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Southern Fried Action - Texas 'Rasslin Returns - [CVerse]

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- Pro Wrestling will return to Austin, Texas on January 19th, 2020 when Southern Fried Action makes it debut - announced talent includes Pistol Pete Hall as the 'canon' commissioner, indy stars focused in the Midwest and Mid-South such as Bradford Peverell and Paul Steadyfast, former big two talent by way of Texas Pete and The Nation of Filth, and lesser known indy talent such as The Dallas Death Squad, Chatto, Rattlesnake, and Trusty Rodriguez, along with veterans such as Brady Prince and Sgt. Buddy Lee West. Tickets will be $18 for the front row, $15 for the first three rows, and $12 for general admission, along with drink and food specials. 


Southern Fried Debut 

January 19th, 2020 - Austin, Texas

Texas Pete vs. Paul Steadyfast

Chatto & Murdoch Manson vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Brady Prince

Dallas Death Squad vs. The Nation of Filth

Jerry Pepper vs. Trusty Rodriguez

Bradford Peverell vs. Rattlesnake

The debut of DREADNOUGHT


$18 / $15 / $12

Drink & Food Specials


Edited by jesseewiak
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Southern Fried Debut

January 19th, 2020

Austin, Texas – 193 paid (200 total)

Independent wrestling in Austin, Texas began a rebirth last night, and what better man to start off than with none other than ‘Pistol’ Pete Hall making his way to the ring to a decent pop from the crowd, including a relatively big one from the ‘smart fans’ in the crowd.




PPH: Thanks, everybody. Good to know an old retired cowboy like me is in the memories of some of you younger fans.


PPH: Now, let’s get down to business. I’m not here to get involved in matches, become a mortal enemy to anybody in the back, or any crap like that. I’m retired, I haven’t gotten in a brawl in a long time, and most importantly, my wife would kick my tail if I did so. But, the management of this new company has asked me to be an enforcer of the rules, to step in to make matches, and most importantly, make sure you fans in the audience get their moneys worth!


PPH: But, I don’t want to open a wrestling show with a long, rambling talk. So, I got to ask you folks, are you ready to see some SOUTHERN FRIED ACTION?


PPH: Let’s Hook ‘Em Up! 

Rating: 47



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Chatto & Murdoch Munson vs. Brady Prince & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

An opening match with two contrasting partners on each team – Chatto is an able, if intense competitor that has built experience on various indies for the last few years, while Murdoch Munson has made a fun side living for over 20 years bleeding buckets and getting into brawls on small independent shows through Texas, Louisiana, and the rest of the Mid-South. On the other side, Brady Prince is a former southern star and now a veteran who can take control of any match, while Bubba Lee West is a well-known weekend warrior who also isn’t afraid to break tables or bleed all over a front-row crowd.

This was a solidly hot match, as West & Prince were the most well-known team, and sold early, getting the wild Manson and intense Chatto over early, with Chatto somewhat shockingly going hold for hold early with Prince, before getting back into the fight. The heels took over with some blatant cheating, and West hurling abuse at Chatto, but eventually the native wrestler made the hot tag to Munson, and the craziness was immediately afoot.

West and Munson spilled to the outside, both got chair, and went after each other, causing the referee to call for the bell as all four men continued to the brawl on the outside, including Munson sending West through a row of chairs, as the crowd cheered.

Chatto & Murdoch Munson DDQ Brady Prince & Sgt. Bubba Lee West – 9:29 - ** ¼


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Bradford Peverell vs. Rattlesnake

On social media, this was built-up as a battle of bad-ass strikers, pushing Peverell’s ‘hands of stone’ going up against the young Rattlesnake’s ‘Oklaresu’ style of stiff kicks and knees, and much of the early part of the match was built on both men avoiding each other strikes, and trying to take down each other by other means, including Rattlesnake trying to take Bradford down with several big suplexes, while Peverell struck back with a few flashy takedowns, but quickly, both men tried to go to their strengths, which the other attempted to duck or weave out of as quickly as possible.

