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Day by Day Roster Randomizer 2016 - Max rando, no logic, it's go mode

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After an accidental deletion of my first test run, I'm ready to start my first Gray Dog dynasty with a Roster Randomizer game. As in: all contracts deleted, all promotions set to Insignificant and given 5 million bucks to start, and removed the ages for owner/booker. So everybody gotta scramble for stars at the beginning of the game. I will be using the 2016 mod as I have not explored a mod for this decade yet. I will give updates on the biggest stars hired on each day, other notable news, and the most notable matches of the night. I'm not actually playing, as I'm not good at this game... at all, but I am good at writing, and I can make even AI matches seem interesting.

And a twist: I as the watcher-god will grant bonus popularity and TV deals to the companies that get the best workers. After a couple months, after everybody has hired, got the bonus and hired a few more, I'll jump in and add their TV shows with the best deals I can get.

Note: This mod has very little in terms of future events and knowledge so, nobody's getting canceled except for a select few. We'll proceed as if we didn't know about the 2019 stuff.

Note note: I don't have PS, please excuse poor graphics or no graphics.

Nononote: I'm already a few episodes deep on my DA account. That will be my update buffer in case things go slowly.

N-n-n-note nibbity note: Have any questions about a specific company or worker, feel free to ask. There's simply too many news items to cover EVERY new hire.

Yeste: Feel free to steal this idea if you want, or like, make it a Nuzlocke, if that's even possible in a wrestling simulator. I'm not the first to come up with it anyway. Credit goes to this person.


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First Week, July 2016


- In the first week, all the potential owners scrambled to take control of a company, and almost 50 people were the lucky winners of their very own blank slate of a wrestling company. Some observations:


--- Tonight's biggest winner, NWA: Smoky Mountain Wrestling is now owned by Stephanie McMahon! Are the rest of the McMahons coming to this small Tennessee operation? Time will tell.

--- In Japan: CIMA has taken control of ZERO1 and is bringing a nice professional attitude. The kindly old Akira Taue owns All Japan, Jun Akiyama grabbed Big Japan, and Dragon Gate Went to The Great Sasuke.

--- In the US: Eric Bischoff took over Lucha Underground to turn it into his own little Lucha Libre WCW. Jeff Jarrett has gone to Ring of Honor, Kevin Nash is in control of CHIKARA (expect to see his Kliq buddies there), and notorious tough guy John Bradshaw Layfield took over Full Impact Pro.

--- The formerly biggest companies: Dixie Carter actually rolled up to WWE first, and gave NXT to Dave Prazak. Mike Quackenbush was the lucky winner of TNA.

--- No shows: No promoter offered to take Alpha-1 or Lucha Libre Elite. I had to go assign them owners myself. I gave A1 to Scott D'Amore and LLE to Black Panther.

--- Tonight's biggest loser, PROGRESS UK, has the misfortune of having the abuser Daniel Edler as CEO. Time will tell if he will have any luck hiring anybody.


- Former Lucha Underground producer Mark Burnett failed to secure a leadership position, and is announcing he is leaving the wrestling business in a few months' time.

--- Tinieblas Jr. and Jim Duggan are also retiring from in-ring competition due to their advanced age.


- Companies are already starting to feud! Rev Pro and Pro Wrestling EVE have broken off their talent trading agreement and John Chapman of Rev Pro is real mad about it.


- Brock Lesnar has once again scored a win in UFC, and the superstar will be returning to wrestling in a few months time. Boy, will he get a surprise when he comes back.


- All the dojos and training facilities are still in operation. New Japan Dojo just produced their first graduate, a masked wrestler with average skills named Nakamaro-san.


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Monday to Thursday, Week 2, July 2016


- The very first hiring of the randomizer: retired wrestler Robbie Brookside, who is the head booker and roadie for IPW:UK.

--- Another head booker: the highest rated wrestler of all time Kenta Kobashi is now writing for WRESTLE-1.


- Now down to business. WWE started real strong with Diva legend Victoria, Rey Misterio, Vance Archer and Braun Strowman!

