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TCW - The Sheriff Is Back In Town

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Kyle Rhodes: Good morning, Ricky. How are you today?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Hey, Kyle. I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?

Kyle Rhodes: I'm good, thanks. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something important. As you know, Brent Hill has decided to step down as head booker, and we're looking for a replacement. He told me that he feels he has burned out, and after four years in the position, he feels that his biggest contribution to the company will be as a road agent. I've been considering a few options, but I keep coming back to you. I believe that you have the talent, knowledge, and experience to lead TCW into a new era. What do you say? Would you be interested in taking on this role?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well, that's a big offer, Kyle. I've been retired for a few years now and have enjoyed my time away from the ring. But I have to admit, the idea of being back in the business and making a difference is very appealing.

Kyle Rhodes: That's great news, Ricky. You have a huge following of fans who would love to see you back in TCW. I'm confident that you will do an excellent job.

Ricky Dale Johnson: Yeah, I have to admit, I do miss the adrenaline of performing in front of a live crowd. And I'm excited about the opportunity to shape the future of TCW.

Kyle Rhodes: Before we get started, I want to go over some of the key challenges that we're facing. We've been losing ground to USPW and SWF, and we need to turn that around.

Ricky Dale Johnson: Yes, I'm aware of that. That's a shame. I've been following TCW's struggles over the past few years, and I have a few ideas on how to turn things around.

Kyle Rhodes: BriCo's Board of Directors is pressuring me to make some changes because, in their words, the company has just stagnated for years. Do you have any ideas?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well, first, we need to focus on our strengths. TCW has always been known for its emphasis on good-quality matches and treating wrestling seriously. But I think we need to evolve with the times. USPW and SWF present their own visions of sports entertainment, and while TCW has always been known for its traditional, realistic approach, I think it's time we try to bring our own vision as well. Not as a  imitation of SWF like HGC was, but in our own way. I'm talking about a more toned-down and realistic version of sports entertainment.

Kyle Rhodes: ...More toned-down and realistic version of sports entertainment?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well, I think we can still maintain our emphasis on good-quality matches and treating wrestling seriously, but also add elements of sports entertainment to make our product more exciting and accessible to a wider audience.

Kyle Rhodes: What kind of changes would you make to achieve this?

Ricky Dale Johnson: I would start by introducing new storylines and angles that are more creative and engaging. We also need to focus on developing new talent. The loss of several big stars has hurt us, but we have to look to the future. We need to find the next generation of superstars and give them the platform to shine.

Kyle Rhodes: And what about our traditional fans?

Ricky Dale Johnson: I think they'll still be able to appreciate the quality of our matches and the athleticism of our performers. The changes I'm proposing are more about making our product appealing to a wider audience, not losing what makes TCW special.

Kyle Rhodes: Okay, I understand your vision. Let's see if we can make it happen.

Ricky Dale Johnson: Thanks, Kyle. I'm honored that you have this much faith in me. I won't let you down.

Card for Total Wrestling

TCW is kicking off 2020 with the "Malice In Wonderland" PPV just four weeks away. The main event has already been announced, as Aaron Andrews will defend his TCW World Heavyweight title against Freddy Huggins. But before that, the former "Canadian Animals" tag team partners will face each other once again.

A gauntlet match will determine the number one contender for the TCW Television title. Four competitors will compete, starting with Joshua Taylor, the former number one contender who lost to Aaron Andrews at "Psycho Circus" last week. He will face "One Man Army," and the winner will face their next opponent, who will be announced next week.

Triple D will take on "Sinner Society" member "Nasty" Nick Booth, and "Benny & The Foxx" will answer the challenge of Jeremie Courtney and his mystery partner. Who will be the trust fund kid's partner?

In the main event, TCW World Heavyweight champion Aaron Andrews will face Troy Tornado in a non-title match. Also scheduled to appear are Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach, and "Mighty Meaty."

Join us this week as TCW presents: Total Wrestling.

Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Troy Tornado

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs. Joshua Taylor

Benny & The Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney & ???

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Nick Booth

Edd Stone vs. Freddy Huggins


PS. English is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes. 

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Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Troy Tornado

Andrews can't lose before the PPV

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs. Joshua Taylor

I don't think Joshua is going to lose again

Benny & The Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney & ???

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Nick Booth

Edd Stone vs. Freddy Huggins

Huggins needs to be hot to face Andrews

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling


January 7, 2020
Irvine Hall
Attendance: 5,000. SOLD OUT!

The announcers, Shawn Doaks, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders, welcomed everyone to the show as the music of the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, played. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as the champ made his way down the ramp, high-fiving fans along the way. He climbed into the ring and grabbed a microphone, basking in the adulation of the audience.
"Joshua Taylor at Psycho Circus, and now Freddy Huggins at Malice In Wonderland, Wolf Hawkins at Total Mayhem and Troy Tornado tonight," Aaron said, addressing the crowd. "It ain't getting easy, but standing here before all of you, being the face of TCW, being The ACE... you all give me the power to keep going and as long as you are all by my side this belt ain’t going anywhere."
Just then, the lights in the arena went out, and a spotlight shone on the entrance ramp. The crowd began to boo as the leader of the syndicate, Wolf Hawkins, made his way down to the ring. He climbed into the ring and stood face-to-face with Aaron, staring him down.
"What do you want, Wolf?" Aaron asked, his voice laced with irritation.
"Don't flatter yourself," Wolf replied, his tone cool and collected. "I just wanted to remind you that I'm coming for your title, Aaron. I am standing here in front of you alone without all the members of The Syndicate, exactly as I stood in front of you at Psycho Circus, the King of Kings. I am the one who has truly earned the right to be the champion. And at Total Mayhem, I'm going to prove it to you and everyone else. And until then, I'm going to watch every match that the TCW World Heavyweight champion is involved in. I'm going to be your freaking shadow that follows you everywhere as you hold this belt."
Aaron glared at Wolf, his grip on the microphone tightening. "You may have earned the right to compete for the title, but you haven't earned the right to hold it," he said. "You want to talk about proving something? Let's prove who the better wrestler is in the ring."
Wolf smirked. "I couldn't agree more, Aaron. I'm looking forward to facing you at the biggest event of the year, Total Mayhem XXIV, and showing the world that I am the true champion of TCW."
The two wrestlers stood there for a moment, staring each other down, before Wolf turned and exited the ring. The crowd booed him loudly as he made his way up the ramp, but he didn't seem to care. He had his sights set on one thing and one thing only: the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.
Segment Rating: 98

In the pre-recorded comments segment, Freddy Huggins looked agitated and frustrated as he spoke about his upcoming match against Edd Stone. "Let me make one thing clear, TCW," he said, scowling at the camera. "I've already beaten Edd Stone. I've already proven that I'm the better wrestler, the better athlete. So why do I have to face him again? And why so soon before my title match at Malice in Wonderland?"
Laura Catherine Huggins, standing beside her brother, interjected. "That's right, TCW. My brother shouldn't have to face Edd Stone again. He's already moved on to bigger and better things, like his shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Edd Stone is just a stepping stone, a waste of his time."
Freddy nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Edd Stone is a has-been, a nobody. I don't even know why TCW is still giving him airtime. But fine, if I have to face him again, I'll beat him again. I'll make sure he knows his place, just like I did before."
Laura Catherine glared at the camera. "And if anyone gets in my brother's way, they'll have to answer to me."
The pre-recorded comments segment ended and the camera returned to the announcers, who discussed the tension between Huggins and Stone and the possibility of Laura Catherine getting involved in the match.
Segment Rating: 69

Edd Stone (with Vita) vs. Freddy Huggins (with Laura Catherine Huggins)

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In the match between Freddy Huggins and Edd Stone, it was a back-and-forth affair with both men showing off their impressive in-ring skills. Stone, with his high-flying style, wasted no time in launching himself at Huggins, attempting to take him down with a flurry of acrobatic moves. Huggins, a versatile performer who could brawl, wrestle, or take to the air, was ready for the challenge and quickly showed that he was no slouch in the ring.
During the match, Vida stopped Laura Catherine Huggins from interfering with the match when she tried to distract the referee. The crowd erupted when the two women started pushing each other. The two wrestlers exchanged blows, each landing hard hits on the other. The match had a good amount of heat, with the crowd reacting to every move with loud cheers and boos.
Despite Stone's best efforts, Huggins managed to gain the upper hand with his signature "Huggins Kiss" finisher, which he used to put Stone away for the three count in a match that lasted 15 minutes and 36 seconds. Stone fought hard until the very end, but it wasn't enough to overcome his former tag team partner's experience and cunning.
Segment Rating: 71

After the match Laura Catherine Huggins entered the ring to congratulate her victorious brother, the siblings hugged each other in a show of unity. Freddy took the microphone and began to address the booing crowd.
"I told you all that I was going to beat Edd Stone tonight," he began, "and I did exactly what I said I was going to do. But that's not the end of it. Oh no, I have my sights set on an even bigger prize."
The crowd erupted into boos as Freddy continued his passionate speech.
"At Malice in Wonderland, I am going to defeat Aaron Andrews and become the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion! And once I have that title, nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to take it away from me. I have been training harder than ever before, and I know that I have what it takes to beat Andrews in the middle of that ring."
Freddy's voice grew more intense as he spoke, his eyes blazing with determination.
"I am the best wrestler in TCW, and nobody is going to stand in my way. So if you think you can stop me, you better think again. Because when I step into that ring, I am going to give it everything I've got and leave it all on the mat. And when it's all said and done, I will be the one standing tall with that championship belt held high."
With that, Freddy dropped the microphone and exited the ring, with Laura Catherine following close behind him, still beaming with pride over her brother's impressive victory.
Segment Rating: 70

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Nick Booth (with Floyd Goldworthy)

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As soon as the bell rang, both Diamond and Booth charged at each other, throwing wild punches and kicks as they exchanged blows in the center of the ring. Diamond, known for his brawling style, seemed to have the upper hand early on, landing several hard strikes that sent Booth reeling.
However, Booth was able to regain his footing and take control of the match by using the ringside environment to his advantage. He grabbed a steel chair from one of his associates and slammed it over Diamond's back, causing a loud thud that echoed throughout the arena. Goldworthy was quick to take advantage of the chaos, distracting the referee and allowing Booth to use illegal tactics to gain the upper hand.
Despite the interference from Sinner City, Diamond refused to back down and continued to fight back with everything he had. The two wrestlers brawled all around the ringside area, slamming each other into the steel guardrails and using any nearby objects as weapons. 
In the end, it was Diamond who emerged victorious, hitting Booth with his signature move, the "Dazzie Driver", for the pinfall victory in 5:53. The crowd erupted in cheers as Diamond's hand was raised in victory.
Segment Rating: 59

As Dazzling Dave Diamond celebrated his hard-fought victory over Nick Booth in the wild and chaotic match, he was suddenly blindsided by the leader of the "Sinner City" stable, Eddie Peak. Peak, along with Booth, attacked Diamond from behind, pounding him with hard punches and kicks, taking advantage of the exhaustion and injuries he had sustained throughout the match.
The attack caught Diamond completely off guard, and he found himself overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught. Despite his best efforts to fight back, he was quickly overpowered by the two attackers, who continued to beat him mercilessly.
Meanwhile, at ringside, Floyd Goldworthy was cheering on his stablemates, shouting encouragements and urging them to keep up the attack.
The referee tried to intervene and break up the attack, but he too was quickly overwhelmed by the three attackers. Booth and Peak continued to rain down blows on Diamond, leaving him battered and bruised in the center of the ring.
Finally, security personnel rushed to the ring, pulling the attackers away from Diamond and escorting them out of the arena. The crowd continued to boo and jeer as Diamond was helped to his feet, looking battered and bruised after the vicious assault.
Segment Rating: 55

The camera pans to Jeremie Courtney standing in front of a backdrop with the TCW logo prominently displayed. With a smug grin on his face, he begins to speak.
"Hello TCW fans, it's me, Jeremie Courtney, and I have a message for all of you. Tonight, my mystery partner and I are going to take on Benny & The Foxx, and let me tell you, we are not impressed with these two goofs."
Courtney pauses for a moment, looking disdainful.
"Their name is childish, it sounds like a cartoon for kids. And that's exactly what they are, children. They don't belong in the ring with the likes of us. But that's okay, because tonight, we're going to teach them a lesson. We're going to show them that in TCW, there's no place for childish antics and cartoonish names."
He turns to his partner, who steps up beside him.
"Because I Have The best partner money can buy. Introduce yourself, Marc."
The camera zooms in on Marc Speed, a serious expression on his face.
"I'm Marc Speed, the submission king," he says. "And I'm here to prove that we mean business. Benny & The Foxx may be fan favorites, but we don't care about that. We're here to win, by any means necessary."
Courtney nods in agreement.
The camera fades to black as Courtney and Speed walk off, ready for their match.
Segment Rating: 42

Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx are standing in front of a TCW backdrop for their backstage promo. Both men are smiling and seem to be in good spirits.
Benny speaks first, addressing the camera directly. He says, "Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, you think you're going to come in here and teach us a lesson? Well, let me tell you something, boys. We might have a silly name, but we're not to be underestimated. Flying Jimmy Foxx and I have been around this business for a long time, and we know how to handle ourselves in that ring."
Flying Jimmy Foxx nods in agreement and adds, "That's right, Benny. And tonight, we're going to show these two so-called 'submission kings' that they can't just walk all over us. We're going to bring the fight to them, and we're going to come out on top."
Benny chimes back in, "We're not afraid of you, Courtney and Speed. In fact, we're looking forward to teaching you a lesson of our own. So get ready, because Benny & The Foxx are coming for you."
The two men give a final nod to the camera before the promo ends.
Segment rating: 66

Benny & The Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed

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The match started with a lot of trash talk from Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed, while Benny & The Foxx remained focused and determined. The heels tried to use their technical skills to gain an early advantage, but Benny & The Foxx's high-flying moves kept them at bay.
As the match progressed, the action became more intense with each team getting close to securing the win. Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed tried to use some dirty tactics, such as eye pokes and low blows, to gain an advantage, but Benny & The Foxx remained resilient and refused to back down.
In the end, a miscommunication between Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed led to their downfall. As they argued in the ring, Benny Benson capitalized on the opportunity and hit Courtney with his finishing move, the "Shockwave From Next Year," for the pinfall victory in 7;49.
Benny & The Foxx celebrated their hard-fought win, while Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed were left fuming in the ring.
Segment Rating: 55

As Benny & The Foxx celebrate their victory in the ring, the arena is suddenly filled with boos as the TCW Television Champion, Greg Gauge, makes his way out to the stage. With the title belt slung over his shoulder, he looks down at the triumphant faces of Benny & The Foxx and begins to talk.
Gauge gloats about how he is the best wrestler on the TCW roster and how he doesn't care who his opponent is, he'll defeat them all with ease. He then focuses his attention on Benny Benson, who just moments ago pinned Jeremie Courtney for the win. Gauge tells Benny that he's nothing compared to him and that he'll easily beat him for the Television Championship next week.
Benny & The Foxx are clearly not intimidated by Gauge's words and they stand their ground, with Benny telling Gauge that he's ready for him and that he's not afraid of any challenge.
Gauge smirks and tells him that Benson will regret ever challenging him. With that, he turns and heads back up the ramp, leaving Benny & The Foxx to revel in their victory.
Segment Rating: 58

As we come back from the commercial break, we see a familiar face already in the ring. The announcer mentions Texas Pete's history with TCW in the past. He is back after 5 years of absence, and his return match is against…
…Sammy Bach's entrance music echoes throughout the arena, and the crowd's excitement builds to a fever pitch. Suddenly, the lights dim, and a spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. A voice booms over the PA system:
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the one, the only, Sammy Bach!"
The crowd explodes into cheers as Sammy steps out onto the stage, a mic in his hand. He pauses for a moment, basking in the adoration of the fans, before striding confidently down the ramp and into the ring. Once there, he raises the mic to his lips and begins to speak:
"Hello, everyone! Are you ready to rock and roll?"
The crowd responds with a thunderous roar of approval.
"I said, are you ready to rock and roll?"
The crowd's cheers grow even louder.
"That's what I like to hear! Because tonight, it's all about the music, the energy, the pure adrenaline rush that only I can bring! And I know I've got a tough opponent in the ring tonight: Texas Pete."
The crowd boos loudly at the mention of Texas Pete's name, and Sammy smirks.
"Now, I know what you're all thinking: 'Sammy, how are you gonna compete against a guy like Texas Pete? They say he's got a reputation as the hardest-partying wrestler of the modern era.' Well, let me tell you something, folks. I'm not afraid of a little partying. In fact, I'm gonna party so hard tonight that Texas Pete won't know what hit him!"
The crowd cheers in response, as Sammy's confidence and swagger shine through.
"So, to my opponent, I say this: you may be tough, but you're no match for the Elation Sensation. I'm gonna rock your world, Texas Pete, and there's nothing you can do about it. So let's get this show on the road, baby! It's time to rock and roll!"
As Sammy drops the mic and prepares to face his opponent, the crowd continues to cheer, eager to see the clash between these two.
Segment Rating: 72

Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete

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The bell rings, and the match between Sammy Bach and Texas Pete is underway. Texas Pete charges at Sammy, trying to take him down with a clothesline, but Sammy ducks and lands a quick kick to Pete's midsection. The crowd cheers as Sammy lands a series of punches, backing Texas Pete into a corner.
Pete tries to fight back, but Sammy seems to be one step ahead, dodging Pete's blows and landing strikes of his own. He lifts Texas Pete up and slams him down to the mat, then locks in his finishing move, the "Bach on Your Back." Texas Pete struggles to break free, but Sammy's grip is too strong. The referee checks on Pete, who seems to be fading fast, and finally calls for the bell, signaling the end of the match.
Sammy Bach is declared the winner by submission in a 3:40.
Segment Rating: 57

As Sammy Bach celebrated his victory over Texas Pete in the ring, the cheers from the crowd suddenly turned to boos as Jay Chord ran down to the ring. Bach turned around just in time to see Chord sliding under the bottom rope and charging towards him. Without wasting any time, Chord began attacking Bach, raining down blows on him. His assault was relentless, driving Bach into the mat and continuing to pummel him with fists and knees. After standing up, Chord raised his arms in victory as Bach lay motionless on the mat. The boos from the crowd rained down on Chord, but he simply smirked and made his way back up the ramp.
Segment Rating: 73

As the announcers were wrapping up their segment, they suddenly interrupted themselves with breaking news from backstage. The camera quickly cut to a heated scene where Joshua Taylor was seen angrily confronting Wolf Hawkins.
"What the hell were you doing watching my match at 'Psycho Circus,' Wolf?" Joshua barked, getting up in Hawkins' face. "Are you trying to sabotage me or something?"
"What's your problem, man?" Hawkins retorted, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I was just watching the match like everybody else. And besides, it's not like you were going to win anyway."
Taylor scowled at the retort, his fists clenching at his sides. "You had no business watching my match," he snarled. "I don't need you interfering with my business."
Hawkins raised an eyebrow, his arms folded across his chest. "And what business is that?" he asked pointedly. "Losing to Aaron Andrews? Because that's all I saw out there tonight."
The insult hit a nerve, and Taylor's expression darkened further. "You don't know what you're talking about," he spat. "I had everything under control until you showed up and distracted me."
Hawkins rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right," he said dismissively. "Listen, I didn't come here to start trouble. I was just keeping an eye on Andrews, you know, since he's the TCW World Heavyweight Champion and all. But if you're going to threaten me, then maybe I should stick around and make sure you don't do something stupid."
The two continued to stare each other down until security rushed in to separate them.
Segment Rating: 79

When we returned from the commercial break, the surprises on this episode kept coming as "The Nation Of Filth", former two-time TCW World tag team champions, stood in the ring after a 13-year absence. The music of "Mighty Meaty" played as the tag team took the microphone to address the cheering crowd. The Mighty Mo stepped forward, flexing his muscles, and asked, "Are you ready for some Mighty Meaty action?" Tana The Mighty joined in, grinning from ear to ear, and added, "We're gonna tenderize our opponents tonight!" The crowd responded with cheers and applause as the duo continued to hype up the crowd. Mighty Mo raised his fists and declared, "We're the beefiest tag team in TCW, and we're here to prove it!" Tana The Mighty chimed in, "And we're not just meaty, we're mighty too!" The crowd erupted with excitement as "Mighty Meaty" finished their catchphrase, "So get ready for a juicy, sizzling, meat-tastic showdown!"
Segment Rating: 69

Mighty Meaty vs. The Nation Of Filth

 TanaTheMighty.jpg.8e0228ea90db104841e6467d756aed82.jpgMightyMo.jpg.8ae20dbd81b19f555e52fc8e455873f1.jpg   VS.    Grunt.jpg.3039507645b07c795b36772a20101b1b.jpgStink.jpg.561dca640fccfa385d0acd50cdf13e8c.jpg
As the match between "Mighty Meaty" and "The Nation Of Filth" progressed, the action was decent but not exceptional. The crowd seemed to be invested in the match, but the wrestling itself was sub-par. As the match neared its end, Tana The Mighty managed to gain the upper hand over Stink. With a burst of energy, Tana lifted Stink high in the air and brought him crashing down to the mat with a move called the "Big Fat Samoan Squash". The move involved Tana leaping into the air and then crushing Stink with his massive frame as he landed on top of him. The impact of the move was enough to keep Stink down for the three-count in 5:50, and the referee signaled for the bell to end the match. "Mighty Meaty" emerged victorious, with Tana The Mighty scoring the pinfall over Stink to secure the win. The crowd erupted with cheers as "Mighty Meaty" celebrated in the ring.
Segment Rating: 50

As the show moves forward, the announce team informs the audience that we're going to hear from Troy Tornado in a pre-recorded message about his upcoming main event match against the TCW world heavyweight champion Aaron Andrews. The video rolls, and Troy appears on the screen, looking smug and self-assured. He begins to speak in a confident, almost arrogant tone.
"Tonight, I face the so-called 'champion' Aaron Andrews in a non-title match," Troy says. "Let's be honest, he's nothing but a placeholder. He's holding that belt until someone more deserving comes along, and that someone is me. I'm the best wrestler in TCW, and I've been held back for far too long. But tonight, I'm going to prove that I'm the one who deserves to be at the top."
The video ends, and the announce team comments on Troy's confident words, setting the stage for the main event later on.
Segment Rating: 65

Wolf Hawkins grabs the microphone and looks out to the cheering crowd with a smug grin on his face. He takes a moment to revel in the attention before he begins to speak in a confident, menacing tone.
"Well, well, well. Look who's back in TCW. Harry Allen, the so-called 'all action champion'," Wolf says, sneering at his opponent in the ring. "You may have been a big deal five years ago, but let's face it - you're yesterday's news. You're nothing but a stepping stone for me on my path to the top, where I will win the TCW World Heavyweight title at Total Mayhem."
The crowd boos loudly at Wolf's dismissive words, but he continues unfazed. "And as for all of you," he says, gesturing to the audience, "you're just a bunch of losers who couldn't make it in the ring, so you come here and live vicariously through us. But let me tell you something - you'll never be as good as me, as good as the Alpha Wolf."
Wolf pauses for a moment, savoring the sound of the crowd's boos. "So sit back, shut up, and watch as I show Harry Allen what a real wrestler looks like," he says, finishing with a confident smirk. The crowd continues to jeer as Wolf tosses the microphone aside and prepares for his match with Harry Allen.
Segment Rating: 73

Harry Allen vs. Wolf Hawkins

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The match started with a lot of back and forth action, as both men traded blows and attempted to gain the upper hand. Harry Allen was quick and agile, using his speed to dodge Wolf Hawkins's attacks and counter with his own strikes. Wolf Hawkins, on the other hand, was more of a powerhouse, relying on his strength to wear down his opponent.
As the match progressed, Harry Allen began to take control, using his high-flying moves and technical prowess to keep Wolf Hawkins on the defensive. 
The turning point of the match came when Wolf Hawkins hit Harry Allen with a devastating series of strikes, culminating in his finishing move, the Full Moon Rising. The impact of the move was so powerful that Allen was unable to kick out, and the referee counted the pinfall, declaring Wolf Hawkins the winner in 6:16.
After the match, Wolf Hawkins stood over his fallen opponent, soaking up the boos and jeers from the crowd. He was clearly pleased with his victory, and he made sure to rub it in the faces of the fans as he left the ring. Harry Allen, meanwhile, was helped to his feet by the referee and some ringside personnel, looking disappointed and dejected after his defeat.
Segment Rating: 70

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs. Joshua Taylor - Match #1

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The match between Joshua Taylor and One Man Army was the first in a series of four matches in the gauntlet for the Television title. Both wrestlers had a lot on the line and were determined to come out on top.
Joshua Taylor, take control early on in the match. He worked to wear down One Man Army, using a combination of power moves and technical holds to keep his opponent on the defensive. One Man Army, fought back with his trademark brawling style dodge Taylor's attacks and strike back with his own powerful blows.
The match took a dramatic turn when Wolf Hawkins, the leader of the Syndicate stable, appeared at ringside to distract Joshua Taylor. As Taylor was arguing with Hawkins, One Man Army seized the opportunity to hit his finishing move, the Guided Missile, and score the pinfall victory over his opponent.
The crowd erupted in cheers as One Man Army celebrated his hard-fought win, while Joshua Taylor looked frustrated and angry at his loss. The distraction from Wolf Hawkins had cost him the match, and he made it clear that he would be seeking revenge in the future.
Overall, the match had great heat and decent wrestling, with both wrestlers putting on a strong performance. One Man Army's victory over Joshua Taylor was an impressive feat, and it left the door open for him to face a new opponent in the next round of the gauntlet for the Television title.
Segment Rating: 63

After the commercial break, the show returned to a backstage segment where Joshua Taylor was seen looking for Wolf Hawkins to get his revenge after Hawkins' distraction had cost him the match against One Man Army. Taylor was clearly furious, and he was determined to make Hawkins pay for what he had done.
As Taylor made his way through the backstage area, he was suddenly attacked from behind by Chris Flynn, a fellow member of the Syndicate stable. Flynn blindsided Taylor with a vicious attack, knocking him to the ground and leaving him dazed and disoriented.
Hawkins then appeared, standing over Taylor with a smug look on his face. He taunted Taylor, telling him that this was what happens when someone threatens him, the Alpha Wolf. Chris Flynn laughed in the background, clearly enjoying the chaos that was unfolding.
The scene was a clear example of the Syndicate's dominance and willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their position of power in the wrestling world. Taylor, meanwhile, was left to nurse his wounds and plot his revenge against Hawkins and his allies.
Segment Rating: 67

Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Troy Tornado

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The match between Aaron Andrews and Troy Tornado had a lot of intense moments, with both wrestlers showcasing their skills and athleticism. Andrews, as the fan favorite, was cheered on by the crowd, while Tornado, the cocky heel, was booed relentlessly.
Throughout the match, Tornado used his technical prowess to keep Andrews on the defensive, often targeting the champion's arm with a series of punishing holds and strikes. However, Andrews refused to back down, using his strength and agility to fight back and take control of the match.
As the match entered its final moments, Andrews hit Tornado with a series of impactful moves, leaving his opponent reeling. Tornado attempted to fight back with a series of low blows and other underhanded tactics by distracting the referee, but Andrews was able to hit his finishing move, the Flying Body Press, to secure the pinfall victory in 14:21.
The crowd erupted in cheers as Andrews celebrated his hard-fought win.
Segment Rating: 79

As the show began to wind down, TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews was celebrating his victory over Troy Tornado, hoisting his championship belt high in the air to the cheers of the crowd.
However, the celebratory mood was short-lived as Wolf Hawkins, the leader of the Syndicate stable, made his way down to the ringside area. Hawkins stared down Andrews, a smug expression on his face, as the champion looked on with a mixture of defiance and concern.
The tension between the two men was palpable, with the audience eagerly anticipating the confrontation between the champion and the Syndicate leader. As the show came to a close, the fate of the TCW World Heavyweight Championship hung in the balance, with fans left to wonder what would happen next in the ongoing power struggle between Andrews and the Syndicate.
Segment Rating: 72

Overall Rating: 81
This show achieved a 2.89 TV rating (2,174,272 viewers)



Edited by vpower
Bad pictures posting
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Kyle Rhodes: Ricky, great job on your first show as head booker. The TV rating was very impressive, I hope the fans will stay and tune in for next week.

Ricky Dale Johnson: Thanks, Kyle. The response from our focus group has been overwhelmingly positive, and I'm excited to keep pushing the envelope and trying new things.

Kyle Rhodes: I'm glad to hear that. The BriCo Board of Directors was very pleased with the rating and has given us some more flexibility in our budget. This means we can invest in new talent and explore new opportunities for growth.

Ricky Dale Johnson: That's great news. I have a few prospects in mind, and I'm excited to start scouting and bringing in some fresh faces to the roster. I believe that there's a lot of untapped potential out there, and I want to give new talent the chance to shine. However, I don’t want to shake the boat too strongly. The changes need to be more smooth and natural.

Kyle Rhodes: OK. We also need to start thinking about our upcoming pay-per-view event. We've been lagging behind USPW and SWF in terms of our big events, and we need to make a splash this time around.

Ricky Dale Johnson: I'm already working on some ideas for the pay-per-view, and I think we can really make it special. We need to make sure that every match is exciting and has a reason for being on the card. I want to showcase the best of TCW and give the fans a show that they'll never forget.

Kyle Rhodes: That's what I like to hear. I have a lot of faith in you, Ricky, and I think you're doing an excellent job so far. Keep up the good work, and let's keep pushing TCW to new heights.

Card For Total Wrestling

The upcoming TCW show promises to be an exciting one, with several high-stakes matches on the card. The gauntlet match to determine the number one contender for the TCW Television title will continue, with last week's winner One Man Army taking on former TCW International champion Matt Hocking. This match is sure to be intense, with both competitors eager to come out on top and earn a shot at the title.

Jeremie Courtney will also be in action, facing off against Flying Jimmy Foxx. After a tough loss last week, it remains to be seen whether Lady Luck will be on his side this time around. Meanwhile, the TCW Television title will be on the line as champion Greg Gauge defends his title against Benny Benson. This is a huge opportunity for Benson to make a name for himself and take home the title.

After Jay Chord's brutal attack on Sammy Bach last week, tensions will be high as the two competitors face off once again. Chord will take on Bart Biggins, while Sammy will face Maverick. It will be interesting to see how Sammy reacts after the attack, and whether he'll be able to come out on top this time around.

Finally, Wolf Hawkins made a big impact on last week's show, delivering a message to both TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. This week, he'll face "Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli. It's clear that Hawkins is a force to be reckoned with, and this match is sure to be full of surprises.

Overall, this promises to be an exciting show, with high-stakes matches and intense rivalries. Fans won't want to miss a minute of the action as TCW presents Total Wrestling.

“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins

TCW Television title match:
Greg Gauge © vs. Benny Benson

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet (Match 2 of 4):
One Man Army vs. Matt Hocking

Bart Biggins vs. Jay Chord

Sammy Bach vs. Maverick

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney


PS. English is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes. 

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling


January 14, 2020
Huntsville Fairgrounds
Attendance: 5,000. SOLD OUT!

The crowd erupts into cheers as the announcement is made. Shawn Doaks, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders look visibly surprised but excited at the news. The music of the TCW Hall of Famer Ricky Dale Johnson dies down as he steps forward to address the crowd.
Dressed in a sharp suit, Ricky Dale Johnson looks confident and ready to take on his new role as TCW Commissioner. He takes hold of the mic and clears his throat before speaking.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to be here with you all tonight as the new TCW Commissioner. The board of directors has seen fit to entrust me with this role, and I promise to do everything in my power to make TCW the best it can be."
The crowd roars in approval, and Ricky Dale Johnson nods in appreciation before continuing.
"I know there has been some chaos in the ring lately, but I am here to bring order and fairness to TCW. From this moment on, every wrestler will be held to the same standard, and every match will be conducted with the utmost respect for the rules."
As Ricky Dale Johnson finishes his speech, the crowd erupts into cheers once again. The announcers look on in awe, clearly impressed by the new commissioner's presence and poise.
Just as RDJ is about to continue speaking, however, Freddy Huggins interrupts him, making his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. Huggins looks visibly upset as he grabs the microphone, his eyes blazing with anger.
"I demand respect, and I demand it right now," Huggins growls, his voice seething with frustration. "Last week, TCW was unfair to me by putting me in the ring with Edd Stone. Everyone knows he's a has-been, and I shouldn't have had to waste my time with him."
The crowd begins to boo loudly as Huggins continues his rant.
"I am the best wrestler in TCW, and I deserve to be treated as such. You all better start showing me the respect I deserve, or there will be consequences. And old man," Huggins points to the new Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, "you better give it to me, too. I won't tolerate anything less than the respect I deserve."
"I am the future of TCW, and if you don't recognize that, you're going to regret it. So mark my words, I'm going to do whatever it takes to become the TCW World Heavyweight Champion at Malice In Wonderland. And nobody, I mean nobody, is going to stand in my way."
Just as RDJ is about to address the crowd, Troy Tornado, looking as smug as ever, makes his way to the ring. He begins to speak in a confident, almost arrogant tone.
"Last week, I faced the so-called 'champion' Aaron Andrews in a non-title match, and let's be honest, that loss was a fluke," Troy says. "Andrews knows it, and deep down, you all know it too. Freddy Huggins, I AM the best wrestler in TCW, and I deserve to be at the top."
The crowd begins to boo Troy loudly as he continues his rant.
"I won't let that loss hold me back. I'm going to prove to Andrews and to all of you that I am the one who deserves to be holding that championship belt."
The crowd explodes in cheers as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews makes his way to the ring. He is joined by Edd Stone, who walks beside him with a look of quiet determination. The crowd cheers as the two wrestlers enter the ring, and Aaron takes the microphone, looking focused and intense.
"I found Edd backstage, and we both agreed that if someone has something to say, they need to say it to our faces," Aaron says, his voice firm and resolute. "So, Troy Tornado, I beat you last week, and Freddy Huggins, I'm going to beat you at Malice In Wonderland. But tonight, I have a favor to ask of Ricky Dale Johnson."
The new TCW Commissioner looks on from the side of the ring, listening closely to what Aaron has to say.
"Aaron, I must remind you that we must all abide by the rules and regulations of TCW," Johnson begins. "If you want to prove yourself, you'll have to do it in the ring, under fair conditions."
Aaron nods, acknowledging Johnson's point. "You're right, Ricky. But tonight, I'm not asking for a handout. I'm asking for an opportunity. Edd and I want to teach Troy Tornado and Freddy Huggins a lesson. We want to show them that they can't just talk trash behind our backs and get away with it."
Johnson looks on, considering Aaron's request carefully. After a moment of thought, he nods.
"Very well, Aaron. I'll make it official. Tonight, in the main event, it will be Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone vs. Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado. May the best team win."
Segment Rating: 80

As the cameras cut back from the commercial break, the screen shows a chaotic scene. Two wrestlers, Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, are in the midst of a wild brawl. The crowd is going wild as the two competitors swing wildly at each other, their fists connecting with sickening thuds.
Several road agents and staff members rush to pull the wrestlers apart, but the brawl continues to rage on. Finally, after several minutes of chaos, the agents are able to separate the two fighters and restore order in the arena.
Ricky Dale Johnson, the new TCW Commissioner, makes his way to both wrestlers, his face set in a stern expression. He surveys the scene, clearly disappointed by the lack of professionalism and sportsmanship displayed by the two wrestlers.
"This is enough," Johnson says firmly, taking hold of the microphone. "Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, I'm speaking to you directly. This kind of behavior will not be tolerated in TCW. You're both better than this, and you know it."
"You will face each other at Malice In Wonderland. But until then, if anything like this happens again, you will both be suspended and fined. Is that understood?"
"Jay, you better get yourself ready because your match against Bart Biggins is next!"
Segment Rating: 79


Bart Biggins vs. Jay Chord

BartBiggins.jpg.86fa01e425929c6e9c4041a62c7d0741.jpg    VS.    JayChord.jpg.a099a3df81a9fcf954d0a618b4c05264.jpg

As the bell rings to signal the start of the match, Jay Chord and Bart Biggins circle each other warily. The crowd is on their feet, eager to see these two talented wrestlers in action.
Bart, the veteran babyface, takes control early on, using his strength and experience to keep Jay on the defensive. But Jay, the young upstart heel, is no slouch himself, and he manages to counter several of Bart's moves with quick and agile maneuvers.
The two wrestlers go back and forth for several minutes, exchanging blows and trading holds. The crowd is transfixed as they watch these two talented athletes battle it out in the ring.
As the match wears on, Jay begins to gain the upper hand, using his speed and cunning to outmaneuver Bart at every turn. Bart, for his part, refuses to give up, and he manages to mount several impressive comebacks throughout the match.
But in the end, it is Jay who emerges victorious, executing a devastating Cradle Piledriver to score the pinfall victory over Bart in 8:30. The crowd erupts into boos as Jay stands triumphantly over his fallen opponent, reveling in his hard-fought victory.
Despite the loss, Bart is clearly respected by the crowd, who give him a standing ovation as he exits the ring.
As Jay celebrates his victory, the crowd continues to boo him, clearly displeased with his arrogant attitude and underhanded tactics. Jay revels in the negative reaction, soaking in the jeers and taunting the fans with his trademark smirk.
Segment Rating: 76


The crowd roars with excitement as Dazzling Dave Diamond strides confidently into the ring. He takes hold of the mic and addresses the audience, his Texan drawl filling the arena.
"Y'all remember last week when I beat Nick Booth fair and square, right?" Dave asks, the crowd cheering in response. "Well, I ain't too happy about what happened after the match. Eddie Peak and Nick Booth jumped me and beat me down like a dog. But that's alright, 'cause I'm here tonight to set things right."
The crowd roars with approval as Dave challenges Nick Booth to a rematch. Eddie Peak, who is standing on the entrance ramp, shakes his head in disbelief as he listens to Dave's challenge.
"You must be crazy, boy," Eddie says, taking the mic from the ringside announcer. "You want to go one-on-one with my client Nick Booth again? After what happened last week? You must have been hit too hard, son."
The crowd boos loudly as Eddie speaks, clearly not impressed with the Hardcore Assassin's attitude. Dave, however, is undeterred.
"That's right, Eddie. I want Nick Booth one more time," Dave says, looking determined. "And I want him in the middle of that ring, with nobody interfering. Just me and him. So what do you say, Eddie? Does Nick Booth have the guts to face me like a man?"
Eddie Peak looks at Dave for a long moment, considering his words carefully. Finally, he nods his head and accepts Dave's challenge on behalf of Nick Booth.
"You got it, Diamond. Nick Booth will face you one more time," Eddie says, his voice dripping with confidence. "But I promise you, it won't be pretty. Nick Booth is going to kick your ass all over that ring."
The crowd boos loudly as Eddie and Nick Booth make their way to the back, clearly unimpressed with the challenge laid down by Dazzling Dave Diamond.
Segment Rating: 65


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Nick Booth

DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.02e5051d33b283abbe5aa0dda70d701d.jpg    VS.    NickBooth.jpg.219e5aed192c513a011e87ce84384ca3.jpg
The match between Dazzling Dave Diamond and Nick Booth begins with the two wrestlers sizing each other up in the ring. Dave wastes no time in getting started and quickly takes the upper hand, landing a few solid strikes on Nick. However, Nick Booth manages to turn the tide of the match and begins to dominate Dave with a series of hard-hitting moves.
Just as it looks like Nick Booth is going to take control of the match, the referee sees Eddie Peak run in and attack Dazzling Dave Diamond from behind. The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Nick Booth for outside interference in 4:19.
Eddie Peak continues to assault Dave, ignoring the referee's warnings and striking him with a steel chair. The crowd is in an uproar as Peak continues his brutal attack, only stopping when several road agents rush to the ring to pull him away.
As Dazzling Dave Diamond lies battered and bruised in the ring, Eddie Peak and Nick Booth make their way to the back, looking smug and self-satisfied. The commentators express their disgust at the actions of Peak and Booth, calling for the new TCW Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, to take action against the rogue wrestlers.
Segment Rating: 48

The camera cuts to a pre-recorded backstage interview with Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed standing in front of the TCW backdrop. Courtney has a scowl on his face as he begins to speak.
"Last week, Benny & The Foxx got lucky. We made a mistake, and they capitalized on it. But let me make one thing clear, that was a fluke.
Courtney turns to Speed, who nods in agreement.
Courtney looks directly at the camera, his eyes full of intensity.
"Flying Jimmy Foxx, you better be ready, because tonight, you're going to learn that in TCW, there's no room for childish antics and silly names. Tonight, it's all about business, and we're going to take care of business in that ring."
The camera fades to black as Courtney and Speed walk off.
Segment Rating: 47


Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney (with Marc Speed)

FlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg.89921fe40402fd780f5b900b941eb711.jpg    VS.    JeremieCourtney.jpg.ed3a1cadd209dace0fc9c570ef7a037e.jpg
The match between Flying Jimmy Foxx and Jeremie Courtney started off with both wrestlers exchanging blows, with neither gaining a clear advantage. However, as the match progressed, Courtney and Marc Speed began to use underhanded tactics, with Speed constantly interfering and distracting the referee.
Despite the odds being stacked against him, Flying Jimmy Foxx managed to hold his own and even started to gain momentum. He used his high-flying moves to keep Courtney and Speed at bay, impressing the crowd with his agility and athleticism.
However, in the closing moments of the match, Marc Speed's interference backfired on Courtney. As Flying Jimmy Foxx was about to deliver his finishing move, the "Flying Foxx," Marc Speed accidentally hit Courtney, causing him to stumble and fall into the path of the move. Flying Jimmy Foxx took advantage of the situation and executed the move perfectly, getting the pinfall victory over his opponent.
As Flying Jimmy Foxx celebrated his victory, Marc Speed looked on in disbelief, realizing that his mistake had cost Courtney the match. Courtney, on the other hand, was furious, berating Speed for his error and storming out of the ring in a fit of rage. The match was a hard-fought battle, but in the end, Flying Jimmy Foxx emerged victorious thanks to Marc Speed's costly mistake.
Segment Rating: 50


