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WCW [1995]: Heading To The Top, Not Quite As Great As Henderson

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This prediction contest will run through the end of the month.  Thank you to everyone who participates.
1. DHK1989=1 Win
2. Lord Byron=0 Wins
Dawn=0 Wins
Old School Fan=0 Wins
TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #PredictionContest

© 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

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Saturday Week 1 December 1995

WCW Saturday Night

Highlights From Monday Nitro
Highlights from Monday Nitro include Roddy Piper defeating Steve Austin, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson arguing and Hulk Hogan confronting Roddy Piper.

Austin Is Done Being Screwed
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund calls out Steve Austin.  Okerlund asks Austin about what happened this past Monday night.  Austin says he got screwed by Diamond Dallas Page.  But he says that things are going to change.  He says that he's done being screwed by anyone and that's the bottom line.  Austin pushes away from Okerlund and heads to the back.  We go to the ring.

Match #1
In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Benoit(80) and Malenko(82) defeated Hardy Boyz(Matt-52, Jeff-37) in 9:52 when Dean Malenko submitted Jeff Hardy with a Texas Cloverleaf.

Jeff Hardy was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance...75

Extreme Franchise
Shane Douglas had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Johnny B. Badd.  He talks about being the Extreme Franchise and says that it means he's walking away with the gold.  He raises four fingers and then we head to the ring.

Match #2
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Johnny B. Badd(50) defeated Sabu(58) in 7:27 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press...62

Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner
Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner are shown standing before a WCW background.  Hawk talks about all the World Tag Team titles that he and his partner have held.  Scott Steiner says that they are going to pick up a victory Monday on Nitro to make it to the match at Starrcade

Match #3
In a bout that had decent wrestling but little heat, Diamond Dallas Page(64) defeated El Hijo Del Santo(47) in 8:31 by pinfall with a Discus Lariat. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number twelve of the WCW World Television title...68

Austin Is Here
Post-Match, Steve Austin rushes the ring and attacks Diamond Dallas Page.  The fight moves out of the ring where Austin grabs a chair and brings it down on the back of DDP.  Austin sets up DDP for the Stun Gun on the guardrail but DDP manages to block it.  DDP escapes through the crowd as the show comes to an end.

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Predictions List:

Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
Faces Of Fear vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

Tony Norris vs. Disco Inferno

X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Shane Douglas vs. Johnny B. Badd

Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Austin

WCW United States Title Match
Vader defends vs. Randy Savage

Comments On Diary In General (Any?  Please?  LOL): 

TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #USTitle

© 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

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Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
Faces Of Fear vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

Tony Norris vs. Disco Inferno

X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Shane Douglas vs. Johnny B. Badd

Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Austin

WCW United States Title Match
Vader defends vs. Randy Savage
Comments: Savage wins via DQ, Vader retains

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Monday Week 2 December 1995



Mystery Revealed
WCW Monday Nitro kicks off with the arrival of Eddy Guerrero down to the ring.  Guerrero draws in boos from this crowd at the Bryce Jordan Center.  Guerrero gets on the microphone and begins with escuchame.  That means listen to me for you uncultured gringos in the audience.  Guerrero says that this is the Technically Wonderful beginning of the show.  He says that this is the best opening for a Monday Nitro because he's the one here.  But he's been looking at the schedule coming up for next month and realized that WCW is travelling to Canada for a month.  What a joke!  He says that there's no good wrestling up in Canada.  What WCW should be doing is going south of the border to Mexico where the best in professional wrestling can be seen.  Guerrero says that there are no good Canadian wrestlers, while the Guerrero family has been tearing up the Mexican scene for generations.  As Guerrero continues, there's a disturbance in the audience.  Someone is walking through with a hoodie on and the hood covering his face.  This mystery man climbs over the guardrail and slides in the ring.  Guerrero calls for security, yelling at them for letting this fan into the ring.  When the hoodie falls back, it's revealed that this is no fan.


It's Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!  Hart stares at Guerrero, who exclaims orale!  Hart walks around Guerrero and asks for a microphone, receiving one.  Hart looks at Guerrero and says that it's good to be here in WCW.  But he couldn't help but hear Guerrero say that there are no good wrestlers from Canada.  Hart reminds Guerrero that the best training ground in the world is in Canada.  Guerrero disagrees, saying that Mexico is the greatest training area.  Hart says that they can figure this one out easily enough.  Neither of them have anything to do at Starrcade.  Hart challenges Guerrero to a match at Starrcade.  Guerrero laughs and says sure he can pull double duty at Starrcade.  Not only will he win the X-Division title but he will also beat The Hitman.  Hart reminds Guerrero that he is the Excellence of Execution.  Hart drops the microphone and walks off.  Guerrero follows shortly afterward.


