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WCW [1995]: Heading To The Top, Not Quite As Great As Henderson

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Monday Week 2 October 1995




A Final Decision
8,500 fans in the Ocean Center are on their feet as WCW Monday Nitro begins this week.  The fans erupt in a cheer when '2001' begins to play and here comes the Nature Boy Ric Flair.  A splt-screen is shown of last week when Ric Flair saved Sting from Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  Flair gets on the microphone and begins by talking about losing to his best friend at Fall Brawl.  Flair says he's lost before and will lose again but that he is still the man.  He is still the diamond in this industry.  He says he wants another shot against Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  At Halloween Havoc, he'll take them both on.  Before he can continue, Man Called Sting begins to play and here comes Sting!  Sting comes walking down to the ring, high fiving the fans along the way.  He steps in and goes face to face with Ric Flair.  Sting gets on the microphone and says that he's seen a lot of Ric Flair in his career.  He says he's seen the good and he's seen the bad and the evil that Ric Flair has done.  But he is going to say that Ric Flair does not have to fight Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman by himself.  Sting says he will stand by Ric Flair's side.  Flair actually thanks Sting and says they will ride as Horsemen once again.  Sting steps in close to Flair and whispers in his ear that if Ric Flair betrays him, then he will leave Flair for DEAD!  Sting offers a handshake to Flair, who accepts it.  The two men stand tall in the ring for a moment before exiting and heading to the back.


Match #1
Shane Douglas vs. Lex Luger

Our opening contest was set up last week with Shane Douglas challenging Lex Luger.  The match is more back and forth than most could have thought as The Franchise seems to hold his own against The Total Package.  Douglas nearly scores a pinfall when he hits Luger with a low blow.  Luger gets the crowd behind him, making his comeback on Douglas.  Luger hits Douglas with an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline.  He picks up Douglas and sends him to the ropes -- Powerslam!  Luger plays to the crowd before picking up Douglas for the Human Torture Rack!  Douglas fights the pain but is eventually forced to submit in 8:08.
Lex Luger d. Shane Douglas =73



Who's The Man?
Lex Luger picks up the victory over Shane Douglas.  He plays to the crowd, climbing to the second turnbuckle.  The crowd cheers and then tries to warn him as the WCW United States Champion Vader climbs into the ring.  Luger drops down from the turnbuckle and turns right into a clothesline from Vader.  Vader stomps on Luger, who is worn out from his previous match.  Vader picks up Luger and drops him with a Powerbomb before dragging him over to the corner.  Vader climbs up and drops from the second turnbuckle with the Vader Bomb.  Vader throws up the 'V' sign and asks the crowd 'Who's the man?!?'  Vader walks off as officials come in to check on Luger.  The announcers wonder just why Vader did this to the Total Package and if we'll even get an answer.



We Agree
Down at the ramp, Gene Okerlund talks about the WCW hotline and how he may have more on this Vader/Lex Luger situation if you call.  Then he calls out his guests at this time, which are Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman.  The crowd boos loudly as Anderson and Pillman actually come out to the Four Horsemen theme song.  When they reach Okerlund, he asks them about the challenge issued by Ric Flair and Sting.  Arn Anderson says that this must be a joke because he knows that Ric Flair cannot work with anyone.  Anderson says that he knows this better than anyone.  Brian Pillman speaks up, saying that this sounds like fun beating up those two guys at the same time.  He accepts the match for himself and Anderson.  Anderson finishes with one last warning to Sting.  He tells Sting not to trust Ric Flair.


Match #2
WCW World Television Title Match
Diamond Dallas Page(w/Diamond Doll) defends vs. Alex Wright

Our second match of the night features Diamond Dallas Page defending the WCW World Television title against 'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright.  This was a very short match between these two competitors.  It was mostly dominated by the current champ DDP.  DDP shows his abilities off when he catches Wright with a tilt-a-whirl slam called A Trip To The Diamond Mine.  The end comes when DDP catches Wright with the Diamond Cutter and makes the pinfall victory in 2:54.
Diamond Dallas Page p. Alex Wright =53


Demolishers Coming Soon
A music video begins to play showcasing a brand new/old tag team that will be making their debut here in WCW soon.  Axis The Demolisher and Smasher The Demolisher are shown wearing the silver and red facepaint.  They are shown using several tag team moves on random athletes.  Then Axis turns toward the camera and yells out, saying they are coming to WCW and they will get victory.  They are shown hitting the Demolisher Decapitation before we go to another video.

This Saturday On WCW Saturday Night
This video lets people know what is going to be happening this week on WCW Saturday Night.  Eric Bischoff announces that we will see Rey Misterio Jr. take on Eddy Guerrero in the main event.  Also in action we will see Al Snow and WCW World Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page.  Make sure you tune in for WCW Saturday Night!


Match #3
Harlem Heat(w/Sensuous Sherri) vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

Our next match is a tag team match featuring Harlem Heat taking on the returning duo of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, The Rock 'N' Roll Express.  The veteran duo gets the early advantage on Harlem Heat, ending with both Booker T and Stevie Ray being sent out of the ring and the crowd firmly behind the veterans.  Sherri gives Booker and Stevie some advice and they slide back in the ring.  Sherri distracts Ricky Morton and Booker gives him a cheap shot punch.  He drags Morton back in his corner and Morton begins playing the face-in -peril.  Booker and Stevie use quick tags in and out to keep the fresh man in.  A near fall is made when they hit the Big Apple Blast, an elevated bearhug by Stevie Ray followed by a Harlem Sidekick by Booker T.  Stevie Ray gets back in and sends Morton to a neutral corner.  He tries to follow in with a splash but Morton ducks out of the way.  Morton crawls to his corner and tags are made on both sides.  Robert Gibson comes in like a house on fire.  All four men come in the ring and it's a donnybrook.  Morton body slams Booker and then clotheslines him over the top rope.  Robert Gibson heads to the top turnbuckle.  He leaps with a Missile Dropkick and Ricky Morton hits a standing dropkick on Booker T at the same time!  Gibson makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  A huge win for the returning Rock 'N' Roll Express in 7:17!
Rock 'N' Roll Express p. Harlem Heat =69



Steiner Challenge
We go back to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund reminds everyone to call the WCW hotline and then calls out his guest at this time and that is Scott Steiner.  Okerlund begins by asking Scott about his brother, Rick.  Scott says that Rick is healing and it will take time.  So he won't be back for awhile.  Scott says that he is looking for revenge against the two men that injured his brother.  He challenges a member of Harlem Heat to meet him at Halloween Havoc.  In fact, since they were so willing to put his brother out of action, he wants to face one of them in a casket match.  He says it fits the Halloween Havoc theme.  He promises that he will put Harlem Heat out of action one wrestler at a time before walking off.  Okerlund sends us up to the ring because it's time for the main event.


