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Smoky Mountain Wrestling 1992: The way it used to be. The way you like it!

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January 1992

In October of 1991, a disenchanted Jim Cornette had the three essential ingredients in place that he planned to use to right the wrongs of what professional wrestling looked like in the early 90s. Jim had a vision, a location, and financial backing.  Alongside his business partner Sandy Scott, it was time for Cornette to start cooking, and serve up his vision of what wrestling used to be, and what he'd be quick to argue it always should have stayed.

This isn't WCW, and it's certainly not the WWF.

THIS is WRESTLING the way it USED to be. The way you like it!

















THE FANTASTICS (Bobby & Jackie Fulton)






"PRIME TIME" Brian Lee
























THE KOLOFFS  (Ivan & Vladimir Koloff)

















































                                                                                                                   SMW COMMISSIONER 







OOC:Hi all, this is Golden Guard M checking in after a long absence. Some of you may remember previous dynasties of mine, PGHW:Belief Beyond Magic here on GDS, and Mid-South Wrestling: Universal Cowboy over on BeTheBooker (under the name RetroJobber). While I did enjoy writing those a great deal while they were active, life would get in the way, and upon attempting to return I'd struggle to find the time and energy to deliver the standard I'd set for myself. 

My life has undergone many changes in the time since I last posted here, and my old style of writing is not sustainable. I don't have the time (or desire) to do long show write ups. What I do still have is a desire to book old school wrestling and share the results!

I feel that I've found a happy medium with the format I'm going to take with this new dynasty.  Expect a bullet point approach to my writing, which should result in less time writing for me, and a more snappy experience for you as you read this. It also means that when life gets in the way (which it will!), I'll be more easily able to return and pick up where I left off. 



                                                                WE ARE STARTING SMOKY MOUNTAIN WRESTLING FROM DAY 1! 

                                                                EPISODES 1+2 OF SMW TV WILL BE COMING YOUR WAY SOON!! 







Edited by Golden Guard M
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3 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

SMW was a decent attempt by Jim Cornette to keep the territory system alive in the '90s (alongside the USWA) in the face of Vince McMahon's aggressive and predatory expansion of the WWF, so I think I'll follow along here.  🙂

Thank you for the early show of support Old School Fan 👍. I hope you enjoy my approach to Smoky Mountain, which won't stray too far from the real thing as far as the vibe I'm aiming for goes.  It's always been a promotion that I've enjoyed playing in my own personal games, so I look forward to sharing this one for all to hopefully enjoy. The first 5 months are already booked, so once I figure out some presentation issues I'm hoping that I'll be able to get the ball rolling soon! 

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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell 

Air Date: January 1992, Week 1 

221 in attendance at Greenville Memorial Auditorium (South Carolina, USA) 


Welcome to Smoky Mountain Wrestling! 

- The debut episode opens with a scan of the excited crowd within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium. 

- The voice of Bob Caudle welcomes viewers to Smoky Mountain Wrestling. "It's Pro Wrestling how it used to be and the way you like it! Stay tuned to see a barn burner of a main event attraction between two of the greatest professional wrestlers in the World today, it’ll be Bobby Fulton of the Fantastics vs. the Russian Nightmare… Ivan Koloff."

(Rating: 54)

All Eyes on Prime Time! 


- We then hear from Bob Caudle's broadcast partner "Dirty" Dutch Mantell. The Dirty Dutchman wastes no time in informing us that as well as the big main event, we are also going to witness the debut of “Prime Time” Brian Lee. Dutch tells us that Brian Lee is highly touted as being one of the best up and comers in the sport of professional wrestling, but he’s looking forward to seeing with his own eyes if this guy REALLY lives up to the hype.

(Rating: 29)

Killer Kyle vs. "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson 


- While the fans didn't seem to know what to make of the mafioso looking Killer Kyle from Hells Kitchen, NYC upon his arrival to the ringside area, they left no doubt on there feelings towards his opponent. Cheers and screams of approval accompanied the sounds of "Old Time Rock & Roll" by Bob Seger to welcome the arrival of "Rock "N" Roll" Robert Gibson

- The first match in Smoky Mountain Wrestling history saw the ever popular Robert Gibson use his greater ring IQ and speed to succeed in overcoming his larger opponent. At the time of 5:49, Robert Gibson put Killer Kyle away for the three count following a Sunset Flip. 

- This was a decent bout that succeeded in getting the crowd hot for more Smoky Mountain Action! 

(Rating: 54)

Scouting the Bear! 


In a pre-taped video package, Bobby Fulton is stood by backstage with his brother Jackie. Bobby says that he knows from their previous encounters that Ivan Koloff is one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the history of the sport, but he warns Ivan that it’ll take more than his usual tactics to get the better of him tonight, because Fulton has him scouted and he’s going to give the Russian Bear the fight of his life!

(Rating: 41)

Introducing the Commissioner! 


"Bullet" Bob Armstrong is introduced in a pre-taped backstage interview with Bob Caudle as the commissioner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Caudle says that he feels Armstrong is a great choice with his near 30 years of experience in the sport of professional wrestling. Armstrong talks about his career in the sport and his respect for pro wrestling as just that…a SPORT! And under his watch that is exactly what Smoky Mountain Wrestling will represent….with matches enforced by strict rules….no throws over the top rope, no attacking the referee….and whoever breaks these rules can expect a fine in response…..and if things get too bad, he wants to remind the wrestlers that he’s also still active on occasion…..so he’s not against being a physical enforcer if that’s required!

(Rating: 55)

"Prime Time" Brian Lee vs. Dale Veasey 


- Brian Lee seemed to be troubled by the more experienced Dale Veasey in the opening moments of this contest. On commentary "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was quick to proclaim Brian Lee as being "All Show and No Go". Dutch continued on, "If this kid wants to get by on his impressive body alone, there are places that masquerade as wrestling promotions where he can do that, but THIS isn't one of those places." 

- As the contest rolled on, Dutch grew increasingly silent following his premature criticism of Brian Lee, as "Prime Time" managed to pull the match back in impressive fashion. 

- Brian Lee picked up the victory in 5 minutes, 20 seconds via pinfall, after putting Dale Veasey down for the count after hoisting him up and dropping him down with a backbreaker that he calls "The Cancellation" 

- Bob Caudle forced some begrudging praise for "Prime Time" Brian Lee out of Dutch Mantell. "I'll admit, he managed to show me something out there" said Dutch "but I'll tell you this too Bob, I saw areas that need work if this kid plans to keep picking up wins and living up to all of this hype around him. I'm still not 100% sold on Brian Lee" 

(Rating: 38)

Wright Intentions 


We cut to a backstage interview with the old time southern wrestling star Mr. Ron Wright, who is now wheelchair bound. Ron Wright explains that his years in the sport of wrestling damaged his knees. His body may not be what it once was, but his mind is still as sharp as ever…and he’s come to this area to scout the talent and find himself a man or maybe even a tag team that he can guide with his sharp managerial know how. Wright says he’ll manage his client or clients all the way to the top of this new promotion of wrestling greatness that is Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Mr. Wright also adds that with the money he makes from managing he’ll spend it on knee surgeries so he can walk again.

(Rating: 69)

Randy Hogan vs. "White Lightning" Tim Horner 


- The sound of "The Thunder Rolls" by Garth Brooks filled the Greenville Memorial Auditorium to soundtrack the arrival of "White Lightning" Tim Horner. The local star got a warm reception from the fans in attendance.

- Randy was clearly a Hogan that hadn't been saying enough prayers or taking enough vitamins, as he was outclassed by Tim Horner from bell to bell of this short contest. 

- Tim Horner picked up the win in 4 minutes and 4 seconds, when he side stepped an incoming attack from Hogan in stylish fashion. Catching Hogan off guard, Horner gained the victory via a roll up with a natural bridge.

- This match succeeded in getting the crowd hotter. 

(Rating: 52)

Cornette creates a buzz! 


Bob Caudle stepped up from commentary and welcomed “The Louisville Slugger” Jim Cornette over to the interview area to get some comments. Cornette said he realises that the people in this backward country arena and watching at home in TV land are wondering why a celebrity like himself would be seen in such a place. Well he has two reasons, 1) He realises these people don’t get to see stars often, so he wanted to be charitable, and 2) He knows that Smoky Mountain Wrestling is going to be the organisation that brings the SPORT of professional wrestling back to the forefront! "This isn’t no circus made up of over the top characters designed to push action figures and cartoons while disgracing the reputation of this SPORT in the process" Cornette shouted out with heart felt passion radiating from every word  "Oh no...Smoky Mountain is going to be the REAL DEAL in professional wrestling…a place that puts the WRESTLING before all else…oh yeah, it’s the real deal when it comes to wrestling organisations….and when it comes to managing, even the dumbest of rednecks in this building can tell you that Jimmy Cornette is the real deal!……I've managed the greatest tag team of all time, the Midnight Express….a team that revolutionised tag team wrestling! Jim Cornette continued on, stating that he wanted to let the wrestling world know that he’s found a brand new team, a dynamic team…..a team that will be the next revolution in tag team wrestling, and he’s going to be bringing that team right here to Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Cornette closed by saying that when his new team arrives, it'll be an experience so good you can consider it Heavenly! 

(Rating: 70)





An offer fit for Prime Time? 

-After a quick commercial time out, Bob Caudle interviewed “Prime Time” Brian Lee and he congratulated him on an impressive victory earlier on in the show. Brian thanked Bob and told him that wrestling skills are important when it comes to winning matches, but so is having the support of the fans, and with these great fans in the south behind him, cheering him on like they did earlier today….he believes he can achieve anything! This is why he wants to make it clear that he plans to enter the tournament that is coming up so that he can become the first ever Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Champion! Brian adds that he really hopes that Commissioner Bob Armstrong will grant him the opportunity.


-Brian Lee was then interrupted by "Dirty" Dutch Mantell. The Dirty Dutchman told Brian Lee that he watched his match earlier and while he saw potential…he also saw that he did many things wrong and if it would’ve been him wrestling...well..he feels that in that match he would’ve done many things differently. Mantell continued on, telling Brian Lee that if he really wants to go anywhere in pro wrestling he’ll need a mentor who can give him all of the advice he clearly needs….a mentor just like himself, Dutch Mantell! Brian Lee responded by saying that he may be new to the sport of wrestling, but he’s not a dummy….he knows that a man like Dutch Mantell only cares about helping one person, himself! "I'm sure you would’ve done things differently in the match…" said Brian "So differently in fact, you would’ve LOST it!" The fans cheered Brian Lee on as Dutch Mantell angrily berated him for being rude. “This is the last time I’ll ever try offering you advice, you clearly have an inflated ego…..a real attitude problem” said Dutch “I hope a day doesn’t come where you regret disrespecting me and turning down my friendly offer of assistance.”

(Rating: 36)

Bobby Fulton vs. "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff 


- This main event was full of back and forth action throughout its 10 minute, 3 second duration. While some of the wrestling on display could be classed as sub-par, the great heat from the fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium more than made up for it. 

- Sat at ringside in his wheelchair, Mr. Ron Wright was scouting the action. "Mr. Ron Wright is a kindly old man who's fallen on hard times" said Dutch Mantell on commentary "My heart goes out to him. I really do hope he finds a client to manage that can help him get back on his feet. A man like Ron Wright should serve as an inspiration to us all!" 

- The finish of the match came when Ivan Koloff was slumped on the ring ropes after being the recipient of a fantastic flurry of attacks from Bobby Fulton. Mr. Ron Wright, whose chair had slowly creeped closer to the ring throughout the bout, reached a hand in to seemingly offer Ivan Koloff a supportive handshake. Moments later, Ivan Koloff intercepted Bobby Fulton's attempt to raise him up from the canvas with a right hand swing. The impact of the swing knocked Bobby Fulton to the canvas, allowing "The Russian Bear" to score the match winning pinfall. 

- Seconds after the match concluded, Bob Caudle noted that Ivan Koloff looked to be clutching something within his right hand. Caudle then speculated that Koloff could've been handed something by Mr. Ron Wright. 

(Rating: 37)

From Russia with Hate 

Following the bout, Ivan Koloff wasn't content with being declared the victor. The fans booed as "The Russian Bear" continued to attack Bobby Fulton. In controversial scenes, Ivan Koloff even went as far as to attempt to choke Bobby Fulton with a Russian Chain that he'd carried out to ringside. Seeing the assault, Jackie Fulton ran in to save his brother from the attack. Unfortunately, this brief save was countered by the presence of a man identified by the commentary team as being Ivan Koloff’s cousin….Vladimir. A wild brawl then erupted between The Koloffs and The Fantastics, which had to be separated by referees and security.

(Rating: 35)

Bullet Bob lays down the law

SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong stormed onto the scene and demanded that the Koloffs get out of his sight immediately! Bob Armstrong then calmed down the Fantastics, saying that not only will the Koloffs be FINED for their appalling conduct, but they’ll get a chance to see just how well they do going up against the Fantastics face to face like men, because that’ll be the main event right here on TV next week! The Fantastics thanked Bob Armstrong, saying that Smoky Mountain Wrestling truly is Pro Wrestling BACK as the SPORT people wanted and demanded!  "I'll tell you something. I've been some places in my career, and I know how to spot a real deal from a pretender" said a fired up Bobby Fulton... "So people out there in TV land, believe me when I tell you...Smoky Mountain is going to be #1 in the Wrestling World, and with your support, it'll be with the Fantastics as its number one team!" Bobby Fulton then had some words for the Koloffs and Mr. Ron Wright "The cheap tricks and underhanded methods of Ivan Koloff and whoever that other Koloff family member was...they WON'T fly on OUR watch, because with the great fans of Smoky Mountain Wrestling here in the United States behind us, we'll kick the Koloffs all the way back to Russia!…..and as far as Ron Wright goes, he may be wheelchair bound and elderly, but if he ever sticks his nose in the business of the Fantastics again, he’s going to get a receipt he won’t soon forget, and that’s his first and final warning!"

(Rating: 43)


(Overall Show Rating: 47) (Popularity increased in 1 region) 




"HOLLYWOOD" BOB HOLLY will be in action

We shall hear from "BAM BAM" TERRY GORDY! 




Edited by Golden Guard M
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Very well done old school classic wrestling.


Brian Lee got the spotlight tonight in his debut not only a match to showcase his skills but got to verbally beat Dutch Mantell. 


Bob Armstrong's introduction was perfect. He's hear to lay down the law and we see him do so at the end. The way it's supposed to be an authority figure actually setting things up and throwing out discipline that's fair.


The Fantastics VS Koloffs is a good first feud to trying to get people coming back for episode two, especially with Ron Wright's involvement. Also appreciate the "Next Time on SMW" info at  the end, it's rare we get to hear what will happen next week on the weeks prior show, but this is 1992 when else would you let fans know.

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Thank you for the positive feedback The Blonde Bomber. I kept very close to what happened in reality with episode 1, but we'll start seeing my own spin on things come into play soon enough. One example I can tell you is that a big name of the era that never worked for SMW in real life will be coming into the mix fairly early on! 

6 hours ago, James The Animator said:

Just so you know, the formatting on your first TV doesn’t come out right on Light mode. Bob Caudle’s text comes out dark gray and blends into the text box.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention James. My apologies to you and anyone else who prefers to read in light mode. I'll look into changing things up to get the shows looking correct in both modes. 

Edit: The text should now appear correctly in both modes. 

Edited by Golden Guard M
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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and Jim Cornette 

Air Date: January 1992, Week 2 

221 in attendance at Greenville Memorial Auditorium (South Carolina, USA) 


A Welcome from Caudle and Cornette


- The show opened with a quick video recap of the brawl between the Fantastics and the Koloffs from last week. 

- We are back for week two of Smoky Mountain Wrestling action. With the Greenville Memorial Auditorium once again playing host. 

- Bob Caudle is joined this week at the commentary table by Jim Cornette.  "Don't touch that remote, because we've got a firecracker of a main event in store for you today." proclaimed Bob Caudle "The area has been abuzz about it all week long, The Fantastics will clash with the Koloffs right here on television!" 

- "Well Bob, it seems I forgot both my blindfold and my ear plugs today, because I keep seeing and hearing all of this misplaced love for the Fantastics" said Jim Cornette as he looked out towards the fans with clear annoyance towards them "These people out here in the crowd and watching at home need to enjoy those two guys while they still can, because the Koloffs are out for BLOOD today, and I think they're going to get it!" 

(Rating: 47)

"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. Jerry Grey 


-  The sound of "Fame" by David Bowie filled the Greenville Memorial Auditorium as one of the most talked about newcomers in Professional Wrestling "Hollywood" Bob Holly arrogantly walked out to the ring, sporting a jacket and shades. 

- At the commentary table, Jim Cornette went to great lengths to talk up not just the in ring credentials of Bob Holly, but his blossoming career out in Hollywood, California as well. "Bob Holly is set to shine in Professional Wrestling AND he's set to shine on the big screen!" stated Jim Cornette "Hollywood Bob is in the sights and in the books of every casting agent, director, and producer that matters out there in Movie Land!" 

- Mr. Ron Wright was present at ringside, looking very impressed with what he was seeing out of "Hollywood" Bob Holly. The commentary team speculated that Holly may be in Ron's sights as a potential client to manage. 

- While Jerry Grey did have a few fleeting moments of shine on offense, "Hollywood" Bob Holly was never greatly troubled by his opponent. Holly never let control slip away from him for long, and overall he made a solid impression in his first time out in front of the SMW fanbase. 

- The match ended at the time of 6 minutes 35 seconds after "Hollywood" Bob Holly secured the three count following a beautiful knee drop from the top rope that he calls "The Star Drop"

- The wrestling on display in this opening contest got the crowd hotter. Leaving them ready for more Smoky Mountain action! 

(Rating: 32)

New Level Strength! 


In a pre-taped backstage interview, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff gave an official introduction to the man that we got to see for the first time last week. Ivan identified the man standing to his right as his best cousin from the Motherland, Vladimir Koloff! Ivan went on to say that we can all expect to see a level of Koloff Strength never before witnessed, and he assured us that it will come in today's main event at the expense of The Fantastics. 

(Rating: 40)

Long live Rock "N" Roll! 


In a pre-taped backstage promo, “Rock 'N' Roll” Robert Gibson proclaimed how happy he is to be here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. The fan favorite promised that as long as the great wrestling fans keep on supporting him as they have done for so many years now, The Rock and Roll will NEVER die! 

(Rating: 52)

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. "The Hustler" Rip Rogers  


- At the outset of the contest, Bob Caudle talked up how "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff is a World renowned wrestler with an impressive career spanning many promotions and many years. Caudle said that it's a delight to have a man of his credentials competing within Smoky Mountain Wrestling.

- "I'll give Paul Orndorff the credit he deserves, not only for all that he's accomplished elsewhere, but for leaving all the hocus pocus and showbiz of the other leagues behind and coming to a place where WRESTLING matters" added Jim Cornette "That being said, I remember when this guy had a real mean streak. These days I see him out there playing up to the stinking hillbilly fans and that bothers me Bob. This is a guy who needs to get that hard edge back. He needs to remember what he's capable of, and just who he does and doesn't need." 

- Rip Rogers got an early advantage when he jumped Paul Orndorff just moments before the opening bell while Orndorff had his back turned to hand his entrance robe to a ringside attendant. Bob Caudle was quick to object to this conduct, but Jim Cornette quickly interrupted him..."That conduct may not get you cheers, but it's going to get you wins. That's the type of killer instinct that The Hustler has, and that's why he's going to go far here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling!" 

- A combination of cheap shots and skill saw Rip Rogers trouble Paul Orndorff during this competitive contest, but Orndorff managed to battle back and take control of the action.

- Paul Orndorff's hard work to take back control nearly came unstuck when he attempted to put Rip Rogers away with his signature Spike Piledriver. The referee was quick to put a stop to this, telling him that the Piledriver is not a legal move in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. The annoyance that this caused Paul Orndorff was visible for all to see and it caused "Mr. Wonderful" to momentarily take his focus away from the action, allowing Rip Rogers to regain control.

- Thankfully for Paul Orndorff, he managed to overcome some troubling moments by sitting down on a sunset flip attempt from Rip Rogers, landing him the match winning pinfall. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff won the match in the time of 9 minutes, 21 seconds. 

- This was a bout that had the ideal combo of good heat and decent wrestling. This was another contest that succeeded in heating up the crowd! 

(Rating: 59)

Come out and see us LIVE! 


SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong is shown in a pre-taped backstage promo. He tells the fans at home that TV is great, but nothing beats seeing LIVE wrestling action. Smoky Mountain Wrestling is the place to be and all fans should make their plans to come out and see the shows in person!

(Rating: 62)

Put up or SHUT UP! 


- We are shown footage recorded earlier in the day, where "Prime Time" Brian Lee had a message directed to "Dirty" Dutch Mantell.

"Since last week here on television, I've been hearing from fellow wrestlers and management that a certain someone is going around stirring things up and trying to talk me down.  Dutch Mantell, I'd hoped that you would've got the hint last week, but it seems that you cannot keep my name out of your dirty mouth with all of your negative talk. Well Dutch, if you feel so strongly about this, why don't you quit talking about how much you think I need to learn and instead STEP UP and meet me in the wrestling ring and take your best shot at showing me? I'm not a hard man to find Dutch, it's PUT UP or SHUT UP time....but I warn you, if you step in between those ropes with me, it's going to be YOU who finds they have something to learn!" 

(Rating: 43)

"Dirty" Dutch Mantell vs. Scott Armstrong 


- "Rawhide" by Frankie Laine played soundtrack to the arrival of "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, who came out to ringside with his trademark bullwhip in hand. 

- Dutch Mantell found himself getting increasingly frustrated as this bout progressed, as he found himself on the negative end of his exchanges with Scott Armstrong more often than he would've liked. 

- On commentary, Jim Cornette tried to imply that Scott Armstrong was getting special treatment, with the referee turning a blind eye to some supposed illegal actions. "I'm sure this has nothing to do with his father being the Commissioner" complained Cornette. "I'm not sure what you're referring to Jim" said Bob Caudle in response "I've seen nothing but clean wrestling technique from young Scott Armstrong during this bout." 

- 7 minutes and 50 seconds of decent wrestling action concluded in unsavoury fashion when the frustrations of "Dirty" Dutch Mantell led to him grabbing his bullwhip from the ring corner and jabbing it into the throat of Scott Armstrong. The referee saw this illegal act and immediately called for the DQ, awarding the match to Scott Armstrong. "Dutch was tired of all of this kids rule breaking and the referee turning a blind eye to it. I don't blame him for doing what he just did." said Jim Cornette. "Is that REALLY how you saw it Jim?" asked Bob Caudle "If you ask me, I'd say that Dutch Mantell did what he did because he could feel the match slipping out of his grasp fast!" 

(Rating: 41)

Prime Time to strike back! 


- Following the bout, the referee desperately tried to get some order as "Dirty" Dutch Mantell continued his attack on Scott Armstrong by lighting him up with lashes from his bullwhip.

- Booing from the crowd in response to what they were seeing quickly changed to the sound of cheers as "Prime Time" Brian Lee rushed out to ringside.

