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Meanwhile in New York...




All on the Line

Date: Sat W2 September 2020

Location: Dockers Bay, Tri State

Attendance: 471

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 17,354 viewers






Commentary: Ron South & Eric Tyler



South: Good evening wrestling fans my name is Ron South and welcome to NEW YORK Championship Wrestling’s 'All on the line'! We are coming at you from Dockers Bay with a packed out crowd ready to get this night underway! But first, lets address the elephant in the room as I’m not joined by my usual broadcasting colleagues, instead, I am joined by wrestling legend; 'The Traditionalist', and new owner of NYCW, Eric Tyler!


Tyler: Thank you Ron! This is my first show at the helm and I wanted to call the action up close and personal!


South: Nothing wrong with that! Tonight for the first time NYCW's newly formed women's division will take centre stage with Chris Amerson and Christy Higgins taking on Katherine Goodlooks and Penny Ramone in the main event! Eric, why was forming a women's division important to you?


Tyler: Because my daughter, Brooke, is one of the best wrestlers on the planet today. Regardless of gender. What kind of message would I be sending to her by owning NYCW and not recognising that women's wrestling can draw? Representation matters and NYCW welcomes everyone to compete, as long as they can go in the ring of course...


South: Well said! And our opening match will feature the first ever women's match with the COTT Tag Champions: Electric Dreamer and Ursula Saez taking on Foxxy Larue and Toni ‘New York’ Parisi!



COTT Women's World Tag Team Match









COTT Tag Team Championship: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs. 'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue & Toni 'New York' Parisi



The women’s division had a great debut despite the NYCW regulars not being familiar with all the competitors involved. Ursula looked as if she had just walked off the set of 'World's Strongest' and Dreamer was a walking advertisement for lucha libre and together they looked like the blueprint power and speed team. Their challengers, billed as 'Ronin' [which commentary explained was a nod to their faction in QAW] were dressed in street clothes and looked ready for a fight. Commentary debated whether Toni would play 2nd fiddle on her home turf to Foxxy, particularly as she was now billing herself as Toni 'New York' Parisi... Which just seemed to piss off the New Yorkers in attendance rather than garner support.


The match was simple to allow for the character work of Toni and Foxxy to come through as Foxxy spent her time bossing Toni around, demanding tags and yelling at her when things went wrong. This began to grate on Toni and as Foxxy worked Ursula over on the ropes Toni tagged in to continue the beatdown, much to Foxxy’s anger. As the referee argued with Foxxy to leave the ring, Ursula surprised Toni with a belly-to-belly suplex towards her corner and tagged in Dreamer who followed up with a picture perfect moonsault for the win.


As the champions celebrated Foxxy tried getting in Toni’s face but Toni rolled out the ring and stormed to the back flipping people off as she went.


Winners: Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez via pin 09:37


[3rd Defence]




Singles Match





Gear Head Grace vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart



The midcard saw Big Smack Scott’s younger sister Gear Head Grace taking on QAW stalwart Danielle Sweetheart. Commentary put over Grace’s bodybuilding background [minus the steroid scandals] and how she was now looking to apply that success to the world of pro-wrestling. The dramatic height and weight difference between the two immediately placed Danielle as the plucky face with an uphill battle; which it was for the opening minutes as Grace simply asserted her strength over Danielle several times during the feeling out process.


However, instead of pressing the attack Grace opted to play to the crowd...


Young: She needs to stop focussing on the crowd!


Tyler: It’s a rookie mistake, simple as that. When you’re in the ring with a veteran of Sweetheart’s calibre you keep your eyes on the prize.


And true to word Danielle adjusted to hit and run offence making Grace expend energy chasing her around the ring, which had her gassed out quickly, and Danielle was able to take her down to the mat. In a fit of frustration Grace used her dregs of energy to power out of a full nelson and rolled out the ring and started trashing the ringside area.


Young: What is she doing?!


Tyler: She’s showing her maturity level! And she’ll be clearing this up I tel--


Young: – Who is that in the ring?!





Danielle was lingering in the centre of the ring watching the referee try and reason with Grace to get back in the ring. The crowd yelled at Danielle to turn around as Ashley slid into the ring behind her with brass knuckles on and as Danielle turned Ashley cracked her across the face-- knocking her out cold. Ashley disappeared as Grace conveniently re-entered the ring and gorilla pressed Danielle over the top rope and tossed her to the outside. The referee counted to 10 as Danielle lay motionless.


Winner: Gear Head Grace def. Danielle Sweetheart via countout 08:12






Tag Team Match







'The Bully' Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins vs. Katherine Goodlooks & Penny Ramone



The tag teams were a little eclectic with the mean and nasty 3xtime MMA champion Chris Amerson teaming with the free spirit Christy Higgins. On the other side of the ring was punk rock Penny Ramone alongside the pure hearted Katherine Goodlooks. But if there was any doubters about the women’s division left they were convinced after this main event, which was easily the best match of the year for NYCW so far [by a mile!].


The commentary team put over some background to the match and spoke about Christy Higgins recently screwing Penny Ramone out of a title shot in QAW, which helped explain their animosity. The star of the match was Chris Amerson though, who despite being a year into her career, was on another level and looked more comfortable in the ring than the 18 year veteran Katherine. The finish came as Katherine attempted a guillotine on Chris who easily escaped, scored a double leg take down into a mount and started raining down nasty elbow strikes. Before anyone realised there was an issue the referee pushed Chris away from Katherine to reveal she had been knocked out cold.


Winners: Chris Amerson & Christy Higgins via referee stoppage 13:00


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Capital Clash

Date: Fri W4 Sep 2020

Location: Austin, Tx

Attendance: 602

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 17,485 viewers

Dark matches:

2 San Diego Girls def. The Caribbean Angels via pin in 08:05 [32]

Darkness Cat & Flash Force def. Millie the Minx & The Deadly Viper Squad via pin in 10:23 [36]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Farrah Hesketh


Garcia: Hola lucha fans! My name is Alfonso Garcia, joined by Farrah Hesketh, and welcome to QAW Capital Clash! We have a jammed packed night of action for you; Danielle Sweetheart vs. Ashley Keith, Foxxy Larue vs. Suzanne Brazzle, Alina America vs. Hellcat Hernandez! And those aren't even the main event!


Hesketh: It's a stacked card Alfonso! The QAW world title will be on the line when Emma May defends against the number 1 contender Ash Grover and in our main event the QAW world tag team championships will be decided when Las Amazonas take on Lilly & Rose!


Garcia: But before we get to that our opening contest tonight is Alina vs. Hellcat. A match made by Commissioner Bomb last month as a gesture of goodwill?!


Hesketh: Well, Alina was upset about being left off of the Amazons Attack event! She's former world champion and needs to pick wins up if she's to get back into contention. It does appear as though Bomb set Alina up to be ambushed by Hellcat, but, I learnt a long time ago to not try and get into Bomb's thought process...


Garcia: Both women lost their last singles appearance in QAW so everything is to play for!



Singles Match





Alina America vs. Hellcat Hernandez [Clenched Fist]



At the sound of the bell Alina flew across the ring and peppered Hellcat with strikes giving her a receipt [and then some] for the sneak attack last month. No stranger to a fight Hellcat covered up, took Alina down to the mat and started laying in hard shots of her own. Realising she was in Hellcat’s wheelhouse Alina started grappling but to her surprise [and everyone watching] Hellcat kept up going hold for hold.


The crowd started to come alive for the match as Hellcat busted out some flashy high flying moves as well, demonstrating she was evenly matched and commentary noted this was a coming out party for Hellcat. Towards the end of the match Hellcat headbutted Alina square in the nose, ran the ropes and nailed Alina with her signature running bulldog for a 2.5 count which had the crowd on their feet. Hellcat looked at the ref in disbelief and dragged Alina up onto the turnbuckle with evil intent looking for a superplex, but Alina scored a jab to the side that caused Hellcat's foot to slip and she fell to the mat awkwardly. Sensing her chance Alina repositioned herself and landed a split legged moonsault for the 1, 2… 3!


Winner: Alina America via pin 14:19


The match got the crowd hotter and the show off to a strong start




Alina's hand is raised in victory and she gestures to the camera she's coming for the title...





[The crowd are hot for the former champion but the cheers turn to boos as Hellcat attacks Alina from behind and drags her around the ring by the hair laying in forearms and boots. The attack is fast and furious ending with Hellcat nailing the package piledriver in the centre of the ring leaving Alina out cold]




Garcia: It looks like Hellcat didn't learn her lesson from Juana Hurricane afterall!


Hesketh: Old habits die hard Alfonso! The world Hellcat comes from doesn't have room for much else; if only she could channel that energy into her in-ring game and we'd have a world title contender on our hands. She proved tonight she has the potential!





Ronin3 stand together in the interview area in a pre-recorded promo. Vinny and Becca seem to be playing peacemakers between a disgruntled looking Foxxy Larue and Toni Parisi...




Toni Parisi, , Becca Barton, Vinny Cruz & Foxxy Larue



Becca: What is wrong with you two?


Parisi: Nuttin' is wrong with me! Okay? Why don't you ask our fearless leader who can't seem to keep her shit together recently? [Foxxy throws a dirty look in return]


Vinny: Ladies, ladies! So, your trip to NYCW didn't go to plan. Can we not just move on?


Parisi: I'm sick of her stank attitude! She is always in a bad mood and distracted about Farrah Hesketh! Maybe if she was not being so selfish we would be the COTT tag champions right now... Ronin3 has never been a punk group but recently, under Foxxy's leadership, we are looking like punks... So, maybe we need a new leader?


Foxxy: Is that so?


[Foxxy and Toni go nose to nose] Why don't you do something about it? [Toni holds Foxxy's gaze but Becca grabs her tag partner's arm and leads her out of the area with a 'not now']


Vinny: You don't need this distraction Foxxy, baby! Tonight you've got Suzanne Brazzle to focus on!


Foxxy: What is with this company and bringing in these hasbeen AAA wrestlers? It's as if QAW brass doesn't trust its homegrown stars, like ME, to carry this place any more... Suzanne Brazzle, 'Miracle Blonde', listen up because my friend Toni is right; I'm in a bad mood, and after tonight it's going to be a 'miracle' you can walk out of here, facts are facts America.



Singles Match



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'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle w/ Pamela Rojo vs 'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue [Ronin3] w/ Toni Parisi, Becca Barton & Vinny Cruz



The growing friendship between Suzanne and Pamela was clear to see as they posed in the ring together and Pamela made it clear she was out to counter any Ronin3 interference. In the other corner Foxxy was flanked by her stablemates, including a still disgruntled Toni Parisi.


This was a ‘first ever’ match up between two well known veterans and despite Foxxy’s recent erratic behaviour she seemed focussed. Foxxy’s strength lay in her kicks and range so Suzanne targeted the legs throughout the match landing sharp leg kicks and submission attempts. As Foxxy shot in for a ‘Flash Headkick’ [Running big boot] Suzanne ducked and tripped Foxxy face first to the mat and applied an ankle lock; Foxxy cried out in pain which triggered her stablemates to spring into action on the outside-- Vinny hopped onto the apron to distract the referee and Becca and Toni went after Suzanne. Unfortunately, things didn’t go to plan as Pamela intercepted both women with a double clothesline and promptly chucked them from the ring as Suzanne broke the hold to swipe Vinny down from the apron. The referee admonished Pamela to get out of the ring giving Foxxy the opportunity to rake the eyes and lifted Suzanne up for what looked like the ‘Miracle Connection’ [suzanne’s finisher, a bodyslam/Michinoku driver] but the crafty veteran wriggled over her shoulder and pulled Foxxy back into a high stacked roll up.


Winner: Suzanne Brazzle via roll up 12:03





Suzanne darts from the ring and has her hand raised by Pamela on the outside leaving Foxxy on her knees in the ring in disbelief...





[The emotions quickly boil up though and Foxxy erupts into another temper tantrum resulting in Foxxy targeting the announcing table and throwing whatever she can grab. Never one to back down Farrah shakes of Alfonso who was trying to lead her away from the scene] and shoves Foxxy away causing her to stumble to the ground. The crowd roars in laughter at the blunder adding to Foxxy's foul mood-- before things can escalate Commissioner Bomb's voice booms on the mic from the entrance way]



Bomb: Foxxy Larue don't even think about it or you'll be out of this company so fast your feet won't touch the ground. This situation can't continue. I received your complaint via the state athletic commission* but before we go down that messy road why don't you come backstage and listen to my proposal? I think it'll be most agreeable to you, but only if you stop this nonsense and come backstage right now.


Foxxy sizes Farrah up but backs away and leaves the ringside area.




Garcia: Another err... strange interaction between you two Farrah. It seems as if it isn't going away!


Hesketh: Foxxy has it out for me and you're right it isn't going away! I'm intrigued to know what Bomb's solution is as she hasn't told me yet... We should keep the show moving though!


Garcia: Yes that's right, Farrah! Up next we have the QAW world championship on the line! Emma May will defend her title against the number 1 contender: Ash Grover! You must be proud of your student Farrah.


Hesketh: Absolutely! Ash has proven herself repeatedly since returning to QAW and I hope tonight she proves to herself that she can win the big one!




QAW World Championship






[Before the referee can start the match Emma halts proceedings and asks for a microphone...]



Emma: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Time out! I wasn't actually sure if you were genuinely going to be my 2nd world title defence... I guess anything is possible in QAW! But Ash, seriously, when I offered you the easy way out at Crowning the Queen you didn't take it... So, I choked you out. Because I'm a gracious champion I'm going to afford you the same opportunity tonight to leave this ring and save yourself a trip to the hospital. And then you can come back when you're actually prepared to take on someone 'World Class'...


Ash: Emma, y'all dumb as dirt if y'all think ahm leavin' this ring. Tonight ahm takin' the title from you!


Emma: Oh Ash the only thing you can take from me is notes! Don't say I didn't warn you...


As Ash begins to respond Emma cracks her in the face with the sharp edge of the microphone handle dropping her to the floor. Emma takes to her corner smirking as the referee checks on Ash [who has a light trickle of blood coming from her forehead]-- the referee appears to try and call off the match but is prevented from doing so by an irate Ash Grover, who insists she can compete. Against her better judgement the referee concedes...








QAW World Championship: 'World Class' Emma May © [The Furies] vs. 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover [The Line]



Ash put up a valiant effort against the champion but she was wobbly on her feet after the cheap shot and Emma May easily out wrestled her and was clearly out to humiliate Ash, evidenced by putting her in a camel clutch facing the hard camera and fish hooking Ash's mouth and pulling at her hair.


Commentary noted that since winning the title Emma's arrogance had rocketed and this could cause her downfall-- which was perfectly timed as Emma broke the hold and lifted Ash up only to be met with a hard slap across the face which popped the crowd. Now fired up Ash pushed Emma into a corner and lay in shots followed by a corner splash causing Emma to stumble to the centre of the ring. Ash hopped onto the top rope and scored an excellent looking hurricanrana which rocked May for a 2 count.


The cut above Ash's eyebrow worsened which momentarily distracted her as she wiped blood out of her eye; Ash continued toward Emma who was playing possum on the mat and lurched forward taking Ash to the mat. The crowd urged Ash on but it wasn't enough as Emma quickly locked in a guillotine and wrenched back; Ash refused to tap and the referee, perhaps with a guilty conscience, stopped the match for her safety.


Winner: Emma May via referee stoppage 04:24


2nd defence


Hesketh: That was despicable! How can Emma May call herself 'World Class' after that low class performance? The QAW world championship deserves more!


Garcia: I have to agree with you Farrah. The last thing Emma needs is an advantage over her opponent yet she always looks for one! Why do you think that is?


Hesketh: Bullies are always the most insecure of people. So maybe that's why?




The duo of Little Miss Perfect and Christy appear in a pre-recorded promo...






Perfect: You guys! We just wanted to, like, take some time to brighten up your day and share a 'piece of perfection' with you... Us! Thuh beautiful friendship that Christy and I have is, like, mostly super amazin' and honestly? I don't know what I'd do without my bestie!


Christy: Aww bestie! Like, honestly, fer shure that is ya know, like, SO sweet of you to say! When you called me about coming to QAW to save you from thuh losers here I was like 'wow!' So touched. And now I'm here we are totally going to girl boss this company!


Perfect: Yasss queen! Listen up thuh trolls aka. everyone but us, of QAW, 'The Besties' have put you on blast.






Tag Team Match









The Besties [Little Miss Perfect & Christy Higgins] vs. Sonnaz Shah & Alexis Lee Littlefeather w/ Juana Hurricane [storm Front]



A strong outing for the newly minted 'Besties' who displayed cohesion mixed with narcissism as both women spoke to fans on insta live throughout, swapping the phone with each tag. The player/coach duo of Shah and Littlefeather did their best but were unable to build any momentum and Sonnaz's knee buckled after an atomic drop from Miss Perfect and the referee halted the match. Christy urged Miss Perfect to press the attack so Perfect stamped on the knee repeatedly until Littlefeather and Hurricane stormed the scene. Having learnt her lesson from Ash Grover earlier in the night the referee deemed Shah unfit to continue.


