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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand (Continued)

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Week 3, October, 2013

Live from Burton Coliseum in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Attendance: 4.378

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The first edition of TNA Impact after Bound for Glory kicks off with Mike Tenay welcoming everyone to a brand new day here in TNA Wrestling as the Aces & Eights are no more. "Evil Ways" then starts playing as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, makes his way down to the ring, carrying an Aces & Eights vest in his hand Once in the ring. AJ holds up the vest and says that this is the last time that you are ever going to see anything Aces & Eights related in TNA because he put the group in the ground once and for all at Bound for Glory. AJ says that now that he has taken care of the cancer that the Aces & Eights were to TNA, he can now finally look to the future and he has every intention of continuing to be a worthy Champion for TNA--and a fighting Champion at that. Just then...(90)




Sting's music suddenly starts playing and "The Icon" makes his way out from the back. Sting joins AJ Styles in the ring and he says that, while he knows that AJ doesn't want anyone around and that he wants to do his own thing, Sting would feel remiss if he didn't come out here and both congratulate and thank AJ Styles for what he accomplished at Bound for Glory. Sting says that he and his team may have won their fight at Bound for Glory, but it was AJ who won the war. Sting then extends his hand to AJ in a show of respect and, after thinking about it for a moment, AJ shakes Sting's hand. Sting then points to AJ in another show of respect, before leaving the ring to the Champion once again. But as Sting makes his way back up the ramp...(81)




Samoa Joe's music suddenly hits and Joe marches out from the back, past Sting, and straight to the ring. Joe enters the ring and comes face to face with AJ Styles before grabbing a mic of his own. Joe keeps it short and simple; if AJ wants to be a fighting Champion, he can prove it by putting the title on the line later tonight against Joe! AJ says that he will defend the title against anyone, at any time, but as far as he is concerned, Joe is actually more deserving of a title shot than most, so AJ will gladly accept the challenge! As the two men exchange stares in the ring, Mike Tenay announces on commentary that we have a huge main event set for later tonight! (75)


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We then cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with the new TNA Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy and Abyss. Christy asks them about winning the Tag Team Titles at the biggest show of the year, and Matt says that the moon and the stars aligned at Bound for Glory to allow him and "His Monster" to vanquish their foes and become the NEW TNA Tag Team Champions! Matt says that it is a shame that his former brother, Willow, could not be successful as well, but Matt takes solace in the fact that he and Abyss DELETED Bad influence's reign as Champions, and he vows that the reign that he and Abyss are going to have is going to be WONDERFUL! (55)


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Elsewhere in the back, we see Christian York walking when he is suddenly attacked from behind by D'Lo Brown. D'Lo then heads to the ring as Mike Tenay informs us that Christian York was scheduled to be in action next, and he wonders what D'Lo is doing.  Once in the ring, D'Lo says that he put everything he had into the Aces & Eights, his heart and soul, and he isn't going to accept that it is over. D'Lo tells whoever was scheduled to face Christian York to come out and face him instead, because he wants to kick someone's ass tonight! (42)




Jesse Sorensen comes out as he was the one who was scheduled to face Christian York, and we have our first match of the night as D'Lo Brown faces Jesse Sorensen. D'Lo is aggressive early on and he attacks Sorensen as soon as he enters the ring, but Sorensen is eventually to fight his way back into the match and, ultimately, win the match as he hits the Lone Star Press on D'Lo for the pinfall victory.


Jesse Sorensen defeated D'Lo Brown at 6:19 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (53)




Sean Waltman hits the ring and attacks Jesse Sorensen after the match, while Kevin Nash grabs a mic at ringside. Once Waltman has Sorensen sufficiently beaten down, Nash enters the ring and hands the mic to Waltman. Waltman tells Sorensen that he cost him the X-Division Championship at Bound for Glory and now he's gonna pay the price! Waltman then drops the mic and puts the boots to Sorensen a few more times before he and Nash leaves the ring, while Mike Tenay on commentary expresses his disgust at Sean Waltman's actions here tonight. (47)




We cut to the back where The Perfect Tens are standing in front of the camera and they are once again talking about how TNA should bring the Knockouts Tag Team Championships back, and how the titles should be awarded to them because of how good they would look wrapped around their perfect waists. The segment ends with Scarlett and Eva Marie chatting up a backstage worker who happens to walk by, asking him if he knows anything about where those belts might be kept. (20)


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Elsewhere in the back, Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are in Eric Bischoff's office, and Johnny is calling for Bischoff to overturn the outcome of the match at Bound for Glory, saying that Samoa Joe used an illegal choke to win the match, not the Coquina Clutch. Bischoff says that he trusts the people who work for him, and if Joe had indeed used an illegal choke, Bischoff believes the referee would have caught it and forced the break. Johnny says that he was wronged at Bound for Glory and that, if Bischoff isn't going to do anything about it, then Johnny will just have to take matters into his own hands. Johnny and Melina then storm out of the office as we cut elsewhere. (45)


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Also somewhere in the back, we see Brooke Tessmacher talking to the man formerly known as D.O.C., and Brooke is asking him what his plans are for the future. As the conversation continues, Brooke almost seems to be flirting with him a little bit, and as we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay wonders what that was all about. (38)


TNA Television Championship




Mike Knox defends the TNA Television Championship aganst Crimson next and, as always, Knox brings the entire Menagerie with him to the ring. Crimson starts off strong but he soon falls victim to the numerous distractions going on at ringside, particularly from Crazzy Steve. This allows Knox to gain control of the match, and he makes another successful title defense as he hits a Sitout Spinebuster on Crimson for the one, two, three.


Mike Knox defeated Crimson at 5:26 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (37)


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As The Menagerie celebrate in the ring, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where Tara is the who is airing her grievances this time, saying that the only reason Eve Torres beat her at Bound for Glory was because she wasn't ready to wrestle, she was dressed in jeans and not wrestling gear--it was just unfair. Tara says that she wants a rematch tonight, but Bischoff says that he can't give her that because she's already booked in a match against Sarita tonight. This is obviously news to Tara, and not news that she is thrilled with, but Bischoff says that the match is going to happen so she better get ready for it. (39)




Back at ringside, Gail Kim's music starts playing and Gail makes her way down to the ring, alongside Lei D'Tapa. Once in the ring, Gail gets on the mic and she talks briefly about Bound for Glory and retaining her Knockouts Championship, saying that she proved at Bound for Glory what she has been saying all along, which is that she is the greatest female wrestler in the world. Before Gail can continue, however, she is interrupted as...




 "Hardcore Country" hits and Mickie James makes her way out from the back and down to the ring. Mickie says that, as disappointed as she is, she can admit that Gail beat her fair and square at Bound for Glory. Mickie says she came THIS close, but in the end she didn't get the job done. Mickie says that she isn't out here to complain or to ask for another match, she simply has a message for Gail; Mickie says that she knows that she has to go to the back of the line now, but make no mistake about it, she'll fight her way back to the front of that line once again to get another shot at Gail, and next time...next time she won't come up short again! (56)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with Chris Sabin, who brags about still being the X-Division Champion after outsmarting everyone at Bound for Glory. Sabin is then interrupted as "Black Machismo" walks in. Lethal says that Sabin can call himself the greatest X-Division wrestler all he wants, but until he has proven himself against "Black Machismo", it isn't going to mean a damn thing. "Black Machismo" then issues the challenge to Chris Sabin for a one on one match at Turning Point, because if Sabin wants to prove he's the best, he has to beat the best, OH YEAH!!!! (49)




Tara and Sarita finally go one on one next and this is already quite a heated rivalry after Tara's attack on Sarita on last week's Impact.




Realizing that a rematch with Tara might be in her near future, Eve Torres comes down to ringside to watch this one up close. It is a back and forth match that sees a fired up Sarita taking the fight to Tara, only to in the end fall victim to Tara's underhanded tactics, as Tara hits Sarita with what appears to be brass knuckles behind the referee's back to secure a tainted victory for herself, despite Eve Torres trying to explain to the referee what just happened.


Tara defeated Sarita at 7:01 by pinfall after hitting Sarita with a pair of brass knuckles (46)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with the Dirty Heels, who are complaining about Hernandez losing the match and costing them the Tag Team Championships at Bound for Glory. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez then walk in and confront Aries and Roode, and then Bad Influence, Daniels and Kazarian, join the argument as well. Tempers flare and a brawl eventually breaks out as Christy flees for her safety and we cut elsewhere. (47)




More specifically, we cut to a short, seemingly pre-taped promo from Samuel Shaw, reciting a poem he has written for Taryn Terrell--and a creepy poen at that. Shaw ends the promo by asking Taryn if she has missed him these past few weeks that he has been gone? But he tells her not to worry because he'll show her plenty of attention from now on to make up for his absence. (22)




Back at ringside, Mr. Anderson's music hits and Anderson makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Anderson says that even though the Aces & Eights are dead and gone now, and good riddance, he's not quite done with his revenge tour just yet. Anderson says that there is one man he still hasn't gotten his revenge on, one man who still needs his ass kicked and handed to him, and that one man is the former leader of the Aces & Eights, Bully Ray. Anderson says that there is no one he hates more than Bully Ray, so he wants that coward to come out and face him right now, if he even dares to show his face here tonight after Bound for Glory. A few moments later, it is Devon who shows up, not Bully Ray, and it looks like we've got an impromptu match right now as Devon charges the ring! (77)




The match kicks off with Anderson and Devon exchanging punches in the middle of the ring, with Devon eventually getting the upper hand. Devon tells Anderson not to talk about Bully Ray like that, but Anderson responds by fighting his way back into the match. From here it is a back and forth match, with both men getting roughly the same amount of offense in, before it is Anderson who eventually picks up the win, hitting the Mic Check and pinning Devon for the three count in a competitive match.


Mr. Anderson defeated Devon at 9:20 by pinfall with the Mic Check (53)


After the match, Mike Tenay says that it looks like Bully Ray has a target on his back, and that Mr. Anderson is coming for him. Taz says that even though the Aces & Eights are no more, he still hopes that Bully Ray ends up kicking Anderson's ass because Anderson needs his ass kicked!


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Diamond Dallas Page comes down to the ring to host the Diamond Exchange next and his guest tonight is none other than Kurt Angle. Page and Angle talk about the long battle against the Aces & Eights, and TNA finally putting an end to that at Bound for Glory. Page then asks Kurt about his plans for the future, now that the battle with the Aces & Eights is won. Kurt says that he has only ever had one plan for his future in wrestling; to be the best. That is still his goal, and it will continue to be his goal for the rest of his career. Page asks what, specifically, Kurt is going to do next, and Kurt says that his goal is the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, always has been, always will be, and he is going to do everything in his power to earn a match against AJ Styles for the belt. (83)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




It is main event time and it is a big one as AJ Styles defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Samoa Joe. It is, unsurprisingly, a good main event that goes back and forth, with both men putting in a good effort. Unfortunately, it is also a match that doesn't get a proper conclusion as...




Johnny Impact runs down to the ring and blasts AJ Styles with a steel chair, leaving the referee with no choice but to disqualify Samoa Joe--Johnny Imapct just cost Samoa Joe his chance at winning the World Heavyweight Championship!


AJ Styles defeated Samoa Joe at 10:46 by disqualification when Johnny Impact attacked AJ Styles. AJ Styles retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (73)


The match is over and Johnny Impact immediately bails from the ring and runs back up the ramp, with Samoa Joe giving chance once he realizes what just happened. Then, as AJ Styles is down and out in the middle of the ring...




Willow suddenly descends from the rafters, and Impact comes to an end with Willow standing above AJ Styles in the middle of the ring. (85)



Final Show Rating: 79

TV Rating: 2.06

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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  • 3 weeks later...


Week 4, October, 2013

Live from Ritacco Arena in Toms River. New Jersey

Attendance: 3.500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact kicks off with some in-ring action as "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal takes on Christian York. This is a decent match where the announcers mostly talk about Black Machismo issuing a challenge to the X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, last week on Impact.




Speaking of Sabin, the X-Division Champion makes his way down to ringside during the match, but he doesn't actually gets involved in the match as he just observes. The match ends when Black Machismo hits the top rope Diving Elbow Drop and covers York to secure the pinfall victory.


"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal defeated Christian York at 5:36 by pinfall with the Diving Elbow Drop (49)


Sabin and Lethal exchange words after the match, but it doesn't escalate beyond that as Sabin eventually walks back up the entrance ramp after telling Lethal that he has "no chance in hell" of beating him for the Championship.


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Christy Hemme is backstage with The Menagerie, and she asks Mike Knox about his recent success, winning and defending the Television Championship. Knox says that before, nobody gave a damn about him in TNA. He thought the Aces & Eights were his family, but they were just using him until he was all used up. Knox says that now that he is back with his real family, the people who truly love him for who he is, things are finally making sense for him again. Knox says that the rest of the world might see them as a little bit crazy, but that's okay because he would rather be happy being who he is, than be miserable while pretending to be something he's not. Knox says that The Menagerie are only just getting started making their mark on TNA, and the fun has only just begun! (30)


Back at ringside, before the next match, Mike Tenay hypes up the main event where Willow is set to take on "Cowboy" James Storm in one on one action. Tenay says that Willow clearly still has his sights set on AJ Styles, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and a win tonight would take him one step closer to a title match. Taz says the same is true for James Storm--a win against Willow tonight would put him right in the thick of things in regards to the World Heavyweight Championship.




Mixed tag team action is up next as the man formerly known as D.O.C. teams up with Brooke Tessmacher to take on Sonjay Dutt and ODB. As the former D.O.C. and Sonjay Dutt go at it in the ring, Mike Tenay says that apparently D.O.C. goes by the name of Doc Gallows now. Doc is able to use his size to dominate Sonjay, but Sonjay is evetually able to make the tag to ODB, forcing Gallows to tag in Brooke Tessmacher, as per the match rules. The two women go at it, with ODB getting the upper hand until a distraction from Doc allows Brooke to make the tag. The match falls apart, then, as all four competitors are fighting and, amidst this confusion, Gallows hits a Chokeslam on Sonjay to secure the victory for his side.


