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Default Database: The User-Requested Changes "Update"


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One thing i noticed about the default database is that even when it gets updated, the user-requested changes dont make the cut, which kinda makes sense, since they were probably added to aid for other mods and when the database was made, such features were not even meant to exist. Still, it sucks that when playing the game at its default state, you will never come across villain redemption quests, have to deal with the new cool Counter Strategist power or that mental attacks are still limited just to the mental psychic damage and telepathy.

So, i took it upon myself to "update" (unnoficially, of course) the default database to include those things, using my knowledge of the GDCVerse to make changes to the characters i thought would be fitting.

I feel that since this is not a brand-new mod, i should include a list of everything that was changed so anyone that tries to play it knows exactly in what it differs from the default database, so here it goes:


Psychic Stat Reductions

I changed a few characters's oversmart or instant stat reductions into mental/psychic ones, if it fit their power-set. This one is honestly what inspired me to make this mod, as it gives mental attack and defense so much more value than they had previously.

Outsmart attacks were converted directly, no change at all, but for instant stat reductions, as it now costs an attack action AND requires a roll to be successful, i made some changes to keep it balanced, mostly removing (or lowering) activation rolls, and in some rare cases, turning a normal action into a free action.

Here are the characters now capable of doing this and which power(s) were changed:

Chimera (Mental Fog)
Headscratcher (Brain Scramble / Psychically Spread Confusion)
Hysteria (Rising Panic)
Liesmith ("You Arent Strong Enough" / "You Arent Smart Enough")
Master Phoenix (Psychic Interference)
Princess Corral (Telepathically Confuse)
The Marquess (Power Of Suggestion)
The Psi-Ren (Sleepy Brain Time)

Those were the ones i thought made sense to be turned into psychic stat reductions based on the characaters's skillsets. Ideally, i would have also turned Master Phoenix's Psychic Disarming, The Marquess's Weaken Their Resolve and Princess Corral's Telepathically Confuse, but it would be impossible since you cant reduce all defense skills with a mental attack

Counter Strategist

So, let me start by saying what i interpret this power as, otherwise it might get confusing. Combat Strategist is pretty clear-cut, its knowledge in strategy and co-ordination, knowing how to work together and use numbers to your advantage, so thats why you get more attack actions. My interpretation of counter-strategist is someone that can impede the opposing team from using their strategy and cooperation in the battlefield, maybe a good knowledge of tactical weaknesses, turning allies against each other one way or the other, and even causing chaos that makes it impossible for the opposing group to adapt. Now that this is out of the way, these characters were given this ability in some capacity:

Agent Fortuna
Baron Voodoo
Chess Master
Delphi (Awoken)
Dr Hubris
General Stoneman
Grandmaster Awesome
Pruflas The Demonic
Scots Guard
Soul Harvester
Terminus (Grows stronger as he "levels up")
The Irish Curse
Valac The Treacherous
Vexxer Daemonchild

This ended up pretty skewed in favor of villains, but it may not be as big of a problem as it looks like at first, since the player makes their team in response to the enemy team, letting them use this power offensively and defend against it much more easily, but if you disagree, feel free to tell me some other heroes that should get it or villains that should have it removed.

Also, as this is the only addittion of a brand new power in this update, some star rates were modified to better reflect the characters's new utility. No characters other than Terminus's later forms suffered any change bigger than 1 star in their cost, so dont worry, its not any groundbreaking changes.

Long Range Teleporation

This one is kinda useless unless you add new areas or create factions that require interplanetary travel, but i still decided to add it for completion's sake. The following characters now possess this power:

The Leperchaun (Both versions)

In the end, only these 3's teleportation abilities seemed advanced enough to be able to teleport from one area to another. I did consider Pathway (Mystic portals sounds pretty strong) and Tree Of Woe (Due to the mention of reality-bending) but ultimately decided it wasnt enough, i am willing to hear other opinions tho.


Another "useless" one, but again, completion's sake, and it can be fun to create a thieves's guild faction, i suppose. The following characters are now known as thieves:

Bee Master
Black Bullet
Felony Feline
Highway Mistress
Le Rapide
London Undergrounder
Sister Raven
Sister Swan
Stray Cat
The Lemon-Hill Gang
The Muffin Man

I went with my own subjective definition of what a "Thief" should be described as, otherwise everyone that can commit the "Robbery" scheme would get this trait, feel free to contest anyone who i picked or missed.

Redemption Quests

The other main reason i wanted to make this mod! The redemption quests just seem like such a fun feature, and in this mod, the following heroes can try to turn villains over to the side of justice:

Big Chill
Bolt Lightning
Captain Awesome
Ceasefire (No longer questless)
Cosmic Girl
Danielle Rune
Dragon Of The Valleys
Golden Eagle
Heat Seeker
Improbable Man
Jet Stream (No longer questless)
Mr Infinity
Speed Burst

Here, i tried to go for characters that i thought might consider the "Lets solve our differences, we are better as allies" approach rather than just beat the crap out of any villains in sight. I am glad the number didnt end up very high since an universe benefits from more villains than heroes in the end. Its also nice that Big Chill got more love in his quests.

Major Heist Scheme

Which villains are willing to go the extra mile and plan the big heists? There is a bit of an overlap with the previous Thief one, but some are here and not there, and vice-versa, the following villains can attempt big heists:

Black Bullet
Doctor Yan
Felonious Monk
Felony Feline
Le Rapide
London Undergrounder
Masked Cavalier
Metal Miss
Reverend Credo
Sister Raven
Sister Swan
Smouldering Fire
Stray Cat
The Abominable Showman
The Hidden Threat
The Irish Curse
The Muffin Man

I found quite a bit of people capable (and interested) in comitting high-level heists, the great majority here is also capable of comitting low-level robberies but i figured a select few would only prefer to go for lots of money.

Hero Kidnap Schemes

One of the coolest user-requested features, the ability from villains to kidnap not only civilians, but also heroes to use as bait. In the end, those were the villains i considered might attempt this risky gamble:

Count Obdurate
Devil Monkey
Michael Mordred
Mind Bender
Vexxer Daemonchild

Overall, those were the ones i figured had both the smarts to pull off a kidnapping, the meticulousness to attempt this kind of thing rather than the "direct approach" and the balls to go after a hero rather than a civilian.


And thats everything! Again, i did this only with my own personal knowledge of the database, and i didnt get a lot of time to test it myself, so if there is any issue with a character that should get one of these powers or one that got it but doesnt deserve it, dont be afraid to say it. Also, the balance may be a bit off, so yeah, if something got too hard or too easy (Mostly from the counter strategist part), feel free to say so and i will fix it ASAP.

Also, those are the one and only changes made to the default database, want to make this clear.

Download Link: https://mega.nz/folder/bcJECJKQ#E2Fr6Dg-ZWF1mYcBOAmKZw

Edited by fabioman3
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