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Burning Hammer of The Wrestling Gods Logo

Burning Hammer of The Wrestling Gods Banner

my goal for this was to be hated as the last wcw logo



Pro Wrestling Gunpowder Logo

Pro Wrestling Gunpowder Banner

(based on my WRESTLING ERUPTION logo)
Wrestling Emotion Logo

Wrestling Emotion Banner

(abandoned due to real life)


Pro Wrestling SAISHO Battlefield Japan Event Logo


Pro Wrestling SAISHO Battlefield Tour Event Logo


Pro Wrestling SAISHO A-1 Grand Prix Event Logo


Pro Wrestling SAISHO Golden Warfare Event Logo



Empresa Internacional de Lucha Libre Television Logo


everything that i have ever made and still have psds for should now be in this thread.

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On 10/20/2022 at 5:13 AM, lavelleuk said:

Mind if I request a logo, but for a dojo? Would be Steffi Chee's new school "Cheeter Wrestling Academy" with the very clever and highly amusing pun I came up with all by myself.

Thank you!


spent the whole week trying to make it look funny, before realizing that making it look serious would be the funniest. not super happy with no color scheme but couldn't come up with any that i liked.

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2 hours ago, psx said:


spent the whole week trying to make it look funny, before realizing that making it look serious would be the funniest. not super happy with no color scheme but couldn't come up with any that i liked.

Nah mate that's awesome, love the font, and i agree the serious tone really works! Thank you very much!


Am I able to take the last request or would you rather someone who hasn't done one already?

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10 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

Am I able to take the last request or would you rather someone who hasn't done one already?

i got no real clue, you can go either way on that. i don't mind really. i would assume people who wanted to request already got theirs in.


besides, i am always happy to get a request from someone who called my logos awesome :p.

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16 hours ago, psx said:

i got no real clue, you can go either way on that. i don't mind really. i would assume people who wanted to request already got theirs in.


besides, i am always happy to get a request from someone who called my logos awesome :p.

Ha, I live for flattery too!!


Ok next request is another dojo, "The Boone Box" opened by Madman Boone, so a gritty hardcore training school. It's not a very good facility, so if it helps I doubt they would have the most polished logo ever either (as in, if you aren't happy with your work don't feel you have to spend ages on it as I doubt Madman Boone would either!)

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On 11/4/2022 at 10:45 AM, lavelleuk said:

Ok next request is another dojo, "The Boone Box" opened by Madman Boone, so a gritty hardcore training school. It's not a very good facility, so if it helps I doubt they would have the most polished logo ever either (as in, if you aren't happy with your work don't feel you have to spend ages on it as I doubt Madman Boone would either!)



made this in 14 minutes, literally had a timer and all. idea of just him buying a abandoned pizza place and taping his logo on it came from a dream.

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On 11/3/2022 at 4:48 PM, MidKnightDreary said:

My company is Rogue Pro Wrestling, it's led by Josh Barnett. It's not quite BLOODSPORT but it's definitely intense and realistic. STARDOM meets BLOODSPORT I guess.

If you really want to go in on it, the weekly TV Show is called RPW Rogue's Den




this is a bit cheating since this is just straight the actual bloodsport fonts, but oh well. shhh..

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dumb news, pc crashed and corrupted all wips that i had open in photoshop / illustrator, this means all of the requests i was working on.

i hope this doesn't delay anything, i know radio silence is not a great look but i am working on all four requests i got right now. thanks for understanding.

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https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73300183/204077447-22545af2-ffae-4440-b894-4d00e5dd0d3a.jpg    https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73300183/204077446-84430be3-b2ff-4215-8378-6f62789a671a.jpg    https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73300183/204077445-92fc1f83-c7ee-4f22-81a3-72fb7196b200.jpg


my 77 phase continues with my best logo yet tbh, i honestly think i have refined my aesthetic really well with this logo.

i am locking myself into finishing up my remaining requests though before any more personal projects.

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i personally think this is a failed logo ala being better in my head, that i only did as a way to counter creative block, however my best friend though that it looked great and i should at least post it for people who might enjoy it.

my apologizes to the people who have requested logos and are patiently waiting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, psx said:

sorry for the non logo bump. but for the new year and renewed creative energies,

you all mind telling which of my logos you enjoy and would like to see more in that style?


I really love your retro styled logos, not only for filling in C-Verse lore but you seem to truly get into the mindset of what would've been a proper logo be it in 97 or 77. I'd love to see more in that style (not just for the C-Verse but in general).

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