- "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was quick to cease his attack and retreat from the ring upon seeing Brian Lee enter. The two rivals then engaged in an intense stare down from a distance as Brian Lee helped Scott Armstrong to his feet. 

- "What I just did to him is a small sample of what's coming your way Brian Lee. I promise you that!" shouted out an angry Dutch Mantell, as he lifted up his bullwhip. 

- "You want some? I'M RIGHT HERE!" yelled out Brian Lee in response.  

(Rating: 33)







Tag Team Greatness Incoming? 

-After a quick commercial time out, Bob Caudle got some comments from Jim Cornette, who was characteristically lightning quick with his words and more than happy to continue where he left off the prior week. 


"Look at the Southern Sloths out in this audience. I tell you Bob, most of these faces would give Freddy Krueger nightmares. 

I'd like for all of you to put down the soda and fries and perhaps pick up at least one brain cell so my words have some hope of registering. Greatness comes in many forms, and you've all got the greatest wrestling manager speaking before you right now, so sit up, take notice, and give my greatness the respect it deserves! 

Speaking of greatness, everybody knows about the greatness of my Midnight Express, but as great as they were...the best tag team is still to come, and they are coming RIGHT HERE to Smoky Mountain Wrestling! The level of greatness that these two men are capable of reaching, well, I'd say they can reach Heavenly heights! You all best believe, when my new team arrives in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, they'll go where every team that associates with Jim Cornette goes...STRAIGHT TO THE TOP!" 

(Rating: 71)

Just an Innocent Man

In a backstage pre-tape, Mr. Ron Wright maintained his innocence against the accusations made that he'd played a part in the outcome of last weeks match between Bobby Fulton and "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff


"I'm nothing more than a crippled old man, looking to find me some talent that I can use my wrestling mind to manage to the top of this here Smoky Mountain Wrestling empire... and make myself some money needed to fund my surgeries to walk again. 

I hear that Bobby Fulton isn't very happy with me after last week. Well Bobby Fulton, I'm an innocent man, I did nothing but observe the match. To blame me....a frail and elderly man, for your own misfortunes.... that's a real lowly thing to do Bobby!" 

(Rating: 62)

The Fantastics vs. The Koloffs 




The intensity and outright hatred between these two teams was evident from the opening bell, as both tandems went at each other with an aggression that picked right up from the brawl they engaged in last week. 

- The back and forth action that saw the two teams do battle inside and outside of the ring came to a conclusion in 8 minutes and 35 seconds. The finish came after Jackie Fulton caught Vladimir Koloff off guard with a flying crossbody from the top rope, landing him the match winning count of three. 

- Moments before the match ended, a miscommunication error from Vladimir had seen him accidentally collide with his Uncle Ivan, causing the elder member of the Russian team to fall between the ring ropes to the outside.  

- Following the bout, some angry words were exchanged between the two Russians. Ivan Koloff was having none of the attempted apology from his cousin Vladimir, pushing him aside and storming towards the backstage area on his own. 

(Rating: 46)

Gold in the sight of Gordy! 

Bob Caudle welcomed his guest to the interview area, a man who'll soon be wrestling in a Smoky Mountain Wrestling ring...."Bam Bam" Terry Gordy! 


"I've DWELLED at the BOTTOM...I've THRIVED at the TOP of FREEBIRD MOUNTAIN....and I've been EVERYWHERE in between! 

I know what is happening in this Wrestling World and I KNOW that it isn't happening anywhere quite like it is here in SMOKY MOUNTAIN! 


A birdie on the BADSTREET whispered into my ear, and that birdie told me that a TOURNAMENT IS COMING....a tournament to crown the FIRST EVER SMOKY MOUNTAIN HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! 

I FEEL the ENERGY of the FANS here in this territory, and I SEE the level of competition on the roster. I don't just want to make Smoky Mountain Wrestling my home, I want to make myself THE MAN who stands ATOP of the Mountain....ABOVE ALL OTHERS!

So PUT MY NAME DOWN, because I want IN that Championship Tournament.....and I'm IN IT to WIN IT, because I'd love nothing more then to be the Smoky Mountain HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!"

(Rating: 54)

A symbol of excellence+A match announcement!

- As "Bam Bam" Terry Gordy walked off camera, Bob Caudle introduced his final guest of the day, the local favorite who had a strong debut showing on week 1, "White Lightning" Tim Horner


- Tim Horner spoke out about how much it touches his Heart to see that Professional Wrestling is BACK as it should be, right here in his home area! Tim went on to say that this is an area that has always been surrounded by mountains to look up to, but he now believes that the area has something else to look up to, and that's Smoky Mountain Wrestling, which he believes will stand tall as a symbol of excellence without equal in the Professional Wrestling World. Horner continued on, saying that SMW isn't a bodybuilding contest or a glitzy rock show, it's pure Pro Wrestling, as it used to be, how you liked it, and how the fine people of the South demand it! "I've recently returned from a tour over in Japan" stated Horner "but you best believe that I'm now putting my all into getting to the very top of this promotion, because this is the finest Pro Wrestling that you'll find in America. You know Bob, I heard talk of a Heavyweight Championship tournament coming up. I really do hope that tournament is one that I get the opportunity to compete in!" 

- SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong then walked onto camera and shook the hand of Tim Horner. "Tim, I wish to congratulate you on your recent success overseas, as well as your strong showing here on television last week. You're a fine competitor and an even finer human being, you represent everything that I want this promotion to stand for." said Armstrong "It's true that a World Heavyweight Championship tournament will be coming up, I'll be discussing it more in the weeks ahead. We've already got talent from all over expressing interest in entering this, but what I can tell you for sure is this Tim, your participation in the tournament is under strong consideration!"  


- "Right now, I'm here to address another matter" Bob Armstrong told Bob Caudle as Tim Horner walked out of shot. "We've only got a few moments of air time left, but I had to address the deplorable actions we saw out of Dutch Mantell earlier on in the broadcast. Now believe me, I considered a HEAVY FINE for Dutch over the usage of that bull whip upon my boy. Unlike what a certain loud mouth on commentary would suggest, It doesn't make no hair of a difference that the victim of that attack happened to be my son. I'd feel the same way if I saw such conduct carried out upon any competitor here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Now....after considering a financial punishment, I had what I believe to be a more suitable solution suggested to me by a certain someone, and that someone happened to be Prime Time Brian Lee!.....so Dutch Mantell, whether you want it or not...if you want to keep your job here, you'll be climbing into the ring with BRIAN LEE.... NEXT WEEK!..... RIGHT HERE ON TELEVISION!!" 

(Rating: 41)

(Overall Show Rating: 49) (Popularity increased in 1 region) 










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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and Jim Cornette 

Air Date: January 1992, Week 3 

221 in attendance at Greenville Memorial Auditorium (South Carolina, USA) 


Welcome to Week 3!


- We are back for a third week of Smoky Mountain Wrestling excitement. The fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium are loud and ready. Settle in and get ready to enjoy an action packed edition of SMW TV! 

- Bob Caudle was once again joined at the commentary table by Jim Cornette.  "We've got quite the Main Event coming up on the programme today." said Bob "It's going to be "Dirty" Dutch Mantell squaring off against a man who has quickly become a favorite around this area, "Prime Time" Brian Lee!"

- "These people sure have taken to Brian Lee quick" said Jim Cornette "but that doesn't impress me, because flies take to horse manure every single day! I'm looking forward to seeing Dutch Mantell expose this guy as being over hyped and well out of his depth when he wrestles circles around him today. Mark my words Bob, they won't be calling Brian Lee PRIME TIME after this match is all said and done, they'll be calling him CANCELLED!" 

(Rating: 33)

"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. Pat Rose 


-  After an impressive debut victory last week, "Hollywood" Bob Holly approached his 2nd showing within SMW with more of the same confidence and fire. 

- "Hollywood" Bob Holly not only matched his debut performance, but he bettered it by finishing off his opponent in even quicker fashion. It took Bob Holly just 5 minutes and 2 seconds to score the match winning pinfall over Pat Rose.

- The finishing blow was once again Holly's impressive "Star Drop", a knee drop delivered from the top rope.

- "The Star Drop is a thing of Beauty, landed with such precision that Pat Rose now resembles a Beast." yelled out an impressed Jim Cornette at the conclusion of the match "Every move we saw out of Hollywood Bob Holly in that match was timed and executed to perfection, the likes of Oliver Stone wouldn't have been able to direct that any better! Trust me when I tell you Bob, the lights are going to be shining real bright in the future of Hollywood Bob Holly, we are all lucky to be taking in the presence of such a Star!" 

- Jim Cornette wasn't the only one impressed, because the action on display succeeded in getting the crowd within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium hotter. 

(Rating: 40)

Plans for Elimination! 


- In a pre-taped backstage promo, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff told us that it was the weakness of his cousin Vladimir that resulted in a Koloff defeat at the hands of The Fantastics last week. 

"Cousin Vladimir's failures will NOT be tolerated! He has been called back with urgency to The Soviet Union. All of his weaknesses shall be purged in a special training regime in Moscow!" proclaimed Koloff "As for me, I stay here in the United States with a mission to END The Fantastics as punishment for the embarrassment they caused us! That's right Bobby and Jackie Fulton, you haven't seen the last of me! Later on today, I shall introduce a NEW TAG TEAM PARTNER.....a man that will help me see to it that not only are The Fantastics ELIMINATED from Smoky Mountain Wrestling...but ALL OF Professional Wrestling!!" 

(Rating: 58)

We look forward to seeing YOU!


A commercial aired featuring "Rock 'N Roll' Robert Gibson and "White Lightning" Tim Horner. The two fan favourites commented on how they both foresee great things ahead for Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Both men said that they look forward to meeting all of the great wrestling fans live and in person when Smoky Mountain Wrestling visits there areas. The commercial then ended with an on screen list of all of the venues that SMW action can be seen at in the months ahead! 

(Rating: 43)

Staying Ahead!


We saw both of The Fantastics in a pre-taped backstage interview. Bobby Fulton said that it doesn't matter who Ivan Koloff brings on out as his new teammate, because when they face off, the result will be EXACTLY the same as it was last week. "Ivan Koloff, you need to accept that not only are the Fantastics ahead of you, but we'll be STAYING AHEAD!" 

(Rating: 52)

"Jumping" Joey Maggs vs. "The Hustler" Rip Rogers  


- This decent bout of wrestling action gave Smoky Mountain Wrestling fans a second look at "The Hustler" Rip Rogers, and a first look at a man who quickly captured the fans approval with some high paced offense during the match, "Jumping" Joey Maggs.

- Throughout much of this bout, the support and the flow of the in ring action were both on the side of "Jumping" Joey Maggs. At multiple points during the contest, the more experienced Rip Rogers found himself in danger of defeat.

- Unfortunately for Joey Maggs, his journey towards victory didn't result in the desired destination. The veteran cunning of Rip Rogers led to him side stepping an incoming attack from Maggs, before meeting him with an impactful European Uppercut that put the fan favorite on spaghetti legs. 

- Joey Maggs found himself with no time to regroup, as he had his World rocked after being spun around and dropped to the canvas with a forceful Belly To Back Suplex. This move delivered the victory for "The Hustler" Rip Rogers at the time of 6 minutes, 43 seconds. 

- "Not only am I the best conditioned man in all of Professional Wrestling, but I'm the smartest too!" gloated a victorious Rip Rogers as he looked into the camera following the match. 

(Rating: 45)

A Golden Surprise! 

Bob Caudle welcomed "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff over to join him at the interview area. Bob was quick to ask Ivan Koloff about the identity of his new tag team partner. Luckily for him and the fans, the Russian was equally quick in providing an answer.


"I know what The Fantastics and all of their supporters thought after last week, they thought they had succeeded in driving us Koloffs out of America and back to the Soviet Union. Well Bobby and Jackie Fulton, you may have proven too much for my Cousin Vladimir, but mark my words, he'll return to the United States of America bigger, better and stronger, and he'll go on to dominate ANY American competition who foolishly dares to oppose him. 

but you Fantastics shouldn't worry about Cousin Vladimir, because by the time he returns to America, you shall both be a distant memory. You see Bobby and Jackie Fulton.. I STILL STAND HERE...WAITING, ready to complete my mission of ELIMINATING...YOU..BOTH!

Now, I know you all want to to find out the identity of my new team mate. I've found myself a rare breed of American, an American that I'm actually happy to call a team mate. He's a man that has already made a mark on Professional Wrestling, and now that he's joining my side here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, he'll only go on to do far greater things. 

I am proud to introduce to you all, my new comrade....JIMMY GOLDEN!" 

Booing from the crowd within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium was heard as Jimmy Golden walked out to the interview area and shook hands with Ivan Koloff. Jimmy then had some words of his own to say..


"I see that look in your eyes Mr. Bob Caudle. You know what my presence signifies. Play time is over for The Fantastics, it's time to separate the men from the boys! 

Me and my good Russian friend Ivan Koloff are going to run rough shot over The Fantastics, and we won't be stopping there! We'll show our superiority over any tag team that Commissioner Bob Armstrong can find with the nerve to stand up to us. Speaking of Commissioner Bob Armstrong, I've been hearing rumours that he plans to introduce a Tag Team Championship in this territory. Well, make it be known...  alongside my GOLDEN name, I like to have a GOLDEN waist! So Bob Armstrong, get those Tag Team Championships ready, because you'll find no two men more worthy of carrying those Championships than the Russian Bear and myself!" 

(Rating: 44)

"Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson vs. J.W. Storm 


- While J.W. Storm had a few moments of shine during this contest, his overall forecast was bleak. Storm couldn't come up with the formula needed to stop the rhythm of "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson. 

- In a bout that was filled with decent wrestling and great heat throughout, Robert Gibson scored the victory after reversing a whip attempt from J.W Storm with a whip of his own, sending Storm right into the ring corner. As Storm staggered out of the corner, he was floored with a Flying Bulldog from Gibson. This move gave Gibson the pinfall victory in the time of 6 minutes, 13 seconds. 

(Rating: 55)

The time fast approaches! 


Over at the commentary table, "The Louisville Slugger" Jim Cornette got up to his feet with a microphone in hand. In what should come as a surprise to no one, the always outspoken Cornette had some comments to share...

"If you people think big things have been happening here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling so far, please trust in me to do the thinking for you from now on, because from the looks of some of you folks that I see before me out here, I can tell that many of you get brain strain just trying to knot your own shoe laces! 

I'll tell you all right now, you've seen nothing yet! You want to see something really BIG? Well just you wait until you get a load of my new tag team! All of you hillbillies watching at home, make sure you get the scotch tape to hold your 2nd generation hand me down specs together, and get the aerial tuned correctly on your flickering picture boxes, because unless your an elderly person with a Heart condition who cannot handle the excitement, you have NO EXCUSE to miss out on what is coming, and quite honestly, these guys may be worth dying for, because at least you'll be able to say you've witnessed unparalleled greatness!

I promise you...my new tag team will lead a REVOLUTION in Tag Team Wrestling, and you better be ready....because the time for talking is almost over. The time fast approaches for ARRIVAL!" 

(Rating: 69)






The Wright Company 


In a pre-taped backstage segment, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was shown talking to Mr. Ron Wright. Mantell told Wright that he considers him to be a great man, and he has so much sympathy for his plight. Mantell went on to say that he's not seeking a manager, but he'd still love for Ron Wright to accompany him to ringside to play an up close witness to what he intends to do to what he calls the "low down, good for nothing Prime Time Brian Lee". Mr. Ron Wright responded positively, saying that the kindness of a man like Dutch Mantell means more to him than words can express. Wright accepted Mantell's offer, adding that he looked forward to seeing him teach the over hyped Brian Lee the wrestling lesson he's in desperate need of. 

(Rating: 46)

Jeff Farmer vs. "White Lightning" Tim Horner


- Jeff Farmer had moments where he looked strong during his first showing in an SMW ring, but ultimately he didn't have what it took to trouble the local favorite "White Lightning" Tim Horner for long. 

-  In the closing stages, Tim Horner powered out of a Full Nelson attempt from Jeff Farmer. To Farmer's credit, he adapted fast by twisting Horner around and attempting a short arm clothesline. As quick as Farmer was, Horner was quicker. Horner ducked under the clothesline attempt and positioned himself behind Farmer, where he quickly executed a Natural Bridge. 

- The Natural Bridge has already produced a win for Tim Horner in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and it was once again the recipe for success, allowing for "White Lightning" to put Jeff Farmer down for a match winning three count in the time of 5 minutes, 34 seconds. 

(Rating: 49)


Ready the Limo! 


Bob Caudle welcomed "Hollywood" Bob Holly over to the interview area to get some comments. Caudle took the time to congratulate Holly on his impressive showings in Smoky Mountain Wrestling so far. Bob Holly responded by rudely cutting Bob Caudle off. "I don't need your praise" Holly stated loudly "and I sure as hell don't need any kind of praise or approval from the never were and never will be Southern Hicks in this low down venue" 

"You know what?" Bob Holly continued on "The competition here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling presents little challenge to me, but breathing in the foul air of this rat haven of a town? THAT'S A CHALLENGE!"

The fans booed the words of Bob Holly, but the man from Hollywood laughed before continuing on, "These simple folk cannot relate to what a man like me is all about. I'm all about the BRIGHT LIGHTS and BIG OPPORTUNITIES of Hollywood, California! I drive the finest cars, and I date even finer women. In fact, my driver is readying the limousine up out back to get me OUT of this dumpster fire of an area. I've got business back in Hollywood waiting for me. I've got a date with Julia Roberts lined up, plus a reserved V.I.P suite at the Chateau Marmont! Now, I'd like to say that this conversation has been a pleasure Mr. Caudle, but even for a A List talent like myself, that's just too big of an acting job for me to take on!" 

Just as "Hollywood" Bob Holly was about to leave the interview area, Jim Cornette appeared on camera and approached him. Unlike with Bob Caudle, "Hollywood" Bob Holly was nothing but polite upon seeing Jim Cornette, with the two men sharing a warm handshake.


"I know you have big plans in big places Mr. Holly, so I won't cut too much into your valuable time" said Cornette, before turning toward the camera and continuing on "but I want to give a man with your gifts my public endorsement. I want everyone out there to know just what they are witnessing when they have the fortune to see one of your matches. They call you the fastest rising star in Professional Wrestling for very good reason. Thanks to wrestlers like you, people have a good reason to buy a ticket and come out to the matches.

Between the buzz around Hollywood Bob Holly and the excitement that the new tag team that I'm bringing to this area are fixing to create, I'm telling everybody out there.....Professional Wrestling that you can believe in and respect is BACK! Just like the sun setting and the moon rising, Smoky Mountain Wrestling is a sure thing to be THE PREMIER DESTINATION for the SPORT of Professional Wrestling in the 90s!"

(Rating: 51)

"Prime Time" Brian Lee vs. "Dirty" Dutch Mantell


-  In a main event bout that presented decent action overall from bell to bell, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell used the combined effort of his toughness along with every underhanded tactic he could get away with in order to get the better of the younger and far more popular "Prime Time" Brian Lee

- Sadly for Mantell, the vocal fan support for "Prime Time" Brian Lee combined with Lee's own inner determination meant that this was one opponent that would refuse to stay down. As the match marched towards its concluding moments, the confidence on the face of Brian Lee was as evident as the panic written all over Mantell's. 

- "Prime Time" Brian Lee almost forgot about the presence of Mr. Ron Wright at ringside, but only almost! As Ron Wright tried to slide a foreign object into the ring to aid Dutch Mantell, it was successfully intercepted by Brian Lee.

- As the Referee was distracted trying to get Mr. Ron Wright to back his wheelchair away from the ring area, Brian Lee and Dutch Mantell grappled over possession of the foreign object. As the Referee turned around, Dutch Mantell loosened his grip of the object and crashed to the canvas. Dutch then acted like he was out cold. 

- Seeing what Dutch Mantell was trying to do, Brian Lee tried to explain to the Referee. Unfortunately for him, The Referee called for the DQ, under the belief that Brian Lee had knocked Dutch out with the foreign object. 

- "Has Hollywood Bob Holly left in his limo yet" asked Bob Caudle on commentary "because he should give Dutch Mantell a ride to Hollywood to meet with his casting agent after that acting job he just pulled. What an unfortunate outcome to what had been a great contest" 

- "Nothing unfortunate about it at all!" responded Jim Cornette "This is a sport of brains as well as brawn, and Brian Lee was just outsmarted. I'm happy to see Dutch pick up the win!" 

(Rating: 45)

Prime Time Fury

Moments after the bout, as Brian Lee tried to plead with the Referee, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell made a remarkable recovery, quickly rolling out of the ring and pushing Mr. Ron Wright to the backstage area. Bob Caudle then got up from commentary and motioned for a clearly furious "Prime Time" Brian Lee to join him over at the interview area.


"What on Earth? That's going to be allowed to stand?" shouted out Brian Lee.

"Try to keep calm.  The Referee may have got the wrong idea about what happened, but we all saw it and know the truth Brian." said Bob Caudle in response "I'm sure Commissioner Bob Armstrong will have something to say about this."

"I sure hope he does" said Brian Lee "because garbage like that doesn't belong here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. If Dutch Mantell wants to be a bad actor, he should go and Sports Entertain in New York. Don't insult me and don't insult all of these good people with straight up trash like that stunt you just pulled! And as for Ron Wright, you've just gone and made an enemy out of me, and seeing as Dutch Mantell has decided to get all buddy buddy with you, well I just may put him in a wheelchair to sit alongside you.

Dutch Mantell...Ron Wright, I WARN YOU BOTH...This story is FAR from over, and when it ends, it'll be ME who stands triumphant. Because neither of you are READY FOR PRIME TIME! "  

As Brian Lee stormed off towards the backstage area, Bob Caudle closed the broadcast "and I believe that's all we have time for this week, be sure to join us right here NEXT WEEK for another exciting edition of Smoky Mountain Wrestling!" 

(Rating: 46)

(Overall Show Rating: 48) (Popularity increased in 1 region) 










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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: January 1992, Week 4 

221 in attendance at Greenville Memorial Auditorium (South Carolina, USA) 


A Sinking Ship?


- The show opened with a quick video recap of the controversial finish to the prior week's Main Event between "Prime Time" Brian Lee and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell.  

- After a quick camera pan of the enthusiastic fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium, we were shown that "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was on commentary duty alongside Bob Caudle for this week's episode.

- Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell both started off by talking about the tag team main event coming up on the broadcast, with The Fantastics set to battle "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden. After this, Dutch quit biting his tongue on the subject that he was clearly eager to discuss, "Prime Time" Brian Lee.

"I hear that Brian Lee will be out here wrestling today, and you know what Bob? I'm actually looking forward to seeing him for once" said Dutch with a sarcastic tone "I outsmarted Brian Lee for everyone to see last week. He bit off more than he could chew going up against me! So today, I look forward to seeing this guy try and save face by pulling his ship out of the water, only to fail once again. Brian Lee's ship is loaded with holes, and today it's going to sink for all to see! You know, it's almost kind of sad to see the wasted potential. Brian Lee really should've aligned with me when I was kind enough to offer him the chance!"