The Besties laughed hysterically at Shah's misfortune as they backed up the ramp as Juana and Alexis looked on.


Winners: Little Miss Perfect & Christy Higgins via stoppage 07:43





The Clenched Fist stable are standing by in the interview area with Dharma Gregg...






Dharma: Well, Hellcat Hernandez, I believe you wanted some time to speak--


Hellcat: Quiet! I know you're all thinking my match tonight with Alina didn't go to plan but you're wrong. The most important thing to me is whether I put a hurtin' on my opponent and I left Alina laying flat on her back tonight, a position she's used to!


"The Clenched Fist have had a couple of setbacks recently* and that is behind us now. My girls Felicia and Diamond are over in Japan training and when they get back they'll be more dangerous than ever. The Experience are going to reclaim their world tag team championships and as for me? Next month at Triosmania, I am going to lead the Clenched Fist to victory over Ronin3, The Furies, The Line and Storm Front, and claim our spot as the dominant group in QAW. Tonight is the first step towards that moment.


Brayfield: And ah would just l--


Hellcat: Did I say you could speak? [brayfield flushes bright red and looks about to burst, but on catching sight of Hellcat's withering gaze swallows his pride].




Garcia: I never thought I'd see the day Brayfield shut up for anyone!


Hesketh: Brayfield isn't stupid enough to cross an angry Hellcat! I don't agree with her actions earlier but I'm excited to see what a focussed Hellcat Hernandez can achieve, it's long overdue!


Garcia: Next up we have a grudge match in the making as Danielle Sweetheart looks for revenge against the young upstart Ashley Keith. Farrah, this all started at Crowning the Queen when Danielle defeated Ashley in the first round so Ashley decided to take Danielle out of the entire tournament!


Hesketh: And Ashley was fined for that! But is she sorry? Not at all. Ashley says that Danielle 'ruined' her debut but it just sounds like sour grapes to me.


Garcia: This has gotten very personal very fast and I for one am looking forward to this match!



Singles Match






'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart



Another strong outing for the rookie Ashley Keith who put in a performance far beyond the expectations for someone's 13th professional match. The opening minutes of which were fairly respectful despite the animosity with simple mat wrestling feeling each other out, which commentary put down to both competitors wanting to portray their 'queen' status and not show the other they were too bothered. Much like their last encounter at Crowning the Queen Ashley was able to begin out-wrestling and over powering Danielle dumping her around the ring with a variety of slams and suplexes.


But, Danielle was the unwavering hero and a very resilient competitor who weathered the early storm and chose her shots when Ashley let pandering to the crowd become a priority. As Ashley's frustration built Danielle was able to gain the advantage and scored several near falls via roll up reminiscent of their last match. After getting caught in the mouth by a picture perfect missile dropkick from the top rope Ashley rolled out the ring for a break. On the 7 count Ashley looked to get back in the ring but seemed to think better of it and walked away leaving a confused Danielle behind.


Winner: Danielle Sweetheart via count-out 14:53




The QAW world tag team champions: Pinky Perez and Mariana Torres appear in a pre-recorded promo...






Perez: Tonight we defend the QAW tag team championships against arguably one of the best tag teams in the world--


Torres: -- The best being us though [Mariana taps her title belt].


Perez: Es verdad! Lilly & Rose when we last took you on* we came away with the win, but we can appreciate that you might be feeling some type of way about it. We got no issue with you, and like you we'd rather win our matches because we won it. Not because of outside interference. And especially not because of The Experience's crap.


Torres: So, tonight we want you to bring your best and we'll bring ours. Let's find out if you've got what it takes!




Hesketh: Las Amazonas are really coming into their confidence as champions! They've got the first defence jitters out the way and they are ready to elevate the division!


Garcia: This is a very worthy main event Farrah! Their last match came out in favour of Las Amazonas so Lilly & Rose will be looking to even out that win/loss ratio.


Hesketh: But we can't forget The Experience had a hand in that outcome. You've got to imagine that they'll be paying close attention tonight.


Garcia: Let's go-a-go-go to the main event!


QAW World Tag Team Championship











QAW World Tag Team Championship: Las Amazonas [Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres] © vs. Lilly & Rose [Debbie Rose & Kate Lilly]




A rematch of the recent tag number one contender tournament finals where Las Amazonas came away victorious and went on to win the titles, a fact which wasn't lost on Lilly & Rose.


Both teams were renowned for their high flying capability and really let loose pulling out everything they had with smooth sequences resembling the quality lucha contests found south of the border. It was clear to see though that Las Amazonas, particularly Pinky, were tapping into an additional gear that Lilly & Rose couldn't match; which provoked the pair to adopt some questionable tactics which were coined as 'wily veteran moves' opposed to rudo, such as pushing 5 counts and the illegal partner consistently interjecting themselves into the match breaking up submissions or tag attempts. Questionable but effective as it constantly disrupted the momentum of their opponents and the match evened out.


Obviously with the world titles on the line tempers began to fray and the fight spilled outside the ring with Mariana hitting a crossbody from the top rope onto Debbie Rose, followed by Kate Lilly nailing them both with a tope suicida finished off by Pinky taking everyone out with a moonsault. As the referee pursued the legal competitors [Pinky and Debbie] to re-enter the ring, The Experience came out of nowhere and attacked Kate Lilly from behind and took her out with their 'Rock and Roll' finisher [superkick into a German suplex] onto the ringside mat in front of Mariana Torres-- who shrugged, backed away and returned to the ring apron. With Kate out of action Debbie was left vulnerable and despite putting up a valiant effort succumbed to Las Amazonas new tag finisher 'Doble Impacto' [A spinebuster/blockbuster combo] with Pinky scoring the pin.


Winners: Las Amazonas via pin 20:02


[2nd defence]



After the match...







[Las Amazonas have their hands raised in victory and exit the ring as The Experience toss Kate in alongside Debbie and continue the beatdown. Surprisingly Hellcat Hernandez reappears and joins her comrades in the attack. Las Amazonas remain at ringside debating whether to intervene


The music of Alina America floods the hall and the fan favourite charges out with a steel chair ready to take on all 3 Clenched Fist members who in turn are ready to take Alina on-- Until Las Amazonas also slide into the ring which spooks the trio and they scatter away from any danger collecting together again at the top of the entranceway sneering at the tecnicos in the ring.


Alina checks on Debbie and Kate as Las Amazonas hang back...]




Show rating: 55


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QAW rising interlude & Triosmania predictions... 






Farrah Hesketh, Rosa Garcia [aka. Miss Mexico] & Sherie Guthrie aka. [Commissioner Bomb]


Farrah, Rosa and Sherie sit in the unofficial QAW Head Office… A dimly lit dive bar.


“Cheers!” the trio chorus clinking 3 beer bottles over the clutter of Farrah’s booking notes. It had been a few days since Capital Clash and the reviews were in, QAW was rising.


“We’re playing with the boys now! NYCW, MAW, CZCW! We’re nipping at their heels, baby!” Sherie said with glee. Farrah couldn’t help but grin because relative to where they had been this was a turning point for QAW, still a small fish, but not the smallest anymore.


“And what a show as well! Everyone really turned it out for us-- Foxxy, Alina, Dani and Emma did great. But can we talk about Pinky? ‘The Mexican Ace’ is right!” Sherie continued.


“I’m proud of them and I’m proud of us! We’ve done a great job with this roster” said Farrah. “And I can’t wait for our creative trio to become a quartet when--”.


“– when are we going to get down to business?” Rosa cut in. “I want to get the work stuff out the way before I hit my 3rd beer!” She added, referring to the fact the three of them had to now sit and book the prestigious Triosmania event, which for the first time was going to be a tournament for the ‘Trios Cup’. Farrah caught Sherie’s exasperated look but conceded to Rosa’s request and got down to work.


Several hours later…


“Either I’m drunk or these figures aren’t adding up any more” Sherie said rubbing the back of her neck. “In a nutshell, we shouldn’t expect a Christmas bonus!”.


The last few months had been tough; not losing money but not making it either, and if they wanted to keep up with the bigger players they’d have to up their game. But, Farrah was prepared to run the razor’s edge to push these women as high as she could.


“We’ll be fine, I’ll make the numbers look right tomorrow. Let's have a break, okay? Tell me what you’ve both been hearing on the grapevine. What’s the latest on 5SSW?” Farrah asked.


“Well, Karube tells me they've been running hot the last few months and the production costs are hammering them which is a lesson for us to heed! We might need to step in if they want any chance of staying afloat long term” Sherie replied.


“And our girls over there?” said Rosa.


“They are doing fine, some better than others. If we don’t see improvement with some of them after this tour we should consider whether QAW is the right fit for them… But, sending our youngsters there has helped keep their costs down too so maybe it should become a regular thing!” Sherie said.


Farrah thought about the contingent over in Japan right now: Modesty, Marie, Honey, Coco, Izzy, Diamond and Felicia. Out of that group her money was on Modesty and Marie to struggle but to her surprise the fans took to their styles, which on 2nd thought shouldn’t of been a surprise as they were both good strikers. Farrah still had her reservations about them though.


“And Lily Snyder is out there full time now. She picked up a handful of indy gigs but hasn’t been picked up by 5SSW. I reckon Karube is testing her to see if she is really serious…” Sherie added.


“She should of stayed here with Ava and continued their run whilst it's still hot! It better not disrupt her commitments to us!” Rosa said, businesslike as ever.


“And what about over here?” Farrah said now turning to Rosa, who was responsible for the link into South America.


“Well, Madame Bat went ahead with opening her own promotion ‘Guerreras Del Ring’. I did as you requested and asked her to join our alliance and she told me to ‘**** off’… I said I’d try her again in a few months. In the meantime Raquel will work with them, they are old friends, and she can keep an eye on things. And as you saw, Tamara opened ‘Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation’ but they joined the damn confederation instead!” Rosa spat with disgust.


It was disappointing for sure. It was rare occurrence for an all women’s promotion to spring to life, let alone 2 in the same month, so it was a shame neither of them had an interest in joining their forces to a women’s wrestling alliance, but c’est la vie.


“Well, if 5SSW go under I guess we just throw in the towel and join the confederation!” Sherie said.


“There are worse fates…” Farrah replied. “Anyway, USPW is coming on soon, wanna catch it at my place? They’re crowning women’s tag champions tonight!”.

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Trios Tour Night#1 

Date: Sat W2 Oct 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 346 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 12,383 viewers

Dark matches:

The Line def. Texas Red, Reba Montana & Becky Jo via pin in 08:59 [40]
Fuyuko Higa def. Millie the Minx via pin in 05:00 [51]



On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Farrah Hesketh


Garcia: Hola, hola, hola! It’s trios season Farrah!


Hesketh: That’s right Alfonso! Welcome to night one of the trios tour airing on Wrestleworld as QAW gears up for Triosmania! Where-- well, you guessed it-- we’ll be celebrating trios wrestling in a 2-night tournament where the winners will receive the first ever QAW Trios Cup!


Garcia: A huge prize Farrah especially considering that QAW is pretty faction heavy! We have the likes of Ronin3, The Line and The Furies vying for supremacy!


Hesketh: And don’t forget Clenched Fist! And we’ll be seeing the leader of that faction in action next as Hellcat Hernandez takes on Darkness Cat!






Singles Match






Darkness Cat vs. Hellcat Hernandez [Clenched Fist]


The resident felines of QAW clashed in a solid opener where both competitors performed well. Which should be expected as it was their 4th singles match in 2020 where Darkness Cat had picked up straight wins south of the border but tonight Hellcat broke the streak with a dominant performance. Commentary noted how Hellcat seemed even more vicious than usual working in extra snug looking brawling at a relentless pace. Naturally Darkness was able to fire up several times and flung herself around the ring to the crowd’s delight but it wasn’t enough and got caught by a running bulldog after missing a corner splash.


Winner: Hellcat Hernandez via pin 11:48




Dharma Gregg is standing by in the interview area with Pinky Perez and Mariana Torres...






Dharma: QAW faithful, joining me at this time the world tag team champions, Las Amazonas! At Capital Clash you successfully defended the titles against Lilly & Rose with a little assistance from The Experience. After the match you seemed a little reluctant to prevent The Experience from attacking them further--


Pinky:– I’m going to stop you there. We are the tag team champions NOT hired security for other tag teams. We don’t condone what happened to Lilly & Rose-- but we’re not going to throw ourselves into an issue that doesn’t really involve us. 


Mariana: Pinky is right. When you’re the champions you have big enough targets on your backs without looking for trouble. Anyway, we helped in the end so what's the big deal?



Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose appear to the surprise of the champions




Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose


Kate: You sure did, eventually! Forgive us for eavesdropping but we were interested in what you had to say! Especially as you two keep seeming to benefit from The Experience interfering in our matches!


Mariana: Are you implying we're working together?!


Kate: Are you? Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice… I guess we should have seen it coming!


Pinky: Pfft! That is ridiculous and frankly we don't have time to entertain this nonsense because we’re looking ahead to Triosmania! As we’re champions we have an entry, we just need a partner!


Debbie: It’s funny you should mention that! We just proposed an idea to Commissioner Bomb which she really liked the sound of. At the next show, one of us will take on one of you, with your entry to Triosmania on the line. Try and get the job done on your own this time, eh?


Pinky: Can they do that...? Bomb can't be serious!


Mariana: Putas.



The segment got the crowd hotter


Tag Match








The Experience [Clenched Fist] vs. The Caribbean Angels


The young duo of the Caribbean Angels earned a main show opportunity after impressing in their dark match at Capital Clash. The crowd really responded to the charismatic pair as well which lent itself to being a much better match than it had any right to be [considering it was their 2nd professional match ever]. Ultimately though the crowd didn’t buy them winning against the most decorated tag team in QAW history The Experience who worked a text book match and wore their opponents down with frequent tags eventually catching Miss Havana alone and Lily put her away down with a cut-throat suplex [Saito suplex].


Winners: The Experience via pin 10:16



The feed cuts to Suzanne Brazzle in the interview area seemingly waiting for someone. After a few seconds Alina America enters the area looking confused...



Suzanne Brazzle & Alina America



Alina: Hey, I got your message?


Suzanne: Alina, you’re here! Excellent!


Alina: You said it was urgent?


Suzanne: Alina, we’ve only known each other for a short amount of time but you have been so welcoming and I really appreciate it. And… Well… You seem like a good person! Someone who believes in forgiveness [Alina raises an eyebrow]… And as you know I’m friends with Pamela and I know you two had that falling out.


Alina: You mean when she jumped me over a title shot? I like you Suzanne but I’ve honestly got no interest in whatever you’re trying here--




Pamela walks into the shot distracted by her phone...



Pamela: Hey Suzanne I got your messa-- Oh...


[Pamela immediately turns away]


Suzanne: Don’t go! Both of you are going to listen to me. You two were friends-- actually from what Pamela told me you were good friends! What she did was wrong but Alina you know what that feeling is like when you get close to claiming a world championship. Sometimes the rulebook goes out the window. It’s not an excuse--


Alina: I have enough on my plate with Hellcat Hernandez and regaining my title from Emma May. I don’t have time for this, especially if Pamela can’t speak for herself.


Pamela: Okay, Okay! Alina, I'm sorry. And I was being stubborn by not saying it sooner. Suzanne has been helping me see how what I did was wrong...


Alina: … Well, I appreciate you saying that…


Suzanne: And on that note, I have news; we’ve been entered into the Triosmania tournament by Commissioner Bomb! So if we can keep up this Kumbaya energy up that would be great!


Alina: Are you joking? I don't think that's a good idea--


Suzanne:--I don’t think Bomb was giving us a choice in the matter…!


[Alina and Pamela share an awkward half smile as Suzanne claps them both on the shoulder]


Suzanne: Think of the opportunity ahead instead! Separately we are dangerous but together we can be unstoppable; and claim that Trios Cup! It's a miracle!




Alina's performance stood out


Trios Match








'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart, Juana Hurricane [Storm Front] & Alexis Lee Littlefeather [Storm Front] vs. Coastal Chicks [Skye Hermosa, Air Raid Syren & Kira Lee]


The main event was a preview for the upcoming Triosmania tournament as it was announced Danielle Sweetheart was entering alongside Juana and Alexis due to Sonnaz’s injury at Capital Clash. Commentary reminded viewers that the alliance wasn’t exactly out of the blue as back in 2018 Juana was kicked out of Ronin3 for refusing to break Danielle’s leg, resulting in the pair forming a mutual respect for one another.