Match #4
The Giant(w/The Taskmaster) vs. Randy Savage

The Giant comes out with The Taskmaster in his corner to take on The Macho Man Randy Savage.  The Macho Man comes out alone.  Savage opens things up by trying to use his speed against The Giant.  He does his best to keep out of the grasp of the larger man.  Savage shows some strength when he rushes The Giant and sends him out of the ring with a spear.  They both collapse down at ringside for a moment before Savage pushes himself up.  Savage gets the crowd behind him as he slides back in the ring.  Savage climbs to the top turnbuckle, waiting for The Giant to get to his feet.  When The Giant does, Savage leaps but The Giant catches him around the throat.  The Giant tosses Savage against the ring post.  The Giant returns the action inside the ring where he begins to dominate the veteran, Savage.  During this domination, The Giant returns the favor on Savage, hitting him with a spear in the middle of the ring.  The Giant sets up Savage in the middle of the ring and hits a legdrop on him, mocking Hulk Hogan.  The Giant makes the cover: One, Two, The Giant pulls Savage up, breaking the chance for the three count.  The Giant pulls Savage up and wraps his hand around the throat of the Macho Man.  The crowd begins a 'Savage' chant and Savage seems to revive as he throws kick after kick to the stomach of The Giant.  Finally, one breaks the chokehold but Savage continues to strike at The Giant.  Savage bounces off the ropes and hits The Giant with a leaping clothesline, knocking The Giant to one knee.

Randy Savage continues to be in control of the match.  He heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps, catching The Giant with a flying double axehandle.  Savage makes a symbol and then heads to the top turnbuckle again.  He dives off and hits a second flying double axehandle!  The crowd gets solidly behind The Macho Man.  Savage bounces off the ropes and catches The Giant with a high knee to the back.  Savage lays The Giant out in the center of the ring.  He heads to the top turnbuckle and raises his arms in the air.  Savage leaps but does not land the flying elbow drop!  Instead, The Giant catches him by the throat.  The Giant gets to his feet and lifts Savage in the air -- Choke Slam!  The Giant makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Giant wins in 11:05.
The Giant p. Randy Savage =68



Monster Truck
The Giant stands up and roars as The Taskmaster enters the ring.  The Taskmaster makes a motion and The Giant grabs the fallen Randy Savage.  He lifts him up in the air and drops him with a devastating Choke Slam!  The Giant beats his chest before American Made begins to play.  All the focus turns to the top of the ramp.  Instead, the big screen lights up showing the parking lot.  Hulk Hogan shows up driving a monster truck!  Hogan looks in the camera and says that The Giant better come out here and stop him or The Giant's car is going to become scrap metal.  The Giant rushes out of the ring and rushes toward the back.  The cameras follow him all the way to the parking lot where he arrives just in time to see his car get run over by Hogan's monster truck.  Hogan gets out of the monster truck and leaps, catching The Giant with a flying punch.  Hogan and The Giant begin to brawl in the parking lot.  Officials and security team members rush out to break things up.  WCW Monday Nitro ends with the brawl between these two top wrestlers.  We'll see you this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night!

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Saturday Week 2 October 1995

WCW Saturday Night

Highlights From Monday Nitro
In a video, highlights from Monday Nitro are shown.  They include Ric Flair and Sting joining together and The Giant defeating Randy Savage before having his car run over by Hulk Hogan.

Match #1
In a decent match, Diamond Dallas Page(58) defeated Brad Armstrong(51) in 9:49 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter following interference from Maxx Muscle. During the match we also had Diamond Doll distract Brad. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number five of the WCW World Television title...59

Return Of The Studd Stable
At the staging area, Gene Okerlund interviews Col. Robert Parker.  He talks about the end of the former Studd Stable, releasing all of the former members.  He introduces the first new member of the Studd Stable, the unbeatable Vader.  Vader comes out and stands beside Col. Parker.  Col. Parker introduces the next member, the stable's bodyguard Big Bubba Rogers.  He says that there is more to come but that this is enough for now.

Match #2
In a terrible match, Al Snow(48) defeated Terry Richards(27) in 5:34 by pinfall with a Snow Plow...44

Hype For Monday Nitro
In a video, hype for Monday Nitro is shown.  Sting will face Brian Pillman one on one and Hulk Hogan defends the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Great Muta.  All of this and more on a special 2 hour Monday Nitro.

Technically Wonderful
Johnny B. Badd comes out for his match, playing to the crowd.  Paul Orndorff comes out but he is not alone.  He has Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko with him.  The three men surround three sides of the ring and then climb in and attack Johnny B. Badd.  The three of them lay out Badd, with Orndorff hitting the Perfect Piledriver on Badd.  Orndorff, Benoit and Malenko stand over Badd and form the W with their hands.

Learning To Be A Warrior
In a video, Ultimate Warrior and The Renegade are in a graveyard.  Warrior forces Renegade to face his fears and dig his own grave.  The video speeds up and the grave is dug.  Warrior forces Renegade to lie down in the grave.  Renegade survives this and Warrior says they will move on to the next step.

