norris (3-4, OVR 492)* vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3, OVR 495)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4, OVR 494)* vs. (7) Pulsar (2-5, OVR 460)

- Ouilette's gotta be wondering who he pissed off to keep getting booked in Submission matches

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Angela Wassermann (4-3, OVR 462)* vs. (8) Big Scott Weathers (1-6, OVR 465)


(1) Christian Priest (6-1, OVR 550)* vs. (7) Diamond (3-4, OVR 469)

(4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 495)* vs. (6) Erick Gibson (3-4, OVR 480)

(2) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 465)* vs. (5) Indigo Rose (3-4, OVR 466)

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Markus Clay (1-6, OVR 456) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (4-3, OVR 458)*

- Ya think?  😜


(6) Nocturne (3-4, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 504)*

- probably a much closer match than I'd like

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-1, OVR 429)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (5-2, OVR 445)

- upset pick!

(4) El Tornado (3-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Jun Onoo (3-4, OVR 462)*

(5) Scott Stevens (3-4, OVR 413)* vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-7, OVR 414)



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I plan to run matches tomorrow...well, as many as I can, really. Later this week I have my own midseason breakdown and comparison to my attempts to predict the season before Week One ever started. So more reading material than usual from me this week.

My Monday predictions, knowing that by Wednesday half of these are going to be wrong, lol:

ALPHA: Mastachas, O'Hallister, Gross, Templeton

BETA: Blackfield, Nakamatsu, Ouilette, Wassermann

GAMMA: Priest, Gibson, Rose, Molina

I mean... EP specifically picked this opponent, this stipulation, and this week by virtue of winning the predictions game last season. Why would I not go with the heavily stacked deck?

DELTA: Dhillon, Heartilly, Onoo, Stevens

Much as I wanna take Nocturne in an upset, it's not her time yet. I also think Lance is too much for Hida again but I expect that one to be close.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Post the airing of Tag Team Turmoil, it came out that both Lucas Molina and Mel O'Hallister recommitted (for now) to being each other's partners again next year. The Irish Canadian Connection will return to Tag Team Turmoil. However, this cannot be said of Kichi Hida and Yoshii Nakamatsu. According to a translation of their post match conversation, it seems the Ringmaster of the Carnival of Violence was thoroughly disappointed in Nakamatsu's "violence". Nakamatsu didn't take the insult to his grappling acumen lightly. While it didn't come to blows, the two apparently needed to be separated backstage, with Hida reportedly laughing at Nakamatsu and mocking his anger at her words. Unless these two reconcile before mid Season 11, it's safe to say that Made In Japan is done as a team.

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(An * denotes winner of the previous matchup this season)


George Mastachas


The Mastodon

Nuclear Templeton


Brian Blackfield

Billy Norris

SUBMISSION MATCH: Jean-Paul Ouilette



Christian Priest

Diego Rodriguez

Indigo Rose



Monty Dhillon

Kichi Hida

Jun Onoo

Scott Stevens


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(An * denotes winner of the previous matchup this season)


(1) George Mastachas (6-1, OVR 499)* vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (3-4, OVR 503) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 2]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Mel O'Hallister (4-3, OVR 509)* vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (1-6, OVR 495) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(2) The Mastodon (5-2, OVR 501)* vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5, OVR 488) [Career: The Mastodon, 2 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (4-3, OVR 502)* vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (3-4, OVR 482) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]


(2) Blood River (4-3, OVR 492) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (7-0, OVR 549)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

(5) Billy Norris (3-4, OVR 492)* vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3, OVR 495) [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4, OVR 494)* vs. (7) Pulsar (2-5, OVR 460) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Angela Wassermann (4-3, OVR 462)* vs. (8) Big Scott Weathers (1-6, OVR 465) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 1 - 0]


(1) Christian Priest (6-1, OVR 550)* vs. (7) Diamond (3-4, OVR 469) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

(4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 495)* vs. (6) Erick Gibson (3-4, OVR 480) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 3 - 2]

(2) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 465)* vs. (5) Indigo Rose (3-4, OVR 466) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Markus Clay (1-6, OVR 456) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (4-3, OVR 458)* [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]


(6) Nocturne (3-4, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 504)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-1, OVR 429)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (5-2, OVR 445) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

(4) El Tornado (3-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Jun Onoo (3-4, OVR 462)* [Career: Jun Onoo, 4 - 1]

(5) Scott Stevens (3-4, OVR 413)* vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-7, OVR 414) [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]


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(1) George Mastachas (6-1, OVR 499)* vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (3-4, OVR 503) [Career: George Mastachas, 3 - 2]

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (3) Mel O'Hallister (4-3, OVR 509)* vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (1-6, OVR 495) [Career: Daniel Simmons, 2 - 1]

(2) The Mastodon (5-2, OVR 501)* vs. (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5, OVR 488) [Career: The Mastodon, 2 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (4-3, OVR 502)* vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (3-4, OVR 482) [Career: Nuclear Templeton, 4 - 1]


(2) Blood River (4-3, OVR 492) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (7-0, OVR 549)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 1 - 0]

(5) Billy Norris (3-4, OVR 492)* vs. (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3, OVR 495) [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4, OVR 494)* vs. (7) Pulsar (2-5, OVR 460) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 1 - 0]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (4) Angela Wassermann (4-3, OVR 462)* vs. (8) Big Scott Weathers (1-6, OVR 465) [Career: Angela Wassermann, 1 - 0]


(1) Christian Priest (6-1, OVR 550)* vs. (7) Diamond (3-4, OVR 469) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

(4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 495)* vs. (6) Erick Gibson (3-4, OVR 480) [Career: Diego Rodriguez, 3 - 2]

(2) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 465)* vs. (5) Indigo Rose (3-4, OVR 466) [Career: Terrance Stevens, 2 - 1]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Markus Clay (1-6, OVR 456) vs. (3) Lucas Molina (4-3, OVR 458)* [Career: Lucas Molina, 1 - 0]


(6) Nocturne (3-4, OVR 414) vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 504)* [Career: Monty Dhillon, 1 - 0]

(1) Lance Heartilly (6-1, OVR 429)* vs. (3) Kichi Hida (5-2, OVR 445) [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 - 0]

(4) El Tornado (3-4, OVR 441) vs. (7) Jun Onoo (3-4, OVR 462)* [Career: Jun Onoo, 4 - 1]

(5) Scott Stevens (3-4, OVR 413)* vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-7, OVR 414) [Career: Scott Stevens, 1 - 0]

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There is an outside chance the show goes up Sunday. I intend to try to get it posted tomorrow—all I have right now is one match to run due to a PC crash, then wrote out the eventual MOTN and add all my formatting and presentation stuff—but a chance exists that I will be unable to work on it.

Why, you may not be asking? Because due to an exterminator screw-up I had to spend the better portion of the pre-Dawn hours this morning and basically all of the evening yesterday killing wasps inside my apartment. (The exterminator didn’t do enough to kill the next that’s in the brick exterior wall of my apartment and they were getting in via the heating register on the floor.) Exterminator is *supposed* to come back tomorrow and if so I may have to kill more wasps so they can’t sting and actually kill my roommate while he’s asleep due to allergies.

I’m going to try to get the show up early tomorrow before the guy shows up, but if that falls through you know why.

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This was meant to be posted earlier in the week, and it would make no sense for this to go up after the show, so...

Shadowed’s Prediction Comparison: Midpoint of Season Ten


Now, I won’t get as involved as EP does with his—The League isn’t going to run itself after all, as much as I might like that idea—but I will expand a little more than what I did at the quarter-point. This will also be the last one of these I do until the end of season, as at the three-quarters point (Week 11) I will be in the midst of clinch permutations and will be focusing on that.



