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currently getting through the backlog of private stable requests (7 out of 25 to go woo.) -- this was made a month ago, requester told me i could post this publically.

Edited by psx
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On 7/13/2023 at 2:45 AM, psx said:

teleportz in

heh.. have a logo



slicez u wit my samurai kanata, nothing... personelll kid.

teleprot out



did a "serious" rebrand of this stable, emphasis on the quotes there. i wanna get the metal shading down as prep for trying to do belts again.



request, had accidentally used the same color scheme for my chase agency logo. not that actually matters, but funny to note and contrast.


Edited by psx
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  • 2 weeks later...

hey, i'm doing another round of requests, sort of.

i've been asked by a friend supply some generic city name promotions for their mod, however neither them or me have any good ideas.

this is where you come in, i'm taking all requests for generic city name promotions,
what i'm looking for is
the city name,
icongraphy related to the city.

as in, how my san antonio logo had an armadillo -- just for clarification, all icongraphy is okay, not just animals.
you can come up with the name if you like.

logos will all be free use for any mod.


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I love regional territory promotions! If I may submit 2 (choose whichever you like or both):

In New South Wales, Australia there is a town where Impact ran a show back in June that I love the name of... Wagga Wagga. I propose:

Wagga Wagga Wrestling

Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia

Wagga wagga is a native word allegedly meaning 'the place of many crows.'


My other request would be for a promotion based out of San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose area called

Championship Wrestling by the Bay or Bay Area Championship Wrestling

The iconography could be the Golden Gate Bridge.

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On 9/26/2023 at 10:10 AM, psx said:

hey, i'm doing another round of requests, sort of.

i've been asked by a friend supply some generic city name promotions for their mod, however neither them or me have any good ideas.

this is where you come in, i'm taking all requests for generic city name promotions,
what i'm looking for is
the city name,
icongraphy related to the city.

as in, how my san antonio logo had an armadillo -- just for clarification, all icongraphy is okay, not just animals.
you can come up with the name if you like.

logos will all be free use for any mod.


Never went on a request spree but thought this would be fun.

How about Pro Wrestling: Aurora
Aurora, Illinois
The main iconography being a light bulb/generic lights (its called the city of lights in its nickname)

Edited by MaiTyLer
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STATEMENT.jpg.4ef856906c32f0e9b9898dc1c9c405bf.jpg statement2.jpg.51b50fcfd2d441435f71ae421987a025.jpg


statementbanner.jpg.7991226a16374bef933593a9104ef018.jpg statementbanner2.jpg.347a4ae62b46c332dac4ea918d744726.jpg

thunderverse logo, i love how the logos in the verse uses depth in their logos, so i tried my best here with the shadows and layered text, thank you to mdk on discord for reccing i try a bigger outline, the white outline on the text reaaally makes it, and it makes it easier to read. all pluses.

also funny gradient texturing, i should try other ways or at least new gradients becuse i have been using the same one for a long long time.

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:10 AM, psx said:

hey, i'm doing another round of requests, sort of.

i've been asked by a friend supply some generic city name promotions for their mod, however neither them or me have any good ideas.

this is where you come in, i'm taking all requests for generic city name promotions,
what i'm looking for is
the city name,
icongraphy related to the city.

as in, how my san antonio logo had an armadillo -- just for clarification, all icongraphy is okay, not just animals.
you can come up with the name if you like.

logos will all be free use for any mod.


Hey if you are still taking requests I've been wanting to do a save-in Florida. Would love a Tampa Bay Florida or a Tallahassee Florida promotion logo. 

For Tampa Florida, the logo can be pirate-themed like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Maybe something like the old Buccaneers logo with the winking Pirate. Tampa Bay in general has a big pirate theme along with a love for marine life like Manta Rays and Sharks. Something like Tampa Bay Grappling or Gasparilla Pro Wrestling could work.


For Tallahassee Florida, I could see something with the local Seminole Tribe working. The city is a college town that takes pride in Florida State University Seminoles as a brand which they have an agreement with the local Seminole tribe to use. They are also the state capital of Florida so something with the capital or Spanish moss can work. A name that could work is Florida State Wrestling or Pro Wrestling: Tallahassee.


