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Random Teams That Worked Well?

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I am the old fart here and only testing my modified Mammoth Db for 1970 but into 1985 I had 2 wacky teams

First I made each NWA territory have a regional HW title and regional tag team to go along with the NWA World Heavyweight title and my created NWA World tag team title

Well, a young Randy Savage teamed with Don Bass...no, not Ron Bass, but his non talented 'brother' Don.

Don, Randy and Lanny Poffo went to NWA Mid-America and Don, after teaming and winning the Tennessee Tag team titles with Lanny, decided to go with the more talented brother and he and Randy won the NWA World tag team titles when Baron von Raschke retired in 1978 and vacated the title with his partner The Spoiler.  Randy Savage (using his real last name Poffo) and Don Bass won the World tag team titles over #1 contenders Intern #2 and Akio Sato until dropping them 2 years and 125 defenses later to Danny Babich and Stan Stasiak of all people. Randy and Don then teamed up with Pak Song (he of making Dusty Rhodes the American Dream fame) to become Mid-America Six Man champs. He later started wrestling more successfully as a single, but in 1985 his most disappointing loss (still in Mid-America) was to Dizzy Hogan aka Ed Leslie aka Brutus Beefcake aka THE BOOTAH MAN. Don Bass went on to team with Jack Brisco and grab the Mid-America tag titles for 18 months and 81 defenses, losing them to the odd pair of Rory Campbell (of Relwyskow Joint promotions) and Robert Gibson (Morton is in Hollywood wrestling jobbing to Sweet Daddy Watts, Jesse Ventura & Brian Adias for some reason) 


My other odd but Hall of Fame tag team is from CWF who are THE NWA territory, worth 135 million and 13 time company of the year. Dante (Canadian Bobby Hart, no relation to Stu as he was born in Ontario. He was also the original The Patriot before Del Wilkes) and The Great Mephisto. They held the tag titles in one of the most talented rosters for NINE years and 105 defenses


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I feel like their finisher would be a small package where one partner keeps on rolling the move through for the other so that it's so much more devastating.... maybe it somehow tightens up the hold or makes the victim dizzy somehow.... I feel like they'd make it work, despite calling it The Smallest Package

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In CZCW,  I threw together Frankie Perez and Frankie-Boy Fernandes and found great chemistry. Frankie-Boy already had a retired Pablo Rodriguez as his manager. They were the New Wave Outlaws, and went well until I really needed Frankie-Boy to move up to the main event; Perez joined a number of veterans helping the youngsters in developmental, save for one more run when I managed to bring in the New Wave.

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Recently threw Bugsy McGraw and Chavo Guerrero together in an effort to push two babyfaces on the low card of my b-show. They didn't have original chemistry, but didn't hate working with each other either. 

I didn't think about it much, but kept them locked in winning opener after opener on WWWF Superstars for a handful of months. Now they have high tag exp and I think I'm going to use them as an important piece of a WWWF North American Tag title tourney.

Extra Details; I pushed them in the latter half of 1975 for WWWF. Both are fairly raw talents as Bugsy's been in CWF most of the time and Chavo's bounced around the developmental system I have in place. 

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Sgt Slaughter and Tatanka as “The Americans” are one of my main tag teams in a 93 mod. Also El Hijo de Santos and Jushin Thunder liger.  Those two are pretty much the main fave teams against Art Barr/Eddie, the Dudes with Attitudes, Money Inc and Owen/Bulldog on the heel side

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