  • Brandy McDonald
    • Predicted Form: W-L-L-W-W-W-W (5-2)
    • Actual Form W-L-W-L-L-W-L (3-4)
    • Accuracy: Only three matches correct for me here—Week 1 win, Week 2 loss, and Week 6 win.
    • McDonald has struggled a little this season, as her skills and her submission finisher have not done as much as she’d have liked. At this point in the season, I had her in sole possession of the Alpha Division lead with a four-person jam behind her. In reality, she’s one match above the relegation zone. Certainly not where the Season Eight Champion wanted to be.
  • Daniel Simmons
    • Predicted Form: W-L-W-L-W-W-L (4-3)
    • Actual Form: L-L-L-L-L-L-W (1-6)
    • Accuracy: Only two picks correct—losses in weeks 2 and 4.
    • Barring some sort of miracle comeback, Simmons drops to Beta for Season Eleven. It’s no fault of his own, he just came in woefully unprepared for Alpha Division competition and they’re eating him alive. Only an upset in week seven has saved him from a bagel in the win column, putting him one step at least above Devil’s Delight in Delta.
  • De’siree Mitchell
    • Predicted Form: L-W-L-L-L-L-W (2-5)
    • Actual Form: L-W-W-L-W-L-L (3-4)
    • Accuracy: Four of seven here… Week 1 loss, Week 2 win, week 4 loss, week 6 loss.
    • Mitchell is in the same boat as McDonald—fighting to avoid relegation. She’s doing slightly better than I have predicted, as I thought at this point she would be bottom-two along with Mastodon. Still has a ways to go to be safe but at the halfway marker she’s at least clear of danger for the moment.
  • George Mastachas
    • Predicted Form: L-W-W-L-W-W-L (4-3)
    • Actual Form: W-W-L-W-W-W-W (6-1)
    • Accuracy: Only three correct: Weeks 2, 5, and 6 (all wins).
    • I had Mastachas in a four-way tie for second at the halfway point, but he’s surprised me by having the outright lead at this point. The second half of the season is going to determine whether rematches are his Achilles heel in terms of a championship hunt. (And yes, I purposely had to throw that term in here because it’s in my contract!)
  • Mel O’Hallister
    • Predicted Form: W-L-W-W-W-L-L (4-3)
    • Actual Form: W-L-W-W-L-L-W (4-3)
    • Accuracy: Five out of seven, only missing weeks 5 and 7.
    • O’Hallister finds himself in the hunt for a League Championship, but has two much larger men to get past first in the forms of Mastachas and Mastodon, and Templeton hot on his heels. The key matches are going to be the rematch with Mastachas and Mastodon—if he can win both of those, he becomes a heavy favorite to win it all.
  • Nuclear Templeton
    • Predicted Form: W-W-L-W-L-W-L (4-3)
    • Actual Form: L-W-L-W-L-W-W (4-3)
    • Accuracy: Five out of seven, missing weeks 1 and 7.
    • I had Nuclear in contention at this point, but only a match behind. He’s two back in reality, and basically needs to run the table to have a shot to repeat as League Champion. Possible, yes. Likely…no. Mid-division finish for Nuclear, who will be back in Season Eleven looking to knock some blocks off.
  • Reverend Johnny Gross
    • Predicted Form: L-W-W-L-L-L-W (3-4)
    • Actual Form: L-W-L-L-W-L-L (2-5)
    • Accuracy: Just above half—four out of seven. Correct on weeks 1, 2, 4, 6.
    • Gross seems content to yo-yo between the upper two divisions. All it might take is one more solid season in Beta before he’s ready to leave a mark on the Alpha Division. Winning Tag Team Turmoil this season certainly shows that in the right circumstances he can excel…he just needs the right timing.
  • The Mastodon
    • Predicted Form: L-L-L-W-L-L-W (2-5)
    • Actual Form: W-L-W-W-W-W-L (5-2)
    • Accuracy: Only two correct, in weeks 2 and 4.
    • Where did this performance come from? Mastodon has put himself in position to contend against Mastachas for the League Championship. He beat Mastachas earlier this season, but he lost to O’Hallister. Those are going to be the keys for Mastodon…win both, he may be lifting the belt at the end of the season.



·        Angela Wassermann

o   Predicted Form: W-L-W-W-L-L-W (4-3)

o   Actual Form: W-W-L-L-W-L-W (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Three correct: wins in weeks 1 and 7, loss in week 6.

o   I at least had Wassermann’s position right—fourth in Beta at the break—just not the order of her wins. A division title is well out of reach given The Juggernaut’s existence, but in a three-way tie for second that she’s behind on due to tiebreakers, she still has a chance to surprise people.

·        Big Scott Weathers

o   Predicted Form: L-W-L-L-W-L-W (3-4)

o   Actual Form: L-L-W-L-L-L-L (1-6)

o   Accuracy: Three correct again, this time all losses in weeks 1, 4, and 6.

o   Performing under expectations is what I should have come to expect from a man who is supposed to be the cheating heel of The League. He might find himself more comfortable in Gamma, but I do not see him making enough of a ruckus to stay in Beta next season.

·        Billy Norris

o   Predicted Form: L-W-L-L-L-L-L (1-6)

o   Actual Form: W-L-L-L-L-W-W (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Three out of seven for losses in weeks 3, 4, and 5.

o   Norris, as compared to Weathers, is doing better than expected. 3-4 is just enough to be out of the relegation zone but not by much. He’ll need a couple of wins and maybe an upset to stay in Beta for Season Eleven.

·        Blood River

o   Predicted Form: L-L-L-L-W-W-L (2-5)

o   Actual Form: L-W-W-W-W-L-L (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Three correct with losses in weeks 1 and 7, and a week 5 win.

o   River also finds himself in the quagmire that is 4-3 in the Beta Division. A new set of ring gear led to four straight wins before tapering off at the break, leaving one to wonder if maybe he pushed himself too hard too fast and cost himself a shot at staying in the division.

·        Brian Blackfield

o   Predicted form: W-W-W-L-W-W-W (6-1)

o   Actual Form: W-W-W-W-W-W-W (7-0)

o   Accuracy: Six out of seven with week 4 being the outlier.

o   Blackfield has done Blackfield things this season. His showings in tag Team Turmoil against the likes of O’Hallister and Templeton show that he might slow down and look vulnerable at the highest level, but we’re going to find out for a certainty in Season Eleven. I see no way he drops into third or worse with a three-match lead at the break.

·        Jean-Paul Ouilette

o   Predicted Form: W-L-L-W-W-W-W (5-2)

o   Actual Form: W-L-L-W-L-L-W (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven, well above average. Only Weeks 5 and 6 stand as outliers.

o   Ouilette has struggled this season, a season where I predicted him to be in contention for promotion to Alpha. On pace for a 5-9 finish if this pattern continues exactly, it might be enough to avoid the bottom two but it would still be a disappointing season.

·        Pulsar

o   Predicted Form: L-L-W-W-L-L-L (2-5)

o   Actual Form: L-L-L-W-L-W-L (2-5)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven—Weeks 3 and 6 are the misses.

o   Pulsar has struggled, as I expected. I think a season in Gamma is what he’ll need to bounce back into Beta and be a mid-table finisher in the division in Season Twelve. There’s just finishing this season out and then working back from Season Eleven to accomplish first.

