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WCW 1993 : A New World of Sport

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : Pro Wrestling Fujwara Gumi (Shoot Division)



Hello TV world, welcome to WCW Prime! I'm your host, Eric Bischoff, joined by expert analysts, the WCW broadcast team of Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone. Today, we will be previewing the second company that was acquired by WCW during 1993, Professional Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi. Based out of the land of the rising sun, in the Kanto region of Japan, PWFG will be running it's first ever Grand Prix this year, featuring 24 of the toughest sons of guns currently living in Japan.

Jim, Tony, who are your champions in the Japanese Division?
Well Eric, Japan is a very different beast than America. There is a different expectation of the wrestlers over there. A lot of American talents go to Japan to expand there skillset and diversify what they can bring to the ring. When I look at the entrants in the PWFG Grand Prix, two names stand well above the rest. 

Akira Maeda is the biggest star in the promotion, and returning to the ring after being on the shelf for a year with a torn rotator cuff, he'll be looking to make a statement in the first ever PWFG Grand Prix.

The other name I am excited about is American bred Gary Albright - a big, mean, tough son of a bitch. You wanna hear about tough? This big guy married INTO the legendary Anoa'i family. The guy is a beast and I don't see many folks that are going to be able to put him down.
...To be honest, I'm not really familiar with the Japanese talent. I know you said you don't want to pay airfare, but couldn't you bring your buddy, Sonny Onoo, in to give actual insider info?

Looking at the field, I have to go with Abdullah the Butcher. I'm glad he landed somewhere in the WCW landscape after Flamingo fired him. Even though he is the oldest competitor on the roster, I can't see any small japanese guys pinning a guy his size.
I guess you aren't really the right person for this spot, Tony. Oh well, you'll learn with time... You see, they won't have to worry about trying to pin Abdullah, because over in PWFG, the rules differ slightly from WCW. They wrestle akin to UWFi rules, where there is no pinfalls, instead victory is achieved by submission or knockout.

For me - the favourite has gotta be Takada's Prodigy, Masahito Kakihara. Even though he's only 21 years young and running off of 3 years of experience, being considered the protege of arguably the most successful Japanese wrestler on American soil today has got to mean that Masahito-san has the highest potential out of all 24 wrestlers.

Okay - well, those are our favourites... Who do you guys see at the bottom of the rankings come November?
Well, the way I see it, Gerard Gordeau is a 38 year old kick-boxer, who's just starting out his wrestling career. The window for him to make a name for himself is running out and I think he knows that. I don't see him having the stamina to compete in 23 fights this year and come out with a winning record.
I'm sure Eric's going to chew me out for not knowing something else here, but I look at the talent and I see another guy cosplaying as something they ain't with Dr. Luther. Why is called Doctor? He looks like he's pretending to be a vampire...

And didn't we just profile Jerry Lynn on the episode about Southern States Wrestling? If he's wrestling two Grand Prix's his body won't survive the full year.
Dr. Luther is renowned for his deathmatches with FMW. The guy may look odd, but rest-assured, he's dangerous in between the ropes. And Jerry Lynn and Jerry Flynn are two different guys - totally understand the confusion there though. Flynn (with an 'f') has been working as a 'young lion' alongside Minoru Tanaka for the past two years and both are looking to make their mark and step out on their own.

Before we go off the air tonight, are there any other talents either of you would like to talk about?
I'd like to mention Norman Smiley quickly. The guy worked WCW as a part of the Shooters Club and never seemed to click as a competitive talent... but I've been watching his body of work in CMLL, and the guy can go. I'm really looking forward to him having an opportunity to strike out on his own and progress his career within the WCW structure.
That's a great point, JR. I haven't watched any of his Mexican work, but I have seen him working pre-show matches and main event matches on the road for WCW, and I know he's got it in him. Same with Koji Kandymoto, Suzuki, Cold Scorpio, and Sashimi Kojima. I haven't had a chance to call any of their matches but they all have taken the little opportunities they've gotten, busted their asses, and been respectful in the process.


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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : West 4 Wrestling Association (Canadian Division)



Welcome once again, to WCW Prime! I'm your host, Eric Bischoff, joined by WCW expert analysts Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone. On tonight's episode, we are previewing the great white north, West 4 Wrestling Association. The W4 is running a 24 wrestler Grand Prix that features some of the best up and coming talent in the world today, as well as veterans training in the hopes of making one last major run.

Obviously, the big news here is two major signings made by WCW for the Canadian League. First up is the youngest sibling in the legendary Hart Family, Owen, who signed after a two year stint with the WWF. The youngest Hart looks to take his first steps out of big brother Bret's shadows and forge his own path after starting his career off with two Stampede Heavyweight Championships. The other signing is 'The Maritime Legend' Leo Burke, an 8 time Stampede Heavyweight Champion. Boys, who are your picks to win the Canadian Grand Prix?
The Canadian division is tough you see, the young talent up north is really emerging as competitive and guys you'd think would be the favourites are challenged to excel - just look at Greg Valentine. Valentine is a legend in our sport, and yet he's got a losing record in the two years he's spent in the W4. Some of these kids like Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, and Sledgehammer Jason Anderson are out there, proving to be the next generation.

That said, my money is on Owen to pick up where he left off when he left Canada to join the WWF, and that was being a champion. Tony, over to you!
I'm going to make my predictions, and Eric is going to tell me the Canadian rules are different too, and they can only win by capturing a flag from an igloo, aren't you? Well, I did my homework, and when I look at the boys lined up for the Canadian Grand Prix I see two names that are likely to win it all.

First is former Indie Spotlight Battle Royal winner, Buddy Landel who just barely missed out on winning the 93 Grand Prix, and defeated the eventual champion, Misawa. Landel even took the legendary Hulk Hogan to the limit in Hogan's WCW debut. All signs point to Landel earning his promotion and moving on to WCW next year.

That said, there is one other wildcard that I think will challenge him for that spot, and that is 'Lord' William Regal, who is returning to the ring after suffering a broken neck that ended his 1992 season prematurely. The guy took his time off to only get bigger and better, have you seen Regal? The guy is shredded and looked like he was going to win the thing before he went down with injury.
No different rules up north, only difference is they wrestle in igloos. *Chuckles* I think you are right about Regal, but I think it isn't his time just yet. Recovery from a neck injury is a serious thing, and I think that it'll take a year for him to regain the momentum he had built before going down with injury.

To me, it's either going to be Leo Burke or Sledgehammer Anderson, and it's Leo's to lose. Burke if he can maintain the stamina required to complete a Grand Prix, Anderson if he can't. 

Moving along, who do you have as the guys who don't make the cut?
I hope I am surprised here, but I don't think the 23 year old Rob Van Dam picks up more than a couple wins this season. He made one impressive appearance as a substitute, where he survived longer than one would have expected against Rick Titan, but this about winning. He's green and needs time to put the pieces together.
Black Dragon... I mean... c'mon... Next question.
Fair enough... I look at the youthful field of talent, and I say that it's time Gerry Morrow and Greg Valentine are put to pasture. Both of them are in their mid forties and just aren't in good enough shape at this point in their careers to be able to maintain the gruelling 23 match schedule, especially against the young machines that W4 has in its ranks.