Doc Gallows and Brooke Tessmacher defeated Sonjay Dutt and ODB at 6:25 by pinfall when Gallows pinned Dutt with a Chokeslam (51)


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As Doc Gallows and Brooke Tessmacher celebrate in the ring, we cut backstage to Eric Bischoff's office where a concerned Taryn Terrell is pleading with Bischoff to do something about her apparent stalker, who seems to be back again. Bischoff says that he can't really stop the guy from saying what he wants to say, but he promises that Taryn is safe in TNA and that he isn't going to allow anyone to cross the line in his company. (35)


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Elsewhere in the back, Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash are talking and laughing about what they did to Jesse Sorensen last week, when Diamond Dallas Page walks up to them. Page says that some things just never seem to change, do they? Page says that Nash and Waltman are still taking the easy way out, after all this time. Nash says that he has always believed in working smarter, not harder, and it clearly works because Jesse Sorensen isn't even here tonight, so why would he ever want to change? Page says that he knows better than anyone that hard work does pay off, and he believes it will for Jesse Sorensen as well, despite what "you two chumps" put him through. Page walks off and Nash and Waltman go back to laughing amongst themselves, with Waltman bragging about how Jesse Sorensen isn't going to get off so easy next time they face each other. (46)




In a rematch from last week, Sarita squares off against Tara next.




As the action goes back and forth in the ring, Eve Torres makes her way down to ringside for a closer look as Mike Tenay again points out that Eve Torres likely has a rematch against Tara in her near future. The match is not quite as good as they encounter last week, but it's still a decent match that ultimately sees Tara pick up another victory after hitting the Widow's Peak and covering Sarita for the one, two, three.


Tara defeated Sarita at 8:29 by pinfall with the Widow's Peak (42)




After the match, Eric Bischoff's music hits and the owner of TNA makes his way out onto the stage. Bischoff officially books the rematch between Tara and Eve Torres to take place at the Turning Point pay per view, but with the added stipulation that it is going to be a number one contender's match for the Knockouts Championship--and as a final twist to that match, the current TNA Knockout Champion, Gail Kim, is going to serve as the special guest referee for the match! (41)


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Following Bischoff's announcement, we cut to the backstage area where Shelton Benjamin is seen sitting by himself, looking down, when Kurt Angle walks by and notices him. Kurt approaches Shelton and Shelton admits that things haven't exactly been going his way lately. Kurt says that Benjamin's got all the talent in the world, and he is more than talented enough to turn things around. Kurt tells Shelton not to lose belief in himself over a few rough matches, and he tells him that he is always around if he needs anything. The two men then shake hands as we cut back to ringside. (68)




Samoa Joe faces Jay Bradley next and this one is a complete squash match as Joe makes short work of Bradley, ending the match by forcing him to submit to the Coquina Clutch.


Samoa Joe defeated Jay Bradley at 1:23 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (58)


Following his impressively dominant victory, Samoa Joe grabs a mic and calls out Johnny Impact.




After a short wait, Johnny Impact and Melina Perez make their way out from the back and onto the stage. Joe tells Johnny to get down to the ring to get the ass-kicking he deserves, but Johnny instead demands that Joe admit that he used an illegal choke hold at Bound for Glory, which is the only reason he "beat" Impact. Joe says that he doesn't need to cheat to beat Johnny, but Johnny says that he should rightfully still be undefeated in TNA, but he isn't because Joe DID CHEAT! Impact says that he did what he did last week because a cheater like Joe doesn't deserve a World Title shot--Johnny Impact does! Impact then challenges Joe to a match at Turning Point, but with the stipulation that the illegal choke, the so-called "Coquina Clutch" is banned and if Joe uses it, he automatically loses the match! Joe says that if it gets Impact in the ring with him, he'll agree to whatever stipulation he wants. On commentary, Mike Tenay says that it looks like we've got a huge Bound for Glory rematch set for Turning Point! (61)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, who is accompanied by Lei D'Tapa, and Christy asks Gail about being named special guest referee in the number one contender's match between Tara and Eve Torres. Gail says that she doesn't believe that either of them are good enough to deserve a shot at her Knockouts Championship, but if one of them is going to get one, Gail is going to make absolutely sure that they earn it at Turning Point...and that they earn it the hard way. (49)




Back at ringside, The Perfect Tens make their way down to the ring, and Mike Tenay quickly notices that the women are wearing the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship titles around their waists, and Taz adds that the titles really do look amazing on these girls. Once in the ring, they demand that the ring announcer announces them as the reigning TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions, which they insist that they are. Eva Marie claims that they are not only the best-looking tag team champions of all time, they are simply the best--period! Scarlett Bordeaux says that everyone hates them because they make everyone else look bad simply by existing, but that is really everyone else's problem and not theirs. They then announce to everyone that Perfection is taking over TNA as Mike Tenay says on commentary that he hasn't heard anything about the Knockouts Tag Team Championships being brought back, which prompts Taz to ask the question of how the Perfect Tens got the titles then? (23)




A four way singles match is up next as Chavo Guerrero, Abyss, Bobby Roode and Kazarian face off in a continuation of the situation that has been going on around the Tag Team Championships lately. It is a solid match that sees all four men get the moments to shine, and it seems that all four competitors have a realistic chance to picking up the win.


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The match eventually breaks down as all four mens' tag team partners make their way down to ringside, where a brawl then erupts. Amidst the confusion and chaos, Bobby Roode manages to secure a big win here as rolls Kazarian up from behind for the three count.


Bobby Roode defeated Kazarian, Chavo Guerrero and Abyss at 10:20 by pinfall with a roll-up (60)


The fighting continues after the match, and it takes a small army to referees, security personnel and others to finally restore order.




Once the ringside area has been cleared out, Bully Ray's music hits and Bully slowly makes his way down to the ring as the fans chant "You tapped out" at him relentlessly. Mike Tenay wonders just what Bully Ray will have to say about what happened at Bound for Glory and the Aces & Eights coming to an end. Once in the ring, Bully gets on the mic and tells the fans to shut the hell up. Bully says that he accomplishes more in a single day than every single fan in this entire building put together accomplishes in their entire combined miserable lives! Bully says that he should never have been forced to put the Aces & Eights on the line to receive a shot at the title that is still rightfully his, and what happened at Bound for Glory was utter BS! Bully is about to continue, but he is then interrupted as Mr. Anderson's music starts playing. (82)




Mr. Anderson joins Bully in the ring and Anderson says that he can't help but notice that Bully cam out here alone tonight. Anderson wonders if Brooke dumped him after seeing what kind of loser Bully really is when he tapped out to AJ Styles at Bound for Glory? Anderson says that, as good as it felt watching Bully tap out, it's not enough. Anderson says that what he wants--what he needs more than anything else--is to, well...do this--Anderson then nails Bully with a punch and a brawl breaks out in the middle of the ring. Neither man is able to gain the upper hand before a bunch of referees hit the ring to break them up, and Mike Tenay says that there are clearly still issues brewing between Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson. Taz says that pretty soon Anderson's only issue is going to be Bully Ray beating the you-know-what out of him. (86)




It is main event time as Willow faces James Storm in one on one action, and Mike Tenay says that, for those who are wondering at home about the status of TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, Tenay says that he is wondering himself about why AJ hasn't been seen at all tonight. Storm and Willow put on a good main event match here, with the "Cowboy" enduring a considerable amount of punishment during the middle portion of the match as Willow takes control. But, always a fighter, Storm is able to battle his way back into the match and he comes close to picking up the win as Willow just barely ducks the Last Call superkick. This also ends up spelling doom for Storm as he falls victim to a Reverse Twist of Hate from Willow, who then makes the cover and picks up a big win here in the main event of Impact.


Willow defeated James Storm at 14:09 by pinfall with a Reverse Twist of Hate. (78)




The match is over, but instead of Willow's music playing, "Evil Ways" starts playing instead, bringing the fans to their feet as AJ Styles slowly walks out from the back while Mike Tenay excitedly exclaims that AJ is here tonight after all! And this week's edition of Impact comes to an end with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, standing at the top of the entrance ramp, staring at Willow.



Final Show Rating: 78

TV Rating: 2.09

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



Hulk Hogan's TNA contract has officially come to an end and, by the looks of things, Hogan appears to be done with TNA, at least for the time being.

Hannah Blossom's contract has also expired.

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  • 2 months later...


Week 1, November, 2013

Live from First Arena in Elmira, New York

Attendance: 3.664






Impact kicks off with some X-Division tag team action as the X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, teams up with Sean Waltman to take on "Black Machismo" and Jesse Sorensen. It's generally a fast-paced match with plenty of exciting high flying moves, but Waltman and Sabin are also more than willing to take advantage of Kevin Nash's presence at ringside to turn the match back in their favor when necessary. In the end, the match breaks down and all four men are going at it. Kevin Nash grabs Black Machismo's leg and pulls him out of the ring, behind the referee's back, leaving Jesse Sorensen alone in the ring where he falls victim to Chris Sabin's Cradle Shock, which allows Sabin to pick up the victory for his side in a good opening match.


Chris Sabin and Sean Waltman defeated Jesse Sorensen and Black Machismo at 10:17 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Sorensen with a Cradle Shock following interference from Kevin Nash (63)


After the match, Mike Tenay and Taz talk about how Kevin Nash has once again played a part in screwing Jesse Sorensen over, with Tenay being outraged about Nash's actions while Taz maintains that it's only cheating if you get caught, and Nash knows how not to get caught.







In the back, Kurt Angle is seen approaching Shelton Benjamin, who still looks to be rather down on his luck after some tough weeks. Kurt says that he knows just the thing to help Shelton get back on his feet, and Angle then suggests that the two of them issue an open challenge for anyone to face them in a tag team match later tonight. Benjamin accepts Kurt's offer, and Mike Tenay and Taz wonder who will step up to face this supremely skilled duo later tonight. (66)







The Perfect Tens are backstage, both women wearing a TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship title belt around their waist. The Perfect Tens are bragging about their good looks, saying that they look even better now that they have gold around their perfect waists. Scarlett says that Perfection just got a little more perfect, and Eva Marie adds that not only do they make it look good--they make it look easy too. As we cut back to ringside, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that The Perfect Tens are, in fact, NOT the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions as those titles are still currently inactive. But Taz says that they definitely look like the Champions to him. (24)





TNA Television Championship




The TV title is on the line next as Shark Boy gets a shot at the Championship against the current champion, Mike Knox, who, as usual, is accompanied to the ring by The Menagerie. This is largely a squash match, with Shark Boy only getting a few moves in during a brief moment of hope for him, before Knox regains control of the match and puts the Shark away with a Sitout Spinebuster for a successful title defense.


Mike Knox defeated Shark Boy at 1:58 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (38)







The TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, makes her way down to the ring next, alongside Lei D'Tapa. Gail gets on the mic and talks about her role as special guest referee for the upcoming number one contender's match at Turning Point.. Gail says that she's going to make sure that whoever wins the match earns their title shot the hard way. Though Gail admits that she has doubts as to whether either Eve or Tara actually really deserve a shot at her title.




Eve Torres's music then hits and Eve makes her way out from the back to join Gail in the ring. Eve gets on the mic and says that, as much as she respects Gail's ability, she intends to prove Gail wrong at Turning Point by proving that she does indeed deserve a shot at the Knockouts Championship. Gail doesn't seem convinced by Eve's words, but then, to make things even more volatile...




Tara makes her way down to the ring as well. Tara yanks the mic out of Eve's hand and tells her that she'll be the one who is walking out of the Turning Point victorious. Tara says that she intends to prove that Eve's win at Bound for Glory was nothing but a fluke. Tara says that she is simply better than Eve, and this time, when Tara is actually prepared and dressed to compete, things will turn out quite differently than they did at Bound for Glory. Tara then drops the mic and leaves the ring, and Gail leaves shortly after, but not before reminding Eve of who the Knockouts Champion is by holding the title up in Eve's face. (49)





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Christy Hemme is backstage with Bobby Roode and Austin Aries, the Dirty Heels, and they are both bragging about Bobby Roode's big win last week on Impact. Christy asks if Roode's win makes them the favorites to capture the TNA Tag Team Championships at Turning Point, and Roode says that they were always the favorites, his win just further proved it. Austin Aries says that none of the other teams in the match can measure up to them, and that they are about to usher in a new era of dominance in the tag team divsion--the Dirty Heels's dominance! (52)







Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin are out next for their open challenge and it's The BroMans who show up to accept the challenge. This is a pretty solid tag team match where Angle and Benjamin look to be a step ahead of The BroMans for the majority of it, but some timely cheating from Robbie E allows Jessie Godderz to take control against Benjamin for a while. Benjamin does eventually fight back, however, and he makes the hot tag to Kurt Angle, who absolutely cleans house. Shelton takes out Jessie Godderz with a dive to the outside, and Angle applies the Ankle Lock on Robbie E in the middle of the ring for the submission victory.


Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin defeated The BroMans at 5:58 by submission when Kurt Angle forced Robbie E to submit to the Ankle Lock (66)







Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring next for a promo. Bully says that he demands respect from every single one of the losers in attendance tonight, as well as every single loser in the back, because he has already accomplished so much more than they ever will. Bully says that he took this company to new heights as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and he made the Aces & Eights what they were. Bully says that the only regret he has, the only mistake he made, was to allow that snivelling piece of shit, Mr. Anderson, join the brotherhood. Because Anderson is a coward and he spread his disloyalty to others in the group, causing its downfall in the end. And now Anderson thinks he's gonna step up to Bully? Bully says that he's not only going to beat Anderson, he's going to pummel him, to punish, humiliate, and embarrass him. And then he's gonna take him out of TNA for good! Bully is then interrupted as Mr. Anderson's music starts playing. (81)




Mr. Anderson makes his way out onto the stage to a good reaction from the crowd. Anderson says that Bully is delusional if he thinks he is anything more than a coward himself, who hid behind the rest of the Aces & Eights because he knew he couldn't get the job done on his own. Anderson says that he was merely the first one to see through Bully's lies. And as for humiliating and embarrassing Mr. Anderson...Anderson says that the only one who should be embarrassed here is Bully Ray because he sounds just like a child crying to his mommy because he didn't get his way. And as far as taking Anderson out is concerned, Anderson says that he'd be more than happy to come down to the ring right now and pick up where he left off last week--by kicking Bully's ass! Anderson drops the mic and starts walking toward the ring, but he is stopped by officials and security personnel, much to the displeasure of the crowd who clearly wanted to see these to go at it again tonight. (73)







James Storm takes on Doc Gallows next in one on one action. This is a back and forth match with both men giving as good as they get, until Doc whips Storm into the guard rail outside the ring to gain control of the match. Gallows remains in control for the next several minutes, wearing Storm down but unable to put him away. That inability ends up costing Doc in the end as Storm eventually fights back and, after narrowly avoiding a big boot from Gallows, Storm catches Gallows with a Last Call superkick and it is "The Cowboy" who picks up the win in this one.