(Rating: 39)

Hector Guerrero vs. Tommy Angel 


Hector Guerrero made a Smoky Mountain Wrestling debut to be remembered, treating the fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium to a display of graceful and aerial based offence differing from anything previously seen up until this point in the promotions history. The moves on display from Guerrero, which including flying head scissors and an over the top rope dive drew a vocal reaction from many of the fans within attendance, who clearly loved what they were seeing from the flashy Mexican. 

- Tommy Angel attempted to use his size advantage and a power based offence to slow down his opponent, but other than some fleeting moments where momentum looked to be in his grasp, an answer for Guerrero's flashy style of wrestling was one that just couldn't be found. 

- Hector Guerrero capped off an impressive debut by landing the match winning pinfall via a rolling cradle. The match time was 6 minutes and 3 seconds. 

- This was a match loaded with decent action that got the crowd hotter. 

(Rating: 45)

A Golden Rarity 


- In a pre-taped backstage promo, the newly formed duo of "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden talked up their upcoming tag team main event against The Fantastics. Ivan said that he's very happy to have found a man like Jimmy Golden, because he considers Jimmy to be a rarity of an American man, he's an American Man with the fighting spirit and strength of a Russian. "Today, after you help me eradicate The Fantastics. You will fly with me to Russia." promised Ivan to Jimmy "You shall be welcomed by my people as you take your medal in a parade outside of the Kremlin. A medal that will signify your position as an honorary Russian!" 

"That means a great deal to me Mr. Koloff" said Jimmy Golden in response "I appreciate you and your people, and I look forward to my upcoming visit to your beautiful country. Unfortunately, it seems that appreciation for the two of us is lacking from the wrestling fans. To those fans, I tell you all that you should get smart and see a good thing when it's happening, because WE ARE the team that will take out The Fantastics, and ANY other team as we forge our path to the Mountain top. We'll rule atop of the Mountain over all others here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. You folks don't have to like what I say, but you better believe it, because my word is just like my name, GOLDEN!" 

(Rating: 44)

The Wrong of Wright


- An extended video recap of the closing moments of last week's main event between "Prime Time" Brian Lee and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was played, with focus given to the controversial involvement of Mr. Ron Wright during the bout. 

(Rating: 34)

A Dangerous Travel Gift

At the conclusion of the recap video, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell got up from the commentary table with a microphone in hand.


"Alright, I don't know who is behind these video recaps, but I need to speak up on the clear agenda I'm seeing within the production of them" said Dutch Mantell with annoyance "Instead of focusing on MY victory, I see a focus on trying to find excuses for Prime Time Brian Lee. Now...I say the following to every misguided fan, and I say it to the management of this Promotion who clearly wanted to market Brian Lee as the poster boy....I've EXPOSED Brian Lee! The Brian Lee experiment has FAILED....It's time to move on!" 

The annoyance seemed to hit a heightened level for Dutch Mantell when the fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium started a loud chant of "PRIME TIME".

"Well...I can tell that getting you people to see sense and move on from this fascination with Brian Lee is going to be harder work than I'd anticipated" said Dutch in response "but luckily, I have just the surprise that'll help me get that hard work achieved. Please come on out here Carl!" 

A big man with an impressive physique walked out onto camera and took the side of Dutch Mantell. "Allow me to introduce you all to CARL STILES" proclaimed Dutch.


"While Brian Lee is an example of a squandered opportunity, this man right here...CARL STILES, will serve as an example of opportunity fulfilled" stated Dutch "I recently met Carl on my travels, and just like I saw with Brian Lee, I could see that this was a man with all of the credentials needed to become a success in Professional Wrestling with the right mentorship. What makes Carl Stiles different from Brian Lee is that Carl had the SENSE to see me as his superior and show me proper respect. Carl Stiles BEGGED me to take him under my wing and guide him on the path to being a great Professional Wrestler. Out of the goodness of my Heart, I decided to grant this young man his request!"

"Mark my words people, I'm going to ensure that CARL STILES becomes everything that Brian Lee COULD HAVE been...and so much more! Get ready to forget all about Brian Lee, and instead... embrace this fine youngster.. CARL STILES... as your NEW hero! 

(Rating: 37)

Energy Beyond Compare! 


- In a pre-taped promotional commercial, Bob Caudle was shown standing beside a banner of the Smoky Mountain Wrestling logo, and he wasn't alone, he was stood beside the fan favorite "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson, who gave a glowing endorsement of the promotion. "As you know Mr. Caudle, I've been fortunate enough to be able to wrestle in some high profile places throughout my career" said Gibson "but I have to tell you and the lovely people who are out there watching on the TV, the energy I feel here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling is beyond compare. The Rock and Roll is here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling and it's here to stay, because this is the place where TRUE Professional Wrestling is alive and well!"

"You heard it from Robert Gibson firsthand folks" added Bob Caudle "and let me tell you... nothing beats the feeling of seeing the likes of Robert Gibson and all of the other great wrestlers of Smoky Mountain Wrestling LIVE! We will be in your area soon, so please make sure you join us! 

(Rating: 44)

A Man with a Broken Heart 

- In a pre-taped backstage interview, Mr. Ron Wright said that it breaks his heart to hear that "Prime Time" Brian Lee has been daring to accuse him of underhanded conduct last week.


"I was only holding that object in my weak grasp as a means of protection in a worst case scenario. I had NO INTENTION of using it! The truth is that Brian Lee is a strong young man who felt it fine to snatch that object out of my hands, the hands of a crippled old man. Brian Lee did this for his own purposes.

"I've been hearing that darn pest Brian Lee may have even gone to Commissioner Bob Armstrong, to try and get him to remove my managerial license. So Mr. Armstrong, I ask you to please believe in my words. I'm still on my search to find me a client or two that I can manage in order to get the funds I need for my surgeries. This managerial license may be my one and only shot at being able to get back up on my feet. So Mr. Armstrong, I ask of you to please not make the plight of a frail and sickly old man even worse. I just know that the stress of losing this here managerial license would cause me further ill fortune. I would hate for something bad to happen to me, which could go on to create terrible press and reflect negatively on you and this new wrestling empire of Smoky Mountain Wrestling. We don't need for that to happen, so please do the right thing and let me continue going about my honest and well intended business!" 

(Rating: 41) 

Killer Kyle vs. Rikki Nelson


- "Green Onions" by Booker T & The M.G's sound tracked the arrival of Killer Kyle. Wearing a black hat, shades and jacket, the big man from Hell's Kitchen, NYC made a slow and intimidating walk down to the ringside area, carrying a dark Violin Case. The commentary duo of Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell spoke of the stories they've heard about Kyle being related to a famous New York mob family. "We can speculate about this man and his supposed connections all we want" said Dutch "but I've never heard stories directly from a first hand source when it comes to this guy, and that tells me that any folks who have real dirt on him probably aren't in a position where they CAN talk." 

- With the action underway, the voices of the fans made it clear that Rikki Nelson would be the recipient of their support. The youngster from Knoxville, Tennessee fed off this energy from the crowd, using it to take the fight to and out wrestle his bigger opponent on multiple occasions throughout the bout.

- While Killer Kyle didn't have the finesse of Rikki Nelson, he made up for it in brute force. This kept Kyle in the fight and made him a hard task for Rikki Nelson to truly keep control over. 

- In the closing moments of the bout, Rikki Nelson got carried away when he was raining down a flurry of fists upon Killer Kyle. The Referee tried to get between both competitors in order to warn Nelson about a suspected closed fist. This resulted in the Referee inadvertently getting caught up in the scuffle between the two competitors, resulting in him having to duck under them and turn out of harms way. As the Referee turned, Killer Kyle used his strength to throw Rikki Nelson into the ring corner, where Nelson's head collided with the dark Violin Case that Kyle had left there before the match began. The Referee turned around to see Rikki Nelson laid out on the canvas, with no reason to suspect that the Violin Case had played a role. 

- Killer Kyle landed a Big Splash on the barley conscious Rikki Nelson, which was enough to secure him the match winning three count. The dangerous man from New York picked up his first victory in Smoky Mountain Wrestling in the time of 5 minutes, 6 seconds. 

(Rating: 34) 

My good friend Jack


In a pre-taped backstage promo, "Hollywood" Bob Holly had some words to share..

"This past week I had a great conversation with a very good friend of mine, Jack Nicholson!

Jack told me that he can see that I have the skills required to do ANYTHING I WANT in this life.. commercials, soap operas, mainstream movies..the works!

Jack then asked me why a man with my gift set chooses to soil his hands in the dirty world of Professional Wrestling, and I told Jack that's a darn good question! I then said to Jack that it's not about doing this because I have to, I do it because I CAN! You see, I haven't just been blessed with Hollywood Superstar good looks that can make any woman cry in joy. I've also been blessed with a toughness that can make any man cry in agony!

My sources tell me that Smoky Mountain Wrestling has a tournament coming up to crown its 1st ever Heavyweight Champion. Commissioner Bob Armstrong, if you want to make that Tournament a sure fire BOX OFFICE SMASH, you need my name added to the participants. I'll be the A LIST ATTRACTION in that tournament, and it's my destiny to become the very first Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. I'll give that Championship something that only I can, HOLLYWOOD SHINE!" 

(Rating: 29) 

"Prime Time" Brian Lee vs. J.W. Storm


- It was clear from the very outset of this match that "Prime Time" Brian Lee was in a foul mood, due to the events from the prior week still weighing heavily on his mind. 

- With a mean minded intensity and a heightened aggression, Brian Lee was going to accept nothing less than a decisive victory in order to regroup from last week's loss. J.W. Storm tried his best to fight back, but his best was nowhere near good enough. 

- This one sided contest concluded in 4 minutes, 32 seconds after "Prime Time" Brian Lee scored the pinfall over J.W. Storm after dropping him with his signature "Cancellation" backbreaker.

- "I don't get why this audience is all still cheering so loudly for Brian Lee" remarked "Dirty" Dutch Mantell on commentary while Brian Lee celebrated his victory in the ring "Did they not pay any attention to what I said earlier on? You know....I'm just about sick and tired of all of this. I'm going to put a stop to all of this Brian Lee garbage right now!" 

(Rating: 44) 

Whipping up a Surprise 

- "Dirty" Dutch Mantell picked up his trademark bullwhip from the commentary table, before leaving the commentary position and walking to the ring. 

- "Prime Time" Brian Lee saw Dutch Mantell approaching, and he welcomed him to step up into the ring to fight. 


- As "Dirty" Dutch Mantell stepped up onto the ring apron, he motioned to use his bullwhip on Brian Lee. This didn't deter Brian Lee from storming over to Dutch Mantell and grabbing a hold of him.

- Just as Brian Lee attempted to pull Dutch Mantell into the ring, he felt the hard blow of a forearm smash from behind. Brian Lee was being attacked by CARL STILES, who had just sneaked into the ring in what was clearly a planned set up masterminded by Dutch. 


- Brian Lee tried his best to fight back against the attack from Carl Stiles, but he ultimately found himself floored by a hard clothesline. "You see that?" asked "Dirty" Dutch Mantell of the crowd on a microphone that he'd just picked up from ringside "I told you all earlier that my new protege CARL STILES is a man that you should all embrace as your new hero. He's everything that Brian Lee is and SO MUCH MORE....but if you people insist on continuing your cheering and support for Brian Lee, that's fine....we'll just continue to make his life a living hell week after week, until he takes the hint and QUITS on Smoky Mountain Wrestling and QUITS on all of you! The sooner you all move on from Brian Lee the better....because CARL STILES is the man that's BUILT TO LAST!"

(Rating: 36) 

 Jimmy Golden & "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs. The Fantastics 




- These two teams delivered a back and forth main event of decent wrestling, with good heat from the vocal crowd throughout!

- While this was a competitive bout full of momentum shifts,  the final minute of action undoubtedly favoured The Fantastics, as they looked to have succeeded in finding the formula needed to trouble the newly formed duo of Golden and Koloff and land themselves the victory. 

- Jackie Fulton and Jimmy Golden were the legal participants for their respective teams as things took a shocking turn. As the Referee tried to get the illegal participants Bobby Fulton and "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff to cease fighting in the corner of the ring and return to their corners, he missed seeing a man run out of the crowd, the man was none other than Vladimir Koloff, who had been presumed to be in Russia given what we'd been told. 

- Vladimir Koloff was holding a boot, which he clobbered Jackie Fulton in the head with. The returning Koloff then rolled out of the ring with the boot in hand, just before the Referee turned around. 

- The Referee counted the match winning three count as Jimmy Golden was quick to cover the knocked out Jackie Fulton. The fans in attendance were quick to vocalise their disgust at the outcome of what had been a great main event until the involvement of Vladimir. The time of the match was 10 minutes and 5 seconds. 

(Rating: 52) 

A Timely Strike of Lighting

- Seemingly not just content with being declared victorious, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff was heard to shout "Don't stop until we achieve FULL ERADICATION!", before signalling for Jimmy Golden and his returning Cousin Vladimir Koloff to join him in subjecting both of The Fantastics to a 3-on-2 post match beat down. 


- Fortunately for The Fantastics, back up arrived on the scene in the form of "White Lightning" Tim Horner. With the fired up fans within the Greenville Memorial Auditorium cheering them on, The Fantastics managed to regroup and fight alongside Tim Horner. The fan favorite trio succeeded in fighting off Jimmy Golden and the reunited Koloffs, causing them to roll out of the ring and retreat. 


- "That was a timely strike of lighting with the arrival of Tim Horner!" proclaimed Bob Caudle on commentary "While Ivan Koloff was victorious, he certainly failed to achieve the full eradication of The Fantastics that he'd been hoping for. You can be sure that both Bobby and Jackie Fulton will regroup and look to even the score. I have a feeling this issue is far from over!...Wrestling fans, we thank you for joining us today, be sure to join us at the same time next week for another exciting edition of Smoky Mountain Wrestling action!" 

(Rating: 44) 

(OVERALL Show Rating: 42) (Popularity increased in 1 region)








Edited by Golden Guard M
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Loved getting to read the last three shows.


The Brian Lee & Dutch Mantell story is developing well. I like the wrinkle of adding Stiles as Dutch's new protege. It's a good way to allow Lee to get wins before getting the finale win over Dutch. Letting him get built up considering he is new in the area. 


My favorite thing on these shows has been the Cornette and the Ron Wright promos. Wright up playing his handicap for sympathy is hilarious, I really like that the reason he needs to manage is to get the surgery to be able to get out of the chair. It's a logical reasoning that could also lead to a face turn in the future.

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3 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

Loved getting to read the last three shows.


The Brian Lee & Dutch Mantell story is developing well. I like the wrinkle of adding Stiles as Dutch's new protege. It's a good way to allow Lee to get wins before getting the finale win over Dutch. Letting him get built up considering he is new in the area. 


My favorite thing on these shows has been the Cornette and the Ron Wright promos. Wright up playing his handicap for sympathy is hilarious, I really like that the reason he needs to manage is to get the surgery to be able to get out of the chair. It's a logical reasoning that could also lead to a face turn in the future.

Good to hear from you again Blonde Bomber. Thank you for once again taking the time to read the shows and provide feedback. I appreciate it! 

I'm glad your enjoying the Ron Wright promos. Ron was a character that really captured my attention when I first started watching the early SMW shows and I want to do him justice. I enjoy all the possibilities that his character brings to the table. If I have my way he'll play a role in my shows for a long time to come. I'm looking forward to putting my own spin on his character.  

I hope you continue to enjoy what's coming up. To give you a little preview, Taping 2 (Episodes 5 to 8) was my bridge taping where I veered away from the stories of real life SMW and started to get my own into full gear, so you'll be spotting more differences coming up soon.  By the time we get to Taping 3, that's when you'll be seeing my version of SMW in full bloom, with some notable names that never worked the promotion in reality appearing on the cards. 

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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: February 1992, Week 1 

234 in attendance at Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom


A True Highlight Promised 


- The show opened with a scan around the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom, taking in the sights and sounds of the enthusiastic fans in attendance. 

Bob Caudle was once again joined by "Dirty" Dutch Mantell for this week's episode. 

"We've got a jam packed hour of wrestling action ahead of us today" said Bob Caudle "We'll be seeing a barn burner of a main event attraction as Jimmy Golden does battle with "Rock 'N' Roll' Robert Gibson. We've got a highly anticipated debut as "Nitro" Danny Davis will be in action for the first time here at Smoky Mountain Wrestling. "Hollywood" Bob Holly will also be competing in the hour....and,"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff is back with us this week!

Now.. The talk of wrestling fans all week long has been the wild scenes that closed last week's broadcast, a six man brawl that ensued when "White Lightning" Tim Horner evened up things for The Fantastics against Jimmy Golden and the reunited Koloffs. We'll be looking back on those scenes, as well as providing you with all of the fallout during the hour. And....I told you it was jam packed fans, because we've been told that we'll be getting a blockbuster announcement from SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong at some point during the broadcast!" 

"All of that sounds well and good Bob, but you've missed out the TRUE HIGHLIGHT of today's episode....my protege CARL STILES will be in action for the very first time!" said Dutch Mantell "I have every confidence that Carl Stiles will put on a wrestling clinic that'll not only impress all of the fans in attendance and watching at home, it'll also be sure to strike fear into the Heart of a lesser man like "Prime Time" Brian Lee!" 

(Rating: 42)

"Nitro" Danny Davis vs. Leroy Howard


- The sound of "T.N.T" by AC/DC blared throughout Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom as the highly energised "Nitro" Danny Davis made his way out to the ringside area. Danny interacted with the ringside fans during his entrance, quickly establishing himself as a man of the people. 

- The well built 22 year old Leroy Howard had a notable size and strength advantage over Danny Davis, but his veteran opposition showed that he's nicknamed "Nitro" for good reason, bringing fast moving and explosive energy throughout the contest.

- The finish of the bout came when Danny Davis broke free of a bear hug applied by Leroy Howard, by causing the youngster to break his grip with a timely double hand clap to either side of his head. As Leroy clutched his ears in pain, he found himself rolled up via a cradle, which scored Danny Davis the match winning count of three. 

- The time of the match was 4 minutes, 2 seconds. The action on display was good enough to land a decent reaction from the crowd, getting them fired up for the rest of the show. 

(Rating: 44)

The Shining Standard

- In a pre-taped backstage promo, we saw Jimmy Golden, who was smiling as he looked down upon a newly acquired Gold Medal that was now being worn around his neck. 


"Robert Gibson, I hope you're ready for what you've got coming up in the main event today sonny boy, because you've got Jimmy Golden awaiting, and boy let me tell you, I've got myself quite the Golden reputation building up both here and overseas. I'll have you know that I just returned from Moscow, Russia, where I was presented with this here GOLD Medal as a thank you for my assistance in helping The Koloffs! Higher ups within the Soviet Union told me personally that not only am I now OFFICIALLY an Honorary Russian, but I'm also OFFICIALLY to be recognised as "THE SHINING STANDARD" for folks Worldwide to look up to when it comes to seeking an example of what a man should be!

Now Robert Gibson, if you think I'm going to loosen my grip on the success train, you've got another thing coming boy. Today, I'm going to ride that train right over you and SILENCE the Rock 'N' Roll for good in the process, because whether these folks out here in the South know it or not, they need to hear a new sound, instead of your tired old Rock "N" Roll, they need to MARCH to the GOLDEN BEAT of THE SHINING STANDARD!" 

(Rating: 49)

A Wall to Wall Brawl! 


- An extended video recap of the closing moments of last week's broadcast was shown, where The Fantastics were on the receiving end of a 3-on-2 beatdown perpetrated by "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff, the returning Vladimir Koloff, and Jimmy Golden, only for "White Lightning" Tim Horner to rush out to ringside and even up the odds for The Fantastics in a 3-on-3 brawl, which ended when The Koloffs and Jimmy Golden chose to retreat. 

(Rating: 37)

Sharp Dressed and Well Travelled


-  In a music video set to "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top, we were shown some highlights of The Fantastics wrestling during a recent tour of Japan, where the duo competed for AJPW. At the conclusion of the video, we saw both Bobby and Jackie Fulton, standing within what fans knowledgeable to Japanese Wrestling thanks to the growing tape trading scene would no doubt recognise as the unmistakable sight of an empty Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan. Both of the Fantastics clearly had some words for their enemies back home... 

"Ivan and Vladimir Koloff, Jimmy Golden...all of our fans know that you three cheated us last time out on Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and we will be coming for payback!" warned a Ribera Steakhouse Jacket sporting Jackie Fulton

"That's right Jackie" said Bobby Fulton.. "Ivan Koloff, it took you pretending that your cousin Vladimir was over in Russia in order for you to orchestrate that stunt at our expense. Well there is no pretending or make believe when it comes to The Fantastics, we're the kind of guys who'll tell you straight up what's coming your way. We deal in REALITY, and Ivan, Vladimir, Jimmy Golden... REALITY is going to hit the three of you pieces of dirt HARD when we return to America from our Japanese commitments. We've already sent the word out to Commissioner Bob Armstrong with our match request, we want ALL THREE OF YOU in a SIX MAN TAG MATCH.....and as far as who our partner is going to be, we know just the right guy!" 

(Rating: 34)

An Announcement+A Warning! 


-  SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong was introduced to the commentary table by Bob Caudle

 "I know that these good folks in the audience and watching at home on TV are waiting on what has been billed as a Blockbuster Announcement" said Bob Armstrong "Well, let me assure you, that announcement is coming up not long from now, and I don't think people will be phoning in to accuse us of false advertising when they find out what it's all about. Right now though, I'm out here with another announcement! As we just got informed by The Fantastics themselves on that little piece of video, they requested a match from me, and after seeing what was perpetrated upon them last week at the hands of Jimmy Golden and the reunited Russians, I share in the frustrations of The Fantastics, as I'm sure all of our great fans do!   

"So I want to take this time to assure The Fantastics and all of their fans.....a SIX MAN TAG MATCH HAS BEEN SIGNED! Very soon on an episode of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, we'll see The Koloffs and Jimmy Golden taking on The Fantastics and whoever they choose to team with, because I'm more than happy to leave that decision up to them."

-  "Bullet" Bob Armstrong then turned his attention to "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

"and while I'm out here, I have something I care to share with you Dutch. Right now, you're out here fulfilling your role as a commentator. When you are doing your work at the commentary table your contract obviously protects you from a physical attack from "Prime Time" Brian Lee, and such an attack carried out by Lee would result in him receiving a fine or suspension. That being said, I need to warn you Dutch, Brian Lee is ANGRY...and he wants another match with you, and all of these fans want to see it too! You better hope that your new protege Carl Stiles is enough to handle Brian Lee, because if he isn't...it'll only be a matter of time before I book the rematch with you that Brian Lee and all of his fans are craving to see!"

- The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom cheered on in approval of "Bullet" Bob Armstrong's words as the Commissioner took his leave. Meanwhile, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell tried to mask the concern that was evident upon his face upon the prospect of having to once again wrestle "Prime Time" Brian Lee. 