--- Down in the rookie paradise NXT, New Day's Big E and The Uso's Jey Uso have become trainers.

--- Kevin Nash's CHIKARA scored another New Day member Kofi Kingston, Nash's personal friend X-Pac, announcer Mike Tenay, AMW's James Storm, Austin Aries and Velvet Sky...

--- House of Hardcore snagged Incognito [a.k.a Sin Cara], Titus O'Neil and Kofi Kingston...

--- EVOLVE got retired legend Billy Kidman and "The Ascension" Ryan O'Reilly...

--- Ring of Honor hired Karl Anderson from BULLET CLUB...

--- New Japan hired Holy Demon Army's Toshiaki Kawada, junior heavyweights Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi, masked wrestlers Super Strong Machine and Maybach Taniguchi, Manabu Nakanishi and Masao Inoue...

--- ZERO1 hired YASSHI from Voodoo Murders, Akira Raijin [a.k.a SUSHI], Kazushi Miyamoto, Taiji Ishimori and Ryo "Jimmy" Saito...

--- Preston City Wrestling hired British star Martin Stone...

--- Desastre Total Ultraviolento hired luchadors Valiente and Samuray del Sol [a.k.a Kallisto]...

--- Lucha Libre Elite hired second generation star Gran Guerrero...

--- STHLM hired super Dutchman Michael Dante...

--- GBG hired Austrian fighter Robert Dreissker and Kim Rahyd...

--- Fight City Finland hired Sasa Keel...

--- and they all hired countless jobbers you would never recognize or care about. Our companies are not ready to hold shows just yet, but the randomized rosters are coming together.


[Coming next episode: actual GRAPHIX.]

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Friday, Week 2, July 2016

Reminder, all hirings are randomized, and bonus points will be rewarded to the companies who get the best workers.


- Didn't notice until now, but Rey Mysterio's WWE contract gives him full creative control. This is a good idea that will not backfire when WWE becomes big again!!


The first company to throw together a show is surprisingly ROH, and we're gonna see that in the very next episode. I'll be posting only the notable matches from each day/update, sometimes they will just be tours, sometimes multiple big events, but I'll write my heart out for each one regardless of importance.

Gail Kim vs. Jordynne Grace

Triple threat tag team: Roderick Strong and CEO Jeff Jarrett vs. Jay Freddie and BJ Whitmer vs. Kevin Graham and Afa Jr.

Karl Anderson vs Zaquary Springate III

TITLE MATCH: Matt Sydal vs. "Captain" Nick Ando for the ROH World Heavyweight title

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Gail Kim vs. Jordynne Grace

Triple threat tag team: Roderick Strong and CEO Jeff Jarrett vs. Jay Freddie and BJ Whitmer vs. Kevin Graham and Afa Jr.

Karl Anderson vs Zaquary Springate III

TITLE MATCH: Matt Sydal vs. "Captain" Nick Ando for the ROH World Heavyweight title

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Saturday, Week 2, July 2016



ROH Death Before Dishonor



Gail Kim vs. Jordynne Grace

Why has Gail not been rehired by TNA right away? She’s really had an awesome year with her Impact stuff, her indy appearances and just being a great addition of anything she’s a part of. Now it’s her opportunity to gel with a good friend. The two work what they do. Lots of great ground work and spacial awareness. Jordynne stays isolated and on her feet she’s like a lioness, smelling blood. Quick offense and fast running. Jordynne is up and down, up and down, attacking and countering. They exchange holds and fisticuffs. The two are tied up… and a Belly-to-Belly! Jordynne continues to surprise with a new attack. The two corner themselves. The tables turn and Gail pulls Jordynne into a roll-up and she stays down for the 3 count. Kim celebrates her victory and heads to the showers. This feud is over.

Winner: Gail Kim (Rating: 56)



Triple threat tag team: Roderick Strong and Jeff Jarrett vs. Jay Freddie and BJ Whitmer vs. Kevin Graham and Afa Jr.