Bradford’s a massive star in Puerto Rico, and has had some crossover independent success, while Rattlesnake has rarely step foot outside of Texas & Oklahoma, but the two men were booked of equal strength earlier, with Rattlesnake even getting a near fall after a crescent kick, but the veteran brawler fired back, and eventually hit a quick series of jabs in the corner, tossed Rattlesnake to the mat, and as he got up, knocked him out with a flush right hand of doom, before getting the pinfall victory.

Bradford Peverell d. Rattlesnake – 10:12 – ** ½

After the match, Peverell took the mic as Rattlesnake rolled out –



BP: Ya’ know, it’s been a long time, since I’ve been able to wrestle near home. For too many years, I’ve wrestled in Puerto Rico, around the world for anybody who had the cash or check, and chased glory in a lot places I shouldn’t.

That kid right there maybe an SOB, but he’s a tough SOB, and is a lot like me. So, here’s some free advice – don’t leave home in the dust in exchange for a whisper of glory. Anyway, I’m here, at Southern Fried Action, to do two things – knock people out and kick ass! Are ya’ with me?

A solid promo, setting Peverell as a top babyface, and linking him as a somewhat hometown star, even if he’s from more western Texas in reality. 

Rating: 31


Near rookie Jay Silver made his way to the ring, waiting his opponent as Duke Hazzard walked out of the entrance area with a microphone.




DH: Well, well, well, some fresh meat to the slaughter.

Slight boos.

DH: For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Duke Hazzard, and I’ve been in this business longer than some of you kids have been alive, and throughout it all, true talent is hard to come by. Every year, there’s some hot shot who think he’s something special because they’ve got some good looks or can do a few flash moves, but pure and impeachable skill and talent is hard to come by. That’s why I’m so happy that I’m proud to continue a legacy in this business. A legacy of DREAD –

Mixed ‘we recognize that name’pop.

DH: - as you should all welcome the next monster of professional wrestling – DREADNOUGHT! Nothing personal, kid, but you’re about to be a stain on the map.


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Jay Silver vs. Dreadnought (w/ Duke Hazzard)

Jay Silver, the young striker from New Mexico truly did his best, going right at the youngest son of Dread, attempting to shock the world, but it was all for naught. Silver hit a few strikes, and even went off the ropes to hit an impressive running knee strike on the young monster, but Dreadnought shrugged it off, and hit several impressive power moves, before finishing things off with a huge Power Bomb to notch his first victory in Southern Fried Action. As the bell rung, Dreadnought continued his assault as Hazzard yelled out directions to the young monster, before picking Silver up, and hitting him with two more choke slams, and another powerbomb before heading to the back to the boos of the Austin crowd

Dreadnought p. Jay Silver – 4:01 – DUD


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Jerry Pepper vs. Trusty Rodriguez (w/DeAnna Desire)

Two relatively young wrestlers making their way up the ladder of success in professional wrestling, as Pepper is another young New Mexican brawler, while Trusty had a few more years of experience, but is well-known as a shady customer. He also has an advantage outside, with his manager, DeAnna Desire, a charismatic young woman based out of Baton Rogue.

The two men went after each other quickly early on, exchanging holds and some quick moves, with Pepper gaining the early advantage with some brawling and striking, and even hitting an impressive looking release German suplex, but Trusty went low to regain the advantage, and slowly worked on Pepper’s arms and legs, to the boos of the Texan crowd. Rodriguez ignored the crowd, while DeAnna argued with them on the outside, as he did his best, but hit several sloppy elbow, leg, and knee drops while Pepper sold the moves.

Rodriguez tried to apply a STF, but Pepper reversed it, and went back on offensive, eventually tossing Trusty out of the ring to a decent pop from the Southern Fried crowd. On the outside though, Trusty played possum, allowing Pepper to end up hitting the ringpost on the outside, and then, as Rodriguez argued with the referee to break the count, DeAnna got several solid kicks on the fallen Pepper.