As we wrap up, is there anything else you guys want to touch on while we are talking W4 and the Great White North?
Yes, I think I should take a minute and point out B Brian Blair's future. He's coming off of an extremely rough season that saw abject failure and the witnessing of a horrific injury to his partner. He's 36 years old, is a tag team wrestler through and through, and I think that the mental condition of this man may not hold up for the season. I think that everyone should be on notice that 'The Killer Bee' might just be the most dangerous man on the roster out of circumstance.
Hey guys, since we have been talking about Canadians and the Hart Family... is there any chance we can send that annoying weasel Gary Hart up to W4, Eric? Guy gets on my nerves...
Gary's not one of those Harts...

To our viewing audience, thanks for spending time with us, we'll see you next time as we preview the Power Plant's Tag Team Division!



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I like that preview format. The W/L records are a little small, but I can squint. Hahahhaa

If you do them for the other divisions, I recommend slightly larger, but I'm probably at too high a resolution. (Edit: Ha, I replied before I saw you had done the rest!)

I've really found a lot of enjoyment out of 92 and 93. I did a format like this in a Ring of Fire dynasty probably a decade ago. I had my champ take on random people, while the league played out. If I ever got the time to sit down and play some TEW again, I'd do something similar, I think.

(Further Edit: My money is on Santo in Southern States, Suzuki in Fujiwara, and Owen in Canada. Poor Scott Armstrong is going to die.)

Edited by Nightshadeex
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8 hours ago, Nightshadeex said:

I like that preview format. The W/L records are a little small, but I can squint. Hahahhaa

If you do them for the other divisions, I recommend slightly larger, but I'm probably at too high a resolution. (Edit: Ha, I replied before I saw you had done the rest!)

I've really found a lot of enjoyment out of 92 and 93. I did a format like this in a Ring of Fire dynasty probably a decade ago. I had my champ take on random people, while the league played out. If I ever got the time to sit down and play some TEW again, I'd do something similar, I think.

(Further Edit: My money is on Santo in Southern States, Suzuki in Fujiwara, and Owen in Canada. Poor Scott Armstrong is going to die.)

Ah - sorry. If you are on desktop, you can click on one of images and it'll blow up to a full-window large size and you can cycle through with the arrow keys. Of course, then you be punished with the low res quality of the wrestler images lol. :D


Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : Power Plant Wrestling (Tag Team Division 2)



Hello folks, it's that time again, time for WCW Prime! I'm your host, Eric Bischoff, joined by the WCW lead announce team - Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone. Tonight, we are previewing the 1994 season for the Power Plant Tag Team Division, and folks look at that bright new logo!

Last season was won by Eddie Guerrero and Konnan, and they were joined in promotion by Solar and Blue Panther, in a little bit of a statement season for the latin persuasion. Joining the Power Plant roster this season in an effort to claim one of two promotion spots to the WCW Tag Team Division, will be the teams of: The Harrison Brothers (a duo of odd mountain-men brothers), The Heavenly Bodies (Tom Prichard will be teaming with Jimmy Del Rey this season), The International Sex Pistols (David Taylor and El Texano), The Public Enemy, Tex and Slazenger, and last but not least, the team of Tony Norris and Action Jackson, 'The Nubian Nightmares'. To me, that last team is my odds on favourite to win, as they both under-performed as singles competitors last year, but have looked deadly together on WCW Main Event.

Seven team shake up - what do you guys think about that?
Well, the Power Plant is a beacon of constant change, being a middle ground between the lower divisions and the major leagues of WCW - we'll see even more shake ups in the singles division on that front. Being in the middle is more volatile - and that honestly is what makes this lower tier so exciting. Not only are these men fighting for their chance to compete at the top level, they are also fighting to avoid falling into anonymity.

I swear, watching this middle ground is the most challenging part of the job. These men have families to feed, and they need upward momentum to be able to do so, or else they end up looking at other professions.
Lots of different teams here. I watched the Power Plant series this past year keenly in order to ensure I could speak towards the new promotions to WCW, and I have to see the volume of change in the tag team division in both the Power Plant and WCW's main stage is extremely exciting. I look at the new teams in the mix, and the diversity is amazing. Tag Team wrestling has always been one of my favourite aspects of the business, and seeing the amount of fresh matches the Power Plant will provide in 1994 makes me giddy.

I'm like a kid in a candy shop, Eric!
It's nice to have the knowledgeable and excited Schiavone on board finally - that's the man I want on this show! Well then, we know the field is shaken up - who do you guys like as ending the season in promotion spots? I already mentioned The Nubian Nightmares as my favourite, and I think they will be joined by their pals in Harlem Heat. There is nothing more motivating than competition between friends, and we saw these four men working together and being aligned over the course of 1993... Add to that Harlem Heat's fourth place finish that they are sure to improve on, and I think we'll have fireworks for both teams - and an explosive match up in round two when they face off against each other!
To me, there is one team that I don't see anyone being able to stop, and that's the big nasty duo of 'No Thrills' Tom Davis and Jesse Barr. These two men started off 93 rough, but once they established their chemistry, they dominated - going 9-1-0 in their final 10 matches. And I think they are joined by the veteran team of Black Bart and Bob Orton, two more tough SOBs that are also looking to improve on a first year as a tag team.
I gotta go with one team from both of your selections making it through - I agree with JR on Davis and Barr, those two seemed unstoppable in the last two thirds of last year. I don't know how anyone can derail their momentum at this juncture. And then, Harlem Heat man... I see Booker T and I see the future. These guys were sooo close last year to earning a promotion, and I think this year they do it.
I gotta agree with both of you on Barr and Davis - they are machines that will be difficult to stop. Next up: Who's the bottom of the barrel in this division?
I've got two teams written down for this, and I'm sad to say both of them, all four men seem like upstanding citizens and deserve good things, but I don't think they have what it takes. Last year, The Western Boys - the team of "The Rocky Mountain Ruffian" Mike Rapada and Brad Rheingnans - lost two thirds of their matches. I think the young Rapada has a future in WCW, but Brad isn't clicking here. I'm going to make a brash statement and say that Mr. Rheingnans would be best served moving to Japan and mixing it up in singles competition there where he style may be a little bit more successful.

For the second team, this one might surprise you as they had winning records in 1993, but The Simpson Brothers never looked like a great team, and at the end of the season you could see it in their efforts, they are regressing and it is clear.
I gotta disagree with you, Jim. To me, it's the new guys, Public Enemy. Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge popped up on WCW Main Event a few times and never stood out. It doesn't help that Rocco is 40 years old. The other team that stands out to me in a bad way is The International Sex Pistols. We have never seen El Texano and David Taylor team up before and the two men have such different styles with Texano wrestling a luchador style and Taylor works a technical British style. Plus it's country meets rock as Texano's a cowboy and David Taylor is coming off working with the Fabulous Freebirds as a rockstar.
Alright, well that pretty much wraps things up, here today. Folks at home, please remember to mail in your predictions for the WCW Grand Prix preview show coming up soon! We just have a few more divisions to get through, and then it's time for the main event. Details for submission can be found at the bottom of your screen. Our next broadcast will preview the Power Plant's single's divisions. Until then, I'm Eric Bischoff and this has been WCW Prime!


