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TNA 2013: Bischoff's Last Stand (Continued)

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Week 2, September, 2013

Live from Douglas Events Center in Castle Rock, Colorado

Attendance: 2.005 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




We open up with a shot from earlier today showing the Aces & Eights arriving in the parking lot area. Bully Ray talks to the camera, saying that last week they proved that they are still the most dominant force in TNA. Bully says that they took out Sting, they destroyed James Storm and they injured AJ Styles. Bully says that tonight they finish the job, and this Sunday at No Surrender, AJ Styles will be beaten, battered, broken...and no one will be coming to save him. As the group enters the building, Mike Tenay confirms that "The Icon" Sting will not be on Impact tonight due to what happened last week, and Tenay also says that there is no way AJ Styles is 100 percent after the attack he suffered last week, but despite that he is still booked to face Jeff Jarrett in tonight's main event. Taz gloats about the Aces & Eight's actions, saying that they are re-asserting their dominance and there's not a thing anyone can do to stop them. (82)




Live at ringside, Homicide makes his way down to the ring and he does not look happy. He gets on the mic and says that what happened last week was a fluke, and he wants a rematch against Jesse Sorensen tonight to set the record straight. Homicide vows that if he cannot beat Jesse tonight, he'll quit TNA forever! (32)




A grudge rematch from last week, at least from Homicide's point of view, Homicide is aggressive early on, taking the fight to Jesse Sorensen and acting like a man who very much as something to prove, despite Mike Tenay saying on commentary that there is nothing shameful or embarrassing about losing to an up-and-coming youngster like Jesse Sorensen. Jesse proves that last week was no fluke, even if Chris Sabin's involvement did taint the win somewhat, as he turns the match around and puts Homicide away with his version of the Shooting Star Press--the Lone Star Press--for the clean win.


Jesse Sorensen defeated Homicide at 5:55 by pinfall with the Lone Star Press (44)




As Homicide slowly regains his senses and comes to realize what just happened, Kevin Nash joins Jesse Sorensen in the ring, raising his arm in victory and applauding the youngster. As Jesse and Nash celebrate in the ring, Homicide makes his way back up the ramp, his head hung low, as Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Homicide vowed to quit TNA if he did not defeat Jesse Sorensen here tonight. (40)




We cut to the backstage aread where Taryn Terrell and SoCal Val are watching a recording that someone had left at the building for Val. It is a recording of someone following Val around during her daily life, recording and watching her from a distance. Both women are clearly freaked out by this recording, and Mike Tenay says on commentary that whoever is behind this is going way too far and it's time for Eric Bischoff to be true to his word and do something about this. (32)




Tag team action is up next as two of the three men who will compete for the X-Division Championship this Sunday night at No Surrender, Chris Sabin and Kenny King, must team up to face the duo of Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy. Mike Tenay wonders if Sabin and King will be able to work together in this match, given that Kenny King is one of two men who will challenge Chris Sabin for the X-Division Championship at No Surrender. As it turns out, the two men ARE able to work together quite well and they manage to dispatch Dutt and Shark Boy quite efficiently, with Sabin picking up the win for his team after hitting the Cradle Shock on Shark Boy.


Chris Sabin and Kenny King defeated Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy at 5:46 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Shark Boy with a Cradle Shock (55)


The match is over and Chris Sabin proudly celebrates the victory in the ring, but Kenny King takes advantage by attacking Sabin from behind and putting him down with the Coronation! Kenny King just delivered a message to the X-Division Champion mere days before No Surrender! (54)




We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme is standing by with Jeff Jarrett, who will face AJ Styles later tonight in the main event, and Christy asks Jeff about the match. Jeff says that almost everything about this situation is right; it's right that Jeff Jarrett is in the main event of Impact. It's right that Jeff Jarrett faces the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. What isn't right about this situation, however, is that the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is not on the line. Jarrett says that the way he sees it, after the beats AJ Styles tonight, then whoever is the TNA World Heavyweight Champion after No Surrender, Jarrett should be first in line for a title shot. Jarrett says that TNA is, always has been and always will be, his world and tonight he'll prove that he's King of his world once again. (52)




Last week on Impact, Christopher Daniels defeated Hernandez, and tonight it is the other two halves of the teams going at it as Kazarian takes on Chavo Guerrero. Daniels and Hernandez are both at ringside and both men are a constant source of distraction for the guys in the ring, as well as for the referee. This is a back and forth match, with a lot of interference, that ends with Chavo hitting the Frog Splash on Kazarian and pinning him while Daniels and Hernandez are busy fighting each other outside the ring.


Chavo Guerrero defeated Kazarian at 9:42 by pinfall with the Frog Splash (58)


Mike Tenay notes that both teams have picked up a win over each other in singles action, but the question remains; which team will pick up that all-important win this Sunday at No Surrender when the TNA Tag Team Championships are on the line?




We briefly cut backstage where Christy Hemme is knocking on AJ Styles' locker room door, but their is no response from the World Champion. Mike Tenay notes that this is not like AJ Styles at all, and he wonders what this could possibly indicate to us about the state AJ Styles is currently in--both physically and mentally? (33)




Gail Kim goes one on one with ODB next in a non-title match. This is a good showing from ODB, who takes the fight to the Knockouts Champion for a couple of near-falls, but she is unable to secure the three count. This is costly in the end because, as we have seen before, Lei D'Tapa gets involved behind the referee's back and delivers a powerful slam to ODB. Gail Kim then immediately follows up with the Eat Defeat and the Knockouts Champion scores another pinfall victory for herself.


Gail Kim defeated ODB at 6:59 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat following interference from Lei D'Tapa (60)




As Gail Kim celebrates her victory in the ring, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie James makes her way out onto the stage. Mickie says that she comes with a surprise announcement for Gail Kim; Mickie says that she just talked to Eric Bischoff and Bischoff has officially BANNED Lei D'Tapa from ringside at No Surrender, meaning Gail Kim will be on her own against Mickie James! Gail is absolutely furious at this announcement, while Mickie is all smiles as she tells Gail that she'll be seeing her this Sunday! (53)




Samoa Joe's music hits and an intense--even angry--looking Joe makes his way down to the ring. Joe grabs a mic and says that after kicking Jeff Jarrett's ass in a steel cage, and after destroying his opponents in the ring the following weeks, he was rewarded last week...by not even being booked at all. Joe says that it seems like Eric Bischoff is not taking him seriously, and if that's the case, then Joe will have to show Bischoff why it would be wise of him to take Joe very seriously. A new, unfamiliar music suddenly hits and out from the back comes....




The man formerly known as Johnny Nitro elsewhere, and he is accompanied by Melina Perez. The pair make their way to the ring and, once in the ring, Johnny gets on the mic and says that he just have people something to talk about. Johnny then says that the reason people aren't talking about Samoa Joe, the reason why people aren't taking Joe seriously is because, well, what's so impressive about Joe? Winning one out of three matches against Jeff Jarrett? Beating a bunch of jobbers who couldn't even shine Johnny's boots on a good day? Johnny says that if Samoa Joe wants people to take him seriously, then Joe has to actually do something that is impressive. Johnny then says that what is truly impressive...is Johnny Impact--and guess what? He doesn't take Joe seriously either. In fact, he thinks that Samoa Joe is nothing but a fat, pathetic joke! Joe tries to get in Johnny's face, but Johnny backs away from him, saying that the only person he lets that close to him is the gorgeous woman next to him. And if Samoa Joe wants to fight him? Then he has to earn his respect first! Joe charges at Impact, ready for a fight, but Johnny quickly bails out of the ring before Joe can get his hands on him. As Impact and Melina make their way back up the ramp, Mike Tenay calls their debut impressive, but he wonders if Johnny Impact is crazy because the very first thing he did in TNA is anger Samoa Joe, which usually doesn't end well. (60)




We cut backstage where Kurt Angle is walking toward the entrance area as his match is coming up next, when he is stopped by Matt Hardy and Abyss. An intense staredown follows before Matt wishes Kurt good luck in his match tonight, saying that it would be a shame if Kurt didn't make it to No Surrender to face Willow. Kurt guarantees that he'll make it, and Matt reminds Kurt to watch his back because you never know who might be lurking in the shadows, waiting to DELETE him! (73)




Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson teams up to take on the Aces & Eights team consisting of D'Lo Brown, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco next. Angle and Storm are both on the same page here, but Mr. Anderson shows no interest in working with Angle and Storm, though he does want to get his hands on the Aces & Eights. It doesn't take long for the match to go off the rails as Anderson and D'Lo are brawling at ringside, while Angle and Storm are squaring off with Garrett and Wes in the ring. Angle clotheslines Garrett Bischoff out of the ring, but he then gets distracted as...




Willow appears in the rafters, which causes Angle to leave his team and go in search of Willow. Luckily for Angle, James Storm hits the Last Call on Wes Brisco in the ring and covers him for the one, two, three in a short, chaotic match.


Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson defeated D'Lo Brown, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco at 3:56 by pinfall when Storm pinned Brisco with the Last Call (56)




Before the main event, we cut to the back where Diamond Dallas Page is standing in front of the camera with a special message for everybody; The Diamond Exchange will officially make its debut this Sunday at No Surrender, and Page encourages everyone to buy the PPV and check it out for themselves! (62)




We haven't seen him all show, but the TNA World Heavyweight Champion does show up for tonight's main event but, as Mike Tenay points out, we still don't know what kind of shape the Champion is in following the attack last week. Jeff Jarrett is eager to find out, however, especially if Styles is weakened, and Jarrett goes on the attack immediately. The first couple of minutes is all Jarrett, with AJ struggling to keep up, but Styles is slowly able to work his way into the match and from there it is a back and forth match. The finish comes when Jarrett goes for the Stroke, but AJ is able to counter and he grabs hold of Jarrett's leg, looking to apply his devastating Calf Killer submission hold...




And that is when the Aces & Eights strike, with Bully Ray, Devon and D.O.C. all hitting the ring and attacking AJ Styles, causing the main event to end in a disqualification.


AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett at 12:54 by disqualification when the Aces & Eights got involved (78)


The beatdown continues in the ring after the match, and an attempt at a run-in for the save by James Storm is derailed by D'Lo Brown, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff. And the final Impact before No Surrender comes to an end with Bully Ray once again hitting the Bully Bomb on the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.



Final Show Rating: 75

TV Rating: 2.00

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



Chavo Guerrero sustained a minor injury during his match against Kazarian. It is nothing serious, but the injury is expected to slow him down a bit for about a week.

Kevin Nash spoke highly of Sonjay Dutt after the show, suggesting that Sonjay was deversing of a bigger push.

Homicide's contract with TNA expired after this show, so he is officially gone from TNA.


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TNA No Surrender: Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles (c) vs. Bully Ray



Kurt Angle vs. Willow



TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Kenny King vs. Jesse Sorensen



TNA Knockouts Championship - Lei D'Tapa is banned from ringside

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Mr. Anderson vs. D.O.C.



Also on the show; The debut of the Diamond Exchange and a surprise bonus match!



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Week 2, September, 2013

Live from Des Moines Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa

Attendance: 11.411 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


TNA Tag Team Championships



No Surrender kicks off with the TNA Tag Team Championships on the line as Bad Influence defends against Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez. These two teams have been going at it on and off for the past several months now, meaning that it is two teams that know each other very well at this point. The match starts off with all four men going at it in the ring, but the referee eventually manages to establish order and things settle down with Hernandez and Daniels in the ring. Hernandez overpowers Daniels early on, but a well-timed knee to the lower back by Kazarian when Hernandez hit the ropes turns the match in the Champions' favor. Daniels and Kazarian try to isolate Hernandez, but Hernandez is able to power out of an attempted double suplex and floor both members of Bad Influence with a double clothesline. Chavo tags in and pulls off a flurry of moves, including clotheslines, dropkicks and a flying crossbody from the top rope, but it only gets him a two count. Hernandez then tags back in and that's when the match breaks down again.



Eric Young makes his way down to the ring and as he does, Kazarian moves around the ring and yanks Chavo off the apron, causing him to land hard on the mat. As the referee is busy trying to get Kazarian back in his corner, Eric Young enters the ring and smacks Hernandez across the back with a steel chair. Hernandez goes down, Young bails out of the ring and Daniels hits the BME and covers Hernandez for the three count.

Bad Influence defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at 10:14 by pinfall when Daniels pinned Hernandez with the BME following interference from Eric Young. Bad Influence retain the TNA Tag Team Championships (47)



As the Champions celebrate in the ring, Matt Hardy and Abyss suddenly show up and attack the trio of Originals members. Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Hate on Daniels, while Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam first on Eric Young and then on Kazarian. It looks like the next step for Matt Hardy and Abyss, which Matt eluded to on Impact a couple of weeks ago, is going to be going after the TNA Tag Team Championships! (51)



Mike Tenay informs us that the TNA X-Division Championship match is coming up next, but first he sends us to the back where Christy Hemme is standing by with the X-Division Champion himself, Chris Sabin. Christy asks Sabin about his upcoming title defense, and Sabin says that while the odds have been unfairly stacked against him tonight, he is still going to come out on top because he is just that good. Sabin says that it's going to take more than a couple of lucky wins and the support of Kevin Nash to make Jesse Sorensen a legitimate threat to him, and as for Kenny King, Sabin says that King could very well be the next X-Division Champion...but he'll have to wait until Sabin cashes in Option C because there is no way in hell that King is winning it before then. Sabin then walks off and Christy sends us back to ringside. (54)

TNA X-Division Championship



Sabin and King get into a shouting match at the start of this one, with Sabin still unhappy about Kenny King attacking him on Impact after their tag team match. This allows Jesse Sorensen to get the jump on both men and it isn't long before Sorensen has cleared the ring of both his opponents and he gets a moment to stand tall in the ring, while both Sabin and King look frustrated outside the ring. Sabin and King start brawling outside the ring, but that all comes to an end when Sorensen flies over the top rope and takes both men out with a suicide dive. From there the match settles down a bit and all three men get the moments to shine. Chris Sabin is thrown out of the ring and Kenny King and Jesse Sorensen go one on one for a bit, with both men scoring a near-fall on each other but neither man getting that all important three count. Kenny King hits a tornado DDT on Sorensen, but then Sabin re-enters the ring, armed with a steel chair, and blasts King with it, prompting Taz to remind everyone that there are no disqualifications in a three way match. Sabin looks to be taking aim at Jesse Sorensen next, but that's when Kevin Nash enters the ring. Nash stares Sabin down, seemingly protecting the young man he has taken under his wing in recent weeks, but when Sorensen gets back to his feet, Nash grabs him and levels him with a hard short-arm clothesline! Confused, Sabin is still quick to take advantage of the situation as he hits the Cradle Shock on Kenny King and secures the one, two, three as Nash leaves the ring and walks back up the ramp.