Slowly, Pepper got back inside, with Rodriguez then going for the kill with a brainbuster, but Pepper got out of it, and got a near-fall with a roll-up, followed up with a big flying forearm, and a series of strikes to get the crowd hot. Desire then got up on the ring apron to argue with the referee, and then Pepper made the fatal wrestling mistake of going over to argue with her. That allowed Rodriguez to hit a low blow, then roll Pepper up in a small package, and putting his feet on the ropes to steal the victory!

Trusty Rodriguez d. Jerry Pepper – 14:53 - * ¾




As Pepper rolled to the outside, still a bit confused, DeAnna took the mic from the ring announcer.

DAD: What you saw tonight, was only the beginning of a great partnership, between myself, the Queen of Southern Wrestling, and all that you filthy little punks desire, and my charge, your Los Alamos Lothario, Trusty Rodriguez. Together, we will rule this little promotion, and rise higher and higher, no matter how much you don’t like it.

TR: You may hate me now, but you’ll learn to love me unconditionall....JUST TRUST ME!

Rodriguez and Desire got a healthy amount of boos as they went to the back.

Rating: 30





Before the next match, the well-known (but removed from any DVD’s that happen to be sold in the future) HGC/TCW theme song of The Nation of Filth hit to a mixed pop, as they came out before the semi-main event tag match, pushing away the ring announcer and grab the mic.


GR: Listen up, we’re not here to be loved, we’re not here to be hated, we’re here to get filthy, and wreck some young idiots who think they can make names of themselves by beating the only two-time World champions this little building will ever see in it’s existence!

ST: So if those two Dallas pukes are in the back, quit crying to your Mama about how scared you are of actual competition, and get your asses out here, ready to get bled and get wrecked. If you’re ready to cross the border to a nation of filth, that is!

After a moment, the young, talented team known as the Dallas Death Squad consisting of Uriah Sands and Eli Thatcher came out of the back, but they were accompanied by a Hispanic woman with a mic well known in women's independent wrestling as Alina America.


AM: Hola! Some of you may know me from others, but here in Southern Fried Action, you can call me Alina Montes. I’m out here beside two of my friends in this business, who called me to let me know that they didn’t want the trouble of talking or the wackiness of this business. They’re here to do two things –

US: - cash checks –

ET: - and break necks.

AM: Grunt, Stink, if those are your Christian names, you’re right that this little hall hasn’t seen any world champions…yet. But I’ve got all the faith in the world that Uriah and Eli will be future tag team champions, and they’re going to start to their rise to prominent, by kicking your asses all over Austin! 

Rating: 46


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Dallas Death Squad (w/ Alina Montes) vs. The Nation of Filth

As Alina said her last words, Uriah and Eli headed to the ring, and the match was on. Grunt and Stink were never masters of the mat even in their prime, and now as they’re closer to retirement than their peak, they basically know how to do things – play to the crowd and brawl, and they were happy to trade punches and kicks with Thatcher and Uriah, even if the young upstarts got the advantage early.

Eventually though, after a few quick tags and double teams by the Dallas Death Squad, Stink got tired of not being involved, rushing in and starting a fracas with Thatcher, the legal man, but before the official could get a handle on things, a chain was slid in and Grunt nailed Eli with it to gain advantage, and lay down a beating on the long-haired member of the Death Squad. After tagging in his fellow green-haired partner, Grunt & Stink laid the beatdown on Thatcher, including a big second-rope elbow drop that would’ve been the end if Uriah didn’t make the save.

This quickly led to another brawl, but this time the DDS got the advantage, with Uriah coming alive with a few big moves, including a surprising dive to the outside on to both members of the Nation of Filth. As the crowd popped for that, Stink was rolled back in to be taken care of by Thatcher, but then Uriah had to save Alina from Grunt, but the QAW regular saved herself, by hitting a ‘rana off the apron on to Grunt after Sands hit him with a dive to the knee. Back inside, Uriah was tagged back in, and the DDS hit their Texas Hospitality finisher to get the huge victory!