Match #1
Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
Faces Of Fear (w/The Taskmaster) vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner

Our opening match will determine one of the teams that will go on to fight for the WCW World Tag Team titles at Starrcade.  Highlights of the match include an opening match brawl between all four men.  Scott Steiner catches Meng with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.  The Barbarian catches Road Warrior Hawk with a running big boot.  Steiner gets caught in the corner of Faces Of Fear and they use some frequent tags, showcasing their chemistry as a team.  Steiner eventually makes the hot tag to Road Warrior Hawk and Hawk comes in with clotheslines and punches for both Meng and The Barbarian.  The match turns into a brawl once again.  Steiner takes down The Barbarian with a Steiner-Line.  Hawk heads to the top turnbuckle.  He catches Meng with a flying lariat.  Hawk makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner advance in 9:39!
Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner p. Faces Of Fear =74



Match Booked For Next Week
We go backstage where we see Bret Hart walking down a corridor.  He turns a corner and bumps into Bobby Eaton.  The two men look each other up and down for a moment before Eaton says that Hart really thinks that he's the best technical wrestler in the ring today?  Hart says that he knows he is.  Eaton challenges Hart to prove it and step in the ring with him next week on Monday Nitro.  Hart accepts the challenge for his very first match in WCW.  Eaton slaps Hart and then walks off, while Hart rubs his cheek and just stares down Beautiful Bobby.


Match #2
Tony Norris vs. Disco Inferno

Our second match of the night features a wrestler who made his WCW debut at the World ar 3 battle royal.  Highlights of the match include Tony Norris hitting an early bicycle kick on Inferno but only getting a two count.  Norris continues to dominate the match, showing off some skill when he hits a diving plancha outside the ring onto Inferno.  The match comes back inside the ring and Norris hits the Pearl River Plunge.  Norris makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Tony Norris wins at 5:45!
Tony Norris p. Disco Inferno =55


End Of The Dungeon Of Doom?
We go to another backstage segment where we see The Taskmaster standing around with Dungeon Of Doom members The Giant, Meng, The Barbarian and Zodiac.  The Taskmaster is angry with the Dungeon Of Doom, calling each and every one of them failures.  He says that The Giant failed to end Hulkamania, Meng and The Barbarian failed to qualify for the Four Corners match at Starrcade and Zodiac is just a failure all around.  The Taskmaster calls them all weak and says they're not worthy of being in the Dungeon of Doom.  The Taskmaster says he's sending them all away to relearn their place in society and in the Dungeon.  Taskmaster turns and exits the room, leaving angry members of The Dungeon Of Doom.


Match #3
X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Eddy Guerrero vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Our first hour main event is the round one match in the X-Division title tournament as 'Latino Heat' Eddy Guerrero takes on Jushin Thunder Liger.  Highlights of the match include Guerrero immediately hitting a basement dropkick to the knee of Liger to start the match and Guerrero firing on all cylinders in the opening minutes.  Another highlight of the match has Guerrero hitting three straight vertical suplexes in a row, which the announcers call the Three Amigos.  Liger comes back from that, though, catching Guerrero with a top rope Frankensteiner move.  Liger picks up Guerrero and hits the Ligerbomb but only scores a two count with it.  Guerrero comes back in the match, catching Liger with a tornado DDT before heading to the top turnbuckle.  Guerrero leaps and catches Liger with the Frog Splash!  Guerrero makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!  Eddy Guerrero picks up the win and advances at 18:15!
Eddy Guerrero p. Jushin Thunder Liger =79


To end the first hour, we are taken backstage where we see Hulk Hogan and he is...pacing.  The announcers remind us that he will be stepping In The Pit With Piper later on tonight.  Eric Bischoff predicts that something wild is going to happen and reminds everyone that this is how the show will end.