Chris Sabin defeated Kenny King and Jesse Sorensen at 10:34 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Kenny King with the Cradle Shock. Sabin retains the TNA X-Division Championship (61)

After the match, Chris Sabin quickly collects his X-Division Championship title belt and heads to the back, while Mike Tenay on commentary wonders why Kevin Nash would turn on Jesse Sorensen like that.

Before moving on to the next match, a brief vignette airs where pink, red and purple letters inform us that "Perfection is coming to TNA...soon!" As the vignette ends, Mike Tenay wonders what that was all about, and Taz says that he doesn't have a clue, but he kinda likes it. (34)


The special surprise bonus match is up next and it turns out to be feature the return of "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal to TNA Wrestling as he takes on Petey Williams. The fans are firmly behind "Black Machismo" but, after an initial flurry of offense from Lethal, it is Petey Williams who takes control of the match. Petey even goes for the Canadian Destroyer early, but not only is it early--it's too early as Lethal is able to avoid disaster. Lethal is able to catch Petey with an enzuigiri and when that isn't enough to take him off his feet, Lethal climbs to the top rope and hits a diving double axe handle smash, which gets the job done. Lethal plays to the crowd before hitting a springboard dropkick and following that up with a snap suplex. "Black Machismo" then signals that it is time to end this, and he climbs to the top rope and hits the Diving Elbow Drop to finish Williams off. It is a successful return to TNA for "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal!

"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal defeated Petey Williams at 6:37 by pinfall with the Diving Elbow Drop (47)



After the match, we cut to the backstage area where Kevin Nash is seen leaving the building when Christy Hemme approaches him, trying to get an answer from him as to why he turned on Jesse Sorensen tonight, But Nash tells Christy that she and everyone else will have to wait until Thursday night on Impact to find out why, because he's not talking tonight. Nash then leaves the building and we cut back to ringside for our next match. (53)



No Surrender continues as D.O.C. and Mr. Anderson square off in one on one action. The first several minutes of this one is less of a match and more of a fight as both men brawl all around ringside and even into the crowd, with Taz on commentary cheering D.O.C. on every step of the way. The match finally returns to the ring but Anderson is busted open after D.O.C. drove him head-first into the guard rail and the steel steps on their way there. D.O.C. then gets into a mounted position and starts raining punches down on Anderson, trying to bust him open even more, and the barrage of punches only stops because the referee's count almost got to five. D.O.C. whips Anderson into the ropes and drops him with a big boot and it looks like Anderson is in trouble here as D.O.C. completely dominates while Anderson continues to lose blood. But Anderson may be down, but he isn't out just yet as he tries to fight his way back into the match with a couple of elbows to the stomach and one to the face as well. Anderson then bounces off the ropes but he ends up running right into another big boot. D.O.C. whips Anderson into the corner, but he wastes too much time taunting him before charging in with a clothesline, and Anderson is able to get his feet up. D.O.C. staggers backwards and Anderson gets onto the second rope and takes D.O.C. off his feet with a diving clothesline. A bloodied Anderson gets fired up as he begins taking the fight to D.O.C., pummeling him with punches and taking him off his feet with a neckbreaker. Anderson then climbs to the top rope and hits the Kenton Bomb, but D.O.C. just barely manages to kick out.



With the match having turned in Anderson's favor, here come the troops as Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff make their way down to ringside. They jump onto the apron to distract the referee, but as soon as they do, Anderson charges at them and knocks both men off the apron. Sensing that this is his opportunity, Anderson immediately hits the Mic Check on D.O.C. and that is enough to put him away for the three count.

Mr. Anderson defeated D.O.C. at 14:05 by pinfall with the Mic Check (56)



As a bloodied Mr. Anderson stands victorious in the ring, we cut to a pre-recorded promo by Bully Ray, who says that in the last two weeks, the Aces & Eights have re-established their dominance over TNA, and tonight he'll put the exclamation mark on that dominance by winning back the World Heavyweight Championship. Bully says that AJ Styles shouldn't worry about whether or not he's walking out of No Surrender with the World Title--he should worry about whether or not he'll walk out of No Surrender at all! (78)

TNA Knockouts Championship




With Lei D'Tapa banned from ringside, Gail Kim is forced to battle Mickie James without the help of her enforcer, which the Knockouts Champion seems reluctant to do as she rolls out of the ring and stalls for time as soon as the bell rings. Mickie eventually gets tired of waiting so she goes out after Gail, who slides back into the ring and attacks Mickie as she slides in after her. Gail stays on the attack, trying to keep the challenger on the mat, but Mickie does eventually manage to fight her way back up to her feet. The two women exchange forearm shots in the middle of the ring, with Mickie gaining the upper hand as she backs Gail into the corner. Mickie hits a few knife edge chops before attempting an irish whip, but Gail manages to reverse it and Mickie goes back first into the opposite corner, but she then explodes out of the corner and takes the Champion down with a clothesline for a two count. Mickie gets another two count after a float-over vertical suplex. Gail rolls out of the ring to regroup but as the referee's count starts getting closer to ten, Gail decides that she's had enough and she grabs the Knockouts Championship title belt and walks off, intentionally getting herself counted out to boos from the crowd.


Mickie James defeated Gail Kim at 8:59 by countout. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (53)




Diamond Dallas Page's music hits and DDP makes his way down to the ring for the very first edition of the Diamond Exchange. Despite this, however, Page doesn't look too happy and we soon find out why when he enters the ring and grabs a mic. Page announces that, unfortunately, the guest who was originally supposed to be on the show tonight, couldn't be here due to unforseen circumstances. Page says that he will have this person on the show as soon as possible, but again unfortunately, that means that he doesn't have a guest tonight. Page is about to officially cancel tonight's Diamond Exchange when suddenly...




Johnny Impact's music starts playing and Johnny and Melina make their way out from the back and down to the ring. Johnny grabs a mic of his own and says that he doesn't know who Page was supposed to have on the tonight, and he doesn't care either, nor does it matter, because Page and everyone else just got a major upgrade with Johnny and Melina. Johnny says that his arrival in TNA is nothing short of epic, and that it is only a matter of time before he is the proverbial poster child of TNA. Johnny also says that not only are he and Melina already the number one power couple in all of wrestling, but it is only a matter of time before both of them have TNA gold around their waists as well. Page seems to be getting a little annoyed with Impact's over-the-top boasting, and he says that a lot of people have made similar claims in the history of wrestling, but only a select few have ever backed up their claims. Johnny tells DDP that what he says always comes true, and he is going to make damn sure that Page eats his words when they do.




Samoa Joe's music then suddenly hits and Joe marches out from the back and down to the ring, which Impact and Melina don't look too happy about. Mike Tenay says that, speaking of people eating their own words, Johnny may just be about to eat the words he said about Samoa Joe last Thursday on Impact. Joe stares at Johnny before getting on the mic and saying that, for someone who has accomplished absolutely nothing worthy of note, Johnny Impact talks a big game. Joe says that he hasn't forgotten what Johnny said about him on Impact, and he tells Johnny that he would like to offer him this opportunity to back up his words! Joe motions for Johnny to take a shot at him, but Melina whispers something into Johnny's ear and the pair end up leaving the ring. As they make their way back up the ramp, the crowd begins chanting "Joe's gonna kill you" at Johnny Impact. (62)


We cut to a short video package highlighting the recent issues between Kurt Angle and Willow, showing some of Kurt's confrontations with Matt Hardy, highlights from their match at Hardcore Justice, and finally the arrival of Willow and the in-ring confrontation between him and Kurt Angle a few weeks ago, and the video ends with footage of Willow dropping Angle with a Reverse Twist of Fate. (64)




The in-ring debut of Willow is up next and it becomes clear right away that this is a far more aggressive and vicious version of Jeff Hardy as Willow attacks Angle as soon as the bell rings, pummeling him with punches and kicks and every time Angle manages to get Willow off of him, Willow just goes right back on the attack again. Mike Tenay notes that it almost seems like Angle is overwhelmed here, and it's hard for anyone to overwhelm a veteran like Kurt Angle, but this is a dark side of Jeff Hardy that we have never seen before, and Tenay doesn't think that Angle was prepared for this. Angle finally manages to buy himself some time when Willow misses a splash in the corner, and Angle follows up with a trio of german suplexes. Angle hits a belly to back suplex, an overhead belly to belly suplex and finally he clotheslines Willow over the top rope and out of the ring. Angle takes only a short moment to regroup before he follows Willow out of the ring, and the two men begin brawling all around ringside. Willow eventually gains the upper hand and he begins driving Angle's head into the steel steps over and over again, showing absolutely no mercy, and the referee has to intervene and stop Willow's assault. The referee warns Willow that he will disqualify him if he does that again, but Willow just shrieks at the referee and rolls Angle back into the ring.

Willow stumbles around ringside for a bit before re-entering the ring and climbling to the top rope. Willow goes for the Swanton Bomb, but a bloodied Kurt Angle manages to roll out of the way and Willow crashes to the mat. Both men are down and the referee begins his count, and both men get back to their feet at the count of eight. Willow charges at Angle again, Angle ducks and hits another trio of german suplexes. Both bleeding and exhausted, Angle applies the Ankle Lock and Willow shrieks in pain as Angle tries to force him to submit. Somehow, Willow is able to endure the pain long enough for him to make it to the ropes to force the break. Angle slams Willow in the middle of the ring and then it's Angle's turn to climb the turnbuckle. Angle leaps off the top rope and lands a picture perfect moonsault, but Willow manages to kick out at two and a half. There is a look of disbelief in Angle's eyes as he realizes that Willow managed to kick out, but Angle then gets back to his feet and down come the straps as Angle calls for the Olympic Slam. Willow slowly gets back to his feet and he staggers around the ring on wobbly legs. Angle grabs Willow from behind, looking to put him away with the Olympic Slam, but Willow is able to get out of it and he drops Angle from behind with a reverse Twist of Fate. Willow crawls into the cover, but Angle manages to kick out a split second before the referee's hand hits the mat for a three count.

Willow lets out another shriek, this time possibly in frustration, but he drops Angle with another reverse Twist of Fate before climbing to the top rope once more. Willow lets out another shriek, and then he leaps off the top rope and connects with the Swanton Bomb. Willow covers Angle and this time he gets the one, two, three!


Willow defeated Kurt Angle at 17:46 by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb (78)


After that grueling match, we cut to the announce table where Mike Tenay informs us that the main event of No Surrender is coming up next as AJ Styles defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against the leader of the Aces & Eights, Bully Ray. Taz says it's time for the World Title to come back home where it belongs, and then we cut back to the ring for the main event.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship




The match starts off with Bully Ray overpowering AJ Styles as he backs him up into the corner. The referee calls for a clean break, but of course Bully doesn't give him one as he slaps AJ across the face. Taz thinks this is hilarious, while Mike Tenay again points out that we don't really know what kind of shape AJ Styles is in physically following weeks of attacks at the hands of the Aces & Eights. AJ walks right up of Bully and gives him a slap right back and from there, the fight is on. Bully Ray manages to gain the upper hand following a timely distraction from Brooke at ringside, and Bully goes to work hitting a pair of inverted atomic drops, a belly to back suplex and finally a high-impact powerbomb that gets him a two count. Bully whips AJ into the corner and starts raining down the ten punches in the corner, before whipping him into the opposite corner and following in after, squashing him with a corner clothesline. Bully goes for another powerslam, but this time AJ reverses it into a hurricanrana. From here, AJ picks up the pace as he hits a couple of clotheslines, a dropkick and then, with Bully Ray dazed and confused, AJ manages to hit the Pelé Kick, AJ covers, but Brooke makes sure that Bully's foot is on the ropes. AJ then goes for the Calf Killer, but Bully is able to kick him off and get back to his feet, where he takes AJ down with a clothesline and now both men are down. Brooke slides the steel chain to Bully, and then she climbs onto the apron to distract the referee as Bully wraps the chain around his fist. Bully gets to his feet and takes a swing at AJ, but AJ ducks and hits a neckbreaker on Bully.




Devon and D'Lo Brown makes their way out from the back as Mike Tenay complains about the Aces & Eights once again using the numbers game to their advantage. Before they make it all the way down to ringside, however, the lights in the arena suddenly go out and when they come back on...