·        Yoshii Nakamatsu

o   Predicted Form: W-W-W-W-L-W-L (5-2)

o   Actual Form: L-W-W-L-W-W-L (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Four out of seven, missing weeks 1, 4, and 5.

o   Nakamatsu’s only slight behind my predicted pace. If his pattern continues, 9-5 could be a solid mark that might be enough to make Alpha. He’ll need an upset win over Blackfield, though, to truly be in contention.



·        Christian Priest

o   Predicted Form: W-W-W-W-L-L-W (5-2)

o   Actual Form: W-W-W-W-L-W-W (6-1)

o   Accuracy: Six out of seven again—week six is the only miss here.

o   I had Priest a single match ahead of a 4-3 logjam at the break. He’s actually up two over a smaller logjam. Much like Blackfield, I’m not seeing a way for him to avoid promoting to Beta. Also like Blackfield, I think Priest’s mettle is going to be tested in the higher division, but that’s a Season Eleven discussion.

·        Diamond

o   Predicted Form: L-W-L-W-W-L-W (4-3)

o   Actual Form: L-W-L-W-L-W-L (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Four out of seven, as the first four weeks were correct.

o   Diamond’s form has been perfectly balanced (as all things should be…) this season, swinging back and forth without fail from losing to winning and vice cersa. Due to tiebreakers she finds herself in the second relegation spot at the break, but if she keeps up this pace I do not see 7-7 being a mark that sends her down to Delta.

·        Diego Rodriguez

o   Predicted Form: L-W-L-L-L-W-L (2-5)

o   Actual Form: L-W-W-L-L-W-W (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven—the misses are weeks 4 and 7.

o   Rodriguez finds himself in the 4-3 mix at the break. He could just as easily been in the 3-4 mix and be at risk for relegation, but an aggressive win in week 7 puts him above average for the moment. We’ll see how the second go-round treats him.

·        Erick Gibson

o   Predicted Form: L-L-W-W-L-W-L (3-4)

o   Actual Form: L-L-L-L-W-W-W (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Just three out of seven, with losses in weeks 1 and 2, and a week 6 win.

o   Talk about running in streaks. Lose four straight, then rattle off three wins in a row to at least be in contention to avoid relegation at the break. He’ll need a little more than that in the second half, but I see him being at risk going into the final week of the season.

·        Indigo Rose

o   Predicted Form: W-W-L-L-L-W-W (4-3)

o   Actual Form: W-L-L-W-W-L-L (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Only two correct—the week 1 win and the week 3 loss.

o   Rose is another one stuck in the 4-3/3-4 mess in the middle of the Gamma Division. Losing a contender for Match of the Season in Week Seven didn’t help her chances, but I think she’ll find enough wins to avoid relegation as she turns her focus to developing areas outside her technical and ground game.

·        Lucas Molina

o   Predicted Form: W-L-W-L-W-W-L (4-3)

o   Actual Form: W-W-W-L-W-L-L (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven. The only misses are weeks 2 and 6.

o   In my predicted world, Molina’s one behind Priest, in a tie with Diamond, Stevens, and Rose for second. In reality he’s still tied for second, but two behind Priest with Stevens and Rodriguez joining him.  I actually think Molina’s in the driver’s seat of those tied at 4-3; Stevens has been unpredictable from week to week and Rodriguez isn’t likely to be a big factor due to a high average victory time. However, there’s also the 3-4 crew to worry about and Molina needs to produce results if he wants to get into the upper half of The League.

·        Markus Clay

o   Predicted Form: L-L-L-L-W-L-W (2-5)

o   Actual Form: W-L-L-L-L-L-L (1-6)

o   Accuracy: Four out of seven, all of them losses in weeks 2, 3, 4, and 6.

o   Clay has struggled this season, as I suspected he would given the entrances of Priest and Molina. Barring a miracle, as he’s two matches behind the tie for fifth through seventh place, he’s dropping into Delta next season. Nothing else really can be said.

·        Terrance Stevens

o   Predicted Form: W-L-W-W-W-L-L (4-3)

o   Actual Form: L-L-W-W-W-L-W (4-3)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven—missing weeks 1 and 7

o   Stevens may be unpredictable to pick at times, but he’s right within expectations this season. Me may compete with Molina and others for the second promotion spot, but I’m not sold on him getting it at this stage of the season. Think he finishes third and becomes a favorite to go up in Season Eleven.



·        Devil’s Delight

o   Predicted Form: L-L-W-W-L-W-L (3-4)

o   Actual Form: L-L-L-L-L-L-L (0-7)

o   Accuracy: Four of seven, and it’s obvious to see the misses—Weeks 3, 4, and 6.

o   Ouch. Clearly I overestimated Delight’s performance. Unless she rattles off a reverse sweep in the second half, she’s off to Omega to be the guinea pig for another mechanic I’m thinking of introducing for GMPCs who criminally underperform—folks like her, Sterling Silver, and Sin—as her purpose for being on the roster these last two seasons has come to an end and I am satisfied with the findings (the soon-to-be-expanded-upon body health mechanic).

·        El Tornado

o   Predicted Form: L-L-L-W-W-L-L (2-5)

o   Actual Form: L-L-L-W-L-W-W (3-4)

o   Accuracy: The first four weeks only, so four of seven.

o   Tornado enters the break in fourth place in Delta, amidst a cluster of folks at 3-4, but that’s not clear of relegation—remember, as PCs can never drop into Omega, he could be forced out if a wave of sign-ups comes in the offseason. Even if not, I normally look at the bottom half of Delta to be replaced to keep things interesting on my end. Tornado’s still at risk for dropping one more spot and washing out into Omega for Season 11.

·        Jun Onoo

o   Predicted Form: W-W-L-L-L-L-L (2-5)

o   Actual Form: L-W-L-W-W-L-L (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Four out of seven, correctly picking weeks 2, 3, 6, and 7.

o   Onoo is someone I see dropping to Omega to contend with fellow big men Otto von Schwarz and The Siberian Nightmare. Unless he upsets both heartily and Dhillon (the latter for a second time), he’s not escaping the lower half of Delta.

·        Kichi Hida

o   Predicted Form: W-L-L-L-L-L-W (2-5)

o   Actual Form: W-L-W-W-W-L-W (5-2)

o   Accuracy: Four correct, at weeks 1, 2, 6, and 7.

o   I admit, I counted Hida out for the season given the two technical wrestlers coming up from Omega. She finds herself in contention for promotion at the break, but needs either Heartilly or Dhillon to stumble to open the door for her at this point. It’s possible, but she may need to force the issue with heartily herself or hope that Nocturne can strike twice.

·        Lance Heartilly

o   Predicted Form: W-W-W-L-W-W-L (5-2)

o   Actual Form: W-W-W-W-W-W-L (6-1)

o   Accuracy: Almost perfect, at six out of seven. Only week 4 was incorrect.

o   I expected Heartilly to come in as a beast, and he hasn’t disappointed. I admit that the week seven loss in my original preseason predictions was a straight-up bias pick as I’m expecting great things from Nocturne, but the others were justified. His win over Dhillon in week 4 was a surprise but unless he falls apart down the stretch he’s moving on to Gamma.

·        Monty Dhillon

o   Predicted Form: W-L-L-W-W-W-W (5-2)

o   Actual Form: W-W-W-L-L-W-W (5-2)

o   Accuracy: Only three of seven—weeks 1, 6, and 7.

o   Dhillon enters the break in second place in the division thanks to tiebreakers, and trailing only Lance Heartilly’s 6-1 record. He’s not a lock to promote—he’ll need to beat Lance on the second attempt—but he’s a favorite to finally bust into Gamma and start a reign of terror there.