As the young tag team celebrated, the Nation of Filth regained their composure at ringside, grabbed two chairs from ringside, and went after the DDS from behind, bringing both men down with chair shots to the back, before advancing on Alina. Montes was ready to fight, but didn’t have too as the other referees, and ‘Pistol’ Pete Hall came down to ringside to warm the Filth off.

The Dallas Death Squad d. The Nation of Filth – 9:55 - ***


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Texas Pete vs. Paul Steadyfast

A battle of former TCW stalwarts was up next, as old school heel Paul Steadyfast took on the big cowboy, Texas Pete. Pete of course, got a big pop from the crowd as the biggest active star on the roster, while Steadyfast got a decent heel response, as the wily veteran, that after his Big 2 run, has spent years making appearances at indy shows like this, as he entered the twilight years of his career.

After the violence of the last match, this started slow, with both men feeling each out (and possibly, Steadyfast determining if Pete was wasted), with both wrestlers avoiding each attempt at taking advantage. Pete got a big boot, a sidewalk slam, and a big legdrop in, but as he picked Steadyfast up, the veteran got an eye poke in, then took over the match.

Steadyfast worked on Pete’s knees and back, working him over with a kneelock, hammerlock, and several other takedowns and holds, before hitting a suplex on the big man, and following it up with a single arm DDT for a near-fall. The former TCW Tag champion locked in a butterfly hold, but Pete slowly made his way to the ropes, and to pop, grabbed them, breaking the hold, even though Steadyfast held the hold until ‘5’.

Paul tried to take Texas Pete down again, but the Lone Star resident fought back with his own strikes, sending Steadyfast into the ropes, and hitting him with a huge powerslam, followed by a lariat, that Steadyfast barely got his foot on the ropes for. As Pete went to pull the veteran back up, Steadyfast went low, and went for the quick pin after a butterfly suplex, but Pete strongly kicked out, backbody dropped Steadyfast as he went for a Pedigree, then hit a huge Beaumont Bomb (gutwrench powerbomb) for the victory in the first main event of Southern Fried Action!

Texas Pete d. Paul Steadyfast – 10:37 - *** ¼

As Pete rose his hands in victory to the crowd though, the lights went out in the building for just a moment, and when they came back up, a NOOSE was sitting in the ring in front of Pete to end the show! -  [39]




Full Ratings

Pistol Pete Opens Show – 47

Chatto & Munson DDQ Bubba & Prince – 28

Post-Match Brawl – 25

Bradford Peverell d. Rattlesnake – 31

Bradford in-ring – 30

Duke Hazzard intros Dreadnought – 34

Dreadnaught d. Jay Silver – 5

Dreadnought post-match attack – 36

Trusty Rodriguez d. Jerry Pepper – 30

Trusty Rodriguez w/ DeAnna Desire – 30

Nation of Filth call out Dallas Death Squad – 46

Dallas Death Squad d. The Nation of Filth – 35

Nation of Filth post-match attack – 31

Texas Pete d. Paul Steadyfast – 39

Post-Match Angle – 39




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Southern Fried Fallout
February 9th, 2020 - Austin, Texas

Texas Pete vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Bradford Peverell vs. Paul Steadyfast

Chatto vs. Trusty Rodriguez

Dallas Death Squad vs. Brady Prince & Rattlesnake

Jay Silver & Jerry Pepper vs. The Nation of Filth

Dreadnought vs. Jules Night

- Tickets are $18, $15, and $12
- Drink & Food Specials

Prediction Results

@James The Animator - 2/5 (These aren't OC characters, but rather various characters added to the game by people in the mod forum) 

@KyTeran - 2/5 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Southern Fried Fallout
February 9th, 2020
Austin, Texas - 198 paid (225 total)



Once again, Pistol Pete Hall came out to welcome the crowd in Austin, to the second show of Southern Fried Action and got another decent pop. Hall’s an institution in the business and has enough of a local background to be a solid ‘face of the promotion’, at least as it starts up.