Davis & Barr


Disorderly Conduct


Harlem Heat


The Harrison Brothers


The Heavenly Bodies


The International Sex Pistols


The Moondogs


El Negro Y La Plata 


Nubian Nightmares


Public Enemy


The Simpsons


Shanghai & Tex


Southern Rockers


Speed Eleven


Western Boys


Wildest of the West


Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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I sure hope nothing happens when the Harrison Brothers wrestle the Nubian Nightmares... 


10. Arn Anderson
11. Bam Bam Bigelow
12. Barry Windham
7. Big Van Vader
8. Cactus Jack
13. Dustin Rhodes
16. El Gigante
3. Hulk Hogan
6. Lex Luger
5. Nobuhiko Takada
14. Powerhouse Simmons
4. Ric Flair
1. Rick Rude
15. Stan Hansen
2. Sting
9. The Great Muta

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : Power Plant Wrestling (Singles Division 3)



Welcome... to WCW Prime. I'm your host Eric Bischoff, joined by my esteemed colleagues, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone. Today, we'll be focusing on the division that has undergone a drastic make-over, as we talk about a Power Plant singles division that has 10 new wrestlers to the division and only 6 returning wrestlers. It's a massive shake-up and one that makes predicting the outcome that much more difficult.

Boys, who do we think is cracking the top two spots and earning their birth into the primetime WCW rankings?
You know, I'm stuck between three names. On the one hand, there is Great Kokina, a behemoth of a man who went undefeated in the stunted debut season of Southern States Wrestling, and looks outright nasty between the ropes. Then you've got Rick Titan, a powerhouse that ran roughshod through the Canadian league, powerbombing everyone in sight and came second only to Mitsuharu Misawa in an amazing season. Those two men theoretically are the favourites to continue their paths of destruction.

But then you also have "The Tennessee Prodigy" Jeff Jarrett, who may not have the size of Kokina or the power of Titan, but he has the cunning intelligence required to steal wins in situations where he seems to be the underdog.
I look at the roster and the diversity that is present in the Power Plant, and think there are two names that will rise above the rest. First up, I think that Rayo De Jalisco Jr corrects his end of season struggles from last year and improves on his record, moving on to WCW's Division Two. Then, I go with the beast that JR already mentioned, Great Kokina.

Outside of that, I think that the entire division needs to be wary of Sabu - an Arabian Nightmare who seems to be immune to pain. This is the guy everyone else has to be worried about stepping into the ring with, as they won't be fighting just for wins, but for the survival of their seasons.
We're going to go three for three here on our top pick, as I don't know how anyone can stop Great Kokina, he's too powerful and too vicious, coupled with lethal explosiveness.
And I think joining him in promotion will be the reimagined 'Artiste' Marquis Bagwell. He's refusing to acknowledge his previous identity and is insisting that his record be struck clean as he is competing under a new identity. Bagwell had two seasons in WCW as a fledging tag team wrestler, but showed consistent improvement and I think he's destined to emerge as a star in the future. Plus - have you looked at him recently? The dude got huge during his suspension. He took his time off seriously and is bigger than ever.

Okay, we've gone through the studs, onto the duds.
I think that the newly dubbed 'Artiste' Marquis Bagwell is going to be too busy dealing with his looks as he seems to be what the kids are calling metrosexual. It might make some of his opponents uncomfortable, but I think his absorption will be his downfall.

And joining Marquis at the bottom is Rod Price. I like Rod, I really do... And I think that being rewarded for stepping in last year as an unplanned tag team wrestler is well deserved. But the 'Underrated' Rod Price is going to be outmatched by his peers here.
I think that we see two veterans make their way out this year, as my money is on Manny Fernandez and Stan Lane not making it out of the season. Even though 'The Raging Bull' Manny Fernandez is absolutely a treat to watch, he had a losing season last year and I think that the field is stronger this year.

Then with Stan Lane, his own partners in The Heavenly Bodies seem to have moved on from him. The guy is a legendary tag team specialist, and I think he gets exposed here in the world of singles wrestling.
Man, Tony, looks like you are in favour of a youth movement... I've only got one name that I feel confident putting out there and that is Cobra. Cobra had a great first season in Southern States, but even then he came third out to the much more promising Kokina and Sabu. I think the man from the Armed Forces needs a little more seasoning as it's only his third year as a pro wrestler.

Last thing I want to touch on is the debut of 'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff. The 17-year pro, 44 year old light heavyweight is a 3 time former NWA National Heavyweight Champion, but those reigns came a decade ago. How do you guys feel about Paul's chances at this stage in his career.
In terms of the division he is starting off in, I think he's going to have a great run. We're going to have to see a different side of him though, as it's been 8 years since his heavily documented arm injury and his strength has deteriorated significantly. So he's going to have to rely on his intelligence and experience.
I don't think you are giving him enough credit - he had a 9 month title reign as a Television champion in UWF over the course of 92/93. Over the course of the past 2 years, he's wrestled extensively against and alongside some of WCW's bigger names, like Cactus Jack, One Man Gang and Dr. Death Steve Williams. I think Paul is going to be a big name here in the power plant for a couple of years.
Alright, that's all the time we have. Folks at home, please remember to mail in your predictions for the WCW Grand Prix preview show coming up soon! We just have a few more divisions to get through, and then it's time for the main event. Details for submission can be found at the bottom of your screen. Our next broadcast will preview the women's division over in the LWPA. Until then, I'm Eric Bischoff and this has been WCW Prime!



Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : LPWA (Women's Division)



It's time for another episode of WCW Prime. I'm your host Eric Bischoff, joined by my esteemed colleagues, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone. It's all about the ladies today, as we look at the 20 lady roster of the Ladies Professional Wrestling Association. Before we get into the predictions for 1994, I want to take a moment to praise the women for the amazing season they just had, as we saw these women improve the perception of female wrestling in America. If these ladies can continue to impress, there is a good chance that a women's division will take place on the primetime WCW stage.

So boys, with that said, which of these badass ladies will emerge the champion this year?
The way I see it, there are two women at the top and I think they are untouchable, and that is the two previous champions. Madusa believes she is the best women's wrestler on the planet today, and damn if she doesn't back it up between the ropes, with only a single loss over two seasons. But then there is the current champion Akira Hokuto, who has emerged as on another level. It's going to be between these two, and I have to give the edge to the American, Madusa.
I think that Madusa is in her own head, and has lost the ability to finish matches. She went to time limit draws six times last year, and I think she only gets worse here. She is immaculate in the ring, but has become her own worst enemy as she's over-thinking strategy. I think this is a runaway season for Akira Hokuto, and I think the real question is does she achieve the first ever perfect season in Grand Prix history?
I think it's fair to say that with Magnificent Mimi's unexpected leave of absence and Susan Sexton's retirement from the ring, a gap has formed between the favourites and the rest. However, I'm going to throw one more name into the mix here...