"The Icon" Sting is standing on the entrance ramp, positioned between the ring and where Devon and D'Lo Brown are, cutting them off. Mike Tenay goes crazy on commentary, saying that we haven't seen Sting for weeks. Sting is, of course, armed with his trusty baseball bat and he points the bat at Devon and D'Lo, who seem frozen in place. They finally attack, but "The Icon" gets the better of them, taking both of them out with baseball bat shots. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Bully still has the chain wrapped around his fist as AJ pulls him back to his feet. Bully punches AJ in the stomach with his steel-chained hand, and then he drops AJ with the Bully Bomb. Bully gets rid of the evidence by sliding the chain back to Brooke, and then he goes for the cover on AJ...one...two....three--NOOOO!!! Somehow, some way, AJ Styles managed to get his shoulder off the mat before the three count. Bully can't believe it and he starts arguing with the referee, but the referee stands his ground and maintains that it was only a two count. Bully then goes to hit another Bully Bomb, but this time AJ suddenly drops down, slides through Bully's legs while grabbing hold of one of them in the process, and applies the Calf Killer! Bully fights with everything he's got, but eventually he is left with no other choice but to tap out to the move that nobody has been able to withstand or escape from so far.


AJ Styles defeated Bully Ray at 15:20 by submission with the Calf Killer. AJ Styles retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (78)


And with that, the last shot we see from No Surrender before we go off the air, is AJ Styles being handed the TNA World Heavyweight Championship title belt as Mike Tenay happily states that AJ Styles is STILL the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.



Final Show Rating: 75

PPV Buy rate: 0.16

Show increased popularity in 9 regions



A botched move during the match between Mr. Anderson and D.O.C. has led to some heat between the two men, with D.O.C. being upset at just how close he came to a potentially serious injury due to the botch by Mr. Anderson.

Chavo Guerrero's involvement in the Tag Team title match was kept to a minimum due to him working through an injury at the moment.

After the show, Kurt Angle was overhead saying that he didn't think Brooke Tessmacher "has it" and that the company would be better off moving on from her.

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On 11/22/2022 at 2:48 PM, James The Animator said:

Kurt Angle vs. Willow


Comment: I’m not super inspired by Willow, or Broken Matt either honestly. Also, it just dawned on me that you never booked a BFG series! How did you miss that? Anyway, Styles vs. Angle one more time should be a good main event for that show.

TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez

Comment: The tag team division needs a refresh. I think it’s time you poached The Wolves from ROH.

Mr. Anderson vs. D.O.C.


Comment: We’re really running down to the wire, eh? This is a PPV, and we’ve got Luke Gallows in a singles match against KENNEDYYYYY! This roster really needs to be freshened up some. I guess give it to Kennedy because he’s more over.

It was a tough decision to not go with a BFG series, but the honest truth is that I was never really a huge fan of it so I decided to scrap it, at least for this year. I may well bring it back in the future, I certainly haven't ruled that out.

As for the tag team division, you are absolutely right; the division is rather thin at the moment and building that division is one of my top priorities post-Bound for Glory. At this point I literally only have one babyface team in Chavo and Hernandez, which is why they have clashed with Bad Influence quite a lot so far.

And as for the Anderson vs. D.O.C. match, I just wanted to say that your comment made me laugh because when I read it I already knew I had booked them to go 14 minutes, which I figured you probably wouldn't be thrilled with.

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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On 11/30/2022 at 10:19 PM, Dawn said:



Hmm, seems like a pretty good idea to me.


On 11/30/2022 at 11:29 PM, James The Animator said:

I don’t mind! I know your roster options are limited right now, but you’re putting on good shows regardless. Honestly, I start to wonder what a 2006 ECW relaunch dynasty from you would look like. I bring ECW up because that relaunch would be another case of making the best out of limited resources, an area in which you have proven to be adept.


I hadn't really thought about it until you mentioned it, but I do think it would be fun to take a crack at ECW 2006. I've always enjoyed the challenge of working with more limited rosters in my games.

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Week 3, September, 2013

Live from Reitz Arena in Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance: 2.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The first Impact after No Surrender kicks off the "The Icon" Sting making his way down to the ring as Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to the show. Once in the ring, Sting is all business here tonight as he gets on the mic and says that he has had enough. Sting says that after getting attacked two weeks ago on Impact, he is officially sick and tired of having to watch his back all the time around here. He is sick and tired of the Aces & Eights running wild all over TNA, and he is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. Sting says that if the Aces & Eights want a fight, then he'll give them one! Sting then issues a challenge; Team Sting versus Team Aces & Eights at Bound for Glory in a Lethal Lockdown match! Sting says that the Aces & Eights began this fight, but now "The Stinger" is going to finish it once and for all! (78)


As Sting's music hits again and "The Icon" makes his way back up the ramp, we cut to the announce table where Mike Tenay and Taz are calling the action as usual. Tenay informs us of tonight's huge main event; a four way match featuring Kurt Angle, Willow, Mr. Anderson and Samoa Joe, with the winner earning the right to face the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, at Bound for Glory with the World Title on the line. Taz calls the match complete BS, and says that the only person who should be facing AJ Styles at Bound for Glory is Bully Ray. We then head back to the ring for our opening match.




"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, who returned to TNA at No Surrender, faces another returning wrestler in Suicide, who is back from injury, in one on one action. It is a fast-paced and even back and forth match, with plenty of exciting high-flying moves added to the mix. In the end, it is "Black Machismo" who picks up the win, putting Suicide away with the Elbow Drop from the top rope in what was a solid opening match.


"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal defeated Suicide at 8:29 by pinfall with the Top Rope Elbow Drop (62)




After the match, Christy Hemme enters the ring to do an interview Jay Lethal. Lethal says that the "Black Machismo" is indeed back in TNA, oh yeah! Lethal says that there is one thing and one thing only that brings him back to TNA, and that's to compete with the greatest talent in the world, and to show them that "Black Machismo" is still the man. Christy asks Lethal what his immediate goals are in TNA, and Lethal says that he only has one goal; to bring a little bit of madness to TNA and to climb the ladder all the way to the top, OH YEAH!!! (44)


After the interview, we get another brief vignette, similar to the one that aired at No Surrender, with pink, red and purple letters informing us that "Perfection is coming to TNA...soon!" (38)


TNA Television Championship




Shelton Benjamin defends the TNA Television Championship next in a match against Robbie E. A distraction from Jessie Godderz at ringside allows Robbie E to gain the early advantage, but he doesn't maintain it for long before Benjamin fights his way back into the match. From here, Robbie E is in trouble, and Benjamin eventually hits the Paydirt to pick up the win and retain his Championship.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Robbie E at 4:35 by pinfall with the Paydirt. Benjamin retains the TNA Television Championship (51)




As Shelton Benjamin celebrates another successful title defense in the ring, we cut to somewhere in the backstage area where Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are seen arrving. Johnny is demanding that they get a skybox to themselves because they are the biggest stars in the company and they demand the best seats in the house to watch the show. When the staff isn't immediately able to accommodate them, Melina says that they are the number one power couple in the business today, and they expect to be treated as such. Johnny and Melina continue to complain as we cut back to ringside. (48)




As we cut back to the ring, Kevin Nash's music starts playing and Nash makes his way out from the back to boos from the crowd. As Nash heads down to the ring, Mike Tenay says that he can't wait to hear what kind of excuse Nash has for turning his back on Jesse Sorensen at No Surrender. Nash gets on the mic and says that he promised to explain his actions at No Surrender, so here goes. Nash says that he always makes the smart bet, and when it comes to money, he always bets on a sure thing. Nash says that the reason he didn't want Jesse Sorensen to win the X-Division Championship is because he is not a sure thing. He's not a safe money bet. But Nash says that he does know who is a sure thing, and he then introduces the next TNA X-Division Champion...




Sean Waltman! As Waltman heads down to the ring to join Nash, Mike Tenay says on commentary that he can't believe that Sean Waltman is back in TNA, and that Kevin Nash screwed Jesse Sorensen out of the X-Division Championship, all because he wanted to bring his buddy in. Once in the ring, Waltman grabs the mic and calls himself the originator of X-Division style wrestling. Waltman says that if it wasn't for him there wouldn't even be an X-Division in TNA today, because he pioneered that style of wrestling and made it popular. Waltman says that, at Bound for Glory, "The Originator" of X-Division style wrestling is walking out as the new X-Division Champion! (49)




We cut to a pre-taped video that opens with a shot of Mike Knox standing in front of the camera, outside somewhere, alongside a group of oddballs. Knox says that after getting kicked out of the Aces & Eights, after giving everything he had to that group, it caused him to reassess some things. Knox says that he thought the Aces & Eights were his family, and when they kicked him to the curb...well, he was just about ready to be done with wrestling. But then he went back home and he realized who his real family were, who the people who would always have his back, who would always understand and accept him, truly were. Knox says that he is done turning his back on who he really is, and instead he is embracing it. Knox says that he is coming back to TNA, and he's bringing the whole damn Menagerie with him! (22)




Gail Kim faces Taryn Terrell next in a non-title match. Taryn is on fire early on, but Gail soon takes control of the match, using her experience edge to her advantage, Still, Taryn isn't going down without a fight.




As the match continues, a man is seen making his way down to the ring, carrying a single red rose in his hand. The man climbs onto the apron and offers the rose to Taryn, while Mike Tenay wonders if this is the guy who has been "creeping around" the Knockouts in recent weeks. Taryn refuses the rose, but turns around right into the Eat Defeat from Gail, who covers Taryn and picks up the win.


Gail Kim defeated Taryn Terrell at 3:44 by pinfall with the Eat Defeat (31)




The creepy guy makes his way back up the ramp and disappears into the back. A few moments later, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie James makes her way out from the back and onto the stage. Mickie asks if Gail really thought that things were over between them? Mickie says that she was truly disappointed with Gail at No Surrender. Mickie says that she has always seen Gail Kim as one of the best women in the business, which is why she was so disappointed to see Gail take the coward's way out at No Surrender. Mickie says that it isn't going to be over between them until one of two things happen; Mickie wins the Knockouts Championship, or Gail proves that she can beat Mickie fairly in the ring. Mickie says that she knows Gail won't accept her challenge, especially after what she did at No Surrender, but Mickie says that she isn't going to give up until she gets one more match against Gail at Bound for Glory! (47)




We cut backstage to the Aces & Eights locker room where Bully is distraught that he isn't in the Number One Contender's match later tonight. Bully says that he NEEDS to get the title back, so he has to find a way to get himself into the Bound for Glory main event. Devon warns Bully that some of the other members of the group might not be too happy with how things are, and he thinks that Bully needs to make a show of strength to prove that he is still the man. Bully then vows that, one way or another, he WILL be in the Bound for Glory main event. (57)




Six man tag team action is up next as the TNA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, teams up with the Dirty Heels to take on Sonjay Dutt, Shark Boy and Crimson. This is largely a squash match, though Crimson does manage a run of offense when he makes the hot tag. Still, in the end, it is Sabin and the Dirty Heels who pick up the win when Sabin hits the Cradle Shock on Shark Boy and covers him for the one, two, three.


Chris Sabin and the Dirty Heels defeated Sonjay Dutt, Shark Boy and Crimson at 5:27 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Shark Boy with the Cradle Shock (38)




We cut to the back where Sting is seen approaching James Storm. Sting says that James Storm has been a loyal ally to him in the fight against the Aces & Eights, so Sting wants to offer Storm the first spot on his team to join him once again in the fight against the Aces & Eights at Bound for Glory. Storm says that he intends to see this fight through to the very end, no matter when it comes, so Sting can count on "The Cowboy" for Bound for Glory! (72)




Back at ringside, Diamond Dallas Page's music hits and Page makes his way down to the ring, which has been prepared to host the second ever edition of the Diamond Exchange. Page says that tonight's guest is the person who was originally supposed to be his guest at No Surrender. Page says that, due to unforseen circumstances, she wasn't able to make it then, but she is here tonight. Page then introduces his guest; the returning Sarita!




Sarita makes her way out from the back and she joins DDP in the ring. DDP welcomes Sarita to his show, and back to TNA, and he asks her what brings her back to TNA, Sarita talks about previous time in TNA, saying that while she did win the Knockouts Tag Team Titles twice when she was here last, she never won the Knockouts Championship. Sarita says that that is something that has always been in the back of her mind, always bothered her, ever since. So now she's back with one goal in mind; to win the TNA Knockouts Championship.




Just then, Tara's music suddenly hits and Tara makes her way out from the back and down to the ring. Tara says that she has been here for years, fighting every single day, and if Sarita thinks she's just gonna waltz back in here and get ahead of her? Get a title shot before her? Well, she needs to think again. Tara says there is no way that Sarita is winning the Knockouts Championship, because she's going to break her before she ever gets the chance. The two women come face to face, but DDP steps in to separate them before things go any further and Tara eventually leaves the ring, as Mike Tenay says that it looks like Tara isn't too happy with Sarita's return. (44)




Tag team action is up next as Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez face off against Matt Hardy and "The Monster" Abyss. This is a very traditional, old school tag team match as Matt Hardy and Abyss spend most of the match isolating Chavo Guerrero and wearing him down while keeping him away from his corner. Chavo does eventually make the hot tag to Hernandez, who comes into the match absolutely on fire. It looks like Hernandez might even win this thing for his team, by a chairshot to the back from Abyss, which the referee misses because he is distracted by Matt, is the beginning of the end for Hernandez and Chavo, as Hernandez staggers right into a Twist of Fate from Matt for the pinfall victory.