Masterstroke here. (no pun intendo.) They're all confident guys who know the safety of the ropes. Strong drops a stiff boot on Jay Freddie, who lands beside BJ Whitmer. Freddie gets the hot tag to BJ, however, Strong decides to roll the dice and take out Whitmer. Strong counters a BJ dive over the top rope, but couldn't reach his tag team partner in time. Whitmer brings the fight and throws out Strong. BJ faces Afa next and wrenches his ankles in a submission. A minute and a half later, for Afa Jr... an opportunity to escape as BJ loses his grip. Afa Jr. claws for Graham, still hanging out in the corner. After a back & forth match, a snap DDT leads to the double tag to Jarrett and a recovered Jay Freddie. Afa and Jarrett land a double suplex, but Afa bites a boot when he tries to target Whitmer in the corner. A slingshot DDT and Jarrett goes after Freddie with a spinning clothesline. Freddie grabs halfway onto the rope and avoids the strike. Freddie breaks away and lands a punch on Jarrett. Fans are going mental waiting for the hot tag. Instead, Freddie just wants an old fashioned slug-fest. The two men back up into the corner… Jarrett chokes out Freddie on the turnbuckle, knocks out Whitmer who is desperate to tag in, and finally hits the Stroke to win the tag team match.

Winners: Roderick Strong and Jeff Jarrett (Rating: 56)



Karl Anderson vs Zaquary Springate III

Karl Anderson, staple of the BULLET CLUB, has been making the rounds in the WWE for a few months now, so this was a nice change of pace to start things off. Zaquary showed the crowd the standard that the young guns coming up have to live up to. Before the bell even rang, he took a pre-match promo about his father not being there to see him at the beginning of the match. The match started, with all hell breaking loose when Anderson hit a swinging DDT onto Springate. The NJPW star hit a jumping clothesline, putting Zaquary out to the mat. To add insult to injury, Anderson then went to the top rope to hit his iconic dive, but mistimed it and got sent to the outside, where Zaquary gave him a beatdown. Anderson hit his comeback and the Gun Stun to pick up the quick, but great, win. A rematch between these two would be great for a future date.

Winner: Karl Anderson (Rating: 59)



TITLE MATCH: Matt Sydal vs. Nick Ando for the ROH World Heavyweight title

In 2014-16, Matt Sydal made his triumphant return to ROH, with the thirty-three year old veteran going on to team up with ACH to enter the Tag Wars of 2014. The ROH crowd has been awaiting the return of Sydal, especially now that he's been to Japan, as he takes on a local star, Captain Nick Ando. All agility and power, though Sydal is still smaller in stature than Ando. Nasty kicks, nasty submissions, Sydal was an insane stick and move machine, forcing "Captain" Nick to rely on the agility and strength of his size. Sydal knew this too and would play with his prey, applying pressure then turning around, using the speed and power of a man 40 pounds lighter, Ando would beat the ropes in desperation, but Sydal still kept the pressure. Showing what his arsenal is capable of, Sydal countered a brainbuster that only missed by 2 inches. Ando retaliated, reversing a powerbomb into a reverse half-nelson suplex. Ando took advantage and locked in a leg submission, keeping Sydal trapped until he finally conceded. The defeat only made Sydal come back HARD challenging Ando to go again, which fell on deaf ears as Ando celebrated the terrific upset. Big heel heat as the suave captain claimed there's no one as good as him.

Winner and NEW champion: Nick Ando (rating: 57) (specifically, Sydal 62 and Ando 28⁉️)

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Current score: KyTeran 3/4. Let's get some more people competing, eh!



Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki


Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Genki Horiguchi and Gamma


Kofi Kingston vs. Davey Richards

James Storm, Austin Aries and Low-Ki vs. Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (w/ X-Pac)

Robert Roode vs. Michael Hutter



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Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki def. Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie


Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi def. Genki Horiguchi and Gamma


Kofi Kingston def. Davey Richards

James Storm, Austin Aries and Low-Ki def. Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (w/ X-Pac)

Robert Roode def. Michael Hutter

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Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki


Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Genki Horiguchi and Gamma


Kofi Kingston vs. Davey Richards

James Storm, Austin Aries and Low-Ki vs. Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (w/ X-Pac)

Robert Roode vs. Michael Hutter


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Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki


Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Genki Horiguchi and Gamma


Kofi Kingston vs. Davey Richards

James Storm, Austin Aries and Low-Ki vs. Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (w/ X-Pac)

Robert Roode vs. Michael Hutter

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Sunday, Week 2, July 2016


- The original owner of CMLL, Francisco Lutteroth, is going to say good goodbye to the wrestling business! He wishes the randomized replacement, Joaquin Roldan, good luck because he's getting out of this random business while he can.

--- The Bodyguard is also going to step away from in-ring action.


- AJPW has produced new rookies from its dojo, the menacing heavyweight Ryo Otake and the honestly kinda average Airtight Aritomo Kono. They still have plenty of time to prove themselves though.


- Nigel McGuinness has taken a few shots online at Phil Shatter's recent performance on an independent show, claiming it "takes no skill to punch and stomp the whole match". Phil was offended and they had a few harsh words.



ZERO1 Fire Festival tour



Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki

Jimmy Susumu and Yutaka Yoshie give it their all in a fantastic tag match. Susumu set the pace right off the bat, taking the offense by storm and even causing a respectful applause from the crowd to show his dominance over ZERO1's latest junior heavyweights. Yoshie joined the fray a few minutes later, scoring series of double kicks to the chest two minutes in before getting repaid by a blistering, open-hand slap by Suzuki. That only knocked Yoshie back a step and Susumu chased Suzuki off after another quick tag in, sending him outside the ring to regain his senses. Susumu followed that up with another wily blow and then another, then giving Suzuki his first taste of a Backlund style spinecrusher. Susumu even started to win a few critical confrontations, punishing Suzuki and turning the tide into a clean sweep, with Susumu scoring with a sweet dropkick. Suzuki did what he could and did a good job of maintaining control over the final couple minutes, presenting another jumping frontkick that left Susumu only dazed. One last big shot left Suzuki flat and tied him up in a very dangerous looking hold, but to be fair the match was all about Jimmy Susumu at this point. The bout really took off once Tozawa was tagged in. Tozawa finished Susumu off with an open-palmed Flying Piledriver that left Suzuki stunned and the audience on their feet. With Susumu out, the fight finally turned around and Tozawa outlasted Yoshie to gain the pinfall with his signature German suplex. Yoshie showed he still had his moments and it was a hell of an exciting match. Susumu's effort and performance were also phenomenal to look at and there was a lot to learn from his work without question.

Winners: Akira Tozawa and Kotaro Suzuki (rating: 60)



AJPW Summer Action Series tour



Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Genki Horiguchi and Gamma

Dragon Gate is represented here by two of the country's cruder flyers and this will be their first time All Japan employed them full-time! They showed a ton of fire here, but when it came down to the last minute with Horiguchi already on the ropes and Taguchi closing in, there was a quick cut away from the crowd to what we could only assume was a Taguchi enzuigiri, (we almost missed it, camera guy,) which got a bigger reaction than anything on the undercard matches. Of course, the junior heavyweight just went straight into the Dodon for a quick pin, but wow, the storytelling here works well and I think they learn a ton from it. Overall, this was just a solid match that only got better by the minute and considering all that this team had to pull from, I think it should be remembered as a real point on the radar.

Winners: Yoshinobu Kanemaru and Ryusuke Taguchi (rating: 66)



CHIKARA Tightrope



Kofi Kingston vs. Davey Richards

Davey Richards came to the ring with the hopes of killing something he liked to call "cartoon wrestling" and promoting Kevin Nash's new vision for the company. Unfortunately for him, Kofi evaded his offense numerous times only to hit a devastating flying forearm quick enough to catch him off-guard and roll him up in more ways than one. After a near-pinfall, Richards gets his comeback, he pulled out a double suplex and followed it up with a dead simple spinebuster. Davey would take advantage and call out for a DR Driver, only to see Kofi reverse his grapple and take back control. And right that very moment, Kofi hit a Trouble in Paradise to the back of his head that left Davey totally unconscious on the canvas, giving him a clean victory. The former WWE Intercontinental Champion left the ring as the crowd cheered him.