·        Nocturne

o   Predicted Form: L-W-W-L-W-W-W (5-2)

o   Actual Form: L-L-W-L-W-L-W (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Five out of seven, missing only weeks 2 and 6.

o   I admitted it above—I’m expecting great things from Nocturne, and 3-4 is not what I had in mind for the star pupil of former League Champion Will “The Phoenix” Prydor. Still, she did avenge her Omega loss to Heartilly in week seven, and with some increases to some of her stats, she might be able to eke out a 7-7 record at the end of it. A far cry from what I predicted for her but I think it will be just enough to avoid dropping back into Omega.

·        Scott Stevens

o   Predicted Form: L-W-W-W-L-L-W (4-3)

o   Actual Form: W-W-L-L-L-W-L (3-4)

o   Accuracy: Only two out of seven—weeks 2 and 5.

o   While part of my predictions were a nod to the old rivalry (in-character) that Stevens and Phoenix had in Ye Olden League Days, I also thought he might struggle against the likes of Heartilly and Nocturne. 3-4 is worse than I expected but he’s been slowly improving over the weeks, taking advantage of the fact that Delta GMPCs only get one training a season. I think he can make it back to 7-7 by the end but promotion is not in the cards this season.


I'll come back to update proper formatting, etc. for the bottom three divisions later; exterminator said he's running slightly behind and he'll be here in an hour. I kind of want to try to have the actual show up by then.

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fTtB0pK.jpg fYy1oxq.jpg (5) Scott Stevens (3-4, OVR 413)


(8) Devil's Delight (0-7, OVR 414) 54miFm6.jpg xJrKs53.jpg

A surprising contender for Match of the Night honors to kick the show off. Delight pushed out to a large advantage early, connecting with Hellborne Rising just past six minutes in and continuing to land various strikes. A missed knee drop let Stevens back in the contest, and over the next eight minutes he would land enough offense and deny Delight the Purgatory’s End on a few instances to get Delight in danger. A Toxic Sting netted two, a powerbomb bridged into a pin also got two right after, but the piledriver finished the deal. Stevens wins one he had to come to behind to get, and almost becomes the 1 in 1-7!

Scott Stevens (4-4) def. Devil's Delight (0-8) via Pinfall (Deep in the Heart of Texas) in 14:24.  Rating: ***

Changes for Scott Stevens:  OVR + 5.46, XP + 527.49, minor damage to head

Changes for Devil's Delight:  OVR + 0.76, XP + 131.87, moderate damage to head



LTFF6jR.jpg (4) El Tornado (3-4, OVR 441)


(7) Jun Onoo (3-4, OVR 462) m6kdW7F.jpg

Not really much to talk about here. Average opening six minutes, but the end came before the eight-minute mark as Tornado tried to push the tempo up a gear. A missed springboard splash only gave Onoo two, but a missed springboard senton was enough to keep Tornado down for three. Onoo gives himself a little breathing room in the race to avoid the bottom half of the standings in the Delta Division.

Jun Onoo (4-4) def. El Tornado (3-5) via Pinfall (missed springboard senton bomb) in 7:21.  Rating: **

Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 3.82, XP + 483.53, no notable damage

Changes for El Tornado:  OVR -0.07, XP + 120.88, no notable damage



9q89H6M.jpg (1) Lance Heartilly (6-1, OVR 429)


(3) Kichi Hida (5-2, OVR 445) 4ZAKk1I.jpg

Another painfully average match, this was more notable for a spot near the end of the contest—namely, Hida attempted to go low on Heartilly as he returned to the ring, only for Heartilly to turn it into his patented arm breaker. Hida wouldn’t tap, though, so after a swinging neckbreaker Heartilly applied his figure four. That did the trick as Hida wanted to make sure she could still throw her kicks for the rest of the season. Seven wins now on the season for Heartilly, and barring a total collapse he seems destined to make it into Gamma next season.

Lance Heartilly (7-1) def. Kichi Hida (5-3) via Submission (Hellacious Leglock) in 8:51.  Rating: **

Changes for Lance Heartilly:  OVR + 3.90, XP + 484.25, no notable damage

Changes for Kichi Hida:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.06, no notable damage



N0Y594C.jpg (8) Markus Clay (1-6, OVR 456)


(3) Lucas Molina (4-3, OVR 458) LG3TCXf.jpg

This surprisingly got pulled up to an average rating after twelve minutes of total dominance by Lucas Molina. I’m usually not one to pull back the curtain in these writeups, but I’m doing so briefly here. By twelve minutes in, Clay was at yellow damage to head and legs—and those of you who’ve been here over the last three seasons know how rarely legs get damaged enough to drop to yellow health—and Molina was still at High level health. It took Clay until the fifteen-minute mark to get Molina finally down to Low level health, but that was his last gasp as Molina countered a dropkick to knee with a Molina Heel Hook. While Clay didn’t tap at that, it came a minute later courtesy of a stump puller, since Clay had the Bodylock scouted. Molina picks up what was known throughout the League to be a given win, though it took far longer than he expected.

Lucas Molina (5-3) def. Markus Clay (1-7) via Submission (stump puller) in 17:37.  Rating: **

Changes for Lucas Molina:  OVR + 4.40, XP + 561.72, no notable damage

Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR -0.08, XP + 140.43, minor damage to head and legs



aOXlwtV.jpg (4) Angela Wassermann (4-3, OVR 462)


(8) Big Scott Weathers (1-6, OVR 465) OOiJTFx.jpg

Frankie Garnett: All right, Bob. We sat through one of these last week because of the boss and the teacher’s pet. What’s the excuse this week?

Bob Sinclair: Because it’s our job and that’s what the schedule dictates?

Frankie Garnett: Oh sure, bring “responsibility” into the conversation. That’s a low blow.

Bob Sinclair: In any event, this should be an interesting matchup. You’d think the advantage would be with Wassermann given her MMA background, but she enters this bout 0-1 in European Rules matches. Weathers enters 1-0 in these bouts.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, yeah, numbers, yay. Can we get to the violence already?

Bob Sinclair: You’re in luck, Frankie, as there’s the bell to get us underway!

Frankie Garnett: Good. Wake me up when we get to the fourth, would ya?



(00:03) Weathers hit a Forearm Blow

(00:08) Wassermann blocked a Punch

(00:15) Weathers hit a Running Clothesline

(00:19) Weathers hit a Knee Drop

(00:23) Weathers hit a Fist Drop

(00:27) Weathers hit a Knee Drop

(00:41) Weathers applied a Choke Hold

(00:41) The referee gave Weathers a stern warning

(00:45) Weathers hit a Stomp

(00:49) Weathers hit a Legdrop

(00:59) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(01:02) Weathers hit a Punch

(01:06) Weathers hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(01:09) Weathers hit a Jab Punch

(01:19) Weathers hit a Backbreaker

(01:34) Weathers hit a Stomp Flurry

(01:38) Weathers hit a Seated Back Kick

(01:43) Wassermann broke a Face Rub Taunt

(01:47) Weathers stopped a Single Leg Trip by rushing Wassermann

(01:57) Weathers hit a Discus Punch

(02:12) Weathers hit a Stomp Flurry

(02:19) Weathers used a Face Rub Taunt

(02:23) Weathers hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:36) Weathers hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(02:40) Weathers hit a Running Knee Drop

(02:59) Weathers applied a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(02:59) The referee gave Weathers a stern warning

(03:06) Weathers used a Face Rub Taunt

(03:21) Weathers hit a Stomp Flurry

(03:30) Angela Wassermann moved out of the way from a Snap Driving Elbow.