At the end of the 1993 season, we saw an alliance seemingly form between Bull Nakano and Lioness Asuka under the guidance of the mysterious Takako Inoue. The duo have been dangerous year after year as solo stars and with them seemingly united, there's an added element of danger - especially with Takako at ringside for their matches. I think Nakano may rise above and cause troubles in at the top of the rankings this year.

Onto the other end of the spectrum... Who do you guys see as not keeping their spot for 1995?
It's a long year, and anyone can rise to prosperity. And we have a handful of new names coming in, all looking to shake up the rankings and make waves as they begin their own legacies. So I'm going to go with an unorthodox answer to your question, Eric. I'm going to say that Candi Devine chooses to end her career on her own terms after an unsuccessful season. She's 36, and over the course of last year she reached a point of desperation that I think is the beginning of the end. 
I disagree, Jim. Candi's newfound aggression is going to propel her up the rankings and I think she's still got a lot of gas in the tank. For me, I see Bambi returning to LPWA after a year of rediscovering herself, and I'm afraid she will still lack the intensity she lacked before. I hope she can prove me wrong, but I don't think know is her time.

I also have poor feelings about Linda Dallas, who's a last minute substitute after Magnificent Mimi's withdrawal from the competition. Linda is best known for her tag team run as one-half of the Nasty Girls.
I agree with you, Tony, about Linda Dallas. I also have reservations about Bison Kimura, who had a very weak season last year, and barely maintained her spot in the division, being the lowest ranked lady returning for this season. Bison showed improvements throughout the season, but I feel like the overall talent level has improved alongside her and personal growth won't be enough here.

We haven't really touched on any of the new talents joining LPWA for the first time, yet - other than Linda Dallas. Shinobu Kandori, Combat Toyoda, Penelope Paradise, Cynthia Moreno are all joining the competition this year. Of the four, who do you guys think is the most promising?
That's a tough one, Eric. I think Cynthia Moreno has the most potential as she has the embedded knowledge of coming from a wrestling family - she's going to know the intangibles that take some guys over a decade to pick up on. But I think that she's still too green to rise to the top. To me, Cynthia is a long term player, but her time isn't yet.  
Cynthia's going to be great - I believe that. But, will she be the greatest? I think that title goes to Shinobu Kandori. She's got the presence, the lethal style, and the experience to rise to the top of the field. 
Alright, that's all the time we have. Folks at home, please remember to mail in your predictions for the WCW Grand Prix preview show coming up soon! We just have a few more divisions to get through, and then it's time for the main event. Details for submission can be found at the bottom of your screen. Well, we have made it through the minor leagues - for the final three preview shows I be bringing in special guests as we will countdown the projected rankings for the main stage - Next week we will be joined by Paul E Dangerously! Until then, I'm Eric Bischoff and this has been WCW Prime!



Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : WCW (Division 2)



It's time for another episode of WCW Prime. I'm your host Eric Bischoff, joined by my esteemed colleagues, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone and special guest Paul E Dangerously! Today we are counting down WCW's Division Two projections for 1994. Unfortunately, I will be starting off the count down with a negative note, as we just learned that Shane Douglas has suffered a torn achilles and will be unable to compete this year. Shane Douglas will be on hand at the 1994 season premiere of Saturday Night to personally disclose his replacement. It's a shame - Douglas was returning to Division Two after a strong season at the Power Plant.

So, Shane Douglas is our number 16 ranked projection solely due to his injury. Jim Ross, over to you for the lowest ranked projection for 1994.
Terrible to hear about Shane Douglas - I think I speak for the entire crew here in wishing him a rapid recovery. Moving on to number 15, we have Tom 'Z-Man' Zenk. Zenk has competed in the first two Division Two seasons, and has hovered near the bottom of the rankings for each season. He has managed to avoid relegation so far, but losing his best friend in Brian Pillman to the Four Horsemen has got to have a negative effect on his mental well-being. The only way he escapes relegation in my opinion is by putting his personal affairs behind him and solely focusing on the competition, but I don't think he can do that.
Thanks for having me, gentlemen. I'm excited for the new season, and if you don't mind I'm going to take a moment to shamelessly promote my weekly segment, Talking Dangerously! Each week, I'll be sitting down with two competitors from the WCW Premier League and discussing their upcoming match in a less-formal setting.

As for number 14, I'm afraid we've got the continued downfall of 'Hacksaw' Butch Reed. After being demoted from the Premier League, Butch didn't really bounce back last year and all signs point to his continued descent.
Butch really needs a bounce-back year or else he's going to be considering retirement... At number 13, we have the debuting Scotty Flamingo. Honestly, I am shocked that he's ranked this high even. Flamingo has never competed in a Grand Prix match, has bought his way into his spot, and is so obnoxious that the rest of the division is probably lining up for the opportunity to punch him straight in the mouth. I hope it's one season and he's gone, but given his financial position, I fear he'll stick around even if he is demoted.
... On an unrelated note, the 'Pink Dream' soft drinks we all have at our table were supplied to us by Flamingo Corp. 'Pink Dream' - the soft drink of your dreams...

At number 12, we have fellow Flamingo Corp member, Haku. Haku is coming off a weak season in the tag team division and it appears he'll be designated as Scotty's personal bodyguard going into the 94 season, leaving him unfocused on his own season. Make no mistake about it though, Haku is dangerous and cannot be taken likely by any of his opponents.
So that's what these sodas are... If we can plug our own products I got some bbq sauce that I'd like to talk about some time...

Coming in at number 11 is a shockingly low ranking for Larry Zbyzsko, who had a terrible season in the Premier League after winning the Tag League. Larry lost so much confidence last season, and their were points in time where it seemed that he had flat out given up. After the rough season, he's going to have to rebuild confidence before he springs back to life as a serious contender.
You know, it's a shame that Larry fell so hard. Perhaps if he stuck with the Dangerous Alliance, he would still be in the Premier League?

Ranking in at 10 is Johnny B Badd. Journalists all predicted that the death of the Shooter's Club would result in Johnny B falling to obscurity, but he has stuck by manager Jody Hamilton and honed into his boxing background - and it is working as he scored two consecutive knock out victories to end the season. If he can build off of those knockouts, who knows, maybe he can become a serious contender for promotion?
Number 9 is Kevin Von Erich - I really hope that Kevin can continue to improve on his record year-over-year, but I fear that he isn't making the massive strides towards the top. The Tragic Father is focused and proficient, I hope he is able to channel his energy towards finding solace and personal satisfaction.
Debuting in WCW for 1994 right at the middle of our predictions is our number 8 ranked star, 'The Standard Bearer' Mitsuharu Misawa. Like his moniker dictates, he's going to be the separator between the good and the great. Coming off an impeccable 18-1-0 season, I wouldn't be surprised if he outperforms his projections in WCW. I honestly think he may be the most complete package in all of wrestling, and WCW having him just makes the whole show that much better. 
No kidding about Misawa. I saw a few of his matches in the Canadian Grand Prix, he is definitely one of the best in the world today.