Match #3
In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Eddy Guerrero(79) defeated Rey Misterio Jr.(76) in 16:08 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics...88

Another Member
Post-Match, Paul Orndorff, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko come down to the ring.  They step inside and seem to go after Eddy Guerrero but stop and attack Rey Misterio Jr..  They hold down Misterio Jr. as Eddy hits the Frog Splash.  Eddy gets up and raises the 'W' sign as all four men stand tall in the ring to end the show.

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Predictions List:

Technically Wonderful(Paul Orndorff, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero) vs. American Males and Hardy Boyz

Bunkhouse Buck vs. Randy Savage

Brian Pillman vs. Sting

WCW World Television Title Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Blue Bloods vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Great Muta

Comments On Diary In General: 

TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #WorldTitleMatch

© 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

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Technically Wonderful (Paul Orndorff, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero) vs. American Males and Hardy Boyz

Bunkhouse Buck vs. Randy Savage
Comments: Two words - OOOOOHH YEEEAAAH!!!

Brian Pillman vs. Sting

WCW World Television Title Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Road Warrior Hawk
Comments: Hawk wins via DQ but DDP keeps the belt

Blue Bloods vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Great Muta
Comments: What'cha gonna do, brother?

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Technically Wonderful(Paul Orndorff, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero) vs. American Males and Hardy Boyz

Bunkhouse Buck vs. Randy Savage

Brian Pillman vs. Sting

WCW World Television Title Match
Diamond Dallas Page defends vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Blue Bloods vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express
Comments: Though I'd like the BB's to win!

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Great Muta

Comments On Diary In General: I love how we both have the same timeline and while things are going to be similar, you've completely made this timeline your own. Keep it up!

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On 5/17/2023 at 6:44 AM, Henderson said:

Comments On Diary In General: I love how we both have the same timeline and while things are going to be similar, you've completely made this timeline your own. Keep it up!

Hey Henderson,

Really glad you don't seem to mind that I used your name in my title.  And I mean that about your hard work.  I agree that while we both have the same timeline, we are going in different directions and booking styles.  They're different but both have their merits.  Glad you think I made the timeline my own.  I plan to keep this one up.  There will be some pauses in it, though, because I am in the process of moving.  So real life takes precedence, of course.  But I plan to keep things up and have some interesting things planned with Halloween Havoc coming soon.

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Monday Week 3 October 1995



Shocking Beginning
WCW Monday Nitro comes to you live from the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, Alabama.  The crowd rises in boos as The Taskmaster leads The Giant out from the back.  They walk about halfway up the ramp before pausing and taking in more boos.  The Giant turns and sees a Hulk Hogan sign being held up.  The Giant grabs the sign and rips it in half, tossing it on the ground.  The fan he took it from can be heard yelling at him.  The Giant grabs the fan by the throat and pulls him over the guardrail!  The Taskmaster looks shocked as The Giant grabs the fan and drops him with a Choke Slam on the floor!  Security rushes out and grab The Giant, locking an angry Giant in handcuffs.  On the mic, Eric Bischoff denounces this attack on a fan and says that The Giant may not have a job when he gets out of jail.  EMTs check on the fan and have to load him up on a stretcher before taking him to the back.  Even The Taskmaster looks shocked at what happened and helps the EMTs, rather than leaving with The Giant.  The Giant is taken to the back and presumably taken to jail for assault.  When the area gets clear, it's time to get into some wrestling.




Match #1
Technically Wonderful vs. American Males and Hardy Boys

Our first match of the night features a four on four contest as the new group of Technically Wonderful, which include Paul Orndorff, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero take on the two teams of American Males and Hardy Boys.  It's not quite a surprise that this is a squash match as Technically Wonderful holds the advantage throughout the contest.  They use quick tags in and out and seem a cohesive unit.  The end comes when Orndorff hits Matt Hardy with the Piledriver in the middle of the ring.  Orndorff makes the cover and gets the three count at 7:35.
Technically Wonderful p. American Males and Hardy Boys =67



Return Of The Family?
A backstage segment comes next as Jimmy Hart is shown.  He hasn't been seen since the beginning of last month as he seemingly has stopped managing Hulk Hogan.  Hart is shown having a conversation with V.K. Wallstreet.  Hart says that Hulk Hogan left him behind and now all he's doing is behind the scenes stuff.  Wallstreet says that's not right.  He says that Hart brought Hogan to WCW and now Hogan has gotten too big for his britches.  Wallstreet tells Jimmy Hart that he should restart The Family.  Wallstreet says he'll be the first member if Hart makes that decision.  Hart smiles and seems to be thinking it over as we go back to the ring.


Match #2
Bunkhouse Buck vs. Randy Savage

Our second match of the night features the now Studd Stable-less Bunkhouse Buck against the Macho Man Randy Savage.  Buck gets a few moves in once he rakes the eyes of Savage, including a near fall after a big boot.  But the crowd gets Savage back into the match and he begins to dominate.  Savage gets behind Buck and hits that running knee to the back before lifting him up and then dropping him in an atomic drop.  Savage drops Buck with a body slam and then heads to the top turnbuckle.  He raises his arms and then leaps, catching Buck with the Flying Elbow Drop!  Savage makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Savage picks up the win in 7:32.
Randy Savage p. Bunkhouse Buck =67



Extreme Attack
Randy Savage celebrates his victory by climbing onto the second turnbuckle.  He raises his arms to cheers from the crowd before he gets a chair thrown against his back!  In the ring is the man known as Sabu!  Sabu grabs the chair and strikes Savage in the back again, lowering Savage to the mat and pushing him back in the corner.  Sabu sets up the chair and then runs around the ring before leaping onto the chair and hitting a heel kick to Savage.  The announcers seem to have no idea where this attack is coming from as Sabu never speaks.  Sabu drags a fallen Savage to the center of the ring and then sets up the chair near the ropes.  Sabu bounces off the ropes and then uses the chair to hit the triple jump moonsault!  Savage clutches his ribs as Sabu points to the sky.  Sabu slides out of the ring and heads to the back.