Match #4
X-Division Title Tournament, Round 1
Shane Douglas vs. Johnny B. Badd

Our second hour begins with the arrival of 'The Extreme Franchise' Shane Douglas to take on 'The Prettiest Man In WCW' Johnny B. Badd.  Highlights include Douglas hitting the belly-to-belly suplex on Badd within the first few minutes.  But luckily for Badd he rolls out of the ring before he can be pinned.  As the action continues, Badd comes back with some combination punches on Douglas in the corner, showcasing his past as a golden gloves boxer.  When Douglas starts his own comeback, Rey Misterio, Jr. comes out from the back and stands at ringside.  It draws the attention of Douglas as he yells at Misterio to stay back.  With Douglas distracted, Badd slowly gets up in the background.  Douglas finally turns back around to Badd and Badd hits that Kiss That Don't Miss!  The left-handed hook knocks Douglas to the mat.  Badd climbs to the top turnbuckle -- Shooting Star Press!  The move connects and Badd makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!  Johnny B. Badd wins and advances in 17:29!
Johnny B. Badd p. Shane Douglas =69



Join The Family
We go to the backstage area once again where we see Bobby Eaton seated on a bench.  Jimmy Hart walks up to Eaton and shakes hands with him.  Hart says that he saw what Lord Steven Regal did to Eaton and he thinks that was foolish.  He says that Eaton has an amazing history and he invites Eaton to be part of The Family.  Hart says he has knowledge of Bret Hart and how to defeat him and he can give that knowledge to Eaton.  Eaton says he'll think about it and let him know this Saturday on WCW Saturday Night.  Hart pats Eaton on the shoulder and walks off as Eaton appears to be deep in thought.


Telling A Story
Back to the ringside area, Superstar Steve Austin comes out from the back and steps into the ring.  He grabs a microphone and says that he is out here right now to tell people a story.  That story is about a young man named Stunning Steve Austin.  This was a guy that decided to go after the World Television title and beat two of the top wrestlers in holding the title.  He beat Bobby Eaton.  What?  I said he beat Bobby Eaton and he beat Barry Windham.  Now that formerly stunning man turned into a superstar.  He turned into me.  And that means that Diamond Dallas Page, I'm not going to stop until I get that title from around your waist.  You think you can keep me from getting that title?  EH EH!  I don't think so.  The video screen lights up.


The video screen shows the WCW World Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page, Diamond Doll and Maxx Muscle.  Steve Austin invites DDP to come from the screen and come face him in the ring.  DDP says he's not going to come out there tonight because he is more than comfortable where he is.  But he has a message for Steve Austin.  You see, he spoke with the WCW Championship Committee.  They have made the decision that DDP will not have to defend the title until Starrcade if he agrees to have a defense at Starrcade against Steve Austin.  DDP says he accepted the challenge but that Austin is going to feel the bang.  The video screen turns off, leaving Austin standing in the ring.


Match #5
Paul Orndorff vs. Steve Austin

'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff comes down to the ring to go one on one with 'Superstar' Steve Austin.  Highlights of the match include Orndorff going for the Piledriver early on but Austin reverses it into a back body drop.  Orndorff goes back on the attack, sending Austin over with a German suplex.  Orndorff catches Austin with a running high knee to the skull.  Austin manages to reverse another piledriver attempt, knocking Orndorff down on the mat.  Austin locks in the Hollywood And Vine but Orndorff refuses to submit.  Austin eventually lets go and moves Orndorff into the corner, stomping a mudhole in him in the corner.  Austin pulls Orndorff back and within a few more minutes, he hits Orndorff with the Stun Gun.  Austin makes the cover: One, Two, Three!  Steve Austin wins in 8:25.
Steve Austin p. Paul Orndorff =76


Coming Saturday Night
We go to a video promo featuring James Vandenberg, Mortis and Wrath.  Vandenberg says that he found these two broken individuals who tried to live their lives without any meaning.  Vandenberg says that he gave the two of them meaning in violence.  He warns the other WCW wrestlers that their violence is going to be the destruction of World Championship Wrestling.  Vandenberg says that these two men are animals under his control and this Saturday night he is going to release the leash on two unsuspecting wrestlers.  He wishes them all good luck and laughs an evil laugh before we go to the ring for our main event.


Match #6
WCW United States Title Match
Vader (w/Col. Robert Parker and Big Bubba Rogers) defends vs. Randy Savage

Our main event is a United States title match as Vader defends the title against The Macho Man Randy Savage.  Highlights include a wild brawl to start things off with Savage literally leaping at Vader and even biting his nose.  Vader manages to throw Savage off and turn him inside out with a clothesline.  Vader continues his control for the next several minutes.  He catches Savage with a bear hug and squeezes the life from him.  Savage struggles in the hold but seems to start fading out.  The referee checks his arm once, twice but the third time Savage's arm holds up.  He boxes the ears of Vader several times to get him to release the hold.  Savage kicks Vader in the gut and then bounces off the ropes, hitting Vader with a high knee to the head.  Vader falls out of the ring.  Savage heads to the top turnbuckle and leaps with the double axehandle on Vader outside the ring.  Savage and Vader continue to fight outside the ring with Savage running Vader into the ring post.  Vader fights back, throwing Savage into the first row of the crowd.  As the fight goes on, the referee is counting both men out.  The referee reaches the ten count, calling for the bell We reach a double countout at 11:59!
Vader Draws Randy Savage =84