The plucky trio visiting from CZCW had a solid debut and served their purpose of making the Storm Front & Sweetheart alliance look cohesive and a real threat. Danielle put Air Raid Syren away with a super kick that lifted the rookie off her feet.


Winners: Danielle Sweetheart, Juana Hurricane & Alexis Lee Littlefeather via pin 09:03




Show rating: 44

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Trios Tour Night#2



Trios Tour Night#2

Date: Mon W3 Oct 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 346 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 12,547 viewers

Dark match:

Ronin3 def. Izzy Quick, Coco Malloy & Modesty Pador via pin in 09:47 [46]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Farrah Hesketh


Garcia: Hola lucha fans! My name is Alfonso Garcia, by my side, Farrah Hesketh, and welcome to QAW!


Hesketh: We are coming to you live from Texas on your Wrestleworld service and we have a great night of action ahead! Tonight the 'Queen of Professional Wrestling', Ashley Keith, will be in action against Teresa Perez!


Garcia: And in our main event-- get this; Alina America, Pamela Rojo and Suzanne Brazzle will be in trios action per Commissioner Bomb's request! I guess she wants to test out whether Alina can let bygones be bygones with Pamela!


Hesketh: Let's just say Commissioner Bomb has an antagonistic leadership style? I don't always agree but it certainly will be fascinating to watch!


Garcia: But before all of that, our opening match tonight is one half of the tag team champions, Mariana Torres, is taking on Kate Lilly! And Las Amazonas' have their Triosmania entry on the line!


Singles Match







Kate Lilly w/ Debbie Rose vs. Mariana Torres w/ Pinky Perez




There was noticeable dissension between Las Amazonas before the bell as Pinky tried insisting on wrestling but Mariana refused; commentary pondered the strategy as Pinky was the more decorated singles competitor. In contrast, Kate waited confidently in the centre of the ring as Pinky was ushered out.


Kate used her speed advantage to run circles around Mariana who was more technician than flyer with some success early on, but unfortunately for Kate, Mariana was well versed in slowing down luchadoras from her years in Mexico. This was demonstrated nicely when Kate sprung onto the 2nd rope looking for a cross body but had her leg chop blocked from behind causing her to land in a heap, tangled in the ropes. Mariana took immediate advantage and wrenched the leg on the ropes and applied pressure to the knee by standing on the leg as the referee, and crowd, protested. As the referee checked on Kate, Pinky caught her partner's attention and seemed to also be voicing her displeasure at the tactic-- Mariana brushed it off and continued working the leg.


Garcia: Pinky and Mariana don’t seem on the same page tonight!


Hesketh: There is a spot at Triosmania on the line so this match is high stakes! And the higher the stakes the higher reward, Alfonso. Money, exposure, legacy! It’s all to play for!


Later in the match Kate fired up and got some offense in which resulted with Mariana on her shoulders, maybe going for an electric chair drop, but Mariana raked the eyes and rolled Kate in her 'Venus Fly-Trap' submission [rolling cross armbreaker] but was unable to lock it in before Kate reached the ropes. Again, Pinky caught her partner's attention in an attempt to coach Mariana and Kate pulled her down into a small package for the win.



Winner: Kate Lilly via roll up 15:22


This match got the show off to a strong start



Debbie slides into the ring and raises her partner's hand in victory whilst Mariana clutches her hair in disbelief-- Pinky guiltily placed a hand on Mariana's shoulder only to be shrugged away.


Suddenly, Commissioner Bomb's music cut across Kate's, and the Commissioner appeared in the entrance way mic in hand...






Bomb: Congratulations Kate and Debbie! You've got your ticket to Triosmania... Well, you've got their ticket [Lilly & Rose laugh and high five]. You earned it fair and square but I forgot to mention the other stipulation [Lilly & Rose stop laughing]. You now have to choose one of the losing members to be your 3rd in the tournament-- Choose wisely!


[The 2 tag teams grimace at each other as the crowd start chanting between Pinky and Mariana. Kate and Debbie confer with each other and after a moment Debbie turns to Pinky and seemingly chooses her. Before she can respond Mariana takes her partner by the arm and pulls her away, leaving Lilly & Rose in the ring]




The camera peers around a corner backstage spying on a conversation between Shockwave champ Little Miss Perfect, Christy Higgins and Raquel Alvarado...






Perfect: So, for those reasons and more! What do you, like, say? Be our partner for Triosmania!


Raquel: Wow, girls, what can I say? I'm very flattered--


Higgins: Yassss! See, I told you she had nothing better to do!


Raquel: Well, I didn't quite finish my sentence. Whilst I'm flattered, I have to be honest-- I would rather chew on a brick than team with you. In fact, I would rather gargle glass than team with you! Wait, I would rather swallow a burning ember!


Perfect: I'm like, getting bad vibes from what you're saying Raquel...


[Raquel rolls her eyes and walks off]


Higgins: Ugh. We didn't want you anyway!


Perfect: No one wants to team with us! The people here are such trolls!





[Millie the Minx walks by]


Higgins: Oh my God, I love your skirt! Where did you get it?


Millie: Oh, thanks! It was my mom's in the 80s!


Higgins: Vintage, so adorable... Do you want to be our partner at Triosmania?


Millie: Nope!


[Millie carries on, leaving Christy stunned]


Higgins: That is the ugliest f-ing skirt I've ever seen by the way!


Perfect: This is hopeless.





[Steph Blake walks by]


Higgins: Steph! We need a partner for Triosmania, what do you say? [steph looms over Higgins & Perfect causing them to shrink].


Steph: ...


Perfect: Please?



This got the crowd hotter



Singles Match





Teresa Perez [The Line] vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith



A rare singles outing for Teresa Perez against someone who has tearing across the independents in 2020. In terms of experience the betting person would have placed their money on Teresa and that veteran instinct kept her in the match. But, Ashley was simply wrestling on another level using her dangerous combination of size, strength and technical ability to dominate Teresa; which was best displayed after Ashley laid Teresa out with an Alabama slam with a quick transition into her version of the Proton Lock [scorpion Cross-Lock] for the tap.


Winner: Ashley Keith via submission 12:04  


This match got the crowd hotter



Just as it seems like Ashley is going to attack Teresa the music of QAW World Champion Emma May floods the area causing Ashley to flinch...






[Emma strides to the ring with stable mate [or underling] Honey Badger in tow. Ashley warns Emma as she enters the ring and Emma raises her hands in surrender as she skirts around to grab a mic...]



Emma: Relax, relax! We’re not out here to hurt you, in fact, we’re here with a business proposition! [Ashley relaxes her stance and gives Emma curt nod to continue]. As QAW champion and leader of The Furies, AND reigning Queen of QAW, I have an automatic entry into Triosmania. But, I find myself a person down since Marie Punnen injured her knee kicking someone too hard-- can you believe it?


Ashley: Get to the point.


Emma: You’re direct, I like that. I’ve been a fan of your work since you arrived here actually. The way you took Danielle Sweetheart out of the Queen of the Ring tournament was inspired! And made my rise to the top a lot smoother... And one good turn deserves another-- I want you on my team at Triosmania. What do you say?


Ashley: I'm not really interested in making friends here.


Emma: Who said anything about friends? It's strictly business.


Ashley: Fine. But, if we win that Trios cup I want a shot at that title


[Emma's smile turns into a snarl]


Emma: I thought I was doing you a favour offering you a chance to win a tournament alongside the greatest fighter in QAW history.


Ashley: Are you scared?


[Emma laughs]


Emma: Not at all. You've got a deal.





Trios Match








Alina America, 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle & 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo vs. La Hija De Phoenix, Nocturna & Esperanza Montero



A sneak peak into the Alina and Pamela dynamic going into Triosmania, which thanks to Suzanne, seemed mildly positive as she stayed positive enough for the 3 of them. Suzanne and Pamela showed good synergy and despite Alina’s reluctance to begin with she worked well with her partners; best demonstrated by even letting Pamela gorilla press her up to land a splash on a downed Phoenix.


Their opponents were a trio of upcoming luchadoras out of Mexico who all looked great but were there to simply throw themselves around for the veterans. Things came to a decisive end after Pamela hit Nocturna with the ‘Big Red’ [Running powerslam] followed by a split-legged moonsault from Alina. After the match Suzanne positioned herself between the frenemies and raised their hands in victory looking delighted.


Winners: Alina, Suzanne & Pamela via pin 09:55


Brazzle was off her game



Show rating: 43


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Triosmania Night One 

Date: Thurs W3 Oct 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 665 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 17,995 viewers

Dark matches:

Fuyuko Higa def Modesty Pador via pin in [48]

Darkness Cat & Mariana Torres def. Black Diamond & Felicia Luck via pin in 09:00 [36]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Farrah Hesketh


Garcia: Hola lucha fans! Mi nombre es Alfonso Garcia and welcome to QAW Triosmania! By my side, the lovely, the knowledgeable... Farrah Hesketh!


Hesketh: Thanks Alfonso! We are coming at you live from Texas and they say everything is bigger in Texas, so tonight we're giving you nothing but trios action!


Garcia: Trios is a huge part of lucha libre and that blending of lucha and the traditional American style into an exciting hybrid is exactly what QAW is about. But this year the stakes are higher as we crown the first ever Trios Cup winners-- which faction is going to come out on top?


Hesketh: Honestly, it's anyone's game as all the factions in QAW are dangerous on any given night, and then throw in the wildcard trios such as Lilly, Rose & Pinky Perez or The Furies forming a temporary alliance with Ashley Keith. But one thing we can guarantee is 2 nights of the best women's wrestlers in the world competing to be the best.


Garcia: Agreed, but Farrah, who are you placing your bets on? For me, it’s got to be The Clenched Fist.


Hesketh: Oh I don’t know… If I had to pick it’d be--



Commissioner Bomb


[Farrah is cut off by Commissioner Bomb's music and the announce team express their bemusement as Bomb appears in the entranceway mic in hand...]


Bomb: I'm so sorry for the interruption folks! Fun fact about me, I can be veeeery forgetful! I was sat backstage and suddenly realised I hadn't told Farrah the news!


[Bomb beckons Farrah over; Farrah removes her headset and walks over]


Garcia: Sorry lucha fans for the delay we'll hopefully start the tournament as soon as possible!


Bomb: Farrah, you've had your issues with Foxxy LaRue this year and it's just been getting nastier and nastier... It's not a great look Farrah, as the owner of QAW, to be putting your hands on an employee. She even has numerous testimonies from other talent who say your behvaviour towards Foxxy is highly unprofessional. 


[Bomb points to certain pages; Farrah reads it wide eyed]


Hesketh: None of this is true! How could she convince all these people to lie--?


Bomb: -- Let's discuss the details in private, Farrah. There's even a potential lawsuit, and in order to avoid a damaging and ugly scandal that would harm QAW, I made a deal.


Hesketh: A deal? With who?


Bomb: With Foxxy. It's all in there.


[Bomb produces an envelope, which she hands to Farrah]


Bomb: Farrah, it's in everyone's best interest if you take a temporary leave of absence. Perhaps some anger management classes would benefit you. Come back to QAW when you feel you can control your behaviour. Otherwise, Foxxy's formal complain will proceed, putting all of our jobs in jeopardy. 

[Farrah reads the document with tears in her eyes]


Hesketh: But who... Who will call the show tonight?


Bomb: Oh I have that all covered! QAW faithful, allow me to introduce to you the new voice of QAW...The legendary... JOANNE RODRIGUEZ!





[Wrestling legend Joanne Rodriguez walks out to an initially stunned crowd but quickly the hall erupts in cheers as Commissioner Bomb ushers Farrah out of the way. Joanne soaks it all in before taking her place next to Alfonso Garcia]


Garcia: I'm not sure I understand what is happening!


J-Ro: Alfonso, it is so good to meet you! And what an honour to be here at QAW Triosmania-- this is a dream come true to be calling the best women's wrestling on the planet!


Garcia: But what about Farrah? She does not have anger management issues!


J-Ro: What about the first match?! Let's call the action!




Red Block Quarterfinals







'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart, Juana Hurricane Storm Front & Alexis Lee Littlefeather Storm Front] vs. Little Miss Perfect, Christy Higgins & 'The Mistress of the DDT' Steph Blake


A solid opener that didn't aim to overwhelm the crowd who were still getting their heads around Joanne Rodriguez replacing Farrah Hesketh, which was mirrored by Alfonso on commentary but Joanne called the action as if nothing had happened.


The Sweetheart/Storm Front alliance were all business and focussed on the task at hand whereas Miss Perfect and Higgins remained more concerned with ‘influencing’ on their phones. Luckily for The Besties they had a protector in Steph Blake who regularly inserted herself into the action breaking up pin and submission attempts. One such moment occurred when Danielle super kicked Little Miss Perfect out of her boots but was clotheslined by Steph before she could make the cover. Juana tackled Steph out of the ring in retaliation as Danielle army crawled to Alexis for the tag, who swooped in on Miss Perfect and locked in an Indian Deathlock for the tap.


Winners: Danielle, Juana & Alexis via submission 13:28


The match got the crowd hotter


Post match QAW's resident interviewer Dharma Gregg entered the ring to catch an exclusive with the winners...






Dharma: Congratulations on a strong start for the Sweetheart and Storm Front alliance! Can you tell us a little about how this trio came to fruition?


Juana: Well, our regular partner Sonnaz Shah is at home rehabbing a knee injury thanks to Miss Perfect and Higgins, so tonight felt good to get a measure of revenge for her! As for our partnership, we go way back...


Danielle: That's right. It was Juana who saved me from a broken leg back in 2018 at the hands of Ronin3, and in return I watched her back, eventually seeing her capture the QAW world title.


Juana: We may not be best friends but what started out as a series of favours has developed into a healthy respect for each other. So, it was a no brainer to ask Danielle to fight alongside Alexis and myself, and claim the Trios Cup.


Dharma: Well, you've stamped your way into tomorrow's semi-finals where you'll face either The Clenched Fist or the alliance of Lilly & Rose, and QAW tag team champion Pinky Perez. Do you have a preference on who you face?


Juana: Not really. We've had our issues with Clenched Fist before, and if memory serves I had Hellcat scream an apology to Alexis in this very ring. And we just proved that we can take on a wildcard group with a QAW champion in their midst...


Danielle: In other words, bring it on!




Blue Block Quarterfinals








'World Class' Emma May [Furies], Honey Badger [Furies] & 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith vs. The Line [Teresa Perez, Houston Handley & 'Texas Tough' Ash Grover]


Emma May and Ash Grover have had a couple if runs in with each other over recent months with Ash coming up short each time despite putting up a valiant effort. The last clash saw Emma cheap shot on Ash before their match leading to a quick win, which she was sure to remind Ash of before the bell.


Individually The Line would struggle against Emma or Ashley but as a unit they relied on excellent teamwork to outsmart their less cohesive opponents and kept themselves in the match. However, cracks began to appear as Emma’s continued mind games threw Ash off and she allowed her temper to take over-- resulting in Emma taking Ash out on the outside with a running knee to the face as Ash lay prone against the railing. The match quickly broke down as Teresa checked on Ash and Houston was easy pickings for Ashley who countered a cross body attempt into a shoulder breaker and expertly transitioned into her modified 'Proton Lock'[/I] [Cross-arm Scorpion Lock] for the tap-out.


Winners: Emma May, Ashley Keith & Honey Badger via submission 14:01



Garcia: So, Joanne, what did you make of seeing our world champion in action for the first time?


J-Ro: Emma May is certainly a new breed! I never came across these MMA-hybrid types in my days of active competition and I'm pretty happy about that now! She is certainly 'World Class'.


Garcia: I'm glad the legendary Joanne Rodriguez approves!


J-Ro: Flattery will get you everywhere! But let's not forget Ashley Keith who scored the win-- what a submission she has! And The Line put in a fantastic effort. The 'Queens of American Wrestling' are no joke!



Blue Block Quarterfinals







Ronin3 [Foxxy LaRue, Becca Barton & Toni Parisi] vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle, 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo & Alina America


Foxxy LaRue was uncharacteristically happy as Ronin3 made their way to the ring which commentary attributed to Farrah's removal from ringside. Her stable mates watched her good spirits warily.


The good mood didn't last long though as Ronin3 struggled to maintain an advantage for much of the match as their opponents, aware of their lack of experience, communicated well and kept up a strategy of isolating Becca Barton in their corner. This aggravated Foxxy immensely who regularly tried to illegally enter the match and if anything put Becca further away from a tag-- the finish came as Pamela and Alina hit stereo drop kicks on Foxxy and Toni knocking them off the apron, and Suzanne drove Becca into the mat with the 'Miracle Connection' [Body-slam driver].


Winners: Suzanne Brazzle, Pamela Rojo & Alina America via pin 16:50




Toni tends to Becca in the ring as she clutches the back of her head selling the Miracle Connection finisher. Foxxy on the other hand paces the ringside area looking distraught.