One Man Army's entrance music blares through the speakers as he makes his way down to the ring, slapping hands with fans on his way down the aisle. He climbs up the steps and steps into the ring, grabbing a microphone from ringside.
"Last week, I took down Joshua Taylor and tonight, I'm ready to take on Matt Hocking and show him what real toughness looks like."
As One Man Army finishes his promo, the music of "Too Pretty" Matt Hocking hits the speakers and he strides out from the back, a cocky smirk on his face. He struts down the aisle, admiring his reflection in the mirror he holds in his hand before finally climbing up into the ring.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on just a minute there, tough guy," Hocking says, taking the microphone from One Man Army's hand. "I don't know if you've taken a good look at yourself lately, but you're no match for someone as pretty as me. I mean, look at these abs, these cheekbones, this flawless hair!"
The crowd boos as Hocking continues to preen and prance around the ring, mocking One Man Army's appearance. One Man Army snatches the microphone back from Hocking, his face set in a scowl.
"I'm not out here to talk about my looks, I'm out here to fight," he says. "And you better believe I'm gonna give you the fight of your life, Hocking."
The referee enters the ring, signaling for the match to begin. 
Segment Rating: 72


N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs Matt hocking - Match #2

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One Man Army charges at Hocking, who sidesteps him and taunts him with a sneer. The two men lock up in the center of the ring, with One Man Army getting the better of the exchange and hitting Hocking with a big clothesline. Hocking rolls out of the ring, catching his breath and adjusting his hair as One Man Army stands in the ring, waiting for him to return.
When Hocking finally gets back in the ring, he goes on the offensive, targeting One Man Army's knees with a series of quick strikes. One Man Army fights back with a barrage of punches and kicks, but Hocking is too quick, dodging most of his blows and continuing to work over his opponent's legs.
Despite Hocking's advantage, One Man Army refuses to stay down. He rallies, catching Hocking with a flurry of punches and slamming him to the mat with a big powerslam. He goes for the cover, but Hocking kicks out at two and a half.
The two men continue to trade blows, with Hocking using his speed and agility to dodge One Man Army's power moves. One Man Army finally catches Hocking in a bearhug, squeezing him tightly and wearing him down. Hocking fights back, raking One Man Army's eyes and hitting him with a low blow when the referee isn't looking.
As One Man Army staggers back, Hocking is ready to hit his finisher the “Hok Shock” But One Man Army recovers just in time, “Guided Missile”! He makes the cover, and the referee counts to three in 10:08.
The crowd erupts as One Man Army's music hits the speakers and he celebrates his hard-fought victory over Matt Hocking. Hocking lies in the ring, holding his ribs and nursing his wounded pride as One Man Army stands tall, ready for his next challenge in the gauntlet for the Television title.
Segment Rating: 70


As the show returned from the commercial break, The Syndicate stable made their way to the ring with Wolf Hawkins leading the way. Hawkins cut a promo on the previous week's episode of "Total Wrestling", boasting about their domination over their opponents, including Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, and Harry Allen. He praised the Syndicate for being a force to be reckoned with, willing to do whatever it takes to maintain their power in the wrestling world.
However, Joshua Taylor suddenly interrupted Hawkins, pointing out that he was attacked from behind by Chris Flynn, a fellow member of the Syndicate. Taylor challenged Hawkins to a fair one-on-one match, but Hawkins brushed it off, insisting that the Syndicate operates as a team and they will do whatever it takes to maintain their dominance.
Suddenly, Ricky Dale Johnson, the TCW commissioner, made his way to the ring, trying to calm things down. He acknowledged that attacking someone from behind is not acceptable in his eyes, and he announced that next week, Joshua Taylor will face Chris Flynn one-on-one in the ring. Additionally, at the upcoming "Malice In Wonderland" event in New York, it will be Wolf Hawkins vs. Joshua Taylor in a singles match.
The announcement left Taylor pleased, as he looked forward to getting his revenge against the Syndicate. Meanwhile, Hawkins and his allies were furious, as they had no choice but to accept the challenge laid out by Johnson. The scene showed the tension and animosity between the Syndicate and their opponents, with both sides willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top.
Segment Rating: 77

A video plays with footage of both Greg Gauge and Benny Benson in action, highlighting their different styles and accomplishments in the ring. As the video continues, a voiceover explains the upcoming match between the two wrestlers, emphasizing the stakes and the history between them.
The video features dramatic music and quick cuts between shots of the wrestlers, as well as clips of their previous matches and victories. The announcer's voice is deep and intense, adding to the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming match.
The video ends with a graphic showing the date and time of the match, as well as the venue, before cutting back to footage of the two wrestlers staring each other down in the ring. The tension is palpable, and viewers are left eagerly anticipating the showdown between these two talented wrestlers.
Segment Rating: 53


TCW Television title match: 
Greg Gauge (TCW Televison Champion) vs. Benny Benson

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The crowd was buzzing with excitement as the two wrestlers made their way to the ring, with Greg Gauge receiving mostly boos from the audience due to his heel persona.
As the match got underway, both wrestlers were cautious and started with some technical grappling moves. Benny Benson showed off his impressive in-ring skills, dazzling the crowd with his acrobatic maneuvers, while Greg Gauge used his size and strength advantage to dominate Benson.
Gauge soon gained the upper hand with some powerful strikes and throws, wearing down Benson with his punishing offense. However, Benson refused to back down and mounted a spirited comeback, hitting Gauge with some high-flying moves that got the crowd on their feet.
The match continued with both wrestlers trading blows and trying to outmaneuver each other. Benson seemed to have the upper hand at times, but Gauge kept fighting back and managed to lock in his signature submission move, the Porton Lock in 9:40. Benson had no choice but to tap out, handing the victory to Greg Gauge.
The crowd erupted into a mixed reaction of cheers and boos as Gauge celebrated his win, while Benson looked dejected and disappointed at his loss. It was a hard-fought battle between two talented wrestlers, but in the end, Greg Gauge proved why he is one of TCW's top stars and successfully defended his title for the ninth time.
Segment Rating: 67

Sammy Bach vs. Maverick

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The crowd was buzzing with anticipation as Sammy Bach and Maverick made their way to the ring for their match. Bach was greeted with cheers as he walked down the ramp, while Maverick was showered with boos.
The match quickly turned into a back-and-forth affair, with both wrestlers getting in some offense. Maverick's strength and size advantage allowed him to dominate at times, but Bach's speed and resilience kept him in the match.
As the match entered its final moments, Bach hit Maverick with a series of kicks and punches, stunning him and leaving him open for his finishing move, Adrenaline Shot. Bach quickly capitalized and went for the pin, and the referee counted to three in 8:18.
The crowd erupted in cheers as Bach's music played and he celebrated his hard-fought victory. Maverick, on the other hand, looked angry and frustrated as he made his way to the back.
Segment Rating: 65


“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins

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Wolf Hawkins, accompanied by his Syndicate stablemates, had a confident swagger to him, while Danny Fonzarelli was clearly fired up and ready to go. 
The bell rang and the two wrestlers locked up in the center of the ring. Danny Fonzarelli, the larger and more powerful of the two, was able to gain the early advantage, overpowering Hawkins with a series of power moves and strikes. Hawkins, however, was quick on his feet and managed to avoid several of Fonzarelli' attacks, ducking and dodging to stay one step ahead.
As the match wore on, Wolf Hawkins began to mount a comeback, using his quickness and agility to wear down Hawkins. He scored several near-falls with a series of high-flying maneuvers, but Fonzarelli was able to kick out each time. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the two wrestlers exchanged blows, neither one willing to back down.
In the end, it was Wolf Hawkins who emerged victorious. He caught Fonzarelli off-guard. Hawkins then hit his finishing move, the Full Moon Rising, and scored the pinfall victory in 7:41.
Segment Rating: 64


Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone (with Vita) vs. Freddy Huggins (with Laura Catherine Huggins) and Troy Tornado

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The main event of the evening featured a tag team match pitting Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone against Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado. The crowd was electric as the competitors made their way to the ring.
As the match wore on, Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone showed their dominance in the ring. After receiving a back body drop outside of the ring, Huggins decided he had enough and abandoned Tornado, leaving him to fend for himself against the team of Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone.
Despite his best efforts, Tornado was eventually overwhelmed by Andrews and Stone, and Andrews sealed the victory with a Flying Body Press for the three-count. Tornado was visibly angry at Huggins as he watched him retreat to the backstage area.
Segment Rating: 79

Having just picked up the victory, Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone celebrate in the ring.
Segment Rating: 68

Suddenly, the cheers turn to gasps as Wolf Hawkins storms down the ramp with a steel chair in hand.
Andrews and Stone are caught off guard as Hawkins slides into the ring and swings the chair at them. The chair connects with Andrews' back, and he crumples to the mat in pain. Stone tries to fight back, but Hawkins rams the chair into his gut and lays him out as well.
The crowd is booing Hawkins loudly, but he doesn't seem to care. He sets the chair down in the middle of the ring and grabs Andrews, preparing to deliver a devastating move onto the steel.
Just as it seems like Hawkins is about to execute his brutal plan, Joshua Taylor charges down to the ring. Taylor slides in and tackles Hawkins, causing him to drop Andrews and stumble backward.
Taylor is fired up as he rains down punches on Hawkins, getting some measure of revenge for his earlier attack. Hawkins tries to fight back, but Taylor is too quick and too determined. He eventually manages to drive Hawkins out of the ring, and the crowd erupts in cheers once again.
Andrews and Stone slowly get back to their feet, still in pain from the attack. Taylor checks on them, making sure they're okay. The three men share a nod of mutual respect.
The arena is filled with cheers as Taylor stands tall in the ring, having saved his friend and sent a message to the rest of the locker room that he won't tolerate any more attacks. The show ends on a high note, with the fans excited to see what will happen next in the ongoing drama of TCW.
Segment Rating: 87


Overall Rating: 80
This show achieved a 2.89 TV rating (2,173,652 viewers)




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Kyle Rhodes: Ricky, I have some exciting news to share with you. TCW has just signed a new broadcast deal that will allow us to expand into the Canadian market.

Ricky Dale Johnson: That's great news, Kyle. What's the deal all about?

Kyle Rhodes: Maple Leaf Sports has agreed to show both our TV show, Total Wrestling, and our monthly pay-per-views. This means that we'll have access to a whole new market of fans.

Ricky Dale Johnson: That's fantastic. We've been looking to expand our reach, and this is a great opportunity for us.

Kyle Rhodes: Absolutely. We'll need to start planning for this right away. We want to make sure that we're putting on the best possible show for our new fans.

Ricky Dale Johnson: I'm already thinking of some new ideas that we can incorporate into our shows to appeal to our Canadian audience. This is going to be great for TCW's growth and future.

Kyle Rhodes: I couldn't agree more. Let's get to work and make sure that we're delivering top-notch content to our new fans in Canada.

Card for Total Wrestling

This week's program will feature some exciting matchups in the ring. The gauntlet match to determine the number one contender for the TCW Television title will continue, with One Man Army facing Roderick Remus in the third match of four. The Elite will take on Devine Fortune in a tag team match, while Benny & The Foxx will also be in action.

Joshua Taylor will look for revenge on Chris Flynn, who attacked him two weeks ago. Two 3 vs. 3 wild matches are on the card, with Edd Stone, Sammy Bach, and Danny Fonzarelli facing off against Jay Chord, Freddy Huggins, and Troy Tornado in the first match. In the second match, Nick Booth and the TCW World Tag Team champions The Behemoths will take on Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mighty Meaty.

At the main event, in a non-title match, the TCW World Heavyweight champion Aaron Andrews will go head to head with Doc Hammond of The Syndicate. 


Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Doc Hammond

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet (Match 3 of 4):
One Man Army vs. Roderick Remus

Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

Joshua Taylor vs. Chris Flynn

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mighty Meaty vs. Nick Booth and The Behemoths (TCW World Tag Team Champions) 

Edd Stone, Sammy Bach and Danny Fonzarelli vs. Jay Chord, Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado


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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling



January 21, 2020
Gorski Ballroom
Attendance: 5,000. SOLD OUT!

The announcers, Shawn Doaks, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders, welcomed everyone to the show. As the show opened, the lights in the arena dimmed and the sound of dramatic music filled the air. Suddenly, the entrance ramp erupted in a shower of sparks as The Syndicate Stable made their way to the ring, led by their leader, Wolf Hawkins.
Once in the ring, Hawkins took the microphone and began to address the crowd. "Last week, we proved once again that The Syndicate is the most dominant force in the wrestling world," he boomed, his voice echoing through the arena. "We took out anyone who dared to challenge us, and we did it with style and finesse."
As Wolf Hawkins continued his opening promo, he turned his attention to the upcoming matches on tonight's show. "Tonight, you will witness the continued dominance of The Syndicate," he boasted. "The Elite, Eddie Chandler and Nate Johnson, will make quick work of Devine Fortune. And as for Chris Flynn, he will once again put Joshua Taylor in his place, leaving him broken and beaten in the middle of the ring."
Hawkins then turned his attention to Chris Flynn and addressed him directly. "Chris, make sure you leave something of Joshua Taylor for me to beat in 'Malice in Wonderland'," he said with a smirk. The other members of The Syndicate nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of taking down their opponents.
Finally, Hawkins addressed the match between Doc Hammond and the temporary TCW World Heavyweight title holder, Aaron Andrews. "Tonight, we will show again that The Syndicate is the only true power in this company."
As Joshua Taylor interrupted Wolf Hawkins' promo, the crowd erupted in cheers, excited to see a challenge to The Syndicate's dominance. Taylor confidently stepped forward, a look of determination on his face as he addressed Hawkins directly.
"First tonight, I'm going to kick the shit out of Chris Flynn," he said, his voice ringing out clearly over the booing of The Syndicate's members. "And then, at Malice in Wonderland, I'm going to take you down, Wolf Hawkins. You can count on that."
Hawkins glared at Taylor, clearly angered by his bold words. The other members of The Syndicate shifted uneasily, sensing the tension in the air. But Taylor didn't back down, standing his ground and staring down his opponent with steely resolve.
Aaron Andrews' music hit the speakers, interrupting the proceedings. The crowd's attention was drawn to the entrance ramp as Andrews stepped out onto the stage, the TCW World Heavyweight Championship belt slung over his shoulder.
"What's all this talk about The Syndicate being the only true power in this company?" Andrews asked, his voice calm and measured. "I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm not backing down from any challenge."
"You may be the champion, but we're The Syndicate," Hawkins growled, his voice low and menacing. "We don't play by anyone's rules but our own. Enjoy your title reign, because at Total Mayhem I'm taking that championship belt."
Andrews didn't back down, his eyes never leaving Hawkins' as he responded. "You're welcome to try."
The sound of TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson's music hit the speakers, interrupting the tense standoff. The crowd's attention was drawn to the entrance ramp as Johnson stepped out onto the stage, a stern expression on his face.
Johnson made his way down the ramp and entered the ring, his eyes scanning the wrestlers and the surrounding area. He took the microphone and addressed the crowd.
"Listen up, folks," he said, his voice authoritative and commanding. "I understand there's a lot of tension in the air right now, but we need to keep things under control. This is a professional wrestling show, and we will settle everything in the ring, within the rules. I don't want to see any interference or underhanded tactics from any of you," he warned. "If you want to settle your differences, you'll do it in a fair and square match."
The show then cut to a commercial break…
Segment Rating: 74

Joshua Taylor vs. Chris Flynn

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The match between Joshua Taylor and Chris Flynn was a hard-fought battle from start to finish. Both wrestlers were clearly fired up and eager to prove themselves in the ring.
Taylor started the match with a flurry of offense, using his speed and agility to keep Flynn off balance. Flynn, however, quickly regained his composure and began to wear down Taylor with his superior strength and power.
As the match progressed, the two wrestlers traded blows back and forth, with neither gaining a clear advantage. However, Taylor managed to gain the upper hand with a series of high-flying moves that left Flynn reeling.
With Flynn on the defensive, Taylor locked in his signature submission hold, the Butterfly Lock. Flynn struggled to break free, but ultimately had no choice but to tap out, giving Taylor the victory in 8:24.
Segment Rating: 68

In the backstage area of TCW, Flying Jimmy Foxx approaches his tag team partner Benny Benson, who appears downcast and disheartened after his recent loss to Greg Gauge. Foxx puts a hand on Benson's shoulder, offering words of encouragement and comfort.
"Hey man, I know it didn't go the way we wanted it to last week for you, but you know what? I got the win over Jeremie Courtney! We're still on a roll lately, and we've got the talent and chemistry to keep it going," Foxx says.
Benson nods slowly, looking at Foxx with gratitude in his eyes. Foxx continues, "We've got to stay optimistic and focused, keep working hard, and keep our eyes on the prize. I'm talking about the tag team titles, and we're not giving up on the dream of winning them again."
Benson looks up at Foxx, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You're right, man," he says. "I can't let a loss derail me. We've got this."
Foxx grins and pats Benson on the back. "That's the spirit, my man. Let's go out there tonight and show everyone what we're made of."
Segment Rating: 60

Benny & The Foxx vs. Death Row

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In an unexpected appearance on Total Wrestling, Death Row, made up of Knuckles and Shady K , took on Benny & The Foxx in a tag team match. The crowd was surprised to see the former SWF tag team champions in action again.
The match was short but intense, with Death Row using their brawling skills to gain the upper hand early on. However, Benny & The Foxx quickly turned the tide with their high-flying maneuvers and quick tags.
In the end, Benny Benson hit Knuckles with a Shockwave From Next Year, a move that seemed to come out of nowhere, and secured the victory for his team. The match lasted only 3:03.
Segment Rating: 49

Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

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The match started with Devine and Johnson in the ring, with Johnson using his technical skills to gain the early advantage. Devine responded with a series of power moves, using his size advantage to take control of the match.
As the match progressed, Fortune and Chandler were tagged in, with Fortune showcasing his brawling skills against Chandler's more flamboyant style. The two teams traded blows back and forth, with each member of the match getting a chance to showcase their skills.
In the end, it was The Elite who emerged victorious, with Chandler submitting Fortune with his signature Fabulous Stretch submission hold. The match lasted 10:07 and was a solid showcase of the talents of all four wrestlers involved.
Despite the loss, Devine and Fortune showed that they still had what it takes to compete at a high level, while The Elite proved why they were a major part of TCW's lead heel stable, The Syndicate. The crowd was entertained throughout the match and left impressed by the skills of all involved.
Segment Rating: 62

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs.  Roderick Remus - Match #3

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The match started with both men sizing each other up, with Remus taking the early advantage thanks to his heel tactics. However, One Man Army quickly turned things around with his intense brawling style, using his natural athleticism to land some devastating blows on Remus.
The two wrestlers continued to exchange blows back and forth, with each one trying to gain the upper hand. Remus showed off his technical skills, while One Man Army relied on his brute force to overpower his opponent.
In the end, it was One Man Army who emerged victorious, pinning Remus with his signature Guided Missile finisher. The match lasted 7:31 and was a solid showcase of both wrestlers' skills.
The crowd was entertained throughout the match, cheering on One Man Army as he fought his way to victory. With this win, he moved on to the next match in the gauntlet, leaving Remus to contemplate his defeat.
Segment Rating: 62

As One Man Army celebrates his victory in the third match of the gauntlet series, the TCW Television champion suddenly interrupts the celebration. The champion enters the ring with a microphone, and the crowd quiets down to hear what he has to say.
The champion addresses One Man Army directly, telling him that in order to earn a title shot against him, he will have to defeat him in the fourth and final match of the gauntlet series. One Man Army looks surprised but determined as he hears the champion's challenge.
The champion continues to taunt One Man Army, telling him that he has no chance of winning and that he will remain the champion. One Man Army looks angry and ready for a fight, as the two wrestlers stare each other down in the center of the ring.
As the champion leaves the ring, One Man Army stands alone in the center of the ring, still processing what has just happened. The crowd cheers him on.
Segment Rating: 69

Commercial break…

Jason Azaria is in the ring, microphone in hand. He is here to conduct an interview with Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado, the two wrestlers who had just suffered a defeat at the hands of Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone.
Huggins stands in the center of the ring, flanked by his overprotective sister Laura Catherine Huggins, while Tornado stands off to the side, his eyes fixed on Huggins with a look of disappointment and anger.
Azaria wastes no time in getting to the heart of the matter, asking Huggins why he abandoned his partner in the middle of the match. Huggins looks visibly uncomfortable as he begins to explain his actions.
Freddy Huggins stated that while he didn't mean to leave Tornado high and dry in their match against Aaron Andrews and Edd Stone, he had to think about his own future and his upcoming match at Malice In Wonderland. Huggins emphasized that he was the number one contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, and he couldn't risk getting injured in a tag team match that ultimately had no bearing on his championship opportunity.
 Huggins acknowledged that Tornado was a talented wrestler, but he couldn't afford any distractions or setbacks on his path to the top. His sister Laura Catherine Huggins, who was standing by his side, nodded in agreement, showing her support for her brother's decision.
 Troy Tornado, on the other hand, looked frustrated and disappointed, clearly feeling like he had been left in the lurch by his partner.
Jason Azaria pressed Huggins on whether he thought his actions were fair to Tornado…Jay Chords music interrupts him…
Jason Azaria looks visibly annoyed at Jay Chord for interrupting the interview, but Chord brushes him off and addresses Huggins and Tornado. Chord tells them that they need to put aside their personal drama and focus on the match they have tonight against Sammy Bach, Edd Stone, and Danny Fonzarelli. Chord mentions that Bach has a personal vendetta against him, and he can’t afford to himself participating in this match when his partners can’t back him up. They need to stay focused in order to win the match.
Laura Huggins interrupts, visibly angry about her brother being put in another match so close to his world title shot at the upcoming Malice In Wonderland PPV. She argues that it's too risky for him to compete and potentially get injured. However, Chord brushes off her concerns and insists that they need to win this match tonight, regardless of the risks involved.
As the interview continued, the music of Sammy Bach suddenly hit and he made his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. 
Sammy Bach enters the ring to a wild ovation from the crowd, who are eagerly anticipating his next move. He raises the microphone to his lips and begins to speak, his voice booming throughout the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to rock and roll?" The fans respond with an even louder cheer, thrilled to be in the presence of the Elation Sensation himself.
He then turns his attention to Jay Chord, who he clearly has some unresolved issues with. Bach tells Chord that he may have two partners with him tonight to protect him, but come Malice In Wonderland, no one will be able to save him from the rock and roll power of Sammy Bach. The fans erupt in approval, sensing that a major showdown is in the works.
As the argument between Sammy Bach, Jay Chord, Freddy Huggins, and Troy Tornado continues in the ring, Edd Stone, accompanied by his manager Vita, interrupts them with a microphone in hand. He teases them for having a party without inviting him and tells them that he's always ready for a good party as the 24-hour party animal. Freddy Huggins responds with a rhetorical question, asking how many times he needs to beat Edd Stone before TCW stops putting them in matches together. Troy Tornado jumps in and questions whether Huggins can be trusted to not run backstage and avoid risking injury.
Suddenly, the entrance music of "Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli fills the arena, and he struts down to the ring with a microphone in hand. He tells them that what they need is L-O-V-E, which is exactly what exists between him, Edd Stone, and Sammy Bach. He promises that they will win their match against Jay Chord, Freddy Huggins, and Troy Tornado later tonight.
Segment Rating: 79

A graphic is written on the screen: earlier today…

In the backstage area, Jeremie Courtney is engaged in a heated argument with Marc Speed, holding him responsible for his defeat against Flying Jimmy Foxx. Human Arsenal walks by and notices the commotion, interjecting and expressing disbelief that Speed would allow Courtney to speak to him in such a disrespectful manner. Courtney responds angrily and challenges Arsenal, questioning how he dares to talk to him like that. Speed looks confused and unsure how to react to the situation. Arsenal clarifies that he's not looking to fight him, but just giving friendly advice. He then turns to Speed and ominously adds, "On the other hand, If you want to fight me you know where to find me."
After the video recap ends, the announcers inform us that Ricky Dale Johnson has scheduled a match between Human Arsenal and Marc Speed later in the show.
Segment Rating: 48

Human Arsenal vs. Marc Speed (with Jeremie Courtney)

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The match between Marc Speed and Human Arsenal was full of tension and aggression from the beginning. Both wrestlers looked determined to come out on top and there was a lot of back and forth action between them. Marc Speed was able to showcase his impressive strength and speed, landing several powerful strikes on Human Arsenal and sending him reeling.
However, Human Arsenal was able to keep his composure and fought back with some clever counters and submissions. 
Just when it seemed like the match could go either way, Jeremie Courtney appeared at ringside and interfered, distracting Human Arsenal and allowing Marc Speed to lock in the Cross Armbreaker submission for the win. The crowd booed loudly at the interference, but Marc Speed celebrated his victory nonetheless.
Segment Rating: 60

Eddie Peak stands in front of the camera, flanked by The Behemoths and Nick Booth. He introduces his stablemates as the most dominant force in TCW and warns their opponents tonight, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Tana The Mighty, and Mighty Mo, that they're in for a world of pain.
Titan steps forward, towering over the others, and growls into the microphone about how they are the biggest and baddest team in the company. Killer Shark follows suit, snarling and flexing his massive muscles for the camera. Nick Booth chimes in, talking about how he's the youngest and hungriest member of the group, and how he's looking forward to meet Dazzling Dave Diamond one more time in the ring.
Segment Rating: 55

In the backstage area, Mighty Mo, Tana The Mighty, and Dazzling Dave Diamond are standing together, getting ready to cut a promo about their upcoming match against The Behemoths and Nick Booth. Mighty Mo, with his impressive physique and explosive power, speaks first, emphasizing that they have been working hard to get to this point and are ready to take on anyone who stands in their way. Tana The Mighty, towering over the group with his friendly giant demeanor, chimes in, reminding everyone that they have been through tough battles before and are not intimidated by the size and strength of The Behemoths. Dazzling Dave Diamond, a rough and tough brawler from Texas, adds his own fiery energy to the mix, promising that they will bring the fight to their opponents and emerge victorious. “Mighty Meaty"  conclude the promo with their catchphrase, "So get ready for a meat-tastic showdown!"
Segment Rating: 69

Dazzling Dave Diamond & Mighty Meaty vs. Sinner Society

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The match between Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mighty Meaty against Sinner Society started with an intense stare down between the two teams. The crowd was eagerly anticipating the action to come, with both sides showing plenty of confidence. 
As the match progressed, the Behemoths started to use their size and power to dominate their opponents, with Titan and Killer Shark taking turns to pound on Mighty Meaty. But Dazzling Dave Diamond refused to back down. At one point, Diamond even managed to hit a diving cross body from the top rope, taking out both Titan and Killer Shark.
In the end, it was Mighty Mo who scored the decisive pinfall, hitting a plunging spinebuster on Titan for the three count in 6:28. The crowd erupted in applause as Diamond and Mighty Meaty celebrated their hard-fought victory over the formidable Sinner Society.
Segment Rating: 64

Sammy Bach, Edd Stone (with Vita) and Danny Fonzarelli vs. Jay Chord, Freddy Huggins (with Laura Catherine Huggins) and Troy Tornado

SammyBach.jpg.a3378cd076b0505567ad5e00303c6855.jpgEddStone.jpg.c732ddb698e313268d9e0fb033255d5a.jpgDannyFonzarelli.jpg.a827bfb05a6a40c6f45d3118cfba83be.jpg    VS.    JayChord.jpg.9c8645d2d94d8b82ea319d987dd3a865.jpgFreddyHuggins.jpg.19e30c07d1c1cbff97c3fe248f7b0421.jpgTroyTornado_alt1.jpg.da0c0ad123b0da567a21a328e73e2b6a.jpg

The match began with both teams sizing each other up, the tension in the air palpable as a result of their earlier confrontation. The fans were on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the action that was about to unfold.
Edd Stone started off for his team, going up against Jay Chord. The two traded blows, each trying to gain the upper hand. Stone managed to knock Chord down with a thunderous clothesline, but Chord quickly regained his composure and retaliated with a series of quick and precise strikes. Both men tagged in their partners, and the match continued at a breakneck pace.
Freddy Huggins and Sammy Bach faced off in the ring, their personal animosity evident in the ferocity of their attacks. Huggins utilized his technical prowess, wearing Bach down with submission holds and targeted strikes. Bach, however, fought back, bringing the crowd to their feet with a high-flying aerial assault.
As the match progressed, tensions between Huggins and Troy Tornado became increasingly apparent. They hesitated during tag attempts and seemed to lack the teamwork necessary to put away their opponents. This discord allowed Edd Stone, Danny Fonzarelli, and Sammy Bach to take control of the match,  overwhelming their opponents.
However, just as it seemed that victory was within their grasp, Jay Chord managed to turn the tide. He caught Fonzarelli off-guard with a sudden burst of offense, culminating in a devastating Cradle Piledriver that left Fonzarelli reeling. Chord seized the opportunity, going for the pin and securing the win for his team in 11:07.
Despite their victory, the animosity between Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado persisted, casting a shadow over their triumph. The stage was set for a dramatic showdown at Malice In Wonderland, where personal rivalries and championship aspirations would come to a head in an unforgettable night of wrestling action.
Segment Rating: 72

Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Doc Hammond

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The match began with a tense stare-down between Aaron Andrews and Doc Hammond, the animosity between them evident in their expressions. As the bell rang, both wrestlers charged towards each other, immediately engaging in a fierce exchange of strikes.
Andrews managed to gain the upper hand using a series of quick and high-flying moves to keep Hammond off-balance. The crowd roared in approval as Andrews executed a picture-perfect dropkick, sending Hammond sprawling to the mat.
But Hammond, determined not to be outdone, fought back with a relentless barrage of powerful strikes and suplexes. His aggressive offense allowed him to gain control of the match, much to the dismay of the fans.
Andrews, however, refused to give up, drawing on his resilience and determination to turn the tide of the battle. He managed to reverse one of Hammond's suplex attempts, stunning the big man with a swift kick to the head.
With Hammond dazed, Andrews climbed to the top rope, the crowd's anticipation growing with every second. He then launched himself into the air, executing a flawless Flying Body Press that connected squarely with Hammond's chest. The impact sent both wrestlers crashing to the mat, but Andrews managed to hook Hammond's leg for the pinfall.
The referee counted to three, and the bell rang to signal the end of the match in 14:51. The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating the triumph of their beloved champion.
Segment Rating: 80

Commercial break…

After the commercial break, the announcers, who were originally prepared to tell us what matches we will see next week, inform us that something is going on backstage.
The scene quickly shifts backstage, where chaos and commotion are rampant. The camera struggles to keep up with the action as Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins ruthlessly attack Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor.
As the backstage staff and officials rush to the scene, desperately trying to break up the attack and restore order, Hawkins and Huggins continue to wreak havoc.
Segment Rating: 68

The Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, has seen enough of the chaos and decides to take matters into his own hands. He announces that next week, a high-stakes match will take place: Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor will face off against Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins in a tag team showdown.
Segment Rating: 69

Overall Rating: 77
This Show achieved a 2.87 TV rating (2,155,277 viewers) on ACE, and 0.32 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (241,686 viewers).


Edited by vpower
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  • 2 weeks later...





Kyle Rhodes: Good morning, Ricky. Have you seen the TV ratings for the debut episode of "Total Wrestling" on Maple Leaf Sports?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Yes, I have. We achieved a  0.32 TV rating on Maple Leaf Sports, 241,686 viewers.

Kyle Rhodes: That's great news. But I noticed that we had a 0.02 drop in the TV ratings on ACE. Are you concerned about this?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Keep in mind that ACE has a larger audience than Maple Leaf Sports, and it's normal to see fluctuations in the ratings. Plus, the fact that we achieved a 0.32 TV rating on Maple Leaf Sports is a beginning. It shows that we are expanding our audience with hope of reaching new viewers.

Kyle Rhodes: You're right, Ricky. I guess I'm just a bit worried that we won't be able to maintain the same level of success on ACE.

Ricky Dale Johnson: We have a strong team of wrestlers, and we're constantly developing new storylines and characters to keep the audience engaged. I'm confident that we can continue to deliver great shows that will keep our viewers tuning in.

Kyle Rhodes: Ricky, I wanted to talk to you about the Malice In Wonderland PPV. We only have one week left to promote the show and so far we've only announced 4 matches. What's going on?

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well Kyle, we've been working hard to secure some big matches for the PPV, but unfortunately some of the negotiations have taken longer than expected. We're still finalizing some deals and hope to have more matches announced soon.

Kyle Rhodes: I understand that, but we need to make sure we're promoting the show properly. With only one week left, we need to give our audience a reason to tune in. We need to make sure we're doing everything we can to get the word out. Let's put together a promotional plan and make sure we're targeting all of our key demographics.

Card for Total Wrestling

As we approach the highly anticipated Malice In Wonderland PPV, join us tonight for a mega main event that will surely leave you at the edge of your seat. The reigning TCW World Heavyweight champion, Aaron Andrews, will team up with Joshua Taylor in a tag team match against Freddy Huggins and his teammate, Wolf Hawkins. Who will come out on top?

In addition to this mega main event, Devine Fortune will go head-to-head with The Elite in a rematch. After their previous match, fans are eagerly awaiting to see what these two teams have in store for each other.

Another match that has fans buzzing is between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, who will both be in action tonight. However, with their upcoming match at the PPV, can they resist the temptation to attack each other, especially after the warning from TCW Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson?

Adding to the excitement is a 3 vs. 3 tag team match between Benny & The Foxx, along with Dr. Love Danny Fonzarelli, against Matt Hocking, Maverick, and Troy Tornado. It will be interesting to see which team will come out victorious in this highly anticipated match.

Lastly, tonight marks the fourth and final match of the Gauntlet to determine the number one contender for the TCW Television title. If One Man Army beats the current TCW Television champion, Greg Gauge, in a non-title match, he will become the number one contender and face the champion next week on Total Wrestling. Will One Man Army be able to rise to the challenge and secure his chance for the title? Tune in to find out.


Aaron Andrews & Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins & Freddy Huggins

Jay Chord vs. Edd Stone

Sammy Bach vs. Roderick Remus

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet (Match 4 of 4) - non-title match:
One Man Army vs. Greg Gauge (TCW Television Champion)

Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

Benny & The Foxx and "Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli vs. "Too Preety" Matt Hocking, Maverick and Troy Tornado

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January 28, 2020
The Ranch Of San Antonio
Attendance: 8,861

As Sammy Bach's entrance music dies down, the arena is filled with the cheers and chants of the crowd, who are eager to see what the charismatic rockstar has in store for them. Sammy struts around the ring, basking in the adoration of his fans, before finally raising the microphone to his lips.
"Welcome, everyone, to Total Wrestling," Bach began. "I'm so happy to be here tonight, and I hope you're all ready for an amazing show."
The crowd roars in response, their excitement palpable.
"But before we get started, I wanna take a moment to talk to someone. Someone who's been running his mouth a little too much lately. Someone who thinks he's hot stuff just because of his last name. Jay Chord," Sammy continues, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Son of Rip Chord, former Total Wrestling Heavyweight Champion. Well, news flash, Jay: you're not your father. You can't just ride his coattails and expect to be taken seriously."
The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, thrilled to see Sammy taking Jay down a peg.
Jay Chord's music hits, and he appears on the stage, mic in hand, staring down his opponent in the ring. "You think you're something special, Sammy?" he sneers. "You come out here in your leather pants, your silly hair, and your eyeliner, and you think you're a rockstar? You're nothing but a poser, a wannabe. You're not fit to share a ring with me."
Sammy rolls his eyes, unimpressed by Jay's posturing. "Oh, please. You're not fooling anyone, Jay. You're just a guy with a famous dad, trying to live up to his legacy. But here's the thing: you're never gonna be as good as he was. You're just a pale imitation."
Jay bristles at the insult, his face contorting in anger. "You don't know anything about me or my career," he growls. "You don't know what I've accomplished, or the obstacles I've overcome. You're just a jealous little punk, trying to make a name for yourself by attacking someone else."
Sammy laughs, tossing his hair back in a dismissive gesture. "Jealous? Hardly. I'm just stating the facts, Jay. You can't handle the truth."
The two wrestlers circle each other in the ring, their eyes locked in a heated stare-down. The crowd watches with bated breath, eager to see which of these two titans will come out on top at Malice in Wonderland.
Segment Rating: 99

N1C TCW Television Gauntlet:
One Man Army vs. Greg Gauge (TCW Television Champion) - Match #4 / Non-Title Match

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The fourth and final match of the gauntlet was set to determine the number one contender for the Television title. The crowd was hyped up for this matchup as they eagerly awaited the entrance of the two wrestlers. One Man Army made his entrance to a rousing ovation from the crowd. Greg Gauge, the Television champion, made his way to the ring with a cocky swagger.

As the bell rang, both wrestlers circled each other, looking for an opening. One Man Army made the first move, charging at Gauge with a clothesline, but Gauge quickly ducked under and hit a stiff kick to the midsection. Gauge followed up with a series of strikes, but One Man Army managed to counter with a quick takedown.

The match continued with both wrestlers exchanging blows and trying to gain the upper hand. One Man Army displayed his impressive strength by executing a powerful slam on Gauge, but Gauge quickly regained control with a hard-hitting DDT. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the two wrestlers continued to battle it out in the ring.

As the match progressed, One Man Army managed to gain the upper hand with a series of high-impact moves. He hit Gauge with a spinebuster and followed up with a Guided Missile finisher, pinning Gauge for the three count and securing his victory in 10:45.
Segment Rating: 64

The crowd erupted with cheers as One Man Army's hand was raised in victory. He had earned his shot at the Television title, and the fans couldn't wait to see him face off against Greg Gauge in the ring once again. As the two wrestlers made their way out of the ring, the crowd chanted One Man Army's name, celebrating his impressive win and looking forward to his future matches in the ring.

Segment Rating: 69

The camera cuts to a backstage area where the two participants of the main event tag team match, coming later on tonight, are standing together in front of the Total Championship Wrestling logo. Jason Azaria, the veteran announcer, is holding a microphone while Aaron Andrews, the World Heavyweight Champion, and Joshua Taylor, his former opponent, stand on either side of him.

Jason Azaria: "Welcome, I'm Jason Azaria, and with me are the two men who will be teaming up later tonight to take on the team of Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins. Aaron, Joshua, how are you both feeling going into this match?"

Aaron Andrews: "Well, Jason, I'm feeling great. I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm ready to defend my title against Freddy Huggins at Malice In Wonderland. But tonight, my focus is on teaming up with Joshua to take down The Syndicate if they try to interfere in this match ."

Joshua Taylor: "That's right, Aaron. I may have lost to you in Psycho Circus, but tonight, we're a team, and we're going to show Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins what we're made of."

Jason Azaria: "Joshua, can you tell us a little bit about your history with Wolf Hawkins? We saw him attack you a couple of weeks ago after your match with Aaron."

Joshua Taylor: "Yeah, Jason. Wolf Hawkins scouted our match in Psycho Circus, and I didn't like that. I confronted him, and things got heated. But tonight, I'm going to get my revenge by taking him down in the tag team match."

Jason Azaria: "And Aaron, how do you feel about defending your title against Freddy Huggins at Malice In Wonderland?"

Aaron Andrews: "Freddy Huggins is a tough competitor, and I'm not going to underestimate him. But I'm the World Heavyweight Champion for a reason, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep this title."

The camera fades to black as the two men exchange handshakes and fist bumps, ready to face their opponents in the ring.
Segment Rating: 72

The camera cuts backstage where we see Human Arsenal standing by the dressing room, looking pumped up and focused. As he stretches his arms, he notices the newly appointed TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson walking towards him.

Human Arsenal: "Hey, Ricky! Long time no see. How have you been?"

Ricky Dale Johnson: "I've been good, my friend. It's great to be back in the business after two years. And it's good to see you too."

Human Arsenal: "Yeah, it's been a while. But I'm glad you're here, Ricky. I need to talk to you about something."

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Sure thing, what's on your mind?"

Human Arsenal: "Last week, I had a match against Marc Speed, and Jeremie Courtney interfered, costing me the win. I can't believe how he treats Marc Speed. It's disgusting."

Ricky Dale Johnson: "I hear you. Jeremie Courtney's attitude sucks. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and thinks he can do whatever he wants. But what do you want me to do about it?"

Human Arsenal: "I want a match against Jeremie Courtney. I want to show him that he can't mess with me or anyone else..."

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Well, you know what? You got it. Later on the show, you'll face Jeremie Courtney."

Human Arsenal: "Thank you, Ricky."

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Yeah. Now go get ready for your match."

As Ricky Dale Johnson walks away, Human Arsenal smiles and pumps his fist in excitement. The camera then fades to commercial break as the crowd cheers in anticipation for the upcoming match.

Segment Rating: 53

Human Arsenal vs. Jeremie Courtney

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The crowd erupts in cheers as Human Arsenal makes his way to the ring. He receives a warm welcome from the crowd, who are eager to see him in action. Jeremie Courtney's music hits, and the crowd's cheers turn into boos as he walks down the ramp, arrogantly flaunting his wealth and trust fund kid status.
As the match begins, it becomes clear that something is off between the two wrestlers. Their moves are clumsy, their timing is off, and the match lacks the fluidity and excitement that the crowd was expecting. However, despite the lackluster performance, the crowd remains invested in the match, cheering on Human Arsenal and jeering at Jeremie Courtney.
As the match progresses, Jeremie Courtney's frustration begins to show. He can't seem to get the upper hand on Human Arsenal, who is powered by his unstoppable machine-like energy. Jeremie resorts to dirty tactics, trying to trip and distract Human Arsenal, but it only seems to anger him more.
Suddenly, Jeremie decides he's had enough. He rolls out of the ring and starts to make his way towards the backstage area, but not before giving the referee a dirty look. The referee begins to count Jeremie out, but Jeremie intentionally stays out of the ring, letting the count reach ten after 5:01 minutes of action.
As Jeremie disappears behind the curtains Human Arsenal looks unsatisfied, despite his victory.