PPH: Now, a few weeks ago, a new era for Texas rasslin’ started right here, and damn if we didn’t have some good ole’ fashioned blood and brawlin’!


PPH: That’s why I’m happy to announce that tonight’s two top matches – Steadyfast versus Peverell _and_ the main event of Texas Pete vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West will be qualifying matches into the match to determine the first-ever Southern Fried Heavyweight champion in three weeks right back here in Austin!


PPH: Enjoy the show…now let’s HOOK EM UP!




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Dallas Death Squad (w/ Alina Montes) vs. Brady Prince & Rattlesnake

Interesting tag match to start up as the qualified tag team of Eli Thatcher and Uriah Sand return to take on the somewhat makeshift team of Prince and Rattlesnake, even though they’re both fairly competent sneering heels. The match started with the DDS hitting a variety of double-teams including a double hip toss, a suplex into a powerbomb, and a Hart Attack-style move with a spinning elbow instead of a clothesline. However, Thatcher risked a moonsault from the top, and Brady Prince was able to get his knees up, allowing the tag into Rattlesnake.

From there, it was some reasonable heel work from both men, including Brady Prince grinding down Thatcher with some takedowns, and various submissions, before Rattlesnake came in to nail Thatcher with some hard strikes, followed by a big thrusting knee for a near fall. Rattlesnake then went for another crescent kick, but Thatcher ducked under and then drilled Rattlesnake with a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX! A hot tag to Uriah Sands later, and the Dallas Death Squad went to work on the heel, with Sands running off and knocking Prince off the ringside area with a big boot, and then nailed Rattlesnake with their Texas Hospitality finisher to pick up the victory!

The Dallas Death Squad d. Brady Prince & Rattlesnake – 8:08 – ** 1/2




After the match, Alina Montes took the mic for her charges.

AM: Last time we were here, my boys took a scalp off a big-time team by the name of The Nation of Filth. But, those two green-haired bastards decided not to take their loss by men, and instead, attacked Eliah and Uriah from behind. Tonight, they showed why they’re going to be future tag champions in this business, but first Nation of Filth –

ET: - we’ll break your necks…no charge.

AM: Talk to the management, the Nation of Filth, unless you want everybody in this crowd, and everybody in wrestling to know you’re nothing but yellow-bellied and green-haired little cowards who are afraid to get their asses kicked…once again!

Solid promo, as Montes is popular with the crowd, and the DDS have been effective so far.





Before the next match, Trusty Rodrigeuz came out with his manager DeAnna Desire, to the boos of the crowd.

DD: Last week, you cretins and weirdos who I see slobbering over me, the Queen of Southern Wrestling, saw the debut of a man who will rise to the top of professional wrestling – Trusty Rodrigeuz, the Los Alamos Lothario!

TR: Chatto, you’re a tough hombre, but tonight, you’re going to learn some brains and beauty can defeat dumb muscle any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. But don’t worry, fans, you’ll learn to love me…TRUST ME!




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Chatto vs. Trusty Rodrigeuz w/ DeAnna Desire

Both men are young wrestlers, making their way up in this business, so they have a while to go to become fully well-rounded workers. Chatto is solid, including surprisingly adept at technical skill for his size, but in his heart, he’s a brawler, and he showed that early in the match by throwing the smaller Rodriguez early in the match, to the cheers of the crowd. He threw Trusty around, finishing the series off with a big boot and a clothesline to the outside. DeAnna helped her charge up, but Chatto got a big pop from the crowd by hitting a huge Plancha onto both DeAnna and Rodrigeuz, even if the move itself wasn’t the smoothest thing in the world.

Chatto then went for a powerbomb on the outside, but Trusty scratched at the eyes of the big Native American from New Mexico, and then took control on the outside, slowly taking control of the match with a series of forearms, forearms, and knee strikes. Rodrigeuz then threw Chatto inside and locked on crossface submission, but Chatto powered out of it, then hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex. DeAnna Desire then got on the ring apron, distracting Chatto for just long enough to hit Chatto with a low blow, and a crucifix for a near-fall!