James Storm defeated Doc Gallows at 8:46 by pinfall with the Last Call (65)







After the match, we get a short video hyping up "The Icon" Sting, highlighting some of his biggest achievements in TNA to date, including the victory he picked up at Bound for Glory against the Aces & Eights. (72)







Kazarian faces Chavo Guerrero next in another match involving two of the four teams who are currently battling it out for the TNA Tag Team Championships. With both Daniels and Hernandez at ringside, it seems almost inevitable that this one is going to break down into chaos sooner or later, and that's exactly what ends up happening. Following some solid action in the ring, the match comes to an end when Daniels is caught getting involved, leaving the referee with no choice but to disqualify Kazarian due to outside interference.


Chavo Guerrero defeated Kazarian at 10:18 by disqualification when Daniels got involved in the match (60)


The match may be over but the fight is on as Hernandez joins in as well and all four men are going at it.




The big screen then suddenly comes to life and we see Matt Hardy and Abyss, the current Tag Team Champions, clearly amused by the fighting they are witnessing in the ring. Matt says that, although this is marvelous and wonderful entertainment, he and "His Monster" Abyss are the Tag Team Champions and no amount of infighting is going to change that. Matt says that they are merely fighting for scraps, because he and Abyss have become one with the Tag Team Championships and no soul in the universe or beyond will be able to take the titles away from them. (57)





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We cut suddenly to the back where security personnel are trying to keep Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson apart, though they seem intent to beat the hell out of each other. Eric Bischoff shows up to help calm things down, and Bischoff books a match between the two men at Turning Point, saying that if they want to fight so bad, they can fight at Turning Point in a No Holds Barred match! (62)






Johnny Impact wrestles his first match on Impact next as he takes on Magnus in singles action. Tenay and Taz mostly spend the match talking about the various ways Johnny Impact has angered Samoa Joe in recent weeks, as well as hyping up their rematch at Turning Point where Samoa Joe's Coquina Clutch submission hold will be banned. As for this match, it's a pretty solid one that sees Magnus get enough offense in to look decent, but it is Impact who picks up the win, taking advantage of a timely distraction from Melina to roll Magnus up from behind for the three count.


Johnny Impact defeated Magnus at 7:42 by pinfall when a roll-up following a distraction from Melina (61)




Instead of Johnny Impact's music playing after the match, it is Samoa Joe's music that hits as Joe marches out from the back and toward the ring. But as soon as Joe enters the ring, Impact bails and heads back up the entrance ramp, clearly wanting no part of Samoa Joe tonight. Mike Tenay wonders on commentary if Impact will even have the courage to step into the ring with Samoa Joe at Turning Point? (50)







Once the ring has cleared out, "Evil Ways" starts playing and AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring for a promo. AJ says that wants Willow to come down to the ring to face him man to man, because AJ has something to say to him and he wants to say it to his face.




After a short wait, Willow's music starts playing and Willow stumbles his way down the entrance ramp to join AJ in the ring. AJ says that he doesn't know exactly what's going on with Jeff at the moment, but he does know that, whatever's going on, he still respects Jeff Hardy, but no so much Willow. AJ says that he would much rather be facing Jeff Hardy at Turning Point than Willow, but Willow just stares silently, and eerily, at AJ. AJ says that the reason he wanted to talk to Willow face is face is to issue a challenge; AJ wants to face Willow in a ladder match. No more mind games, no more tricks, no more nothing; just the two of them, a ladder, and the World Heavyweight Championship hanging high above the ring, waiting to be grabbed by whoever proves to be the better man. Willow doesn't say anything, but nods in agreement, and Impact comes to an end with Tenay and Taz hyping up the Ladder match that will take place at Turning Point, while AJ Styles and Willow stare at each other in the ring. (83)




Final Show Rating: 72

TV Rating: 1.92

Show increased popularity in 27 regions



Jesse Sorensen has recently signed a brand new two year exclusive written deal with TNA.

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So, yeah, this is back.

I apologize for another, albeit shorter this time, hiatus as I'm sure it makes for a rather disjointed reading experience. Hopefully this will be the last break.

I'm also trying a new format with the quotes for each segment. Don't know if I like it yet so I may leave it up to feedback, assuming anyone still wants to read this, of course.

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Week 2, November, 2013

Live from Yanitelli Center in Jersey Center, New Jersey

Attendance: 3.200 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Mike Tenay opens the show by welcoming everyone to the last stop on the road to Turning Point and then we move directly into our first match of the night as Black Machismo and Kenny King square off in X-division action.




Chris Sabin makes his way down ringside to watch the match as Tenay reminds everyone that Sabin will defend the TNA X-Division Championship at Turning Point against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. It's a good match and even though Sabin never gets involved, his presence at ringside is a constant distraction for Lethal. Still, in the end, Lethal is able to overcome that distraction and put King away with a top rope elbow drop to pick up a big win heading into his X-Division title match at Turning Point this Sunday night.


Black Machismo defeated Kenny King at 10:09 by pinfall with a Diving Elbow Drop (71)


After the match, Sabin and Lethal exchange a few words before Sabin heads back up ramp and we cut backstage.


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In the back, Christy Hemme is with Jesse Sorensen and she asks Jesse about the loss last week, as well as him finally getting the chance to step into the ring with Sean Waltman at Turning Point. Jesse says that the only reason he and Jay Lethal lost last week was because of Kevin Nash's interference. Jesse says that the reason Nash always gets involved in Sean Waltman's matches is because, deep down, Waltman knows he can't win on his own. Jesse says that he is not going to let the loss last week bother him, and he vows that this Sunday night, one way or another, he'll find a way to get the better of both Waltman and Nash! (46)




Elsewhere in the back, Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are seen arrving at the building, with Impact looking rather on edge as he visibly jumps at the sound of a loud noise nearby. Mike Tenay says that it looks like Johnny Impact might be more worried about Samoa Joe than he wants to let on, and Taz says that if Tenay had pissed off Samoa Joe, he'd be worried too! (48)


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We cut to yet another place in the backstage area where The Perfect Tens are bullying SoCal Val, trying to make her polish "their" TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship title belts for them, which Val refuses to do. Scarlett tells Val that she's worthless and a waste of their time, and Eva Marie says that they have better things to do then to be caught anywhere near Val, especially when she's such a lazy cow who won't even do what she's told by her betters. As The Perfect Tens walk off, Val looks a mix of sad and angry as we cut back to ringside. (25)




Tag Team action is up next as Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez take on two former Aces & Eights members in Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco. It's a decent little tag team match that mostly serves to give Chavo and Hernandez a win heading into the Tag Team Championship title match at Turning Point, but Garrett and Wes do get enough offense in to look credible before Hernandez eventually puts Brisco away with a Border Toss.


Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff at 5:49 by pinfall when Hernandez pinned Brisco with a Border Toss (40)




After the match, the Dirty Heels make their way out onto the stage for a promo. Bobby Roode "congratulates" Chavo and Hernandez on their victory, but tells them that it is going to take a lot more than that for them to win at Turning Point--in fact it will take more than they've got because the Tag Team Titles are coming home with the Dirty Heels. Before Austin Aries can speak...




The big screen comes to life and Bad Influence, Daniels and Kazarian, appear. Kazarian says that the titles are coming home with them, where they belong, and there is nothing anyone can do about it! Daniels says that Roode and Aries are delusional if they think they've got a chance of walking out with the victory, as are Chavo and Hernandez, because Bad Influence is the greatest tag team in TNA today and at Turning Point...they're going to prove it. As the segment comes to an end, Mike Tenay notes that Matt Hardy and Abyss, the current TNA Tag Team Champions, will have their work cut out for them on Sunday night. (50)


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In the back, Gail Kim, Eve Torres and Tara are all in Eric Bischoff's office where Bischoff is explaining to Gail Kim that he expects her to be a fair and unbiased referee at Turning Point. Gail again says that she guarantees that whoever wins at Turning Point will have earned it-she's going to make sure of that. Tara then gets in Eve's face and tells her that it will be a different story this time around because this time Tara will be dressed to compete, she'll be prepared and she won't be blindsided by Eve. Eve says that first of all she didn't blindside Tara, and secondly, she adds that this time, when she beats Tara again in the middle of the ring, Tara won't have any excuses left. Things get tense, but Bischoff tells the women to save it for Sunday night and Turning Point. (49)




Magnus versus Doc Gallows is our next match of the night and it's a solid match that sees Gallows dominate most of it, but Magnus keeps putting up a fight as he doesn't make it easy for Gallows. Still, in the end, Gallows does get the better of Magnus as puts him away with a Chokeslam for the pinfall victory.


Doc Gallows defeated Magnus at 6:26 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (54)


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Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are backstage in Eric Bischoff's office and Impact is complaining to Bischoff about Samoa Joe being out to get him. Bischoff says that Impact brought that upon himself with his own actions, so he's not sure what Impact wants him to do about it. Johnny says that he wants Bischoff to ban Joe from touching him before Turning Point, and Bischoff reluctantly agrees, saying that he'll do it but Impact better step into the ring with Joe on Sunday, no excuses and no BS. Impact says that of course he will--he's not afraid of facing Joe, he just knows that Joe will take every opportunity to jump him from behind like the coward he is. As Impact and Melina leave Bischoff's office, Mike Tenay says that he doesn't believe for one second that Impact isn't afraid of Samoa Joe, and that Impact will have to pay for his actions at Turning Point. (48)




Back at ringside, Kurt Angle's music hits and Angle makes his way out from the back and down to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd. Once in the ring, Angle gets on the mic and says that, while Shelton Benjamin isn't here tonight, he will be at Turning Point this Sunday night.  And speaking of Turning Point, Angle says that he is out here tonight for one reason and one reason only; to issue an open challenge for any team to show up at Turning Point and face he and Benjamin in a tag team match! Angle says that it doesn't matter who it is, the challenge is open to literally anyone, the only thing that matters is that he and Shelton will be at Turning Point and they want a match--it's real, it's DAMN real! With that, Angle drops the mic and heads back up the ramp as Tenay and Taz wonder who will step up and accept the challenge at Turning Point? (92)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash and she asks Waltman and Nash their opinion on Jesse Sorensen's comments earlier tonight. Nash says that he feels personally attacked by Sorensen's comments, and he wants to make one thing perfectly clear; Nash says that he doesn't get involved in Sean's matches because Sean can't take care of himself, he does it because it's fun kicking Sorensen's ass. Nash laughs, and Waltman says that at Turning Point, Jesse Sorensen is going to get smoked and the Originator of the X-Division style is gonna add another W to his record. (43)




Before our next match, Mike Tenay explains that TNA owner Eric Bischoff allowed both AJ Styles and Willow to pick each other's opponents for tonight's show, and AJ Styles chose to have Willow face James Storm.




Styles makes his way down to ringside for a closer look as Willow and Storm go back and forth in the ring in what is a good match. Storm comes close to potentially winning the match as Willow just barely avoids a Last Call superkick, but that is as close as Storm gets as Willow manages to take control of the match and eventually put Storm away with a Reverse Twist of Hate for a hard-fought victory going into Turning Point this Sunday.


Willow defeated James Storm at 11:52 by pinfall with a Reverse Twist of Hate (78)


Willow has picked up a huge win here tonight and AJ Styles is seen slowly nodding his head, clearly impressed by the victory Willow was able to pull off her tonight. Tenay and Taz hype up the fact that we've still got our main event to come where AJ Styles will be in action against an opponent of Willow's choosing, and Tenay says that he shudders to think what kind of twisted thoughts go through Willow's head.




We cut to the back where Samoa Joe is standing by himself, facing the camera, and laughing. Joe asks Johnny Impact if he scared him? Joe says that he must have, since Impact went running to Eric Bischoff for protection. Joe says that Johnny Impact won't have anyone to hide behind this Sunday at Turning Point, and what goes around, comes around, and Johnny Impact has a lot of pain and suffering coming his way. Joe tells Impact to enjoy his last few days of good health, because at Turning Point, his health is going to take a serious turn for the worse! (59)


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Diamond Dallas Page comes down to the ring next to host The Diamond Exchange, and his guests tonight are none other than heated rivals Bully Ray and Mr. Anderson. Page does his best to maintain order but it is obvious that Bully and Anderson just want to fight each other. Bully Ray vows to not only beat Anderson at Turning Point, but to put him on the shelf for the forseeable future, if not end his career altogether. Anderson responds by saying that he VOWS to knock Bully Ray's teeth down his throat and then maybe, FINALLY, Bully will SHUT THE HELL UP! This causes Bully to lose it and the two men start pummeling each other in the middle of the ring until DDP and several referees and officials manage to pry the two men apart. As this is going on in the ring, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that these two will be allowed to go at it this Sunday night at Turning Point with no one trying to separate them! (73)




It's time for our main event of the evening and AJ Styles's opponent, as chosen by Willow, is none other than "The Monster" Abyss, one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions with Willow's brother, Matt. Mike Tenay says that Abyss has a twisted mind and no doubt that played a role in Willow's choice here tonight. Abyss dominates the early parts of this one, using his size and strength to ground the TNA World Heavyweight Champion and inflict damage. But Styles proves why he is the TNA World Heavyweight Champion as he fights back against "The Monster", putting Abyss on the defense with a flurry of lightning-quick offense that Abyss simply cannot keep up with. Styles looks to go for the Styles Clash, but, as Taz points out, Abyss may simply be too big for Styles to be able to pull that move off, and Mike Tenay wonders if Styles will be able to make Abyss submit to the Calf Killer, given Abyss's high pain threshold.