On commentary Alfonso Garcia explains to J-Ro that he recognises an incoming Foxxy meltdown...





[Foxxy stops in her tracks, stares a hole through Toni, and rips up the ring apron and pulls out 2 steel chairs which she tosses into the ring]


Toni: What are you doing?! 


Foxxy: You questioned my leadership! YOU said that under MY leadership Ronin3 was a group of punks!


[Foxxy shoves Toni aside and proceeds to sandwich Becca's head between the two chairs]


Toni: Foxxy! You are over reacting! Stop!


Foxxy: No. More. Punks!


[Foxxy smashes her foot on the chairs repeatedly]


Foxxy: No! More! PUNKS!


[The commentary team call for medics to check on the lifeless body of Becca Barton as Foxxy exits the ring. A torn Toni goes to check on Becca but senses Foxxy watching her reaction and stops herself; instead exiting the ring and leaves with Foxxy]





QAW's resident interviewer Dharma Gregg is standing by backstage with one half of the QAW Tag Team Champions, Pinky Perez, and Lilly & Rose...




Dharma: Pinky, tonight you team with arguably the top contenders for your tag belts to win the Trios Cup... But where is Mariana Torres?


Pinky: Honestly? I don't know... Would it be good to have my partner out with me tonight? Yes, of course! But she isn't... So, I need to focus on the matter at hand.


Kate: For once I agree with you Pinky. You shouldn't let the fact that your tag team partner can't be bothered to support you, if there isn't anything in it for them, distract you. Tonight you have the opportunity to learn a thing or two about tag team wrestling with the number one tag team in women's wrestling-- and together we can win the Trios Cup!


Pinky: ... Whatever, let's get on with it


[Pinky walks away]


Debbie: And once we have the Trios Cup, we'll be coming for those tag team championships


[Debbie and Kate smirk at each other]





 Red Block Quarterfinals







The Clenched Fist [Hellcat Hernandez, Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder] vs. Pinky Perez & Lilly & Rose


A huge main event with lots of implications for the tag team division as The Experience, Lilly & Rose and Las Amazonas, having crossed paths numerous times over recent months, have unresolved issues. Although, Pinky was without Mariana Torres, who was conspicuous by her absence.


The amount of talent, and tag experience [Hellcat is a former 2x champion], meant the match was destined to be good and Pinky Perez in particular showed she had superstar written all over her. As the match progressed with neither side having a clear advantage The Clenched Fist started bending the rules and fighting dirty-- whereas Pinky wasn't quite on the same page as her two partners who preferred to tag each other. This proved to be their downfall in the end as an argument broke out as Pinky forced a tag from Kate but was immediately tagged out again by Debbie. As the trio argued in their corner Hellcat took advantaged and rolled Debbie up from behind, with the tights pulled for good measure.


Winners: The Clenched Fist via pin 19:49


Pinky was head and shoulders above everyone else



Show Rating: 48

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Triosmania Night Two

Date: Fri W3 Oct 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 723 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 18,229 viewers

Dark match:

Las Amazonas def. 2 San Diego Girls [50]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Joanne Rodriguez



Garcia: Lucha fans welcome to QAW Triosmania Night 2! Tonight the Trios tournament will culminate with the winners receiving the first ever Trios Cup! By my side, as ever is F-- Sorry! Joanne! It’s going to take some time getting used to not saying Farrah...


J-Ro: No problem Alfonso! It’s your girl Joanne Rodriguez and I am so excited to be calling the action alongside you tonight!


Garcia: We have to make sure this tournament is underway ASAP so lets waste no time in taking it to the ring for our red block semi finals! The trio of Danielle Sweetheart, Juana Hurricane & Alexis Lee Littlefeather will be taking on The Clenched Fist!


Red Block Semi-Finals







Danielle Sweetheart & Storm Front [Juana Hurricane & Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. The Clenched Fist [Hellcat Hernandez, Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder]


The action was intense and the wrestlers showed great skill and technique, but in the end, it was Hellcat Hernandez who emerged victorious after utilising a chain wrapped around her fist to strike Alexis Littlefeather in the back of the head.


Winners: The Clenched Fist via pin 18:06


The match got the show off to a strong start with a hot crowd




Garcia: Those dastardly rudos! Let’s not forget that Hellcat was responsible for causing a near career ending neck injury to Alexis, and tonight she hits her in the back of the head with a chain!


J-Ro: From my understanding the members of Storm Front humiliated Hellcat with a forced apology to Alexis… Maybe this was Hellcat having the last laugh!


Garcia: If it was then Hellcat still has a horrible sense of humour! Anyway, let’s take it to the back where Dharma Gregg is standing by with The Furies & Ashley Keith!


Dharma Gregg, Emma May, Ashley Keith & Honey Badger stand by in the interview area...






Dharma: QAW faithful please welcome my guests at this time… Ashley Keith, Honey Badger and QAW World Champion, Emma May. Congratulations on reaching the semi-finals of the Trios Tournament!


Emma: Defeating The Line in the first round was a mere formality for us. They never stood a chance.


Dharma: But your next opponents are no joke. You'll be facing Suzanne Brazzle, Pamela Rojo, and the former QAW World Champion: Alina America. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match?


Emma: They are the weakest looking trio I’ve ever seen! The pitiful Pamela combined with the overly cheerful Suzanne Brazzle turns my stomach. And as for Alina America? Meh.


Dharma: Emma, you and Honey have partnered up with Ashley Keith due to Marie Punnen being injured. I understand you agreed to grant Ashley a title shot if you won the Trios Cup?


Emma: That’s right. Ashley is very young in her career. I extended to her, what I thought was, an incredible opportunity to work together and win this tournament… But, that wasn’t enough for Ashley. But I respect her tenacity and I will have no problem humbling her when the times comes.


[Ashley scoffs]


Ashley: That’s right, it isn’t enough. I may be young but wrestling royalty is in my blood which makes me ‘The Queen of Professional Wrestling’. I don’t want to be humbled. I want that QAW World Championship.


[Emma and Ashley stare each other down]


Emma: Sometimes we don’t get what we want... Instead we get what we need. But we can certainly finish this little debate later on. After we’ve won the Trios Cup.



The promo got the crowd hotter



Blue Block Semi-Finals






Emma May, Ashley Keith & Honey Badger vs. Alina America, Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle



As the match got underway, it became clear that the competition was fierce, with both teams showcasing their skills in the ring. However, Alina was the standout performer, delivering a stunning Southern Lights Bomb on Honey Badger to secure the win for her team. 


The crowd was on their feet, in particular cheering the dynamic duo of Pamela and Suzanne, who demonstrated impressive teamwork throughout the match. Meanwhile, Ashley and Emma got into a heated exchange on the outside. 


Winners: Alina, Pamela & Suzanne via pin 15:26




Garcia: It looks like Suzanne Brazzle has done wonders working with Alina and Pamela to repair their friendship! All 3 of them looked tremendous teaming together.


J-Ro: I hope Suzanne won't mind me saying this but she is a seasoned performer! And with that experience comes strategy and the ability to form alliances. Most important of all is Suzanne knows who to form those alliances with. I don't think you can go wrong with a pairing like Alina and Pamela.



Dharma Gregg is standing by with the 'Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart...






Dharma: Danielle, tonight your alliance with Storm Front didn’t go to plan. How are you feeling?


Danielle: I have mixed emotions Dharma. On one hand I wish we could go to the finals and make history as the first Trios Cup winners! I'm also well aware of the history between Storm Front and The Clenched Fist... I hate that they stole that win from us.


Dharma: That doesn’t sound like mixed emotions to me.


Danielle: I was getting there. I can’t dwell on the loss because it won’t change anything now. But, I loved tagging with Juana and Alexis and this experience has built a strong friendship between us.


Dharma: Are you saying you’re joining Storm Front?


Danielle: Never say never, I-



Fuyuko Higa walks into frame.


Fuyuko: You can go now [Fuyuko swats Dharma out of frame]. Danielle and I need to talk...


Danielle: Fuyuko. I’ve been waiting for you to show your face again since you cost me the World Championship at The Showdown.


Fuyuko: It was pay back for what you cost me at Battlebowl.


Danielle: That was an accident! But if you think what you did makes us even then you have another thing coming.


Fuyuko: I was hoping you would say that. I was just in Commissioner Bomb's office and next month QAW is holding it's first World Summit event. A gathering of the best fighters in the world. As you know I'm one half of 5SSW Tag Team Champions and I'm eager to put my title on the line against you. Just find a partner.


Danielle: You’re on.


[Fuyuko smirks and stalks away as Dharma reappears]


Dharma: I just got a message from Commissioner Bomb. She wants you in her office to discuss who your partner will be.


Danielle: Fine. Do you know who Fuyuko's tag partner is?


Dharma: It's Shiori Jippensha.


Danielle: Great...! Just great.




The feed returns to the commentary booth...



Garcia: That's a huge match already announced for our first World Summit!


J-Ro: Fuyuko Higa and Shiori Jippensha are the real deal! I'm glad I'll be on the outside calling the action instead of being involved that's for sure.


Garcia: Well lucha fans the finals of the Trios tournament is now set: The Clenched Fist will be taking on Alina America, Pamela Rojo and Suzanne Brazzle! What does each team have to do to win this thing Joanne?


J-Ro: If this was a singles tournament I'd be hiding in the back trying to meditate and decompress from the previous matches. However, this is a tournament about team work so instead I'd be talking to my partners, making sure they are okay and keeping the energy up! Because if one of us is off then the whole thing falls apart.


Garcia: Before the finals take place we're switching gears and looking at the Shockwave title! Which has been in the possession of Little Miss Perfect for almost a year now! Let's take it to the ring for a fatal four way to determine the next number 1 contender!




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Darkness Cat vs. Black Diamond [Clenched Fist] vs. Raquel Alvarado vs. Toni 'New York' Parisi [Ronin3]



In a match with sub-par heat and little heat Darkness Cat pinned Black Diamond with a picture perfect moonsault. Toni Parisi seemed visibly off her game which commentary put down to Foxxy Larue's shocking actions the night before.


Winner: Darkness Cat via pin in 9:44



Hellcat is standing by with The Experience and their manager Bossman Brayfield...





Hellcat: What did I say was gonna happen, eh? At Triosmania, the Clenched Fist was gonna step up and dominate. And now, just lookin' at our opponents... I can safely say we've got this in the bag. Pamela Rojo, I left you in the dust years ago, and Alina America, I've got a few receipts for you, mija!


Brayfield: And Commissioner Bomb I want you to note that, regardless of what happens next, my clients The Experience own a pin over one half of the QAW World Tag Team Champions!


Hellcat: What do you mean ‘regardless of what happens next’ cabron?


Brayfield: Nothin’ ma’am. Don’t mind me...





Alina, Pamela & Suzanne are standing by in a separate area...






Suzanne: Come on admit it you two-- we have been killing it! That Trios cup is ours! I’m so proud of you both!


[Alina blushes & Pamela beams back at Suzanne]


Alina: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves…


Pamela: Alina, Suzanne is right! We need positive mental attitudes going into the finals otherwise we don’t stand a chance. Isn’t that right, Suzanne?


Suzanne: You’ve got it in one! Alina close your eyes for me [Alina reluctantly goes along with it]. I want you to visualise holding the Trios cup after the match. Victorious. Flashing that million dollar smile. Alongside your friends Pamela Rojo, and me, Suzanne Brazzle… Can you see it?! 


[Alina stifles a laugh]


Alina: Sure…! I can see it!


Pamela: Alright!


Suzanne: It’s going to be miraculous!





Trios Cup Finals







Alina America, Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle vs. The Clenched Fist [Hellcat Hernandez, Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder]



In a match with good wrestling and decent reaction, Hellcat Hernandez shocked the world by pinning the former world champion Alina America following a devastating package piledriver.


As Pamela and Suzanne tend to Alina at ringside The Clenched Fist are awarded the Trios Cup and all 3 motion at their waists that they are coming for Emma May & Las Amazonas.


Winners: The Clenched Fist via pin 13:45






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World Summit

Date: Fri W3 Oct 2020

Location: Cowboy Club, Tx

Attendance: 771 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 19,560 viewers

Dark match:

The Line def. Millie the Minx, Black Diamond & Felicia Luck [42]





On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Joanne Rodriguez



Garcia: Good evening QAW fans and welcome to World Summit! I'm Alfonso Garcia and by my side, the legendary: Joanne Rodriguez!


JRO: You remembered! Alfonso, what exactly is World Summit about tonight?!


Garcia: My understanding is that Commissioner Bomb wanted to open the doors of QAW to the best and brightest from all four corners and put on the ultimate clash of styles. Tonight the first ever 5v5 World Summit matches will take place; two rival team captains have been given the opportunity to scour the globe for a team to help them secure bragging rights in their feud.


JRO: Lots to play for then! Who was selected?


Garcia: At Triosmania Darkness Cat became number 1 contender to Miss Perfect's Shockwave title, so it will be 'Team Darkness' taking on 'Team Perfect! And in the second World Summit Commissioner Bomb felt that Hellcat and Alina have unresolved issues so it will be The Clenched Fist taking on 'Team Alina'.


JRO: Being in a tag team is tough. You've got to balance the needs of your partner with your own. Throw in another three personalities to a team and you've got yourself a lot of chaos to deal with. Strong leadership is going to be key in winning these matches!


Garcia: Funny you should mention tag teams because our opening match tonight will see the QAW World Tag Team champions: Las Amazonas defending against not one. Not two. But three teams in a four way elimination match. And I hear not all is well between the champions...


JRO: That's right. I was talking to some sources in the locker room earlier who told me that there has been a rift brewing between Pinky and Mariana ever since Pinky tagged with Lilly & Rose at Triosmania. It left Mariana feeling very left outside in the cold. Who could blame her?


Garcia: For their sake lets hope they have patched things up because they have strong competition tonight: From 5SSW, Team Team SUB. From OLLIE, Celeste Moon & Purple Viper. And our very own Juana Hurricane and Alexis Lee Littlefeather representing Storm Front!



QAW World Tag Team Championship


















Las Amazonas [Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres] © vs. Storm Front [Juana Hurricane & Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Purple Viper & Celeste Moon vs. Team SUB [Chiyeko Kita & Etsuko Arihyoshi]


The aforementioned tag champs were certainly displaying some signs of tension with Pinky visibly trying to engage with Mariana but receiving the cold shoulder instead. The match was a little chaotic but had decent wrestling with Pinky looking head and shoulders above everyone else. It came down to Amazonas and Storm Front, and for a moment it looked like the champions miscommunication issues were going to cause their downfall. That was until Pinky scored a blind tag and caught Alexis unaware with a high cross body from the top rope for the win.


Winners: Las Amazonas via pin in 14:58 [3rd defence]



The match got the show off to a strong start with a hot crowd



Meanwhile backstage...




'The Ultimate Diva' Foxxy Larue & Toni 'New York' Parisi [aka. Ronin3] are backstage sat behind a judges table, their hustler manager Vinny Cruz is behind them...


Cruz: As we all know at Triosmania Foxxy took the decision to ‘fire’ Becca Barton from Ronin3... So, that means there is an opportunity to join this illustrious group renowned for being at the forefront of QAW and regularly holding championship gold…


Foxxy: The Ronin3 stable needs 3 members. We have 2. And I haven’t got all day. So, cut to the chase and tell me why you should join my group…


[The camera pans out to reveal the 3 people auditioning...]



Millie The Minx, '100% Rudo' Raquel Alvarado & Modesty Pador



Minx: Hi. My name is Millie the Minx! But you can call me Millie or 'Minx'... Or 'The Minx'... Or sometimes friends call me ‘Mill’...


[Foxxy scowls]


Minx: Oh, um, sorry. I-I tend to ramble when I'm, like, nervous. But, um, I really think I would make a great member of Ronin3! I've been a huge fan of them since they started, and, um, I was actually in the company when it was formed. I've, like, tried to join a few times before actually, but, um, no luck. But, yeah, I really admire them, especially when Jillian Jarvis was around. It was a total golden era.


[Foxxy scowls as Toni snickers]


Minx: Anyway, I just really need a win. I-I haven't been able to catch a break for a few years now and I'm willing to do anything, literally anything, at this point. It's been really tough and I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, y'know? But, um, I'm trying to stay positive and, you know, keep my head up. So, yeah, if there's anything I can do to, like, prove myself? I'm totally up for it. 


[Foxxy turns to stare a hole through Vinny Cruz]


Cruz: I think we’ve heard enough. Thank you so much Millie. How about you Raquel?


Raquel: Look, I think I'd be a great fit for Ronin3 because I am "100% Rudo" just like this group. I mean, let's be real, you're the worst, and I excel at that. You might think you're 100% but you've got nothing on me. So, if you're looking for someone who can really bring the attitude, I'm your woman. I'll make sure everyone know who's boss around here.