Winner: Kofi Kingston (rating: 71)



James Storm, Austin Aries and Low-Ki vs. Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (w/ X-Pac)

X-Pac was present for this match, making it even more loaded in Nash's favor. This is a fast-paced, hard-hitting bout with physicality on display from all participants (except for you, Nash) and lots of crowd heat. With a lot of jumps and kicks, the biggest pairing happens to be Bennett leaping into the ring from the apron to halt a DDT attempt from Low-Ki (one of the beautiful spots of the night). There was a ton of in-ring awareness displayed here, and the sheer nuclear heat from the heels made it even hotter. The final few minutes saw Velvet distract James Storm from the apron to allow Austin Aries to be attacked by Mike Bennett. Sky would then come in and attack Aries. X-Pac comes out to talk them down and give the thumbs down to a performance that he deemed crap. The last moment saw Sky getting up on the top rope and landing a double stomp after a miscommunication as to who was the target and who was the legal man.

Winners: Mike Bennett, Kevin Nash and Velvet Sky (rating: 65)



Robert Roode vs. Michael Hutter

As much as I'm not a huge fan of the two, their little number carried a really big amount of emotion and intensity. Never one to back down, Roode was ready to prove he deserves an opportunity. Nothing fancy or long and kept to the simple, he knew he had to take it slow, try and wear down Hutter in every way possible, until he got the best of him. Surprisingly enough, Hutter won the match, most likely thanks to Roode getting too tired to fight in the end: when he ran off the ropes to get setup his signature TK3, Roode had no recourse but to take it head on, taking it hard on the chin. The match, while perfectly tailored to the antagonistic personalities of the two, doesn't necessarily match the strengths of the wrestlers themselves and just proves why Roode is often underrated despite being a pretty big man and an accomplished wrestler.

Winner: Michael Hutter (rating: 75)

Edit: I forgor the ratings.

Edited by same-old-davey
I forgor the ratings.
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Monday, Week 3, July 2016


- Takashi Okamura got an injured shoulder in a match tonight! However, it is a very minor injury, and he will likely be back in the ring before September.


- Sasa Keel has won the FCF Finnish Heavyweight title in a match against JO Hansen tonight. Howver, that match did not make it to the Notable Match guide.


- Naoki Tanizaki and Don Fujii have revived their old Iron Perms team in Wrestle-1, now renamed Strong Perms, as Fujii is wrestling under the name "Strong Machine F".


- New rookie alert: Rev Pro has just signed a Liverpool native who goes by the name Blade. He isn't technically skilled but road agent Johnny Kidd says he has "good ring sense".




Wrestle-1 Symbol tour



Zeus vs. Kenou

Good opener and Zeus makes the hometown kid work as hard as he did in the big leagues at NOAH. We overhear some unprofessional language but nothing too bad. Lots of pin attempts by Zeus and lots of 2 counts. Zeus reverses a Ragou into a Chokeslam and the fans loved it, especially the long-time watchers and he gets 5 cheers for that. A little back-and-forth but Zeus still manages to grind out a win without any outlandish cheap shots. This was the typical arrogant strong style fighter gaining a victory over the little flyer and the fans were satisfied. Zeus manages to accomplish many heelish traits even though Japanese wrestling isn't usually coded as good guy versus bad guy.