Segment Rating: 26

The crowd boos, as Courtney and Marc Speed make their way down to the ring, both looking angry and vengeful.
As they enter the ring, Human Arsenal stands his ground, ready to defend himself. The tension in the arena is palpable, as the three wrestlers stare each other down. Suddenly, all three start to brawl, exchanging punches and kicks.
Despite his best efforts, Human Arsenal is quickly outnumbered, as Courtney and Speed begin to double-team him. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, as the two heels relentlessly beat down on the babyface.
Just as it seems like things are going to get out of control, Harry Allen's music hits, and he charges down to the ring. The crowd erupts in cheers, as Allen jumps into the fray, evening the odds.
The four wrestlers continue to brawl, with the crowd cheering on their favorites. However, with Allen's help, Human Arsenal is able to get the upper hand, and the heels are forced to retreat. The camera cuts to a commercial break…
Segment Rating: 42

Harry Allen vs. Marc Speed

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As the commercial break ends, the announcers inform the crowd that the TCW commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, has made the match official between Harry Allen and Marc Speed.
The bell rings, and the two wrestlers circle each other warily. Suddenly, Marc Speed charges at Harry Allen, catching him off guard. The crowd gasps as Marc Speed easily hoists Harry Allen up into the air, slamming him down to the mat with a thunderous thud.
From there, Marc Speed dominates the match, using his size and strength to overpower Harry Allen at every turn. The crowd cheers as Harry Allen valiantly tries to fight back, but it's clear that he's outmatched.
In an astonishingly short match, Marc Speed gains the upper hand, locking in a Cross Armbreaker and forcing Harry Allen to submit. The crowd is stunned, as the referee raises Marc Speed's hand in victory after 4:53 minutes.
As Marc Speed exits the ring, the crowd boos him loudly, clearly disappointed in the way the match turned out. Harry Allen slowly gets to his feet, looking disappointed in his performance.
The camera cuts away, as the announcers discuss the outcome of the match.
Segment Rating: 45

Shawn Doakes: "Ladies and gentlemen, we just received word that something is going on backstage."

Jasmine Saunders: "That's right, folks. We don't know exactly what's happening, but we've got our cameras back there, and we're going to show you live footage as soon as we get it."

As the announcers are speaking, the cameras cut to the backstage area, where Eddie Peak and Nick Booth are attacking Dazzling Dave Diamond. The two attackers are punching and kicking Dave, who is clearly struggling to fight back.

Suddenly, T-Bone Bright rushes in, and he quickly jumps on Eddie Peak, trying to pull him off Dave. Nick Booth turns around and starts attacking T-Bone, but T-Bone is able to fend him off.

With T-Bone's help, Dave is able to get back up on his feet, but the security team runs in to separate the four wrestlers. Dave looks furious, and he starts screaming at Eddie Peak and Nick Booth.

Dazzling Dave Diamond: "I am sick and tired of both of you! You can't just sneak up on me like that! You want to fight? Fine! T-Bone, will you join me at Malice In Wonderland? Let's show these two what is all about!"

T-Bone nods his head, clearly excited about the prospect of a tag team match.

Eddie Peak: "You don't know what you're getting yourselves into!"

Dazzling Dave Diamond: "Oh, really? You like to play dirty, do you? How about we make it a street fight at Malice In Wonderland? The two of you against the two of us!"

Eddie Peak: “ We'll destroy you!”

Nick Booth: "Permanently!"

Shawn Doakes: "Wow, what a turn of events! It looks like we have a tag team match set for Malice In Wonderland, and it's going to be a street fight!"

Kyle Rhodes: "That's right! Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright vs. Eddie Peak and Nick Booth! This is going to be one for the history books, folks!"

Segment Rating: 56

The camera cuts backstage to the dressing room area where the tag team of Benny & The Foxx are seen getting ready for their upcoming match. Their partner for tonight, “Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli, is sitting on a nearby bench, lacing up his boots.

Flying Jimmy Foxx: "Hey Danny, are you ready for tonight?"

Danny Fonzarelli: "I'm always ready, man."

Benny Benson: "It's time to show Matt Hocking, Maverick, and Troy Tornado what we're made of."

Flying Jimmy Foxx: "We're going to bring everything we've got."

Danny Fonzarelli: "And I'll be right there with you guys, ready to kick some butt and take some names. Let me assure you that their will be no LOVE tonight"

Benny Benson: "That's the spirit, Danny. With you on our side, we're unstoppable. Let's go out there and show them what we're made of!"

The three wrestlers exchange high fives and continue to get ready for their match. As they exit the dressing room and make their way to the entrance ramp, the crowd erupts in cheers, showing their support for the babyface team.

The camera fades to black as the trio make their way to the ring…
Segment Rating: 65

The camera cuts backstage to the dressing room area where the team of Matt Hocking, Maverick, and Troy Tornado are seen getting ready for their match. Matt Hocking is standing in front of a mirror, admiring himself and flexing his muscles.

Maverick is standing in the corner, mumbling to himself incoherently, while Troy Tornado looks on, visibly annoyed by their lack of focus.

Troy Tornado: "What the hell are you guys doing? We have a match to win tonight, and all you can think about is yourselves?"

Matt Hocking: "What are you talking about, Troy?"

Troy Tornado: "Yeah, well, we need to focus on winning, not on how pretty you look. And as for you, Maverick, what the hell are you doing? We need you to be on your game tonight."

Maverick looks up from his mumbling, looking confused and disoriented.

Maverick: "Uh, what? I'm just getting in the zone, man."

Troy Tornado: "Getting in the zone? You sound like you're having a seizure or something. We need you to focus, damn it! We can't afford any mistakes tonight."

Matt Hocking: "Relax, Troy. We've got this. We're going to show Flying Jimmy Foxx, Benny Benson, and Danny Fonzarelli why we're the top dogs around here."

Troy Tornado: "We can't afford to take them lightly. Benny & The Foxx are a damn good team, and we need to be on our game if we want to win tonight."

Maverick nods in agreement, finally snapping out of his daze.

Maverick: "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, guys. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to win tonight."

Troy Tornado: "Good. That's what I like to hear."

The trio exit the dressing room, ready to take on their opponents. The camera fades to black as they make their way to the entrance ramp, determined to come out victorious.
Segment Rating: 63

“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli and Benny & The Foxx vs. Matt Hocking, Maverick and Troy Tornado

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The match begins with "Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli and Matt Hocking starting off in the ring. They circle each other before locking up in the center of the ring. Hocking gains the upper hand, forcing Fonzarelli into the corner.
Hocking takes advantage of the referee's count, choking Fonzarelli with his boot. Fonzarelli fights back, hitting Hocking with a series of chops to the chest.
As the match continues, both teams tag in and out, showcasing their impressive wrestling skills. Flying Jimmy Foxx takes control of the match, hitting Maverick with a flying crossbody and a series of high-flying maneuvers.
Benny Benson also gets his chance to shine, hitting Troy Tornado with a spinebuster and a running elbow drop. But despite their efforts, Hocking, Maverick, and Tornado refuse to stay down.
In the final moments of the match, Troy Tornado hits Benny Benson with his finisher, the Star Maker, and pins him for the win after 6:34 minutes of wrestling. 
The referee raises their hands in victory as the defeated team, Danny Fonzarelli and Benny & The Foxx, exit the ring, looking dejected. The camera fades to black as the triumphant team celebrates their victory.

Segment Rating: 59

The camera cuts to a backstage area where the other two participants of the main event tag team match, coming later on tonight, are standing together in front of the Total Championship Wrestling logo. Jason Azaria, the veteran announcer, approaches them with a microphone in hand.

Jason Azaria: "Welcome, I'm Jason Azaria, and with me are two of the most controversial figures in Total Championship Wrestling, Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins. Tonight, you two will be teaming up to take on the team of Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. How are you both feeling going into this match?"

Freddy Huggins: "We're feeling confident, Jason. Aaron Andrews may be the World Heavyweight Champion, but he won't be able to handle both of us at the same time."

Wolf Hawkins: "And Joshua Taylor, well, he's going to regret ever crossing paths with me."

Jason Azaria: "Wolf, we saw you attack Joshua Taylor a couple of weeks ago. Can you tell us why?"

Wolf Hawkins: "Nobody threatens me! We're The Syndicate, and we do what we want, when we want. Joshua should have minded his own business, and now he's going to pay the price."

Jason Azaria: "And finally, what can we expect from this tag team match tonight?"

Wolf Hawkins: "We're going to dominate, Jason. We're the most dominant force in TCW, and Aaron and Joshua don't stand a chance."

Freddy Huggins: "And after tonight, Aaron Andrews is going to regret ever stepping into the ring with me at Malice In Wonderland."

Jason Azaria: "Strong words from both of you, but Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor are no slouches either. Aaron has been a dominant champion, and Joshua has proven time and time again that he's not afraid to stand up to anyone. How do you plan to counter their skills and experience?"

Wolf Hawkins scoffs at the question, shaking his head.

Wolf Hawkins: "Skills and experience? Those two may think they have what it takes, but they're in for a rude awakening. We're not intimidated by them or their so-called experience. We're ready to do whatever it takes to win."

Freddy Huggins nods in agreement, adding, "Look at us, Jason, Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins in the same ring teaming up…they have no chance…

The camera fades to black as Wolf Hawkins, Freddy Huggins, and Laura Catherine Huggins exchange grins, ready to take on their opponents in the ring.

Segment Rating: 72


A video features a recap of last week's match between Devine Fortune and The Elite, highlighting the key moments and exciting highlights of the match is played. 

Segment Rating: 46

Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

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The match started with Nate Johnson and Darryl Devine in the ring, and Johnson quickly gained the upper hand with his technical skills. Devine managed to turn the tide with a series of high-flying moves, and he tagged in Chance Fortune.
Fortune and Eddie Chandler then took the ring, with Chandler carrying the match in terms of in-ring performance. Despite this, Devine Fortune kept fighting and never gave up. The Elite used dirty tactics and underhanded moves to try to gain the upper hand, but Devine Fortune remained resilient and determined.
In the end, it was Devine Fortune who emerged victorious, defeating The Elite in 7:54 when Chance Fortune pinned Eddie Chandler with his finisher move, the Stroke of Luck. The crowd erupted in cheers as Devine Fortune celebrated their hard-earned victory.
The match was a solid showcase of the skills of all four wrestlers involved, with Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune demonstrating their high-flying and quick-paced style, while Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler showcased their technical and hard-hitting moves.

Segment Rating: 59

After the match between Devine Fortune and The Elite, the lights dimmed and the music faded away as TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson made his way to the ring. He held a microphone in his hand, and the crowd was on their feet, eager to hear what he had to say.
"Wow, that was amazing!" he exclaimed, looking around at the cheering crowd. "The two top teams of TCW gave their best in the ring tonight. But last week, The Elite won, and tonight Devine Fortune, you won."
He paused for a moment, his eyes scanning the ring as he pondered what to say next. "Let me think about it... well... I think that things are not settled. I mean, don't you think?" he asked, turning to the crowd in attendance. "We still don't know which team is the best. Don't you think?" he asked again, his voice booming throughout the arena.
The crowd roared in agreement, and Ricky Dale Johnson smiled. "So, at Malice In Wonderland, you will face each other one more time! Only this time, the winning team will be the number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles," he declared.
He paused for a moment, and the crowd erupted in cheers. "Oh, and the match will be a two out of three falls match! So we will definitely know, without a doubt, which team is the best!" he added, grinning from ear to ear.
The crowd went wild, and Devine Fortune and The Elite exchanged looks, nodding their heads in agreement. Ricky Dale Johnson stepped out of the ring, his work done, and the music started up again as the wrestlers began to make their way backstage.
Segment Rating: 57

[The screen fades in on a dimly lit room with chains hanging from the ceiling. The camera pans to a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut, wearing a black sunglasses and combat pants. He turns to face the camera.]

Subtitle: John "The Silencer" Snyder, Former US Army Special Forces Member

[Cut to footage of Snyder in combat training, followed by clips of him in action in the army.]

Subtitle: Specializing in Hostage Rescue Missions

[Cut back to Snyder, standing in the middle of the ring with his arms crossed.]

John Snyder: I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And trust me, I know how to do it.

[The camera shows a close-up of Snyder's tattooed arm, revealing the words "The Silencer" in bold letters.]

Subtitle: Rogue Special Forces Agent

[Cut to a montage of Snyder training, including sparring, weightlifting, and practicing his signature moves.]

Subtitle: The Silencer has been training hard for this moment.

[Cut back to Snyder, who cracks his knuckles and stares down the camera.]

John Snyder: I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a soldier, a warrior. You better be ready, because The Silencer is coming for you.

Subtitle: The Silencer is coming soon to TCW…

[The screen fades to black.]
Segment Rating: 25

A video plays hyping Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord for Malice In Wonderland. The video starts with a montage of clips showing the intense backstage brawls that have taken place between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord in the lead-up to their match at Malice In Wonderland. The camera shows security guards trying to break them apart as they throw punches and slam each other into nearby objects.
As the music reaches a crescendo, the video cuts to a split-screen shot of Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, both in the ring, glaring at each other with fierce determination. The voiceover declares this as the "clash of the titans," promising that this match will be one of the highlights of "Malice In Wonderland" and a fight that will go down in wrestling history.
The video ends with the date and time of the event displayed on the screen, along with a tagline that reads "Two rivals, one ring, only one will emerge victorious."
Segment Rating: 68

Sammy Bach vs. Roderick Remus
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The bell rang, and the match between Sammy Bach and Roderick Remus was underway. Sammy, with his towering physique, seemed to have a clear size advantage over Remus, who was shorter and stockier. The crowd was firmly behind Sammy, who entered the ring to a chorus of cheers, waving his hands and playing air guitar.
Remus, on the other hand, wore a sneer on his face, taunting Sammy with his arrogant demeanor. The referee signaled for the match to begin, and the two wrestlers circled each other in the center of the ring.
As the match started, Roderick Remus tried to take control, but Sammy Bach quickly countered with a clothesline that sent Remus crashing to the mat. The crowd roared in approval as Sammy played to the audience, strutting and posing like a true rock star.
Remus scrambled to his feet and charged at Sammy, but the babyface wrestler was quick to dodge out of the way. Sammy followed up with a series of punches that rattled Remus, who retreated to the ropes to catch his breath.
As the match continued, Remus began to resort to dirty tactics, raking Sammy's eyes and using the ropes to choke him. But Sammy refused to stay down, powering through the pain and mounting a comeback.
Finally, Sammy trapped Remus in his signature submission hold, the "Bach on Your Back." Remus writhed in agony, trying desperately to escape, but it was no use. He tapped out, and the crowd erupted in cheers as Sammy Bach was declared the winner in 5:36.
Segment Rating: 67

The camera cuts to  the backstage area where Edd Stone, the 24 Hour Party Animal, is pacing back and forth, his fists clenched in anticipation of his upcoming match with Jay Chord. Vita is standing by his side. 
Stone stops pacing and looks straight into the camera, his face intense. "You can't stop me, Jay Chord. You can't even slow me down. Because I'm the 24 Hour Party Animal, and when I'm in the ring, it's party time.”
Stone paces again, his energy building. "So, Jay Chord, you better be ready, because I'm coming for you. I'm going to take you down, and then I'm going to party like there's no tomorrow. Because that's what I do - I live for the party, I am the party."
Segment Rating: 70

Edd Stone vs. Jay Chord

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The arena is packed with screaming fans as Edd Stone, the 24 Hour Party Animal, makes his way down to the ring accompanied by his loyal sidekick, Vita. The crowd erupts in cheers as the dynamic duo basks in the spotlight, soaking up the adoration of their adoring fans. But the party is about to come to an abrupt end as Jay Chord makes his entrance.
The bell rings, and the two men circle each other warily. Chord takes the offensive, lunging forward with a powerful punch that Stone manages to dodge at the last moment. The two men grapple in the center of the ring, exchanging blows and jockeying for position.
Chord gains the upper hand, using his size and strength to his advantage. But Stone is nothing if not resilient, and he refuses to give up without a fight. Vita cheers him on from ringside, urging him to keep going.
As the match enters its middle stage, Edd Stone and Jay Chord are both starting to show signs of wear and tear. Stone, the smaller of the two, is using his speed and quickness to stay one step ahead of Chord's powerful strikes, darting in and out of range and landing quick jabs and kicks.
But Chord is relentless, pursuing Stone around the ring with a determined look in his eye. He catches Stone with a thunderous clothesline that sends the babyface crashing to the mat, causing the crowd to gasp in shock. Vita screams encouragement from ringside, urging Stone to get back to his feet.
Stone does manage to get back up, but Chord is all over him, pummeling him with a series of devastating blows that leave him reeling. Stone is on the defensive now, desperately trying to fend off Chord's attacks and avoid getting pinned.
But Stone is nothing if not resilient, and he fights back with all his might. He lands a series of rapid-fire kicks and punches that catch Chord off guard, causing the heel to stumble backwards. The crowd roars in approval, sensing that the momentum of the match is starting to shift.
Chord regains his composure quickly, though, and he charges back at Stone with renewed vigor. The two men lock up in the center of the ring, each trying to gain the upper hand. Stone manages to slip out of Chord's grasp, though, and he lands a devastating DDT that sends Chord crashing to the mat.
The crowd erupts in cheers as Stone takes advantage of the opportunity, landing a series of high-flying moves that leave Chord dazed and confused. But just when it seems like Stone might pull off an upset victory, Chord rallies, catching Stone off guard with a brutal knee to the gut.
Stone crumples to the mat, gasping for air, and Chord seizes the opportunity to deliver his finishing move, the Cradle Piledriver. The crowd holds its breath as Chord lifts Stone high into the air and slams him down onto the mat with a sickening thud.
The ref counts to three, and the match is over in 12:59. Chord is declared the winner by pinfall, but both men have given it their all. The crowd cheers them both, recognizing the incredible effort that both men put forth in what was truly a memorable match.
Segment Rating: 79

Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight champion) and Joshua Taylor vs. Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins

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The match between Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor versus Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins was a highly anticipated one, with a fantastic heat from the crowd from the moment the wrestlers made their way to the ring.
In terms of in-ring work, Aaron Andrews was clearly the standout performer, showing why he was the TCW World Heavyweight champion. He dominated the match with his superior skills, taking on both Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins with ease.
Joshua Taylor also showed his mettle, proving he was not afraid to stand up to the intimidating force of The Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins. He delivered some impressive moves, including a diving crossbody that took both members of The Syndicate down.
The momentum shifted back and forth throughout the match, with both teams delivering some incredible moments. At one point, Hawkins nearly secured the win for his team with a crushing powerbomb of his own, but Andrews managed to kick out just in time.
However, despite their best efforts, Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor were ultimately defeated by Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins in 13:29. Laura Catherine Huggins, the sister of Freddy Huggins, played a crucial role in the outcome of the match, hitting Joshua Taylor with a brutal chair shot when Wolf Hawkins distracted the referee. This allowed Freddy Huggins to deliver his finishing move, the "Huggins Kiss," and secure the pinfall victory.
While Aaron Andrews was the top performer in the ring, Freddy Huggins struggled to keep up with the others, often being outmatched by the superior skills of his opponents. 
Segment Rating: 73

With the momentum on their side just days before "Malice in Wonderland," Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins took advantage of their victory and attacked Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor in the ring, leaving them battered and broken.
Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins, with Laura by their side, reveled in their victory and celebrated in the middle of the ring, soaking up the boos and jeers from the crowd. 
The show ended with Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins standing tall, as the announcers pumped up the upcoming PPV, "Malice in Wonderland," where Wolf Hawkins would face off against Joshua Taylor and Freddy Huggins would challenge Aaron Andrews for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.
Segment Rating: 64

Overall Rating: 80
This Show achieved a 2.92 TV rating (2,192,542 viewers) on ACE, and 0.33 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (251,376 viewers).


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Kyle Rhodes: "Ricky, I've been keeping an eye on the ratings for 'Total Wrestling,' and I have to say, the last episode, which was also the go home episode before the PPV, saw a rise from 2.87 to 2.92 on ACE. That's great news for us, and it's making me optimistic for the buy rates of 'Malice in Wonderland.'"

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Yes. I'm glad to hear that. We've been working hard to build up the anticipation for this event, and I think the fans are really responding to it."

Kyle Rhodes: "That's what I like to hear. Now, let's talk about the card for 'Malice in Wonderland.' What have you got lined up?"

Ricky pulled out a folder and began to go over the matches he had booked. He explained his thought process behind each match and how he believed they would play out.

Kyle listened intently, occasionally nodding or asking a question. When Ricky finished, Kyle leaned back in his chair and smiled.

Kyle Rhodes: "I have to say, Ricky, I'm impressed. This is shaping up to be a great event. But before I forget, I also wanted to mention that the TV ratings from Canada are also rising a bit from 0.32 to 0.33 on Maple Leaf Sports. It may not seem like a lot, but every little bit helps, right?"

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Absolutely. We're always happy to see our ratings increase, no matter how small the bump may be. A specially in Canada. It seemed that our expansion plan goes well. "

Kyle Rhodes: "Keep up the good work, Ricky. I have a feeling that 'Malice in Wonderland' is going to be a huge success."

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Thank you. I'm confident that we're going to put on a great show."


Card for Malice In Wonderland

Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Freddy Huggins

Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins

Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord

Mighty Meaty vs. The Behemoths (TCW World Tag Team Champions)

2 out of 3 falls match for the number one contendership for the TCW Tag Team titles:  Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

Street Fight: Dazzling Dave Diamond &  T-Bone Bright vs. "The Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak & "Nasty" Nick Booth

Human Arsenal & A mystery partner vs. Jeremie Courtney & Marc Speed

"Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli vs. Doc Hammond 

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Card for Malice In Wonderland

Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Freddy Huggins

Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins

Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord

Mighty Meaty vs. The Behemoths (TCW World Tag Team Champions)

2 out of 3 falls match for the number one contendership for the TCW Tag Team titles:  Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

Street Fight: Dazzling Dave Diamond &  T-Bone Bright vs. "The Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak & "Nasty" Nick Booth

Human Arsenal & A mystery partner vs. Jeremie Courtney & Marc Speed

"Dr. Love" Danny Fonzarelli vs. Doc Hammond 

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Sunday, Week 4, January 2020
Pittsburgh, PA
Attendance: 42,573

Narrator (voiceover): "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to TCW's Pay-Per-View event, 'Malice in Wonderland!' Get ready for an unforgettable night of heart-pumping action, drama, and excitement!"

(Cut to Aaron Andrews in the locker room, lacing up his boots)

Aaron Andrews (confidently): "I'm the World Heavyweight Champion, and I'm not backing down from any challenge. Freddy Huggins thinks he can take me down? Well, he's got another thing coming."

(Cut to Freddy Huggins in a separate locker room, shadowboxing)

Freddy Huggins (determined): "I am going to defeat Aaron Andrews and become the new TCW World Heavyweight Champion! And once I have that title, nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to take it away from me."

(Cut to clips of the wrestlers in action, set to dramatic music)

(Cut to Joshua Taylor in the hallway, stretching)

Joshua Taylor (focused): "At Malice in Wonderland, I'm going to take you down, Wolf Hawkins. You can't hide behind The Syndicate forever."

(Cut to Wolf Hawkins in his own locker room, surrounded by his fellow Syndicate members)

Wolf Hawkins (menacingly): "Nobody threatens me! We're The Syndicate, and we do what we want, when we want. Joshua should have minded his own business, and now he's going to pay the price."

(Cut to clips of the wrestlers in action, set to dramatic music)

(Cut to Jay Chord in the locker room)

Jay Chord (arrogantly): "You think you're something special, Sammy?" he sneers. "You come out here in your leather pants, your silly hair, and your eyeliner, and you think you're a rockstar? You're nothing but a poser, a wannabe. You're not fit to share a ring with me."

(Cut to Sammy Bach in a separate locker room)

Sammy Bach (smirking): "Jay, You're just a guy with a famous dad, trying to live up to his legacy. But here's the thing: you're never gonna be as good as he was. You're just a pale imitation."

(Cut to clips of the wrestlers in action, set to dramatic music)

Narrator (voiceover): "It's going to be an unforgettable night of thrilling matches, unexpected twists, and fierce rivalries. So tune in and don't miss a moment of the action at 'Malice in Wonderland.'

Segment Rating: 74


(The opening video ends and the lights in the arena come up. The crowd is on its feet, cheering wildly. The TCW Commissioner, Ricky Dale Johnson, walks down the ramp to the ring.)

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's great to be here in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania with all of you amazing fans!"

(The crowd cheers even louder.)

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Now, I know you're all excited to see the action tonight, and let me tell you, we've got some of the best wrestlers in the world here in TCW. I couldn't be prouder to be the Commissioner of this great organization, and I promise you that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that TCW continues to be the best damn wrestling company in the world!"

(The crowd erupts in cheers and applause.)

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Now, I know that some of you may be wondering why I'm up here instead of in the back, making sure everything's running smoothly. Well, let me tell you, it's because I wanted to be out here to personally welcome you all to Malice In Wonderland, my first Pay-Per-View as Commissioner of TCW!"

(The crowd cheers again.)

Ricky Dale Johnson: "It's been a wild month since I took on this role, but I couldn't be happier. I've been a part of TCW for a long time, as a wrestler and as a fan, and now as your Commissioner, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the tradition of TCW continues, and that the wrestlers you see in this ring tonight continue to put on the best damn matches you've ever seen!"

(The crowd cheers even louder, and Ricky Dale Johnson takes a moment to soak it all in.)

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Now, let's get this show started! Are you ready for some wrestling? Let's hear it!"

(The crowd erupts in cheers as Ricky Dale Johnson leaves the ring and the lights in the arena dim once again, signaling the start of the first match.)

Segment Rating: 74


[The screen fades in to the sound of a roaring crowd, and clips from the past four weeks flash across the screen in quick succession, creating an intense montage of highlights from the recent events.]

Clip 1: Joshua Taylor, the fan-favorite wrestler, standing in the ring, facing off against his arch-rival, Wolf Hawkins. The tension is palpable as the two engage in a war of words, trading verbal jabs and taunts.

Clip 2: A heated confrontation between Taylor and Hawkins backstage, with security personnel trying to keep them apart. Sparks fly as they exchange fierce glares and exchange harsh words, building up anticipation for their impending showdown.

Clip 3: Chris Flynn, a ruthless and cunning wrestler, blindsiding Taylor with a vicious attack, leaving him battered and bruised. Flynn taunts Taylor, reveling in his cheap shot and vowing to take him down once and for all.

Clip 4: Taylor seeking revenge, as he battles Flynn in a thrilling match. The two athletes give it their all, showcasing their athleticism and determination in a hard-hitting bout. Taylor ultimately emerges victorious, much to the delight of the cheering crowd.

Clip 5: A tag team match featuring Taylor teaming up with Andrews against Hawkins and Huggins. The match is intense. Andrews and Taylor iwork seamlessly together to take on the formidable duo of Hawkins and Huggins.

[As the clips come to a close, the screen fades to black, and the words "Malice In Wonderland" flash on the screen in bold letters, accompanied by an epic music score, building anticipation for the upcoming event.]

Segment Rating: 70


Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins

JoshuaTaylor.jpg.8a03846ca733475fc930bd9fbdd0e3ce.jpg    VS.    WolfHawkins.jpg.f52cafb9a1bfdc7fe4ff1496e65a0f3a.jpg
The anticipation in the arena is palpable as Joshua Taylor and Wolf Hawkins make their way to the ring for their highly anticipated match at "Malice In Wonderland." The crowd is electric with excitement, knowing that these two wrestlers have a longstanding rivalry that has been fueled by their confrontations in the past four weeks.
The match begins with both Taylor and Hawkins circling each other, eyeing each other warily. The tension is thick as they lock up in the center of the ring, each trying to gain the upper hand. The grappling is intense, with both wrestlers showcasing their technical prowess and athleticism, but there seems to be a lack of chemistry between them, resulting in moments of hesitation and awkward exchanges.
Despite the awkwardness, the match still delivers fantastic heat, with the crowd rallying behind their respective favorites. The wrestlers trade stiff shots, with Hawkins resorting to dirty tactics to gain an advantage, while Taylor relies on his speed and agility to evade Hawkins' attacks. The back-and-forth action keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, with near falls and close calls adding to the suspense.
As the match progresses, Taylor and Hawkins both dig deep, pushing themselves to the limit. The crowd roars with anticipation, sensing that the match could go either way. Both wrestlers unleash their signature moves, delivering punishing strikes and high-impact maneuvers, but they still struggle to find their rhythm in the ring, resulting in occasional awkward moments.
With the clock ticking, the match reaches its climax. Taylor manages to catch Hawkins off-guard with a quick roll-up, utilizing his quick thinking and agility to secure the pinfall. The referee's hand slaps the mat for the three-count, and the crowd erupts in cheers as Taylor emerges victorious, defeating Hawkins in 21 minutes and 28 seconds.
As Taylor celebrates his hard-fought victory, the camera captures the disappointment and frustration on Hawkins' face, hinting that their rivalry is far from over. The commentators speculate on what might come next for these two wrestlers.

Segment Rating: 55


A video package starts with highlights from last week's episode of "Total Wrestling," where announcers Shawn Doakes, Jasmine Saunders, and Kyle Rhodes are seen discussing the events taking place backstage. The tension in the air is palpable as they mention that something is going on and cameras are capturing live footage from backstage.
The scene cuts to the backstage area, where Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright are being attacked by Eddie Peak and Nick Booth. The four wrestlers are seen engaged in a heated altercation, with punches and kicks being exchanged. Dazzling Dave Diamond struggles to fight back against the two attackers, but T-Bone Bright rushes in to help.
The security team arrives to separate the wrestlers, but not before Dazzling Dave Diamond issues a challenge to Eddie Peak and Nick Booth. He proposes a tag team match at "Malice In Wonderland," and T-Bone eagerly agrees to join him. Dazzling Dave Diamond then ups the ante by suggesting that the match be a street fight, clearly showing his determination to seek revenge against his adversaries.
Eddie Peak and Nick Booth respond with bravado, warning Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone that they are in for a world of trouble. The announcers express their excitement for the upcoming match, highlighting the intensity and significance of the street fight tag team match at "Malice In Wonderland."

Segment Rating: 47


Street Fight: Dazzling Dave Diamond & T-Bone Bright vs. Eddie Peack & Nick Booth

DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.5bd9ba7d9d3f2b2e7d46be1b9f45a3af.jpgT-BoneBright.jpg.d5ff456628425f302716e39ce4c3a63f.jpg    VS.    EddiePeak.jpg.515a5d59793a30c1d2a8c688a8c89cf4.jpgNickBooth.jpg.053dc66306a067648d73bccbf9f82939.jpg
As the match kicks off, the tension is high, with all four wrestlers unleashing a flurry of attacks on each other. Diamond and T-Bone show off their teamwork, using their momentum to gain an early advantage. They work together seamlessly, using their signature moves and high-impact maneuvers to keep Peak and Booth on their toes.
However, Booth proves to be the weak link on his team, struggling to keep up with the pace and intensity of the match. He is easily overpowered by Diamond and Bright, who capitalize on his mistakes to gain the upper hand. Diamond and Bright use the street fight stipulation to their advantage, utilizing various weapons and the environment to inflict damage on their opponents.
Despite the odds stacked against them, Peak and Booth resort to dirty tactics, to turn the tide of the match. They target T-Bone Bright, isolating him from Diamond and unleashing a brutal assault on him. Diamond tries to come to his partner's aid, but is thwarted by Peak and Booth's underhanded tactics.
As the match progresses, Booth manages to recover and deliver a surprising "Lake Michigan Plunge" on T-Bone Bright, catching him off-guard and securing the pinfall victory for his team. The referee counts to three, and Peak and Booth celebrate their win in 7:02.
The announcers acknowledge the valiant effort of Diamond and Bright, but also highlight Booth's unexpected win and the impact of the street fight stipulation on the outcome of the match.
Overall, while the match was decent with moments of excitement and intensity, it is evident that Booth's struggles in the ring affected the overall performance of the match.

Segment Rating: 57


As the camera cuts to the backstage area, we see Wolf Hawkins, a formidable and intense wrestler, with a look of frustration on his face. He is still wearing his ring gear, and his sweat-soaked hair is matted against his forehead. Hawkins clenches his fists and paces back and forth, clearly seething with anger.
As he walks alone in the dimly lit backstage area, he suddenly notices the camera man approaching him. Without hesitation, Hawkins unleashes his frustration, yelling at the camera man.

Wolf Hawkins: "Get out of my face!" he roars, his voice echoing through the corridors. "I said no interviews!"

Hawkins shoves the camera man forcefully, causing the camera to shake and briefly lose focus. The camera man stumbles back, trying to regain his balance, but Hawkins continues to advance towards him, his eyes blazing with anger.

Wolf Hawkins: "I don't want to talk to anyone right now! Leave me alone!"

The camera man wisely retreats, sensing Hawkins' volatile state. 
The tension in the air is palpable, as Hawkins' actions and demeanor indicate that he is deeply disappointed and upset after his loss to Joshua Taylor. The camera captures his raw emotions, painting a vivid picture of his intense and fiery personality.
The scene ends with the camera lingering on the spot where Hawkins disappeared, leaving viewers to wonder what he might do next and how this defeat will impact his future in TCW.

Segment Rating: 70

[The video begins with highlights from two weeks ago, showing The Elite, a dominant tag team in TCW, defeating Devine Fortune, another formidable tag team, in a hard-fought match. The action-packed clips showcase the athleticism and skill of both teams as they battle it out in the ring, executing high-flying maneuvers, power moves, and intense exchanges.]

[The scene then shifts to last week, with Devine Fortune seeking redemption as they face off against The Elite once again. This time, Devine Fortune comes out on top, with thrilling highlights of their victory, showcasing their teamwork and resilience as they overcome the challenge posed by The Elite.]

[The video then cuts to the aftermath of the match, with the lights dimming and the music fading away as TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson makes his way to the ring, holding a microphone in hand. The crowd erupts into cheers, eagerly anticipating what he has to say.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Wow, that was amazing!" he exclaims, looking around at the cheering crowd. "The two top teams of TCW gave their best in the ring tonight. But last week, The Elite won, and tonight Devine Fortune, you won."

[The camera captures the intensity in Ricky Dale Johnson's eyes as he pauses, his mind working, and the crowd eagerly awaits his next words.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Let me think about it... well... I think that things are not settled. I mean, don't you think?" he asks, turning to the crowd for their input. "We still don't know which team is the best. Don't you think?" he asks again, his voice booming throughout the arena.

[The crowd roars in agreement, and Ricky Dale Johnson smiles, knowing he has their attention.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: "So, at Malice In Wonderland, you will face each other one more time! Only this time, the winning team will be the number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles," he declares.

[The camera captures the faces of Devine Fortune and The Elite as they exchange looks, nodding their heads in agreement.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: "Oh, and the match will be a two out of three falls match! So we will definitely know, without a doubt, which team is the best!" he adds, grinning from ear to ear.

Segment Rating: 46


⅔ Falls #1 Contenders match for the TCW World Tag Team titles:
Devine Fortune vs. The Elite

ChanceFortune.jpg.540a1da58793feb522efb39fd6fd2e37.jpgDarrylDevine.jpg.1c90316a9410d110eeb4065ef50a75c2.jpg    VS.    EddieChandler.jpg.99e4094dd9f1de85a7ddd8242b1539d3.jpgNateJohnson.jpg.48bebe949eee2d52eb1ea446d2680aba.jpg 
 From the start, The Elite, with Eddie Chandler leading the charge, asserts their dominance with ruthless aggression and dirty tactics, trying to gain an early advantage. Eddie Chandler, known for his technical prowess and ring awareness, takes control of the match, targeting Chance Fortune's limbs and wearing him down with a variety of submission holds.
Despite the onslaught from The Elite, Devine Fortune shows their resilience, refusing to back down. Darryl Devine, the high-flyer of the team, uses his agility and speed to mount a comeback, delivering breathtaking aerial maneuvers that leave the crowd in awe. Chance Fortune, unleashes his determination, fighting through the pain to keep his team in the match.
The match goes back and forth, with near falls and close calls on both sides. Devine Fortune rallies and manages to secure the first fall with a well-executed double team move, pinning Nate Johnson, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
But The Elite is not one to be underestimated. They regroup and come back with a vengeance in the second fall, using their underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand. Eddie Chandler takes control once again, showcasing his technical prowess and ring awareness to wear down Chance Fortune. The Elite works as a cohesive unit, isolating Chance Fortune and neutralizing his power.
In the final moments of the match, with the score tied at one fall each, The Elite's cunning plan comes to fruition. Eddie Chandler traps Chance Fortune in his signature submission hold, the Fabulous Stretch, wrenching it with all his might. Despite Chance Fortune's valiant effort, he is unable to escape, and he ultimately submits, giving The Elite the victory and the final fall.
The match ends with The Elite celebrating their hard-fought win, reveling in their devious tactics and gloating over their victory in 13:39. 
As the dust settles, The Elite emerges as the number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles, earning a shot at the reigning champions. 

Segment Rating: 62


As the cameras cut to the backstage area, Human Arsenal is seen briskly walking down the hallway, his eyes scanning the surroundings. He spots a door to a locker room, takes a quick peek inside, and breaks into a smile. The camera angle doesn't reveal who he is talking to, but it's clear that Human Arsenal is excited about his arrival.
Human Arsenal turns to the camera man and addresses the mystery man, "I'm glad you're here. I hope you're ready." He then gestures towards the locker room, indicating that he's about to enter.
With a determined look on his face, Human Arsenal pushes open the door and disappears into the locker room, leaving the cameras outside. The identity of the mystery person he's talking to remains unknown, leaving fans and the announcers speculating about who it could be.
The announce team ponders over the potential partner for Human Arsenal in tonight's match against Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed. They discuss the possibilities, speculating on who could be inside that locker room with Human Arsenal, and how this mystery partner could potentially turn the tide against their opponents.

Segment Rating: 53


“Dr. Love” Danny Fonzarelli vs. Doc Hammond

DannyFonzarelli.jpg.0fc025bffd44aa0a33a0fd70affd03ed.jpg    VS.    DocHammond.jpg.c5191f54b2e0d1c4ce9373bb06f75750.jpg
The match between the charismatic babyface, Danny Fonzarelli, and the cunning heel, Doc Hammond, is set to be a clash of contrasting styles and personalities. Danny Fonzarelli, known for his larger-than-life persona and impressive size advantage over Doc Hammond, is determined to use his strength to overcome the technical prowess of his opponent.
As the match kicks off, Doc Hammond wastes no time in resorting to his technical skills, trying to ground the powerful Fonzarelli. Hammond, a master technician in the ring, targets Fonzarelli's limbs, trying to weaken him and gain an advantage. Fonzarelli, on the other hand, relies on his power and brute force, using his strength to toss Hammond around the ring with powerful slams and strikes.
The match gains momentum as the two wrestlers exchange moves and counter each other's attacks. Fonzarelli's power moves leave the crowd in awe, while Hammond's technical wizardry impresses even his detractors. The bout generates great heat as the fans are divided in their support for the two wrestlers, with Fonzarelli's fanbase cheering him on and Hammond's devious tactics earning him boos from the crowd.
Despite Fonzarelli's strength advantage, Hammond proves to be a wily opponent. He uses his technical skills to outmaneuver Fonzarelli, dodging his powerful strikes and countering with well-executed submissions. The "Texas Cloverleaf," one of Hammond's signature moves, proves to be his trump card as he traps Fonzarelli in the submission hold, applying immense pressure on his back and legs.
Fonzarelli fights valiantly, using every ounce of his strength to break free from the submission hold, but Hammond's technical prowess proves to be too much. Fonzarelli eventually succumbs to the pain and submits, handing the victory to Hammond in 10:19..

Segment Rating: 62


As the time for the match against Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed approaches, Human Arsenal makes his way to the ring, his usual intense demeanor on display. He grabs a microphone and addresses the cheering crowd.
"It's time for me to reveal my mystery partner for tonight," Human Arsenal says, building up the anticipation. The crowd roars with excitement, eager to find out who will be joining forces with the wrestling machine.
And then, to everyone's surprise, out comes "The Hardcore American" Chris Caulfield, a familiar face in the wrestling world but a newcomer to TCW. Chris Caulfield makes his way to the ring, wearing a confident smirk as he stands face-to-face with Human Arsenal.
Chris Caulfield takes the microphone from Human Arsenal, and his voice booms through the arena. "I've never wrestled in TCW before, but I'm not a stranger to Pittsburgh," he says, acknowledging his roots in the hometown of the wrestling event.
With a fiery determination in his eyes, Chris Caulfield dares Human Arsenal, "I never miss a chance to fight, especially in my home town. It's an honor for me to be your partner!" The crowd erupts with cheers, excited to see the pairing of these two formidable wrestlers.
Chris Caulfield then turns his attention to Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed, the opponents for the night. "I understand there's some punk backstage who thinks money can give him a pass to be a douchebag," he says, drawing a loud reaction from the crowd. "Tonight, we're gonna teach him how we treat douchebags in Pittsburgh!"
The crowd pops for Chris Caulfield's bold comments, and Human Arsenal nods in agreement, signaling that they are ready for the challenge ahead. The anticipation for the match reaches a fever pitch as the crowd eagerly awaits the showdown between the formidable team of Human Arsenal and Chris Caulfield against Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed.

Segment Rating: 59


As Jeremie Courtney's music hits he appears on crutches, with Marc Speed by his side and a microphone in his hand. Jeremie Courtney asks for the music to be cut and tells the crowd to shut up, which only incites more boos from the audience.
Jeremie Courtney explains that he has a note from the doctor stating that he is unable to fulfill his obligations for the night due to a twisted ankle. The crowd jeers at his explanation, clearly skeptical of his claims. Jeremie Courtney brushes off the crowd's reaction and continues, saying that he spoke with Commissioner Johnson and was granted permission to find a replacement for himself.
With a smirk on his face, Jeremie Courtney introduces "Too Pretty" Matt Hocking as his substitute for the night, who emerges with a confident swagger, flexing his muscles in front of the camera. Jeremie Courtney and Marc Speed nod approvingly as Matt Hocking taps them on the shoulders, joining them in their march to the ring.
The trio, consisting of Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, and their new partner "Too Pretty" Matt Hocking, make their way to the ring, with the crowd booing and expressing their disdain for the arrogant and cocky trio. Despite the negative reception, Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, and Matt Hocking remain unfazed, exuding confidence as they prepare to face off against the formidable team of Human Arsenal and Chris Caulfield. 