Good Luck
Another backstage segment shows Ric Flair and Sting talking.  Flair talks about how Brian Pillman will definitely have Arn Anderson to watch his back.  He asks Sting if he wants Flair to watch his back.  Sting actually says no because he doesn't want to stoop to the level of Anderson and Pillman.  Flair says he respects this but if Anderson interferes in the match, he will be there to stop it.  Flair wishes Sting good luck in his match tonight and the two men shake hands before Sting leaves because that match is next.


Match #3
Brian Pillman (w/Arn Anderson) vs. Sting

Our first hour main event features a match that could main event any Monday Nitro as Brian Pillman takes on Sting.  The two have pretty good chemistry in the ring and it shows throughout the match as both men take to high flying throughout the contest.  Pillman scores an early near fall with a corkscrew cross body off the top turnbuckle.  Sting somehow manages to kick out at 2 and 3/4.  Pillman gets Sting in the corner and mocks Ric Flair by hitting Sting with several knife edge chops.  Pillman takes Sting over with a vertical suplex and scores another two count.  The man known as Flyin' Brian heads to the apron of the ring, waiting for Sting to get to his feet.  Pillman goes for the Air Pillman but Sting reverses it with a standing dropkick!  Both men are down on the mat around the ten minute mark.

The referee gets to a count of six before both Brian Pillman and Sting get to their feet.  The crowd is solidly behind Sting as he goes punch for punch with Pillman.  Sting blocks a punch and gets another one in and then another one.  Sting Irish whips Pillman into the corner and then backs up in the opposite corner, releasing a howl.  Sting rushes in toward Pillman -- Stinger Splash!  The Stinger Splash connects, sending Pillman falling to the mat.  Sting grabs the legs, looking for the Scorpion Deathlock but Arn Anderson climbs on the apron!  Sting walks over and punches Anderson, knocking him off the apron.  Pillman lies there on the mat as Sting comes back over.  Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock again but Pillman reverses it into a small package, grabbing Sting's trunks for leverage: One, Two, Three!  Brian Pillman picks up an upset victory in 16:26!
Brian Pillman p. Sting =82


The Franchise?  HO!
The second hour begins with the arrival of The Franchise Shane Douglas.  The crowd boos this arrival as he walks down to the ring and steps inside.  Douglas looks at the fans and tells them to shut up because they paid money to see him, not to boo him.  Douglas points to a female fan and says that he could take her home with him if he wanted to but he's not that desperate.  What he is, is the Franchise of Extreme.  He says that he's dealt with wrestlers trying to take off his head.  He's dealt with wrestlers using whatever weapons they can find and he's still standing because he is the best.  He says that last week, Lex Luger got lucky but it won't happen again.  It won't happen again because he knows that Lex Luger is too afraid to step in the ring with him again.  So he just has to move on and look ahead.


Shane Douglas' promo is interrupted by the arrival of 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan and the 2X4.  Jim Duggan marches to the ring and steps inside.  Douglas asks Duggan what he's doing here.  He's not anti-American.  Duggan says he's here because he got sick and tired of hearing what Shane Douglas has to say.  Duggan says that Douglas is all talk and no walk.  Douglas calls Duggan a relic that should have retired years ago.  Duggan responds that he still has some fight left in him and challenges Douglas to meet him in the ring next week.  Douglas laughs and responds that he accepts the challenge and it will be time to bury Jim Duggan.  Douglas rakes Duggan's eyes and then drops him with the side belly-to-belly suplex.  Douglas stomps on Hacksaw before walking off.


Match #4
WCW World Television Title Match
Diamond Dallas Page (w/Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle) defends vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Our fourth match of the evening features Diamond Dallas Page defending the WCW World Television title belt against Road Warrior Hawk.  This match has a ten minute time limit.  The match actually goes back and forth between these two wrestlers with both men getting some licks in.  As the time limit wore on, Hawk seemed to become more desperate to put DDP away.  He let himself get distracted by both the Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle at ringside.  The distraction worked to DDP's favor and DDP managed to hit the Diamond Cutter on Hawk.  DDP made the cover and, with less than a minute left in the time limit, DDP picked up the victory at 9:07.
Diamond Dallas Page p. Road Warrior Hawk =73



American Made
At the ramp, Gene Okerlund reminds everyone to call the WCW hotline to find out more news on the fan that was attacked earlier tonight.  Speaking of The Giant, Okerlund brings out his guest at this time, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.  American Made brings out Hogan and Hogan begins with his usual: let me tell you something, brother!  Hogan apologizes to the family of the fan that was attacked by The Giant earlier tonight.  He promises to get a care package to the kid in the hospital.  He also promises to take care of The Giant at Halloween Havoc, brother.  But tonight is a different matter because tonight he has to step in the ring with The Great Muta.  He says he has a bit of history with Muta in Japan.  But this is America, brother, where Hulkamania runs wild.  Hogan promises to bring a little bit of history with him but a whole lot of American pride.  Hogan asks Muta what he's gonna do when the power of Hulkamania and all these Hulkamaniacs runs wild over you?!?


Match #5
Blue Bloods vs. Rock 'N' Roll Express

Our semi main event is a solid tag team contest as two veteran teams go at it.  The announcers remind everyone that, because of the win over Harlem Heat last week, the Rock 'N' Roll Express will be taking on Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko at Halloween Havoc for the vacant WCW World Tag Team titles.  The match is fairly short but does give Ricky Morton time in the ring as the face in peril.  Earl Robert Eaton hits the top rope legdrop but Robert Gibson breaks up the pin before the three count.  Both sides make tags and Robert Gibson comes in as a house on fire.  Gibson knocks down both Regal and Eaton with clotheslines and a couple of standing dropkicks.  Ricky Morton comes back in to take out Eaton as Gibson heads to the top turnbuckle.  Regal gets to his feet and turns -- Missile Dropkick!  Gibson makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  The Rock 'N' Roll Express get the win in 5:32!
Rock 'N' Roll Express p. Blue Bloods =70



Striking First
The Rock 'N' Roll Express celebrate their victory but their celebration is cut short by the arrival of Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.  Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson hold their own for a few moments but Benoit throws Morton with a German Suplex and Malenko manages to trip up Gibson.  Benoit locks Morton in the Crossface, while Malenko locks Gibson in the Texas Cloverleaf.  The Rock 'N' Roll Express members fight their way through the moves but they can be seen submitting in the holds.  The announcers remind us that if this happens at Halloween Havoc, Benoit and Malenko will be the new WCW World Tag Team Champions.  Officials and security finally come down and break things up.  Benoit and Malenko stand and make the 'belt' motion before walking off.



