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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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21CW Presents:



World War 2021 would have been a TWO NIGHT event, as the WrestleMania of 21CW… I’d probably do a Kingdom Night and a United Night, but might have mixed them… I would have been aiming for cards similar to…



21CW World Heavyweight Title: Adam Matravers vs Wade Orson [c]

Loxley Robbins vs Blake Belushi

21CW National Title: Daniel Black Francis vs Landon Mallory [c]

Roly Muckletruck vs War Machine

Cousin Konrad vs Beast Bantom

Rogue vs Mark Adonis

21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles: Storm and Sifu [c] vs Cool and Stones



21CW World Title: Tommy Cornell [c] vs Leigh Burton

Dan Stone Jr vs Montgomery Croft

21CW United Tag Team Titles: Hot Stuff vs Sebastian Koller and Phillip Cooper [c]

Casket Match: Edward Cornell vs Grave Digger

BEDLAM vs Apollo Prince

Light Tube Ladder Match: Kian Owens & Jase Cole vs Christopher Lister & Padraig O’Hearne

Beskov, Faust and Aldous vs Blackheart, Valence and Herring


A lot can change, but they’d be something like that anyway… I originally had Tommy Cornell versus Dan Stone Jr… but I’m not sure how ‘good’ it would be ratings wise, to Main Event the ‘season finale’, or any show for that matter… so I was going to work in Croft as an antagonist to Stone… Then maybe do Cornell / Stone down the line… not for the Title, and not to close the show… Plus, Stone would have had to have won the Crisis Point Battle Royale to get that Title shot, unless Adam Matravers won it I suppose… Yeah, I’d have probably gone with Adam…

Finally, Steven Parker’s contract was up around a month before Crisis Point, and as the protégé of Clifford Wilson / Dark Angel, I’d planned to bring him in as a surprise entrant, and then used him as someone to try and convince Wilson to ‘turn’ back into Dark Angel… Against the wishes of Antithesis, perhaps…?! I had them slotted in to go 1 on 1, student vs teacher at World War… but there may not have been space, and it may have been a little rushed…


Just wanted to take the time to thank all of you who have liked, commented, or predicted on this diary. It has ran since April 1st of LAST YEAR, so a nice 14 month + reign, and included me having a second son! :D I'm now onto TCW in TEW IX, so if anyone wants to follow me there, we're almost a month in already...





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