Segment Rating: 54


Human Arsenal & “American Hardcore” Chris Caulfield vs. Marc Speed and “Too Pretty” Matt Hocking

HumanArsenal.jpg.0f7d035e994f19bc5d81ec4c76d3092b.jpgChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg.d7a682cb89c085034191fce0a879583e.jpg    VS.    MarcSpeed2.jpg.5369e31047d722cd7ce2322b859c17e3.jpgMattHocking.jpg.c7ef7cf9668091712de1ae98e715eb9b.jpg
At the end, the match took a sudden turn when Jeremie Courtney, who had claimed to be injured, revealed that his injury was a lie. He appeared on the ring apron, hitting Chris Caulfield in the arm with his crutch while the referee was distracted by Human Arsenal trying to stop Courtney from interfering. Marc Speed quickly capitalized on Chris Caulfield's injured arm, locking in his finishing maneuver, the Cross Armbreaker. Chris Caulfield was forced to submit in 9:43, giving the victory to Marc Speed and Matt Hocking.
Meanwhile, Matt Hocking attacked Human Arsenal to prevent him from saving his partner, adding insult to injury. As the match ended, the three heels, Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, and Matt Hocking, hugged each other, celebrating their victory and taunting the disappointed crowd on their way to the locker rooms.
Human Arsenal remained in the ring, checking on the condition of Chris Caulfield, showing concern for his injured partner. The frustration and anger were evident on Human Arsenal's face as he helped Chris Caulfield to his feet, vowing to get revenge on Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, and Matt Hocking for their underhanded tactics. The match had certainly left a bitter taste in the mouths of the fans and the faces, setting the stage for a potential grudge match in the future.

Segment Rating: 55


[The screen fades in on a dimly lit room with chains hanging from the ceiling. The camera pans to a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut, wearing a black sunglasses and combat pants. He turns to face the camera.]

Text on screen: John "The Silencer" Snyder, Former US Army Special Forces Member

[Cut to footage of Snyder in combat training, followed by clips of him in action in the army.]

Text on screen: Specializing in Hostage Rescue Missions

[Cut back to Snyder, standing in the middle of the ring with his arms crossed.]

John Snyder: I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And trust me, I know how to do it.

[The camera shows a close-up of Snyder's tattooed arm, revealing the words "The Silencer" in bold letters.]

Text on screen: Rogue Special Forces Agent

[Cut to a montage of Snyder training, including sparring, weightlifting, and practicing his signature moves.]

Text on screen: The Silencer has been training hard for this moment.

[Cut back to Snyder, who cracks his knuckles and stares down the camera.]

John Snyder: I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a soldier, a warrior. You better be ready, because The Silencer is coming for you.


Text on screen: The Silencer is coming soon to TCW…

[The screen fades to black.]

Segment Rating: 24


Bart Biggins vs. Troy Tornado

BartBiggins.jpg.8921261d1d052f600d79b6f47495595e.jpg    VS.    TroyTornado_alt1.jpg.2754bd350a7cbf74d99ada3997186f85.jpg
Bart Biggins, fueled by the support of the crowd, brings his trademark high-energy offense to the match. He uses his speed and agility to deliver lightning-fast strikes and high-flying maneuvers, keeping Troy Tornado on his toes. Tornado, however, resorts to underhanded tactics, taking advantage of the referee's distractions and using illegal moves to gain the upper hand.
The match generates great heat as the fans get emotionally invested in the contest. They cheer enthusiastically for Biggins, urging him to fight back against Tornado's dirty tactics. Tornado, on the other hand, revels in the boos from the crowd, basking in the negative reaction he's receiving.
As the match reaches its climax, Tornado seizes an opportunity to deliver his signature move, the "Star Maker," a devastating finishing maneuver. He catches Biggins off-guard and hits the move with precision, sending Biggins crashing to the mat. Tornado quickly goes for the pinfall, to secure the victory in 6:08.

Segment Rating: 61


TCW World Tag Team Championship title match: The Behemoths © /with Floyd Goldworthy vs. Mighty Meaty

Titan.jpg.5417e993044dbdb3821e61cbf55430be.jpgKillerShark.jpg.fc3759b60fc87045efebde3408e3a8f6.jpg   VS.    TanaTheMighty.jpg.4e8f56eb943f0df90511dec2ca7eca6c.jpgMightyMo.jpg.ae150409b743b5f99691d4e0e7c89209.jpg

The match begins with great heat, as the fans are eager to see the clash between the imposing Behemoths and the resilient Mighty Meaty. Titan and Killer Shark use their size and power advantage to control the early part of the match, unleashing devastating strikes and power moves. However, Tana and Mighty Mo refuse to back down, showcasing their heart and determination as they fight back.
Mighty Mo, in particular, shines with his in-ring performance, displaying his agility and technical prowess to counter The Behemoths' offense. He executes a breathtaking "Plunging Spinebuster" on Titan, catching him off-guard and pinning him for the victory in 7:46. The crowd erupts in celebration as Mighty Meaty secures the win and becomes the new TCW World Tag Team Champions for the second time in their career.
Throughout the match, Floyd Goldworthy, the crafty manager of The Behemoths, tries to interfere and tilt the odds in his team's favor. He pulls off some sneaky tricks at ringside, adding drama and tension to the match. However, Mighty Meaty's resilience and Mighty Mo's standout performance prove to be too much for The Behemoths to overcome.
As the referee raises the hands of the victorious Mighty Meaty, the crowd roars in approval, celebrating their well-deserved championship victory. The Behemoths are left reeling in defeat, while Mighty Meaty revels in their hard-fought triumph, holding the TCW World Tag Team titles high in the air, ready to take on all challengers as the new champions of the division.

Segment Rating: 59



[A video opens with a montage of last week's show where Jay Chord was on the stage, mic in hand, glaring at Sammy Bach in the ring.]

Jay Chord: "You think you're something special, Sammy? You come out here in your leather pants, your silly hair, and your eyeliner, and you think you're a rockstar? You're nothing but a poser, a wannabe."

[Cut back to Sammy Bach in the ring, rolling his eyes.]

Sammy Bach: "Oh, please. You're not fooling anyone, Jay. You're just a guy with a famous dad, trying to live up to his legacy. But here's the thing: you're never gonna be as good as he was. You're just a pale imitation."

[Cut to Jay Chord in the ring, his face contorted in anger.]

Jay Chord: "You don't know anything about me or my career. You don't know what I've accomplished, or the obstacles I've overcome. You're just a jealous little punk, trying to make a name for yourself by attacking someone else."

[Cut back to Sammy Bach in the ring, laughing dismissively.]

Sammy Bach: "Jealous? Hardly. I'm just stating the facts, Jay. You can't handle the truth."

[The video then shifts to a montage of intense brawls between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord from the past month, with both wrestlers delivering punishing blows to each other.]

[Cut back to Sammy Bach and Jay Chord in the ring, locked in a heated stare-down, as the crowd watches with anticipation.]

[Text on screen: "Who will come out on top?"]

[Text on screen: "Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord - Malice In Wonderland - Tonight!"]

Segment Rating: 74


Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord

SammyBach.jpg.cf6015d75cfaac746e87ccc662a6e512.jpg    VS.    JayChord.jpg.7140ac6756f0127c0325fc12595cc85a.jpg
As the match began, both wrestlers showcased their incredible wrestling skills, executing high-flying moves, powerful strikes, and technical holds. The fans were on the edge of their seats, cheering for Sammy Bach and booing Jay Chord every time he resorted to underhanded tactics.
At one point, Jay Chord gained the upper hand and started taunting Sammy Bach, mocking him with arrogant gestures and trash talking him. Bach, fueled by the support of the crowd, fought back with all his heart, refusing to back down despite Chord's dirty tricks.
However, the match took an unexpected turn when Eddie Stone, who was not scheduled to be there, made his way to the ring. Stone, who had a history with Chord after losing to him last week at Total Wrestling, engaged in a heated verbal argument with Chord, distracting him from the match. The announcers speculated on the reason behind Stone's interference, suggesting that he had a personal beef with Chord.
As Chord was distracted, the TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge made a surprise interference, attacking Bach when the referee was occupied with Stone. Gauge's interference allowed Chord to hit Bach with a devastating "Cradle Piledriver," and Chord quickly capitalized on the opportunity, going for the pinfall. Chord managed to secure the victory in 19:34.
The announcers were shocked by Gauge's interference and questioned his motives for helping Chord win. The crowd erupted in boos as Chord celebrated his tainted victory, while Bach, frustrated and disappointed, looked on from the ring, wondering why Gauge had chosen to interfere in his match.
In the end, Jay Chord emerged victorious with the assistance of unexpected interference, leaving Sammy Bach and the fans demanding answers from Greg Gauge about his shocking actions at "Malice in Wonderland." The rivalry between Bach and Chord had reached new heights, and the aftermath of the match left fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter in their feud.

Segment Rating: 81



A pre-recorded backstage promo of Freddy Huggins who stood confidently with his sister, Laura Huggins, by his side is aired. He prepared to cut a promo about his upcoming title match against the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews.
With a smug grin on his face, Freddy Huggins looked straight into the camera, oozing with confidence. "Finally, tonight is the night I've been waiting for," he declared in a condescending tone. "I've been overlooked for far too long, but now, I've got what I deserve – a main event world title match against Aaron Andrews."
Laura Huggins nodded approvingly, her protective gaze fixed on her brother. Freddy continued, "For years, I've been the best wrestler in TCW, and I've been held back, passed over, and disrespected. But tonight, that all changes. Tonight, I'm going to prove to the world why I am the best."
He sneered at the camera, his arrogance palpable. "Aaron Andrews, you may be the current champion, but that ends tonight. You're looking at the next TCW World Heavyweight Champion," he boasted, pointing to himself with an air of entitlement.
Laura Huggins interjected, adding fuel to the fire as she praised her brother's abilities and echoed his sentiments about his long-awaited opportunity. 
Freddy Huggins concluded the promo with a cocky smirk, exclaiming, "Tonight is my night to shine, and I won't let anyone stand in my way. Aaron Andrews, you better watch your back because I’m coming for that title, and nothing – and no one – can stop me!"

Segment Rating: 69


A pre-recorded backstage promo is aired of the reigning TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, known as "The ACE,"  who stood tall, exuding confidence and determination as he prepared to cut a promo about his upcoming title match against Freddy Huggins.
Dressed in his ring gear, Aaron looked into the camera with a focused expression. "Tonight, I'm going to do what I do best – steal the show and win matches," he declared with conviction. "That's why I'm 'The ACE,' and that's why I am the TCW World Heavyweight Champion."
Aaron Andrews spoke passionately about his love for wrestling and his unwavering commitment to being the best. He talked about the hard work and sacrifices he had made to reach the top of the wrestling world and how he was not about to let anyone take that away from him.
"As 'The ACE,' I carry the responsibility of being the face of TCW," Aaron continued. "And tonight, I'm going to show Freddy Huggins and the fans in the arena what it means to be a true champion."

Segment Rating: 73


[As the screen fades in, dramatic music starts playing in the background. The Malice In Wonderland logo flashes across the screen, followed by images of Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins in action, showcasing their respective wrestling skills and personas.]

Narrator (voiceover): "Two titans of the ring, set to collide in an epic battle for the ultimate prize. It's the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, against the arrogant, Freddy Huggins!"

[The video transitions to highlight clips of Aaron Andrews' finishing maneuver “The Flying Body Press” on various opponents , powerful strikes, and charismatic presence in the ring, along with shots of him interacting with the fans and hoisting the championship belt proudly.]

Narrator (voiceover): "Aaron Andrews, 'The ACE,' known for his electrifying performances, his never-say-die attitude, and his unwavering determination to be the best. He's the reigning champion, a true embodiment of what it means to be a wrestling ace."

[The video then shifts to showcase Freddy Huggins' dirty tactics, underhanded maneuvers, and arrogant demeanor, as he taunts opponents and belittles the fans, accompanied by boos from the audience.]

Narrator (voiceover): "Freddy Huggins, with his sister Laura by his side, always looking for shortcuts to gain an advantage. He's cunning, manipulative, and oozes with arrogance, thinking he deserves the spotlight."

[The video builds up the rivalry between Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins, showing confrontations, heated exchanges, and moments of intense action between the two wrestlers in the ring, building anticipation for their upcoming match.]

Narrator (voiceover): "Their paths collide in a showdown for the ages, as Aaron Andrews looks to defend his championship and prove why he's 'The ACE.' But Freddy Huggins is hungry for the spotlight, eager to take what he thinks he deserves. Who will come out on top?"

[The video ends with a final montage of Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins staring each other down, with sparks flying, and the Malice In Wonderland logo flashing once again, signaling the highly anticipated matchup.]

Narrator (voiceover): "Get ready for an explosive encounter, as Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins go head-to-head in a battle for supremacy at TCW! Who will come out as the victor? Tune in to find out!"

[As the music reaches a crescendo, the screen fades to black, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the upcoming match between Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins at TCW.]

Segment Rating: 70



TCW World Heavyweight Championship title match: Aaron Andrews © vs. Freddy Huggins/ with Laura Huggins

AaronAndrews.jpg.f462d084a9828f801c9f4f94ae0f95c2.jpg    VS.    FreddyHuggins.jpg.32967ca140e7d6c2b546c4925e5dde58.jpg

The anticipation in the arena was palpable as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews made his entrance, accompanied by thunderous cheers from the crowd. He exuded confidence as he made his way to the ring, ready for the challenge ahead. On the other hand, Freddy Huggins strutted to the ring, flanked by his sister Laura Huggins, who cheered him on from ringside.
As the match kicked off, Aaron and Freddy locked up in the center of the ring, showcasing their technical prowess and athleticism. Aaron used some impressive dropkicks to gain an early advantage. Freddy, living up to his arrogant jerk persona, resorted to cheap shots and underhanded tactics, aided by his sister Laura's interference from ringside.
The match intensified with each passing minute, as both competitors threw everything they had at each other. Aaron's agility was on full display as he dodged Freddy's attacks and delivered swift counters. Freddy, on the other hand, relied on his dirty tactics to try and gain the upper hand.
The crowd was on the edge of their seats, erupting into chants and cheers as the match continued to escalate. Freddy and Aaron traded near falls, with each wrestler coming agonizingly close to victory. Laura's interference at ringside added an extra layer of chaos to the match, distracting the referee and allowing Freddy to gain brief advantages.
However, Aaron refused to back down, fueled by the support of the fans and his unwavering determination to retain his championship. He dug deep, summoning all of his in-ring skills and experience to mount a comeback. With a burst of momentum, Aaron executed a breathtaking Flying Body Press from the top rope, crashing down onto Freddy and securing the pinfall for the victory.
The arena exploded with cheers as Aaron Andrews stood victorious, retaining his TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Freddy Huggins was left fuming, and his sister Laura looked devastated at ringside. Aaron celebrated his hard-fought win, thanking the fans for their unwavering support, and leaving the ring with his championship held high, as the crowd roared in appreciation for the thrilling match they had just witnessed.

Segment Rating: 82


Overall Rating: 79

TCW Malice In Wonderland got a PPV buy rate of 1.40 (700,030 buys).

TCW Malice In Wonderland was shown last night and got a 0.40 TV rating  on Maple Leaf Sports in Canada(301,652 viewers) .


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Sunday, Week 1, February 2020
Evanovich Riverside (Tri State)
Attendance: 8,090

[The camera fades in to the set of Total Wrestling, with Jason Azaria standing in the ring, holding a microphone. The crowd cheers as he prepares to speak.]

Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Total Wrestling! Tonight, we have a special interview with Wolf Hawkins."

[The camera pans over to the entrance ramp, where Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, and The Elite, make their way to the ring with smug looks on their faces. They are noticeably missing their leader, Wolf Hawkins.]

Jason Azaria: "Gentlemen, thank you for joining me tonight. I have to ask, where is Wolf Hawkins?"

[Doc Hammond, smirks and takes the microphone from Jason Azaria.]

Doc Hammond: "Jason, let me tell you something. Wolf Hawkins may have suffered a temporary setback, but he's still the leader of The Syndicate. He's taking care of some business, and we're here to hold down the fort in his absence."

[Chris Flynn, the enforcer of The Syndicate, chimes in with a cocky grin.]

Chris Flynn: "That's right, Jason. Wolf Hawkins is still the brains behind this operation, and we've got everything under control."

[The Elite nod in agreement.]

Eddie Chandler: "Absolutely, Jason. Wolf Hawkins is the man with the plan, and we're following his lead."

Nate Johnson: "No one should underestimate The Syndicate, with or without Wolf Hawkins. Afterall you are talking with the number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles. We're still a force to be reckoned with."

[Jason Azaria looks skeptical as he continues the interview.]

Jason Azaria: "But Wolf Hawkins lost to Joshua Taylor. Doesn't that affect The Syndicate's plans moving forward?"

[Doc Hammond interrupts with a dismissive wave of his hand.]

Doc Hammond: "Wolf Hawkins had a minor setback, that's all. The Syndicate is as strong as ever, and we're focused on regaining our dominance in Total Wrestling. 

[Jason Azaria nods, but seems unconvinced.]

Chris Flynn: That's right. Hawkins may have lost to Joshua Taylor, but that doesn't mean we're backing down. In fact, we're stepping up. Tonight, we're challenging the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor to a tag team match.

[Aaron Andrews, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and Joshua Taylor make their way to the ring.]

Aaron Andrews: “I’m really disappointed. I’ve been waiting for Hawkins to be here to congratulate me on my successful title defense…”

Joshua Taylor: “...I'm not surprised. He's always been all talk and no action. As I proved when I beat Hawkins at Malice In Wonderland!”

Chris Flynn: “Shut up! Tonight is not about you two. Tonight we're not backing down from anyone. We'll prove once again why we're the most dominant force in TCW.”

Doc Hammond: Tonight we will make Hawkins proud, wherever he is. You two better be prepared for a fight.

Jason Azaria: Strong words from The Syndicate. This tag team match is definitely going to be one for the books. Andrews, Taylor, do you accept their challenge?

[Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor exchange a glance before nodding.]

Aaron Andrews: “We accept your challenge, but don't think for a second that we're going to take it easy on you.”

Joshua Taylor: “You bet. We're not backing down from any challenge.”

[The tension in the ring is palpable as the segment comes to a close, setting the stage for an explosive tag team match between The Syndicate and Aaron Andrews/Joshua Taylor later in the night.]

Jason Azaria: There you have it, folks. The challenge has been accepted, and tonight, we'll see if The Syndicate can live up to their boasts. Stay tuned to Total Wrestling for all the action!

[The camera fades out as the crowd buzzes with anticipation for the upcoming match.]
Segment Rating: 73

(Backstage at TCW)

Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune of Devine Fortune are standing in front of the camera, looking determined and focused. They are dressed in their ring gear, ready for their upcoming match against Marc Speed and Matt Hocking.
Darryl Devine, starts the promo with passion in his voice. "You know, we may have lost to The Elite at Malice In Wonderland, but we're not giving up! We're not backing down! We're moving forward, and we know that our opportunity will come!"
Chance Fortune, chimes in, his eyes blazing with determination. "That's right! We've been through a lot together, Darryl and I. We've faced tough challenges, and we've come out stronger every time. We know what it takes to overcome adversity, and we're not afraid to fight for what we believe in."
Darryl nods in agreement, his energy building. "Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, you may think you have the advantage because of your size and strength, but we've got heart, determination, and the support of our amazing fans!"
Segment Rating: 55

(Backstage at TCW)

Marc Speed and Matt Hocking, flanked by Jeremie Courtney, stand confidently in front of the camera, smirking with arrogance.
Jeremie Courtney, known for his cunning and manipulation, starts the promo with a cocky grin on his face. "Haha! Did you all really think you could outsmart me Human Arsenal? At Malice In Wonderland, I pulled off a surprise of my own when I revealed my latest acquisition, Matt Hocking, to team up with Marc Speed!"
Marc Speed, nods in agreement, while “Too Pretty” Matt Hocking, flexes his muscles, exuding confidence.
Courtney continues, "And what did we do at Malice In Wonderland? We defeated you and Chris Caulfield, you thought you could catch us off guard with your mystery partner. Well, guess what? I always stay one step ahead of everyone else, and tonight, Devine Fortune, you're next!”
Marc Speed speaks up, his voice oozing with arrogance. "Darryl Devine, Chance Fortune, you may have had your moments in the past, but your luck ends tonight. You're stepping into the ring with a team that is destined to become the TCW World Tag Team Champions. We're faster, stronger, and smarter than you, and we won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to come out on top."
The promo ends with Marc Speed, Matt Hocking, and Jeremie Courtney walking away confidently. 
Segment Rating: 46

Devine Fortune vs Speed & Hocking

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Darryl Devine and Matt Hocking start off, circling each other in the ring. They lock up, displaying their technical prowess with reversals and counters. Hocking tries to overpower Devine, but Devine uses his agility to evade and counter.
On the other side of the ring, Chance Fortune and Marc Speed are going at it with ferocity. Despite Speed's size advantage, Chance doesn't back down, using his speed and quick strikes to keep Speed on his toes. Speed tries to use his power to his advantage, but Chance's resilience and determination impress the crowd.
At one point, Marc Speed manages to catch Chance Fortune off guard with a devastating clothesline, sending him crashing to the mat. Hocking quickly follows up with a spinebuster, leaving Chance writhing in pain. Speed & Hocking take control of the match, isolating Chance in their corner and relentlessly targeting his arm.
Despite the onslaught from Speed & Hocking, Chance refuses to give up, digging deep and showing his resilience. He manages to tag in Darryl Devine, who comes in with a flurry of high-flying moves, taking down both Speed and Hocking. The crowd comes alive as Devine builds momentum, hitting a moonsault on Hocking and a springboard dropkick on Speed.
The match continues with back-and-forth action, with all four competitors giving it their all. The near falls keep the audience on the edge of their seats, as both teams showcase their skills and determination to win. However, in the final moments of the match, Marc Speed catches Chance Fortune with a well-executed Cross Armbreaker, forcing him to submit.

Winners: Speed & Hocking in 12:49.
Segment Rating: 59

[The camera fades to a backstage pre-recorded promo featuring Dazzling Dave Diamond and T-Bone Bright.]

Dazzling Dave Diamond: "Last week at Malice In Wonderland, me and T-Bone gave it our all against Eddie Peak and Nick Booth. But darn it, they managed to sneak in a win, especially that Booth fella with his dirty tricks. But let me tell ya, that ain't gonna happen again!"

[T-Bone Bright nods in agreement, his intensity evident in his eyes.]

T-Bone Bright: "That's right, Booth. You may have gotten lucky last time, but this time, it's going to be a whole different story."
Dazzling Dave Diamond: "That's right! T-Bone here is a true competitor, ain't gonna back down from a challenge. He's gonna give you everything he's got, Booth."

[Bright clenches his fists, ready for action.]

T-Bone Bright: "Booth, I know you like to play dirty, but I'm not going to stoop to your level. I'm going to show you that true talent and skill will always prevail over underhanded tactics. You better be ready for a fight, because I'm coming at you with everything I've got."

[Diamond nods in agreement, showing his support for his Malice In Wonderland teammate.]

[The camera fades out as Diamond and Bright exchange determined looks.]
Segment Rating: 62

[As the camera transitions back to the commentary booth, the announcers, Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders, are talking about the upcoming match between Nick Booth and T-Bone Bright.]

Shawn Doakes: "Folks, get ready for a barnburner of a match! We've got "Nasty" Nick Booth, taking on the resilient and talented T-Bone Bright!"

[Kyle Rhodes chimes in, nodding in agreement.]

Kyle Rhodes: "That's right, Shawn! T-Bone is a true fan favorite with a heart of gold. He's got that never-say-die attitude and always brings his A-game to the ring."

[Jasmine Saunders, with her keen insight, adds her thoughts to the mix.]

Jasmine Saunders: "It ain't gonna be pretty. It's gonna be two big dudes fighting and brawling, with T-Bone looking for revenge."
Segment Rating: 38

T-Bone Bright vs. Nick Booth

T-BoneBright.jpg.fc25da51710feb2d8371fd43bd4ec11b.jpg   VS.   NickBooth.jpg.1e2f42a1d6c1b4a1dde89f98a82fd95b.jpg
The match between T-Bone Bright and Nick Booth drew a decent reaction from the crowd. However, the wrestling itself was deemed sub-par by the announcers.
The two competitors wasted no time in getting into the thick of the action. From the opening bell, they traded heavy blows, showcasing their brawling skills and intense rivalry. The match quickly spilled outside the ring, as both wrestlers were determined to gain the upper hand.
The brawl between T-Bone and Nick Booth was wild and chaotic. They slammed each other into the steel barricades, threw haymakers, and used anything they could find as makeshift weapons. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and gasping at the brutal exchanges between the two wrestlers.
As the match progressed, the intensity only escalated. T-Bone and Nick Booth were relentless in their pursuit of victory, ignoring the referee's count and continuing to brawl outside the ring. The double count-out decision came as no surprise, as the two wrestlers were too consumed by their animosity towards each other to heed the official's warnings.

Winner: Draw as a result of a double count-out in 9:33.
Segment Rating: 55

[After the commercial break the camera cuts to the ring where Jason Azaria is standing with Freddy Huggins and his sister Laura.]

Jason Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Freddy Huggins, accompanied by his sister Laura. Freddy, last week at Malice In Wonderland, you had a shot at the TCW World Heavyweight title against Aaron Andrews, but unfortunately, you came up short. Can you share your thoughts on the match?

[Freddy looks at Jason with a cocky grin, clearly not bothered by the loss.]

Freddy Huggins: Well, Jason, let me tell you something. Last week, I stepped into the ring with Aaron Andrews, and I gave him the fight of his life. That match was a classic, a main event if there ever was one. But you know what, Jason? I didn't win. I didn't walk out with that title around my waist. And you know why? Because Aaron Andrews got lucky. That's all it was, pure luck.

Jason Azaria: But Freddy, some would argue that Aaron Andrews outperformed you and deserved the win.

[Freddy Huggins scoffs, rolling his eyes.]

Freddy Huggins: Mark my words, Jason, I will get another shot at that title, and I will take what's rightfully mine.

[Laura, Freddy's sister, chimes in, glaring at Jason.]

Laura: You better believe it! Freddy deserves that title more than anyone else in TCW, and we won't rest until he gets another shot at Andrews.

[Just then, Troy Tornado's music hits, and he makes his way to the ring, interrupting the interview. Troy looks visibly upset as he stares at Freddy.]

Troy Tornado: Freddy, is it really worth it? All the things you've done since becoming the number one contender for the World title? You left me high and dry, Freddy. You turned your back on our partnership because you didn't want to risk getting hurt before your match against Andrews.

[Freddy Huggins smirks and looks amused by Troy's comments.]

Freddy Huggins: Worth it? Troy, let me tell you something. I don't need anyone to hold my hand. I don't need anyone to watch my back. I am a star in my own right, and I will do whatever it takes to get what I want.

[Troy shakes his head, looking disappointed.]

Troy Tornado: You've changed, Freddy. 

[Laura steps in between them, and slaps Troy Tornado in the face. Troy looks angry and turns to Laura, but before he can say anything, Freddy delivers a low blow to him, followed by a vicious attack. The crowd boos loudly as Freddy unleashes his aggression on Troy Tornado, leaving him down on the mat.]

Jason Azaria: Whoa, things have just escalated quickly here! Freddy Huggins showing his ruthless side, attacking his former partner Troy Tornado!

[Freddy continues his assault on Troy, with Laura cheering him on from the sidelines. Security rushes into the ring to break up the chaos, but Freddy manages to slip away, smirking as he makes his exit, leaving a stunned Troy Tornado and a furious Laura behind.]

[The camera fades out as the tension in the ring remains palpable, and the crowd continues to boo Freddy's actions.]
Segment Rating: 70

Dazzling Dave Diamod vs. Tank Bradley

DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg.d64d3b1173a88f8d2dd105609eb5c464.jpg   VS.   TankBradley.jpg.c1ae82ed8a5b2aa1cafb5ea33750c1a9.jpg
Tank Bradley charges at Dazzling Dave Diamond, attempting a clothesline, but Dazzling Dave Diamond ducks and counters with a dropkick that sends Tank Bradley stumbling backwards. Tank Bradley quickly recovers and charges again, but Dazzling Dave Diamond dodges his attack and hits a series of quick strikes.
Tank Bradley, frustrated, grabs Dazzling Dave Diamond and throws him into the corner turnbuckle, followed by a running splash. Tank Bradley follows up with a series of punches and kicks, taking control of the match. He taunts the crowd, reveling in the boos he receives.
But Dazzling Dave Diamond refuses to stay down. He manages to counter Tank Bradley's offense, hitting him with a snap suplex that brings the crowd to their feet.
With the crowd firmly behind him, Dazzling Dave Diamond goes for his signature move, the Dazzle Driver. The crowd erupts as Dazzling Dave Diamond goes for the cover, and the referee counts to three.

Winner: Dazzling Dave Diamond in 3:39
Segment Rating: 43

[The screen fades in on a dimly lit room with chains hanging from the ceiling. The camera pans to a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut, wearing a black sunglasses and combat pants. He turns to face the camera.]

Text on screen: John "The Silencer" Snyder, Former US Army Special Forces Member

[Cut to footage of Snyder in combat training, followed by clips of him in action in the army.]

Text on screen: Specializing in Hostage Rescue Missions

[Cut back to Snyder, standing in the middle of the ring with his arms crossed.]

John Snyder: I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And trust me, I know how to do it.

[The camera shows a close-up of Snyder's tattooed arm, revealing the words "The Silencer" in bold letters.]

Text on screen: Rogue Special Forces Agent

[Cut to a montage of Snyder training, including sparring, weightlifting, and practicing his signature moves.]

Text on screen: The Silencer has been training hard for this moment.

[Cut back to Snyder, who cracks his knuckles and stares down the camera.]

John Snyder: I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a soldier, a warrior. You better be ready, because The Silencer is coming for you.

Text on screen: The Silencer is coming soon to TCW…

[The screen fades to black.]
Segment Rating: 25

The camera cuts to the backstage area, where TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is seen scolding Jeremie Courtney, who had lied and faked an injury at Malice In Wonderland to avoid teaming with Marc Speed to face the team of Human Arsenal and Chris Caulfield. Courtney's deceitful actions included interfering in the match and hitting Caulfield with a crutch, resulting in a loss for Caulfield and Arsenal.
Ricky Dale Johnson's frustration is evident as he reprimands Courtney for his dishonesty and unsportsmanlike conduct. He informs Courtney that he will be punished for his actions and announces that Courtney will face Caulfield right now in a "crutch on a pole" match. The stipulation being that the man who retrieves the crutch from the pole will be able to use it as a legal weapon in the match.
Chris Caulfield then enters the scene, confronting Courtney and referencing the miraculous recovery Courtney had at Malice In Wonderland, where he went from barely being able to walk with crutches to suddenly running and attacking Caulfield. Caulfield taunts Courtney, warning him that he better start praying again for another miracle as he will need all the help in the world as Caulfield is determined to finish what he started at Malice In Wonderland and "break" Courtney in half.
Jeremie Courtney, visibly angry, protests and threatens legal action against Ricky Dale Johnson and TCW. However, Johnson remains resolute in his decision, and the tension between Courtney and Caulfield is palpable as they prepare to face off in a high-stakes crutch on a pole match. 
Segment Rating: 60

Crutch On A Pole match: "American Hardcore" Chris Caulfield vs. Jeremie Courtney

ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg.9f7149f370f5c481d26a1caf2220a08e.jpg   VS.   JeremieCourtney.jpg.09e6490fd67652649ac424a5197a22c2.jpg
As the match between Chris Caulfield and Jeremie Courtney gets underway, the anticipation from the crowd is palpable. Caulfield and Courtney are both eager to get their hands on the crutch hanging on the pole in the corner of the ring.
The match quickly devolves into a chaotic and brutal affair, with both wrestlers utilizing various techniques to gain an advantage. Caulfield, tries to outmaneuver Courtney, who resorts to underhanded tactics and dirty tricks to gain the upper hand. The crutch hanging on the pole serves as a constant reminder of the weapon that could potentially turn the tide of the match.
As the match progresses, both wrestlers become increasingly desperate to gain possession of the crutch. They engage in a fierce struggle, climbing the ropes and reaching for the weapon, but neither can quite grasp it. The back-and-forth continues until Courtney manages to pull the crutch down just as Caulfield is about to reach it.
With the crutch now in his possession, Courtney wastes no time in wielding it as a weapon. He delivers a devastating Face First Suplex to Caulfield, driving him onto the crutch and scoring the victory. The crowd reacts with a mix of disappointment and shock as Courtney celebrates his underhanded victory, taunting Caulfield and reveling in his devious tactics.
Despite the sub-par wrestling in the match, the intensity and drama of the weapon on a pole match, coupled with the heelish actions of Jeremie Courtney, make for a compelling spectacle that leaves the crowd happy.

Winner: Jeremie Courtney in 6:26.
Segment Rating: 53

[After the commercial break, Sammy Bach enters the ring with a microphone in his hand.]

Sammy Bach: "Jay Chord, I hope you're listening because I've got something to say to you! Last week at Malice in Wonderland, you didn't win fair and square. You needed help from your buddies, Edd Stone and Greg Gauge, to sneak away with a victory."

[The crowd cheers in agreement, showing their support for Sammy Bach. Jay Chord's music hits, and he strides out to the ring, mic in hand, looking furious.]

Jay Chord: "Oh, please, Sammy. Spare me your delusional ramblings. The fact is, I beat you fair and square at Malice in Wonderland, and you're just a sore loser trying to make excuses. You couldn't handle the pressure of facing a real wrestler like me, so you're blaming everyone else for your failures."

[Sammy Bach smirks, unfazed by Jay's words.]

Sammy Bach: "Real wrestler? Ha! You're nothing but a coward who needs his buddies to fight his battles for him.” 
Jay Chord's expression shifts, and he looks uneasy as Sammy Bach calls him out.

Jay Chord: "I don't want to talk about Edd Stone and Greg Gauge, their decisions are their decisions. I was wrestling you when Edd Stone distracted me, and you need to ask yourself why Greg Gauge attacked you."

Sammy Bach: “You want to tell me that you have nothing to do with it? This is bullcrap! I don’t believe you! If you've got any guts, Jay, you'll face me one-on-one in the ring, with no interference this time."

[Jay Chord laughs at the challenge that was thrown at him by Sammy Bach. He turns around and leaves backstage without answering the challenge.]

Sammy Bach:  “That what I thought, a coward is always a coward.”
Segment Rating: 93

[The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx, collectively known as Benny & The Foxx, are standing side by side, grinning from ear to ear, ready to cut a promo.]

Benny Benson: "Hey there, It's Benny Benson, along with my partner in crime, Flying Jimmy Foxx!"

Flying Jimmy Foxx: "Yup, that's me!"

Benny Benson: "You know, Foxx, I've been thinking. We've been tearing up the tag team division with our moves, our energy, and our positive vibes."

Flying Jimmy Foxx: "Oh yeah, we've been leaving a trail of smiles everywhere we go!"

Benny Benson: "So, to all the other tag teams out there, be ready, because Benny & The Foxx are coming for you!"

Flying Jimmy Foxx: "And we're gonna show the world what we're made of!"

[Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx exchange a fist bump, and the camera fades out.]
Segment Rating: 61

Benny & The Foxx vs. Paul Steadyfast and Roderick Remus

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The match between Benny & The Foxx and Paul Steadfast/Roderick Remus begins with a flurry of high-flying moves from Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx, showcasing their impressive agility and teamwork. They execute double team maneuvers with precision, leaving Paul Steadfast struggling to keep up.
Roderick Remus tries to provide some backup for his partner, but Benny & The Foxx are on fire, using their speed and comedic timing to outsmart their opponents at every turn. They keep the momentum in their favor, dazzling the crowd with their acrobatics and entertaining antics.
Despite his best efforts, Paul Steadfast struggles to mount any offense, appearing winded and overwhelmed. Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx continue to dominate the match, hitting Steadfast with their signature moves, including Benny's "Shockwave From Next Year," a powerful finisher that leaves Steadfast reeling.
The bell rings, and Benny & The Foxx are declared the winners, with Benny Benson pinning Paul Steadfast for the victory. The crowd erupts into cheers as the energetic duo celebrates their quick and decisive win, while Paul Steadfast and Roderick Remus look dejected, unable to keep up with the dynamic and charismatic team of Benny & The Foxx.

Winners: Benny & The Foxx in 3:36.
Segment Rating: 41

[Backstage Jason Azaria is ready to confront Edd Stone and Greg Gauge about their interference in the match between Jay Chord and Sammy Bach. Stone and Gauge, are wearing smug grins on their faces, basking in their recent successes.]

Jason Azaria: "Gentlemen, I demand answers! What do you have to say for yourselves?"

[Edd Stone chuckles, crossing his arms confidently, while Greg Gauge smirks, adjusting the TCW Television championship belt over his shoulder.]

Edd Stone: "Why should we answer to you or anyone else? We do what we want, when we want."

Greg Gauge: "That's right. We're the ones who make the rules around here. No one can stand in our way."

[Before Edd Stone and Greg Gauge can continue their arrogant rant, One Man Army storms into the scene, his imposing presence commanding attention. One Man Army, a fierce competitor and the number one contender for the TCW Television title, has had enough of their antics.]

One Man Army: "Hold on a minute, Stone. You better stay out of my upcoming title match against Gauge if you know what's good for you. I won the gauntlet fair and square to become the number one contender, and I've already beaten you, Gauge, in a non-title match last week."

[Stone and Gauge exchange smirks, seemingly unfazed by One Man Army's warning.]

Edd Stone: "Oh, we're not scared of you, One Man Army. In fact, we're looking forward to seeing you fail."

Greg Gauge: "Yeah, keep dreaming about becoming the Television champion. Tonight, I'll prove once again why I'm the rightful title holder."

[One Man Army clenches his fists, ready for a fight.]

One Man Army: "We'll see about that. Tonight, I'm taking that title from you, Gauge, and there's nothing you or Stone can do about it."

[The tension is palpable as the trio exchanges intense glares. Jason Azaria, determined to get answers, tries to interject.]

Jason Azaria: "But what about your interference in Jay Chord and Sammy Bach's match? Are you proud of yourselves for resorting to dirty tactics?"

[Edd Stone and Greg Gauge exchange smirks once again, showing no remorse.]

Edd Stone: "Dirty tactics? That's just how we operate, Azaria. Get used to it."

Greg Gauge: "That's right. We'll do whatever it takes to come out on top. Tonight, One Man Army, you'll see just how far we're willing to go."

[With that, Stone and Gauge walk away confidently, leaving One Man Army steaming with determination. The tension remains thick, and Jason Azaria is left with more questions than answers as the backstage promo comes to a close.]
Segment Rating: 75

TCW Television title match: One Man Army vs. Greg Gauge(c)

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As the bell rings, One Man Army wastes no time, charging towards Gauge with a flurry of powerful strikes. Gauge, known for his technical prowess, tries to counter with submission holds, but One Man Army's raw strength and determination prove to be a challenge. The two wrestlers engage in a back-and-forth battle, showcasing their athleticism and wrestling skills.
One Man Army manages to gain the upper hand, landing a devastating clothesline that sends Gauge crashing to the mat. The crowd erupts with cheers as One Man Army goes for the pin, but before the referee can count to three, Edd Stone makes his presence known. Stone distracts the referee, allowing Gauge to recover and deliver a low blow to One Man Army behind the official's back.
With One Man Army reeling in pain, Gauge takes control, targeting his opponent's midsection with calculated strikes and submission holds. Gauge's aggressive and calculated approach earns him the ire of the crowd, who boo loudly as he taunts One Man Army, reveling in his heelish tactics.
Despite the pain and adversity, One Man Army refuses to back down. He summons all of his inner strength and launches a comeback, delivering a thunderous spinebuster that sends Gauge crashing to the mat. With the crowd on their feet, One Man Army goes for his signature move, the Guided Missile.
But just as One Man Army prepares to perform the move, Edd Stone once again interferes, distracting the referee and allowing Gauge to escape. Stone then delivers a cheap shot to One Man Army, stunning him and leaving him vulnerable to Gauge's counterattack.
Seizing the opportunity, Gauge locks in his devastating submission hold, the Proton Lock, with all his might. Despite One Man Army's valiant effort to resist, the pain becomes unbearable, and he is forced to tap out, signaling the end of the match.
The crowd boos loudly as Gauge is declared the winner and retains his TCW Television championship. Edd Stone smirks victoriously, knowing his interference played a pivotal role in the outcome. One Man Army, though disappointed, receives a standing ovation from the audience for his gutsy performance. As Gauge and Stone celebrate their underhanded victory, One Man Army vows to fight another day, determined to reclaim his shot at the championship and seek revenge against his devious opponents.

Winner: Greg Gauge in 10:59.
Segment Rating: 58

Aaron Andrews & Joshua Taylor vs. Chris Flynn & Doc Hammond

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The tension in the arena is palpable as the teams of Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor, take on the formidable pair of Chris Flynn and Doc Hammond. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation, eager to see the in-ring prowess of these talented wrestlers.
Aaron Andrews, the reigning TCW World Heavyweight champion, starts the match for his team, showcasing his speed and agility as he outmaneuvers Chris Flynn, the powerhouse heel. Chris Flynn, frustrated by Aaron Andrews' evasiveness, tags in Doc Hammond, the technical heel, hoping to gain an advantage.
Doc Hammond and Aaron Andrews engage in a technical wrestling exchange, with Doc Hammond targeting Aaron Andrews' arm, trying to weaken him for their team. But Aaron Andrews shows his resilience, countering with precise strikes, keeping the crowd on their feet.
Joshua Taylor, gets tagged in and takes the fight to Chris Flynn. Despite the size and strength advantage of Chris Flynn, Joshua Taylor uses his speed and agility to deliver quick strikes and high-impact maneuvers. The match sees back-and-forth action, with each team showcasing their unique styles and strategies.
As the match progresses, Aaron Andrews continues to shine, displaying his superior in-ring skills. He hits Doc Hammond with a dazzling combination of moves, culminating in a breathtaking Flying Body Press from the top rope. Aaron Andrews goes for the cover, and the referee counts to three.
The crowd erupts into cheers as Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor celebrate their hard-fought victory. Aaron Andrews, the TCW World Heavyweight champion, raises his title belt in triumph, while Joshua Taylor joins him in celebrating their well-earned win. Chris Flynn and Doc Hammond, on the other hand, look frustrated and defeated as they regroup outside the ring.