(Rating: 42)

The Wright Amount of Kindness

- In a pre-taped backstage interview, Mr. Ron Wright had some comments to share


"It's been a week since I last spoke out on the TV and I'm STILL worrying that the here Commissioner of this new Smoky Mountain Wrestling Empire "Bullet" Bob Armstrong may take the misguided view of removing my managerial license, all because of a misunderstanding. Having this managerial license in my times of hardship is my life line, and the thought of losing it keeps me awake every single night. 

While worrying myself silly during sleepless nights about the ill intended words of people like Bobby Fulton and "Prime Time" Brian Lee, along with the fear of misguided actions from "Bullet" Bob Armstrong, it's the support of the good people out there that keeps me going and provides me with the will to battle on!

This past week I've been fortunate enough to receive some very kind fan mail. This here letter from Bertha Starkey of Alabama says that I'm a good Christian man who is DESERVING of support in my times of hardship. I also had a sweet letter from Bobbi Brandwood, who resides right here in Knoxville. As well as providing me with some Heart felt and truly uplifting words, Bobbi also provided me with a 10 dollar donation!

In these low times that I'm experiencing, such fan mail means the World to me. I encourage all of you kind people out there to please reach into your pockets and donate money to help me bounce up from this plight and eventually get back on my feet. Every single donation will be appreciated. I give my thanks to you all and wish you a great week!" 

(Rating: 66)

"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. Tommy Angel


- The arrogance of "Hollywood" Bob Holly proved to be to his undoing at various stages during this bout. The undefeated Holly was perhaps a little too casual in his approach to Tommy Angel, instead taking too much time to taunt some of the ringside fans.

- Tommy Angel was quick to capitalise on many of the opportunities presented to him by a less than 100% focused Holly, getting his fair share of offense. 

Mr. Ron Wright was at ringside, scouting the action on display. 

- The finish of the bout came after 5 minutes and 2 seconds of action. "Hollywood" Bob Holly got the win when he countered a running Bulldog attempt from Tommy Angel by delivering a side suplex. As the Referee jumped down to count the pinfall, he was facing away from the ring ropes, missing as Mr. Ron Wright reached into the ring and appeared to hold one of Tommy Angel's arms down, providing Holly with some assistance. 

"That wasn't the first time we've seen Ron Wright present at ringside during one of Bob Holly's matches" said Bob Caudle on commentary. "Mr. Ron Wright is scouting a number of wrestlers here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling" said Dutch Mantell in response "but I'd say that "Hollywood" Bob Holly may be at the forefront of his attention when it comes to looking for a client to manage, and if that's the case I'd say it's a darn fine choice. Bob Holly is going to high places in this Sport anyway, but with the added mentorship of a great man like Mr. Ron Wright he'll be hitting those heights in record time" 

(Rating: 40)

A Blockbuster from The Bullet!  

Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong was once again introduced by Bob Caudle. The two men shook hands before Bob Armstrong began to speak. 


"I won't keep you good people in suspense any longer" said Bob Armstrong "I'm proud to announce that in three weeks time, Smoky Mountain Wrestling will host a special event, its our biggest event to date, we'll be calling this event.... THE GOLD RUSH!.

THE GOLD RUSH will be a one night tournament featuring those who I consider to be the eight premier candidates worthy of fighting for the prize on offer for the man who wins it all. The prize I speak of is the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship! That's right, one of the eight men will make history at The Gold Rush by becoming our 1st ever Heavyweight Champion. I encourage all of our fans to make plans to join us for what is sure fire guaranteed to be a memorable night of Professional Wrestling! 

Related to this announcement, I'm happy to reveal the first of the eight men who'll be competing in The Gold Rush. He's a man who has won many Championships throughout his impressive career in this sport..... Please welcome...."Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff!" 

Cheers were heard from the fans as "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff walked out and shook the hand of Commissioner Bob Armstrong. Bob Caudle then asked Orndorff to share his thoughts about his upcoming participation in The Gold Rush. 


"I know full well that with my years of miles travelled, big name opponents defeated and high level Championships attained... my reputation precedes me" said Orndorff "I'll most likely be the man that everyone is gunning for in The Gold Rush because of it, but that's alright, because fighting extra hard for a prize is what makes that prize worthwhile! This Smoky Mountain Wrestling is a young promotion, but I feel a great energy around this place. I FEEL like this is the place to be in Professional Wrestling nowadays. It's time that we make that FEELING a FACT....and I'll tell you how it becomes a FACT, it becomes a fact when I hoist this promotion up on my back and carry it to new heights by representing it as the VERY FIRST Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion!" 

"I'll tell you fans" proclaimed Bob Caudle as Paul Orndorff walked off camera alongside Commissioner Bob Armstrong "This GOLD RUSH is shaping up to be a HUGE NIGHT of Professional Wrestling. Make sure you make your plans to join us three weeks from now!"

(Rating: 58)

Carl Stiles vs. "Jumping" Joey Maggs


- After an early flurry of offence from "Jumping" Joey Maggs, the tide quickly turned in the favour of "Dirty" Dutch Mantell's new protege. Carl Stiles showed himself to be a capable competitor with his domineering performance during this bout. 

-  In the closing stages of the bout, Joey Maggs was dropped to the canvas with considerable force via a double handed chokeslam from Carl Stiles. "Don't stop there Carl!" Dutch Mantell was heard to shout from the commentary table "hoist the kid up and drop him again!" 

- Upon hearing the instructions of his mentor, Carl Stiles hoisted Joey Maggs up, before re-introducing him to the unforgiving force of the canvas with a wicked looking Powerslam

- Following the Powerslam, Carl Stiles scored the match winning pinfall in the time of 4 minutes, 31 seconds. 

- Despite an impressive victory, Carl Stiles was subjected to a chant of "PRIME TIME" from the fans in attendance. This was not only a clear frustration for Stiles, but for "Dirty" Dutch Mantell also. 

(Rating: 45)

On OUR Time

- Following the bout, the victorious Carl Stiles motioned to leave the ring, only to be stopped in his tracks by "Dirty" Dutch Mantell, who had left the commentary position with a microphone in hand. 


"Hold on one moment Carl, I don't think we are quite done here" said Dutch "You see, despite our combined efforts to reeducate the people, I hear what they are still chanting at you. I hear that "PRIME TIME" chant and it repulses me. I no longer think these people are ignorant, I just think they are downright rude! They want some of BRIAN LEE? Well, let's give it to them. What's that fancy move of his called? The Cancellation, right? Well, anything BRIAN LEE can do....CARL STILES can do better. So get back in that ring and show them how it's REALLY DONE Carl!" 

At the request of his mentor, Carl Stiles re-entered the ring and hoisted "Jumping" Joey Maggs up, positioning him for The Cancellation Backbreaker. Before Carl could deliver the move, he dropped Joey down upon seeing the sight of "Prime Time" Brian Lee running out to the ring. As Brian Lee entered the ring he was met with an incoming attack from Stiles. The fans cheered Brian Lee on as he got the better of an exchange of punches with Carl Stiles. "GET OUT OF THERE!" shouted out Dutch Mantell to his protege, who was quick to follow his mentors instruction and roll out of harms way. 


"What's the matter Dutch?" yelled out Brian Lee "Is your guy too much of a coward to fight me head on? That figures!" 

"Carl Stiles is anything but a coward" replied Dutch Mantell "You'll get what is coming to you Brian Lee, but we don't do this on PRIME TIME...we do this on OUR TIME!"

(Rating: 33)

Cutting Off Cornette!

Bob Caudle introduced Jim Cornette to the interview area. As has been the case on prior episodes of SMW TV, Jim wasted no time in talking up the new tag team that he's claimed to be bringing to the promotion. Much to Jim's annoyance, he was cut off from talking just as he was getting rolling, thanks to the presence of Smoky Mountain Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong.


"Jim, I think I've allowed you more than your fair share of air time over the past five weeks in order to talk up this new tag team of yours." said Bob Armstrong "the problem is, I'm starting to wonder if it's just all talk? You haven't disclosed with me in private the identity of this supposed tag team, and you haven't even contacted me to arrange contracts for new wrestlers.

Listen Jim, I've known you for many years now and I don't like your methods, not in the slightest, but I cannot deny your past success with tag team management, so I'll allow you a little more time to tell me what I need to know about this tag team. If you fail to make the correct arrangements, I'll have to pull the plug on you discussing this team on our programming for good, because we've got a Tag Team Championship Tournament coming up sooner rather than later, and I want to get all of the tag teams signed and set in stone in order to advertise them. Here at Smoky Mountain Wrestling we deliver on what we advertise...but I'm afraid all you're delivering up to now is hot air Jim. Where are these men of yours?" 


"Oh I see how this is going Armstrong" yelled out an irate Jim Cornette

"Already, that power is going to your head. You're trying to put the screws to me and plant the fix on the inevitable upward momentum that my team will enjoy, you couldn't even wait for them to get here in order to do it could you? Well you can try as you may Armstrong, because not only are my team coming to Smoky Mountain Wrestling sooner than you think, but they'll be ready to enter your tournament and get those Tag Team Championships around their waists faster than the local welfare line fills up in this downtrodden excuse for a town!" 

"Alright Jim, I guess time will reveal the truth" responded Bob Armstrong "Just deliver on what you're promising to our great fans, and you and I won't have any problems!" 

"Bullet" Bob Armstrong and Jim Cornette then stared one another down, before walking off camera in separate directions. 

(Rating: 73)


"Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson vs. "The Shining Standard" Jimmy Golden


- The fans were treated to 8 minutes and 45 seconds of highly competitive neck and neck action throughout the majority of this main event bout. The wrestling on display was decent, with great heat throughout.

- In the closing stages, some separation between the two competitors could finally be identified. Some well timed counter attacks and high speed offence began to see the match sliding in Robert Gibson's favour. As Jimmy Golden desperately tried to regain some control, he seemed to succumb to panic, which caused him to make more mistakes against the popular Rock 'N' Roller. 

- Victory seemed to be moments away for Robert Gibson, with Jimmy Golden just barely managing to kick out following a Flying Body Press. Loud chants of "Rock 'N' Roll" from the  ringside fans were giving Robert Gibson all of the encouragement needed to keep the attacks coming and try and put the finishing touches to the match.

- Unfortunately for Robert Gibson, both he and his fans were robbed of a satisfactory outcome, as "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff and his cousin Vladimir Koloff ran down to ringside. The two Russians wasted no time in entering the ring and laying boots to Gibson. The Referee immediately called for a DQ, giving the win to Robert Gibson.

- The match and its result no longer seemed to the pressing concern for Jimmy Golden. As Golden was helped to his feet by the Koloffs, the honorary Russian now known as "The Shining Standard" joined them both in subjecting Robert Gibson to a 3-on-1 beatdown. 

- The sound of booing filled the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom, and some trash was even thrown into the ring by some fans. Mixed with the boos were chants of "ROCK 'N' ROLL", with the fans desperate for Robert Gibson to somehow be able to stand up and fight back against the trio assault he was being subjected to. 

(Rating: 52)

Lightning Gets Him Rocking Again!

Thankfully for "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson, help would be quick to arrive on the scene. The booing halted to make way to the sound of appreciative cheers, as "White Lightning" Tim Horner rushed out to the ring and began to bravely stand up and fight against the trio of The Koloffs and "The Shining Standard" Jimmy Golden. This was the second week where Tim Horner had attempted to provide aid to people being subjected to wrong doing from the rule breaking trio of The Koloffs and Golden. 

Sadly for Gibson and Horner, they still found themselves at a 3-on-2 disadvantage, but not for long! Hector Guerrero rushed out to ringside to even up the odds for Gibson and Horner. Many of the fans in attendance were happy to see Hector again after the impressive debut he'd had a week prior. The fans were even happier that Hector's presence seemed to be what was needed to help Robert Gibson and Tim Horner succeed in fighting off the attack of The Koloffs and Jimmy Golden, with the rule breaking trio quickly deciding to retreat from the ring.



"I'll tell you, I'm getting real tired of this Tim Horner guy. He's developing quite the habit of poking his nose into business that doesn't concern him" remarked "Dirty" Dutch Mantell on commentary "and this Hector Guerrero is even worse, he's only been here on the scene for five minutes, and he's coming out here acting like a big shot. But these fans out here in the crowd eat it all up without question. Then again, these are the same people who still like that good for nothing Brian Lee" 

"I have to disagree with you Dutch" said Bob Caudle "I think Tim Horner has shown what an admirable human being he is over the past few weeks. He's the type of man who just cannot stand by and see wrong doing perpetrated. I know The Fantastics appreciated his assistance last week, and I'm sure Robert Gibson feels the same way about his assistance today!" 

(Rating: 41)

On HIS Time

Over at the commentary table, "Dirty" Dutch Mantell was so caught up in calling the action going on in the ring, that he flinched when he turned around and saw none other than "Prime Time" Brian Lee standing over him. Dutch quickly regained his composure and got up from his seat, making sure to back up a few steps from his angry enemy. 


"You better think long and hard before you try anything on me" warned Dutch Mantell to Brian Lee "The Commissioner Bob Armstrong said it himself just earlier today, if you as much as place a finger on me while I'm doing my commentary work, you'll be hit with a fine or suspension!" 

Brian Lee's look of anger turned to that of a knowing smile, which seemed to unnerve Dutch Mantell. "What on Earth are you smiling about?" asked Dutch. 

"I'm not out here to have you tell ME what I CANNOT do" said Brian "I'm out here to tell YOU what I CAN!" 

"You see" continued Brian Lee "I just had a good talk with Commissioner Bob Armstrong backstage, and he told me that he took exception to a remark you made earlier. He then gave me permission to pass a message on to you, things aren't done on YOUR TIME, they are done on HIS TIME. The Commissioner makes the matches around here, and he's just made a REALLY GOOD ONE. Tell your boy Carl Stiles to get ready, because he's got ME in the MAIN EVENT....NEXT WEEK....and when I'm done with him, you know that YOU'RE NEXT Dutch!" 

The show ended with an intense stare down between a confident looking "Prime Time" Brian Lee and a highly agitated "Dirty" Dutch Mantell. 

(Rating: 45)

(OVERALL Show Rating: 52) (Popularity increased in 1 region)







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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: February 1992, Week 2 

234 in attendance at Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom


Leading By Example


The show opened with Bob Caudle hyping up that "Bam Bam" Terry  Gordy will be in action on today's broadcast. "Dirty" Dutch Mantell then brought to attention that he feels the highlight of the show will be when his new protege Carl Stiles takes on "Prime Time" Brian Lee in the main event. 

"I'll be in Carl's corner to witness the beat down he puts on PRIME SLIME" proclaimed Dutch Mantell "Brian Lee and all of his misguided supporters need to get over this idea about having another match with me, because he's not going to get through the punishment that's coming his way courtesy of Carl Stiles. I'm telling you Bob, today is going to be the day where Brian Lee gets run out of this promotion for good!" 


"The Hustler" Rip Rogers then walked out onto the set and approached the commentary table. Bob Caudle was quick to enquire about the reason for Rip's presence. 

"I'll tell you why I'm out here Bob" said Rip "I'm out here to lead by example for these people in the audience. The sight of these out of shape mountain folk makes me sick to my stomach! I'm going to to inspire them all to better themselves as only the best conditioned man in all of Professional Wrestling can do. Set the timer, because I'm going to show my true superstar level fitness by performing squats for the entirety of this television broadcast. I'm going to start...NOW!" 

Showing that he meant what he said, "The Hustler" Rip Rogers began to perform squats as he stood beside the commentary table. 

(Rating: 43)

"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. "Jumping" Joey Maggs 


- The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom were vocally behind "Jumping" Joey Maggs, which served the youngster well during the early stages of this contest. Some quick and well targeted attacks from Maggs succeeded in throwing Holly off of his game.

- Even though the fans in attendance wouldn't care to admit it, "Hollywood" Bob Holly showed why the hype that surrounds him is justified, when he managed to fight his way back into the match and take control of the momentum away from Maggs.

- Despite his best efforts, Joey Maggs couldn't find a way to throw Holly off of his game plan and regain the lost momentum. In the closing moments, Holly side stepped an attempted dropkick from Maggs. As Maggs landed on the canvas, "Hollywood" Bob Holly crouched down and drove his right knee into his stomach. Not finishing there, Holly climbed to the top rope, before delivering his signature "Star Drop" Knee Drop. There was no chance of recovery for Joey Maggs after this devestating manuever. "Hollywood" Bob Holly secured the match winning pinfall in the time of 6 minutes, 57 seconds. 

- "What are you waiting for Bob Armstrong?" shouted a victorious Bob Holly into the camera "Give the GOLD RUSH tournament the A LIST ATTRACTION and BOX OFFICE SMASH that it craves. You won't find a better choice to be the FIRST Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, and you know it!" 

(Rating: 39)

Making a Bet


Bob Caudle introduced "White Lightning" Tim Horner to the interview area. Horner got a great reception from the fan base upon his arrival. Unfortunately for Bob Caudle, his attempts to interview Tim Horner were interrupted by "The Hustler" Rip Rogers, who was still stood beside the commentary table performing squats. Shouting across his disapproval over Tim Horner getting air time, Rip Rogers arrogantly insisted that the spotlight should be going to him and his hour long squat session instead. 

"It's okay Rip, I can see that your attention starved. You clearly crave not only my attention, but the attention of all of these fans out here also. Well I'm in a good mood today so I'll give you some attention...in fact, I'm willing to bet anything that you cannot keep those squats going for the entire hour!" Tim Horner said to Rip Rogers as he approached him. 

"Oh really?" responded Rip Rogers "Well if you insist on trying to steal my spotlight, you better put your money where your mouth is. If you REALLY believe in what you say that is!" 

"Oh I believe it" said Tim Horner "I'll bet you 500 DOLLARS. That's how much I believe that you won't complete those squats!"

 "500 dollars huh?" replied Rip Rogers "well, you know what they say about a fool and his money. If you're so eager to throw away your cash, be my guest Tim Horner. That 500 dollars is going to be mine!" 

(Rating: 41)

"Bam Bam" Terry Gordy vs. Tommy Angel 


- "Bam Bam" Terry Gordy was fired up during his first ever match within a Smoky Mountain Wrestling ring. Tommy Angel stormed towards Gordy and unleashed a flurry of attacks during the opening moments, but Gordy withstood this initial barrage and answered back with some hard hitting strikes of his own. 

- In an impressive display of power, Terry Gordy countered an incoming attack off of the ring ropes from Tommy Angel by using Angel's speed against him, hoisting him up and elevating him over his own head. Tommy Angel was reintroduced to the ground when he hit the canvas back first in harsh fashion. 

- Giving his opponent no time to regroup, Terry Gordy dropped an elbow drop down onto Tommy Angel. Gordy wasn't done there, he lifted a groggy Tommy Angel up to his feet, before dropping him down to the canvas once more with a spine shaking POWERBOMB!

- The Powerbomb was easily enough to keep Tommy Angel down for the match winning pinfall. Terry Gordy was awarded the victory in the time of 4 minutes, 2 seconds. 

- This match featured some decent action, which got the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom hotter.   

(Rating: 56)

The Bombs WILL Fall


Following his impressive victory, "Bam Bam" Terry Gordy was welcomed over to the interview area by Bob Caudle.

"Did you see that Bob? THAT'S WHAT I'M ALL ABOUT....I JUST DROPPED THE BOMB ON HIM, AND THE BOMBS ARE GOING TO KEEP FALLING!!" yelled out a fired up and excited Terry Gordy "Last month I told you and ALL of the wrestling fans what I want, and that's to be THE MAN here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and I become THE MAN by getting these hands on the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship!

I'VE GOT GOLD IN MY SIGHTS....and my place awaits ON TOP of the mountain when I get that gold around my waist. Commissioner Bob Armstrong.. I know you're listening to what I'm saying, so don't keep the wrestling fans waiting, and don't keep ME waiting....get me SIGNED UP and ANNOUNCED for the GOLD RUSH TOURNAMENT!!.... Ohhhhhh YOU BEST BELIEVE I'M MARCHING DOWN A GOLDEN ROAD....and I'll keep the BOMBS FALLING with the BADSTREET BLITZ I'll rain down on ANY MAN who stands in my way!" 

(Rating: 49)

Explosive Nitro 


In a pre-taped backstage promo, "Nitro" Danny Davis gave his thanks to the fans of Smoky Mountain Wrestling for the great welcome that they gave him when he competed in the promotion for the first time last week. 

"I'd been hearing some good things about Smoky Mountain Wrestling and the great wrestling fans who come out to see it. Now I'm here and I can see and feel it all for myself, I know without a shadow of a doubt that this promotion really is presenting Professional Wrestling in the right way, and I'm proud to be a part of it! Many of you may know me from things I've done in other promotions in this area in the past, but I'll tell you straight... I'm all about the present and the future. I'm feeling more motivated about this sport than I've felt in years, and just like a bottle of Nitroglycerin...I'm getting ready to EXPLODE all over the competition in this great territory, so be ready!"  

(Rating: 51)

No Right For Ron Wright 


- Bob Caudle introduced Mr. Ron Wright to the interview area. As Ron approached the interview area in his wheelchair, he seemed to have some encouraging words for "The Hustler" Rip Rogers, who was still stood beside the commentary table doing squats. 

- Mr. Ron Wright told Bob Caudle that he had received more fan mail and financial donations during the week, and he was out here to share just a small sample of the kindness that's been coming his way.

- Unfortunately for Mr. Ron Wright, he was cut off from talking further by the unexpected arrival of the SMW Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong. 

"Mr. Ron Wright, I have something that I need to say to you, which I'll get to momentarily" said Bob Armstrong "but first of all, I have some very exciting information to share with our great fans"

"We've received a very positive reaction throughout the week for the announcement of the eight man GOLD RUSH Tournament that'll be coming up in 2 weeks time. The ticket sales for this special event have already been very encouraging and I give my thanks to you fans for that....and if you're a fan sitting at home with a wish to join us and you've not yet secured your ticket, I highly encourage you to do so soon, or risk missing out on what will no doubt be a historic night of Professional Wrestling action. This event won't be televised, the only way to see it is LIVE!

but as well as the Gold Rush Tournament to crown the first Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, I'm now excited to confirm that a 2nd Tournament is set to crown our first Smoky Mountain Wrestling TAG TEAM Champions, and this Tournament will start two weeks from now, RIGHT HERE ON TELEVISION!"

The fans cheered in approval for the announcement from the Commissioner, he paused to hear them before continuing on, with his attention now directed towards Mr. Ron Wright.

"Now onto you Mr. Wright. It's no secret that you and I have quite the past, going back LONG before the days of this promotion. I've always found you to be a rotten human being in the past, but this is a new time and I believe people can change, so I wanted to give you a fair shake.

So keeping that in mind... I'll have you know that I've been spending the last few weeks weighing you up, to try and determine what you're really about and really trying to achieve here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. I have to tell you, I DON'T BUY YOUR ACT! I don't buy that what you've been feeding the people is sincere. I believe you've been playing on the sympathy of good people in order to fleece hard earned money out of their pockets, and I DON'T want you using this television programme for such purposes any longer! 