(03:34) Wassermann hit a Stomp

(03:49) Wassermann applied MMA Top Control

(03:53) Weathers broke an Elbow Drop On Knee

(04:03) Weathers hit a Short Arm Knee Lift

(04:17) Weathers used a Get Up Taunt

(04:20) Wassermann countered a Mafia Kick with a Kick To Gut

(04:25) Weathers stopped a Trip Takedown by rushing Wassermann

(04:29) Wassermann broke a Seated Face Plant

(04:34) Weathers broke a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(04:46) Weathers hit a Powerbomb Pin

(04:50) Weathers got a one count

(05:00) Weathers hit a Stump Piledriver


Frankie Garnett: All right, I take that back. Weathers is trying to end this early and I approve!

Bob Sinclair: Wassermann has looked to be on the back foot since the opening bell; this minute of recovery time has got to be enough to get her head back in the game or else Frankie’s right, this could be over quickly!



(05:04) Wassermann countered a Spinning Back Fist with an Open Handed Chop

(05:18) Wassermann applied a Front Facelock

(05:34) Wassermann applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(05:38) Wassermann hit a Forearm To Back

(05:52) Wassermann applied a Top Wrist Lock

(06:06) Wassermann applied a Front Facelock

(06:11) Weathers broke a Side Headlock

(06:21) Weathers hit a Samoan Drop

(06:25) Weathers hit a Running Knee Drop

(06:32) Angela Wassermann moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(06:42) Weathers very easily avoided a Stomp.

(06:54) Weathers hit a Powerbomb

(07:04) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(07:11) Weathers hit a Mafia Kick

(07:15) Wassermann stopped a Slit Throat Motion by rushing Weathers

(07:24) Wassermann hit a Trip Takedown

(07:38) Wassermann applied a Body Scissors

(07:54) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Jabs

(07:58) Wassermann hit an Elbow Drop

(08:13) Wassermann applied MMA Top Control

(08:20) Wassermann hit a Knee Pull

(08:36) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Jabs

(08:40) Weathers fought back against being picked up

(08:47) Weathers hit a DDT

(08:51) Wassermann fought back against being picked up from behind

(09:05) Wassermann applied a Side Headlock

(09:19) Wassermann applied a Cravate

(09:25) Angela Wassermann rears back, leaps, and connects with a Superman punch!

(09:35) Wassermann hit a Discus Clothesline

(09:40) Weathers fought back against being picked up

(09:45) Wassermann blocked a Stump Piledriver

(09:50) Wassermann broke a Seated Face Plant

(09:57) Wassermann hit a Running Knee Lift

(10:00) Wassermann hit a Roundhouse Body Punch


Bob Sinclair: And now it’s Wassermann who looks like she’s found her footing at the end of the second. Still behind in my book, but another round like that and this could get real interesting, real quick.

Frankie Garnett: Not if he spikes her head-first into the mat. Come on, Scott, finish this already! I’ve got fifty bucks on this one being done in the fourth!



(10:07) Wassermann hit a Running Forearm Blow

(10:18) Wassermann hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(10:28) Weathers very easily avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(10:32) Weathers hit an Eye Poke

(10:35) Weathers hit a Kick To Gut

(10:42) Weathers hit a DDT

(10:46) Weathers hit a Running Knee Drop

(10:56) Angela Wassermann moved out of the way from a Leaping Elbow Drop.

(11:15) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Punches

(11:20) Weathers blocked a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(11:33) Wassermann hit a Rope-Assisted Knee Breaker

(11:37) Weathers slipped out of the back of a Single Leg Grapevine

(11:44) Weathers hit a Chop Block

(11:51) Weathers hit a Snap Driving Elbow

(11:58) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(12:04) Wassermann avoided a Spinning Elbow Blow.

(12:11) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(12:25) Wassermann applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(12:46) Wassermann hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(12:50) Weathers blocked an Inverted Figure Four

(12:54) Weathers blocked an Inverted Figure Four

(13:02) Wassermann avoided a Begging Off Sucker Punch.

(13:09) Wassermann hit a Running Knee Lift

(13:15) Wassermann hit a Roundhouse Kick

(13:27) Weathers countered a Running Knee Lift with a Vertical Body Press

(13:46) Weathers applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(13:46) The referee angrily told off Weathers

(14:01) Weathers hit a Stomp Flurry

(14:05) Wassermann fought back against being picked up

(14:12) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(14:19) Weathers got a rope break to stop a STF

(14:25) Wassermann hit a Roundhouse Body Kick

(14:35) Wassermann hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(14:39) Wassermann got a one count

(14:45) Wassermann hit a Roundhouse Punch

(15:00) Wassermann applied a Kneeling Cravate


Bob Sinclair: After that terrible start by Wassermann, she’s brought it back to fairly even ground at the end of the third, and the first mistake is likely going to determine the first fall in this contest.

Frankie Garnett: It needs to determine the second one, too. I need this fight done in the next five minutes!

Bob Sinclair: For $50, seriously?

Frankie Garnett: I was getting thirty-to-one odds! $1500 return on that? Yes please!



(15:07) Weathers hit a Running Clothesline

(15:11) Weathers hit a Knee Drop

(15:18) Weathers hit a Legdrop To Groin

(15:18) The referee warned Weathers

(15:42) Weathers hit a Rope-Assisted Running Butt Drop

(15:50) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(16:10) Wassermann countered a Mafia Kick with a Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

(16:27) Weathers countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Forearm Blow

(16:32) Wassermann slipped out the front of a Powerbomb

(16:49) Wassermann applied a Kneeling Cravate

(17:14) Wassermann hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(17:19) Weathers slipped out of the back of the Rear Crossface Blows

(17:23) Wassermann countered a Chop Block with a Knee Strike

(17:33) Wassermann hit a Russian Legsweep

(17:37) Weathers rolled through a Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker

(17:47) Weathers hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(17:51) Weathers hit a Seated Back Kick

(17:59) Weathers hit a Splash

(18:18) Weathers applied a Rope-Assisted Double Footed Choke

(18:18) The referee angrily told off Weathers

(18:28) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(18:32) Wassermann slipped out the front of a Blackout

(18:39) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(18:44) Weathers broke a Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker

(18:50) Weathers hit a Roundhouse Punch

(19:00) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(19:10) Big Scott Weathers grabs hold of Angela Wassermann...Blackout!  Wassermann just got planted face-first into the mat!

(19:10) Wassermann started to bleed


Bob Sinclair: Weathers goes right into the cover…one, two, three! First fall, and first blood, to Weathers with under a minute to go in the fourth!

Frankie Garnett: Good, now do it again real quick! You’ve got 45 seconds!



(19:14) ***Weathers leads 1 fall to 0.

(19:19) Weathers broke a Knee Plant

(19:25) Weathers hit a Spinning Back Fist

(19:35) Weathers picked up Wassermann from behind

(19:42) Wassermann got a rope break to stop a Welcome to Dreamland

(19:49) Weathers hit a Mafia Kick

(19:58) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(20:00) Big Scott Weathers grabs hold of Angela Wassermann...Blackout!  Wassermann just got planted face-first into the mat!

(20:00) Wassermann began bleeding quite heavily


Frankie Garnett: (is muted by the production truck due to language unbecoming a League commentator)

Bob Sinclair: Folks, I apologize for Frankie’s outburst. A bad break for Weathers; he had Wassermann dead to rights if not for the bell! Wassermann’s still stunned, and that cut on her forehead has gotten worse; that may be a target for Weathers if he can’t hit a third Blackout in the contest.

Frankie Garnett: …of all the… (sigh) Sorry, Bob, sorry folks. I thought I had one picked right this time.

Bob Sinclair: To be fair, you almost did.

Frankie Garnett: Still. I was hoping to use that to treat the niece to a better birthday party next week. I can still make it happen, this just would have been essentially doing it for almost free.