Winners: Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor in 14:36.
Segment Rating: 82

As Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor celebrate their hard-fought victory in the ring, basking in the adulation of the crowd, the atmosphere quickly shifts. The menacing members of the Sinner Society, The Behemoths and Eddie Peak, make their way to the ring with malicious grins on their faces.
Killer Shark, a towering Muscular Super Heavyweight heel, leads the charge, followed by Titan, a Ripped Big Heavyweight heel, who exudes raw power. Eddie Peak, a Bulky Big Heavyweight heel known for his ruthless tactics, accompanies them, adding to the overwhelming presence of the Sinner Society stable.
Without warning, The Behemoths and Eddie Peak launch a brutal attack on Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. They unleash a flurry of devastating strikes and power moves, overwhelming the babyface duo. Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor fight back valiantly, but the sheer size and strength of their assailants prove to be too much to handle.
The Behemoths and Eddie Peak show no mercy as they slam Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor through tables, shattering the wood with thunderous impact. The crowd gasps in shock as the once-celebratory scene turns into a chaotic scene of destruction.
Just when it seems like things couldn't get any worse, Wolf Hawkins, the leader of The Syndicate stable, makes his way to the ring, holding his stomach as he laughs loudly. He shakes hands with Eddie Peak, cementing his allegiance to the nefarious group. The Sinner Society stable celebrates their heinous act, taunting the fallen Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor.
As the show comes to an end, the Sinner Society stands tall in the ring, reveling in their despicable actions. Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor lie unconscious amidst the wreckage, while The Behemoths, Eddie Peak, and Wolf Hawkins, celebrate their vicious assault.
Segment Rating: 80

Overall Rating: 81
This show achieved a 2.96 (2,226,630 viewers)  TV rating on ACE and a 0.35 (262,763 viewers) TV rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


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Tuesday, Week 2, February 2020
The V. Thompson Arena (South West)
Attendance: 9,253

The show begins with a video recap of last week's events, where Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor celebrated their hard-fought victory over Chris Flynn & Doc Hammond in the ring. However, the atmosphere quickly shifted as the menacing members of the Sinner Society, The Behemoths and Eddie Peak, made their way to the ring with malicious grins on their faces.
Killer Shark, a towering Muscular Super Heavyweight heel, led the charge, followed by Titan, a Ripped Big Heavyweight heel, who exuded raw power. Eddie Peak, a Bulky Big Heavyweight heel known for his ruthless tactics, accompanied them, adding to the overwhelming presence of the Sinner Society stable.
Without warning, The Behemoths and Eddie Peak launched a brutal attack on Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. They unleashed a flurry of devastating strikes and power moves, overwhelming the babyface duo. Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor fought back valiantly, but the sheer size and strength of their assailants proved to be too much to handle.
The Behemoths and Eddie Peak showed no mercy as they slammed Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor through tables, shattering the wood with thunderous impact. The crowd gasped in shock as the once-celebratory scene turned into a chaotic scene of destruction.
Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, Wolf Hawkins, the leader of The Syndicate stable, made his way to the ring, holding his stomach as he laughed loudly. He shook hands with Eddie Peak, cementing his allegiance to the nefarious group. The Sinner Society stable celebrated their heinous act, taunting the fallen Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor.
Segment Rating: 70

As usual Shawn Doaks, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders are the announcers for this week's edition of "Total Wrestling." Shawn Doaks promises that on tonight's program, they will try to get some answers and make the future of TCW a bit clearer, as Jason Azaria will interview Wolf Hawkins later on in the show. But right now, they will go to the ring where Jason Azaria already stands and is waiting for…(Shawn Doaks try to correct his headset. He asked if “they” sure) Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, and Edd Stone…
Jason Azaria stands in the center of the ring, microphone in hand, ready to interview the trio of Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, and Edd Stone. He addresses them directly, "You can't deny it this time, it's all was clear last week. You're all working together, but what is your motive for all of this?"
Jay Chord steps forward, a confident smirk on his face. "It's simple, Jason. The three of us are second-generation wrestlers, and TCW has put obstacles in our way from day one."
Jason nods in disagreement, "What are you talking about?"
Jay Chord takes a deep breath before answering, "At Malice In Wonderland, Sammy Bach got in my way. But Greg and Edd helped me beat him. Then last week, Edd helped Greg defend his Television title against One Man Army. We realized that we're stronger together than we are apart."
Greg Gauge chimes in, "I use my real name, not the 'Keith' name. And what do I get? Stuck defending the Television title again and again against has-beens."
Edd Stone nods in agreement, "And with all the respect to Jay, I'm more than 12 years in TCW and have never gotten a world title shot. TCW treats me unjustly, even though I'm known as the black sheep of the Stone family. Nothing comes easy for me."
Jay Chord jumps in, "We're sick and tired of all the obstacles that TCW puts before us. We're taking our destiny into our own hands. Tonight, we form 'The S.G.D.' - The Second Generation Destiny. No one will overlook us anymore!"
The crowd is in disbelief as the trio of heels proclaim their alliance as 'The S.G.D'. Jason Azaria looks on, unsure of what this will mean for the future of TCW.
As Jay Chord finishes his statement, the camera suddenly cuts to the entrance ramp, where One Man Army appears, storming down to the ring. He climbs onto the apron and stares down Edd Stone, who looks apprehensive.
"What's the big idea, Stone?" One Man Army yells. "I warned you that if you stuck your nose in my business again, there'd be consequences."
Edd Stone looks visibly shaken but tries to defend himself, “I just wanted to support my friend Greg."
One Man Army shakes his head in disbelief. "You know damn well what you did, Stone. You distracted me and cost me my chance at the Television title. And now, you're standing here, trying to act like it's no big deal?"
Jay Chord and Greg Gauge move closer to Edd Stone, ready to back him up if necessary. Jason Azaria tries to calm things down, but the tension in the ring is palpable.
Suddenly Sammy Bach walks out onto the ramp, interrupting the interview. He makes his way down to the ring, stopping in front of Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, and Edd Stone.
"What I see in this ring is three little babies crying because they think the world owes them something," Sammy Bach sneers. "Well, let me tell you something, boys. The world doesn't owe you a damn thing. You want something, you gotta go out there and take it."
He turns to One Man Army, who is standing on the opposite side of the ring, staring him down. "One Man Army," Sammy Bach continues, "We need to unite against these three. They think they're hot stuff because they come from wrestling families..."
"You're right, Sammy," One Man Army says, glaring at the three wrestlers in the ring. "Let's even the odds and show these guys what we're made of."
The crowd erupts into cheers as One Man Army and Sammy Bach stand together, ready to take on Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, and Edd Stone. The tension in the ring is palpable as the two sides stare each other down, ready for whatever comes next. As the tension in the ring builds up, the crowd starts to cheer loudly as the TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson interrupts the interview. He walks down to the ring with a serious expression on his face and grabs the microphone from Jason Azaria.
"I've had enough of all of this," Ricky Dale Johnson says, looking around at the wrestlers in the ring. "I need to run a wrestling show tonight! One Man Army, Sammy Bach, you want revenge, I heard you. 'S.G.D', you want to be noticed, well, I notice you!"
The members of S.G.D. look shocked as Ricky Dale Johnson continues to speak.
"Two weeks from now, at 'The War to Settle the Score' PPV, One Man Army, you will face Edd Stone," Ricky Dale Johnson says, looking directly at One Man Army. "And Sammy Bach, you will have a rematch against Jay Chord, but this time, there will be no interferences, as there will be a definite winner. Because you will face each other in a steel cage match!"
As Ricky Dale Johnson finishes his announcement, the crowd erupts in cheers, and the wrestlers in the ring look stunned. One Man Army and Sammy Bach seem delighted at the prospect of their upcoming matches, while the members of S.G.D. are visibly shaken by the challenge ahead of them.
Commercial break…
Segment Rating: 72

Elliot Thomas vs. Jay Chord

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Jay Chord taunts Elliot Thomas, mocking him and telling him that he doesn't stand a chance. Elliot Thomas responds by locking up with Jay Chord, and the two start to grapple.
Elliot Thomas gains the upper hand, slamming Jay Chord down to the mat with a hard clothesline. The crowd cheers as Elliot Thomas follows up with a series of quick punches, driving Jay Chord back into the corner. Jay Chord manages to turn the tide, however, as he dodges a charging Elliot Thomas and hits him with a low blow. The crowd boos loudly as Jay Chord takes control of the match, pounding on Elliot Thomas with a series of brutal kicks and punches.
Elliot Thomas fights back with all his might, however, and manages to catch Jay Chord off guard with a quick reversal. He follows up with a high-flying move off the top rope, sending Jay Chord crashing down to the mat. The crowd roars as Elliot Thomas goes for the pin, but Jay Chord kicks out just in time. Jay Chord gets to his feet, looking enraged, and charges at Elliot Thomas, but Elliot Thomas manages to dodge his attack and hits him with a Drop Kick.
The crowd goes wild as Elliot Thomas covers Jay Chord for the pinfall, but it's too late. Jay Chord manages to kick out at the last second, leaving Elliot Thomas frustrated and exhausted.
In the end, it's Jay Chord who emerges victorious, pinning Elliot Thomas with a Super DDT. The crowd boos loudly as Jay Chord taunts Elliot Thomas and struts out of the ring, basking in his victory. 

Winner: Jay Chord in 6:49.
Segment Rating: 68

As the show returns from commercial break, Jeremie Courtney is standing in the center of the ring with a microphone in his hand. He starts to cut a disrespectful promo about California, specifically targeting the California Super Novas basketball team. Suddenly, a person from the crowd jumps over the barricade and enters the ring, much to the surprise of the security team. Courtney starts to mock the person and asks him who he is. The person introduces himself as Remmy Skye and demands that Courtney stops talking and leaves the ring, as the crowd cheers in agreement.
Courtney laughs and asks Remmy how he's going to make him leave. Remmy responds by saying that he will, much to the delight of the crowd. Courtney then brags about beating Chris Caulfield in a match last week, and challenges Remmy to a match. Remmy accepts, and Courtney calls for a referee to come to the ring.
Segment Rating: 49

Remmy Skye vs. Jeremie Courtney

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As the referee enters the ring, Jeremie Courtney and Remmy Skye have a tense staredown, as the crowd chants for Remmy. The bell rings, and the match begins. Jeremie Courtney immediately charges at Remmy, but Remmy ducks and hits him with a series of punches, causing Courtney to retreat to the corner. Remmy follows up with a clothesline and a dropkick, sending Courtney to the mat.Courtney regains his footing and tries to mount a comeback, but Remmy keeps him at bay with a flurry of strikes and high-flying maneuvers. As the match goes on, Jeremie Courtney manages to gain the upper hand with a low blow, causing Remmy Skye to double over in pain. Courtney then hits him with a Face First Suplex and goes for the cover. The referee counts to three, and Jeremie Courtney picks up the victory. After the match, Jeremie Courtney celebrates his win by taunting the crowd and mocking Remmy Skye. The crowd boos him loudly as he exits the ring and makes his way to the back. Meanwhile, Remmy Skye slowly gets back to his feet, looking disappointed and frustrated with the outcome of the match.

Winner: Jeremie Courtney in 6:28.
Segment Rating: 52

[The screen fades in on a dimly lit room with chains hanging from the ceiling. The camera pans to a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut, wearing a black sunglasses and combat pants. He turns to face the camera.]

Text on screen: John "The Silencer" Snyder, Former US Army Special Forces Member

[Cut to footage of Snyder in combat training, followed by clips of him in action in the army.]

Text on screen: Specializing in Hostage Rescue Missions

[Cut back to Snyder, standing in the middle of the ring with his arms crossed.]

John Snyder: I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And trust me, I know how to do it.

[The camera shows a close-up of Snyder's tattooed arm, revealing the words "The Silencer" in bold letters.]

Text on screen: Rogue Special Forces Agent

[Cut to a montage of Snyder training, including sparring, weightlifting, and practicing his signature moves.]

Text on screen: The Silencer has been training hard for this moment.

[Cut back to Snyder, who cracks his knuckles and stares down the camera.]

John Snyder: I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a soldier, a warrior. You better be ready, because The Silencer is coming for you.


Text on screen: The Silencer is coming next week to TCW…
Segment Rating: 32

Dean Daniels vs. Doc Hammond

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The next match of the night features Dean Daniels facing off against Doc Hammond. Dean Daniels enters the ring first, greeted by cheers from the crowd. He bounces around the ring, slapping hands with the fans, and looks ready to go. Doc Hammond follows, looking serious and focused. He doesn't interact with the crowd, but he receives some boos from the fans due to his arrogance. As the match begins, Dean Daniels takes the early advantage with a series of arm drags and hip tosses, followed by a dropkick that sends Doc Hammond to the mat. However, Doc Hammond quickly turns the tide with his technical skills, working on Dean Daniels' legs and back. The crowd begins to lose interest as the match becomes a slow-paced, mat-based affair. Doc Hammond continues to dominate Dean Daniels, applying various submission holds, but he can't seem to put him away. Dean Daniels shows some fighting spirit and tries to mount a comeback, but he's quickly shut down by Doc Hammond's technical prowess. Finally, after four minutes and eight seconds, Doc Hammond locks in his signature submission hold, the Texas Cloverleaf, and Dean Daniels taps out. The crowd is disappointed with the match, as the wrestling was lackluster, and there were few high spots to keep them engaged. They give a polite applause to both wrestlers, but it's clear that they were hoping for more action. Doc Hammond raises his arms in victory, while Dean Daniels looks frustrated and disappointed.

Winner: Doc Hammond in 4:08.
Segment Rating: 48

After the commercial break, Human Arsenal is seen in the ring, getting ready for his upcoming match. The announcer, Shawn Doakes, interrupts and tells the viewers that something is happening backstage. The camera cuts backstage where some TCW officials are trying to convince Maverick to go to the ring as his match against Human Arsenal is next.
Then we see Jason Azaria coming with a microphone, asking what is going on. The officials tell Azaria that Maverick is not reacting, he is just mumbling some nonsense. Azaria approaches Maverick and asks him what's going on.

Azaria: "Maverick?"

Maverick: "He is coming! He is coming next week for me!"

Azaria: "Who is coming?"

Maverick: "Don't you hear? He is not here to make friends. He is not here to entertain me. He is here to terminate his opponents. And he knows how to do it."

Azaria: "What? I don't understand. You have a match now against Human Arsenal."

Maverick: "He is not just a wrestler. He is a soldier, a warrior. I better be ready, because The Silencer is coming for me."

Suddenly, Maverick gets up and makes his way to the ring. Jason Azaria looks confused as Maverick heads to the ring to face Human Arsenal.
Segment Rating: 46

Human Arsenal vs. Maverick

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The bell rings, and the match begins. Human Arsenal charges towards Maverick, but Maverick seems to be distracted and not paying attention to the match. He is walking around the ring, muttering to himself about The Silencer coming for him. Human Arsenal takes advantage of Maverick's lack of focus and hits him with a hard clothesline.
Maverick falls to the ground, but he still seems to be more concerned about The Silencer than his current opponent. Human Arsenal tries to get Maverick to focus on the match, but it seems like Maverick is completely deaf to anything happening in the ring.Human Arsenal preform the Ammo Dump on Maverick and goes for the pinfall, and the referee counts to three, giving Human Arsenal the victory. As Human Arsenal celebrates his win, Maverick slowly gets up, still looking confused and disoriented.
The crowd seems disappointed with the lackluster match, and Maverick leaves the ring without acknowledging the audience. 

Winner: Human Arsenal in 4:46
Segment Rating: 48

The crowd erupts with cheers as Human Arsenal stands in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand. He wastes no time in getting straight to the point, addressing Jeremie Courtney and calling him out for his recent actions. "Jeremie, I heard and watched your match earlier against Remmy Skye," he says. "And let me tell you, I wasn't impressed. But I know you love your money, so here's a challenge for you: if you're ready to put your money where your mouth is and face me in the ring, I'll happily shut your mouth once and for all."
Human Arsenal's words are met with cheers from the crowd, who are clearly excited at the prospect of seeing him take on the arrogant Jeremie Courtney. "So what do you say, Courtney?" he continues. "I challenge you to a one-on-one match at The War To settle the score. If you're man enough, let's settle this in the ring. No fake injuries, no substitute wrestlers - just me and you, one-on-one. I'll be here next week waiting for your answer."
With that, Human Arsenal drops the mic and exits the ring.
Segment Rating: 47

Shawn Doakes promises that after the commercial break, Jason Azaria will interview Wolf Hawkins. So, don't go anywhere!
After the commercial break, Wolf Hawkins is in the ring holding a microphone alongside his Syndicate ally, Doc Hammond, and the Sinner Society members Eddie Peak and the  tag team, The Behemoths (Titan and Killer Shark). But where is Jason Azaria? Hawkins wastes no time in addressing the issue.
"Jason Azaria is not needed here," he says, "just like your temporary TCW World heavyweight title holder Aaron Andrews and the luckiest man in Pittsburgh on Malice In Wonderland, Joshua Taylor."
The crowd boos loudly, but Hawkins continues.
"The only reason Taylor won at Malice In Wonderland is because of pure luck," he says confidently. "Anyway, Andrews and Taylor were demolished by these two monsters!" He taps the chests of Titan and Killer Shark, who flex their muscles in response.
"But we couldn't have done it without this gentleman right here," Hawkins says, shaking Eddie Peak's hand. "The 'Hardcore Assassin' promised and he delivered!" Eddie Peak laughs maniacally, relishing in the destruction that they have wrought.
The crowd continues to boo loudly, but Hawkins and his allies just stand in the ring, basking in their own glory.
“Last week, I showed once again why I am the alpha wolf. Andrews and Taylor, never anticipated it.” He then turns to Doc Hammond. “I'm sorry Flynn couldn't be here with us; he got the flu. But guys, your performance last week was great, excellent acting. Despite the loss to Andrews and Taylor, you took one for the team. That's what allowed Peak and me to deliver Andrews and Taylor exactly what…”
The crowd pops as the music of TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson cuts off Hawkins in the middle of his sentence, and he makes his way to the ring.
As Ricky Dale Johnson enters the ring, the crowd cheers loudly. He smiles and raises his hand to acknowledge them before turning to address the wrestlers in the ring. "Well, well, well," he says. "Look who we have here. Wolf Hawkins and his gang of misfits. I hope you're all doing well tonight because I have some surprises for you."
He turns to Wolf and continues, "Wolf, I heard that you like surprising people. Well, I hope you like being surprised because I have a few surprises of my own. First of all, next week on Total Wrestling, we will have the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, and Joshua Taylor in the house. They have medical permission to return to the ring!" The crowd erupts in excitement at the announcement.
Ricky then turns to Killer Shark and Titan. "And speaking of next week, you two have matches. Killer Shark, you will be facing Joshua Taylor, and Titan, you will be facing Aaron Andrews in a non-title match." The crowd cheers loudly, looking forward to seeing these matches.
But Ricky isn't done yet. "And as for The War To Settle The Score in two weeks, we have an epic main event. Aaron Andrews will be defending the TCW World Heavyweight Championship against Eddie Peak!" The crowd erupts in cheers once again.
Ricky then turns to Doc Hammond. "And Wolf, I haven't forgotten about you. Instead of facing Joshua Taylor in a rematch at The War To Settle The Score, Doc will be facing Joshua Taylor! Wolf, I am suspending you from the upcoming PPV!" The crowd cheers as Ricky delivers these announcements, and Wolf looks visibly upset at being suspended from the PPV.
"Thank you all for being here tonight," Ricky says, addressing the wrestlers in the ring. The crowd cheers as Ricky exits the ring, leaving the wrestlers to ponder their upcoming matches.
Segment Rating: 72

One Man Army vs. Shady K

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As the bell rang, the two wrestlers locked up in the center of the ring, with One Man Army gaining the early advantage with a quick arm drag takedown. But Shady K quickly regained his composure and began to take control of the match with some underhanded tactics, using the ropes to choke One Man Army and distracting the referee to get away with some illegal moves. Despite the terrible wrestling, the crowd remained engaged, cheering on One Man Army as he fought back against the dirty tactics of Shady K. With the match nearing its end, One Man Army hit his signature move, the Guided Missile, on Shady K, and pinned him for the win.

Winner: One Man Army in 3:48.
Segment Rating: 39

One Man Army celebrates his victory in the ring. Suddenly, Vita runs into the ring and starts talking with One Man Army. It's difficult to hear what they're saying over the noise of the crowd, but it seems that Vita is trying to explain something to him. The Announce Team speculates about what Vita could want from One Man Army.
But then, out of nowhere, Edd Stone runs in from behind One Man Army and delivers a vicious low blow. One Man Army crumples to the mat in pain, and Edd Stone runs out of the ring, laughing. Vita looks confused by the actions of Edd Stone and rushes to help One Man Army get back on his feet.
The Announcers mention that it seems there may be some disagreements between Edd Stone and his manager Vita, and that Vita may not be part of the newly formed stable "The Second Generation Destiny." They speculate whether this is a genuine rift or if it's all part of a larger plot.
As the cameras cut to a commercial break, One Man Army is still lying on the mat, writhing in pain, while Vita looks on in concern. 
Segment Rating: 67

[After the commercial break...]

[The camera cuts to the entrance ramp as the music of Freddy Huggins and his sister Laura begins to play. They make their way to the ring with a cocky swagger, soaking in the boos and jeers from the crowd. ]

[Troy Tornado's music hits, and he makes his way to the ring to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. He grabs a microphone and stands in the center of the ring, looking straight at Freddy Huggins and Laura.]

Troy Tornado: "Freddy, you made a big mistake attacking me last week. You crossed a line, and now you're going to pay for it. You see, I may have been your partner before, but I never forgot who I am and what I stand for. 

[The crowd cheers in agreement as Troy continues to speak.]

Troy Tornado: But, I want to give you a chance to redeem yourself, Freddy. I want to give you the opportunity to face me one-on-one at the next PPV, "The War to Settle the Score." No gimmicks, no interference, just you and me in the ring. What do you say, Freddy? Do you have the guts to face me?

[Freddy Huggins smirks, looking amused by Troy's challenge.]

Freddy Huggins: Troy, Troy, Troy. You just don't get it, do you? I'm not interested in facing you. You're yesterday's news, a has-been who can't keep up with the likes of me.

[Laura steps in, glaring at Troy with disdain.]

Laura: That's right, Troy. You're nothing compared to my brother. He's the future of this business, while you're stuck in the past.

[Troy shakes his head, looking determined.]

Troy Tornado: Well, Freddy. This has-been can promise you this, at 'The War to Settle the Score,' I'm going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget! So, what do you say, Freddy? Are you going to face me like a man, or are you going to continue hiding behind your sister?

[Freddy's smirk fades, and he looks at Troy with a serious expression.]

Freddy Huggins: You want a match at "The War to Settle the Score," Troy? You got it. But make no mistake, I'm not doing this for you or for anyone else. I'm doing it for me. I'm going to show the world why I'm the future of this business, why I'm the one who deserves to be the World Heavyweight Champion. And when I beat you, Troy, I'll prove once and for all that I'm the real deal.

[Troy nods, looking satisfied with Freddy's response.]

[The tension in the ring remains palpable, and the crowd continues to cheer loudly. Troy Tornado and Freddy Huggins both refuse to break eye contact, each of them determined to prove their point. The atmosphere is electric, and it's clear that the upcoming match at "The War to Settle the Score" is going to be intense.]
Segment Rating: 81

Devine Fortune vs. The Behemoths

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The crowd roared as Devine Fortune made their way down the ramp, their energy palpable as they climbed into the ring. They were set to face off against the monstrous heel team The Behemoths, made up of the towering heavyweight Titan and the chiseled super heavyweight Killer Shark.
The bell rang, and Darryl Devine and Titan stepped into the ring to start things off. Titan easily overpowered Devine, tossing him around the ring with ease. Devine managed to dodge a few of Titan's attacks, tagging in Chance Fortune who flew into the ring, landing a flurry of punches and kicks on the big man.
But Titan wasn't phased, grabbing Chance and slamming him hard into the mat. Killer Shark was tagged in and he quickly took control of the match, his massive size and strength overwhelming the two lightweights. Devine tried to rally, but Killer Shark was too powerful, delivering a devastating Big Bite and pinning Chance Fortune for the victory.
The Behemoths celebrated their win, towering over their fallen opponents as they made their way out of the ring. 

Winners: The Behemoths in 7:17.
Segment Rating: 57

Non title match: Sammy Bach vs. Greg Gauge (TCW Television Champion)

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The tension is high as Sammy Bach and Greg Gauge make their way to the ring. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, as they know that this match is going to be a good one. Sammy Bach, the fan-favorite, looks focused and determined, while Greg Gauge, looks smug and confident.
The bell rings, and the two wrestlers circle each other in the ring. They lock up in a test of strength, with neither wrestler gaining an advantage. They break apart, and Sammy Bach goes for a quick dropkick, but Greg Gauge dodges it and responds with a clothesline that sends Sammy Bach to the mat.
Greg Gauge takes control of the match, relentlessly attacking Sammy Bach with a series of punches and kicks. But Sammy Bach is resilient, and he fights back with an impressive display of athleticism. The match continues, with both wrestlers trading blows and near falls. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, as the back-and-forth action keeps them guessing as to who will come out on top. But then, out of nowhere, Jay Chord runs down to the ring and attacks Sammy Bach, causing the match to descend into chaos. The referee calls for the bell, and the match is declared a draw. The crowd boos loudly as Jay Chord and Greg Gauge celebrate their underhanded tactics. It's clear that the newly formed stable, "Second Generation Destiny", is willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead in TCW.
Sammy Bach looks disappointed, but he's not one to give up easily. He vows to get his revenge on Greg Gauge and Jay Chord, and the crowd cheers him on. 

Winner: No winner. The Referee stops the match.
Segment Rating: 69

Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mighty Meaty (TCW World Tag Team Champions) vs. Wolf Hawkins and The Elite

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Dazzling Dave Diamond and the TCW World Tag Team Champions, Mighty Meaty, made their way to the ring to the cheers of the crowd. The V. Thompson Arena was filled with fans who were eagerly anticipating the match. The sound of the audience was deafening as Mighty Meaty held their championship belts high. The excitement in the air was palpable, and everyone knew that they were in for a treat.
As they stood in the center of the ring, Mighty Meaty looked like a force to be reckoned with. Tana, the obese super heavyweight of the duo, towered over his opponents, his massive size and strength on full display. Mo, on the other hand, was lean and agile, with a muscular build that spoke of his impressive power and athleticism. The crowd was electrified, eager to see what would happen next.
The cheers quickly turned to boos as their opponents, The Elite (Eddie Chandler and Nate Johnson) and Wolf Hawkins, made their entrance. The trio strutted down the ramp, looking confident and ready for the match. The crowd booed them loudly, showing their disapproval of the heels.
As the bell rang, Tana and Nate Johnson faced off in the middle of the ring. Nate tried to use his speed and technical skill to take down Tana, but it was like trying to move a mountain. Tana shrugged off Nate's attacks and delivered punishing blows that sent Nate reeling. The crowd erupted in cheers as Tana dominated the early part of the match.
As the match progressed, both teams traded momentum, with each member unleashing their signature moves on their opponents. Mighty Meaty showed their dominance by delivering several devastating squashes from Tana and dives from Mo onto The Elite. But Eddie and Nate's teamwork proved to be a formidable challenge, with the two wrestlers using their tag team experience to isolate Mighty Mo from his partner.
Then, in a surprise move, Wolf Hawkins tagged himself in and took down Dazzling Dave Diamond with a powerful clothesline. The crowd was shocked as Wolf continued his assault, delivering several punishing strikes and suplexes. Despite Dazzling Dave Diamond's valiant efforts, he was unable to make the tag to one of his partners.
In the end, Wolf Hawkins hit Dazzling Dave Diamond with his finishing move, the Full Moon Rising, and scored the pinfall victory, much to the dismay of the crowd and the reigning champions. The Elite and Wolf Hawkins celebrated their victory, taunting the fallen Mighty Meaty and Dazzling Dave Diamond.
The match was a great success, and the crowd was buzzing with excitement as they left the arena. The wrestlers had put on a fantastic show, and the fans had been treated to some of the best wrestling action they had seen tonight. 

Winners: Wolf Hawkins and The Elite in 11:14.
Segment Rating: 78

Overall Rating: 76
This show achieved a 2.96 (2,222,148 viewers)  TV rating on ACE and a 0.34 (258,401 viewers) TV rating on Maple Leaf Sports.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Tuesday, Week 3, February 2020
Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)
Attendance: 8,414

The show began with a text on the screen that read "Earlier today...". The scene then cut to the parking lot of the Virginia Park Fields arena, where the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Aaron Andrews, and Joshua Taylor were seen arriving. The two wrestlers made their way into the building, looking focused and determined.
As they entered the arena, we hear the cameraman asking them how they were feeling after the brutal attack they had suffered at the hands of the "Sinner Society" two weeks ago. Joshua Taylor responded first, saying that they were feeling fine and that they were more than ready for tonight's show.
Aaron Andrews then spoke up, stating that they were not just ready, but that they had a surprise of their own for Wolf Hawkins and the "Sinner Society" later on in the evening. 
Segment Rating: 73

The scene then cut to a video recap of last week's show, where the formation of "Second Generation Destiny" had taken place. The video showed the new stable, consisting of Greg Gauge, Sammy Bach, and Jay Chord, making their presence felt in the ring, with a vicious attack on their opponents.
The footage highlighted the chemistry and intensity of the new group, as they worked together seamlessly to dismantle their opponents. The crowd reaction to the formation of "Second Generation Destiny" was mixed, with some fans cheering for the new stable, while others booed loudly.
As the video recap came to an end, the camera cut back to the arena, where Shawn Doakes announced that the first match of the night was up next. 
Segment Rating: 62

Sammy Bach vs. Edd Stone

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The atmosphere in the arena was electric as Sammy Bach made his way to the ring, cheered on by his fans. He was pumped up and ready for the match against his opponent, Edd Stone, who strutted down the ramp with a cocky smirk on his face. Edd Stone was not accompanied by his manager Vita. The announcers wondered where Edd Stone's manager, Vita, was standing. They questioned whether she had allied herself with One Man Army and had left Edd Stone altogether.
As the bell rang, both wrestlers circled each other, sizing each other up. Edd Stone was quick and nimble, darting around the ring and dodging Sammy's attacks. But Sammy was no slouch, and he managed to catch Edd with a quick takedown, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
The match continued with both wrestlers trading blows and trying to outmaneuver each other. During the match, Edd Stone managed to gain the upper hand briefly by hitting Sammy Bach with a few quick strikes. However, Sammy was able to regain control and hit Edd with a powerful clothesline, sending him crashing to the mat.

As Greg Gauge and Jay Chord of "Second Generation Destiny" made their way to the ring, Sammy Bach tried to fight them off but was overwhelmed. Edd Stone joined in on the attack, and the three of them began to viciously assault Sammy in the ring.

One Man Army, who had been watching the match from ringside, rushed to the ring with a chair in hand. He fought off all three members of "Second Generation Destiny", saving Sammy Bach from a serious beating.

The referee was forced to stop the match at 12:39, as the brawl had completely taken over the ring and there was no way to continue the match. The fans were disappointed that the match ended in a draw due to interference, but they were excited to see what would happen next in the ongoing feud between Sammy Bach and the “Second Generation Destiny”.

Winner: No winner. The Referee stops the match.
Segment Rating: 64

Despite being outnumbered, One Man Army managed to fight off all three attackers with the chair, sending them scurrying out of the ring and leaving Bach lying in the center, battered and bruised. The fans were on their feet, chanting for Army as he stood over Bach, protecting him from any further attacks.

As the members of Second Generation Destiny retreated up the ramp, Army helped Bach to his feet, and the two wrestlers stood side by side in the center of the ring, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. 
Segment Rating: 68

The camera cuts to the backstage area, where the TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson is seen walking towards The Syndicate's dressing room, followed by the interviewer Jason Azaria who is holding a microphone. As they approach the dressing room, the door opens and we see Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, and Chris Flynn standing inside.

Ricky Dale Johnson greets the members of The Syndicate and informs them that Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor are already in the building.He then turns to Wolf Hawkins and tells him that surprises are still coming for him tonight, making a joke about how every week feels like Christmas for him because he never knows what he's going to get.

The mood in the room changes as Ricky announces that in tonight's main event, Wolf Hawkins will face one half of the TCW World Tag Team champions, Tana The Mighty. The members of The Syndicate exchange glances, with some of them appearing surprised or concerned about this development.

Wolf Hawkins, however, remains unfazed by the news and confidently states that he'll take care of Tana just like he's taken care of everyone else who's crossed his path. Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn nod their agreement, but there is a sense of tension in the air as they all know that anything can happen in the world of professional wrestling. The segment ends as the camera fades to black, leaving the audience to anticipate the upcoming main event.
Segment Rating: 70

As the lights in the arena dim, an eerie silence fills the air. Suddenly, the sounds of a helicopter's blades cutting through the air crescendo to a deafening roar, followed by the screech of brakes.

As the smoke clears, a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut emerges from the vehicle, clad in black sunglasses, combat boots, and pants. He cracks his knuckles and glares into the camera with a fierce intensity, as the crowd erupts into a mixture of cheers and jeers.

The screen flashes the words "The Silencer" in bold letters, as John Snyder makes his way down the ramp with a menacing stride. He climbs up the steps to the ring, pausing for a moment to survey the audience with a smirk before slipping through the ropes.

As he stands in the center of the ring, Snyder rips off his black jacket, revealing his tattooed arms, which read "The Silencer" in bold letters.

The Silencer paces around the ring, surveying his surroundings with a sense of predatory intensity. As his theme music fades away, he grabs a microphone and holds it up to his lips.

"I'm not here to be liked," he snarls, his voice dripping with disdain. "I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And believe me, I know how to do it." The Silencer cracks his knuckles and stares down his opponent, ready to unleash his wrath.
Segment Rating: 28

The Silencer vs. Jimmy Cox

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The bell rings, and the match begins with Jimmy Cox darting forward, trying to take the offensive. But The Silencer sidesteps his attack with lightning speed, grabbing Cox by the arm and tossing him across the ring like a rag doll.

Cox tries to get back on his feet, but The Silencer is already on him, raining down blows on his back and chest with brute force. Cox tries to fight back, but The Silencer shrugs off his blows like they're nothing, continuing his relentless assault.

The crowd begins to boo as The Silencer continues to dominate, using his massive strength to toss Cox around the ring like a toy. Cox tries to mount a comeback, but The Silencer cuts him off with a brutal clothesline that sends him crashing to the mat.

The Silencer towers over Cox, flexing his bulging muscles and sneering down at his fallen opponent. Cox struggles to get back up, but The Silencer grabs him by the throat, lifting him up into the air with ease.

The crowd gasps in shock as The Silencer slams Cox down onto the mat with a brutal Drop Zone, pinning him for the three-count. The referee raises The Silencer's arm in victory, as the crowd rains down a chorus of boos.

The Silencer smirks down at Cox's unconscious form, his chest heaving with triumph. As he exits the ring, he grabs the microphone and holds it up to his lips.

"That's how you do it," he snarls. "I'm the toughest man in this ring, and no one can stop me." The crowd continues to boo as The Silencer makes his way back up the ramp, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Winner: The Silencer in 4:22.
Segment Rating: 12

The backstage area was bustling with activity as wrestlers and crew members bustled about their business. Jason Azaria, the interviewer, was hurrying down a hallway, trying to catch up with Freddie Huggins, who was accompanied by his sister Laura. As he caught up to them, he asked Huggins about his decision to accept Troy Tornado's challenge, but before Huggins could answer, Troy Tornado suddenly appeared, confronting him.

The tension in the air was palpable as the two wrestlers began to argue, their voices rising in volume with each passing moment. Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and everyone turned to see Maverick, acting like a man possessed, throwing things around and shouting that The Silencer was coming after him.

The backstage staff quickly rushed to hold Maverick back and calm him down, but the other wrestlers and crew members were clearly shaken by the outburst. They whispered to each other in hushed tones, speculating on what could have caused Maverick's sudden outburst.
Segment Rating: 56

Nicky Booth/ with Floyd Goldworthy vs. Remmy Honeyman

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As the match started, it quickly became apparent that this would be a one-sided affair. Nick Booth, using his size and strength advantage, dominated Remmy Honeyman from the very beginning. He delivered powerful strikes and devastating slams, keeping Remmy on the defensive.

Remmy, despite his best efforts, was unable to mount any significant offense against the imposing Nick Booth. The crowd's energy shifted from excitement to disappointment as they witnessed the lopsided nature of the match.

After enduring a relentless assault, Remmy Honeyman found himself on the receiving end of Nick Booth's finishing move, the Lake Michigan Plunge. The impact shook the ring, and the referee counted the pinfall, declaring Nick Booth the winner.

Winner: Nick Booth in 3:43.
Segment Rating: 16

Ignoring the rules and disregarding any sense of sportsmanship, Nick Booth continued his assault on the defeated Remmy Honeyman. He unleashed a flurry of vicious strikes and stomps, taking advantage of Honeyman's vulnerable state. The crowd's boos intensified as they witnessed this despicable act of post-match aggression.

Floyd Goldworthy, Nick Booth's manager, stood at ringside, a wicked grin plastered on his face. Instead of intervening or showing any semblance of decency, he encouraged Nick Booth to continue his savage beating on Remmy Honeyman. Goldworthy's vile actions only added fuel to the fire, inciting more outrage from the audience.

However, just when it seemed like there was no end to the punishment being inflicted upon Remmy Honeyman, a hero emerged from the backstage area. T-Bone Bright, charged down the ramp with a look of determination on his face.

T-Bone Bright wasted no time in coming to Remmy Honeyman's aid. He stormed into the ring, confronting Nick Booth head-on. The crowd erupted with cheers, relieved to see someone step up to protect Honeyman from further harm.

A fierce exchange of words and glares ensued between T-Bone Bright and Nick Booth. Bright's presence alone was enough to make Booth think twice about his actions. Sensing that the odds were no longer in his favor, Booth reluctantly retreated, slinking out of the ring with his manager in tow.

The crowd roared with approval as T-Bone Bright stood tall in the ring, ensuring the safety of Remmy Honeyman. The audience showered both T-Bone Bright and Remmy Honeyman with applause.
Segment Rating: 40

The arena buzzed with anticipation as the audience eagerly awaited the arrival of the TCW World Heavyweight champion, Aaron Andrews. The spotlight illuminated the ring, and the crowd erupted into cheers as the champion's entrance music blared through the speakers.

With a determined stride, Aaron Andrews made his way to the ring, wearing his championship belt proudly around his waist. The fans' admiration for the valiant champion was palpable, as they chanted his name in unison.

With a microphone in hand, Aaron Andrews addressed the capacity crowd, his voice filled with conviction. He spoke of the treacherous attack he and Joshua Taylor endured at the hands of Wolf Hawkins and his cohorts, Eddie Peak, Titan, and Killer Shark. The crowd's boos echoed through the arena, expressing their disdain for the despicable actions of Hawkins and his allies. 

Aaron Andrews's gaze focused on the camera, his eyes burning with determination. He spoke of the maniacal nature of his upcoming opponent, Eddie Peak, at the forthcoming PPV event, "The War To Settle The Score," two weeks from now. But he had a revelation, a realization that in order to defeat someone who embraced darkness, he needed to tap into his own darker side.

"I've been on a journey," Aaron Andrews declared, his voice resonating with conviction. "I've searched for someone who could guide me, who could help me unlock my hidden potential. And I found him."

The arena fell into an expectant hush as the crowd eagerly awaited the introduction of Aaron Andrews's mentor. The champion's eyes narrowed, a mischievous smile forming on his face. "Ladies and gentlemen," he continued, "allow me to introduce you to…

Suddenly the arena darkened, and the music of “The Syndicate” reverberated throughout the venue. The audience's anticipation turned into a mixture of excitement and apprehension as Hawkins, accompanied by Eddie Peak, emerged at the top of the ramp.

Wolf Hawkins taunted Aaron Andrews from a distance. He mocked the champion's claims of finding a mentor, stating that no amount of guidance could save him from the impending doom that awaited at "The War To Settle The Score." Eddie Peak stood beside Hawkins, a devious smirk playing on his lips.

Undeterred, Aaron Andrews locked eyes with Hawkins, his voice unwavering. He challenged the malicious duo, declaring that their reign of terror would come to an end. The tension between the two factions was palpable, each side exuding confidence and determination.

Just as the confrontation escalated, Skull DeBones's haunting music filled the arena, interrupting the heated exchange. The audience gasped in awe as the avenging angel made his grand entrance, stepping between Aaron Andrews and the approaching Wolf Hawkins and Eddie Peak.

Skull DeBones's presence alone sent shivers down the spines of Hawkins and Peak, who hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. The avenging angel stood tall, and stared down the villains with an intensity that sent a clear message – their days of tormenting Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor were numbered.

As the tension reached its peak, Eddie Peak, unable to resist the opportunity for a verbal joust, sneered at Skull DeBones. He taunted the avenging angel, mocking his arrival in TCW after spending years in another promotion. But Skull DeBones remained stoic, his eyes fixed on Peak, a silent promise of justice burning within.

The confrontation escalated further, with Wolf Hawkins attempting to goad Aaron Andrews into a physical altercation. But before things could escalate into chaos, TCW officials rushed to the scene, separating the two factions and restoring order.