As Rodrigeuz argued with the ref, Desire slipped in a chair – Trusty went back to work on Chatto, and then Desire argued with the ref, allowing Trusty to hit his Trustfall (Firearm’s Carry into a DDT) onto the chair, then got the pinfall victory! The only downside is that the finishing sequence was a bit sloppy, and the referee seemingly saw the finisher on the chair but ignored it.

Trusty Rodriguez d. Chatto – 10:14 - ** ¼



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Jules Night vs. Dreadnought w/ Duke Hazzard

Jules Night is a young wrestler from Oklahoma, who has decent skills, but is blander than a CBS network comedy, and he was next vict – er, opponent for the son of Dread, as he came down to ringside, accompanied by Duke Hazzard. Night went after Dreadnought, trying to shock the crowd, but Dreadnought tossed him into the corner, hit a big boot, following it with a huge choke slam, and then the big ole’ powerbomb to pick up his second victory in Southern Fried Action!

Dreadnought p. Jules Night – 1:58 – DUD

After the match, as Duke Hazzard cackled to the crowd, Dreadnought picked up Jules Night, first hitting him with a press slam, a big boot, and then another power bomb to finish things off to the boos of the crowd - [35]



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Jay Silver & Jerry Pepper vs. The Nation of Filth

Sometimes, things, in theory, are better than they are in reality – this match was one of those situations. The Nation of Filth are still fairly popular, and as we saw at the first show, still able to have a decent brawl with the right opponents, but they’re too old, and their opponents tonight, Jay Silver & Jerry Pepper weren’t able dance partners. As a result, this match was a messy, boring, slog of a match, where the only positive was that it went less than five minutes. The NOF finally hit their backbreaker into a 2nd rope elbow finisher combination for the ignoble victory.

The Nation of Filth d. Jay Silver & Jerry Pepper – 4:58 - * ¾

Grunt & Stink then continued the beatdown, bringing in a cane, a cookie sheet, and a chair, beating down the young wrestlers, and pushing away the referee, as the crowd booed, until Pistol Pete Hall and the other referees came out to break things up. As noted, the Nation of Filth aren't great workers, but they can sure use some violence to get a positive response from the crowd - [38]



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Bradford Peverell vs. Paul Steadyfast
Southern Fried Championship Qualifier

Steadyfast’s a solid veteran presence, but Peverell is a rising star and a hot brawler, and that’s the way he started the match, throwing strikes and kicks at the former TCW stalwart, knocking him down to the mat, and attempting to lock Steadyfast into an armbar submission, but Steadyfast reversed it into a cradle and locked on a submission of his own. Paul then slowed the match down, locking Peverell in a series of holds, including finally driving in a deep Boston crab. As the crowd cheered Peverell on, Steadyfast slowly got to the ropes, but Steadyfast held on until the ref counted to ‘5’.

Steadyfast continued on the attack, hitting a snap suplex, and a dropkick, before lacing Bradford into a scorpion deathlock, but Bradford used his power to send the veteran into the corner with a harsh kick, followed by a series of quick jabs, before knocking Steadyfast down with a big knee strike, and getting a near-fall afterward. Peverell picked Steadyfast up, hitting a big suplex to the cheers of the crowd and surprisingly went up top, but Steadyfast shook the ropes, and went up top himself, hitting a very sloppy second rope superplex for a near-fall of his own!

Both men slowly got up, and Steadyfast went on the attack, but Bradford fought back, eventually tossing Steadyfast to the outside. As the crowd cheered, Peverell slid out and went for a running boot, but Steadyfast got out of the way, and the brawler ran straight into the ringpost! Steadyfast tossed Bradford inside, then hit a quick DDT for a near-fall. Upset, Steadyfast argued with the ref, then walked away. As the referee checked on Peverell, Steadyfast untied the turnbuckle, and as Bradford rushed in on him, Steadyfast got out of the way, and the Texan brawler ate steel – a quick-release German later, and Steadyfast was ready to hit the Steady as He Goes (Angel Wing’s) to pick up the victory, to the boos of the crowd!