Bob Sinclair: Well, get ready, Frankie, the fifth is starting.

Frankie Garnett: Yeah, yeah. I’m ready. (sotto voce) Bloody timekeepers…



(20:07) Weathers hit a DDT

(20:07) Wassermann began bleeding very heavily

(20:16) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(20:20) Wassermann blocked a Blackout

(20:24) Wassermann broke a Blackout

(20:40) Wassermann applied a Top Wrist Lock To Hammerlock

(20:44) Weathers rolled through an Arm Wringer Smash

(20:48) Wassermann countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Kick To Thigh

(20:55) Wassermann hit a Women's DDT

(21:09) Wassermann applied a Single Leg Grapevine

(21:31) Wassermann hit a Knee Plant

(21:38) Wassermann hit a Women's Face Plant

(21:45) Weathers got a rope break to stop a Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker

(21:52) Wassermann hit a Women's DDT

(22:18) Wassermann goes for the arm...and she locks in the cross arm breaker!  Big Scott Weathers is screaming in agony!


Bob Sinclair: Weathers is trying to reach for the ropes, but even with his long legs he’s still a foot away, and he has to tap! Wassermann has tied this match up!

Frankie Garnett: But you mentioned it during the break, Bob. She’s bleeding and it’s only gotten worse. We haven’t seen a blood stoppage since Season Eight, but we may be on the verge of one here!

Bob Sinclair: Would be a heartbreaker for Wassermann, but she’s even in this matchup now; can she manage one more fall?



(22:33) *** Both wrestlers have 1 fall apiece.

(22:39) Angela Wassermann rears back, leaps, and connects with a Superman punch!

(22:49) Wassermann hit a Short Arm Back Elbow

(22:53) Weathers blocked a Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker

(23:12) Wassermann hit MMA Top Control Punches

(23:21) Wassermann picked up Weathers

(23:28) Weathers avoided a Hard Knee Strike.

(23:31) Weathers hit a Handshake Sucker Punch

(23:35) Wassermann broke a Short Arm Knee Lift

(23:41) Weathers countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Strong Knife Edge Chop

(23:45) Weathers hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(24:04) Weathers applied a Rope-Assisted Choke Hold

(24:04) The referee angrily shouted at Weathers

(24:08) Weathers hit a Measured Knee Drop

(24:08) Wassermann was bleeding everywhere

(24:15) Weathers picked up Wassermann

(24:25) Weathers hit a Spear

(24:30) Weathers got a two count

(24:40) Weathers hit a Spinning Elbow Blow

(24:40) Wassermann was covered from head to toe in blood


Bob Sinclair: That’s it, senior official Jacob Smalls has seen enough! Wassermann still looks like she wants to fight, and there were twenty seconds left in the round, but Smalls is waving this one off!

Frankie Garnett: So…how’s that getting ruled, Bob?

Bob Sinclair: A win via ref stoppage for blood loss, Frankie. Not by a 2-1 margin.

Frankie Garnett: Now, I said we hadn’t seen one since Season Eight. The question is, when?

Bob Sinclair: Last week of Season Eight. Sin over Monty Dhillon, and Blackfield over Sven Ulafsson to cement the undefeated season.

Frankie Garnett: And you knew this off the top of your head?

Bob Sinclair: No. Producers relayed it to me from the statistician working in the back with them.

Frankie Garnett: Oh.  That’s not as cool as I’d have expected.

Bob Sinclair: Regardless, folks, we’ll go to a commercial while we get the ring cleaned up. We’ll be back in just a bit!


Big Scott Weathers (2-6) def. Angela Wassermann (4-4) via Blood Stoppage in 24:40.  Rating: ***

Fall 1: Weathers via pinfall (Blackout), 19:14

Fall 2: Wassermann via submission (Wassermann Cross Arm Breaker), 22:33

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR + 6.77, XP + 822.67, major damage to head

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR + 2.13, XP + 303.17, major damage to head, minor damage to body

This was the Match of the Night (3 [1 this season] for Big Scott Weathers, 3 [1 this season] for Angela Wassermann)



BEVGy0x.jpg (6) Nocturne (3-4, OVR 414)


(2) Monty Dhillon (5-2, OVR 504) vz0qqDp.jpg

This went pretty much how everyone expected. Nocturne got her share of offense in, but never enough to threaten with the ankle lock, and she managed to avoid the Blockade Lock twice before Dhillon hit a Livewire Lariat and chained that into the submission for the victory. Nocturne continues to struggle against larger opponents, as Dhillon continues his pursuit of Lance Heartilly atop the Delta Division.

Monty Dhillon (6-2) def. Nocturne (3-5) via Submission (Blockade Lock) in 9:44.  Rating: **

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 3.95, XP + 484.67, no notable damage

Changes for Nocturne:  OVR -0.07, XP + 121.17, minor damage to head



6r4P9L8.jpg (2) Terrance Stevens (4-3, OVR 465)


(5) Indigo Rose (3-4, OVR 466) 2X2r9qf.jpg

At the time I write this, this will be the 567th official singles match in this iteration of The League (Omega and preseason don't count), and I did roughly 625 in the predecessor to this I did on another site (that RRW thing I’ve mentioned before). So close to 1,200 singles matches and I’ve never seen this finish before. Goes to show you this game can still surprise me.

Stevens controlled the first half of the match, putting Rose on treacherous ground early. She fought back, picking her spots and utilizing her opponent’s less than stellar stamina to work her way back into the match, grinding towards a setup for her Vite d’Indaco. After being stunned with a short DDT by Stevens, though, Rose looked out on her feet, and so surprised Stevens when his Maple Leaf Meltdown got converted into a Boston crab. The submission wasn’t ever going to happen, though, as Stevens was too fresh, but that opened the door for Rose to wear down Stevens some more and put him at risk against her variated DDT. He wasn’t having it, and attempted a few moments later to hit a Maple Leaf Meltdown. This one, Rose countered into an STF, and managed to crank enough to force Stevens to tap. In almost 1200 bouts, I’ve never seen a superkick finisher countered into a submission hold so cleanly and lead to an immediate finish. Rose pulls one out of nowhere and stuns Stevens with a submission victory to start the second half of the season in a Match of the Night contender!

Indigo Rose (4-4) def. Terrance Stevens (4-4) via Submission (STF) in 11:15.  Rating: ***

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 5.23, XP + 604.73, minor damage to head

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 0.72, XP + 151.18, no notable damage



AAdEYyr.jpg ZThYhej.jpg (6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-4, OVR 494)


(7) Pulsar (2-5, OVR 460) VfA2MW8.jpg

A surprising Match of the Night contender, given neither man’s propensity for submission holds, this got bowling-shoe ugly in the last four minutes, as soon as both men felt the match had progressed to the point that they could apply their attempts at submission holds. Ouilette attempted a stump puller—inspired by a match earlier in the night—and Pulsar did similar with an STF out of the pages of Indigo Rose. The luchador even tried a reverse armbar after Ouilette missed a Le Petit Mort, which didn’t go as well as he’d have liked. Instead, a neck crank did the trick after Pulsar landed a hard lucha spinning DDT. Ouilette finally tapped due to pain in the neck, and Pulsar escapes with a narrow victory.