But I'll be fair with you Mr. Wright, even though I probably have more than enough ground to do so, I WON'T remove your managerial licence, not yet at least. That being said, you currently have NO CLIENTS to actually use that license for, so until you actually have someone to manage, I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR a Smoky Mountain Wrestling ring. You've got no business out here, and I'll be happy to assist you in taking your leave!" 

The fans cheered on as Commissioner Bob Armstrong began to push the wheelchair of Mr. Ron Wright towards the backstage area. An angered Ron Wright loudly protested for the Commissioner to reconsider his decision, but to no avail. 

(Rating: 59)

A not so WONDERFUL Decision 


- Prior to his scheduled match, a slightly frustrated looking "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff approached Bob Caudle at the interview area. Orndorff clearly had some thoughts he wanted to get off his chest..

"Last week on this TV programme, I was happy to shake the hand of the Commissioner Bob Armstrong. I was pleased to be the first participant announced for the upcoming GOLD RUSH tournament, and I was more than happy to speak highly of this promotion. I meant the things that I said last week.

With that said, I do have one thing that's been annoying me. When I wrestled out here a number of weeks ago, I attempted to use my Piledriver, a move that I'll add that I've used in multiple promotions throughout my career. When I attempted to use this move here in Smoky Mountain, the Referee told me that it was forbidden. 

People who saw that match will recall that I went along with the Referee's request, I didn't use the Piledriver, and I went on to win my match regardless. What people DON'T know is that after the match I went backstage and spoke with Commissioner Bob Armstrong, I asked the Commissioner to reconsider his choice to ban my move, and he told me he'd take it into consideration.

So that brings us to today, I arrived here at the venue, and I'm taken aside by some errand boy speaking to me on the Commissioners behalf. I get told that my Piledriver is STILL banned, and it'll apparently STAY banned.

Now I have to tell you honestly Mr. Caudle, this grinds my gears a little. I don't understand why the Commissioner has chosen to single out my Piledriver, yet he allows for other wrestlers to perform their dangerous manoeuvres without any protest. I saw Terry Gordy hit a Powerbomb in his match just a little while ago, do you know how dangerous that manoeuvre can be? Is Bob Armstrong getting onto Terry Gordy's back about that? I doubt it!....but I'm going to stay patient and keep hope that Commissioner Bob Armstrong comes and talks to me about this matter in greater detail, because I'd like for him to reconsider and allow for me to use my Piledriver in time for the GOLD RUSH Tournament. 

Now, onto my match coming up next, my Piledriver may be a valuable weapon that I'm currently without, but I'm about to show that I've got MANY MORE weapons up my sleeve!

(Rating: 53)

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. Leroy Howard 


- Young Leroy Howard had a good showing against his more experienced opposition in this encounter, making the veteran Paul Orndorff work for any advantage gained.

- Despite his credible efforts, Leroy Howard could only repress the veteran World travelled experience of "Mr. Wonderful" for so long. It was only a matter of time until Orndorff took full control.

- In his talk with Bob Caudle prior to the match, Paul Orndorff claimed that he had many more weapons up his sleeve beside his banned Spike Piledriver, and he proved to be a man of his word. After working over the legs of Leroy Howard, "Mr. Wonderful" secured a submission victory via a Figure-Four Leglock. The time of the match was 4 minutes, 50 seconds. 

- "I cannot WAIT for the GOLD RUSH!" shouted the victorious Paul Orndorff as he looked into the camera "You're looking at your FIRST Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Champion people. Get ready to see that golden belt around my waist 2 weeks from now!" 

(Rating: 52)

The Mystery MUST Remain 


Bob Caudle welcomed "The Louisville Slugger" Jim Cornette out to the interview area. As usual, Cornette was far from being at a loss for words. 

"I'm probably risking a fine because he doesn't want me out here speaking the truth...but I've gotta tell you something about our supposed RESPECTABLE Commissioner Bob Armstrong" yelled out Cornette "It's clear for me to see, heck it's even clear to see for Stevie Wonder, Power has ALREADY gone to Bob Armstrong's head. Not only was he out here bullying a crippled man on this very programme, but throughout this past week he's continued the work he started last week in attempting to put the screws to my NEW Tag Team before they've even arrived. I've sent him all the paperwork needed to ensure that I DO have a tag team and I DO want them in the upcoming Tag Team Championship tournament, but the latest line I'm being fed from Armstrong is that he won't allow a mystery team to compete in the tournament, saying that it'll be unfair to the other teams involved. 

Bob Armstrong needs to understand that the skill level of my revolutionary new tag team is next level, it's a skill level that'll make all others hang their heads in shame. If the other teams knew the identities of my dynamic new duo, they'd all be asking for Bob Armstrong to REMOVE their names from the tournament bracket! That's why the identities MUST remain a mystery until they arrive!

But make no mistake people, I'm not playing games, but I'm about to deliver some guarantees. When my team arrives, they'll deliver faster than FedEx drivers on an energy drink binge. My tag team are hotter than Madonna's latest music video, built better than a bomb shelter, and more dangerous than the Manson Family. All other Tag Teams planning on entering this upcoming Tag Team Championship tournament need to find another vocation already!" 

(Rating: 60)

The Cruelty WILL Commence! 

- Carl Stiles entered the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom and headed into the ring, ready for his upcoming main event match with "Prime Time" Brian Lee. The fans booed loudly as "Dirty" Dutch Mantell left the commentary table and stepped up into the ring to join his protege. Dutch had a microphone in hand. 


"You know what? I'm DONE being polite with you people!" proclaimed Dutch Mantell "You all need to sit down, shut up...and WATCH AND LEARN, because you're going to see the downright CRUELNESS that Carl Stiles is capable of tonight when he eliminates Brian Lee from my life and all of your lives too. It's time for PRIME SLIME...oh, I'm sorry... PRIME TIME...to be humiliated at the hands of a man who can go ALL OF THE TIME, a man who can bring savagery in any season....CRUEL CARL STILES!" 

(Rating: 40)

"Cruel" Carl Stiles vs. "Prime Time" Brian Lee 


- Much to the frustration of many of the fans in attendance, "Cruel" Carl Stiles took "Prime Time" Brian Lee to task, getting the better of the fan favorite competitor for much of this main event bout.

- Not one to be kept down easy, Brian Lee showed Heart in the later stages of the bout, managing to kick out following a Double Handed Chokeslam.

- Despite some fleeting moments where it looked like Brian Lee was going to mount a comeback, "Cruel" Carl Stiles managed to maintain control.

- The punishment would unfortunately continue for "Prime Time" Brian Lee, as he was victim to a vice like grip to the head which Carl Stiles applied in an attempt to seek out a stoppage or submission. "That's EXACTLY what I taught you boy!" yelled out "Dirty" Dutch Mantell from the outside in support of his proteges performance "Lock that CRUEL CLAW on even tighter. Show no mercy Carl!" 

- Much to the shock of Carl Stiles, Brian Lee managed to find a second wind. With the fans cheering him on, Brian Lee pulled himself back up to two feet and broke free of the Cruel Claw. A momentum shift then got underway, as Brian Lee impressively took control of the match with a flurry of attacks. 

- "What are you doing Carl?" shouted out a now less than pleased Dutch Mantell from the outside. "You HAD THIS!...Get back on your game plan. DON'T EMBARRASS ME!"

- With Carl Stiles still fighting hard but failing to regain control, an agitated "Dirty" Dutch Mantell got up onto the apron and called his protege over in an attempt to issue instructions.

- This caused Carl Stiles to take his focus off of his opponent at a crucial time. Brian Lee nailed Stiles with an Axe Handle shot to the back, which caused Carl Stiles to fall forward and collide with his mentor Dutch Mantell, knocking Mantell flying from the ring apron to the hard arena floor below.

- "Cruel" Carl Stiles turned around, where he was hoisted up in an impressive feat of strength from "Prime Time" Brian Lee. The fans were heard to let out a loud cheer as Brian Lee dropped Carl Stiles with his signature "Cancellation" back breaker. 

- Many ringside fans were seen jumping to their feet in celebration upon the sight of "Prime Time" Brian Lee scoring the hard earned pin fall. The time of the match was 9 minutes, 32 seconds. 

- "Dirty" Dutch Mantell got up to his feet and watched in disgust as "Prime Time" Brian Lee celebrated his victory. Brian Lee turned his attention to Dutch, "What I just did to him was NOTHING compared to the pain that I'll be bringing your way" warned Brian Lee  "Nowhere to run or hide Dutch. Our REMATCH IS ON... I'm coming for you!" 

(Rating: 50)

A Bet Far From Foolish 


With the show about to conclude, "White Lightning" Tim Horner approached "The Hustler" Rip Rogers, who was just moments away from completing his promised hour of squats.

"ARE YOU SEEING THIS HORNER? THAT 500 DOLLARS IS COMING TO ME!!... I'M SO CLOSE! 59.01, 59.02!" yelled out Rip Rogers in excitement. 

"Oh I see it, I guess I was wrong to doubt you after all" replied Tim Horner, who had come out holding a bottle of water that he was drinking from "Let me get my money ready"

As Tim Horner started to reach into his pocket to supposedly find his wallet, he tripped back, causing the bottle  he was holding to flick up and splash water into the face of Rip Rogers. This caused Rip to stop squatting!

"NO...NO...NO!!!!!" yelled out a frantic Rip Rogers "YOU'VE RUINED IT HORNER....YOU'VE RUINED IT.....AGGGHHH!!!"

"Well" said a smiling Tim Horner, "You came out here earlier on today wanting to talk bad about all of these fine people. It only seems fitting that they now get to have a laugh at your expense. Sadly, I cannot give you the 500 dollars, but if you want, you can have the rest of this water for free!"

The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom roared with approval as "White Lightning" Tim Horner poured out the rest of the water bottle onto the head of "The Hustler" Rip Rogers, who was down on his hands and knees, looking like he was about to break out crying from embarrassment. 

"AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed out a soaking wet and utterly humiliated Rip Rogers in the closing seconds of the show. 

(Rating: 42)

(OVERALL Show Rating: 48) (Popularity increased in 1 region)











Edited by Golden Guard M
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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: February 1992, Week 3 

234 in attendance at Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom


The Loudest Laugh 



The show opened with the commentary team of Bob Caudle and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell hyping up the scheduled main event between “The Hustler” Rip Rogers and “White Lightning” Tim Horner.

“I was sickened by the conduct of Tim Horner and his supporters last week, feeling it was fine to get a cheap laugh out of embarrassing The Hustler” said Dutch Mantell “well, I hope the fun had by Tim and his good for nothing fan base was worth it, because I’m telling you Bob, today we’ll see Rip Rogers prove an old expression true, he who laughs last laughs loudest! Harsh payback is coming the way of Tim Horner, and I cannot wait to see it!”

(Rating: 40)

Hector Guerrero vs. Leroy Howard 


-  Once again, the popular Hector Guerrero wowed the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom with more of the graceful lucha libre stylings that make him a unique attraction amongst the talent on the Smoky Mountain Wrestling roster.

-  At times during this contest, young Leroy Howard showed that he already had the know how to use his size advantage to trouble Hector. These moments of control were fleeting however, with Hector Guerrero quickly finding a way to retake the advantage.

- “I won’t attempt to deny the potential that this Leroy Howard has” said Dutch Mantell on commentary “but that potential will never be capitalised on unless he gets more mean and aggressive in the weeks ahead. As for Hector Guerrero, he isn’t quite as good as he’s fooling many of people into thinking he is. I see beyond the flashy athletic styling and I see weakness that can be exploited. I’m telling you Bob, Hector Guerrero better hope he never finds himself in the ring with me!”

-  The match ended in 5 minutes, 21 seconds, after Hector Guerrero spun out of a bodyslam attempt from Leroy Howard, only to then roll his bigger opponent up for the match winning pinfall.

- The action on display in this contest was enough to get the crowd within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom hot for more action.

(Rating: 44)

The Drive Of Davis 


In a pre-taped backstage segment, “Nitro” Danny Davis said that what he’s displayed so far here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling is just a small sample of what he plans to do going forward. “I’ve got some big ambitions, and I believe I’ve got the skill set to make those ambitions a reality” stated Davis “but I won’t be able to do it all on my own, I’ll need the continued support of you great people. If you keep on making noise and chanting my name when I go out to wrestle, I promise you here and now…my successes will be YOUR successes. TOGETHER…let’s settle for nothing less than reaching the very top!” 

(Rating: 49)

 Let's Keep Them Waiting! 


In a pre-taped segment, Bobby and Jackie Fulton of The Fantastics said that they’re back from Japan, and they’ve received the great news from SMW Commissioner Bob Armstrong that the six man match promised to them against The Koloffs and Jimmy Golden has been signed to take place NEXT WEEK!

“We’ve chosen our partner” said Bobby Fulton “and he’s a man that you nasty Koloffs know REAL well, a man that’ll scare the living daylights out of you!”

“But rather than tell you his identity now, we’re going keep you sweating while you wonder!” added Jackie Fulton “So Koloffs, Jimmy Golden…sit tight, because you’ll find out who our man is when he’s stood alongside Bobby and I, hitting you HEAD ON and FULL FORCE next week!”

(Rating: 45)

"The Shining Standard" Jimmy Golden & The Koloffs vs. Jerry Lynn, "Jumping" Joey Maggs & Rikki Nelson 




- The trio of “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden, “The Russian Bear” Ivan Koloff, and Vladimir Koloff succeeded in getting the fans riled up before the opening bell. As the three men walked out to ringside to the sounds of the Russian National Anthem, Jimmy Golden played up to his “Honorary Russian” status by showing off his new medal as he proudly waved the Russian Flag. The anger that the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom had towards the trio was escalated even further when “The Russian Bear” Ivan Koloff spotted and snatched a sign for The Fantastics that was being held up by a front row fan. Koloff seemed to delight in the booing from the fans as he slowly tore the sign up. “THAT’S WHAT I THINK OF YOUR NO GOOD FANTASTICS!” yelled out Ivan Koloff into the face of the outraged fan that he’d destroyed the sign of. Members of ringside security had to step in and calm the fan down.

- Despite an admirable effort from the fan favorite trio of Jerry Lynn, “Jumping” Joey Maggs and Rikki Nelson, they failed to find the needed pieces to trouble their more polished opposition for too long.

- The match ended after 5 minutes and 31 seconds via pinfall, following a Backbreaker delivered by “The Russian Bear” Ivan Koloff to Jerry Lynn

(Rating: 47)

The Golden Koloff Connection

Following the bout, the boos from the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom followed the victorious trio of “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden and The Koloffs as they walked over to give some post-match comments to a waiting Bob Caudle at the interview area.


“I hear all of this anger out here toward me and my Russian comrades” said Jimmy Golden as he looked toward the fans in disapproval “but these people can hate us all they like, we aren’t seeking approval, all we want from these people is an UNDERSTANDING, an understanding that the three of us combined are the most dominating force in the Sport of Professional Wrestling today. Believe me; those three chumps in the ring today only got a mere sample of the punishment that the Koloffs and I can dish out. We’ll be bringing all of that and then some when we face The Fantastics next week. So Fantastics, it doesn’t matter who you’ve found to team with you next week, because THE GOLDEN KOLOFF CONNECTION can and WILL defeat ANY trio alive!”

(Rating: 43)

Wheeled On Out 


In a video recap from last week, we are reminded of how the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong laid down the law to Mr. Ron Wright, before wheeling him out of the venue.

(Rating: 51)

Mr. Wright Has Every Right

Many within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom were clearly surprised upon witnessing Mr. Ron Wright come out to ringside in his wheelchair, grinning from ear to ear. “Mr. Ron Wright? I didn’t think you were allowed to be out here?” stated Bob Caudle, as he approached Ron Wright with a microphone in hand.


“Firstly Mr. Caudle, I’m a good Christian Man who doesn’t like to speak ill of people unless it’s necessary, but last week on this here television show, the Commissioner Bob Armstrong perpetrated a disgusting abuse of power. I’m a weakened and crippled man in no position to defend myself, and the Commissioner took advantage of that.

But rather than dwell on that ugliness, I’m going to take the high ground and focus on good, because I DO have some good news I care to share! I’ve got EVERY RIGHT to be out here this week, and EVERY week going forward, because I’ve put my managerial license to work and I’ve got me my very first client to manage, and you’ll see him wrestle NEXT!

I’ve spent weeks scouting the best wrestlers on this roster, as well as elsewhere, and I know I’ve found the man who is a cut above the rest…So, let me introduce you to the man who is going to go to the very top of this here Smoky Mountain Wrestling Empire…THE DIRTY WHITE BOY!”


“Dirty White Boy” by Foreigner began to play throughout the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom, as the mean looking man introduced as The Dirty White Boy walked out to ringside and shook hands with his manager Mr. Ron Wright. The tough looking newcomer then headed towards the ring to compete in his first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling match.

(Rating: 53)

The Dirty White Boy vs. Tommy Angel  


- The Dirty White Boy quickly established himself as a tough customer, taking the fight right to an equally game Tommy Angel. The opening minutes saw some close fought back and forth from both competitors, but The Dirty White Boy seemed to have a slight edge over Angel, which saw him begin to take control.

- “I’ll have you know that I’m no stranger to this Dirty White Boy” said “Dirty” Dutch Mantell on commentary “I’ve seen this man’s work in other wrestling organisations, he’s a no nonsense down and dirty fighter that has all of the tools needed to do big things here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. This was a perfect choice of client for Mr. Ron Wright. With Mr. Wright’s sharp mind for this Sport combined with The Dirty White Boy’s hard hitting wrestling repertoire, the sky is really the limit for what these two men can achieve!”

- In the later stages of the bout, Tommy Angel looked to regroup and take back full control. Sadly for Angel and some of his vocal supporters in the crowd, this spark of hope vanished as quickly as it came when The Dirty White Boy countered a suplex attempt from Angel with knee to the gut, followed by a wicked Spinning Neckbreaker. The Dirty White Boy almost scored the match winning pinfall following this move, but Tommy Angel just about managed to kick out.

- Some time later, The Dirty White Boy appeared to set Tommy Angel up for a Chokeslam. “I think I know what he’s looking for here” said Dutch Mantell on commentary “I believe he calls this The Bucksnort Blaster. Have you ever been to Bucksnort, Tennessee Bob? It’s ugly and dangerous…just like this move!”

- The Dirty White Boy succeeded in dropping Tommy Angel with The Bucksnort Blaster.

- Moments later, Mr. Ron Wright looked on proudly from ringside as his client The Dirty White Boy scored the match winning pinfall. The time of the match was 6 minutes, 20 seconds.

(Rating: 48)

Dirt On The Gold? 


Following the bout, The Dirty White Boy and Mr. Ron Wright were approached for some post-match comments by Bob Caudle.

“If you’ve been living under a rock and you don’t know of me and my reputation, get ready to learn real fast, because class is in session!” proclaimed The Dirty White Boy “I grew up watching this man who sits beside me, the legendary Ron Wright! It seems that no other wrestlers around here wanted to step up and help this man in his time of need; well there loss is my gain!"

“I’ve got the physical abilities” continued The Dirty White Boy “and now that those abilities are united with the great mind of Mr. Ron Wright, NOTHING is going to stop me from getting to the very pinnacle of this Smoky Mountain Wrestling territory!”

“and to Commissioner Bob Armstrong” said The Dirty Wide Boy as his menacing eyes widened while stepping closer to the camera “I hope you’re going to make up for the disrespect you showed to Ron Wright last week….I’ll tell you how you do this, you do this by adding MY NAME to the participants in the upcoming GOLD RUSH Tournament!  I want a chance to get MY HANDS on the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship, because I want to make sure that shiny new Gold gets a little bit DIRTY!”

(Rating: 52)

Killer Kyle vs. Mike Marcello 


-  Mike Marcello came out hot against Killer Kyle. The initial strong showing from Marcello was soon cut off in harsh fashion after Killer Kyle intercepted an incoming jumping Axe Handle strike from Marcello, by catching him in the grip of an energy draining bear hug.

-  “I have to warn you Bob” said “Dirty” Dutch Mantell on commentary “I’ve been learning more about this big New Yorker Killer Kyle since the last time we saw him wrestle out here on television. I’ve heard a few stories told through nervous whispers about how this guy has helped folks get up close to Fish and Marine Mammals, and I’m not talking about arranging trips to SeaWorld for his friends.”

- “I’ll tell you Dutch, I’m really interested in that violin case we keep seeing this mountain of a man bring out to ringside” said Bob Caudle “a few weeks ago, we saw young Rikki Nelson separated from his senses after colliding with that thing. It has me wondering, what’s REALLY in there?”

- “Well, the case is right there at ringside for the taking if you feel brave enough” answered “Dirty” Dutch Mantell “but those shoes of yours look quite comfortable Bob, so I wouldn’t be in a rush to upset Killer Kyle and see them swapped for the concrete variety”

-  Killer Kyle shook the ring with the impact of a bodyslam delivered to Mike Marcello. Before Mike could attempt to regroup from the bone shaking force inflicted upon his body, he was met with a follow up BIG SPLASH.

-  Mike Marcello had no hope of kicking out as Killer Kyle secured the match winning pinfall. The time of the match was 4 minutes, 12 seconds.

(Rating: 22)


In a pre-taped video, “Bam Bam” Terry Gordy had an announcement to make regarding the upcoming Gold Rush Tournament.


“I DEMANDED IT, you wrestling fans also DEMANDED IT, well now…WE’VE GOT IT! Because Commissioner Bob Armstrong listened and he’s confirmed to me that it’s official, I’M IN THE GOLD RUSH!

I’ve been told that my first round opponent will be “Hollywood” Bob Holly. Well Holly, I don’t know what sleazy third rate Hollywood Studio is backing the likes of you, but they’ll be forced to shut down production, because I’m going to make you a BOX OFFICE BUST! Fit for nothing more than the Hollywood WALK OF SHAME!

I’ve said before that I’m here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling for nothing less than to be THE MAN, and now that my name is official for the Gold Rush, I dare any of the other 7 participants to try and stop me from making good on my word.


and to whoever DARES to stand in my line of sight on the road to becoming the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion,


(Rating: 52)

"The Hustler" Rip Rogers vs. "White Lightning" Tim Horner 


- Despite the embarrassing scenes that Rip Rogers was the centre of a week prior, there was nothing embarrassing about the wrestling he displayed during this main event bout. At worst, Rogers held his own with “White Lightning” Tim Horner in a neck and neck display of technical wrestling, and at best, Rogers tactics seriously troubled Horner.

- As the bout rolled on, Tim Horner began to get the better of more of the exchanges. This caused Rip Rogers to resort to some cheap tactics, such as a finger poke to the eyes of Tim Horner when the Referee was distracted.

- Such tactics saw the flow of the action sway back in favour of Rip Rogers. After some close near falls on Tim Horner, frustration became evident from “The Hustler”. As the frustration within Rogers grew, so did the amount of missed opportunities and mistakes made. Tim Horner was quick to take advantage of every opportunity to regroup and take back control.

- Sensing that he was in increased danger, Rip Rogers rolled out of the ring in an attempt to catch a breather. This wouldn’t be allowed by Tim Horner, who impressively dived between the ring ropes and knocked an unprepared Rogers to the hard concrete floor.