In The Pit With Piper
From the ring, we go to a staging area and that staging area has two stools.  Sitting on one stool is Roddy Piper.  Piper looks up in the camera and smiles, welcoming everyone to In The Pit With Piper.  Piper hypes himself up as the best wrestler in WCW.  But there's a man who has the WCW World Heavyweight title and that is his guest, Hulk Hogan.  Hulk Hogan walks out from the back and joins Piper, taking a seat on the second stool.  Piper says he's amazed that Hogan is here.  Hogan says he is here, brother, but it's just to tell Roddy Piper that he has no shot at beating him at Starrcade.  Piper tells Hogan that he needs to keep things civil, brother.  Hogan stands up and begins an argument with Piper.  This argument and name-calling leads to Piper telling Hogan to get out of his set.  Piper tells Hogan he's no longer welcome in the Pit.  Hogan turns to leave and Piper stands up, grabbing his stool.  He slams the stool into the back of Hogan!  Hogan falls forward to the ground and Piper hits him three more times on the back with the stool.  Piper warns Hogan never to throw rocks at a man with a machine gun.  Piper picks up the WCW World Heavyweight title belt and holds it up to a mix of boos and cheers from the fans here.  The show ends with a visual of Hogan lying down on the mat and Piper standing over him.

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This prediction contest will run through the end of the month.  Thank you to everyone who participates.
1. DHK1989=1 Win
Dawn=1 Win
3. Lord Byron=0 Wins
Old School Fan=0 Wins
TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #PredictionContest

© 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

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Saturday Week 2 December 1995

WCW Saturday Night

Highlights From Monday Nitro
Highlights from Monday Nitro include Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan in The Pit, Bret Hart making his debut and Vader drawing with Randy Savage.

Match #1
In a bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, The Blue Bloods(Regal-75, Taylor-54) defeated Gunn(36) & Z-Man(42) in 7:47 when Lord Steven Regal submitted Johnny Gunn with a Regal Stretch.

In terms of in-ring work, Lord Steven Regal was head and shoulders above everyone else...62

Joining The Family
At the interview area, Gene Okerlund interviews Bobby Eaton.  Eaton talks about the recent offer by Jimmy Hart to join The Family.  Jimmy Hart walks out and offers a handshake to Eaton.  Eaton accepts the handshake and Jimmy Hart welcomes him to The Family.  Jimmy Hart says they are going to expand again soon enough but when you're here, you're Family.

Jake Roberts had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Ultimate Warrior.  He tells Warrior that he will be in the building this Monday night.  He invites Warrior to be in the ring with him.

Match #2
In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Mortis(41) and Wrath(45) defeated American Males(Bagwell-45, Riggs-35) in 3:42 when Wrath pinned Scotty Riggs with a Powerbomb...31

I'm A Badd Man
Johnny B. Badd had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Eddy Guerrero on Monday Nitro.  Badd talks about being the baddest man in the company and so pretty.  He says that Eddy is going to feel the kiss that don't miss.

Match #3
In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Bobby Eaton(47) defeated Ricky Morton(55) in 18:19 by pinfall with an Alabama Jam...58

Making The Save
Ricky Morton is being attacked by Bobby Eaton and V.K. Wallstreet in the ring. Seeing the assault, Bret Hart and Robert Gibson come running in and fight them both off, saving Morton from a serious beating.

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Predictions List:

Bobby Eaton vs. Bret Hart

Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
Harlem Heat vs. Luger & Sting

X-Division Title Tournament, Semifinals
The Great Muta vs. Al Snow

Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
The Demolishers vs. The Sheepherders

X-Division Title Tournament, Semifinals
Eddy Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd

Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair

Comments On Diary In General: 

TAGS: @WCW – #MondayNitro – #WhereTheBigBoysPlay – #PillmanFlair

© 1995 All Rights Reserved. PromotionWars.com is a property of WCW

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Bobby Eaton vs. Bret Hart

Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
Harlem Heat vs. Luger & Sting

X-Division Title Tournament, Semifinals
The Great Muta vs. Al Snow

Winners Move On To Four Corners Match At Starrcade
The Demolishers vs. The Sheepherders

X-Division Title Tournament, Semifinals
Eddy Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd

Brian Pillman vs. Ric Flair


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