Pulsar (3-5) def. Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-5) via Submission (force submission) in 15:16.  Rating: ***

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR + 5.52, XP + 686.32, minor damage to head and body

Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 0.77, XP + 171.58, minor damage to head



G4sbiHU.jpg (4) Diego Rodriguez (4-3, OVR 495)


(6) Erick Gibson (3-4, OVR 480) O63FjvG.jpg E5dgVEm.jpg

This match fell into the “impromptu intermission” spot on the card, and it showed as the quality wasn’t up to the last few matches. Still, Rodriguez had to come from behind after avoiding two Terminable Offense attempts. He eventually softened Gibson up enough that a Prelude to Dissonance led into the Harmony of Dissonance, as he intended. Gibson was forced to tap, and Rodriguez continues to lurk within striking distance of a promotion spot.

Diego Rodriguez (5-3) def. Erick Gibson (3-5) via Submission (Harmony of Dissonance) in 16:14.  Rating: **

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 4.32, XP + 560.96, minor damage to head

Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR -0.08, XP + 140.24, minor damage to head



ayWv1C3.jpg (5) Billy Norris (3-4, OVR 492)


(3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-3, OVR 495) xHVnvxD.jpg

Those folks who left during the previous match for intermission came back to a quick but average Beta Division bout. Norris conceded enough offense to avoid making this a squash, but ended it in rather sudden fashion with a springboard senton bomb. Nakamatsu didn’t get a shoulder up in time due to a rather high-on-the-shoulders cover, and Norris may have just spoiled Nakamatsu’s chances at an eventual promotion to the Alpha Division with this win!

Billy Norris (4-4) def. Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4) via Pinfall (springboard senton bomb) in 8:42.  Rating: **

Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 3.89, XP + 629.43, no notable damage

Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.36, no notable damage



FqeSGy6.jpg (4) Nuclear Templeton (4-3, OVR 502)


(6) De'siree Mitchell (3-4, OVR 482) p54rf5F.jpg

This was fairly even for the first four minutes, until Templeton got a string of offense that ended in a pair of Power Surges. Instead of trying to press the advantage, he would spend a fair portion of the next few minutes trying to land a strong gut buster with no success (after seven attempts!), which allowed Mitchell to try to claw her way back into it. In the end, though, a third Power Surge led into the Armageddon Lariat, and Mitchell stays down for the count as Templeton continues to try to make up ground to the division leaders as the Alpha Division block of the program kicks off.

Nuclear Templeton (5-3) def. De'siree Mitchell (3-5) via Pinfall (Armageddon Lariat) in 12:16.  Rating: **

Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 4.10, XP + 728.83, no notable damage

Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR -0.07, XP + 182.21, minor damage to head



NSa1kkC.jpg (2) The Mastodon (5-2, OVR 501)


(7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-5, OVR 488) d7FEgH5.jpg

Fresh off of winning Tag Team Turmoil, Gross came into this match on a wave of momentum, and took the fight to Mastodon in the early minutes. Mastodon would make a comeback, using his strikes to counter the grappling of Gross, but by the twelve-minute mark this could have been anyone’s match to win. In the end, though, Gross suffered from one major problem—he couldn’t simply hit an impactful finisher, and had to rely on a submission hold. Mastodon had no such issue, and a lone attempt at Rampage was enough to net the pin, and derail Gross’ momentum off the heels of a successful Tag Team Turmoil as Mastodon puts the pressure on George Mastachas!

The Mastodon (6-2) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (2-6) via Pinfall (Rampage) in 15:18.  Rating: **

Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 4.27, XP + 731.02, minor damage to head

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR -0.08, XP + 182.75, minor damage to head



wSRPoAi.jpg (3) Mel O'Hallister (4-3, OVR 509)


(8) Daniel Simmons (1-6, OVR 495) zd1WDAc.jpg

Fairly even throughout, this was not a very exciting match as these two men tried to weaken each other enough that some punches to the head would draw blood. By ten minutes, O’Hallister thought he was in position to bust Simmons open with some knuckles to the head, but on three different occasions Simmons shows his forehead was ready for that. A spear from Simmons let him try to draw blood with a series of mounted forearms, but O’Hallister shoved Simmons off and got to his feet. Simmons was undeterred, charging in for perhaps another spear or a clothesline, but instead he walked nose-first into a spinning elbow blow from O’Hallister. The impact didn’t break Simmons’ nose, but it did enough to draw blood, and O’Hallister again seems to find his luck at the right time to escape with a win and keep pace with Mastodon in the upper reaches of the division!

Mel O'Hallister (5-3) def. Daniel Simmons (1-7) via First Blood (spinning elbow blow) in 13:47.  Rating: **

Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 4.43, XP + 729.92, minor damage to head

Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 0.91, XP + 182.48, minor damage to head



FXyrc6C.jpg (1) George Mastachas (6-1, OVR 499)


(5) Brandy McDonald (3-4, OVR 503) gGexPKo.jpg

The Alpha Division block ends this week with the current division leader attempting to keep his lead against the Season Eight League Champion. McDonald came in to this match as if her entire season rode on this match…and heck, maybe it did. The opening six minutes were all McDonald, and she had worn Mastachas down a fair bit by ten minutes into the match. One minor slip let Mastachas back into it, and he used his power and strength to batter McDonald mercilessly. While McDonald avoided a dangerous head drop suplex, she was not ready for an explosion suplex that Mastachas has used to effect earlier this season. Yet somehow she kicked out at two, and Mastachas instead pulled her to her feet in preparation for a Wrath of Zeus. But as she got lifted to his shoulders, she managed to twist herself to face forward, and tucked into a roll, her legs pulling Mastachas into a pseudo-victory roll that somehow managed to get the pinfall! Mastachas was shocked, then absolutely livid as McDonald bailed from the ring with what some may call an upset victory given the way her season has gone!

Brandy McDonald (4-4) def. George Mastachas (6-2) via Pinfall (falling on top of a Wrath of Zeus) in 13:00.  Rating: ***

Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 5.35, XP + 790.14, minor damage to head

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR + 0.74, XP + 197.54, minor damage to head



MZ2VDcB.jpg YICOeYe.jpg (1) Christian Priest (6-1, OVR 550)


(7) Diamond (3-4, OVR 469) 0rDaDU8.jpg

All right, show of hands. How many of you expected at least a three-star match here?  Just about everyone? Then I’m sorry to say that you were disappointed. Priest took out his frustrations at losing in the quarterfinals of Tag Team Turmoil out on Diamond, in what essentially turned out to be a squash match. The lariat came at just shy of eight minutes, and Priest maintains the top record in the Gamma Division at the expense of the League Original.

Christian Priest (7-1) def. Diamond (3-5) via Pinfall (Canonized) in 7:50.  Rating: *

Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 2.71, XP + 509.96, no notable damage

Changes for Diamond:  OVR -0.83, XP + 127.49, no notable damage



VZFWcYa.jpg hAfQcot.jpg (2) Blood River (4-3, OVR 492)


(1) Brian Blackfield (7-0, OVR 549) Lp89uMT.jpg

Blackfield was in no danger of losing the division lead, and with a win could find himself within two weeks of clinching not only promotion but the division title. Standing in his way this week is the man who surprised many by finishing the first half in second place in the division, Blood River. And while Blackfield did Blackfield things in the opening seven minutes, River gave back as good as he got. But as soon as River could speed up the pace, and use the ropes and turnbuckles to his advantage, he gave The Juggernaut a run for it, attacking from multiple angles and forcing Blackfield to kick out of pin attempt after pin attempt. River would not stay still long enough for Blackfield to even dim the running lights with a Tartan Effect, and River hit The Sacrifice on Blackfield and looked for the Offering, only for Blackfield to throw River off the turnbuckle in self-defense. River would regain the offensive a few seconds later, and a springboard legdrop landed flush. River went for the cover, and everyone expected the kickout at two…and it never happened. River got three off the legdrop, and Blackfield’s second bid for perfection ends at the eighth obstacle as Blood River stuns the Beta Division by showing he’s determined to find a way into Alpha after all! River joins Erick Gibson and Diego Rodriguez as the only people to defeat The Juggernaut in singles competition in The League in just over 2.5 seasons.