The fans were on the edge of their seats, witnessing the clash of ideologies and the brewing conflict that promised to explode at "The War To Settle The Score." The presence of Skull DeBones added a new dimension to the battle, providing Aaron Andrews with the mentor and the dark side he sought.

Segment Rating: 75

Danny “Dr. Love” Fonzarelli vs. Chris Flynn

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As the match reached its boiling point, the frustration within Chris Flynn bubbled over, with a sinister glint in his eyes, Chris spotted a steel chair conveniently positioned near the ringside area. Seizing the opportunity, he snatched the chair and raised it high above his head, ready to deliver a devastating blow.

The crowd gasped in disbelief as Chris swung the chair with brutal force, aiming for Danny's head. Danny Fonzarelli crumpled to the mat, clutching his head in agony, while the crowd erupted in a chorus of shocked and angered voices.

The referee, witnessing this flagrant act of violence, immediately sprang into action. With a sense of urgency, he lunged toward Chris Flynn, forcefully grabbing his arm to prevent any further assault. With a stern expression and unwavering resolve, the referee declared the match over, signaling for the disqualification of Chris Flynn.

The audience, rained down boos and jeers upon Chris as he stood over his fallen opponent.

Despite his defeat, Danny Fonzarelli became the recipient of sympathy and support from the crowd, who recognized the injustice of Chris Flynn's actions. The referee's decision to disqualify Chris was met with a mixture of relief and anger, as fans voiced their displeasure at witnessing such a blatant display of unsportsmanlike conduct.

Winner: Danny Fonzarelli by DQ in 7:55.
Segment Rating: 58

In the ring, Human Arsenal stands tall, microphone in hand, as he demands an answer from Jeremie Courtney regarding his challenge for a match at "The War To Settle The Score." Accompanied by his allies Marc Speed and Matt Hocking, Jeremie Courtney arrogantly makes his way to the ring, flaunting his rich snob persona. He mocks Human Arsenal, belittling him for having a big mouth.

Just as tensions rise, suddenly the tag team Benny & The Foxx's music hits, and Benny Benson and Jimmy Foxx rush down to the ring, evening the odds. Human Arsenal points out that now the numbers seem more balanced, daring Courtney to provide his answer. Fueled by frustration, Human Arsenal gives Courtney a push, and in retaliation, Courtney shoves him back.

The confrontation escalates as Human Arsenal, not backing down, slaps Courtney across the face, igniting a fire within the arrogant snob. Swearing at Human Arsenal, Courtney finally accepts his challenge. However, chaos ensues as Marc Speed and Matt Hocking seize the opportunity to attack Benny Benson and Jimmy Foxx.

The brawl intensifies as all competitors unleash their fury, trading blows in a chaotic scene. With tensions reaching their peak, the broadcast cuts to a commercial break.
Segment Rating: 58

Human Arsenal and Benny & The Foxx vs. Jeremie Courtney and Speed & Hocking

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The match reached a fever pitch as high-flying maneuvers and hard-hitting strikes electrified the audience. Human Arsenal displayed his strength and resilience, fighting off the assaults of Courtney and Speed. Benny & The Foxx, known for their agility and aerial skills, dazzled the crowd with their acrobatic offense.

As the match approached its climax, the tides began to turn in favor of Human Arsenal and Benny & The Foxx. With the crowd rallying behind them, they unleashed a flurry of attacks, overwhelming their opponents. In a breathtaking moment, Flying Jimmy Foxx soared through the air, connecting with his signature move, the Flying Foxx, on Matt Hocking.

The referee counted to three, and the arena erupted in cheers as Human Arsenal and Benny & The Foxx secured the victory. The triumphant trio celebrated their hard-fought win, their arms raised in triumph. The defeated team of Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, and Matt Hocking retreated from the ring, nursing their wounds and regrouping for another day.

Winners: Human Arsenal and Benny & The Foxx in 11:46.
Segment Rating: 55

As the commercial break came to an end, the camera cut to ringside where Jason Azaria stood among the excited audience in the front row. Holding a microphone, he addressed the viewers at home with enthusiasm, ready to introduce a true hometown hero.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with a special guest sitting among us tonight. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to a true legend of professional wrestling, a man who needs no introduction, Bryan Vessey!" Jason exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

The camera panned to the crowd, revealing Bryan Vessey seated among the enthusiastic fans. Dressed in casual attire, his presence alone garnered attention and admiration from those around him. The audience erupted into thunderous applause, acknowledging the legacy and accomplishments of the wrestling icon.

Jason Azaria made his way through the rows of fans, microphone in hand, until he reached Bryan Vessey's side. With a smile on his face, Jason began the interview.

"Bryan Vessey, it's an honor to have you here tonight," Jason said, his voice carrying the appreciation of the crowd. "You are a former 6-time TCW World Tag Team Champion, a former TCW International Champion, a two-time TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and a two-time inductee into the TCW Hall of Fame. What brings you here to TCW tonight?"

Bryan Vessey, with a humble yet confident demeanor, took the microphone and addressed the viewers at home and the audience in the arena.

"Thank you, Jason, for the warm welcome. It's great to be back in TCW, the place that i can call home," Bryan expressed, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'm here tonight as a fan, to witness the incredible talent and the passion that this industry brings."

The crowd erupted into cheers, appreciating Bryan Vessey's presence and his acknowledgment of the current crop of wrestlers.

He continued, "Wrestling has always been my love, my passion. It's a privilege to be able to sit among these amazing fans and witness the future stars of this business. The energy in this arena is electrifying, and I am truly honored to be a part of it."

As the interview with Bryan Vessey continued, the atmosphere was suddenly shattered by the blaring music of "Second Generation Destiny." The camera quickly shifted to the entrance ramp, where Jay Chord, Edd Stone, and the TCW Television Champion Greg Gauge emerged, strutting with confidence and arrogance.

The trio, known for their disruptive tactics and disrespectful behavior, made their way towards Jason Azaria and Bryan Vessey, clearly intent on making their presence felt. The crowd's cheers turned into a mix of boos and jeers as they recognized the nefarious stable.

Jason Azaria stood his ground, not backing down in the face of the incoming threat. Bryan Vessey remained seated, his eyes fixed on the approaching trio, undeterred by their interruption. The atmosphere grew tense as "Second Generation Destiny" closed in, surrounding Jason Azaria and Bryan Vessey.

Jay Chord, with a cocky grin plastered across his face, arrogantly addressed Bryan Vessey. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The legendary Bryan Vessey, the man who thinks he's still relevant in this business," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Edd Stone chimed in, adding his own brand of smugness. "Yeah, Vessey, you had your time, but that time has long passed. Now, it's our era, the era of 'Second Generation Destiny'," he sneered.

Greg Gauge, clutching his TCW Television Championship, stepped forward, his eyes locked on Bryan Vessey. "You see, Bryan, we're here to remind you and everyone else that we're the future of TCW, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it."

The crowd responded with a mix of boos and chants, expressing their disdain for "Second Generation Destiny" and their disrespect towards the esteemed Bryan Vessey. But Vessey remained calm, his expression unwavering.

Jason Azaria, not one to shy away from confrontation, spoke up. "Gentlemen, this is supposed to be an interview with Bryan Vessey. If you have something to say, say it, but remember to show respect."

With a defiant smile, Bryan Vessey addressed the trio. "Ah, 'Second Generation Destiny.' I see you boys think you're the future, huh?" His voice carried a hint of amusement, yet his words held a weight of experience and wisdom.

"Let me tell you something, boys," he continued, his gaze focused on Jay Chord. "I've been in this business longer than any of you, and I've seen my fair share of young talent come and go. But the ones who make it to the top, the ones who are truly respected, are the ones who earn their spot."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before delivering his next statement. "I've got a nephew in this business, and I've given him the same advice I'm about to give you. If you want to be taken seriously, you start from the bottom and work your way up. You prove your worth, earn your spot, and gain the respect of your peers and the fans."

Jay Chord’s tone is filled with arrogance and impatience. "Vessey, that's exactly the point of ‘Second Generation Destiny’. We're not here to earn the spot, we’re here to take it"!

Before Vessey could respond, without warning, the trio launched a sudden and vicious attack on Bryan Vessey, their collective assault fueled by frustration and a desire to make a statement.

The crowd erupted in a mix of shock and anger, their cheers turning to boos as Vessey was overwhelmed by the relentless assault. But just when it seemed like Vessey would be subjected to a severe beating, the sounds of familiar theme music filled the arena.

In a heroic fashion, Sammy Bach and One Man Army charged down the ramp, their eyes fixed on the chaos unfolding in the ring. With unwavering determination, they swiftly entered the fray, throwing themselves into the middle of the onslaught to save Bryan Vessey from further harm.

The momentum shifted as Bach and One Man Army fought back, using their combined strength and skills to fend off "Second Generation Destiny." The crowd erupted into cheers, rallying behind the unexpected alliance and their courageous act of rescue.

As the skirmish raged on, the backstage staff rushed to the scene, attempting to restore order and separate the clashing factions. The security team worked diligently to pull apart the brawling wrestlers, their efforts gradually restoring a semblance of control to the chaotic scene.

Bryan Vessey, battered but grateful, rose to his feet with the assistance of Bach and One Man Army. He nodded in appreciation to his saviors.

Segment Rating: 66

Joshua Taylor vs. Killer Shark

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The match escalated into a thrilling back-and-forth affair, with Joshua Taylor using his technical prowess to target Killer Shark's limbs and wear him down. Despite the size disadvantage, he executed lightning-fast strikes, showcasing his exceptional athleticism and determination to overcome the odds.

Killer Shark, fueled by his sheer power and aggressive demeanor, retaliated with bone-crushing strikes and devastating slams that reverberated through the arena. The crowd gasped as Joshua Taylor absorbed the punishment and refused to back down, displaying a resilience that endeared him to the fans.

As the match progressed, Joshua Taylor found an opening, capitalizing on Killer Shark's momentary vulnerability. With a display of skillful precision, he locked his opponent in a Butterfly Lock, wrenching back with all his might. The crowd erupted as Killer Shark struggled in the hold, his immense strength unable to free him from Joshua Taylor's submission.

The crowd exploded with applause, recognizing the incredible display of skill and determination from Joshua Taylor. Despite the odds stacked against him, he emerged triumphant, earning the 
admiration of the fans.

Winner: Joshua Taylor in 5:50.
Segment Raing: 65

The camera cut to the backstage area, where tensions were running high. Darryl Devine, his face etched with frustration, engaged in a heated argument with his tag team partner, Chance Fortune. Their voices echoed through the corridors as their disagreement escalated, drawing the attention of onlookers and fellow wrestlers.

The exchange between Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune was intense, with both men expressing their grievances in passionate tones. Darryl, visibly exasperated, laid the blame for their recent string of losses squarely on his partner's shoulders. He argued that the team couldn't continue in the same manner and that changes needed to be made.
Segment Rating: 39

Non-title match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Titan

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The match began with a display of technical skills, as Aaron Andrews showcased his agility and speed, countering Titan's strength with quick, calculated moves. Titan, using his size advantage, unleashed a series of devastating strikes, attempting to overpower the resilient champion.

The back-and-forth action kept the audience on the edge of their seats. Aaron Andrews fought valiantly, never backing down in the face of Titan's relentless assault. With every move, he demonstrated his championship caliber, earning the admiration of the crowd.

In a thrilling moment, Aaron Andrews soared through the air, executing a breathtaking Flying Body Press that connected squarely with Titan's chest. The impact was thunderous, as both competitors crashed to the mat. The referee slid into position, counting the pinfall.

The crowd erupted in cheers as the referee's hand slapped the mat for the three-count. Aaron Andrews emerged victorious, his arm raised in triumph. Despite it being a non-title match, the victory solidified his status as a formidable champion, capable of conquering any opponent.

Winner: Aaron Andrews in 6:23.
Segment Rating: 63

Tana The Mighty (½ of the TCW World Tag Team Champions) vs. Wolf Hawkins

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As the bell rang, the crowd erupted in boos for Wolf Hawkins, who arrogantly taunted Tana The Mighty, underestimating his opponent's abilities. Tana, fueled by the support of the fans, stood tall and ready to prove his strength in the ring.

The match commenced with Wolf Hawkins utilizing his speed and agility to dodge Tana's initial attempts to overpower him. However, Tana's immense size and power became evident as he unleashed a series of devastating strikes, momentarily staggering Wolf Hawkins.

The bout progressed with both competitors showcasing their wrestling prowess. Wolf Hawkins, the cunning heel, employed a combination of technical maneuvers and underhanded tactics to maintain the upper hand. Tana The Mighty, despite his size, displayed surprising agility and resilience, countering with powerful strikes and overwhelming displays of strength.

The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the momentum shifted back and forth. Tana The Mighty's thunderous slams and bone-rattling suplexes elicited cheers from the audience, while Wolf Hawkins relied on his cunning and calculated attacks to wear down his larger opponent.

In a pivotal moment, Wolf Hawkins seized an opening and executed his devastating finishing move, the Fool Moon Rising, catching Tana The Mighty off guard. The impact reverberated throughout the arena as Wolf Hawkins drove Tana into the mat, leaving him unable to kick out.

The referee swiftly counted the pinfall, declaring Wolf Hawkins the victor. The crowd erupted in a mix of disappointment and astonishment, as the heel's underhanded tactics had secured him the win over the valiant Tana The Mighty.

Winner: Wolf Hawkins in 7:40.
Segment Rating: 78

The other members of The Syndicate, Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn, wasted no time in ruthlessly attacking Tana, capitalizing on his weakened state.

The crowd gasped in disbelief as the onslaught continued. It seemed like Tana's tag team partner, Mighty Mo, had heard the cries for help and stormed into the ring. The fans erupted in cheers, hopeful that Mighty Mo would even the odds. However, their optimism quickly turned to concern as the numbers advantage proved too much for him to overcome.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor's run in for the save. The crowd erupted in thunderous cheers as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion and his loyal ally charged down the ramp, ready to make a difference.

But they were not alone. Following closely behind them was the newly introduced Skull DeBones, the avenging angel. With a stoic expression and unwavering confidence, Skull DeBones offered his silent support to Taylor and Andrews, inspiring them with his presence.

Together, the trio of Andrews, Taylor, and Skull DeBones launched into action. The Syndicate members, realizing they were now outnumbered, wisely retreated from the ring. The arena trembled with the roar of the crowd, showing their appreciation for the bravery and unity displayed by their beloved heroes.

As the Syndicate members hastily made their exit, the TCW audience reveled in the triumphant stand against their vile actions. The image of Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, and Skull DeBones standing tall in the ring while Mighty Mo and Tana The Mighty recovered on the mat was a sight that would be etched in the memories of TCW fans.
Segment Rating: 80

Overall Rating: 75
This Show achieved a 2.95 TV rating (2,212,783 viewers) on ACE, and 0.34 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (259,688 viewers).


Edited by vpower
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Tuesday, Week 4, February 2020
Lowe Ballroom (North West)
Attendance: 5,000 (SOLD OUT!)

The TV show "Total Wrestling" begins with a captivating visual of the TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson standing confidently in the center of the ring, his authoritative presence commanding the attention of the audience. With a microphone in hand, he welcomes everyone to the show, setting the stage for an eventful evening.

Ricky Dale Johnson wastes no time in announcing the highly anticipated main event for tonight's show—an exhibition match between the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews, and the TCW Television Champion, Greg Gauge. He emphasizes that although no titles will be on the line, this clash of champions promises to be a thrilling encounter.

Adding a unique twist to the show, Ricky Dale Johnson introduces a special segment called "6 Minutes" hosted by Jason Azaria. He explains that Azaria will conduct three face-to-face interviews, each lasting six minutes, building anticipation for the upcoming PPV event, "The War To Settle The Score."

Speaking of the PPV, Ricky Dale Johnson reminds the viewers that it is set to take place this Sunday, heightening the excitement in the arena. He acknowledges the recent actions of the controversial faction, "Second Generation Destiny," and reminds that to prevent any interference, the match between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord will be held inside a steel cage. The decision elicits cheers from the crowd, eager to witness an intense battle without outside disturbances.

Moving on, Ricky Dale Johnson reveals another match involving a member of "Second Generation Destiny." He announces that Edd Stone will face off against One Man Army, piquing the audience's interest. Sensing the need for fair play, Johnson states that as an official of TCW, he feels compelled to apologize to TCW legend Bryan Vessey on behalf of the company for the disrespect shown by "Second Generation Destiny."

Bryan Vessey, a revered figure in TCW, makes his way to the ring. He assures Ricky Dale Johnson that no apology is necessary, firmly stating that "Second Generation Destiny" must learn the importance of showing respect to those who have paved the way before them. Vessey proposes a solution to the Edd Stone issue, suggesting himself to Ricky Dale Johnson to serve as the special enforcer in the match between One Man Army and Edd Stone. He believes this will ensure a fair and square contest, devoid of any interference from "Second Generation Destiny" or any other disruptive elements.

Embracing Vessey's suggestion, Ricky Dale Johnson accepts the role of Bryan Vessey as special enforcer, making the decision official for "The War To Settle The Score." The crowd erupts in applause, appreciating the commitment of both Ricky Dale Johnson and Bryan Vessey in maintaining the integrity of the upcoming match.

With this electrifying segment, "Total Wrestling" sets the stage for an action-packed evening, leaving the viewers eager to witness the thrilling encounters that lie ahead. The countdown to "The War To Settle The Score" intensifies, promising a night of unforgettable moments and fierce competition.
Segment Rating: 64

Backstage in the bustling corridors of the TCW arena, Joshua Taylor, filled with determination and confidence, stands before the camera for a gripping promo. With a focused gaze, he directs his words towards Doc Hammond, a member of the notorious "Second Generation Destiny."

Joshua Taylor: Doc Hammond, it seems you have answered the challenge on behalf of your leader, Wolf Hawkins. You've willingly stepped into the ring to face me, just as Wolf did before. Well, let me make something clear to you. At "The War To Settle The Score," your fate will mirror that of Wolf's. Just as I defeated him, I will defeat you.

As the promo concludes, the viewers are left eagerly awaiting "The War To Settle The Score," anticipating the clash between Joshua Taylor and Doc Hammond—a battle that promises to be fierce, physical, and decisive.
Segment Rating: 69

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Doc Hammond

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The bell rings, signaling the start of the match, and Dazzling Dave Diamond charges forward with his explosive energy, looking to overpower his opponent. But Doc Hammond, the wily technician, quickly evades Diamond's initial onslaught, showcasing his agility and ring awareness.

The match intensifies as Doc Hammond strategically targets Diamond's right leg, seeking to wear him down and weaken his offense. With precise strikes and calculated submission holds, Hammond methodically works his way toward victory. The audience watches in awe as Hammond's technical prowess is put on display.

Despite the valiant efforts of Dazzling Dave Diamond, Doc Hammond's mastery of submission holds proves to be too much to handle. In a critical moment, Hammond locks in the Texas Cloverleaf—a devastating submission maneuver. Diamond grimaces in pain as Hammond applies pressure, his determination evident in his struggle to escape.

Time ticks away as the hold tightens, and Dazzling Dave Diamond finds himself trapped in Hammond's clutches. With no other choice, he is forced to submit, bringing an end to the match. The referee raises Hammond's hand in victory.

The audience's reaction is mixed, with some fans disappointed in Diamond's defeat and others applauding the skillful performance of Doc Hammond. 

Winner: Doc Hammond in 10:12.
Segment Rating: 56

Commercial Break…

As the lights in the arena dim, an eerie silence fills the air. Suddenly, the sounds of a helicopter's blades cutting through the air crescendo to a deafening roar, followed by the screech of brakes.

As the smoke clears, a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut emerges from the vehicle, clad in black sunglasses, combat boots, and pants. He cracks his knuckles and glares into the camera with a fierce intensity, as the crowd erupts into a mixture of cheers and jeers.

The screen flashes the words "The Silencer" in bold letters, as John Snyder makes his way down the ramp with a menacing stride. He climbs up the steps to the ring, pausing for a moment to survey the audience with a smirk before slipping through the ropes.

As he stands in the center of the ring, Snyder rips off his black jacket, revealing his tattooed arms, which read "The Silencer" in bold letters.

The Silencer paces around the ring, surveying his surroundings with a sense of predatory intensity. As his theme music fades away, he grabs a microphone and holds it up to his lips.

"I'm not here to be liked," he snarls, his voice dripping with disdain. "I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And believe me, I know how to do it." The Silencer cracks his knuckles and stares down his opponent, ready to unleash his wrath.
Segment Rating: 30

The Silencer vs. Rayne Man

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Before Rayne Man can even launch an attack, The Silencer swiftly grabs him by the throat, showcasing his sheer strength and dominance. With a thunderous slam, The Silencer throws Rayne Man to the canvas, sending shockwaves throughout the arena.

The Silencer towers over his fallen opponent, a sinister smirk crossing his face. He proceeds to unleash a relentless barrage of strikes and stomps, each blow accentuating his total control over the match. Rayne Man valiantly tries to fight back, but his efforts are futile against the overwhelming power of The Silencer.

The crowd watches in dismay as The Silencer continues his brutal assault, tossing Rayne Man around like a rag doll. Each impact reverberates through the ring, leaving Rayne Man gasping for air, visibly battered and weakened.

Sensing his opportunity for victory, The Silencer hoists Rayne Man up high, showcasing his brute force to the awe-struck audience. With a chilling intensity, The Silencer executes his devastating finishing move, the Drop Zone, slamming Rayne Man onto the mat with a bone-crushing impact.

The referee counts the three-count, and the match comes to a merciful end. The crowd's disappointment is palpable as The Silencer's arm is raised in victory, his dominating performance leaving no doubt of his superiority.

As he exits the ring, he grabs the microphone and holds it up to his lips.

"That's how you do it," he snarls. "I'm the toughest man in this ring, and no one can stop me." 

Winner: The Silencer in 4:05.
Segment Rating: 17

In the backstage area of the TCW arena, the camera focuses on Vita, the manager of Edd Stone, as she prepares to address the audience in a backstage promo. Emotions are evident on her face, a mix of frustration and disappointment.

Vita takes a deep breath and begins speaking into the microphone, her voice carrying a tone of sincerity and concern. She addresses Edd Stone directly, acknowledging the history they share.

"Edd, we've been through so much together, faced countless challenges side by side. But what happened two weeks ago... that attack on One Man Army... it was just too much, bro. You crossed a line that I can't ignore."

Vita pauses for a moment, allowing her words to sink in. The weight of her decision is evident in her expression.

"You made a choice, Edd, to align yourself with the wrong people. The way you and your buddies from 'Second Generation Destiny' treated Bryan Vessey last week... it was disrespectful, it was uncalled for. Bro, you just crossed the line."

Her voice carries a mix of disappointment and concern as she continues, her words aimed at Edd Stone's misguided actions.

"I can't be on your side as a manager anymore, Edd. I can't condone your actions, and I won't be a part of it."

"You have a chance, Edd, to reconsider your path. To reassess who you want to be and the legacy you want to leave behind. But as for me, I can't be a part of it anymore. Our journey together ends here."

Vita takes a step back, her message delivered. The camera lingers on her for a moment, capturing the mixed emotions swirling within her. 
Segment Rating: 62

The special wrestling segment called "6 Minutes" begins with Jason Azaria standing in front of the camera, welcoming the viewers. He introduces himself as the host and sets the stage for the face-to-face interview between Troy Tornado and Freddy Huggins, who join the conversation via video chat and are shown on a split screen.

Jason Azaria explains the rules of the interview, ensuring each participant has their allotted time to respond. He clarifies that he will ask Freddy Huggins a question first, giving him two minutes to answer. Then, he will turn to Troy Tornado with a question and grant him the same time frame. Finally, both participants will have two minutes to confront each other directly.

Addressing Freddy Huggins, Jason Azaria poses a challenging question, highlighting the criticism that has surrounded his recent performances. A timer appears in the corner of the screen, indicating the two-minute countdown. In response, Laura, Freddy's overprotective sister, barks at Jason Azaria in defense of her brother.

Freddy Huggins begins his response, acknowledging his failure to win the TCW World Heavyweight title at "Malice At Wonderland". He dismisses the notion of being more realistic with his expectations.

Freddy continues, expressing his lack of concern for Troy Tornado. He asserts that Troy's obsession with him stems from feeling abandoned during the tag match, but his primary goal remains defeating Aaron Andrews. Freddy concludes by stating that the only way to rid himself of Troy's obsession is to beat him at "The War To Settle The Score."

As the timer reaches 0:00, Jason Azaria interrupts Freddy, informing him that his time is up. The focus then shifts to Troy Tornado as Jason poses a question to him. He suggests that Troy may have taken the situation with Freddy too personally and encourages him to consider moving on.

The stage is set for Troy's response as the camera switches to his side of the split screen, awaiting his answer and the continuation of the intense interview.

Troy Tornado takes his turn to respond to Jason Azaria's question. He begins by stating that the only way for him to truly move on from the situation is by defeating Freddy Huggins at "The War To Settle The Score." Troy emphasizes his dedication and seriousness when he steps into the ring, highlighting the importance of teamwork and not abandoning a partner, even if it's a one-time partnership.

Troy expresses his disappointment in Freddy's actions, noting that instead of apologizing or making amends, Freddy chose to attack him. This only fueled Troy's determination to face him in the upcoming event. He asserts that at "The War To Settle The Score," Freddy will witness just how driven and obsessed he is to emerge victorious in their match.

As the timer reaches 0:00, Jason Azaria interrupts Troy Tornado, indicating that his allotted time has expired. He swiftly transitions to the next phase of the interview, informing both participants that they now have two minutes to confront each other directly.

Troy Tornado locks eyes with the screen displaying Freddy Huggins and his sister Laura. He wastes no time in speaking his mind, stating, "Freddy, you may think I took it too personal, but let me make this clear: your actions spoke louder than words. Abandoning your partner in the middle of a match shows a lack of respect and integrity."

Freddy, appearing unimpressed, smirks and retorts, "Oh, Troy, you can't handle the fact that I play by my own rules. You talk about respect, but you're just an obstacle in my path to greatness. At 'The War To Settle The Score,' I'll expose your so-called obsession for what it truly is—a weakness."

Tempers flare as both competitors engage in a heated verbal exchange, their animosity palpable. Laura interjects, defending her brother's actions and accusing Troy of jealousy and resentment. The tension continues to rise, each participant determined to have the final word within the limited timeframe.

Jason Azaria, mindful of the time, eventually intervenes, signaling the conclusion of the confrontation. The anticipation for their clash at "The War To Settle The Score" grows as their animosity intensifies, leaving the viewers eagerly awaiting their showdown in the ring.
Segment Rating: 70

During the commercial break, we had an exclusive backstage segment that revealed a conversation between the TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson and  Maverick. 

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well, I'll be darned! Who in the blue blazes gave ya that medical clearance, Maverick? But, shoot, these here papers look as legit as a Texas sunrise! The hell with it, son, ya got yourself a match! At "The War To Settle The Score," you're goin' head-to-head with The Silencer!

Maverick's face lights up with a mix of excitement and determination as he nods enthusiastically. He starts mumbling to himself, unable to contain his anticipation for the upcoming match. The screen fades to black, leaving us eager to see how Maverick will fare against The Silencer.
Segment Rating: 54

T-Bone Bright vs. Freddy Huggins/with Laura Huggins

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As the bell rings, the match is underway. Freddy Huggins, known for his underhanded tactics and sneaky maneuvers, wastes no time in taunting T-Bone Bright. He struts around the ring with an air of confidence, his sister Laura cheering him on from ringside.

T-Bone Bright, however, remains focused and determined. He knows he's up against a crafty opponent, and he's not one to back down. With every move, T-Bone showcases his immense strength and agility, impressing the crowd with his power moves and quick strikes.

But Freddy Huggins proves to be a formidable adversary, using his speed and technical prowess to keep T-Bone off balance. The match intensifies as both competitors exchange hard-hitting strikes and high-impact maneuvers, each trying to gain the upper hand.

The crowd rallies behind T-Bone, chanting his name and urging him on. Despite the odds stacked against him, he refuses to give in. T-Bone unleashes a flurry of devastating blows, attempting to wear down his opponent.

However, Freddy Huggins, ever the opportunist, seizes an opening. With a sudden burst of energy, he executes his signature move, the Huggins Kiss, and Freddy quickly goes for the pinfall.

The referee's hand hits the mat for the count, "One! Two! Three!" The bell rings, and Freddy Huggins is declared the winner of the match, much to the dismay of the cheering fans who had hoped for T-Bone's victory.

Winner: Freddy Huggins in 10:02.
Segment Rating: 60

As the referee raises Freddy Huggins' hand in victory, the atmosphere inside the arena takes a sudden turn. Out of nowhere, a familiar face storms into the ring. It's Nick Booth, a notorious troublemaker and a rival of T-Bone Bright.

Nick Booth wastes no time and launches a brutal assault on T-Bone, catching him off guard. The crowd gasps in shock as Booth delivers a relentless series of strikes, mercilessly pummeling T-Bone while he's down on the mat.

The referee tries to intervene, but Booth brushes him aside, determined to make a statement. With each blow, he asserts his dominance and leaves no doubt about his intentions.

The arena erupts with a mix of boos and concerned cheers as the attack intensifies. T-Bone, though battered and dazed, refuses to back down. He attempts to fight back, summoning every ounce of strength he has left. However, Booth's relentless assault proves overwhelming, and T-Bone finds himself on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown.

Amidst the chaos, the ringside officials scramble to restore order. They desperately call for backup, hoping to quell the sudden eruption of violence. Security personnel rush to the ring, attempting to separate Nick Booth from his helpless target.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the security team manages to separate Booth from T-Bone Bright. They drag him away from the ring, restraining him as he continues to hurl insults and threats towards his fallen opponent.
Segment Rating: 37

As the split-screen display shows Jason Azaria in the center, he greets the viewers with enthusiasm to the second “6 minutes” of the night, setting the stage for an intriguing conversation. He explains the rules: Each participant will have two minutes to answer Azaria's questions, followed by a two-minute confrontation between the two competitors.

Jason Azaria asks Jay Chord: Jay, for the last couple of weeks, your newly formed group with the TCW Television champion Greg Gauge and Edd Stone, known as 'Second Generation Destiny,' has been wreaking havoc in TCW, showing no respect to anyone here. It seems that you have learned to rely on each other. What is going to happen in 'The War To Settle The Score' when you face Sammy Bach in a Steel Cage match?" The timer appears, counting down the two minutes.

Jay Chord begins his response, emphasizing that their union as a group stems from their frustration with the discrimination they have faced in TCW. He expresses discontent with TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson, who seems to make their path difficult. Chord firmly believes that just because they come from a wrestling lineage doesn't mean TCW should hinder their progress. Regarding the steel cage match against Sammy Bach, Chord confidently states that he has already defeated Bach at "Malice in Wonderland," and at "The War To Settle The Score," he will emerge victorious once again.

Jason Azaria then asks Sammy Bach: “Sammy, the steel cage is meant to prevent the other members of 'Second Generation Destiny' from interfering in the match, but if we set Jay Chord's attitude aside, we are talking about a great athlete. Can you beat him?”
The timer appears, counting down the two minutes.

Sammy Bach wastes no time in expressing his thoughts. He looks directly into the camera, addressing Jay Chord. "Jay, at 'The War To Settle The Score,' there will be no escape for either of us. We'll be locked inside a steel cage, where no one can interfere. It will be a pure, true wrestling match between two men. And Jay, based on your recent actions, it's clear to me that you're nothing but a little coward who relies on his buddies to fight his battles."

Bach's confidence shines through as he continues, "But at 'The War To Settle The Score,' I will show everyone who the real man is. I will beat you fair and square in the middle of that ring. And when I hit you with my signature move, the 'Bach On Your Back,' there will be no escape for you. The referee will count one, two, three, and I will emerge victorious."

As the timer reaches 0:00, Jason Azaria interrupts Sammy Bach, informing him that his time is up. He then tells them both that they now have the opportunity to confront each other, and they will have 2 minutes for this exchange.

Sammy Bach: Jay, I've heard your boasts and seen the havoc you and your group have been causing. But let me remind you, it takes more than arrogance and numbers to win in this business. You may have learned to rely on each other, but I've learned to rely on my own skills and determination.

Jay Chord, unflinching, responds with a cocky grin.

Jay Chord: Sammy, you may think you're a great athlete, but you're mistaken if you believe that will be enough to beat me. I have the legacy of greatness running through my veins, and nothing you bring to the table will be able to match that. In the steel cage at "The War To Settle The Score," I will prove once again why I am superior.

Sammy Bach chuckles, showing no signs of intimidation.

Sammy Bach: Jay, your legacy doesn't intimidate me. In that steel cage, it's just you and me, and I thrive in high-pressure situations. I've faced challenges before, and I've come out on top. The outcome will be no different this time. Prepare yourself for a rockstar performance like no other.

As the timer shows 0:00, Jason Azaria thanks both Sammy Bach and Jay Chord for their time and insightful responses. The split-screen video chat fades away, leaving the viewers eagerly anticipating their highly anticipated clash at "The War To Settle The Score."
Segment Rating: 76

Sammy Bach & One Man Army vs. Jay Chord & Edd Stone

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As the bell rang, Jay Chord and One Man Army started the match for their  teams. Both men showcased their athleticism and technical prowess, exchanging holds and strikes. One Man Army, with his imposing strength, managed to gain the upper hand, overpowering Jay Chord with a series of powerful slams and suplexes.

Not one to back down, Jay Chord showed his resilience and cunning, using underhanded tactics to gain an advantage. He tagged in Edd Stone, who quickly targeted One Man Army's leg, trying to weaken the powerhouse of the team. Edd Stone applied various submission holds, attempting to wear down his opponent.

However, One Man Army fought through the pain, battling his way to his corner, where he made the crucial tag to Sammy Bach. The crowd erupted as Sammy Bach entered the ring, bringing his energetic style into the match. He showcased his agility, executing maneuvers that left the audience in awe.

Sammy Bach unleashed a flurry of offense, taking control of the match. He delivered lightning-fast strikes, keeping Jay Chord and Edd Stone on their toes. The momentum shifted in the favor of the babyface team as Sammy Bach displayed his incredible resilience and determination.

In the final moments of the match, chaos ensued as all four competitors entered the ring. Moves were traded back and forth, each team desperate to secure the victory. In a decisive moment, One Man Army managed to hit Edd Stone with his devastating finishing move, the Guided Missile. The impact was immense, and the referee counted the pinfall.

Winners: Sammy Bach & One Man Army in 16:10.
Segment Rating: 73

In the special wrestling segment of "6 Minutes," hosted by Jason Azaria, the anticipation for the upcoming PPV event, "The War To Settle The Score," reaches new heights. The participants in this face-to-face interview are the TCW World heavyweight champion Aaron Andrews, accompanied by Skull DeBones, and  Eddie Peak, accompanied by Wolf Hawkins. The stage is set for a thrilling confrontation.

Jason Azaria welcomes the viewers and introduces himself as the host of the third “6 minutes” segment of the night. He then introduces his guests, who join him via video chat, shown on a split screen. Azaria explains the rules: he will ask Aaron Andrews a question first, giving him 2 minutes to answer. Then he will ask Eddie Peak a question, and he will also have 2 minutes to respond. Finally, both participants will have 2 minutes to confront each other.

Azaria begins by addressing Aaron Andrews, acknowledging his introduction of Skull DeBones as a mentor to face Eddie Peak at "The War To Settle The Score." Azaria asks how they came to know each other and why Skull DeBones agreed to help. The timer appears on the screen, counting down the 2 minutes.

Aaron Andrews responds by stating that everyone in TCW knows the sadistic nature of the "Sinner Society" led by Eddie Peak. He recounts the attack he and Joshua Taylor faced from Peak, Wolf Hawkins, and The Behemoths. Realizing he needed guidance from someone equally maniacal and ready for vengeance, he chose Skull DeBones. Skull Debones adds that paths in life may seem random, but they all lead to the crossroad of destiny, which is "The War To Settle The Score." He promises that a different Aaron Andrews will be seen, one who will finish Eddie Peak’s asspirations  once and for all.

As the timer reaches 0:00, Jason Azaria informs them that their time is up. He then turns to Eddie Peak and asks about his alliance with Wolf Hawkins, questioning why they targeted Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. Eddie Peak, with Wolf Hawkins laughing in the background, explains that everything went according to plan. The Sinner Society never denies an opportunity to showcase their dominance, and Wolf Hawkins provided the chance to do so. Eddie Peak revels in the opportunity to face Aaron Andrews at "The War To Settle The Score" and become the new TCW World Heavyweight champion. He dismissively mentions Skull DeBones and declares that only one of them has a place in TCW.

Once again, the timer reaches 0:00, and Jason Azaria ends Eddie Peak's time. He informs both participants that they now have 2 minutes to confront each other. 

Aaron Andrews, standing alongside Skull DeBones, exudes confidence and determination. He confronts Eddie Peak, pointing out the devious tactics employed by the Sinner Society and expressing his disdain for their actions. He emphasizes his belief that justice will prevail and vows to defend his TCW World Heavyweight Championship with every ounce of his being. Andrews asserts that he will prove his worth and overcome the sadistic nature of Eddie Peak.

Eddie Peak, flanked by Wolf Hawkins, revels in his sadistic persona, promising to unleash chaos and destruction upon Andrews inside the ring. He taunts Skull DeBones, labeling him as insignificant and warning him to stay out of their affairs.

The tension between the two rivals intensifies as they exchange verbal jabs, each fueling the fire within themselves. Skull DeBones stands stoically by Aaron Andrews' side, occasionally interjecting with words of support and reminding Eddie Peak of the consequences that await him at "The War To Settle The Score."

Jason Azaria, serving as the mediator, struggles to maintain control over the confrontation as the intensity rises. The atmosphere is electric, and viewers eagerly anticipate the clash between these formidable competitors. As the 2 minutes draw to a close, Azaria steps in, bringing an end to the confrontation and heightening the anticipation for their upcoming battle.
Segment Rating: 79

Non-title Exhibition match:
Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavyweight champion) vs. Greg Gauge (TCW Televison champion)

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As the bell rang, both champions showcased their incredible skills and determination inside the squared circle. Aaron Andrews, beloved by the crowd for his resilience and high-flying maneuvers, displayed his technical prowess and agility. On the other hand, Greg Gauge, known for his hard-hitting style and calculated offense the TCW Television Championship.

The match unfolded as a back-and-forth battle, with each competitor countering the other's moves and executing near falls. Aaron Andrews utilized his high-risk maneuvers, leaping off the turnbuckles with precision, while Greg Gauge relied on his strength and ground-based attacks to wear down his opponent.

The intensity of the match continued to escalate as the minutes ticked by, with both champions refusing to back down. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, fully engrossed in the epic encounter unfolding before them.

As the minutes turned into an intense half-hour, the battle between Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge showed no signs of waning. The ring shook with each impactful move, and the audience roared with anticipation, witnessing a clash of titans.

With the time ticking down, both competitors pushed themselves to the limit, unleashing their most devastating maneuvers in a final attempt to secure victory. However, as the time limit expired, the match ended in a draw. The audience was left in awe of the sheer display of skill and determination from both champions.

Winner: No winner. 30 minutes time limit. 
Segment Rating: 75

Overall Rating: 74
This Show achieved a 2.62 TV rating (1,969,873 viewers) on ACE, and 0.31 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (233,232 viewers).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the upcoming card for TCW The War To Settle The Score from Las Vegas,NV:

  • TCW World Heavyweight Championship title match: Aaron Andrews © vs. Eddie Peak
  • Steel Cage Match: Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord
  • Troy Tornado vs. Freddy Huggins
  • Danny Fonzarelli vs. Chris Flynn
  • Human Arsenal vs. Jeremie Courtney
  • Joshua Taylor vs. Doc Hammond
  • Maverick vs. The Silencer
  • T-Bone Bright vs. Nick Booth
  • One Man Army vs. Edd Stone
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Predictions for TCW The War To Settle The Score

TCW World Heavyweight Championship title match: Aaron Andrews © vs. Eddie Peak
Steel Cage Match: Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord
Troy Tornado vs. Freddy Huggins
Danny Fonzarelli vs. Chris Flynn
Human Arsenal vs. Jeremie Courtney
Joshua Taylor vs. Doc Hammond
Maverick vs. The Silencer
T-Bone Bright vs. Nick Booth
One Man Army vs. Edd Stone

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Sunday, Week 4, February 2020
Las Vegas,NV (South West)
Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT!)

[Video Promo: "The War To Settle The Score"]

[The screen opens with a dark, ominous atmosphere as the sound of heavy drums reverberates in the background.]

[Narrator - Dramatic Voiceover]

Narrator: In a world consumed by turmoil, where battles are fought and destinies entwined, a spectacle awaits. Tonight, at Las Vegas, Nevada, warriors rise to settle their scores, defying the boundaries of pain and resilience.

[The video transitions to Aaron Andrews, standing tall and determined in the center of the ring, with a fiery determination in his eyes.]

Aaron Andrews: In the face of darkness, I stand as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. I believe in justice, and I will defend this championship with every fiber of my being. Eddie Peak, your sadistic nature won't prevail. I will prove my worth and overcome every obstacle you throw my way.

[The video cuts to Wolf Hawkins taunting Aaron Andrews from a distance, his voice dripping with mockery.]

Wolf Hawkins: Mentor or not, Aaron Andrews, no amount of guidance can save you from the doom that awaits you at The War To Settle The Score. Prepare for your inevitable downfall.

[The camera shifts to Eddie Peak, a sinister grin on his face, as he exudes an aura of chaos and destruction.]

Eddie Peak: Aaron Andrews, you believe in justice? I promise to unleash chaos and destruction upon you inside that ring. No corner will be safe, no sanctuary found. The War To Settle The Score will be the battleground where your reign comes crashing down.

[The video transitions to Sammy Bach, intense and focused, as he addresses his opponent, Jay Chord.]

Sammy Bach: Jay, at The War To Settle The Score, there will be no escape for either of us. We'll be locked inside a steel cage, where no one can interfere. It will be a pure, true wrestling match between two men. Prepare yourself, for there will be no mercy.

[Jay Chord, brimming with confidence, delivers his message with a hint of arrogance.]

