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About Wonk

  • Birthday 03/23/1985

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Apprentice (3/14)

  • Reacting Well Rare
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  1. Hello, if you are one of the people receiving this message, I just got the go-to to ask for your permission to use your renders that were seen as free pictures in the AltCverse 2022 mod. I plan on using this on a mod I am creating called The GoldVerse 1985, which is supposed to be a series of mods (1993, 1997, 2006, 2016, and in between 2025-2028). So I'm basically asking permission for all of these mods. So will you be allow me to us some of your renders for workers in that mod?

    1. Wonk


      Hi! Absolutely, go ahead. I've attached all of my renders to date as my posts in that thread are very out of date.

      Rerenders on Blue.zip

  2. Good lord Gene calm down you'll give yourself an aneurysm
  3. I think a proud wrestler walking out on the ramp to announce "I'm someone reading" would be outstanding.
  4. A really ambitious bit of work but thoroughly enjoyable. Well done!
  5. Thanks for all you've done, big man. It's such a shame that the company's decision to stick with archaic copy protection has driven away yet more people.
  6. This is the most enjoyable diary on the board currently for me. Keep it up!
  7. hello

    1. Wonk


      one of these days, scotland

    2. Big Roguey

      Big Roguey

      how's league B looking for you?

  8. Wonk

    This is Dawn's public feed. She has drawn a target on her back by reacting to the post I put on MHero's one.

    Good yard.

    1. Dawn


      You got me, you frickin boomed me, you're so good x4

      I have added wonk to the list of users I want to meme with this summer.

    2. Wonk


      Your profile header is the stuff of nightmares.

    3. Dawn


      Whatever do you mean? Rapunzel is adorable and the best Disney princess!

  9. This is Hero's feed. This is a public post.

    I could have done so much more. But I am behaving.

  10. It is a very long way to scroll down to get to the TEW2020 diaries and mods sections, which I imagine are by far the most visited sections (though happy to be proven wrong!). It'd also be good if users could change their names without having to PM a mod. Please consider this.
  11. I offered a load of Indian renders I had made to Adam, having uploaded them on the forum etc. His response was that he "prefers to let the various creators release their work through the mods forum and let people pick and choose what they want". Therefore it appears that the general design of the game is not going to go this way.
  12. Great post - some super ideas in here. Thanks for sharing!
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