Cruz: And can you describe for us what being ‘100% rudo’ entails?


Raquel: It’s really a way of life. I don't take any crap from anyone, I hate everyone equally, and I'm just generally in a bad mood most of the time. I mean, why be nice when you can be "100% Rudo"? Trademark pending on that one. But seriously, don't expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows, because that's not my style. 


Toni: It doesn’t sound ‘100% Rudo’ to be taking orders from someone else does it?


[Raquel pauses for a brief moment before mimicking her mind being blown]


Raquel: That is so true. Thanks for looking out for the gimmick. You can all go f*** yourselves!


[Raquel leaves]


Cruz: [Oh my God…] And what about you Modesty Pador?! A young, bright prospect like yourself could really go far with us.


Modesty: Honestly I’m only here because you paid me that $100… That’s double my booking fee at the moment and I'm not turning that down. But you really shouldn’t pick me… Because I really don’t want to work with any of you… Ever. Seriously.


Foxxy: You’ve really outdone yourself Vinny. Is this the best crop of people you could find?


Toni: Or bribe?


Foxxy: I’m going to go cool off before I do something I might regret. Again. And when I get back you better have someone for me!






The feed cuts to the interview area where Dharma Gregg & Darkness Cat are standing by...




Dharma: Darkness Cat, congratulations on becoming the number 1 contender for the Shockwave title last month at Triosmania! How are you feeling going into tonight’s first ever World Summit match?


Darkness: It feels great to be number 1 contender again! I came up short against Miss Perfect back in March but I’m ready for another shot! As for the World Summit match I was under the impression that I’d be able to choose my team but Commissioner Bomb insisted she had already secured me a group from overseas. A bunch of people I still haven't met! It feels like Bomb is up to her old tricks and--


[Darkness is interrupted by the arrival of Christy Higgins and Shockwave champ Little Miss Perfect]




Christy: Wah wah wah! The little kitty cat sad she didn’t get to call her friends? Tough luck.


Perfect: I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Commissioner Bomb chose my team from overseas as well-- and my best friend Christy of course. Maybe if you had a best friend Bomb would have paired you together?


Darkness: I have a best friend…


Christy: Oh look-- Here’s our team now! All the way from JAPAN!





Paige Croft, Talia Quinzel & Selina Svelte appear behind Christy & LMP


Darkness: Oh come on! From Japan? It’s a AAA reunion…


Perfect: They are wrestling out of 5SSW, that’s overseas. Stupid.





World Summit 5v5 Elimination Match






Team Perfect


[Shockwave Champion] Little Miss Perfect, Christy Higgins, Paige Croft & The Uprising [Talia Quinzel & Selina Svelte]




Team Darkness


Darkness Cat, The Red Widows [Thea Davis & Zofia Jankovic], Mad Millie Morgan & "The World's Number 1 Chav'" Porsche


Darkness found out who her partners were at the same time as the audience; a quartet from the the UK with no connection to her whatsoever. Luckily for Darkness it contained Thea Davis and Zofia Jankovic who were both well decorated former champions.


Unluckily it contained Millie and Porsche who were both green and clearly couldn't get along. These communication issues would see them both quickly eliminated by the well oiled Team Perfect. The rest of the match Team Darkness had spates of hope but were shut down each time-- Eventually Darkness found herself alone and Little Miss Perfect tagged herself in to finish the job but was caught in a small package by Darkness and eliminated! Christy rushed Darkness and took her out with her 'Florida Upswing' finisher [a sliced bread#2].


At the conclusion of the match Perfect's guests from 5SSW looked disgusted with Perfect's elimination and exited the ring leaving Miss Perfect looking very sheepish in front of Christy.


Winners: Team Perfect via total elimination in 14:53


Survivors: Christy, Paige, Talia & Selina





Garcia: Is it me or was Darkness put at a disadvantage there?


JRO: Maybe, but ultimately Darkness Cat wouldn't of been able to put up a team to withstand "Team Perfect" tonight-- a fitting name too. Aside from Miss Perfect's blunder, everyone else was stellar! I hope we see much more of them.


Garcia: You sound like a big fan?


JRO: I'm a fan of quality Alfonso! Always have been!




We find Suzanne Brazzle speaking to Pamela Rojo outside Commissioner Bomb's office...





Brazzle: Pamela my dear, you’ve got to snap out of this mood you’re in! You must remember, losing is simply a part of the journey. It's how we pick ourselves up and move forward that defines us. And I believe that together, we can accomplish anything!


Rojo: It feels like I'm always falling short. And I'm not sure if I'm ready to ask for another opportunity. We lost the Trios Cup to Hellcat Hernandez... My old tag partner! I couldn't get the job done when it mattered...


Brazzle: Failure is merely an illusion, my dear. It's just a stepping stone to success. And with my guidance, you'll be able to turn that stone into a staircase to the stars. We learn from what went wrong and move onto the next challenge. Speaking of, that's why we're here. We are going to march in there and ask for an opportunity.


Rojo: I don't know...


Brazzle: Don't you see?! You have so much potential, so much talent waiting to be unleashed. All you need is a little push in the right direction. And who better to guide you than me? Do you trust me?


Rojo:… Yes.


Brazzle: Wonderful! Trust me, my dear, you won't regret it. Together, we will achieve greatness beyond your wildest dreams.


[suzanne knocks on the door]





We join Dharma Gregg standing by with Danielle Sweetheart...





Dharma: Danielle, tonight you and your rival Ashley Keith will be challenging The Honnari for the prestigious 5SSW Tag Team Championships! Do you think you can put your differences aside?


Danielle: Dharma, as much as Ashley and I have our differences, I always have and always will put the honour of this sport first. And it it means setting aside our personal issues to go after those championships, then I'll do it with everything I've got. I want those belts.


Dharma: That's a great attitude to have, Danielle. But can you really trust Ashley?


Danielle: Trusting her won't be easy. But I'm not going to let that affect my performance in the ring. I respect the 5SSW Champions and my eyes are on the prize. If we both do that then we can make it work. 


Dharma: I see. But you have mentioned before that you knew Ashley before she arrived in QAW, and she has changed. Can you tell us more about that?


Danielle: Well, let's just say that the Ashley Keith I knew was always humble and hardworking. But the Ashley Keith I've seen since she joined the roster is a completely different person. She's become entitled and selfish, and it's been a huge disappointment to see. 




[Ashley walks into frame]


Ashley: Wow! Tell me how you really feel Danielle!


Danielle: I'll tell you exactly how I feel, Ashley. You come in here with your arrogance and disrespect for the sport, thinking your "superior pedigree" is all you need to succeed. But let me tell you something, sweetie. Talent will only get you so far. It's attitude, respect, and hard work that makes a true champion. 


Ashley: [Smirks] Oh pleas, like you're some kind of legend around here. Sure' you've won some championships, but you're nothing compared to me.


Danielle: Sure, I may not have the same flashy pedigree as you, but I've worked damn hard to get where I am. And I know what it takes to be a champion, not just in the ring, but outside of it too. And that's something you clearly don't understand. 


Ashley: Respect is earned and not given. And you and I both know that I'm the future of this industry. So, you can either get with the program and ride my coattails to the top or get left behind.


Danielle: I can't believe I'm saying this but Emma May was right about you.


Ashley: [Rolls her eyes] Whatever. I don't have time for this. I've got a championship to win. 


Danielle: [Smiling sarcastically] We have a championship to win. You might have talent, but without the right attitude, you'll never be a true champion.





5SSW World Tag Team Championship









The Honnari [Fuyuko Higa & Shiori Jippensha] © vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart & 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


Garcia: The Honnari have been absolutely dominant in 5SSW for the past 6 months! This will be their 10th defence of the championships-- a streak any champion here in QAW would covet!


JRO: How does it go? This match is going to tear the house down-a-go-go!


Garcia: Be still my beating heart!


As predicted the 5SSW tag champs were a well oiled machine and took apart the dysfunctional QAW duo with precision in the opening minutes of the match. However, The Honnari were not on their home turf and the crowd support rallied Danielle who coordinating a successful comeback, and at times it looked as if Ashley was enjoying the teamwork.


Commentary reminded the viewers at home that for Fuyuko Higa this was about regaining her honour and scoring a win on Danielle. Higa and Sweetheart were trading forearms in the centre of the ring-- On Danielle's 3rd strike Higa fired up and encouraged Danielle to keep striking. On the 8th Higa blocked and caught Danielle with a devastating spinning back fist.


A dazed and confused Danielle crawled to her corner as Higa stalked her-- Ashley stamped her feet on the apron and the crowd chanted for Danielle to move faster as Higa crept closer. Suddenly Higa took a swing at Ashley who dropped off the apron before she could be hit and instead of returning to the apron started backing up the entrance ramp.


Garcia: Is Ashley abandoning Danielle?!


JRO: Sure looks like it!


Higa looked angry for a moment at Ashley's decision and ended Danielle with a Higa Green Driver [Destino].


Winners: The Honnari via pin in 11:44 [10th Defence]




Vinny Cruz and Toni Parisi are in the same room as before, anxiously waiting for Foxxy to return. Cruz paces back and forth while Toni sits with her arms folded...





Cruz: What are we going to do?! She's going to be back any minute. I can't even bribe people to work with us... Are we that bad?


Toni: I think Foxxy made a big mistake taking out Becca… Everyone knows she went too far…


Cruz: You need to watch how you’re talking recently. Do you want to end up the same way?


Toni: I've dealt with her type before.


[Toni holds Vinny’s eye before looking away]


Cruz: Just as I thought… Oh God! I can hear her coming… What do we do? Hide?



[Foxxy enters]


Foxxy: Vinny baby! What have you got for me? [She gives Cruz a playful slap on the face]


Cruz: Well, Foxxy. I've been trying to find someone to join up. I know I promised someone would be here, but they must be... Running late... It was all short notice and--


Foxxy: -- Why would it be short notice?! I’m certain that a top tier manager such as yourself would have a better plan...?


Cruz: Yes! Of course! I’m not the most successful manager in QAW history for nothing.


Foxxy: Exactly. I'm not sure if I made myself clear recently about punks. Have I got a punk for a manager?


[Vinny splutters and dances on the spot desperately trying to think of an excuse all whilst eyeing up his nearest exits]


Cruz: No, no, Foxxy. I promise you. I've been making calls and reaching out to people. They must have gotten held up with something.


Foxxy: I find it hard to believe something could be more important than this...


Toni: Listen, he has has been trying. We both have. Maybe your recent behaviour hasn't warmed up many people towards us.


[Before Foxxy can respond the door opens and a mystery figure steps into the room]


???: I heard this is where I can join Ronin3…


[All three members of Ronin3 jaws drop in unison]


Foxxy: Yes you can my friend! Come right in.


[Foxxy smiles deviously]





We join Dharma standing by with 'Team Alina'...






Dharma: QAW faithful please welcome my guests at this time: the captivating Alina America and her elite team of Lilly & Rose, Yuma Maruya and 5SSW World Champion, Heart Saitoh! Also known as "Team Alina" going into the World Summit match.


[Alina flashes her beautiful smile]


Alina: Thank you, Dharma, for that introduction. I must say, I am proud to stand alongside these incredible women. They are the epitome of excellence, and together, we are unstoppable. 


Dharma: I have to ask, why didn't you pick Pamela Rojo and Suzanne Brazzle?


Alina: Ah, they are both amazing, but they are not part of my destiny. My heart led me to these four instead.


[Lilly & Rose noticeably side eye each other]


Dharma: [noticing Alina's dramatic flair] Alina, you exude such confidence, but let's not forget that at Triosmania, Hellcat Hernandez pinned you in the ring. She's gotten the upper hand against you multiple times in the last few months. Does Hellcat have your number?


[Alina pauses for dramatic effect]


Alina: Hellcat Hernandez... [her voice rising in intensity] She is a threat, no doubt. But do not be fooled by her short cuts and rule-bending ways. That kind of behaviour may take you places, but it won't take you far [pounding her fist into her palm]. Hellcat may have won a few battles, but she has not won the war. Tonight, Team Alina, will end this war once and for all.





World Summit 5v5 Elimination Match






Team Alina


Alina America, Lilly & Rose [Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose, HEART Saitoh & Yuma Maruya




Team Clenched Fist


Hellcat Hernandez, The Experience [Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder], Unstoppable Tai & Maribel Mercado


Team Clenched Fist were joined by the 5SSW Triangle Champion Unstoppable Tai and the devious Maribel Mercado from CILL [who has history with both Hellcat and Alina].


Unlike the previous summit match this one was more even with each team trading eliminations equally until it reached Alina and Hellcat. The two women put on another great showing with Alina displaying more aggression than usual and Hellcat having to rely on technique to keep her out of harms way.


It looked as though Alina had the win after hitting a Southern Lights Bomb but instead of going for the pin opted to climb to the top rope for the Split Leg Moonsault--


JRO: This is showboating! She should of gone for the cover!


Alina collided into Hellcat's outstretched knees and clutched her stomach gasping for air completely winded. Sensing her chance Hellcat pulled Alina up and delivered her Package Piledriver for the 3 count!


Winners: Team Clenched Fist via total elimination 17:34

Sole Survivor: Hellcat Hernandez



Hellcat celebrates briefly and demands a mic...





Hellcat: Alina America! We may have come from the same place, but we're nothing alike. You think you're all high and mighty with your fancy outfits and dramatic entrances, but I see right through you. You're just a pretty face who's been handed everything on a silver platter!


[Hellcat laughs sadistically]


Hellcat: You talk about going to war, but let me tell you something, chica. You don't know the first thing about fighting in the streets. I've been there, done that. I know what it takes to survive in this world. And it's got nothing to do with looking good or putting on a show. 


[Hellcat paces back and forth]


Hellcat: You may have your fans and followers, but they don't know the real you. They don't know the Alina I see. The one who's too afraid to get her hands dirty, who's too soft to really fight for what she wants.


[Hellcat soaks in the boos]


Hellcat: As for me and The Clenched Fist, we're not afraid to get our hands dirty. We'll do whatever it takes to come out on top, even if it means breaking a few rules. And next month, we're coming for the gold. So watch your back, Emma May and Las Amazonas, because we're coming for you. 





We join Dharma standing by with QAW World Champion, Emma May...





Dharma: QAW faithful, please welcome my guest at this time, QAW World Champion: Emma May! Strong words just now from Hellcat Hernandez, what do you say?


Emma: Watching Hellcat kick Alina’s ass around the ring was extra satisfying. And I'm pleased to see her stepping up to the plate at last. Does she have what it takes to defeat me though? No, I’m "World Class" Emma May whereas Hellcat is more… ‘Back Alley’.


Dharma: Ouch. Tonight you’ll be making your 3rd defence of the QAW World Championship against one of the world's top fighters: Electric Dreamer. A former 3 time women’s champion in OLLIE. One half of the current COTT women’s tag champions. Many say that Electric Dreamer is the future of women’s wrestling… How would you describe her?


Emma: Another stepping stone. Tonight, Electric Dreamer is going to see firsthand what it means to face a world-class fighter. She may have been a champion elsewhere, but she's in my world now. And in my world, there's only one champion: me. So, Dreamer can bring her best, but it won't be enough because she will bend. She will break. She will suffer like the rest. 





QAW World Championship








'World Class' Emma May © vs. Electric Dreamer


Despite it being her debut Dreamer made an immediate impact with the crowd and enjoyed their support for the entire match. This didn't deter Emma though and commentary noted that since winning the title she seemed to be a lot crisper-- Something JRO put down to the extra training she heard Emma was undertaking. Dreamer put up a valiant effort but the outcome was never really in doubt with Emma catching Dreamer in a dangerous looking arm bar for the tap out.


Winner: Emma May via submission in 13:22 [3rd defence]


This match had the crowd buzzing


Garcia: Another decisive win for our champion! Her array of submissions are truly impressive.


JRO: It's going to take someone special to take that title from her. But she is very methodical and I'm not sure she does well against less predictable opponents. We've seen Emma struggle with strikers in the past so will Hellcat Hernandez's unorthodox brawling style throw Emma off her game?


Garcia: Good point! I guess we'll find out next month at Night of Champions! See you there QAW faithful!




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QAW Bombshells airing on QAW.com


Commissioner Bomb is sat behind her desk...




Bomb: Welcome to my office QAW faithful! I’m so glad we can spend this time together so I can tell you about QAW’s next event: Night of Champions! A special night where all QAW gold will be on the line! It is no secret Hellcat Hernandez is on a roll with a 5 match win streak. She won the first Trios Cup and scored the pin in each match. Plus, she was the sole survivor in her World Summit match! There is no doubt that Hellcat Hernandez is the number one contender for the QAW World Championship and at Night of Champions she will face Emma May! Don’t forget the champion is on a roll too, Emma hasn't lost a singles match for almost one year, so don’t expect her to release the choke hold she has on that belt for anyone… Also, Lily Snyder and Ava Anderson, The Experience, I have not forgotten about you! You'll get your rematch against Las Amazonas, the team that took the championships from you! Isn’t it time you did something about it?