For both, the names could be changed but the iconography and city vibes are what these places are associated with mostly. 

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i'm still taking requests, it's these take time becuse i want to get these things right - tm -, one of my pet peeves is when they don't get it right for my area of the world - scandinavia - so in a way to preach what you do, i work longer on these, and combined with my already tight schedule with my freelancing work, bada bing bada boom, slow as a snail.





friend had a request for a CV97 logo, basically a young and brash 21CW, pre nova. lion is the same as my previous take on 21CW. for reference, this request was made in may, same time i made my previous one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

21CW: Battle for Britain


i would like to state for the record that i am still working on the generic city name promotions, i hadn't been able last and this week due to various illnesses, i am hoping to have ten logos for each city name promotion to give variety by 12th of november.


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  • 2 weeks later...

just becuse i've gotten some msgs about this,

i'm okay with requests for editing or cleaning up ai logos, even just making a logo based on them, just msg me about it to not clog up the thread with non me logos.

wagga wagga and aurora logos almost done. i'm just doing my final passes.

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first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

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9 minutes ago, psx said:




first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

AI (in this case and not in general in terms of "art") is good because of that ability to churn out things and a slight but theoretically endless customizability, which in this game of so many thousands of pictures to re-render and redesign is useful, but let's be real, the limitations are clear even if you're a paying customer, let alone if you're doing the prompts for free. It's not exactly AI art, it's AI design...handywork? So keep doing your great work, it will shine even in comparison to the good ones, and I'm saying as sincerely as someone who generates some stuff on Bing can.

Edited by AboardTheArk
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3 minutes ago, psx said:




first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

Wanted to put my 2 cents in, because this has come up a lot in the past couple of weeks. You've said it yourself before and I haven't seen anyone refute it - (at least right now) AI created logos cannot replace logos and banners actually made by a human. If you look closely at probably 80% of the hundreds of logos I tweaked over the past few weeks, they fall apart! When it comes to quality, art like yours always stands out when compared to something created by a robot.

You should look at it another way - with AI, people can create their own graphics more easily that are "good enough" for them, and similarly you can use it to create graphics that you might need but aren't as passionate about. There's creating graphics, creating art, when the time and effort is worth what you get out of it.

It would be a tragedy for you or anyone else who makes renders, logos, belts, etc to give up doing it because AI can do it faster. In my opinion, you should use this as an opportunity to make sure the graphics you are working on are something you want to do first. Who cares if it takes you longer to make it? It's better in any way and has your personal touch on it. You know that and everyone else does to.

Please don't get discouraged because of what other people are doing. What you are doing is more then just creating graphics to fill a need, you are making art.

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just to clarify real quick, i am not ending or stopping anything, it is more that this idea was to fill a need for more free use promotions. as in i would make five or ten variants on one promotion name to fill the need.

however that being said, i feel the need for that would be dying down due to ai itself, and therefore i am rethinking how i wanna reapproach the requests.

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32 minutes ago, psx said:




first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

Even if you're only rethinking requests and not giving up, I just want to back up what has already been said that what you and all the other artists on GDS do is leagues above AI art. AI art is the art version of autocomplete, it'll always be missing something because it lacks any thought to it besides "make complete image". Your work has its own distinct style and real thought put into the appearance of the logos.

And if you're looking for any more city suggestions:
Frontier Wrestling Laramie
Laramie, WY
Brown and gold logo that incorporates the Wyoming Cowboys logo (if it's good enough for our license plates, it's good enough for a promotion)


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4 hours ago, psx said:




first one down, though i am having a bit of a crisis of how to continue this becuse i realize any real purpose for me making bunch of city logos is basically moot becuse ai can easily produce them and more at faster rate then me. i'll figure it out.

This is great, can't wait to see the others, also this is all imo, but man made logos and things always are better then most AI logos, they have their place, but 9/10 times they have more feeling and weight to them. Again just my opinion but again, these logos are great.

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