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The Rise Of Total Non-Stop Action (1RC Diary)

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From TNAwrestlingnews.com [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/top.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Red"]TNA Impact Preview[/COLOR][/U] [I][SIZE="2"]By [COLOR="red"]TNA Wrestling News Staff [/COLOR]- Wednesday, Week 1, September[/SIZE][/I] NWA Woman’s World Title Tournament LuFisto vs. Lacey – This is the final match in round 1 of the tournament and both ladies will be fighting for that spot in the next round. Both women are very well known on the Indy circuit and it will be interesting to see who comes out on top. Team 3D vs. The James Gang vs. AMW – AMW has demanded a rematch from last weeks 3 team tag match after they lost to Team 3D. AMW has been trying desperately to get back into the Tag Title scene but losing to 3D last week is not the way to do it. Will this week be any better? Christopher Daniels vs. Roderick Strong – Both men have something to gain in this match, a psychological advantage going into the PPV next week. This match should be a classic as the Master Of The Backbreaker Roderick Strong goes head to head with The Fallen Angle Christopher Daniels. Ron Killings & Monty Brown vs. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner – This is a classic match of the Future vs. The Past as The Truth and The Alpha Male go head to head with the King Of The Mountain and The Genetic Freak. Bryan Danielson vs. Alex Shelly – Danielson has been on a roll lately, and even though he lost that X-Division Title match to Senshi last week he still came out looking strong. Alex Shelly is looking to climb the ranks of the X-Division and what better way to do that then by gaining a victory over The American Dragon. You know the other members of Paparazzi Productions Kevin Nash and Eric Young will be close by. Can The Dragon overcome the odds? Main Event Raven vs. Sting – Leading up to the PPV next weekend, all members of the NWA World Title match will have warm-up matches. For many this is a dream match. Raven has been the dark brooding type for many years, and some claim that Sting stole the persona from him and made it famous on the big stage of WCW. This is Stings chance to prove everyone wrong. Will Raven go hardcore and make it a Ravens Rules match? Will Christian Cage show up? Will Matt Bentley show up? Tune in to find out! Plus we will hear from Raven as he speaks on his opponent for No Surrender Matt Bentley, and Chris Jericho makes a special challenge to LAX. All this and so much more at TNA Impact![/SIZE]
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OK guys, big problem! I have lost the save game for this diary. So instead of trying to mod the database to get to where I was I am going to start a new TNA diary with the updated FOTORC mod. Stay tuned as I set it up and get the first show posted! It is going to start right after Bound For Glory 2 this year.
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[QUOTE=Trell;139531]Oh, that sucks, I just hope the new one is as good as this one was.[/QUOTE] Trust me I have big plans that will rock TNA to its very foundation and that it no BS! The very first post is up Check it out peeps! [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17029[/url]
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