Our number 7 may be a bit of a shock for our viewers, but we all agree that Terry Taylor is staying firmly at the middle of the pack in Division Two. He has massive shoes to fill, as Division Two has been won by Player Enterprise members both years, but we think that trend is coming to an end. I think the pressure, combined with the turbulence that Player Enterprise has been experiencing as a collective, is going to be too much for Taylor. He'll be difficult to beat, but I think he'll continue to fail to finish within time limits.
To me, the difference between a contender and a pretender is the time limit in WCW. Being able to turn up the tempo and kick into the next gear in order to collect a victory within 20 minutes only gets harder and harder as you climb the ranks of WCW. But it's also the ability to survive in situations where you are defeated that keeps the great at the top. That's why at we have Dan Severn ranked number 6. Despite being a physical beast with the ability to put anyone away, Severn hasn't been able to keep his team alive consistently during his tenure. Breaking out on his own here without partner Ken Shamrock, if Severn wants to push into the upper echelon, he's going to have to learn how to go the distance.
That's a great point Paulie. One that our number 5 ranked star has no difficulty doing - as coming in at number 5 is 'The Hotstuff Horseman' Eddie Gilbert. Undefeated in 1993, Gilbert took any challenger he couldn't beat to the limit, earning the first place finish in the Power Plant. Debuting as the final member of the Four Horsemen, Gilbert is primed for immediate success in WCW. If he can maintain focus on his own path and refrain from becoming a Nature Boy stooge, Gilbert is going to go far!
I am super excited to see what Gilbert brings to WCW.

At number 4, we have Nikita Koloff. Koloff bounced back from a demotion from the Premier League with a fifth place finish last year. We all agree that Koloff continues his strong showing with further improvement in 94. Do we think he's ready to return to the top tier though? Probably not. The Russian Sickle has to find whatever it is that will set him apart from the rest if he wants to return to the Premier League.
Well folks, we are down to the final three. Our projection to finish one spot short of a promotion is... Kevin Sullivan. Sullivan reached a new depth of audacity in the second half of 1993 after 'losing it all'. Sullivan's willingness to do absolutely anything, including manipulating other wrestlers to impact their own rankings, makes him one of the most dangerous individuals in all of WCW. His two seasons in the Premier League have left him with a pretty unfortunate win-loss record, but we all fear for his competition as he's sure to sink to new lows in his quest to return to the Premier League.
Will it be a new low, or a new high for Sullivan? Question his morals all you want, I agree with the approach of doing whatever it takes to succeed.

I'm honestly not thrilled about the individual we have ranked number 2 - I am not a fan of Diamond Dallas Page. He's a big guy and he's talented, and he had an impressive first season in WCW, but I think everyone is overhyping him due to his apparent friendship with Hulk Hogan. You all are failing to see, he's just a leech, sucking off of Hogan's fame to position himself higher. I wish I got to talk about number one instead - a former Dangerous Alliance wrestler who is much deserving of the top ranking.
Suck an egg, Paul. DDP's constant ascension up the card has been nothing short of incredible, especially considering his age. You'd think a dude starting out in his late 30s would have a relatively low ceiling, but he continues to exceed expectations.

That said, I don't think he exceeds Tully Blanchard. Blanchard went through a rough patch in 1993, but outside of that 4 match stretch he was a front leader consistently. And with him winning the Division Two preview battle royal at Starrcade, he's all business. I think the biggest factor here is Tully being ignored in his request to join the reformed Horsemen. He's got the motivation that no one else has, and I don't think anyone will stand in his quest to return to the Premier League.
Well, there you have it folks. Thank you to our guest, Paul E Dangerously, for his time here tonight. We'll see you all next week when we preview the WCW Tag Team Division!



Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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On 12/15/2023 at 8:16 PM, Nightshadeex said:

If it doesn't come down to Misawa beating Flamingo so he has a catalyst to turn into Raven, I'll eat my hat.

Misawa won't be the one that gets the character change to happen... The road to get there is still quite long :)
Misawa is opponent number 1 this season for Flamingo.

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : WCW (Tag Team Division)



It's time for another episode of WCW Prime. I'm your host Eric Bischoff, joined by WCW's broadcast team, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone and special guest Freebird Michael Hayes! And I can't think of a better expert when it comes to tag team wrestling, than Mr. Hayes. Unfortunately for Michael, his partner Terry Gordy has left him to partner with a different man, Dr. Death Steve Williams... But we will touch on them later. Let's get started with our countdown!

In the bottom ranked spot we have The Fantastics, Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers. They are one year removed from their last tag team run, as Tommy Rogers is returning from injury. Their 1992 run wasn't anything special and Bobby Fulton will be happy to return to tag team wrestling after a demotion-worthy effort in Division Two. Unfortunately, we have them ranked at the bottom as we have concerns about Tommy Rogers' return to the ring.
It's been a long journey for Rogers, and while I wish nothing but the best for the kid it is hard to see him having a fairytale ending to his recovery story.

Ranking at Number 15 is Al Snow and Chris Adams - The Journeymen - and honestly I am not surprised that we don't have them ranked higher. While they have never been a threat to the top of the division, they have survived the first two seasons of WCW's Tag Team Grand Prix, and they ended 1993 by playing the spoilers when they defeated The Terrors to prevent them from promotion. But, their overall record doesn't dictate a high finish either. Honestly - I feel like it is make or break time for the team and think that another disappointing finish will be the end of The Journeymen.
Hello, hello! It's... fabulous... to be here boys! Thanks for welcoming me to the panel - I'm excited to talk about the division.

Coming in at number 14 is the winners of the 1993 Power Plant Tag Team Division - La Cultura Torcida - Eddie Guerrero and Konnan! The exciting young latin duo impressed American audiences last year in their plight towards their championship, but now they are on the main stage where the foes are bigger and more experienced. I think they take a licking this year and come out of the tournament better for it. After all, it's not the championships that make the men, but the road to them.
Thanks, Michael. Well said. At 13 we have another plucky young tag team that are less experienced than the field, but have the fire to impress and will definitely grow over the years - and that team is The Wild Stallions, Chris Benoit and Joey Maggs.

After a second straight season of disappointment for Maggs' previous team - The American Males - it seemed as though Maggs was heading for demotion. But that changed when Marcus Bagwell was suspended and Maggs was left partnerless. He called on the rising Chris Benoit from WCW's Power Plant promotion and the two teamed with surprising success. These two are going to be difficult to beat for even the best teams in WCW.
Before we move on, I'd like to remind the viewing audience at home to go out and buy the 'Pink Dream' soft drinks, like we have at our table. As supplied to us by Flamingo Corp. 'Pink Dream' - the soft drink of your dreams...

At number 12, we have the second placed team of the 1993 Power Plant, Solar and Blue Panther. Now, it may surprise our audience to see the runner ups outrank the champions, but we'd be remiss if we dismissed the experience level that Solar and Blue Panther bring to the table. While they may not have achieved a championship in the Power Plant, they bring a wealth of experience that is guaranteed to lead to more longevity in the competition. The two luchadors are technically sound and will find ways to win.
At number 11, we have the team of Bull Gantner and Tony Anthony, True Grit. This rough and tumble team pulled off a 7-8-0 season in their debut season last year, with impressive victories over the likes of Shooters Club, The Young Pistols and the Samoan Swat Team. This duo is dangerous, grimy, and capable of compromising morals in order to win. Are they the best team in the division? No... But they have proved they can find ways to win against almost any team.
Me and Terry beat em.