Winner: Zeus (rating: 53)



Kzy and Yohei Nakajima vs. Strong Perms (Strong Machine F and Naoki Tanizaki)

The Kzy/Yohei team got the lowest crowd response of the night, as Tanizaki and Strong both drew decent reactions, as well as significant heat. Not so often they misfire with a team, which is the case here, but Kzy spoke a couple of boastful lines to get the crowd more invested. Nakajima continues to be very creative with his gear, and he continued to be one of the most innovative and original of the Wrestle-1 performers. All in all a pretty fair match, which got a great ovation when Tanizaki seemed to reject an illegal choke attempt, kicking out of a double death lock, and sadly botching a second rope kick at a bit of an inopportune moment (I’m not sure if Nakajima was supposed to move at all). Nakajima missed an Ari Kanpai and Tanizaki hit an FH for three to win. I think the W-1 tag titles aren't ready to change tonight, as I liked the Zeus match more than Kzy/Yohei’s.

Winner: Strong Perms (rating: 50)

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Current score:

Old School Fan 6/7 (85.7%)

CactusHack 4/5 (80%)

DinoKea 3/5 (60%)

KyTeran 6/11 (54.5%)



Daisuke Sekimoto, NOSAWA Rongai and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa, Maybach Taniguchi and Kotaro Suzuki


TITLE MATCH: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Genki Horiguchi for the AJPW Junior Heavyweight title


Kana, Genba Hirayanagi and Atsushi Ohashi vs. Io Shirai, Menso-Re Oyaji and Andy Wu


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Daisuke Sekimoto, NOSAWA Rongai and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa, Maybach Taniguchi and Kotaro Suzuki


TITLE MATCH: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Genki Horiguchi for the AJPW Junior Heavyweight title


Kana, Genba Hirayanagi and Atsushi Ohashi vs. Io Shirai, Menso-Re Oyaji and Andy W

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Tuesday, Week 3, July 2016


- Randy Orton is concentrating on workouts this month, as he waits for wrestling to become global again. He's been sharing his routine online as well as commenting on the randomizer scramble.


- Daisuke Harada has suddenly quit his job at All Japan! He is reportedly furious at a payment issue that they could not work out peacefully.


- Divorce!! MsChif and Michael Elgin are splits! There are rumors of abuse or domestic disputes, but nothing concrete. Hopefully there will not be, oh, hundreds of news stories like this in the very near future.



NOAH G+ Cup Jr. Heavyweight Tag League tour



Daisuke Sekimoto, NOSAWA Rongai and Yutaka Yoshie vs. Akira Tozawa, Maybach Taniguchi and Kotaro Suzuki

A fun little tour match ended up having a lot of drama too. It started off with a funny little breakdown in etiquette by Daisuke Sekimoto, as he feigned slight embarrassment when he was told by referee Kyohei Wada not to fight dirty with the star Tozawa. The match itself was mostly just NOSAWA and Akira Tozawa. NOSAWA basically set a fire under his opponents Tozawa and Suzuki. They were so fired up in the ring that they wore themselves out, allowing Yoshie and Sekimoto to beat up the less experienced Maybach Taniguchi. Although, I'm still debating how a guy who often does comedy matches can be so influential on a NOSAWA match. Luckily, Taniguchi did a little off his own cuff violence earlier in the night. The end result: Sekimoto and Yoshie winning when Sekimoto hit Tozawa with a high angle German suplex! Anyway, July 20th. I'm not sure what the main event will be at Great Voyage, but I assume that after all this trouble, Tozawa will have his payback moment.

Winners: Daisuke Sekimoto, NOSAWA Rongai and Yutaka Yoshie (rating: 64)



AJPW Summer Action Series tour



TITLE MATCH: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Genki Horiguchi for the AJPW Junior Heavyweight title

Akira Taue refereed the match. The first few moves out were tepid. There was some grappling but not much. The crowd went wild as Genki Horiguchi ducked a diving attack from Kanemaru and delivered a great Topé Toubiou, stunning Hori with his head hanging under the bottom rope. It was clear Horiguchi didn't want to finish Kanemaru off yet, as the two men exchanged submissions as the crowd went wild. With Japanese fighting origins, it was clear that this wasn't going to be any sort of easy fight, with both men exchanging strong strikes and superb submissions. Heel Kanemaru would deliver another shining forearm and it looked like Horiguchi was knocked out. However, he would fight thru the strikes. Between their amazing ground game, going back and forth and keeping the crowd entertained, we saw a great match. Highlight being around 12:30-13:00, where Kanemaru pulled off a brainbuster. When he tried to do the same move a second time, Horiguchi would easily counter the move with a low drop kick. After a while of back and forth, with the crowd interested in seeing more, Horiguchi wound up on the ropes and was finished off by a Deep Impact. He looked absolutely stunned about it as he walked out of the ring in sheer need of rest. Diving in, Kanemaru would hold the belt up in triumph. It was a solid match and a great way to end the show. This was a proud moment for Puroresu as very few can say they've won the Junior belt.