- In the closing stages of the contest, Rip Rogers and Tim Horner were once again back and forth, with neither man looking to have the stand out advantage. After a jaw breaker from Rogers, Tim Horner staggered and fell through the ring ropes to the apron. Rip Rogers was quick to attempt to suplex Horner from the apron and back into the ring.

- Unfortunately for Rip Rogers, his opponent had more fight left in him than anticipated. Tim Horner countered the attempted suplex attempt from Rogers with a well-placed elbow smash to his mid-section. Wasting no time, “White Lightning” used the ropes to propel himself back into the ring, where he took Rip Rogers down for a pinfall attempt via a Sunset Flip. Rip Rogers grabbed the ring ropes and tried to hold on, but he eventually lost his grip and fell back with his shoulders on the mat, where they would stay for the next three seconds. The fans cheered on as Tim Horner was declared the winner via pinfall. The match time was 7 minutes, 42 seconds.

- “What a win for White Lightning in our main event!” said an enthused Bob Caudle on commentary “Tim Horner has been impressive time after time here on Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and I really do hope that he’s soon confirmed as one of the eight participants in the upcoming Gold Rush Tournament. What a Champion this young man would make!”

(Rating: 51)


In the closing minutes of the broadcast, Jim Cornette came out to the interview area and asked Bob Caudle to hand him a microphone. Sadly for Cornette, he was interrupted before he could begin to speak with the arrival of the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong


“Jim, let me stop you from wasting your own time, and more importantly, the time of these good people” stated Bob Armstrong “I know you’re out here to talk about your new tag team once again. Well I’m telling you loud and clear, while you insist on keeping this tag team a mystery, I’ll insist on ensuring they remain a non-factor here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. I’ve been fair with you, I’ve given you time, but until you PUT UP and get this team identified and ready for the upcoming Tag Team Championship Tournament, just SHUT UP!”


“You know what Armstrong” yelled out Jim Cornette “I’m getting sick and tired of you putting the screws to business that would actually benefit this wrestling promotion if you just let it go uninterrupted. Like me or not, I’m a man of my word, and my revolutionary new tag team WILL send shockwaves throughout all of tag team wrestling when they arrive!”

“We’ve heard this all before Jim” said an annoyed Bob Armstrong in response “It’s been SEVEN WEEKS of HOT AIR from you, and I’m NOT putting up with it on this broadcast any longer!”

“Listen Armstrong, you CANNOT rush greatness, and I REFUSE to do it!” stated Jim Cornette “but seeing as I’m feeling charitable, I’ll make you a promise. I promise that I’ll show you a VIDEO of my new tag team, a video that’ll more than wet not only your appetite, but the appetite of all of these unwashed rednecks. I’ll show you this video NEXT WEEK!

There you go Armstrong, I’ve just made the next episode of this show a MUST SEE, and I sure hope you’ll thank me for the massive viewer increase! Maybe then you’ll understand that you shouldn’t doubt my methods, and you definitely shouldn’t meddle with the process of revolutionary greatness that I’m engineering. Mark my words Mr. Commissioner….after you’ve seen this video, you’ll be gifting me as much time to bring this team to Smoky Mountain Wrestling as I care to take!”

“Ha” responded a less than fully convinced Bob Armstrong “We shall see about that. I’m warning you, you BETTER deliver on this video Jim!”

(Rating: 70)

(OVERALL Show Rating: 48) (Popularity increased in 1 region)










Edited by Golden Guard M
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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

I can't wait for the angels to sing when we see Cornette's new team. God himself sent them from the heavens to run tag team wrestling. :p


Been watching SMW shows youtube because of this excited for next week!

Thank you for the continued support that you've been giving this dynasty The Blonde Bomber. It's a nice feeling to know that this has led someone towards watching SMW on Youtube. I hope that you're enjoying that treasure trove of old school goodness! I also want to thank you and @Old School Fan for the DOTM Nominations, I appreciate those a great deal. 

Due to events going on in my life, I haven't been able to find the time to get Episode 8 posted as quick as I would've liked, but rest assured that it'll be coming your way sooner rather than later! 

Edited by Golden Guard M
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4 hours ago, Golden Guard M said:

Thank you for the continued support that you've been giving this dynasty The Blonde Bomber. It's a nice feeling to know that this has led someone towards watching SMW on Youtube. I hope that you're enjoying that treasure trove of old school goodness! I also want to thank you and @Old School Fan for the DOTM Nominations, I appreciate those a great deal. 

Due to events going on in my life, I haven't been able to find the time to get Episode 8 posted as quick as I would've liked, but rest assured that it'll be coming your way sooner rather than later! 

Take care of yourself, hope things in life ease up. Excited to read the next episode when you’re able.

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Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Dirty" Dutch Mantell

Air Date: February 1992, Week 4 

234 in attendance at Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom


A Fantastic Letdown? 


We were welcomed to another week of Smoky Mountain Wrestling action by the familiar duo of Bob Caudle and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell. Both men were quick to discuss the scheduled main event of the day…

“Fans have been speculating all week long over who the mystery partner of The Fantastics is going to be in today’s scheduled six man tag team showdown with Jimmy Golden and The Koloffs” said Bob Caudle “We should be in for a good one today Dutch!”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be good for the sensible thinking supporters of The Golden Koloff Connection. That ever shrinking rare breed of people such as myself!” said Dutch Mantell “but unfortunately, as I look out to all of these slow minded fans of The Fantastics who pollute our audience out here today, I don’t think it’s going to be so good for them. I have to tell you Bob, I have to wonder if The Fantastics have even truly found anyone who is willing to wrestle alongside them against a trio as well-oiled and formidable as The Golden Koloff Connection!”

“I have to disagree with you there Dutch” Bob Caudle was quick to reply “The Fantastics are men of their word. They would never let the fans down by failing to deliver on a promise”

“I’ll tell you what people should REALLY be looking forward to” said Dutch Mantell “and that’s the revelation of the FULL Gold Rush Tournament bracket that’ll be coming up in the hour. My name is SURE to be listed as one of the participants. Camera man, zoom right in on me please, give our viewing audience a good look at the sure fire bet to become the 1st ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion!”

(Rating: 38)

Leroy Howard vs."Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson


- As anticipated, the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom were fully dedicated to the vocal support that they provided for “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Robert Gibson throughout a fast paced opening contest that succeeded in heating up the crowd for more action ahead.

- “Young Leroy Howard is showing the fight that we’ve come to expect from him after his previous outings here on Smoky Mountain Wrestling television” said Bob Caudle on commentary “but the undeniable combination of experience and red hot fan support that’s fuelling Robert Gibson’s attacks, it seems to be too much for the youngster to overcome."

- “I’ll tell you what, this Leroy Howard is a messed up jigsaw, all the right pieces are ready to be put into place, but he needs mentorship to help him put it all together” said Dutch Mantell in response “If this young man approaches me and shows me the correct level of respect, I may just consider providing him with that mentorship myself!”

-  Robert Gibson took Leroy Howard by surprise when he landed on his feet following a hip toss attempt. Gibson was then quick to meet Leroy with a knee to the gut, followed by a running Bulldog. After planting the face of Leroy Howard directly into the canvas, Robert Gibson covered his opponent to score the match winning three count. The time of the bout was 5 minutes, 15 seconds.

- “Another impeccable showing here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling from “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Robert Gibson” said Bob Caudle “You have to think that this man’s name has to be one of the eight listed when the full Gold Rush Tournament bracket is revealed later in the hour!”

(Rating: 47)

A Promise That WON'T Be Broken! 

In a pre-taped backstage video, Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong had a look of disappointment on his face evident, before going into some words he clearly wanted to share…


“Last week, Jim Cornette promised me, as well as all of you, that he’d present a video of his long promised tag team that would be ready for broadcast. Well, I can confirm that a video from Jim Cornette WAS delivered to us this morning, and it’s currently being prepared for broadcast in our production office. This video WILL be broadcast for all of us to see within the hour, and it’s my hope that the video will give us the answer we’ve long been waiting for regarding the identity of Mr. Cornette’s new team

Due to this development, and after some serious thought and back and forth consideration, I’ve come to the decision to temporarily postpone the beginning of the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Championship Tournament that I’d hoped and promised would get started here on television today.

I want this Tag Team Championship tournament to be as great as it can be for all of you wonderful fans, and I’m counting on the team that has been talked up for so long by Mr. Cornette to deliver on the hype and add to making the tournament even better!

I give an apology to anyone that this announcement has let down, but I also give a promise that WON’T be broken! I promise that WITH or WITHOUT Jim Cornette’s team involved, the Tag Team Championship Tournament will begin RIGHT HERE, NEXT WEEK on television!

I also have one more promise to make. If Mr. Cornette fails to deliver on his tag team, he’ll stand to lose much more than the opportunity to manage a tag team in our upcoming tournament. I’ll be more than happy to elaborate further on this if Mr. Cornette provides me with a reason to later on today!”

(Rating: 62)

Hector Guerrero vs. Mike Marcello 


- Right from the opening bell, Hector Guerrero was quick to build on the impressive fan following that he’s built in a short time within Smoky Mountain Wrestling, with more of the flashy lucha libre techniques that he’s become known for.

- Mike Marcello tried his best to think ahead and match Hector’s unique style of wrestling, but very little of what he could come up with seemed to trouble his opposition for long. Never far from having the momentum of the bout on his side, Hector Guerrero made this match his own personal showcase.

- A gracefully executed Flying Head Scissors from Hector Guerrero wowed the ringside fans. As a shaky legged Mike Marcello was quick to try and regain his footing, he was taken straight back down to the canvas with a roll up that proved to be the match winning technique for Hector. The match ended via pinfall in 4 minutes, 19 seconds.

 - “It cannot be denied, Hector Guerrero certainly has a way with these people, he’s got them eating out of the palms of his hands” remarked Dutch Mantell on commentary while Hector Guerrero celebrated his victory within the ring “but I stand by what I said about this man last week. I see beyond the flash and I see weaknesses just waiting to be exposed, and I have to tell you Bob, I’d love for the opportunity to be the man to expose them all!”

(Rating: 40)

You Are...GOLD!! 


Set to the instrumental of “Gold” by Spandau Ballet, a commercial aired promoting Smoky Mountain Wrestling’s upcoming super card, SMW GOLD RUSH.

“This weekend, see HISTORY made as EIGHT WRESTLERS fight it out in a one night GOLD RUSH Tournament to be the ONE who is left standing as the very first Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion!


The dangerous DIRTY WHITE BOY will face off with “WHITE LIGHTNING” TIM HORNER!




“DIRTY” DUTCH MANTELL clashes with “PRIME TIME” BRIAN LEE in a highly personal encounter!


And in a sure fire sizzler…”MR. WONDERFUL” PAUL ORNDORFF battles with “ROCK ‘N’ ROLL” ROBERT GIBSON!


This tournament will NOT be broadcast on television, the only way to see who holds the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship up high is to witness it LIVE!!!

Only LIMITED TICKETS for this special event remain, so DO NOT delay any longer in making your plans to join us.

Do NOT miss wrestling history, BE THERE!!!

(Rating: 37)

Questionable Fulfilment 

A smiling and wide eyed Jim Cornette came out to the interview area where he was greeted by Bob Caudle. “Last week, I promised that you’d all get to see a video of my revolutionary new tag team” said Cornette “well just as Bob Armstrong confirmed to you all today through his gritted dentures, I’m a man of my word! The video tape was delivered as promised and it’s now ready to roll…so roll it!”

We were then taken to a pre-taped video, where Jim Cornette was seen taking “Dirty” Dutch Mantell with him towards the entrance of a local Sports Bar.


“Mr. Cornette, I want to give you my thanks for the kind invite that you’ve given me to join you here today for this very important moment. I know that you’ve had your share of doubters about this new team” said Dutch “but I’ve never once doubted that you’d deliver on your word!”

“Well thank you Mr. Mantell, you know I have a great deal of respect for you” responded Jim Cornette “My tag team is right behind that door! We are just seconds away from being in the presence of two men that will come to define Tag Team Wrestling throughout the 1990s. I couldn’t think of a more deserving man to share this landmark moment with than you Dutch!” 

As “Dirty” Dutch Mantell followed Jim Cornette into the Sports Bar, the two men who make up Jim Cornette’s new tag team appeared to be there as promised. Unfortunately, the camera could only just about make out glimpses of the hands and feet of the men, due to both of them being surrounded and mostly obscured by a group of excited women seeking photos and autographs.

“I apologize for this Mr. Mantell” said Jim Cornette “but this is what it’s like every time I bring these men to this area. The women around here have clearly never been in the presence of such a standard of manhood, and…well…it becomes a mob scene!”

“I can see that we’ll be waiting all day to even get close your team, and we need to get to the venue for today's show soon” remarked Dutch Mantell “but I don’t feel cheated, and neither should any of the people watching this footage. Witnessing the excitement that these two men can create should leave no one with even a shred of doubt, you’ve got two men who are the real deal coming to Smoky Mountain Wrestling Mr. Cornette! While I would’ve appreciated a chance to get a better look at them, I thank you for providing me with this opportunity!”

As the video ended, the show cut back to live footage of Jim Cornette, who was still stood with Bob Caudle at the interview area. The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom were heard to be loudly booing Jim Cornette, feeling cheated over the content of his video.

“What’s the matter? Huh?” shouted out Cornette as he looked towards the booing fans with disgust “I promised all of you ungrateful swamp slimes a video of my tag team that would wet your oversized appetites and I DELIVERED! It’s not my fault that the women of this area have been deprived of real men for so long that they just cannot control themselves when two eye catching models of manhood walk into town! I’m afraid that you’re all going to have to wait just a little while longer, until I can reveal my tag team in a more private setting”

The booing from the fans then turned to cheers to greet the arrival of Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong to the interview area. A bemused looking Armstrong was quick to confront Jim Cornette.


“Jim, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This nonsense ENDS NOW!” shouted out Bob Armstrong, which was met by the cheering approval of the fans “Let me tell you what is now going to happen Jim, the Tag Team Championship Tournament will be starting WITH or WITHOUT your Tag Team included, right here on television NEXT WEEK, but that’s not all! Earlier tonight, I PROMISED that if you failed to deliver on your team, you stood to lose MUCH MORE than just the opportunity of having a tag team under your representation in the Tournament.

So Jim, you’ve left me no choice but to state the following, IF you fail to deliver on your tag team next week for ANY reason, you’ll be losing the right to manage ANYONE here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, because I’ll SUSPEND your managerial licence for 12 MONTHS, a FULL calendar year! Just try me Jim, because I’ll HAPPILY put that suspension into motion!”


A look of shock and anger filled the face of Jim Cornette, who was clearly rattled by the Commissioners words of intent. “I deliver quality content for this television programme as promised, and THIS is how you repay me?” shouted out Cornette “You’ve REALLY got it in for me haven’t you? You know, you’re speeding on down the highway on this power trip of yours Armstrong. I would HATE to see you CRASH and BURN!”

Commissioner Bob Armstrong and Jim Cornette engaged in an intense stare down, before the two men walked off camera in separate directions. “Alright, it’s certainly getting a little bit heated in here” proclaimed Bob Caudle as he stepped up front and took stock of the confrontation he’d just witnessed “We’ll be back after a quick commercial time out with more exciting Smoky Mountain Wrestling action, so don’t go anywhere!”

(Rating: 64)

"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. Rikki Nelson 


-  In the opening minutes of the contest “Hollywood” Bob Holly seemed mostly preoccupied with getting the ringside fans who were energetically booing him to show him some respect. Holly’s attempt to gain respect was a predictable failure, but it did succeed in giving his opponent Rikki Nelson the chance to catch Holly off guard with a flurry of successful attacks.

-  Rikki Nelson almost scored the match winning pinfall over “Hollywood” Bob Holly via a Sunset Flip. The look on Holly’s face showed that he was fully aware of just how close to defeat he’d come. 

-  From that scare of defeat onward, “Hollywood” Bob Holly was 100% business, putting his full focus into getting the momentum of the bout in his favour. Within little time, Holly succeeded on his ambitions.

-  In the closing moments of the bout, “Hollywood” Bob Holly countered a side headlock applied by Rikki Nelson by pushing him forward. Nelson hit the corner turnbuckles chest first. As Rikki Nelson stepped back clutching his chest, he was caught and dropped harshly to the canvas via a stinging Side Suplex that was finely executed by Holly.

-  Not content to rely on the damage caused by the Side Suplex, “Hollywood” Bob Holly climbed to the top rope and landed down on Rikki Nelson with his signature “Star Drop” Knee Drop.

- “Hollywood” Bob Holly smiled as he casually rested his right elbow onto the chest of Rikki Nelson as he attempted the pinfall following the delivery of his signature move. Holly was confident that Rikki Nelson wouldn’t kick out, and just three seconds later, his confidence was proven to be justified. At the time of 5 minutes, 30 seconds, the match was awarded to “Hollywood” Bob Holly via pinfall.

- “Did you see that Terry Gordy?” shouted out a victorious Bob Holly as he looked into the camera “That was just a preview trailer of what’s coming your way when you lock up with the BOX OFFICE SMASH in the Gold Rush Tournament. You’ll be getting the FULL FEATURE when I land the Star Drop on you and put your lights out! And as your story fades to black, the lights will shine oh so bright for me, as I go on to WIN the Heavyweight Championship and give this Promotion the A LIST ATTRACTION that it needs. Hooray for Hollywood!”

(Rating: 41)

Cold Hearts and Tight Wallets 


In a pre-taped backstage promo, we were greeted by the sight of Mr. Ron Wright sat in his wheelchair, with the menacing presence of his new managerial client The Dirty White Boy stood beside him.


“Three weeks ago on this here television programme, I expressed how much it warmed my heart and soothed my soul to have the kindness of the financial donations that I’d been receiving to help me with my plight” said Mr. Ron Wright “So it’s with sadness that I have to sit here today and say how down hearted I’ve felt this past week. Because I haven’t received ONE letter all week long! I sure hope you people out there watching me on the TV haven’t been buying into the untruths that people like Bobby Fulton, “Prime Time” Brian Lee, and even Commissioner Bob Armstrong have said about me over the last number of weeks. I’m a GOOD man and I STILL need your support, so please…PLEASE…get those letters coming back my way!”


“You really are a rare gem of a man in this cruel world Mr. Ron Wright. You’re a good man filled with patience and kindness for the many” the Dirty White Boy interjected “but as for me, my patience runs much thinner, and kindness? It’s a quality I reserve for very few. So I’m going to say right now to all of you people hearing my words out there on television what a man like Mr. Ron Wright is too respectable and kind natured to say, and this goes out to all of you with the cold hearts and tight wallets…

It makes me SICK....SICK TO THE STOMACH... that you’ve all decided to look past the needs of a great man like Ron Wright.

I had a low opinion of some of you people before, but now? I give less value to you people than the grime at the bottom of my boots. I may be DIRTY, but I’m honest, I’m the kind of man who can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, and all of you people have made an enemy out of me! You all want to be cold? Well, I’m more than happy to give you more coldness than you can handle. Every time I’m in the ring with one of your favorites and I hear your cheers, I’m going to think of how you treated Mr. Ron Wright, and I’ll take out my anger for you on each and every one of them!

“But don’t worry Mr. Wright, you won’t need to depend on these cold hearted people for much longer” continued The Dirty White Boy “We got the official confirmation earlier on today that I will be participating in the Gold Rush Tournament. I’m going to bring the pain to Tim Horner and anyone else I cross paths with on my way to becoming the very first Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. I’ll have the Gold, and with the Gold comes MONEY. Mr. Ron Wright, I’ll make sure that you soon have all of the money required to fund your surgeries, and the money train WON'T stop rolling, because I’ll be holding that Championship for a real long time!”

(Rating: 55)

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. Tommy Angel


-  This was a back and forth contest in the opening minutes, to the surprise of many. Paul Orndorff gave a respectful smile as Tommy Angel got the better of some of their early exchanges. This smile couldn’t always mask Orndorff’s self-frustration however.

- As the match moved on, momentum was firmly secured by the more experienced Paul Orndorff. After wearing down Tommy Angel with an abdominal stretch, Orndorff attempted to secure the win via submission with a Figure-Four Leglock.

- Paul Orndorff released the hold and got up to his feet to celebrate a victory when he saw Tommy Angel’s left hand tapping the canvas. The Referee was then quick to approach Paul Orndorff and alert him to the fact that Tommy Angel’s right hand was holding the bottom ring rope, the match was NOT over! This clearly agitated Paul Orndorff, who got into what appeared to be a fairly heated argument with the Referee, apparently unhappy with his officiating.

- In the action that followed, Tommy Angel showed some real heart as he battled back into the match with some impressive offence. The momentum would soon be harshly cut off from Angel however, as Paul Orndorff countered a spinning neckbreaker attempt by hoisting his opponent up and dropping him with a delayed suplex.

- Paul Orndorff lifted the groggy body of Tommy Angel up from the canvas. For a brief moment, it looked like Orndorff was considering a set-up of his banned Spike Piledriver. Instead, Orndorff powered Tommy Angel over with a Gut-Wrench Suplex.

- Paul Orndorff dragged Tommy Angel to the centre of the ring, he then once again applied the Figure-Four Leglock. With nowhere to go, Tommy Angel had no choice but to tap out!

- After 6 minutes and 20 seconds of action, Paul Orndorff was declared the winner via submission. Paul Orndorff had a post-match conversation with the Referee, where he appeared to apologise for there earlier disagreement. Orndorff then showed respect for his defeated opponent by shaking the hand of Tommy Angel.

- “I cannot wait much longer, BRING ON THE GOLD RUSH!” shouted out Paul Orndorff as he looked into the camera on his walk to the backstage area “Robert Gibson, you drew the short straw getting me in the first round my friend. As good as you are, not you or any other man has what it takes to stop me from getting my hands on that brand new Championship Gold!”

(Rating: 43)

A Fantastic Surprise! 

A chorus of boos drowned out the sounds of the Russian National Anthem, greeting the unwelcome arrival to the ringside area of “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden, “The Russian Bear” Ivan Koloff, and Vladimir Koloff, collectively known as The Golden Koloff Connection.


The chorus of boos was instantly replaced by enthused cheers once “Sharp Dressed Man” by ZZ Top kicked in on the P.A system to signal the arrival of The Fantastics.


As Bobby and Jackie Fulton stepped into the ring, they were approached by “The Shining Standard” Jimmy Golden, who had taken it upon himself to forcibly acquire the ring announcer’s microphone.


“Just as me and my Russian comrades thought” shouted out Jimmy Golden “You two Fantastics couldn’t find anyone stupid enough to stand beside you in an unwinnable fight with The Golden Koloff Connection. I wasn’t joking when I said that we can take ANY trio alive! You know, Bobby and Jackie, I’ll give you both a little credit for at least showing up here today, so me and my comrades will give you until the count of ten to leave this ring and forfeit this match. Otherwise, you can both feel free to stick around and get a beating that you’ll never recover from. I’m talking a career ender of a beating!”