One more segment backstage.  We are shown Al Snow seated in a room and he is talking to Head.  He seems to be having a nice conversation with the mannequin head, seemingly getting some wrestling advice.  Scott Norton walks into the room and asks Snow what he's doing.  Snow holds up Head and Norton punches the mannequin head, knocking her across the room.  Snow immediately stands up and gets in the face of Norton.  Norton tells Snow to join the real world because that mannequin head isn't real.  Snow shoves Norton but Norton doesn't even move.  Norton shoves Snow to the ground, calling him an idiot before walking off.  Snow crawls over to Head and cradles her to his chest, telling her that it's going to be alright and she is safe now.

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Match #6
WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Great Muta (w/Sensuous Sherri)

It's time for our main event of the evening.  A match for the WCW World Heavyweight title as Hulk Hogan defends against The Great Muta, along with Sensuous Sherri at ringside.  A few of the fans are actually behind Muta in this match and enjoy his entrance where he sprays mist up into the air.  The match starts off pretty slow with neither man willing to put themselves out there and make the first mistake.  Hogan locks in a good side headlock on Muta, really wrenching it in.  Muta reverses it into an overhead wristlock but Hogan's power shuts that down and he shoves Muta to the mat.  Hogan cups his ear to cheers from this Alabama crowd.  Muta gets back up and the two lock up with Hogan again showing his strength by backing Muta into a corner.  Hogan gives a clean break but Muta fires with a shot to the throat of Hogan.  Muta begins moving into control of the match.  He takes Hogan down with the dragon screw leg whip and then moves Hogan into the corner.  Muta bounces off the opposite corner and hits a cartwheel and then a flying back elbow onto Hogan.  Muta drags Hogan from the corner and shows some strength with a body slam on Hogan before heading to the top turnbuckle.  Muta strikes with a picture perfect moonsault!  Muta makes the cover: One, Two, big kickout by Hogan!  Hogan gets to his knees, shaking his head.  The crowd cheers as Hogan shrugs off a couple of punches by Muta.  Hogan points at Muta and then goes in for the kill but Muta sprays the mist directly in Hogan's eyes!  Hogan is blinded and staggers around the ring before he is swept by Muta, knocking him to the mat.  With that, we go to our final commercial of the night.

Back from commercial, The Great Muta is still in control of Hulk Hogan after spraying that Asian mist in his eyes.  The crowd begins a 'Hogan' chant as Muta goes for the Muta Lock.  Hogan, though, finds a way to power out from the hold before it can be locked on.  Hogan tosses Muta across the ring.  The crowd cheers as both men slowly get to their feet.  They exchange punches in the middle of the ring before Hogan gets the advantage.  He shrugs off a couple of Muta punches and points to him again.  Hogan blocks a punch and throws one and then two.  He sends Muta to the ropes and then drops him with the big boot.  Hogan moves into a corner, swinging his arm back and forth, waiting for Muta to get to his feet.  When Muta does stand up, Hogan hits him with the rarely seen in WCW Axe Bomber!  The crooked arm lariat sends Muta to the mat and Hogan makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Hogan picks up the win and the title defense at 15:39!
Hulk Hogan p. The Great Muta =77


Celebrate Good Times
Hulk Hogan gets his arm raised by the referee and he is handed the WCW World Heavyweight title belt.  Hogan holds up the belt to cheers from the crowd.  Hogan cups his ear, drawing in more cheers from this Huntsville, Alabama crowd.  Hogan continues his celebration in the ring, flexing his muscles and getting more cheers from the crowd.  Hogan leaves the ring and high fives the fans, pausing and talking to some of them as the show comes to an end.  We'll see you this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night!

Edited by angeldelayette
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Saturday Week 3 October 1995

WCW Saturday Night

Highlights From Monday Nitro
Highlights from WCW Monday Nitro are shown.  These include Brian Pillman defeating Sting and Hulk Hogan defeating The Great Muta.

Match #1
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Pretty Powerful(Hernandez-46, Roma-42) defeated American Males(Bagwell-44, Riggs-41) in 6:26 when Paul Roma pinned Marcus Bagwell with a Power-Plex...47

Latin Power
Eddy Guerrero issues an open challenge for WCW Monday Nitro and then issues a challenge on behalf of Technically Wonderful.  This challenge is issued on behalf of Benoit and Malenko.  The challenge is made to Flair and Sting.

The Franchise
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Shane Douglas.  The Franchise hypes his match against Jim Duggan on Monday Nitro.  Douglas promises that he is going to put Jim Duggan in the grave.

Match #2
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Jim Duggan(54) defeated Lord Steven Regal(70) in 7:35 by pinfall with a Running Clotheline Tackle...71

Renegade Warrior?
Inside a funeral home stand Ultimate Warrior and The Renegade.  Warrior tells Renegade that he has to let go of fear in order to become a warrior.  Warrior leads The Renegade to a casket and tells him to get in.  Renegade hesitates but eventually gets inside and Warrior closes the casket, locking the airtight casket.  Several minutes go by before Warrior unlocks the casket.  Claw marks can be seen inside the casket and Renegade's eyes are wide as Warrior ponders whether Renegade is ready.  In response, The Renegade closes the casket and we go to our main event.