Trios Match






Darkness Cat, 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo & 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle vs. Saiya N. Tuesday, Simony Sentinel & The Ice Queen


A short but fun exchange with a breakout performance from Simony Sentinel, who shared some excellent exchanges with Darkness Cat. The story revolved around Suzanne's coaching style helping her team, in particular giving the right calls to Pamela to stay on the offensive-- which paid off after Pamela hit the 'Big Red' [Running powerslam] to Saiya for the win.


After the match Suzanne enthusiastically raised her team's hands in victory as Darkness gestured she was coming for the Shockwave title.


Winners: Darkness Cat, Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle via pin in 10:04







We return to Bomb's office...




Bomb: [saiya.N Tuesday... SaiyaNTuesday, ah] Welcome back! You just enjoyed Darkness Cat throw herself around the ring with little regard for her own welfare. I've never really understood that approach. I was in the business of breaking other people's necks. But, if you're into that Darkness Cat will be at Night of Champions as the rightful number 1 contender to Little Miss Perfect's Shockwave Championship. I imagine Darkness is feeling pretty confident after Perfect's embarrassing performance at World Summit. Also, after Suzanne and Pamela paid me a visit I was inspired to give those that impressed me at World Summit an opportunity. At Night of Champions QAW will have it's first ever 'Opportunity Awaits' ladder match! The Honnari, The Uprising, Paige Croft & Christy Higgins, and Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle will face off in a four way. What's the opportunity? You'll find out...".







Tag match






Deadly Viper Squad [Lydia Luscious & Jewel Diamond] vs. Lilly & Rose [Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose]


An excellent showing from the Viper Squad with Lydia shining with some great power spots. The outcome was never really in doubt though as the veterans got in their signature moves and reminded the world that they are still a force to be reckoned with-- Jewel was put away with the double team 'The Thorn' [double impaler DDT].


Winners: Lilly & Rose via pin in 08:09








We join Dharma Gregg standing awkwardly between QAW World Tag Team Champions, Las Amazonas...




Dharma: Please welcome my guests at this time, Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres! Ladies, it’s just been announced that you will be defending against the former champions, The Experience, at Night of Champions. How are you feeling?


Pinky: When we arrived in QAW just over a year ago The Experience were our welcoming committee. They thought we were nobodies. But we humbled them by taking these [Pinky taps the title draped over her shoulder]. We knew this day would come and we’re ready.


Dharma: That's good to hear. But I have to ask, there are rumours going around you two haven't been getting along. Is there any truth to that?


[Pinky pauses]


Pinky: Look, Dharma, Mariana and I have been through a lot long before QAW. As tag partners we've overcome the odds and we are stronger as a result. As for the rumours, there's some truth to them...


[Mariana's eyes narrow]


Mariana: I've told you already. I felt betrayed when you tagged with Lilly & Rose at Triosmania. 


Pinky: I had to tag with Lilly and Rose. It was Commissioner Bomb's stupid role. If you had won the match against Kate, things would have been different.


[Mariana folds her arms]


Mariana: You distracted me with your "coaching". Do you think I need your coaching? Do you think you're better than me?


Pinky: You know I don’t mean that! We are the World Tag Team Champions and we better start acting like it. Because us two not being on the same page we may as well just lay down and let The Experience walk all over us… After everything they've done to us are you going to let that happen? Is that the type of champions we are?!


Mariana: No.


Pinky: We arrived here together. We won gold together. I’ve got your back Mariana!


[Pinky offers Mariana a handshake]


Mariana: Viva Las Amazonas!


[Mariana grasps Pinky’s hand]


Dharma: There you have it, folks. Pinky and Mariana are ready to defend their titles against The Experience at Night of Champions. Don't miss it!








Trios Match





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The Furies [Emma May, Honey Badger & Marie Punnen] vs. The Clenched Fist [Felicia Luck, Black Diamond & Danger Mushashibo] w/ Hellcat Hernandez


A brief insight into the upcoming Emma May vs. Hellcat Hernandez match as Hellcat accompanied the rookie members of Clenched Fist-- or some might say sending them into the line of fire. The amount of inexperience in the ring dragged down the quality but Emma kept things flowing, and surprisingly Danger looked excellent against the champ.


Throughout the match Hellcat made her presence at ringside known, constantly trying to trip The Furies or grab the referees attention. Emma was audibly heard reminding her team to not allow it to distract them and stay focussed, which they did, and Emma tapped out Danger with a Kimura. After the match, Hellcat tried to take a cheap shot on Emma but thought better of it when Emma caught her sneaking up— some pointed words were exchanged and Hellcat stalked to the back as Emma held the World Championship up to the crowd.



Winners: The Furies via submission in 12:19



Show rating: 37

Edited by Rhysrob
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Night of Champions 2020

Date: Fri W3 Dec 2020

Location: Clarence L. Tinker Memorial Hall [Mid South]

Attendance: 800 people SELL OUT

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 18,860 viewers

Dark match:

Danielle Sweetheart def. Roxanne Debrix [45]

Juana Hurricane & Sonnaz Shah def. The Rage [43]

The Line def. Felicia Luck, Black Diamond & Helen Hywater [39]





On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Joanne 'JRO' Rodriguez



Garcia: Good evening QAW faithful! We are broadcasting from a SOLD OUT venue this evening for Night Of Champions! A new event in the QAW calendar where all champions will be defending their gold! I'm Alfonso Garcia and by my side, the legend, Joanne Rodriguez!


JRO: Thank you Alfonso! These introductions are getting better and better. I'm excited to be here and I'm especially looking forward to the main event! The calculating, submission machine, Emma May defending against the wildcard, rule breaking, Hellcat Hernandez!


Garcia: JRO I'm going to put you on the spot... Who is walking away QAW World Champion?


JRO: Both women are on a roll but something about Hellcat Hernandez recently has me captivated. I think she has that extra something to tap into at the moment!


Garcia: We'll see if you're right a little later on. Our opening contest tonight will see the newly formed Ronin3 taking on Modesty Pador, Raquel Alvarado and Millie the Minx.


JRO: I don't know who Ronin3 have recruited because Foxxy has been keeping it under wraps-- but, I was speaking to her earlier and she assured me that this new member is going to make Ronin3 stronger than it has ever been.


Garcia: I want to know! But first lets take it to the ring where Dharma Gregg is standing by!






Dharma Gregg, is standing by in the ring between Emma May and Hellcat Hernandez...





Dharma: QAW faithful welcome to Night of Champions! Joining me now are the two women fighting for the QAW World Championship in the main event. The champion, Emma May and her challenger, Hellcat Hernandez… Hellcat, I believe you requested this chance to address Emma publicly?


Hellcat: That's right, Dharma. Emma, you think you can call me "back alley" and get away with it? You've forgotten who you're dealing with. 


[Emma smirks]


Emma: Oh Hellcat, I remember exactly who I'm dealing with. You're the same lowlife thug you were three years ago. 


Hellcat: I'm going to make you regret that.


[Emma laughs]


Emma: Is that right? You're all talk, Hellcat. You always have been. 


[Hellcat goes nose to nose with Emma]


Hellcat: I beat you for the Shockwave Championship. I beat your ass for it. This is going to be the same. 


Emma: That was then. This is now. I am the World Champion. I am "World Class" Emma May. And you? Still a back alley...


[Hellcat grabs Emma by the scruff of the neck, but Emma barely flinches]


Hellcat: You think you're so much better than me, don't you mija? If I was running circles around you 3 years ago what do you think it’ll be now?


Emma: Let's find out. 


[Hellcat lets Emma go but they stay almost nose to nose still]


Hellcat: Let me tell you something. I'm not going to stop until I take that championship from you.


Emma: You can try. But in the end, you'll be another victim. Another name on my long list of wins.


[Hellcat scoffs]


Emma: You're feeling cocky because you've got some wins over Alina. The woman I embarrassed for this very championship... You're still not my level, and never will be. You will bend. You will break--


[Hellcat spits in Emma's face and quickly exits the ring]


Emma: [wipes the spit from her face] You'll regret that! YOU'LL REGRET THAT!!!


[Emma throws the mic out the ring at Hellcat who laughs defiantly flipping the bird at the camera]



Emma stood out. This promo got the crowd hot and was a strong start to the show












Ronin3 [Foxxy, Toni & Tameka Sky] vs. Modesty Pador, '100% Rudo' Raquel Alvarado & Millie the Minx



The crowd were treated to their first look at Ronin3's newest member Tameka Sky; who towered over everyone at a whopping 6ft7 and at one point Raquel tried to leave but her partners made her stay.


The story of the match was Tameka Sky no selling all offence thrown at her and easily shut down her opponents with simple tackles and clotheslines. The finish came when Tameka almost choke slammed Millie through the apron and Fox called for the tag. After some showboating she draped herself over Millie for the 3.


Winners: Ronin3 via pin in 10:15


The match got the crowd hot. Foxxy stood out and Modesty struggled to keep up





We go to Commissioner Bomb’s office where Alina is standing by with the Commissioner…





Alina: The last time you invited me here I got jumped by Hellcat. No surprises this time?


Bomb: Of course not. You know I can’t control that woman!


Alina: [Dramatically] Ah Hellcat. The woman with a venomous tongue and a dark heart. I have a score to settle with her!


Bomb: How could I forget?


Alina: And you have benched me tonight! We both know that's a load of... [pauses for effect] baloney!


Bomb: Alina! You know why you're benched. That neck of yours has taken three nasty piledrivers recently and the doctor said you need to recover. So guess what? You're resting. 


[Alina dramatically looks into the distance]


Alina: Rest? I'm the face of QAW. I cannot rest. I need to be in the ring fighting for my dreams. And my dream? Is to take Hellcat down.


Bomb: If you ask me she has pinned you twice in a row. What unresolved business does she have with you? You need to sell this more because it just sounds like you can't take the fact you lost...


[Alina snaps out of her trance with a gasp]


Alina: You don't understand. This is not about winning or losing. This is about honour, pride... And revenge. Hellcat may have won those matches, but she hasn't seen the last of Alina America!


Bomb: [skeptically] Fine, if you're serious then it'll have to be a street fight. Anything goes!


Alina: Book it. 



Alina did well














Little Miss Perfect © vs. Darkness Cat


Darkness appeared confident whereas LMP was hesitant which fortunately disguised the fact that they were not clicking in the ring, with LMP particularly off her game. Instead it came off as though LMP was in her own head which JRO shared was down to comments backstage about her performance at World Summit and whether she was a worthy champion.


As Darkness began to pick up some momentum and rallied the crowd with some flashy spots Christy Higgins made her way to ringside to cause a distraction. As the referee dealt with Higgins, LMP snatched her title belt and clocked Darkness in the back of the head just as the referee turned around and unknowingly made the count for LMP.



Winner: Little Miss Perfect via pin in 9:37 [5th Defence]


LMP was off her game






We join Dharma standing by the with 5SSW World Tag Team Champions, Fuyuko Higa & Shiori Jippensha aka. The Honnari…





Dharma: Fuyuko, you have been on a quest for revenge over recent months against Danielle Sweetheart stemming from when she eliminated you in the Battlebowl. You pinned her last month defending your championships… Is the quest over?


Higa: Not revenge. Honour.


Dharma: Oh. I apologise...


[Higa nods]


Higa: The victory was no good...





[Ashley Keith appears]



Shiori: [in Japanese] What does this clown want?


Higa: [in Japanese] This stupid girl has some nerve...


Ashley: Hello! To you both!


Higa: Ashley.


Ashley: So, I’ve been sat at home since our match wondering if I was going to hear from you…


Shiori: [in Japanese] These Americans have no respect. They are so full of themselves, especially this one! Hit her in the face.


Higa: Hear from us?


Ashley: A thank you…? For ditching Danielle? I gave you your victory. I made Danielle look stupid. Everybody wins.


Shiori: [in Japanese] What is she saying?


Ashley: What is she saying?!


Higa: I don’t like what you did. I don’t like you… Don’t interrupt us again.


[Higa turns to leave and Ashley raises her hand as if to strike her-- Until Shiori grabs Ashley’s hand]


Shiori: [in Japanese] I told you to hit her first.


[Higa drops Ashley with a hard slap-- The Honnari leave as Ashley clutches her face looking upset]





"Opportunity Awaits" Ladder Match












The Honnari [Fuyuko Higa & Shiori Jippensha] vs. 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo & 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle vs. Paige Croft & Christy Higgins vs. The Uprising [Talia Quinzel & Seline Svelte]


All involved were fighting for a mystery opportunity but each team knew Commissioner Bomb was likely to have something good in store in exchange for the violence.


The match was decent by ladder match standards. Everyone took ladder bumps which had the crowd engaged but the lack of big names contributed to some large pockets of the crowd being indifferent to the outcome. As the match progressed it was clear The Uprising and Christy/Paige were subtly working together, particularly against The Honnari, who commentary pegged as the obvious threat.


Towards the end of the match Christy hit Shiori with the Florida Upswing [sliced Bread#2] on the ring apron [using the ring post as a launch pad] and both women slid onto the ground utterly winded. In the ring, Fuyuko lay an unconscious Talia on a ladder and proceeded to powerbomb an equally dazed Selina onto her tag partner-- before Fuyuko could turn her attention to winning the match she was taken out from behind by Brazzle with a steel chair to the back.


During the commotion Pamela and Paige ascended the ladder and were battling it out at the top. For a moment it looked as if Paige had won the punch-off at the top but Pamela roared in defiance and fired back with a crunching headbutt-- with no comeback from Paige [who dropped to the mat] Pamela grabbed the gold star hanging over the ring.



Winners: Pamela & Suzanne via item retrieval in 17:33






After the match Commissioner Bomb joins the winners in the ring with what appears to be a contract…





Bomb: What a match, give it up one more time for your winners!


[bomb raises Suzanne & Pamela’s hands]


Bomb: That wasn’t called the ‘Opportunity Awaits’ ladder match for nothing. Do you want to know what you’ve won?


[suzanne & Pamela nod in agreement]


Bomb: I felt that the Three Way Dance event needed to be cut this year. But, as a tribute to it, Starshow 2022 will see all QAW champions defending in triple threat matches!


Pamela: So we’re in the tag team match?


[bomb laughs wickedly]


Bomb: I prefer to keep things interesting Pamela! You will both be challenging Emma May for the QAW World Championship!


[suzanne & Pamela look at each other in shock]


Bomb: May the best woman… Win!













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Las Amazonas [Mariana Torres & Pinky Perez] © vs. The Experience [Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder] w/ Bossman Brayfield


Both teams put on the best tag team matches in QAW history to date with great callbacks to their previous encounters. The cohesion of The Experience neatly clashed against the miscommunications between Las Amazonas-- despite their efforts to reconcile there was still underlying tension.


The crowd groaned in disapproval when Mariana got hit by the 'Rock'n'Roll' double team [super kick into a bridging German]. As Ava made the cover Pinky was already in to break it up. The referee admonished Pinky as she dragged Mariana over to their corner, tagged herself in, and hit Ava with everything she had culminating in a 'Butterfly Bomb' [Double underhook powerbomb]. Commentary discussed the abrupt finish and both agreed Pinky had shone over Mariana.



Winners: Las Amazonas via pin in 22:48 [4th defence]


Pinky carried the match




Bossman Brayfield gets into the ring and starts to get in Pinky’s face...






Brayfield: Ah bet y’all ugly as sin under that mask! Always cheatin’! Ah swear this won’t be the last you’ve heard of The Experience!


Pinky: You need to get out of my face…


Brayfield: Or what, miss?


[Pinky squares up to Brayfield]


Pinky: Or I’m going to shove that hat so far up your as…!


[Pinky’s threat goes unfinished as Lily Snyder attacks from behind]


Garcia: Both woman are tearing chunks out of each other!


JRO: Don’t we have security to break these kind of brawls up?! Hello?!


Garcia: Is that? Yes, here comes Lilly & Rose!





[Lilly & Rose rush the ring and get between Lily Snyder and Pinky-- they attempt to hit The Thorn on Lily Snyder but she is saved when Bossman and Ava pull her out the ring]


Pinky: Thanks for the assist.


Debbie: You owe us one.


[Kate Lilly goes over to Mariana who is beginning to stir awake-- as Kate reaches out to her shoulder Mariana instinctively fires a sharp back elbow catching Kate in the face]


Kate: Motherfu--!! [Kate pinches her nose as if to stop it from bleeding].


Pinky: She didn’t mean to do that!


Mariana: I meant it! They're out here getting involved in our business again!