It's a question which we never get the answer to as Willow hits the ring with a steel chair in hand following a ref bump. Willow swings at AJ, but AJ ducks and Willow ends up taking Abyss out instead. The referee wakes up just in time to make the three count as AJ covers Abyss and this one is over.


AJ Styles defeated Abyss at 9:52 by pinfall following botched interference by Willow (78)


And with that, AJ Styles stands tall in the ring, staring at Willow at ringside who stares right back at the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and Mike Tenay encourages everyone to join us for Turning Point this Sunday night where AJ Styles will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Willow in a Ladder match!



Final Show Rating: 81

TV Rating: 2.20

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



TNA has officially signed Arn Anderson to a contract. Anderson is expected to work in a backstage capacity as a road agent, with his first official show on the job being the Turning Point pay per view.

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On 3/29/2023 at 5:11 AM, knkmaster69 said:

Great shows and great to have you back! Honestly I prefer the old format without the quotes personally but it's definitely not a big enough issue to be a deal breaker I'll read this awesome dynasty in any form you so choose!

Thank you for the kind words! I'm inclined to agree with you on the format, and have decided to go back to the old one, as seen in the show I just posted.

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TNA Turning Point 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder match

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow



No Holds Barred match

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray



TNA Tag Team Championships - Elimination Tag match

Matt Hardy and Abyss (c) vs. Bad Influence vs. The Dirty Heels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Black Machismo



TNA Knockouts Championship number one contender's match - Special Referee: Gail Kim

Eve Torres vs. Tara



Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Impact



Open Challenge match

Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin vs. ???



Sean Waltman vs. Jesse Sorensen



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TNA Turning Point 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder match

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow



No Holds Barred match

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray



TNA Tag Team Championships - Elimination Tag match

Matt Hardy and Abyss (c) vs. Bad Influence vs. The Dirty Heels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Black Machismo



TNA Knockouts Championship number one contender's match - Special Referee: Gail Kim

Eve Torres vs. Tara



Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Impact



Open Challenge match

Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin vs. ???



Sean Waltman vs. Jesse Sorensen


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AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray

Matt Hardy and Abyss (c) vs. Bad Influence vs. The Dirty Heels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Black Machismo

Eve Torres vs. Tara

Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Impact

Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin vs. ???

Sean Waltman vs. Jesse Sorensen

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TNA Turning Point 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder match

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow



No Holds Barred match

Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray



TNA Tag Team Championships - Elimination Tag match

Matt Hardy and Abyss (c) vs. Bad Influence vs. The Dirty Heels vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Black Machismo



TNA Knockouts Championship number one contender's match - Special Referee: Gail Kim

Eve Torres vs. Tara



Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Impact



Open Challenge match

Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin vs. ???



Sean Waltman vs. Jesse Sorensen




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Week 2, November, 2013

Live from Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Attendance: 14.770 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz

TNA X-Division Championship



Following a brief introduction from Mike Tenay and Taz, Turning Point 2013 gets underway with a match for the X-Division Championship as Chris Sabin defends his title against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal. Lethal gets off to a fast start with some quick but highly effective moves, which forces Sabin to roll out of the ring to regroup and refocus. Lethal doesn't allow Sabin much time to himself on the outside, however, as "Black Machismo" launches himself over the top rope with a plancha. Lethal gets the champion back in the ring, but Sabin is able to turn the match in his favor with a poke to the eye of the challenger, and then following it up with a snap DDT. "Black Machismo" is on his game tonight, however, as he fires right back against the champion before hitting a top rope crossbody for a two count. Lethal heads back up to the top rope for another high-risk move, but this time Sabin moves out of the way and Lethal hits the mat hard. Sabin quickly hits a northern light suplex but Lethal kicks out after two. Sabin then looks to put Lethal away with the Cradle Shock, but Lethal lands on his feet behind Sabin and hits a bridging german suplex for another two count. Black Machismo then grabs Sabin's legs as he looks to apply the figure four leglock, but Sabin surprises Lethal with a roll-up, grabbing hold of Lethal's tights for extra leverage and the X-Division Champion retains his title in a good opening match here at Turning Point.

Chris Sabin defeated Black Machismo at 10:19 by pinfall with a roll-up while holding the tights for added leverage. Chris Sabin retains the TNA X-Division Championship (73)


TNA Tag Team Championships



These four teams faced off at Bound for Glory in a match that saw Matt Hardy and Abyss capture the TNA Tag Team Championships and tonight they square off again, but this time the match will be contested under elimination rules. It is a pretty wild and uncontrollable match that breaks down multiple times as the referee struggles to maintain order. The first elimination comes a little over five minutes into the match following a sequence between Kazarian and Chavo Guerrero, which ends with Kazarian hitting a swinging neckbreaker on Chavo. Kazarian takes a moment to pose and celebrate his big move, but what Kazarian missed was a blind tag made by Austin Aries, who surprises Kazarian with a roll-up from behind and just like that, Kazarian and Daniels have been eliminated from the match.

Kazarian's eyes go wide with disbelief as he realizes what just happened and both he and Daniels argue with the referee as they are sent to the back. Meanwhile, Hernandez is taking the fight to Austin Aries in the ring, using his superior size and strength to his advantage as he throws Aries around in the ring. Hernandez gets Aries up for a powerbomb, but Aries pokes Hernandez in the eye, Hernandez drops Aries, and Aries quickly crawls to one of the corners and tags in "The Monster" Abyss. Chavo Guerrero tags in as well but then, surprisingly, the veteran Guerrero makes a rookie mistake as he charges straight at Abyss, who catches Guerrero, spins around and slams him into the mat with the Black Hole Slam. Abyss then covers Chavo and the following three count means that Chavo and Hernandez are eliminated as well.

We are down to the defending champions, Matt Hardy and Abyss, and the Dirty Heels, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries. All four men brawl in the ring and Abyss ends up clotheslining Bobby Roode out of the ring, and then "The Monster" follows Roode to the outside, leaving just Matt Hardy and Austin Aries in the ring. Matt goes for the Side Effect but Aries elbows his way out of it and then, while the referee is distracted by the brawl taking place outside the ring between Abyss and Roode, Austin Aries kicks Matt Hardy right between his legs and then drops Hardy with a Brainbuster in the middle of the ring. Aries screams at the referee as he covers Hardy, and the referee slides into the ring and makes the one...two...three count! We have NEW TNA Tag Team Champions here at Turning Point!

The Dirty Heels defeated Bad Influence, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez and Matt Hardy and Abyss at 17:54 by pinfall when Aries pinned Hardy with a Brainbuster for the final elimination. The Dirty Heels win the TNA Tag Team Championships (60)



As the new champions celebrate in the ring, Mike Tenay says that we are going to hear from Mr. Anderson next, who sat down earlier today to talk about his match later tonight against Bully Ray. In the pre-taped promo, Anderson says that tonight Bully Ray won't have anyone to save his ass because it's No Holds Barred and no one is coming to save Bully. Anderson says that tonight, Bully Ray finally gets the beating that he so richly deserves and it will be given to him by...MIIIIISSSSTERRRRR....ANDERSON!!!!.....ANDERSON!!!!!!!!! (71)



Turning Point continues with singles action as Sean Waltman takes on Jesse Sorensen. Waltman is, as always, accompanied to the ring by Kevin Nash and Nash and Sorensen exchange a few words before the bell rings, which Waltman takes advantage of as he attacks Sorensen from behind just as the bell rings to get the match underway. Waltman puts the boots to Sorensen before hitting the Bronco Buster, and Mike Tenay says that it is all Waltman early on in this one, thanks in no small part to Kevin Nash's distraction. Jesse Sorensen fights back with a few uppercuts and forearm shots, and then a standing dropkick takes Waltman off his feet. Sorensen hits a swinging neckbreaker and a diving crossbody off the top rope, but Waltman kicks out after two, and when Sorensen tries to run the ropes, Kevin Nash grabs his foot and trips him up. Nash immediately turns around to appear innocent, but when he turns back to face the ring, Sorensen takes Nash out with a slingshot plancha. Back in the ring, Waltman meets Sorensen with a series of hard kicks, but Sorensen is able to duck Waltman's spinning heel kick and drop him with a belly to back suplex. Sorensen quickly follows up with an inverted DDT and then he heads to the top rope and hits his Lone Star Press for the three count and a major victory in the young man's career.

Jesse Sorensen defeated Sean Waltman at 8:47 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (51)



Kurt Angle issued an open challenge on Impact for any team to show up at Turning Point and face him and Shelton Benjamin and the challenge is answered tonight by none other than The American Wolves, who make their TNA debut. This is a very technically sound back and forth match, with neither team able to maintain control of the match for any length of time. It is also a very clean and respectful match as neither side attempts to cheat or use any underhanded tactics, and there seem to be a great deal of respect between all four men in this one. The Wolves almost put this one away when they attempt to hit the Force of Nature on Shelton Benjamin, but Shelton is able to prevent the move by countering Davey Richards's powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana, and Shelton then makes the tag to Kurt Angle, who unloads on the Wolves with multiple german suplexes on both Edwards and Richards. Angle hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on Eddie Edwards, a belly to back suplex on Davey Richards and then, in what Mike Tenay calls a "brilliant move" by Kurt Angle, Angle hits another german suplex on Edwards but this time, instead of releasing upon impact, Angle bridges for pin instead and Eddie Edwards kicks out a split second too late as the referee's hand just barely hits the mat for the third time before Eddie kicks out.

Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin defeated The American Wolves at 13:22 by pinfall when Angle pinned Edwards with a bridging german suplex (78)

As Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin shake hands with Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards after the match, in a show of mutual respect, Mike Tenay puts the American Wolves over on commentary, praising them for their effort here tonight and the fact that they were able to more than hold their own against a couple of great competitors in Kurt Angle and Shelton Benjamin. Even Taz begrudgingly admits that, even in defeat, The American Wolves looked good tonight and they impressed him as a team.


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with the host of the Diamond Exchange, Diamond Dallas Page, and she asks Page about his thoughts as to who is going to pick up the win in the No Holds Barred match later tonight; Bully Ray or Mr. Anderson? DDP says that it's obvious to him that both guys hate each other, he saw that first hand this past Thursday on Impact, and he has no idea who is going to come out on top tonight. He just knows that neither man will come out of that match unscathed. (50)



Before we cut back to ringside, we get a brief shot of the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, as he prepares for his match against Willow later tonight. Mike Tenay and Taz spend this time hyping up the main event where AJ Styles will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a ladder match against the unpredictable--to say the least--Willow. Tenay says that that match is coming up later tonight in our main event, but now it's time for some Knockouts action as we are about to crown a number one contender to the TNA Knockouts Championship. (81)


TNA Knockouts Championship Number One Contender's match - Special Referee: Gail Kim



Tara gets in Eve's face to start this one off and Mike Tenay says that Tara still holds a grudge against Eve Torres for defeating her at Bound for Glory, but Taz corrects Tenay by saying that Tara has a legitimate reason to be upet because she wasn't informed of the match ahead of time. The two women kicks things off by exchanging forearm shots in the middle of the ring until Tara grabs hold of Eve's hair and pulls her to the mat hard, which guest referee Gail Kim doesn't seem to have an issue with. Tara continues to dish out the punishment, both physically and verbally, but Eve is able to fight back with a desperation samoan drop for the double down. Both women get back to their feet at the same time and begin to trade forearm shots again until Eve surprises Tara by firing off a snap suplex. Eve follows it up with a vertical suplex and a swinging neckbreaker, before going up top and hitting an impressive looking Evesault--a moonsault from the top rope. Eve hooks the leg and secures the one, two, three!


Eve Torres defeated Tara at 7:46 by pinfall with the Evesault. Eve Torres becomes the number one contender to the TNA Knockouts Championship (48)


After a brief celebration, Eve turns around and finds herself face to face with Gail Kim, who Taz praises on commentary for her fair and unbiased refereeing in the match. Gail doesn't try to attack Eve, however, as the two women just stare each other down as Mike Tenay says that Eve Torres looked impressive in victory tonight, but will she be able to knock off Gail Kim when she gets the opportunity? (43)




We get another pre-taped promo next, this time from Bully Ray, who talks about Mr. Anderson. Bully says that Anderson was the least worthy member of the Aces & Eights, and it wasn't even close,  and the biggest mistake Bully ever made was allowing Anderson to join the group. Bully says that the Aces & Eights may be dead and gone now, but Anderson's betrayal remains in Bully's memory and tonight...tonight Bully is taking Anderson out for good! (70)




Samoa Joe battles Johnny Impact next in a match that is the continuation of a feud that has become rather personal in the weeks following Johnny Impact's debut, and especially in the weeks following their first match at Bound for Glory. Joe chases Impact both in and out of the ring early on in this one as Joe is fuming to get his hands on Impact, while Impact wants no part of Samoa Joe. It's all a trap laid out by Impact and Melina, however, as Melina distracts Samoa Joe just long enough for Impact to hit a vicious chop block from behind on Joe to kick off the action. From there, Impact's game plan is set as he continues to work over Joe's leg for the next several minutes of the match, and every time Joe tries to mount a comeback, Impact goes right back to the leg to turn the tide of the match back in his favor. Taz praises this strategy from Impact, and even Mike Tenay begrudgingly agrees that it is a smart strategy, though Tenay isn't too happy about Melina distraction Samoa Joe to allow Impact to get the upper hand.