Match #3
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Scott Norton(39) defeated Disco Inferno(43) in 15:43 by pinfall with a Shoulder Breaker...49

Got Head?
Having picked up the victory, Scott Norton celebrates in the ring.  He stands in the ring when, suddenly, a bunch of mannequin heads fall from the ceiling and on top of Norton.  Norton looks a little scared for a moment before kicking the heads and walking out.

The Total Package
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Lex Luger.  Okerlund asks Luger about the attack by Vader last week.  Luger says that Vader has fallen in with the wrong crowd.  But if he wants a fight, then he's going to get it.  Luger challenges Vader to meet him at Halloween Havoc and put the United States title on the line.  Okerlund reminds everyone to tune in to WCW Monday Nitro this Monday as the show comes to a close.

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Predictions List:

Zodiac vs. Randy Savage

Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

Open Challenge Match
Eddy Guerrero vs. ???

Shane Douglas vs. Jim Duggan

Big Bubba Rogers vs. Al Snow

Benoit & Malenko vs. Ric Flair and Sting

Comments On Diary In General: 

TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #BenoitMalenkovFlairandSting

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Predictions List:

Zodiac vs. Randy Savage

Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

Open Challenge Match
Eddy Guerrero vs. ???

Shane Douglas vs. Jim Duggan

Big Bubba Rogers vs. Al Snow

Benoit & Malenko vs. Ric Flair and Sting

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Monday Week 4 October 1995



A Public Apology
WCW Monday Nitro comes to you live from Humphrey Coliseum on the campus of Mississippi State University.  The crowd boos when The Taskmaster walks out from the back.  He's alone this week.  He steps in the ring and begins by saying he would like to issue a public apology on behalf of the Dungeon of Doom for The Giant's actions last week.  He says that nothing like that will happen again.  He says that The Giant will not be in the building tonight as he has been suspended for this evening.  However, this does not change his destiny.  He says that at Halloween Havoc The Giant will walk away with the WCW World Heavyweight title.  He says that The Giant will destroy Hogan and end Hulkamania.  The Taskmaster laughs before dropping the microphone and standing at ringside as Zodiac has a match next.


Match #1
Zodiac (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Randy Savage

Our opening match features the crazy Zodiac against the Macho Man Randy Savage.  These two wrestlers don't click at all and it shows in their performances.  Savage mostly dominates the contest, using both his brawling and high flying skills.  In the end, Savage catches Zodiac with a fallaway slam and then heads to the top turnbuckle.  Savage raises his arms and then leaps with the Flying Elbow Drop.  Savage makes the cover and scores the 3 count at 10:18.
Randy Savage p. Zodiac =60



Another Attack
Randy Savage gets his arm raised in victory but here comes Sabu!  Sabu uses the ropes as a springboard, hitting a flying leg lariat on Savage.  Sabu mounts Savage and starts throwing punches.  Savage covers up and then flips Sabu around.  Savage grabs Sabu and hits him with a short-arm clothesline.  Savage heads to the top turnbuckle but Sabu gets up first and climbs up with him.  Sabu hits Savage with a flying overhead belly-to-belly suplex off the top turnbuckle.  As both men lie there, here come officials to keep the two separated.  Sabu fights through the officials and throws a few punches to Savage.  Officials grab Sabu and then Savage breaks free and Savage hits a few punches on Sabu.  Finally, the two men are kept apart and taken to the back.



Challenge Accepted
We go to the ramp where Gene Okerlund is standing by.  Okerlund reminds everyone to call the WCW Hotline as he has an exclusive on a new signing to WCW.  But right now he has to bring out his guests, The Studd Stable.  Col. Robert Parker brings out Vader and Big Bubba Rogers.  Okerlund asks Parker about the challenge laid out by Lex Luger on WCW Saturday Night.  Parker says that Luger made a huge mistake challenging the man they call Vader.  But they can accomodate him.  Parker accepts the challenge on behalf of Vader and says that Luger is going to go down faster than the Titanic because this iceberg's name is Vader.  He says that Vader is going to prove who the man really is.  With that, Okerlund sends us to the ring.


Match #2
Barrio Brothers vs. Nasty Boys

We go to the ring for our second match of the night featuring Barrio Brothers against Nasty Boys.  The match has a lot of sub-par wrestling in it as the focus is on the Nasty Boys maintaing control.  This includes the Pitstop, driving Ricky Santana into the armpit of Jerry Sags.  The match ends with Brian Knobbs hitting Fidel Sierra with the running powerslam.  Knobbs makes the cover and gets the three count at 8:17.
Nasty Boys p. Barrio Brothers =53



Open Challenge Accepted
Once the ring is cleared, Eddy Guerrero comes out from the back.  Guerrero enters the ring and talks about how Technically Wonderful is dominating WCW.  He says that Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko will become the new WCW World Tag Team Champions at Halloween Havoc.  He wishes them good luck in their match tonight before focusing on his own open challenge.  He asks anyone to come from the back and step in the ring with him.  After a few moments, here comes Johnny B. Badd!  Badd says that tonight is the first night of his revenge on the entire group of Technically Wonderful.  He says it begins tonight with Eddy Guerrero and will continue with Paul Orndorff at Halloween Havoc.  Badd suddenly drops the microphone and rushes toward the ring.  He slides inside and the two begin brawling as the referee calls for the bell.


Match #3
Eddy Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd

Our first hour main event features Eddy Guerrero against Johnny B. Badd.  Guerrero shoves Badd into the corner and drives a knee into his gut.  Another knee and then Badd turns things around and begins throwing punches.  Badd throws a big knockout punch in the corner and Guerrero slides down to the mat.  Badd picks up Guerrero and brings him over with a vertical suplex.  Badd makes the cover: One, Kickout!  Guerrero slides out of the ring to catch a break but Badd comes flying with a somersault plancha outside the ring.  Badd picks up Guerrero and runs toward the ring post but Guerrero reverses and sends Badd face-first into the ring post.  Guerrero brings the action back into the ring and picks up Badd, bringing him over with a vertical suplex.  He swivels his hips around and hits a second vertical suplex.  He swivels his hips around and hits a third vertical suplex.  Guerrero makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout!