Ranking in at 10 is another team that we beat - The Samoan Swat Team. The duo of Samu and Fatu are dangerous, but unrefined. They are capable of seriously hurting their opponents - like they did when they put Jim Brunzell on the shelf for the foreseeable future, perhaps even ending his career. They have begun to abuse their empty heads as weapons and could be a danger to any other wrestler in the division. I hope Samu knocks the hell out of Dr. Death this year... That said, the Samoans need to learn traditional tag team techniques if they want to climb the ranks. They make simple mistakes that costs them long term.
Number 9 is The Young Pistols and it's surprising to see them so low on the rankings despite having established a 19-8-3 record over their first two seasons. The duo of Steve Armstrong and Tracy Smothers have admittedly lost some of the momentum that they developed in 1992 when they went on a glorious, unexpected undefeated run, and I think that the rest of the division has learned how to beat them. They need to find a way to stand out amongst the division or they will slip further down the rankings after a disappointing seventh place finish in 1993.
Opening up the top half of the rankings at number 8 is two members of the reformed Four Horsemen, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. The widely popular duo are sure to succeed under the tutelage of Ric Flair, but we all agree that there is a high potential for them to get wrapped up in Ric's personal affairs and that may result in distraction from their own efforts.

Pillman is trying to bounce back from his first run in the Premier League that saw him lose more often than he won, while Austin is trying to recover from a disappointing finish to 1993 that saw him just miss out on a promotion to the Premier League. Instead of the duo both competing in Division Two, Ric Flair announced that he would rather have them compete in the Tag Team division, rather than in-fighting between themselves. While we have them ranked in at eighth due to inexperience as a unit, if they can find their chemistry early, they could be a force to reckon with.
Honestly, it's shocking to see them ranked so low. But another key factor in their ranking is the massive heat the duo have with the rest of the locker room. I could see other teams putting their own differences aside to assist one another in beating up Austin and Pillman.

At number 7 we have The Classic Era after a sixth place finish in 1993. The duo of Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton are no-frills, and they get the job done. Bobby Eaton was dubbed Mr. Underrated by Pro Wrestling Illustrator just this past month, and it's no surprise why - he's consistently been the best wrestler in the tag team division. These two work a near picture-perfect tag formula and I think that they stand out to me as the one sure-fire team to end the season on the top half. Whether you like them or not, there is no team more consistent. But, when we look higher up the card, that No-Frills style is what keeps them from ranking even higher.
You know, I think it was our loss to Eaton and Finlay that caused the wheels to come off the Freebirds express. Terry thought that was a team we should have beat, and we came up short. Definitely a team you cannot take likely.

Up next is the only team that matched The Freebirds in terms of longevity and experience - Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, The Rock N Roll Express. Ranked as number 6, these guys are pros. They beat me both in 1992 and 1993 and I wish I had a chance this year to try and win won back against them. They took the Freebird style and everyone knows it's the best style in the game today. I hate em... but I respect them.
It's nice to hear you say good things about such a big rival, Freebird. Especially since you couldn't beat them.

Number Five.... The third place finish for 1993, Dan Spivey and One Man Gang - The Terrors. Honestly, we all thought that Spivey and Gang were returning to the Premier League prior to their final match against The Journeymen last year. They failed, and they have to bounce back... and I'm not sure if they do it. We watched them blow their promotion right at the end with two losses in the final three rounds and their body-language after that final match tells the whole story. You'd think two guys their size would be dominating...
The thing with Spivey and Gang is, it felt like they were the benefactor of a weaker division last year. I honestly think they are going to struggle with the new teams that have been formed and are going to get exposed this year.

One of those new teams is Thunder Dragon. Ranked fourth going into the new season, the team of Jushin 'Thunder' Liger and Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat are arguably the most exciting tag team in all of wrestling. An international affair of high flying, technically sound wrestlers, Thunder Dragon are... well... awesome. Steamboat suffered a demotion after a rocky 1993 season, but is still widely regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the world. And Liger has two straight seasons of out-performing concerns over his size. I think these two will compliment each other perfectly and I honestly have no idea how any can keep up with this duo as matches go longer. The few times they teamed up on World Wide, it was clear they have that special chemistry. Even if they don't end up in the running, every single one of their matches are going to be 'must-watch-tv'.
Final three time... and sitting just outside the promotion rankings for the third straight year is The Outsiders. Despite being two big nasty thugs with the ability to get things done between the ropes, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash have ended both of their first two seasons on the peripheral of greatness. Consistently though, their attitudes backstage have been detrimental as they've established enemies that have cost them victories. If they would just focus their own business, I think they'd be in the Premier League already.
You aren't wrong, Jimmy boy. Nash and Hall beat me both years and both years I was left banged up for weeks after facing those guys. Definitely some of the best talents that WCW has outside the Premier League.

You guys are assholes for making me do this ranking, but the number 2 ranking going into 1994 is the Miracle Violence Connection, Steve Williams and Terry Gordy. These are two of the meanest boys in the biz. Two towering masses of muscle that are capable of absolutely ripping anyone apart. It pains me to say this, because Terry was such a close friend to me, but I hope they fail to live up to the hype. They may be 'that good' but I don't think they have the heart that the Freebirds had, and without that heart, I don't think they are able to break on through to the other side.
Sucks to be you, Freebird... What are you planning on doing this season, by the way?


Well, it all comes down to one team - our projected champions of 1994. They were the runner ups in 1992, coming up one point short of the championships and holding the tie-breaker over the actual champions, they are Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner, The Steiner Brothers. The brothers struggled in singles competition last year, and both are returning to their comfort zone, where they are destined to excel. It was an unanimous selection for us, we all ranked the brothers as champions. The only real question mark surrounding them is whether they want to win it all or not, as they were not ready for singles competition last year.
Well, there you have it folks. Thank you to our guest, 'Freebird' Michael Hayes, for his time here tonight. We'll see you all next week for the final preview, WCW's Premier League!



Looking for some early reader feedback to use in the final divisional preview later on - what do you all think the final rankings will be Premier league? (You can Quickly Rank as 1st to Last)

Arn Anderson
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack
Dustin Rhodes
El Gigante
Hulk Hogan
Lex Luger
Nobuhiko Takada
Powerhouse Simmons
Ric Flair
Rick Rude
Stan Hansen
The Great Muta

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WCW Prime 1994 Preview : WCW (Premier League)



It's time for another episode of WCW Prime. I'm your host Eric Bischoff, joined by my esteemed colleagues, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone and The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes! Tonight, we count down the participants of the 1994 Premier League, as voted by the fans! Without further adieu...