Winner and NEW champion: Yoshinobu Kanemaru (rating: 57)



DDT Summer tour



Kana, Genba Hirayanagi and Atsushi Ohashi vs. Io Shirai, Menso-Re Oyaji and Andy Wu

The event opened with the first Young Stables match with Shirai teaming up with the DDT alumni Oyaji, as Andy Wu battled first with Kana under satirical New Japan-style rules. The Tenku no Genius and her rookie partner Wu double teamed against Hirayanagi and Kana with an Exploding Double arm snap suplex/exploder suplex spot. Wu finally tagged himself out and Shirai tagged in. Shirai hit and kicked Kana to the ribs on the outside followed by a double knees to the face, this move is called the "Shirai Shigoki Knee". Hirayanagi tagged in but the Shirai side still dominated with a triangle submission. Everyone scrambled into the ring and tried to interfere. Kicks were exchanged. Monkey flip by Shirai. Back suplex by Kana. More kicks to the ribs. Tsunami splash by Ohashi. Ohashi was turning it around with two huge spinning powerslams. Waist kick by Ohashi. Punches, kicks were exchanged. Ohashi was declared the winner by pinfall at 7:18.

Winners: Kana, Genba Hirayanagi and Atsushi Ohashi (rating: 52)

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Current score: still the same.



TITLE MATCH: Kazushi Miyamoto and Ryo Saito vs. MAZADA & Rene Dupree for the GHC Tag Team Titles


Yoshinobu Kanemaru, T-Hawk and Genki Horiguchi vs. Masao Inoue, Cyber Kong and Manabu Nakanishi

Lucha Underground

Prince Devitt, Elijah Burke and SoCal Crazy vs. M.V.P, Eric Young and D'Lo Brown

Samoa Joe and Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Chris Sabin and Erik Doom

TITLE MATCH: Incognito vs. Drew Galloway in a To Hell in an Ambulance Match for the Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Championship

TITLE MATCH: Brother Devon vs. Austin Creed for the Lucha Underground Championship

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TITLE MATCH: Kazushi Miyamoto and Ryo Saito vs. MAZADA & Rene Dupree for the GHC Tag Team Titles


Yoshinobu Kanemaru, T-Hawk and Genki Horiguchi vs. Masao Inoue, Cyber Kong and Manabu Nakanishi

Lucha Underground

Prince Devitt, Elijah Burke and SoCal Crazy vs. M.V.P, Eric Young and D'Lo Brown

Samoa Joe and Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Chris Sabin and Erik Doom

TITLE MATCH: Incognito vs. Drew Galloway in a To Hell in an Ambulance Match for the Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Championship

TITLE MATCH: Brother Devon vs. Austin Creed for the Lucha Underground Championship

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TITLE MATCH: MAZADA & Rene Dupree def. Kazushi Miyamoto and Ryo Saito for the GHC Tag Team Titles


Yoshinobu Kanemaru, T-Hawk and Genki Horiguchi def. Masao Inoue, Cyber Kong and Manabu Nakanishi

Lucha Underground

M.V.P, Eric Young and D'Lo Brown def. Prince Devitt, Elijah Burke and SoCal Crazy

Samoa Joe and Ron "The Truth" Killings def. Chris Sabin and Erik Doom

TITLE MATCH: Drew Galloway def. Incognito in a To Hell in an Ambulance Match for the Lucha Underground Gift of the Gods Championship

TITLE MATCH: Brother Devon def. Austin Creed for the Lucha Underground Championship

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