Following a commercial break, we come back with Guerrero still in control.  Guerrero sends Badd out of the ring and then rushes in with a senton.  The action goes back in the ring and Guerrero heads to the top turnbuckle.  The crowd gets behind Johnny B. Badd and Badd manages to get up.  He rushes to the top turnbuckle and then leaps up, catching Guerrero with a Super Frankensteiner!  Badd makes the cover: One, Foot on the bottom rope, Two, Referee sees the foot and stops the count.  Badd gets to his feet and pulls Guerrero up.  A shove by Guerrero sends Badd crashing into the referee.  The referee is just stunned at the moment.  Guerrero slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in.  He bangs the chair on the mat and then tosses it to Badd, falling on the mat like he got hurt.  The referee turns around and sees Badd with the chair.  The referee looks between the two and then calls for the bell, disqualifying Badd!
Eddy Guerrero d. Johnny B. Badd =78



Badd Beatdown
The second hour begins with the arrival of all the members of Technically Wonderful to join Eddy Guerrero and Johnny B. Badd in the ring.  Badd tries to use the chair but Chris Benoit ducks and catches Badd with a German suplex train.  Guerrero gets up and grabs the chair, hitting Badd in the back with it.  Dean Malenko stomps on Badd and then Paul Orndorff calls them off.  He grabs Badd and hooks him in.  He lifts him up and plants him with the Wonderful Piledriver in the middle of the ring on top of the chair!  Badd is out cold on the mat as Paul Orndorff raises his arms in victory.  All four members of Technically Wonderful raise their arms.


Hulk Hogan
We go from there to a video featuring Hulk Hogan.  In the background of the video, all of the interactions between Hogan and The Giant are shown as Hogan is talking.  Hogan talks about his history of beating giants, brother.  He says that nobody thought he could do it when he body slammed Andre.  He said that nobody thought he would beat King Kong Bundy inside the cage.  He said that nobody thought that he would beat Ric Flair in his first match in WCW, dude.  He says that the same thing is going to happen this Sunday at Halloween Havoc, brother.  He asks The Giant what ya gonna do when the power of Hulkamania runs wild over you?!?!  Hogan flexes and we go to another video.


The Demolishers Are Coming
This video features the brand new WCW tag team of the two men known as The Demolishers.  Axis and Smasher are shown beating random wrestlers, including hitting the Demolisher Decapitation.  In a voice-over, Axis talks about being the most dangerous tag team in professional wrestling.  Smasher says that they are going to smash the competition.  Axis says they will be in the building next week on WCW Monday Nitro.  After another Demolisher Decapitation, we are taken back to the ring.


Match #4
Shane Douglas vs. Jim Duggan

We are taken to our fourth match of the evening featuring The Extreme Franchise Shane Douglas against Hacksaw Jim Duggan.  The match features back and forth action with both men getting in an equal amount of momentum.  Douglas catches Duggan with a big body slam in the middle of the ring.  He drops an elbow and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout!  Douglas gets up and backs into a corner before rushing forward and hitting an inverted rolling neck snap.  Douglas yells at the crowd, letting them know that he's the Franchise.  Douglas picks up Duggan and Duggan throws a few punches to the gut.  Duggan gets to his feet and takes down Douglas with a clothesline.  He bounces off the ropes and goes for Old Glory but Douglas moves out of the way.  Duggan grabs his knee and Douglas grabs him around the waist -- Belly to Belly Suplex!  Douglas makes the cover: One, Two, Three!
Shane Douglas p. Jim Duggan =57


Halloween Havoc
A video plays letting the fans know the matches that are happening this Sunday at Halloween Havoc.  These include Hulk Hogan defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Giant.  Vader defends the United States title against Lex Luger.  Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko take on The Rock 'N' Roll Express for the vacant WCW World Tag Team Titles.  Randy Savage faces Sabu and more!


Match #5
Big Bubba Rogers (w/Col Robert Parker) vs. Al Snow

Our semi main event features Big Bubba Rogers with Col. Robert Parker in his corner taking on Al Snow with Head in his corner.  The match is a brawl, with both men striking hard and fast.  Snow uses moves like the springboard moonsault and spinning heel kick when he is in control.  Rogers comes back with a big boot and a bearhug.  Snow struggles in the bearhug but manages to fight his way free.  Scott Norton comes down to the ringside area, watching the match.  Rogers gets the referee distracted and Scott Norton pulls Al Snow out of the ring.  Norton hits him with a Power Bomb on the floor and then throws him back in the ring.  Rogers walks over and picks up Snow, hitting the Bubba Slam.  Snow is completely out.  Rogers makes the cover: One, Two, Three!
Big Bubba Rogers p. Al Snow =69



Heating Up
We go to the ramp and Mean Gene Okerlund.  Okerlund says to call the WCW Hotline for all of the matches lined up for Halloween Havoc.  Speaking of Halloween Havoc, he brings out his guests this evening, Sensuous Sherri and Harlem Heat.  Okerlund asks them about the challenge issued by Scott Steiner.  Sherri says that Scott Steiner wants to be yet another person put on the shelf, right beside his brother.  She announces that Stevie Ray has decided to step up and be the one to face Scott Steiner in the casket match.  She also says that she is so confident in Stevie Ray winning that she will leave WCW if he loses.  Booker T wishes Stevie Ray good luck in the match and says he'll be there for his brother.  Stevie Ray hypes the match briefly before we go to the ring.