As Jimmy Golden began a count from one to ten, The Fantastics motioned to leave the ring, but as they both stepped onto the apron, they turned back towards The Golden Koloff Connection with knowing smiles.

The Golden Koloff Connection were then clearly taken aback as “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd began to boom throughout the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom as Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy stormed out to ringside. With the fans cheering him on, Gordy took a microphone from a ringside table, before standing up on the ring apron alongside The Fantastics.


“I’ve got the GOLD RUSH and the Championship that it’ll bring to me LOCKED in my sights” shouted out Terry Gordy “but these eyes are wide and they can see so much more! And while these eyes have not always been straight in line with the eyes of The Fantastics, it’s a NEW time, a NEW organization, and a NEW day! When The Fantastics offered me this opportunity to join them in warfare against the three of you, I COULD NOT RESIST standing atop of Freebird Mountain and dropping down the bombs on two no good Russians like you Ivan and Vladimir Koloff.

But as riled up as the two of you stinking Koloffs get me, JIMMY GOLDEN COUNTERFEIT, you SELLOUT of an AMERICAN, you’re the WORST of the three! I’ve got a BADSTREET sized BOOT to the face followed by a FIST OF FURY, and they’ve both got your name written on them!”


“Those are some big words Gordy” yelled out Jimmy Golden in response “but I’m going to make you fail miserably in trying to back them up, and that’s a GOLDEN guarantee from me to you boy!”

The Referee rushed into the ring and called for the bell to get the Six Man Tag Team Main Event officially underway, as both trios ceased talking and stormed across the ring towards each other.  

(Rating: 43)

The Golden Koloff Connection vs. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy & The Fantastics 




- The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum Ballroom were treated to a wild ride of a main event, filled with hard hitting and highly intense action. The Referee had trouble keeping order at multiple points, with both the legal and illegal participants all caught up in action that refused to remain in the ring. At one point, Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy and "The Shining Standard" Jimmy Golden brawled into the front row, forcing the ringside fans to vacate their seats with haste. Gordy and Golden then began to throw chairs at one another.

- Later in the contest, Bobby Fulton and "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff both sported crimson masks as they traded fists back and forth. Ivan then side stepped a flying forearm shot from Bobby, which caused the shot to inadvertently hit the Referee.

- With the Referee knocked out, Ivan Koloff was handed his Steel Russian Chain by Vladimir. Ivan attempted to choke a blood soaked Bobby Fulton out with the chain, but with the fans frantically cheering him on, Bobby found the strength to fight out of the choke and counter it by bringing Ivan down to the canvas with an overhead snap mare.

-  A replacement Referee ran down to ringside just as Ivan Koloff and Bobby Fulton crawled to their respective corners and tagged out, making Terry Gordy and Vladimir Koloff the new legal entrants.

-  As the replacement Referee removed the Steel Russian Chain from the ring, Terry Gordy intercepted an incoming attack from Vladimir by catching him in a bear hug. Vladimir was quick to escape the bear hug by raking Terry’s eyes, causing the hold to be released. Vladimir then ran back and shot off the ropes, landing a jumping axe handle shot to the head of Terry Gordy, which staggered him. With Terry Gordy on spaghetti legs, Vladimir decided to repeat his previous action, running back and shooting off the ropes once again. Unfortunately for Vladimir, he had his incoming attack intercepted by a well-placed boot to the face from Terry Gordy.

-  In the moments that followed, Terry Gordy and Vladimir Koloff continued to go toe to toe, but when it began to look like Vladimir was losing momentum, Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden entered the ring in an attempt to help him. The plans of Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden were stifled before they could be carried out, as they were intercepted with an attack from both of The Fantastics.

-  As a brawl that saw The Fantastics tangle with Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden spilled to the outside of the ring, Terry Gordy continued to get the better of Vladimir within it.

-  The ringside fans let out a gasp upon the sight of seeing Terry Gordy hoist Vladimir Koloff up high. Terry Gordy then dropped Vladimir back down to the canvas with the ring shaking force of a POWERBOMB!

-  Seeing the trouble that Vladimir was in, Ivan Koloff and Jimmy Golden both made an effort to get back into the ring to save their teammate. These efforts were quickly stopped by Bobby and Jackie Fulton. With nobody coming to save him following the Powerbomb, Vladimir was kept down by Terry Gordy for the match winning count of three. The match time was 7 minutes, 12 seconds.

(Rating: 40)

Who Is The Best Bet? 

As The Fantastics and Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy celebrated their victory in the ring, the camera cut to the commentary table, where Bob Caudle and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell were ready to give their closing show remarks.


“MY oh MY, what a main event that was Dutch!” remarked Bob Caudle “That was quite a dominant display from Terry Gordy to secure the victory. I think many people out there would have to consider Terry Gordy to be the BEST BET to walk out of the Gold Rush Tournament with the Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship strapped around his waist!”

“Come on Bob, you know better than that” replied Dutch Mantell with a tone of annoyance “If you want to discuss the best bet to win the Gold Rush Tournament, you’re sitting right next to him. In fact, I’ve got a few things I want to say about my first round match with PRIME SLIME Brain Lee, and I’m fixing to do that right now!”

The fans then booed as “Dirty” Dutch Mantell got up from the commentary table with a microphone in hand. Mantell then looked out to the fans and began to address them directly.


“Now, I know all of you people have been clamouring for Brian Lee to get his rematch with me. So I’m sure you were all thrilled when I was revealed to be his first round opponent in the Gold Rush Tournament earlier on in the hour.

As much as I’ve tried to deter you all from your bad habits over the weeks gone by, you’ve all really taken to Brian Lee. Oh yeah you have! I’m sure many of you even think he has everything needed to go all of the way in the Gold Rush and become the first ever Heavyweight Champion of Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Am I right?"

“Dirty” Dutch Mantell paused upon hearing cheers of support for Brian Lee, he then shook his head in disappointment before continuing to speak.  

"Those misguided cheers I hear at the mention of his name tell me I’m right. Well, it’s time for me to serve up a foul tasting but much needed dose of reality to you brain numbed followers of Brian Lee. You all need to abandon the foolish idea of Brian Lee going all the way to the Heavyweight Championship right now, because I’m going to ensure that he doesn’t even make it past the first round!

I’m not worried about this match with Brian Lee, in fact, I WELCOME IT! The GOLD RUSH is going to be a wonderful night for me, because not only do I get to embarrass Brian Lee and FINALLY put an end to my sorry little episode with him for good, I can then also go on to win the rest of the tournament and take my rightful place as the Heavyweight Champion. I may not be the Champion you people want, but trust me when I tell you, I’m the Champion you need!"

Dutch Mantell looked shocked for a second when he heard the sound of cheers. Mantell quickly came to understand just who the cheers were for, upon seeing the sight of the arriving “Prime Time” Brian Lee. The two rivals engaged in a heated stare down as Brian Lee motioned to be handed a microphone by a staff member.


“Dutch Mantell, you’ve tried everything to avoid this rematch. Now, you’ve got no more short cuts, no Carl Stiles, and nowhere to hide. So… I know you’re feeling it!” said Brian Lee

“Feeling it? Feeling what?” replied Dutch

“Oh you know, that SINKING feeling!” responded Brian Lee “because you’re sinking under the wave of my momentum, and at the Gold Rush, you’re going to finally DROWN! And as you slip deeper and deeper down and your body rests at the bottom of the Ocean of irrelevance, I’ll BE THE ONE who goes on to WIN the entire GOLD RUSH….and I will show that the Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship is READY FOR PRIME TIME!!!”

The show ended with a heated face to face stare down between “Prime Time” Brian Lee and “Dirty” Dutch Mantell, as Bob Caudle closed the show with some parting words from the commentary table.

“That’s all for another week of action wrestling fans. Make sure that you join us this weekend for the historic Gold Rush Tournament” said Bob Caudle “and be with us NEXT WEEK…RIGHT HERE on television, as we'll have all of the fall out of that historic show AND the beginning of our Tag Team Championship Tournament. See you next time!”

(Rating: 42)

(OVERALL Show Rating: 44) (Popularity increased in 1 region)














Edited by Golden Guard M
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I like that you didn't follow the same treadline for the Cornette revealing his team as SMW did. I felt like they overdid promising videos when they would never show anything. From what I've seen my favorite parts of SMW have been Cornette, Bullet Bob, Ron Wright, and Paul Orndorff. I like the addition of more screentime for Gordy too. Seems like he's in good shape to go all the way to the SMW Heavyweight Title.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Smoky Mountain Wrestling proudly presents

 ///..GOLD RUSH..\\\

Commentary Team: Bob Caudle and "Bullet" Bob Armstrong

Show Date: February 1992, Week 4

(Recorded for Home Video Release) 

650 in attendance at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum 


Home Video Introduction

The home video presentation began with a video package set to the instrumental of “Gold” by Spandau Ballet. The video showed match clips of all eight entrants in the upcoming Gold Rush Tournament, followed by a brief backstage comment from each of them.


 The Dirty White Boy: The great Ron Wright saw something in me that so many others have overlooked, but tonight I’ll make believers out of ALL of you! I’m the man with the ideal combination of skill and desire that’s needed to go all the way in the Gold Rush. Having that brand new Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship around my waist is going to be a wonderful feeling!


“White Lightning” Tim Horner: To all of you great wrestling fans who have supported me this far, I give you my sincere thanks, because I wouldn’t have made it into a tournament as prestigious as this without your support. An opportunity like this isn’t guaranteed to ever come around again, so I’m going to make this one count and ensure I leave here tonight with the Heavyweight Championship resting over my shoulder!


“Hollywood” Bob Holly:  You’ve got seven other hopefuls, but there is only one feature attraction that’s fit to carry Championship Gold and that’s “Hollywood” Bob Holly! I’ll take that Championship away from the Tennessee Lows and straight to the Hollywood Heights! I’ll take that Championship with me to every club on Sunset Strip, I’ll wear it on every late night talk show. You know that I’m the only man capable of doing those things, and that’s what makes me the Box Office Smash!


Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy: Look up high and you can see it! You can see my place waiting for me on TOP of the mountain! Tonight, I dig my badstreet sized boots into the ground, I grit my teeth, and I climb that mountain. When the dust settles and the smoke clears, seven others will have tried and failed, because only one man can be THE MAN, and I’ll be THE MAN who stands atop of the mountain with the big gold belt!


“Prime Time” Brian Lee: Tonight, I don’t feel like being big on words, but I’m going to be real big when it comes to what truly counts, and that’s action. The first order of business will be settling up with Dutch Mantell in the first round, and after he’s in my rear-view mirror, I’ll push full force forward and prevail in the Gold Rush. The Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship is coming to PRIME TIME!


“Dirty” Dutch Mantell: When I arrived at the venue today, I saw so many fans lining up wearing shirts and holding signs in support of “Prime Time” Brian Lee. Many folks have clearly purchased tickets to see him not only defeat me, but go on to become the Heavyweight Champion. Well, just like the old Rolling Stones song says, you can’t always get what you want, but I promise you people, you WILL get what you need. You’ll not only witness the first round defeat and humiliation that I’ve got lined up for your beloved Brian Lee, you’ll also see me go all the way as I win the Gold Rush and become the Champion that you all desperately need! I’ve come to understand just how lost many of you people are, so I don’t expect your approval, but trust me when I say, in time; you WILL come to appreciate me as your Champion! 


 “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Robert Gibson: It’s always a wonderful time for me to be wrestling out here in the great state of Tennessee in front of all of you fine people. I’ve been involved in some big events in my wrestling career, but I must say that this Gold Rush Tournament is right up there with the best of them. Being the very first Heavyweight Champion of Smoky Mountain Wrestling would be a beautiful thing for me to accomplish, so I’m going to go above and beyond tonight to make sure it happens. So get ready to Rock “N” Roll all night long and into the early hours, because when I win the Heavyweight Championship I’m going to take it out around town and celebrate alongside you all!


Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff: I’ve been waiting for this Gold Rush for weeks, and now we are finally here! Smoky Mountain Wrestling has done some impressive things in a short amount of time, but it now needs a Champion to call its own. No disrespect intended to the seven other contenders, but no other man in the Gold Rush has my credentials. If that newly crafted Championship Gold could speak, it would be crying out for Mr. Wonderful! So to all of you wrestling fans, sit back, enjoy the show, and watch as I win the Gold Rush. I’ll secure the Heavyweight Championship, and I’ll then hoist this promotion up onto my back and carry it to the heights that only I can!   


After the video concluded, we were shown a camera pan of the excited crowd on hand within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. We then got a shot of the commentary table, which was occupied by Bob Caudle and the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong.


Bob Caudle: Greetings wrestling fans, and welcome to the Gold Rush! Thank you for your choice to purchase this home video presentation of what is set to be a night of professional wrestling action that’ll be remembered for many years to come. Tonight, we WILL see our first ever Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Champion decided as eight men compete in the Gold Rush to become the one who’ll hold the newly crafted prize. We’ve got a great crowd on hand here within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum to witness this special event and we are glad you can also share the excitement with us from the comfort of your home. It’s also my pleasure to be joined tonight at the table by the Commissioner of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, “Bullet” Bob Armstrong!

Bob Armstrong: I’m thrilled to be sat alongside you Mr. Caudle. I cannot think of anywhere I’d rather be! I have to share with you and our viewers, it wasn’t easy narrowing down the field of eight for tonight’s tournament, but I’m confident that I’ve put together a worthy selection of contenders that’ll give our audience some excellent matches tonight. I must also mention this, I look out to the audience on hand here tonight within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum and I see folks young and old, I see families. The responsibilities of this job of mine aren’t always easy, but nights like this make all of the hard work worth it. Nights like this are what our Sport is all about, and I’ve not been this excited for a night of Professional Wrestling in many years!

Bob Caudle: And it’s true to say that excitement is shared by many Mr. Commissioner. I believe it’s just about time to get the first round action of the Gold Rush Tournament underway!




The Dirty White Boy vs. "White Lightning" Tim Horner 

Prior to the match getting underway, The Dirty White Boy pushed his wheelchair bound manager Mr. Ron Wright down to the ringside area to observe the bout. Mr. Ron Wright was holding a flask and a coffee mug, he was also covered with a blanket. “Why is this venue so cold?” a visibly shuddering Ron Wright was seen to be asking. “Maybe it’s because of all of these COLD hearted people in the crowd Mr. Wright” The Dirty White Boy was heard to respond “but don’t worry, I’ll finish off Tim Horner quick!”

The first bout of the night treated the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum to some decent back and forth wrestling between The Dirty White Boy and “White Lightning” Tim Horner. The action on display got the crowd hotter, getting the show off to a strong start.

After many minutes of hard hitting action that was largely 50/50 with neither competitor being able to grasp true control, a shift came when The Dirty White Boy found himself the victim of two near falls courtesy of Tim Horner. The first near fall came from a leap frog followed by a roll up. The second came via a natural bridge that The Dirty White Boy barely kicked out of via a super close 2.9!

After his close brushes with defeat, The Dirty White Boy seemed to rush his attacks in an act of desperation. This only led to him making more mistakes, which Tim Horner was ready and waiting to take advantage of. Concern was visible on the face of Mr. Ron Wright as he watched his client struggle from the outside of the ring.

With over 10 minutes of action now behind both competitors, the action spilled to the outside. The Dirty White Boy and Tim Horner traded fists, with Tim Horner getting the better of the strike exchange.

As Tim Horner attempted to get back into the ring, he was momentarily startled when a closely positioned Mr. Ron Wright looked like he was lifting up his coffee mug to throw hot coffee in his face. As the cup flew up, it soon became clear that it was empty. Unfortunately, the temporary distraction was enough for Tim Horner to find himself victim to an attack from behind by The Dirty White Boy. Tim Horner had his head smashed into the ring apron, before then being thrown into the direction of a ringside barricade, which he collided with full force.

With Tim Horner laid out on the concrete floor, the fans booed in anger as The Dirty White Boy rolled into the ring just before The Referee reached his count of ten. In controversial fashion, The Dirty White Boy won his first round match via count out. The time of the match was 11 minutes, 3 seconds.

“That was a real unfortunate outcome to what had been a fine wrestling match” remarked Bob Armstrong on commentary “Tim Horner is a fine young competitor with a bright future. I hope he dusts himself off and bounces back from that disappointing defeat in quick fashion. As for Mr. Ron Wright, that was a low down move he just pulled. While he didn’t technically interfere due to the coffee mug being empty, I know his crooked games and I’m watching him close!”

(Rating: 45)



"Hollywood" Bob Holly vs. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy

The energy generated by the 1st bout of the evening was successfully carried over and built upon with the excitement of this encounter. From the opening moments, the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum made no secret of their support for Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy, which only grew after some of the heated verbal back and forth that the arrogant “Hollywood” Bob Holly engaged with amongst some of Gordy’s more supportive fans within the front row of ringside.

Putting his easy to dislike Hollywood arrogance aside, not even Holly’s most enthused of detractors would be able to deny that when push came to shove, he stepped up and went toe to toe with the more experienced Terry Gordy. When Holly was 100% focused, he succeeded in troubling Gordy with some hard hitting strikes and well timed and executed offensive manoeuvres.  

The game plan put together and played out by “Hollywood” Bob Holly would’ve been enough to keep most men down for the count, but Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy proved to be a force of a man unlike any that Holly had previously met in his short career. After being on the receiving end of some of Holly’s best attacks, Gordy seemed to absorb the pain and use it to tap into a 2nd wind. From that point on, every attack that Holly could deliver was not only matched but bettered by Gordy.

With the match now firmly swung in Terry Gordy’s favour, “Hollywood” Bob Holly showed that he was still a smart thinking threat capable of regaining momentum. After the Referee spun aside to avoid an incoming Terry Gordy following an Irish whip reversal from Holly, the quick witted man from Hollywood made the split second where the Referee had his back turned to the action count. Holly pulled Gordy back toward him and delivered a knee to the lower mid-section of his opponent that was controversially low. As Terry Gordy slumped over in pain, Bob Holly met his opponent with a brutal high knee directly on target, colliding with Gordy's head. After the impact of this attack that sounded as wicked as it looked, Terry Gordy fell back hard onto the canvas.

A smile was visible on the face of “Hollywood” Bob Holly as he climbed up to the top rope, with his signature “Star Drop” no doubt in mind for his next and hopefully final attack. The smile was quickly replaced with a look of panic upon Holly’s face when he saw that Terry Gordy had already powered back up to his feet. Through gritted teeth, Terry Gordy sported a face of fury and rage filled eyes as he pointed up towards Bob Holly, who was now perched on the top rope, unsure of what to do next.

After some clear hesitation, Bob Holly decided to commit to an aerial attack, adjusting his planned move by delivering an axe handle blow from the top. Unfortunately for Holly, this move was successfully countered by Terry Gordy, who caught and held him in a bear hug position.

From the bear hug position, Terry Gordy flung Bob Holly over onto the canvas via a belly to belly suplex. Terry Gordy then went for what he’d hoped would be the match winning pinfall, but to his surprise as well as the clear surprise of many of the ringside fans, Bob Holly just about managed to raise his left hand before the Ref’s hand hit the canvas for a 3rd time.

Visibly annoyed at his opponent’s refusal to stay down, Terry Gordy aggressively pulled a dazed and confused Bob Holly up to his feet via his hair. Before Holly could get a grasp of his bearings, he was hoisted up into position and reintroduced to the canvas via the unforgivably forceful fashion of a POWERBOMB!

To the surprise of no one who witnessed the impact of Gordy’s Powerbomb, “Hollywood” Bob Holly stayed down for the match winning three count. The match time was 11 minutes, 44 seconds. The fans cheered on in approval of Terry Gordy’s impressive victory.

- “Only ONE MAN can be THE MAN!” yelled a fired up Terry Gordy into the camera as the Referee raised his hand in victory “LOOK INTO THESE EYES. LOOK DEEP, and YOU KNOW…you’re looking at him!” 

(Rating: 53)



"Prime Time" Brian Lee vs. "Dirty" Dutch Mantell 

More than just the Gold Rush Tournament match, this was the rematch that “Prime Time” Brian Lee had long wanted against his rival “Dirty” Dutch Mantell. With many within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum chanting “PRIME TIME” in support, Brian Lee went full force after Dutch Mantell from the opening bell, with some hate filled intensity behind every attack.

In the opening minutes, Dutch Mantell had great difficulty finding an answer for the fast paced and highly motivated attacks coming his way with punishing impact from “Prime Time” Brian Lee. Just as it began to look like the match was going to be a short and one sided beat down, Dutch Mantell gave a reminder of just why so many have come to call him “Dirty”. Whether it was a thumb to the eyes of Brian Lee from a headlock position while ensuring he was positioned at an angle the Referee couldn’t see, or sneakily using the tag rope in an obscured choke attempt when he had Brian Lee positioned in the ring corner, the veteran Dutch Mantell used every cheap tactic he could get away with to fight back into the match.

Despite these and other similarly underhanded measures, none of Mantell’s efforts could succeed in troubling Brian Lee for long. Worry became evident within the eyes of Dutch Mantell as Brian Lee continued to bounce back and regain control of the match.

Around the 8 minute mark, a flying clothesline attempted by Brian Lee was side stepped by Dutch Mantell, causing “Prime Time” to inadvertently collide full force with The Referee. In a display of genuine concern, Brian Lee looked to help the floored and barely conscious Referee to his feet. Unfortunately for Brian Lee, these efforts were harshly halted when he was lashed full force in the back with the impact of Dutch Mantell’s signature Bull Whip. This Bull Whip had been handed to Dutch by his protégé “Cruel” Carl Stiles, who had rushed out to ringside after seeing the Referee floored.

As Brian Lee fell face first onto the canvas, “Dirty” Dutch Mantell threw the Bull Whip out of the ring, where “Cruel” Carl Stiles was quick to take it and hide it under the ring apron. Dutch Mantell then delivered some rapid knee strikes to the back of Brian Lee, before placing him in the camel clutch.

As a replacement Referee ran down to the ring, Dutch Mantell wrenched back on the camel clutch, looking to secure a submission. While Brian Lee refused to submit, the replacement Referee made multiple checks to ensure that he was still responsive. Just as it looked like the Referee was considering stopping the match, the fans began to roar upon the sight of Brian Lee struggling up to his feet, with a shocked looking Dutch Mantell still clinging onto his back!

Dutch Mantell jumped down to his feet and delivered a back rake to Brian Lee, which made the fan favourite fall to his knees. After a measured elbow to the head of Brian Lee, Dutch rolled him over for a pin attempt.




-  ….

- Was NOT to BE!...”Prime Time” Brian Lee kicked out at 2.9!

With the fans cheering him on louder than ever, Brian Lee battled back up to his feet and engaged in a striking exchange with Dutch Mantell. As the two rivals traded hard hitting shots, Brian Lee was clearly getting the better of them following a new found lease of energy.

- Seeing the trouble that his mentor was in, “Cruel” Carl Stiles stepped up onto the ring apron after seemingly preparing something within his hands.