Matt Hardy and Abyss defeated Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez at 10:33 by pinfall when Hardy pinned Hernandez with a Twist of Fate following interference from Abyss (53)




Once the ring has cleared out, Jeff Jarrett's music hits and The Originals make their way down to the ring for a promo. Jarrett gets on the mic and says that the four men in the ring right now have all given their blood, sweat and tears for this company, while being forced to watch so called "stars" from elsewhere coming in and getting paid big money for minimum effort. Jarrett says that people like Hulk Hogan almost caused the downfall for this great company because Hogan cared more about getting money into his own pocket than he did about the company's success. Jarrett says that people can boo him all they want, but the fact remains that if not for Jarrett, there wouldn't even be a company called TNA. Jarrett puts Bad Influence over as the greatest tag team in TNA history, and he says that now that Hogan has run away with his tail between his legs, it's time for The Originals to once again lead this company to greatness. (58)




It is almost main event time, but before that "Evil Ways" starts playing as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. It doesn't look like AJ has anything to say, however, as he grabs a chair and takes a seat at ringside, leading Mike Tenay to conclude that the Champion must want a closer look at his four potential Bound for Glory opponents. (71)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Match




The match kicks off with Kurt Angle and Willow squaring off, picking up where they left off at No Surrender, which leaves Anderson and Joe to go head to head as well. This is a wild match with action all over the place, but all four men get their moments to dominate and all four men get at least one near-fall during the match.




D.O.C., D'Lo Brown, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff run down to the ring and their targets seem to be Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson. Both Angle and Anderson try to fight back, but both men are facing a two on one disadvantage, and both men end up getting beaten down outside the ring.




Sting and James Storm both run down to ringside to help fight the Aces & Eights, but they are followed almost immediately by Bully Ray and Devon, who re-establishes the strength in numbers advantage for the Aces & Eights. Finally, "The Lone Wolf" AJ Styles has had enough, and he decides to join the fight as well outside the ring, which is a scene of absolute chaos by now. While all of this is going on outside the ring, Willow and Samoa Joe are still battling it out inside the ring, and Mike Tenay says that it looks like it is down to Joe and Willow, thanks to the involvement of the Aces & Eights.




Suddenly, Johnny Impact is out here as well, and he slides into the ring and blasts Samoa Joe from behind with a steel chair. Joe never saw it coming, and Willow immediately capitalizes by hitting the reverse Twist of Fate and covering Joe for the one, two, three. Amidst a scene of absolute chaos, Willow has just become the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!


Willow defeated Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson at 14:37 by pinfall when Willow pinned Joe with a reverse Twist of Fate following interference from Johnny Impact and the Aces & Eights. Willow becomes the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (71)


With Willow victorious in the ring, and with fighting still go on all around the ring, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 71

TV Rating: 1.80

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



While Matt Hardy and Abyss have been allied for a while now, tonight was their first time teaming together in a match. As it turned out, their chemistry as tag team partners was all over the place and the match suffered because of it.

Edited by TheBigBad1013
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Week 4, September, 2013

Live from Fleming Gymnasium in Greensboro, North Carolina

Attendance: 2.320 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




Impact opens up with the familiar sound of the Aces & Eights' music playing as the leader of the group, Bully Ray, makes his way down to the ring, accompanied by Brooke Tessmacher. Once in the ring, Bully gets on the mic Bully says that he was the greatest TNA World Heavyweight Champion in history, and that for TNA management to even think about having a Bound for Glory main event World Title match without him in it...Bully says that not only can't he accept that--he WON'T accept it. Bully says that he will do whatever it takes, and he makes a point of looking directly into the camera as he says that there is literally nothing he won't do to get what he wants. Bully says that, one way or another, he WILL force his way into the Bound for Glory main event and he WILL win his title back. Bully says that if you thought that the Aces & Eights were bad before, you ain't seen nothing yet! Because the Aces & Eights are going to take things to a whole new level, and their attacks aren't going to stop until Eric Bischoff does the right thing and adds Bully to the World Title match at Bound for Glory. Bully is about to continue, but then...(86)




"Evil Ways" starts playing and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out from the back. "The Lone Wolf" enters the ring and the two men stare at each other for a bit, and then AJ grabs a mic and tells Bully that, for once, he actually agrees with him. Make no mistake about it, AJ says that he despises Bully and everything he's done and everything he stands for, but AJ does agree that Bully should be added to the main event of Bound for Glory...on ONE condition. AJ says that he will go to Eric Bischoff right now and ask him to add Bully to the match IF Bully agrees that, if he fails to win the title at Bound for Glory, then the Aces & Eights must disband forever! AJ then looks directly into Bully's eyes and tells him that he's doing this because he wants to be the one to put the Aces & Eights in the ground once and for all! Bully is clearly in two minds about this, but he ultimately agrees, saying that IF he doesn't win...the Aces & Eights will disband forever...but make no mistake about it, Bully WILL win the title back at Bound for Glory! The two men stare each other down before AJ leaves the ring and heads toward the backstage area, presumably to talk to Eric Bischoff. (87)




We cut to the backstage area where Johnny Impact and Melina Perez are causing a stir again. Just as we saw last week, they are demanding the best seats in the house and complaining about the staff, with Johnny even bragging about his actions last week on Impact when he attacked Samoa Joe during the main event. Johnny says that TNA better learn how to treat their top stars with the respect they deserve, because nobody else in TNA deserve to be in the same building as them, much less the same room. As Johnny and Melina continue to complain, we cut elsewhere as Mike Tenay informs us that Christy Hemme is standing by to do an interview. (46)




Christy Hemme is backstage with the Dirty Heels and she asks them about their match later tonight as they are set to face AJ Styles and Kurt Angle in the main event. Austin Aries says that they are the best tag team in TNA today, and the only reason why they aren't the TNA Tag Team Champions right now is because they haven't been given the opportunity they deserve. Aries says that if things were fair in TNA, they would be getting a Tag Team title shot tonight. Bobby Roode says that after they beat AJ and Angle tonight, no one will be able to deny the fact that they deserve a Tag Team title shot--and while we are at it, if they defeat the TNA World Heavyweight Champion tonight...then they deserve a World Title shot as well. (54)


TNA Television Championship




Last week on Impact, Shelton Benjamin successfully defended the TV Title against Robbie E, and tonight he faces the other half of the BroMans, Jessie Godderz. Godderz takes the fight to Benjamin early on with some impressive power moves, but a few well-timed reversals turn the match back in the Champion's favor. Despite a good effort, Godderz is put down with the Paydirt and Shelton Benjamin secures another successful title defense.


Shelton Benjamin defeated Jessie Godderz at 6:33 by pinfal with the Paydirt. Benjamin retains the TNA Television Championship (59)




After the match, an unfamiliar music hits and The Menagerie make their way out from the back. Shelton Benjamin understandably looks confused as the oddball group approaches the ring, but the confusion is quicly cleared up when The Freak suddenly steamrolls Benjamin with a clothesline. Crazzy Steve hits a top rope splash and finally Mike Knox delivers a devastating Sitout Spinebuster. Rebel then picks up the Television Championship title belt and wraps it around Knox's waist, and the group pose in the ring with Benjamin still laid out. Mike Tenay says on commentary that The Menagerie just made a big time statement here tonight. Before leaving the ring again, Mike Knox drapes the Television Championship title belt over Benjamin's chest, and Taz says that at least the freaks aren't stealing Benjamin's title. (28)


Following that craziness, we get another brief vignette, similar to the ones that have aired recently, but there is a slight difference this time as the pink, red and purple letters inform us that "Perfection is coming to TNA...next week!" (32)




Back at ringside, Samoa Joe's music plays and Joe makes his way down to the ring. Joe gets on the mic and says that he knows that that coward Johnny Impact is somewhere backstage, hiding out, and Joe asks if Johnny is man enough to come down to the ring and face him? Though, considering last week, Joe says that he probably already knows the answer to that; Johnny Impact likes to attack from behind like a coward. Joe says that if Johnny Impact doesn't want to come down to the ring to face him, then Joe will just have to come back there and find Johnny instead! Joe then drops the mic and marches back up the entrance ramp, and Mike Tenay says that it looks like Johnny Impact is about to have a fight on his hands! (54)




Zema Ion returns from injury next and he has a chance to put himself right square in the middle of things as he faces the X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, in a non-title match. However, just as the match is getting under way...




Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman make their way down to ringside, and moments later Jesse Sorensen makes his way out from the back as well. Jesse obviously has issues with Kevin Nash after Nash turned on him at No Surrender, but he is understandably hesitant about getting into a two on one fight with Nash and Waltman. Several referees make their way down to ringside to restore order, and while all of this is happening, Sabin takes advantage of Zema Ion being momentarily distracted by hitting the Cradle Shock for the one, two, three.


Chris Sabin defeated Zema Ion at 4:25 by pinfall with the Cradle Shock (63)




After the match, we briefly cut to the backstage area where Samoa Joe is seen searching for Johnny Impact, and Mike Tenay says that he wouldn't want to be in Johnny Impact's shoes when Samoa Joe finds him. (44)




Knockouts tag team action is up next as the TNA Knockouts Champion, Gail Kim, teams up with Tara to take on Velvet Sky and Taryn Terrell. It is an even, back and forth match as Velvet and Taryn more than hold their own, putting in a spirited effort against the impressive duo of Gail and Tara.




However, much like during Taryn's match last week against Gail Kim, an unknown man makes his way down to ringside, this time carrying two roses in his hand. He again gets up on the apron to offer Taryn one of the roses, and while even the referee is distracted by this, Lei D'Tapa grabs Velvet Sky and slams her on the floor outside the ring. Taryn tells the man to leave her alone, but then she is suddenly rolled up from behind by Gail, who again takes advantage of the situation to secure herself a victory.


Gail Kim and Tara defeated Taryn Terrell and Velvet Sky at 6:20 by pinfall when Gail Kim pinned Taryn with a roll-up following a distraction (47)


The match is over but Gail Kim and Tara aren't done yet as they begin to put the boots to Taryn Terrell. Strangely, despite his apparent affection for Taryn, the unknown man doesn't help her, but instead just walks off with the roses still in hand.




Mickie James then hits the ring and she tries to fight off both Gail Kim and Tara, as Lei D'Tapa is still beating Velvet Sky down outside the ring, but despite a good effort, the two on one advantage eventually means that Gail and Tara gain the upper hand again.




Sarita then hits the ring as well and she teams up with Mickie to drive Gail and Tara from the ring. As Gail, Tara and Lei D'Tapa make their way back up the ramp, Mickie James and Sarita stand tall in the ring. (44)




We cut to the back where The Originals are gathered in front of the camera. Jeff Jarrett does the talking here, saying that true greatness in wrestling is rare, but right now everyone is looking at four prime examples of the truly greats of TNA wrestling. Jarrett again puts Bad Influence over, saying that Daniels and Kazarian are the greatest tag team in wrestling today and that's why they are holding the gold. Jarrett then talks about Eric Young, saying that Young has worked hard his entire life, yet he doesn't get the chance he deserves despite his hard work. Jarrett then says that guys like Hulk Hogan, who come into TNA claiming that they are going to take the company to the next level, that they are going to elevate it, but all they care about is fattening their own pockets. Jarrett says that it's people like the Originals who made TNA great in the first place, and it's people like The Originals who are going to make TNA great again in the future. Jarrett ends the promo by saying that it is time for The Originals to take back what is rightfully theirs. (61)


Hardcore Match



Hernandez versus "The Monster" Abyss in a hardcore match is up next and this match is an all-out war right from the beginning. Chairs, kendo sticks, trash cans and trash can lids are all used as weapons during this one as these two big men beat the hell out of each other. Chavo Guerrero and Matt Hardy get into a fight as well at ringside to add to the chaos and mayhem. In the end, it is "The Monster" Abyss who picks up the win as he hits the Black Hole Slam on Hernandez through a table that had previously been set up in the ring, and Abyss then covers Hernandez for the three count.


Abyss defeated Hernandez at 8:31 by pinfall with a Black Hole Slam through a table (48)




After the brutal, grueling match, the Dirty Heels suddenly hit the ring and attack everyone with steel chairs. Chavo, Hernandez, Matt Hardy and Abyss all get laid out by Roode and Aries, who then stand tall amidst the carnage, signaling that they want the Tag Team Titles. (48)




We cut to the back where Sting and James Storm are walking toward the entrance area as Mike Tenay informs us that they will be in tag team action next against the Aces & Eights. Sting and Storm then bump into Mr. Anderson. No words are spoken as Anderson just stares at both Sting and Storm before walking off, and Sting and Storm continue on their way toward the entrance area while Taz says on commentary that Anderson better stay away from Sting and Storm, if he knows what's good for him. (69)




"The Icon" Sting and James Storm take on Devon and D.O.C. next as Mike Tenay informs us that the Lethal Lockdown match between Team Sting and Team Aces & Eights is official for Bound for Glory, with Devon captaining the Aces & Eights team as, apparently, Eric Bischoff has officially added Bully Ray to the main event World Heavyweight Championship title match at Bound for Glory. This is a solid tag team match that sees Devon and D.O.C. work to isolate James Storm for a good portion of the match, setting up the inevitable hot tag for "The Icon". Sting comes in and starts cleaning house, but that is when the equally inveitable Aces & Eights run-in occurs as...




D'Lo Brown, Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco all run down to the ring and attack Sting and James Storm, causing the match to end in disqualification.


