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Two More Suggestions

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The "Remove stun from self/ally" powers that were added recently gave me an idea: What about a similar power but to re-activate skills that were outsmarted during the enemy turn? Would probably be useless to do it for defensive skills (Since they would re-activate naturally by the next enemy turn), but it would be a very useful ability for strong attacks that can be outsmarted, or if someone outsmarts your teleportation or self-heal capabilities

Edited by fabioman3
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Another idea i got

I noticed when setting up quests and schemes that you can target both characters's official and game names, but why not be able to target editor names? That could allow you to somewhat set "tags" in the editor as for who can be targetted, it would be very helpful if you want a specific group to be the target of that scheme or quest and would remove the need of adding multiple schemes/quests for each single member of that group

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