Steadyfast then made title belt motions, to the boos of the crowd as he headed towards the back.

Paul Steadyfast p. Bradford Peverell – 15:30 - ***



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Texas Pete vs. Sgt. Bubba Lee West
Southern Fried Championship Qualifier

This was never going to be a fine technical battle or a wrestling classic filled with plenty of crazy moves, but what it was from the moment Texas Pete got in the ring was a crazy brawl, between two men ready to go to the war with each other, right from moment one. Punches were thrown, elbows, forearms, until both men spilled to the outside, throwing big right hands at each other as they went over the timekeeper’s table. With a brief advantage, Bubba Lee West nailed Pete with kicks to the gut, and a big slam on to the cold concrete floor. The mad sergeant then hit a big knee on to Texas Pete, before tossing Texas Pete back into the ring, as the crowd booed.

Bubba continued on the attack, kicking the crap out of Texas Pete as he was on the mat. Pete slowly got up, and West followed things up with a huge football tackle, then a sidewalk slam for a big near-fall. Bubba mounted Pete and went on the attack, hitting him with punch after punch, until the referee pulled him off. Bubba went up top for his Parris Island Plunge (top rope splash), but Pete rolled out of the way at the last possible moment, as West crashed to the mat!

Texas Pete slowly got up, drilling Bubba with a lariat. The big Texan then followed it up with a series of right hands, a big side suplex, and followed it up with a powerslam for a near fall. Pete then locked Bubba in for the Beaumont Bomb (gutwrench powerbomb), but Bubba blocked it, powered out of things, and then hit a big bulldog. West for another big spear, but Texas Pete got out of the way – Bubba crashed into the corner and then Texas Pete hit the big Beaumont Bomb to pick up the victory and move into the main event at the next show!

Texas Pete d. Sgt. Bubba Lee West – 11:17 - ** ¾

After the match, Texas Pete was celebrating his victory, but once again, the lights went out again, and when they came back on, a noose was hanging from the ceiling! – [39]





Full Ratings:  

Pistol Pete Hall opens show – 62
The Dallas Death Squad. Brady Prince & Rattlensnake – 37
Dallas Death Squad w/ Alina Montes in-ring – 49
Trusty Rodrigeuz w/ DeAnna Desire – 37
Trusty Rodriguez d. Chatto – 31
Dreadnought d. Jules Night – 1:58 – 15
Nation of Filth d. Jay Silver & Jerry Pepper - 20
Nation of Filth beatdown Silver & Pepper – 38
Paul Steadyfast d. Bradford Peverell – 15:30 – 44
Paul Steadyfast celebrates – 30
Texas Pete d. Sgt. Bubba Lee West – 11:17 – 41
Lights Out Again – 39

Overall – 44



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  • jesseewiak changed the title to Southern Fried Action - Texas 'Rasslin Returns - [CVerse]


Southern Fried Champion
March 1st, 2020 - Austin, Texas

Southern Fried Championship Decision Match
Texas Pete vs. Paul Steadyfast

Special Six-Man Battle
Chatto & The Dallas Death Squad vs. The Nation of Filth & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Jay Silver vs. Trusty Rodriguez

Bradford Peverell vs. Brady Prince

Jerry Pepper vs. Rattlesnake

Dreadnought vs. Jaxon Duke

- Tickets are $18, $15, and $12
- Drink & Food Specials

Prediction Results

@KyTeran -6/6 - (Admittedly, not the hardest card to predict, but still, great job!) 

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Southern Fried Championship Decision Match
Texas Pete vs. Paul Steadyfast

Special Six-Man Battle
Chatto & The Dallas Death Squad vs. The Nation of Filth & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Jay Silver vs. Trusty Rodriguez

Bradford Peverell vs. Brady Prince

Jerry Pepper vs. Rattlesnake

Dreadnought vs. Jaxon Duke

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