Unanimously ranked last is El Gigante, the colossal Argentine representing Flamingo Corporation. Despite a second place finish in 1993's tag team division, and being the largest competitor in the division, many viewers feel that Gigante is inexperienced and was carried to the Premier League on the back of partner Stan Hansen's efforts. Will Gigante's inexperience result in the toppling of a giant, or will the backing of Flamingo Corp help El Gigante exceed viewer projections?

On that note, the 'Pink Dream' soft drinks we all have at our table were supplied to us by Flamingo Corp. 'Pink Dream' - the soft drink of your dreams...
I don't have to keep drinking these, do I? I can feel my teeth rotting.

I hope you don't mind Dusty, but coming in at number 15 is your son, 'The Lonestar Cowboy' Dustin Rhodes. Despite back-to-back seasons with a winning record and a championship finish in the tag team scene last year, Dustin's age and inexperience has him ranked near the bottom of the field in the eyes of our viewers. And, without intentionally setting out to upset our guest tonight, I have to agree with our viewers. Dustin is going to be a key fixture for years to come and may one day reach the heights of his father, but I don't think this year ends with a winning record for the young grandson of a plumber...
It's alright, Mister Ross. I know my son will succeed in due time, but if this first foray into the Premier League isn't fruitful for the boy, I can only attest to the plight of the journey as that is what makes the man. My boy, he'll get where he needs to be, he's got his father's blood in him after all, and if he has to go through hard times... well, you already know my thoughts on that matter.

Not far above him is his own tag team partner, as ranking in at number 14 is 'Widowmaker' Barry Windham. Barry is the first wrestler in the short history of WCW's Grand Prix to return to the Premier League after a demotion, and his first run in the division saw him finish tenth, just barely being demoted that year. Then he goes down to the tag team division and teams with my boy and they go the distance and win the big one and now he's back in the promise land of ... If you will... I think he's under-ranked by the folks out in TV-land and will let him go out there each week and prove me right.
Sometimes I can't believe it's already been two full years of this.

Ranked in unlucky number 13 is the Division Two champion, The Great Muta. Muta joins fellow Player Enterprises' members Nobuhiko Takada and Bam Bam Bigelow in the top flight and he does so after winning Division Two in his first season with WCW despite missing a round due to injury. He has only lost a single Grand Prix match so far, but will have to compete with the budding egos of his stablemates. After tension grew last year, will the stable coexist with three members in the Premier League? Muta will be in a tough spot as in order to survive the season, he will likely have to defeat his peers.
At number 12, we have Muta's stablemate, The Beast of the East, Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow. Bigelow is the first individual defending a Premier League roster spot to be ranked in a projected demotion. Like Tony mentioned, Teddy Long's Player Enterprises have been rocky as of late and we are in agreement with the audience at home in that we think the distractions of the stable will lead to Bigelow's downfall. If he can steer clear of internal issues however, Bigelow is coming off of fifth and seventh place finishes in the top division and he'll be looking to maintain his dominance as he brings his foes greetings from Asbury Park.
Smooth line, Eric. Landing at number 11 is 'Double A' Arn Anderson. Anderson finished last season in eighth place after a championship run through the tag team division in 1992. Arn is as tough as they come, but he has to dig deeper if he wants to climb the ranks this year. He struggled in the early parts of 1993, but was able to turn around his season after bringing former best friend Ric Flair to the time limit. I can't help but think that the Premier League has changed Arn... He has stepped away from his friendships in Flair, Tully and Zbyzsko and while he has the fight of a champion in him, I feel as though he's lost a bit of himself outside of the ring.
Coming in at number 10 - as ranked by you lovely folks at home, the final spot worthy of relegation at the end of the 1994 season - is Powerhouse Ron Simmons. And I think this is pretty shocking as just one year ago, the man was first in the fans lines to become a World Champion. I think the relationship he formed with Kevin Sullivan hurt the overall perception the audience has of him, and even though he overcame Sullivan's advances and mindgames, it showed to everyone the kinks in the armour of the Powerhouse. If he wants to bounce back and become a champion, he's going to have buckle down and prove to the world and himself that he can stay focused and determined inside those ropes.
You know, Simmons finished his first season just 1 win shy of surpassing the champion for the crown. It's not crazy to think that he shouldn't be there again. And I think he learned a valuable lesson during his stretch of being under Sullivan's spell - I think he learned how to remove emotion from the equation. And that - that can be the difference between a win and a draw in some circumstances.

Ranking number 9 is the Division Two runner up, Cactus Jack. You know, I am pretty surprised to see Jack ranked this high considering that he's the third youngest guy in the division and his record leading into his promotion is spotty at best. I think Cactus is a dangerous man, who is always capable of being a threat to any opponent, but I think he may be over-loved by the audience at home here. That said, while he doesn't have the most luxurious resume from the Grand Prix, Cactus does have the unique disposition of holding a Pay Per View victory over Ricky Steamboat and is a reigning Israeli champion in UWF at the moment, showing his range and tenacity.
1994's man ranked right in the middle also happens to be the man with the widest array of predicted finishes from the WCW audience, as our viewers found this man to be anywhere from second worst, all they way up to a top five finish. Number 8 is 'Sugar' Stan Hansen, straight from Flamingo Corporation! Flamingo Corp recruited Hansen after a serious injury to Doink left El Gigante 0-2-0 and without a partner, and Hansen turned the ship around with an 11 match win streak that propelled himself and El Gigante into the Premier League. He's big, dangerous, and has the bankroll of Flamingo Corp backing him.
Hansen is bowling shoe ugly, and watching his matches is like bearing witness to a car crash...

Ranked number 7 is another car crash scene - Big Van Vader. The big, ugly brute has been on the warpath in WCW with a second place finish in 92 and a fifth place finish in 93. He also has back-to-back awards for match of the year, winning that award for his insane match-ups against Ricky Steamboat. The Mastadon needs to bounce back after a less-than-stellar season. He holds the record for longest Premier League win streak with 14 straight victories spanning 92 and 93, and if he can build a bit of momentum, I'm sure he could recapture that success. Bottom line is, Vader is dangerous.
Nobuhiko Takada... Nobuhiko Takada... Takada comes in ranked highly at number 5... You know, I am not sure if anyone else in all of WCW has risen up the ranks as quickly as this man. You see... I see a man who has come and conquered, winning the 1992 Division Two league, and then parlaying that success into a respectable sixth place finish in his first run in the Premier League. But there is a dangerous story hidden in his journey, as one third of his matches last year ended in draws... The man is a nightmare to defeat, as his defence is damned near impenetrable, but despite having a lethal striking and submission game, he has lacked the killer instinct required to finish matches.