After making eye contact with his protégé, “Dirty” Dutch Mantell attempted to use Brian Lee’s momentum against him to whip him towards Carl’s direction. Unfortunately for Mantell, it was he who got sent flying towards the apron. The fans cheered loudly as Dutch Mantell collided head first with “Cruel” Carl Stiles. The hands of Stiles flew open, sending powder that was contained within them flying into the air, and into both his own face and the face of his mentor. As Carl Stiles fell off the apron, a blinded Dutch Mantell staggered backwards, straight into a roll up from “Prime Time” Brian Lee!

The roll up secured the match winning pinfall. At the time of 10 minutes and 2 seconds, “Prime Time” Brian Lee was declared the victor!

“Bring on the next round, because it’s onwards and upwards for me now” shouted out a victorious “Prime Time” Brian Lee into the camera “and I’m going upward to the highest of heights, getting that Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship around my waist! Believe it, because tonight belongs to PRIME TIME!” 

(Rating: 56)



"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. "Rock 'N' Roll" Robert Gibson

The assigned Referee for this bout (Mark Curtis) was the same official who oversaw Paul Orndorff’s match with Tommy Angel on Episode 8 of SMW TV, a match which saw Paul get quite heated with Mark Curtis over some of his officiating choices. Prior to the bout, Paul Orndorff was seen to approach Mark and share what appeared to be a friendly verbal exchange. “Mr. Wonderful” then offered Mark a handshake, which was quickly accepted. After ensuring that there was no lingering bad feeling with the Referee, Paul Orndorff approached his opponent Robert Gibson, with the offer of a handshake for him also. The fans cheered when Robert Gibson accepted Orndorff’s gesture by shaking his hand.

The pre match handshake between both competitors set the tone for a clean fight that remained throughout the contest. Both Gibson and Orndorff had vocal support from the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum. That being said, more critically tuned ears would be able to detect that “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Robert Gibson was the more popular of the two wrestlers.

Paul Orndorff had a notable struggle in his attempts to get some control over Robert Gibson in the early stages of the bout. Gibson successfully used his speed advantage to stay one step ahead of everything that Orndorff tried. While some slight visible frustration slipped through on the facial expressions of Paul Orndorff, he kept himself calm, even nodding his head and smiling at Robert Gibson in a note of respect for his opponents efforts.

Robert Gibson succeeded in forcing Paul Orndorff to try and pick up his speed and wrestle with him in his style of match. Just as everything seemed to be going perfectly for Gibson, he had an attempted dropkick side stepped by Orndorff. After connecting with nothing but the Tennessee air, Robert Gibson crashed to the canvas on his right side in an awkward landing. Robert was quick to try and regain his footing, only to grit his teeth in pain as he fell back to the canvas clutching his right leg, which appeared to be injured.

In a sportsmanlike gesture, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff allowed time for Robert Gibson to regroup and get back up to his feet. Robert Gibson bravely took the fight back to Paul Orndorff with some strikes, but his right leg was clearly compromised. Paul Orndorff saw an opening to exploit, and despite appearing reluctant to do so initially, he began to shoot on the right leg with attacks.

In the minutes that followed, the control of the match appeared to be fully in the grasp of “Mr. Wonderful”. That being said, Robert Gibson managed to power off of his healthy left leg and jump over Orndorff with a surprise roll up cradle. Orndorff barely managed to kick out of the pin attempt that followed. The rattled face of Paul Orndorff made it apparent that he knew full well how lucky he was to still be in a match and not on his way back to the showers.

Unfortunately for Robert Gibson, any hope of swinging the match fully back into his control was fleeting at best. “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff once again went to work on Gibson’s damaged right leg. At this point, there was no sign of hesitation in Orndorff’s attacks, just heightened aggression.

Fighting through visible agony, Robert Gibson gave an admirable effort to fight out of a Figure-Four Leglock applied by Paul Orndorff in the centre of the ring. After a lengthy struggle, Gibson realised that he couldn’t reach the ring ropes, and he couldn’t break the hold, he had no choice but to tap out.

“Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff had his hand raised in victory by Referee Mark Curtis, with the official match time being 11 minutes, 47 seconds.

In a classy post-match gesture, Paul Orndorff helped the defeated “Rock ‘N’ Roll” Robert Gibson up to his feet and offered him a handshake. As the two competitors did at beginning of the bout, they once again shook hands. The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum cheered in approval.

(Rating: 63)



The Dirty White Boy vs. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy

As was the case in The Dirty White Boy’s 1st round bout, he was accompanied by his wheelchair bound manager Mr. Ron Wright. Just as before, Mr. Ron Wright was covered in a blanket, and holding a flask and a coffee mug.

The Dirty White Boy and Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy treated the fans to a sizzling back and forth barn-burner of a contest. Both men held nothing back in a bout that had good wrestling and great heat from bell to bell.

The pace of this contest showed no signs of letting up, nor did the hard hitting violence that both The Dirty White Boy and Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy seemed to delight in partaking in. Sweat was seen flying from the reddened chests of both competitors as they traded hard elbow strikes and chops back and forth.

“Boy oh boy, the impact of some of those shots is echoing throughout the Coliseum” said Bob Caudle on commentary “These two men are leaving nothing on the table!”

“Both men know how close they are to securing a spot in the Championship Final” said Bob Armstrong in response “and I have to say, whichever man walks out the winner of this one, they’ll need to maximise every minute of recovery time they get before the Final, because the toll this contest has placed on both of their bodies is a high one.”

In the later stages of the bout, The Dirty White Boy attempted to set Terry Gordy up for his signature Chokeslam, known as “The Bucksnort Blaster”. Terry Gordy succeeded in countering this attempted attack with a well-placed kick to the gut. Quick to capitalise on the opportunity granted, Terry Gordy hoisted The Dirty White Boy up, ready to drop him down with a Powerbomb. Unfortunately for Gordy, he couldn’t follow through with the planned attack, having no choice but to place The Dirty White Boy down after a well-timed rake to the eyes.

-  After crouching down and clutching his eyes in pain, Terry Gordy was hit head on with a high knee to the face. The Dirty White Boy then dropped Gordy down to the canvas with a snap DDT!

After landing the DDT, The Dirty White Boy dove onto the fallen Terry Gordy for a pin attempt.

-  ……………1






- …………………………………..



The fans cheered in a mixture of shock and approval as Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy powered himself up and battled back up to his feet and into the fight. Gordy answered every shot thrown at him by The Dirty White Boy with an equal or more powerful shot of his own.

Sensing that his client was in danger, Mr. Ron Wright placed his coffee cup onto the ring apron in a manner that was clearly visible to the Referee. It soon became apparent that the Referee laying eyes on the coffee cup was exactly what Mr. Wright intended. As the Referee turned around to remove the coffee cup and give Mr. Wright a firm talking to, his eyes were diverted from the action between the two wrestlers. It was at this time that The Dirty White Boy pulled out a foreign object wrapped in paper from within his ring attire. The Dirty White Boy jabbed the obscured object into the throat of Terry Gordy, before throwing it out of the ring before the Referee turned his attention back to the action.

As Terry Gordy fell to the canvas clutching his throat and gasping for breath, The Dirty White Boy once again attempted to score the match winning pinfall.

-   ………………………..

-   ………………………………….ONE

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-   …………………………………..TWO

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-   …………………………………..and

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-  …………………………………..THREE

-  ……………………………………..

-  ………………………………………

-  ……………………………………….was a whisper away from being a reality for The Dirty White Boy, but once again, and with a roar of approval from the fans in support, Terry Gordy KICKED OUT!!!

In a frantic display of impatience and aggression, The Dirty White Boy rained down a flurry of kicks and elbow strikes on Terry Gordy, who impressively battled through the attacks to regain his footing.

Terry Gordy now seemed to be in another zone, where he was feeding off of the pain and using it to fuel a new level of energy within.

After getting the better of a strike battle with The Dirty White Boy by delivering some well-timed and hard hitting counter attacks, Terry Gordy hoisted his opponent up and delivered an Inverted Atomic Drop. The Dirty White Boy was gifted with no time to recover from this attack, before being hoisted up and DROPPED with all of the unforgiving impact of a POWERBOMB!!!

The fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum roared as Terry Gordy crouched down and forcefully planted his right knee onto the chest of the down and out Dirty White Boy. The Referee jumped into place to make the count….








- ………………………



- ……………………….THREE!!!!

The Referee raised the hand of Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy, confirming a hard fought victory. The time of the match was 14 minutes, 2 seconds.

(Rating: 58)



"Prime Time" Brian Lee vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff

As the bout got underway, “Prime Time” Brian Lee and “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff shared a handshake, but they also engaged in a stare down. While respect between the two competitors was evident, it was also apparent that both men were fully intent on being the one to secure their ticket to the Gold Rush Final.

In the opening minutes, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff put his veteran edge to work at Brian Lee’s expense. Orndorff succeeded in being a step ahead of everything that his younger opponent thought to try.

Showing his resilience and adaptability, “Prime Time” Brian Lee managed to battle back into the fight and trouble Orndorff on a handful of occasions.  

Deeper into the contest, momentum swung back and forth like a pendulum between Brian Lee and Paul Orndorff, with both competitors impressing the fans in attendance with the fight they were willing to bring.

The exchanges between the two men got more aggressive as they both got caught up in the heat of battle. At one point, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff looked to set “Prime Time” Brian Lee up for his banned Spike Piledriver. Realising that he’d got caught up in the moment, Paul Orndorff was quick to halt the planned attack when he saw the Referee approaching to warn him. 

Shortly after the hard fought bout had reached the 10 minute mark, “Prime Time” Brian Lee looked to be close to securing the victory. In an impressive display of strength, Brian Lee succeeded in hoisting Paul Orndorff up for his signature “Cancellation” backbreaker.

Before “Prime Time” Brian Lee could deliver his signature move, both he and the Referee were distracted by the sudden and unwelcome presence of “Dirty” Dutch Mantell at ringside. As Mantell climbed up onto the ring apron and engaged in an argument with the Referee, an annoyed Brian Lee placed Paul Orndorff down onto the canvas and walked over to the ropes to confront his long-time rival.

“I’m DONE with you Dutch. Get out of here!” shouted out Brian Lee. “Done? Oh I don’t think so” shouted back Dutch Mantell in response “This isn’t over until I say it’s over!”

Having seen the developing situation, Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong got up from the commentary table and approached the ring. As both Bob Armstrong and the Referee tried to calm Dutch Mantell and get him to leave the ringside area, a recovered “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff hit “Prime Time” Brian Lee with a forearm shot to the back. Orndorff then spun Brian Lee around and planted him with a SPIKE PILEDRIVER.

“OH S###!” Paul Orndorff was seen to shout out, before punching the air in frustration. Orndorff was seemingly regretful that he’d used his banned move. Whether the choice to use this move was due to Orndorff being caught in the moment, or something more deliberate, the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum made their feelings towards the action of “Mr. Wonderful” known, with some audible boos.

As Commissioner Bob Armstrong convinced “Dirty” Dutch Mantell to leave the ringside area, the Referee turned his attention back to the action within the ring, oblivious to the Spike Piledriver that had been used, but seeing that “Prime Time” Brian Lee was now down and out on the canvas.

Whether Paul Orndorff truly regretted his action or not, he showed little hesitation in attempting to capitalise on it. The fans booed as “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff scored the match winning pinfall over “Prime Time” Brian Lee. The time of the match was 11 minutes, 58 seconds.

Far from looking a happy winner, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff looked frustrated as he walked towards the backstage area. The frustration seemed to be with himself over his actions, but also with how the fans within the Knoxville Civic Coliseum had chosen to react to him.

“You know, this was a big time match, and with such high stakes, wrestlers can get caught up in the moment.” said Bob Caudle on commentary “I really don’t want to speculate on or over analyse the choice of Paul Orndorff at this time. The focus and concern right now should be for Brian Lee.  The Spike Piledriver that he just endured is banned for a reason. Thankfully, it appears that Brian Lee is moving. Fingers crossed he’s escaped without serious injury. As for Dutch Mantell’s involvement in this thing, I sure hope Commissioner Bob Armstrong is going to take some significant action to ensure we never see that type of conduct out of him again.”

(Rating: 56)



"Nature Boy" Buddy Landel vs. Tommy Angel 

This non tournament bonus bout gave the Smoky Mountain Wrestling fans their first look at “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel, who was making his debut within the promotion.

“I apologise for having to leave you so abruptly just now Mr. Caudle” said Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong as he took his seat back at the commentary table “While it would’ve been nice to have been able to sit back and enjoy a great night of wrestling without interruption, I guess I should’ve known that I’d be forced to put on my Commissioner cap at some point during the proceedings. I don’t want to take away from this match that’s just getting started, but I’ll quickly say this, action WILL be taken Dutch Mantell!”

“and do you have any comments concerning Paul Orndorff’s usage of the Spike Piledriver?” asked Bob Caudle

“I didn’t see him use that move with my own eyes, and as it only happened minutes ago I’ve yet to watch back the tape” replied Bob Armstrong “but the Spike Piledriver is BANNED for a reason, so rest assured, if Paul Orndorff did indeed use it as I’m being led to believe, I’ll take action!”

Despite a credible effort from Tommy Angel in the early stages of the contest, it soon became apparent that he was outclassed on many levels by the techniques of “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel.

“I’m sure many of our fans are already familiar with Buddy Landel” said Bob Armstrong on commentary “while his attitude often leaves a great deal to be desired, I didn’t hesitate when I had the opportunity to sign him. The credentials that this man has to offer between those ropes from bell to bell are undeniable. Buddy is a World travelled competitor with over 10 years of experience, he’s held multiple Championships. From the AWA to the NWA, he’s done a great deal in our sport already, but I feel that if he employs the right mind state and tones down that overbearing persona of his a little, the best could be yet to come for him, right here in Smoky Mountain Wrestling!”

Remembering that he recently fell victim to a Figure-Four Leglock at the hands of “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff on Episode 8 of SMW TV, Tommy Angel was quick with a counter attack when “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel tried to place him in his own version of the hold. Much to the shock of Buddy Landel, he barely managed to kick out when Tommy Angel pulled him down in a surprise roll up.

Understanding how close that he’d come to defeat, “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel wasn’t going to allow Tommy Angel a second opportunity to tarnish his SMW debut. Landel put his veteran experience to work, taking back control of the match in domineering fashion.

A Side Suplex followed by a Corkscrew Elbow Drop was more than enough to keep Tommy Angel down for the match winning count of three. “Nature Boy” Buddy Landel won his Smoky Mountain Wrestling debut in the time of 7 minutes, 3 seconds.  

(Rating: 45)



"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy

As “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff made his entrance, he forced a smile as he tried to tap the hands of some of the ringside fans. Based on what had transpired earlier in the evening, the fans were far from welcoming to Orndorff, with some thumbs held down from crowd members visible, along with some audible booing.

Aware of the crowd’s cold reception, the smile faded from Orndorff’s face as he approached the commentary table in an attempt to converse with Commissioner "Bullet" Bob Armstrong.

“Commissioner Armstrong, you know full well how I feel about my Spike Piledriver being banned, it NEVER should have been banned!” said Paul Orndorff “but despite my feelings on the matter, I RESPECT your ruling. I DID NOT use that move intentionally against Brian Lee earlier tonight. You’re a competitor yourself Mr. Armstrong, you know what it’s like to go into auto pilot during a high stakes match. That’s exactly what happened and I’m sorry! But I’m now looking forward, and I’m going to make it right with you and all of these people, because I’m going to WIN that Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Championship and hoist this promotion upon my back and carry it to heights that only I can!”

“Mr. Orndorff, I’ve taken on board what you just said” replied Bob Armstrong “I’ll be reviewing the tape footage of the Spike Piledriver usage, and I’ll take the matter from there. Right now though, put your focus on the big match ahead. I wish you all the best!”

As soon as the opening sounds of “Freebird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd played throughout the Knoxville Civic Coliseum, it was loud and clear from the crowd reaction that the fans had chosen Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy as their desired 1st Champion.

Mark Curtis was the assigned official for this historic Championship contest.

With the action underway, Gordy and Orndorff wasted little time on a feeling out process, instead proceeding to go tooth and nail. This was a bout full of great wrestling, with fantastic heat throughout.

Deeper into the bout, the action remained neck and neck. Neither Gordy nor Orndorff could succeed in establishing a decisive edge.

Paul Orndorff eventually found himself in control after some targeted attacks to the legs of Terry Gordy showed signs of limiting the big man’s mobility. Paul Orndorff looked to have the Figure-Four Leglock in mind.

After wearing down the legs of Gordy with a successfully strategized combination of attacks, Paul Orndorff succeed in applying the Figure-Four Leglock.

After fighting through a great deal of pain to do so, Terry Gordy managed to drag himself to the ring ropes, forcing Paul Orndorff to break the hold that he’d clearly hoped would be the match ender.

The closing stages of the match saw Terry Gordy dead weight a bodyslam attempt from an increasingly desperate Paul Orndorff. As Orndorff gave up his efforts to slam Gordy to instead reach behind with his hands to rub his apparently strained back, he quickly found himself on the receiving end of a bodyslam attempt. Unfortunately for Paul Orndorff, the bodyslam attempt of Terry Gordy was unlike his own, it was successful.

As Paul Orndorff quickly battled back up to his feet following the slam, he was placed into position by Terry Gordy for a Powerbomb. As Terry Gordy hoisted Orndorff up to deliver the planned move, he slipped. The damage caused earlier in the match to Gordy’s legs was undoubtedly the cause of this.

While Gordy slipped, he didn’t relinquish his grip of Paul Orndorff. As Gordy wobbled nearer to the ropes, he battled through the clear pain he was in and followed through with his planned attack. The body of “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff was planted down to the canvas with a POWERBOMB!

With both wrestlers now laid out near the ring ropes, an exhausted Terry Gordy collapsed down onto Paul Orndorff. Referee Mark Curtis slid into position and made the count.

-  …………………………….

-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………ONE!

-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………TWO!!

-   ……………………………

-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………”Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff placed the tip of his left foot onto the bottom ring rope.

-  ……………………………


-  ……………………………

-  ……………………………THREE!!!

The fans roared with approval over the result. An emotional Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy powered up to his knees and looked emotional as Referee Mark Curtis raised his hand. A big smile was evident upon the face of Terry Gordy upon the realization that he had become the first ever Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Champion!

(Rating: 55)

Post Match HEAT

In the moments that followed, as Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy rose to his feet and attempted to celebrate his Championship victory, he was pushed aside by a red faced and alarmingly angry “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” shouted out Orndorff with saliva spilling from his mouth, as he intimidatingly went nose to nose with Referee Mark Curtis.


“Listen to me….LISTEN TO ME” yelled an enraged Paul Orndorff into the face of a visibly scared Mark Curtis “Last week you were all too quick to see my opponents hand on the ropes, but when I’M the one WRONGED in a BIG MATCH like this…A CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH...YOU ARE SUDDENLY BLIND? MY FOOT....IT WAS ON THAT DARN RING ROPE…. AND YOU MISS IT?...How CONVENIENT”

The fans began to boo loudly as Paul Orndorff grabbed Mark Curtis by the collar of his Referee Shirt. “This was MY MATCH to win….MY MATCH!! Do you hear me..huh..do you hear me you little pencil neck worm? I SAID.....DO YOU..HEAR ME?....SAY SOMETHING!!”

"I'm sorry...I'M SORRY...It was a mistake, I'M SORRY!!" cried out a frantic Mark Curtis 

"SORRY?" replied Paul Orndorff "Why I ought a MAKE you SORRY!"

Just as it looked like Paul Orndorff was prepared to take things further, Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy intervened by pushing Paul away from Mark Curtis.


“We had a battle for the ages tonight!” shouted out Terry Gordy to Paul Orndorff “but our war isn’t over! Don’t take your frustrations out on a little Referee. You’re better than that! Save all of that anger for me! I’M THE CHAMPION NOW…..if you don’t like that, step up and do something about it, because I’m prepared to defend my place on top of the mountain, any time…any place!”


Terry Gordy then reached out to Paul Orndorff with the offer of a handshake. The fans booed loudly as Paul Orndorff brushed off the offer and proceeded to start exiting the ring. A split second later, Paul Orndorff turned back around after having an apparent change of heart. A still visibly angry Paul Orndorff cussed under his breathe, but he then reached out and shook the hand of Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy. Paul Orndorff then glared at Mark Curtis, with his anger towards the Referee still clear to see, before taking his leave from the ring.

(Rating: 57)

A Championship Celebration!

With the ring now clear of “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff, the celebration of the first ever Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Champion could continue without interruption.

Smoky Mountain Wrestling Commissioner “Bullet” Bob Armstrong entered the ring and presented a clearly appreciative Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy with the newly crafted Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship. The Commissioner then placed the Championship around the waist of the Champion.


After walking around the ring and taking in the cheers of the fans, Terry Gordy called for a microphone, ready to share some words.


“Last month, I came all the way from FREEBIRD MOUNTAIN to SMOKY MOUNTAIN!

I said that the competition on offer here along with all of you appreciative wrestling fans makes this promotion the place to be! I also said that I’d LOVE to be the first Champion, and now, that’s EXACTLY what I am!!

If ANYONE out there has a problem with me being the Champion, that’s all well and good, because I WELCOME all challengers! I guarantee that for as long as I reign, I’ll be the FIGHTING CHAMPION that this promotion and all of you fans deserve.

This Championship around my waist is a WRESTLING Championship, and I promise you all that it’ll come to symbolise the greatest level of competition in the Sport.

I WANT TO BE CHALLENGED, I WANT TO BE PUSHED TO MY LIMITS….so to ANYONE out there in the Wrestling World who thinks they have what it takes to knock me off the Mountain top and replace me as THE MAN, come and take your shot!

The BIG TIME FIGHTS are going to be coming my way thick and fast, but for now, it’s time for a BIG TIME CELEBRATION. I’m going to be hitting the town in search of a beer crate with my name on it!”

The home video presentation closed with footage of Terry Gordy leaving the ringside area, with the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Heavyweight Championship now removed from his waist and held high in the air for all to see!


(Rating: 54)






(OVERALL Show Rating: 51) (Popularity increased in 1 region)




Edited by Golden Guard M
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I gotta say the effort you put into this show is extraordinary. The little details you add in that make the characters ever more unique. Orndorff showing constant desperation in his attempt not to go full heel trying to keep his babyface persona but struggling at every turn. 

The promos at the beginning of the show were really useful too. They gave the perception that all the wrestlers had a shot to win the title. It was done much better than a lot of modern wrestling which focuses much more on a small number of competitors letting you know who’ll win. You’ve captured the ethos of pro wrestling quite well. It’s simulated logical sport. The guys are in competition with each other and don’t cooperate. Anyway before I go on tangent, I applaud your work!


Gordy winning the belt was done well. When he was losing his balance in the end I was expecting some sort of a Piledriver. But he got the Powerbomb and had him beat. Orndorff did get his foot on the rope. It seems like Paul is in for a long burn turn but I don’t know how it’ll happen. I think he blatantly used the Piledriver on Lee so it’s only a matter of time before he goes full bad guy. 

Lastly, I really enjoyed your counts during the matches. You got me a few times shocked by an ending until I read the next line. Can’t wait to see what happens next in SMW.

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