Samoa Joe is finally able to turn the match in his favor after catching Impact coming off the ropes and hitting the Uranage, which gives Joe some much needed time to recover. Joe then goes on offense with some hard chops and kicks, before dropping Impact with an exploder suplex. Now firmly in control of the match, Joe hits a devastating powerbomb and he positions Impact on the top rope. The noise in the building rises as Joe looks to deliver the Muscle Buster, but Melina sprays something in Joe's eyes--Mike Tenay speculates that it is some kind of hair spray--and Joe appears to be momentarily blinded. Johnny Impact hits a lightning quick enzuigiri and then quickly rolls Joe up from behind to steal a pinfall victory here at Turning Point.


Johnny Impact defeated Samoa Joe at 14:55 by pinfall with a roll-up after Melina used hair spray to blind Samoa Joe (71)


After the match, Johnny Impact and Melina Perez quickly leave the ring and make their way back up the ramp, celebrating the victory as they hurry to the backstage area before Sama Joe regains his vision. Mike Tenay says that Impact may have stolen a victory here tonight, but Tenay wouldn't want to be in Impact's shoes when Samoa Joe comes looking for him.


No Holds Barred Match



In a match that has been months in the making, Bully Ray faces Mr. Anderson in a No Holds Barred match next here at Turning Point, and this one gets underway immediately as Anderson attacks Bully Ray during Bully's entrance. The two men brawl all around the ring, making full use of their surroundings by throwing each other into the guard rail, slamming each other's heads into the steel steps and blasting each other with steel chairs. Mike Tenay calls it an all out war, and Taz is thrilled to see Bully Ray finally give Anderson what he deserves. Bully even hits a piledriver on Anderson on the floor outside the ring, and then Bully wraps his massive chain around his right hand and nails Anderson with a straight right hand, busting Anderson open in the process. Even in the bloodied state that he is in, Anderson isn't about to stop fighting as he is able to avoid a Bully Bomb by kicking Bully Ray right between the legs. Anderson follows up with a DDT, and then he rolls out of the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring. Anderson sets the table up in the ring and tries to hit a Mic Check on Bully through the table, but Bully fires off a round of elbow smashes to avoid that fate. Bully then hits a spinebuster and now both men are down in the ring. Both men slowly get back to their feet and Anderson goes for the Mic Check again, Bully counters it and then Bully Ray hits the Bully Bomb on Mr. Anderson through the table!!! Bully collapses on top of Anderson and the referee makes the three count to put an end to this brutal battle.


Bully Ray defeated Mr. Anderson at 11:50 by pinfall with a Bully Bomb through a table (64)


It is almost main event time but first we get a short video hype package, setting up the main event that we are about to see next. (65)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Ladder Match




The very first thing Willow does in this match is leave the ring as soon as the bell rings and he slides a couple of ladders into the ring, but AJ Styles shows off some quick thinking as he hits a baseball slide on one of the ladders, sending it directly into Willow's face. Styles brings Willow back into the ring and unleashes a flurry of punches before taking Willow off his feet with a Pelé Kick. Willow gets back to his feet and stumbles into the corner where Styles attempts a Stinger Splash, but Willow moves out of the way and takes Styles down with a neckbreaker. Willow then leaves the ring again and he starts pulling tables out from under the ring and setting them up outside the ring, even stacking them on top of each other. He continues to do this until Styles cuts him off from behind and both men brawl around ringside, with Willow ultimately getting the upper hand by whipping Styles back-first into the steel steps. Willow rolls Styles back in the ring and follows in after him, but not before grabbing a steel chair first. With Styles lying on his stomach in the middle of the ring, Willow begins punishing Styles with some hard chair shots across his back, and we then see the Whisper in the Wind from Willow. Willow sets up a ladder and starts climbing, but Styles is able to get back to his feet and pull Willow off the ladder before he reaches the top.

Now it's AJ Styles who has the steel chair and he gets himself some payback as he blasts Willow across the back with the chair multiple times. AJ then sets up for the Styles Clash, but Willow is able to back body drop Styles before he can perform the move. Styles gets back to his feet and hits a thunderous tornado DDT on Willow, and then Styles applies the Calf Killer on Willow in the middle of the ring--and move which Mike Tenay reminds everyone that no one has ever escaped from. Willow is clearly in a lot of pain but, as Taz points out, AJ Styles can't win this match by submission. Mike Tenay responds by saying that, while that is true, Styles can make it significantly harder for Willow to climb the ladder and retrieve the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Styles eventually releases the hold and begins to climb the ladder, but Willow slowly follows after him and, after a short exchange at the top of the ladder, Willow hits some kind of modified Twist of Hate off the top of the ladder on Styles and both men crash to the mat hard.

Willow is the first one to begin to stir, and he slowly starts climbing the ladder as Styles remains motionless on the mat. As Willow inches closer to the top of the ladder, Styles slowly gets back to his feet. Realizing that he probably can't get to Willow in time, rather than attempting to climb the ladder, Styles instead grabs the ladder and starts tipping it, causing Willow to fly off the ladder, out of the ring and through the stack of tables that he, himself, set up earlier in the match!!!!

The crowd goes absolutely crazy, and AJ sets the ladder up in the ring and slowly starts climbing to the top. With Willow still completely motionless outside in the ring, lying in a mess of broken tables, AJ Styles is able to retrieve the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt to win the match and retain his title in what was a great main event.


AJ Styles defeated Willow at 17:44 by retrieving the World Heavyweight Championship title belt. AJ Styles retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (84)


And with the sight of an exhausted AJ Styles holding the World Heavyweight Championship title belt high in the air atop the ladder, the Turning Point pay per view come to an end.



Final PPV Rating: 80

PPV Buyrate: 0.18

Show increased popularity in 9 regions



Sean Waltman and Sarita both wrapped up their time with TNA at Turning Point, at least for the time being.

Lance Storm has officially signed on with TNA to serve as a road agent for the company.

Following Turning Point, AJ Styles, Willow and Kurt Angle were all praised for putting on great performances at the PPV.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 3, November, 2013

Live from Meehan Auditorium in Providence, New Jersey

Attendance: 2.973

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, makes his way down to the ring to kick off the first Impact after Turning Point, while Mike Tenay and Taz talk about the brutal ladder match war that took place just a few short days ago at Turning Point between Styles and Willow. Once in the ring, AJ barely gets started talking before he is interrupted by the music of...




Matt Hardy, who makes his way out from the back looking more focused and intense tonight than he usually does. Matt gets on the mic and says that AJ has to pay the price for his actions at Turning Point, where he, through actions most vicious and heinous, put Willow into a broken condition. Matt says that vengeance comes for AJ Styles TONIGHT, because Matt IS vengeance and he wants to face AJ in the ring later tonight. AJ accepts the challenge and it looks like we have a huge main event set for tonight's edition of Impact! (75)


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is with Jesse Sorensen, and she asks Jesse about his big win at Turning Point against Sean Waltman. Sorensen starts to answer the question, but he is then interrupted by the X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin. Sabin says that Christy should be interviewing the Champion about his big win At Turning Point instead of Sorensen, and Sabin says that unlike Sorensen, who beat up some old, worn-down has-been, Sabin defeated a still-on-the-top-of-his-game Jay Lethal. Sabin says that no matter how hard the tries, and no matter how strongly he believes, Jesse Sorensen will never be even half as good as Sabin is. Sabin then walks off and we cut back to ringside as Mike Tenay complains on commentary about Sabin's disrespectful behaviour toward Jesse Sorensen. (48)




Zema Ion battles Kenny King in our opening match of the night, and it is a short but solid X-Division match where both men get their moments to shine before the match is eventually won by Kenny King, who puts Ion away with the Coronation for the three count and the pinfall victory.


Kenny King defeated Zema Ion at 3:46 by pinfall with the Coronation (53)




After the match, we cut backstage where James Storm is standing in front of the camera. Storm says that he knows that AJ Styles wants to be a lone wolf these days, but be that as it may, Storm still wants to ensure that AJ gets a fair fight tonight against Matt Hardy. As such, Storm issues a challenge to "The Monster" Abyss, saying that he's going to make damn sure that Abyss doesn't interfere in the main event, and he's gonna do it by taking "The Monster" out himself! (63)




We then cut to the office of the TNA owner, Eric Bischoff, where Bischoff is sitting behind his desk, facing the camera. Bischoff says that, after careful consideration, he has decided that if AJ Styles and Matt Hardy are going to fight tonight, it's going to be with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line! Mike Tenay goes crazy on commentary, hyping up the fact that we are going to have a TNA World Heavyweight Championship title match later tonight, and then we cut back to ringside for some more in-ring action. (43)




Three of the four members of The Originals are in action next Kazarian, Daniels and Eric Young take on Sonjay Dutt, Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud in a six man tag team match. It is mostly a squah match, with Sonjay Dutt being the only one to really put up a fight, and The Originals pick up the win when Eric Young hits the Edge of Sanity on Rockstar Spud to secure the three count.


The Originals defeated Rockstar Spud, Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy at 4:45 by pinfall when Eric Young pinned Rockstar Spud with the Edge of Sanity (48)


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In the back, Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are now in Bischoff's office, complaining that if anyone deserves a World Title shot tonight, it's Impact after he "destroyed" Samoa Joe at Turning Point. Bischoff says that while he was impressed with Impact's victory, even if it wasn't exactly clean, he isn't quite in the hunt for the title just yet. As for Samoa Joe, Bischoff warns Impact that Joe is likely going to be looking for some payback tonight so, if he was him, Bischoff says that he would be a bit more concerned about that at the moment. (44)




Back at ringside, Eve Torres's music hits and Eve makes her way out from the back and down to the ring as Tenay and Taz hype up the fact that Eve defeated Tara at Turning Point to become the new number one contender to the TNA Knockouts Championship. Tonight seems to be quite the night for interruptions, however, as Eve barely gets started talking before...




Gail Kim's music hits and Gail and Lei D'Tapa join Eve in the ring. Gail congratulates Eve on becoming the number one contender, and then quickly adds "you're welcome, by the way". Gail says that it's cute that Eve thinks she's actually got a chance in hell of winning the title. Eve says that, while she does acknowledge that Gail has more experience, she isn't going to let that deter her from believing in herself or from trying. Gail says that all the trying and all the believing in the world isn't going to change the fact that, when Eve steps into the ring with Gail...she is going to Eat Defeat just like everyone else. Gail then drops the mic and leaves the ring, and after a bit of a staredown with Eve, Lei D'Tapa follows the Champion out of the ring while Mike Tenay notes that the Knockouts Champion seems to be as confident as ever. (52)


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We then cut to the back where Kurt Angle approaches the American Wolves, who made their surprise debut at Turning Point. Angle shakes hands with both Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards, welcoming them both to TNA and telling them that they put up one hell of a fight at Turning Point. The Wolves seem appreciative of Angle's gesture, and the three men continue talking as as we cut back to ringside. (52)




Another short match here as Doc Gallows takes on Suicide. This is another squash match that only goes as long as it does because Gallows takes time to toy with Suicide, which almost ends up costing him as Suicide does manage a few hope spots. But, in the end, it's a dominant victory for Gallows, who puts Suicide away with a Chokeslam.


Doc Gallows defeated Suicide at 3:19 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (43)



After the match, Doc Gallows grabs a mic and says that he is pissed off and he is going to take his anger out on the entire TNA roster! (39)




We then cut to a commotion in the back where an irate Samoa Joe is being restrained by security as he yells for Eric Bischoff to book a rematch between Joe and Johnny Impact, Security refuses to allow Joe into the building in his enraged state, however, so Joe is unable to bring his demands to Bischoff tonight. (56)




Back to the ring for more in-ring action as Magnus goes one on one with Devon. Mike Tenay calls Magnus "The Star of Xplosion" as Magnus has been racking up the wins on Xplosion in recent months, but he is up against a different level of competition tonight in Devon. It is again not a super long match, but it goes back and forth throughout and both men get their opportunity to shine. In the end, it is Devon who picks up the win, hitting the Saving Grace and pinning Magnus for a solid victory here on Impact.


Devon defeated Magnus at 5:50 by pinfall with the Saving Grace (51)




Following the match, we cut to a hype video for The Perfect Tens. It is a short video that focuses on the two women's physical attributes, with a text on the screen that says that "Perfection never looked this good before"--a sentiment that Taz wholeheartedly agrees with as the video comes to an end. (40)




Back at ringside, The Dirty Heels make their way down to the ring, proudly displaying their newly won TNA Tag Team Championship title belts around their waists. Once in the ring, Bobby Roode is first speak and he says that now that the Dirty Heels are Champions once again, they are going to start bringing respectability back to the Tag Team Championships. Roode says that for too long, the titls have been held by the undeserving, but all that changed at Turning Point. Austin Aries says you are looking at the greatest tag team in the history of the business, and now that they are at the top of the mountain once again, all of the other teams in TNA might as well pack it in now because they are NEVER getting their grubby little hands on the Championships again! Roode and Aries then pose in the ring to bring the segment to an end--somewhat surprisingly with no interruptions this time. (63)




We briefly cut to the back where AJ Styles is seen warming up, and Mike Tenay uses the opportunity to remind everyone that AJ Styles will defend the TNA World Heavyweight Championship later tonight against Matt Hardy! (70)




James Storm battles "The Monster" Abyss next and "The Cowboy" takes a beating early on in this one as Abyss uses his size and strength to his advantage as he dominates the smaller Storm, both in and outside the ring. Storm is able to fight back, however, and the second half of the match is a back and forth affair that sees both men scoring a near-fall. In the end, after a hard-fought match, it is James Storm who picks up the win, putting "The Monster" away with a Last Call superkick for the one, two, three.


