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Some Power Suggestions

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I've been working on modding, and these are some powers that I feel would be useful.

1. Take Damage: The user just takes X points of unavoidable damage. This sounds kind of silly, but some characters can be represented as having different forms or power sets based on health level (for example, Beast Boy could be different animals per level, or Emma Frost could switch to/from diamond form), and being able to just take damage would allow for shifting between them.

2. Retaliate vs Melee/Ranged/Mental/Shockwave/Outsmart: This would be a power where, if the character with the power is missed by the appropriate type of attack power, this power tries to activate and then would deal damage to the attacker. This could represent something like Wonder Woman or a Jedi reflecting a ranged attack, a character being surrounded by flames or radiation or spikes that damage people who get to close to them in melee, or a character who is too insane to safely contact mentally.

3. Outsmart to Deal Damage: It is a staple of some characters that they trick enemies into doing things that hurt them. Mysterio, for example, or even Spider-Man. This would just be an Outsmart power that deals some amount of damage. Ideally, it would be type-less damage.

4. Avoid Stun: This would be a power that gives the character some chance to avoid being stunned when they otherwise would be. Could reflect a character like Juggernaut. It would be cool if it could separate between stuns caused by bodily and non-bodily attacks.

5. Remove Stun/Token Spend to Remove Stun: This would allow a stunned character to remove the stun currently affecting them, possibly by taking damage or spending a token. I don't really have a good genre example of this beyond maybe a character with a lot of rage or resolve, but from a game perspective, it would be neat if some characters had a chance to save themselves (possibly at a cost) from being stun-locked in the open and destroyed.

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