Sting and James Storm defeated Devon and D.O.C. at 10:40 by DQ when other Aces & Eights members got involved (64)




The match is over but the fight continues in the ring even so. However, Sting and James Storm are obviously outnumbered, and they seem to be fighting a losing battle. Surprisingly, Mr. Anderson runs down to the ring to seemingly help out Sting and Storm, as the trio join forces to drive the Aces & Eights from the ring. But when Sting goes to offer his hand to Anderson in thanks once the dust has settled, Anderson just slaps it away and walks off, leaving the ring and making his way back up the ramp, leaving Sting confused in the ring. (58)




It is almost main event time but first we get a pre-taped black and white promo of Willow walking around in a forest. Willow says that the pain and suffering of tormented souls flows within him, and when he looks at AJ Styles he sees yet another tormented soul. Willow says that his soul is tormented as well, and the only way to survive is to let out that torment by doing unto others. Willow says that, in the end, darkness consumes everything, just as it consumed the mortal soul once known as Jeff Hardy, and at Bound for Glory...even the World Heavyweight Championship will drown forever in Willow's way! (70)




Mike Tenay calls AJ Styles and Kurt Angle a dream team, but Taz doesn't buy it, saying that they can't be a dream team when AJ Styles has said multiple times that he doesn't trust anyone, including Angle, and you need to have trust in order for a team to function. This is, unsurprisingly, a great TV main event as these four men leave it all in the ring in a match that goes back and forth throughout, but with AJ and Kurt slowly gaining more and more of the advantage.




Bully Ray makes his way down to ringside, and when Mike Tenay says on commentary that Bully has no place being out here, Taz tells him that Bully can do whatever he wants and there is nothing Mike can do about it. Still, despite his best efforts, Bully can't prevent AJ Styles from picking up a win, as AJ makes another victim submit to the Calf Killer as Austin Aries taps out in the middle of the ring, with AJ staring Bully down as he submits Aries.


AJ Styles and Kurt Angle defeated The Dirty Heels at 10:29 by submission when AJ Styles forced Austin Aries to submit to the Calf Killer (78)




AJ Styles and Bully Ray continue to stare each other down, but as the camera slowly moves up, we see Willow up in the rafters, overlooking everything. And with that shot, this week's edition of TNA Impact comes to an end.



Final Show Rating: 79

TV Rating: 2.04

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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On 12/9/2022 at 7:59 AM, knkmaster69 said:

I love the way that you've turned the insanely mid TNA 2013 roster into something actually compelling without just making new signings and ditching what TNA was already doing! The pieces have been set into motion, and I'm so excited for Bound for Glory! 

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it!

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Week 1, October, 2013

Live from John Kresse Arena in Charleston, North Carolina

Attendance: 3.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




This week's edition of TNA Impact goes straight to in-ring action as Christopher Daniels, Chavo Guerrero and Matt Hardy battle it out in a three way match. Mike Tenay calls this a preview of Bound for Glory as Bad Influence is set to take on Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez and Matt Hardy and "The Monster" Abyss in a three way match for the TNA Tag Team Championships. Tenay also informs us that each man's tag team partner is banned from coming down to ringside during the match. This is an even match with all three men getting their opportunities to shine, and each of the three men look like they have a legitimate chance to pick up the win. In the end, it's Matt Hardy who picks up a huge win, first throwing Daniels out of the ring before hitting the Twist of Hate on Chavo and covering him for the one, two, three.


Matt Hardy defeated Chavo Guerrero and Christopher Daniels at 9:56 by pinfall when Hardy pinned Chavo with a Twist of Hate (58)




The match is over but the fighting continues as Abyss, Kazarian and Hernandez all make their way down to the ring to help their partners. With all three teams fighting it out in the ring, the big screen suddenly comes to life and...




The Dirty Heels appear on the screen. Aries and Roode brag about taking everyone out with chairs last week, with Roode saying that they are all fighting to be second best because The Dirty Heels are the number one tag team in the world today. Aries adds that what Bobby Roode said is absolutely true, and that they are going to prove that fact to the world at Bound for Glory...because they have officially been added to the Tag Team Championship title match at the biggest event of the year. Bobby Roode tells the other three teams to have fun fighting for second place, because The Dirty Heels are leaving Bound for Glory as the new TNA Tag Team Champions! (55)




We cut to the backstage area where Tara is standing alone, facing the camera. Tara runs down Sarita for not being here tonight, saying that if that is the kind of dedication Sarita is going to show TNA, she can forget all about winning the Knockouts Championship. Tara says that she doesn't think the reason why Sarita isn't here tonight is because she is working in Mexico. No, Tara thinks that the real reason Sarita isn't here tonight is because she's afraid of Tara...and she should be! Tara vows that if Sarita ever does show up in TNA again...she'll make her regret it. (47)




Back at ringside, The Band's music hits as Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash make their way out from the back and down to the ring as Mike Tenay informs us that Sean Waltman is scheduled to be in action next. Before the match, however, Sean Waltman gets on the mic and says that, while he doesn't really need it, he's going to take the opportunity to get himself a little tune-up match here tonight before Bound for Glory. Waltman tells Chris Sabin and Jesse Sorensen to pay attention in the back, because he's about to show them how a REAL X-Division star gets things done. (49)




Rockstar Spud is Sean Waltman's opponent and this is pretty much just a squash match as Waltman dominates the match, with the only little hope spot for Rockstar Spud coming after Waltman gets a little bit too cocky and Spud is able to catch him by surprise with a roll-up, but Waltman kicks out. Following that close call, Waltman is all business as he takes care of Spud, putting him away with the X-Factor for a dominant victory here on Impact.


Sean Waltman defeated Rockstar Spud at 2:57 by pinfall with the X-Factor (44)




As Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash celebrate in the ring, we cut to the back where Christy Hemme is with Jesse Sorensen and she asks Jesse about Sean Waltman's words prior to the previous match. Jesse says that Waltman can say whatever he wants, claim whatever he wants, but it doesn't really mean anything to him. Jesse says that he respects what Sean Waltman has accomplished in his career, but he also thinks that Waltman's ego is a little bit inflated at this point. Jesse says that both Waltman and Chris Sabin might have him beat on experience, but he still believes in himself and he's going to give it his all at Bound for Glory. (33)




Back at ringside, Samoa Joe's music hits and Joe makes his way down to the ring. Once in the ring, Joe gets on the mic and says that he just got through spending the better part of three months chasing after Jeff Jarrett, and he's not about to go through the same crap with Johnny Impact as well. Joe says that if Impact wants a fight, all he has to do is name the time and place and Joe will be there--and he won't be hard to find. But if Impact is going to be running around like a little bitch, then Joe's got better things to do than to chase after him.




Johnny Impact's music then hits and Impact and Melina make their way out from the back to stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Johnny Impact is livid that Joe called him a bitch, telling Joe that he better watch his mouth or else! Impact says that Joe just made the biggest mistake of his career, and that Joe just brought a beating onto himself. Johnny Impact says that nobody talks to him like that and gets away with it, so he is going to be the man to deliver that beating to Samoa Joe. And he is going to deliver that beating...at Bound for Glory! Mike Tenay says on commentary that it looks like Impact just named the time and the place, but he wonders if perhaps it is Johnny who just made the biggest mistake of his career and not Samoa Joe? (60)




Christy Hemme is backstage and she introduces a pair of newcomers to TNA, the two women who were beind the "Perfection is coming to TNA" vignettes; "The Perfect Tens".




Scarlett Bordeaux and Eva Marie walk into the camera's view and stand next to Christy. Scarlett announces that Perfection has officially and finally arrived in TNA--and by the looks of it, it was desperately needed, she adds, looking at Christy. Eva Marie tells Christy go step aside, because true Perfection is walking by and the right thing for her to do is to stand aside aside and marvel at that rare Perfection. The Perfect Tens glare at Christy before walking off and Christy looks less than thrilled about what just happened as we cut back to ringside. (23)




Petey Williams takes on Magnus next in one on one action. This is a decent little match that takes place while Mike Tenay and Taz talk about what's to come later tonight; Shelton Benjamin will defend the TNA Television Championship against Mike Knox, Sting and Devon will battle to determine which Lethal Lockdown team will have the first additional entrant in the match at Bound for Glory, and Bully Ray will face James Storm in the main event. As for this match, Magnus hits the Tormentum and pins Petey in what was a pretty even match.


Magnus defeated Petey Williams at 5:04 by pinfall with the Tormentum (40)




After the match, we cut to the back where the TNA X-Division Champion, Chris Sabin, is facing the camera. Sabin says that, unlike Sean Waltman, Sabin is a star of the present and the future. Sabin says that Sean Waltman was pretty good back in the day, but it isn't 1998 anymore. As for Jesse Sorensen, Sabin says that he can't wait to finally squash that annoying bug at Bound for Glory and be done with him once and for all. Sabin says that he is the king of the X-Division and in two weeks time, at Bound for Glory, the king is going to reign supreme! (61)




Back at ringside, "Hardcore Country" starts playing and Mickie James makes her way down to the ring for a promo. Mickie says that after everything that has happened in the past couple of months, she wants to make sure that there is a clear and decisive winner in the Knockouts Championship title match at Bound for Glory. Mickie says that she wants a fair one on one match with everybody else barred from ringside, and she wants the match to be a 2 out of 3 falls match so that, by the end of the match, there will be no doubt as to who the better woman really is.




Gail Kim's music then hits and the TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way out from the back and onto the stage, accompanied by her enforcer, Lei D'Tapa. Gail says that she is willing to agree to Mickie's stipulations--on one condition; Mickie must compete in a match next week on Impact, against an opponent of Gail's choosing. Mickie agrees, saying that if that is what it takes to get Gail to agree to the stipulations, then so be it, she'll fight whoever Gail chooses as her opponent next week. The stipulation is officially set for Bound for Glory, and the segment ends with Mike Tenay wondering just who Gail Kim is going to pick as Mickie James' opponent next week on Impact? (53)


TNA Television Championship




The Menagerie officially arrived in TNA last week, attacking Shelton Benjamin after his match against Jessie Godderz, and tonight Mike Knox challenges Benjamin for the Television Championship. Mike Tenay calls it wildly unfair that Knox has the entire Menagerie with him at ringside, saying that Benjamin has to deal with four individuals and not just one. This is a solid back and forth match, with the Menagerie constantly providing distractions at ringside with their crazy antics whenever Knox gets in trouble in the ring. In the end, this is also what ends up costing Benjamin the match, as a well-timed distraction from Rebel at ringside causes Benjamin to take his eyes off his opponent just long enough for Knox to take advantage, catching Shelton by surprise with a Sitout Spinebuster for the one, two, three.


Mike Knox defeated Shelton Benjamin at 7:53 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster following a distraction from Rebel. Mike Knox wins the TNA Television Championship (61)




As Mike Knox and the rest of the Menagerie celebrate Knox's big title win in the ring, we cut to the backstage area where "The Icon" Sting is seen approaching Mr. Anderson. Sting tells Anderson that there is a spot on his team at Bound for Glory for him, especially after he helped them out last week. Andersen says that he wasn't helping them out, he just saw an opportunity to get some payback and he took it. Anderson says that he's not a team player and he is not interested in playing second, third or fourth fiddle to Sting and his little buddies at Bound for Glory. Anderson then walks off and Sting looks frustrated as we cut back to ringside. (73)




"My World" starts playing at ringside, bringing Jeff Jarrett out from the back. Jarrett makes his way down to the ring where he gets on the mic. Jarrett once again puts The Originals over as he talks about everything they have done for TNA over the years, while "bigger stars" just came in to bleed the company dry. Jarrett says that things are going to change around here, and The Originals are going to be the ones who make sure that that change happens.




Just then, Hulk Hogan's music surprisingly hits and Hogan walks out from the back to a great reaction from the crowd. As Hogan makes his way down to the ring, Jarrett looks like a man who can't quite believe what he is seeing. Once in the ring, Hogan comes face to face with Jarrett and after a brief staredown, Hogan gets on the mic and says that Jeff has been running his mouth for weeks now, but all he is doing is spreading lies. Hogan says that he was ready to walk away from TNA knowing that the company was in good hands with Eric Bischoff, but Jarrett is wrong about Hogan not caring. Hogan says that if he didn't care about TNA, he wouldn't have been here in the first place. He wouldn't have put his body and his reputation on the line, and he wouldn't have been here week in and week out, trying his damnedest to make TNA the best company that it possibly could be. Hogan says that he cares so much about TNA, in fact, that he's ready to lace up his boots and step into the ring one last time at Bound for Glory. Hogan says it's time for Jarrett to put up or shut up, because Hogan is ready for a fight at Bound for Glory, brother! The fans cheer, but Jarrett doesn't give a response, instead he just leaves the ring and makes his way back up the ramp and Mike Tenay wonders if Jarrett is all talk and no action since he didn't respond to Hogan's challenge? (61)




We then cut to a sit-down interview with the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, and "The Lone Wolf" talks about what it means for him to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, saying that he has put his heart and soul into TNA and that watching people like Bully Ray and the Aces & Eights tear down the company and the value of the World Heavyweight Championship made him sick to his stomach. AJ also talks about how important it is for him to put the Aces & Eights in the ground at Bound for Glory, saying that he made two goals for himself; one was to take the World Heavyweight Championship away from the Aces & Eights, and the other is to drive the Aces & Eights out of TNA for good. AJ says that he has learned from his past mistakes, learned that the only person he can trust is himself. And he trusts himself to get the job done at Bound for Glory, and that he will walk out of Bound for Glory still the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. (81)




Team Captain vs. Team Captain is up next as "The Icon" Sting faces Devon to determine which team gets the number three entrant in the Lethal Lockdown match at Bound for Glory. Mike Tenay informs us that everyone has been banned from ringside for this match to ensure a fair match. This is another solid, back and forth match that sees Devon eventually take control and try to wear Sting down, but Sting makes his big comeback and eventually he puts Devon away with a Scorpion Deathdrop. Team Sting earns the number three entry spot at Bound for Glory!