Jay Chord: Sammy, you may think you're a great athlete, but you're mistaken if you believe that will be enough to beat me. The legacy of greatness runs through my veins, and nothing you bring to the table can match that. In the steel cage at The War To Settle The Score, I will prove once again why I am superior.

[The camera shifts to Freddie Huggins, intense and determined, as he speaks about his upcoming match against Troy Tornado.]

Freddie Huggins: Troy, your obsession with me is tiresome. The only way to rid yourself of it is to face me at The War To Settle The Score. I'll show you just how futile your efforts are, as I emerge victorious and leave you in the dust.

[Troy Tornado, fueled by determination, stares into the camera as he delivers his final message.]

Troy Tornado: Freddy, at The War To Settle The Score, you will witness just how driven and obsessed I am to emerge victorious in our match. The storm is coming, and it will consume you entirely.

[The video intensifies as The Silencer cracks his knuckles, the focus solely on his menacing presence.]

The Silencer: The silence shall reign, and bodies will fall. The War To Settle The Score will be a testament to my dominance.

[The screen fades to black]
Segment Rating: 67

Troy Tornado vs. Freddy Huggins/with Laura Huggins

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As the bell rings, both competitors lock eyes, a mixture of determination and rivalry burning in their gaze. The match begins with a flurry of back-and-forth action, showcasing the skills and athleticism of both Freddy Huggins and Troy Tornado. The crowd cheers for every impactful move executed by Troy and jeers at Freddy's underhanded tactics.

Laura Huggins, ever the opportunist, doesn't miss a beat, frequently interjecting herself in the match, distracting the referee and providing an unfair advantage to her brother. The audience's frustration grows as Laura's interference threatens to turn the tide in Freddy's favor.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Troy Tornado showcases his resilience and fighting spirit. He unleashes a series of lightning-fast strikes, thrilling the crowd with his athleticism. The fans rally behind him, cheering his every move.

As the match progresses, tensions escalate, and the intensity reaches its peak. Freddy Huggins, desperate to secure a victory, resorts to a nefarious tactic. Seizing an opportunity, he plants his finisher the "Huggins Kiss," on a momentarily stunned Troy Tornado. The referee counts, and the arena erupts with a mix of shock and disdain.

The boos rain down upon him, but the crafty heel relishes in his underhanded triumph, basking in the disapproval of the audience.

Winner: Freddy Huggins in 15:22 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 67

As the lights in the arena dim, an eerie silence fills the air. Suddenly, the sounds of a helicopter's blades cutting through the air crescendo to a deafening roar, followed by the screech of brakes.

As the smoke clears, a tall, muscular man with a buzz cut emerges from the vehicle, clad in black sunglasses, combat boots, and pants. He cracks his knuckles and glares into the camera with a fierce intensity, as the crowd erupts into a mixture of cheers and jeers.

The screen flashes the words "The Silencer" in bold letters, as John Snyder makes his way down the ramp with a menacing stride. He climbs up the steps to the ring, pausing for a moment to survey the audience with a smirk before slipping through the ropes.

As he stands in the center of the ring, Snyder rips off his black jacket, revealing his tattooed arms, which read "The Silencer" in bold letters.

The Silencer paces around the ring, surveying his surroundings with a sense of predatory intensity. As his theme music fades away, he grabs a microphone and holds it up to his lips.

"I'm not here to be liked," he snarls, his voice dripping with disdain. "I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here to terminate my opponents. And believe me, I know how to do it." The Silencer cracks his knuckles and stares down his opponent, ready to unleash his wrath.
Segment Rating: 32

Maverick vs. The Silencer

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As the match begins, Maverick tries to use his speed and agility to gain an advantage. However, The Silencer easily overpowers him, effortlessly swatting away his attempts at offense. The crowd reacts with mixed emotions, appreciating Maverick's resilience but also acknowledging The Silencer's dominance.

The Silencer takes control of the match, imposing his sheer strength and size advantage on Maverick. He relentlessly delivers punishing strikes and power moves, each one emphasizing his total domination. Maverick valiantly fights back, displaying his resilience and heart, but he struggles to mount a significant offense against the overpowering force of The Silencer.

The crowd, though disappointed with the lackluster wrestling on display, rallies behind Maverick, cheering him on in the face of adversity. Maverick's determination shines through as he refuses to stay down, summoning the energy to launch a brief comeback. However, The Silencer quickly cuts him off with a devastating clothesline, sending Maverick crashing to the mat once again.

As the match progresses, The Silencer continues to assert his dominance, meticulously dismantling Maverick. The crowd, while appreciating Maverick's valiant effort, is in awe of The Silencer's raw power and control.

With the audience watching on, The Silencer hoists Maverick up onto his broad shoulders, signaling the beginning of the end. The crowd holds its breath as The Silencer executes his signature finishing move, the Drop Zone, driving Maverick into the canvas with tremendous force.

Winner: The Silencer in 7:16 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 42

T-Bone Bright vs. Nick Booth/ with Floyd Goldworthy

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As the bell rings, T-Bone Bright exudes power and determination, showcasing his impressive strength. He takes control of the match, overpowering Nick Booth with his raw force. The crowd erupts with cheers as T-Bone delivers a series of bone-rattling slams and powerful strikes, asserting his dominance.

Nick Booth, known for his brawler style and willingness to bend the rules, fights back with a relentless tenacity. He targets T-Bone's vulnerable spots, employing underhanded tactics and capitalizing on any opportunity to gain an advantage. Floyd Goldworthy lurks at ringside, occasionally interfering and adding to T-Bone's challenges.

Despite the sub-par wrestling on display, the crowd remains engaged, eagerly cheering for T-Bone Bright and booing the devious tactics of Nick Booth and his manager.

In a pivotal moment, T-Bone Bright showcases his immense strength and executes a thunderous Powerslam, driving Nick Booth into the canvas with tremendous impact. The referee counts, and the crowd counts along, eagerly anticipating the outcome.

Winner: T-Bone Bright in 9:56 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 45

[We cut to the backstage area where Jeremie Courtney, accompanied by Marc Speed and Matt Hocking. Jeremie adjusts his cufflinks and smirks, while Marc Speed flexes his muscles beside him and Matt Hocking poses in the background.]

Jeremie Courtney: Human Arsenal, my dear, do you even comprehend the caliber of opponent you are about to face? You may possess some athletic ability, but let me remind you that talent alone does not equate to victory. I, on the other hand, have resources, privilege, and a brilliant mind that far surpasses your limited capabilities.

[Marc Speed smirks, his muscles rippling as he listens intently.]

Jeremie Courtney: You see, Human Arsenal, I am not just a man of means; I am a man of strategy. I have meticulously studied your every move, your every weakness, and I have formulated a plan to expose them all. Tonight, I will expose you as nothing more than a mere mortal, vulnerable and insignificant.

[Matt Hocking, with his striking good looks, chimes in with a confident grin.]

[The camera zooms in on Jeremie Courtney's smug expression as he delivers his final words.]

Jeremie Courtney: Tonight, Human Arsenal, you will come face-to-face with the harsh reality that money and power always prevail. I will expose you as an inferior competitor and shatter any delusions you may have had about your chances against me.

[Marc Speed cracks his knuckles.]

[The trio walks away as the camera fades to black.]
Segment Rating: 49

Human Arsenal vs. Jeremie Courtney

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The match started with Jeremie Courtney taunting Human Arsenal, mocking his abilities and belittling him at every opportunity. Human Arsenal, fueled by the disdain shown by his opponent, retaliated with a fiery spirit, showcasing his resilience and determination.

Throughout the match, Jeremie relied on his underhanded tactics, resorting to cheap shots and dirty maneuvers to gain an advantage. He would frequently break the rules, frustrating both Human Arsenal and the audience. Despite this, Human Arsenal fought back valiantly, unleashing his powerful strikes and showcasing his athleticism.

As the match reached its climax, Human Arsenal mounted a comeback, delivering a series of impressive moves that had the crowd on their feet. It seemed like victory was within his grasp. However, Jeremie Courtney, displaying his cunning and cunning, managed to counter one of Human Arsenal's signature moves and executed a devastating Face First Suplex.

The impact of the maneuver left Human Arsenal stunned, unable to recover in time as Jeremie Courtney swiftly capitalized on the opportunity. With a smirk of triumph, Jeremie Courtney pinned Human Arsenal to the mat, securing the victory.

The crowd erupted into a mix of boos and disappointment, disappointed with the outcome of the match. Jeremie Courtney, reveling in his underhanded victory, soaked in the negative energy, further fueling his arrogant persona.

As the referee raised Jeremie Courtney's hand in victory, Human Arsenal slowly rose to his feet, a look of determination etched on his face.

Winner: Jeremie Courtney in 10:30 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 33

[Opening scene: Dramatic music plays as the screen fades in.]

Narrator (Voiceover): In the world of professional wrestling, rivalries are born out of betrayal and the thirst for victory. Tonight, we witness the clash between two formidable competitors. Prepare yourself for an epic confrontation that will leave its mark in TCW history.

[Cut to a video package featuring intense highlights of One Man Army and Edd Stone in action.]

Narrator (Voiceover): One Man Army, a veteran of the ring, whose strength and resilience have earned him a place among the legends of TCW. But his path to glory was obstructed by a malicious force.

[Scene transitions to One Man Army standing in the middle of the ring, his eyes filled with determination.]

One Man Army: Edd Stone, you dared to interfere in my match against Greg Gauge, costing me the chance at the TCW Television title. Tonight, I will teach you a lesson that you will never forget. Remember this, Edd: always mind your own business!

[Cut to a close-up of Edd Stone, wearing a sinister grin.]

Edd Stone: One Man Army, tonight you will finally understand why we are called The Second Generation Destiny. We are the heirs to greatness, destined for glory, while you, my friend, are destined for failure!

[The video package intensifies, showcasing both wrestlers delivering devastating moves and engaging in heated confrontations.]

Narrator (Voiceover): Tonight, the ring will bear witness to an explosive battle. It's a clash between experience and youthful vigor. One Man Army seeks redemption, while Edd Stone is determined to prove his superiority.

[The video package culminates in a montage of both competitors exchanging fierce blows.]

Narrator (Voiceover): Tonight, they step into the squared circle, ready to settle their score. Who will emerge victorious? The answer lies in the thunderous collision between One Man Army and Edd Stone.

[The screen fades to black.]

[End of the video package.]
Segment Rating: 62

One Man Army vs. Edd Stone

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The TCW arena is electrified with anticipation as the match between One Man Army and Edd Stone is about to begin. The crowd's excitement is palpable, knowing that the legendary Bryan Vessey will be serving as the special enforcer, ensuring a fair contest. The bell rings, signaling the start of the match.

One Man Army, the embodiment of power and determination, steps into the ring, while Edd Stone, accompanied by his fellow Second Generation Destiny stablemates Jay Chord and the TCW Television champion Greg Gauge, exudes arrogance and confidence. The tension between them is undeniable.

The match kicks off with a series of intense lock-ups and technical exchanges, showcasing the wrestling prowess of both competitors. Edd Stone, a cunning and agile fighter, tries to gain an early advantage, utilizing his speed and evasiveness.

But One Man Army, fueled by the support of the crowd, demonstrates his resilience and strength. With each strike and suplex, he asserts his dominance over Edd Stone, forcing him to retreat momentarily.

However, Greg gauge and Jay Chord attempted to interfere in the match. But the vigilant Bryan Vessey swiftly intervenes, ensuring that the bout remains a one-on-one contest. Their presence only serves to fuel One Man Army's determination to triumph.

As the match progresses, both competitors unleash their signature moves and engage in a back-and-forth battle. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, cheering for their favorite wrestler, eagerly anticipating the outcome.

In a pivotal moment, the original referee is inadvertently knocked out during a collision between Edd Stone and One Man Army. Seizing the opportunity, Bryan Vessey takes over as the referee, stepping in to ensure fairness prevails.

With the tide turning in his favor, One Man Army summons his last reserves of strength and resilience. He executes his devastating finisher, the Guided Missile, delivering a thunderous blow that leaves Edd Stone sprawled on the canvas.

Bryan Vessey counts the pinfall, and the crowd erupts in jubilation as One Man Army secures the victory. The bell rings, signifying the end of the match and the triumph of the babyface warrior.

One Man Army stands tall in the center of the ring, his hand raised in victory, while Edd Stone, his arrogance shattered, retreats with his stablemates in defeat.

Winner: One Man Army in 10:28 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 70

One Man Army turns his attention to Bryan Vessey, the special enforcer who ensured a fair contest throughout the match. The two men lock eyes, a mutual respect and admiration evident between them.

With the crowd's cheers echoing throughout the arena, One Man Army approaches Bryan Vessey, extending his hand in gratitude and congratulations. Bryan Vessey, a seasoned veteran of the wrestling world, accepts the gesture with a nod of appreciation.

As the audience roars in approval, One Man Army and Bryan Vessey share a moment of camaraderie in the center of the ring.

Bryan Vessey, a legendary figure in TCW, joins in the celebration, raising One Man Army's hand in a display of mutual respect. The bond between them is evident, as they stand united in the ring, basking in the glory of a hard-fought victory.

Segment Rating: 50

In a video recap, the intense events of two weeks ago unfold before the viewers' eyes. The footage begins with Chris Flynn, clutching a steel chair in his hands and swings the chair with brutal force, aiming for Danny's head. The crowd gasps collectively, their disbelief and shock evident on their faces. Danny's body crumples to the mat, writhing in pain, while the audience erupts in a chorus of horrified and angered voices.

The referee, alert and swift in his actions, reacts immediately to the heinous act of violence. With a sense of urgency, he lunges toward Chris, forcefully grabbing his arm to prevent any further assault. The referee's expression is stern, reflecting his unwavering resolve to maintain order and protect the wrestlers' safety.

In a decisive move, the referee declares the match over, signaling for the disqualification of Chris Flynn.
Segment Rating: 50

Danny Fonzarelli vs. Chris Flynn

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As the bell rings, the match kicks off with a surge of energy. The crowd is immediately engaged, responding to the intense rivalry between the two wrestlers. Both Chris and Danny showcase their abilities, executing a series of impressive moves and counterattacks.

The wrestling exchanges between the two competitors is hard-hitting. Danny displays his strength and agility, delivering powerful strikes and executing high-impact maneuvers. However, Chris's cunning and ruthlessness enable him to seize opportunities and turn the tide in his favor.

In a pivotal moment, Chris locks Danny in his signature submission hold, the "Flynn-Lock." The crowd watches in anticipation as Danny fights to escape the excruciating hold.

Despite his valiant efforts, Danny eventually succumbs to the relentless pressure of the "Flynn-Lock." The referee closely monitors the situation, ensuring the submission is legitimate. With no other choice, Danny taps out, signaling his defeat and granting Chris Flynn the victory.

Winner: Chris Flynn in 10:01 by submission.
Segment Rating: 51

With a low, commanding voice, Doc Hammond begins his pre-recorded promo, addressing his upcoming opponent, Joshua Taylor. He wastes no time in acknowledging the recent events involving his fellow stablemate, Wolf Hawkins, who has been banned from the upcoming PPV by TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson.

"Joshua Taylor, tonight you step into the ring with me, Doc Hammond. And I want you to understand one thing clearly. The actions that took place at 'Malice in Wonderland' will not go unanswered. You see, Ricky Dale Johnson may have banned Wolf Hawkins from this event, but that doesn't mean he won't be represented."

Hammond's eyes narrow as he recalls the defeat suffered by Hawkins at the hands of Taylor, the spark of revenge fueling his words. He continues with a calculated intensity, emphasizing the personal nature of their upcoming match.

"Joshua, you may have defeated Wolf Hawkins once, but tonight, I will extract vengeance in his name. I will make you pay for every blow, every humiliation he endured at your hands. You thought 'Malice in Wonderland' was the end of it? No, it was merely the beginning."

Doc Hammond's voice grows more menacing, his resolve unwavering as he vows to deliver a punishment of his own. The camera captures the fire in his eyes, reflecting the burning desire for retribution.

"You will feel the wrath of 'The Syndicate' tonight, Joshua Taylor. You will face the consequences of your actions. This isn't just about victory or defeat; it's about righting the wrongs and restoring justice. Wolf Hawkins may not be physically present, but his spirit, his determination, and his quest for redemption will guide me in this battle."
Segment Rating: 68

Joshua Taylor vs. Doc Hammond

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Joshua Taylor wastes no time in taking the fight to Doc Hammond. He showcases his raw power with thunderous strikes and high-impact maneuvers, sending shockwaves through the ring. The crowd rallies behind him, cheering his every move.

However, Doc Hammond, proves to be a formidable opponent. He strategically targets Joshua's limbs, meticulously working to neutralize his power advantage. With expert precision, Hammond employs various submission holds and technical maneuvers, wearing down Joshua and testing his resilience.

The match unfolds with a back-and-forth exchange of momentum. Joshua's explosive bursts of offense ignite the crowd, while Hammond's calculated counters and submissions keep the babyface on the defensive. The atmosphere is electric as both competitors showcase their unique styles, captivating the audience with their in-ring skills.

As the match enters its final moments, in a decisive turn of events, Doc Hammond seizes an opportunity to lock in his devastating finisher, the "Texas Cloverleaf." In the midst of applying the excruciating maneuver, he shifts his gaze toward the camera and lets out a passionate scream, "This one's for you, Wolf!" With immense pressure applied to Joshua's lower back, the babyface finds himself trapped in the excruciating submission hold. 

Despite his valiant effort, Joshua struggles to escape the clutches of the submission. The pain surges through his body, but he refuses to submit. The crowd rallies behind him, urging him to find a way out.

However, the relentless pressure becomes too much to bear. The babyface's resistance fades, and he is left with no choice but to tap out, signaling the victory for Doc Hammond. 

Winner: Doc Hammond in 16:28 by submission.
Segment Rating: 67

A short video recap is played, highlighting the events that led to the upcoming steel cage match between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord.
Segment Rating: 68

Steel Cage Match: Sammy Bach vs. Jay Chord

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In a highly anticipated wrestling cage match between Sammy Bach and Jay Chord, the announcers inform the viewers at home about the match's rules: no one is allowed in or out of the steel cage, and the only way to achieve victory is by pinning your opponent or forcing them to submit.

With the crowd buzzing with excitement, the match begins. Sammy Bach and Jay Chord waste no time in unleashing their athleticism and aggression inside the unforgiving steel structure. The atmosphere is electric as the two competitors go back and forth, executing impressive maneuvers and countering each other's attacks.

The momentum swings from one wrestler to the other, with near falls and submission attempts keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats. Sammy Bach displays his resilience and determination, refusing to give in to Jay Chord's relentless assault. The audience rallies behind Bach, cheering him on as he fights back against the ruthless Jay Chord.

However, as the match reaches its climax, Jay Chord manages to seize the opportunity. With a calculated move, he executes his devastating Cradle Piledriver, driving Sammy Bach into the mat with incredible force. The impact echoes throughout the arena as the referee counts the pinfall.

Winner: Jay Chord in 25:29 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 78

A short video recap is played, highlighting the events that led to the upcoming TCW World Heavyweight title match between the champion Aaron Andrews to his opponent “The Hardcore Assassin” Eddie Peak.
Segment Rating: 71

TCW World Heavyweight Championship title match: Aaron Andrews © vs. Eddie Peak

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In the main event of the evening, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Andrews, a beloved babyface, steps into the ring to face off against the “Hardcore Assassin”, Eddie Peak. The atmosphere is charged with excitement as the crowd eagerly awaits this clash of titans.

As the bell rings, both competitors waste no time in showcasing their skills and physicality. The match quickly intensifies, with Aaron Andrews relying on his agility and technical prowess to outmaneuver the powerful and relentless Eddie Peak. The crowd is on their feet, enthralled by the fast-paced and hard-hitting action.

Eddie Peak, using his size and strength to his advantage, delivers bone-crushing strikes and power moves, attempting to wear down the resilient champion. However, Aaron Andrews proves why he is the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, fighting back with a combination of high-flying maneuvers and impactful strikes, stunning the audience with his versatility.

The match reaches its climax as both competitors give their all, executing breathtaking moves and near-falls that keep the crowd at the edge of their seats. The energy in the arena is electric as the battle intensifies.

In a thrilling moment, Aaron Andrews ascends to the top turnbuckle, launching himself through the air with precision and grace. He connects with a magnificent Flying Body Press, crashing onto Eddie Peak and taking him down for the count. The referee's hand slaps the mat, signaling the pinfall.

After a grueling contest that lasted 22 minutes and 23 seconds, Aaron Andrews emerges victorious, retaining his TCW World Heavyweight Championship. The crowd erupts with cheers and applause, showering the champion with adoration and respect for his incredible performance.

Winner: Aaron Andrews in 22:23 by pinfall.
Segment Rating: 79

As the crowd and announcers bask in the excitement of Aaron Andrews' hard-fought victory and successful title defense against Eddie Peak, a sudden wave of confusion sweeps through the arena. Breaking through the crowd and charging into the ring comes Wolf Hawkins, a wrestler who was supposed to be suspended by TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson for this event. The shocked crowd and announcers wonder what Hawkins is doing there, as they remind viewers of his suspension.

Without warning, Wolf Hawkins launches a vicious attack from behind on the celebrating Aaron Andrews, catching the champion off guard and sending shockwaves through the arena. The crowd erupts in a mix of gasps, boos, and surprised shouts.

However, before Hawkins can inflict any significant damage, the lights suddenly flicker and then go out completely, plunging the arena into darkness. The crowd buzzes with anticipation, wondering what is happening. Moments later, the lights return, revealing a surprising sight in the ring.

Standing tall, unyielding, and ready for action is Skull DeBones, the Avenging Angel and mentor of Aaron Andrews. The unexpected appearance of Skull DeBones sends a jolt of excitement and relief through the crowd. DeBones swiftly moves to intercept Wolf Hawkins, chasing him off and saving Aaron Andrews from a potentially severe beating.

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, their admiration for Skull DeBones and his intervention clear. The announcers and viewers at home marvel at the turn of events, recognizing that Skull DeBones has not only protected the champion but also delivered a resounding message to Wolf Hawkins.

In the aftermath of the chaotic interruption, Aaron Andrews, still recovering from the surprise attack, regains his composure with the support of Skull DeBones. The atmosphere in the arena shifts from confusion to admiration as the fans rally behind their champion, grateful for the timely intervention that spared him from further harm.

Segment Rating: 87

Aaron Andrews, still visibly fatigued from his grueling title defense, raises the TCW World Heavyweight Championship high above his head, its golden plates gleaming under the arena's bright lights. The crowd responds with thunderous applause, recognizing and honoring Andrews' indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve.

Together, Andrews and DeBones share a moment of mutual respect and admiration.Surrounded by the thunderous ovation from the appreciative audience, the duo takes a lap around the ring, acknowledging the fans' unwavering support. 

As the celebration reaches its crescendo, fireworks explode overhead, filling the arena with cascading lights and vibrant colors. The spectacle mirrors the explosive energy and passion witnessed throughout the night, a fitting tribute to the culmination of "The War To Settle The Score."

Segment Rating: 68

Overall Rating: 79

TCW The War To Settle The Score got a PPV buy rate of 1.20 (604,172).

TCW The War To Settle The Score was shown last night and got a 0.39 TV rating  on Maple Leaf Sports in Canada(294,029 viewers) .

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  • 4 weeks later...


Tuesday, Week 1, March 2020
Louisiana Auditorium (South East)
Attendance: 8,183

[The arena is buzzing with anticipation as the cameras focus on the ring, where the TCW commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson stands, microphone in hand. The crowd erupts in cheers, eager to hear what he has to say.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "Total Wrestling"! What a night we have in store for you tonight! But before we dive into the action, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible spectacle that was "The War To Settle The Score"!

[The crowd roars with excitement, remembering the thrilling moments from the previous PPV.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Now, my friends, it's time to look ahead to the future. We're gearing up for another spectacular event that will leave you on the edge of your seats. I'm talking about "Battleground 3"! At "Battleground 3," we're taking things to a whole new level. We're going to witness not one, not two, but FOUR incredible 4 vs. 4 elimination matches! 

[The crowd reacts with a mix of anticipation and cheers, eager to see their favorite wrestlers compete in this unique format.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to meet the captains and their teammates for the main event of "Battleground 3"! Introducing first, the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, Aaron Andrews!

[The arena erupts in cheers as Aaron Andrews, accompanied by his mentor Skull DeBones, makes his way to the ring. He is joined by his "Battleground 3" teammates, Joshua Taylor and Dazzling Dave Diamond.]

[Aaron Andrews raises his championship belt high, the crowd's cheers growing even louder in response. He exchanges determined glances with his teammates, showcasing their unity and determination.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Hold on just a moment, Aaron Andrews. It seems we have a slight discrepancy here. Where is your third teammate? This is supposed to be a 4 vs. 4 match, and I must say, I expected your team to be fully prepared.

Skull DeBones: Commissioner Johnson, facing a devious opponent like Wolf Hawkins requires strategic planning. You need to be two steps ahead of him at all times. That's why we have a carefully selected fourth member for Team Andrews, and their identity will be revealed next week!

[Aaron Andrews nods in agreement, showing his confidence in the upcoming addition to their team.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Well, Aaron, I'm certainly intrigued. I can't wait to find out who this fourth member is.

Aaron Andrews: Commissioner Johnson, let me assure you that you will be pleased with our choice. We have been through a lot, but we are ready to put an end to the chaos caused by The Syndicate and the Sinner Society. With the addition of our fourth member, order will be restored in TCW!

[The crowd roars in anticipation as the music of The Syndicate suddenly hits the arena. Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammons, and Chris Flynn make their way to the ring, smirking confidently.]

Wolf Hawkins: Hey, Skull Face! You think you can play mind games? Well, guess what? Our fourth member will also be revealed next week!

[A smug expression crosses Wolf Hawkins' face as he shifts his attention to Aaron Andrews.]

Wolf Hawkins: Aaron, my friend, don't forget that I am the King of Kings. And at Total Mayhem 24, I'm coming for that TCW World Heavyweight Championship belt. It's only a matter of time before it's around my waist!

[Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn join in the taunting, mocking Aaron Andrews' teammates.]

Doc Hammond: Haha! I already took care of Joshua Taylor at "The War To Settle The Score" and Dave Diamond last month."

[Joshua Taylor, not one to back down, steps forward and responds to Doc Hammond's laughter.]

Joshua Taylor: Doc, you can laugh all you want, but don't forget that I defeated Wolf Hawkins at "Malice In Wonderland." So, think twice before underestimating me.

[Dazzling Dave Diamond, visibly irritated, steps up to Chris Flynn, ready to prove himself.]

Dazzling Dave Diamond: Flynn, I understand Doc's cockiness, but what's so funny about it for you? If you're man enough, step into the ring right now, and I'll wipe that smile off your face with my fists!

[The tension continues to escalate as the challenge is thrown down. The crowd eagerly awaits the response from Chris Flynn.]

Chris Flynn: Be careful what you wish for, Dave Diamond, because you just might get it!

[Ricky Dale Johnson, growing impatient with the escalating tension, steps forward and interrupts.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: Alright, that's enough! We have a show to run tonight, and I won't tolerate any more delays. Chris Flynn, Dazzling Dave Diamond, you two will settle your differences in the ring right now!

[The crowd erupts with excitement at the impromptu match announcement.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: And later tonight, in our main event, we'll have a tag team match. It will be Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor teaming up to take on Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond!

[The audience cheers as Ricky Dale Johnson wraps up the segment.]

Ricky Dale Johnson: That's the lineup for tonight, folks. Now, let's get this show on the road!

Segment Rating: 90

[The segment concludes as the camera cuts to the ringside area, ready for the first match to begin.]

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Chris Flynn

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From the opening bell, both wrestlers displayed their impressive athleticism and technical prowess. Chris Flynn relied on his raw power, unleashing devastating strikes and overpowering moves, while Dazzling Dave Diamond showcased his agility and brawling skills, landing quick strikes and high-impact maneuvers.

The match was a back-and-forth affair, with neither competitor gaining a clear advantage. The crowd roared with excitement as the momentum swung from one wrestler to the other. Every move and counter move was met with cheers and gasps of disbelief.

As the match reached its climax, Dazzling Dave Diamond summoned his reserves of strength and determination. Seizing the opportunity, Dazzling Dave Diamond delivered his signature move, the Dazzle Driver, planting Chris Flynn into the mat with thunderous impact.

The referee slid into position, counting the pinfall. One! Two! Three! The bell rang, signaling the victory for Dazzling Dave Diamond. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, celebrating the hard-fought win of their beloved babyface wrestler.

Winner: Dazzling Dave Diamond by pinfall, in 5:32.
Segment Rating: 60

The Silencer vs. Jack Griffith

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impactful strikes that reverberated throughout the arena. The crowd watched in awe as The Silencer methodically dismantled his opponent, leaving little room for Jack Griffith to retaliate.

As the match neared its conclusion, The Silencer grabbed Jack Griffith by the throat, lifting him up into the air with ease. With a thunderous crash, The Silencer slammed Jack Griffith onto the mat, executing the brutal Drop Zone. The referee swiftly slid into position, counting the pinfall. One! Two! Three! The Silencer emerged victorious, his dominance evident.

With his arm raised in victory by the referee, The Silencer stared directly into the camera, a look of unwavering confidence in his eyes. He bellowed, "I'm the toughest man in this ring, and no one can stop me!"

The crowd, though disheartened for Jack Griffith, responded with a mix of boos and astonished murmurs.

Winner: The Silencer by pinfall, in 4:53.
Segment Rating: 14

In the backstage area, Eddie Peak, still visibly frustrated by Nick Booth’s loss to T-Bone Bright at "The War To Settle The Score," seeks out Nick Booth for a conversation. With a stern expression, Eddie addresses Nick, making it clear that he expects better from him.

"You know, Nick, that loss you had at the last event was completely unacceptable," Eddie says, his tone firm. "It was not only a personal defeat for you but also a humiliation for 'The Sinner Society.' We can't afford any more setbacks like that."

Eddie's words carry a sense of urgency, emphasizing the importance of regaining their dominance in TCW. He continues, "I need you to pull yourself together, Nick. We can't let these setbacks define us. We're a force to be reckoned with, and it's time we show everyone that again."

As he speaks, Eddie's intensity grows, his voice filled with determination. "I want you to channel that frustration and use it as fuel to become stronger, faster, and more ruthless than ever before. We're not going to let anyone stand in our way, especially not after what happened at 'The War To Settle The Score.'"

However, as Eddie's conversation with Nick unfolds, Shawn Doakes, a member of the announce team, begins to express his thoughts on the situation. He voices his concerns about Eddie's approach and raises an issue of perceived hypocrisy.

"Wait a minute, folks," Shawn Doakes interjects, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "Let's not forget that Eddie Peak himself had a failed attempt to win the TCW World Heavyweight title from Aaron Andrews. Isn't it a bit hypocritical for him to point out Nick Booth's loss at the PPV while conveniently 'forgetting' his own shortcomings?"

Shawn's remark sparks a brief moment of contemplation among the announcers and the viewers at home. It brings attention to the potential double standards within "The Sinner Society" and Eddie Peak's selective focus on the stable's performance.
Segment Rating: 55

Nick Booth/ with Floyd Goldworthy vs. Elliot Thomas

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From the opening bell, Nick Booth showcased his size and power advantage, asserting dominance over his smaller opponent, Elliot Thomas. He launched a relentless assault, utilizing his strength to deliver powerful strikes and apply punishing holds, aiming to wear down Thomas.

However, in a thrilling climax, Elliot Thomas seized a moment of opportunity and caught Nick Booth off guard with a perfectly executed roll-up. The referee's hand swiftly struck the mat three times, signifying the pinfall victory for the agile high flyer.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Elliot Thomas celebrated his unexpected triumph over Nick Booth. Feeling the weight of defeat, Booth became furious and engaged in a heated argument with the referee, accusing him of a fast count. Meanwhile, Goldworthy, who was at ringside, couldn't believe his eyes at the shocking outcome of the match.

As the jubilant Thomas quickly made his way out of the ring and back to the locker rooms.

Winner: Elliot Thomas by pinfall, in 5:04
Segment Rating: 27

In a pre-recorded split-screen interview, Jason Azaria conducted a discussion with the two teams set to face each other next: Devine Fortune and  The Behemoths. Jason began by informing viewers about Nate Johnson's injury, a torn Achilles, which will keep him out of action for the next two months. Consequently, The Elite (Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler) are no longer the number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles.

Tonight, Devine Fortune and The Behemoths will compete in the ring to determine the new number one contenders for the TCW World Tag Team titles. Jason turned his attention to Devine Fortune, asking if they have settled the tensions that had surrounded them in recent weeks. Chance Fortune responded, stating that accusations were thrown, and blame was placed, but now they have the opportunity to seize this chance and not let it slip away.

Darryl Devine added that they have had discussions to address their differences and have agreed to continue working together to succeed as the best tag team in TCW.

Jason then turned to The Behemoths for their comments. Killer Shark boldly declared, "You know, when a shark smells blood in the water, he knows to prey on his hunt. And this Killer Shark is smelling your blood miles and miles away! Devine Fortune, get ready to be torn to pieces!"

Titan chimed in, emphasizing that they did not come here for the drama surrounding Devine Fortune; they came to do what they do best. He confidently stated, "We're going to kick the shit out of Devine Fortune, beat them, and once we become the number one contenders, we will beat Mighty Meaty and reclaim the TCW World Tag Team titles."

As the interview wrapped up, Jason Azaria thanked both teams for their comments, setting the stage for the highly anticipated matchup between Devine Fortune and The Behemoths.
Segment Rating: 52

N1C Match for the TCW World Tag Team titles: Devine Fortune vs. The Behemoths

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From the moment the bell rang, the intensity was palpable. Devine Fortune showcased their agility and quickness, utilizing their speed advantage to evade the powerful strikes of The Behemoths. Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune worked seamlessly as a team, executing tandem maneuvers and keeping their opponents off-balance.

However, The Behemoths' size and strength proved to be a significant challenge for Devine Fortune. Titan's raw power and Killer Shark's relentless aggression began to overpower their opponents. The Behemoths unleashed a series of devastating double-team moves, combining their strength and coordination to keep Devine Fortune on the defensive.

As the match approached its climax, Devine Fortune mounted a valiant comeback, fighting tooth and nail to regain control. Chance Fortune rallied the crowd as he unleashed a flurry of high-flying attacks, using his speed to his advantage. But the resilient Killer Shark and Titan proved to be a formidable force.

In a shocking turn of events, Killer Shark seized the opportunity, catching Chance Fortune off-guard with his devastating finisher, the "Big Bite." The referee's hand hit the mat three times, signifying the pinfall victory for The Behemoths.

Winners: The Behemoths by pinfall, in 7:23.
Segment Rating: 47

Commercial Break…

Bart Biggins vs. Jeremie Courtney

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Jeremie Courtney wasted no time in asserting his dominance, launching a relentless assault on Bart Biggins. With a combination of calculated strikes and aggressive grappling, Courtney unleashed his vicious offense upon his smaller opponent. 

Despite the overwhelming odds, Bart Biggins displayed tremendous heart and resilience. He attempted to mount a comeback, fighting back with everything he had. The crowd rallied behind him, urging him to turn the tide in his favor.

However, Jeremie Courtney's dominance proved too much to overcome. In a decisive moment, he executed a devastating Face First Suplex, slamming Bart Biggins onto the mat with authority. The impact left Biggins stunned, unable to kick out before the referee's hand struck the mat for the three-count.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the match, the crowd reacted with a mix of shock and disappointment. Jeremie Courtney, wearing a smug grin, celebrated his victory while Bart Biggins lay on the canvas, recuperating from the punishing defeat.

Winner: Jeremie Courtney by pinfall, in 4:22.
Segment Rating: 33

After the match concluded, Jeremie Courtney seized the opportunity to address the crowd, his voice dripping with arrogance and confidence. He grabbed the microphone and stood tall in the center of the ring, basking in the negative reaction from the audience.

"Listen up, you pitiful peasants!" Jeremie sneered, relishing in the chorus of boos. "I am here to proudly introduce my team for 'Battleground 3'! You already know Matt Hocking, you already know Marc Speed, but my fourth man, the newest unstoppable force in TCW, is none other than... The Silencer!"

As Jeremie finished his announcement, the crowd's disapproval intensified, with their boos echoing throughout the arena. His teammates, Matt Hocking and Marc Speed, joined him in the ring, reveling in the negative response. They arrogantly posed to the crowd, taunting and jeering at the audience.

However, The Silencer stood apart from his teammates, emanating an aura of intensity and seriousness. His arms were crossed, and his expression conveyed his unwavering focus. The crowd took notice, growing quiet in the presence of this intimidating force.

Suddenly, the arena erupted with the entrance music of Human Arsenal. He stormed out, flanked by his teammates T-Bone, Danny Fonzarelli, and Maverick. Human Arsenal held a microphone, his eyes locked on Jeremie Courtney with a determined gaze.

"Jeremie Courtney, you may have won our last encounter at 'The War To Settle The Score,'" Human Arsenal began, his voice filled with conviction. "But let me make one thing clear: a loss in a match will never define me. It's the resilience, the heart, and the indomitable spirit that have propelled me throughout my career."

Human Arsenal gestured to his teammates standing beside him, each radiating confidence. "Jeremie, take a good look at the men standing here with me. We are driven by something that money can't buy. We are ready to show you and the world that true power lies in passion and the unyielding pursuit of greatness."

The crowd erupted in cheers, rallying behind Human Arsenal and his team. The tension in the air was palpable, setting the stage for a showdown between these two factions at "Battleground 3."

As the confrontation reached its peak, the segment concluded, leaving the audience eagerly anticipating the clash between Team Courtney and Team Human Arsenal.
Segment Rating: 47

After the commercial break, the scene transitions backstage where Jason Azaria stands alongside the members of "The Second Generation Destiny": Jay Chord, Edd Stone, and TCW Television champion Greg Gauge. Jason addresses the mixed results of "The War To Settle The Score" for S.G.D.

"Jay Chord, you emerged victorious in the steel cage match against Sammy Bach" Jason begins. "But Edd, you faced defeat at the hands of One Man Army. The same One Man Army you're defending your TCW Television title against next, Greg Gauge. What are your thoughts on these outcomes?"

Jay Chord responds confidently, asserting the group's superiority. "I did exactly what I promised, Azaria. Commissioner Johnson's plan failed. I defeated Sammy Bach in the steel cage match, proving the Second Generation Destiny's dominance once again."

Jason then turns to Edd Stone, noting the absence of a smile on his face. Edd responds with frustration, sharing his grievances. "A smile on my face? Azaria, when the odds are even, you witness what we are truly capable of. You saw Jay defeat Bach in the steel cage match, but what about my match against One Man Army? Bryan Vessey, the so-called enforcer, suddenly became the referee after the original referee was knocked out. It reeks of unfairness."

Jason interrupts, defending the decisions made. "I must remind you, Edd Stone, that Sammy Bach and Jay Chord competed in the steel cage match precisely due to your interference. Bryan Vessey was appointed as the special enforcer for a reason, to ensure fair competition. Son, don't speak to me about fair odds. You received what you deserved. One Man Army defeated you, and now he's set to face Greg Gauge for the TCW Television championship."

Greg Gauge interjects, expressing his confidence in defending his title. "Azaria, let me make this clear. I've beaten One Man Army before, and I will do it again tonight. I will successfully defend my TV title."

Suddenly, One Man Army steps into the frame, determined and focused. He confronts Greg Gauge and speaks with conviction. "The only reason you defeated me before was because of your cronies, but tonight, I have my own company to ensure a fair match. I will become the next TCW Television champion."

Joining One Man Army, Bryan Vessey and Sammy Bach stand by his side, ready to back him up. Bryan Vessey asserts his role in ensuring fairness. "At 'The War To Settle The Score,' I ensured One Man Army had a fair opportunity against Edd Stone. Tonight, I'll do the same against Greg Gauge."

Sammy Bach adds his own remarks, expressing his personal feelings. "Jay Chord, at 'The War To Settle The Score,' you proved to be the better man. But that doesn't change the fact that I despise you. Later tonight, I have a match against Freddie Huggins, and I'm already here in the building. So, why not ensure you clowns don't pull any tricks?"

Jay Chord confidently responds to their challenges, asserting the destiny of "The Second Generation Destiny." "You can say whatever you want, try whatever you want, but we are 'The Second Generation Destiny.' We are the cream of the crop in the wrestling world. It is our destiny to rule, and you cannot fight destiny."

As the tension reaches its peak, Jason Azaria wraps up the interview.
Segment Rating: 64

TCW Television title match: Greg Gauge(c) vs. One Man Army/ with Vita

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From the moment the bell rang, both Greg Gauge and One Man Army showcased their exceptional athleticism and unwavering determination. Greg, the muscular middleweight champion, used his power advantage to deliver punishing strikes and overpower his opponent. Meanwhile, One Man Army, equally impressive in terms of strength, displayed his agility and resilience, refusing to back down.

The match reached its climax when One Man Army unleashed his signature move, the "Guided Missile." With precision and force, he connected a devastating strike that sent Greg Gauge crashing to the mat. The crowd erupted in cheers as One Man Army seized the opportunity and swiftly went for the pinfall.

The referee's hand slapped the mat three times, signifying the end of the match and a new champion. The arena exploded with excitement as One Man Army emerged victorious, capturing the TCW Television title from Greg Gauge.

As the referee presented the TCW Television title to the new champion, One Man Army raised it high above his head, basking in the adulation of the fans. One Man Army won his second singles title in his career. 

Winner and new champion: One Man Army by pinfall, in 7:23.
Segment Rating: 66

Commercial Break…

Freddy Huggins, accompanied by his sister Laura, stood confidently in the center of the ring, microphone in hand. The boos from the crowd echoed throughout the arena, but it didn't faze Freddy one bit.

With a mischievous smile, Freddy turned to Laura and playfully asked her where they were. Laura, equally cheeky, responded, "We're at the Louisiana Auditorium." Their exchange sparked laughter from the Huggins siblings while the audience showered them with even more disdain.