[The four women exchange heated words in the ring with Mariana and Debbie nose to nose. Sensing the opportunity The Experience rush the ring and shove Debbie and Kate into Pinky and Mariana-- resulting in Mariana charging at Debbie and a confusing, but entertaining, brawl between all 6 women erupts. The segment ends with Lilly & Rose clearing the ring]













'World Class' Emma May © vs. Hellcat Hernandez



The referee called for the bell as Emma May charged the ring and took the fight to Hellcat who was more than ready to brawl. Commentary noted this was something Hellcat was likely trying to encourage as Emma was outperformed by Hellcat during the first half of the match.


As things progressed Emma changed tactic and created distance and grappling with Hellcat, which almost paid off with a submission several times. During the closing minutes Emma overshot a back suplex and dumped Hellcat on the back of her head-- the referee checked on Hellcat who needed a moment before continuing and the audio picked up angry swearing from Hellcat. Blood was in the water now and when the referee signaled to continue Emma shot in for the takedown and soon had Hellcat in a rear naked choke. The referee pleaded with Hellcat to submit but instead Hellcat flipped Emma off before passing out.



Winner: Emma May via stoppage in 15:10 [4th defence]






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Road to Starshow Tour Night#1

Date: Tue W2 Jan 2020

Location: Clarence L. Tinker Memorial Hall [Mid South]

Attendance: 665 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 13,159 viewers

Dark match:

Juana Hurricane def. Sonnaz Shah [48]

Tex-Mex def. Deadly Viper Squad [43]



Tag Match






The Experience [Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder] w/ Bossman Brayfield vs. 2 San Diego Girls [Coco Malloy & Izzy Quick]


A good showing for rookies Coco Malloy & Izzy Quick who got space to show of some flashy offence but were mostly there to bump for The Experience. Brayfield did good work at ringside directing his team in a methodical dismantling of their opponents and reminder that The Experience are still a serious threat in the tag division. Izzy was pinned by Ava after the ‘Rock’n’roll’ [superkick into bridging german].


Winners: The Experience via pin in 10:01


The match got the crowd hot & was a strong start to the show





Backstage in guerrilla position Millie the Minx is standing by as Little Miss Perfect and Christy Higgins walk by...





Christy: [i'm so excited, you are going to love the party…] Oh hey Millie! Are you wrestling Darkness Cat next?


Millie: Hey! Yeah I am-- did you say you’re having a party?


Christy: A party? Oh! Yeah, I’m throwing a party for my best friend here [Christy gestures at LMP] to celebrate her historic year long Shockwave title reign.


[LMP rubs her Shockwave championship belt proudly]


Millie: Oh wow! That’s so impressive! I hope one day someone will throw a party for my historic title reign--


Christy: Well, it--


Millie:-- Although, I did hear some of the other girls saying you barely defended the belt. So, I guess it makes sense you've hung onto it for so long!


Perfect: Wow.


Christy: Still missing a filter, huh? Anyway, it’s going to be a great party… We have a spare invite if you want to come?


Millie: For me? Really?! I’d love to… No one here has ever invited me to anything!


Christy: Of course! But you need to do something for us first.


Millie: Anything!


Perfect: Commissioner Bomb granted Darkness Cat another title shot at Starshow in the triple threat. I’ve defeated her twice now. Don't you agree it's really unfair for her to skip the line, over people like you? Why don’t you do us all a favour and take her out…


[Millie looks to be pondering the request as the camera fades away]








Singles Match





Darkness Cat vs. Millie the Minx


Millie attacked at the bell with uncharacteristic urgency that took Darkness by surprise. After a few minutes of attempting to work the leg it became clear that Millie lacked a killer instinct and Darkness regained control. Poor Millie literally had no answer for Darkness’ quick offence and was quickly put away with a Black Cat Moonsault.


Winner: Darkness Cat via pin in 7:51







We join Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose in the promo area…





Lilly: When we arrived in QAW just under a year ago we thought our ascent would be instant. Instead, we got two thorns in our side: The Experience and Las Amazonas…


Rose: The Experience, you've screwed us out of title matches. And Las Amazonas, we allowed ourselves to get caught up in your drama... Maybe we got complacent?


Lilly: Maybe… But that ends now. We're tired of 'thorns' in our side-- In fact, thorns is a compliment. Roses have thorns!


Rose: True.


Lilly: The Experience, Las Amazonas... You are weeds... Annoying, unwelcome weeds in our backyard and it's time for us to rip you out root and stem. It's time for Lilly & Rose to flourish in QAW and remind the world who we are. So, at Starshow… Why don’t we settle it?




A solid promo that got the crowd hotter






Tag Match




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'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle & 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo vs The Rage [Honey Badger & Marie Punnen] w/ Emma May


Emma May's two challengers at Starshow were in action against her stablemates The Rage. So, Emma May was at ringside to scout them. The match was pretty sloppy thanks to The Rage who, despite being former world tag champions, lacked the raw talent to overcome the experience of Brazzle and Rojo-- who had an answer for everything and shut down a lot of their opponents MMA inspired offence.


Rojo hoisted Marie up and delivered a massive 'Rojo Alert' [Running powerbomb] for the win. After the match Emma got in the face of Rojo calling her an 'embarrassment' but Brazzle diffused the situation and led her friend away.


Winners: Brazzle & Rojo via pin in 12:20



Overall show rating: 37

Damn, that main event was poor


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Road to Starshow Tour Night#2

Date: Sat W2 Jan 2020

Location: Clarence L. Tinker Memorial Hall [Mid South]

Attendance: 800 people SELL OUT

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 16,925 viewers

Dark match:

Ash Grover def. Die Fledermaus, Sinda Sarai & Estrella Blanca [44]

Tex-Mex def. Felicia Luck & Black Diamond [41]


Trios Match








Little Miss Perfect, Christy Higgings & '100% Rudo' Raquel Alvarado vs. Darkness Cat & The Caribbean Angels


A decent opener giving insight into Perfect’s upcoming Starshow defence against Darkness Cat & a yet to be announced opponent-- it was noted on commentary that Miss Perfect has had a shaky few months as champion and many have pegged Christy as her crutch. Her challenger Darkness Cat was out to show she was ready to be champion but was outsmarted by her 3 tricky opponents and Christy scored the Florida Upswing [sliced Bread#2] on her for the win.


After the match Christy encouraged Perfect to stand over Darkness Cat in victory-- which she did with her Shockwave championship raised high.


Winners: Perfect, Higgins & Alvarado via pin in 13:26


The match got the show off to a strong start






We cut to a pre-recorded promo from Hellcat Hernandez...





Hellcat: Alina, Alina, Alina. You can't let go, can you? I thought I made it clear the first two times we faced each other. But here we are, you keep coming back for more and now you want to take it to the streets. I'm from the streets. You think you have what it takes to beat me at my own game?! You're playing with fire, and I'm the inferno. And when you step into that ring with me, you'll realise just how much heat I can bring. Don't say I didn't warn ya!




The feed transitions to a pre-recorded promo from Alina America...





Alina: Hellcat, you may think you're done with me but I'm not done with you [pauses for dramatic effect]. You pinned me at Trios and World Summit, but, I won our last match. And when I won, you attacked me!


[Alina gasps with a flourish]


Alina: I'm not going to let you walk all over me like that. I am the face of QAW, and I'll be damned if the example I set to our young viewers, and the rest of the locker room, is one that says bullies get to do what they want when things don't go their way. 


[Alina stares into the distance]


Alina: I will take you on in a street fight. No doubt you think I'm crazy. But we come from the same place amiga. You think I didn't have to fight my way through as well? 


[Alina snaps out of her trance with a dramatic arm gesture]


Alina: I'm ready for you!



These angles got the crowd hotter





Singles Match






Simony Sentinel vs. 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart


Another excellent showing from Sentinel who was invited back after her standout performance last month. The ACPW/CWWF star may have a future in QAW... This was Danielle's first appearance since World Summit, rumour has it Fuyuko hit her so hard she wasn't cleared to compete due to a suspected concussion. Danielle used this match to prove she was back in good form and decisively put away Simony with a superkick.


Winner: Danielle via pin in 11:38


This match got the crowd hotter





As Danielle celebrates, Ashley Keith's music hits and the 'Queen of Professional Wrestling' comes out the curtain [and makes a point not to approach the ring]...






Ashley: Danielle, have you heard of the expression ‘the enemy of my enemy...is my friend’?


Danielle: [Dani sighs] I really don’t give a damn what you have to say Ashley.


Ashley: Oh but you do. When Fuyuko slapped me last month she made a huge mistake.


Danielle: Maybe she wouldn’t of done that if you didn't throw our tag match. 


Ashley: I don’t give a shit why. I’m not going to let her get away with it.


Danielle: And you think I’m going to let you get away with what you did…?!


Ashley: Our time will come again. But, I'm here because I spoke to Commissioner Bomb and she granted us a rematch for the 5SSW World Tag Team Championships at Starshow.


Danielle: I don’t care.


Ashley: And if we lose… You will get your chance to wrestle me again, and choose the stipulation. You have everything to gain with this one.


Danielle: And what makes you think I won’t just throw the match like you have with me?


Ashley: You know what those belts mean and you want your name on that lineage. And you know I wouldn’t of gone to Bomb if I wasn’t serious this time… And you know together we can win.








Singles Match





'World Class' Emma May vs. Penny Ramone


A great main event as Emma & Penny put on QAW's best match to date-- With Emma now holding the honour of winning the top 3 QAW matches of all time. Although Penny made a strong case for being a future world champion, the force of nature that Emma May has become was overwhelming, and tapped out Ramone with a rear-naked choke.


After the match Emma could be heard taking jabs at her Starshow opponents, Suzanne Brazzle & Pamela Rojo, telling them to take note.



Winner: Emma May via submission in 14:20



Show rating: 55


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QAW Bombshells airing on QAW.com


Tag Match







The Uprising [selina Svelte & Talia Quinzel] vs. The Caribbean Angels [Miss Havana & Lady San Juan]


A look at the tag division with impressive rookies The Caribbean Angels taking on established veterans: The Uprising. The match was much better than it had any right to be [with it being the Angel's 6th professional match]; despite a good start from the Angels, The Uprising asserted their dominance easily.


At the bell Talia & Selina gestured to their waists signalling their intent to compete in QAW full time.


Winners: The Uprising via pin in 09:07


Got the show off to a strong start & the crowd hotter



Commissioner Bomb is sat behind her desk...




Bomb: Welcome to my office QAW faithful! I’m sure you’re here to learn more about Starshow 2021 and what we have in store. First, I’m pleased to announce the 5SSW World Tag Team Champions: The Honnari, have accepted a rematch against Ashley Keith and Danielle Sweetheart. The feud between Ashley and Danielle has only been getting worse, can they put aside their differences to win the gold? I hope not…!


[Commissioner Bomb is interrupted by the Shockwave Champion: Little Miss Perfect]





Perfect: Stop. Everything!


Bomb: I’m a little busy here… [bomb gestures towards the camera].


Perfect: I know you’re announcing the triple threats for Starshow. You’re forcing me to defend against Darkness Cat [again], so I insist on choosing my 2nd opponent…


Bomb: You don’t like my booking?


Perfect: I-i didn’t say that… I just want to say –


Bomb: – I know what you want to say [bomb towers over Perfect]. You don’t like me selecting Darkness again because she’s catching up and that frightens you. So, you want Christy in the match, essentially making it a handicap match?


Perfect: Christy is a legitimate contender…


Bomb: No denying that. And I guess Christy put you up to this?


Perfect: It would be an honour to face my best friend.


[Bomb smirks]


Bomb: … Fine. It sounds messy so you can have your way this time. But if you ever interrupt me again you will regret it, understood?


[Perfect nods and scurries out the office]



The angle got the crowd hotter


Trios Match









Sinda Sarai, Die Fledermaus & Estrella Blanca vs. Ronin3 w/ Vinny Cruz [Foxxy Larue, Tameka Sky & Toni Parisi]


A 2nd look at the newest addition to Ronin3: Tameka Sky, who started for her team and never tagged out except at the end for Foxxy to gleefully pick the bones of Sinda Sarai.


Has Ronin3 become unstoppable?


Winners: Ronin3 via pin in 09:57




Commissioner Bomb is sat behind her desk...





Bomb: In my long list of accolades you'll see I'm a two time World Tag Champion; so the tag division here in QAW is particularly important to me. And I have to admit, The Experience, Lilly & Rose, and Las Amazonas, have been delivering this year! These three teams represent the past, present and future of the women's tag scene and at Starshow I want to pit them against each other to finally establish who is the most dominant tag team in QAW!




Singles Match





'The Excellence of Execution' Shiori Jippensha vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith


A hard-hitting affair to showcase the upcoming 5SSW Tag Title defence. Ashley, as per, gave zero respect to Shiori who in turn made Ashley pay with hard strikes and painful looking submission attempts. And for much of the match Ashley looked out of her depth-- she was able to prevent killer blows but was being worn down; until she employed some underhand tactics by gouging Shiori's eyes followed by a roll up.


Winner: Ashley via roll-up in 14:41



Dharma Gregg is standing by waiting to interview Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle...






Dharma: Please welcome my guests at this time: Pamela Rojo and Suzanne Brazzle. At Starshow you'll be facing QAW World Champion Emma May in a triple threat match, how does your friendship stand going into this match?


[Pamela takes the mic, looking serious]


Rojo: May I?


[Suzanne smiles encouragingly]


Rojo: In this industry making friends is difficult and keeping them is even harder! After 16 years in the business I can count my 'wrestling' friends on my hand.


[Pamela raises one finger]


Rojo: And that is Suzanne Brazzle. She has been coaching me for months and I owe her. That won't change regardless of this match.


[Suzanne nods in agreement, her smile is unnerving]


Brazzle: Absolutely, my friend. We earned our spot in this match together and whatever the outcome we'll be able to say we gave it our all to win.


Dharma: And do you have anything to say to Emma May? Pamela, she called you an "embarrassment" recently...


Rojo: She didn't have much to say when we eliminated her out of the Trios Cup...


Brazzle: I've taught Pamela that if your opponent spends their time trying to piss you off-- you know they're afraid. That's why we don't need to waste our breath with mind games...


Rojo: We'll see who's embarrassed at Starshow, Emma. It won't be me.


[Suzanne smiles serenley]





Singles Match






Hellcat Hernandez vs. Yuma Maruya w/ Alina America


An excellent main event which saw Yuma accompanied to the ring by her friend, and Hellcat's Starshow opponent: Alina America.


Hellcat was in a foul mood after her loss to Emma at Night of Champions and bullied Yuma around the ring with dirty brawling tactics. However, Yuma is a legendary performer and hung in there. Hellcat turned her focus to Alina several times trying to provoke a disqualification but to no avail. But she was clearly getting to Alina nonetheless.


The finish came after Alina alerted the referee to Hellcat trying to use the ropes on a pin by getting on the apron-- in the confusion Hellcat punched Yuma square in the face with a closed fist and draped herself over Yuma for the win.


Winner: Hellcat via pin in 11:50




After the bell...





As the bell rang Alina tackled Hellcat to the mat and started landing hard forearms-- things deteriorated into a nasty brawl around the ringside area which was quickly broken up by referees.




Show Rating: 50


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Starshow 2021

Date: Sat W3 Jan 2021

Location: Oxford Arena [Mid South]

Attendance: 865 people

Broadcast on Wrestleworld: 15,432 viewers

Dark match:

The Clenched Fist [Felicia, Diamond & Tai] def. Estrella Blanca & The Caribbean Angels [39]

The Uprising def. 2 San Diego Girls [47]

The Line [Houston, Perez & Grover] def. Millie the Minx & Deadly Viper Squad [45]




On commentary: Alfonso Garcia & Joanne 'JRO' Rodriguez


Garcia: Welcome to Starshow 2021! My name is Alfonso Garcia joined by the legendary Joanne Rodriguez and we are thrilled you’ve welcomed us into your homes to call tonight’s action. The card is jam packed and a fantastic way to kick off QAWs events for 2021!


JRO: That’s right Alfonso! In a tribute to the retired Three Way Dance event this year’s Starshow will feature all QAW champions defending in, you guessed it, triple threat matches!


Garcia: Not only that but the feud between Hellcat Hernandez and Alina America comes to a head in a much anticipated Street Fight!


JRO: And on top of that a rematch for the 5SSW World Tag Team Championships with Danielle Sweetheart and Ashley Keith challenging The Honnari!


Garcia: This is a major card JRO-a-go-go! Now lets take it to the ring where Ronin3 will be taking on Storm Front in trios action!










Ronin3: Foxxy Larue, Toni Parisi & Tameka Sky w/ Vinny Cruz vs. Storm Front: Juana Hurricane, Alexis Lee Littlefeather & Sonnaz Shah


The first ‘real’ test for the new incarnation of Ronin3 ironically in the form of original member: Juana Hurricane. As expected Tameka started off dominant but Storm Front’s teamwork caused her problems as Juana instructed her team to chop away at her legs. This forced Tameka to tag out for the first time and Toni came in.