James Storm defeated Abyss at 9:50 by pinfall with the Last Call (55)




Once the ring has cleared out, Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring for a promo. Bully says that he did exactly what he said he was going to do at Turning Point; he put Anderson out of action for good. Bully says that Anderson got exactly what he deserved at Turning Point, and the fans should be thanking Bully for getting rid of Anderson, but Bully knows that the fans are too stupid to appreciate him and his actions. Bully says that now that he is done with Anderson, his next order of business is winning back the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and that's exactly what he is going to do! Bully then drops the mic and heads back up the ramp as Mike Tenay hypes up the fact that the main event is coming up next! (77)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




Matt Hardy wastes no time going on the offfensive in this one as he attacks AJ Styles before the bell has even sounded. Styles fights back, however, and Matt ends up taking a breather outside the ring. When he gets back in the ring, Matt focuses his attack on AJ's lower back, and as Matt begins wearing AJ down, Mike Tenay reminds everyone of the brutal ladder match that Styles went through against Willow just a few short days ago at Turning Point. Matt hits a belly to back suplex and a Side Effect, but it only gets him a two count. Matt then gets into a mounted position and starts pummeling AJ with right hands, and he comes dangerously close to getting himself disqualified before he finally listens to the referee. Matt then sets AJ up for a superplex, but AJ fights back and shoves Matt off the turnbuckle. Matt gets back to his feet and AJ hits a diving Phenomenal Forearm off the top rope. AJ goes on offense with a series of punches and kicks, finishing his flurry off with a Pelé Kick for a two count. Matt tries to catch AJ by surprise with a kick to the stomach and a Twist of Hate, but AJ catches Matt's foot, spins him around and hits a neckbreaker. AJ then hits the Styles Clash and covers Matt for the pinfall victory in a hard-fought main event World Title match.


AJ Styles defeated Matt Hardy at 14:26 by pinfall with the Styles Clash. AJ Styles retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (77)


And with a shot of AJ Styles being handed the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt as he is still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 73

TV Rating: 1.93

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Crimson has officially left TNA as his contract has expired.

Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are said to have broken up recently. No word yet on what, if any, impact this will have on their on-screen partnership going forward.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Week 4, November, 2013

Live from Hart Center Arena in Worchester, Massachusetts

Attendance: 3.222

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact opens with Bully Ray making his way down to the ring. Bully gets on the mic and flat out demands a World Title shot, saying that nobody on the roster deserves it more than him, and that he is through asking for anything around here anymore--he's TELLING Eric Bischoff to book him in a World Title match TONIGHT!




Matt Hardy's music hits to interrupt Bully and Matt makes his way out onto the stage. Matt says that he, too, wants another shot at the title, saying that he came close last week but this time he'll finish the job and gain retribution for his fallen and broken brother, Willow.




 Finally, the owner of TNA, Eric Bischoff, makes his way out from the back as well. Bischoff says that he isn't handing out any title shots tonight, however, both Bully Ray and Matt Hardy will get a chance to earn a title shot later tonight. Bischoff then tells AJ Styles to find himself a tag team partner, because Bully and Matt will team up against AJ and a partner of his choosing in tonight's main event, and if either Bully or Matt win the match, then the person who gets the win gets a World Title shot. But if Bully and Matt lose the match, then neither of them will get a shot! What a huge annoucement to kick off Impact! (70)




Following that huge announcement from Eric Bischoff, we cut to the backstage area where Melina Perez is complaining to Johnny Impact about some news she has just received; apparently she is booked to compete in a match tonight, which she clearly isn't too happy about. Impact says that he'll be right there with her, and he reassures her that, whoever she is facing, she's ten times better than any other woman on the TNA roster--easily. Mike Tenay says that it looks like Melina will be in action later tonight as we cut back to ringside for our opening match of the night. (47)




The Wolves wrestle their first match on Impact next as they take on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco in tag team action. It is a pretty standard tag team match where the former Aces & Eights members isolate Davey Richards for a good portion of the match, only for Davey to eventually make the hot tag to Eddie Edwards, who starts throwing Garrett and Wes all over the place with an array of different suplexes. Eddie then hits the Boston Knee Party on Wes Brisco and pins him for the one, two, three.


The Wolves defeated Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff at 8:14 by pinfall when Edwards pinned Brisco with a Boston Knee Party (51)


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As The Wolves celebrate in the ring, we cut backstage where Kurt Angle is seen watching on a monitor when a distraught Brooke Tessmacher runs up to him, desperately pleading for him to come and help. Kurt asks what's going on, but Brooke asks him to please hurry and Kurt does so. As it turns out, Kurt follows Brooke right into an ambush as...




Doc Gallows suddenly jumps Angle from behind and blasts him with a steel chair across the back, before hitting a brutal looking Chokeslam to Angle on the concrete floor. Angle looks to be out cold as Doc kneels down next to him and says that he is making his mark on TNA--starting tonight! Doc and Brooke then walk off as various stagehands gather around to check on Angle, while Mike Tenay on commentary urges EMTs to hurry back there. (57)


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Elsewhere in the back, James Storm approaches AJ Styles and offers to be his tag team partner in the main event tonight, saying that he knows that AJ doesn't trust anyone right now, but he needs a partner and Storm just wants to do right by AJ. AJ says that he appreciates James Storm taking care of Abyss last week, so Styles accepts Storm's offer. It will be Styles and Storm versus Bully and Matt Hardy in the main event! (72)




Melina Perez makes her in-ring debut in TNA next as she goes one on one with ODB. This is a pretty short match that sees plenty of distractions from Johnny Impact, making this a nearly impossible match for ODB to actually win, and in the end she does come up short as Melina hits the LA Sunset for the pinfall victory.


Melina Perez defeated ODB at 4:05 by pinfall with the LA Sunset (29)




After the match, Melina Perez and Johnny Impact look to add a little insult to injury as Impact holds ODB while Melina verbally scolds her. Mickie James runs down to the ring, but she is kept at bay by Johnny Impact, Then, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe hits the ring, causing both Impact and Melina to bail. Joe then gets on the mic and says and says that if Impact and Melina want to fight, how about they take on Joe and Mickie? It doesn't look like Impact and Melina particularly like that idea as they retreat back up the ramp, but the fans seem to think it's a great idea. We don't get an answer to Joe's challenge, however, as Impact and Melina disappear into the back, drawing boos from the crowd. (45)




We get a short video from The Menagerie next who are on a roadside somewhere, with Crazzy Steve telling Rebel that he's feeling restless and adventurous. Rebel tries to discourage him from doing anything too crazy, while The Freak just stands menacingly in the background. Mike Knox then walks in and tells everyone to pack up their things because they are heading back on the road and they are going to be on Impact next week! (24)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with the TNA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, and Christy asks Sabin about his X-Division Championship title defense later tonight against Jesse Sorensen. Sabin says that Sorensen doesn't deserve this title shot, and that Sorensen is in way over his head, which he is going to find out the hard way later tonight. Sabin says that tonight, Jesse Sorensen's dreams will come crashing down around him, courtesy of Chris Sabin. (44)




"The Monster" Abyss faces Magnus next in singles action. Abyss uses his size and strength to dominate early on, but Magnus does manage to get a decent amount of offense in when he fights back. Still, in the end, it's Abyss who picks up the victory here, putting Magnus away with the Black Hole Slam in a decent match.


Abyss defeated Magnus at 6:45 by pinfall with the Black Hole Slam (48)


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In the back, Kurt Angle is being looked at by EMTs when Diamond Dallas Page comes in to check on Kurt. DDP asks if Kurt is okay and Kurt says that he'll be fine, but the EMTs seem to think that Kurt might need to go to the hospital to get checked out there. Kurt isn't happy about this but DDP convinces him to do so, saying that Kurt can get his payback once he's sure he's 100% good to go. (78)




Velvet Sky, who hasn't been seen for a while, returns to Impact next as she faces Gail Kim in a non-title match. Velvet looks good in her return here as she manages to take the fight to Gail, and Mike Tenay says that the former Knockouts Champion looks like she could be a future Knockouts Champion as well. A well-timed distraction from Lei D'Tapa allows Gail Kim to retake control of the match, however, but then...




Eve Torres runs down to ringside and takes the fight to Lei D'Tapa! Unfortunately, it is Gail Kim who manages to take advantage of the chaos at ringside as she hits the Eat Defeat and pins Velvet Sky.


Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky at 5:35 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat (59)


After the match, Gail Kim quickly leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp, following by Lei D'Tapa, and Eve Torres and Velvet Sky are left in the ring, both women looking disappointed.




The Dirty Heels are backstage and the TNA Tag Team Champions are relaxing with several beautiful young women around them. Bobby Roode says that this is what being a Champion is supposed to look like. Aries says that they can do whatever they want, get whatever--and whoever--they want, and nobody can do a damn thing about it. Bobby Roode then finishes the short promo by repeating what he said last week; that no team in TNA have a hope in hell of taking the Championships away from them. (54)


TNA X-Division Championship




Mike Tenay and Taz talk about the amazing journey that Jesse Sorensen has been through to get to this point in time; from his potentially career-ending neck injury, to come back, to re-establishing himself as a contender in the X-Division, only to finally get this opportunity after defeating Sean Waltman at Turning Point. But will Jesse Sorensen get the job done tonight? As it turns out, he doesn't, because after a several minutes of back and forth action...




Kevin Nash makes his way down to ringside, much to Mike Tenay's dismay as he says that Nash has no business being out here. Nash makes an immediate impact as he distracts the referee, allowing Sabin to hit a low blow on Sorensen and quickly follow it up with a Cradle Shock for the pinfall victory as Tenay complains that Kevin Nash just cost Jesse Sorensen another match!


Chris Sabin defeated Jesse Sorensen at 5:52 by pinfall with a Cradle Shock following a distraction from Kevin Nash. Chris Sabin retains the TNA X-Division Championship (62)


After the match, Kevin Nash makes his way back up the ramp as Chris Sabin celebrates in the ring, while Mike Tenay says that sooner or later, someone is going to have to do something about Kevin Nash constantly getting involved in Jesse Sorensen's matches.




We get a short little video next hyping up Sting and telling us all that "The Icon" will return to TNA...soon! (75)




It is main event time and what a main event it is as AJ Styles and James Storm take on Bully Ray and Matt Hardy with a potential future TNA World Heavyweight Championship title shot on the line for Bully and Matt. This is a good match with plenty of back and forth action, and neither team is able to maintain control of the match for any significant length of time. There is a little bit of dysfunction between Bully and Matt as both men want to earn a World Title shot, which leads to both men breaking up each other's pinfall attempts throughout the match. The ultimate turning point in the match comes when...




Mr. Anderson suddenly runs down to ringside, disproving Bully Ray's theory that he took Anderson out for good at the Turning Point pay per view. Bully and Anderson end up brawling back up the entrance ramp, leaving Matt Hardy to fend for himself as Taz complains that Styles and Storm should be disqualified for Anderson attacking Bully. He may have a point, but it doesn't happen as the match continues and Matt ends up falling victim to the Calf Killer, a move that no one has been able to break or survive, and Matt is no different as he is forced to tap out.


AJ Styles and James Storm defeated Matt Hardy and Bully Ray at 15:03 by submission when AJ Styles forced Matt Hardy to submit to the Calf Killer (81)




The match is over and AJ Styles and James Storm are victorious, meaning neither Bully Ray nor Matt Hardy will get getting a World Title shot next. Then, in a shocking moment, James Storm suddenly blasts AJ Styles with a Last Call superkick!!! Both the crowd and the announcers are in total shock, and Impact comes to an end with James Storm standing over AJ Styles as Mike Tenay asks what the heck James Storm just did. (74)



Final Show Rating: 76

TV Rating: 2.14

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Jesse Sorensen had a bit of a scare during his match against Chris Sabin, given his history of neck injury, as he suffered a grade 0 cervical acceleration-deceleration. Fortunately, he is expected to make a full recovery within a few days.

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Week 1, December, 2013

Live from Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine

Attendance: 3.231

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Impact opens with James Storm making his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay and Taz talk about Storm shockingly turning on AJ Styles last week and wondering what could possibly have motivated Storm to do so. Once in the ring, Storm says that all he's been hearing this past week is "Why?". Why did he do what he did last week? Why did he turn on AJ Styles? Storm says that he is sick and tired being taken for granted in this company. He is sick and tired of being the third guy on Sting's Lockdown team, he's sick and tired of being AJ Styles's tag team partner and he is sick and tired of never getting the opportunities he deserves. Storm says that he has been a good little soldier for this company long enough, and what exactly has that gotten him? Nothing but disrespect! So now, The Cowboy has decided to take the law into his own hands. And by doing so he is no longer The Cowboy--he's "The Outlaw". And from now on, this Outlaw is doing things his own way and he doesn't give a damn what anybody else thinks. Just then, Storm is interrupted as AJ Styles's music hits...(65)




AJ Styles makes his way out from the back and he joins James Storm in the ring. AJ says that he'll give James Storm this; AJ never saw his betrayal coming last week. AJ says that, until last week, he always had a lot of respect for James Storm, and if Storm wanted a World Title shot, all he ever had to do was ask for one from AJ. But instead Storm took the coward's way out and attacked AJ when he wasn't ready. AJ says that Storm may want to crown himself "The Outlaw", but what he really should call himself is "The Coward" because that's exactly what he is! Styles says that if Storm wants a fight, he can get one right here, right now! The crowd loves this idea, but Storm backs down and it looks like he is about to leave the ring, but then he stops and tries to surprise AJ with a Last Call again, but AJ sees is coming and avoids it and Storm quickly bails out of the ring afterwards.  As Storm retreats back up the ramp, Mike Tenay says on commentary that James Storm has shown his true colors, both last week and again tonight. (70)


We then swing by the announce table where Mike Tenay and Taz are facing the camera, and Tenay informs us that we will be hearing from Kurt Angle later tonight. Tenay says that Angle is currently in the hospital following the attack by Doc Gallows last week, but TNA has a camera crew in Angle's hospital room and Angle will have a message for Doc Gallows later tonight on Impact. (64)




Our first match of the night sees Jesse Sorensen and Black Machismo team up to take on Suicide and Petey Williams in tag team action. This is an exciting and fast-paced match that sees Suicide and Petey get just enough offense in for this to not be a squash match, but the outcome is never really in doubt either and the finish comes when Jesse Sorensen hits the Lone Star Press on Suicide to secure the pinfall victory for his team.