Breaking away from the lighthearted banter, Freddy addressed the crowd, acknowledging their displeasure. "Hey, all jokes aside, you should consider yourselves lucky to witness greatness in this... 'unique' venue," he sarcastically remarked, further fueling the crowd's animosity towards him.

Laura chimed in, attempting to pacify the hostile atmosphere. "Come on, people! Let's not forget what happened at 'The War To Settle The Score'," she pleaded, hoping to shift the audience's attention.

Freddy seized the opportunity to remind everyone of his recent victory. "That's right! I defeated Troy Tornado!" he boasted, relishing in the negative response from the crowd.

Laura continued to rally behind her brother. "And what's next for you, Freddy?" she asked, encouraging him to share his future plans.

A confident grin spread across Freddy's face as he declared, "Next, I'm going to beat Sammy Bach!" His words were met with an eruption of boos and jeers from the audience, but Freddy remained undeterred.

Before Freddy could continue, the arena was filled with the intense music of Sammy Bach. The crowd's reaction shifted as they eagerly anticipated the arrival of Sammy Bach, who wasted no time and sprinted to the ring, ready to confront Freddy Huggins.
Segment Rating: 76

Sammy Bach vs. Freddy Huggins/with Laura Huggins

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In the electric atmosphere of the Louisiana Auditorium, Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins faced off in an intense wrestling match that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. From the moment the bell rang, it was clear that both competitors were determined to prove their dominance.

Freddy Huggins, the cunning heel, utilized his deceptive tactics to gain an early advantage. With calculated strikes and crafty maneuvers, he attempted to wear down Sammy Bach, taunting him with every opportunity. The crowd responded with thunderous boos, expressing their disdain for Freddy's underhanded tactics.

However, Sammy Bach, refused to back down. With his unwavering determination and impressive in-ring skills, he weathered Freddy's attacks and mounted a relentless comeback. The audience rallied behind Sammy, their cheers echoing throughout the arena.

As the match progressed, the back-and-forth action intensified. Freddy Huggins showcased his technical prowess and resilience, countering Sammy's powerful strikes with well-executed submissions and counterattacks. 

But it was Sammy Bach's resilience that ultimately turned the tide. Summoning his inner strength, Sammy locked in his signature submission hold, the Bach on Your Back, applying immense pressure on Freddy. The crowd erupted in anticipation, sensing that the end was near.

Fighting through the pain, Freddy Huggins desperately tried to find an escape. The cheers of the audience reached a crescendo as Freddy, unable to withstand the excruciating pain any longer, tapped out, signaling his defeat.

The crowd erupted in a wave of jubilation as Sammy Bach's hand was raised in victory. 

Winner: Sammy Bach by submission, in 16:09.
Segment Rating: 69

Commercial Break…

Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavywight Champion) & Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond

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From the moment the bell rang, the intensity inside the squared circle was palpable. Aaron Andrews showcased his impressive strength and agility, matching wits with the sly and calculated Doc Hammond. Meanwhile, Joshua Taylor unleashed his lightning-fast strikes and technical prowess against the cunning Wolf Hawkins.

The match ebbed and flowed with each team demonstrating their tag team chemistry and innovative maneuvers. Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond utilized underhanded tactics and double-team maneuvers to gain an advantage, much to the chagrin of the fervent crowd. However, Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor refused to be deterred, rallying with resilience and showcasing their unwavering determination.

As the bout reached its climax, the anticipation grew to a fever pitch. The crowd erupted as Aaron Andrews soared through the air, executing a breathtaking Flying Body Press that connected with precision, pinning Doc Hammond's shoulders to the mat. The referee's hand slapped the canvas three times, signifying the victory for Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor.

The arena erupted in a chorus of cheers as the triumphant duo celebrated their hard-fought win. 

Winners: Aaron Andrews & Joshua Taylor by pinfall, in 21:30.
Segment Rating: 77

Overall Rating: 77    
This Show achieved a 2.96 TV rating (2,225,871 viewers) on ACE, and 0.34 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (260,674 viewers).



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Tuesday, Week 2, March 2020
The Ranch Of San Antonio (Mid South)
Attendance: 9,059

"Earlier this week," Shawn begins, "our TCW broadcasting team received a secret audio recording. It appears to be a tense conversation within 'The Syndicate' stable, taking place right after the PPV 'The War To Settle The Score'."

The screen fades to the logo of "The Syndicate," and text appears on the screen, indicating the speakers that can be heard in the recording.

In the audio, Doc Hammond's voice can be heard expressing frustration, "I can't believe that you once again keep everything to yourself!"

Chris Flynn chimes in, "We thought that you were suspended from being here..."

Wolf Hawkins responds, "Hey, maybe Aaron Andrews kept the World title tonight, but I hit him good tonight!"

Doc Hammond voices his concerns, "What are you talking about, Wolf? First, you chose to cooperate with the 'Sinner Society' instead of your own stable members. You chose Eddie Peak and his interests over ours!"

Wolf Hawkins defends his decisions, "Eddie's interests were the same as ours. My interest was to kick the shit out of Andrews and Taylor, and my interests are 'The Syndicate's' interests!"

Chris Flynn then raises the issue of communication, "You don't inform us about anything..."

Wolf Hawkins maintains his authority, "I am the leader of 'The Syndicate,' and I make the best decisions for us all!"

Doc Hammond reminds Wolf of their recent victories, "What about congratulations, guys? You did a great job tonight! After all, when you cunningly plotted with Eddie Peak to get revenge on Andrews and Taylor, we were representing 'The Syndicate' at 'The War To Settle The Score'! I defeated Joshua Taylor for you in the middle of the ring, and Chris Flynn defeated Fonzarelli."

Wolf Hawkins shifts the focus, "The main purpose is to bring the TCW World Heavyweight title back to 'The Syndicate' at 'Total Mayhem 24'!"

Doc Hammond, not holding back, throws a proposition, "Hey Wolf, I beat Taylor tonight after you failed to do it... maybe I should beat Aaron Andrews for the TCW World title, and then 'The Syndicate' will main event 'Total Mayhem'... Doc Hammond vs. Wolf Hawkins for the TCW World title?!"

The recording suddenly ends, leaving the TCW announcers in speculation. Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes, and Jasmine Saunders exchange thoughts on who might have made the recording and what implications it could have on "The Syndicate."

Shawn Doakes informs the viewers that "The Syndicate" is scheduled to appear later in the show, and they might address the situation. The anticipation builds as the tension within "The Syndicate" is now brought to light.
Segment Rating: 70

After the show's opening video package concludes, the camera transitions to the TCW ring where the three members of the formidable stable "Second Generation Destiny" are standing tall. The spotlight shines brightly on Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, and Edd Stone, drawing all eyes to the center of the squared circle.

Greg Gauge steps forward as he begins to address the crowd: 
"In this business, there are moments of victory, and there are moments of defeat," Greg Gauge begins, his voice firm and unwavering. "Last week, I faced defeat at the hands of One Man Army, and I won't deny that it stung. But you see, when you face adversity, there are two ways you can react."

His gaze sweeps across the crowd, making a connection with every fan in attendance. "You can choose to wallow in self-pity, to let the loss consume you and hold you back. Or, you can embrace that defeat, accept it, and use it as a catalyst for growth and progress."

"I choose the latter," Greg continues, his voice gaining strength. "I choose to embrace my loss as an opportunity to learn, to evolve, and to come back stronger than ever before. One Man Army, you may have taken my title last week, but mark my words, I'm not done. This isn't the end for Greg Gauge, it's just the beginning."

Greg Gauge raises the microphone again, a confident smile on his face, as he turns to his stablemate Edd Stone. "In fact, Edd," Greg says with a glint of excitement in his eyes, "I can see it so clearly in my head. Greg Gauge and Edd Stone, the next TCW World Tag Team Champions!"

Edd Stone's tone takes a serious turn as he addresses the lingering frustration within him. "Oh, I'm genuinely happy for you, Greg, that you see our future so optimistically," Edd begins, "and I truly believe in our potential as the next TCW World Tag Team Champions. But there's something I can't let go of, something that happened two weeks ago at 'The War To Settle The Score.'"

The crowd's attention is now firmly fixed on Edd Stone, as he reveals the source of his discontent. "That's right, I'm talking about Bryan Vessey," Edd continues, his voice tinged with anger. "Vessey cost me my match against One Man Army, and I can't help but feel robbed of my opportunity to show what I'm truly capable of. It's like he snatched that chance away from me!"

Greg Gauge nods in understanding, recognizing the frustration in his teammate's words. "I get it, Edd," Greg replies empathetically. "Bryan Vessey's retirement has left you with unfinished business, and I know you'd have loved to settle the score with him in the ring."

Edd Stone clenches his fists, his competitive spirit undeterred. "You bet I would have," Edd asserts with determination. "Everybody here knows it too. If Vessey hadn't retired, I'd have beaten him to a pulp, proving once and for all that I belong at the top of this business."

The arena lights dim, and the familiar music of Bryan Vessey reverberates through the air, interrupting the promo of S.G.D. The crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and anticipation as they eagerly await the arrival of the retired TCW legend.

As Bryan Vessey makes his entrance, he's flanked by two unexpected allies – the new TCW Television champion, One Man Army, and the relentless Sammy Bach. The trio walks down the ramp, exuding an air of confidence and unity.

Bryan Vessey enters the ring, with all eyes on him, Bryan Vessey takes the microphone and addresses the arena. As Bryan Vessey begins to speak, Jay Chord interrupts him, his voice seething with annoyance. "Hold on a second! Who do you think you are, interrupting us?" Jay Chord demands, his eyes locked on Bryan Vessey. "We were in the middle of something important here, and you have no business interfering!"

Greg Gauge and Edd Stone nod in agreement, backing up their teammate with defiant expressions. One Man Army and Sammy Bach remain composed, seemingly unfazed by Jay Chord's outburst.

Bryan Vessey takes a step forward, a calm and composed demeanor contrasting Jay Chord's heated reaction. "Jay, hear me out," Bryan begins, attempting to reason with the frustrated wrestler.

But Jay Chord won't have it. He cuts Bryan off again, raising his voice even louder. "We don't need to hear anything from you or your little buddies! We've got a message to deliver, and we won't be silenced by you or anyone else!"

The tension in the ring escalates as Jay Chord squares off against Bryan Vessey, both men standing their ground. The crowd's excitement intensifies, awaiting the next move from either faction.

Bryan Vessey takes the microphone and begins speaking, his voice reflecting a mix of emotions. "The last year has been tough for me, but being the enforcer at 'The War To Settle The Score' was a great experience. It brought back so many memories, standing in that ring surrounded by all the TCW fans..."

Before Bryan can finish his thought, Edd Stone interrupts him, his tone full of defiance. "Nostalgia, Vessey? Living in the past won't get you anywhere. You're retired, and you don't belong here anymore. So, do us all a favor and just shut up!"

Bryan Vessey remains composed, urging Edd to calm down. "Hold on, Edd. I've got some big news for you and all the TCW fans tonight. It's your lucky day, Stone, because I spoke with Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson earlier, and I'm coming out of retirement right here in San Antonio!"

Edd Stone's eyes widen in shock as the realization sets in. "You're kidding, right? You can't just waltz back in like this!"

With a hint of sarcasm, Bryan responds, "Oh, I'm very serious, Edd. Tonight, you and I will have a match, one-on-one. This is your chance to prove yourself, boy. And don't worry, Sammy and One Man Army here will make sure it goes down exactly as planned."

As the tension rises in the ring, Jay Chord steps forward, tapping Edd on the shoulder, offering encouragement. Greg Gauge adds his own flair to the moment by playfully throwing treats to the crowd.

Amidst the excitement and anticipation, Sammy Bach and One Man Army join in, showing their support with determined hand gestures, ready to ensure a fair and intense contest.

The crowd buzzes with excitement as the unexpected match announcement leaves everyone in awe. The confrontation between Edd Stone and Bryan Vessey promises to be an unforgettable moment in TCW history.

As "Total Wrestling" goes to a commercial break, fans eagerly await the epic showdown between the veteran Bryan Vessey and the defiant Edd Stone, both determined to leave a mark on the wrestling world once again.
Segment Rating: 70

As One Man Army stands in the middle of the ring, the TCW Television title around his waist, Vita by his side, he holds the microphone with a sense of pride and determination. The crowd in "The Ranch" in San Antonio roars with excitement, eager to witness his first title defense.

"Last week was a defining moment for me," One Man Army begins, his voice strong and confident. "I proved to myself and to all of you that I have what it takes to be a champion. And now, as the TCW Television champion, I promise you one thing: I will be a fighting champion!"

The crowd erupts with cheers and applause, showing their support for the newly crowned champion. One Man Army continues, "I won this title through hard work and perseverance, and I won't let anyone take it away from me easily. I'll defend this championship with everything I've got, every single time I step into this ring!"

As he finishes his passionate speech, the music of "The Syndicate" interrupts, and Eddie Chandler makes his way to the ring. The tension in the arena rises, knowing that a challenging match is about to unfold for the TCW Television championship.

One Man Army's eyes lock onto Eddie Chandler, displaying a mix of confidence and focus. He hands the title to the referee, who raises it high above his head, signifying the match's importance.
Segment Rating: 64

TCW Television title match: One Man Army/ with Vita (c) vs. Eddie Chandler

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The bell rings, and the two competitors circle each other, ready to engage in a battle. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, anticipating every move and countermove.

Throughout the match, One Man Army showcases his incredible athleticism and determination, while Eddie Chandler brings his cunning and aggression to the forefront. The match is intense, with near falls and heart-stopping moments that keep the audience fully engaged.

In the end, after a thrilling back-and-forth encounter, One Man Army manages to overcome the resilient challenger and retain his TCW Television championship by pinning Eddie Chandler for the three count after performing a “Guided Missile” on Eddie Chandler. The crowd erupts in cheers, appreciating the display of skill and courage from both competitors.

Winner: One Man Army, by pinfall in 9:18.
Segment Rating: 67

In the backstage area, Jason Azaria stands with the tag team "Devine Fortune" consisting of Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune. The atmosphere is tense, and Jason starts by addressing their recent loss in the number one contenders match for the TCW World Tag Team titles against “The Behemoths”.

Jason asks Chance Fortune about his thoughts on the match, and Chance begins to answer, mentioning that the match was tough and they unfortunately lost. However, before he can continue, Darryl Devine cuts in, clearly frustrated and angry.

"Unfortunately?!" Darryl's voice raises with intensity. "Chance Fortune, damn it! Fortune is your last name. With this attitude, this is exactly why we lost last week, and it's the reason for our months-long losing streak! If it wasn't for you and your attitude..."

Chance Fortune interrupts, defending himself, "My attitude? We were in the same match! We fought against The Behemoths—Killer Shark and Titan! These guys are monsters!"

Darryl doesn't back down, "But it was you who got pinned and cost us the match, not me!"

The tension between the two partners reaches its peak, and Chance retorts, "So you're blaming me for everything?"

Darryl takes a deep breath and expresses his frustration, "I've had enough. It's not working. This isn't working."

Without further explanation, Darryl Devine abruptly leaves Chance Fortune standing there, looking confused and hurt. Darryl walks away, leaving the team's future in question.

Jason Azaria tries to understand what's next for "Devine Fortune," and Chance Fortune somberly admits that it's obvious the tag team is done, and they're breaking up. He walks away, with a sense of sadness and disappointment surrounding him.

As the camera cuts back to the announcers in the arena, they discuss the shocking turn of events in the backstage area. The breakup of "Devine Fortune" marks the end of an era, leaving both Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune to find their own paths in TCW. The announcers speculate on what this means for the future of the tag team division, leaving fans and competitors alike curious about what's to come.
Segment Rating: 51

In the middle of the ring stands Jeremie Courtney, exuding confidence and arrogance. By his side stands The Silencer, a menacing and intimidating presence. Jeremie holds the microphone to address the audience.

"At Battleground 3, two weeks from now," Jeremie begins, his voice filled with arrogance, "my team will absolutely decimate Human Arsenal's team. And the proof for this is standing right here in the ring with me—The Silencer!" The crowd boos as The Silencer stands there with a threatening demeanor, soaking in the reaction.

Jeremie continues, "He's big, he's bad, he's unstoppable, and most importantly, he's on my side...ha ha ha." His cocky laughter echoes through the arena, taunting his opponents.
Segment Rating: 45

The Silencer/ with Jeremie Courtney vs. Harry Allen

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As Jeremie Courtney steps out of the ring, leaving The Silencer behind, his opponent, Harry Allen, makes his entrance into the ring. The tension is palpable as the two competitors lock eyes, preparing for their upcoming match.

The Silencer remains expressionless, his presence alone enough to make Harry Allen feel the gravity of the situation. The bell rings, and the match begins, with The Silencer displaying his raw power and ferocity, taking control of the contest.

Throughout the match, The Silencer showcases his dominance, overpowering Harry Allen with bone-crushing moves and impactful strikes. The crowd watches in awe and fear as The Silencer methodically dismantles his opponent, leaving little room for retaliation.

In the end, The Silencer secures the victory after performing the “Drop Zone” after 6:01. As The Silencer  stands tall in the center of the ring as the crowd boos and jeers. Jeremie Courtney reappears, joining The Silencer in the ring, and together, they celebrate their triumph.

Winner: The Silencer, by pinfall in 6:01.
Segment Rating: 42

Sammy Bach vs. Brady Prince

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As the bell rings, Sammy Bach wastes no time taking control. He unleashes a flurry of powerful strikes and high-impact moves on his opponent, Brady Prince.

Brady Prince tries to put up a fight, but Sammy Bach's relentless energy and determination prove too much to handle. Sammy executes his signature move, the "Adrenaline Shot," with precision and power, driving Brady Prince into the mat.

Sammy Bach secures the victory, pinning Brady Prince for the three-count. The crowd erupts in cheers as Sammy celebrates his impressive and decisive win, showcasing his resilience and prowess in the ring.

Winner: Sammy Bach, by pinfall in 4:27.
Segment Rating: 53

As the crowd cheers for Sammy Bach's victory, he stands tall in the ring, soaking in the adulation. However, the celebration takes a sudden turn as Freddy Huggins, accompanied by his sister Laura, looks furious at the sight of Sammy's triumph.

Without warning, Freddy Huggins seizes the opportunity to attack Sammy Bach from behind. With malicious intent, he unleashes a relentless assault, blindsiding the unsuspecting Sammy Bach. Laura stands nearby, looking on with a sinister smirk, seemingly reveling in her brother's viciousness.

Freddy's onslaught leaves Sammy reeling, struggling to defend himself against the unprovoked attack. The once-celebratory atmosphere is now clouded with tension and chaos. The crowd boos loudly, expressing their disapproval of Freddy's ruthless ambush.

Security and referees rush to the ring to intervene, attempting to separate Freddy Huggins from Sammy Bach. Meanwhile, Laura Huggins watches her brother's rampage with an unsettling satisfaction, seemingly pleased with the chaos they've caused. The crowd becomes increasingly vocal, with some fans shouting in frustration, while others express concern for Sammy's well-being.
Segment Rating: 68

As the tension escalates in the backstage area, the announcers sense a heated situation brewing. Jason Azaria tries to follow Nick Booth, who appears to be on a mission after being berated by Eddie Peak for his loss last week. Eddie Peak's anger is palpable, and Floyd Goldworthy attempts to calm him down, aware of the volatile situation.

Amidst the commotion, Eddie Peak continues to express his frustration, singling out Nick Booth for not living up to his expectations as a member of the Sinner Society. Eddie's emotions are running high as he berates Booth, demanding that he take action against Elliot Thomas, the wrestler responsible for his recent loss.

Jason Azaria becomes curious about Eddie Peak's intentions as he overhears the exchange. Nick Booth, visibly angry and pumped up, mumbles his determination to "destroy" Elliot Thomas. Jason Azaria and the camera crew decide to follow Booth as he heads into the locker rooms, suspecting that trouble may be imminent.
Segment Rating: 53

Inside the locker room, tensions are at a boiling point as Nick Booth finds Elliot Thomas and launches a surprise attack from behind. The unexpected assault catches Thomas off guard, and he finds himself in a dangerous predicament.

However, before the situation can escalate further, T-Bone Bright comes rushing in to intervene. Understanding the severity of the situation, T-Bone quickly chases Booth off, preventing him from inflicting serious harm on Elliot Thomas.
Segment Rating: 41

Maverick vs. Jeremie Courtney

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Right from the start, Jeremie Courtney showcased his cunning and devious tactics, stalling and taunting his opponent, trying to get under Maverick's skin. The crowd grew restless as they yearned for some actual wrestling action, but Courtney continued to play mind games, avoiding engaging with Maverick.

Maverick, tried his best to keep the audience engaged, urging Courtney to fight and bring the action to the center of the ring. Despite his efforts, he couldn't overcome the crafty tactics of his opponent.

As the match progressed, the crowd's excitement waned, and their frustration was palpable. Instead of witnessing a competitive and thrilling contest, they were subjected to a slow-paced and uneventful encounter.

The turning point came when Courtney lured Maverick outside the ring, baiting him into chasing him around the ringside area. As Maverick pursued his elusive opponent, Courtney quickly slipped back into the ring, leaving Maverick outside. The referee began the count, and despite Maverick's attempts to reenter the ring, he couldn't make it back in time, resulting in a count-out victory for Jeremie Courtney.

Winner: Jeremie Courtney, by count out in 5:56.
Segment Rating: 46

After the commercial break, the arena erupts with boos as "The Syndicate" theme music fills the air. Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, and Eddie Chandler march down the ramp, exuding a strong sense of arrogance. The quartet steps into the ring, their presence met with disdain from the crowd. Wolf Hawkins calls for a microphone, raising it to his lips.

With a smirk, Wolf begins addressing the audience both in the arena and watching at home. "As you can see, we stand here united, despite the whispers and rumors," he declares, his tone dripping with confidence. "Our team may be one man short tonight due to Nate Johnson's injury, but make no mistake, we are unwavering in our determination to beat Aaron Andrews and his team at Battleground 3."

Wolf's voice grows authoritative as he continues, reminding everyone of the private conversation that had been leaked. "Let's set the record straight. Yes, we had a private conversation, but we are focused on one thing – the domination of TCW! We are 'The Syndicate,' and we're poised to win at Battleground 3 and, in just two months, I'll be winning the TCW World Heavyweight title at Total Mayhem 24!"

Wolf's gaze turns stern as he addresses the incident of the leaked conversation. "I'll give a pass this time to whoever did this, but I won't tolerate anyone trying to undermine 'The Syndicate.' If you have a problem, come talk to me directly. We'll address it." The camera catches nods of agreement among "The Syndicate" members.

With a sense of finality, Wolf introduces his team for the Battleground 3 main event. He points to each member as he says their names with pride. "My team for Battleground 3 consists of Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, and our mystery partner, the leader of the 'Sinner Society,' Eddie Peak!" The crowd boos loudly as Eddie Peak's music hits.

Eddie enters the ring with a fierce demeanor, receiving a nod of approval from Wolf. Eddie takes the microphone from Wolf, his eyes burning with intensity. "Aaron Andrews, you thought the pain I inflicted on you at 'The War To Settle The Score' was something? Well, you haven't seen anything yet!" He lets out a chilling laugh that echoes through the arena. Wolf's grin widens in response.

Suddenly, Aaron Andrews' music hits, and the TCW World Heavyweight Champion himself steps out, flanked by his mentor Skull DeBones and his partner Joshua Taylor. The crowd roars with cheers for the beloved babyfaces.

Aaron grabs a microphone and steps forward, addressing Eddie Peak. "So, Wolf, this is your mystery partner for Battleground 3?" He smirks, tapping the TCW World Heavyweight title belt. "Peak you're right, you did give me a hell of a fight at 'The War To Settle The Score.' But guess what? I'm still the champion!"

Wolf, not wanting to be upstaged, grabs the microphone from Eddie. "You might hold that title now, Aaron, but at Total Mayhem 24, the TCW World title is coming back to me!" He projects his confidence with every word.

Joshua Taylor steps up, his voice filled with determination. "I see that last week's defeat to us wasn't enough for you, why not repeat it right here in San Antonio?" The crowd goes wild at the prospect.

Aaron Andrews grins at Joshua's suggestion. "That's a fantastic idea, Josh. Wolf, how about a rematch from last week? You and Doc Hammond against me and Joshua Taylor?"

Wolf smirks and exchanges a glance with Doc Hammond. "You know what, that does sound like a good idea. Last week, you got lucky. This week, luck runs out. Challenge accepted!"

The crowd cheers wildly as Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor celebrate their successful challenge. Aaron raises his microphone again. "Oh, and by the way, we promised to reveal our mystery partner for Battleground 3 tonight. He'll be here before the show ends... Order will be reinstated soon!"

With that bold proclamation, the tension in the arena is palpable. As "The Syndicate" stands in the ring, Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, and their mystery partner's identity linger in the air, setting the stage for what promises to be an electrifying continuation of TCW's drama-filled night.
Segment Rating: 84

In the backstage area, the camera captures TCW Commissioner Ricky Dale Johnson engaged in a conversation with Maverick. Ricky's frustration is evident as he speaks. "You're absolutely crazy, and I'm beyond tired of repeating myself with you," he exclaims with a mix of exasperation and annoyance. He gestures with his hands, emphasizing his lack of patience. "I've got a stack of documents to sign for the tag team main event tonight, but if this is what you're hell-bent on, then fine!"

Ricky's expression shifts as he regards Maverick with a mixture of disbelief and resignation. He continues, "Alright, here's the deal. You want to kill yourself in the ring, fine. Next week, you'll go up against The Silencer in a Texas Death Match." He holds up his hands in a gesture of emphasis. "But understand this, Maverick. This match will be unsanctioned. You can beat yourself to a pulp in my ring if you want, but neither me or TCW will be held accountable for what will happen to you."

Maverick's face lights up with a mixture of excitement and determination. Ricky, meanwhile, shakes his head in disbelief, muttering about the madness of it all. "More forms to sign..." he grumbles as he turns away, clearly flustered by the whole situation. The camera focuses on Maverick, who stands there with a triumphant grin, seemingly ecstatic at the prospect of the brutal match that awaits him.
Segment Rating: 55

In a pre-recorded segment, the camera focuses on Eddie Peak, standing with a confident and imposing demeanor, flanked by Killer Shark and Titan of The Behemoths. Eddie takes the lead in speaking for the team, his voice dripping with confidence.

"Tonight is another opportunity for you to witness the raw power and dominance of The Behemoths. Killer Shark & Titan, are ready to unleash havoc in that ring." He gestures back to The Behemoths, who stands with their arms folded, exuding an intimidating presence.

Addressing their opponents, Benny & The Foxx, Eddie's expression turns into a smirk. "Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx, you two are stepping into a storm tonight. The Behemoths are not here to play games; we're here to dominate. And mark my words, Benny & Jimmy, you have no chance against the force that is The Behemoths."

Eddie's voice takes on a more ominous tone as he looks straight into the camera. "Mo & Tana, the TCW World Tag Team Champions, you better be watching closely. Because after we take care of Benny & Jimmy tonight, there's only one destination in our sights - your titles."

The camera then shifts to a shot of Killer Shark and Titan, both nodding in agreement with Eddie's words. The intensity in their eyes speaks volumes about their determination. Eddie finishes with a final, confident statement, "Prepare yourselves, TCW, because The Behemoths are coming, and we're leaving no survivors in our wake."

Next was the pre-recorded comments from Benny & The Foxx, the camera shifts to focus on the duo, both Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx exuding a mix of determination and confidence.

Benny steps forward, his expression serious. "To The Behemoths, we say this - size might be on your side, but heart and determination stand on ours. We might not have the same physical presence, but what we lack in size, we make up for in sheer willpower."

He glances at Jimmy, who nods in agreement before chiming in, "That's right. The Behemoths, you've got the power, but Benny & The Foxx have something equally potent - our passion and our drive to succeed."

Benny continues, "We've held the TCW Tag titles before, and we know what it takes to rise to the top. Beating you tonight would be the perfect statement to remind everyone, including Mighty Meaty, that we're a force to be reckoned with."

Flying Jimmy Foxx adds with a determined look, "Tonight, we're going to dazzle with our speed and agility, and trust me, The Behemoths won't see it coming. Our aim is to leave you scratching your heads, wondering what just happened."

The camera pans out to capture both Benny and Jimmy side by side, their camaraderie evident. Benny finishes with a strong promise, "Behemoths, you better believe that we're going to give it everything we've got. And when we're done, you'll remember the night Benny & The Foxx defied the odds."

With those resolute words, the pre-recorded comments end, leaving an air of excitement for the impending match between the underdog team and the imposing force of The Behemoths.
Segment Rating: 66

Benny & The Foxx vs. The Behemoths

ElmoBenson.jpg.e347dc6df1ca52b60bf3323e7d9f24ea.jpgFlyingJimmyFoxx.jpg.137e41e0b5bdcadf99692f22b4caa64a.jpg    VS.    Titan.jpg.da03f8f51b6675af9a26646224b04873.jpgKillerShark.jpg.083c9977cee31ef119287d3f9579050c.jpg
In the arena, the tension is palpable as the crowd eagerly anticipates the clash between The Behemoths and Benny & The Foxx. The referee signals for the bell, and the match is underway.

**Benny & The Foxx**, embodying their underdog spirit, enter the ring with unwavering determination. Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx exchange a brief nod before locking eyes with their imposing opponents. On the other side, **The Behemoths** – the towering Titan and the powerful Killer Shark – ooze confidence, their expressions showing that they underestimate their smaller adversaries.

From the get-go, The Behemoths use their size and strength advantage, attempting to overpower Benny & The Foxx. Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx, however, utilize their speed and agility to evade their opponents' advances. The crowd is firmly behind the babyface team, rallying them with fervent cheers.

As the match progresses, Benny & The Foxx manage to execute a series of quick tandem moves, stunning The Behemoths momentarily. Flying Jimmy Foxx takes to the skies with a high drop kick, causing Killer Shark to temporarily lose his composure. The energy in the arena soars as the smaller team showcases their resilience.

But The Behemoths are not to be underestimated. Titan's raw power comes into play as he unleashes a devastating chokeslam, referred to as the "Titanic Choke Slam," on Benny Benson. The impact resonates through the ring, and Benny finds himself pinned by the colossal Titan.

Winners: The Behemoths, by pinfall in 6:47.
Segment Rating: 58

Ignoring the bell that has already rung, The Behemoths show no intention of stopping their assault on the defeated Benny & The Foxx. 

Killer Shark and Titan take turns delivering punishing blows to Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx, seemingly determined to make a statement beyond their victory. The audience's tension escalates, and a sense of urgency fills the air.

But then, as the assault appears unending, a sudden burst of energy electrifies the arena. The familiar entrance music of **Mighty Meaty** - Tana The Mighty and Mighty Mo, the TCW World Tag Team champions - reverberates throughout the venue. The fans erupt in cheers as the dynamic duo makes their way to the ring, their presence a powerful force that shifts the momentum.

Tana The Mighty and Mighty Mo charge into the ring with unwavering determination, and their imposing figures cause The Behemoths to momentarily halt their attack. The staredown between the two dominant tag teams crackles with intensity. The Behemoths seem unfazed, their expressions exuding arrogance. Meanwhile, Mighty Meaty's resolute stance portrays their unwavering commitment to justice.

In a swift motion, Mighty Meaty steps between The Behemoths and their prey, creating a protective barrier. The tension is palpable as the two teams exchange glares, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. The Behemoths retreat slightly, perhaps taken aback by the unwavering solidarity of the champions.

With the World Tag Team titles glimmering on their shoulders, Mighty Meaty makes it clear that they won't tolerate such blatant aggression. The crowd's roars of approval emphasize their support for the champions and their stance against injustice.

As the tension simmers in the ring, The Behemoths reluctantly step back, leaving Benny & The Foxx bruised but with a renewed sense of hope. 

The scene ends with Mighty Meaty extending a helping hand to Benny & The Foxx, symbolizing unity against all odds. The audience witnesses a moment of camaraderie and heroism, as Mighty Meaty stands tall, guarding not just their titles but also the integrity of the sport.
Segment Rating: 60

Bryan Vessey vs. Edd Stone

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As the opening bell chimed, Vessey and Stone locked eyes, the tension between them igniting a spark of competitive fire. The initial grappling sequences, executed with finesse and precision, drew impressed murmurs from the audience. But it became apparent that the crowd's rowdy enthusiasm was not entirely in sync with the calculated technical display they were witnessing.

Vessey's controlled holds and seamless transitions were countered by Stone's aerial agility, a sharp contrast in styles that offered an engaging dynamic. However, the crowd's calls for high-flying action and frenetic maneuvers created an intriguing dissonance against the measured technical exchanges taking place in the ring.

As the match continued, both competitors adapted to the challenging situation, striving to balance their technical prowess with the audience's desire for more high-impact sequences. 

In a pivotal moment, Vessey managed to seize an opening and execute his signature Vessey Driver with pinpoint accuracy. The referee's hand slapped the mat for the three-count. Vessey emerged victorious, but the reaction from the crowd was an uneasy blend of appreciation for the technical mastery on display and a sense of unmet expectations.

As Vessey's music played and he celebrated his hard-fought victory, the audience responded with applause that carried a hint of restlessness. It was a peculiar mixture, a blend of admiration for the technical artistry and a yearning for a more explosive encounter.

In retrospect, it was clear that the placement of such a technical match amidst a rowdy crowd might not have been the most optimal choice. While Vessey and Stone undoubtedly demonstrated their skill and dedication, the mismatch between style and crowd enthusiasm underscored the importance of strategic match placement to truly engage and resonate with the audience.

Winner: Bryan Vessey, by pinfall in 13:45.
Segment Rating: 42

Aaron Andrews (TCW World Heavywight Champion) & Joshua Taylor vs. Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond

AaronAndrews.jpg.971b1bd7dd1fa279eefb56ea415ca0f7.jpgJoshuaTaylor.jpg.07635d09bf50a471fed3a694fbd9fe16.jpg   VS.    WolfHawkins.jpg.c0e6464c3db0ca3e442d7137f8d7bc72.jpgDocHammond.jpg.714d5aa12da0414dbec6ce440ad45ade.jpg 
The main event of the evening promised an extraordinary clash of titans, pitting two formidable tag teams against each other in a match that would leave a lasting impact on the TCW faithful. The arena buzzed with anticipation as the spotlight focused on the squared circle, where the contrasting energies of the teams were about to collide.

The heel duo of Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond made their entrance, exuding an air of calculated confidence. As the crowd showered them with boos, Hawkins and Hammond reveled in the negative attention, fueling their own determination.

On the other side, the babyface team emerged to a thunderous ovation. Aaron Andrews, the reigning TCW World Heavyweight champion, led the charge with his championship belt held high. Beside him stood Joshua Taylor. The crowd's cheers for the beloved champion filled the air, creating an electric atmosphere that set the stage for a monumental showdown.

From the opening bell, the match unfolded as a masterclass in tag team dynamics. Seamless tags, calculated double-team maneuvers, and remarkable chemistry between the partners demonstrated the expertise of both teams. Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond, despite their heel status, showcased a remarkable synergy that allowed them to control the pace of the match and isolate their opponents.

As the match approached its climax, the tension escalated. Near falls and dramatic moments raised the stakes, and the crowd's reactions reflected the rollercoaster of emotions. The chaos inside the ring intensified, leading to an unexpected interference from Eddie Peak, who had a personal vendetta against Aaron Andrews.

The distraction created an opening for Doc Hammond to capitalize. He trapped Aaron Andrews in the Texas Cloverleaf submission hold, wrenching back with relentless pressure. Despite Andrews' struggle and resilience, the pain became too much to bear. The referee signaled the end of the match.

The arena erupted into a mixture of boos and shock, as the heel team emerged victorious through controversial means. As Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond celebrated their hard-fought win, Eddie Peak joined them in the ring, a wicked grin on his face. 

Winners: Wolf Hawkins & Doc Hammond, by submission in 17:58.
Segment Rating: 81

As the dust settled from the intense main event, the arena was plunged into chaos as the heels, consisting of Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, and Eddie Peak, seized the opportunity to continue their assault on Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor. The odds seemed insurmountable as the numbers game favored the villains, but suddenly, a burst of energy ignited the atmosphere.

Emerging from the backstage area with a determined look, Dazzling Dave Diamond sprinted down the ramp, the crowd erupting into cheers at the sight of his arrival. His rapid intervention managed to level the playing field, briefly driving the assailants away and offering a glimmer of hope to the beleaguered babyface duo.

However, the hope was short-lived as Chris Flynn, a fellow member of The Syndicate, stormed the scene, once again tipping the scales in favor of the heels. The numbers swelled to their advantage, and the combined assault seemed to seal the fate of Aaron Andrews ,Joshua Taylor and Dazzling Dave Diamond.

But just as it appeared that the babyfaces were overwhelmed, a triumphant, nostalgic melody resonated through the arena, igniting an unparalleled frenzy among the crowd. The audience erupted in cheers as Rick Law, a former TCW star who hadn't been seen in the promotion for six years, made an electrifying return.

With a fire in his eyes and a renewed spirit, Rick Law charged down the ramp with a nightstick in his hand and leaped into the ring, leveling the playing field with his unmatched energy. The unexpected presence of this returning legend infused the battle with an added layer of intensity. Rick Law's involvement turned the tide of the fight, allowing the beleaguered babyfaces to rally and reclaim the upper hand.

The crowd roared their approval, chanting Rick Law's name as he fought valiantly alongside Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, and Dazzling Dave Diamond. The heel team, momentarily thrown off balance, found themselves on the receiving end of a resurgent onslaught. As the heroes regrouped and the villains reeled, the momentum swung decisively.


Amid the uproar, it was announced that the main event for Battleground 3 was set: a colossal 8-man tag team match pitting Team Andrews, consisting of Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, Dazzling Dave Diamond, and the returning Rick Law, against Team Hawkins, composed of Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn, and Eddie Peak. 

The return of Rick Law, the revelation of the mystery partner, had not only saved the day but also set the stage for an unforgettable encounter at Battleground 3. 

The screen faded to black, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the spectacle that would unfold at the upcoming event.

Segment Rating: 72

Overall Rating: 78    
This Show achieved a 2.97 TV rating (2,234,331 viewers) on ACE, and 0.35 TV rating on Maple Leaf Spors (266,795 viewers).

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In a well-appointed office at the TCW headquarters, CEO Kyle Rhodes sat across from Ricky Dale Johnson, the Head Booker of TCW. As they settled into their chairs, Kyle couldn't help but crack a smile at the success Ricky had achieved in his short three months on the job.

"Ricky," Kyle began, his tone brimming with pride, "I have to say, you've done an outstanding job since taking on the role of Head Booker. The storylines, the matches, the engagement – everything has been on point. The fans are loving it, and the numbers reflect that."

Ricky Dale Johnson leaned back in his chair, his trademark cowboy hat resting on his knee. "Well, Kyle, I appreciate the kind words. It's been a whirlwind, but I'm glad to be making a difference."

Kyle's smile widened. "And that's exactly why I wanted to talk to you today. Our IT department has been hard at work, and they've developed something that I think could take our success to the next level. A new rating system."

Ricky raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A rating system? What's that all about?"

Kyle leaned forward, his fingers steepled in front of him. "It's a way for us to measure our performance and compare it to other wrestling companies out there. You see, we're heading into 'Battleground 3' in just two weeks, and we've got an opportunity to show the world what TCW is made of. This rating system will help us understand where we stand in relation to our competitors."

Ricky nodded, absorbing the information. "So, how does it work?"

Kyle explained, "Our IT team has developed a set of metrics that will gauge things like fan engagement, social media buzz, viewership, and even the quality of matches. These metrics will give us a comprehensive view of how we're doing compared to other companies. It's not just about being the best in the ring, but also about creating an experience that keeps fans coming back for more."

Kyle sighed, his gaze fixed on the papers in front of him. "Well, according to the metrics we've been analyzing, it seems that SWF – you know, one of our key competitors – has experienced a downgrade in their rating."

Ricky's eyes narrowed, his curiosity piqued. "A downgrade? From what to what?"

Kyle's lips tightened. "From the 'Big' category to the 'Medium' category."

Ricky Dale Johnson's face showed a mix of surprise and interest. "Now, that's intriguing. What happened?"

Kyle's fingers tapped on the desk, his gaze lifting to meet Ricky's. "From what we can tell, their recent shows haven't been generating the same level of fan engagement, and their social media buzz has taken a hit. It seems like their storylines haven't been as captivating, and the quality of their matches has suffered a bit."

Ricky nodded, absorbing the information. "So, they're not delivering what the fans want."

"Exactly," Kyle confirmed. "And that's where our opportunity comes in. With 'Battleground 3' just around the corner, we can seize this moment to really showcase the strengths of TCW. If we continue to deliver on the elements that have been driving our success – the engaging storylines, the thrilling matches, and the fan interaction – we could potentially capitalize on SWF's stumble and attract a bigger audience."

Ricky's eyes gleamed with determination, his Texan spirit shining through. "You're right, Kyle. This is our time to shine. We've got the creative talent, the passion, and the drive. Let's make 'Battleground 3' a knockout success and show everyone that TCW is where the action's at."

Kyle smiled, his confidence in Ricky reaffirmed. "I knew I could count on you to see the bigger picture, Ricky."

As the conversation came to an end, the two men shared a firm handshake, a silent agreement passing between them. With the knowledge of SWF's setback and the determination to make TCW's upcoming event a monumental success, they were ready to face the challenges ahead and elevate their company to new heights.

Upcoming Card for “Battleground 3”:

Team Andrews (Aaron Andrews, Rick Law, Joshua Taylor and Dazzling Dave Diammond) vs. Team Hawkins (Wolf Hawkins, Doc Hammond, Eddie Peak and Chris Flynn)

Team Money (Jeremie Courtney, Marc Speed, Matt Hocking and The Silencer) vs. Team Honnor (Human Arsenal, Danny Fonzarelli, T-Bone and Maverick)

Team Legacy (Sammy Bach, One Man Army,Bryan Vessey and ???) vs. Team S.G.D (Jay Chord, Greg Gauge, Edd Stone and ???)

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