Match #6
Benoit & Malenko (w/Eddy Guerrero) vs. Ric Flair and Sting

Our main event contest features the team of Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko against Ric Flair and Sting.  One thing that this match uncovered is that Sting and Ric Flair have absolutely zero chemistry as partners.  It was like two individuals on one team.  Eddy Guerrero stands at ringside for Benoit & Malenko.  The match begins with Flair and Benoit.  Flair backs Benoit into a corner and laces his chest with chops.  Flair tags in Sting and they try a double team clothesline but it doesn't look good at all as they seem to mostly miss Benoit.  Sting retakes control, though, but the turnaround comes when he goes for the Stinger Splash but misses and strikes the ring post instead.  Benoit tags in Dean Malenko and the Man of a Thousand Holds begins focusing on the legs and back of Sting.  Malenko picks up Sting and hits the gutbuster, showing some strength in the tag team wrestler.  Malenko tags Benoit back in and Benoit hits a bridging Northern Lights suplex for another two count.  Benoit takes down Sting with the enzuigiri and we go to our last commercial break.

Coming back from commercial, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko are still in control, cutting Sting off from his corner.  Benoit locks Sting in a Torture Crab, a Boston crab with a knee into the back.  Sting calls out in pain but refuses to submit.  He manages to use some of his strength left to flip Benoit to the mat and begins crawling toward his corner.  Benoit manages to tag in Malenko but Sting tags in Ric Flair!  Flair comes in, lacing chops to the chest of both Malenko and Benoit.  Flair grabs Malenko and drops him with a shinbreaker, focusing on the leg of The Shooter.  Flair bounces off the ropes and hits a kneedrop on Malenko, making a cover but Benoit breaks it up before the three count.  Flair gets up and rakes the eyes of Benoit and here comes Sting.  Sting and Flair bump into each other as they go after different wrestlers but they make it work.  Sting sends Benoit out of the ring and Flair locks Malenko in the Figure-Four Leglock!  Malenko struggles, trying to reach the ropes but the hold is in the center of the ring.  After about a minute in the hold, Malenko is forced to submit.
Ric Flair and Sting d. Benoit and Malenko =82



Final Attack
Ric Flair and Sting pick up the win but here come Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman!  Anderson goes right after Flair, who just broke the Figure Four.  Anderson throws mounted punches on Flair before picking him up and hitting a Spinebuster.  Pillman catches Sting with the Air Pillman!  Anderson picks up Flair and then drops him with the Anderson DDT!  Anderson drags his thumb across his throat and Pillman picks up Sting.  Anderson and Pillman drop Sting with a double DDT!  Sting and Ric Flair are left laying on the mat.  Do they have a chance this Sunday at Halloween Havoc?  Make sure you tune in and find out.  We'll see you this Saturday for WCW Saturday Night and then Sunday for Halloween Havoc.  Be there!

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Saturday Week 4 October 1995

WCW Saturday Night

Highlights From Monday Nitro
A music video is shown to recap what happened on WCW Monday Nitro.  Those include Ric Flair and Sting defeating Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko, Shane Douglas over Jim Duggan and more.

Match #1
In a decent match, Arn Anderson(66) and Brian Pillman(67) defeated American Males(Bagwell-44, Riggs-37) in 6:19 when Arn Anderson pinned Scotty Riggs with a Spinebuster...60

Challenge Issued
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Al Snow.  Al Snow talks about the interference last Monday by Scott Norton.  Al Snow challenges Norton to meet him in the ring next week on WCW Saturday Night.  He warns Norton that Head says he's going to win.

Match #2
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Johnny B. Badd(55) defeated Disco Inferno(40) in 6:24 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press...50

Studd Stable
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Col. Robert Parker, along with Vader and Big Bubba Rogers.  Okerlund asks Col. Parker about the upcoming United States title defense by Vader.  Col. Parker laughs and says that Vader is going to destroy Lex Luger.  But he will be the gentleman that he is and allow Luger to lay down for Vader if he chooses to.  Otherwise, he will unleash Vader on The Total Package.

Match #3
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Road Warrior Hawk(62) defeated Bunkhouse Buck(26) in 5:43 by pinfall with a Flying Lariat...59

Will Renegade Become A Warrior?
In a video, Ultimate Warrior is shown talking to The Renegade backstage.  Warrior says his final test to become The Renegade Warrior will happen tomorrow at Halloween Havoc.  Warrior says that they will have a tag team match against Blue Bloods.  Warrior says that The Renegade will become a warrior.  The Renegade agrees and says it all comes down to this moment.

Match #4
In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Diamond Dallas Page(60) defeated Rey Misterio Jr.(68) in 8:34 by pinfall with a Diamond Cutter. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number seven of the WCW World Television title...73

Seeing The Forest
In a video, The Taskmaster is standing in a forest with The Giant.  The Taskmaster says that The Giant has been training and will make his return to WCW tomorrow night and defeat Hulk Hogan.  To show off The Giant's power, we are shown him pushing over a tree.  The Taskmaster laughs and says that's what's going to happen to Hulk Hogan at Halloween Havoc.

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1 minute ago, Dawn said:

I wondered if I was making a mistake going against majority in the Duggan match but sometimes your gut instinct knows best :p


It was a good judgment call on your part.  And I knew you'd love the new Demolishers tag team!  I brought them in specifically for you.


Now, if I could just get a nomination on DOTM.  LOL.

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NEWS: WCW Halloween Havoc PREVIEW!



Predictions List:

WCW World Tag Team Titles Match
Benoit & Malenko vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Sabu vs. Randy Savage

Paul Orndorff vs. Johnny B. Badd

Casket Match
Stevie Ray vs. Scott Steiner

Blue Bloods vs. The Renegade and Ultimate Warrior

WCW United States Title Match
Vader defends vs. Lex Luger

Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair and Sting

WCW World Heavyweight Title match
Hulk Hogan defends vs. The Giant

Comments On Diary In General: 

TAGS: @WCW – #HalloweenHavoc – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #WorldTitleMatch

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Benoit & Malenko
Randy Savage
Johnny B. Badd
Scott Steiner
Renegade & Ultimate Warrior
Ric Flair & Sting - by DQ after that dastardly Flair turns on Stinger
The Giant

I will edit/post a separate post with some extra thoughts in tomorrow when I get the chance, but didn't want to forget to predict. Suffice to say though, it's hooked me as all your diaries have done in the past :D 

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