Sting defeated Devon at 7:57 by pinfall with the Scorpion Deathdrop. Team Sting earns the number three entry spot in the Lethal Lockdown match at Bound for Glory (61)




After the match, Sting gets on the mic and introduces the third member of his Lethal Lockdown team; Kurt Angle. Angle makes his way down to the ring and gets on the mic. Angle says that he is honored and proud to be a part of Sting's team at Bound for Glory, and he'll do his part to make sure that the Aces & Eights are dealt another defeat at the biggest show of the year. Sting and Angle shake hands in the ring, and Mike Tenay wonders who the fourth member of Team Sting is going to be. Taz says that it doesn't matter who the fourth member is going to be, the outcome is going to be the same; Team Sting is going to get their asses kicked at Bound for Glory! (86)




It is main event time as "The Cowboy" James Storm takes on the leader of the Aces & Eights, Bully Ray. This is a good back and forth match where neither man can keep the advantage for long--that is until a distraction from Brooke allows Bully Ray to hit a low blow on Storm beind the referee's back, which puts Bully firmly in control of the match. Bully maintains control for the next several minutes, but Storm eventually begins making his comeback.




This brings D.O.C. out from the back and he enters the ring while Brooke once again distracts the referee. D.O.C. tries to hit a big boot on Storm, but Storm ducks and takes D.O.C. out with the Last Call instead! Unfortunately, this allows Bully to grab Storm from behind and hit the Bully Bomb for the one, two, three.


Bully Ray defeated James Storm at 9:44 by pinfall with a Bully Bomb (74)




And for the second week in a row, Impact comes to an end with a shot of Willow high up in the rafters, looking down at Bully Ray in the ring.




Final Show Rating: 76

TV Rating: 2.05

Show increased popularity in 28 regions

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Week 2, October, 2013

Live from Trojan Arena in Troy, Alabama

Attendance: 4.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz




The final edition of TNA Impact before Bound for Glory kicks off with Sting, Kurt Angle and James Storm already in the ring as we go on the air. Sting has got a mic and he gets the hyped up about the fact that Bound for Glory is just a few days away! Sting then gets down to business as he addresses the obvious which, as everyone can see, is the fact that his team is still down one man heading into the biggest event of the year. Sting says that he already knows who he wants on his team as the fourth member, but unfortunately this guy just doesn't seem to want to play ball. Still, Sting says that he didn't get as far as he did in this business by giving up at the first hint of trouble, so he's going to try again. Sting then asks Mr. Anderson to come out from the back and join them in the ring. After a few moments of waiting... (82)




Mr. Anderson's music hits and Anderson makes his way down to the ring, where he just stares at Sting from across the ring. Sting says that he knows that Anderson wants to do his own thing, but Sting also says that he knows that Anderson wants to put an end to the Aces & Eights as much as they do, and he once again offers Anderson the fourth and final spot on his Lethal Lockdown team. Anderson says that he's not "fighting the good fight", nor is he interested in that--he just wants revenge. Sting says that if that's the case, then join his team for that reason, for a chance to get some more shots in on the Aces & Eights--nothing more, nothing less and no further strings attached. Anderson considers the offer and then, finally, agrees to join Team Sting--but he makes it absolutely clear that this doesn't make them partners, this doesn't make them friends--they are temporary allies, and that alliance ends as soon as the match ends at Bound for Glory.  Sting is about to agree, but then Anderson adds one more thing; no matter what happens at Bound for Glory, Sting is going to owe Anderson one. And he WILL cash in on it. Anderson then leaves the ring as Mike Tenay notes on commentary that Sting now has a full team heading into Bound for Glory this Sunday, but what could Anderson possibly want from Sting in return? (76)




We cut to the backstage area where Christy Hemme approaches Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash, who are relaxing in the back. Christy tries to ask Waltman a question, but Nash tells her that the soon-to-be X-Division Champion is taking a well-deserned night off to recharge his batteries for his big night this Sunday, so he's not answering any questions tonight. Nash says that he will say this though; Chris Sabin, Jesse Sorensen...you boys better get ready for Bound for Glory because, with the Band back together, it's gonna be just...too...sweet! Nash says that this Sunday night at Bound for Glory...your winner and NEW X-Division Champion will be...Sean Waltman! Nash then rejoins Waltman as we cut back to ringside. (46)


TNA Television Championship




In a rematch from last week, Mike Knox defends his newly won Television Championship against the former champion, Shelton Benjamin, next on Impact. Shelton is on fire early on as he seems determined to win back the title he lost last week, but a distraction from Crazzy Steve leads to Benjamin getting floored by a clothesline from The Freak outside the ring, all while Rebel has the referee distracted. The Freak then sends Benjamin back into the ring where Mike Knox hits the Sitout Spinebuster and covers Benjamin for the one, two, three. Once again The Menagerie use their strength in numbers to pick up a victory on Impact!


Mike Knox defeated Shelton Benjamin at 7:34 by pinfall with a Sitout Spinebuster following interference from The Menagerie. Mike Knox retains the TNA Television Championship (56)




As The Menagerie celebrate in the ring, we cut backstage where Jesse Sorensen is seen stretching as Mike Tenay wonders what is going through this young man's mind just a few short days away from his X-Division Championship title match at the biggest show of the year, Bound for Glory. Jesse is then approached by Diamond Dallas Page, who says that he doesn't want to take up too much of Jesse's time, but he just wanted to wish him good luck at Bound for Glory. DDP also has some advice for Jesse; don't trust Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman. Jesse says that he has already learned that the hard way, at least with Kevin Nash. DDP and Jesse then shake hands as we cut elsewhere in the back. (40)




Hulk Hogan is seen arriving at the building and walking through the backstage area, as Mike Tenay says on commentary that Hogan will have something to say later tonight on Impact. (74)


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Back at ringside, "Hardcore Country" hits and Mickie James makes her way down to the ring, with Tenay and Taz both wondering who Gail Kim has picked as Mickie's opponent tonight. With Mickie James waiting in the ring, Gail Kim's music hits and Gail and Lei D'Tapa make their way out onto the stage. Gail says that she is pleased to announce Mickie's opponent for tonight, none other than....Jazz! Jazz walks out from the back and she and Gail acknowledge each other before Jazz continues down to the ring, while Gail is all smiles at the top of the entrance ramp, clearly pleased with herself and the choice she has made. (48)




Taz calls Jazz a great pick by Gail Kim, because there is no way that Mickie James could have prepared herself to face Jazz. Mickie seems a bit out of sorts early on in this one, and Jazz takes full advantage of that as she takes the fight to Mickie, while Gail Kim and Lei D'Tapa continue to watch from the top of the stage. Mickie is eventually able to fight her way back into the match, which goes back and forth for the next couple of minutes, until Mickie is able to secure the victory with the Mickie-DT.


Mickie James defeated Jazz at 5:46 by pinfall with the Mickie-DT (43)


As Mickie James gets her arm raised in victory in the ring, Gail Kim is furious at the top of the ramp while Mike Tenay says that even the best laid plans sometimes go awry, and that seems to have been the case for the Knockouts Champion here tonight. Before sending us to the back, Mike Tenay reminds everyone that Gail Kim and Mickie James will face each other one more time this Sunday at Bound for Glory with the TNA Knockouts Championship on the line!




In the back, Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash are still hanging out and relaxing when Chris Sabin suddenly barges into the room. Nash jokes that Sabin is there to hand the X-Division Championship over to Sean Waltman already, but Sabin corrects him, saying that this is as close as Waltman will ever get to the X-Division Championship. Sabin says that Waltman is nothing but a has-been while Sabin is the star of the present and the future. Waltman looks like he wants to go right now, but Nash calms him down, telling him that they'll take care of things this Sunday, as planned. Sabin walks off, and Nash continues to calm Waltman down as we cut elsewhere. (54)




We cut to a pre-taped recording of Willow, who cuts a promo from somewhere in a forest. Willow says that all of the pain and suffering in the world torments the souls in Willow's way. Willow says that the world is in a broken state. We love, we hate, we die...in Willows Way. Willow says that he sees the tormented soul that hides inside AJ Styles, and he sees the corruption and the fear living inside Bully Ray. Willow ends the promo by saying that torment, corruption, fear...all of it will drown in Willow's Way. (73)




Tag team action is up next as Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez take on The Dirty Heels, and Mike Tenay says that the winner of this match is going to bring some serious momentum with them into the Tag Team Championship title match at Bound for Glory. This is a solid, old school tag team bout that sees The Dirty Heels isolate Chavo Guerrero for a good portion of the match, making good use of frequent tags to maintain control of the match. Chavo does eventually manage to make his comeback and make the hot tag to Hernandez, who starts cleaning house, but then everything breaks down when...


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The TNA Tag Team Champions, Bad Influence, and Matt Hardy and Abyss all hit the ring for an epic four team brawl, leaving the referee with little choice but to throw the match out.


The match was ruled a no contest at 8:57 due to interference against both teams (64)


The massive brawl continues after the match and the ring soon begins to fill up with referees, security and other backstage personnel in an attempt to separate the four teams and regain control of the situation. Before we cut backstage, Mike Tenay wonders just what will happen this Sunday night when these four teams will go at it with the TNA Tag Team Championships on the line.




As we cut to the backstage area, we see Sarita walking up to Tara and confronting her about what she said last week. Sarita says that if Tara has something to say to her, why not say it to her face. Tara says that she would have been more than happy to say it to her face, but Sarita wasn't here. Sarita says that she's here now, so why don't they settle it in the ring? Tara agrees, but when Sarita turns to head for the ring, Tara attacks her from behind and beats her down. Satisfied with her work, Tara walks off as Mike Tenay calls this a cowardly display by Tara. (36)




Back at ringside, Hulk Hogan's music starts playing and Hogan makes his way out from the back and down to the ring for a promo. Hogan says that he's out here tonight to make one thing clear to everyone; he WILL step into the ring this Sunday at Bound for Glory if Jeff Jarrett is man enough to show up and fight. Hogan says that he loves TNA, he loves the TNA fans, and because of that, even at this stage of his career, he is still excited about stepping into the ring one more time. Hogan is about to continue but then...




Jeff Jarrett's music hits and Jarrett makes his way down to the ring. Jarrett gets on the mic and says that what Hogan actually means is that Hulk Hogan loves Hulk Hogan, and Hulk Hogan loves money, because that's all that Hogan really cares about. Jarrett says that Hogan saying he loves the fans is a complete joke, because all Hogan ever does is play the fans just like he plays everyone else. Jarrett says that he will absolutely be at Bound for Glory this Sunday, and he is looking forward to making Hogan pay the price for everything he's done to this company. As Jarrett and Hogan stare each other down...




Eric Young sneaks into the ring and tries to take Hogan by surprise, but Hogan sees it coming. While Hogan is busy dealing with Eric Young, Jarrett grabs his guitar from under the ring, quickly gets back into the ring, and then he blasts Hogan with it when Hogan turns around! Hogan is down, and Jarrett poses with what's left of his broken guitar, looking very pleased with himself for what he just did to "The Immortal One". (78)




We cut to the back where Bully Ray is seen sitting by himself in the Aces & Eights locker room, looking intense as Mike Tenay informs us that Bully will officially sign the match contract later tonight, meaning that he will officially be putting the Aces & Eights on the line at Bound for Glory. Brooke Tessmacher walks in and tries to cheer Bully up and make him relax, but Bully seems to be too deep in thought to even respond to her. Brooke decides that it is probably better to leave him alone, and when Mike Tenay says that Bully looks unsure of himself, Taz corrects him by saying that Bully carries the burden of leadership, and he knows what he is doing, but he shouldn't have been forced to put the Aces & Eights on the line in the first place! (53)




Samoa Joe faces Suicide next and it is a short one as Joe is on his game here tonight, dominating Suicide and it looks like it is only a matter of time before he puts him away.




But he doesn't get the chance to actually do that as Johnny Impact hits the ring and attacks Joe, forcing the referee to call for the disqualification.


Samoa Joe defeated Suicide at 1:42 by disqualification when Johnny Impact attacked Joe (54)


Johnny Impact continues the attack after the match, with Melina Perez cheering him on, but Samoa Joe is able to fight back and before he knows it, Impact finds himself locked in the Coquina Clutch. Joe keeps the hold locked in and he ends up choking Johnny Impact out, much to the dismay of Melina, who can do nothing but look on in horror as her man fades into unconciousness. Joe then finally releases the hold and stands tall in the ring, as Mike Tenay says that this is exactly why you don't want to mess with Samoa Joe! (55)




In the final match of the night, Kurt Angle battles D.O.C. of the Aces & Eights in one on one action. Mike Tenay says that the winner of this match could very well bring some momentum into Bound for Glory for his Lethal Lockdown team, while Taz says that when D.O.C. gets through with Kurt Angle here tonight, Sting will once again be a man short for his team at Bound for Glory. This is a good, back and forth match where D.O.C. manages to hold his own against Angle, proving himself a force to be reckoned with. Still, as the match progresses, it looks like Kurt Angle is closing in on putting D.O.C. away when...




Devon, D'Lo Brown, Wes Brisco and Garrett Bischoff all hit the ring and attack Kurt Angle, causing yet another DQ finish on Impact tonight.