Jesse Sorensen and Black Machismo defeated Suicide and Petey Williams at 5:56 by pinfall when Sorensen pinned Suicide with a Lone Star Press (61)




After the match, Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash make their way out onto the stage. Sabin says that Sorensen and Lethal are both a couple of clowns, and that he has already proven that he is better than both of them. Sabin says that their little tag team victory tonight doesn't mean anything because neither of them will ever get another shot at him or his Championship. Kevin Nash then gets on the mic and he sarcastically asks if Jesse Sorensen has missed him since Turning Point? Nash then tells Jesse that he will NEVER be the X-Division Champion as long as Nash is around, because Nash is going to make damn sure that it never happens. Nash says that Sorensen made a big mistake when he messed with him and his friends, and Nash won't rest until he has driven Sorensen out of TNA for good! (62)


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We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Doc Gallows, and she asks him about his actions last week, attacking Kurt Angle. Doc says that he wants people to take notice of him and give him the respect he deserves, and when a so called "star" like Kurt Angle gets attacked, it tends to get people to notice. Doc says that he doesn't care what Angle has to say later tonight, because as soon as Angle is back on Impact, Gallows will be standing in the middle of the ring waiting for him, ready to kick his ass again! (37)


TNA Television Championship




The TV Title is on the line next as Mike Knox defends his Championship against Zema Ion. As always, Knox is accompanied to the ring by the rest of The Menagerie, so there is no shortage of crazy antics going on at ringside. This is a short and straightforward match that sees Knox dominate the majority of it, with Ion only getting a few hope spots in here and there, and in the end Knox retains the TV Title as he puts Ion away with a Sitout Spinebuster for the three count.


Mike Knox defeated Zema Ion at 4:04 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (41)


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In the back, The Dirty Heels are once again celebrating with some beautiful women and bragging about their Tag Team Championship title win. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez walk in and Chavo asks if it isn't about time they stopped celebrating and started defending the titles like proper champions? Roode reminds Chavo that he's got a match later tonight against AJ Styles, but if not for that, they would have loved to beat Chavo and Hernandez tonight. Hernandez then challenges the Dirty Heels to a tag team title match at Final Resolution, but Austin Aries isn't convinced that Chavo and Hernandez even deserve a shot at their titles. The segment ends with Chavo telling Roode and Aries to put their money where their mouth is at Final Resolution. (44)




In a rematch from last week, The Wolves once again take on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco in tag team action next. As the match gets under way, Mike Tenay explains that Garrett and Wes requested this rematch and The Wolves accepted the request. Unfortunately, this one doesn't turn out any better than last week for Bischoff and Brisco who, despite putting up a decent fight, come up short when Eddie Edwards secures the victory for the Wolves by putting Wes Brisco in the Beast Choker for the submission.


The Wolves defeated Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff at 6:01 by submission when Edwards forced Brisco to submit to the Beast Choker (53)




After the match, The BroMans make their way out onto the stage. Robbie E says that The Wolves are nothing but posers and that, if they want a real challenge, then they should face The BroMans at Final Resolution! As Robbie drops the mic, Taz says on commentary that he admires the confidence, but he questions whether The BroMans really know what they are getting themselves into here? (47)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with Matt Hardy and Abyss. Christy asks Matt about his match later tonight, and Matt vows to make Magnus pay for Matt's unfortunate lack of success these past two weeks. Matt says that tonight he will DELETE Magnus! (54)




Knockouts tag team action is up next as Eve Torres and Mickie James take on Tara and Melina Perez. Tara and Melina jump Eve and Mickie before the bell rings, and they use this to establish control of the match early on. That control slips away as Mickie James begins firing back just as...




Gail Kim makes her way down to ringside. Mickie still manages to make the hot tag to Eve, and the match breaks down with all four women now battling it out in the ring. Melina is sent out of the ring by Mickie James, and Melina looks like she's had enough as she begins walking back up the ramp, abandoning her tag team partner. Gail Kim tries, but fails, to grab Eve's leg, and Eve instead surprises Tara with a roll-up for the three count in a chaotic finish.


Eve Torres and Mickie James defeated Tara and Melina Perez at 6:46 by pinfall when Eve pinned Tara with a roll-up (53)


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Johnny Impact comes out to greet and console Melina Perez on the entrance ramp after the match, but Samoa Joe makes his way out behind Impact and he locks Impact in the Coquina Clutch! Before Melina can do anything to help, she is run off by Mickie James and Joe keeps the Coquina Clutch locked in until referees and officials convince him to finally release the hold. (46)




We then go live to Kurt Angle's hospital bed and Kurt says that, while he is still feeling the effects of the attack last week, he promises that he will be on Impact next week, live and in person. Angle says that he heard what Doc Gallows said earlier tonight, and Angle says that he will definitely be bringing a fight to Gallows next week--it's real, it's DAMN real! Angle says that Gallows may have wanted people to take notice, but all he truly managed to accomplish is to piss Kurt off! (79)




Magnus takes on Matt Hardy next and Mike Tenay again brings up Magnus's recent run of success on TNA Xplosion. Magnus looks good early on in this one as well as he takes the fight to Matt Hardy, but Hardy does eventually manage to turn things around--with a little help from his "Monster" at ringside. In the end, Hardy picks up the win in this one, putting Magnus away with a Twist of Hate in what was a solid match.


Matt Hardy defeated Magnus at 8:04 by pinfall wih a Twist of Hate (62)




Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring next, looking pissed off. Bully gets on the mic and he is indeed pissed off as he says that he thought he had taught Anderson his lesson at Turning Point, but apparently Anderson is a slow learner because he is still sticking his nose in Bully's business. Bully tells Anderson to get his ass down to the ring for the beating he so richly deserves.




Anderson's music then hits and Anderson makes his way out onto the stage. Anderson asks Bully Ray when his next World Title shot is? Before "remembering" that Bully isn't getting one--thanks to Anderson himself! Anderson says that Bully should have finished him off at Turning Point when he had the chance, but he didn't finish the job. And now Anderson promises that he won't make the same mistake when he gets his chance. Anderson then drops the mic and heads toward the ring, but security steps in and stops him before he can get there, much to the disappointment of the fans, who clearly wanted to see another brawl between these two men here tonight. (77)




It's main event time next as TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, faces one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions, Bobby Roode, in a non-title match. This is a good match, as one would expect from these two men, and it's a back and forth match throughout. Mike Tenay and Taz both speculate that a win for Bobby Roode here would almost certainly put him in the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship, if he manages to defeat the Champion in a non-title match. The finish to the match comes when it looks like AJ Styles is about to lock Roode in the dreaded Calf Killer submission, but then...




"The Outlaw" James Storm hits the ring and drops AJ Styles with a Last Call superkick, leaving the referee with no choice but to call for the disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated Bobby Roode at 13:18 by disqualification when James Storm got involved (78)


And with that, for the second week in a row, Impact comes to an end with James Storm standing tall above AJ Styles, having just laid Styles out with the Last Call.



Final Show Rating: 75

TV Rating: 2.19

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



According to sources, Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode have both recently signed new deals with TNA which should keep them with the company for the forseeable future. Lei D'Tapa has also recently signed a contract extension.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 2, December, 2013

Live from Lundholm Gymnasium in Durham, New Hampshire

Attendance: 3.500 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to the show and then we move directly into our opening match of the night as Black Machismo takes on Suicide in X-Division action. It is a fast-paced match where both men get their opportunities to shine with some big moves, but in the end it is Black Machismo who picks up the win, putting Suicide away with a Diving Elbow Drop from the top rope to secure the pinfall victory in a solid opener.


Black Machismo defeated Suicide at 5:54 by pinfall with a Diving Elbow Drop (59)


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After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Eve Torres, who is set to face Lei D'Tapa later tonight. Christy aks Eve about the match, and Eve cuts a short and simply promo, saying that she refuses to be intimidated by Lei D'Tapa and that she is not going to back down from this challenge tonight. (43)


TNA Television Championship




Back in the ring, Mike Knox defends the TNA Television Championship against Sonjay Dutt. This is another solid match that sees Sonjay cause significant problems for Mike Knox early on as he takes the fight to the Champion. Knox is able to use his size and strength advantage to overpower Sonjay, however, and a well-timed distraction by Rebel and Crazzy Steve at ringside allows The Freak to steamroll Sonjay outside the ring, making him easy pickings for Mike Knox who hits the Sitdown Spinebuster to secure the pinfall and retain his title.


Mike Knox defeated Sonjay Dutt at 7:29 by pinfall with a Sitdown Spinebuster following interference from The Menagerie. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (59)




We cut to the backstage area where Bobby Roode is telling Austin Aries that he came THIS close to beating AJ Styles last week, and that, if it hadn't been for James Storm interfering in the match, Roode would have won. Aries agrees with his tag team partner and fellow Tag Team Champion, but Aries also says that tonight, when he gets a shot at AJ Styles in the main event, he will do what Bobby Roode was robbed of the opportunity to do last week; he will defeat the TNA World Heavyweight Champion in the middle of the ring...1...2...3! (55)


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Elsewhere in the back, Christy Hemme is with Chris Sabin and Kevin Nash, and Christy says that it has just been announced that Jesse Sorensen will be granted another X-Division title shot at Final Resolution, and she then asks Sabin and Nash their thoughts on this announcement. Chris Sabin says that Jesse Sorensen being given another shot is wholely unfair as Sabin has already proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he is a better wrestler, and a better man, than Sorensen could ever dream of being. Kevin Nash says that he meant what he said last week; as long as he's around, there's no way in hell that Jesse Sorensen will ever win the X-Division Championship. As Sabin and Nash walk off, we cut back to ringside for more in-ring action. (56)




A short match here with The BroMans dominating most of it, but they do allow their overconfidence to get the better of them a couple of times, allowing Shark Boy and Rockstar Spud to get a few moves in here and there. Still, in the end, it's The BroMans who pick up a victory when Robbie E pins Rockstar Spud after hitting the Bro Down.


The BroMans defeated Rockstar Spud and Shark Boy at 2:53 by pinfall when Robbie E pinned Rockstar Spud with the Bro Down (33)


After the match, The BroMans get on the mic and promise that they are going to teach The Wolves a lesson they won't soon forget at Final Resolution! (45)


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Up next, the match between Eve Torres and Lei D'Tapa never gets started as Lei attacks Eve during her entrance. With Gail Kim watching and cheering her on, Lei D'Tapa rams Eve back-first into the edge of the ring, then rolls her into the ring and completely crushes her with a massive powerslam! A smiling Gail Kim then places her foot on Eve's stomach and raises the Knockouts Championship high in the air to end the segment. (46)


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We cut to the backstage area where Bully Ray approaches Matt Hardy and Abyss. Bully tells Matt to make sure his monster doesn't hold anything back tonight against Mr. Anderson, and Bully even goes so far as to say that if Abyss does a good job of hurting Anderson tonight, Bully will sure that both Abyss and Matt are richly rewarded for their actions. Matt says that Bully can count on the fact that his Monster will endeavour to inflict maximum damage to Mr. Anderson later tonight, and that, by the end of the night, Anderson may well have been DELETED from existence altogether! (70)




Shelton Benjamin and Johnny Impact square off next in one on one action. This is a good back and forth match that sees a lot of attempted distractions from Melina Perez at ringside, but Benjamin is smart enough to ignore most of her attempts. The most egregious of these distractions comes when Shelton Benjamin hits the Pay Dirt on Impact, but Melina distracts the referee to keep him from counting the pinfall. In the ensuing argument, Johnny Impact is able to hit a low blow on Benjamin, and he immediately follows it up with the Starship Pain for the one, two, three.


Johnny Impact defeated Shelton Benjamin at 9:44 by pinfall with the Starship Pain following a distraction from Melina Perez (68)




As Johnny Impact and Melina Perez celebrate in the ring, Samoa Joe and Mickie James make their way out onto the stage. Joe gets on the mic and asks Impact if he enjoyed getting choked out last week? Joe says that Johnny can't accomplish a single thing in TNA without the help of his girlfriend or by cheating. Joe then vows that, at Final Resolution, he's going to wipe that smug look off Johnny Impact's face for good! Mickie James then gets on the mic and tells Melina not to worry about getting left out, because Mickie will make sure that Melina's smug look gets wiped off her face as well when Mickie kicks her ass! (53)


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Austin Aries is backstage warming up for his match later tonight when James Storm approaches him. Storm tells Aries to hurt AJ Styles tonight, if not for Aries himself then for Storm. Aries says that he'll take care of Styles, but he asks that James Storm not interfere in the match like he did last week. Storm says that he won't interfere...as long as Aries does his job properly. If Aries messes up, then Storm will do whatever he wants to do because he's "The Outlaw" and he doesn't follow anybody's rules! Austin Aries doesn't seem entirely happy about this response as James Storm walks off and we cut back to ringside. (54)




At ringside, Kurt Angle's music starts playing and Angle makes his way down to the ring to a great reacton from the crowd as Tenay and Taz talk about Angle being put in the hospital by Doc Gallows two weeks ago. Once in the ring, Kurt says that he's back and he's here to take care of business. Kurt says that he heard Doc Gallows say last week that he wanted people to take notice of him, to pay attention, well Kurt tells Gallows to be careful what he wishes for because he's officially gotten Kurt's attention! Kurt says that before he addresses Gallows any further, he first wants to talk about Brooke Tessmacher--scratch that, Kurt says that he wants to talk TO Brooke Tessmacher, so Kurt tells Brooke to get down to the ring. (82)




Brooke Tessmacher's music hits and Brooke somewhat hesitantly and reluctantly makes her way out from the back and down to the ring. Kurt says that despite what Brooke did, he has no intention of putting his hands on a woman, so she doesn't have to worry about stepping into the ring. Kurt says that Brooke has plenty of talent in the ring, and he suggests that she focus on her own career rather than doing the dirty work of Doc Gallows, and previously associating herself with the Aces & Eights. Brooke tries to convince Kurt that Gallows made her do it and that she didn't want to do it, but then...




