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Helping AI companies book angles...

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So I started a new game not that long ago, gave every company 10 million bucks right off the bat, and added a few younger versions of old legends.  It filled the game world nicely with a few strong companies for me to compete against.  The problem is, the AI just can't seem to book angles to save its life...  It'll put terribly unpopular people out there, it'll load cards with like 7 angles, one which will score maybe a 75-80, and the rest sub 60.  Basically, the AI is tanking its score rating with these awful angles.  I was wondering if there's anything anybody else can think of to fix this. I could change all the companies to products that don't have angles on TV, but there aren't a ton of products like that.  I could change the owners of the other companies so that they carry smaller rosters? Maybe that would help?  But yeah, any and all help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the response! Honestly, the products are all over the place.  I have products ranging from PG Sports Entertainment to Respectful Wrestling to Silver Age Wrestling to No Style.  And they all oddly seem to love to put out their least popular workers to cut promos.  The No Style company for example had a show with 5 matches rated in the 80's, and with several wrestlers who have popularity in the upper 70's to mid 80's. But then they had 7 angles, one with a midcarder which scored them a 75, the rest with workers in the 50's and 60's which predictably scored in the 50's and 60's.  That show gave them a 74, even with so many great matches.

The Ai can be so strange.  I'd expect it to use their most popular workers in angles, but instead they seem to want to go the other way and fill the show with nothing but low card workers boring their crowds

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Have you tried tweaking the Angle Focus settings in their Products? e.g. With Tight Focus, the overall angle rating is 90% based on the best angle, 10% on the second best angle, and the rest aren't factored in at all. It doesn't fix the inherent booking issue you're describing, but it does allow the AI to book a ton of bad angles as long as there's at least one good one to carry the rating.

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Not sure if this is relevant but did you check the bookers of these companies? If those bookers have very high rating in booking but still come up with such set up, then I have nothing to say. Otherwise, changing the booker to someone with better booking skill or just edit their booking skill to 100 "might" (I am not sure either) have a chance for them to do better.

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