Kurt Angle defeated D.O.C. at 10:35 by disqualification when other Aces & Eights members got involved (80)




A five on one beatdown ensues after the match, but Sting, James Storm and Mr. Anderson all run down to the ring to even out the odds, and a massive brawl erupts between the two teams that will be going at it this Sunday night at Bound for Glory in the Lethal Lockdown match. Must like earlier, it takes a bunch of referees and other TNA officials and security personnel to finally separate the two teams, but Mike Tenay reminds everyone that this fight is only just getting started, and they are going to finish it this Sunday at Bound for Glory! (59)




TNA owner, Eric Bischoff, TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, and Bully Ray all make their way separately down to the ring, while Willow is once again seen up in the rafters, watching over everything. Bischoff gets on the mic and says that it's time for Bully Ray to officially sign the match contract, meaning that he is also officially agreeing that if he fails to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory, the Aces & Eights will have to disband forever. Bischoff also says that if Bully doesn't sign the contract, then he won't be a part of the World Heavyweight Championship title match at Bound for Glory. Bully stares at the title belt draped across AJ Styles' shoulder, and then he gets on the mic and tells AJ that he may think he's being smart, but once Bully wins the title back this Sunday, the Aces & Eights will dominate TNA and destroy anyone standing in their way--starting with AJ himself! Bully and AJ stare each other down, and then Bully signs the contract and goes to leave, but then Willow suddenly descends from the rafters, and Impact comes to an end with AJ Styles, Bully Ray and Willow all staring each other down in the middle of the ring. (77)



Final Show Rating: 78

TV Rating: 2.05

Show increased popularity in 28 regions



According to sources, Jazz's appearance on Impact was a one time thing and she is not expected to stick around following this show.


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TNA Bound for Glory 2013 - Official Card


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - If Bully Ray doesn't win the World Title, the Aces & Eights must disband

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow vs. Bully Ray



Lethal Lockdown match

Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson) vs. Team Aces & Eights (Devon, D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff)



Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Hardy and Abyss vs. The Dirty Heels



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Sean Waltman



TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 out of 3 falls match

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Johnny Impact vs. Samoa Joe



Tara vs. Sarita


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship - If Bully Ray doesn't win the World Title, the Aces & Eights must disband

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow vs. Bully Ray



Lethal Lockdown match

Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson) vs. Team Aces & Eights (Devon, D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff)



Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Hardy and Abyss vs. The Dirty Heels



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Sean Waltman



TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 out of 3 falls match

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Johnny Impact vs. Samoa Joe



Tara vs. Sarita


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Good job saving this 2013 roster. Really cool time for TNA imo the last stand before they start losing all the stars. 

AJ Styles vs. Willow vs. Bully Ray

Comments: AJ just won the belt plus imo Aces & 8's have run their course and it's fitting for them to end at BFG

Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson) vs. Team Aces & Eights (Devon, D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff)

Comments: Last piece of Aces & Eights  and a very easy winner. In 2013 Storm still has so much to do and give While the othes are cornerstones of TNA bar Mr Anderson while the other team is D.O.C,D'Lo & Garrett 

Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: Predicting a pretty happy BFG with big face wins honestly IDK Jarrett is probably gonna be wrestling alot more then Hogan and could use the pop more 

TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Hardy and Abyss vs. The Dirty Heels

Comments: Fresh team fresh champs & gives Matt & Abyss some legitimacy to their union 

TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Sean Waltman

Comments: Another pretty hard one to call gonna go with a safe retain maybe Jesse & Sean cancel each other out and go on to feud 1 on 1

TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 out of 3 falls match

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James

Comments: Mickie has been chasing the belt for a long time and Gail & Tapa reign of terror can't go on forever. 

Johnny Impact vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: Feud's just getting started so see a win from Impact be it with help from Melina or due to other heel shenanigans

Tara vs. Sarita

Comments: Sarita's the debuting girl might as well give her a big win at BFG


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship - If Bully Ray doesn't win the World Title, the Aces & Eights must disband

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow vs. Bully Ray



Lethal Lockdown match

Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson) vs. Team Aces & Eights (Devon, D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff)



Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett



TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Hardy and Abyss vs. The Dirty Heels



TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Sean Waltman



TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 out of 3 falls match

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James



Johnny Impact vs. Samoa Joe



Tara vs. Sarita


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TNA World Heavyweight Championship - If Bully Ray doesn't win the World Title, the Aces & Eights must disband

AJ Styles (c) vs. Willow vs. Bully Ray

Comments: Time to kill off A&8s, I think. Would like AJ to retain, he's Mr. TNA and has to be treated as such


Lethal Lockdown match

Team Sting (Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson) vs. Team Aces & Eights (Devon, D.O.C., D'Lo Brown and Garrett Bischoff)

Comments: Yeah, I'll pick 4 main eventers


Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: Real life TNA would totally call it '13 years in the making'


TNA Tag Team Championships

Bad Influence (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Hardy and Abyss vs. The Dirty Heels

Comments: Would like Bad Influence to get more promo time over JJ, they were fun at this time


TNA X-Division Championship

Chris Sabin (c) vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Sean Waltman

Comments: Sabin could deliver on his promise of a 1 year reign, I guess. Sorensen feels like a project, maybe next year


TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 out of 3 falls match

Gail Kim (c) vs. Mickie James

Comments: Gotta be a title change at last


Johnny Impact vs. Samoa Joe

Comments: Joe loses, but is protected. Johnny has to be in the title picture and feud with AJ, 100%


Tara vs. Sarita

Comments: I like them both though. If Sarita is often going to Mexico, Tara might be a better choice

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Bound for Glory Pre-show Results

The BroMans defeated Sonjay Dutt and Shark Boy (52)

"Black Machismo" defeated Kenny King, Petey Williams and Zema Ion (61)

Mike Knox defeated Magnus to retain the TNA Television Championship (58)



Week 2, October, 2013

Live from Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida

Attendance: 15.000 (sellout)

Announcers: Mike Tenay and Taz


An impressive fireworks display kicks off Bound for Glory and the fans are on their feet cheering as the show officially begins. We head to the announce table where Mike Tenay welcomes everyone to the biggest show of the year, and he adds that, depending on how things turn out tonight, the landscape of TNA might be completely different. Taz says that the only thing that changes tonight is that the World Title comes back home where it belongs, with Bully Ray and the Aces & Eights. Mike Tenay then informs us that it is time for our opening bout here at Bound for Glory, and that it will be for the TNA Tag Team Championships.


TNA Tag Team Championships




The referee is in for a challenge in this one as Mike Tenay explains that only two men will be in the ring at any time, and that everyone can tag everyone and not just their own partner. Bad Influence and The Dirty Heels all quickly make their way onto the apron, and we end up with Chavo Guerrero and Matt Hardy starting the match. Matt and Abyss attempt to isolate Chavo in their corner, but with so many people around the ring it is nearly impossible, and Bobby Roode ends up tagging himself in by slapping Hardy's back. Roode goes to work on Chavo, who is taking a lot of punishment early on in this one, but a desperation enzuigiri buys Chavo just enough time to make the tag to Hernandez. Big Hernandez comes in hot and starts taking everyone out, but his impressive run is brought to an end by a low blow from behind by Kazarian. This is where the match breaks down completely and all eight men are now going at it in and around the ring, and the referee seems to have given up trying to restore order. Chavo hits a dive onto both Daniels and Kazarian outside the ring, and Abyss hits a brutal Black Hole Slam on Bobby Roode outside the ring as well. In the ring, Hernandez hits the Border Toss on Austin Aries, but Matt Hardy swoops in with a low blow on Hernandez, and he quickly follows it up with a Twist of Hate and we have new Tag Team Champions to kick off Bound for Glory!


Matt Hardy and Abyss defeated Bad Influence, Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez and The Dirty Heels at 13:49 by pinfall when Matt Hardy pinned Hernandez with a Twist of Hate. Matt Hardy and Abyss win the TNA Tag Team Championships (68)


As the new Tag Team Champions celebrate in the ring, we head back to the announce table where Mike Tenay and Taz go through the rest of tonight's card, talking briefly about each match. Mike Tenay says that we have already seen the Tag Team Championships change hands, and we've got another title match coming up next as Chris Sabin is about to defend the TNA X-Division Championship.




The Band's music hits and Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash make their way out from the back. They get about halfway down the ramp, but then both men stop and point back towards the entrance and a few moments later...




Scott Hall makes his way out from the back as well, making a surprise appearance here at Bound for Glory as Mike Tenay says on commentary that The Band is reunited here at Bound for Glory. The three men hug before heading down to the ring, and once inside the ring, Scott Hall grabs a mic and you know what comes next..."Hey Yo!". Hall says that not only is he here tonight to support the NEXT X-Division Champion, Sean Waltman, but he is also here to conduct a little survey. Hall asks how many people came here tonight to see Chris Sabin or Jesse Sorensen? And how many people came here to see the NEXT X-Division Champion, Sean Waltman? Despite the audience response not being as clear cut as he makes it out, Hall concludes that it's one more for the bad guys. Hall then tells those punks, Sabin and Sorensen, to get their asses down to the ring because the next X-Division Champion is waiting to take care of business! (57)


TNA X-Division Championship




Jesse Sorensen immediately goes after Sean Waltman, who quickly escapes from the ring and takes refuge with his friends at ringside. Chris Sabin takes advantage of Sorensen being distracted, and he rolls him up from behind, hoping to steal a quick victory, but it only gets him a two count. Sabin and Sorensen go back and forth in the ring, while Waltman is still biding his time, waiting for the best possible moment to re-enter the match. This happens when he sees his opportunity hit hit a chop block from behind on Sorensen, and then Waltman goes to work on Sorensen's leg. Sorensen fires back with a hurricanrana on Waltman, a tornado DDT on Sabin, and then Sorensen hits a diving crossbody on both Nash and Hall outside the ring, taking both Outsiders out in a moment that pops the crowd. Jesse tries to capitalize on his momentum by going for the Lone Star Press on Waltman, but Waltman is able to roll out of the way just in time. Sabin then quickly moves in and rolls Sorensen up, just barely managing to get the three count before Waltman can get there.


Chris Sabin defeated Jesse Sorensen and Sean Waltman at 9:49 by pinfall when Sabin pinned Sorensen with a roll-up. Chris Sabin retains the TNA X-Division Championship (61)


After the match, Chris Sabin immediately grabs his X-DIvision Championship and makes his way back up the ramp as Mike Tenay says that Sabin was able to steal the win here tonight. Taz says that a win is a win and it doesn't matter how you get it, what matters is that you won. Jesse Sorensen is in completely disbelief in the ring as well, but he is smart enough to leave the ring as well before The Band recovers. As Waltman, Hall and Nash all try to figure out what just happened, Mike Tenay says that somehow he doesn't believe that this thing is over just yet between these men.




Tara's music starts playing next and Bound for Glory continues as Tara makes her way down to the ring and, as Mike Tenay immediately points out, Tara isn't wearing her wrestling gear tonight, coming to the ring in street clothes instead. Once in the ring, Tara gets on the mic and she says that she came here tonight, to the biggest show of the year, ready to take care of business. And what's the message she receives when she gets here? That her opponent isn't here tonight because she's working in Mexico. Tara says that Bound for Glory is the biggest show of the year, yet Sarita wants to pretend that wrestling in Mexico is more important tonight? Tara says that Sarita is nothing but a coward, and that the only reason she isn't here tonight is because she is scared of Tara. But then...




Diamond Dallas Page's music hits and DDP makes his way out from the back and down to the ring. Page says that, since Sarita was recently a guest on the Diamond Exchange, Page may have certain insight into when Sarita is working in Mexico and, according to DDP, Sarita isn't working in Mexico tonight. Page says that Tara knows full well that the reason Sarita isn't here tonight is because of injuries she suffered at the hands of Tara on Impact. Tara pretends not to know what Page is talking about, but says that he talked to Sarita and she told Page to not let Tara get away with this. Page says that what Sarita wanted him to do...was find a replacement opponent for Tara. So Page took the liberty of doing exactly that! Page then looks back towards the entrance area as a new music starts playing and...




Eve Torres makes her way out from the back, making her official TNA debut here at Bound for Glory! (40)




Tara complains to the referee about not having a chance to prepare for this match, but the referee tells her that the match is on. Furious, Tara tries to take a cheap shot on Eve, but Eve blocks it and unloads with a series of forearm shots and a swinging neckbreaker. Eve immediately follows up with a handspring standing moonsault, but Tara is able to kick out after two. Tara is able to buy herself some time by grabbing Eve's hair and pulling her to the floor hard. Tara hits the Spider's Web for a two count, and she goes for the Widow's Peak, but Eve is able to catch Tara by surprise with a roll-up and the referee counts one, two, three!


Eve Torres defeated Tara at 5:31 by pinfall with a surprise roll-up (45)


Eve Torres just scored a huge win here on her debut and Tara is in absolute disbelief over what just happened as she argues the count with the referee. Eve celebrates her win all the way back up the ramp, while Tara looks furious in the ring, and Mike Tenay speculates that Tara probably isn't going to let this go just like that.