Between inner squabbles of Teddy Long's Player Enterprises, and competing against the biggest stars wrestling has to offer, Takada's biggest enemy has been... time itself. The 31 year old needs to tap into the killer instincts within before his defence has been fully scouted by the rest of the league and his dangerous game becomes nullified... If he can tap into it though, there is no limit to how high he can climb.
Ranking in at number 5 is Lex Luger! Luger has placed third and fourth in successive years, and WCW's fanbase thinks that it will be more of the same with Luger projected to rank fifth this year. But a new wrinkle presents itself this year - after a year of stubbornness and unwillingness to participate in anything outside of WCW's Grand Prix matches, Lex Luger made a shocking unannounced appearance at WCW Starrcade, saving Sting from an attack. Has Luger had a change of heart? We haven't heard from Luger since Starrcade and are not sure what his intentions are going forward. What we do know is this - Luger has an amazing Grand Prix record, having only lost to three individuals, two of which went on to become the champion. Luger is in immaculate shape, and is said to have spent the past month living at the gym to get in even better shape. And Luger continues to get better inside the ring. It's a dangerous combination, and one that could win the whole league.
Going from Luger, straight to the man he saved at Starrcade, ranked number 4 is the first ever WCW Premier League champion and the 1993 runner up, Sting. Dubbed 'The Ace' of WCW, Sting has recorded the most wins in Premier League history, was ranked the 1993 wrestler of the year, and finished just one win shy of a repeat championship last year. Sting has been the hero of WCW for the past two years, but has developed a mistrust in fellow hero, Hulk Hogan - and that mistrust has evolved into self-isolation. Sting has been at the top of the game since the conception of the Grand Prix, and I honestly don't see him being anywhere but the top for a long, long time.

That said, this self-isolation and potentially renewed alliance with Lex Luger adds a confusing new element to the man they call Sting. Is a change of heart in the future for our hero?
Once again, we reach our final three. Coming in at number three is the 1993 champion, Rick Rude. Rude's championship run was one formed out of opportunistic momentum, a surprising finish after an 0-2 start to his season. From there, he would go undefeated for 13 straight rounds, with twelve wins and a draw. Everybody remembers the moment where his destiny changed... He was initially scheduled to team with Ric Flair at Superbrawl, but Flair, but Flair rejected the partnership with Rude and a new mission was born. Immediately after being rejected, Rude scored his first win of 1993 and followed it up by capturing the 1993 Superbrawler trophy. He turned his back on the Dangerous Alliance and set off on his own, expanding his ego and confidence in the process.

Now, he's a champion. Albeit, one that has relied on opportunities. His fate-driven complex has created a mindset where he believes he was destined to be champion. And now that he is, has he become unstoppable? Or will Rude begin to take talent for granted in favour of the belief that destiny will feed him?
When I look at the run Rick Rude had last year, I saw a man ascend beyond just being a competitor, towards a height that only few can achieve. He sees himself as a deity - but to be at the top of the mountain - you have to see yourself in that light. Ranked above him is a man who is no stranger to their own ego, a man who has the status of champion in the hearts of millions and millions around the world...

Hulk Hogan, as voted number 2 by our audience, is on a collision path with a new destiny of his own... He leaves behind the glitz and glamour of Rock Star Wrestlemanias to become a true fighting champion in the most demanding competition in all of professional wrestling. He was named wrestler of the year in 1987, 1991 and 1992. He is a 5 time world heavyweight champion. He is undefeated in WCW wrestling, having won 12 exhibition matches leading up to his Grand Prix debut... Hulkamania is about to run wild on WCW, and to quote the man himself, "Whatcha gonna do, WCW, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?"
Can you imagine? This year we are going to see never before matches like Hogan vs Vader, Hogan vs Sting and Hogan vs Luger. Wild stuff, what a time to be a wrestling fan!

 Now then, we have counted down our 1994 field over the course of the past few weeks, spanning 9 divisions and 204 wrestlers, and after all of that, I have the pleasure of presenting to you the number one ranked wrestler, as voted on by you the viewers! He was named wrestler of the year in 1981, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1989. He was named veteran of the year in 1992 and 1993. He is the most decorated wrestler in professional wrestling - a 10 time world heavyweight champion. He is the leader of The Four Horsemen, he is 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair!!!
Thank you, Tony. You know - a man once told me that to beat the man, you've got to beat the man. And you are looking at 'The Man'... The way I see it, the previous champion was Sting and I beat him. And Rick Rude didn't beat me! So the way I see it, you are looking at the true champion! Woooooooooooo! WCW, I've recharged the Horsemen, I've found the fountain of youth, and baby, Space Mountains got a couple new features! I'll see you all, in MY Grand Prix. Hogan, you ballooned up rat, you think you can come into my house and waltz to a championship? Let me tell you something, boy. You shed your colours to rock WCW's pink and blue as the flagship of the company, but this is MY company. You were in the right colour when you were wearing yellow, because you are yellow! You are a coward! This is MY show. MINE. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



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Prediction Grid:

Diamond Dallas Page vs Terry Taylor
Four Horsemen vs True Grit
La Cultura Torcida vs Samoan Swat Team
Scotty Flamingo vs Mitsuharu Misawa
Rick Rude vs Dustin Rhodes
Sting vs Arn Anderson


It is the kick-off edition of a new season of WCW's Grand Prix on WCW Saturday Night! A new season comes with a clean slate, and a new journey to championship glory begins here.

In tag team action, the Power Plant championship team of Konnan and Eddie Guerrero - La Cultura Torcida - make their WCW debut against The Samoan Swat Team. After severely injuring Jim Brunzell, The Samoans have been boasting about having the most dangerous weapons in all of wrestling, their own heads. Will the new tag team be able to withstand the dangerous skulls of the Samoans? And The Four Horsemen kick off their 1994 campaign with against the tough team of True Grit - how will Steve Austin and Brian Pillman fair in tag team competition after two seasons as singles wrestlers?

Division Two kicks off with a double debut showcase, as 'The Standard-Bearer' Mitsuharu Misawa takes on the loudmouth rich boy who bought his way into the Grand Prix, 'The South-Atlantic Saviour' Scotty Flamingo. Both men are looking to make a strong first impression as they begin their WCW quests for glory. Also on hand for the night is the injured Shane Douglas making his announcement on who will replace him in Division Two. Douglas suffered a terrible torn achilles and will not be able to compete this year.

The Premier League kicks off with the Champion himself in action, as 'Ravishing' Rick Rude takes on the youngest competitor in WCW Premier League history, 24 year old 'Lonestar' Dustin Rhodes. Will Rude be able to kick off his championship defence campaign with a definitive win, or will the plucky young upstart shock the world with a massive upset to set the tone for a new year? Plus, in the main event, the first ever champion Sting looks to begin his quest to recapture the championship as The Ace of WCW takes on 'Double A' Arn Anderson.


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Diamond Dallas Page vs Terry Taylor

DDP is one of my perennial favourites

Four Horsemen vs True Grit

You did actual previews and everything, and I still can't remember who True Grit are

La Cultura Torcida vs Samoan Swat Team

Weren't these guys in the Los Gringos Locos stable together (which reminds me, is Art Barr around in your game)? Anyway, they're awesome 

Scotty Flamingo vs Mitsuharu Misawa

Whilst Raven is one of my favourites even I'm not dumb enough to put Scotty Flamingo over Misawa

Rick Rude vs Dustin Rhodes

Dustin's good but you outright said he wasn't ready for a big win yet

Sting vs Arn Anderson

With Hogan establishing himself as the top babyface I figure Sting can cycle down the card whilst Arn moves up as a potential rival to the Hulkster


Remind me, how do the titles figure into the whole grand prix/tournament setup?

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