Blood River (5-3) def. Brian Blackfield (7-1) via Pinfall (springboard legdrop) in 12:04.  Rating: **

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 4.08, XP + 631.53, no notable damage

Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR -0.07, XP + 157.88, minor damage to head






1.  The Mastodon:  6-2, ATV 15:45, (AMR 2.500), OVR 504.90

2.  George Mastachas:  6-2, ATV 16:34, (AMR 2.250), OVR 499.32

3.  Mel O'Hallister:  5-3, ATV 15:06, (AMR 2.250), OVR 513.92

4.  Nuclear Templeton:  5-3, ATV 13:21, (AMR 2.000), OVR 506.24

5.  Brandy McDonald:  4-4, ATV 15:03, (AMR 2.250), OVR 507.89

6.  De'siree Mitchell:  3-5, ATV 18:14, (AMR 2.250), OVR 481.91

7.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  2-6, ATV 15:22, (AMR 2.000), OVR 487.81

8.  Daniel Simmons:  1-7, ATV 16:46, (AMR 2.500), OVR 496.39

Both tiebreakers are determined via simple head-to-head (H2H).



1.  Brian Blackfield:  7-1, ATV 14:09 (AMR 2.125), OVR 549.23

2.  Blood River:  5-3, ATV 10:16 (AMR 1.750), OVR 495.99

3.  Billy Norris:  4-4, ATV 14:03 (AMR 2.375), OVR 495.48

4.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  4-4, ATV 14:01 (AMR 2.000), OVR 494.74

5.  Angela Wassermann:  4-4, ATV 10:38 (AMR 2.125), OVR 463.77

6.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  3-5, ATV 10:45 (AMR 2.375), OVR 494.32

7.  Pulsar:  3-5, ATV 14:07 (AMR 2.500), OVR 465.09

8.  Big Scott Weathers:  2-6, ATV 19:33 (AMR 2.500), OVR 472.23

4-4: Norris has the better combined H2H against Yahoo and Angela; then Yoshii has H2H over Wassermann

3-5: H2H is split, but JPO won faster and thus wins the tiebreaker.



1.  Christian Priest:  7-1, ATV 11:56, (AMR 3.000), OVR 552.29

2.  Lucas Molina:  5-3, ATV 14:59, (AMR 1.625), OVR 461.96

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  5-3, ATV 21:10, (AMR 2.250), OVR 499.63

4.  Terrance Stevens:  4-4, ATV 9:22, (AMR 2.125), OVR 466.04

5.  Indigo Rose:  4-4, ATV 14:35, (AMR 2.625), OVR 470.84

6.  Erick Gibson:  3-5, ATV 11:27, (AMR 2.500), OVR 479.50

7.  Diamond:  3-5, ATV 9:47, (AMR 2.000), OVR 468.58

8.  Markus Clay:  1-7, ATV 7:04, (AMR 2.375), OVR 455.66

5-3 / 3-5: Both broken by simple H2H

4-4: H2H is split, but Stevens won faster and thus wins the tiebreaker



1.  Lance Heartilly:  7-1, ATV 11:12 (AMR 2.500), OVR 432.62

2.  Monty Dhillon:  6-2, ATV 6:41 (AMR 2.125), OVR 507.81

3.  Kichi Hida:  5-3, ATV 6:24 (AMR 1.750), OVR 444.43

4.  Scott Stevens:  4-4, ATV 10:54 (AMR 2.250), OVR 418.75

5.  Jun Onoo:  4-4, ATV 9:02 (AMR 1.875), OVR 466.07

6.  El Tornado:  3-5, ATV 7:15 (AMR 2.000), OVR 441.08

7.  Nocturne:  3-5, ATV 12:21 (AMR 2.125), OVR 413.69

8.  Devil's Delight:  0-8, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.125), OVR 415.02

Both ties broken by simple H2H



(Reminder: The standings will now show “official” scores with the bottom two weeks dropped.)

1. Croquemitaine: 66 (this week: 10). Total score: 82 (drop weeks 4 [8] and 5 [8])

2. SeanMcG: 65 (this week: 11). Total score: 81 (drop weeks 4 [10] and 7 [6])

3. ShadowedFlames: 62 (this week: 9). Total score: 76 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])

4. Eternal Phoenix: 62 (this week: 8). Total score: 75 (drop weeks 4 [5] and 5 [8])

5. Jman2k3: 60 (this week: 11). Total score: 74 (drop weeks 4 [7] and 7 [7])

6. Derek B:  59 (this week: 8). Total score: 55 (drop weeks 3 [0] and 5 [4])



(An * denotes winner of the previous matchup this season)


(1) The Mastodon (6-2, OVR 505)* vs. (2) George Mastachas (6-2, OVR 499) [Career: George Mastachas, 4 - 1]

(4) Nuclear Templeton (5-3, OVR 506) vs. (3) Mel O'Hallister (5-3, OVR 514)* [Career: Mel O'Hallister, 3 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (8) Daniel Simmons (1-7, OVR 496) vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (4-4, OVR 508)* [Career: Brandy McDonald, 1 – 0. McDonald is also 1 – 0 in Submission Matches.]

EUROPEAN RULES MATCH: (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (2-6, OVR 488) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (3-5, OVR 482)* [Career: De'siree Mitchell, 2 – 1. Gross is 1 – 1 career in European Rules Matches.]


(4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (4-4, OVR 495) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (7-1, OVR 549)* [Career: Brian Blackfield, 3 - 0]

(6) Jean-Paul Ouilette (3-5, OVR 494)* vs. (2) Blood River (5-3, OVR 496) [Career: Jean-Paul Ouilette, 3 - 0]

(3) Billy Norris (4-4, OVR 495)* vs. (8) Big Scott Weathers (2-6, OVR 472) [Career: Billy Norris, 1 - 0]

(7) Pulsar (3-5, OVR 465) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (4-4, OVR 464)* [Career: Angela Wassermann, 1 - 0]


(1) Christian Priest (7-1, OVR 552)* vs. (8) Markus Clay (1-7, OVR 456) [Career: Christian Priest, 1 - 0]

SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Diamond (3-5, OVR 469)* vs. (3) Diego Rodriguez (5-3, OVR 500) [Career: Diamond, 3 – 2. Both wrestlers are 1 – 1 in Submission Matches.]

(5) Indigo Rose (4-4, OVR 471)* vs. (6) Erick Gibson (3-5, OVR 480) [Career: Erick Gibson, 2 - 1]

(2) Lucas Molina (5-3, OVR 462) vs. (4) Terrance Stevens (4-4, OVR 466)* [Career: Terrance Stevens, 1 - 0]


LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Jun Onoo (4-4, OVR 466)* vs. (2) Monty Dhillon (6-2, OVR 508) [Career: Jun Onoo, 1 – 0. Onoo is 0 – 1 in Last One Standing Matches.]

(3) Kichi Hida (5-3, OVR 444)* vs. (6) El Tornado (3-5, OVR 441) [Career: Kichi Hida, 1 - 0]

CAGE MATCH: (4) Scott Stevens (4-4, OVR 419) vs. (1) Lance Heartilly (7-1, OVR 433)* [Career: Lance Heartilly, 1 – 0. Heartilly is 1 – 0 in Cage Matches.]

(8) Devil's Delight (0-8, OVR 415) vs. (7) Nocturne (3-5, OVR 414)* [Career: Nocturne, 1 - 0]


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