We then cut to the backstage area where The Perfect Tens are standing by with a few things on their minds. Scarlett Bordeaux and Eva Marie advocate for the return of the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships, with Scarlett saying that, as stunningly beautiful as they look, the one thing that's missing is some gold around their waists. Eva Marie says that Perfection is what Perfection wants, and no one else can make those belts look as good as The Perfect Tens can. (27)




Johnny Impact makes his in-ring debut next here at Bound for Glory as he goes one on one with Samoa Joe, though Impact does everything he can to stay away from Joe early on, hiding outside the ring and running away when Joe gives chase. Impact finally attacks Joe just as Joe is entering the ring and he stomps away at him. Impact tells Joe that tonight is his night, and he follows that message up with an enzuigiri, and when that doesn't take Joe off his feet, Impact plants him with a russian legsweep. Melina cheers Johnny on as he poses in the ring, and then Impact climbs to the top rope where he remains perched as he waits for Joe to get bak to his feet. Johnny goes for a diving crossbody, but Joe simply turns and walks away, letting Impact crash and burn on the mat. Joe then goes to work with various suplexes, a samoan drop and then a huge powerbomb that he transitions into an STF, but Impact is able to make it to the ropes. A distraction from Melina allows Impact to buy himself some time with a low blow behind the referee's back, and Impact then hits a running knee strike right to Joe's face, but Joe kicks out after two. Johnny Impact hits a corkscrew moonsault from the top rope for another two count, and then he signals for the Starship Pain. Impact goes to hit his finisher, but Joe is able to get out of the way in time and now both men are down in the ring. Both men slowly get to their feet and Impact takes a wild swing at Joe, Joe ducks, and then he catches Impact in the Coquina Clutch! Impact is trapped in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go, and he has no choice but to submit to Joe's devastating submission hold.


Samoa Joe defeated Johnny Impact at 11:45 by submission with the Coquina Clutch (77)




After the match, we cut to the back where Bully Ray is standing in front of the camera. Bully says that he knows that a lot of people are hoping that tonight will mark the end of the Aces & Eights, but what it is really going to mark is a new beginning for the Aces & Eights, the start of a new reign of terror for them. Bully says that the Aces & Eights aren't going anywhere, and you better be sure that he is taking note of everyone who is rooting against them, because there will be a price to pay for that once he has reclaimed the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! (79)


TNA Knockouts Championship - 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match




After months of fighting, it all comes down to this for Gail Kim and Mickie James. We kick things off with a smooth exchange of holds and counter holds, with neither woman getting the better of the exchange. The match then takes a turn when Gail slaps Mickie across the face, and Mickie responds by tackling Gail to the mat and she starts laying in the punches until the referee separates them. Gail then catches Mickie by surprise with an inside cradle for a two count, and then Gail plants Mickie with a tornado DDT. Gail heads to the top rope for a diving crossbody, but Mickie is able to roll through and secure the first fall of the match as Gail kicks out a second too late.

Gail immediately goes on the attack with a jawbreaker, a headscissor takedown and finally a double knee facebreaker but it only gets her a two count. Gail then drags Mickie to the middle of the ring where she applies a figure four leglock, but despite obviously being in a lot of pain, Mickie refuses to give up. Gail keeps the hold locked in, but Mickie is able to reverse it and turn the pressure on Gail instead until Gail grabs the ropes and the hold is finally broken. Mickie goes on offense with a pair of clotheslines, a snapmare and a low dropkick, but it's just another two count. Mickie pulls Gail back to her feet, but Gail surprises Mickie with the Eat Defeat out of nowhere and Gail Kim wins the second fall.

Both women are worn down at this point, and Mike Tenay says that it is obvious how much the Knockouts Championship means to both women as they are leaving it all in the ring here tonight. Both women begin exchanging forearm shots in the middle of the ring until Gail goes for the Eat Defeat again. This time, however, Mickie is prepared for it and she slaps Gail's leg away and shoves her into the ropes. After a quick kick to the stomach, Mickie sets up for her Mickie-DT, but Gail is able to counter her way out of it. Gail then goes for the Eat Defeat, which Mickie avoids again and she sends Gail into the ropes. This time, Gail slides between Mickie's legs and rolls her up from behind. Mickie does manage to kick out, but it is a split second after the referee's hand hits the mat for the third time, meaing that the third and final fall of the match goes to Gail Kim.


Gail Kim defeated Mickie James at 15:08 by a score of 2-1. Gail Kim retains the TNA Knockouts Championship (62)


Gail Kim is victorious here at Bound for Glory and as she is handed the TNA Knockouts Champioship, all Mickie James can do is look on in disbelief over how close she came to winning the Championship here tonight, only to come up just short in the end.


Lethal Lockdown Match



Kurt Angle and D.O.C. start the Lethal Lockdown match for their respective teams and as they go back and forth in the ring, Mike Tenay explains that every two minutes a new competitor will enter the match, and when all eight competitors have entered the match, the roof of the cage will lower, with weapons attached. All eight competitors must have entered the ring before the match can end, and it can only be won by pinfall or submission. With that out of the way, it's just about time for the second member of Team Sting to enter the match. The countdown ends but no one comes out, and after some moments of confusion, we cut to the backstage area where...




"The Icon" Sting is seen lying on the floor, seemingly unconscious. Mike Tenay immediately blames the Aces & Eights for this, saying that Sting won the right for his team to have the third, fifth and seventh entrant in the match fair and square by defeating Devon in a match on Impact, but Taz simply replies by saying that all is fair in love and war--and this is war, no doubt about it. Angle and D.O.C. keep fighting in the ring as the countdown reaches zero again and...




Garrett Bischoff joins the match, immediately turning the match in the Aces & Eights' favor as Kurt Angle is now at a two-on-one disadvantage. D.O.C. and Garrett stay on the attack, and Mike Tenay says that it is just about survival right now for Kurt Angle until the next member of Team Sting enters the ring. As D.O.C. hits a powerbomb on Angle in the ring, it's time for another competitor to join the match.




"Cowboy" James Storm charges down to the ring and starts fighting off both D.O.C. and Garrett while Kurt Angle is still down in the corner of the ring. Storm lands the Last Call superkick on Garrett, and he goes for another one on D.O.C., but D.O.C. avoids it and a slugfest ensues between the two men as the countdown reaches zero once again.




D'Lo Brown is next to enter and once again the Aces & Eights have the numbers advantage and D.O.C. and D'Lo team up on James Storm. Kurt Angle makes his way back to his feet to even the odds for a bit, but then Garrett Bischoff attacks Angle from behind to re-establish the man advantage. D.O.C. hits a powerbomb on James Storm, and then D'Lo climbs to the top rope and hits the Lo Down frogsplash on Storm just as the countdown reaches zero.




Mr. Anderson joins the match and he immediately hits the Mic Check on D'Lo Brown. Anderson and D.O.C. then start brawling in the middle of the ring, while Kurt Angle and Garrett Bischoff are going back and forth in one of the corner of the ring. Angle hits the Olympic Slam on Garrett just as D.O.C. hits a low blow on Anderson, and then D.O.C. nails a charging Angle with a big boot as the countdown reaches zero for the final time.




Team Captain Devon is out last for the Aces & Eights team and he immediately instructs the referee to lower the roof of the cage, despite Team Sting still being without their captain. The referee doesn't quite seem to know what to do, but just as he is about to signal for the roof to be lowered...




The crowd suddenly erupts as Sting's music starts playing again as "The Icon" slowly makes his way toward the ring, obviously still feeling the effects of the attack from earlier. Not only that, but Sting doesn't have to wait for the roof to lower either because he is already armed with his trusty baseball bat, and every single member of Team Aces & Eights get a taste of the bat once Sting enters the ring--that it, until Devon nails a low blow from behind on "The Icon". The roof is down and everyone can grab weapons now and everyone is quick to take advantage. D'Lo grabs a trash can and blasts James Storm with it, while Mr. Anderson is dishing out punishment with a kendo stick. Bodies are lying--and flying--everywhere as Sting drops D'Lo Brown with the Scorpion Deathdrop in the middle of the ring. Then, after letting out a "WOOOO" to the crowd, Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock and as Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson make sure that no one can help him, D'Lo has no choice but to tap out.


Team Sting defeated Team Aces & Eights at 20:18 by submission when Sting forced D'Lo Brown to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock (72)


As Sting, Kurt Angle, James Storm and Mr. Anderson stand victorious in the ring, Mike Tenay calls this a great win for TNA. Taz says that TNA may have won this battle, but the Aces & Eights are still going to win the war, starting with Bully Ray winning the World Heavyweight Championship later tonight.


We then cut to a video showcasing Hulk Hogan's time in TNA, showing all of Hogan's moments of glory from his first arrival in the company all the way up to him confronting Jeff Jarrett on Impact two weeks ago, and Jarrett blasting Hogan with the guitar a few nights ago on the final Impact before Bound for Glory. As the video ends, Mike Tenay says that we are about to witness what could very well be Hulk Hogan's last ever wrestling match. (73)




This one starts off slow with Hogan playing to the crowd while Jarrett is reluctant to lock up with "The Immortal" one. When they finally do lock up, Hogan overpowers Jarrett and shoves him to the mat, much to Jarrett's surprise. A distraction from Eric Young allows Jarrett to take control by attacking Hogan's left leg and knee with a chop block and from here that becomes Jarrett's main target in this match. Jarrett spends the next few minutes working over Hogan's knee, but Hogan eventually Hulk's up and starts mounting his big comeback with some big time right hand punches. Eric Young gets into the ring to help Jarrett, but he ends up on the receiving end of some Hogan punches as well. Hogan throws Young out of the ring and then he hits a big boot on Jeff Jarrett. With Jarrett down on the mat, Hogan looks at the crowd and cups his ear a few times before finally hitting the big Leg Drop. Hogan covers Jarrett and this one is over.


Hulk Hogan defeated Jeff Jarrett at 7:46 by pinfall with the Leg Drop (55)


After the match, Hulk Hogan poses in a TNA ring one final time, bidding farewell to the thousands of fans who are celebrating his victory as well as his amazing career. As Hogan continues to pose in the ring, Mike Tenay says that if this was indeed Hogan's final match, then what a way for "The Immortal" one to go out. (86)


TNA World Heavyweight Championship - If Bully Ray doesn't win the World Title, the Aces & Eights must disband




The match kicks off with a wild brawl as all three men trade blows in the middle of the ring until Bully Ray gains the upper hand by first hitting a headbutt on AJ Styles and then flooring Willow with a big elbow and a massive sidewalk slam. Bully then starts raining punches down on AJ, while Taz cheers him on at the announce table. Willow climbs to the top rope and drops down onto Bully with a dive, landing on AJ Styles as well in the process, and now it's Willow's turn to go to work on both of his opponents as he kicks away at both AJ and Bully Ray. Willow tries to climb to the top rope again, but he is stopped as Brooke Tessmacher grabs his leg and she distracts him long enough for Bully to recover, grab Willow and throw him off the top turnbuckle and into the ring, with Willow landing hard on his back. Bully then drops a big elbow and covers Willow, but AJ breaks up the pin at the count of one. AJ starts unloading on Bully Ray with some punches and kicks, before taking Bully off his feet with the Pelé Kick. Bully then rolls out of the ring to regroup, leaving the ring to AJ and Willow for the time being.

As Bully regroups with Brooke at ringside, AJ and Wilow go back and forth in the ring, with Willow eventually gaining the upper hand with a nasty looking neckbreaker. Wilow then hits the Whisper in the Wind for a two count, and then Bully Ray enters the ring and floors Willow with a hard clothesline. Bully hits a backbreaker on Willow and a powerful spinebuster on AJ Styles, putting himself firmly in control of the match for the time being.




Wes Brisco then runs down to ringside and starts searching under the ring for...something. And we soon find out what it is as he pulls a wooden table out from under the ring. As Wes begins setting the table up outside the ring, Bully continues his dominance inside the ring, hitting scoop slams on both his opponents. Bully then whips Willow into the turnbuckle and he follows in after him with an impactful clothesline, before tossing Willow out of the ring. Bully then delivers a massive powerbomb to AJ in the middle of the ring, and then he leaves the ring and turns his attention to Willow. With Taz cheering him on from the announce table, Bully Ray sends Willow through the table with a devastating powerbomb. Bully then looks at AJ Styles, who is still down in the ring, and he instructs Wes Brisco to get another table. As Wes goes in search of another table, Bully climbs back into the ring and starts putting the boots to AJ. Brisco slides a table into the ring and follows after, completely ignoring the referee, who tries to get Wes back out of the ring. Wes sets the table up in the corner of the ring, and Bully pulls AJ to his feet and picks him up for another powerbomb...but at the last possible second, AJ turns the attempted powerbomb into a sort of hurricanrana that sends Bully Ray through the table instead! Wes Brisco tries to attack AJ but, after a brief exchange, ends up falling victim to the Styles Clash.

Wasting no time, AJ pushes Wes Brisco out of the ring, grabs Bully Ray's foot and drags him to the middle of the ring...and locks in the Calf Killer--the move that nobody has been able to survive or escape, as Mike Tenay points out. Taz is freaking out on commentary, as is Brooke at ringside, while Bully Ray tries desperately to fight through the pain and somehow get to the ropes. Outside the ring, we see Willow trying to crawl his way back into the ring, but he collapses and falls to the floor outside the ring again. Seeing this, finally, the pain becomes too much to bear for Bully Ray and the leader of the Aces & Eights reluctantly taps out.


AJ Styles defeated Bully Ray and Willow at 18:08 by submission when AJ forced Bully Ray to submit to the Calf Killer. AJ Styles retains the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and the Aces & Eights are forced to disband (83)


And with that, the biggest show of the year, Bound for Glory, comes to an end with AJ Styles standing in the middle of the ring, exhausted from the fight, but STILL the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!



Final Show Rating: 80

PPV Buy rate: 0.18

Show increased popularity in 9 regions



Scott Hall's appearance is said to be a one-off deal, at least for the time being.

Jeff Jarrett is said to have been injured during his match with Hulk Hogan. Early reports indicate that Jarrett could be out of action for about a month.


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