Doc Gallows's music hits and Gallows makes his way out from the back. Kurt readies himself for a fight as Gallows slowly approaches the ring, but just as Gallows enters the ring, Brooke hits a low blow on Angle from behind! Gallows then drops Kurt with a powerbomb and he stands tall in the ring to end the segment as Mike Tenay says on commentary that Gallows and Brooke just blindsided Angle again! (59)




We get another short hype video next, once again telling everyone watching that "The Icon" Sting will return to TNA...soon! (71)




Mr. Anderson faces Abyss next in a match that, as Mike Tenay points out on commentary, just got a lot more dangerous for Anderson after Matt Hardy made that deal with Bully Ray earlier. The match quickly spills outside the ring where both Anderson and Abyss use the surrounding area to inflict damage on each other, but Taz says that, as much as he doesn't like him, Anderson needs to get the match back in the ring as he doesn't want to play into Abyss' strengths. The match does eventually end up back in the ring, and it continues to go back and forth until it looks like Anderson is about to put Abyss away with the Mic Check, but he is then attacked from behind by...




Bully Ray! And the referee calls for the disqualification as Bully continues to attack Anderson.


Mr. Anderson defeated Abyss at 8:16 by disqualification when Bully Ray got involved (63)


The match is over but Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray's fighting has only just begun as the two men beat the hell out of each other, all the way around ringside, up the entrance ramp and eventually into the backstage area where they are finally pulled apart by security personnel and officials. Mike Tenay says on commentary that things between Anderson and Bully are getting completely out of control! (72)




It's main event time and AJ Styles, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, makes his way down to the ring. Before the match, however, AJ Styles gets on the mic and tells James Storm that he knows he's watching somewhere in the back right now, and AJ suggests that Storm stay there because if he decides to get involved in the match again, this time, AJ will be ready for him! (99)




The match kicks off with a long sequence of holds and counter holds as both men feel each other out, but a sudden and swift kick to the stomach by Aries puts him in control of the match. Aries continues to stay on the attack, not wasting any time and appearing to be laser focused on the task at hand. But AJ Styles isn't the World Champion without good reason, and the Champion soon fights his way back into the match hitting a few of his trademark moves, including the Pelé Kick and the Phenomenal Forearm.




"The Outlaw" James Storm then makes his way down to ringside, drawing loud boos from the crowd and immediately gaining Styles' attention. This distraction allows Aries to recover and catch Styles by surprise with a roll-up from behind, but AJ kicks out just before the three count, much to Austin Aries' frustration. That is as close as Aries gets, however, as Styles retakes control of the match, while keeping a wary eye on Storm at ringside, and Styles puts Aries away with a move we haven't seen him utilize for a while; the Styles Clash!


AJ Styles defeated Austin Aries at 12:06 by pinfall with the Styles Clash (81)


And with that, Impact comes to an end with AJ Styles and James Storm staring each other down, before Storm slowly turns around and walks back up the ramp as the show fades to black.



Final Show Rating: 85

TV Rating: 2.24

Show increased popularity in 26 regions

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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 3, December, 2013

Live from Walter Brown Arena in Boston, Massachusetts

Attendance: 3.806 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


Mike Tenay and Taz welcome everyone to the final edition of TNA Impact before Final Resolution, and that's as far as he gets with the introduction before...




He is interrupted as The Dirty Heels make their way out from the back to boos from the crowd. The TNA Tag Team Champions make their way down to the ring and, once in the ring, it's Bobby Roode who gets on the mic first. Roode complains about the events of the past two weeks, claiming that if James Storm hadn't interfered in their matches, both he and Austin Aries would each hold a singles victory over AJ Styles right now. In other words, they would both have beaten the TNA World Heavyweight Champion in the middle of the ring. Austin Aries then gets on the mic and says that, because of that fact, he and Roode want to face AJ Styles TONIGHT in a triple threat match with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship on the line! And they want Eric Bischoff to come out here right now and make that match official.




Eric Bischoff makes his way out onto the stage with a mic in his hand. Bischoff says that, unfortunately, he is going to have to decline that suggestion from Roode and Aries--HOWEVER! What he will do is book Roode and Aries in a Non-Title tag team match later tonight against AJ Styles...and his tag team partner for the evening, none other than James Storm! Bischoff then heads to the back again as Mike Tenay notes on commentary that we have a huge main event set for tonight's Impact! (49)




We cut to the backstage area where Jeremy Borash appears on TNA television for the first time in a long time as he is standing alongside Daniels, Kazarian and Eric Young--three of the four members of The Originals. The Originals welcome JB back to Impact and they inform him that they are the reason he's there--because they want him to be the official interviewer for the group. JB accepts the offer and the segment ends with Eric Young saying that 2014 is not only going to be a big year for TNA, it's going to be a big year for The Originals! (42)




Our first match of the night is an X-Division tag team match as Chris Sabin and Kenny King takes on Jesse Sorensen and Sonjay Dutt. Tenay and Taz make sure to talk about Sabin defending the X-Division Championship this Sunday at Final Resolution against Jesse Sorensen, and while they do so, the action in the ring is fast and furious, with all four men getting their moments to shine. The match slows down a bit as Sabin and King manage to isolate Sonjay Dutt, but Sonjay fights back and almost makes the hot tag, only for Sabin to distract the referee, allowing Kevin Nash to pull Jesse Sorensen off the apron. With no one to tag, Dutt becomes easy prey and Chris Sabin puts him away with the Cradle Shock to win the match.


Chris Sabin and Kenny King defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jesse Sorensen at 6:40 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Dutt with a Cradle Shock following interference from Kevin Nash (66)


After the match, Sabin, King and Nash make their way back up the ramp while Jesse Sorensen pleads his case with the referee in the ring, but to no avail. Mike Tenay is furious on commentary, asking how long Kevin Nash is going to just be allowed to get involved in Jesse Sorensen's matches like this?


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Backstage, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, is in Eric Bischoff's office and AJ is telling Bischoff that he would rather face Roode and Aries by himself later tonight than team with James Storm. But Bischoff thinks that AJ and Storm teaming is much more interesting, so he's sticking with his decision. A smug smile appears on Bischoff's face as AJ leaves the office and we cut elsewhere. (65)


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Elsewhere in the back, Christy Hemme is standing by with Eve Torres, who fell victim to a brutal attack by Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa last week. Christy asks Eve how she is doing, and Eve says that he refuses to be intimidated, and that what happened last week has only made her more determined than ever to beat Gail Kim at Final Resolution and become the TNA Knockouts Champion. (48)




Magnus goes one on one with Doc Gallows next and Gallows attacks Magnus before the bell even rings. Gallows uses this unfair advantage to dominate the early parts of the match with hard strikes and power moves, but Magnus does manage somewhat of a comeback--albeit a short one--but Gallows puts an end to that with a big boot. Gallows then hits a Chokeslam and this one is over as the referee counts the one, two, three.


Doc Gallows defeated Magnus at 6:27 by pinfall with a Chokeslam (56)




As soon as the bell rings, Kurt Angle sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, but Gallows escapes and makes his way back up the ramp. A frustrated Angle then gets on the mic and asks Doc where the hell he's going, saying that he thought Gallows wanted people to take notice and respect him, but how is anyone going to respect a man who runs away from a fight like a coward? Gallows just keeps walking, and Kurt says that he'll be at Final Resolution this Sunday, but now he wonders if Gallows will be man enough to show up and fight then? Or will he be too much of a coward and just run away and hide like he is doing now? Angle then tosses the mic, leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp as Mike Tenay notes that Angle is, understandably, irate at Doc Gallows due to his actions in recent weeks. (68)




We then cut to something completely different as footage plays of The Perfect Tens, who are seen shopping for what appears to be lingerie. After a few moments, the women turn toward to camera to reveal that the camera man isn't, in fact, just perving on them but they are aware of his presence. Scarlett Bordeaux informs us that they are currently busy shopping for some sexy christmas lingerie for a very special occasion, and Eva Marie explains that The Perfect Tens are issuing a challenge to any and all women everywhere to show up at Final Resolution and compete in the first ever TNA Christmas Lingerie Contest--hosted by, and competed in, by The Perfect Tens! The segment ends with Taz saying that Final Resolution just became an even more must-see event than it already was! (21)




Back to some more in-ring action next as Johnny Impact and Melina Perez compete in a mixed tag team match against Shark Boy and Taryn Terrell. Tenay eplains that, just like when Impact and Melina face Samoa Joe and Mickie James this Sunday, the men fight the men and the women fight the women and no man versus woman is allowed. This is a pretty short match that sees Impact and Melina dominate, but Shark Boy and Taryn Terrell do go on a decent little flurry of offense that includes Taryn hitting a diving crossbody on Melina. In the end, however, it's Johnny Impact who picks up the win, hitting the Starship Pain on Shark Boy to secure the pinfall.


Johnny Impact and Melina Perez defeated Shark Boy and Taryn Terrell at 4:25 by pinfall when Impact pinned Shark Boy with a Starship Pain (47)




After the match, Samoa Joe and Mickie James walk out onto the stage and a staredown ensues as Mike Tenay and Taz hype up the fact that Johnny Impact and Melina Perez will face Joe and Mickie this Sunday night at Final Resolution. (43)


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Christy Hemme is backstage again, this time with the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, who is joined as always by Lei D'Tapa. Christy asks Gail about her reaction to Eve Torres's words earlier tonight. Gail smiles confidently as she says that it's sweet how Eve says all the right things to make the fans cheer for her, but that's all Eve is; talk as empty as her pretty little head is. Gail says that the difference between herself and Eve Torres is the same as the difference between a mountain and a molehill. Gail says that she is a wrestler while Eve is nothing but a "diva". And when it all comes down to it, Eve is going to be made to look like a fool when Gail takes her to school at Final Resolution. (45)




Matt Hardy faces Zema Ion next in what is a decent little match. Matt is on offense for the majority of the match, but Ion does manage to get a few good hits in here and there. Still, the outcome of this one is never really in doubt, and Matt puts Zema Ion away with a Twist of Hate to secure a pinfall victory for himself.


Matt Hardy defeated Zema Ion at 5:17 by pinfall with a Twist of Hate (56)


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After the match, we cut to the back where Kurt Angle is searching for Doc Gallows, but he bumps into Brooke Tessmacher instead. Brooke says that she wants to apologize to Kurt for her actions these last few weeks, again claiming that Gallows forced her to do it, but Kurt says that he isn't stupid enough to fall for that again. Kurt again tells Brooke to choose the people she surrounds herself with more carefully, and to put her focus on her career instead of...whatever she calls what she's doing now. Kurt then walks off and Brooke looks displeased as we cut elsewhere. (64)


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Christy Hemme is backstage with James Storm and she asks "The Outlaw" about his thoughts on teaming with AJ Styles later tonight in the main event. Storm says that he doesn't want to team with AJ any more than AJ wants to team with him. Storm says that he doesn't want AJ's help, and he sure as hell doesn't need AJ's help. Storm says that he is going to take care of business on his own, and AJ Styles will have a front row seat to watch a master in action as "The Outlaw" takes down the Tag Team Champions all by himself! (64)




Back at ringside, Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring for his match, but he first gets on the mic. Bully says that he knows Mr. Anderson is backstage somewhere, watching and waiting for his chance to jump Bully from behind. Bully says that he will put Anderson out of his misery once and for all this Sunday at Final Resolution, but for tonight, he's brought a little back-up to make sure that Anderson doesn't stick his nose in his business tonight! Bully then looks toward the entrance ramp and...




Devon then makes his way out from the back to boos from the crowd, and he takes a position at at the bottom of the entrance ramp as Taz says on commentary that it really warms his heart to see former Aces & Eights brothers still having each other's backs like this. (83)




In a match that features quite the difference in styles, Bully Ray takes on Black Machismo in one on one action. Bully uses his size and power to dominate Lethal early on, but Lethal is able to use his own speed and quickness advantage to put his bigger opponent on the defensive. Then, just as Bully drops Lethal with a massive sidewalk slam in the middle of the ring...




Mr. Anderson makes his way out from the back and he an Devon begin brawling at ringside, and Lethal is able to use the distraction to catch Bully by surprise with a roll-up, but Bully just barely manages to kick out before the three count. From there it's all over for Black Machismo, as Bully regains control and puts Lethal away with a Bully Bomb to secure the victory.


Bully Ray defeated Black Machismo at 7:37 by pinfall with a Bully Bomb (66)


After the match, multiple referees run down to separate Anderson and Devon and to keep Bully Ray from getting involved in the brawl as well. Mike Tenay reminds everyone on commentary that Bully and Anderson will settle their differences once and for all this Sunday at Final Resolution in a Full Metal Mayhem match.


Following that, we get another brief hype video informing us that "The Icon" Sting will be returning to TNA...soon! (77)




It's main event time next as AJ Styles and James Storm take on The Dirty Heels in tag team action. AJ and Storm are a dysfunctional team right from the start as both men want to start the match, leading to an argument which Roode and Aries take advantage of by attacking from behind. The Tag Team Champions choose to focus on AJ Styles as they isolate the World Heavyweight Champion in their corner of the ring, though Tenay wonders if AJ would even tag Storm in if he had the chance. We don't get the answer to that question because when the tag does come, it's a blind tag as Storm just slaps AJ's back when he's close enough to the corner. This leads to another confrontation between AJ and Storm and then the match breaks down completely as all four men are battling it out in the ring. James Storm throws Bobby Roode out of the ring just as AJ Styles hits the Styles Clash on Austin Aries, but before AJ can make the cover, James Storm blasts his own tag team partner with a Last Call superkick! Storm then covers Aries and "The Outlaw" just stole the pinfall out from under AJ Styles to secure the victory for their team in a good match.


James Storm and AJ Styles defeated The Dirty Heels at 16:33 by pinfall when Storm pinned Aries after Styles hit the Styles Clash on Aries. (78)


And with that, "The Outlaw" James Storm is left standing tall in the ring by himself as this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end, with Mike Tenay getting the final hype in for Final Resolution this Sunday night only on PPV!



Final Show Rating: 77

TV Rating: 2.23

Show increased popularity in 26 regions



Mr. Anderson failed a drug test in connection with this show for soft drugs usage. The word going around is that Eric Bischoff issued a stern warning to Anderson about this, with a warning of more serious punishment for any repeat offense.

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