As the match progressed Foxxy became visibly bored and instructed Tameka to do something. So moments before Alexis made the hot tag to Juana, Tameka ripped both Juana and Sonnaz from the apron. From there she military pressed Juana onto the announce table. Followed by choke slamming Sonnaz onto the ground.


As Alexis rose to her knees in awe she was unaware of Foxxy coming in for the axe-kick.


Winners: Ronin3 via pin in 14:25


A strong opener


Garcia: Is anyone able to stop Ronin3 now they have Tameka Sky?


JRO: Tameka is a once in a lifetime performer. Did you see the Storm Front members compared to her? They're about as tall as Tameka's bicep!



Meanwhile backstage, Pamela Rojo is lacing her boots when Suzanne Brazzle enters the locker room...



Pamela Rojo & Suzanne Brazzle


Rojo: Hey. How’s it going?


Brazzle: The nerves never go away, do they?


[Pamela notices the pause and furrows her brow]


Rojo: Is everything alright?


Brazzle: Yeah! I'm just thinking about the match. It's a big one. 


Pamela: [Nodding] It sure is. 


Brazzle: When we first met we made a pact to not go quietly into the twilight of our careers. I feel like we’ve kicked ass since then to reach this moment... Now its here... It just feels bittersweet it comes at each other’s expense.


[Pamela nods but looks confused]


Rojo: I guess I know what you mean. 


Brazzle: We've been through a lot. I just want you to know I value our friendship. 


Rojo: Are you sure you're okay? You seem off.


Brazzle: I'm fine! It's nerves. I'm looking forward to the match and I know we're going to kill it. 


Rojo: Of course! One of us is walking out as champion. And if it's me, you'll get the first title shot!


Brazzle: Very funny. You know how things are in this business...


Rojo: Just bring your best tonight and leave it all in the ring!


[Suzanne smiles, kisses Pamela on the cheek, and leaves]





QAW World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat











Las Amazonas [Mariana Torres & Pinky Perez] © vs. Lilly & Rose [Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose] vs. The Experience [Lily Snyder & Ava Anderson] w/ Bossman Brayfield


The much anticipated showdown between the top 3 tag teams in QAW.


The match was personal with everyone opting to brawl- hard forearms, clotheslines and knife edge chops for all! The fractured relationship between Mariana and Pinky held until a miscommunication saw Pinky dropkick Mariana off the apron. As Pinky pulled at her hair, Debbie Rose tagged in and continued the match with Ava.


As Las Amazonas began arguing at ringside; Kate Lilly retrieved one of the title belts and distracted the referee by sliding it into the ring. This triggered Bossman Brayfield who clambered onto the apron ranting and raving which prolonged the confusion.


This was the opportunity Debbie needed who revealed brass knuckles from her boot and struck Lily and Ava with them and after the referee restored order she noticed Debbie making the cover... 1, 2.... 3!


Winners: AND NEW QAW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! Lilly & Rose via pin 13:53




After the match, Lilly & Rose celebrate until Las Amazonas re-enter the ring to confront them...





Time stands still as the two teams survey each other. Kate and Debbie look rightfully victorious, almost sneering, whereas Mariana looks on the verge of tears.


Eventually, Pinky relaxes and extends her hand to the new champions in a great show of respect. This infuriates Mariana who spins Pinky to face her and two argue in Spanish. Debbie and Kate look at one another and lunge forward striking the former champions with the tag belts.


The closing image is of Lilly & Rose holding the titles high with their feet placed on the former champions as the crowd boos relentlessly.




Garcia: What a grotesque display by the new champions! I thought they were class acts?


JRO: They are class acts! Lilly & Rose were embroiled in nonsense which prevented their success so this is them saying 'enough'. I expect great things from these two!


Garcia: That's a weird take, but okay...



Meanwhile backstage, Dharma Gregg is standing by with Danielle Sweetheart & Ashley Keith...






Dharma: QAW faithful please welcome my guests at this time: Ashley Keith & Danielle Sweetheart. Tonight you have the opportunity to win the 5SSW World Tag Team Championships again. The question is, can you get along?


[Danielle and Ashley share a tense glance]


Ashley: I made it clear that if we don’t win tonight then Danielle gets to pick my poison for our rematch. Street Fight. Cage Match… Paddle on Pole… I don’t give a damn because she won’t need to get that far. We’re winning tonight.


Danielle: Paddle on a pole? What the hell--


Ashley: We’re winning tonight…


[Danielle scoffs]


Dharma: How about this… You win the titles! What would be next for you?


Ashley: What kind of question is that? We travel to Japan and dominate! I’d take great pleasure in stomping everyone at 5SSW!


Dharma: Danielle?


Danielle: … I’ve always wanted to wrestle in Japan. Especially for 5SSW. To etch my name into that legacy will be a dream come true and its the only thing stopping this [Dani gestures between Ashley and herself] from breaking down. I am going to make history tonight.


Ashley: That’s the spirit!


[Both mutter ‘bitch’ under their breath]





5SWW World Tag Team Championship










The Honnari [Fuyuko Higa & Shiori Jippensha] © vs. 'The Queen of Professional Wrestling' Ashley Keith & 'The Queen of Hearts' Danielle Sweetheart


Shiori had not forgiven Ashley's underhand tactics in their recent singles match and attacked Ashley at the bell launching an all out assault. And for much of the early stages of the match had Ashley fighting for life until Danielle scored a blind tag, which in turn prompted Shiori to tag in Fuyuko. Despite having some bad blood between them they both valued the competition and entertained the crowd with some great technical wrestling.


Things of course broke down into strikes and Danielle popped the crowd when she blocked a spinning back fist and hit one of her own which forced Fuyuko to tag out immediately.


In the closing moments of the match Ashley gouged Shiori's eyes again and hit a powerful lariat followed by the Proton Lock [modified Scorpion Cross-Lock]. As Fuyuko came in to make the save Danielle intercepted her with a super kick... Shiori held on for an astonishing amount of time but eventually succumbed to the agony.



Winners: AND NEW 5SSW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! Ashley Keith & Danielle Sweetheart via submission 16:09




Post match, Danielle & Ashley are presented with the 5SSW World Tag Team Championships...





Both women have tears in their eyes as they are presented with their belts. Danielle is seen encouraging an emotional Ashley to climb the turnbuckle and have her moment-- which she does.


Danielle takes the opposite turnbuckle and eventually signals to Ashley to swap. However, as Ashley approaches Danielle pops her in the mouth with a sick superkick which shocks the crowd into silence before they erupt into cheers again.


Danielle holds both tag team championships before draping one across the fallen body of her partner.




JRO: Would you call that a grotesque display as well?


Garcia: Very out of character for Danielle but understandable! Ashley has been pushing Danielle's buttons for months.


JRO: I like the message but not the wisest move on Danielle's behalf. It takes a lot to win any championship, let alone in 5SSW. Trust me I speak from experience. But she needs Ashley now! Why piss her off?


Meanwhile backstage, Dharma Gregg is standing by with Little Miss Perfect...




Dharma: Little Miss Perfect, tonight you defend your Shockwave Championship against an old foe: Darkness Cat, and your best friend: Christy Higgins. How do you feel about this match?


[Miss Perfect flips her hair]


Perfect: I'm enjoying a record breaking reign and I don't see that changing. Does that, like, answer your question?


Dharma: Well, isn't it awkward having your friend challenge you?


Perfect: Ugh Dharma, don't be such a Betty. Darkness is, like, a desperate woman. She has obviously, like, totally manipulated the situation to be awarded another title shot so Christy is going to have my back and ensure, like, the title isn't besmirched. Once we've removed Darkness from the equation we'll be able to have a fair one-on-one match.


Dharma: But doesn't Darkness have this opportunity because Christy keeps helping you?


Perfect: As if Dharma. Christy and I are former AAA tag champions! We help each other and that’s just how it is! I know you probably don't have any friends, so you can't relate, but it's a reflex you don't lose! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a record breaking reign to extend...




QAW Shockwave Championship Triple Threat








Little Miss Perfect © vs. Christy Higgins vs. Darkness Cat


The crowd were firmly behind Darkness who was obviously in a handicap match. At the start of the match Darkness rolled out the ring and challenged her opponents to square off. They didn't of course and opted to stalk Darkness around the ring, and much of the match was a cat and mouse-- except there was 2 cats and Darkness Cat was the mouse...


After an extended segment around the ringside area with Christy and Perfect working over Darkness the duo were finally satisfied with their handiwork and left Darkness collapsed on the ground; and entered the ring to square off. However, Darkness pulled herself up much to the delight of the crowd. With a roar she slid into the ring and took the fight to a stunned Christy and Perfect but telegraphed a top rope spring board which Perfect intercepted and pushed Darkness to the outside-- but things ended abruptly there as Christy rolled up her best friend from behind.


A stunned Little Miss Perfect could only look on as her best friend celebrated ecstatically with the Shockwave championship.


Winner: AND NEW QAW SHOCKWAVE CHAMPION! Christy Higgins via pin 9:43




Garcia: And just like that we have a new Shockwave champion in Christy Higgins!


JRO: A well deserved victory! Christy helped extend Perfect's reign beyond what it should of been so I'm excited to see the Shockwave division flourish as Higgins will force everyone else to improve!


Garcia: I guess you're right! I can't help but feel bad for Little Miss Perfect though. She looked crushed!


JRO: She took her eye of the ball.


Garcia: Up next we have a very personal bout between Hellcat Hernandez and Alina America who are going to go at it in a Street Fight! Both competitors had one last thing to say earlier today before stepping in the ring...!


We cut to a pre-taped promo from Hellcat Hernandez...




Hellcat: Listen up, you QAW fans out there. It's time to face the truth about your beloved "face" of QAW, Alina America. She's nothing but a self-righteous fraud who thinks she can teach you how to stand up to bullies. [chuckles] Oh, the irony. Because when I'm done with her tonight, she's gonna know what real bullying looks like. 


[Hellcat stares menacingly into the camera]


Hellcat: And to you young fans watching at home, let me give you a little warning. After I'm through with Alina, you're gonna be upset. You might even feel like crying to your mama. But guess what? She's gonna be disappointed in you for being such weak, pathetic excuses for kids. 


[Hellcat pauses for effect]


Hellcat: So, you have a choice. You can either by the prey or become the predator. Alina America is prey. I am the predator. Choose wisely, kiddos. Because in the end, it's survival of the fittest. And I live for the hunt.




We then pass over to Alina America...




Alina: Oh, my dear fans, how you worry for me! All week on social media you have been asking "How will Alina America survive in a street fight against Hellcat Hernandez?!". But I say to you, do not be deceived by appearances! I may not look like a brawler, but I have the heart of a lioness and the spirit of a true champion! Have you forgotten my victories in the Queen of the Ring? Have you forgotten my two World Championship reigns? I am not to be underestimated, my friends!


[Alina stares dramatically into the distance]


Alina: And so, when I step into that ring, I do not tremble in fear. No! I am ready to get... How you say? Violent? Dirty? [Alina giggles] Hellcat, you may be tough, but I have faced tougher. So, I leave you with a joke: what is red and bad for your teeth? I'll tell you the punchline in the ring. 




Street Fight





Hellcat Hernandez vs. Alina America


Both competitors punctuated the match by wearing street gear and taped up fists and at the bell they charged each other swinging for the fences; so much so you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d tuned into an MMA bout. The referee did little to restore order and both women separated after a minute-- with Alina sporting a bloodied nose.


Hellcat and Alina then shot out the ring and started throwing various weapons into the ring-- Trash cans, kendo sticks, baking trays, steel chairs and a mysterious black bag. From there the match devolved into various weapon spots: Alina suplexed Hellcat onto a trash can. Hellcat placed a cookie sheet on Alina’s sternum and delivered a double stomp from the middle rope. Both women clobbered each other with everything but the kitchen sink! After taking several chair shots Hellcat miraculously stole the advantage by literally throwing a steel chair into Alina’s face.


As Alina clutched her face Hellcat couldn’t resist show boating and started jaw jacking with a young girl in the front row. This distracted her enough to not notice Alina crawling over to a kendo stick and as Hellcat returned her attention she got lit up with snapping shots all over the body much to the crowds delight. Satisfied with her handiwork Alina retrieved the black bag which everyone assumed to be thumb tacks but it was actually a…


Garcia: Is that a red brick?


JRO: Didn’t Alina ask Hellcat what was “red and bad for your teeth”? She meant a brick! And she’s placed it in the middle of the ring. What is she thinking?!


Alina dragged Hellcat to her feet, hit a kick followed by a picture perfect Face Buster smashing Hellcat face first into the brick which crumbled on impact. The crowd counted along with the referee as they knew there was no way Hellcat was getting up from that...


Winner: Alina America via pin 11:48



Meanwhile, Dharma is standing by with World Champ, Emma May...





Dharma: QAW faithful, please welcome my guest at this time, QAW World Champion: Emma May. You're now 6 months as champion and you've had some great defences. But tonight you face your toughest challenge yet, a triple threat against Pamela Rojo and Suzanne Brazzle, a tag team! How do you feel going into tonight's main event?


Emma: I could lose my title tonight and not even be pinned? It's a joke. But let me remind you, and all of the doubters out there, who I am. I am Emma May, the Queen of the Ring and your World Champion. And tonight, I'm facing the sisters of the travelling wrestling tights. What a cute little gimmick. But let's be real, they are a couple of has-beens, trying to have a late in life moment off of my name. I'm more than ready for this "challenge". So bring it on, because I'm World Class.




QAW World Championship Triple Threat









'World Class' Emma May © vs. 'Red Alert' Pamela Rojo vs. 'Miracle Blonde' Suzanne Brazzle


At the bell Emma rolled out the ring wanting nothing to do with her opponents. So, Pamela and Suzanne shrugged and grappled with Suzanne displaying her technical ability and Pamela showing off her power game. Emma stalked around ringside and when she sensed opportunity she snuck into the ring but walked straight into a lariat from Pamela who knew she was coming.


After that the match became about Pamela and Suzanne scoring double teams on Emma and then dumping her out the ring so they could return to wrestling. However, the champion was no fool and pulled Rojo out the ring and smashed her shoulder first into the ring steps temporarily taking her out of the match.


Back in the ring Brazzle did a solid job of hanging with Emma and they both found themselves battling for dominance on the top rope-- Suzanne was clearly going for a superplex but instead got caught in an arm-bar on the top rope. She was luckily saved by Pamela who smashed Emma in the face and pulled her off the turnbuckle into an Argentine Back-breaker.


Pamela crunched Emma a few times before noticing Suzanne still wobbly on the turnbuckle. So, in a major display of strength she added Suzanne on top of Emma which popped the crowd and tried submitting them simultaneously-- but she quickly tired and Suzanne slipped free and chop blocked her friends knee. Emma seized on the leg but Suzanne caught her with a sharp boot to the face before anything could be locked in.


Garcia: These women are going hell for leather! But Emma May is going to have to adapt her game if she wants to retain.


JRO: You're right. She is used to wearing down opponents into a submission but in a triple threat she needs to ensure the third person can’t interrupt her!


The action spilled out the ring after Suzanne launched Emma over the top rope. And both women brawled around the ring before trying to outdo smashing each other into the guard rails up the aisle way. Just as Emma appeared to be gaining the advantage...





The newly crowned Shockwave Champion, Christy Higgins, appeared and crashed her championship belt into Emma's face. As Pamela watched on with mild confusion from the ring she didn't notice two people sneak into the ring behind her...





The new QAW World Tag Team Champions jumped Pamela from behind and hit her with their double team finisher "The Thorn" [Double impaler DDT]. The crowd murmured with confusion-- some booed.


Garcia: What the hell is going on? The referee is powerless to stop this blatant interference as there are no DQs in triple threats!


JRO: This is the beginning of greatness!


Christy Higgins ushered Suzanne back to the ring and the 'Miracle Blonde' pulled up her friend as if to help her but when Pamela got to her feet she was slapped hard across the face. Now the crowd understood what was happening and boos chorused around the building.


Finally, Pamela was lifted up and crashed back down on the back of her neck with a crunching "Miracle Connection" [Michinoku Driver] for the 1, 2... 3!



Winner: AND NEW QAW WORLD CHAMPION! Suzanne Brazzle via pin 13:40




The new QAW champions gather in the ring...


Garcia: And we have a NEW World Champion in Suzanne Brazzle! What is happening right now?! Joanne what did you mean "the beginning"?


JRO: It's the beginning of the Fallen Angels!


[JRO takes her mic off and enters the ring]





The new champions of QAW raise their titles over a downed Pamela Rojo-- with Joanne Rodriguez applauding them. The screen fades to reveal the logo of QAW's newest stable...










Show Rating: 49

Edited by Rhysrob
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